« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

4 - Ghosts

2014-05-19 | 🔗

Dave Anthony and Gereth Reynolds discuss the currect ghost situation in America and abroad.

Tour Dates


Dollop Merch

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Are you listening to the dollop episode, I and other I've raced previous episodes. So this is actually episode for so bored, so I went back in the race all the ones. I did alone, because if it's a different podcast or podcast right and you don't want people jump, we're doing what let's be like. This is weird Why people see that people say this is funny they vocation. screaming about MIKE tyson? These really screaming he's got no one right. So this is. I guess this is absurd for its called nine, whatever I mean. Does anybody? Fucking cares, keeping track of shit now and and if, if people are worried about, we said those are the last episodes man yeah. We can't find him no yeah, that's what we can do when we're like having an interview. Forty years from now with graybeards it'd, be like the last,
episodes that I'm a dame anthony with Gareth reynolds was to say about. Oh so, the guy the reporter who broke the story about competitive tickling than to tackling update the bisexual reporter Yes, it's doing homo your homo reporting is doing a kickstarter to get a documentary going. Oh my god about the competitive tickling story, so I will I'll put up links on twitter and facebook. Stuff I'll, definitely donate it's yeah, it's pretty fucking great! Actually I can probably I just turned it off, but he did send me the the the the little link kuwait, the reported it yeah he contacted me and he was like he contacted you. He listened to the police.
In the podcast, the fuck outta here he was like. Oh, it was really great to hear and yeah all that shit that you you. You responded to him. You didn't know that was him. No, I didn't know. I was responding to the bisexual reporter who his name's david farrier- oh yeah. Let's get to this week's sure topic sure. So I say it or do you want to you earlier than goes? Go situation, my gus? the situation. I don't. I don't strongly believe goes. I mean it wouldn't be the sort of thing that I would be shocked if I hadn't encounter of some sort, but I dont, I dont strongly believes that your agnostic, I'm agnostic with most thing, Yeah, because that seems like the avenue that we should all be see, I think right until someone captures the ghost and puts it.
It's the real goes pleasures. Are god god is performing going like. Do you want to come to Heaven? Not I'm agnostic, our grave, but to be if someone caught a put it in a cage that's it! Am I Eighteen percent of americans say they have seen a ghost. Ok, Twenty nine percent of people also claimed to have been in touch with the dead. So much but that means I give chat. er yeah, so that you slept with one like he got up and there was like a post, it god booing yeah fuck dead, now be back later. Okay, he's still dad yeah I'll leave the door open! Oh wait! It is a matter. I thought I saw a ghost when I was a kid, but it's one of the,
things were like everyone else? I was in bed and I thought I saw it at that and the bed right old ranch house that our family used to have a lot of people that you know live there and died their share? So I thought I saw an old couple, but they also happen to have a picture of that old couple in the house, so it will probably tell you about a dream. May maybe who knows? Maybe you hang out with the old couple in the ranch house, two stories that I read this week, of the reason that I were talking gusts I, idea about ghost hunters. Now I mean, do you mean no idea what I would see the show on syfy somebody? You knew that there was a business I figured. It was all based on fuck. What was the movie where they put the the if the kids cameras and they put them out in the blair witch. We figured it's all based on, like the ending a blair witch and the blair witch to write like it. Just all seemed like let's copy that and do show like it just seemed ridiculous. To me. Ghost hunting is amazing.
okay, maybe maybe I don't even know how many is that, but I just know from the periphery seeing those shows you are just like what is like there they'll literally be in a room with no signs of any in like recording a bunch of shit. They'll go! Listen to it or like look at it and be like oh whoa. Looks at me jump that jump that desert trip. Did you hear that a adjust What are she trying to say to us? I do not if I at at my house. It just quietly do many noises I would hear of just like. Oh what was that, oh, my god, those those potato chip settler yeah. They know that we gave up potato chips. So this story, and you say today this week, someone or something is tickling people and this is not really
the tickling vodka yeah, but that's just the store that I three again tingling people ranging shoes and other, is wreaking havoc at be historic, hotel, somerset in new jersey. I mean, if your leaning, with rearranging here's. What other hell are they causing what the fuck is happening with my sandals on my my docker? Oh no, it's a mainstream boarding house in a home of a popular mccormack's pub, so you don't see how people could in any way come up with ghosts with that combination. No, no! So three re three residents have complained that their feet have been tickled while sleep most recently during the past three weeks by Curtis jones, a resident of though tell for seven years. So he says seven year hotel. So if you live in a hotel for seven years, I'd take everything you say at face: value: ok,
I who is still has a maid, come to his room everyday. To give him dolls look tickled yeah. I don't think this is the kind of place that made. Oh no jones said his neck also gets tickled in the middle of the night and something messes up the order. If his shoes beneath his bed Ok, so shits kittens, but now we are, the evidence is ever welcoming so right now the ghost is a four year old yeah. I just wanted to go away said jones. Sixty seven year old vietnam veteran who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, ok, the stories drag him. So the oder is like ok, so we have ghosts. Ok,
War veterans said his shoes got, rearranged were haunting, so he believes it because he, five years ago someone else said that if he got tickled in the middle of the day, so now we have a syndrome the week, an outbreak and. it's the same room where tenanted died many years before outcry. Easel a plus be eagles rearranging hugo's, so he called in the paranormal diagnostics group, good, now they are indeed e g, good air to deeds who use scientific equipment to confirm or debunk shark estes, absolutely their respite ray therapists, I'll get some dirt is letting us over their day. Job is so what you want to hear from you: respiratory therapists, whose, like yankee, breathing, bree thou.
Last night I was taking ultraviolet limit of ultra violet images. orbs a cell, it looks like that bronchitis is clearing up, which is really nice. Anyway, I get a role, I'm actually getting in. The van do go, hunt goes later Oh, but I really like, I think, you're really improving, but me and my brother go catch ghosts at night, so I gotta put an all black. Have you seen scooby doo yeah? There are forty two and forty eight okay, so kids couple of kids couple of guys they have investigated the hotel for like three x and they say they collected more evidence. Paranormal activity, evidence and the scene and one episode of ghost hunters. Well, that's that's not saying anything to that. No, that's! That's! That's the ghosts hunter factor scale yeah of three. That's like me, being like. I ran further than this guy that guy in a wheelchair railways ran away. I've never seen the show is that it's not bad.
Ever find anything well. I've again I mean you. I think you need to want them to find something in order. Are you to really be like our way? Maybe this is something because that show is not evidence based, I mean they're right, it'll be like admiral shakily the shot like the blair witch, or are you saying that issue about ghost is not evidence based? I am say that the shoes being rearranged as the strongest case I've heard are- and I think now that I don't believe in ghosts now that I'm hearing this well okay. So this is what he said. This is what this one of the guys Mccaffrey said, my kids, the older one, he's the forty. Of course he has. He didn't need to tell me that his name's mcafee We have several sound recordings and videos of flashes and shadows
we ve got him, but guess what it is you re metres to measure fields of energy, laser lights and smoke machines. Do this going you shadows, orbs and other images and thermal imaging and night vision, video cameras to capture them. So it's basically a disco yap ring in a disco. Let's get some ghosts, it's fucking say like why? What in what a world like who says that that how you get you might as well bring a plant in like it's a fucking ghost. How are you going to figure out how to capture like there's? No there's no rules on what can find a ghost I mean really going off a ghostbusters. That's all that's that's probably It gets worse than any other. That's it! That's all. I know skype austria, so you need one of those little weird traps that shoots lights out of it. So
the team these guys got injured. So here's where those two guys of the day, those guys in the team, the whole team, that's the whole team. So this is where it gets weird, because at the beginning of the story it sounds like the owner. The tickling thing happened that another tickling thing happened five years ago and then he called them right. But then you get down furthering the story and it says the team interest in the revolutionary war led them to the hotel somerset. So then it sounds like they actually, into the hotel yeah. So it's a little dubious reporting. Okay, yeah! That's interesting right! I mean that's a red flag, red flag, that I know it's usa today, but you might want to just reread it just to be say: yeah yeah I mean they just happened to go to the oldest continuous hotel on the cherry shirt, and so it's the hotels,
since seventeen forty eight and during the american revolution, george Washington, eight therein is meant, slept there, while Washington, washington state at the nearby dutch wallis house Ass a so clearly. Obviously at mister washington. What's the matter, my my loafers have been around again and again so book Miriam next, nor I can't live like this it says that the shoes something has tackled may again. This shows jobs a medium. So then the the Jesus Christ. What are they called the paranormal diagnosis group with aids if you need it again, just let me know eg. They went and talked to a medium, because that's what you do first of all, is you go hey? What's up with this place, and she sat down and drew a diagram of the room,
without having ever seen it. There was a door she did. She knew there was a door and my gosh. She could sense the presence of three deceased children right yeah, so that confirm their suspicions, that the shoe thing makes a lotta sense is a closet with the vortex of paranormal activity which, if you ve ever seen the movie, what's it called poltergeist poltergeist? Does it there's a closet? Yes, sir, where there's a lot of paranormal activity s yet so Are you insinuating that this medium just true said from the halter guys? Well, then, she says: there's a big bag clown that comes out and sucks everything into the closet, but that'll happen later. What its buried on an indian burial ground something devotees going on at the foot of the bed MC. Every cent reaction to extensive
energy readings usually and give an indicative of appliances are let's go where the energy ratings are growing. We were able to revoke the readings in a jones front door. That's the a guy with the vet and because there's an electrical doesn't work. Wired So that's deftly not a ghost yep, but there's nothing electrical at the foot of his bed. That's true, also readings there. That's why
so that's going on reading. So, ok, so they went when a vast his parents are the guy runs hotels like hey, maybe that's my parents about this school. I would have done that before I brought it pm bringing the pd. For you know. So there were five tenants who died in the hotel and another kill himself jumping out of the window, all been good stuff to ask your parents. I do not want to reconfirm aware, say, yeah, but about this another one killed himself but jumping out the window in the same room in which mccormick and his family stayed hey, hey some by the way before you saying l setting it in our own member there. She echo sheets. guys other men Larry jumped up what's up with their room? you're staying with you, ve been larger, berwin, ok, is there because the morlocks network continental be obeyed.
Larry during the first purnell investigation of the hotel. Three weeks ago, the pity g said they saw and took photos of blue orbs, but well here's the Gareth gave. The thing is that when a picture gets taken sometimes there's a flash right, blue orbs right, technically a blue or about it right now, so that It would be that right or the ghost could be goes for sure, or it could be a flash okay. So you don't know science. No, I don't know science, no, no, no so you're you're an idiot well you're.
One of those guys is like this kp we are blood, orbs, yeah or alright, fuck Jesus or in the attic. The team also recorded audio of what seemed to be the name. Evelyn, oh well, that makes sense cause if you're a ghost you're just caught on the introduction of hold on Mccormick, told the team that and evelyn upright live behind the hotel in a home that was torn down in the mid nineteen sixties. As they sat at a booth around a laptop computer, they played back the recording and Mccormack's jaw drop when he heard the voice say evelyn upright he burst out of his seat and yell you ve got to be kidding me. You ve got to be fucking kind, a lot to do the same thing. That's the ladys name. So here's what we're here! Wouldn't here's the deal with ghosts they cruiser and he has little balls alai right. I just say their nay. I mean it's out.
getting the afterlife like it in a room just like gareth ronald here, the erasmus. Until finally, like the pity, jeez there you'll get out get out, get out of the team play the regarding several more times very species, as you would do you slow down spill, I'm giving yeah that's like when they used to say that I know I can If you play the piano d, you could hear anything anything you can work as you play it backwards with me. I haven't read up route. The voice clearly said evelyn. Clearly very good. this sound when these little dynamite, hello, my name is, and I'm a girl
There s a pronounced the same symbolism, river and rhythm- is bright, so pronounced the same, sip, syllables and rhythm as epp, right so not say, upright yeah, right, a technical issue manipulated to sound like tonight. So what we are saying is so, in writing. Yeah orbs of light. Okay, are you ready for the connection? I really am excited yet other than once living next to the hotel. Evelyn upright had no connection to it, but a dorothy upright was a waitress there at nineteen
fifty four kilos. Obviously what happened in the ghost world case closed dorothy was haunting the hotel after she passed evelyn pass, yes, is like wild. The house, I turned down. I guess I just roamed the streets saying my name, a reminder that there's room here just like avalanche is like wherever it would be. If every right, I bright, was still alive and read this story. She's like I live in poughkeepsie added died, just retired, you don't kill a person, they're down their house. What the fuck is wrong with you pretty bullshit dad. Would we do what, if everytime he talked not so much as they thought yeah, so we're going to be a derek, your house, that no no, no, no, no, no no come on. Don't do this to us alone,
what a mall at three It would really strikes a business. Fuck did she die? They door house down in the attic they did more recordings and as the machine pumps smoke through maze of late Lights sounds like a good little say in their company with lloyd show that europe they heard whistles and someone yelling bicycle hat. Someone telling us. bicycle? Had these arrangements? Are the team called out to evelyn upright so they have their pumping smoking to the attic and they ve got laser lights going? Well, there are going right.
Well, the price adults are doing this, see that too, she is. The dancing queen fed up dead at the eveleigh. Just comes out is like dancing yeah. Evelyn attribute, as well as korea to the suspect, suspected children. asking them if they want to play and if they like ice cream, I mean the cat, like this whose ass just be like all these arrangements, as these guys are expert hey. How do you tech today, you guys live cream. So what do dead? Children like they all felt like ice cream really yet and the wiggles. Do you get day? Kids? Do you want to play What are you turn off? The fuckin smoke in the lasers cause I'm terrified and I'm a goes eyes. What's not inviting about a bunch people saying evelyn with lasers and smile
hey now but as we got ice cream for your goes, gets in the basement Saturday night, the owner of a by the way, of course, it's saturday night, I love how they're going to the basement. The attic didn't people die in the fucking. Why why I feel like a here have seen movies they close up or down they experience gravity dramatically shannon hotel owners, wife reluctantly, agreed by now ex wife by now, reluctantly agreed to participate in the third and last investigation, because the spirit seemed drawn to her that's interesting. They always hard to get goes schoeffer that shit shit,
She said she saw someone poke. She said she suddenly saw someone poke their head out from behind mccaffrey as he and her husband stood next to each other videotaping, the ghost hunter with a thermal imaging camera. Ok, okay, so honey! Did you just poke your head out behind rob? She said I know, replied her husband, shannon then bolted up the basement stairs in fright. I think it's safe to say this place is definitely haunted, but by who or what we don't know, mccaffrey said we're going to compile all evidence of the next couple of weeks and see what we can find out. well well when they got what they found out. So I went to pt gs, gs, a facebook page and, as you can see at the top here, it says thanks to all who have liked. Our page continue to show support, expect big things from us in the very near future right
bikes yeah, two hundred and seventy nine like big, big big, but as you scroll down I get to this post paranormal diagnostic group would like to make a comment regarding a recent publicity. After the article we have been inundated with press and interview opportunities. We were, I'd like to take a second set, the record straight in no shape or form. Did we mean to disparage, goes hunters or any other group of a higher status. We were simply excited about the material collected at our investigation and perhaps do at our inexperienced. I words were poorly shuts, and so they have now ghost hunters are mad at them, because they're not gross tonnage right. The whole thing is collapsing.
itself hey your bullshit, wasn't done by protocol man. We have a very specific handbook on how to be full of shit. You guys are all over the map, but lasers, lasers and addicts, not in basements, dumb ass Then I said then: I started just googling ghost hunters, because it's fucking insane right, it's insane hunting is really crazy. Am forward to do about what we were calling. These shows they'd be like rod that goes outdoors. I found a woman named Gina, lanier, okay, who's been selected by the haunted america tours as one of the lead investigators for the ghost hunters of america. so so the ultimate bullshit tyler and I have no idea what that means. How does it again the haunted american tours, He is one of the lead investigated for the goes hunters of america, it's all
young, queen faking laid uptown I have great shit. I've lived bill you know or all fulla shit in his room, but I think one of us is just full of a. a bit more, a big redwood laws, data they get a bit okay. So of course I look at her side, the boy and she has a paragraph four le pen. Promote tickling vanishes. Oh my god. Let me guess these go
front? Runner weird rig to not only hairless asian ghosts tickets for tickling tickling fetishism is a paraphernalia paraphernalia parish. I don't know what that means in which participants derive sexual stimulation from tickling or being tickled by another person. When it comes from unseen hands, then it can be adding on all levels connects make galea sure this is. This. Is the experience of sexual gratification from the act of tickling right so that that term applies to last week's yeah erotic tickling may involve fiscal restraint of a submissive by a dominant, although some consider it b d s m activity, it's not recognized by the ghost hunting community wait so.
I was tickling, is not represent. Recognized by the ghost hunting community. No does it seem does seem not to be yeah. You would think that they would all just be happy to be talking about the same kind of horse. Look, there's not even a horse shit there's a big rules rules, I believe it goes, but I believe they do not tickle a former client of mickey of miami. Mickey of miami is another ghost hunter sure told Gina. How each day a ghost would pin her down and tickler for over an hour each day until exhausted she would fall asleep, causing her to be late. For work an important dates and meetings. Well, so we need to stop for a second. So we are. We are saying for sure. There was a time when was late for some would she gave maybe more than once yeah do you know where the hell have you been
I'm so sorry I was. I had to take the longest nap because the ghost tickled me for an hour I was exhausted, but I've caught up on everything. Okay, I just yeah just go to your desk. Okay thanks. gotta just wish they d love to tackle me in the naps mig right before work, eleven, ninety seven- I am They start out my browser, my hair, the grocers one's life. My worst liars need seriously. I was checked for an hour and then I slept on the floor. Things are good my phrase. it's fully cuisines. Why I mean a man mickey advised her that the next century thought it would happen to the ghost that she had a safe world Oh, my god, the buick at cheap tickling me cabin
already cabbage. Now I have a job to do and, quite frankly, my boss is guarded I'm a little girl book. She did go stops when Charles Oh, it was unbearable at times all I could do was lay on the floor and life at large. She told mickey He used to do it to me when company would come over the sheds, but you know hey julie. What do you do when he goes? It's a ghost how long you do it's a gun, anyway. Everyone like the emperor out as sorry. That's neil ease the dick
goes really doesn't respect anything, but what I have glance he doesn't respect me at the time you want with a slow but safe, worthy billy wound. Why am I glad he learned about buick anyway? Who's? This guy? You is you get to set me up with many. Many paranormal investigators from around the world have intense sexual encounters, goes fuckin with many as demons and entities, or so they tell me this is gina in the strictest of confidence. I often wondered is that why many keep investigation and the same location over and over? Wait. You know what I'm gonna go back into: the barn I'll, be in there for a couple of hours investigating ghosts again. I know we we completely investigated in their trailer just get a one more time. We got all the samples we need from there. I'm gonna just getting there one more term. Take this loop, why you keep taking the
When you got to get my mind, is greece? Diana goes get already up for what knocking the ghost dominate over the bar arrived flocking, so she is insinuating that goes on a return to the same goes to a black to fuck ghosts. If you read this article, your person is had goes hundreds. They like nine times you like I just don't even know what to believe anymore, I mean. Are they helping? Are they just don't? Fucking goes off, unlike the masturbate people in public or cemeteries are so I've been told by a psychic paranormal as you get it from florida. Aka, a cha aka, the the last person he said was florida mickey from miami who tells who tells that this. Twice daily yeah. You know, I don't even have time for a woman, because I get goes jack twice a day. You know what I'd do you know,
oh okay, I'm at the cemetery and had my dick out it? It's not I'm not doing shit. Oh I'm crazy! There's a ghost gear can be officer making from miami Google it. He told me how it goes actually perform. Flesh on him at a funeral. While he was fully dressed yeah. What my girl, suck my dick. While I had all my clothes on it, a funeral where you guys from one time all day I now make a tired. I know it's hard. We all miss him. I know it's tough. Well, ok, language, language. Language is the other day, the body oh I worry oh just saying goodbye, just miss him so much and it goes like medic with all the clothes on.
but you can do that. They're gonna! Do that clothes don't mean anything okay, so this seven in washington just outside tacoma. This is the police blotter. At three thirty six pm. On April twelve, a woman contacted the federal way police to report that a person was cutting a large tree down. She was concerned, it would fall over on our car or in a house located on twenty second avenue south at ten am april. Eleventh, an unknown person cut the vinyl top of a woman's car on eighth avenue southwest and gain access to the vehicle all belongs inside. The car had been gone and the total damage for the vehicle was about twelve hundred at four o two. On April tenth, two women went to the federal way police station, claiming that over the past two years a paranormal person had been placing sensors on their bodies and visiting them.
at their house on the twenty twenty five south place. They said that the ghost has been having sexual intercourse with them in woman. What woman said that these incidents sergeant can't continued when she moved here? The other woman said that this is just started with her now ok ma, and you're now you're getting you're gettin fuck. Do I just recently started to get fact by them? Yes, okay! So how would you like me? We don't actually much here. This is a violation of indica takes some samples samples of he finished inside MA. Am we actually dont have a ghost rate kit, you should have one my sister arrears been getting rid since can re do right? Is it Are they enjoying it now? Ok, we went to the police. Now here's where we get into the recent. The recent celebrity this
the reason I, when it finally their starting to fight the guys they started to fuck allister's. Ok, yeah know by the way. If I ever guess, travolta is the first to get goes. Yes, Natasha plastic of paranormal activity, two made a confession on the british tv show this morning this week. The first experience happened when she was alone in a room. I was lying in bed and then I felt something entered the room and I couldn't see anybody I could feel. Somebody was touching me and the hands were pushing me against my will and I could feel the weight of the body. On top of me, I couldn't see anybody, but I thought the pressure, the energy, the warmth, pushing in different directions. I enjoyed it. She said that she found the experience really really pleasurable. The ghost then left. But pleasant. I gotta get up. Otherwise. I hang around the edges.
I you know I mean I like you, I just I just need to get work, early gray and I know you're. I had a good time- you're great at street cleaning, so I have to move my time at my place so on, but yeah for sure you got my number. I got yours yeah. Well, don't connect text me or whatever, but really liked. You text me the ghost then left but blessing said it returned a month later for more hey girl. Remember me she's Mary, up of girls around, like you know what I think hey remember when I fuck you you're kind of asleep, Last may, when the orb got inside of me and I felt certain energy you're just like river? You you, evaluate them in a glass of wine you're really out of it. If I do, maybe you just kept saying his paranormal
to the best it gets she set, her go sex antics, I've given or something more than traditional nokia overcome it's more satisfying, oh cool. He loves to hear that again it was fun I think. Ever since I was a child, I always wanted to know. If there was anything more to this world, I know I know there, isn't it just fuck you, it gave me support and comfort and love, and it did answer questions for me that there is something else out there. Alexander holds her a ghost researcher cool guy, I've got a degree of ghost reserves of say what school did you go to? on online online line garlands
It's called online college called online college. I now can I not clean rifles and I'm a ghost researcher at a part time mechanic and the florist of ghost research. She says the people who experience ghost sex don't feel warmth of the kind that blasted judges the people were far lying. There people report having sex with a ghost report, really pressure on them and even penetration, but goes don't, have warp weight. have dicks, but not worn when they're in the room, it's a very cold environment. Look our third girls are vague and you have to study by the fake boys and girls say that goes have called Cox: oh no, not hot cock people Jaber penetrate. but the idea of a ghost big warm. What does she crazy? They just have decks.
I I research ghosts again about quichua. What do you mean a cash casual musician tat? There was a mere coding. decision. Yeah guess a couple years ago she told rhine, see crest boy and Conan O'Brien that what she said, the colonel brian. I did go to the bone zone with a ghost So let us traditional! That's like little. That's it! That's like someone that traditional language of one who has had a horrifying spirits, Well, that's a you know. You're dealing with someone is really indulge their spiritual aside. I went. Did they bound down with a gun right. Well, if that is, It was real, now totally soiled and ruin. When pressed for details, that she didn't know who the mystery man was under the sheets. I don't know name, but he was in my house. It was a sexy time. It wasn't like sex. The experience she said was the answer.
by an assault supernatural on our new album, so it's a song, so it led. I do art every time. Heard that song. I was like this is about something bigger now I know that it was. The name of the record is magic. I wanted to build a journey by myself. No security guard, no managers, I went around the world and lived in a boat and got fucked by a ghost was urges base. Goes jamie hartman right want dismiss camps where actual work? Yes, definitely what dismiss quiches claims? I was on three company. I dated Larry two seasons Becker and then I got into goes, thereby trajectory. So jane heart, jenny, herman, want dismiss cases, claims as strictly for publicity but said the erotic operation
Encounters are actually rare connected to ngos. many are more likely to be emotional like them woman I met who could actually feel the spirit of her dead husband, spooning her in bed and even smell this cologne. So that's more real. Well, I think what she's saying I do get behind is that if a ghost is going to fuck someone, it's not gonna fuck Katya right yeah. I think what has happened here is man, the story behind this is that we may be will never be reporting. Is that a man has figured out how to make us. invisible, yeah. Okay. That brings us to enter the smith. Of course, it does and goes ms claim she used to have sex with a He has to cost money. the bus,
as revealed that she had supernatural encounters several years ago after mistaking newly believing it was her boyfriend making loved her she revealed in there is a vehicle to venture magazine, a girl would crop my leg and have sex with me at an apartment, a long time in texas. I think it was my boyfriend. Then one day I woke up and found it wasn't. So is like tat word, the guy, the girl she's a party, what goes boom boom ugh. Let me shake this chain real good. Sorry I got an audrey leg. Recliner water leg? Leg will also she says the fight. Eventually she woke up. So she was just getting goes, fuck or perhaps raped for a long time, and the advantage is that I wake up. She was scared at first, but soon realized. She had nothing to fear because the ghost was giving her amazing sex
is grey. I ain't gonna, ask questions, I'd fuck, a skeleton. If it made me come where am I again goes back. Eating twinkies with four dogs on her bed. I was freaked out about it, but then it's like! Well, you know what he's never hurt me and he just gave me some amazing sex. I have no problem so she's, smart. Yes, so we miss her still the case and now there's a fourth actress Jesus. This one, I don't know she is but pause, a pause della horta. She is on board rock empire of high. She says the ghosts of elvers got her off. While I was with my ex boyfriend Scott Weiland, wow. Now I feel like the lags why'd you break up. What I wonder, don't know where we were or how long there and had
begged me to beg him to go to grace land. I felt like he was jealous of Elvis, because I've always been infatuated by him, which is hysterical, but because he's past, which is hysterical because he's passed away, Yeah jealous of a dead guy. He's also on heroin, so I went to his recordings good studio because some times the sensitive people feel him in and in this room sure and I stood in the corner and I felt him. What can I say I felt him touch me. I mean come on he's a ghost. I felt his spirit go through me and give me pleasure. I experienced that when my cat died I'm sorry did I mention my cat ghost fingers me. She waited until I got home from sundance and she passed away the second she was in my arms and I felt her spirit go through my body.
But this this was different. It was like Elvis was tickling me with a feather or peanuts. Okay, access shouldn't be allowed outside most of the dumpster that fate. So then I was like. Okay are a lot of people. Fucking ghost like? Is this like a thing? Is there a lotta ghosts? Fucking going on. So I started a hashtag go. I started. Googling go sex. Africa also has a sex go situate? Oh good good! I was just going to say they need something else. This happened in two thousand and one fear struck the residents of zanzibar islands after rumors of the reemergence of a sexually voracious ghost that attacks people who got his back, because that goes back to what it is buddies and the bars are now refusing to sleep in their houses, as I believe it only preys on people in the comfort of their own beds. Don't sleep on your bed. You'll get fucked by the go, we're not sleeping in our beds any longer, because that's what it costs to fuck us
the ghost or genie goes by the name of possible the bob Bob papa power papa boy here to fuck. You really thought about it, but about sleep in your bed. Potter powers, where the fuck I'm here to people believe that its sodomize as its victims, most most if with more men up sheet, is who started. it's like. I gotta tell everybody. I got fucked by goes in the ass guy in recent years. The residents of the summer autonomous tanzanian islands, claim that pop up our only visited the others during voting, such as during the general election, in that five in two thousand, about emergencies and beg papa bala, horny, proper policy balance you want to fuck.
I love primaries. Bad primary sees a new one. Do you like boring like fuck yeah, the fuck you advised, but this approach, as a everybody body, but that's this girl says reappeared when there is no pulling of any kind papa paolo. What I thought Don't do it or property the fao ladys panic. He said striking in the north of zanzibar island as well as central central pembroke. I like how much like a predator
he's just then an area like he's walking, they rose, but he's lace, isna goers that cab people claim his presence in the house is revealed by an accurate smell and a puff of smoke. What's that get out of your beds, victims, then speak of being in a trance or dream like state as they're molested, and so the story goes that they do not reveal what happened then papa bowel will strike the next night, so they have to so it's such a fucked up thing. They fucked in the ass by ghost and then they have to go outside and got fucked in the ass by a ghost wise, they're gonna, get back again in the paper bags you're free for my ass working. I am led to believe you didn't go, tell everyone! You got, go spotless I have about please. I was inside all day, you know what that means. Don't pick up a bow again, no pop about tell them tomorrow.
Let them nor be around this whole area. For about a week, then I'm gonna move to a little more western part of the country, It's like a tour yeah I'd go to the gasoline or my booking agent is like what the fuck or letterman or some of these places when I'm fucking up like I should be fucking in theaters. Why am I fucking such small town it'd be like. If the people are like me, but people told me now they know there are no bottle power. Cubs talk about nothing! Okay! Listen! They tell me, stop fucking! Just during election season. I do dubstep these little lots of all and tell no than those we beyond their burden. Supermodel, I love it is bad. Would exit was a real time inspired by the boughs and entity, a public power you like it, we bore me- is barbaric army the elect,
Mario, you, it can fuck a get out of that bed. You us think I'm gonna go to fuck. Are you a tsar to open your eyes unless say you're telling somebody tomorrow, okay, Baba boy? Aren't they but the problem by europeans use therefore paid. So you leave. If I thought, you'd tell everyone. Popopo pizza not do locations, zanzibar, pablo north island and possible
okay, since you get pepperoni, I fuck you in your ass pepperoni. I give you pepperoni of power style, okay, so funny enough, now we're going to go to ITALY, oh great, Paul, goon, to norris as a phd in history and in sicily. They they used to they buried people They they made a lot of mummies. Ok like underneath the churches. There's all these right, mummified priest just like in the picture crazy. They just likes standing on walls and Jesus, so his family. His greek and they lived in Alexandria back when I was a greek town now man, you know what that only the history lesson.
I confronted her about to tell this guy to fuck ups. At that point there was a trade in mummy dust yup, okay, which they called mumia, which was thought to be a cure, all louis the fourteenth actually used to carry mummy in a pouch and snort god you wanted to hear the dude sun king. Please do something! Please relax you're a little dry do, regular who told you I followed you I'm stop, I'm not doing an orange about do one, but my god, it'll be put a lid on my gums that we put a little mommy goes wow that tastes like Jim G, the problem that what was that by the late nineteenth century, they didn't have a bunch of old the egyptian mummies to dig up and keeps anymore hey. We should have been putting dude back in here. we're all at a mummy. Another just hanging out at the dealers places like Emma guys, like you too
Dr. What are you talking about? I what? I have to hang out here all day, I'm waiting for a shipment to come in man. I just like you know, hang out. Instead, it's really good mummies Shit like this is real. It's like colombian mummy, and so they didn't have enough anymore and and then people were actually taking bodies and taking them out to the middle of the sahara and covering them in tar to make them drive Jesus Christ for a bump man just for a fucking sweet bump. That is insane. What did I this? Isn't a vacation at all, get under the tarp old man, snort you in a year and a half now they'd come back here later, dig them up and sell them to apothecaries where they'd get ground up. It was a big trade okay. So now there are terms fork goes to fuck a succubus and incubus, which are evil.
spirits that have sex with people on their sleeping, ok and and then the other terms, sex ghost. I like that when the best and so are the same thing, I think there kind of a continuing between sukhi by insects goes that's my turn by the way. Aegis is ozma yeah. I think, there's a lot of parallels, also adverted six ghosts so exposed in sicily, life in general is so involved with sex and death to them. They're just ghosts. Okay, they just think that of course, ghosts go out and have sex because they're young, it's a weirdly sexualized environment, but all history stories of ghosts Sicily involve fuckin, ok, one of them or landed stories is about a guy called penny Grundy, while he's here go, and I mean I almost want to translate. It means big day
from a huge gap here the mummy famed in life for having a big penis people would go down. So so this is called. The palermo catacombs is where all the mummies are sure people will go down to palermo catacombs and treat him as the patron saint of big cocks. well, I dunno, I dunno how you treat them that way. If lucky a looker, you do a thing getting bigger or is it just me? Yeah hey. I thought you were dead, but you I got a cock and this goes down. Finally, A merely word woman came to see him because she was married to a guy who was not well endowed. She took a cloth and run, mommy's dick among you were normal decision and where you go in and then, rather than on her husbands,
hey the next time she had sex with her husband, his penis seemed larger and fuller, and she was about to orgasm, except that at that moment she looked up and saw it was actually the ghost on top of her. Everyone thought she was crazy and why, Give me one reason why they thought she was crazy. Is it because she used the mummified rag and her husband's cock cause? That's not crazy, but then it happened again, the next time she had sex and they had to set up an exorcism for the ghost she. they had a blacksmith, make a tight, fitting sheath made of metal and once the husband got erect the ghost came out and got caught in the cause of peace.
and everything's true, and then they threw all the water out of the great alright that expelled the ghosts from the guy's body so forever. He had a small penis, but he was free of the ghost. As for the ghost he create gained a great following among older ladies and eventually so many were coming to see him that they had to lock them in a back room, which is where he remains today. we are now you just got fucking everyone again, wooed. Well I'll tell you get gets the short under the stick. Is the man with the small payments yeah he can still just referred to, as he just now still has a small dick. I mean she put a fucking ghost in him. Yeah got rid of it. It's like your dick still smiles. Look now. You know what noise is dick's mobile now everybody know everyone's like. Oh, she did this. The guy was telling you about. He got the mummy rag on his small dick. How you doing bob not good, not not I've had better time,
Better. We here's what I was most yeah. So what was it like when they go? Fuck wife, so good, I our own. Right anyway. Sorry about that in palermo, there was well uh, well where they would throw the heads of executed criminals and these heads at groupies when they would come to talk to the spirits of the criminals, asked them for favors. This could teeth twentieth century and only stopped when the city put up a great favourite star. However, that's my favorite story ever I mean I know that we are stupid, like we are like a stupid college or were like you know. We're far under achieving people are really dumb, but can you imagine Well with heads in it and like so much they're like were put up a goddamn, not enough council seeking Jesus Christ. We equip potent heads in here. You know what look of call this term,
being because the sewers clogged up again lacking pointing at this hour Jesus Christ it'll, do anything that our magic heads were part of a great. So ghosts in ITALY. or fucked up like argos are like bang and people and tickling the bay there being begging, cashier they're like really star fuckers, argos art and their ghosts are fucking crazy. They had to lock a big. The biggest penis goes into a ghost jail yeah. So now these stories are easy to disbelieve, especially since I'm generally dealing with oral traditions now oral, usually an oral story is spot on. Yes, normal
These are the stories that are real right, yeah for sure made these sound real love. I she says these are hard to believe I don't know which part, because I believed them all yeah. I actually have a friend from Sicily in one of these sex goes turned out to be her great uncle that see that I'm not okay. Well, isn't that a bummer that I'm not okay, uncle Lewis, If I ever go summarized to have matured into a lovely young man. Oh, I'm not I'm not sure gonna, name we uncle
We have our blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, and that was a ghost who was accused of stealing women's underpants, so it's real yeah so obviously, or at least it's real, whether it goes to women's underpants or not, they kept finding women's panties buying a particular mummy. They would get stashed there, like trophies. Finally, a girl called the police and said she'd been having visions of a ghost entering a home. He would proposition her and when she turned down he'd steal her panties hey. Now, how are we? How are you I'm fine, but I told you now: let's say we we say we take her
if your pants and I get a little bit in there- no, I don't ghost fact just a tip, no I'm not playing just the tip, because I know what that leads to with ghosts. What's that on the floor of their panties, that the monastery accused the girl of planting the underwear there herself watch, but then they have set up a test all right. I will get to the bottom of this. They could get a colombo in here. Just one more thing would put in the eighties when we enjoy going to do and and sure enough. Another pair of on these still appeared behind the mummy. What was the test? They just watched her. I think they watched the mummy well, it sounds like they did their homework.
someone went to the mummy and told them they would bury him in the ground. Must stop stealing underpants your lesson here. Money you're gone right background and I feel that this panty favyn, I adds varieties eve like he's upset, then, after that no one's underpants disappeared, well, I don't want to go into the ground. I get it goes to ground ball. Hill is pooping on the party politics, panny gonna take the panties, or do you have one a week boom lol man? My ankle feels so sour. I had a reputation he's the pretty good. Thank stake. You don't want to go in the church. Make me go in the ground, make you go in the grounds to nothing? Okay, you ready for this. What up yeah there's a real
It bizarre story. No! No! No. I heard that one you're on the same page, I think about a guy who had a severe diarrhea and chronic flatulence. He stole at school and started saying prayers to St Roch and St Sebastian. The patron saints of plague and suffering, and also shitting on the skull daily. Wait. Okay, wait. He had diarrhea diarrhea and chronic flatulence, so he can't stop shitting and farting, not even shitting. It's just it's like pee out of his pool okay. So he stole a skull. Okay from skull town,
Sure and I started seeing prayers to the sense of the plague and suffering, right and and shooting on this go right. There yea right, emily right either. This is up a plus beagles razor, obvious things. You do, of course you gonna shit on the scullion, but he had a theory that by crappy on the school he could switch. Intestines with the boss, the the skull attached to. Well, that's an easy thing to think I say just assume my doctor said to save the just assume it my urologist as any paying on a skull he's really good side effects of being in a skull may include blindness in its more flageolets averaging intestines when the girls, The ghost kept warning him quit sitting on my school and you could just cause.
maybe a pro. What watch? I would like to Y gotta see then ass, all open up over my fucking skull It's gotta go rarely goddamn if you're that skull wherever he got the scullion like there are so many skulls. Why did I just pick and now now, I'm his toilet skull? Why me why? may I say every time you get on my head, just assume deeds which intestines, where the man, but I love it goes through just like where's. The ghost telling you that having a conversation at the skoll is just like. Alright, okay, alright enough, you've made your point: hey Luigi sit down. You've made your point: Lee nuff. Okay, it's not happen
were you wait. Switching to test edgewood may dummy good shit on me. You know I just shit on my neighbors guard I assumed it would be my car crazy about, but he kept at it. and yeah nobody likes a quitter and succeeded in transferring his intestinal problems to the ghost bam. Oh now that goes to shit. approve that mass diarrhea and that's where p and p d g comes back good song shit orbs, we are actually shit. Orbs were pd, do wish it orbs. The problem was that the ghost had died of testicular cancer and in return he gave it to that guy and that's how
guy died one of the dangers of necromancy? Is you don't really know who's on the other side, or what they're going to give you in return was one of the moral of the story. Yup, don't don't dig up a skull and shit on it with diarrhea. You want to get no, that's, not the moral of the story. Oh it is another. Moral of the story is if you're gonna skull shit get the bill of health of the skull, You want a healthy you want to fucking. You know you want like jack la lane. That's what you want shit on that shit, a jack la lane, skull you'll, be drinking fucking juices until you're. Ninety one Unfortunately I should on a skull with a lot of bankruptcy issues, so my credit is screwed. Would you have them ass? A skype he would have if he would want to have an experience of the sex. Ghost depends on the ghost
That's no way would you would you have us if you could have goes sex? Let's say the life says it's ok cause when I heard it is, is cheating, though I mean no no one time just
and to me I would prefer if it was hot. I don't like a cold pussy. Well, it's not a pussy, it's a dick, but if you, if you could have like the light, whatever the version of it, where the good version yeah the good very short version, get the cash guess, this version shows, if I, if it looks like keisha, why is it she's a disaster? She puts a dollar bill in a fucking, moron moron, I dunno! Is it because you do because of your wife? What if she said she'd have to say? Yes, she lives so she says yes she's, a gift of the lids she says yet she gives me the writing is protection, which is a kind of rubber over words, copies of metal, cod pizza and it's her skull this machine that's the kind of the ombudsman should have my asshole. I put the copies. I've started.
might say: no, yes to the premise notice, pacific's and I wouldn't get hurt now: it's just you get you let it and it does not get. The other cigars doesn't come back, and We fuck you all the time until you tell your friends not pop about, and it's not papa bauer, from what I can tell is kind of the prick of the ghost you tell everyone Words ghost ever worse, papa power, fuck, you, you, world knows this pop up our call the pre pc you. Let them know that asked belong to us papa power. I want to see your peers morgan. Tell me Fucking love me bit of our now say my fucking name again: don't want to fuck pub. I know nobody wants to fuck papa bello yeah. Why not yeah? I'm? Definitely in let's see what it's like, I'm definitely a one time. Yes, but here's. The scary thing may just open yourself up the ghost fucked, oh no. What did we fucking did cause? This is like my
when I was really bored movies another there. Just like there's a ghost next, those were the clipboard is I got two more for more for the club. Boy, you should do this podcast boy boy of power. the podcast, get blah blah blah our big fun big fun going to fuck, you tell everyone is that you Bob Papa baba going through america, and this in this day and age you just have to papa bower. Fucked me, that's love. That'll! Do la many followers yeah! That's enough torrent! Ok, I'm? U buy juries alibi for madame nor public power as far as to enter europe up about it
One sounds like a godzilla to papa blah blah blah blah bug come to america. Coming to america, it's the it's! The remake is the gree reboot, it's completely different There's a couple of differences between are coming to america. The original eddie murphy is a prince in the original one and he works at mcdonald's, but in this one I it's it's going to be Kevin Hart and he's just gonna rape, people he's just a ghost rapists, rapists and we're thinking about calling ghost rapist. It's never going to go with goes rapists. So do you like the pitch? So you guys and me Kevin hart- is Papa baba, so Kevin Hart as Baba baba and ooh. I love how this one is great, because you had to do.
A lot of file. You should a lot of research. Yeah like when I started I just started like I started. I started out because of the: u s yea. I started out because the cases story the than than whatever that new girl is the their normal russia, that and then I will and then I found the usa story, but that is crazy. Cause I've heard of ghost hunting a man who knew it's a whole fucked up thing You really might have just opened us up to Ghostery yeah, it's like a ouija board. You know people save use the ouija board and then your your closest I've always heard that. I think we just invited ghosts fucking into our life. I mean you just And we just we gave a I. I feel I feel
I feel ok, though I think that I feel better than I did last week. Dirtier, yes, but I feel like people are really stupid. Yeah, it's just that's probably that's. Probably the branch that keeps growing here is that the people
or just really looking for something and I don't know what it is but they're not finding it, but it's great for us fuck. I hope everyone enjoyed that yeah. Oh hey there, everybody! It's gareth! You know from this. This podcast listen, I've got some standup shows I'm inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that Acme I will be going to the uk in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twentieth, bristol September twenty. Second,
and cardiff september, twenty fourth and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth camera november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get ad did after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-03.