« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

23 - The Past Times - Aunty Donna

2023-04-21 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and Australian comedy group Aunty Donna

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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all right, you earn studio, doing pastimes, podcast, don't touch. Ok, it's been two days since because invite passed away I will go to the pastime, deprive gassed or equal to its revenge or not It's true. I dues paper miranda beg my three heads, a kid you're episode, we're gonna have to just hold for companies to place the tour because of my little make it maybe like everybody, I believe morning ride everybody woke up into the pastimes cast. Each week we go through old newspaper from a random date. Mystery picked up. I gave Anthony I'm here the reynolds and I've never seen before, and neither is our yet this week, anti donna.
I welcome the very welcome here. We ve got more exact and broken all three of your ear and america, the basque country on earth rights. Yes So it was some would say that the matter even by the president just passed away. I really like you back in the eta really odd. If we die right after you might have to take them out to be a you do, if you move with an esther, as yet is only what you know overseas paypal, nine esther is like a visa. Why were you have to do? Do you get interrogated when you come back to america or do you threw. They believe. There's some shit, but it's not like what you have to go through if you're, not here, there they are again they can be total dicks. I think that's the way. I filled with nerves and I go through. U s cost of yet more than
more than international, no matter how prepared I am I'm like I've got my esa, my visa thing ready to go. I was told I need my coven vaccination thing of always eyed. They always throw me a curveball, really yeah. This time it was like need to see your return. Flight That's all I'm a mining get off that have like every single time. I go there. I feel like I'm a hundred percent prepared. They say one thing no, but I dont think maybe americans fully understand what like in this country when you're coming into this cut. It's not I like that at most casinos know they're kind of like jovial and like kind of like how what was it a good time fuck you jack like that here yeah, but coming here, it's like long lines, yeah just so much bull, nothing like more after fourteen I now in a long line, shadowy lights and like maybe I am here to blows something
yeah. What was I think I didn't pack, my own stuff, yeah they get terrorists. I mean, I think, a have tried coke twenty yeah and you guys have a tour coming up in the fall. Well, basically yeah, where people can go to aunty donna dot com. Yes, Ok, the olive america, canada, Australia, kid you got. A monolithic is Melvin rock island. Why got lou. How long is the tour two months we by which we mean english speaking right virginia yet two months? it now that we will get one day when they will get that society. Eighty one show in hong kong one I was that noise is, we thought it would be for experts
yeah, it wasn't. It was for locals and that's crazy and you could say that we're watching it and a lot of people speak english in Hong kong, but the twenty or so people in Hong kong. They don't speak. English came to shop ago, just sitting there like and we we just need a pretty physical, our comedy yeah a lot of words and its yeah right. You needed it is vague desire, tat, only reason, you're realizing. I think you need the eyes. This boy is screaming, this voice, their screen. We got out. I was this well, yes, I will go to hand down a dot com, go check. Your does James fast! I do year on year. I always feel like we ve had that he has brought. You he's been bringing you as up to us for years yeah and you haven't done
Now I must one day I'll be right here, like an old lady, we thought it was. These aims is actual hand. We rode at best selling a book yeah right. That's right gratitude. We wrote a book with James really had a bestseller years, though, that a bestseller industry. Elliot real, like old times more than anyone was available on us? He put his heart to do it, but no, you can't remember the first, the buzz deftly years ago. He was later. He was just things they told us that he had to let go. He said that he had to make his drawings less good, because people thought he was just doing phil is online to make them less goods that people knew, though we don't know for sure, is not doing that it could be a complete shock. I bet it wouldn't surprise me if the dollop image him yeah, he does. He does basically oliver art yeah and we did a book that was like based on some of our podcast and he was drawing the art and, and they like the one
notes they had were like the scrotum is weird like scrotum notes, and that was a you know when there's not enough not like that too many yeah. But when there's not enough no july, we did this. We did a series of youtube videos for em they, the energy drink. Do you have a drink He will not, therefore, is that just an australian america's, not big on energy drinks you go to the gas station? a man with water and out and not its go way. I guess it's like over its word bull s, a guy and we'd. They gave us some money to do some sketch form and they will literally like gum whatever you want, though let low I whatever you want like ok, so we wrote a bunch of scripts and sent them to them and then the only night they sent back was will we literally,
the sun screen put into a man's asshole line of lists of another question. We have to do that, so we can. I use suggesting we gonna direction, just a sketch, where we just write like a bunch, adopt points for things that could add to the rights of others. The first pilot we ever did was through the abc straightly. I'm dumb was in competition with a bunch of other pilots and dumb, but the only note we got from them was that we heard from other shows that our getting big thoughtful notes and like detailed, interesting nights. In the only note we come out from those not sure about the dodo, yeah. I'm gonna change the dildo to something else, and that was to get a series, and I was going to say when you say we did a pilot. It normally means that most of my hollywood stories yeah. What did you change? We did change the deal, does to shoes, that's
with its eggs. Anything maybe if we get the deal, would have got it for they would have also passed on it, but you could be like we really showed a wireless always like I've been like. That shows me yeah right and allows actually in every that many things I've made. We go get picked up and we go why we shouldn't taking their no. It's me out here anyway, we're going to go through a random paper. I always like to guess the year David can only be from sixteen hundred to recently I guess the sixty nine was a really weird. I guess I meant to guess he tries to do one for you. Guys from Australia and I'm in a gas that it's going to be from eighteen. Thirteen, that's my guess- and I this is where I leave the show Good luck! Whenever I can, I get yeah, please it's up. I ve I can be up to ok
can. I I'm going to go crazy. There got quite racing, I'm going to go. Nineteen. Eighty three, that's really good! Guess: yeah, okay, cause! I think that I think that's a good guess. Ninety two wow sting, I'm gonna say. Seventy six, eighty six, seven eight hour after hour. I do not allowed and gives it a year on the erika, seven. Eighteen, seventy six, you aren't you Eighteen eighteen, it safely mohammed seven teens sixty seven, whether those very early in america. Yeah. It's really think I join in each. I know not that he so pre pre your premarital right
breathe a vast country on the earth fully being for everybody party got picked it its number one. Thank you. Everybody got kicked in this, as in some categories, that's not enter. Illiteracy is always an eyelid sailor during city, most salient regains. Yet and similar drinks, police murders are it's the hartford current from hartford connecticut, most just their month may the May the fourth seventy two hours a day did they celebrate a bad assholes about the first story: star wars, father dad,
So this is another thing about papers back then they would get. They would get news from stuff that happened way before so this just happened on january ninth, like a little bit like oh yeah, that's insane! That's like yeah. There wasn't enough yeah three of the writers condemned at I'm, going to say, they're, trying to say gloucester, gloucester gloucester might be gloucester. It is so one of the things here is papers as old as asses are written as EF s. Yes, it gets very confusing. I'm also feeling really nervous because and every american I've ever met. You guys do a lot. You know a lot about your own history like more than I know about australian history, yeah, yeah and there's always this expectation that the amount of times I've been like you don't know the founding father So what I want you to know that I am worried, riding suck or delays
before, that is a very of one, yeah yeah like wait. No, he was, it looks the same. He fucked it just know he sucked at this. I can't I can't tell the difference looking at them. They look. Ready similar, and let me tell you that the the roots of the dollar is that not only do I not know anything going in, I don't know anything about history. On our podcast, I confidently said: Ben franklin the president is now, and he wasn't and did you know that we went to france for very long time, he's very responsible for the way this is all being ended. He cried oh, how much of this is from him didn't you need not neo nazis? Haven't, I don't think you one of my favorites yours is John Adams and spend a lot about ruining range. Where we should explained our listeners. Ruding doesn't mean cheering for now. It does not get guineas
yeah yeah, I'm one israeli needs of other categories. End of any point k on the flag on the climate, which is also you ve, been isn't that the prince Albert, but remembering that was what was he These are all use of, not having I lay the founding found was he was like he was like that you on mask and he was invariably rash. Today's battery also hated germans, so is like David thea, J or night, three of the rioters condemned at which is a gloves last glocester were executed there and the behaviour of one of the sufferers was very affecting and made a deep impression on the spectators of the other two
little can be said. One was ill. The other was very ignorant. What did the one guy who's? The guy one, the execution? What does he do? He must. He must have like cried and put on a show, and everyone was like. Oh my next trick. So this is hot yeah we're not fit. Can it it's like north of northern europe, north east, basically riah. There is nothing to do with sort of those like the the red, the red coats killing. You know no test as it's just that separate, execute or not yeah we're not there yet there now. Yet I dont think that would happen at all. I mean it could ended and how much more you know about than I do already. It said for me: I'm actually are doing the biogas from him. David way? What would I we got, it does show that cigarettes. I think it's one of the things we like everybody knows three eyes and executed serenely.
What in the paper you just posted no eyes met his last yeah, but that they do that alot, where they under developed, like what they are talking about in the future. You definitely are like. What's going on and then they'll just like go on about like a spoke for like a page that you mock always talks about the start of the movie sonic, the hedgehog, where he's doing stuff and then freeze frames, he goes yeah yeah, so yeah, regular cism me. Can you believe it? Let's find out hour, So that's the structure for writing the air, while it's like, so how you'd? How did we get here Then you're wondering why these three guys we're getting executed this guy one, the event that it is then that we're not going to tell you that granite,
tori, there was no harm. Our get does a lot. That is just an execution guys, one with which I was dumb and one guy was good. I have as they like what you analyse looking for scoops like do. We have the name. Stuff in this, or is this notice. It's just nothing. Like the long form journalism. Do we get anything lol, form in the inner. Rarely, vietnam, not a damn, thus old agonized, but I really books that yeah sometimes though print like a letter from a king or somebody is very long. Allergenic all share a nice derivatives is like the three did yet, though, affecting its hot by its tiktok. It is the big twitter signal air, whether you re really. I think you look it up day next, one at the sun.
in which which began on wednesday three convicts. What I'm so excited for this it's great to have you guys experienced. This is what I do all the time. I'm like what what's happening. What's going on three convicts received, sentence of death, but this is the same order has no jittery. This is like the next one. Other thing: it's not like: it's like a three stooges plot, timothy treadmill for robbing general elliot on the highway Hi asbury com is how it highway robbery state. Yet this is like. Isn't this? Is there on horseback and gilbert? Yet that's why I'm like the highway? They won't come on. The carpooling convict. You know that sounds like us three strolling yeah monday. That's with immigration was wondering if it only three william Collinson for forging a draft on Sir Joseph hanky, it's your off on a draft
at the draft. I think I think it's a check right. I think he forgot killing him. He just forge the check, and then you get that. As you say, he forged a check and now they kill him and they're going to kill him for that. So that would have vitamins. Fusion worthy immediately added a caprio look. Now, if we did, you did exist, You're wondering how do you get a bit? and John williamson for the murder of his wife by confining her in a most cruel manner and starving her to death. Programmes.
the woman robbing a general and frightening as bad as yet the corona don't talk about what you guys did, because one of you is going to be fury that drives. My wife over fourteen days gave her a sip of water each day check in dot points. Dot point. Yet. Why haven't you know? It's just a sister. Just free form. What are we saw? That was handwritten we're like David, you, these novel, I dreamed often that paragraphs and you just read, but this one of these is paragraph. The poor creature was kind of an idiot who, having a sum of money left for her maintenance lamson to possess himself of the money found means too. ok, so she was wretched. He shouted at death, tried to take the money, yeah yeah era, public executions as well by the way
they kill. You have these republic, eggs. Humming hangings was a year. I would assume its hangs out far away from our from the silent era, pretty close yeah, it's probably a near edge overruns and rally before or sale. Savings late. Sixteen hundred out of treaty might arrive at crucible and then there's a couple hundred use missing and then about the twenties em they will be blood. That's how I was. I know they will abandon twenties on a pretty good or we'll, which all areas have film starring than you do Listen! I bet your what during our I, how I got here where my boy see my my boy went and lied to me just so it's this is like the execution like it's like that, it's the it's the job applicants, it's it's just a list of italy.
If this is a great question, this is a front page. It is the front page. This is just describing these guys have now been biblically condemned to be executed. In both groups of three that was someone that was referred to the an at a full year? That's very interesting yeah, so I the three stood is so this goes on about the guy and his wife. They were first asked in church, but the trusty forbid the baines clangs ass, to pay painful that myself it's it's about that every character. I want to keep going, no better I was wondering how I got the one I grew up in, oh, so the church must have forbid it because she was an ied. it august that maybe she's only deal with some of the video I think she's gave him a church than is now the grimmest
Married mentally handicapped woman basically vying for financial reasons, allowing pretty stop. It I've already get her money and- and meanwhile, the other there's another guy that forged to check. Who is just thinking here. The shit I could have: and I got so much more. We were both for money, but mine was just paper yeah. It's also interesting. That idiot was like back than you. Ethically speaking, she's an eighty year meant something very dear cycles of how far back The villain, however, procured a licence and were about eight months ago they were married. Since which- The usage usage carried that the unhappy creature received. You figure think it is, is it you forget.
It looks like leaving you finish. Tourism has been one continued scene of cruelty, he had driven along up boy. You can't read this strong, a staple into the wall of the closet in the room where they lodged and to this staple he daily. I'd her with a rope. All my gucci drew rather middle, her hands being fastened behind her with iron handcuffs. I wrote a check. I made up a guy. I made up a guy on a chair for twenty years. I'd say that it gets a potato yeah. This guy are you fucking kidding me going on different days, the little sustenance. we received was laid upon a shelf within Reach of her mouth and eyes places I mean render. So that is
if this is so that if it dropped any part of it, she could not recover, and so the barbarous and and so very barbarous was the situate. This can't read that villain that he often tied her up so tight that her toes only reach the ground and if his daughter at did to alleviate her misery is georgia. It daughter is a separate mary watching unless it must be by setting a silver to stand on she used. He is to beat her unmerciful, so he bade his daughters year to help her out. So the daughter couldn't help the lady trying to get the more. It is a morsel up. The use of quotas could nor mcdonald's joe
This sounds like a jerk yeah. I know the bible says: judge not lest ye be judged, but I'm a I'm gonna make a controversial statement that a nice guy yeah. Oh my god, I hope they go into the other crimes. We even know what the third guy did. There's no reason is that iran guy we are that we have to check writer and guy rob the general guy just love the idea you go through all of this. The most horrific thing I've ever heard and the other guy who is it was like. Eight dollars is like how which hate speak into the eta, which why should I order they? Could I start with the horrible murderer through time the woman said that come along yeah also like the check one's pretty straightforward, so is the highway. Then the meat of the the article to me is the guy you go to where the story
it is in that way in a regional version. They just listed the three crowd. Look, I understand why gilda? Firstly, but can you actually dig into the central very interesting story? Did even outside after the that doesn't sound too bad if it maybe, if we go into detail, people understand yeah, maybe I'll play at the door. Couldn't water should be hit angle, I mean there's a lot of meat on the bone. Guess I really think I mean there's a lot of eight other actually asked me. I wasn't whenever we used to write what I'm here didn't what did the woman? Above all you what yeah. What do you think it was we're gonna she starved
yeah, so we're going to leave Alex that just goes on and on it gets. It gets really, not the position, I'm to sound like a mother, but is this a sketch idea, but the article starts with two things and then it's like The kinetic structure is like one two and then a jug that goes on right, yeah, the place guy, who wrote a fake check, guy tied up his wife and kids by the way, back at the door of my god. Yeah, not indifferent. Yeah really was a different tone. I am sorry that I mean just tell me how it in the last one yeah she's covered berman and they find her. Oh, my god
let's call I'm you know I'd argument either the now. Let us make the gold located having read it. I lived happily ever some of you think, I'm library, ribeiro jeez, I worked it out, but in the end we gave me a big data gave us where did you like Now. That's terrific, I'm so sorry I think that's a really good question. You know if I say I'm not going to read it very much. How much was read before the codes yeah? Maybe maybe it's going to be there's an upturn, but it just ends on that every man anyway, oftener sports and you have to look at this- is exploded in the floor.
Our guy just this robust, and we hear from the start the that a few days since died there. Mrs Mary Horton. age, two hundred and fifty years of four hundred and twenty two days, you're lying her ass off, like the bible, is always about like with the pull in the five thousands in the two thousand and yeah. I love that just increments. We ve gotten more honest, we're right, yeah, you ve, no one could keep track knows no. No way I mean, if you ask a ninety eight year old person, how old they are. They ve gotten a clue night, Xavier asking over a hundred fifty two hundred and fifty They are about uttered tat. Our three. The burundian began, the move down twice back then yeah he's moved down
Many that's right. That's all you have done that. We will at some point you mentioned. I guess there's pay more like fourteen hundreds, but it was like if it didn't happen within a mile of where you live. like you just now, Larry. Why so many goes one town, oh yes, for forward it proved journalism, stays the same as well as the journals he's ngos, that's bullshit rabbi. I'll put that in that can be a grey area. He's got a he's. Gotta talk back to follow, he's a pretty good, pretty good, randy my lady, these six hundred fifty we put to death for that because, apparently that, yes, she touched execution. yeah, it's a dodgy checks. She was a native of jamaica and in the great earthquake at that land about sixty years since she was taken up floating on the water and brought
A hider by a something blowing into this place, her husband was also taken up at that time and bro hither bro. hither, El Dorado, resting loud rod. Hitler brought hither by another vessel by which means they met together, to their great surprise, both imagining each other to have perished in the terrible catastrophe now about are so there on an earthquake and somehow, after the earthquake scenes of floating she's floating. I regret loading addition I'm floating in the water she's. Putting in the water after an early lie is old. Age is like a calligraphy did not, and they picked her up about picking and then her husband was also taken up at that time. So
another. I got picked up, separate, yeah the same vessel. Yes, the same vessel pick them up, but they were floating in several places. Sliding separate places, novel title yeah, the jamaican faint couple as well. But what do you make a main back then, like the jamaican with cause, was to make jamaican a colony, be like so she jamaica and she's right think or agenda has said a good. Yes, super super super slavery, as that run so is sound. I say we I do is hither. Is that forcefully brought heroes? They said north, a northern of united states, it's kind of mingled overnight angels live. I know I don't know they would get this written if they were not going right I had this lives. While I had this idea,
again they were right this about. So this is to potential caucasian british british, each americans yeah each yes puck. cast. Is a minefield yeah! This isn't a what comes out yeah great question, though a lot of times, I'm just like. Okay, I missed the civil war in seventeen and eighteen so ask him a civil or eighteen teens, eighteen and eighteen sixty six class yeah. That's not that long! and also twenty twenty. Four of the great things were totally over, but yeah we're not that taught it up with then it's over for sure it worked out pretty great and all the monuments and flags from that era you have to lose. I know I know that
We have agreed on everything between them. then it's been pretty smooth sailing. Also it's the beginning: god picked one country to make his favorite and it's a man, so he picked us just a white jamaican hundred and fifty year old earthquake surviving when you put it like this, has floated because of unethical like floated away this island alive is it. This is a eliah Aviate I mean there's gotta, be they probably play a terrible earthquake and and using I gotta get out here. I know you they let him get love Brady guides, it's really blown up. to line up migrate. I agree next story about a month since was born at general, wins farm marshfield, a daughter of John fullerton, whose wondering, if done for yeah yeah yeah about amongst die was that I hope we get John fullerton, yeah yeah, you are hard for you.
We she born in seventeen, seventy six. Whose whose age of seventy three years his wine at north of here seventy three, seventy four! Seventy forty hurry gonna so evident again, I know honoured fifty year old, who shot out of an earthquake exit. Seventy three next, the child being his seventeenth. Ok, what am I gonna, listen and boring time. He has two daughters that our grandmothers the one has to grandchildren and the other three, the last Mention was present at the birth of her sister yang yeah. This is fun listening. I really believe this is a view that this also math problem, it. What was the average human lifespan for back then?
Seventy six even seems it's all reductio without delay. I think you are you. Are you two hundred now. Imagine doubling work depends you you are if you're you're a slave woman, it's out thirty eight years right wrong! Now, your rich white lady. I think it's a lot more, We are still living that long, I mean average, but if you got, I think if you get through a certain age, you'd keep on trucking for awhile, but most most people died when they were babies, so it throws the whole thing It hadn't sweet, grains and tender grains back then really healthy yeah. They gave yeah have been eras out in macau toto. It helps me do that yeah! Well, Mr Mr fullerton has fifty grand and great grandchild this is more more of which are now living? Ok, there we go so it's all die. Yeah kit, like you, craig democracy, you gonna craig at ten years,
two few good ones, yeah yeah every car I feel like that's a thing- is every culture once they figure out that baby mortality that that's the generation that has ten kids yeah, maybe like we're like I'm irish australian and my my dad was one of ten. every that's, because I did that yeah yeah errors and hope for two like shit ten, How to fund could do with tat. I hate medicines were alive. That's incredible! What a hit right! We up! Yes, not enough! Now nobody was like wow for, I love whatever I've eaten the second life like or how old is seven, four, seven, probably a second, why? I think so, yeah he's not examine he's a lucky guess above the man Leonardo dicaprio.
Yeah. yeah these young israeli model, on that the pastimes will be right back yeah. This is one reason a provenance on April. Eleventh I've been there have you. In providence, rhode, island, rhode, island, yeah or or or stay Iraq the tiniest status there yeah. I was just there too, don't wait a year. If I went to those two, these recent, the I'll keep bringing it up when its appropriate doesn't really do much for the show. But it's just me, have you say: milman essay, milgram police. We have the following: are the fair related to us by gentlemen this town, who was an eye witness to it. In other words, just be fully share. This is just like me, I heard literally a guy told me,
Finally, language was very like an auto bay. I'm thinking it's going to be fine little cookies, but a critical area babies. basically, baby is a baby. Next to someone who tripped over a stool yeah, all the bizarre. Ok, that on Monday, the sixteenth of march, the reverend barrett of hopping turn a pop kington in this protein does in this province, was walking in the highway in that town near the house of mister john abe, with a great coat around his shoulders, but on a sudden he missed it and after looking some considerable time, he saw it at about one hundred yards from him hanging on a tree near thirty feet from the ground us vote.
I yeah blown away. It's amazing that the stories we've heard so far and then amongst that is like a coat, was caught in bed now. You're, not gonna, believe this ill from what he did to that woman who couldn't find his jacket for a while that she just starved and furminator. Yes, yes, boy, move on crowd was a drill. This is an english at that time, isn't it? I could feel it totally. Yeah occurred, to get rid of this. We just have to kill him it's really ugly right decision is country like a decade from chuck, norris We must reasonably suppose that it was taken off by some invisible hand, invisible in italics, as it was a very calm time and
wind enough to blow off his hat goes, so the hat stayed on in a cold. Blew really that man when he had a tight around him, he was wearing that we hadn't no, he added look upon him around issue Likewise, we re asking for an invisible yank. It was that sensitive from tobacco bailey. That proves ghosts exuviae hundred yet hundred yale is a reverend. the us it out of the sky. There was multiple laid the reverend witnesses jack it right, helping other the reverend was walking. A bit of John John John abe, saw sought sore happen. The coat was taken down and wait by some general. then, of course you gotta wait. Well, let's see how about the coat ways. This is what happens when you don't have internet yeah.
I just laughed, then. I think we all know that telling me that card ended up in that tree and there was no wind. God give me some scales Let us have away and put this to bed regular way. Stone has got a few for airlines to why that's the week. Why that guy? right now why that type, talk about what the doodle is and tell them about. Why and why the codes to get pregnant just the way. I do that much gather out wherever it is. Why, when we didn't expect five thousand people shop
I don't even know. Why is way, but on a similar fats ended up in a dream ever prosecuted it visible had, although I would hang all the women in this village. Obviously the weaknesses in the coroner had something to do with it. This man who forged check. Why am I here? A prank shut, the fuck up go ahead either way. It was about two way about five pounds, o strange. it's the end. Some ripley bodies, five bans in what is the No, I don't five kilos, allow that's a pretty! it is It didn't take that again, yeah yeah! Why yolcuat you have a code, don't you We lay land air and bring this
Is there a site? That's the whole newspapers that one article there was no notice when article you know, that's not an article that I flew in trade no story happen like the the coat flew off the tree. They took it down away, didn't beginning middle end, but it didn't. I didn't take that What the hell I'm going over the last phrase, o exclamation point strange. I didn't realize what a strange, so that a lot, because this is a crucial time- is that this is. round them as it is kind of full on that that kind of thinking could have that agreement. We did want around this time. I think that was in england, but that, but there is like a guy who beat a man would do better to death and like line because he was like well. This is a which yet little doubt this story was like this guy found a witch,
like waiting to get food and he was like nope and rarely I do remember, having a beater yet, but he started beating her up and everyone's like. What are you doing? The little ladies like well she's a witch like. So it's definitely that time is cut flow often, but it would have been a very slight turn and they would have blamed people. Why would yeah? Oh yeah, I yes starved his wife be like which, because the daughter- probably nor dynamo, videos it's too, which is too, which is that's the biased move away. Code flies into a tree that's and there's a woman around. She would just be like. Oh god, John, I argue that I live in an area that that current idea, why walkin around It depends on what I feel I see afoot, the next woman that comes by hearing the picture of. I wonder, I wonder if there's a white for the coat that would make the woman not be accused of being a witch.
It was half a pound of fire like five fan. That's like that in the end, the merely they are not here and I'm sorry, I've tried that if you got any more than that guy stars levies about the law, if it's a good ten pound note, you burn the village and that I do those who are now they're coding themselves at kerosene, every other ten without getting act, and that is why I thought that.
I think that it's been strange, stress or stress, seven pounds, we're really pushing. I feel it's strange anymore is that what about that jabong yeah, I feel like in my lifetime at least I've seen like there could be ghosts to like that or, u f o's to that's. Really not a thing talked about that. It's like peripherally talked about, but like it, no one nothing's believable at all anymore, like that, when I was a kid like you I mean I was. I was the x files. I started watching real. Did you realisation that was real No I'm all of us.
I, like yeah orvis, got afraid I'd use discolored more than a decade of seeing aliens to convince a nice drive. Older ever greater might be real, but I think the funniest thing about x files surveys the like so not that long ago it was kind of a conspiracy. That's fun, that's a fun thing for a person to think that it's just gone, but then, when they start tearing apart your society they're like. Oh, that's, not good. That just happened here with us. We hate us for us folk. Yet we do. We declared war on balloons, winning I congratulate you worried about. You will come with a boot up here below, but that has really start in a lot of that now, like there's a lot of ufos stuff here right now, a lot of people think that the balloon stuff is in some connection to you, foes and tom, to launder to be having the time of his life. It's uh yeah.
We're having a real, particularly research, it in a strange yeah we're dead, only living in a strange tat. It orbit the beach in Japan, yeah. That was strange. Oh strange yeah, that was the orb that all of an old washed up on the beach. It's an old yeah yeah, I don't know to tell you, I'm sure, I'm sure it's it's either one or two things either. An alien, revised its borders Visible hand, life or to a buoy yeah, absolutely well, I refused to believe in either direction a little crazy yeah. I have inches away yeah. Oh okay, yeah! That's that's a buoy, a buoy, that's yeah, okay yeah, but everyone's okay famous last words right yeah, wouldn't that be while development did I like you that have it. That was an eye. What if it were just unwanted like air errands like it's a boeing, also they just like rolled over
When I yeah a few years ago, we made on netflix were doing any promo we possibly could, and it was the exact same time that the monoliths were going up a youtube channel in australia said. Do you wanna help your to build a monolith in the forest of melvin and will claim we did them all if we show- and we said yet so cut too- we provide work. We ve got a trailer on the back of a car with a joint monolith made by some like in the suburbs. We take it out to the forest. We put it up. We release a youtube video with these guys, claiming it they put. They try and make a go via goes up on. Read it and done the first comes. It does if you've just tried, you're trying to get on board and then snapped like a week later. It's got five million views and we were getting asked to go on. Jimmy came over to him about it, and people will figure out yup. It's these guys have done it and seen all of them. Oh my god,
the best part about their documents, We know tat. We can go back over the best part about all that was the that that wasn't there first page and the model is saying it got really big views. But before that they were like we were going to do a flintstones car and oregon I, are going to award cause. I got to drive through and then someone was like that couldn't find the front yard to do it. In cars they're from sydney, so those that could find the odds. Are that? Would you do the model we gotta wanted to do the magic? I second and use our second idea. We claim that we are doing. And sorry. These are both your ideas. I think we should shut them out great youtube channel yeah. They know how to do it so funny. They're saying yes to that is just like yeah for sure. We will claim that we did. The monolith
yeah for a netflix shows have an absolute or what have you ok sure do contain neil gaiman. Do we get do we get flintstones cat to promote? man. Then out got our yard. I think we would really hurt us here. We're lost I was just about the idea of what, if we approach the hill, oh they're the by the way you can only break with your feet action darwin from sundry house and shops in middle town, the night after the thirtieth of April, a claret colored new broad cloth coat with flowered, yellow buttons and lining rather light than the cloth a clean, genteel gun about six inches of stock. Next them about has been broken off and glued on with a rag.
honestly. Why? Let alone? Well goodbye rioting grammar like that leanness that they have not set a date the same like what was glued on stock, I got lost at stock, okay, a genteel gun which already you last me about six inches of the stock. Next, the muzzle so next time it was alright, has been broken off and glued on with a rag next the barrel, so the glued arrest. So they did this. They used rag to tie it together so that they use the genteel gun to do the right, because with this stuff, no this we see only item that was studies was also stolen, beside jacket, the jacket and this. How much do we know how much the dragon way it? I guess
we're all wondering what they didn't leave await here. So I dunno how they're going to get back a little strange that we know is about right, yeah, that's that's the going jacket, I'm such a big fan of the way they choose the order. yet again, another example of a jacket and also a sort of shotgun yeah. It was tied together with the lid on it's very important that you putting glued on with a rag yeah that's the most defining detail of my guy that got glued on with Iraq? Know that really weird thing I was doing. I glued a rag onto the part I cut off. Are you writing this down? As all gotta go in and it's good to you the whale brute gun. No,
No, no! No! No! No! No! I dont use guns before anything else: stolid yep, black, barcelona, handkerchiefs, a k, a silver watch. No, that's a colored shirt, three pair of men, shoes yeah, don't ring the stone out. One ring stone out that honesty stuff. It's just it's not as don't ring ring or not worth a ring during a quantity of money, both silver and paper. A guy would have put down that you have a leg. If you see my money and a budget, my my
I see it is that, where did you get that? Because I'm actually missing a bunch of money and a of money? They stole some money, some buddy a worked pocket book. Whoever shall apprehend the thief or thieves so that he or they may be brought to justice shall have five dollars. or paid by nathaniel brown, asia, Johnson and esther, what whittemore now is. This rewards standing. If we were to find you, I don't see why wouldn't be probably had a decent reward for back, that is a lot of fucking money, yeah five dollars, would be a fair bit. I bet it's a yeah. I bet it's a lot like the idea that it's the side, yeah yeah, give you five bucks is the currency here in the seventeen hundreds is it. Britain is a pound. It's pound! Yes, five pounds so yeah same as the code,
wishes you two hundred and ninety six dollars today, Well, yeah yeah! That's your hundred bucks for my shit back like that. Yeah the end, the item, I like how much money? What is the money like twenty dollars? Then there's no one here, but all I care about my rag gun sales a mental like big, big junkie, yeah and your father's yeah. That's a favorite was a boy who says some news at a springfield that we hear from springfield that one day this week, a young woman of that place died with grief, said to be occasioned by a disappointment in a love affair to the young man who is said to be the occasion of her death was present a few hours.
or she died and then offered marriage to her, but it was then too late to preserve her life. It is said the young man now lies at the point of death. This, maybe wanting to young man not to make a practice of deceiving the fair sex, wah wah yeah, and what does it show that was springfield and not fair verona The delayed and embryos are expensive, really regret, and I am so glad you through we suddenly he died from embarrassment. Or should I think you'd hate proposal arrived before yeah! I guess so. I think this work. I think that he does had it not to merrier you then fell into as a woman. Well, if you say what mary she fell into into an illness total death and then right before she passed, he felt so
add that then he asked her to marry and but it was too late. And then she died anyway and now he is like beside himself almost dying, yeah yeah they euphemisms going on here is this kind of this is perfectly factual, but a bit of people dying of grief or they sort of implying heavier shit there. They just thinking people died of grief, then I think they did yeah yeah yeah. I would But imagine that I mean they. They thought people died of the crazy shit away into the nineteen hundred they like this. She was possibly just dying from like some norm. Yeah she, like cancer, civil o, my lord. He gave that where we could be married, oh dear, where her nose. That's it! That's the story it just this. Just some really funny about man like not. I want to marry you she's, sick, I'll, feel bad or I'll Marian
She dies and he's like. Well, I'm fucked. Now I'm so sad that I've got a daughter, sure everybody ages. Everybody was like bill. What the fuck did you do and he's like new everybody hates me Will you marry me just like it's too late? I'm dying from your rejection is. If this is so weird I do. Love less than a guess, died. Plywood gills girls feel yeah. That is a very so if you're gonna learn anything don't mess around with with its a moralistic newspaper, the moral, the Boston April, sixteenth last tuesday, learning as the raven, william hooper, minister of the trinity church in this town, was walking from his garden to his house without any complaint of illness. He instantly dry
dead zone was a bit before he got to his door. Okay, he was a reference he was did this sounds like god was, like I tried to take his jacket, cause you're, not you're, not doing a good job right. He just talks at a guy walking. To his house- dropped the guy from wireless garden to his house. Ales category had a heart attack I think it was a hundred and ninety eight is a witch yekaterinburg. Later I caught attack early yeah yeah. I would have the three that's already and that's just like. That's very I mean ok, I would imagine more people are dying but this guy. Just for this guy's, probably more famous because he's a minister in Boston, trinity church as a picture newspaper right, there's no talk of international politics. There's no talk of you know, you know what the taxation without representation, some of it it's like that's where the biggest print these long letters and super boring and the language is hard to understand. So there's a lot
but what I want some of these all papers they will like they will cover internet large scale. Data visit this paper is actually surprisingly sticking to local This year's, like even use content and yeah yeah right, yeah yeah, the gossips and much easier as well. I have long is this paper? Will the pod cast his three hours per day of our means in terms of what get out. I had it not been running a little late net about three hours might want to finish this newspaper you're, not leaving jellies, goddamn papers finish my questions. I feel like a lot of people back them would have died without planning of illness. I feel we have no like you. I feel, like your general condition, would just be such a more hell like your skin was a prisoner. I do not think it. I think it makes sense that its of note, because if someone just dropped dead- and you are not aware of what a heart attack is or what a shark is or anything like that, that's an odd event-
You have no concept of okay and then dead, but this is what I'm saying now. If someone did it you'd be like? Oh, that's, pretty crazy cause. Nothing showed up in the auto yeah right, I feel like fifty percent of the population, would have died. They often go down over the aim, every other autopsy. Now you would probably find out what it was and then you'd be like a year. Never were on. Saying is wooden a lot of Anyone why wisest of interests lie very item, a monetary approach. If you ask me They ve been library, varied mould I who again who's the witch who, yes might bob a woman or a god hand, because I think you're right. Most people died of a fever. I like nice may have separate voting. Get destructs, yeah yeah death process would be the what they would consider the cause of death
and when you start to show the result treated cancer, that's the fever of that is that the rights and probably the strikes in the heart attacks are killed. People now the people were dying famous before them, yeah yeah yeah. I am certain that we took this actions like huge thing: jellia, untreated infections. This is before they knew about. Terms hey. Oh yes, there are like gravel dirt and dental galileo. Really there we go backwards on the germs and is now people like mass, don't worry area I really like there is the time when they would just be like, but but but don't wash that your tencel is about to go in this man literally, like that nurse you're going to kill him. It was a person apparently the first guy this guy in like Europe that was apparently like. I think he was saying people keep dying. Whenever I do surgery on them. I think they might
tiny little things. We cannot say that killing the add this story, so I think there might be tiny little things that are killing them whenever arms at your crazier baby, which is happening because they think that they should not ever heard, and I was like the no yeah yeah we we covered something similarly were when they were a kind of going through. Like the genesis of life. Now wait. Thirty things seem to infect. No, no, I know it's great. Mostly here we go again all of my american history or the majority of its taken from the Tom Hanks produced John Adams series, and they shine, plays an absurd in that. Were they that's the? smallpox all these wilts there's a fever going around this disease and the way to the what's the word that inject. What's that would expect sex tonight, the kids just take taking a little bit of it. Take the pos yeah, let's put it in everyone,
and if they survive that good and some do in the annex- and I reckon there I as a That'S- that's fun. Yeah. We learn now that that was microchip it. If you think about lisbon, our quarrels, it. So everyone went to the grand plan of where did you go? We still believe it is John fowler lying drowned in exclamation point drowned in drowned in hop brook so called where the water was not anywhere more than knee deep. I think that's was through the headline, but it's you. For he drowned in hot water. No more than a faint hop hop waters too hot hot brook couple heartbroken joined in the water river, no bushes. Water is not really deep. Water, ok, suspicious yep. He went from his house about an hour before sunset last evening with intent to go to the mill.
and I know you guess why. I must in the mill I haven't, tend to go. To have incentives. Well, I'm just a meal or find a puddle where it's off or almost nighttime am I'm off to the mill to me, I'm going to go to the mill is the middle of the pub? No, it isn't. Your not gonna go right, I imagine or grain some sort of I am wondering why it does not have any power to go to the mill at midnight. He not return. His son in law this morning, when, after him found little laid down the horse and the bridle turned with the reins lying on his neck. He are you going to the brook, not one hundred of the brook ochre, not one hundred rods from the house. found his father great measurement, broad lines. I read it. Could you step out of it?
rod, I'll go great. His father lying under water, with his face downward a surprising spectacle, indeed good news, They get boil re, giving an arm and a little shocked that we already use those strange. I read it. I just feel like you need to spice it up that the ending was not because I love the idea that this is also in the roof. This is one of the funny little stories yeah. That think whatever would feel like a new food I'd mean really the only afoot yeah the jury's verdict was, he fell from his horse into the brook and was drowned in the water, so yeah. So probably
If I complain he killed himself already, I feel like he had like a stroke or something and then just dropped in it, but they're saying that the the rains on the horse were pulled like hard. Like he was, he didn't He was riding at night. You can see where it was going, arrive, van ryan later in this area. I know we all heard it do about, like my wheels, are spending that there's no, the with I think you might have just solve. get the get hold case. They called gaze. There's more of this man was born in Britain, appeared to be upwards of seventy years of age He had a gallon bottle full of cider to carry to the mill fastened to his hand and
coming in the water when he was found. So he was shit faced in that yahoo, mail and english to go to the mill. Why do you have a gallon yeah? We go again. I ride better after a couple just drink driving, yeah where, where you go, it'd. Go like whack off in the forest. Drug use like the bill, fuck of other guys was cheating on his wife, and I should probably go to the mill flour yeah, I'm probably gonna get a bit of flour at the mill. We have plenty. I don't like that self rising, dale, yeah I'd be about five hundred rides away. You relax lady on my gravel agree they're, gonna big. What that barrel on my bag
it's a bernard wood, yeah, let's party, oh man, yeah, that's fool, let's say We all know that a very sadly, once long, well, I'm along a few days ago, we shall went to a public house in rochester and sent a tradesman pretending they would be customers to him shall shop out. Yet, What is a shop and things? Maybe I might have a knife charbonneau and when I think and I like me, I feel like it shop? They did. They had ill intent, correct that enough, yelling, yeah, but that was their intent, yeah yeah shoppers I like shop, yeah, you're, a capitalist shop and I'm still a sharper sound. That sounds like a blade runner. It could also be in the age of pursue yeah got them sharper. Don't they do they help
The mountain in everest answers shot a shared for water. Like me, nosing around it, and we have not yet had an authoritative, jaipur sherpa. If you get lost, we don't have allowed sherpas in new england, I wasn't rather die than about a million. I cite around your bag. My lead to google near herds. It's a swindler, especially cards memory. In the course of conversation, one of them took occasion to mention an affair which just happen where they had been that a person undertook for a time,
willing wager to repeat the words there. He goes for a quarter of an hour, six, six, the choice of what to go into detail, a life that allies fascinating, I'll, expand on that success, success valley, but it's got to mean consecutively. I think, for a quarter of an hour without moving from his feet, which easy it is appears, he could not perform so for fifteen minutes, the guy was supposed to say there he goes over and over and over again for fifteen minutes. You couldn't do it to the test them the man that ever since I was a bet rabbi, the bay- I bet you can't say very goes with it. the minutes of the shop as they brought in in this. That decides. But this is a story there telling- and I said earlier, we there was a bad man couldn't say very fifteen minutes,
yeah. That's not tat hard. It was back where people didn t die alive guidance. I drove during the unsuspecting tradesmen caught the bait and proposed himself to repeat the same words for double the two so this guy's, like for thirty for thirty the sharper, took him at his word and guineas were immediately staked, whereupon he placed himself facing the dial, but left any tricks should be played there with he pulled out his gold watch. And place it on the table before him. Ok, so time I hate preliminaries now being settled. He proceeded on the performance but here he had made such progress. His opponents swept money and watch off the table and walked out so so whose getting was so hard right. That hard was basically the fifty men
I was probably in on it. Right must about so he's I I'll over fifteen, and this goes this cause and I'll do thirty and they, like dumb ass, put the watch down the mice doing it. at my watch and the money down and he's doing really well like we're not really good at swindling or ass. This is the whole place. Yeah, maybe others guys. I gave a you for you: ve got a fake clock here. yeah I'll get out. My watch and the whole time, though one of these was well well, I mean that David, What happened is this is hard to read tradesmen? Supposing this to be only a scheme for him to lose the wager I think continued steadfast to repeating only the forementioned words there. He goes so he can. Now. So maybe they're just trying to throw oh yeah. That's what you think, I being like: hey buddy, you're, going to do it we're out of here and that if we look at what the fuck we had a deal, you start
but he kept going. Yeah, but he was smart, is like an old, incredibly stupid rising. Yet the landlord observing his companions walk out, went to acquaint him with his suspicion when he entered the room. He found his guest as before described, but could receive no answer from him, but there he goes see eye to eye stuff. So the landlord of the bar, I learned about stopping guys, hey man, those guys who just bet you
They are trying to throw trying to they're trying to swindle you, and then this guy was like now there he goes there. He goes. Do that! Stop you're going to fuck yeah naps can fuck me that he goes there. He goes there. He goes apprehending. He was delirious. It was now judged can read that word requisite requite yeah. That feels like it's in the right to send to some skillful person to assist him. An apothecary was thereupon, though, was anyway laid some lamb wall and garlic fuck outta. Here man, it was the same there. He goes to therapy and the public does anyone need. A person is very good. Man. A mile mushroom, renewed peanuts to eliminate. This study is escalating.
I do not expect this is much this long. One is much better than that An apothecary was therefore provided who, when entered, found the tradesmen in the aforementioned position, saying very it is very important. goes the figures he's been saying this for twenty eight minutes lays cure him arguments they found and were in vain. They therefore were about to proceed to forcible means to attract his attention. Otherwise, but as they were entering, on their intended operation. The time expired and the tradesmen with an oath declared he had won the wager. So he got thirty ferryman yeah. This unexpected change surprised the curious, but equally guys
and we suppose the visited was not less alarmed when informed of the trick which had passed on him and to heighten his vexation. He cannot now show he cannot now show his face without being insulted by boys with there. He goes so they just take the money and laughed, and now he looks like an asshole as they are trying to stop him right and now every time he goes back to the place ever goes, there goes so his life is hell. That is why I thought I died. Doc. Yeah has actually like the blue ribbon with the boy yeah like did, he see, was facing a war now he saw them too. I think.
Doesn't target, he saw it and buy him like once they lie like they were putting a sword through him and he was like there. He goes their belief. Is that they're going to take the money in the watch and he's gonna think it's them trying to throw off and stay there. Yet russia he's is there while they get away yet is at stake, You know that's where you shop, as is year here, waiting for the big revealers like our eye. Buys nice try philip twenty five minutes ago, as a guy so you can understand, sticking through it, but once they leave the they are just like their merry go either. He thinks it goes outside they're gonna be standing there, smoking cigarettes and plus the fact that the sick, the very same, very good.
Like land like getting the holy has the very guy goes area. What I'm saying goes there goes. I love you. Neither smartest ideas are really really stupid. Yeah he's got that quality jobs are really judgment. These letters, that's the equivalent of the people, you know that I feel the shot glass, gas and peace they know. Where is this, work is made its basically, I gotta again I'd like a guy says he makes a beard with someone like twenty bucks. What would the borrowing all right yeah? It is like twenty bucks I can piss from here to the end of the bar into that shot, glass and I will not spill a drop. Every single drop, my pistol go into that shot glass and the button is like no fucking way I'll. Take that bet right. You're gonna, be twenty bucks
it pulls his dick out a pieces. Avery says that by everywhere, but the the shock glass and the buttons pissing himself laughing at the news that you owe me twenty bucks and he's like one minute and then the guy walks over to someone on the other side of the bar gets one hundred dollars comes back twenty bucks and he's like what does that mean he's like well? I bet that guy over there that I would get my dick out piece on your bas, pease on your face, piss everywhere and not only would you know, get mad, you be laughing and you'll be happy grades. I love that this news website is these soldiers. It must be from one of my your people olden days. People like reading that I'll get has been a lot of these weapons. Well, go very go last, one yap earlier on monday to young fellows, who were
at the execution of williams airbags- and this is what I want to know. These are just the front- cover right today we're at work now we've got. This is a pages, were all wait. Date pin right whereabouts at the want ads, yet in a more fields for the murder of his wife on their return home chatting with each other and making light. the pain which are criminal, endured and hanging get what a crazy, contextual, realization, eight, well there. They are walking back june the fed laughing about the murder that they just saw publicly. One of them agreed to be hanged for two or three minutes in order to judge with certainty. He accordingly pulled a so okay. He raised like a, Third storey empower yeah yeah resale right after I did you. I thought that was the end of that story. Crowded covers three
they ve exiles clarify what goes on there If I can hang myself with three minutes yet because they just saudi executions ease like I bet, you can survive, for two or three members of the extra ends yet, This was the really mad guy yeah, I would like mine, I think perhaps it was the bad guy well how symmetric, either by your priorities It was the yeah yeah. I didn't realize it was the guy. I listened to those of us who are listening. The podcast I didn't realize it was the guy who was torturing his wife so yeah. If it was either him, the forger guide entities I haven't got. william yeah yeah. We do composed star wars then either full allow only she lay she's aim guy. Even then, at this paper is actually written and slow
the yellow, scroll yeah. So, in order to judge with certainty, he accordingly pulled a cap over his face and swung himself on and off a chair. You are kidding me. This is ludicrous, taking a handkerchief in his hand which he was to drop whenever wanted to be cut down the I'm sure, that's what the handkerchief is. Yeah a visiting, ridable, desperate and came up with, what was that A drop? You see, learn communicating your hangings at first. He plunged pretty much, but an interval of several minutes. Past. Ok,
Well, it you want some habits and no handkerchief being dropped. His companion became uneasy. Don't forget to drop and if you know how I've been thirty, five credits for everybody and thought proper to cut him down good right, let's go it's a big property property say a cat over his face or hat or so it was probably just a pull. Each pledges pulled down a big sure as to achieve it The others are dumb guys this year. This I I know. I said this sailor and I was wrong, but I think this man wanted to die. Why didn't you was lie? It would be able so funny, Let's just have a little bet. I bet I could do it yeah. I think it is jack and yeah. He was
I wanted to die either drop baggert year for calm and heat nay that never minutes cut down to his inexpressible are gonna stay in excess, which would have been if I could Do you really legalizing you're grounded you're gonna break would re much bigger it. I went to his an inexpressible astonishment. He found him quite dead and was quite set so shocked at the circumstances that he lost his. Sense is immediately and is now tied down raving mad in his apartment. Oh my kind, so he went crazy and the other guy died often execution of the earth.
From an execution. Is why haven't, I would say they were haunted, yeah or earth them shop is being. I bet you yeah, hang yourself in mid air. He goes. There would be a great through as if these, like a whole newspaper, my god, kicks holding out with a sharp a long time, as is there is so little to do that. You go to an execution with your friends, say that ngo. Let's give it up, your clear of high, not hide your eggs. You got you now. Let s try, let's do it, they can go to see an actual european. Then I could do that I may know it, but you don't like people talking about violence in movies, and this is the only time where we just watched violence, fight violence. You know literally people when one checks and lets the video games of their times
That's that's! That's some public executions. This disparity executions might be correlated. For god's sake, professor what else you got more visible witches? Other you dead. The carry we're going to need some sales. Sarah, dear yeah, thank you guys. What are you guys allgeier dodge saying? Clearly the mammoth jerking off the applicant like other another lies to reach as they did. It was that it was what I was doing carroty situation if I get a growing again well, thank you as this was so much anger rejoining ass, I go to your website anti down a die com. It's too tickets. Contrary out all the unlikely madagascar com, just like the last man, we're yeah but yeah. I mean pleasure. The athlete allege honestly next sunday in Australia we should get a sovereign
The horse, and I thank you again- is over you may have.
Alright, everybody gareth reynolds here from the dollar podcast you're. Listening to it doesn't matter, hey wanted to hit you with some standup dates I have coming up. Please join me on the road. I will be at flappers comedy club in burbank california, on December sixteenth, which is a saturday december twenty first and twenty second, I will be a good nights in a raleigh north carolina got it stuck the landing. I will also be at bananas comedy club in rutherford, new jersey on december, twenty ninth and december thirtieth. Then please come out on the road I'll be hitting a lot of dates. I will be at las vegas nevada, wiseguys on February twenty six I'll be at the wise guys in salt lake city february. Twenty seventh, I will be a comedy works in Denver february. Twenty eighth- I will be in wichita
a kansas on february, twenty ninth that vor chaise cocktail lounge, who knew that the twenty ninth, then I will be yeah, there's a few more dates, they're becoming soon. I will be at the comedy club of kansas city on march. Third, then, on march, oh seventh, I will be in Dallas texas. On march eighth, I will be in Houston, texas, then, on march ninth I will be in Austin texas, listen to you texas, then march tenth san antonio march, twelfth lafayette, Louisiana and then I'll, be in new orleans march. Thirteenth go to Gareth reynolds dot, com for tickets and information, there's some guys already using guar me. So I can't do garmin anymore, so I think we're guerre bears with the gear bears. Who knows I dunno out me: please, Gareth, reynolds dot com join me on the road. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-29.