« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

43 - Pulgasari - Reverse Dollop

2014-12-24 | 🔗

For the first time, Gareth Reynolds reads a story to Dave Anthony.





This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello. My name is Dave Anthony. You are listening to the dollop, a historical podcast, normally a historical podcast about america. something different because my friend gareth Reynolds is going to tell Dave anthony a story. He knows enough, about a bizarre or dollop. So I would like to start by saying how are you dairy harry you crazy shit, yeah merit dairy, dairy, so much there, you know I'd guarantee can be taken as garth, son of a fucking bitch, you son, of a bitch
when people say does not narrow, gara dave. Ok, someone or something is too far, and this is not going to come up signally clock queens. They give me that shit up my fell. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle in dubai. Three, and this is my friend I write well the reason why I think this the story is a little more appropriate as because of what has just happened, something in it the movie. The interview got pulled because they decided to make
Are we about assassinating and actually carrying through the assassination of Kim forget the kids and Kim Jong right yeah? So where that is the last part of his name is in yeah yeah. Well, he is uniting. Nations is uniting a lot of nations. Do but the thing is that not a lot of people, or maybe they do, but I Film hollywood cinema in the John family. It starts with that Kim jong, IL so willing to talk about Kim Jong, IL a little boat. First guy that, with the kim jong Il Kim Jong earns father yeah. You know the guy who We at this point miss a little bit that scam born family. Sixteen nineteen forty one, though official accounts do places birth a year. later some mystery surrounds. Why
and where Kim jong IL was born according to north ryan historical literature kim jong IL was, a log cabin inside a secret base on korea's most sacred mountain mount peak. Do is he at the moment of his birth? bright, star lit up the sky, the seasons on tediously change from one or two spring, and rainbows appeared it's a big bird you couldn't do with any. Doesn't they would be amazing? It's a big. Were there like at all I just rain and then rain rain rain bows bows it just was. It was like no, it's the double rainbow the double rainbow guy was there. He was freaking out. It was like a it was like a fourth of July. Fireworks spectacular, just picture anything good and that's what happened to it so we're we're like the unicorn shot out of pigs, asses you unicorn, vomiting, delicious pepsi cola, mouths of those citizens, it was a real
It really is a those commercial. Yes, exactly fair, however, your private little disheartened, I know that this does contradict the way less interesting accounts of his birth that us, westerners, believe in, which is that He was born in a gorilla camp in russia. S father was on the run from japanese officials. Cells completely different are the two one of the tonight there's not even in the overlap but the tale isn't either or I'm going to go with the look dave. I don't understand, what's so hard to understand, look either he was born in a sacred mountain at the moment of his birth, a bright star, lit up the sky, the seasons spontaneously change from winter to spring and rainbows appear, or he was born into care because his dad was running away from the japanese. I remember when it did seem, like winter just turned to spring, so I'm gonna go with the first one yeah, that's what happened. It was a big birth, Kim Jong IL's father Kim ill son was a bit of an army guy after the korean war criminals. Son built,
call to personality around himself making himself the unquestioned great leader of the country, which is an interesting one. to rise to power, just sort of mine right like it's not like the last piece of chicken. Excuse me, I'm super also so who's running this probably just gonna, be in short, a about this guy and the great wonder most the great leader also, which is what on earth it's a little present. You name yourself that it's a tad presumptuous. him? Ill sung began grooming, his son for leadership, early on putting a minute troll of the propaganda and agitation department of the workers party, which reading it now does happen. Charge a bullshit and fighting right. That's my boy
I mean that guy, you get a bunch of guys good. If he calls you a liar, beat the fuck out of it. Okay, okay, your turn, the bullshit and punch department you get with that. Pick will come up with a get your business guide, titled, between nineteen, seventeen and nineteen, eighty kim jong IL kim Jong IL occupied. Several positions are increasing power and by night in eighty. A personality cult began to form around him as the great leaders successor. So it's genetic that kim ills. Just sort of was like I'm the cool as they have a lot it and Kim Jong. Il basically did the same thing so so then pursue aromas like what he came from another one. So he's awesome. While they were there the day he was born, they knew something special about it because of all the rainbows right with. And had the rainbows happened, so they were winter turns really. After that, do you really have to give the hard sell? Look if I see a rainbow on a day a man is born. I follow if we vote for him he's the next great later, so he was. He was a real daddy's boy and he's dead
him to power and everybody is a daddy's boy to this guy like yeah, he was so was everyone on the fucking plays yeah, that's true, and so is it gave the partisan. So once Kim jong IL became the supreme commander of the korean people's became commander of the korean people. He actually changed the position of president. He actually abolished it. gave it a new title. The title was general secretary of the workers party and chairman of the national defence commission it is easier to say easier to say at ten year. It's good is a good thing that has the acronym for it. When the acronym for that would have been nice boy, why it makes sense, you could see the g s w p. c and d c c. That makes more sense, let's eat. Well, you read it. I like that. I didn't pronounced that word. President easy word: he was designated as this cream, commander of the grand people's armies, thus giving him the tools he needed to maintain complete control of the government. Wants you to
but what they already that, yes, there yeah, so he's just doing more of the same, but he's got a new position. Titles. So that's bond. Europe came was known to personally manage the country's affairs and said Operational guidelines for individual industries, so he had his finger and a lot of pies. He said to be arrogant. It was said to be arrogant. Well on our way. We re you telling me this guy's arrogant, yeah I've ever they give read. Well, I don't I don't I believe that if a unicorn weren't blue you, when you were born when you have a little bit of a chip, I guess it's true- I may come on rainbow guy, you wouldn't let me be the rainbow. Kid is like being a child story like this. I didn't rupture like he believes that a thought rainbows command the fuck is he gonna, do no worries buying and become a junkie. This does not work out did you see the Dana plato story coming right? What are you talking about north korea?
He also, he openly rejected criticism, he was not a fan. He was not afraid of. Opinions differed from up here right now. I don't want my dad, but I love that he openly ejected reject maternity deserve. No davy dave. He was one of those unique and individuals who didn't like when people disagreed with her. So you know it's one of those quirks. It's one of those little quirks, I'm going to openly just go ahead and say no to you, Oh, so you, you just said that I was now there's blood. and you know the reality too, is like even just being able to have their printed reality is that he would fucking just kill anybody who just didn't relieve m are dissatisfied with the ok. What I mean by open criticism, a hot and when I say that I am rejecting from rejecting it, I mean I'm killing yeah. I want that guy killed. I don't know if I want to openly killed like I want him,
to be shot in front of the right of every bit, as everyone knows, have get his family down. You will make a day of it. Well. There are a lot of stories about his eccentricities, his playboy lifestyle, the lifts in his shoes, the pompadour hairstyle that made him appear taller because he didn't like the people, thought he was short and his fear of flying was he short, though He was short or were you just seeing him a short? You know right now that I think about it. My eyes were short time. What your eyes of my soul, you have a problem with your yeah. That's a good point, a good point. Making Kim gave firm instructions that the parties, monolithic, ideological message, be communicated constantly by writers, arse artists and officials in the media, not arsonists, which is what I almost that's with that
all the writers and artist wanting to do at that point. Now you ve debts that that's what you want with syria is a guy that shot rainbows out of his ass only was born when you want to anyone talk about it. I think that's fair. I think he wants us, but a little artistic dec which I find. What, according to official county revolutionise the korean fine arts. By encouraging the production of new works in new media. This included, art, film and cinema, says we pursue enjoyed art. You not only did enjoy art. He was obsessed with moves. He was obsessed not only with movies with western frequencies was a super in a critical thinking.
super into critical thinking, tail the. Unless you do less. If only for his critical thinking it are you wanted, aren't you will explore the boundaries? I imagine the boundaries that he had set within a small property line. Rancid tiny! Yes, exactly you have a small box. Is limitless and what you can explore area within stay in the circle? Yet so he he loved you love films. He was huge felt tat. He had a collection of more than twenty thousand vhf tapes and dvds. Oh my god, twenty thousand! That's enough! reportedly favorite movie- franchises included friday, the thirteenth rambo godzilla, James bond, ongoing action cinema and by far the best, any movies, Elizabeth taylor, he loved. He loved less, oh, my god, she's so drunk in this world.
Yeah, he loves it, which is just so great. She is it's just like when, like it is like in bond films, when the bad guy has like a fluffy kitty, you're, just like what is going on like, but let me ask you something he probably couldn't enjoy friday. The thirteenth part three. The way I could know because it was in three d- s at the theaters and I watched the rats coming at me and whatever else, but we could you also put enjoy it on the same level as him, because you'd never murdered anyone like it's almost a whole people so if you think about it, like that, are you guys you brought you that's why? I think you guys have a great critique of how good we would have had a good well, we we almost had- crossfire together, is our idea. We trim cross fire work were half way into your first point. You get shot in the head on the left, David Anthony. The holy, what this shit on the left evaporate
he's one hundred percent right, I mean Kim jong IL already. Some quotes no product. Hi ideological and artistic value can evolve out of a creative group whose We are not united, ideologically and in which discipline and order have not been established so that funds based the play it s not The cinema occupies an important place in the overall development of art and literature. As such, it is a powerful and ideological weapon for the revolution and construction. That's exactly why people make phil. Yes, as a weapon. So what he is saying you know mixing history, political ideology and Are we making Kim encourage the production of several epic films which would glorify the works written by his father, so he's always using epic them? It's a good Paul. Thomas aims in her couldn't turn to you know, like bridges, nylon, editing exactly yes, that had rightly if, if there is one thing you will find in the in the sum of the creative work of care,
Well, you will find that editing is not a strong, the north korean filmed Barbara their service it is creative influences on the industry during the nineteen seventies, meaning Can he literally wrote the book on communist film, making called the art of cinema north korean movies? Stunk nobody likes them yet. Never not good people did not enjoy them. What did he went about this? I remember this was the director that was running, but you know, the problem was that there was just a creative influence inside that just wasn't making them work and you can find out what it was. That's so weird he was unable to put it. Finger on it strange, but he was frustrated. You ve really was so obsessed with film that this drove him crazy so did he know they were bad movies. I think he did. I mean I think you ain't. He definitely that I mean he because he's continuing to try to make them better. He like in japan and even south korea we're like making films that people actually responding do, and here he was with twenty
I was in movies and he couldn't make a fucking film to save as well. I love a story about art, so continually keep in mind. The plots are great, so he's frustrated. So he thought that he sought help by pressing eleven, japanese cultural consultants into servitude during the late seventies and early eighties, and only to have several die inconveniently on the job, some by their enhance he kidnap them. Yes, he kid. Basically, he took eleven. He took eleven japanese people and he made them to try to make movies that have the north kurt like what he's doing too, which is amazing, is that he just it's it's his it's his propaganda. It's just not going to get made right right, so he's just fucking like pissed that nobody can do it. Everybody can't do it right, but everyone's like well. The plots of your fucking movie, terrible shit. First of all the title, your own title is horse. Shit, wrote it or not, he's not good. At the title you gave yourself as bad. I can't even tell you about the movie. He is not good at titles, so he just
the horses with stage coaches and who take back money. Part of as you all know, how the first on it. So he was very frustrating. These people were dying. It's very straining when you, when you hire, let's take a a person who to come and make your film and then they give. Well. They were there for a little while and a lot of killed themselves and so can became, was still on the search for his orson Welles Seth rogan enter, intercept rugged james franco which brings us to shin sang, oc, ok, love, em, london, the son of a prominent, the doktor of chinese medicine, king sang up was born in chung gin at the north eastern part of the korean peninsula. At the time occupied by japan should be studied in the tokyo, fine art school
the predecessor to the Tokyo, national university of fine arts and music in japan before returning to korea. Three years later so, basically went off to Japan got all artsy farts. He comes home to north to south korea, where he's going to make films right after he's learned all this other korean films are really good. That is all I mean. We all remember the host the host other ones, and now the others I mean the list goes on and on there's the house there's the others. It's crazy cause, there's the sixth moving the seventh, the other ones, and then the ninth is just crazy. It's crazy how it works, there's a whole bunch of So many surgeon, started his film career as an assistant production designer on viva freedom, great title for sure I mean la viva. It's korean film sure I mean who doesn't say: yay freedom, I mean in korean viva, and it was the first korea a korean film made after the country achieved independence from Japan. So it really
as this was like by as much as we're making fun of it. This really was starting to enter like the south korean golden age of cinnamon right right. Unlike the fifties and Sixtys and and after that she started directing prolifically. He was writing. He was making more than two films a year. He had the nickname, the prince of korean cinema, the production company. He started Chin films produced around three hundred films during the sixties, Jesus cry three hundred but they were they to day films. I put. The fact is that they were winning prizes, though they at the. prince of Yan san. You remember that one from nineteen sixty one that one was the winner of the best film prize at the grand bela word ceremony, which I know you're you're getting an orphan this year through the pumpkin man, but he's on top of the world. Yeah he's but the world craig enough films he's doing what he wants to do and what does he need why he needs a day, aside, so he begins dating the biggest star,
or in korean cinema. The time someone named show in shown in he didn't have the money is fine, but so she's hot she's, the shit YAP. He says as for can live in the lenny married her fuck. Yes, they matter and honest woman right. Ok, the store is awesome, however, that only lasted so long the nineteen. Seventy eight choice divorced chin She was apparently having some affairs she found. What about out to ease the giant? I agree with, I agree with you, but choi was not into it, so it it was clear that chin, the chin was still the best director at the korea had to offer. Paquette is even though he's divorced. I don't think anyone is debating that now, who do you think took the let us have chin- probably some people in hollywood kim jong IL hygiene kim Jong IL took notice really of what she was doing so weird, because you think there, the way their interests are. They wouldn't overlap in nineteen. Seventy eight kim jong il hats to plan, nor god.
He would use choice as bait to get shin. What would it choice was kidnapped in Hong kong, thirty divorced rights, their divorce do the same, and the problem. The problem. You know how you know how sloppy it is getting to vote. You still have emotions. Joy was kidnapped, as ex wife was kidnapped in hong kong. She was taken to hong kong, docks bundle the board and taken on an eight day trip to pyongyang good trip a great trip. I've always said if you want to go to pyongyang, get a bag of how to make it take eight days holy fuck is the bats. Ok, look, you know it all sounds bear, but it's all for the good of film well. After hearing of his his disappearance, jin traveled, to hong kong, to investigate, which I think makes sense yep. You want to know what happened and he's just trying to get to the bottom of it figure it out right. Unfortunately, at that point, Kim Jong, IL had had him kidnapped as well. Well, okay did he like walking in the same warehouse. Was it like? It is what I can tell An empty chair goes it someone, son
pull the sack over my head and I couldn't see anything or breathe properly. He said so. It's the ebb. You've ever seen the what's the movie where, where the guy the chick tickets taken taken the vanishing, so it's like diminishing it's like taking it's the it's the movie, the vanishing. When, when the the guy goes to a gas station, I mean there's a there's, a better version. That's I think I want to say that from amsterdam, but ok sure but there's a there's. A of a woman gets taken from like a gas station and then and then she gets buried alive and then the husband has gone crazy and he eventually somehow gets in contact with the guy who took her and the guy. I'll show you what happened here and then he take that and then he takes the guy and berries. I get him. It is that's what that was that of north korean film very similar. It sounds like a very similar lot, so
so Kim jong on had finally kim jong IL at finally just kidnapped his orson welles guts, and now it's it's on now we can make good north korea, and now we can fight. Look a key just got this. Guy got this guy. He brought him in. He just again he needs consultant. Can I just say it worked so well, the japanese guys yeah help. I can't see it do. What do you really think? I'm a good if your kim jong IL you definitely don't bring up. The japanese experimental occur yeah. Well, you know they had great ideas. May look was the last thing that went through their head, not a creative idea, but a bullet sure sure it was. But you know what this this one is. Plus he's got the actress that he is and don't think that he doesn't plan on using her so joy was the first one we arrive after being kidnapped in hong kong by his secret agents and seventy eight. I was really terrified. I wish it was so far. I was in such a worried state that I couldn't eat or drink anything for ages. Finally, I fainted and lead.
I learned that they'd injected me with some sort of sedative, so it's nice arrival yeah, it's like when you get off the plane in hawaii and they lay you it's like having a little bit of jet lag except you've been kidnapped except saturday, but they've injected you with because you've been you're a jet lag. Is it was not long before the reason for the kidnappings had been made clear, Kim Jong IL can asked that the reason he had kidnapped his wife and the reasoning kidnapped, him was because he wanted shouldn to come and make films for him. North korean films with death. Being the other option, shrinks and oh said: ok, yeah! Well, it's so either you'll kill me or I can make movies yeah. So you have made. that's a great idea, because the other one you die you I figures region, more negotiating room but negotiating those kind of. When I shoot people back to work,
now you live here now is gorgeous, is about those parents. Gorgeous is then a dead, japanese man, but don't look at that is then a nineteen forty ford. Yes, yes, that says that it's oh yeah, sare problem or we just have newer cars, or this is the top of the line. Oh yeah. This is the this is the fastest car north, we're okay. That right there is sometimes go up to twenty thirty miles per hour this. Sometimes this can be you're going to love it. I love it here, so he's film matte. So a couple of right. Why is that person eating a flower? Oh hurt, don't worry, she's working to have her killed. She shouldn't be eating that she's not allowed to eat flowers She knows it will they're all just eating plants yet they're, all in a lot of trouble, they're not supposed to be eating. Those those are for torturing are not for eating. I didn't know that. Well, let's say you've got to learn hard and fast year we put I'll, tell you something we play. We play hardball here
I guess I don't be flowers or looking at me in the eyes or disagreeing look really thin. Yet they are really the flowers though the people will water am one of those flowers. Soon, after the couple arrived in pyongyang, he took him on a private tour of his film library. Again, twenty thousand films- this is all of my stuff, it being any to knowing it is now, and you have like vhf, stick the they would obviate chess somewhere right now hope, twenty thousand we just what the fuck are. We gonna do with all these Elizabeth time. I've always I've. Just scared that you ve been able to show you all my awesome shit which is great, which is really like a theme. Obviously in this is that he, while he kidnapped them, he was going to kill them if they did anything besides that, he also was kind of being like you know, which just the three of us creatively working together. We are. The same it's so sorry that they kidnapped you guys,
way now that you're here and I couldn't do it. Let me take out a door which puts the fuckin centre bernhard taken in the comedian move. Oh yeah, yeah and punchline peart. Yet no I'm the king of comedy can't comedy right. This is like the kid comedies. Yes, it's like the comedy, except it's another country, and he He took him told them that he had placed two point: five million dollars into an austrian bank account and told MR show that the money would be available for him to make quoting good films. So again is unjust on the quest to make some good fucking move. And this is nineteen. Seventy. This is in the seventies when they were kidnapped. Late sets a good budget that nice nice shark, a change to make some fuckin propaganda, bullshit now initially director was not sure exactly what the north korean meant by a good until he took note of what he had watched most often, so he noticed that he like bond films, you
Elizabeth taylor, hiked godzilla. Ok, these were all films. That would also put him altogether. Nobody get well over the next two years, MR She made more than twenty films wholly what the for many of them propaganda tales commission just by Kim jong so Kim jong. Il is telling him you know, may only make good films but again he's back my peers, dick films, you should back. I want you to make good films, here's the script yeah exactly he's like I do whatever it is, but make sure but people the understanding that they need to listen. It's like okay, cool okay, so this movie is about listening. Yeah at the at the the follow up is called obey. Yes, then, please These are good, don't it allows the next movie. These called don't look me eyes, I'm not short, and I'm not sure do so life would be on Yang, for the lovely couple was not just making Helms and ball. Gowns friend was actually
unhappy how where they getting along the two. I believe I am at this point. I believe that our kindred spirits, they they never got back together. It didn't I gather ability you wanted. That would be great. It would be a good good movie and, but unfortunately, has now happened, but they were definitely on the same page. Let's get the fuck out of here, but this is a nightmare by the way. This is a terrible thing. That's happening so shin what they they were. They both hated it and a couple of times she actually tried to escape. However, both attempts fell short and he was caught. Oh boy, awkward, super awkward, super! Ok, you know what I'll put it in a movie to do. I was doing character, research I'd, do it rubbing. So, but you know Kim jong IL nice guy right. You want to help them so he just scented stemmed along prison terms for their insubordination. My there they,
Receive re education classes designed to teach them to earn their ways at this is fucking crazy makes sense. I was jailed for about five years, but I didn't know at the time that it will end up being there, if I had known from the start, I would have rather been dead during this time. I was very, very, very depressed. They expected brainwashing to change me with his wife, or also ordered to attend the re education classes was forced to study north korea's glorious revolution and later made sit in on exams on the subject slot. So so so they they try to fucking, because you fucking kidnap them. They tried to fucking leave. He would fucking bring them back and not see that the problem was that they he just thought he could break them right. He was like well no you're here now you're, here, a m did the columns of the master of puppets. I would think that
did add some fly on the master of puppets and plus you guys get to make for me. How awesome is it that you get to make before you were just making movies for everybody naked to make movies Well, I know how stifling it can be to make films about. Literally anything you want. So here's a here's, a pinhole, maybe some very small, more work with them that within that she was. She was also. She was also going through the brainwashing, her work. I was very happy. I did think of suicide, but then I thought of my family how much this would hurt them. It was just an awful I am. That is an obvious magazine issue of obvious, though those shit. I would kill myself my family edwards in their separate, do when they both do just talk about how, like literally all they thought about, was killing themselves like day. Just save us,
on it. The only reason why they didn't was because they had a family, so was so he was kept in an all male prison by the way this is going to happen to Seth Rogen and James Franco. Well, thats! What's it's so fun? Maybe that's! What's so fucking crazy to me about all this. Is that, like you think about it like north, korea is the fucking worst. Yet the idea, the idea that we would listen or that anyone here would listen to north korea about anything. Let me just say: I'm going to go on record right now. North korea did not hack anything. You don't think so, then, what, fuck? Why? Why? Because obama I mean they're, saying that they did. I know they said they said that they said that saddam Hussein attacked that who was that saddam Hussein was part of nine eleven
at the yeah, I know for sure it's total bullshit, but I also think that a huge mistake that was made was that sony decided to not release the film. I totally agree I mean I think, like if you, if you wanted to put out there, Eight look, then this fuckin little dickhead is crazy, any saying in a bomb theatres. If you want to wait, you might just want to wait right, but the idea that we would be like take it away from him and this guy who's been like, I could shoot, nukes cow, corny and we're like ok but face care at all. You do bob, I mean just crazy, I'm very upset by it, as you could tell just so emotional come anyway. Awkward in an all male prison for for those years where he was forced to survive, and this is really fucked up on that seriously. This is the guy that this is the second director that business orson Welles puts then wisely put wisely pudding because you have to teach him huh
as he tried to escape time, so he's trying to break him as a mace trying to break him as a man and he's trying to change his thinking completely, but the effort for when he was in jail. He was forced to survive on a diet of grass, salt and rice, but as punishment for trying to escape becca. That's just the north korean national diet that you know that's not far. I don't know if they actually had that's true, but if you have you ever had that they serve it to the guy at the grass train out. Really I actually love the grass train, or even a grass and rice will. You know what's funny. Is that what he added to sum up, and not too far away from my actual diet, not so much the site The grass arise young, no sulphur me today, thanks so these industries in jail hasn't seen his wife and five years is there is then his look? Is god beach body were all go in for argument. He's got that sweet dexter trim. Thighs these lives are good.
And he was finally released and reunited with his wife at a lavish government party. I recalled the conversation he had that evening with Kim jong IL over soft drinks at the event which, by the way, wait wait, hold on slow it down, yeah, okay, so we're just There were they say: soft drinks are the events. Are they isn't like bragging knowing north korea totally is like you know he comes areas like I see you have a doctor, pepper. We are the party wherever that However, we have a miss appeared saw them. I am going to have a squirt huge event: seven up anyone, it's like a drop so he's still there. There he's just got released and he's at a government event and he's having fucking drinks with the guy. So now kim jong IL and him are chewing the fat having a fat you I, the day he got out
he's brought to a government of india by because it makes sense, because what kim jong IL does he makes it so that you dont, connect him with this stuff. That's what he's trying got gotcha gotcha so he's like and so the people that didn't know were kidnapped them, and then he takes them on a tour where, where he throws them in jail, I was looking for yeah yeah and he is either mister. Pip which is going to be as somebody like in the palm of his hand, you have to be like I'm so fucking scared and crazy scared. Looking to look at my eyes that MR perry dad I'm here well cool soda. I just thought about suicide for five years, while a graph that mister pip the whole time- and I didn't know where you were You'Re- an awesome guy or I'd known where you were, I would have totally gotten you out, but you just found out yesterday cause I was like where's, the guy that makes, my movie yeah. I wish you'd asked that four and a half years ago, but cool it's great to be here. Having soda, you know what here we are. You want to talk about movies. I do
Let us talk about the past five years. They ve made some home daggers. What what I will that be amazing if he was I was so we find somebody is really good. I'm just gonna have you killed? Have you heard of robert evans lab once the shit has changed. While you were in the hall, I you know one of the better decisions I made was kidnapping Bob ever since I kidnapped Bobby here, we've just been really been blossoming that mother fucker stays in the picture, also a whale barf when I was born what well that's not as good and okay. So he's talking to Kim Jong IL quote the north, nor its film makers, it just doing perfunctory work said Kim. They don't have any new ideas. Their work has the same expression: redundancies in the same old plots. All our movies are filled. crying and sobbing. I didn't order them to portray that kind of thing. The truth is: stop crying
I mean exactly so, and so and you get a grass last night at the movies. It's like putting salt on your grass and a little box like it's popcorn now has really good grass, and oh my god, but that's the thing right is like he wants pie. to express them are all reflect what's happening in the world in all. They know. All they know is hell, it's fucking hell, it's all. It does is sobbing and his writing, because, during their great starvation period of rock of we can't wait for that to end here has been going on for quite some time, so so she can so soon and Joe went back to work for the fucking regime's. What else would you do with no other choice? You have no other choice and keep in mind the lake. They they were locked down. There or not like they. There is no, I mean you know. Besides trying to literally run out of north korea, they had no other fucking option, so they went back to making films from their situation was obviously not comfortable. The rest of the world know what happened to them.
This story or high at the time. I don't know I mean obviously like korea is south. Korea is gonna, know they ve gone missing right, but I dont think there was enough, like this evidence or push, and also its the same same thing with the interview I mean it, nobody wants to fuck with this country, because it's like a cornered horn it so you just sort of like you. Don't you know the only thing it's gonna do is thing the fuck. Are you and we please renewed cornered horny covered the whole. He said at that, but that's the problem is that just nobody wants that? with them like. If you get kidnapped. It's almost like you know, you've got a disease you're like well, I'm sorry, you got it, but I don't have a hair dye. It out see you later, and so they were, they were not. Their situation was not comfortable. They were essentially under house arrest. they were, they were not. There are not allowed us, they were.
Onset sometimes because trusted been fractured for these films they were making but shin head on. Paralleled access to the reclusive kim? He listened to me because we were from south korea and said, even though we criticize some things he wanted us to be honest, others would have been killed for speaking so honestly, so he does have this weird platform where Kim jong IL will. Actually let him disagree is so much respect for him as a filmmaker that he doesn't kill him. He doesn't kill him. How you let him disagree. It's that kind of freedom that allows art to really process I agree what a comfortable environment and creative space the plan from nineteen eighty three on shinde directed seven way, Spielberg's the same way very similar specs that you won't kill. You know I remember. A lot of people died on jaws. If your PA forget about it. Oh my god. Don't
with him from nineteen eighty three I'd shin directed seven films with Kim jong IL acting as an executive producer, which just has to be a comfortable set when you eat peas behind you and you know, put you on a grass diet for five years in jail hold on. I love the script I just want to. I want to make it known that I wanted to appeal this one great yeah. Great, okay. Well, we want to make sure your rod set a lot every everybody feels really comfortable when you're around yeah talk about. Like I mean when Kim Jong IL's outset, you miss the network, that's how fucked up that guy is you see the newer? You see the new, crying and sobbing on the piano, and I know it's my country, but I'm the people,
It's a great deal that he complains about crying and sobbing films, because he was using north korean actors and actresses, who probably couldn't take breaks from weeping because of their fucking living conditions. So there's these films are are not good. What these films are not good, but the best known of these films is a film called polgar. Sorry, fuck yeah. It is bogus. Sorry, it's a I had monster film made similar to godzilla all year, so I'm going to give you the plot of police are fucking roll, it out. Pogue asari in feudal, korea, the evil king becomes aware that there is a peasant rebellion being planned in the country. We have to stop that. He steals all the iron and farming tools and cooking parts from the people so that they may they mean that he may make weapons to fend off the peasant army. After
it turns the property of the people. An old blacksmith is imprisoned and starved to death. His last creation is a tiny figurine of a monster. Pilger. Sorry, a god zella like creature, that each iron, the blood of his daughters, the blood of his daughter, briggs, the creature to life and fight with the poor starving peasants to overthrow the corrupt monarchy. Wait it's very strange like that, because I would he make a movie about revolution. It's really weird may like, as he thinks he what they think they were the revolution. I why he allowed it to be made was because he was sick of crying and sobbing and films. I really do like. I think that, like shin shin was just like you saw he loved, godzilla and probably just pitched him something that was more like godzilla issue and had something that the people would fucking respond to, because now
I would think this would be a movie about a monster like shutting people, the fuck up, but it's actually a movie about you know rebelling a little bit right, but that shouldn't be in that kind of it should not be in that movie. I guess the other thing to those who, for joint alia, like numbers, and, if I can do anything, I may add that shit like that. I just had steak for breakfast they've eaten grass for the last three. The next movie is going to be called lockdown explicit. Don't worry about this! You know when I made fuck you. It was a real roller coaster. Experience have you seen: go eat dirt. You know when we thought of that one yeah, I remember when I came up with the, idea foregoing dirt boy? What are boy? What a eureka moment right in both shut up everywhere. I got a unicorn high five me so ok go well. The problem is that some of the films took actual you, to finish so progress area aside some of the films you can actually see
in continuity. Someone will literally look ten years older in a scene and then minutes later will look rematch miraculously young again. So that's part of the problem with the flash for the flashback and that's part of the problem, with putting your fucking filmmakers and cast
prison for your well. You say that, but I think it helps that your artistic integrity, no matter the person doing, hair and makeup when you show up, would I would pay money to have tyler perry put in a prison and then let him out and then put them back in prison and it'd be great right up for him. Yeah that'd be great, but dad has weird time changes. Oh my god. What if he? What? If the new guy kidnapped, tyler perry, rape? That was the end result. If he kidnapped tyler perry, it would be great if he was just likes to who's the best filmmaker in the west. Tyler Perry get him. Finally, in nineteen, eighty six, the first time since they'd been kid.
the cup or given permission to travel abroad together. What? Why would I do that? Because the they had been in north korea for eight years and it's the first time in the reason- was because they were allowed to go to a film festival in Vienna what they were heavily chaperone by korean soldier. None of this makes sense. They were heavily chaperoned. What what does he think he controls the world? This is fucking crazy. Well, that's the thing with him right is that he totally does think he controls the fucking world. You know what you guys. but a con gray, who are you, I think you should take the new movie take- were eating husks dammit france and really megabits. Let him know about it: equal buffing, us courage very excited about, but the reason why did let him go is obviously because it would promote north koreans,
which is terrible regional areas. Kidnap these people. We ask that these people and I asked them to go in the real world. It's a great plan. I don't know what could go wrong. That's it goes wrong. Have you this go sign went well, Ok, maybe a little something went wrong. They did manage to persuade their guards to travel in a taxi behind them, as they were headed for the fast just doesn't even the boy you know how it is. You don't want to squeeze the eggs and I'll give you guys gonna followers right. yes, you will remember you behind lagree the eyes you gotta flowers. Yes, we'll see you at the hotel. Yes, we'll see without an absolutely promise run prom, it bothers you programme. As I will see the bran. We got to a crossroads where we were supposed to turn.
For the first of all k? So here's the deal. How did you scape? We made a right like that's the hour. Minders car was follow about thirty metres behind us, but several other cars I got in and between us, So it's all there. Dr return right instead turn right towards the united states embassy sex later, the car behind them realise that something was wrong shared you guys are following, and I just picture there, you don't get it like a round about or like something like come come on, we'll settle literally, he literally the future of north korea It's a cinema just turned right. This is how fucked up they are in north korea. They are so scared of the great leader that, even if they're in another place, they will dissipate. I think that they're just going to keep following yeah. That's how fucked up they are. That's very true. That is really true. They probably are,
like well, they won't divert from the plan because they know what happens when you divert. You eat grass from a bucket, no they're just be in the. U s embassy eating at stake dinner. While they did it towards the youth s, the? U S, embassy in seconds later, the career and they radio the taxi that the ships were in and asked the driver to tell them which way. god they cause. Then they like a copy come through. where the fuck are you hey, you have worked. Hey we're puberty related came mapping, those people and also could you keep the fare down? Also yeah. I don't know if the meters running, we will not pay for all this. Escaping aside, we did not say make a right so the this on you, however, and again you're going to love how delicious this is. The quick couple quickly handed them a sizable tip and told them. We'll have to lie about which way they ve gone, say they gone in the opposite direction. Oh my god the stages were thrown off cheese,
soon they arrived at the u s embassy, but they could not find anywhere to stop outside and the couple had to get down the road we tried to run as fast as we could, but it felt like some sort of slow motion movie hitting falls in this north korea, that everything they they their whole life is saying. Same thing, thinks are movies, I mean imagine yeah. Finally, we burst through the. sees doors and asked for asylum need asylum or japanese and less than one year ray enemies that korean whatever you just go anywhere. Where there's anyone out and you're. Just like don't fucking, let me go to the sale of these running. Say: I've been kidnapped by north korea, petite anything you just like gimme, a blanket and water. Finally, averse to the she's doors and ask for asylum on hearing the news kim jong IL on hearing the news kim jong. Il became convinced that the couple had been kidnapped by the americans and sent them a message, offering them to help get them back to pyongyang. It was an
where they could easily refuse look, there's no way they ran away from this awesome. It's amazing right. They couldn't. You know what they look at this jail them. He jailed them out of it they're out of there for five years there it's like: the country is being run by actual crazy people and its actual really BP didn't think that they would possibly like there's no way they would not. Then they would not do this if we can talk about a beautiful future of korean cinema, fucking, mind boggling, in jong: IL died on December, seventeenth, two thousand and eleven of a heart attack, while traveling on a train which, by the way, is also like they beefed up his birth. So much. I would really love it if, like they could just come up with a better death story for shit smeared across the sky shit. It flew across the? U do his soul was god media reports? say that the leader was on work, doing official duties
The news of the deer leaders, death north koreans margin of the capital weeping and morning have you ever seen the footage of the north koreans. When Kim Jong IL died down any on the latter, because its ray it's very craze, it's very sad, but its very crazy, because what happens is they? They have to pretend to be sad, so it's its dino thousands of people in the middle of it. You know that the city a guy like wailing, but there is not one you're, not a tear, you couldn't find a way, and some of them at some of them are not good at fake, crying they're all out there just weeping their fucking heads off. It's really and that's my story, it's those to normal yeah. So that's the that's. The christmas dollar wow
fuckin a wow, but it the reason why I think we thought that we should do. That was just because of what has literally just happened, and it it just is so fucked up and I'm so against it and I'm so pissed, because I really think that that has probably fucked with film you forever for well for for a long time, yet without a doubt, yeah and I just want to. I mean I'm wondering when the new pogo surrey reboot is- and I am still on record as saying It'S- not it's, and it's not going to north korea at the end of the day. That's great! It's going to be some hacker. It's going to be! It probably some sort of insider at sony who's mad at the company. There's a lot of weird stuff, yeah actual record like that, apparently the the.
the korean that has been left as traces isn't, isn't that they speak a different korean in north korea. Oh really- and it's not it's like so it's like the south korean korea, it's what you relieve if you're trying to leave the print of korean rights, but it's not it's like you just start the crazy dialect. Well, that's good yeah! That's all good! It's all good! exciting times man, I had no idea those port to fucking, it's terrible and there there's a lot. I mean you know it. You can't say enough about how awful that situation. This is why you don't go into film. This is why you don't go looking for your ex wife. I I wonder if he still has the vhs tapes. I still have the vh. What I love is like the idea that, like maybe it's just like like here, like I put a bunch of shit in my clock
Is it that I like? I just love the idea that they're they have like a garbage room where they've just caught twenty thousand fucking, then they go to another room and it's laser discs. Yet Lazar thought this was going to be a young yeah he's got yeah he's got his m p three, as a guy, I really overbought dad really overbought and m p threes than they really really got behind laser disc is the next thing holy fuck, alright, merry christmas, David Let's hope they kidnap, Seth rogen and buy what you want here. Little seth rogen fact yeah at the end, when he there decided to make the movie Seth one as the studio was like. We can't make this with Kim jong un yeah seth rogen was like no. No, we gotta it's going to be great trust me and then Sony was like. We can't do it with king Jan one and Seth rogen was like no it's going to be fucking great. We gotta do it with him, so every
plywood people with object, and he would say no, we already almost punched it through. I know he was Week away from plunging it, this is why there are worried about, of course- and I will say it is I'd, I believe, like it's tough to defend them, but I believe you were right. I believe he did make a film that I was much more interested in sea, because they had literally base that I'm the guy who's the fucking dick die right now. No one would see it if it was based on a false purse, and
at the end of the day had they made it with a false person for sure the movie would have made more money and gotten seen, but over zero over zero. But again the zero part is not seth, rogen fault. That's the fucking pussy studios right in the in the theater changed and the theater chain, yeah yeah, okay, merry christmas! Merry chris! How long has that has oh, hey there, everybody, it's gareth! You know from this. This podcast listen! I've got some stand up, shows I'm inviting the gar me to Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that Acme I will be going to the uk in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twentieth, Bristol
September twenty second and cardiff september, twenty fourth and then in november I'll, be in Australia november, tenth almost sold out. I think I'll be in melbourne, australia then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth camera november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get ad did after it. Let's see there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.