« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

25 - The Two Dog Men

2014-10-11 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Kit Burns and Henry Berrgh.

Tour Dates

Dollop Merch

Sources - - Main Source - "The Brutal Honesty of a Bloodsport Baron" by Chris Pomorski on TheNarratively.com



This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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you want to look at one time they would say: does not jerry gara dave? Ok, someone or something is too far, and this is not going to come obligatory clock. We give me that shit up like a bunch of religious virgins to mingle in dubai, praying- and this is my baby- that's our new opening thing it isn't now, because it was not discussed. Didn't I
Is that not how it works? I know you have that attitude, but that's not how it works, and I'm here with my guest, no not dave, anthony rhythmic guest Gary Reynolds was first of all what the fuck I'm the co host. My name is gareth very presumptuous. No, I don't think that I can shut this down at a time. The show can you, though I can too yeah alright. No, although I have a guy that would be great in my place, was at ischia my friend, jose you'll love him he'd be better honestly. So, if you ever did, let me know I'll be really gracious about it. I'm a big fan of jose's good and oh so, here's something we learned at pod fest we are all areas on the assumption that the way the tunes rankings. Work is its this com? it formula reviews.
well shit. That's why everyone is always saying do reviews, but it turns out reviews don't count towards the rankings at all. It is is who people who subscribe to subscribe, to get more points for whatever reason, if you subscribe on your on the app on your iphone. So even if you don't use itunes, but you have an itunes account, subscribe and that'll help us out yet will show them, and if you do have a night into counting you haven't subscribe, then what the fuck yeah we're. Not man don't like we're, not man we're not happy with the way we don't happened with an order, probably at lower little rat Jesus Christ. Allow this. Is is? Is this how much it normally is now as as long? This is long? Okay, yeah! I never got this insight, oh and also people think a lot of times. I
oh what's going to handle, you have no idea. I never know what you don't even know. What the subject is sometimes I'll say. Have you ever heard of this? I think there's been one time where I've known the subject before going in, and I just saw it on twitter. I'd rather not know, yeah. Of course, it's more fun that way. This one's called the two dog man ooh. Oh boy, of its strong start. the ears, eighteen, thirteen sure henry I was born on the lower side of new york city with a silver spoon in his mouth. Prick little. she returned. He was raised on water street. His father was a very wealthy shipbuilder. built shift for the: u S, navy and merchant vessels. It was actually the first shipbuilder to hire black man. That's gets that's something right: nice animals, I'm gone on their air. He became very wealthy and quite important during the war of eighteen, twelve, when ships were needed to be constructed,
wait! Okay, so that's how I made it. He ended up being by the time he died. He had built marsh ships for the navy than anyone else. Okay, so that's some shit yeah right, you're, going to the fucking family right there, no joke! Now. Let's let it know I did I come across like I thought it was your eyes. Your eyes are weird year for excuses You got weird eyes get Henry, however, was unsure of what to do with his life other than just being a rich kid. Just do that right, wow, that's yeah! That's kind of what he does. Okay, he went to columbia university, but he was indifferent to all the reading and what and the everything Annie baldock get it was like man. This is now they are again about these books these are real. We get a free rein. Li Mu, Bai gasped in eighteen, thirty one he decided had a europe and just fart around the continent, is like this guy.
Yep. He enjoyed it there and he decided to linger for a while. So we state in europe he tried to be a writer of good he wrote letters he hoped would be enjoyed by the masses they were not. He wrote plays, all of which run produced They are all very sentimental with obvious moral lessons and everyone's like yeah. I don't yeah, it's really not like smarter, unique we're not actually trying to do like obvious theater yeah. That's a theater company. Welcome to obvious theater come on cast the year. Henry Berg went to europe. Another man was born into the world kit. Burns kit wasn't originally born kit, but that's what his nickname became K. I t yeah. Ok, he was born in Donegal, ireland, alright and immigrated to new york around eighteen, forty five, one of hundreds of thousands who fled the potato famine that is again fucking potato
famine, god damn it. He came alone at the age of fifteen wow shit yeah, that's fucked up yeah, a tired nah, just not eaten so I'm going to get on the ship. What yeah I'm fifteen fuck you I'm an adult. I have pubic hair sort of sale of his c. I a speech furs dear I, I'm on a journey across the ocean alone, and he settled into the five points. Neighbourhood of new york arise, made famous in gangs of me up with better access and much better. I, since in reality the five five points was a squalid district, mostly of irish immigrants. The streets were full of cramped, tenements brothels and bars. Underneath the five points, now filled a pond. It was rancid with terry and slaughterhouse runoff way, underneath it so they filled in so they there was a. It was a fuckin
pond her that the lower end of manhattan is? Is it used to just be swamp and pond okay, so they filled it in and they build these houses, but it stood. It didn't mean that with all this shit didn't stalls. So this run down and went down so underneath all the houses is just reckoned: blood, guts and shit better, better marginally. Better marginally, EL smells weird and how the average you don't have to look at. How do we just put clothes, but on your nose. Epidemic has not happened and william has stood right next to wells and alcohol. Alcoholism was the main hobby that love I love hobby. I just gotta gotta. Do it got a fella? Do it I might have a bit of a collect, there are black out all fallen down again gloves either.
Don't worry about reality. This bear is a bit of a hobby. I've got over that period are angry. What am I doing? I'm a hobby I got ready by the end of the year. Anyway, I'm gonna go swimming them. At times to be the stamps that this is the news I, for one, am collecting methods. There is not a place in the united states with a higher crime rate. Only a shocking. Only a bar was what every man in five point strive for, if you're the a bar. This is the greatest. I do if you own a bar. Not only could you make a lot of money, but it came with power his eye? Information and news is filtered through the saloons, and this gave bar honours the ability to
sway blocks of voters for politicians, fox news with boots, exactly crazy. Irish. It would be great they're, just boring you a shot full of propaganda. Here you go. Hey. Are you know what I hear all year? If you want to be free for the next ten years, demand a vote for us to demi. Thank you. Mate often. Can you do it in one shot know where to shut no word as bad as it wasn't five points it still allowed for a chance at more prosperity than the immigrants would have experienced in their own countries, mostly because they are dying because of potatoes. Such a shame, too, even though most of the prosperity in america in five points was through criminal means right. Yes, yes, things are good. In the late eighteen forties kit, burns became involved in gang life, so he's there for a couple of years of fuck,
is here where to put on some suspenders and beat up men. I guess my dream of opening a bar is a pipe dream. I'm just going to go curb that man. Burns rose quickly through the ranks of the dead rabbits. Where am I dead, rob acts They didn't like snap like the sharks, europe, its knowledge and a even Rabbit is dead, we're gonna, be. you're right, her age, ahead, derived rights back then a rabbit was a term used to discuss. a big tough man, things have changed, he's quite a rabbit and hopefully he's at private. Isn't the run rabbits. A dead rabbit was even tougher, while he's bigger than a rabbit. He he's not a rabbit at all. He's a dead, rabbit, the rabbits far with other gangs like the bowery boys and the atlantic guards these fists and iron bars and brickbats and pistols and paving stones and pitchforks night, they often
their undershirts. Now taken off, we talk, I don't wanna get pitchfork on its work, rapid and apply I'd really like that. No doubt it! I don't know why they knew I dont fighting here. Let me put europe back on to show you what I heard onwards on button, but I'm not fighting anyone, not fighting. I go into the bar for some advice on politics. What is that a brick, but they drank written gillis amounts of alcohol burns was known to drink twenty glasses of booze a day, ooh, ok, fair! In live, I caught a bit of a bush. Finally, now Henry Berg was still poorly writing his way through europe gosh in eighteen, thirty, six, his father said he was going to retire and there was time henry to come home and manage the shipyard because it had it by writing thirty shape,
Oh man, I've seen all the shitty right to commence, and after reading what you've written, I decided. You're going to run the business, it's horrendous, you can't be worse at this. I ran it with his brother. Christian Henry was very bummed out when he came home, but there he met a rich society, girl, Katherine Matilda, taylor and married her The rich name right Yeah- this is just rich and a hassle to miami, and my middle name is mathilde. That's right. Ugly. Henry is actually good at the job of running the firm okay, the business thrived and expanded as he helped transition to the age of steam power than his father died in nineteen. Forty, three: okay, and in nineteen. Forty three us are eating aggressors billy that ITALY has done. Well. I don't know if I can
bush on this is the story about the oldest man in the world. What more esteem in me boy, and so his father died. Henry was like well fuck this shit and he sold his portion the firm, which gave him an enormous amount of cash and he retired, at the age of thirty, two retired, from working for ten. This is went there, it too. Well, I guess it was older. Actually, you could die already too yeah. Thirty, probably the combination rates fell over, but I can't move anymore. So this guy john moving, so this guy did nothing except for two years, then he retired and was a rich guy really good. They were bacteria in this day and age. Reality show bound. Oh, my god, you have so little fuck you,
He didn't learn it now. Let's watch him, he have ships. Watch him write shit on tonight's henry the ship are going to write a play about donkeys, that's a little bubble that pops up at the bottom. So he went back to europe where he attempted to continue his life as a playwright that no one produced plays for great what a loser back in five points. berms burns became very close to our own owner named yankee sullivan, oh man, out of my dreams, a very where you think your sullivan did. I think he was a catchers met. So, with eyeballs yankee solvent was a former boxer nice, famous for a victory over johnny hammer lane in the championship phenomenon. It is just that we need to get back to this time of night right yet did the greatest name. They re.
Lane fractured a small boat in his forearm and the third round. The fight did not end until the nineteen throughout that's when men were fuck man. had a broken arm is any one. I got one The share out of you, eleven arm. It's now was news and the other one. So that's burns buddy, you're! Ok, I, like the team Sullivan loved fighting still, but not you humans, he had new york's premier dog, fighting pit, the sawdust house, okay, burns loved that any love dogs weak quickly became irregular in the arena. We love dogs. I love dogs, I wanna go wanna go eat, I want to eat each other. You know how much I like dogs, I like just jump on each other very well at some other lungs, big, my favorite. Oh my god, others so great. I want them to eat at each other.
often seen in the arena. Without shoes sharp I mean where. Why not there are worse place to not wear shoes. That sounds like a pretty bad area to not wear shoes in general. It just in general, isn't the whole area, but just getting in the arena with two snarling fighting dogs, like all my shoes, are burdensome yeah. I don't want to keep my toes on my shoes. He was there for the dogfights and the rat fights the rat fights. Oh rat fighting come on rat fights, okay hold onto your asshole young, sir. It's not actually what it sounds like it's, not it's, not rat vs rat in a marina, very excited for what it is a rat fight. It was when you would put a bunch
the rats in the arena, and then you throw a dog in, and people would bet on how many rats the dog would kill a specific time. Then they would set the dog loose and he'd snap their legs and move on snap, their necks and move on to the next rat. Well The humans are cheered, got I'm gonna find its way worse than around. It's a nightmare. It's a rather poor, steer its red pockets, which both the great move, if technical jargon that comes out the voice of partners while we're getting sick, you like answers vent to like a rat, sometimes or be two dogs in the arena, and they gets you kill more rats. So that's good times here I can't you see. This is like the the engine in vegas, oh yeah, let's step in this,
we have a dog s, garter eight other than phuket don't give up, it like man? If he had fucking hurt, his body would eat thirteen more rats and I would have covered the over fuck. I had one hundred and twenty forty at one hundred and twenty three god dammit the over on the rats g. The rats are probably just like. There's a mean game, they're playing I was just down at the wharf. I'm eating some of the bacteria from your coupon. This is how you repay me. The tribune observed the rapidity with which a well trained dog kills. Rats is astounding to the uninitiated. He bites to kill every time and he usually does it burns also trained boxers in september. Eighteen, fifty six, he trained charlie lynch for a boxing match in new jersey. His opponent was british born Andy Kelly. The fight
lasted two hours and fifty minutes in the eighty sixth round eyes shining in the aid. sixth round you kept fighting until someone couldn't find the baron knuckle and fear just out in a field and guys are just punch needs, and then I guess somebody hit a bell or something you go back and keep fuckin fighting. Eighty six eighty around day for Or fight got up from his stool collapsed and fell over dead, not surprisingly, go we should have started at eighty five got up. That's what's amazing. Is yours like one more bear fruit,
burns was arrested in connection with the fight burns was adamant that he had done all wrong and they couldn't hold them and he was released so it. Why were they What why him why's he got his. He was one of the guys are put on the fight I like. Well, then, near you kill them. So parents began traveling the east coast with four metal stakes and length of rope to make a ring. He'd hoped price fights in the countryside outside of towns, newspapers rid of the sandy haired married man with muttonchops and a the stepped wood wooden pipe frequently in suspenders with ropes coiled around his arm. Stakes over his shoulder again. It's a fucking man, so here you described a mass like just the ultimate fucking. Do just do it shows up in town got four metal stakes. Yeah a bunch of rope smoke in a fucking pipe has got muttonchops he's like who wants to fight
the commissioner, are fighting here. Yeah burns was that's great. Do, though, because back in those days I mean what the fuck is, that rat fight. Where a thing, I anything anything if all he did was sit there note this is what happens when there's no tv, no people watch rats get eat, honest dog, yeah, yeah yeah. We have the kardashians to get mad at. They were like Don't look at him, he's gonna the rats for christ, lisbon, toronto. I've never seen such a pilot that rights really murdered a lock burns. Was it so many finds that when he wasn't
had a fight. It was news that he was are often lash extra burdens. Not if I thought, if I give you one of those years often looked for quotes, he was a man who once told the reporter gesturing to an image of a prize fighter whose tolerance for us all and ability to job blood. He admired you couldn't count up his pilots on your fingers and many have themselves so tidy nothin flabby about him and such like. rats tapir. He always got the ruby flown daylight it. I need to go back to this time, I belong to me while in europe a way These areas, I jobbery, is every about it, makes you shine with belief. Inside your pocket gems trust me. This boy is going to be lack of material
and he's got the ketchup coming out of him right. Ok, so just with certain fears, ketchup, mom, it's a catch up, man meanwhile in europe. Have meanwhile in an empty theatre cup. Henry bird was right, plays a nobody cared about and just being generally rich. But the civil war were starting to broad america and the south was stepping up its diplomatic efforts in europe, specifically the confederacy to make friends with russia, because russian society was dependent on enslave serves, which was this hair, which was getting the same condemnation, is the south there like both? Can you believe these people on this Well, don't enslave people nonsense right on the label, so they were like. Oh you guys. You guys kind of have slaves. We have slaves, we also like slave. Would you like to be friends if say, where's landfills do pills list. I'm looking for
slave pile cleric list. I need someone to help me with slave pills, so? This off wanted russia to recognise its independence and may be joined the war and help out birds, family is well known, as republicans and unionists, secretary of state wind, seward, reached out since he's already in europe and could get their quickly and henrys like ok. I guess I guess I can do whether sending him there he's like. So since he's the kind lazarus its he's, the closest rich guy. That's amazed to europe to do russia, everyone else, nato them. As the rapporteur on his resume resume base, its proximity will the kid that built the ships is kids over, so we could present Ok, there's prior better people are gonna, get it he's. Clubs, like you, said he's close, have added So he went there quickly and
President Abraham lincoln appointed him as secretary to the american legation to the court of the czar alexander second, and acting vice council of in eighteen, sixty three, that was an acronym of a nozzle yeah, an acronym would be nice. Henry was in russia for less than two years and he hated it. Of course, he did name do two things like the cold and he was a narrow, already plays an russians treated their am animals like garbage of god, when you miss wrath, fights things ain't good, while walking in saint petersburg one day some of the parliament whipping a donkey in the street. Henry approached asked the man cease, beating the donkey and the man comply. I feel like we haven't, heard the last one
and Henry, was surprised to discover that the man, as well as the crowd that had gathered we'll get back. There appeared odd, even cowed by his diplomats. Uniform ok. Henry said at last. I, the way to utilise my gold lace, so Javert needs we're. Ok, so here's the here's given the facts, come here to see he's into saint petersburg and is and beating a dog and the crowd has gathered to ensure the man when the donkey give it to him. Yeah you heard that chain. There are no more beat him hurt him. Then the guy looks up. Excuse me in a dip about a uniform and says: stop whenever goes out. Ok, we're way or another, and with another, don't be stop this man
as some sort of uniform on it so easily. holy shit. I found my calling because for once in his life, somebody gave for the first time ever. Somebody was actually cool. I'm listening. so everything it barely trade. If he realised that he could help animals because he was dressed nice man, that's not a colleague henry soon return to new york, yeah. My calling is to wear a suit that people don't recognize. It'd be nice to animals. That happened once that's my job go. Tell lincoln! I'm the donkey. Stopper I'd had that dog gay. Henry citizen in the ordinary began to walk in the streets and intervening on behalf
with animals whose treatment he judged. Girl boy is the boy do not let them know about rats with no need to earn a living. He patrolled the streets daily accustomed, coachman, driving, overburden horses and breeding farmers, shepherding cows and native milking wow. So he must. They must have just been like. We hate this fucker holy shit. is this guy, the worst milk that go? Look I have lay saw mega milk, the cow, don't you see, I've dreamed you their water, yours as mouth, immediately, ridge, banners stop beating or or it is I soup. animal lover so he's living that he's living the dream. Yeah I mean he's just he's just living. It
is walking around like this is awesome everything so close to bad pet. That cat as close to batman as you've ever heard in your life yeah. So meanwhile, burns moved south of five points: to the fourth ward, which was somehow worse I'll, get he found in a nice place to settle for at least twenty five years. The twentyth century popular historian, Herbert Ashby, wrote the neighbour its main commercial thoroughfare was probably the scene of more violent crime than any other street on the continent. While burns took up residence, occupying a three areas I live here I shall reside near burns. Take up residence there occupying a three story frame house march: two: seventy three above the door. He hung a. He hung a large gilded shingle that read sportsman hall by kit burns
oof wire. I think I like, where we're headed now, so he basically like found cheap property got involved and now I think, he's opening some sort of fight club a well. I mean it's just it's like it's like like. Today we have a sports bar yeah. It's like that right but I am going to guess. Words are different, that yeah and there's no tv sports are there. What do you think people beat the fuck out of each other sports bizarre was divided into two main rooms in the first was a bar above which hung the stuffed remains of two of burns. Favorite dogs, one was jack black and tan who'd. Once dispatched one hundred rats in under seven minutes,
the classic jack fucking jack. He could really murder rash shit. I'd never seen anything like it was natural with him. Just chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp, his companion hunky, had been a dog fighting champion, mortally wounded wounded in his last victory. He won but died Jesus. The walls were covered in pictures of bare knuckle boxers. The bar served homemade liquor, the job, that's good, I guess I'll have another one. Oh god burns his wife and their frail daughter kitty lived above the bar, though frail kitty was quick to anger and carried a wooden club. She was very
killed with Jesus. So so that's all I found out about that, but it sounds like it. She would just get mad mad with a decline for all the upside. This time has with names. There really is just this erratic down aside when anyone can do whatever the fuck I want, but the names run from the street one could smell. The odor of dog.
birth, fats, oh man! Is there dogfight placement here? Oh smells like fun, hey you guys smell dog, I smell dog, that's the opposite of what dogs do they like I smell. I smell human. I smell dog out here we got spelled out at the rear of the room was a narrow passage that led to the amphitheatre. The narrow passage was made to frustrate police, engaging in rates in the amphitheatre wooden box seats, front of an octagon all dirt florida arena enclosed by three foot: high wooden walls, nine feet wide for gas jets lit the place oof it's like the thunderdome yeah. It really is yeah, it's mad max, exactly yeah. I totally behind the box seats and circling the ring benches rows on risers to the ceiling, a tribune reporter estimated that the room could hold two hundred and fifty decent people and four hundred indecent ones
ok, so no fire cards. I dig it up, so I is that because their basically saying, like the people who like face versus people who don't mind having their sweaty probably gathers. Hovered bodies are landing next to each other. They like a normal decent person. I would not want to be, would not want to be in a heavy advocate, a person rubbing up against a bright dirty, filthy persons like yeah. her face on my neck. I got a hundred fifty friends I'm looking to get inside. You might have we turn this party indecent, come on. It's intensive come on it's all right. You don't need labour, but all they gouged rub your neighbor. Let's go dogs were chain beneath seats. She, where the bones of rats had been, but
It sounds like your ice play sure it's a nice place. I like what I hear until it's dead you're going to love this excited. This is when we go full dollar a boy until his death and eighteen sixty eight burns reserved one box for his black bear, which he would pit against any at the end of its weight. So unbelief I mean, of course, so you could fight the fair. If you were as big as the pair I mean he was gonna be like you can find them a europe that kitty with the game, fight the bare right here, the gentleman to fight the bear to be parasites reasonable, he's, geezer, reasonable man. I love that. There's rules, bear fight side made you're just not far enough to fight where maybe next time he work about combating you're taller.
I could hear my daughter and bears eyes. Sometimes they were boxing matches, but more often there were three basic shows for twenty five cents. You could see Iraq killed by a weasel there's a better back at the map. Yet that ways out is the quarter, the other do a rat doing by dog, eat dog fighting to dinner. To get there, we saw earlier relatively slow. A bloodless rat and weasel bouts often serve as preliminary events a bit of an amused bushes, Regulars thought them tame best suited to women and children. We hear a weasel murdering around like
It's for you boy! That's for the kids! Now this next one's pg and coming up, we got our you're going to love. This Bobby is a weasel listener is going to kill those Now, when you a little bit older I'll, let you watch dog, kill a hundred eighty of about ten minutes What you don't you and mom had now daddy's watch some more graphic violence, tat he went to school. That's when you're eleven, an old enough to drink boy, dandy, attendees, occasionally initially contest between man and man. Oh, what the fuck, which require the human participant is natural. It's by hand and severed their heads with his teeth, what the fuck, which usually results in and scratches and bites the arch. Of course, the rats know the fuck Score marty get in finish off. She was walking
then why they pick up the lab and focus I had to bite his head off while they're scratching and clawing my god, my god I'll, tell ya. I'd, be a weasel rat guy. I'd be like I'd find with the result tat rather than I go home drug you have to be, it has to be so fucking drunk as drunk as they were dale to accept the dare I read that not that later wake up,
in the morning. Oh fuck me and pizza rats. Again, as guy says, to africa too much I keep fucking biting the rats. Ads are fucking missing and I got a scratch. Mustache is goddamn. Rats. Burns did not like the practice of men, fighting rats and ejected men who did it so he had boundaries he did but he's otherwise that not just a rule we're just re. I there's a pocket. A people like quick he's got his back turn. It has many rats, capillary larry football are in a typical evening sports, whose whole would go through a hundred rats. Let me right
okay, you've, you've loved the underwear, that's a normal thing to hear. Rats were difficult to get grey wharf rats revalued for their large size and ferocity ferocity, burns paid, twelve cents, a rat to his in house catcher, whose methods he refused to reveal. I'm not telling you how he catches the falcon rats. Who are you to ask? He has his system? Does his business he's a writer. Don't ask a sheaf how he makes his pipe look. I just enjoyed apply. I don't ask for the recipe. That's insulting! Don't ask me robin brings me rats rats, edwards
It has to do with chocolate, etc. Burns octagon fifty at a time screaming and clamoring in a wire cage. They were extracted for slaughter using specialized tongs. One attendee offered the following description of a ratting of that they galloped about the walls in different directions, meeting and crowding into a file in one of the corners where they tried ineffectually to scale the top of the pit. Then they would separate again and run frightened about the floor. Trying every creditors, crevice and corner one or two ran up the trousers and legs of the cage, older quincy, composedly and carelessly she
Then again it's like world war Z. It is just great recreating like a human ladder. It's not work. A terror burnsville dogs were made for this. He says why god made dog. He must know by the field when he bites him that he's done the business forum ah yeah, so he felt that that's what dogs were for The thieves wrong beneath the first floor was a basement containing wooden stalls enough for some forty dogs drew
and then we let it struck burns as a fine place for a dog. Of course. His choice specimens, however, including the prized white legged, black and tan bulldog belcher lived with his family in comfortable second room floors and enjoyed burns said better cuisine than he did not eat rats yeah. But what is he he's like? I made a steak he's having kobe beef yeah to condition his pack burns employed a system not dissimilar from modern day spin classes. Each dog was placed atop a lot large round table with a rotating top which retraction had been upholstered in wool with the animal chain in place that a trainer incited other dogs to bark and growl infuriating the trainee so that he would run forward in pursuit, thereby creating a feedback, loop of aggression and a treadmill wow yeah, the treadmill, the treadmill, crazy, fucking, awesome yeah,
and that as terrible as burns dog fighting was nowhere in historical account of burnt sportsman hall or their descriptions of the sorts of brutalities associated with dog fighting of today, while reporters always tried to depict sports and how sports toss terrible burns, never beat starved or tortured his dogs. Journalists often report his affection for them, and then he was deeply wounded by their loss. after so he doesn't have like, like a rate posed like now victim No, it's not yeah, it's a third he's just twisted he's just he just think he's a little fighter that you think these are fight yeah and his long semi of obsessive associated with prize prize fighting seems to just that he regarded boxers and other fighters in much the same light as he did his animals date better than I do. They will fight burns said for Tis their nature to so he thought dogs were like the same as a fucking boxer yeah. So that makes a little bit of sense
a little bit more sense, the bare still a red bears. Does it big red cross? The rats doesn't really yeah what y know rat bear rat? Oh my god, you cut all for further it's perfect. It took awhile, but we finally found the championship boat. Take out about we'll five hundred rats dress the trench coat with a hat, be able to fight a bear, come on down tonight, commercial advertiser, which was a I think, a newspaper compared riders and prize fighters to the heathen. the chinese and the heathen hindu has for newspapers, real good report. Yet there and burns came to it,
back to condescending eye from visiting journalists so for what he was once praised and can spit considered a respected voice of, he was now scorned. So the tide is turning a little bit. The worm has turned sure. This was mostly because have henry burke who was whipping up an anti animal cruelty frenzy hail ago. He lobbied for passage of anti animal cruelty. listen legislation which was unknown before eighteen, sixty five and gave sanctimonious street corner lectures. So he's one of those dude in new york. I've been these sit on a street corner and just fucking yells about some. It's like hoodie route for our hero, we'll right now. My hero is the dog fire because he's a man, see. I have a hard it's hard. I Irene LA who will be the hall as the funniest place, the craziest place,
you have to your heart goes out a little bits of the guy. At the time when every it's like, it's like the people who were like white people were helping slaves in the underground rail road, like you're, ahead of your time a little yet so this guy he is seeking the fits. The bare five. This is that good, but these are so it can be a little bands. Asshole obscures may and you let that bird go. Look at my jacket. Look at it! different from your apart, the reverend, introduce burg to a network of influential reformers and help them develop a strategy. Then his wife catherine help recruit. Women are former many of the veterans of the abolitionist movement, the Senate the sanitary commission, temperance and other reform movements at another sanitary commission, so their primary, like blood,
can't be unwalled, quit shitting on doors. Have you seen your basement? It's a train wreck. It simply health code violation, Anna jeddak. Women were soon the shock troops of the anti cruelty movement under the terms of new anti cruelty laws. He and other a s pc officers were happy ties to enforce the anti cruelty laws on the street, so he basically, I think that this out, so he created ass ass here silica so he came back to new york started going to people on the street and there was like this needs to be organized and create I'll write a play about it, and someone was like man on the street on new york street. Or on April twenty. Second, eighteen, sixty six the day the law was passed, henne Berg gathered his courage and approached the cart driver, unmercifully, beating and his exhausted horse. I don't understand, like the horses
it's like quit. Bang tired quit hiding your energy. My friend, you can't do that anymore. Astonished the drivers plan can be no horse, the devil I can't and resume Berg added. You are not aware, probably that you are breaking the law, but I have the new statute in my pocket and the horse is yours only to treat commie mouth again. the driver, I've gotta you're mad. He was then arrested, like that's crazy. Henry also work to halt the practice of feeding dairy cattle, alcoholic mash. Why? What about that is kind of the idea? Look at getting cows drago, but I had to look this up. Mashing is a process in which multi grains are used to convert starches into fermented sugars. The mash is the boiled grain from which brewers drive sugary liquid, so they're, giving it to cows, and he was upset
even though its not alcohol, it's just creating a sugary fermented right, some some brewery. Today, send their mash to cow farmers, so He was mad about something because he was like you. Can't freedom and I know they like it: it's fine Have you read the law feeding them rats. Sorry, my mistake. He also made an ambulance for horses, I'm just gonna, let I'm just gonna. Let that sit out. He hours ambulance me bad has been shot. sorry where geneva horses, because its eighteen sixty six year it to have a horse ambulance. It has to be told by horses. God do ask agenda
The horse ambulance, fair, fair rats. I dunno a horse. He had. He bought a crane to lift horses out of excavations which repair now, which is apparently a common problem in the city, was just putting them falling into holes. Horses falling into holes used to let him die. What's the point that we have a way of this guy came and I what are we going the horses over the hearts of all. Now we have a regime to get the courts is out of the balls at just.
What the fuck my fucking horse for horses nowadays strain to jump over. They would never see a whole it'd be like what's down there, it just fallen and then they'd be like oh fuck. I gotta go grab my horse villa metal last week that the horses just keep follow to dissolve I'll, tell ya. I don't know why we have all that. I know what they are, but I have some good advance machine again of course, that of their man top dollar, just it just like in snowy that would be yeah just walking down the street. Oh god, another horse halted fuck me now, as always, all those as governor I'll have to figure out a way to get him outta there. Now decomposing is the way to get them out. If you like animals, when he was upset about it I will end the horse,
I haven't been able to get rid of all that hot sauce. This method is not necessary on your change. That's changed now, I'm running on the cape. I hope we can get horses out of this whole lump their wax where they fucking blogger fall. That's why god made the holes. That literally, is like the figure you're like okay if you don't want them there than why did god make them in a fucking shit? Guess I have no argument, I'm reversing my argument: eyebrow whores halls. We need them.
When he was upset about someone being cruel to an animal, he started whipping out a cane and attacking people. Amazing. He was not afraid of a fight. The press, loved us confrontations and henrys popularity grew while some newspapers late label them as burg. The great meddler as as a compliment, ok yeah you're, a terrific. Madman, I could see it. Others did not enjoys efforts and called him and asked that should have his ears crop, there's really to divert with yeah the insult game was not strong, except kid birds. He could bring it yeah. He could bring it yeah you're, an ass that needs its ears cropped. So I put this later, but in eighteen sixty six berg created an oregon, They should call the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Now a species in the lobbies. They staffed newfoundland, so not so different. After all, right now, they're not they're both their love.
I love their anime. They do they love their animals and they leave them stuffed around playoffs. That yeah, hey, gentlemen share. Maybe I am like you, maybe you guys can just sit down and talk about something not cruelty for a little see. What makes you take in december of that year, bird got police to read: sportsmen's hall. and burns was arrested in violation of analytical animal cruelty laws in two thousand and fifty counts of cruelty to animals, and also of of making horse hot one for each rats rat, but the laws had not been properly established. As far as punishment goes so burns was set free, like they do it? They decided that it was against the law, but they hadn't decided what would happen so they were like okay, so I guess you're punished. They had congress.
I getting the jail. How long am I serving think you're free to go? We shouldn't we, we should have written totally. We should. We should have written a farther after the next time. We will. Next year we will live. You learn it's just like the horse holes things. Things got even wider, the followed agency not possible. When reverend Aisy Arnold prevailed on several saloon owners on water street to commit their properties to the purpose of daily prayer meetings out the water street revival, as it was known, inspired friend, the press, coverage and spectators from all over the city eager to grant glimpse the underworld at prayer. The heathens were converting Jesus, that's crazy, Everyone like this is amazing, so they are also. There are coming down to burn street and be like look s. people are praying and it's like overnight
topsy turvy is now more of a lower at some than ever get everything just flip the rush hour, fucked birds that it was all bullshit. Of course, why It's nothing but robbery! I'd tell you! That's all it is. He said of sloan honours re formation them. Sisters and missionaries are all with Alan. Its is clear as a fraud, as ever was conversion big damned. I knew of seventeen years bad and he's a worse one roof, I yeah. I hear him it's been around for a little while and then when Alan, the others lunar. When I went on a drinking binge burns was vindicated. Yes, Jesus tolerant of named I'd from the clouds, and instead ireland, by drake yourself balkan state, pace your parents group, as I did
That's why life land in this kind? He gave me a tablet that set our search, but I got so should face. We don't drop dead and smashed. It We believe you, ok, ok,. turns out this moon honours reclaiming fees for these of their space, so they were not to holy. Yet there are just Imagine guys to go there and pray all you want to pray for tenants, yeah for sure, yeah, sure yup, we're all about got a quarter, but the damage was done. Burns' business has been reduced by all the revivalists and slumming gawkers would come to watch the filthy people pray. So he rented his
a pretty two for several hours a day. The dog and rat pit decorated with the remnant blood and bones became a pulpit. I mean yeah, I mean I guess, you're into Jesus in their region. You'd, probably laugh. Maybe you could like it a little bit of a fuck yeah smells like rat. Eighteen, sixty eight the evening telegram reported hennerberg and his animal cruelty campaign had a limited all dog and right fighting in the city. Cruelty to animals was becoming a thing of the past excel. four ways alone, wrath which I was a greek. Her to the global gisela rat, except sportsmen's hall last hold out.
because of the way the hall was set up. It was too difficult for burns dick to catch birds in the act, so in nineteen sixty eight every bird organised, an aerial raid, what he sent a police officer crashing through the building schuyler. Innovation, that's the first goblet. What's my job, you jump through the ceiling and then we're gonna go in drawn and right at the rap. Yes, it is quite a drop and you will land on rail and when you land, you say you're under arrest it. You know what, and if you and in a horse hole that will actually be good, as that is going to be nice kosher. So if you do land on a rat, we have to arrest here. Yes, if you heard a rat will have to arrest rescue, obviously you'll go to jail for no minutes
I get that that's how this works and so pop up so sends a police officer crashing through the building's skylight it works. Burn was caught, burns was caught in the act and this time fined eight hundred dollars, which, for back there, that's a fucking, serious yeah, that's a serious two hundred thousand. When a tribune reporter visited sportsman's hall in september, he found a very sad burns. He described brands as generally out of sorts
afflicted with the blues and politically speaking and the gout, but I like that he's like he's really sad and our yeah plus can't walk flats, his legs or bloated. Well, I mean I'd, say the worst thing he's got his the blues and the second worst would be the thorns that are penetrating the us skin of his feet. So six on his hand, burns made an offer to bird through the reporter. I want MR burg to come down here and give a lecture on dog fighting riding burn said. If rats is cruelty, and cruel, but I dont think rats is cruelty. Tell burg a blow the pit to hell if he'll come down and show me I'm wrong well, but he still thought bird was crazy. Burke thought animals should be protected, not because he liked them, but because it was moral.
MR per calls, a rat and animal. Now. Everyone of any sense knows that iran is a firm bird takes up for the rat in war, Let us kill rats because he thinks their animals, wouldn't he kill a rat of you cupboard. Of course he would fair tall recent reasonable argue their point before I get there, he probably wouldn't bite it's head off when killing it though. Well I mean you, don't know that. I doubt that was the way the way they did. Who knows what your gut reaction was when you saw a ragbag of those might have been to eat it. I mean yep. Berg's of iran has an open letter in the herald, Berg ignored byrne's invitation to come to water street. Instead, he pushed police to conduct further raids. Burns was being beaten by a thousand cuts in december eighteen, sixty nine burns, favorite dog belcher, was killed in a dogfight at sportsman's hall. Burns attributed
the loss partially to the revival is on his premises course. He was never exactly himself after the prayer meetings. It wasn't so much the better. as this thing singing that took hold of you know the talking harsher, but chet signal key area. I have always said that he was a good doctor. The forecasting and I started singing wu dejected, grief, burn and financially hobbled burns, close sportsman's hall and physically hobbled that he rented the building for a term of three years. The reverend w h, bull, who opened in its place the water street mission and home for women, a known supporter of the PR poor burns likely considered the home a good deal more useful than prayer meetings. Alright, but it's nice was not done. Oh boy glimpse another southern popped up called the band box, oh dear, their burns began holding
adding events on november twenty first eighteen, seventy he held a huge of it like I seem like a super rebel yeah lazy burning. the rangel. A flyer announced the event three hundred rats will be given away free of charge for gentlemen to try their dogs. We have come on come all. There will be a good night sport and um bogged no hub, no hummed a hit burg Mr Van DEN Berg, I looking in your direction at approximately eight o clock tat evening, henry bird crept into the bandbox trailed by police officers. He wore a long coat beneath which he concealed a glow,
Atlanta heard that could have gone wrong, they're going to get horror. That goes by argue that, as he entered fifty or sixty dead rats lay piled with one terrier still at it, cheered on by some four or five, doesn't spectators. It's really not a law. Did you not gonna like that? So it's gone so sadly, beggar reads the seller. I didn't like mildly career. While we're pulling the hard work, they do Arby's commercial monies money right. Thirty nine people arrested, including kit burns bert confiscated a cage of live rats which he then dropped into the east river. So that's that's a really weird twist that for. After all, this is like now that I'll teach you you address, backed animals. Fact, afraid, Yes, I think you should take him out of the cage. Knowing
If that helps him swift array yeah, I know I know if they could swim without. It also probably should have just left them on the docks or something, but next to the neck. Next time. Ok, I won't throw them in the river okay, we'll just put them in a horse hole. Call it a night we'll have the weasel fight of burns made bail, but he was, he had caught cold in his holding cell and the illness, overcame him swiftly and turned into white of what might have been pneumonia or diphtheria, as preparations for his trial moved forward, burns retreated to his bedroom at three eight eight water street above above his new saloon. He became feverish
developed hallucinatory clairvoyant visions in the hours before his death burns rose from his bed and crossed the room thinking he would check one last time on his dogs by he said: ot trapped in the old bed box once more lacking the strength he fell back onto his pillow. His agony and contortions during the last few hours of existence were fearful. The jackson citizen patrol wrote the evening post said that at the age of thirty nine he had the parents of a man of sixty british prize fighting champion. James mace visited his bedside. They talked of maces plant bout with the irish american heavyweight Joe coburn Bernstein may said he did not mind to die, but he hated to leave his wife and his dog mustard mustard. Hidden, I don't mind if I leave a leaf, but
I don't take moisture to be the same or christ. What about old must eat sweet mustard mustard because of how he tastes go ahead and let them taste of your taste, just like dijon burns, turned down maces offer of a drink like yeah, hey, you want to pop, I'm dying so yeah. So whisky died, We're literally going to die tomorrow right, I'm just going to pour this lag learned. Burns begin to shiver and his wife came to aside one of burns' dogs which kept him company has room began to bark, lay still Those are, he sets a wrong number that I'm gone on journey. He told me ass goodbye, Jim. I really. isn't it. It is kind of nice when someone dies like with like alright, Well, I'm out of here working environment working jim, then yeah bay, cemeteries. Anything a sedative right now
I feel like it is your to pick Pettit to close the garage garage turn off the lights. Headed ags made the potato stew right. Do you think it's to him to do he? Oh, I forgot to give the rat book you'd like to know I killed fifteen thousand, as an aside, I give it a rat genocide. He died december nineteenth eighteen. Seventy the hero of the abandoned classes was dead. They took it burns to calvary cemetery. Three days before christmas, in hearse, drawn by six white horses, six thousand rats. The procession was packed and festive enough that it formed a parade, Is that something you see as a bunch of us? Let's just was this plan that just kind of it on the fly parade. They are wider, float you now
I broke out. I don't have to tell you we just made. It was crazy. Bad luck, as surprised this way, I would get up the mayor here. It's a re, Sally, ann unscheduled, it rob poor, organic portrayed, burns lay the coffin just in got more sedate than the bright church, gold chains and pantaloons strike, whose game and colors pantaloons striped with his gang colours. As the greatest there was a I've been yet been uttered, don't fuck with him. Look at those pants shit. Look at his red pantaloon basket is tight, weird red It was said that those assembled stared at burns as if he were a spiritual, medium, a religious leader or a prophet or a saint. In his thirty nine years, he'd survived four bullet wounds, a knife neck taken during a brawl at dan kerrigan cherry street bar in the winter of eighty
sixty nine a year before his death. Complications from a rat bite had placed him in a precarious, near terminal condition. Those were just the occupational hazards for burns, a saloonkeeper by trade who was super into rat fights, that's ratan. That is written that that's ran, for you know the deals that you might die from a rat bite back then they had, tatties is that ratliff that regret over their belly yeah it's a sticklers yeah this lifetime. It had seen the slaughter of thousands of rats and he went to Heaven just like all these rats like well well, well, kit, Ben awhile how you been writing horses shit about to get where you're going to fight weasel for a quarter asked. How does that sound? Henry burglars Under the eighth pierre boasted age,
I'm out of new york and into his grave cobra fine, new york city was rid of dog and rat fights of then I didn't they idea before Henry's eta healthy society spread across the country, one by one other states adopted laws modeled on those berger for new york by eighteen. Eighty six thirty six states had adopted anti animal cruelty laws, but Henry did not just gone too the animals. At the time, children were considered the shadow of their parents or guardians with no rights of their own and no protection from assault or abuse burg and an ace pc, a lawyer rescued a girl who is being horribly abuse by our foster. Mother because there are no laws, because there are no laws to protect children and eighteen
many, for they argued that the child was an animal entitled to protection under animal cruelty. My god, that's that's where we were. The heated debates help what bubble it's like she's an animal and that's a good thing as a good thing, because if she was just kid. What I just said is a compliment. You could kick her vagina. You could drown her all you wanted. It could drown her like saved rats. If she was not an animal, you could just hit her in the crowbar with unfortunately she's. Basically a donkey so leave her be like it'll be faster. If we I argue that children are animals. Trust me. I know these people trust trust. Me trust me just like other wars, all the foster your mother is convicted. Incense do you. jail. The incident spurred a new round of neared registration legit
vision and a new organization. New york society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Also headed by burke newspapers called this new organization. Preposterous. We're headlines like legislation running mad and leave Children alone leave children alone would weaken beta out of them. Ok, I gave you little squirrel saving society, but about a kill. My fucking can't I get to kill my kid. You telling me that my child and fight that bear come on now you can't get fight their bare because we're protecting the bare right, that's right. So things are find similar society spread to other states very massachusetts. Long before birds funeral his
city and nation claim them ass, a hero. It may also be said of henry burg that he has invented a new type of goodness scrivener magazine proclaimed in eighteen. Seventy nine burke died on march twelve eighteen. Eighty eight with bronchitis and an enlarged heart. You know- and I always said his heart was a little too big a little too big or too big for him. Love too big. So animals said before children normal normal, orderly, normal normal order, so it items it seems like life was pretty good back. Then things are fine if you, if you could keep your horse out of a fucking crater You're gonna be ok. I just want to meet a guy who got drunk and father rats, my god that yeah. That would be like your friend, like get it like being like taking your shirt off on a stage in a bar that you'd be like he's so fucking pissed right now, looking at looking at me, razzies
Christ he's not drive and a chariot is forget. I forgive you, can either rats against. It I'd starve a lead retirement you're not supposed to eat the potty capital, one, do that's an occupational hazard or for me I got the plague. above all. I am dying rally heads you know the document. It might have been other rat brain. So I've you of you, Don't you think oddly leave gives you the fever view been around dollar sixty or you don't really think I did do was eight hundred and fifty redheads to gamble so other than that I've been run in good times. get a lot more, like you said, sure, way more, I'm not going to give you any medicine. Let you die. Ok, bob
good checkup z attack you the best of the best tat being sd best yellow. oh well, I think Berg is a hero. Sports were different sports for different eating. Burgers no burg is the hero in this, but he started out such a little yeah it's. So it's so crazy because, like I am attracted to the idea of kit burns, even though it is awful. Now he's a man right when you think about it. I think maybe you just do what I do, which is like you're like who would have reached boojum five more like a movie. You owe you Hedberg, yeah you'd, be like. I want to watch that move every fucking day of the week. You don't watch the movie. The guy was like goodwill prevail. You wanna watch the guys like shut that door. Now we're going to kill rats. We're going to have We call a rat off we're gonna. Have a rat spitting got desert, reuse trouble knock out your opponent by spitting rats out of re gonna, be normal. Don't look at the back
or look over here. Don't look at the bear, you're, not old enough to look at the bear yeah. You must be this tall to fight the bear. So the movies give birds yes and then Berg is the villain. It's not that now he's but he's the movie the villain because he's annoying. He fucking stop it's annoying, because all the fun parts of the story are kit. Bird, yes and then bird comes in and ruins the fun it's like. It's like the straight man right either straight men you need, but right now we will just want to watch this guy go ape shit, yeah, yeah
and ass. You well another another normal chapter in american history. Fuck american sulphur thinks we listening there, everybody its gareth, you know from this. Despite cast listen, I've got some stand of, shows them inviting the garments to gear its army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that Acme I will be going to the uk in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteen manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol september. Twenty second- and
artists september. Twenty fourth, and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth added lahaye november, sixteenth camera november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-02.