« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

20 - The Past Times with Catherine Reitman

2023-03-30 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and writer, actor and producer Catherine Reitman.

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Right. Everybody woke up into the pastimes podcast. Each week we go through old newspaper from a random date. Mystery picked up by Dave, Anthony I'm here the reynolds and I've never seen before, and neither is our yes this week right man, a low catherine, you know there is some people call me tat right now. It's really auxiliaries. Kathryn is cancer and look that's only old birth because you're successful! No it's because it has you ve done so well Would you want me to go by calico by cattle day care of? Can I call you? Is it because do you do you think you're better than me as well, if we're going to really get into it? Yes, yeah yeah, I'm writing matters as validated that what were you gonna say. You call me cause I, if you're ready to get into it, lets dance well on, say now
listener. I know that you're already impressed with fair. If you think it's funny, you think, he's smart. Maybe you think he's from a big city. Listen. I know garrison away, not a lot do and I've seen him and what he is those core. It's just a little piggy. That's trying to make is hoof mark in this industry. The quickness. Nor even do you want to get the history of how we know each other. I know we have to get a newspaper readings, but no no, we have a minute. Why don't you do it and then, if I need to context utilised, why you call me pig, we hear all hell. you do. I met Gareth. How many years ago we did a tv show for NBC.
Called the real wedding crash. Yours now, this show is what is promised. We crashed real weddings. It was care I ve got slapped. I got slapped in fact and gareth from ever reason: real, quick, real weddings. This was an ash and could join. It was a spin off of hungary, where we would go along with jason. Goldberg, of course, would go to real weddings unless vegas and the bridegroom were in on it, and we would
You know, make mischief and rank some yeah yeah. I know well meekness tripping over the wedding party, etc and Gareth ruin their wedding route in their wedding. It was with some of the funniest. People have never worked with steve, burne was in it and then leave and dancing glided incredible group of people, and we went to promote it by it. We did a photo shoot where gareth fur absolutely no reason dressed in all flesh, colored tones. The way upon appear not now they dressed me as the baker, which is still my. I am db picture and I can't get rid of and had an issue of it this week for the each row of the show, so not even just a picture for the injured every week of the show they dressed me in what you would put porky pig as a waiter. In now
conjunction with the pigs toned with his conjunction with the pig toned colors. We lived in vegas for almost two months and I put on what I would estimate is twenty pounds I didn't want to so by the time. But yet you insinuated it and you would have said it by the time it was time to fill the intro. I was stuffing myself in a pink tuxedo and we just started calling me the pig and Catherine Has that I really you never got? No, my things went right and I couldn't stop. It was just little pink jealousy and it didn't help that I was I mean I had become unfathomable pay, a great many little pig. Have you ever seen care if there's any kind of animal, maybe barn animal, sometimes pig ring true for you
I've. Only like a pig in my laboratory, my dreams. I have just the air, he is often he often shows up in my dreams as a little little piggy, tiny, he's a good man in life. it was they gonna. Like I re on the farm, I was like the pay. I was like the elder pig that, like the little pigs bill, what slabs good nebula look, there's no bad snap, yeah. I want those employing out just those enormous pigs that you know it's in any day now a situation, the kind of where the eyes are no fingers flies all over, that's my girl, one of them. I would have been like a like a like a blue check. One point: one million follower, instagram peg. Yes, you, while you saw him
one of the pigs from deadwood who eats people or corpses. I wouldn't turn down a body. I need a body here, see added benefit, tracks. Yeah, I was seen dave, don't lose track of homework. I can remember we finally about how is this are precise use we take and ready to start the pride that ever happened? What he does and that's, it said husks, of course, right yeah, katherine you've, talking about doing well better than me. You've got a show called working moms that, first of all the person who runs the social media for our podcast.
as she doesn't care about anyone we ever do anything with, but holy shit when she hears that you're involved loses her mind. Yours is work files for people. Oh yeah, she's, a nightmarish croziers certain slashing people razor and cat. Oh yes, some crazy shit, but your catherine and your show working moms is like is I mean? Well, it's a connect. You started in canada, but then it goes to netflix. It's done amazingly well. Season seven will be coming to netflix. All the other seasons are already on their carpet season. Seven will be coming to netflix pretty soon. This will probably come out. You know when the next around when it probably comes out and but it is a great show and has done amazing- and you not only are in it. This is your: you write it you direct it. You do everything you produce it. You and your husband, philip, who I hear is a bit of a nightmare but
It's not unlike what you do on the farmer a show up at a portable bootstrap, my foster yeah, you get you out of the larger hoofs sick. It finished with it. If you want to run to the slop as fast as you can focus of the test said you're to hungary, takes cover their feet. Pig you gotta, eat a piggy. Honey gets us like more what a lot ever be trimmed down. Don't you, Speaking of trimming down. That's not what I did on the railway wedding. Ok, so we so Davis picked a random newspaper, it'll be from anywhere from like the sixteen hundred to russia could be raised some way. You can wear it if he d like gas, fuck yeah, yes, fuck, yeah, ok, he's fucking swearing and I'm just fucking furious, and I like to guess what year since we're talking about dead, would pay
All guess it's around eighteen, forty, seven catherine, you can take a stab larry. You guess was you think this is just a fun prediction. Do we get out of here? Get a tell us he's, gonna tell us right away, so this is just a fun you don't have to Yes, I'm gonna say ninety nine to forty year. Interesting, ok, who wins really ones the names she is. She is the second closest addressing you were one year off once gareth, who years off cat wilhelm isn't night. Erna throws up. It is nineteen, thirty, eight wound november twenty fifth ten. Thirty eight. You have very close now. Ok, I just said when another tries to guess correctly this pic or you're the into a dog. No? No, that's not. The way we communicate is adopted,
Is he picking up the pieces of paper out of our net oklahoma? Oh boy, gorgeous this time he the Ellis the Ellis county capital. Okay, sexy, let's see page one another winter you'll see sunday's oklahoma and carried a picture of Roy kelly's sake. In a white setter bird dog one a lot times, Catherine. It is like this where it's like what the hell is happening right now. The latest reading. It always been like that people were back them. We're like very interesting now. Wait, whereas others from exactly gave the paper oklahoma, yeah, arnett news from ok. So it is our common cause lot at times
like talking about a story and like a bigger city, but some someone is a winner for carrying a bird dog david named picture. Garret. Are you guys? stop. Historians do do. No. Are you gotta history? I mean. Let me ask you, through the hide cast the doll ups ruse gadget area, loves history, history, research, very smart. I thought Benjamin Franklin was a president until we didn't episode and gave called me an idiot live franklin's with light, Harold ryan great, I think so okay, no electricity, so smarty dave in nineteen thirty, eight november, twenty fifth, nineteen, thirty eight! This is the top. This is right before the no. This is the end of the second world war. This is we're in the war to begin. We will we're not entering yet, but other countries are
A kicking off the yes, the, where you gonna find out is there lies the tail end of the depression. Ok, we're! Ok! As someone has now someone, it's parading around a picture of a winner bird dog, somebody's. What yes, ochre the oklahoma paper has a picture of satan, a white said, or bird dog on by tom duffy of chickens the dogs name, Satan, that's correct, comstock! Ok, that's that's up for prompt and you get the puppy and its use to praise him around to freedom. Around he's got a gorgeous right, so they're like hold I'm dear. What are you saying she sets? No, I don't know the neighbors call them domino. I don't want to do the same.
We have to stay on topic. Irish gig satan will hold up that fat boy. Good boy smell your satan, god dammit same shit under the table again. Well, maybe we're sort of setting him up for failure with the name. No time is this. Satan dog has Jude his way through every leg of furniture, and I don't know what to do satan. Alright, tom, I I don't know a better time. It's time for us to have the conversation. My girlfriends told me not to say it, but I think it's fucking my leg, god damn it. I want a divorce tom. I can't do it nor are they listen nope you can't leave me with this dog is deemed look at the bloody vile. I know he eight, he eight our child tom, it's too much of god enough here, satan die satan. Ah now does this fear
dave like the world in which satan was marching about ethics up. Is that what is happening? Yeah? That's what so, the dog one all the age stakes at the trial of future last week, is the aim of child, and I seriously that you're, just a field trials on child labour in the thirties were hard depression era, dogma good as any satan. Also one all the events in the industry, else said that they ve name the door. I would imagine it. This is gonna, be a far more real.
just say: I'm in many what your railway flags, maybe it was, I say, tat yeah. Oh, it was like the meat substitute than us weakens it. It was big and thirty eight say I think I think it. I think it was fine. You know, there's super religious, so I think they did stuff like this. ok. So that was ok because their super religious leaving Tom was just delirious. Any was being ironic and he's like this dog. I, like that, It's just an hour. Nigel this way said come on that's right who just move on the story to so we're done with Satan yeah I'm in there was a much more to saving except that it's pretty it's quite a bold opening for a paper. It's really it's really. I just can't think that the editor was like. Oh this one is going to this. This is the one satan dog dish. This paper becomes the weekly world news.
Eventually, I just don't know how you ready to worry about a dog named satan and never say like his name. Is there an antenna by the way? Look see the irreverent yeah. they were escapes next next, when witchcraft revival. This is a wild papers so far, there's a lot of dark like a lot of dark energy. You I agree, how can we have provided we find out that it's not actually Oklahoma. This is like out of them like ice It's like the craft come alive, they just at the idea of which it is right. That is actually a screenplay. Oh, I see this as I once heard a lot of times in these old papers. They would just throw you facts from other countries that are usually just please nonsense. Yeah, there's! No organ donation normally to paper bees have a
everyone has a wire. But this prudent still pretty angle that longer here, witchcraft isn't. It is an increasingly serious problem in oh boy tang. it's very late and others, a total, pretty quick circles. You just left out, there's tang toys and ran his journey rabbit ireland, Wang Tang, unique. I think I've heard yes meter Obviously taken together thrown aside with witchcraft, is a problem with tat, and tat. I ll tell you, I love you. Figures in witchcraft Tang, chilled junk adage, ably nuts around she's always gotta graduate this really bad. Ok. So this is east. You think this is actually the story: girl, hisses, east africa, the cities that reserve optional rumours. Oh it's east africa. British officials, their report,
The navy during death is not a natural happening, but the result of a powerful spell cast by an enemy. So when a person dies, his relatives are supposed to seek and kill the witch or enemy who caused the death wow, and that would be the british painting rights and those are the brits I would hope so, a bean classic. But this is what we call some joan of arc set a bad you'd love just as society which any time someone died. You then, after other evil spirit yeah before
We find a person, while I think, but by which they sing somebody else like a which is always a person yeah. I guess yeah. So every ears Helen, here's how and tell me if I'm capturing for your audience the story, correct churches, a death occurs in african east after and because the mourners the gravers, the bereaved are so upset and as one does when their breathing. This has a number of questions. They only logical answer outside of all of the issues that were probably plaguing east africa and the late thirty's. Was that a which had cast a spare me that was responsible for the death and are they think
deaths are increasing because the locals are wreaking havoc on said, which well here's the problem of the story. I haven't alien one. Yes, I'm excited here that if this is what is occurring and your life, so uncle Jimmy died, which is a classic east african, am uncle Jimmy, died and, and then you like well clearly, it's a witch and the which is probably nathaniel, and then you go kill Nathaniel Nathaniel's people like ok, Nathaniel's, dal, shared by linden, which who are you?
it's! Just a non stuff, like everybody dies every three weeks. The way that you're able to just sort of pull these african names from your side so quickly is also a breast, let's start there, but that is amazing. So every time someone direct we've got to go, find that which, yes, you know. I had a fight recently with my husband about the word witch and how long you've been married. You've been married so long that you need to five you get along too well because you're, having which arguments we don't talk about Nora about the only with yeah, but you're was one of my kids. I got two boys and one of my kids with complaining, like they called a girl in their class, a which I call she's a witch, and I was like guys. You can't say that it's not even you can't do that anymore. You can't say that here's. Why and I tried to get like really uneducated, quick synopsis of why the term which is so massaging?
is that how deeply rooted in trouble like how you're you're you're, like you're questioning the very belief system of just someone, who's standing out and you don't understand her and phil was like no, I mean there were just there's just witches. He started the friend. I was like no way that there can be zombies, like the saying you know, and this is how we're talking about there can be witches, and I was like no, but demons and zombies aren't necessarily email and which are exclusively as good and the kids are present. Oh yeah, I liked. I liked that. I liked the back and forth rallying of like
he's a demon sheet. Vs you baby was a demon, but I need to talk your father low further about this ten. You leave the room into goes what a which avoids this bumps despite responsibility, what it looks like, but you know what I think that take away for them was the to find a partner who wasn't so good, bye, good. I that's. The guy was actually on your side because having read some history but which is which is his very with it throughout history has been like there's a woman, I don't like she's dying at a lake like it, is all very light around finds a very simple way to win an argument to be like the argument when, J wizards! Yes right, like tyre to its new, I mean gave a thrones wasn't just like come late
now, where there is a middle ages, adoption manner. As far as I am concerned, in girth denied the way we were educated, it was an absolute defenders, raw footage found, but it shows that the internet is a luxury of a woman and a dragon, thank you anyway, so africa's billy with a wizard now every time that are more in line with the guys you gotta go, find the which the so then with them the article says, but civilized people shouldn't laugh at tang tat, taken eager ideas in yugoslavia, a young man whose sweetheart had been asleep for many weeks decided she wished dead, dead, she's dead, no, but with gas sees it knows. What do you know? Those three women on waves, you're saying that, because in yugoslavia with took too many,
Her husband thought he was led for a long time and so she's bewitched zuyder. Like always, she had the sleeping sickness, as does the whole every eye like the ape like this is the web empty for magnet. I wipe you sleeping too much. I think he's alright, which she has sleeping sickness as I do not take a pause need balls. She napping, which was why are you covered? My wife with each of which is a cub, really difficult. It's actually far worse. To prove this false. He had hot lead dropped on her feet.
Why are you drawing about me when's, the last you were in a relationship. You don't have to wake up. As a woman, it's been a while. I owe, but I know we were led putnam plate. So what does he try to prove that she's sleeping? What's the point? Yes, also hotline yeah, there's not a there's, not a great solution in any metric yeah. It's! I love the idea that I've made a living off of telling the stories of complicated women who have to deal with
and who treat them slightly differently when they re enter the workforce, when, in fact, these women couldn't take a nap that day without their husbands, Billick something's wrong with her. You hit up the lead. Oh, so he put the lead on her feet and argued she was bewitched because she didn't wake up. So she dead is dead. Maybe she or she's in a coma like she could be. He just burned a woman in a coma. Maybe you think I like this and let me you shit conversation. She doesn't it or did I tell you it's shit if she's alive, she's just not present, I need the poor lead on lady Dave really show boating everything today, the pants, the dog
is accept, cancel worthy or white. You can do. Whites could still. You can still muck around with whites yup, okay, so this is. This is kosher. I'm allowed to do that. I could still muck around. Believe me. There are many times our day will be like at a japanese man and I'll be like continue. Yeah right, yeah keep reading you're. Nothing for me to do here. There's no talk for me right now so this is an article about a man whose wife is. Are you do judges, excellent dissemination of color? No, you don't know Ok lets? You now know: oh yeah, that's a I'm crying? I doubt you do that Well there everybody its gareth, you know from this. This podcast listen, I've got, stand of? Shows I'm inviting the garment the Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins.
Colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I'll be in minneapolis, minnesota august, twenty four through august, twenty six that Acme I will you going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be illegal. as gauss september, thirteenth london september, fifteenth, Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september twenty fourth and then in November albion, Australia, november, tenth all sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia. Then I will be in north bridge australia, november fifteen november. Sixteen camera november seventeenth, brisbane november eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth rowels dot com for tickets. Gar me, let's get add, did after it. Let's see there
here. The next headline- jura, cn eater, have bought this. It's gotta ask your question said with a guy is this? Is it was some guy handing this paper out on corners? You can say that about papers before, like nineteen, sixty ethical. Here we got here, we got her anger. Was this scribbled? What is this blooded didn't like it In writing. It learn a paddle room. All sin eaters, a person hired to eat the sins of one who has just died. Stop enough. I mean what the fuck every artic. I miss the simplicity of benzene dog. I know where we say that we're tired. I do think that this was designed to keep a wife within the confines
the home she's, like I dunno, I'm getting all sorts of ideas I feel like. I should go, get a job and he's like now hold on. You know: there's dangers out there. Let me just get at the back of the oklahoma, keep your wife at home. She's like this. Is the paper you've? Never let me read. Well, I don't want you to go out that big scary world good lord we'd have to hunt your watch jerry. Could it be all you'll get lead on your feet and by the way, would you pass away? We've got to get a pac man over here too. He just ends up the practice. I think this may sound like a bs newspaper to cuba and its violence towards women, which maybe that was just the third Senator eulogy, cylinders the sinners, a real we used to be a guy
when he realized. How would you do that? I'm ok! This is what it is, Actually this is actually what seniors actually did. This is real. The practice used to pay the taxes are seen eight or eight. Eaters, they ate the sins of the ten metre. Oh my god. The practice used to be common in england, a piece of bread is placed on the breast of, corpse, this leader, devour and supposedly with it, the former occupant, since the right has been known as recently as eighteen. Ninety three in shop schreyer in england, is followed in parts of bavaria and the book. So you just like that. You take a topical oh brad honour found in her. Is it just a woman? Getting it right? It's not! It's not warm its! That's, not gender specific you breaks either.
but I know it's either man or woman it just for doing it. Last time you referred to a man's pack as they burn this morning, Have you ever seen by around my david a lot of progress, but I met you. I guarantee the cid eater. If it had to be a man was more like it when it was a woman. Is a pope ok great furnish like dude. He was cracked. Yet he was not alright. A great put a little sour donor chest. She is loaded with grub. I'm gonna need the rural those states that everyone leave. At a budget a buffet there like who comes out more relaxed. I will say whatever merits working and it will got a smoke now hold on the sinful person, male or female. We both know to be healthy.
Is this person this person's alai, though no red, otherwise person? Omitting the person eating is alive, the others with dread steps that of the other than the one that the cake is honest dead now reg as managers chain round and kept the final bless yo yeah. This is like expressly at a funeral. A guy comes over needs, a kick off somebody you years in category mimi read, I know, but I like it to be keg units that are funded. In the mediterranean unprepared. I dont know what I have a feeling. If we were to see you, let the dog out again, there would be a bottomless, won't be going bankrupt. you'll, be performing just stop suggesting that it deserves. bread, sick, fuck or when the person put bread on the chest and the bread is soaked. The dead person and the bread is stooping and soaking up the side of the bread, the sin and then you eat the bread and then this guy's, like man, oh god, I must not agreeing with me what a sinner.
But that way then gossiping question. Yes, that's the guy's job like that rose quite right, so back in the thirties like when I I don't know, I don't even know dates if you can speak to them but like when you before you like, prepare a body in a casket right after a body's died after a person died like. Are they decent, ballad, like meaning in the thirties? Did they go through the same corpse process before they go through the funeral arrangements, because when this bread is put on top of a corpse How do I say that say it like? Are they? Are they all work? Because there is all the more so they are? They love. You said the breadth of absorbing yeah, I'm just like. I wonder this is this: is it
We're talking about, are going to use, rapid exonerates lies to or if they re, sid eating mostly happened way back like sixteen seventeen. What kind of eighteen? How are you? I bet you? Those bodies were organ, I'm sure it was a poor thing, what you're discouraging and so no they were not. There was no embalming or anything. we may just put the brand right around on the guy, a rotting body, yes, jobs, getting worse and worse, it's a terrible job, that's something! I'm were no longer like all this guy. I need the rear now like us, god he felt like thanked him. Some knows what we know this started, because there was like a depression somewhere happening and someone was like: hey look. Have you a view on eat this? Bread off a burn- you can, you know, maybe get through the day and some guy cigar and I'll eat the bread off burt and then We are talking about an east africa as just very dave. You really. Who is this?
Are you sure, there's a lot of these african needs? You draw the parties that are like also very good: Moreover, I am gross one. I want to know that this is also about who grows it: drinking milk cow to freeze, day of drinking milk, shrieked gate and that the life a few days ago in such a popular social column, of a leading near paper. This item appeared the pretty blonde debutante leslie bogart of newport arrived at a popular night club after midnight last night, with a party of friends, the party I'll drink champagne, with the exception of miss bogart, who followed the current debutante milk, bad woe and day you have it societies, younger pepper,
darlings, have more sense than you would believe. The majority of debutantes posten present are in their teams and they go to more parties in a week. They knew- and I do indeed who attend this is. I would have been months I've. I love those guarding this both for the bar but I'll take whole. We owe leslie less. Every. I know I didn't she's very pretty and I have to go back to the ladies room it is really not visited rain alacrity highest. What a god. I don't know why I'm doing this? Yes, just another milk! Please do you have diapers, oh my god, I'm living the life of a baby, more milk and diapers, please ask to have a rat.
where, where I have shit, I'm shit faced, I bloated I milked. What is the girl, pretending? She's, like here's the deal guys, I hear that if you pretend you're very young, the guys go crazy. No, no! No! No, not! I know I'm already a teenager. Obviously I'm talking really watch the o. Here comes a guy Hello me a guy, oh boy, as anyone has any would burglar recently able premier avoid this. I've met the one birds this my african friends,
As you know, I just want to say: I'm super gullible with what's happening right now, shut up ass hold. This is what I have she gases from all the chest: milk. One April this year, when there like a page to this darling, darling, she's, now nothing but milk she's no longer doing champing here and, let me say, she's she's a very, very attractive young woman tat I feel like that unites us is bad.
I feel like this is a pain I feel. Like milk companies are paying young attractive women to drink milk. I feel like that's. What's going on, and wick was just like is what this is. How women used to literally was just like way before Kim kardashian pretended to take diet pills on instagram yeah. There were women who just order a jug of milk and drink, I'm in the dark, oh yeah, it'd be like she's like. Oh, I got it.
Ok guys just order the drinks I'll meet you in the bathroom. I gotta pretend I'm drinking the fucking thick folder, the instagram video she's drinking milk, the whole time shit, drink bills. That's right does a body that goes yeah right and also I mean that goes to our original theory that this whole paper was just designed to keep an overly ambitious woman inside the walls of his. The husband was like it so far. It is doing a good job of kind of. I wouldn't have up on that, but it is very cedric towards like women, don't sleep here and where the women have built, like all these little like subtle digs at Oklahoma, like maybe this woman was a bit of a drunk and her husband and she's like
I go out. Why not? Why debutant to drinking milk, so yeah yeah, apparently a little bit of milk really have you heard of the milk buzz? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. I know a lot of these rebellious types like you, they've stopped alcohol, they're just going straight milk, so yeah. I think I will too. I didn't go to work, but whatever you want babe, I just whatever you want to do. I mean the paper says it has no faq page on what am I, what would what would happen to the health and beauty these young girls if they sipped cocktails in high balls at every party, a lot
it's percent of of new york's debutants have hopes of careers, even as even as you and I that doesn't make sense what sort of career yeah it's probably written by some big like w c fields, kind of guy with, like a big red bumpy nose fat he's like alright we're worried about these women getting out of shape, yeah yeah, okay, so not that milk will help that. No, I think it's just a really constructed sentence. A large percentage of a large percentage of new york's debutants have hopes of careers, even as you would you and I they are not going to jeopardize their chances of a successful
ir or good marriage, the bible by drinking alcohol, the milk, so they can find a man or get a job. As a secretary about the men I mean, like, I imagine how like whiskey up, these men are, and it's like, I dunno her drinking is just kinda getting in the way I dunno what a rapid respect for me. I threw up in the sink nothing but milk for these. Ladies, are here: young beauty can stand a lot more wear and tear than older beauty. Nature does not allow a quick rejuvenation of tired tissue and muscles of the youthful body. Naturally, you have greater duration
and that is why many young girls feel that they eat and drink what they desire and sleep when they want to without losing any of their fresh beauty sleep when they want to god, damnit you, women and your sleeping. I mean imagine what it must have felt like to be a teenage. I mean they were like teenagers right just that picture of a teenage girl. Other teenagers like girls or your hormones, are raging, you're, still figuring out who the fuck you are, and you just know everyone around is just like watch it like there's just no peace. Since I got some milk had better I better. I do want to John one day other otherwise yeah. You don't get a career, a fantastic lush husband like this table of jets. Yeah, you walk up to you to see this like table full of monsters. and you're like better the milk boy. I hope I can go into the us. That's my ticket out here, yeah yeah, it really is
I read I and we all know why other mothers or so fucked up like what we we go through, that on all the package. We do all the tumblers dislike yeah, it's tee, the the constant. It's never stopped. It's just taken different form ray. It's had different went like it. It never ends it. Just has diff like it's. Just like the river finds ways to run through whatever the rock is in the way and give you new versions of whether it is like drinking milk or like sure you get you get a big job in the city you get half as much like, whatever the version of it is like it or or like yeah like the witch stuff, never ends right and in the social media prejudice and women of like yeah of like what worse but like the more I'm seeing the face tune and the body tune with all the sake of body altering and face altering of all mike, and no one knows this. I mean there's plenty of people who know it, but there's a lot of women
in friggin oklahoma. Will, god knows where else then are watching it being like? Oh, my body just wants to have a tiny waste a human longest, hymns and ass. My face. Cheeks have to be sunken like there's just visit. yeah. This is the new drink. A cup of milk and you'll be fine. Now it is really true that I think, like. I think that all the time where it's like were an end, it is really fucked up because it's like you are kind of morphing all of us and away, but I think that women in particular, like you're morphing into this kind of and dawlish sort of figurine, is just like that. Definitely looks uninteresting that the variety that is what I think with dating apps to where I'm like you don't get any sense of who a person is which is like really were a big part of attraction comes from, is when you meet someone and you're like. Oh, I, like your vibe instead you're, just like oh yeah, she
good by the pool. Exactly no chemistry has become such a strange thing. To I mean I could really we could that's why it's good. You got married in the eighties cat exactly to a guy who's terror. fight of witches? Because of your doesn't like to talk about you When I sent out outrageous, boys were raised, our boys to believe witches are out there and they probably go to school with one or two this tim thing in front of me how two percent loyal, calm him down, jack, no love love this next one, it's the hint of the day he would go out. I dont know what this word is seo. I efforts you are. He said I wouldn't say foresee: oh I've. U, R e plus you re prefer what, whereas in its when you fight after a crescent gareth, what I'm help is not,
I guess I'm helping the pod gives. Everyone is urgent action. I am requesting like I've heard it, isn't it what sake summer. Look it up. It is a person with hair style, hairstyle. Ok, I, like your style The long version of work have you ever heard. Like all look at that coin, like heard the abbreviated that the abbreviated yeah of its hit the day. If you have been down in the dumps and life has grown humdrum. It is time you changed. Your corporate a cafe, there is out landing an outstanding standing, newark physicians doctor. The dog urging you doctor great, urges women to occasionally there s! A very glad that you are the guest here, because if that was just like a third, why dude we'd be like well
no problem. There. Obviously, those papers- great britain, don't get this paper weekly, dr paisley, women. Change their hair. So if you know, if the problem is, I bid letter in feeding her and she started to feel like she has these things called rights. You worry about climate change, It should use them. What about a boot? Oh, how about a new hairstyle miss now we find out the wife. That's trapped in our house has been cutting her own hair, and this disguise yes wasted talks about how she wants a job at the bakery and cuts, or were you really you just described to which I referred to earlier? We go well
Don't I just leave this doctor says what exactly why isn't argued erika claims it boosts their dejected? spirits and get out. Let me sit down like no doubt a lot in this day and age. What do you think? I think it's there? dials, you know what there is a lot a long hair I would never defend I'm going to defend the doctor for a beat. Oh, I I you know what a haircut does lift my spirits. I feel great very well go subtle. cancer. We can't hollywood. I, like a haircut, do you grab your problem shaving likes your kids to nato. It's almost it's not black here, drink
pain when I'm going out and milk is forced down my throat and is due to cover, It's also a miraculous, he says oh yeah, dailies american, older and by the way dave at this time. You did have to go to school to be a doctor. Yes, this point the eyes of J say it was the added shouldn't there wasn't. Eric were eighteen, hundreds where you were literally just like a put aside at a window that says I'm a doctor, so that'll do How can we give it has its own life and second, it's alright! I, like the spirit on this guy he's a dog at risk. He's got a sorry. There's a signup. Take my blood, sir okay. He continues oh good our new and become how how a new and becoming hairstyle can give a woman, fresh beauty and thus change the current course of her life hundred percent.
Albert going stimulus for the period of clubs, passes Have you never seen said, Levin cut, bangs and feel a book. A million dollars chat lying guarantee a whole life. I mean I got a permanent. I was like nine. and I kind of fucked it up, because I jumped in the pool you're not supposed to swim for twenty four hours after you get a permanent, that's the one where curly right, yeah yeah and I jumped in a pool cause. My brother and his friends are doing it and I was like I had such a boner for all his friends and I jumped in burma firm. So I had more way remember feeling like a goddamn mermaid afterwards, and I was not a letter- because of those he waves. I was like big because you'd wetted down the pearl, you felt like all of a sudden you're, like oh yeah, found me
I did find me. Yes, the campaigns and my hair. I men and I was gareth and you and you, and I'm just gonna push back a little bit further use that you would say, even today, woodworking moms b on the air. No were it not for one ok, interesting thing about a affirm. The thing about getting your hair done is better. What can one person shore looking at her laud? An honourable you're asking this person to common change, your appearance, not any part of you, the head, no yeah, given those polluting or else right, yeah, Unless you hadn't done, let's also put out there. primary that every other day fabulous, what's also, rather than a haircut, can destroy your life because, if the they fuck up well, especially if you like it school or something it can be. One of those devastating visit. Our heritage said change your life right.
I could go either way it. What are you saying is that the automatic legislators- that's right, he's their anxieties very, is very good yeah. Maybe somebody items: let for nine years for nine years, data breach of acme of dave, title dave, I'm in the middle of important statement for nine years. I I've not recovered from my haircut and I'm in a group or two where we mean when we talk about what happened, but the group obviously is called the business up front party in the back and and- and you know, I'm still working through it. So I this doctor two cats. Knoweth didn't change yeah! I don't make gliders all aside here and say that this is my favorite. I've ever seen your her. Can you look style its own share in milton? I kind of like this. I like that. It's like I mean look in your shower of greasy, but I like
shape my very broke up, and I, like, length on you. I, like the volume I've got. I mean I've really not done anything. So that's tough because it's gonna be tough to recreate, but that's nice to hear I've known you. I think you, fifteen years, fifteen or circulars. does the best tariffs in particular, we feel that when I was working on the beard, the dozen grown all the little with violet start there David sech, a second I will very what's in a name? What's the story, Space like money, there's something to do about that. Catherine has hasn't reading tat now, everything's fine everyone is fine and I wanted to get a lot of milk. I am not at all. I really he's events. That's why these beautiful these are little. These are imperfect, little pockets. It's you
that's where the meat didn't go. Yeah! That's weird! That's right! That's what these are! These are tooth marks from when someone throws something in front of me. I over I over chomp, because I get excited as pig pig want to want. It's that pig, that's pig logic. Let's pick logic, we have more more. I guess it's a viceroy for women, some fashion writer, but they did the return of the old fashioned hoopskirt. While in this day of speed and travel time, I won't I gotta. Stop you write a land is literally this. You know what a hoopskirt does stop you when you try to walk out the door them literally trying to keep this woman with the bad here? Maybe I'll call problem has got a lot to say about getting a job in side kitchen. She is, she can't get out the door because it's a thing
lingering lamp, like I metal, I've ever forget up. Just I've tried to keep up yes, yes, it's imagine a hullo, That is wired to the bottom, lining dresser skirt and is not a lot bent. So your comment at it just you know, physics get through. I notice you are trying to leave darling africa dress. as the pretty? Why don't you build tribute dish in the corner? although I do or do well, I can't how come I can't get out from under the tip. This is travel to lay down good it late in this day of speed and traffic. Snarls hoop skirts would be exceedingly dangerous,
how could a woman dodge automobiles going down the streets forty miles an hour while wearing a barrel sized hoopskirt wow? So is this argument pro hoopskirts? It sounded like now. I think it's a it has argued. Ok, it's against Ok, I think I think a fashion. I know how to bring back the hoop stirred in the skies like that's bad. I'm using street. Look, I imagine a woman can't right in the newspaper nineteen thirty eight, I imagine it isn't like. Is this one of those old fashioned? What was the official word for it when a woman used a man's Ayman goes draining this, it goes right are being like. What's up with these Whoops. You guys have to arrive, not that I hate it as much as the next guy right now hold on. That's what I'm trying to be a woman, flip you're right. Well now I mean she's writings, I feel like she's, yes, but you're right over
more like here I've? I worry about these women to those whose skirts of my right boys now hold on jerry. Why do you smell? Like milk, stupid women, tried to kiss me Don't do that now you get take a let's take. Let's take a leak out of a very well normal behavior new jerry I know what I do with my nuts anyway good to Jed, everybody always loves it's estelle getty, the skirt would catch on offenders or radiators, and the or woman. Being rag to death now come on. I mean I want to stay streamlined hoop less
and it was a matter of life or death. Have I am. I am all for not forcing obviously the hoopskirts, but I feel like the author years really going for, like as big of a few they'll be caught by the car. Fenders are dragged through the streets till then a picture it takes or you'll be all get anywhere. Just a bunch of like hooked, hoopskirts being dragged the streets like. I warned you look at em. Look at it,. but I had that's all fear, base storytelling here, they're like don't wear, today all the big scary world, lady poorer,
milk and loved that door Kim milk lead their feet if they napped too much that their feet by all means, give them a haircut. This next door is for Gareth actually cat. Well, that's what channels! That's the wow headline! That's for both of us! It is it's a winner. I don't like it. Cats without tails are a popular breed on the of man. Other unusual characteristics of the few lines is the fact that they have larger eyes. Enlarge about is finally level the paper, the isle of man. Are we fight will you just calling it what it is
you may accidently has revealed that there is an island. I admit that it was read jerry. I like the wizard wizard of oz right, Women give their sheer them. Ok is there cats in the isle of man, who have big eyes, no tales, their poppy right of their owners claim they resemble rabbits in the way they sit. Amr haunches after more investigation, turns out. They are rabbits banner, morons, more narrow, more high strung. Then ordinary house cats and do not as good as their main. I wonder why, canada rabbits,
the railways are readily make friends house cap cannon, super social? They did the friend. Now it s. Friends. Did this trend start as all these weirdo breed star, like with some guy? Did he let his cats tail? Often it yeah? That's what I would think I would take there's some guy when, but that would mean if bread at if you know how to cats, tail off would mean having to read in the eye anti, I rail of man guy. You just keeps ribbon of off a bit like that crazy five dollars more and iran's like Y yeah he's got a pilot tales that he will always cells. Is hot dogs downtown Oh, my god, this is their most, however island. I have heard in a word with you, you know that it would do for those bald spot scareth disgusting in our what cat. That's it I'm out of here, get the lived out, but I know of poles are absent.
I'm sorry! I liked the by just put evacuating alone here, everyone, I'm just come back from the doktor, now they're more doing working the mike here. The cats also disapproval popular theory that the tail is necessary as a means of balancing, because they are just agile as other species. Have we re looking at this all wrong, as would the with animals mimbreno another tells us like a maniac fathers, Jesus Christ. Here he is, can I see counts without tails? He's jose in front of you. He was in your know, in which I'm not happy about. I've got so little wally here, but his tail is something else. It's just an explosion of hair yeah so that a lotta I mean, the other, our cats without tales, so this is maybe real. I would hope that also clean, as even got a low newsday her yet
yeah look there, I guess, talk about the cats without tales. It's a genetic defect. Oh some they live on. No, it says there are some some catch, the stone of tales the same way, whether some hairless cats canvassing yeah yeah? So it must happen that it was some sort of mutation with one
then what are you gonna? Do it on the isle of man and he started breeding in the area I solved yeah yeah. I can see that a cat sex with you, which is strange, not worry about it. Ok, I'm not going to be a contest hearing catherine happy. Yet some of this scrawny ist crookedest legs ever seen were displayed at game and in a male beauty contest. This is what the competitors- all men, were forty two, a number they promulgated under. lights, while the diamond cowboy band played the old gray mare, Sheila too used to be imagined. How will this was What are the world? Why there's? No their legs are all jacked up there. Just men, that's the
the the they're trying to be hilarious or what she used to be eight, she used to be like hairy. Legs walked by the women were like hey, that's my job right away, but there'll be no laughing or talking. During this event. look, I gotta county. I got the house whether, a walking on the stage to my favorite song, a quick I don't like now at the neck. Mildred leave them What's behind our god as much as we need, we can leave on the first train tonight off a what is it I'll? Have mail, mail, mail, island, isle of man isle of man quickly, sailboat various languages that you essential male, oh? Well, I would want Thank you to the actual. Very sale island will be great. Well, that's like they now I've milk manner.
So maybe that's right. They wealth manner is Nobody is either with great. I haven't seen it. This peggy likes dirty slop on tv, and even here not dish down its to shit. No, it's too much freedom, not for you. It's too bad it's to bank is that the woman They all go in ireland, the men, their sons or the us on the island, and then we re not the only servers. Yeah that's a tall order, that's where their feeling like their feeling abzug like oh, I like his ads and it's her son and you're like hey. Can we not have like moms begging, medicine and is that possible? Can you imagine being in that pitch room and they were like hold on? It gets better well cause to me, I'm like milf manner. His show I'm like okay, sure, let's do it, but then someone was like we gotta put a a hat and let's be getting, are set out in the higher yeah I'm like? What's? This is like too much does not. I could use it, though tonight
As far as like shaming my own sons into good behaviour, don't make me, take you on your violent kind of a thing dave to talk of a witch. No one would you put on my shop now. You could sleep too long our idea of what you think I or two more do a couple more. This is so it's as election day picture day, but it's not election day, so their showing there's picks three pictures of politicians. How do you know it's not election day because it says I guess I've ever had is an historic as if in the same data for ever now. This is, after all, this is very confusing. A favorite american part. Political game is having your picture taken while voting. Here's a preview of three politicians as they will appear on the various aid.
So it's an episode of nova on the paper. No, it's actually the eighteenth, so I'm very confused, but they're saying: isn't it I'm a be twenty fifth, I I think you're right, sorry but they're saying that but there, but this is a picture they're saying this- is how they're going to look when they do vote. But according to the time when they ve already voted, sloan strange, isn't it unbelievably uninteresting there like now imagine a picture of them. The reader results as governor George Earl was winning the democratic senatorial nomination. When this picture was taken at the primary election on november eight, he will vote again sighing. Hopefully We're having fusses this ok business, one united airlines view translation right,
young isn't. Why are having fun, but I dont know if you ve seen not as face or my face, wouldn't have unfounded this when next store get its november. Twenty fifth, so you're right, I understand why they have it all backwards. Yeah. What's that. I returned to my we'd centre with care the third I, with a rainbow coming out of it. Yeas tripping always a trooping cats you're, giving the guy it's my gives. You wanted a daddy's mushrooms are fun. Let's run they never served. We chose the world had said, live cat. Religion. You have, let you have a tv show. I have a cat in the budget, somewhere, occasionally partakes the new lisbon agenda drugs. I'll lose you gonna lose their tail. Sometimes here's another one. Car of death
nice. That's not gonna be alerted the automobile in which arc archduke frances remand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo in june, nineteen fourteen was instrumental in the death of thirteen persons in twelve years finally being smashed beyond repair in romania hold I've, got one felix same car or this particular brand of an exact card that exact car they causing major chitty bang. Bang yeah, we're gonna hurt point. Suddenly there is this. Is this is what's the Christine did? comes up with them savagely ever yeah america tripping cat. Outside our neighbours is no gareth. Well, they both have a lot of charm.
while you get stuff sold, will go into the rue pitch room or one of your hollywood types column and will their role of budget as stuff at the wall. You and me do said star in What's on your life, you ve got the funding. I know to deal, can you you're so clever? You know that you get so many good ideas this one though one. I feel like needs a little bit more workshop on where we ve got you on record, saying your age. So that's a lean on aid for how they would happily nine tried cruelty to animals. In fact, I gave accents of other whites and the whole single, be gray, but nor do I workers work outside I'm not saying anything. Next
bid bad. I haven't heard either of you for the last twenty minutes. I dont really really good, so this love murder? Car was jack, abominable internationally for forgets ferdinand and the horror with those other people would cover is responsible. Is acid grads, a opening out early. we'll decide together right and then once the car had burden and his wife killed in then the car was like. Well now, I'm a bad car. I met a taste of murdering I've, I've, tasted blood and then it just kept killing a lot of accidents. A good lawyer, school hours, kind of amazing shooting yeah an umbrella story that I mean the umbrella.
Possibly an actual, possibly the most famous umbrella in the world was recently held at an anguish auction to a souvenir, collector jonas headway with the original owner, and the man who popularized umbrellas in london that took eyes of life is hands. When he appeared on london streets holding overs, at an umbrella. Nothin umbrellas were unknown. Far from it, they had used as son shades in the east for centuries, englishwomen, occasionally carried them. Jonas headway was the first englishmen to dare appear on the streets with an umbrella, any sought in a way to prevent sickness caused by getting wet and the rain. So he carried his umbrella though he was who did pelted. mud sticks and stones guys. It's like god. Are you ve stones, for them
so much of their souls to fear. So, first of all, this was a gender bending guy was like, even though women use these parents. It was appear resolve for protection. I am sick of getting sick, I get wet, get sick and peoples like wings issue, which is an amazing did not have I mean in its own right, the idea of god. Every time I come home circle where I get yeah right yeah, so many what out of his house holding and people like that? What is happening in this area I think they are legally mud and seeing someone styrene something unusual and being like, I'm gonna, throw wrought wears a rock was up like this They had to stop with the I made. Pigs love mud, but I also think it would be very strange for sure, but I think some of us would see
upside? You always get about you not an obvious, I'm just that. like this, isn't like this. Isn't a guy tag just eat it quit crying anyway. That is also, if you're, throwing muttered a person with an umbrella. That is where they they've. Also. got a good layer of protection. There is well they're, not gonna, feel that you can kind of captain America the mud a little bit totally Did he get to where he like was supposed He was then traumatized yeah. No, he apparently kept doing it. My spot hand we live to have the last laugh for he died in seventeen. Eighty six of pneumonia, most involvement, hurried umbrellas and shortly after his death, even call on hard boiled men of the army took, but even that our nations killers, now having umbrellas having umbrellas here's a trend forest time it can. You imagine like on the battlefield seeing men with umbrella
It wouldn't be that they've made some strange choice for sure when you get that, like I've always been a fan of that kind of rainbow hat umbrella thing you can wear handsfree and yeah Why were that out in a lot of people, have a laugh at my expense, you actually, where those out girls, I wear a couple of them out and rain. Her shine? You have my lawyer. I have a low f, seven or eight, and I wear them pretty much everywhere I go. I wear the rainbow umbrella rain or shine anywhere. I was rising anything inside outside I work in the home. You said you know severe single you're having Probably the catherine meeting. Women has never been tougher. I dont know what it is, but women are just They are up their own asses nowadays, you'd. Rather you walk into a wide bar and they're. Just all look
you're funny. You know you're, not a whirlwind robbie throw in raw, and I have great hygiene. I smell good. I look good, I'm p cocking in miami Ella rainbow have edge is a guy. You can only as smart amid a cover for a second as like smart and hold areas and big horrid and an end like feminist. Please these wonderful qualities gareth has but like if you can just get around that he give shrooms to his cats, Occasionally words an umbrella, have indo annexation. Regular scares me regular, regular. Yes, those our deal, curse. Real ladys sign a fuck up. Look if if he and I could I'm a I've capable of change, You know my need women to get in here and gunnar younger out a little bit. Sorry that umbrella down yeah yeah mulch the soil. Little bit tell me
over here. Why won't anything? Take root? Could be the rooms at a positive sign providing early egg, women who have just been women have been allowed to leave the house too little much. In my way too much you arrive, there are no it's bullshit anyway. I bet that guy I'd the ads many years later, He died after starting a huge trend that saved the. And drinking tea? He was raised drinking, I will try to do this He was again arrogant with yeah. He called them. Let me tell you just to health ups and pushing the nation, the english drink, tea he's not wrong
it is a quite frankly re amount of times. We are talking nine cups today and that's regular, all calculated gareth. All caffeinated with with sugar it's and it's like they don't even want it most of the time someone will just walk in and go go to MIKE cooper. Charity will want one in nine people, but I all right yeah and then everyone just pounds tea together and then my mother's, like I don't know why I have trouble sleeping and I'm like. Will you try ten cups of caffeinated tea today, full of sugars?
Yeah but anyway, this isn't about my mother. This is about this, has been selling erosion, had no no everything's fine and there's therapy. For that. This has been a celebration of catherine riman whose joined us on the past times katharine. Thank you so much for being our guest in having you're fantastic in every way. Truly one of my I mean one of my oldest friends that in this nightmarish business, but you are driving workin moms seven season will be on netflix, soon, you're a dream, you're a treasure. Pushed back on the witch label, but the jury is still out that. Thank you. So much for joining is truly an dave's been drinking this whole time. Let you go thanks guys The.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.