« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

28 - The Past Times with Fahim Anwar

2023-05-26 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and comedian Fahim Anwar

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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three dollars, Harry's dot com, slash dollop, that's harry's, dot com slashed dump for Three dollars starter set: right, everybody will go into the pastimes pod. Each week we go through old newspaper from a random date. Mystery picked up. I gave every I'm here thresholds and I've never seen before, and neither is our yes. This we see men why hello fee hello, good beer. I have not seen it now now. You've not seen it. You've got a hard cast cause. It's not even ours alive. If I'm in the dark about here yet nope nope, that's not going to be easy for you. Well we're we're, recording these and then we're going to release them later, like we're banging a bunch, so we're banking, we're going to bank about seven hundred and then released. It's the only show. That's been teased that it's going to be released in three weeks for two years. We've got at that point. The bank really good.
for him. You do stand of comedy I'm reading there on the bio. This is true now you are hilarious. I was just telling you before the show how fucking great your specialised. It's called patrick. It's on youtube. It is at so rare when you watch especially like I could keep watching like you know not leave things. I love from another country in the annals of time when it is a very forty five. I like it. Let's go, let's wrap this up. Stick the lead, I feel like I years could be like much longer, but but it's over because you can check it out and then you're on the road, so good for him. Anwar dot com for toward aids and stuff, like that I appreciate all that, especially from another stand up, because we can get jaded and it's hard to like watch specials, even though we love it. So the fact that you're able to sit through that special in it just keep in mind I'm a hack, is I'm not a very good now come on. I love you man at keeping an eye, but the haglund day. If I gave you- and I are you- I would say that I am really good. Bye
As a lot of room for improvement, What a guy, what a fuck who the fuck? You like the tough but fair dad I'll give it to you straight away, but we have a son of the soccer coach always got at the hardest because- and I don't wanna play favorinus dave- has real son of soccer coach energy like real sort of such generally I'd, so we got a random paper, you and I don't know it. I always like to guess what year I think it'll be from. I think, your private we are used to how far back will you go dave? Sixteen hundred you ve said yeah these papers heavily down wonderland Don't? We have. You know why, because a lot of them are like they're like chicken and they're there like they're, like three pages, and just pact in its like a gesine years ago, its aim? This one is from eighteen, fifty, nine but human, and if you want to take as nab view
eighteen sixty undue and priority right rural lacking fucking me up. No, it's good. What do you use very smart? I wanna do year, one I'm an actually say you're, one nineteen. Fifteen january twenty sixth postal christmas share. little rock arkansas. It is the daily arkansas cosette. The first headline is: is wounded by robbers. Portsmouth battle wordsmith blacksmith battles with two high women. This feels like eighteen. Thirty, there is no black night did fifty I didn't know they were using the term highwaymen and highway men. I women highway patrol guys or is it like hitchhikers
I remember like guys in england who would rob you they be on horseback and they Robbie. While you were in your staged, loss of land, yelling. landslides. That's right! I'm the captain's! Now no battle with highwaymen jesse Davis, a giant blacksmith. That's on brand, so he's huge. I don't feel like there are a lot of tiny ones who are like deleted other corn, but what if he was great, then he headed for the fight. The image like no one wanted the stuff from him like I can do the job. I've got this. now. I know that now need a blacksmith. It can really pounded. It looks like you just be like slapping slapping, you ve got a really bang out the metal more tune it fort. Sir,. Here He was shot last night and his assailant escaped after police bloodhounds had turned for three miles, If this was held up while passing a building into which
You highwaymen had dragged another victim to robin the man escaped when Davis became, engage in a fight with the robbers who apparently suspected he had arrived to interfere the robber, shouted Davis, seven times. so he was just crews and by and they thought he was there to save because he's giant if a giant comes I call this guy's on the side of justice ray and and and then the other guy got away. So he did kind of save him. He didn't have to say I'm not trying to help I'm just passing by you'd better go with you guys is. I don't give a shit and passing through. I like you, I don't give a shit guy that. Wasn't it whether our good, that's a pretty good start. in the headline us sometimes on these. It will be like the weirdest opening. Like it what that will mean like the first thing will never been away like
baby, sick, never Jesus, let's front page, ok, if so, what yeah. I wonder whether officer is a hero, a different one, the is wonder whether like, like a dc comic character, wonder whether not the weather, whether whether women, the other, whether one weapon gotcha right gaeta by dint of waggish. And though it says, a wabash, this county, like it's like by the way our accounts about sharing In case you are reading, it is in our county or elsewhere, and I had different virginia lavish dead to wash this county and tita. Martin of morgan city are in jail here, charged with having attempted to hold up special officer, william, loving, sounds like a little bit like a porno, yet the loving off
The loving says he was accosted by debt, who pointed a pistol at his head and ordered him to throw up his hands I know I will throw up there that link dates. It so well, I never loved, say: throw em up. Throbbing adds part your legs loving says he knocked up the pit so with one hand and with the other, hit dent over the head with his own pistol, knocking the man unconscious. This definitely as they like raw lifestyle. I wouldn't go in it. If you could raw programme, someone got to him punched. The era remember how that used to be year. Delay design was due. Do singles the banks serve. He's batman ears, but the idea that that should come.
back. I want to bring it back. I want to go in a like barneys beanery, or something and get people ledger at an event is bar it I'd I understand why it would stop that should at least be incorporated into some fighting at this, yet they should have done the mythbusters where they actually tested the efficacy of the two hundred punch for punch, meter, yeah or like the sports science guy, who I don't know where he went, but he was around for like five years I was like these are amazing, bring him back for the double fence we would have to dress of the period as well. We hat and shit to get the real mechanics of sports science dirt her face: yellow musty yeah loving said martin than emerged, so he hit so he hits the hits. The go over the head right. Then loving said: Martin emerged from the darkness and ordered him to throw up his hands louth roma. At the same time as attempting to draw a pistol,
Having says he hit martin over the head with his pistol in a similar manner. Manner. Also knocking him unconscious so Is this the need to ask us at the green honestly birds are flying around every this guy through a tunnel in time. Came Eight o clock with their guns knows that that's the same guy? Who did that move or those that is the carpets, though you're gonna move, he's gotta had locked out of butter ox upper pistol with one him here I got over the logs designs. Did the wealth get so big? Raise the hat offer this had a hundred percent, and then he did shoe to guide. He drank water and it came out through the hall. Is this a while handcuff both that certain to jail debt. arden, however, say they were walking down the street when the officer attack them with his pistol without the least provocation these
they believe loving is trying to make a reputation for himself as a result of the many recent robberies and hold ups here, and then he selected them as fall guys the prisoners were badly beaten about bad. believe that anyone, I believe We know what the truth is. The got just said. just has twice as they did. I wanna get a gun in like just pistol. Weapon, never shoot it? I want to use it to be people with the gun and I never by any bullets. If here the best way double first heading, and you have an unloaded gun that your budding people with you will make a name for yourself. Yeah they are like almost from the wire like this age ass. He hits you with his years. So many guns, no bullets into their legends. You the parties beanery yeah, he loves, the deep menu over? That actually a lot is that the menus, like a paper, this guy, Was reading the menu like it's news,
for a time this morning. Loving was a hero and there was considerable talk of raising a purse for him. But since the stories told by the two prisoners have become known, there's a general disposition, to await the results of the examination of the two prisoners. So it's kind of like see small at the cop. The are pretty much ok. Are you saying now I I making I'm making a joke up what the the people think. I obviously, though, still believe that those, I believe everything justice, justice redress. It is justice readjusted Ok, we don't you know, But pygmies pig, poultry clumsily, I am glad you are never poultry. Paul. You give a quick taste poultry Secondly, is it still boys and girls play It's a loan them money at interest for a year and give them a start. The arkansas pig and poultry
club state organization to finance farm, boys and girls in helping arkansas to feed herself was perfected? At a meeting of the executive committee in mare charles tailors office? Yesterday, the club was organised, in philosophy, county, a pig or a calf for every farm boy and a pen of chicken. For every farm girl is the hope of the club. Certainly, behind the distinction? Here would be enrolled can handle pigs. They there tat good point, yea ring of a good plan. Think about those dumb question. I'm sorry have you ever at a girl that can handle up a peg. There There are always people who still sceptical about voting. I'm gonna happen affair, bats are you? Could that would be? The test if we can handle the swine basic above all right
Well, that's exciting, I'm assuming it didn't work out and then all the pigs and chickens died. This is like a precursor to boys and girls club yeah. It's called jack, but with pigs. Save by mothers, love w. burgess. Twenty five was released on his own, were cognizance by jug, judge, grace and will never be, but brought to trial on a larceny tragically behaves himself. Burgess and took it pains, were arrested several weeks ago and charged with the theft of a few articles from a buggy. His other, their highwaymen highway boys he's a hiram yeah, these irishman, his pants. ordered from their home and elden iowa to a system. The father was stricken with paralysis, traveling through Missouri, and had to return home she's, so that batches happens as just part of all of teens paralyzed
and what is the life expectancy than because you here, twenty five, that kid is nobody better, but over their device by that old man? Doing all that stuff of man is too old for this bullshit he's twenty five? Let nobody pays got another ten years. The it's like seven or eight years. How long must this man just became paralyzed He was struck by promises that you know you're a year in year, again you're with your wife and also the guy care above my flower, the body quit just org trail elements, air oregon trail, Presented also, the mother returned a dead mother, the mother kept going on the ship, the dad went home. I don't know how europe agitating eyes. I like it, I like to call their she's like, while I'm dead see you later, what are you gonna do about it? As always, you bet you son of a bitch. Should we give it your jacket?
Then it mother says she gets there. She presented better, let many letters attesting to the previous good character of her son. Her plea to judge grace brought the release of the boy who was urged by the jurists Your appreciation of the love that prompted his mother's sacrifices. Mother and son started the trip home. So mom got let off because they were like your mom, loves you. So I'm gonna go: let's go home, we're getting it real. If my mom would have told me this story by now, like that's something my mom would have filed away, just like our mothers love, I read so the you guys you're the companions
their mothers are like bath. Nah, that's a little! That's a bit of an ascot is the good luck in jail whole letter busy. I was like twelve if I join the jury's requested a hug in order to prove the affection and that he's a gardener like that yeah and they're, like is your father is like he would bring, but he can't move his arms. You can't hug your father can't hug. What did you do with it, but I just put him in a different wagon and sent him home. Ok, let's get I wish that could have I gotta do you. I once wrote certainly wish that that if your mother was nowhere to be found nowhere to be found now. No. I mean she wrote this like heartfelt letter and the guy read anything like what the fuck. I have this initial sentences you yeah I get, does yachting. yeah. Well, that's what it would be now kind of yeah yeah well that er, Well you're, going to really suffer a jail for sure. You seem a little do nurtured dark place for you.
your mom really loves. You should call you when you're there that this will be out of you in a few weeks, a burglars at ozark burglars rifled through the office of doktor JD war and last night, and finding a no cash stole. The doctors, fine, fountain, pen, what it does, nineteen fifty am. I found style out at this late hour. I feel good, You do like you. in the morning and the feathers not there and you're like. Oh, my god, what happened? I'm not gonna, be able to It took. I well my day of journalists, ended I'll. Listen, there's lots Gee, double use in our asses in all these J s ear, but there were no in the full name in this paper. Well, a lot of times for him they will be like give. The address, fell like
well, they'll like be like this is what he looked like. This is where he lived and you're like why he was that guy got this news dogs hang out the gate. Yad switched to everyone got dogs, meat, market, cleaned out, nice haber springs, burglars entered the meat market of laurent brothers Monday night, install every scrap of meat in the plates, but see that such like a dumb thing because as why. Well there I mean probably a lot of meat, and my guess is that they're gonna, like it's just gonna, go back, add so they're gonna have three days of just like you know pounding need, and then they decided for the high with a toothpick, charlie
suckling, dirty actors, guys in alleys, they got to meet you, but you're rarely satisfied to satisfy your fellow they're, never hungry or satiated yeah. I dunno I dunno about the galloways picking scraps from the twigs brisket yeah, so I I do feel like that's one of those I mean unless they're like jerking everything which carbon there or they have a baby, big family and there's gonna. Be a barbecue or something like that, maybe, but then that is like a good fellows thing where it's like looked out by any new shit levy. A letter like our right, no barbecues after we might ask joy, appears to have been overresist right,
no briskets. We don't need that kind of heat. We'd all need that heat people are going to talk about you're, not going out and buying sauce no parking. Then yeah, there's like bbq sauce on the guy's corner of his mouth like a bucket. This show it off you're parading it around. So his wife walks in and she just got a barbeque, the bibs. What are you doing? but what we ve got a few babes. What are you worried about? Which is what gets babes the obvious, we can give me a bibbs. insane black fears. Lynching knock, I might almost say he's not insane right off the bat first off raced suffering.
From the delusion that a mob of white men and see the lynch him Jane wesley. What s land kid! I made my guide, you that's called living in america, nineteen, fifteen, hello! I'm! Why do you call cage here's? My adage warrior it? We were just talking a week which agone out wesley, remained in the woods three miles from conway through Tuesday night snow storm until late yesterday, he was captured by day pity sheriffs J summers and Roy henrichson and placed in the county last night. Today Judged insane and will be taken to the state hospital for nervous diseases and little rock well, this one's ripe for comedy Yeah jargon, isogai laughs sky. Clearly was right: yeah yeah.
somebody sets up dog, he didn't just run off and where we have a good day s journey. We are a good aol work at this guy he's gonna, get lynched, yeah arkansas and what they call him insane and the headline insane. Black fears: lynching, Jesus Christ, classic headline it's always around little rock to be so progressive basis, shack and it is very progressive. Difficult nervous tendencies nervous tendencies living in these the areas they re says: america. He has his being away. An observant yeah. We are brought to you by harry's. Hey look fathers days, common up and that's a day for fathers, because it know that and what it was what can we get debt? What what the old man need will how bout a sweet soft face. I'm talkin about razors
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I heart rush, not car. That's iheart, rush, dot com expect more with rose truck centres, themes at ashcombe. Who stole a gun slot machine from the frescoes station and a dog which was changed chained to a caboose that stood at the station. I feel like this is like a nineteen fifteen mad lab yeah councillors, gunnar along the shit, yeah its gum outcomes they took gum. and a which is pretty good. that's a pretty good hall yeah. I like the back to back pairing of that article in this one I ever just order, innovate by gets, took a dog. You knows no different than the way they do: local news and holidays any now, true, better bearing on a lighter note eyes. Five, all five we're dead
things can get things, that's what they got at the mall, this man, It's a tried and true news method: yeah yeah, the downshift of course larceny is, is most perhaps about, but if a man must steel, he might as well steel sensibly, and it does not seem that a thief who possesses a good supply chewing gum and a reason, then a reason good. Dog is prepared for almost any emergency. What fuck? That's like Macgyver philosophy he's! Yeah! I mean he sang the guy is thief and only has a dog and gum, but he's also isn't. He also said: I think that that is like you're, pretty much ready for anything. Then now he saying you're not ready. Ok, I thought it was the opposite. Ok, it makes more sense. Oh, no! He is his yes, yes and you got gum and dies, and what can you do this
as the limit, if you gotta clean gum, yeah I've corrected. Thank you asshole. The ok that was a bit much spicy. data beholden, a merchant w missed, missed a train hawk c and walk to pocahontas. Then he missed a train back to hawks e m, returned on foot, completing a day's hike of thirty miles so Like a thirty miles- and you may remember- An inspirational story or somethin. it was what the angle is dangle is just so I'm an agenda to their. I talk about air slowness day, yeah and I think the reason why I was so exciting was because he missed the two trains, though, like that's that's the angle right that then he walked thirty miles. go. We get a lot of stories about missing, trying to trains,
well well. Well, we ve got a nickel hey. justice. Mcconnell was called to try a case in which one woman put a black q s under The others I. To which he was made to pay a fine of five dollars and costs was Q s, one in fact, just happened by years plus the now what's how would I what secure you ass? She went away slut now you're kidding right like I could totally basil Q s stands for something obviously. Yeah, how did she put it under the other ladys I want is not a question yet. This is what I like about now. Everything's maker everything's, like you need to
q Asperger under I bags, so she just wrote q s on a woman's eyes and then took Ali. That's it under you and I I wanted to find dollar she paid for that, and I am obviously if I would pay somewhat five dollars to rescue us under their eyes. Now, well Genji is paying people a hundred dollars to do that with just tattoos nodded yeah, that's true! Oh yeah, yeah, yeah! That's pick your face! Tat, your joke, witches fucking funny to address the sea like faced had to styles change like Now. Kids just have letters and staff yeah, that's really wild. It does seem. in the ets, when you know your old, when you're like back you'll, regret that some day Well, you should have a mite thyssen like style. That's a face tat to what has just you have also been soup on their own. I also remember when he got that we were all at once.
I do now. Everyone's like that was pretty good move. Yeah at the time were like him, hell yeah. I can't see him without it. Now I'm like yeah yeah, yeah, yeah if everybody's like what are the other tattoo made less sense, yeah yeah right yeah, it's just like logical. It's like let me get that little tattoo on his face. Yeah I like a society expected more out of MIKE tyson employing. Why would he do that law? Take a bite? future! Michael in fashion, spelling bee, in which only grown people out of weight way. I can't read this were oh: ok at all, fascist spit, Start again, an old fashioned spelling bee in which only grown people out of practice may participate will be held in series. It's like the saddest spelling bee ever or this,
but although you have grown up and rusty kid, you at a moment when airlines is now available five years is actually polish spared any word. This seems like a nathan, feel their show. How do you prove that you're rusty spell bag, shit, I don't know I was here in The idea was this I'll, honest to god. I would love we should just. I bet you could sell a show, a grown up, spelling bee. grownups valley, a hundred percent just markham, let's go the arteries ripe for that and the kids who are good at spelling, there's from the sidelines like this isn't for you, this is for us era. Your dear good and little EL guy, would get the ship it out of him out like outside he rang the bell with some real attitude. Mother fucker, you didn't! Let me
that is the word before you dig you piece of shit. You a spelling bee in which a dumb adults, Let us bear words and they use having a five year. All Are you smarter than a fifth grader, but the spelling bee version yeah, I'm into it. We have really shaming and embarrassing, and now I mean I think, we're ready. the spindle news, is exhibiting the picture of an enormous catfish caught from the grand river in Oklahoma by seal pratt former restaurant of spring day, The new says the fish was more than fourteen feet in length and wait over a thousand pounds. What does it take us? This is a photo or a picture, a picture of the catfish. That probably mean someone just drew it they were like. That's the one yeah. I doubt it look at the picture, the guardroom volume
evidence already there is, can catfish could there be? how's that big! I mean I don't fuck. I dont know. Let's find out the biggest catfish I mean. There's certainly. men. How says it was stranded on a rifle. And when this is true, if it's a rifle the average temperature and was dry The shore with a team share a rifle when I try to pull it out but said: Google, the server encountered a temporary air. that's what I got there. We know what made out a lot of kids, okey or shall a part of a stream a river with rough water
six hundred and forty six pounds entirely list live like years now, how bigger than they say this one was a thousand board team for fourteen feet and a thousand pounds. I mean he's just a big big of vanity shares of the negative measures of a seven underpowered catfish are upset real. It's up, I may genuinely slippers, like the special you got me sick, run, it gets better data to object to be under there. This is me here. May I gotta rights of cues under my eyes? This can fish essentially beached itself Now that I'm out, please take me yeah now that it says, there's article seven of the largest catfish ever caught so yeah they get pretty fucked a big the only way they have is that the guy said it and a guy drew it correct.
No it's a picture it, I believe it's an actual, an actual nineteen fifteen okay, yeah catches looked up the seminar hundred pound. It's really really really not ok, Terrible this, it's really not ok, it shouldn't be a thing. Now. The ring. You gotta forever changed our man. I gotta pull the setting up of an energy saving suggests to me I did all the young the google was like. I don't think so Are you eighteen hours at the sign off on it? You should see this. All of these in the war news, paris papers are complaining that women prisoners in southern france have so much liberty. They wander about insulting the merchants in demur. I need to know whether the district is still french or has become a german price wow. So does it? german prisoners.
It doesn't really sound like the prisoners. They just know: they're just yeah they're free roaming, assholes yeah. It sounds like a tourist France's is germany, you pack and ass. All there is. there really unbelievable to us. We think If your time. Insulting the merchants and with this burn in france are what you think I? U turn out. Maybe you should get a spock around stupid, brandish dogma. Do running on NATO Ya. I swear. Why should they put him inside of a prison, a method of curing fatigue? just by the doctor, this will tried in the trenches will be great, We're gonna make sure I can read this word because the soldier takes off his boots. Like it already lies down with his head on his sack necessary tired, what we call sleeping
This is when they invented the car sleeping. You close your eyes and you got magic that that'd be unbelievable. I'll tell you, I tried his method. I was crazy. Eight hours later, you're fresh, I don't know where I went, but I well. I guess I just snapped out of it. He sticks his legs straight up and supports them against a tree a trench or the back of a comrade and then wiggles his toes so stats, gonna, stop, fatigue, say you going to find more trees and comrades playing ball in there. Now you get you could get. You lay down what to buy an economic, I suppose I mean already just stress positions that they are trying to play off- is anti fatigue. Yeah that could be Yeah you get naked and stack inhuman, a human erika and which
the eiffel tower next together and I love that doctors will You may be. A complaint was made up on the flies I can. Then you check your shoes off. Ok butcher. on a tree or france, then figuring Charles babbage wants it. And then let me know retired yeah, tired yeah, did keep them yet, for a long time, keeping I had him on the back and there was a good life lunch in their champagne. For the discovery like we are, you are our best opt out and some german was. I look as these assholes there, like these pocket gas lamp. Who is really looks at bath inquired inquiry as too feeble minded. Well, we should get back going the house at the morning session and by the way, as lose. Not a lot of little rock news
I think this is a little rock news. This ok just because you're hot with had quite a bit of a the crimes of all local. Ok, I attach the catfish Capitalism nearby town- I mean so- it's ok, yeah, alright, the house morning session, adopted a resolution by Mr Josephs, providing for the appointment of a any of seven house members to investigate as to what provisions are made by the state for reducing the proportion of feeble minded persons. And to make recommendations for further provisions to this end? So what is bottom line this one david? I think how much? How much are we give the dumb is that what they're saying I I I think that they're their worried that there's too many people, why I chose the same problem that we have today Riyadh and only went away. I mean I only differences we were concerned about.
now we're just perfect, but we can on feeble minded anymore, either around like numeric Oliver dangerous person, bad, I let you get back up the road Listen declares that the proportion of feeble mind is its rapidly increasing dedicated by investigations of the inmates of the penitentiary in county jails. So they went and like it checked on prisoners and like they're, very stupid There really are already so it was there a test within the inmates, or the you are in prison means or feed lighted. I wonder what spelling bee I think it was that I think they had a spelling bee in the prison in the prison. That makes sense now yeah, but I definitely think that Google's damage is interesting, but I think that
out, that's a movie, that's a black mare, dear god, depend on the matter by google's down. Why? What google? What about ass, greece that still up right now, that's down do what's that paper cooper, talks to you, MR batten, we're going to quit. clearly on the phone get me clipping clearly on the phone. Ok, so feeble You wanted to see me with the president. Help it starting a war nearby, bears very glibly. Looking so feeble minded was used in the late nineteenth century for disorders later referred to as illnesses or deficiencies of mind. All kinds of these of educational social deficiency, as they had a hierarchy rigid from idiocy as the most severe and vision. On behalf of the committee
in the was the median and feeble minded at the highest end of functioning, so feeble minded is numbering functioning as good as feeble minded is the best you know it turns out. I'm a little feeble minded idiot know that cilic yeah your test scores back and the people minded and you're like just just being out there, I'm going to be attacked, I'm getting used, I used to be an imbecile. People minded way This is travis. You know these people minded The other stop is about our air I think we're what's that I was wrong. So feeding was tom imbecile. Knowing that already a seriously it is, has the lowest a kettle when I guess haber and as an idiot like idiot seeming after class idiots? area. Save me, after clan, but they were also brad. Like you
good I'll get areas see the notes, the worst. When exactly abu pretty good now blow is not at these, knowing baby. Calchas fur feeble minded gets mad is european body. Oh my god in american psychologist Henry god, are goddard. Coined the term more while he was just like done with the security more on below the amount made it's api? Well guess who's, not allow allow this money, how language changes but lake we mean the same thing you know like in bahrain becomes out of vogue, and you know you just pick a new version of it. Yeah yeah, It just changed, so this is associated with them is associated with eugenics. The
Sorry, what's the genre ranking people, they were coming up of that? Oh he really likes to ruin all the fun. Do you get a little momentum and then nods for that? It's fun I mean, if you didn't, have all the baggage. It sounds like a pretty cool thing. Right like you could be. It came out on tv like late night, like eugenics, yeah and if some ripped guy you'd be like what is this about? Alright, I, like it yeah, that's pretty good. Who is he payments. Maybe eugenics can help me come to one of our eugenics clinics. Well, are you one of the chosen ones? We have ample I think easy parking. Objection. Judge more clerks arose illusion by MR cows- art- to provide a clerk for the committee on agriculture and for a committee clerk for other committees brought out some sharp discussion, so she's getting real cleared hands clerk in
staff Mister Joseph subjected on the ground that there are already many clerks some I have nothing to do. I am against any more clerks, he said, and if they keep for more. I shall consider introducing a resolution to fire all of them. The house then recess for the blood. That's what we got Joseph way to worked up the collection of fire, other clarks. There's somebody fucking clogs arrive here. Can I help you? Can I help you Jesus fucking Christ is it wouldn't love the new cabin smith movie, now god, damn it another clerks more one that I just internal medicine, because I like solving problems. Understanding the big picture- and I didn't find solutions. I chose internal medicine because I want to provide comprehensive care and enjoy
felling lifelong relationships with patience I Was internal medicine because I thrive and complexity, internal medicine is a launch pad to different career paths and a gateway to healthcare leadership more about a career in internal medicine at eighty online dot, org. on page four. Now hair and the marriage market. On the marriage market, hair and the marriage market is the handling to partner louts. Really, this is aimed right at me. too many men have been unpleasantly surprised to find that their wives hair, which they had so greatly admired only a switch or transformation. We now know that poor hair is a confession of either laziness or a lack of knowledge and that fair care
with sensible means will ensure scalp health, and here is a fucking ad, so, when you add, began its effective. people, but every about more these many years later in the working environment, arrays gave a great rather than a raise put at its also its aimed its aimed at making the women feel guilty. On behalf of the man, and I'd say you should only use shampoo that is is made as Cohesion is other things rash, impulse I've been using triangular trade at a bar soap, and maybe the guy use this, for my whole now like now, is different. Ass. My hair was talc. Ok, and men are not happy when women remove their fake
when men are going. If you lied to me, yeah you're you're, not warband, your. Let me take my hat off, so I feel bad if it tricked us this. Many years later, I just picture a woman reading the paper thinking it's a legitimate article and then wrote in and did the study like. I have poor hair yeah. I need to buy this product married now I do like will like see a paper. There are times or you'll, be like all age I think these shoes are changing people's lives and they like that advertisement, advertising relate or read it and I'm like. Oh, this is a cool poses, is promoted and I'm like I yeah yeah. Almost me up. Oh look at this wilson talked to over the phone across the continent. It's the first phone call across the continent, man shit is fucking happening. That's exciting! There's a hundred people to wash his phone call
It's the marriage of youth and old age by sophie loeb, any girl who wishes to another and I'm not fond of it, is I really, I think it's advice and yeah it's an advice, column! any girl who wishes to can be an old man's darling, but not any more for me. If ever I free to wet again, it will be to a young man who will appreciate a help me and not merely a flower to wear most man, I know over sixty want to put a woman in a glass case and keep her only for their selfish companionship young company. That was my trouble. I did not habit. These are the words of a twenty two year old southern girl who s suing her seventy six year old matter, husband, Jesus rises.
Something's, never jane eyre suggest that, but I am really is especially. because, like regular seventy six that is a hundred and thirty, though that is like that's what your whole body looks like this programme, right on account of his cruelty and making our hothouse flower. She further bemoans lot saying we were web when I was eighteen. I have no farm in life, I think that is the answer to whether a young girl should, where a man so much older. What gives you're gonna, going to find what I was saying. He was spry for seventy six. He was so women you live like, but but together and wiggle, our toes at ninety degree. I go and he replied Wake up up! You know like I do, but never ending up very demons well much livy red. Then he started
I think his age. I also fear the young guy who's, the rebound like you think about that history, like gal, I married the seventy six year old, millionaire, but again nice. Now I would I have been in a way. That's like a great position beard cassio bill. I bought a go for a walk and she's like you, I just anyone. I've ever bid with it by life. Listen to you a guy that kind of activity. I don't know a beer, having a beer boy, you are wild man say about this. So It must be another column by a guy, so wags the world by lawrence colon. We know a woman whose favorite authors are robert chambers and marie Corelli before She began to consume this kind of mental problem.
she really cared for her husband, but now she has discovered that he is a totally disqualifying role of fat on his neck and that he is unable to plumb the of her nature and sore with her to the highest whatever that or those mean quite a man like that so our natures dynamite, I plan to the depths of your nature, just smoking, a cigarette as your how's, your nature feeling thumbed No one is everybody is what does this boy is just like a lot of matter. Via this Hence I regularly as a girlfriend or a body as a girlfriend who started reading books like romantic novels now and now she thinks her husband sucks ass, an well, that would get him out of this situation honestly, a little bit but okay, doing this guys yeah this guy's blaming the books. He's like this guy's a book. Like a wrong com of its time, just young everything why,
it's all. It's a little like porn is like low. Nobody can fuck that could read in those books. Plumb and deepening. That deserves your nature, a dream in a mad. It to come before. He that's what a man does this go, we're at that. I look. I've said it a lot. I've said it before this show and I'll say it after a man supposed to come to the fore. He edges that compliment the greek meets greek. Finally, Andrews to hackers and mike com, paris mixed it in a few strenuous moments at second, a mainstream at six p m yesterday, This was lately riding the two greek chicken meat greeks are mixing mixing. It. Before the arrival of patrolman campbell by the use of arms
neutrality. He ended the combat and placed the combatants and arrest us two greeks fighting. Are they fun mixes it up any more than I like that terminology yeah? I thought it was, but they didn't put up. They just put mixed it yeah. To me. It felt more jovial, but it's like the two greek spot yeah there was there was nothing a jovial about it right. job in the I want to know. This agreement was over the agony, yet here's another good ad headline, a mess the third week. Scrawny folks are clear now jack, you do This me the paper I need you to wait again, ten to thirty pounds, a solid, healthy, permanent flesh,
nervous sitting the nervous and about men and women everywhere I heard to say I can't understand why I do not get fat. I eat plenty of good nourishing food. The reason is just this. you cannot get fat, no matter how much you eat unless you this, unless your digestive organs assimilate the fat, Making elements of your phone instead of passengers, the body as waste were hit weight It's amazing to have a targeted ad to get fat right off the bat. Oh, my god, it'd be great. Do you want to get fat or keeping kids families or late night infomercials with my programme that you need a programme to understand a lot of Kids are trying to get fat and can't, but there is also making the point of like part of
problem. Is your pulpit it out? You gotta, you gotta, keep the pulp odd year the keys to eat more than your poop. The key is to eat a lot. Hence persons body is like a dry sponge eager and hungry for the fatty materials of which it is being deprived s case. Definitely not the picture that after body and it's just a fact, I know lazy susan. Well, you could do that thing where it's like. You know you jump out. Like the old picture of yourself, except this time. You scared me announce I put out forty eight pounds like that's right up family of the body of our own. It look at all this flesh. You at EU aid through the poster, now lie out bargain aid at all So it's a it. So it's called Sorry gall gotta go then at least get one of those catchy names that you're gonna remember year saw it all
I got what am I I'm taken? Actually that store and oh exiled, you takes argon It's our knowledge and jobs work. It's a wonderful flesh builder. It says she's again, flushed, there's nothing about this. That makes me not wanted yeah that was the hydroxide caught up of its era, totally solely yeah I'll rip. Doktor like I want to any doktor who's that shredded. I dont trust their medical advice. You weren't reading books. If I see every muscle, you can't die. I broadly share the towel around his neck and his wits of dying peace in europe also a doctor, I'm a doctor, we just banged in the pool. Listen, you need in addition, going to every a music. First of all, I am also a doctor here we are burning man and I'm a doctor there's a good run.
I remember a college, I dont know if it was hydroxyl cut, but it was something like that and like a couple of fraud, divided our like ads. Try we took it one of my buddies, like hived out so hard that we were like put them down. Put them down, put them down, get about, don't use them, but still the angels mail is at the frank, thomas. One now add that some honestly, We were too, I think we're talkin asserts yadda, but I think that what is new genetics, sir? I am not now you have aware, like all it is is like doug, flutie and frank thomas, basically just being my thing and we're really bag that last we have never felt and looked better. We are banging, I figured a girl, the beach aright Frankel them we're filled with its the house boy insert a water in the gazette and you will have the desired help before breakfast. I kind of one.
Our boy weird. What was it already voicing? Do I mean it gets catch. You, your meals, and I don't I mean I can actually use one you're gonna make. It's like little use our way. If they were a little weird, I d peoples, a doorway enough. It's a boy for sure. But that's that's different made right. He wouldn't be me, I'm gonna be cleaning now as they like fetching. The paper is a glue low. By has europe from this room, but be her stepdaughter like I don't have a steps to do the dish and in the end I have made that made work so right across the house. Boy is gonna, be like most menial, unnecessary pass out. I've taken out down, I need divides, For you to do So we get a bit john activities for you, that's outside the realm of mere work or like house boy,
change the input from cable to blu ray passport jack, the tv I have at my house, but that's a good ass, but yeah it's almost ass, wiping time, not that I know dave yup, the other house, get together. My makes me why preserves We do that, stricken with paralysis, Is this really going around tat, always everyone's airborne see a millard another international street say intended. gus blast company was strict with promises of the right side. Yesterday evening I was taken to Saint Vincent's infirmary, so we didn't know that Drug was then yeah. This is a stroke. Others condition was serious. He was resting well, according to a poor report. now let s look at a stroke. of him was paralyzed. I went away
started calling it a stroke will probably when they started to like yeah yeah, anti catholic reading way and black delivered the last in a series of lectures at moose hall. Last night, nice at the club of the lecture arrangements were completed with the martin luther anti catholic chattanooga association of iowa. It's! It's really amazing. Always if markets are it's always religious, we'll never go no matter how and where there's always pockets of people being like this needs to stop, but it's like the catholic church is not ever going. I mean if they got through that last scandal. It's like bits they are truly the area makes about here like the sandy hook and gun control like nothing's yeah, right here, you like, if it didn't happen that this number going to like it, there's still up we're sorry about that anyway, god
is great, never go wrong, and you already I moved about the boys, but other than that. Saloon? Man acquitted, nice girl? the proprietor of the first and last chance saloon was discharge. Ingested does justice david minors court in little rock yesterday afternoon, from george of selling whisky on sunday, you don't do that Well, that is fact up. Well, there's states it I'll. Do that right, writ yeah. Like others, blew my usual van riotous used in one of those who are really. I feel like. I thought that at all stopped. Eventually. I remember when I was going to salt lake for the first time and like ten, airs and I was like how can I acquired ischia and bars. You can go to bar Really I still don't know it's like our sitting. It's like us, but I was like. Oh, I thought tat. I was unable
he had leisure star about around here on earth. A lotta drink have an what's the deal. Talk to one of your women about acquiring of goods, arkansas still illegal reeling in most caddies arms. I mean christmas day so having a weed dealer like someone who actually stockpile some, unlike you need to know a guy if he wants some booze on sunday, that is a great yeah. That's a great job yeah! let that be a bootlegger, people, but always on Saturday night, their noise or Sarah, they were going to get other booze. So well in Boston. You couldn't buy you couldn't by any booze on sundays when I was living there and there, except for the six weeks around the holidays, but child I was pretty nice. There I met now. You may be a full on alcoholic around MR, but but always forget what I've got.
And then one day, and then you drive to like new Hampshire right and you'd, be I like that it's very much like we like it really is it's like what you like live in a stay where it still criminalize that you gotta go one state over the second, you cross the border they like come to wage earners, airbag arrow and theirs. Bob sitting. Now I would do so. These are the two. These new states still have restrictions. Texas was south carolina, genesee, georgia, mississippi north carolina arkansas, it's a lot freely. It's it's varieties like some no liquor, but beer like its, but it still I mean what would happen if a bit like you know certain things in when you play sin city in all of this will be a ripple effect. I are if they let it just. There was no laws against this. What would happen the changes early? Stopping something or is it just left over from yesteryear, yeah
I mean stopping anything, I mean yeah, they can't be no fuck it if anything. It's just encouraging like binge drinking hard on Saturday, yeah, yeah, stockpiling, yeah, stockpile back to the story. E g roberts prosecuting when this arrested and little rock sunday for illegal intoxication was unable to test by that he had bought his whisky from kirshner saloon. Kirshner was arrested yesterday by deputy share brought, so the guy was really jacket, couldn't remember it but he got a reason for being drunk ariane sheriff was like who's your supply articles, as if the buyer I remain, and then, by the time the trot came round there like So what happened is drunk right? That's pretty and then I mean. That is why it's a pretty good crime. If you're, like the the whiskey dealer, the whistle is linked. That's what he has to deal with. fearless parents, bring suit against J w lipping caught
I really think this very point. the initials it is. I dunno know it's egregious it's like It's like the new york times, because nobody mister and missus at every later visuals Gw Gw they only peaty barnum urea sued for fifty thousand Was instituted yesterday in be circuit court by a g w at miss g, w brining against gently? the lip and caught charging w versus J w yeah she's, that'll be uneasy charging ladder with the betrayal of their daughter. May they ledge as grounds for the prayer in damages, that the daughter now eighteen was in the employ of the defendant more than a year ago and of the defendant used his position. as employer in debauchery. The girl, the plaintiffs, claim that, because of this, they will have to support their daughter
child. Why? Her now will she's she's now spoiled it she's spoiled fruit, so veal? The suit alleges that he used his sort of power. to take advantage of them. Mr right, he took or heat or a did I mean, though, the thing about these laws is. You can't tell the deer It's between whether it was just an affair about marriage or he actually did sexually assault. Ah, she says I mean as well. I mean we're in chicago, closer towards this version of reality, so the back I could tell you, then I'm that I'm gonna look into my crystal ball, a guess that this ban was not found guilty that I value the germs and we know why so far marginalized in everybody's tat. There are no rights for women again I'm not just those strange about this, the jury will have you read
decision. Yet our decision is now in fact, I think, should we WI the defendant, a man we haven t. I have one or two, mario, a rapid, wrapper robbers, frightened away nice robbers, who attempted to you're. The first national bank early sounded morning were frightened away when they stepped upon a hidden button which is connected. It's a big gong on the outside of the bank. Building what the fuck kind- kevin macao internet this, in my, I have to protect it. Tori above the law
I begin burglars window racially insensitive. Booby trap is gone, they poured water knew a digital. Do Medvedev like an appropriation goldberg machine. They stepped out a, but did it. Very gathered mcallister like like they are the real just never mind the button ah papers that they, Our government in thy mother you made it worked. I mean, of course, work there a frightened by a silhouette of Michael Jordan Here too, there were tellers it there where they were playing. I been dreaming of a white christmas. Little rock to play. Normally Rock high school meets the. strong arkansas.
Date, normal basket, What is your master, the normal living in all its normal manner, on the map scotch just the guy I've wanted it's called refund of the thing and instantly hey, I'm doug a. I am a dad guy yeah, I'm actually on the team, but I do have the mascot the novels make some noise or not whatever you guys want to do because want to handle. It appears to mirror whatever you want to do come on no other blair, regular, average. Last the local high school team decisively defeated the normal into games this year. The normally expect to get revenge lack fuck, who, like we will do with wild cat. It's mine, I mean, I know it's like the stereo. Just do it, though. Dream big,
I drew up the normal rules, the average user well, lovely paper dave for heat. Thank you so much for joining us. They thanks for having this episode, viii, Manoir, dot com and the special hatrack on youtube pleasure? Thank you. Do you know.
Alright, everybody gareth reynolds here from the dollar podcast you're. Listening to it doesn't matter, hey wanted to hit you with some standup dates I have coming up. Please join me on the road. I will be at flappers comedy club in burbank california, on December sixteenth, which is a saturday december twenty first and twenty second, I will be a good nights in a raleigh north carolina got it stuck the landing. I will also be at bananas comedy club in rutherford new jersey on december, twenty ninth and december thirtieth. Then please come out on the road I'll be hitting a lot of dates. I will be at las vegas nevada, wiseguys on February twenty six I'll be at the wise guys in salt lake city february. Twenty seventh, I will be a comedy works in Denver february. Twenty eighth- I will be in which
kansas on February twenty ninth that vor chaise cocktail lounge, who knew that's the twenty ninth, then I will be yeah. There's a few more dates, there'll be coming soon. I will be at the comedy club of kansas city on march. Third, then, on march, oh seventh, I will be in Dallas texas. On march eighth, I will be in Houston, texas, then, on march ninth I will be in Austin Texas. Listen to you texas, then march, tenth san antonio march, twelfth lafayette, Louisiana and then I'll, be in new orleans march. Thirteenth go to Gareth, reynolds dot, com for tickets and information, as some guys already using gar me. So I can't do garmin any anymore, so I think we're guerre bears with the gare bears. Who knows I dunno out me: please Gareth, reynolds dot com join me on the road. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-26.