« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

419 - The Clarence Thomas Hearings

2020-03-02 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court Nominee Hearings of 1991


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
America we are setting out on tour in twenty twenty two. Our first date is a may twelfth in Boston. they had to New York City on May thirteenth, and then Washington DC may fourteenth and then good Philadelphia, throw some batteries, Addison may fifteenth. Then we medicine on June. Second, we D Milwaukee on June Third Chicago on June forth and Saint Paul on June. Fifth, Maybe at Seattle on June, seventeenth and Portland on June, a team to get tickets at dollar podcast dot, car that is this year. Twenty twenty two and section. Three, your listening to the dollar and the All things comedy network. This is bilingual american history podcast, where each week I.
They have been very good at it to my friend gear thresholds, who has no idea what the topic is going to be about what will happen there? You the pregnant pause or you are go through your dumb three, occupation or you got pretty excited at this point. I do enjoy this version more, I'm not sure. If it's going to happen, it's not it's better, so I wanted to make an announcement. We are to the dollop is now going to be in Spanish, we want is a bilingual. It is literally a bilingual history. Podcast, so Two two gentlemen who are from Mexico they have a podcast called lay in Basque, legendary Us L, podcast. Day? I'm trying to
his grave is in Spanish. I was trying to put. I thought this was a bilingual should be no boundary and God damn it ideal meal. It's all in Spanish. ok so anyway. So so they have this. Great by guest in in Mexico. It's very popular and there also fans of the dark, so they will be doing the They will do to taking our scraps, translation and they'll be doing a l down a version of the dollar in Spanish. So if you have spent begging friends or you know anybody, spanish, spanish speaking, what a great way to learn spanish yeah great way to learn Spanish, so if you want to introduce them to the dollar, this is a great way to do that. The hosts are Jose Antonio Badia and Eduardo Espinosa, and They found a guy's there like us to left guys, Let's get that should start centrist. I think this.
or maybe Monday, but that's when the persons can drop will provide drop. first episode on our feed. italian Spanish, so you can just give it to your tell your friends about it or whatever people who haven't heard this part I'll do an intro. So they know it's okay, but they got the Dobbs going to be in Spanish and yeah. It's fun yeah, it's great I still don't care for you. amendment no. Ninety eight. I don't know why.
In case Colby is Jim Couch and I'm the fucking guy Dave okay, name's Gary, and this is not going to become a particularly cloud. Five card now hit him with a puppy present six arguments about action now and the yeah. That's some good stuff. So now I'm now, I'm really going to learn spanish stuff. What what happened? The intro very good, very you enjoy our orange. I loved it. It's a ride! What
putting right now it's a ride, greetings people of Earth and America dollop fans. This is I Gareth Reynolds, a letting you know about substandard updates. I have coming up. I will be going on a little tour. Please join me if you can Monday may sixteenth I'll, be at Magoosh Joke House in Timonium Maryland I'll, be at the union stage in Washington DC on May seventeenth may eighteenth I'll, be at the funny bone in Richmond. Virginia may nineteenth I'll, be in Virginia Beach. Virginia may twentieth I'll, be at the Bell House in Brooklyn, New York June, eighth I'll be at levity, live in Oxnard California, then I'll be in Irvine, Calif June ninth, which is a Thursday and then Sunday June twelfth I'll, be at soda bar in San Diego. I promise the shows will be funnier than this promo. I'm also asking I'll be giving away free masks. That is not a mandate. It's a man plea. It's a
and playing to wear a mass again you dont have to, but it would be much appreciated. Tickets available at Gareth, Reynolds dot gum, go there. Gareth Reynolds, dot com join me June, twenty third and nineteen. Forty eight to one year of our Lord Jesus Christ, I Clarence Thomas. Was your sweet little face dear Oh boy right, people yeah, we're on one credits, Thomas's board and pinpoint Georgia in a mostly black community near Savannah. Here, as the second of three kids his Other bail on the family early and his mother Lila raise them there. In poverty There is no sewage system or pay roads. His mother,
worked as a maid and took charity from the church to get by while K, TAT, very humbling beginnings ia I went crunch seven their house burned down how but yeah that's just part of the course right. What happened here and then there's mom decided to get married she sent Clarence Brother to live with his grandfather and Savannah okay, so one of those I'm getting married, let's just completely start over right without the the children, the children yeah. What does he she kept? The girl, which is weird well, I get it Are you This was a much better life. he had regular meals and indoor plumbing. Certain emerged out of our regular meal, shit and the house. Now we got beating eating three times a day and then also be advocating than your home. The boys for their grandfather, making deliveries, clearances, grin
other urged him to become a priest. Ok wish he had followed the path. so Clarence left his all black high school after two years to go to Saint John, be any minor seminary, which was an all light boarding school that train priests. So we went to an all white boarding school yeah, that's what it's worth pre sea would think that it would be a mean You know your ear religious man near all, learning they become press. You would think there is an open, mindedness yeah that you would be if they had the It's love is great. The Lord's love knows no bounds unless, of course, you're, not white. Then it's like half as much as them, not good, and he likes you a little bit a bombing the Lord. By being in an online school, you see Clarence. You made the choice to be non. Why that was your first mistake?
being black clearance was excluded from social activities and made fun of for his skin. Color sex was a classic pre stuff yeah. but he stuck in their any graduated with decent grades after he went to the Immaculate Conception seminar in Missouri Let me have pretty straightforward curriculum, actually conception. You are the I c. You see us back, the ice, immaculate conception, seven seminar, sorry ass, o clock, you ve almost it yeah scores he didn't finish he quickly around the church, likes. When you don't finish, the average is bigger and I am not even starting out
it'll pull out great, though alright go ahead and cum on my face. Actually. Well, that's Mary! That's that's why they considered it an immaculate conception because Mario is like no pull out it'll, be you know so, like he didn't yeah. They don't go over that part in the Bible, but holy skim. It matters a whole pull out thing. There was also just the tip part. There's a lot of that. Lord. I shall just try the tip potentially yes use is the part all right, Lord. I well. Ok, laud I'm just oh God Lord, and we all know that the problem is wonderful. Combining lessons,
if the product of Moses God, Lord, no I'm tired of civil law. You smoking, whatever those aren't even around yet they are. Is that a pall mall good! Lord good me, so he bales, because the racism is so bad and he went to Holy cross. Very helped. Form the black student union and supported the black Panthers interesting wow, wow they're good. What what happens we find the system you just like that? it must work in D somewhere. Sieges has never layer forward Clarence? in eighteen. Seventy one glance graduated night than his class with English honours degree the next day, he married Cathy Ambush,
I a last name yeah. I swear not a lot of people know this. He didn't even know they were getting married. He just thought he was going to a regular ceremony Kathy job gauges. I get the ambush we're getting married. Isn't that why? I didn't even know your hair France was then accepted to Yale LAW School through its affirmative action programme. Gay. while he was at Yale, they had a son Jamal when he graduated a lot of firms tried to recruit him. They told him he could do pro bono work which offended him oh yeah, Where do they? Like we're black eyes? You in our proposal, we reduce the Juliet right. Ok Instead he took a job in Missouri with state attorney General John Danforth Republican sure he worked. In the tax division and didn't have to go near any civil rights cases which he didn't want to do but he had an aversion to civil right case downfall
was elected to the Senate in nineteen, seventy seven and clients became a corporate lawyer in the pesticide in agriculture. Division of the Monsanto company got this. This just happened so fast that we were just feeling a sense of sensitivity for the lack of indoor plumbing and now he uses a lawyer for a lobbyist for pesticides. I mean something definitely happened and yeah at Yale. Something definitely happened at Yale. Well, what happens at Yale that Fischer number one. He got into the affirmative action programme, which is pro probably you'd better about our got heat for not about probably, but who, studies on the airline point and you just go. You know- and I just want money so much- that I will do whatever the movement it is an abysmal business. Organising yeah they really are. After two years he went to work for Danforth as a legislative aid in Washington nineteen eighty he went to a black conservatives conference and the one
can impose published an article about size, little attention, as happens to be, as is their like. They're like we found a unicorn, I got black conservative. I oughta right that. Well, I will leave you can even honestly trace that that sensation- bat like if you, if you're him and you go, through the like that Seminary programme and things like that, you're, the only black guy you're a treat differently to now you go and environment where your race actually makes you something, elevates you yes, I mean that's. You know, I'd wild love in a fuck that that group of gentlemen. Still like you can't. I guess you can kind understand the psychology behind it a little bit in India. My guess I guess no. max had a name for people like curse tops, so the we'll get some attention from the regular administration and then they offered him a job. As the assistant secretary for civil rights and the Department of Education
okay! Well, and can I just jump in again and say that knowing Reagan's track record with the civil rights, obviously he had a big print, but I don't think we've ever on a frozen that did more for civil rights. Then around here I agree. One hundred percent Clarence took The city is promoted to head of the equal employment opportunity. Commission, the Ios II where supervised, federal efforts to curb discrimination in the workplace. Because yeah there's gonna be a problem right, yeah, there's a sense of looking down the river further. I see some rocky areas and some conflict ahead, so clearance instead allowed companies to be more flexible with hiring minorities, okay,
he ended. The use of class action suits that relied on statistical evidence of discriminatory discriminatory effects are basically logical cases where no longer allow like no more staff to prove you know. As a point stats will prove your point. He asked the scariest tat right, civil rights groups were furious when he did this Now I need a hill was born on July. Thirty of nineteen. Fifty six in loan tree Oklahoma. she was the youngest of thirteen children. That's fucking crazy! She went to Oklahoma, State University and then Yale LAW, school and, after being admitted to the bar night nanny. She worked at a Washington DC law firm and then nineteen eighty one was hired as an attorney adviser to Clarence Thomas the office of civil rights, they're working relationship, was good. It was good at first, I thought he respected my work, and then he trusted my judgment. But after that, once he asked her to go out with him.
She declined saying it would jeopardize their good working relationship. Also, he's married I was going to ask you he's married, so what the comfort yeah evenly? Ok, if you're cheating too you ve just feel a tremendous sense of guilt. Aren't you always hiding it millions that you were David Bowe, but instead to work like a mandate? May I dont know how Yea departmentalized that's I have never understood like leg. jamais leggy yard. I guess I cheat on my way, I feel that horrible began on top of that. Just doing work or like people, you that are our annual attack, just crazy clearly it turned crazy. It's a terrible decision. We are so He declined saying it would jeopardize their good working relations and your married also she very uncomfortable with the idea of getting home, and she explained that tomb clearly
thought that it it they did not. He kept asking Europe and he asked her to justify why she was saying now We must first of all, by the way, that's cool that you come off cool when you do that the aid is. Why will look at me? I'm fucking awesome. Does this follow up validate you anyway? Why you're, here I kind of like a square. Why, This always happened when they were alone. then started using the times they had to be the other at work. To talk about sex. calling enters office and then discussing things of a sexual nature quote is conversations were very vivid. He talked about In sex scenes he had seen in porn movies, whoa, that's just how you that never hit on a woman, that's how you do it you invited him, is AL actually buy her next frontier. And what do you do for work? I am an attorney gray
You know I was watching a porno this morning. Where is a couple of attorneys, One the prosecuting attorneys Denton. A fence attorney went over the bench The signal refer started seeing the prize is a very hard. two seconds, and I watched and I watched it for ages. I love porno ice. Sometime. Would you maybe wanna go camping. Maybe no no. no I've just been watching a lot of good camping porno. That makes me less want to go camping with you. Does that make sense? There was a while I just if I may indulge me for a moment. I was watching a porno about a week week and a half ago. He calls them porno. I was actually camping porno, and it was basically this
Apple was worried that there was going to be a bare and they lost some their supplies, and then they were called today decided this sleep next to each other for warmth here. Well, of course, he ends up doing a little bit of anal there in the woods and there's no bear. They had a bare sound effect, but they probably section three or four different positions. Sorry, this is an interview. Would you like to go to a barbecue? No, I don't want to go anywhere with these funny cause actually watching a porno that had a bbq scene in it the other day. The points included women having sex with animals like Guide, what scrutiny sex group, sex and rape. What envisages office. Conversely, so I M lady Gaga yeah
Isn't it? Can we actually just talking about the case this woman took yak cock in a way that should be illegal, might be illegal, you're a lawyer. What do you think? Well, I think illiterate actually happening in this room right now. Should a woman be able to yak bang? No, and I dont want to know about yak banging. I would just like to say where the case some here to talk about you ever seen: no, ok, okay! Alright, we could do the case, but I just want to run through I've, got a couple more partners on the dark it to run through those crazy shit. This lady had sex with an alligator, ok Penises are very tiny. I don't wanna talk anymore now, right, you look good, my don't This is normal right, no Gimme affairs, but now bump Gimme kiss
currency will also discuss porn that had guys with huge cocks. He specifically brought up porn star a long Dong silver, oh my god, what is happening and honestly as a young boy at the time, if you've never seen a foot, long Dong silver go ahead and look at what it does. That is not it's really disturbing. We do not condone that. He also talked about women with their breasts quote on several occasions: Thomas Toby, graphically of his own sexual prowess. So he is just full on disgust, yeah he's just a fucking piece and are shredded yeah, we're alone predator disgusting fucking everything you everything like he's these very typical nightmare, fucking, asshole, boss, yellow whose just grows so misguided. To think I mean the idea that I have no idea how women work. That's what I mean that's was always goods with these guys know is concealing. No woman in a right minded wants to fuckin here this ever ever hear. But its author
about power and control and freaking him out well, and we all know the feeling when you just watched a cool porn and you want to. from rooftops let me now. I know I do I never told you do not want to have these discussions, and especially in such a graphic wave shooter, try to turn the conversation back to work or even talk about his background of religion. Quote my efforts to change the subject, we're really successful. And he gave us in Europe- but she was his only assistant and so was subjected to often Afterwhile though it ended the conversation asking out all of it and she thought there working relationship could go back to being professional sewing and went to the e o see Anita, had to decide whether or not to go with them, and she decided to working, as is as his assistant quote, the itself was interesting. I also faced the realistic fact that had no alternative job the first months, one fine, nothing sexual happened, no date requests and then in the fall Let's nearly two, it started up again. He said
asking. Why is she didn't go out with him and making comments about how she looked and weather what she was wearing made her more or less sexually attract quote: he began to show real displeasure in his tone of voice, his demeanor and his continued pressure for an explanation and is married enhancement. Quote one of the oddest episodes. I remember was an occasion in which Thomas was drinking a coke in his office. He said who has put pubic hair on my coke. He also commenting about how he had a big dick and how good he was going down on women which either the trifecta that's just how how you that's, how you women also he's he's its there's, there's a there's, a there's, a stupidity here, like there there's like
Some some guys know how to talk to women some guys down, but this is this is a combination of of not understanding women at all. Nerd power, this aunt, yes and being really fuck indomitableness like being completely ignorant about how women work this is, I mean it- is his in many positions where his status is so low. His status is now so high that is yielding it frees. Yeah yeah, and and and asking her out while doing because he knows, but there's no way, he can't since it's like Louis e K when he, when he jerks off when he closed the door and jerks off in front of a woman who works, warm he's or turned on by the confusion in her eyes and anything, but I also don't understand: lake thee the I mean- and I guess it's just different brains entirely, but the idea that, once your shot down once you're dead
you move awakened me like you, ve, become as near Euro, sad relic of a moment past. If you keep the only way it goes back to. I think it's about powered. Yes, it's a girl, a lesser version of well now are you now? It sounds like you're, exactly it's more like you resent, sir. So now he's like I'll just like pale married all day. You know So now- and it is extremely stressed out- she's worried he was going to fire to motor. She started looking for another job and genuine. I can eighty three, but it was because she was worried if he found out, He took it out, and then there was a hiring freeze put in place by Reagan in February, Anita was so stressed out that she was hospitalized for five days for stomach, pains, after she was released. She double down on finding a new job the sprang. She was offered a job at Oral Roberts, university teaching law and she took it. When she told Clarence he said she code would no longer have an excuse for not going out with him Clara and image. Georgia
cries fucking here dammit she's. She still didn't want to go out with them. He offered to take her out to dinner only as a professional courtesy between Boston Employ as a goodbye dinner know, and she reluctantly agreed he told for them. At the dinner he told her, for the most part is happy with their work, except for one thing she had done quote. He said Have I ever told anyone about his behaviour towards me. It could ruin his career, so look here, there's something else I knew that left in July and are there any contact with Clarence Thomas after knock and his personal life not gone rate. And father died in eighteen, eighty three and he got a divorce the next year guy
and I say six he meant Virginia lamp. She was in Omaha, raised Republican, who worked in Congress and then became a lobbyist where she lobbied against things like the family, medical and leave act which would make large employers give it paid. Unpaid leave to shout to people at just how so she's lobbying against maternal, allowing kid no maternity, unpaid, maternal. She's lobbying aid parents being able take time all that without the company paying for you, that's what she is I didn't gets. So she is another word. You can't be apparent. Yes, Sir, she is a stain on humanity- thing Hugh binding code can of society. You things turning around Clarence, though in ninety ninety President Bush appointed him to the Eu S court of Appeals in Washington DC. There has never been a judge, and I always have straight to the court of appeal. Like he's, never been a judge court of appeals,
powerful, yeah yeah. So that's where he's gone, especially with the DC one that he's going to straight to the fucking. You know high levels of being a judge, no experience whatsoever and ninety ninety one Thurgood Marshall retired from the Supreme Court There- It was a brain attorney who played an instrumental role in promoting racial equality during the civil rights movement. I can't believe he's about when they rise to the Supreme Court is so fast for never having been a judge Thurgood argued a record breaking thirty two cases before the Supreme Court and one twenty nine of them here more cases before the Supreme Court than any one. He was then put on report. By Lyndon Johnson, I became the first black charge on the court. He is one of them influential people in shaping proposes in America and upholding laws to protect minorities, now after setting down president George Hw Bush thought it'd be great to replace
man who fought for me already justice with a man who loved it, but they're the same skin color rights, forty three old Clarence Thomas. both the current saw was the quota best person in the country to take marshals place on the court, its oh offensive on so many levels that its astounding, Bullshit turn a general told him. Replacing Marshall with someone who did not hold his views would make it very difficult and of course, minority groups are furious. There his conservative views on civil rights and thought he was against abortion sent out at this time Supreme Court nominees were evaluated by a committee of the American BAR Association, okay to the bar. I would like, get them and evaluate them and say here's how that there is about their right and then the Senate Judiciary Committee would take them. to advise me when they do. You hear
now Republicans already knew Clarence Thomas is a shit pick just a shit pick almost no experiences a judge and that the would give a poor rating. over the summer, rumours whirled around DC about Anita sexual harassment by Clarence. she was now professor at the University of Oklahoma, Democratic staffers, went to her and asked her to discuss it did with the agreement that she would stay anonymous, but Joe Biden was the chairman the Judiciary Committee right. And his staff told her if he went into the record, her name would have to be used on Sudan. Sixth she said you want to think about coming forward there. I spoke to start in four days, so The white ass, a republican centres, pressure to the bar to give clearance and bridge cord qualified rating, so there's
The ceiling is average, but their literally like so worried about how shitty is that right? Can we just go? like he wasn't Saturday, I mean really does just got like I mean I'm not. It started before that. Obviously, but like this, I mean just got. Our system is based on, which is just like nepotism. You know our garbage mean just non qualification, yes, verses. What bidding will you do? Well, if you don't have the idea that you're begging a bar association to make us Supreme Court? Just this look good If you have a supreme court and you dont again, this all of this comes down to two handshakes right: yeah, that's my trunk gets very them, and because there are no laws, written right tells you to fucking. There's no law. That says you have to give your turn. records. Now you should have gone a step. So again, this is another handshake thing like it. You'd, be you have to have a certain amount of legal experiences in court or as a judge to be on the Supreme Corner, or else you
dumb assholes. Well, it's cooler where it is cool so at the same time, be pumpkin, so at the same time as their pushing the barred gimmick qualified rating there there painting the bars of partisan, so there, Where it can it from both sides, red- and Clarence was given a qualified vote now. to twelve people voted to vote. Qualified and one refused about, and so this is one of the lowest levels of support a Supreme Court nominee had ever received was created by I mean it's terrible: it's crazy, the Senate Judiciary Committee yeah. He got he got something he didn't deserve, and so the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings begin on September, tenth of nineteen. Ninety one Joe binds the chairman. This was just three years after Biden had been forced to withdraw from the presidential race for accusations of plagiarism
what he considered attacks on his character. Okay, so A previous Supreme Court nominee Robber Bark had been rejected and people saw thought much. It was because a personal attacks so bind want too avoid that again, so you got people The the reason why Bork was not put on was personal attendance. Some people did yeah they like because of back alley abortions, and while you know you know how they are, I mean yeah, and so they all were like. Oh, this man is a good man yet, and so Biden wants to avoid personal tax for two reasons, because he felt personal They attacked, as it presents, Ghana, Z, plagiarized british speech and said made forty times so obvious, These are my mates, cheers mates, cheers and then another reason is the Bork thing and just want to go through that again, so he is trying to keep it all about fitness business now. Since both for and against would be heard. So Clarence testified
during the hearing, Clarence would not express opinions about policies or how he would constitutionally interpret situations well time. People thought he was being cagey, but they didn't realize that that was just gonna be how we rolled quiet Damn foolish, he said he had not come up. A position on rovers is weighed the I mean it's just bullshitting. The truly this. start that they should start. They should have like heart rate. Monitor they use should be like you, There should be some one there has just like he's lying like he does remember. There is thus a ten days and in September twentieth but afterwards democratic centres shuddered to worry about uneasiness experiences or more like if they would become public later and then they were the bad, didn't didn't weren't they also lake. They were, they were not respectful of her We'll get there, but this is just the dumb hearing. My hearing is another gets going to go to a vote to
and into the Senate Flora right now, they're worried like I will. This need hill stuff is out there right will thus make look bad when the rams out the right way to look at things yet So how does this effect? My reelection centre Kennedy and some others pushed by to do something about it. So Biden told Anita she, she the committee members know especially by submitting to an FBI investigation. So he's saying: if there's an f b, I investigation then it'll go to the committee and blah blah blah blah, but she had a both she and grants or be interviewed, so she agreed. interviewed by the FBI in Oklahoma three days later, she also sends an affidavit to the Judiciary Committee Grants was then interviewed by the FBI at home. September? Twenty seventh, the committee met to vote. And he discharges had still not been made public don't even know about it, the gist-
the Judiciary Committee and the F B. I cite nobody. bite and told Democrats about her statements just hours before the he's being handled so proud of. Why is Joe Biden handling, was improperly What I mean is it he? What is his fear? His fear is that he's going to look bad, he thinks It shouldn't be about personal stuff. If she just being a, has literally thinks this doesn't matter right. So they voted. The vote was deadlock. Seven seven so Republicans actually do not see the statement on days after a while what at some point bind said to his fellow committee members. three o o three o three o three, all three. Oh ok, no first fine told breaker, something by untold Clarence. He would oppose him
but would send his nomination to the Senate floor. Ok and it look like he would be approved despite Democrats controlling the Senate I've got some fifty seven senator so there, completely control is there and just the majority of them are not going to know about this We are yet less unless comes out right, but the apparent as yet It also told Clarence he would be treated fairly if a sexual harassment allegations were made public by then told top. also sounds crazy. Senator John Danforth and Clarence his wife would later right. That Biden said quote, I think you're a good man, and if these allegations come up, I don't think they have merit. I will be your biggest defender. So at this at this he's got receipts. So at this this vote, so they're still there still in this way, they D, like seventy seven going all day,
and then binding says at the hearing or whatever it is quote. I believe there are certain things that are not at issue at all, and that is his character. This about what he believes and then in what was described as a very warning tone bind said quote. I know my colleagues and I urge everyone else to refrain from personalizing this battle now he's basic talking to his fellow Democrats, You would literally think that Joe Biden had done the exact same thing based on what is barriers. His is now now he made the statement, but at no point had any one in the hearing said anything about clearance, not being a good guy, never come up. It was just all business. some reporters were there and there like a what the fuck is estate Vienna with dismay. What is it? so the latter at this out. What are you doing so there's no matter what it should be about his character. Thank you know, We both dick guy.
so they started looking into it at the end of the day. After an extensive debate, the Judiciary Committee voted thirteen one to four Clarence Thomas, his nomination to the full Senate on September. Twenty seven, ninety ninety one so even the Democrats have woman statement and happy investigation. She making claims of sexual harassment and really grotesque that all of that Democrats, but one third of our two, Amsterdam pass it on on October, six NPR Air story. Breaking down I need is sexual harassment charges the fact both had been interviewed by the FBI as well as an interview with Anita herself and is backed by witnesses. Who said at the time Anita had told them. This was going on now. So you really coke and threats. So, for me, one of the biggest, if My comes forty years later.
One of the biggest pieces of proof is other people say? Yes, she told me at the time bread that to me, as just damning, Red the Newsday, a new paper, also broke the story on the same day, so that Anita held a press conference and said she would testify okay, she did this one day before the final vote was so thereabouts to vote in the Senate. The next ripped yeah yeah. Biden is now worried people we have set about how he handled yeah. Of course, I don't know why I just want the level of corruption. it I mean truly, was or is it corruption or is it just a total lack of human empathy, his moral, but it's in it's you, you sacrifice those in or To maintain status quo so that you keep your job so that you gave making money and yet are still powerful, so he fell. He
if he had followed the rules, the FDA investigated and that was given to members of the committee and so he's like that's what we're supposed to have been done but Democrat that's then postpone the vote for a week, this hits rats agree to have another round of hearings: ok They gave concessions, the Republicans. Innovation you're, just because a daily have his I've never have inherited it. Never it will never achieve. They have fifty seven. They have complete power. Yes, and they're like we're. What do you guys want? Do you guys? What can we do to get you guys to agree to do this? The new hearings are in three days There would be no second committee vote on Clarence. Ok, so its automatic we're gonna go to the Senate. Yes, and there will be a floor vote regardless of what was learned in the hearing. So no matter what is said in the hearing, he's still going to get an up or down vote correct for them,
or Biden. Republicans came to the agreement that the hearings would solely focus on sexual harassment and avoid stuff, like clearances, love a porn well The things that creep to me out a hearing of TAT about porn and his own dick, where the things that were, I would say, we're top tier issues, so that's left out, by that has no relevance here. Bearing no he's not gonna. Do that. When he's on the Supreme Court, course not. You learn a lot genuinely put on the robe. It's a robe of knowledge, robe of change. It's a magic road, it is by men, gave clearance the choice to testify before or after Anita. I had a homeland advantage. Bullshit. Is this fucking why all right Anita is going to receive a data which side of the court do you want to sit on? I mean you fucking,
the call by new fucking make the call you love this guy's, a funding by the relative or even looking at it from a selfish angle. This is a time for Joe Biden to actually do it right and get away from like looking like a fuck up, so he could like reset be like now. Let's go we're gonna like this. We got this guy's a douche bag, I'd say we don't vote and then because the deuce back, I'm saying, because people will know that I knew it was a douche bag and when it saves a douche bag. So now we gotta saves a douche bag. So Hence its chooses to testify first by called out to receive Biden call the needed to tell her. She asked how the hearing would be conducted probably I'll, be in charge number. I want to say here's the deal a lot binds equipped While at this point the only thing we can do is to conduct an open hearing. Now it felt like is blaming her for having to hold a hearing. Also heap
He pushed all that. Yes, and if you think back to what she first said, I just don't want to know my name yeah, that's value like we're. Having an I mean The level of heightening this is going through is absurd. Republican and so make the movie. That's based on you, so Biden thought that invest FBI investigation would happen the F b I investigation. The report would then go to the committee and then no one else would hear about rats with you is helping out I'll get buried. That's what he's our what happened, and now we have sat with her for economic clout. We are happy to have done it. And excuse me, does this: have you done it again? Anita? You really always seem to be at the center of these issues. Don't you and what republic? grit congressional staff. We are now looking for. Affidavits from Anita is passed last students that would state cheat engaged in unseemly behaviors there,
look for any info about psychological conditions that would make her lie about Clarence Thomas. center. Our Simpson believed Anita claims did not merit serious concern. He was quote angered to the core, he's he's angry well, so these angry, these guys are, you know they're all over sixty they ve been in power for ever. They really think that this is fine. They think it's fine deliberately and they do, and they do feel like, like people are invading their territory the trailer, very territorial and rude, and even in one something like this there, like dicks, In an interview that these are all than white a year sentence. In an interview. He said quote: Simpson, I'm really getting stuff over the transom about Professor Hill. I have got statements from her former law, professor statements from people that nowhere state tells a Oklahoma saying watch out for this woman watch out
she's, really at that, Iran is ninety one and I love people that act like Republicans changed at some point. Yeah They always haven't been the most fuckin vicious disgusting piece of shit than ever exist as well as Democrats, while, while this isn't painting Democrats good either that's their job there. Mystery marginally. Better for them, keep believing in heroes? The hearing started three days later: network are covered in life. Witnesses who are going to appear or subpoenaed sworn in that Four witnesses who said I needed told them choose being harassed. While it happened in his opening statement, I said this is not a court room and the same rules do not apply quote We are not here, or at least I am not here to be an advocate for one side or the other. We respect to the specific allegations which we will review. Yes,
I'm culpable he's literally thing he's not on a team is lady, saying that he doesn't care about conserve this guy's, replacing Thurgood Marshall Jesus fucking Christ, wash post quote some a former Senate AIDS describe Biden as having a preoccupation with being liked by members of both parties. Biden also said quote: the chair does not have the power to rule out of order questions, that are not relevant to our proceedings. That recite that sitting in the chair does not have the power to rule out of order question. that are not relevant to our proceedings. So any question goes basically that's what he's saying any question. Go then space. Can we see your pages Clarence? I mean he's literally saying I can't there's no overruling, of course, which is bullshit. That's not how very fucking work, especially when dealing with something of sexual like nature like there's like if there's something that makes her uncomfortable, you should not have to talk about. It above anything plants or not on trial, and they were not there.
You're too badger line erratic written leaders should not feel like she's on trial. No, this is just like a witness. Yes, somewhat she's the victim s cry testified first, he said in a bit of a couple of weeks, since you learn and I'm going to talk about my dog man, large, there's borne out the other day. You should have seen this scuba born a scoop. they had Skaggs school bus exe. man we're gonna, wrap up the hearing. You know it. Scuba stands for no self contained underwater blowing apparatus or we have to shut down you're, not helping your case open little, Here now you're like a gavel, watch order or my shorts Clan said he was shocked. He said and needed never said anything to him when they work together and never brought it up with their female coworkers.
Again, even if that was true, is not does not he paid himself as the victim under attack from the press, and these terrible obligations quote. I have never in all my life felt such hurt such pain, such agony. This is where this is this this this. This is what has to go my family and I have been done a grave and irreparable injustice. This is not America. This is Kafka. Esque, a kafkaesque there's. Nothing about this is Kafka. Rain has its relate to copy. What well Dave? I feel like I'm turning into a bug. I am not going to allow myself to be further humiliated in order to be confirmed Yesterday I called my mother. he was confined to her bed unable to work unable to stop crying. So I told her a cup of porno is that you went to bed enough is enough not provide the rope for my own lynching
further humiliation, dangerous, interesting! Mozart use that card well well done again, but serbian that that really is what that is what it is. It's it's The inability now to actually accept. Something is the way it is and admit fault Rather you under victimization by victimizing, yourselves and it worked you don't know you do. Is you just say that the media is skewed in the year, the enemy of the media, and then that's probably enough? yet she you through this the new cycle, I'm ever needed? Given a statement too, if the item, whenever so Biden then sorry to say- and you did not want our statement read, but instead wanted to testify herself and say in person and then Senator Orange Attribute cut by not quote the nomination of a man to become a justice of the Supreme Court of United States Hatchet
as I rate by NASA Hatch. If he would yield, isn't his birthday of Well Holbein hatches just cut off the chairman. So. There is no yielding you found your fucking and say: do jack you're fucking now, but he's asking him, will you yield yield a just cut you off our mother fucker? Do your goddamn job So tat Dead, no less, finish. I'm sorry and by and said no, I won't and has touched just said. Yes, you will and then he finished how my God, Joe Quality, has a right to face the accuser and everything the accuser says it doesn't I'm going to resign from this clearly today, I'm telling you I don't want to be on it. Republicans are already starting to completely roll over Joe Biden and control. The hearing ran so it'd testified next, but I'll bet you, though they liked him. Yes, which is it? What mantle and matters?
and you too gave her opening statement. She was very quiet and poised, So she she's black she's thirty five years old. The committee is all male all white and Oliver Sixty great visual, perfect Biden set the rules, just like a bunch of guys, you don't want to see naked in the long run. That's how I would describe our growth is vital. is appropriate. Ask professor he'll anything. Any member wishes to ask her to plumb the depths of her credibility. I've got a member that would like to talk no Clarence but can you imagine yeah? No, you refer yet. He is literally setting her up to be set. they charge. I let stone the which I mean fuckin crazy. I can ask her anything, you want, you can ask you, tested fucking credibility, this guy is a fucking piece of shit, raising.
a neighbor layer later say it was worse than being on trial because she had absolutely no legal protections. That's crazy, Republicans, brutally went after Anita and Joe did not put up a fight to stop it. Probably said it was weird. She waited eight years reveal this and that there were inconsistency between her FBI Interview and our statements, and here I mean what are but the she didn't wait. She, like was like I do but I do want to get away from this addressing. Why didn't you come by then you at the time, because he was an enemy of the Supreme Court or come on like like a fucking woman at that time can come forward. Did you get fucking politeness as environment? Doesn't make you feel comfortable Anita? Yet said quote, I may have shared a duty: these poor judgment. As far as now reporting em, but she was concerned with her career and didn't want to burn any bridges with the boss, The questioner motives and alluded to the fact that they had a pile of hideous details of private life. Miss who did put that pubic upon the CAN
I'll go Clare. Goods is Thomas the seller, Ireland Spectre. He is from he's a good guy. easy on the eyes too. He's in Pennsylvania. He accused her quote flat out perjury he's accusing her of perjury at a non trial. Professor hill, you said that you took it to mean that Judge Thomas wanted to have sex with you, but in fact he never did ask you to have sex correct now. He did not ask me to have sex. He did continually pressure me to go out with him continually and he would not accept my explanation as one is being being valid, we are not now a conclusion that Judge Thomas sexually harassed you, yes, I am drawing that conclusion that I mean that I don't understand.
On page three, it was. our opinion at the time and is now my opinion Miss Hales fantasies about sexual interest in her were an indication of the fact that she was having a problem being rejected, a man. She was attracted to factors.
is flatly. He never asked you to look at pornographic movies with him with him. No, he did not the vacation. I'd rather not know to determine whether or not the witness ever saw the FBI report. Does she know what was stated by the FBI about her Conwell. Mr chairman, I'm asking her about what she said to the idea. I'm just asking now that you have read the FBI report. You can see that it contains no reference to any mention of Judge, Thomas's, private parts, sure of sexual prowess or size of his private parts and his sexual prowess and long John Silver, but that information was comprehended within the statement quote Thomas liked to discuss specific sex act, sexual acts and frequency of sex.
I did not bring the information forward to try to establish a legal claim for sexual harassment. I think we were different our interpretation of what I said. What am I, what what am I missing? You're, the witness speak in her own words, rather than having words put in her mouth to speak. German. I object to that object to that vociferously. I'm asking okay, so I'm going to keep going with this, but but one thing Kennedy jump one thing when, when Biden tried to say something in Ireland Silent, why back at him, he just Bixler shrugged his shoulders. And now he is being interrupted by Edward Kennedy, who is actually doing- is fuckin guy. Who is actually do As far as Europe, the questions here SEN Kennedy has anything to say about him. Participate in this hearing. Oh wait, Biden sitting right next to him. He keeps fucking doing it because Biden isn't saying anything right, god damn
that is the weakest gas that is leg he gabble din and laughed at that's like a baby. You have widened gavel than then let his gavel is very tiny begging, This proceeding has been illuminating to tell America. What is the law on sexual harassment is something which has not been known. I guess would have wished in retrospect that we had done this earlier. and by this educational process had come in this forum on a Supreme Court nominee. At this stage I have wondered about the
quality of those explanations candidly but there is No description for this entire proceeding other than a tragedy, The than that What's that that is, if you watch the video Joe Biden, looks two choices, insanely weak or does give a shit, but there is no other explanation. I think it's a beautiful combination of both because it always comes down to you know, quote unquote. elect ability. How, well you can work with others, but why do you want to work with others when The others are just Men are doing shit like are just terrible and, That really is I mean you. We keep point. thread of how did we end up where we are its
it's so evident there, but that those on the right thing is that she I do that she has to sit there for that, like. Her internal monologue must just be like. Oh, my guess is get through that. and it'll end and time will pass because it's very clear that she's escape, goaded and condescended by them. Saying like this is like by calling this like a teachable moment for sexual harassment. Is so that's what why I came here. I didn't come here so that I could be the face of what sexual harassment, what the fuck is thine white assholes. yeah, like nobody knew. This is that this was a legal delay priority, but it is also your taking or at the end is, I think, has been very educate. It's like I did you just you were a prick, so that's that's! Our own Who is
Republican moderate from Pennsylvania, narrow next up play a low, but a senator Howl half one of Alabama get the progressive stated I would have got to determine what your motivation might be. Are you a scorned woman? Do you have a militant attitude relative to the area? Civil rights? Do you have a modern, complex Asia or a fantasy has arisen? Are you interested in writing a book? Okay. That was a Democrat No, what's the Democrats Republicans each got three people to pick to ask questions so out of their seven people, one of them one of them, was a cartoonish
other racist psychopath. and I mean the the I mean that of all of thinking, is astounding or even out of touch for an out of touch government but that's who you ever six. Are you here to promote some kind of book about sexual furnaces? it's really it's relief, it's really crazy. So, so that's the hearing which is undergoing it's called she's got a lotta allies. It set out to do. Republicans then dug up a Texas businessmen, parttime, professor and republican named John Dog at the third who was Clarence Thomas. He had written One statement claiming Anita fantasized about him and was romantically interested him. so why so? They mean. Even though is the case that this is a delusional angle there, looking for they wanna painters, delusional, yeah, you're, right
what it should never be allowed it had. That is nothing to do, but remember Biden said you can undermine our credibility asked so anything he allowed this to have ass. This Does the delusional angle there looking for the Republicans, read it into the record strongly denied everything dog said quote, I did not at any time have a fantasy about a romance with him, but now report you want to call dog it to testify. Biden said quote, I mean just think of the absurdity of what You are saying: yes, they want to prove a fantasy. I didn't what sort of Lyon and the witch in the wardrobe court Brion said quote There was no right answer, Joe. Remember I'm going to something two one: three, three o three, three o three: three which
It wasn't true because it was in the violation of the rules that they had set up. So literally calling this guy forward is in violation of the rules and Biden, says: there's no right answer. So four continues. So, what's the point of being there? If there's no right answer what that's like a rat Big, like there's no out of bounds and then at the hearing, but didn't put it on Anita. her to decide if dog it should It has to for hikes. As she gave in and said he could. What because if she's If she says no it. That makes it seem like she's lying. It could not be closer to asylum, which trial. Literally is your answer. if you're, not a which, then why did you flow the
after the first day a bite and immediately started taking heat for how poorly he was running the hearing and how shitty this all looked and by shitty I mean Anita Hill was now clearly on trial. Biden quote, I don't want to be I hate this job and all my colleagues here are telling everybody how awful the processes We completely blunt about it. It's like democracy, it's a lousy, formerly government, light up democracy, no one's figured out another way What what kind of. ambassador so for race, Crazy America to blackmail graduates who came from poor backgrounds talking about sex. This is a media dream after the first a local Newark NEWS Channel, called it quote x rated extraordinary news. Crew spoke to people on this. Every interview I watched. A glance was being attacked and did nothing wrong. In almost all women said she was telling the truth Clarence came back. It's an Orange Hatch Utah held up.
copy of the novel, the exorcist. What Is he promoting it this happened read this book now exorcist acts or another senator received a movie. I've seen only the scene with the bad flapping. You said you never did say this, who put pubic care on my coke You never did talk to her. But long Dong silver can we just say This is the greatest thing about this hearing. Is that a bunch of the guys had to say long, Dong, silver over and over it? Also? It was like when Clinton got, that kind of like the penis, like this blog, we have the Jerry committed cause. Long dog silver I submit
Those things were found, on seventy of this particular version of the exorcist, Burke Stride, Sir side Sharon turn she described and encounter between the senator and the director. denning, said, remarked to passing, said Sharon that there appeared- the big quote, an alien pubic care floating around in my Jim ungloved. and she would have us believe. That, you were saying these things because you wanted to data heights. What's whites whites, what I mean, what proof, what proof That's my issued the Bible. It's you, just yeah. Someone wrote it so
What evidence is that? What evidence is there? This literally, he hasn't tone of summary, is making a point with zero point. He sang because there was a pubic care in a gene in the exorcism and there she lives in that plot. and also how would anybody hit on a woman so weekly that's all. He says he It's from the exercise now being legal mastermind hatch, also suggested Anita got the term long, John Silver from a sexual harassment lawsuit that had happened in Kansas quote. This is a public the pain, and that's available in any law library, I'm sure it's available there in the law school at Oklahoma, so because I'm only brought up long dinosaur, whom sorry is aid, the biggest name importance since its in another case that mean she stole it.
Anita was never brought back to dispute these accusations again. That was Biden's. Choice right on the third day of hearings. News lowers said she passed a lie. Detector test go now that made Republicans mad our a furious. Senator Alan Simpson read a statement from Frederick Prosecutor quote if oppressed. suffers from a delusional disorder. Here she may pass a polygraph test. What about evidence Simpson was calling Anita Hale Delusional Centre. Simpson did not mention that the federal prosecutor made the statement was part of classes, defence team crimes. Made it really late it onto the committee for its final statement quote as far as I'm concerned. It is a high tech, lynching for uppity blacks who in any way designed to think for themselves to do for themselves to have different ideas.
and it is a message that, unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You'll be Lynch destroyed caricatured by a committee of the? U S Senate, rather from a tree, so effective. Yes, it is the latter. One of the very last witnesses was dog. It long Zone around guided shouldn't, be testifying I'll write the Texas, he gave a rambling argumentative testimony. He said Anita was quote somewhat unstable, The problem with men, especially John Diet quote, Miss Hales fantasies about my sexual interest in her were an indication of the fact that she was having a problem with being rejected by men. She was attracted to course, by a dog. It sounded like a quote truly per faith or eager, and then it democratic. Senator Howard, Metson Bomb of Ohio started asking dug it about unswerving allegations that here
grassy, nineteen woman that he worked with ok so counters around this entire thing is about undermining the credibility of Anita Hill. So now this democratic centres doing his job, which is undermining the credibility of this guy. Binding Biden cut him off. He said there was no evidence that dog it had done anything wrong and apologize to. four witnesses tears a colossal fuck up and fuck you forward it is just right, for neither too said she had told her about clearances sexual harassment when it was happening. Six People testified that Clarence was awesome. There was one more witness Angela right She was then enter at the Charlotte observer and shit a glance at the sea she said: He had asked about the size of her breasts and repeatedly asked her to go on dates.
that's one show to her apartment uninvited right. Had been deposed by democratic staffers and was now waiting in another room to testify Joe Biden now. Did, not call her to test of what he said. There wasn't enough time, There are other Democrats would say they damage our credibility but whose covering four who there will still be credit orange hatches reading from the exercise. Yes, credibility doesn't seem to be on trial here. The press knew about right and Clarence was asked about her, but when it was over, she was forgotten and not part of the equation because she didn't testify. Instead, they have a literal, fuckin lunatic, testifying in and made a need to agree to that end right wasn't the only one road, your dame were to the sea and said she could verify rights account of sexual harassment, security. I also urge to the Yossi she wrote to the committee quote. If you were young black female and reasonably attractive, you knew full well, you will be
inspected. In addition, as a female by Thomas needed, recalled to testify. Those were both Joe Biden decisions again, tat. None of time the the hearing have been set aside for panels of pro Thomas Witnesses plus it. It matter Joe and already promised to Florida two days later, the Senate voted fifty two to forty eight to confirm and judge Clarence. Thomas to the Supreme Court to begins voted no, since there are fifty when Democrats in the Senate he could have easily been defeated, but eleven Democrats voted for glanced on us. In eighteen, ninety two for women were elected to the Senate, to bring the total to six out of a hundred. So percent the media then declared at here of the woman that year Joe was clearly begin to understand people didn't think as actions as chairman we're we're shit. He told the Washington Post quote. I aired and not attacking the attackers more frequently and consistently.
There still has not been a black female judge on the Supreme Court. I can tell you when I put on there Luckily Joe Biden told an audience in South Carolina five days ago that he would put a black woman on the highest court, Two thousand and four are then was primarily to buy more conservative Republican and he barely one and many. Craft supported him against their own democratic nominee. Spectre, one the race against a Democrat and was back in the Senate, Two thousand and nine Spectre switch the Democratic Party political quote: the democratic. but he's courtship of our own spectre, no one may have played a bigger role than vice president, Joe Biden. Joe apparently thought a lot of the man who said horrific things to any detail political quote: send a fundraiser Houston that he's been trying to come inspector. That he's really a Democrat for over two decades. Coins. of a close friend. Maybe the closest friend Spectra had in the Senate,
by setting doesn't expect his former colleague devote lockstep. But the Democrats, Joe but the point. What a huge I mean that that truly says so much about what is wrong. Yes, the idea that you view it is a man. It's just I mean I there's been a lot of talk about Biden, excepting really horrific people, particularly races YO, but here's a guy who who rigged a woman over the cause who sexually harassed and that's his brow. That's his bright red jokes But the point is that Ireland is now free to vote in any way that he doesn't have to worry about. At angering his leadership, it's a tough spot to be in. He has been in the last a little while. So I think it's a good thing, it's good for my friend, Ireland. for a party, but it's even better for our country on the real. Critical issues, health care and others. I think you are going to see it's going to make a difference. It did
what he did was he voted. He voted with Republicans mostly and then, when he was a election. He voted for Democrats did? You doesn't general inspectors which the Democratic Party had switch Islamic Party and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and do enforced him a seventy seven percent of the vote, so that now the Pennsylvania Democrats are fully behind them and Joe Biden campaign for Spectre against the other democratic candidate. Who was actually a Democrat. and the other guy, when the primary and one or two in the race against the Republican and became a senator spectres career was over. He died in two thousand twelve of every twenty ninth. Two thousand and sixteen the New York Times wrote quote breaking a Ok, long, silence, justice. Thomas on Monday so He started asking questions from the Supreme Court bench. He had not asked a quest in ten years. This was a record candidate. And forty five years since another justice had gone just one term without asking a question
No one has ever gonna break his record. Will he also, I believe, at the time, was like getting heat for that and so it was like We know that he had not spoken in that log, so he didn't break the record because he found they had questions yet he both the record cause. He was finally being quest if a Joe Biden, fucked over Anita Hill stayed with him and not in November two thousand and seventeen at glamorous women of the year event. He said quote so sorry that she had to go through what she went through. He emphasized the Frick he emphasized he believed her and voted against Clarence he any. Then he told the Huffington Post. What I do feel badly about is the bad taste they got left in the mouth of some of the people around need a hill, and maybe even Anita and we even need maybe the next He was being interviewed by teen vogue and he said he regretted not being able to quote toned down yet acts by republicans he also said could have a German he didn't have the power to do so, which is as much a complete end quote.
Much. As I mean it sounds crazy. The chairman, I had no power, we literally here. We literally saw him in interrupted guy and then shrug his fucking shoulder picture the chairman, the king, I'm not allowed to decide what the monarchy pay. I mean that Fucking Kennedy had to fucking jump and at one point either being such assholes and bird just sat there quietly he I quote as much as I tried to intervene. I did not have the power to gavel them out of order. I tried to be like a judge and only allow a question that would be reverent asked by the way he was like a judge like Clarence Thomas Joe, then Quote I offer an apology: this is recent, he said he regretted again in March two thousand and nineteen rent in New York. But those who knew he actually had a lot of influence. Over how the hiring was run word buying it that,
a on March, twenty two thousand and nineteen, the New York Times Headline quote Clarence Thomas breaks through your silence at the Supreme Court. Pushed by people like Senator by boxer to apologize Joe called the need in the middle of April, two thousand nineteen and ITALY and asked him not to tell the press, he called God, and he did we. better by unannounced he's running for president in this campaign told the press he called Anita and shared. his regret for watching endured. So he did. It again She asked him not to Anita and eat it. We need then had to talk to the press and said it was not an apology quote. I cannot, satisfied by simply saying I'm sorry for what happened to you I'll, be satisfied. When I know there is a real change in real accountability and real purpose. they bind went on the view. A horrific show, with four famous rich women discussing what's best for America. Joy Bihar, said to Biden, he should tell any to quote: I'm cypher
The way I treated, you the way you were treated and bought a binding responded? I'm sorry for the way she got treated. If you go back to what I said, and didn't say I don't think I treated her badly. He repeated he did everything his power to stop things during the hearing. A couple days later, Bible Biden moved a little bit and he told good morning because he's getting so much here, it'll good one, America. I believed her from the very beginning, but I was chairing. she did not get a fair hearing. She did not get treated. Well, that's my responsibility. As the committee chairman, I take responsibility that should not get treated well. I take responsibility for that by then said: he'd apologize to Anita and said she did not believe it is an approach. today. Professor need a hill she's, well. Over the years she has been on the tv programme, she's written articles she's been a voice on sexual harassment race. She is currently a professor at Brandeis University,
as Thomas's on Supreme Court doing his best, reverse everything Thurgood Marshall did. He has a disturbing lack of curiosity for a Supreme Court justice job. It is one of the leading Kennedys professor president, even though he is clearly diminishing, mind and archaic views of society There was a running joke in the Anita Hill Household, every time the door Bell Rang, they would say I was Joe Biden going to apologize for years. The. The damn like because Clarence Thomas is not not only is he's such a damaging figure. Like his wife, it was rightly monster damaging and they just have so much excess. Now like it it again, I mean it. Is we it's it's just like when your team drafts Claire you're not gonna, know how good they are for a few years. When you may
these decisions, and you do these things you're lucky, because You have some time until there's gotta be the ripple effect when you actually see what they do, but the last thing you can do is can't, since we can't, until we have fiery torches, get Clarence, Thomas off of the Supreme Court or end the Supreme Court. We can do is be pissed about it. But if you have the gatekeeper her, still relevant still important. Still potentially going to be the guy. The ears saying is going to stop Republicans. It just feels. Like not only are fools errand, but the second trip it's pretty bad he's. It's not just what I'm other need a hell. He did Passing yeah he
This was a crime. He did this with NAFTA. He did with the Iraq war. He corn, pup corn pop his mind is diminished. His really bad The Unita Hill thing- the fact he was picked to be vice president, which was which was really by Obama, not the racists. That then these not can be that bad, but that said, Alice, emotion, Dubai, should not have been anywhere near. The White House is now get person this is what he did here is astounding. It's disgusting and The really no woman should support him ever I bet Anita Hill. Isn't I mean she my vote for Trump which, given that was done,
for her, the boy man that is terrible, it's terrible. It really is in its very These times are so stressful because everybody- feel so strongly and impassioned. Making things normal again or feel good again or feel at least regular not assaultive, but the end of the day. Like you know, I just I just don't know how many times I mean. I thought this one. We had bushes and we had Clinton's. It's just like. How many times you gonna let the same. This same called that's really all it is doesn't transcends gender transcends race, transect transcend sexuality, it's called about a lead, ism and money, and and I mean they just want to hold their money. They want to hold their power and they
trying to get through this time right now and trying to battened down the hash so old on in in may two thousand and sixteen I was on, Progress called tofu origin with gentlemen and had been really sort of watching the poles and everything, in my opinion, was until he released, lose Trump pen. I broke down why and about on the states. We have done why she was also states, and I was right I was in May two thousand and sixteen, and now people are online telling me that I am wrong and that job I know when. Well, so I just wanna put out there. You were wrong about Hillary Clinton. I was right my More was right. Several us we're right. Why don't you fucking ask us what we think, or instead you being wrong twice. I think truthfully that what people think is that people think that,
is an anomaly that twenty sixteen was just like. The hay these common of elections and what I think, I dont think enough people look at it the way you're saying, which is that it's not the point and it's the palace? Yes, the policies are like it's a matter of Joe Biden, his friends with Obama, if Joe Biden where's sunglasses, if you call him uncle Joe at the end of the day, what is being rejected by this class of people whose totally forgotten by the elites is they're, going to reject everything, Yes, they're going to reject everything unless they feel like it's actually gonna make a difference, and you just not you just don't hear enough from these. Establishment. is going to make people want to feel like the guy Can't carry that supports NAFTA have supported NAFTA is going to lose your action a trump here straight up. You know in Michigan you're, not gonna. Nato states use if you put bore the candidate that support it. After you are done
I'm in an environment where, whenever we all right well, surveys area politically big babies, Somebody here about it here, you are what I was crazy all right America are you planning to delegate the Sun We signed copy every sign some recently.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-12.