« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

31 - Jack Parsons

2014-11-08 | 🔗

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine JPL Founder Jack Parsons.

Tour Dates

Dollop Merch



This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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or go to hers aimed at EU, and what do they want? People? Citizens were not very gara dave, ok somewhere, where something is too good, for this is not going to come together, clogging up to a bunch of religious virgins. Go to members who do I pray unless we got my and at some point will haunted her lower pass. The wager bore up more emphasis. I don't understand why these some. So what are you gonna pay
as off as the new fame. This week. This the new theme that you're working on that was the new theme for the dollop. I mean we're here with Dave, Anthony and Gareth reynolds man, it's just that lucky you you don't buy your new things like how am I gonna get on board enjoying it so much of them breaking in the laughter. That's how much I'm enjoying. I don't think it's from enjoyment I think I'm Dave Anthony I'm here with Gary Reynolds or call me gareth. We regret our fast going to talk to you about something. The date was october. Second, nineteenth fourteen sort of starting marvel. Whiteside parsons was born in los angeles, that name needs to be framed on my wall. He was the second child of marble and ruth person, so a gun marvel named his son marvel when you get it right. Why change it? Well, I'm
saying that he didn't get it right, because I'm guessing all of the abuse he took for having the name marvel as a child who names their kid marvel and then thinks that anything's going to work out great first match its brolly. That's? U compensate a little bit for bigger shitty. Dad you like this. Is he man, my son, he man, Luckily, I will be leaving. I would like to make four fifths of my boy thor. Have you met them? But of all out these five capitalism I met for thor was playing soccer with five year olds in locker center. I live and his disguise nameless thor and he was blonde and he was about If he told him the other kids and I said, is he the same age and she goes yeah and I said, what's his name and she said thor and I said: you're fucking kidding me: you're fucking look me in the eye layer. What you are is you're, like the first ten minutes of the first storm of
where you basically are living at that point. You're like a guy was like hey this kitchen play and someone's like it'll, be fine. It'll, be fifteen years later, this man can make a hammer fly into flying hammer. Alright, it's a marvel. Whiteside parsons, the second child of Marvin Ruth parsons, the first child died at birth happened last week. Also soon after whose birth the senior marvel had an affair with another woman and ruth divorce. Her new husband as quick, that's fast in another that marriage. I marvel at it, but from the affair ruth began, calling the boy John rather than marvel. Some would call it enough. But I'm not ok. I know it is the weird thing to do. your father, the most common name is, but she you ve, never never legally changes, name so perfect, as the boy grew, close friends and family would come to college
which is how that is often remembered today. Yet, but really it is like three names. What am I, don't. You have all warner. Who am? I have three, My name is john marvel jack, a marvel. I mean John I'm a jack, I'm all of them and ruth young jack and her parents who moved from Chicago to look after her and Jeff stayed in. They lived in pasadena Furthermore, to him as peter from now on now, guided if Peter Peter and Frank they let the they moved out of the street known in pasadena as millionaires mile, so out of catches. Parents are loaded, yeah, their fuckin stacked. Imagine nobbing let another trick. Jack's father marvel parsons dropped completely out of sight, after nineteen fifteen. He may have joined the army. He may have died in nineteen. Twenty two both are unconfirmed. That is closure for you, one other one is much worse than the.
We have reserved to hear it happens, so I'm two things might happen. Ruth marvel jack, John here's, the two options for your dad's death: we love to give choice, sit on marvel jack, John, your father might be dead or he might be right a girl who play ball? Get in the car on the biker in the plane have fun ruth persons is lost, as a widow in the nineteen twenty three pasadena city directory? Ok back in the autumn day, when they listed whether or not you were a widow mass, so so the so the local good cause man coming into town. Could nowhere chose to go due to swindle take that tender around us. time when jack was an eighth grade, he made a lifelong friend when he was being bullied. Edward foreman intervened on jack's behalf and the two were inseparable after that actually met a friend
a friend, parsons foreman, soon learn they shared other interests, I'm worried about, His friend already does coming for a second, I was happy at a friend already a little worried. They share interests, nah science fiction, that's good, my my buddies in the ass and rocketry out. If you think this goes to the craziest places that have been the rocket instructions, most likely came from one of the many build your own kits advertised in the pages of science fiction magic and they loved a blog fireworks and parsons backyard in eighteen, twenty eight two began to experiment with small, solid fuel rockets people in it The time set. His heart was full of holes and burn spots, red flag, totally normal. The doubt jack had also begun to investigate, occultism and independently,
formed a ritual intended to invoke the devil into his bedroom window. Let's take a time out. Ok, just a kid, be the kid Well, we were twelve, do not ever summoned the devil. Whenever I never summoned him. I went out this presents. Ok, but as a kid you do, things that were foolish fair. I do I feel, like summoning summoning. The devil will give you an example like when I was a kid I went down to. There's a school had been shut down. What death rocks at the windows and broke a couple of windows. Right, that's a kid! They kept the same. Different things summoning the devil's proceed but say throwing rocks at a bit. Thing as opposed to getting the dark lord in your room, there there's there's a little bit of a moat. He worried that the invocation was successful
and was so frightened that he ceased all such activities. While here, ok, I didn't know it work. Did you feel that after you, through those rocks, probably not of his child of his childhood, he wrote he does is in the third person or not, what happens when you were when you have three names you right in the german version. Writing you sincerely marvel you're isolation. The child develop the necessary background of literature and scholarship occasion so he got into school and in literature, and the unfortunate experiences with other children develop the requisite contempt for the crowd and the group, moors
I mean, I don't even know what worked sick, but I know that these factors develop the needful hatred for christianity. At an extremely early age, that's normal snap athletic at that back in here after receiving poor eyes, go results. Parsons mother sent him away to study the private boarding school in san diego, the brown military academy for boys, but he was expelled for blowing up the toilets. I'm assuming that's, not diarrhoea, related god. I wish it was actors. Jack's met the seller of nineteen twenty nine on a tour of europe before returning to present. with the onset of the great depression their fortune began to dwindle and in July nineteen thirty one jack's grandfather walter died, jacobean studying at the privately run through the page
universities, no law, while a liberal arts institution K, high school. He flourished at the school, become editor of the schools newspaper and winning an award for literary excellence while teachers that had trained, at a nearby california institute of technology honed, his attentions on the study of chemistry through practical demonstration. Okay, I will say this and then my limited experience chemistry when that's add ons dollop podcast. That's not a good thing for the person to take interest. I disagree. I think you will at the end of this. Tell me that you do agree because the family, on monday, jack took a holiday job at the hercules powder company, for you got to hear a wide range of explosives in nineteen eighteen
He leaves powder company was among the largest in the world, with three thousand workers and nine t and t lines producing seven million pounds per month or one third of all, the tnt used by the united states in the great war. A third of the tnt at the height of deity gets its they come on. You can tell me pocketing some are bringing to morrow you kid ex ante and the packet him every single day. They must have been like man, you're gettin, have they had. Every morning I been tasked with eight pounds. Last night, in eighteen, thirty, three jack graduated from the university school parsons inform and attended pasadena junior college together both spent two years at the expense of private college, but neither graduated jobs, jobs jack dropped out because he could not afford the score. Sat sad and little worrisome the to get on with their love of rockets. I mean come on
in this book. I read seriously you're going to just move on the two continued: their love of rockets. Yes, a couple of gentlemen. We're enjoying the love of rockets together that lesson if this doesn't take place in now now in the spring of nineteen, thirty five jack now twenty years old, married Helen northrup, whom he met at church dance? How did she feel about hearing that he wanted to go play rockets with his best friend or the eighty christianity, our the exact he wrote the the marriage to Helen served to break your family ties and effect at transference to her away from a dangerous attachment to your mother healthy well. It's healthy on water levels, he's saying that he was too attached to his mother and then, secondly, he's talking to soften the third person that,
I'm after seeing an article in the passage in the evening post about electric, given at the california institute of technology, parsons and fro foreman went to camp. To talk to the speaker. The topic was the rocket experiments of austrian eugene, and it concluded with speculation on the possibility of stratospheric passenger carriers, in other words, the foot well space ship, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait now wait a minute! Listen! We already took a pinto to the skies. Yes, you are so are we fucking space? I won't give you don't try to guess it. You have no idea where this one's going. You cannot possibly guess I'll, allow it sanger recommended parsons, inform and go speak to frank j molina daniel guggenheim guggenheim had set up a tour
point five million fund starts start seven aeronautical schools and seven universities, including caltech us. I have three and one hundred thousand was earmarked for caltech for the construction of a laboratory and the establishment of a graduate school. In aeronautics, it became known as gal kit glc eighty gals, it catchy gauss it. One of the gossip pupils was a graduate student named frank molina, who is working toward his phd. The informally trained, parsons and foreman were eager to try whatever happened to spring to mind. trusted with a pretty good, contrasted with the approach of molina, who insisted on the need for scientific discipline as informed by VON carmen, who was more in his doctoral adviser at the cottage loud sounds like a healthy group, so one guy was Oliver The cautious scientific approach and the other two got. You mean the square. The other two guys will accounts pack
Later we gotta get this square out here. The three would begin experimenting with rockets. Together I mean what well rockets yeah agenda, look, I'm not I'm not gonna gas. What's going on, but I will say this is not good. I'm reading at the beginning of rockets, jack person was the chemist. Foreman was the engineer and molina the map petition. They put together a proposal for funding from gauss it and started test firing their rocket. their experiments finally work. These were the first solid fuel rockets, like used in space shuttle rocket boosters today as its side look. I just can't having access the things that really went to space before you knew that things will go to spain, I barely you could also just go. Get wherever the guided our eyes are high school graduates.
are now working. We need. I worry, lord of graduating eyes. Get that back and I'll be president is too high to guys who just gradual highschool walk up to a guy, get it phd and go hey Alan homer on the phone and put rockets into the sky rockets, yeah yeah, not rockets. A solid fuel rocket has its fuel and oxygen mixed together as fine powders and then pressed into a solid cake. Once it has been lit, it will carry on burning until it's used up. This was the beginning of the jet propulsion laboratory. How do you feel right now? A nervous jpl, very, very nervous. Jpl is right.
At propulsion laboratory. It's right up the street, the famous laboratory, yeah, it's huge. I go there all the time late. Honestly, if you can't get a hold of me, that's where I'm there yet late, nineteen thirty eight reporters were coming to gals it. I hope it scales that it can be delicate The gadget test site everyday asking for the rocket years predictions about when the moon landing would be so now reporters like when you guys got them all, get she a fresh meat, delicate. Fucked with by reporter yeah, hey wednesday, Wednesday, the big moon part of feels like moontime, how close await a night to be in hassle, but the moon would be fun. I don't want to get weird heh let's get up there get some of the space cheese come back down. We know what we do in the first substantial influx,
when they came from the united states army air corpse of corners, the? U s had not yet entered with were too, but the military wanted small rockets that could lift heavy aircraft off the ground. At this time, jack parsons, with living with Helen working on the halifax gunpowder working at the halifax gunpowder company- and working on the rock and experiment. So the rag experiments are just a hobby yeah. I know it's nice that he's constantly surrounded by that x, flammable exposes, must made make liqueur feel great, hey constructed a home laboratory on the front porch of their house. That's that's! The right place, well, his laboratory put it where you put your hanging chair and hammock
right up there were the neighbours could see the demolition when they drive by this allowed him to work on his chemicals and exposes at any time of the day. Ok imagine living next door to this asshole. Imagine being the male man a budget and being the wife at me. Parsons spent most of his wages, including the girls, had rocket research group funding on the rocket gaza resource use, giving all his money to this rocket research. dying, he makes, except you know, basic needs for extra money. He manufactured nitroglycerine guy, not just go like fuckin watch a car or something Let us make a little side money by working in the niger. Glycerin business got skills. We here I mean scots, kill, go pain of fuckin wall.
For extra money manufactured niger glittered in their home and at one point he pon hellenes engagement, ring and wood and what I have to ask your family for loans, husband of the air, husband. What did you do ring? I saw that for rocket fuel honey. I'm working on nature, glycerin rocket fuel time takes up this dynamite shut up. I wily coyote, you married a car, so the three became well known: the campus earning the moniker of suicide suicide squad for the dangerous nature of their experiments and attracting the attention of the local press. Jack gained further media publicity when he appeared as an expert explosive witness in the trial of Earl Canet, the head of the police intelligence in los angeles, who was accused of setting a bomb to kill private investigator Harry Raymond. When canet was killed,
It did largely on jack's testimony his identity, as an expert scientists in the public eye was established despite his lack of a university education here, the idea I feel it. I feel a right, not even so he's just a guy blow and cheer up, and I was like cake. Well, the trail is just yeah. They just got george w bush- oh my god, he does yeah they just right where he right place right time to end january. Nineteen, thirty, nine jack and Helen attended a gnostic mass of the church of salima with friend John Baxter, a gay man who is fond of jack and his sister frances,
japan was fond of Helen. I mean how you do. What webs are we tangling? Now? Oh boy, yeah, it's about to get weird or get a talented. Mr Ripley, this shit, the mass, was written by alastair crowley and their jack and Helen met, wilfred smith, the high priest who wanted to fuck all of them who was desperate to fuck. Everyone in his garage crowley, was born in england and in eighteen. Seventy five was a another novelist, poet, mountaineer, painter philosopher, who was allowed to only the bible growing up. He figures own death to create interest in one of his painting exit exhibitions. Mystical societies are very popular in late eighteen, hundreds, britain, crowley join d, hermetic order of the golden dawn, which believe that human. we're only partly up the ladder of physical evolution and that, if properly disciplined
The human will was capable of anything it wished most notably contracting. Intelligence intelligence is outside the physical world. Okay, Crowley left after not advancing rapidly enough, so he he didn't quit. I can't it's like. I listened I'll, be a human I'm not going to the hole, I can do the intelligence outside the world thing. We're crowley in his wife rose kelly, who he called his scarlet woman
married in nineteen one three and went to cairo. Egypt has scarlet woman yeah. Is that a planned scarlet letter? I think so. That must be a great sweet. That's a lovely term for your significant other! Oh he's a monster come here whore and they went to cairo, Egypt, Egypt, where, after hash induced trances, he wrote the book of law. I've done that in nineteen nineteen twelve crowley would seize control of the ordo temporally orient us or ot o a small quasi my group. He would rewrite its rituals, incorporate the book of law and add the gnostic mass as its ceremonial centrepiece. One o t, o draw preserved was the use of sex as an intrinsic component of the working of magic. They believe sexual ecstasy lifted one to a different plane of consciousness.
There are ten degrees of attainment and the sex magic secrets would be revealed at level nine you can now. You can not. Are you in? I mean I'm in Do you want level? My listen? I mean if there's four from all the crazy ship I've heard if somebody was just like look, if you fuck hard enough You touch gods beard and we like yeah, let's rock in Cambodia, to try this. I get there, but we have to bear where's case scenario. I don't touch pickering. Ok, that's ok with me. I just got fucked lab. I didn't touch beer anyway, then we'll probably go take a nap get a gatorade. I just fucked a lot a lot: wilford smith, the high priest started selling persons, kraut parsons, Crowley's books. He started selling crows books, Helen began, reading them and the two began getting more involved in what was called the gap, a large where
the church of were held in were held in los angeles and a. I don't think it's the same got back. Ok at up jack wrote of himself. Marvel John Jack jack's going to write to himself again a third person through your father, separated from your mother. In order that you might grow up with a hatred of authority and his spirit of revolution necessary to my work. Then he went, he went yeah. He goes first person, that's normal and fine, oedipus complex, was nieto we're just
I like that around the edifice complex, was needed to formulate the love of witchcraft. Witchcraft know which would lead you into magic, with the influence of your grandfather active to prevent to complete an identification with your mother, oh okay. So so I mean what let me ask you this: what isn't happening, noting that he wants to fuck his mom? Okay, there, that he's dead, but his grandfather was able to help out and the good ol gramps get in there good old ground, molina approach. National academy of sciences, a committee on army air, core research to request funding for research into what they refer to as jet propulsion at term.
doesn't to avoid the stigma attached to rocketry, because that rocket you stupid. I thought it was like its it's obamacare. Well, what they thought. Rocketry was leg from the stupid movies like flash gordon. That's what they thought rightly observed personal stewardess movies, flash ordinary apologize. You know the song I know the song. How does it go That's the new theme, he's a minivan madman. The military gave the rocket research group one thousand to put together proposal on the feasibility of jet assisted, take off by june nineteen, thirty nine they became the first. U s: government sanction rocket research group. This is tat guys in high school student from high school
to high school graduates, jack demonstrated the potential use of solid fuels as being significantly more effective than liquid types, primarily preferred by the researchers in light of this product. Other well trained research. In light of this progress, caltech and gas, it group received an additional ten thousand rocketry research it happy that all going the right way. In june nineteen forty risk they received twenty two thousand and funding, although a quarter of it went on repairing damage to the caltech buildings caused by their experiments. That's not a red flag, now known as gauss it project number one. They continue to be ostracised by other caltech students. who are increasingly irritated by their accidents and noise pollution. I mean it's so annoying that these other kids just wanted to live. It's like where your priority there were made to rig, relocate their experiments
back to a royal seko at a site with unventilated corrugated iron sheds that served as both research facilities and administrative offices. It was here that the jet propulsion laboratory would be found it, so it still right there get They should have just gone to a porch there's, so many at the oh god I mean there's so many options open open it up on a porch, there's, nothing better than a port, not a problem parsing from his rocket experiments where the cover story of the august nineteen, forty edition of popular mechanics, in which the pair discuss the prospect of rockets being able to ascend above earth's atmosphere in orbit around it for research purposes, as well as reaching the moon boy! Well, it's all possible! It is avoid the february nineteen, forty one jack and Helen were initiated into the gap large sometime around then Helen, sixteen
Sixty or sister Betty moved in with them power. I worried that word about that right off the bat parsons will start having the limo meetings at his house and he rose through the ranks quickly it all. As yeah. It's a great organization, he's he's number one with a bullet. I tell wilford smith. I was an only and lonely child and is a fine thing to inherit such a large and splendid family. I never knew a father and his to have one. Now you see where you get your kid riding to crowley. Often jack would address him ass, most beloved father and sign it silent thy son, that's nice, yellow david, dave, that's really sweet and that's fine. It's fine gotta dad I'm going to write you letters like that and see how you feel I will I will like it. I don't think that you will die son, I'm out by the web, that derrick Edwards,
son. In December nineteen, forty one, the group now with other scientists on board, agreed to produce and sell sixty jet assisted, take off entrance to the united states army corn, to do so. They formed the aerojet engineering corporation in march, nineteen, forty two, so they're off and running okay. Now they have a corporation good for them. On june, twenty six nineteen, forty two jack and Helen least a imagined back on millionaires mile where they got a gap, a lodge was relocated. Jack's bedroom, doubling as the temple. You can do both easily I've often thought about just putting a piece of tape down the middle of my room, half temple and half you know sleeping it's fine, that's a fine thing to do. this debate inside with my shorts is the bedroom. Ok, temple gets the first do
drawers at the sight of the goats heads the temple wait, wait, wait at which cites a temple, the goat had to tackle the boat that my ship on the floor. That's the ivory. You might have a backward, so I'm pretty sure donor, you're, right, you're, right, you're, right, you're right now, you might be right. I think I'm right. I think the saved my shirts on the floor at the temple the go ahead. I'm going to go to bed, they called it the parsonage. Let's just leave that yeah jack shocked his conservative neighbors when he started renting out rooms to less than desirable tenants. The ad placed in the local paper reportedly read anyone apartments for rent must not believe. In god, I have two cats. Do you believe in god now welcome aboard all I'm a murderer.
Above all, we do not believe in god the frequent visitors, noisy parties and questionable goings on drew attention. One visitor wrote that two women in dire from this gowns would dance around a pot of fire surrounded by coffins top with candles, and all I could think of at the time was that if those robes got on fire, the whole house would go up like a tinderbox. Why? That's? All you can think about is opposed to the coffins These looking at women dancer, got a fire and coffins these thing. Hazard fire hazard eating bones yeah, but those rubs could just go right up. The bitter have a fire extinguisher. You know what I'm saying what I needed sand for that rope. This is the rope gets go and it won't stop eliza, parsons, one letter from crowley, praised and encouraged jack for the fine work he was doing in america.
And also casually asked him for his latest donation and intimate That more would be shortly needed. Jack was one of crowley's main sources of money in america. Jesus a long term resident of the parsonage wrote in nineteen. Sixty two Jack said not jump forward, but more excited set up. Yeah we're almost at the moon. Jack was the antithesis of the common, an image of the black In addition, in fact, he bore a little resemblance to his revered master Alister Crowley.
in looks or in his personal conduct. He was a good looking man in his early or mid thirties urbane and sophisticated and possessed a fine sense of humor. I always found jack's insistence that he believed in and practiced magic hard to reconcile with his educational cultural background. At first I thought it was all fun and games a kick. He was on for it's shock value to respectable friends, but after seeing his correspondence with crowley and the evidence of frequent remittances to crowley, I had to give him the benefit of the doubt seemed like a totally normal dude, except he was the practicing black magic that totally normal. That's fine, not a problem there in Pasadena parsons.
The subject of public attention and there were rumors that he was the leader of a black magic cult, the gossip, the rumours are denied by his fellow scientists, many of whom are regulars at the house. If not, you've got to believe them with doesn't know what they say. That's fine! As early as nineteen forty one parsons was invest. it'd, but no arrests were made. He was not being investigated, furs occult activities, but rather explosives being stored at the house pick your voice and those class you are you cut up, goes and and rob I'm all over thing legally or are you called an explosion? There are gets here that I shouldn't have, but those gods are all paid for. Goats are fine, then, eighteen,
where did local police, came to the mansion to investigate and alleged backyard ceremony where a pregnant woman had reportedly jumped new through a fire nine times. I love that it's ninety nine one, two three six more I've been calling the police six more an worded reared invisible cry about a woman, japan, where what we said was seven's legal seven's, Lee aids, a grey area. Nine is completely fucked up. Ok, so she went nine oaken, maybe ten, the monster after someone, yet
or the police, murder she's, the one who's smoking and a little little bit charred in the back. The police made it clear that they thought the claim absurd until the police were like yeah, I'm not buying this, but we're just here to investigate we're going to wrap it up, because the person that the gop sound like the same, they are only investigating it because it was their duty parsons, easily assured them of his community standing. He was an important rocket scientist I mean, but that's what I love like. Okay, does this pan out? Did they leave a six year old boy reported parsons to the police, claim The three of parsons followers had forcibly sodomized him during a black mass at the house, while those are the rockets that we shouldn't be launching a mean again
they and police investigated, but found parsons call to be little more than an organization dedicated to religion, ass, the files, philosophical speculation with respectable members, such as a passage in a bank president doctors, lawyers in hollywood actors, the actor john carotene example read one of crowley's palms at the inauguration of a gap, a large number, two, thirty five. So now it's yeah like one of those shitty movies that you see where you don't believe it, because the people come and investigate and they go excuse. This, is the attorney here he's. Why would the judge be here a pity? This was going on such that so amazing to be like well he's a rocket scientist, and this is just a called actors no wrong here: move along, oh god, things are good. Parsons had plenty of money for his occult activities by the summer of nineteen. Forty three good news,
isn't the rocket company was doing six hundred and fifty thousand dollars in business? What the fuck Helen parsons start to have an affair with wilford smith and bore him a son in nineteen. Forty three also a nineteen forty three jack divorced Helen after having an affair with her sister betty, like hell before her betty, acted as parson's priestess at the gnostic mass, which parsons was holding every single day. Betty was also a parsons partner in the performance of sex magic, the magic of inducing other states through prolonged sexual ecstasy. I think sting does that here, but I don't you know where to start so everybody so with our long magic. It would not only sex magic put his last. You get priestess, just yes, she spoke of the other guy had a break,
and then he's like well, a manager says that. But what do you think jerry jerry jerry? And what do you think happens in cults? It doesn't it doesn't help there'd be a little more decorum. but a touch more denies. Parsons eleven years, betty senior urge the eight year old betty to leave the university of southern california so he's given good advice or he's just thinking about her future long term. Jack later said, implied incest in this relationship was very appealing zone because it's his wife's peace like eyes like a fuckin, my yeah and that's cool and that's really sweet. That's us rockets, hey! He came round of yarkand rockets, jack and Betty lived as a couple, although they never did. Mary Parsons occurred betty to take other lovers as he did, but because he perceived himself above the petty johnson's help, a normal men left
The earliest parents were better to him than mine were than wilford smith. I mean that is such a red flag, fuck, whoever I'm going to to. I mean it's just like who erie do what literally fuck. Anyone, because I'm just gonna fuck, isn't that dating it is put there something about when you're like. Ok, we're together flock who ever like just the single that but clearly there's bigger fish.
the so worried about the low hanging, wilford smith, Helen jack and betty would continue to all live together at the pr stitch for the time being, just kicker, let's split some great breakfast scapegoat, yeah good bagels, we've, basically all been inside each other, oh god, the elements or spirits jack was invoking evidently disturbed. The other parsonage residents is anything going right, one still living an active mentor. Member of the ot recorded this two persons
it had to do a lot of banishing in the house. They were sensitive and knew that something alien was there. When I had been there during the summer of nineteen forty four, I also knew there were troublesome spirits about especially on the third floor. It got that I couldn't stand being up there and a friend of mine having climb the stairs that far as the hair on the back of her neck begin to pickle and she got thoroughly frightened, so black magic ghosts, there's spears, others, wars, the railways, attics, yet the villages, as the war ended, the founders of arrogance started looking for a way to make the firm viable, because its few it was suddenly variants certain. Since the company was dependent on war, the firm was able to convince general tire to invest in it, but the other key Attack lincoln employees, including molina, would only
to the sale on the condition that parsons in form and were removed. If a wise I urge it offered them fifty thousand apiece for their stock. They took it parsons informant were bragging about how they had managed to get out of the company while they were still ahead. Where was over the rockets, were finished, the feel that no future apple computer, galled goodbye what if the apples are for you with a rock and without the war, let me tell you something: what do you do? I mean Jesus Christ, get your shit together! I know I love science fiction, but in this case I do not list listened to any of the science
I'll, tell you what we should work in his gin. That's got an upside parsons inform and we're going to invest in a chain of laundromats. Well, it is true that which one has had the bigger boom since then the oh laundromats for sure rockets are places to put your clothes to clean them. Blood rats, probably laundry mats, parsons and foreman, then formed a dust road research, a small explosives company, no fuck, those investigated for espionage when the two were caught with large quantities of ex nitrate, a powerful experts, I was there was determined that the campaign was acquired for experimental reasons and the charges were dropped. What what the fuck is experimental reasons? Even mean well, you my puts enough, Experimental reasons is like not good reasons. Oh, it's just experimental go on heavier nitrate
I didn't realize you guys were experimenting with it, jack that went to work for the vulcan powder, but in pasadena, where he would remain for the next two years after format and jack we're ousted. The company was renamed the jet propulsion laboratory, there you go out, so he basically founded the jet propulsion. I get good founder in late august of nineteen forty five lou goldstone science fiction, illustrator living at the parsonage brought iran hubbard. Why just happens here? Sir brought IRAN hubbard? The fund of scientists Our day. What can we just say The flavor is, like second l, run, harbours
entered. The weirdest party. I've ever heard hasn't invented scientology, so right now he's just a guy it he's still is allowed to be called l wrong. While he was a writer, the no he's, a writer exact He was a writer jack liked, hubbard immediately upper end herbert had just come from a naval hospital in san francisco and complained of various elements. Including, rheumatism, arthritis hemorrhoids could divided and eggs and his side shoulder stomach and knee actors, every heart he sounds like a pill. Side of arts diarrhoea causes the knowledge it after several hospital. The visits hubbard was given a medical discharged from the navy and began receiving
financial benefits. When he told them they can no longer practices livelihood of being a writer. He was well enough known as a pop fiction writer at this time. January fourth, nineteen forty six parsons wrote the crowley most beloved father about three months ago I met captain IRAN, hubbard a writer and explore of whom I had known for some time he's gentlemen, he has herr green eyes and his honest and intelligent, and we have become great friends. He moved in with me about two months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she is transferred her sexual affections too, that money from. I to saving? So that's fine, although wrong has no formal training in magic. He has an extraordinary
lotta people have formal training and madge, which, as far as an oxymoron here, sure no amount of experience and understanding in the fields. From some of his experiences, I deduce his indirect touch with some higher intelligence, possibly guard an angel. He describes as angel as a beautiful winged woman with red hair who calls empress, and it was guided him through his life and saved him many times poor dear rising? I follow in his angel impressive, whose hanging year, eggs, priestess by December jack, said poor rituals to obtain an elemental mate. He believed he could bring forth an actual goddess on earth. A female messiah named Babylon writer right, a writer of rogers, describes as events progress. Jack found it increasingly difficult to keep his mind on anything else. The atmosphere around the house became supercharged retention. Jack began
more and more strain and the effort to disguise is met him more. since from emotionless crowley. Light superman to a jealous Britain, human being became hopeless. What we saw on ever forget, although I find it hard to describe in detail the room, was decorated in a manner typical to an colchis lair, with all the symbols essential to the proper practice of black magic. It was dimly lit and smoky from the incense jack was draped. black robe and stood with his back to us. His arms outstretched in the center of the programme before us name drop a fourth, some sort of alter on which several indistinguishable item stood. His voice rose and fell in a rhythmic chant of gibberish Givers are rhythm alone up a rat everybody's, that your figures that this be led back. She complained about turkey.
yeah well our. Why would rhythmic it was delivered with such passionate intensity that its meaning was frighteningly obvious ran after this brief and uninvited glimpse into the blackest and most secret centre of torture. Man saw we quietly, withdrew and returned to our room where we spent the bounds of the night discussing discussing the whispers. What we had just with my my it's fucking crazy line only his second, I thought this was all like bullshit illustrate? Man he's fucking crazy, so that was right. Sober fact:
like now. Now I think we should move and jazz was born. Part of the magic ritual included invocation of wand with material basis on the talisman. The material basis of which is the marrow of the one, the one representing the penis of the magician wire while the marrow is the seamen great turning their right to the magician, is to invoke the spirit and, while concentrating upon it, masturbate over the talisman
oppressed, snorted jack was fertilizing a little parchment square representing the Eric tablet, which is the space where magic symbols are drawn in the air. I dave like with a dagger day: I'm gonna need you to pump the brakes a little hairy man. I I Can I just say it took me who hasn't masturbated? over a doubt why it took so long to actually read this story because the firstly you the first time, someone sent it to me. I was there's no way. This is true or you read what you just read again, the part part of the magic ritual included in vocation of wand with material base
it's on the talisman. It's great here, yvette now now that I know what you're about to say the material basis of which it is the marrow of the one, the one rest representing the penis of the magician, while the marrow is the seamen during the right. The magician is to invoke the spirit and, while concentrating upon it, masturbate over the talisman he's fertilizing little parchment square representing the air tablet. This space are met, simple for fraud and the air like with a dagger in sects, shooting slowed. It's just fake him to fake symbol areas in their symbols. To make a lava I'll bet you that the towels would like like there's, not a symbol area.
That's all of me. I just picture to spirits over the quarter going not only did not understand. Why am I right did not get our. It was just a simple action set. We were just preaching empathy and now he's masturbating symbol area over a poor person. One night person It's about twice. Have you ever prematurely ever fuck? Oh god, I will try it tomorrow, hey I'll, be able to get it about ten minutes. So my bad, I was thinking about the wife's sister lives and I I I'll be able to evoke soon. That evoke was for me you're, going to have a real, big and baby purchase the book twice in retired
around eleven pm provoked. He was well aware of going to midnight by nine loud unexplainable knocks and parsons got out of bed to investigate the knocks. He noticed a lamp lay smashed on the floor time to evoke goes, but here goes lame start fall. Hubbard, Allen and jack began to go out to the mojave desert together, oh boy, that's a real lose a lot happening where jack used to do rocket experiments but thou to practice, magic and efficient. rockets here, but instead I'm on a jerk off and seek weird things that things are those same made through a lotta. Weird things really take it off for me now fix it. I'd like a rocket hey where those magic symbols that I'm going to evoke you're doing is to pay for it,
couple made six hundred fifty thousand a year now jack. You haven't you. Are you a jury? I'm lucky late, parson road person wrote that upward at eight vision that evening of a savage and beautiful woman writing naked on a great catlike beast their dreams, we prepared match algerian pretty weird. Sometimes we prepared magically for this communication constructing a test. At the altar. He was robbed and white carrying a lamp, and I in black hooded with the cup and dagger. I mean you're, helping me hey a lot of leaps of faith here, a lot of we were nine poor decisions, dave who doesn't look at the other and go guy and go what are we doing? It will just be like. Why are we?
different at least like. Why is it like? Why are we opposites? What are we doing? You evoked on me, fuck february, twenty third nineteen, forty six persons triumphantly wrote to Crowley. I have my elemental. She turned up on night after the conclusion of the magic and has since been with me other she does go back to new york next week, motion elemental, most of the women that I conjure by masturbating, The air, a lotta element is a valid case, will eventually go I go to new york yeah. Exactly a lot of them are east coast elemental. A lot of my a lot of my spirits like to spend fall in the east. They do the weather. Really affects elemental travel. She has adherents land green eyes as specified she's, an artist, strong minded and determined with strong masculine characteristic characteristics and a fanatical independence
What's a frantically dependence measures we transvestite. If she returned, she will be dedicated, as I am created. The elemental was actually woman, name marjorie Elizabeth Cameron, also known as candy swayed three names. They may really started performance. sex, magic rituals together la la jack, wrote to Crowley. I have to invoke continually this now being possible and easy. It's so much better with a girl, You know that's what he's right. Yeah it's yeah is so much better than I can evoke so much more when I'm not evoking into a imaginary area of symbols, stare at the ever used up magic,
Rather it is it just somebody who has obstructed too long. According to candy cameron, the right consisted of her and parsons spending two weeks in bed where the two talked incessantly and fact on february, twenty of nineteen, forty six in between the two parts of the Babylon magical, rackets, parsons, hubbard and Betty formed a company called allied enterprises. You hubbard one thousand one hundred and eighty three dollars. Ninety one sense and betty's, absolutely nothing sweet parts I put in twenty thousand nine hundred and seventy dawson eighty set Jesus in this enterprise. They were too by boats on the east coast and sell them back to california, for resale
what is that? Why would poach be worth more money on the west coast? I mean that. So that's just not even a thing. That's that's like buying a car in new york and driving it out and we're going to make a fortune in California. It's just a boat, it doesn't get. It doesn't increase the vat yoda cause you take it somewhere else. I just love, maybe the boats, it's autumn or something like that, and they were just more valuable but no points well received in April. Nineteen, forty six after the second part of the Babylon magic rituals ron left with betty and ten thousand of the company's money later that month, jack jack started a thing the dead cheated him later this month. Does your misery day he threatened to chase them I have one regret. This is not good for jack. He just took ten grand
his wife or priestess called the herbert soon com jack down astrologer lose going over her. The call in can believe the formerly angry parsons could be so easily swayed parcel ended the car with. I hope we shall always be part. where's her on? Oh, my god, l ron, hubbard, must have been a real smooth, fucking talker for sure by june jack could no longer wait and went to florida after hubbard and Betty discovering that they had purchased three boats. He found two of the boats, but not ron and petty one. After one, the harpoon was anchored at howard's bond yacht harbor jack, then rented a room and waited two days later. Someone from bond's harbor called parsons to say that the harpoon had just sailed. He was too late to catch them, so returned to his room and consecrated a circle as one as one does
Care of this right. Well, you know to do tat because of great dignity, as it had gone to great jerk off in this, so tell room in a circle. Get the maiden here. I've a vote on the taos parsons wrote the crowley. Here I am, and pursuing the children of my folly, hubbard attempted to escape me by sailing at five pm, and I performed a a performed, a full invocation to parts of bell, the god of war within the circle at eight pm. At the time. So far as I can check his ship is, was struck by a sudden squall off the coast which ripped off his sails and forced him to come back to port. Where I took the boat in custody, I have the wealth tied up, they cannot move without going to jail. However, I am afraid that most of the money has already been dissipated, I'll be lucky
savage three to five thousand dollars in the interim. I am flat broke, ok, citizens, the craziest letter ever written crowley, FARC. I made a lot of mistakes, so I made my army, which is nice. I made us. Which caused a storm jerked off. Minister, sure god allow me to storm into the circle and now so none of that is true. Well yeah, it is really got like. Well, I mean, obviously he didn't evoke well, he didn't invoke the fuckin yeah, but he had them tied up hubbard's, just a shitty sailor. If you go back and read which I have done, because I was going to do a podcast on it that read hubbard as a ship captain in the navy, it's
Fucking extraordinary. At its extraordinary the following week, our enterprises was dissolved. The court ordering hubbard to pay parsons twenty nine hundred and no charges would be pressed betty threatened to press charges against jackson simulation. It started when she was younger than eighteen, fair or by the way fairbury. On august tenth, nineteen, forty six hubbard married betty, who now went by ere, I pay at those what what our name, what names an ordinary story. That would be weird here, but unfortunately, at this point name switching is fine. Hubbard was still married to polly is first wife.
polly, who are now calling samantha Jesus Christ, we got hubbard dynamic research foundation was established for years later, habits arouse companionable dianetics. The modern science of mental health published in may scientology again. The church of scientology acknowledge cupboards involvement with the parsonage. A nineteen sixty nine statement written by Herbert himself said hovered broke up black magic, america around hubbard was it was still an officer of the us navy because he was well known as a writer and a philosopher and had friends amongst the physicists he was sent in. To handle the situation he went to live at the house, investigated the black magic rights and the general situation and found them very bad, Its mission was successful. Far beyond everyone's expectations. The house was torn down hubbard
I ask you to girl. They were using that lack magic group was dispersed and destroyed and has never been recovered. He's the new he's New marvel world by the way around hubbard, as yeah he's gonna, be one of the superheroes. I feel I have a moment to deal with what has happened with greece over that Iraq must indeed ventures what governments they can put. What nook everything so crazy? You believe that it is not true of russia It's not the avengers okay, but what if he was so I had a few. I thought why did think it was l ron hubbard. I thought it was going to be like some. You know like how they did battle the earth, whereas about scientology. So it's gotta be sort of great version. the big shoes I'll. Tell you what a fantastic movie
No john on august, twenty is nineteen, forty, six jackson, formal letter of resignation from the ojo to Crowley. He saw them house and handed over leadership of the gop a lodge is out give me to hear he said: employed working for northern american aviation corp and doing consulting work, such as for the lapd l, a district attorney general chemistry, company and the national diet. hence research, council rights for ice and a disillusioned by the incident with hubbard a betty, parsons drift away from magic and focused his will on his technical career. Although the two aspects of his life could never be completely separated on, may seventeenth, nineteen forty eight his two worlds collided as he lost his government's security.
Clarence because of its membership in a religious colt believed to advocate sexual perversion, organised at the subjects home which had been reported subversive elsewhere. The affair described it as a mythical love cult, despite jack's assistance that it was dedicated to the freedom and liberty of the individual sure jack according to parsons fbi file, whoever they may. The action was actually caused by his association with known communists is not involved in that's a problem shared by his J p, o comrade frank molina. As Earl asked, nineteen thirty eight, the sub described, anti or anti capitalist parsons had subscribe to the daily people's world communist papers and attended a few meetings of different groups during the subsequent years journey
subversive american civil liberties union and nineteen. Forty six one of the early victims of what would become the mccarthy witch hunts. Parsons later testified in closed court that his interest was merely an intellectual one. He told him that the lima the will aspect of crowley's work was defined. Definitely anti communist and anti fascist and his clearance was finally reinstated. Oh my god might seventh nineteen forty nine, but he lost his job and candy camera and left him. I don't feel bad jack made money, fixing cars, pumping gas and, as a hospital assistant, that's what he should have started with a guy who doesn't have a college education yeah. But that's what you start with he embarked on a surgery, hake, nitrate. He embarked on a series of magical rituals, boy, hiring prostitutes, that's not a magical rich. This is a magic
well, I've got to buy math and fuck whores eu and having passing affairs do work. The sex, magic raids with his new magical endeavor was called the crossing of the abyss. It's aim to transform him into a master of the temple and become one with the universal consciousness by fuckin prostitutes. Since he did not have his security clearance reinstated, he went to work in nineteen, forty, nine for hughes aircraft company. So now he uses involved as it as long as he's back on chemical plant design and construction. This com does matter you can frenzy as your checks to hand over several reports from the company to israeli power brokers interested in arming the fledgling state of Israel, then it's all good. It's all good. Revision of its listen, this guy
the evil perish. Do everything that's wrong, minister? It is everywhere and the israelis were openly the? U s. So he didn't make rockets for israel, which to him being investigated again. When the treaties are children I'll take a day. He was far from user guide. The nineteen fifty and candy came back to him from mexico, where she was living in an artist community. He set up is how laboratory in the coach house they rented. He went back to working in powder companies and had a security clearance revoked forever in january. Ninety do just to be clear.
Permanent. He uncanny made plans. The return of mixed go together. Jack, had a temporary job, developing and manufacturing pyrotechnics for movies and received a call june. Seventeen nineteen fifty two four rush order from the special effects corporation one day before they were to leave for mexico. After working this home lab all day at five, eight p m an explosion through a cast iron tub onto jack parsons, thirty, seven years old, who died from inject his injuries an hour later he was thirty seven. He did all that. and he was only thirty seven. I mean I'm expect what I'm picturing right. Dude your picturing, a guy in his late sixties. At this point, do did some fuckin live the thirty seven because he knew he evoked with our own hub He knew how to go for it. This whole, its whole story should be called goethe.
I dunno know I think thats the name of the movie now going forward now we're finding a place where we don't agree: yeah, okay, to fucking, I'm going to pitch this to amc going for the jack parsons. I think you could probably give it a different title and sell it. His mother, ruth staying in a friend's house nearby hysterically screamed I'm going to kill myself. I can't
stand. This upon hearing of her sons, death, miss Helen rowan, a friend, also sing at the house, was chair bound with arthritis and called the doktor to send a prescription of number tall, a barbecue it another friend arrived at. The pills, gave to truth to calm down and then went into the kitchen to make food ruth grabbed the pills swallow them all. Lamas Rowan, with the arthritis just looked on in horror, ruth parsons was declared dead at ninety five p m for hours after her son ruth parsons, big dog made it difficult for police to attend her suicide, seen after being attacked by the dedicated beasts, best
The police officer shot the dog in the head. There's is a real feel: good, ending don Harding, an investigator at the scene, tripped and hit his head and died exploded and, while masturbating that's how it always ends don Harding discovered a syringe among the blast. Debris partially filled with a morphine like substance and believed that person's drug use contributed to his mishandling of explosives. So now he got into hair and after all that I get up in the air and that's not even something we learned on the way it's just like after the fact like he was a junkin childhood friend, ed froman, said jack used to sweat a lot and the damn thing just slipped out of his hand and blew them up
damn thing heroine agrees. They'll really do that too. Yet something was allegedly found after the death of parsons that didn't make the nineteen fifty two los angeles times at Dave. Can I just say right now: I'm gonna show it to you. Oh shit, the picture. What a black box yeah markings, Oliver yeah amateur rocket advocate Harold chambers, was told on separate occasions by both Harding and a chemical engineer, friend of jack's, from work that an odd bizarre, fairly big box decorated with snakes and dragons, was found in a trailer at the parsons residence. The odd box was found to contain home movies of parsons and his mother ruth having sex mica, not only with each other, but also with ruth's big dog,
Oh, my god. What You know, you know you got a story when page six is he factor mom, holy shit, totally normal I thought the site was on the phone okay, so she hears what videotaping jog fucking she yeah. What if you're going to do it get do it in privacy capture the memories? Oh, my god that was one of the polaroid
video commercials. I think you're thinking of something else. No, it was like if you're fucking, your dog there, we go we're already. I already don't agree holy shit, alright, okay, bobo! No, oh! No! Oh! No! No! That just give the dog a bowl of nitrate, occultist site parsons is one of the most significant figures in propagating full lima across north America. Scientific historians recognize his contributions to rocket propulsion, chemistry and design, and his advocacy advocacy for their use in space exploration and human spaceflight for the latter reasons and because of his role in the foundation of gps, parsons is regarded as among the most important figures in the history of the: u s, space programme and he's
also one of the most important figures in dog fucking. I would say he is maybe our best rocket scientist dogfight is my favorite of all. There's not a lot of cross over all the ragged guys he's my very dog. He flew the red rocket for the first time I feel right now, just you know not good sech, a little sick. You remember when Ali went to africa I thought fraser yeah the and he just the rope a dope, and he just beat him against the ropes for a few, yeah yeah yeah, but I feel like I don't have the second part where I fight back right and em.
you don't even like. I don't have that part of it was all. I did the rope a dope, but I just did the rope. I got sent his story by so many people and when someone- I don't even know what I mean at first I was like that is if the same ease ache yet seems fake. and then I m then, and so what happened was I looked up again and I was like aegis so crazy. I cannot believe in his true and then I have their so awry searchers, someone who's in in college, whose job is to do this sort of thing samuel emails. Is there anything? You want me to research, and I said ok. This is the one because I don't know what the fuck is happening. So this was. This is wasn't just research, but the person semi. This sent all of the footnotes and thing is factually checked. Who is this except the dog? First I found this morning. You ve just found dog fucking.
This morning yeah I was, I was reading another article about it then, and then the dog he made a crazy black box with videotapes of him fucking his mom and a dog that what else do you put in the crazy black box? That's almost went crazy. black boxes are for. It puts the crazy and black box and now anybody who put who makes a crazy black box, has the top that and guess what theirs no more black boxes. I disagree We should always be one crazy black, but I dont think it can be to give it up. Yeah, you know it. You have a guy eels are already turning over the table. A guy svoboda bear a zero David, when we thought that bear pornographic my uncle was there. I thought my grandfather target of. It was awesome. So if you want to take a tour of jpl, it's it's
like a ten mile telling us it's where they do nasa regular pass. The probably passing the the robot going, the robot that was designed and it's now on the rover. That's it whenever it is. The mass on mars does designer. Well, I job here and get my landlord works. A gps might be damned him of ghana. Industry refugee appeal might be I'm not doktor him tell you so in conclusion, number nominate prefer performer magic, richer lesson I Please make the circle big fear, evoking error. I just want to apologize with jack. I add I do too.
I didn't do why there everybody its gareth. You know from this this podcast listen. I've got some stand of, shows them inviting the garments the Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august, twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september.
twenty fourth and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-02.