« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

42 - The Past Times with Dave Holmes

2023-09-08 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and returning guest, writer, television host, and podcaster Dave Holmes

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The alright everybody woke welcome to the pastimes podcast. Each week we go through an old newspaper from a random date in history, picked up by dave, Anthony and Gareth reynolds and I've never seen it before, and neither is art this week, the great days solid. Why good? I was just saying you're, I think, probably like our third second timer. So it's how it's big. We have that going back so hand you're there and the editor of esquire witches, not sure of other editor. We we promoted yeah, so I dont want the job how long have you been even it at esquire for a while? I have yet been there since twenty fifteen. I love it.
absolutely love it and your not and your social media are all dave homes with an active holds. You know, I'm I'm stay, I you know, I'm still checking twitter. What do you call it and you call a twitter, never gonna call it acts I'll, never call it acts so no, I won't either. I call it acts in the way that I like refer to it as something that I used to care about and no longer really do like it's my axe, but outside of that, I really know I'll, never be able to he's just an idiot. It's very. I liked the people that are like well clearly. He bought it to destroy it and I'm like no. You just have to accept that. There's really rich if you are really dumb, that's yeah! That's what you need to wrap your head around is that you can be rich and stupid. You in fact, almost can't be really rich and not be really stupid
Do you get to apply their glaringly yeah Jesus? You think you know, especially if you are born with great wealth. You just really believe like it. You never hear the word no yeah and you know, and people take a real interest in you. That makes you just feel confident in this world and so much like so much of what you do, I think kind of in the world of business is just kind of comes down to confidence in. Oh, you try to sell something in and if you go to confidently than it sort of works in.
So yeah you can just kind of all. You can go through your life feeling like. Oh, no, I'm I'm doing fucking, I'm a rate yeah. If you can, if you can, if you can extremely confidently sell absolute bullshit, because you're stupid you'll succeed better, whereas if you're smart, you're like man, it's not really one to me axis. The axis peak like holy fuck. What the fuck is remarkable. It's really remarkable. You know I remember when I I I lived in new york in my twenties and I had a lot of friends who had like wall street jobs. You know like fancy sorta, you know banker, jobs and I had you know a grown up sort of knowing people like that and just assuming that those people were smart and yeah right. When I got to know people who had like you know young analyst jobs.
At bags on wall street. I was like, oh, my god, they're so dumb, like they're as smart as I am, and I'm dumb, but they like, they were just confident in silver, tongued and like that kind of is the job but like it was. I felt like the veil had been. You know, lifted from my eyes like, oh, oh god, no, they didn't just confident, they're, not smart, yet just just conflict wish you wish they were smart. It was like you'd much rather that version of the people How be just be smart, but it is its galling, but I bet you call it sank. Was it's a I bet that a lot of people we're gonna hear about today are fucking idiots, so dave. I think
Last time we were on, we maybe just started the guessing game. I like to try to guess the year we're dealing with it could go back to sixteen hundred. It could be as recently as when you lived in new york. That could that's possible. I guess, and I'm going to guess that will do Dave seems to be in the eighteen hundreds a lot. So I'm going to guess we'll do an eighteen, fifty one you'd like to take a crack dave homes, does it nice nothing? I have nothing to base this on at all. Enable let's say nineteen. Eighty three like while wow like liked that a lot okay, I'm gonna gas, you idiot, you dave! You have the thing you have all drew's David nineteen, thirty, eight wow In writing. We were all wrong. It's nineteen. Fifty to one day was very arrows
I was really close. I was kept shut. You that. Good re press two october. Second, it's a third, It is a thursday. Alright, let's get into it and dogs. Can't. Oh sorry, dogs, dog, can't read but knows time what this is the fifty times. Sometimes you just gotta. Let people know that dogs can't read sure, but the asteroid apply. There was this one. Does davy revolved in journalism? That's helpful because that eliminating you're Democrat you're like ok, I don't need decatur towards canines any exactly exactly So often I do I want to consider the dog audience, but I really don't need to
thereby pie of my comedy, I'm targeting dogs. There just sets obvious. Thank you, you do it in a register. That you yeah. I do a lot of losing a guy yeah. I do a lot of least stop a lottery, there's a whole. He does a whole two minute dog whistle bit where you can't know to be on its can hear, but he says the closer, the closer that's, the closer only dogs and races. Yeah, that's right. Ok, so, but they know they say no time there. This. This is a progress report on poncho the post office. Mass got, you may remember, puncture who makes the rounds with postman Charles diverts. Wait a minute wait a minute I want now. I want my mailman to have a dog. Why can yes? This is the best world I've ever heard of if your mailman comes around and he has the dog I'm into it. Alright, I love that
I love that because also dug its exercise. That's yet the targets exercise their hanging out together having a good time in writing de joint fight. You are a guy to join our guy to bring them back, percent. I gotta say my dogs boy. Do they hated the day my mail man with mother, because it was happens because we let it lapse yeah we've committed who's, a good boy. Sorry, I just then he dogs, listening. It is very good boy. Poncho made the papers when daylight. Saving started showing up an hour late. The first few days, then setting off at a brisk trot until he caught up with charlie, ok, but that makes sense t I guess he was showing up with charlie and his timers off, because the time switch so he's like where we started this time when the sun's there, a mixer.
Sure enough charley was early the first couple of days after time returned standard, but he just laid down to wait. What the boys the post office want to know is how poncho knows that he's earlier late. What in the fuck is this story that well the dog
Just kind of sense can some of these. This is why well, first of all, I can totally tell time yet because you know breakfast is whenever we wake up at dinner. Is six o'clock sharp and at like five, fifty eight he shows up in my office next to me and he's just like: let's go and like that's what that always happens, and you know it he does adjust like it takes them a couple of days after you move the time, but like yeah within a couple of days, he's right back at whatever the six o'clock is. What is much more bewildering? Is this I like when I'm in my office and I'm like, I and I think to myself. I have an errand to run like I have to go to walgreens or have to go to the bank or whatever, and I and I think maybe finn would like to come along just to cause he likes to ride in the car. It'll be a quick one when, when I think
that I hear him like. I hear him perk up and then he walks to my office door and let's go so when I, when I, when I fake it when I'm like. I am now thinking and bringing finn with me. He doesn't do it for when it's real and organic. When I really silently have the thought I'm going to go on an errand. Maybe he wants to come along like it there's wakes him up to think so. To will first of all the feed I have an electronic feeder from my cat. The only thing I was going to say is that my cat has a clock based on the everyday. The feeder goes off at the same time, The second thing- that's amazing is obviously that you and your dog share sort of higher bond. yeah some sort of developing ethic connection, and the third thing, that's amazing, is that I just realized,
her dog and Dave son have the same name o, dunbar and then you're a manner and it I'm heritage. Dave is a real pair while wow, that's true, only you had a dog if you only you only you had a son named Larry. This would be the perfect circle yeah. My dog's name is Larry yeah. So if you yeah yeah and ok all right, so so poncho and charlie yeah, that's it that's the story punter internets, it's what they didn't and that in nineteen fifty three that feels like a strange lead story. It's really well, there's nothing on the first. The first few pages are all international news, so I skip but wait that story sort of ended with just like they were wonders Minutes is outward it's like. If you find that your story, I agree. I agree that a yard on the sun says you have noticed.
if you feel like you would rather I feel like yeah. You do want the story to be about something to take. You said, rather than like others. The dog and then the time change, and they were wondering why If not a news not enough for you will you know you're doing I mean I get to me. That seems like a fine, led story with great conclusion interesting. The idea. I think that was, I think, one of humanity's, if not the worst thing about humanity is not giving the sentinels credit for being much smarter than they are yeah. I agree with that and I think we will treat the world better if we understood art
Comprehensive how smart animals are and how a tune there, and yet one day we hung out with kangaroos and new aid on the next day. So what is due to attain a tasty burger there they ve killed people Michigan club in unfairness saunas deserve to become. Thank you. I would also Egypt, There is, I would meet a person and then the next day there, like hey francs, a burger, now give a shot. That I understand vision, michigan club, donates hat to airforce chief, that's nice! it's not proper, unbefitting that general go around without headgear, so the arrow club of Michigan, that is very true. The arrow club of Michigan has donated a fancy had
fancy hat is, in parentheses, parentheses. Sorry quotation marks to general hoyt Van den berg, airforce chief of staff, that the here's, the problem with the story there, is no photograph and to say fancy hat and not provide me with a photo. Really, you not doing journalism any favours. You where's your head. inside a hotline to I've mercury, I'm I'm picturing illegal flowery arrangement or something that was a great something with fruit on it. The things that are coming up when I look up nineteen fifty three fancy had are just phenomenal right, don't think it's a lot of its lot of those sort of like those hats, that sort of look like constable hats that women would wear a kind of like a colony constable chapeau. A fancy have men's, shows up the door
probably ok would have been something like that. The general lost his hat during the air force association convention. In detroit on august, twenty ninth james voter president of the aero club, said that a new hat was ordered by letter from a uniform shop in chicago, where the general buys his uniforms. What is called after all. If the general came here with a hat, we believe that he should leave with one eye pine for the days when our biggest military stories, were that a hat was being replaced. Now it is very easy, a crowd funding. This is like We learn be like a girl ferocity, girl likes the outrage. Machine was just provided we gotta, get up a new act. Ya these videos, but did you, allow better I was thinking more along the lines of a captain crunch kind of thing.
Oh yeah scots him, could I loved him. that's more now if all I would say, unfortunately considering was a plunderer of fear. He was even repossessed ship captain. Was he not with this guy? What guy was an arrow in the air force guy air force, but I think that's what you do. I think dave's right. I think you, I think you get like the that hat, that what captain crunch app. So you said you presented to them and like a big ceremony and then watch his face and see how awkward it is and be like. Try it on Have a good time with, maybe I still think I mean I know we like to have fun, but I really do respect the different course of action. The court evicts rebel from historic home. This is from the a p at a nashville. I don't I there. There were a couple of words in there that I did not understand at all.
Court of vic's rebel currently stored on home, miss kate labour stood under the crossed, confederate flags and watched workmen carry out the four poster bed in which she was born. Eighty one years ago, the crumbling old mansion, where wounded southern soldiers were treated during the civil wars. Battle of nashville will be torn down under a court. Eviction order to make room for a new era three school for negroes Ok, I'm goin side are. I wouldn't is it safe to say that we are we here a more liberal policy towards tearing down southern staff. Choose artifice a thing like that in order to build in order to build up our neighborhoods in societies at night in fifty three, whereas now you can't take down that general lee,
error a yeah god, it's pretty great, it is a pretty great story about them. You know getting she had to stand there and you have to be like look. I know you were born in this bed, but it is just full of racial lies to work is the only part of the story is weird. Is that the eighty one year old woman like, but that's my house and shut up old lady? beside the rules? This is this. Is Can you do? This is how they make you not feel sorry for an eighty one year old, one relative where she going to day the say: what's she said over, and over quote. This is the most awful thing that has ever happened to me. It seems I can I just point out some other way of doing it. Be I love when one is there is like civil war related like the fighting for the fact that people had slaves and fighting more that and then a woman away.
Woman standard is like this is the worst injustice of all time. I'm gonna tell my relatives who I have not been separated from. You hear about this in history, books and no maple. Yes, you will make this the main curriculum shortly for embarrassed Court officers serve the invitation papers after a single officer failed two weeks ago, she still offer passive resistance, refusing to unlock doors and tell a dust blackened workmen forced their way into her own room and began dismantling her bed so workmen its like we're doing blackness? Now, that's what it comes across as but I think, they're they're, just dust dust blackened. I think they
I think the rises dave, easy jet dave you are on the thinnest of thin ice is right. Now I know I there's definitely Our brains are like wait. What I think that I mean, maybe maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the writers like doing a little way could not hear with it. Well, that's just the easy out for doing black face back. Then you like what are you talking about I dunno I'm just literally kind insert yeah, I don't know so they go in there. They. They face and abandon the largest are taking a partner bed while she's in it. I think then she go. but she walked straight and tall out of the mansion and across the street to her sisters house, her kane tapping on the pavement to her sister lives across the fuckin straight out, saying that house, out till I don't argue, bellyaching yeah right, fuck off, and then you been all day like where when I go awry jihad, I'm here you go. Let's go.
I love across the right. She never gave a backward look at the priceless dust. It antiques piling up on the sidewalk. The city will store them for sixty days, interesting, she's, walking away from her stuff and eighty one. Eighty one I'm not. I will I'm not not trying to the fencer, but you have to sell our stuff because, like you, like look, here's your clocks and what weird shit she can build a school here yeah she has sixty days to take it and then oh, she did okay, okay, okay, yeah yeah. Otherwise what an interest. There's a lot editorializing going on in this article by the way, Yeah officers are embarrassed. She she stood at all yeah. I saw their very, very much trying to make her seem like she's, the she's, the good one here, and everyone else is bad and I think I think break getting, kicked out
yeah for sure, but also, if you have to consider flags, I don't give a shit that may be the on take. I should have more yeah. you always say dave ones. For you, two's egregious that's achievable. I choose to mass choose to use too much of it's much too much. You know we my high school in ST louis and was until very recently like the the mascot, was the rebels. We were that well rebels and like in the eighties, when I was there, there was like confederate flags kind of all over the place and like like in the weight room and- and I think maybe in the gym and like the the mascot was
Oh man, like you, know, at basketball games. You could be like a a senior and the cape as a confederate flag and whatever we didn't think anything of this was you know the eighties or whatever, and literally nobody thought a thing of it which is stupid on our part, but little by little it went away like the confederate stuff went away, not so quickly that anyone would notice. But I was a catholic school is run by monks, so I think the monks were starting to believe this is maybe not be cool. Yeah so they took it away and then, after that, after the George floyd incident, the student council was like we're changing it. We have to, we can't be the rebels like this is just as ridiculous. Let's, let's change it so now now, where the priory ravens and a bunch of classmates early, don't never get another dollar like.
Has it changed it and it's like god who gives like it like? I, we were friends in my lifetime and now you're this much of a shit. It is so crazy because I think it's like like even when I think back to like when I watch the dukes a hazard as a kid like I'd watch reruns I was never like I'd. Never was I like way way. It when you went away what the fuck is going on here, right like they ve got run they ve got The civil war mobile yeah, yeah yeah, never never people, people get so attached things it's like when we were in cleveland a couple years ago, when people would have, though, the old hat on right. They change their name. The cleveland indians are now the guardians and people. People have that cartooning.
Native american had a lot, and I would just out. I would just look at and just as we know, it just seems weird to be around. Like the name change, you guys go, let it go but they're not gonna, people are gonna hold onto it and you're, just like it looks really bad by the way on your white head. It looks real yacht. Dahlia, all always are, always the way. People like comma, we ve been through another building block at times. Do we have the re broader our caps leg I would like this to me Now about europe do sensitive now. You understand what I like to have your hat. Marginalized Yeah. What's up dollar birds, this is gareth gareth from the da you get. It listened shout out to the gar me Gareth army. I've got some. U s dates coming up, I will be
at good night's comedy club in raleigh or raleigh. I forget which one you guys are stuck to north carolina december twenty first through the twenty third five shows, and then december, twenty ninth and thirtieth I'll, be in rutherford new jersey epa. As comedy club, I'm calling on the garmin come out. I have there's a lot of shows: go to Gareth reynolds dot, com for tickets and information. Also listen to my new podcast called we're here to help get a new podcast we're here to help Jake Johnson. Thank you. Gar me, hashtag army. so this story is at of boston. They just this LE paced up in this paper trail won't pay taxes on tips, taxi driver, Theodore belt, says: he'll go to jail before your pay, a federal income tax on his patrons tips, good man,
quote. I consider them gifts and as gifts, there is no tax on those dimes and quarters. Well, who the fuck is this the whole point of cash? I'm sorry, I just don't tell them you don't tell him, you don't tell anyone at cash, I think this is before cause now. They, I think they say, like euro euro waiter, at this restaurant you're, going to make this much in tips and we're gonna tax you on it before you do. I don't think they're doing that, then I think you had to self reported yeah, that's what I mean and yeah. When I went when I was a valet at college, when I was a valet in college, it was literally like a joke, because every year they'd be like yeah. put down. I have five dollars like every eye was like five dollars: yeah yeah when I was a waiter I didn't write that was ignited. Make anything
The six year old cabbie says his gifts average about only a dollar a week, so the tax would not be heavy, but there's a principle involved. He told reporters he had been damn into an internal review office, site returnable. Internal revenue office and asked why he had not reported tips as income he said he was worn. He could be arrested, prosecuted and jailed come on the dumbest, more damage. Always it's not. That may also have you like me. I was going to say I also feel like he's doing both I feel like he's like I'm, not gonna pay taxes on this amount that I'm lying about.
I also use there's no way the internal revenue services likes to look you over forty cents, it's jail or you give it up like the her thing there might be, might be or might be in the fifties, maybe yeah it was like what's happening economically, fifties we like to think moving about whom I think tat people are. People are picketing, their fences. sure dogs are telling time hats are being publicly funded, yeah yeah, it's a good time. You describe a happy america, there yeah it's it's one of the it's, it's a thing where you know they know that the major it the major like tax fraud and stuff is happening among corporations in the very wealthy. But it's like let shift
let's create a national mood of guilt in shame, If you can only stop for forty cents a few rather than go after those people there, it's what we do with the climate change, it's like yeah. If you don't put that carton of orange juice in the recycling, then we're all fucked and meanwhile Read, does the while moving the shimmering outlier oil into the air? Yes, surely, mile and finally, the oceans are on fire more like this. It where's that big big time
Go and pal put it in the right been so this is evidently this is this. Is it a description under a photograph? I dont know what to call you, so it's motorcycle, but it has the two wheels on the back. It's like the choice. Better budgetary cycle is a college. Are they actually called try icicles now cultures resent francoise, gonna read. This is because the parking was all strictly illegal. On griswold side of city hall, wednesday city vehicles worthy offended. offenders caught by the free press. Camera above is one of the police. Try, schools, unexpired wire with the mayor's car bind it so they called it. A traceable cholera trays. I think they call it a trick now, probably because there was so much pushed back to being like thrice the eye they are, they really come tracks is. I would think that looks like what they're called now
Well, ok, the police came running when really whales motors hagen, so the police came running out and the photos are being taken. So so, if they found the mayor's card, three will threaten the car bicycle a trice and they took pictures. the cops came right out. I don't understand who's. The tricycle belong to the cops. It was a cop. It was a cop one who was actually a cop tricycle that we need to kill back to colorado. I'd. We really do don't we. I didn't know that yeah anything that demeans them and conclude the contract yeah cop tracks. I would watch Yeah, like a specific plan that contracts of chicago dregs, although trike, right yeah, you know I just got to speaking and pacific blues, we oftener- I just got to do a
there's a new game show for game. Show network it's going outside later this year, like slate its like the match game, but the difference is that it is called blank slate and is hosted by mario lopez. Also I got to like spend some time. I was one of the palace and I spent some time with mario lopez, maybe our greatest america, seventy eight years old, is the correct he's it looks like it's, not the you he's like his. I think he's forty eight forty nine and he looks wacky fantasy skin is flawless. The dimples up close or like startling is. He is like his funny. You are he's he's.
Movies, nice is just its. I will have no choice but all ran out. I m until you see his eyes and then you're like a part of him. I back I'm here. yeah, I guess what I traveled so much that Maria lopez's in every hotel room I ever stayed. Of course, please. I dare mired up about the new priorities and that new, conjuring movie yeah again. It should be exact, yeah everything, every fucking, terrible movie that you would never see he is excited She still rent movies in hotel room. Try asking you well yeah, you can't I I did I did recently. I was in hotel MM. I was like nah fuck it I'll watch the literature. Where did you brent
I remember I remember rentals or it was some obscure, though do they even? Are you going to get hotel tv yeah dave? It was actually surprising, they have a. They have like a big selection, now cause it's so easy to. You know give access to those kinds of things I feel like you signed a deal with hotels or something and did they have porn in hotels anymore. I think the porn, but also like you can find that on your internet. I think they do cause. I I remember this goes back, probably is probably ten. Maybe twelve years ago I was traveling and, and I They did have borne and out, and there was like a gay porn section. It was like we have arrived at. This is one which we think is forever. There was none and there were like one or two, and you know what this is this matter is ya a tear in your eye as arrest order. Yes,
well see now, when I google hotel porn, it's all about people like maids, fucking guests or I don't think hotels, the porn any more yeah. That's a! I think. That's a genre of porn is when you're made come every section you wow dirty guys that I wrote the odium banter for the gay porn awards. A couple of years actually were covered. Twenty twenty yeah, is through so gra dan van Kirk, who does this for the aliens yeah yeah under an assumed name. I dunno if I might be telling tales out of class, but I, but they they were. They did a separate one for the for the gay porn awards and they were booking for some great jokes and was like? Can I write the jokes and then also write about it, because I know that there's going to be an amazing great story said? Yes, and I you know it
It was so much how did they do something? Ok, yeah every every time I turned stuff into the executor producers like less wurtz. These are not decent nuts I people my added taking a lot words out. You know, I, my jokes, you know did make it in you pretty much the way that I wanted them to their. There was a lot of you know. Some people gave him some of some, did not, but at around two it is part of europe. when they play here will laugh if their speeches to long there is it like bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy bouncy, and then I got a wrap it up. You know they really never did they never.
it was, let him go. It was a very welcoming environment and yeah it was it was. It was wild. That's that's a good notch, but that's a good notch, yeah yeah. So if it's an achievement is what it is and how about some fashion, habits and fashion pajamas colorful in appeal. Women, it seems, are responsible for the major portion of men's pajamas sales each year. So what happens? Pajamas this foller, designed to appeal to the lady the house, they'll have more varied patterns and the colors and themes will be brighter. Novelties will abound. Oh my god. This goes on forever.
One of the jail drew the matters that the boys sort of gopher, the brighter things and pajamas too, even if they might be reluctant to make their own selections. What will the wife a girlfriend see this fallen stores where pyjamas or sold well lounge pajamas for one still most popular is the knitted polo top and slack tailored broadcloth trousers. There goes the sports sport should take, variation. you might laporte and flannel. Ok, I gotta know what's happening anymore, but this is. This is just a whole pajamas story. Loki three team, like a pretty good A job like pajama industry spiking is like pretty important to know. What's going on now, oh shit, as this will come back for sweaters
I mean this is because I can see this is like a headline that isn't like all the newspaper it doesn't make it back. How did they go away? What the fuck yeah I mean I guess he asked that its autumn now and so sweaters, our balance. I already got back for sweaters in the thought could have no doubt who are doing it again: I love the idea of somebody. You know rifling through the detroit repress and being like fire. ITALY. Finally, about pajamas sweaters out the pajama coverage that I have been eating here, Well, I will I woke up the other day, and I was I was going on in pajamas. What's happening in the political world? Are the areas in the detail was, one of those things to the really it is like hotel porn does just that. There's no pajamas anymore.
Right now,. Now we're pajama bottle actually what a weird man but a pajama set yeah, that's I know what I mean like your monogram PJ's with alone, I think it's a coup idea, but I would never do it again because now, like sleeping twice ropes like you'd, have to wash them every time we might away dave. You do not want to be on the road with me. You would be like this man, that is the third day his trial. mergers taught me throughout would have what's worthy Gareth has a driving Gareth has a driving shirt that he wear? on driving days. No, no! It's just
like I'll I'll be like trying to conserve I'm trying to milk the clothes as much as possible. So if it passes the general sniff test, I'm like it's just me and dave, and maybe one other person in a van I'm like I can handle yeah, that's yeah. I can handle that great. Yet, when you're at home, you do want things a certain way. Okay, wait! No you're claiming to me you're, not there! You're, not the concern can handle it, it's the people that are with you. What's the next cardinal this is a low section called lex. Let's explore your mind by Albert edward wigwam. Ok, what's de dash d d, dot s c, whence exemplary your mind, yeah, let's explosion! Okay, so there's presumptuous, three questions here, but the first one is: is there one sure way for husbands and wives to stop quarrelling? I have a feeling answer.
Women need to shut their pie a little bit but yeah. Morally, the I think I want to hear coming out of your mouth. Is here's a new set of pjs while gareth? The answer is yes, oh and, and then there it goes on practice quarreling to excess, with the idea of doing it to cure
This is called negative practice soon. They see how and why they quarrel and what fools they are. I couldn't disagree with this. If he sang couples who fight a lot, okay should take it all the way and just fucking fight as much as they can and that eventually they'll be like well. This isn't great, just don't know. Ok, I just it sounds like the reality I mean my parents essentially did that and never point where they were never just like that was they were like business. Would they fight in front of you? They would do
yard fighting, so they would nice they it would suck in the house, and then they would go thirty feet into the yard where I would watch them sort of like silent film style, argue thinking that it was better, but I would just be like boy that really still going at it out there huh. What could the neighbors see this? Our name, our only neighbors that were close, were really old, so no, but so they would, but they definitely would take. They have edge. I dont know who advise them eventually to go deeper into the yard, but we had like an would go like deep into the yard, and I would just be like from the kitchen just like, oh well, and that just see like that's like gesture hands, just like, like you know, confounding gestures over and over again stopping and then one of them had come in and the other one would still be in the yard for another twenty minutes doing and I'd just be like yes, it sounds good.
I was really. I know this is. This is what they work. This is what the recommending psychologists roy hoque says he is found. This works fine, also as a cure for stuttering. What the fuck, what that's like we have taken is like an anti depression, medication and there like people acquitting smoking. We so you argue, everything I need to access to access to access to study this excellent here too, to alleviate your marital tensions and, at some point some husband was like you. No doubt that that debt that that that that that that that that that actually, I think that actually helped a lot. I- and I was so really helpful? Well, so I got my letters. My view would assume that be the passion that you would be feeling would override what s daughter.
stoddard yeah, the stutter or whatever your marital at, but it's very strange to sort of enact your your argument and be like oh good. This is this now we're just having a therapy fight yeah! This is it's like. I argued report yeah. It's warming and an which, by the way they do now haven't hotels, yeah, here's the already Third question: do persons ever die because they are psychologically not good patients? Of course, the answer is yes. doktor JD, while sir rugged says a certain tells patient, Wasser rug, not real lothar, hyphen rug
says a doctor, tells a patient has beginning tb and must go to bed. Ok Three years later, the patient shows up yeah three months The patient shows up with extensive lung tuberculosis and says well doc. I didn't stay in bed, but I rest when fishing and put it around the garden. gosh when I laid out with tb when I visit switching to the other writer god when I was laid out with tb twice. They wouldn't even. Let me raise my arms to adjust my pillow that was years ago. Now, I'm the boy wonder of good health. The doktor relate similar cases of good doctors with bad patients But that's not. Psychology now has to collating and isn't it even if it were to be medical. This would be terrible advice to be like he take care tuberculosis to the putting grew.
Well. No, but that person other thing does not cast doubt is bad news. He was when I had tb, it the model patient. I didn't. I didn't move a muscle, and now the poster child for good health or whatever so here, but they don't yeah I was. I was interested to see how they would how they would describe death of psyche. Rick or psychological, oh yeah! That event I want. I know she was right. My word that's what I do know subs abuser whatever so what this person is saying, but not everyone who actually say it out loud, is like it prescribes like rest in better sleep habits or whatever to people, but they don't do it on an account itself which get jaded I fifty two is the pajama pajama section people guy
so twenty times a mother, only shit, ok, pittsburgh. A forty five year old woman who became the mother of triplets three years ago has upset the odds against multiple births drastically by delivering her fifth set of twins, shut, the fuck up point use a condom are just or just half the money. After once. after the twins, I'm like, maybe we shouldn't have sex anymore or the guy was like we're miracle a mirror. She was like china nifa chance. I get I I wow, that's ok, but so
there's also three plus a way or the other or the other, seven. Just okay. So that's that's ten! That's thirteen! Oh wait! Triplets three! Okay, yeah, so miss irma grazer gave birth to her nineteenth and twentieth children in her home Wednesday night and kept in tack her record of never having any children born to her in a hospital Jesus. Also, what a great okay great good for you I mean you're gonna need a new bed after I actually we've done it that civil war lady's house, It will be for sale in sixty days yeah. I I I really nobody fucks like an irma, yeah or this is by the way he has the most blocked irma to yoga. Irma experts estimated that there
odds of having one set of twins are about. Ninety two one in triplets are about nine thousand to one. These guys are over does not hold the record for multiple births. The american medical association has reports of greater multiple births, although it does not vouch for their authenticity, so they don't have. They can't be authenticated, then define records in nineteen. Forty eight amy record show a michigan woman who gave birth to a twentieth. Child had one set of triplets in five cents, a twins and nineteen. Forty nine, a new mexico woman gave birth to a thirty. children. She had no multiple births. What does that? That's all? I would say that always I mean never not a giant, but that is er. I mean that's crazy. That's crazy! Lot to love. Did you ever watch? I'm sorry. Did you ever watch young, the fix my life, Jan Levin is and she's like
Now she has show on the Oprah winfrey network for awhile. I know who you're talking about though, but yes watch that amaze amazing one of my favorite shows it's ever been on tv and she would show up like you know, the family should be having disputes and she would show up and she's like she. She was like really good at at isolating the problem, and you know she. She actually gave like good advice, but she was also like fucking crazy and she did. She did like a three part episode with a guy who had had like thirty, five kids by you know twenty something different and die, and her thing for him was like they. They had like rented a house with big wraparound like front porch and she ought to love seat. Unlike a wicker outdoor love seat, there were like. Thirty six baby dolls and she was like brigham olives and I tried to get him to lake- carry them all at once. He didn't do it.
You. Couldn't you can't take care of that? Mr Wurtz course damage done over gives it already been born, so there was nothing that I think maybe, but I don't think you'll have thirty six mortgage, and out of body vasectomy. I guess yes, part of part of this also is like we're, probably not too far removed from one half of your children would just die. I, though there was probably a part of the mindset of keep procreating, and then you know, you'll keep half or something like that which instead, these babies are all living. Just like thirty, five kids will do they do. We know that they're living yeah, it seems like miss grazers, husband, arthur who has been working in the south has not yet been working rivals he sure elsbeth carrieth one cameras, the little body I prefer Joe. He has not yet been
formed of the new arrivals. What did fifty two year? We give fucking what? How have you not told them? or maybe it's just like- don't fucking dummy. I don't want to know whatever the fuck app at this time. I read. I do do that's very well. I've got news for you every time we procreated okay, so it's five sets of twins, one set of triplets and seven single berths. Okay and five children are with Mr Grazer, the others are cared for by relatives or are in foster homes as wards of the juvenile court. Oh, oh! Well that took a turn that took a dark turn yeah. I don't like that at all I mean cranking out kids to go to an orphanage, basically yeah. Surely there's contraception yeah, you, oh yeah, for sure I fish gotta be well there's condoms for sure
condoms, but, like I don't think anyone used cant to the eighties, I mean I know that it was there, but I don't think anyone ever dave. Google, when did people start finishing on the tummy, That's a hundred percent guaranteeing that is the best congress. There was a disease documentary called com. Gay sex in the seventies about how, like in the pre aids era, it was just such a fuckin free for all, like in new york city in san francisco. Like any Any empty space was just a sec school right at the bottom of the right, because what why not like it was there is there. There was literally no reason not to and a guy in a guy who they interview, talks about like he met a fucking in a shipping container or something of the trash barge whatever
and the guy who he was looking up with insisted on wearing a condom, businesslike, nineteen, seventy six and now and in the guys like I like, I was thinking to myself like what kind of weird kinked. Is this guy hat I'd better, I thought what I heard this and I was like that is a time travel Yes, oh yes said he had thought it. Many times could go any time in history who just like no, I actually want to go and take advantage of what it was like to just buck up a storm in the mid seventies via Ruby. only because the idea that a rubber was a fetish, it was so unkind then to be resolute and I'll do weird shit, but I'm not putting an anorak up my cock. I don't like to talk about europe. There really wasn't, because that doesnt really protect you from, like you know, whatever
out there. The time there's obviously out like pregnancy, that needs to be thwarted or whatever so like. That is pretty time. Travel is possible and that's how I know that's that's railing. That's the guy! That's crazy! That's like how I used to wear a mask on planes three years before covet, not to compare myself to that guy too much yea you're that guy, but did you realize you did yeah yeah? I was crying. Why just get sick? I would vote if you're going to do gigs, and I would get the fucking flu like one out of every eight flights and or like a cold or something, and I was like oh fuck this and I are wearing a mask and you think people look at you weird if you wear a mask on a plane, holy shit go back to like twenty eighteen people were that yeah. This plain, oh everyone was like what the heck and I would just I would just look down and just be like just get through the shit just get through the shit. but I always got calls on planes, always always always got calls on plans
yeah and I always wear condoms and shipping container yeah me too. Okay, so here's how it worked out. Miss crisis oldest child is agnes born seventeen years ago, three other children followed it to your animals before the birth of her first pair of twins. Ten years ago a single birth followed, then came three sets of twins tommy. is born. Four years ago in the following year, the triplets arrive. I, like consequence, we only and I like tommy tommy's. Clearly the favourite everyone. I was just a nameless cod and that its like they make me then to have our shoes, no word how they are there, not in her house. Does it all now she isn't I know their names. What's the what's the what's, the six one's name yeah. This is this: is a sexy and a careless burma. Those are not qualities. since it with an arm at now, have the at least we know irma was fuckin. He was down,
It's fucking, the name back. You know what I mean: she's fucking, the name yeah. Ok, this is for Gareth, it might be for dale I dunno. Let's see, fears crackpot label general whole ridge, quits vegetarians ticket is this that this feels, like eighteen party. My words go together like this circus. Like unloaded, sideways reformers. vegetarian dave now immediately. Ok, unlike the circus performer, who can straddle two horses at once, general brigadier general herbert bridge has decided to ride only one party in his race for the presidency of the united states. His try headquarters announced thursday that he had withdrawn as the american vegetarian parties nominee. Oh, my god,
There was a vegetarian part, bad you in that, of all god bless us a bit. I love that there was a vegetarian party, but can you imagine trying to learn that now, oh shit, oh see see we'll get? You would be you and how you would be like the sea pack logo that year accused. The would be like Seventy two hours of people on fox news just making face they wouldn't just I there will be any teller, I believe not imagined got felled oh she's, Of may ride to pass a seat. Belt law seriously
I was bad enough back then, but man they would lose their fuckin would lose their guns well. We did an episode of the dollop about like traffic laws like when cars were in and like people's inability. Like you know, everyone was getting like hit and killed by cars and stuff, but you did have like they had to make that adjustment over. It was glacial twenty years. It was a year stop being hit by cars in history. It would never. It would never like. People were like our children have always played in the street they're not going to stop until he would never down all the time. No, but you you're totally right. You could not. I mean there's a video of like when they introduced no open container laws in indiana in like nineteen eighty two and it's like people act.
I'm a Jesus Christ. This is like the dumbest you, so I can't drink forbears. Imo drive home, but you would not be able to add warlike, like the the point of anything changing its now get wherein the great unchanging we're like going back to the thing loretta and being able to actually do anything. ok, so the general accounting to run as the candidate of the american rally hold you just campaign manager, bur mcclosky said the quote: cart was getting ahead of the hall, voicing its own opinion and not necessarily opinion of thousands of others. Mcclosky said, though, vegetarians were making hold ridge out to look as a crackpot as they are well. The smart publicity man for the vegetarians, Simon gould,
was taken, has taken to running away with the generals campaign after as mcclosky moment after the american rally party have been created and set up headquarters here. What we went to chicago to accept the endorsement of the vegetarian party. We didn't see any harm in it, the generals, a vegetarian, but I'm not mcclosky, said it was then that gould television and newsreel cameras handy showed he was a smart cookie at stealing. The publicity mcclosky said: the movies came out. It looked like the general was just the vegetarians parties, candidate or Much of the american rally was deleted. Will you can't you can't run on two as a two party, you can't run for two parties what's happening. He that he was running as two different are these candidate yeah, the rally the american valley and the vegetarian party? I just I'll never get over that there was a vegetarian.
in it. I guess there that many parties than you sort of can write I guess weird, I hasn't periods. Jesus, nobody gets you guys. You gave us yeah yeah eggins its visions, but they'll do honey, oh shut! The fuck up. I bet you're same vigour big it! No big it. You know I had many issues when I've been like I'm budget, I've got that. I will try to be bigger, throw up Ben there's like this promo thing, where I was eating jello cause. I have like a fucking joke that involve jello and peeped, so many people like, hopefully that was vague and yellow, and I'm just like, could you just back off it pass every I mean you can't
This pious is just like, never touch any of it, but I saved it with honey like I would have honey and people would be like well kind of going against your edicts and I'd be like wait. What, for? I, was at a wedding once and and like I had the vegetarian meal and this one was like you have a cat, and I was like gadget goes yeah. She was like a pretty interesting, but what is what yeah I was like. Okay, it was just like well now seems like he should probably have the chicken lady up yeah fuck, chuck yeah, it's like pr yeah, a little beer or whatever a vegetarian, so the vegetarian party it looks like had presidential tickets in forty eight fifty two, fifty six sixty and sixty four. How do we know what percentage of
about the agenda. I believe mondeo ran under their dinner. That was what the cost of our dixon eggs. Last one you're, ok, wife charges romeo with extortion. I usually error. Is the theriault was bound over for trial thursday, an examination in recorder's court on a charge of using threats to extort four thousand dollars from his wife? His wife is, in parentheses, sorry quotations. I keep saying the gutsy dave. My brain is Natasha morrison. I did not get a lot of sleep last night I just I try and I'm doing, and it's only because you're an editor and I'm freaking out a leader in who was a leader in Detroit syrian community held for trial was flawed. Sad,
one of lebanon who was placed on one thousand dollars bond by judge schmancy. That sounds like a name like when you're, like making fun of the judge it was like, may exceed move it up. It is alleged. His alleged victim was Jesse monsieur forty one miss Bassorah charge that she was unwittingly married to sod during a visit to our native lebanon because she had forgotten the language that, like they operate, yield on she? Why did this? Is she opera to east side. Restaurants save she said, thrust a paper at her, which then sign he claimed later. This constitute a marriage should not at best
She said she said, acquired the money when he threatened her with a gun. What, in the fuck just happened, I think there's a he. That is not how marriage works. First of all, you can't tell my parents, I had a piece of paper beside a piece of paper under. I think there has to be some verbal commitment right. Wouldn't there be, are you looking it up? No, I just saw another headline that attracted my attention: ou material, okay, naked recital winds, return of his suit Oh boy, how's how's. It spelled the s. U, I t that's a good good, good question, though they only read twenty eight stood before reporters judge gillis, thursday and recited his complaint.
quote. There was a small party and watson street. We were drinking a bit I passed out on the porch. When I came to it seemed a little chile. I looked down and found that my new suit was gone there. I was in my underwear. After swayed to point out that this is an it's an episode of shameless, so what we want is they got drunk he he passes out on the porch and when he wakes up somebody?
well in a suit and he's just in his underwear so right off it yeah took it off. Okay date, wow afterwards read complain to police and detectives, checked, pawn shops and came across read suit. They examined the pawn ticket and arrested robert Hinton. Twenty eight wow as part of the beauty of pine shops, is that theirs was pretty anonymous. Although police believe hitting saw read on the porch and adroitly stripped off the suit hinton said he bought it from a stranger judge, gillis noted, hinton record of fifteen arrests, ordered him to It read forty dollars and put him on probation for a year. He stole the guy suit, he went yeah I mean, but he he took it off him. While he was sleeping. That is certainly what pasta I mean. Let's, let's it's not sleeping, he was passed out. He was drunk and asked up pretty bad. How past do you have to lie to not like one operation, ball of your clothes yeah
for me. This. Don't studies and take off its now we're talking about multiple where's stuff wow, you probably the problem you to listen to this get off, and you know I loosened tightened acid Yeah, you not, I wouldn't come with the suit the suitors, just a jacket and pat right, yeah yeah As soon as a result, a tie, the ties off retiring difficult to have someone like if someone woke up during that it, for you would have to just be like it's that sexual, I'm a thief. I feel very much like this is headed towards a blow like something you know yeah It is sexy. It's like a bugs bunny kind of situation where, as you know, you effectively a sinew. Take you know had other, mostly not
conscious person and yeah yeah yeah I think the real thing here is a means like congratulate the criminal I'm going to give rob because usually we're starting this isolation. Luck with this occurs it's a buck everywhere. This really is like an episode of shameless like, but the guy the guy here who needs help is the guy who passed out on the porch like I can eat a program that the current rules are? Not exactly six or two he doesn't. that is the program. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah! These are the decanter days. This is way better. Well, what a strain little paper. You found there David, your dear nineteen. Fifty two was strange. I really thought it was gonna, be closer to things today about that. Had a very eighteen nineties feel too. It's still didn't were yeah I totally odd and not really connective pajama issues
Married arguing about is it felt like, like a free paper that you get in a small town you know, everybody burbank, it's ok, You know very well back cosette or some tat fair enough. It's like a whole bunch, a whole shit, local news and then one guys column and like be shorter, I still as boutique, because she's got son hat sir, what a vegetarian hardy very burnish darien party, yet airy burbank yeah well dave! Thank you. So much for joining us add naval having on social media editor at large esquire
a porn award show joke or alumnus alumna alumnus goes on and on I was not. I was not honored at that ceremony, my own self, not yet, but not yet you'll get there you'll get there. I have faith that I might back. Nine of my career will be as poor in years past. I mean why not Yeah, I'm ready in this in this late capitalist nightmare that we live in every every moment of your day is going to have to be monetized in some way. So there I can start. I shouldn't really stands up and entreat the eight hour. I will thank you. That of to day each. You haven't you I'll name, thin one with firm
your mail.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-12.