« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

15 - The Past Times with Marc Maron

2023-02-23 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and comedian, actor and podcaster Marc Maron. Check out his new stand up special on HBO: From Bleak to Dark. 

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With you a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, loser, Beth, she's, not gonna. Like that I certainly will prevail boy get the lower. have twenty nine ninety nine per lie we were cellular built for us terms. Why does it you are cellular dot com, pretty damn we value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit? Your? U s cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. As the all right everybody welcome to the pastimes podcast. Each week we go through an old newspaper from a random date in history, picked up by dave, Anthony and Gareth Reynolds, and I have never. but more, and neither is our yes this week there and welcome thanks for have me, tell us yeah. Well, I bought a reboot, the big one you put the bigger.
enjoy your work. Thank you day. I've heard of you a little bit The thing I like about dave, the fluctuation in persona from twitter dave detects Dave tat army hiking with dave, What's your favorite mark, I note that not twitter, it is my favorite, the one I hike with his human. yeah you kid, he cared said you legs guys, the other one im, not sure where the fuck they come from, but I should totally send mark links while we hike too, that's probably why it gets you up into the mountains. He's like no reception. He can't be bleak. human that I used to know from back. In the day generally it yet so mark you imagine. If you had a podcast, for this. I don't think I'm. I guess I called diabetes, which I know is in original, but but you know we're just.
I know you'll get it out there. I your body else, like I said I wish we could talk advice. for the show. I wish you worry, I'm really got a little. What we gotta wait for it to upload there, minute, whereas the uploads a we'll do that I have just given you all of us. Yes, exactly all of us, Thus, all ana hbo max called from bleak too dark, which is a great title and a great special, but the title is very appropriate. and I should go watch it. I've shermer, I'm sure, I'm sure a lot of people are watching it, but it is like it is a rarefied. He said it is a great why you like, if you like finally landed one. You know, after thirty forty there is in this business but to do a thing on hbo. You know like I think it has. It still mean something The people in their brain, like networks, means nothing, but you guys are re, write an older age
I was like. Oh, it's h, b, o, even if it's not always h, b, o in our heads, it still means something, and you know it's right up front in and it's gotten great feedback from my peers, is very important? I got an email from Richard louis, which was ilo yet he's one the building blocks of me. So we contact each other You talk to each other, gauging beggary funnier, how he he said, like you, ve said your specials close to perfection, but you know progress not prefer, right and then he goes on to do. Tell me that, dare he was watching his wife enjoyed it and for most of it he was basically thinking about himself, but I did break it was at its root To summarize what richard Lewis said is right: He was able to watch you for a while and appreciate year this year alone. A comic out of his head for ten minutes and then give one you get its access, Yeah neurons. This is the old phone. So- whether he just checking himself but air truly is like it. So
it's so smooth. It's like I there are like. We were to say this before we started. There are like moments where you're like. How am I here, This and I'm not I'm not like curious how we got here like that, those moments where I live, and I am naturally listening to this. But if I were to do, the thirty thousand would overview of what the fuck is. This forgotten rate, I wouldn't listen to it. I worked for you know a column of two years. I mean it was you I was pretty comfortable with it. so I think that something to do with it it's all set. I'm just tired of hearing comics talk about nothing. You know no, my gun Last week I was still a day viper I put out a special, they fuck off workers seinfeld, I'm do that's where I am vacuous nothingness. What oh, and also that this item, be my your dad too oh yeah, yeah May I got a call me there where I called the other day. I call my dad and egos
You dont, worry you Massachusetts mike, it's no. Wanna do another guess mark so are the root of this- is Dave Anthony. You know historian, lunatic, link, sender. He has picked out a paper from a random eight and I normally like its anywhere from basically sixteen hundred which those out varies very weird. Or it could be more recent. I always like to start with a guess and you're more than welcome too I'm gonna get. For you he wants to. I think he wants to while you, because I think, despite the air, he Where is about him? I think he looks up to you and I We don't get started man, who's, gonna, open on our make me close up this one time. I woke up with a girlfriend and mark, took me over his house and and played
she d c high, where the hell macao, who, what how the hell I don't know trying to answer, did it help is a good next special title. I'm in a guess. Eighteen, forty five year, more than welcome to have a staff are getting. I think I'm going Seventy two, oh wow, alright, it's eighteen, seventy seven wow but you know what he likes you That is the answer. It shit yeah He knows he liked you any idea what he had to crap outside and whisky was hydrated only, although the per sort of personal stories people losing hands and machines yeah. yeah, a trading, a wheel for a boy
and medicine was actually take out. As I stomach I. So this is the sand. Marco's free press swore that send marcos, Texas so that's not yes. Now it's never go these guidelines, I'll be a lot like the ones now am I you know it's crazy it most. There's more a lot of these don't have headlines. They just throw together little stories in there's no dispute title or small communities need headlines. There is nothing else to two red yeah yeah yeah diary, and then they throw a little facts. Here's little blurb on the bottom page, one swayed and sweat. Learn. Switzerland contribute the largest number of new members to the mormon church, english Third on the list wow, so it's gonna, like tat, have been a little bit That is why we are also aware that,
like the mormon church, had some sort of pr outreach there they're, the idaho yeah? Why were they on the pulse of what was happening with the mormon church in eighteen? Fifty, it must have been sort of this radical new thing because it doesn't a mega which sounds like here, the the stats, the mormons it doesn't Certainly there certainly go into the bullpen of full whites there like sweet. Switzerland. That is what we're, after are full whiting yeah. Why was it most of it for white? Then yeah? Oh yeah, yeah me, yeah they're, not that it wasn't gonna round eyes and whatever, whatever mexican unlikely, coming up like mormon church now. The only other vertically integrated area they pretend to be open. I love that one blood there are said to be a young man in the Missouri penitent,
great, whose parents, at their death left him a fortune of fifty thousand dollars hm Did they given a dry areas? Where one of those big charity- gender blind it. Whereas, whereas parents made a mistake, if they had taken the precaution. and to invest that some in a small dog and him. Where did you get him in order to get it? What's the advisor everyday? well, I always advance the little a killer dog and that's the nasdaq if they had taken precaution to invest that some in a small dog and shot him and then had simply left. The young man jack. Please he's or would saw what the fuck is that jack plainer would saw I will marry someone instructions, the
that's it the same this and it would have been better to They could live in the money to a dog and killed it its assent, is giving the money to a guy who's already in prison. I think no, no. I think the idea was that if he didn't have the money, he wouldn't have fucked up his life and ended up in prison, and he wouldn't and god knows that's true- I know plenty of people that whose parents, who should I just bought a dog and killed it, and you're, not let the kids know many comics. We know that come from money. We would have been pirated just killed a dog. that's great explanations and line specials with with russia with what's wrong with trust one kids, that's that the advice I don't It was the one that I feel yeah. I think all in all the dog killed
yeah why we close the door he had died. I feel I can live and we can also learn some lessons about nepotism, but the dog can live. There is no need to bring the dog I probably should have just killed the dog. Instead, we could it just write: a plot Why and and giving it away? I think that's a shot at the kid. You know what I mean and a shot at the parents. I guess you know what I mean like there. You could do something is heinous. Its issued a dog for fifty thousand dollars, then, whatever diffidence rand How did while you're buying a show dog at that point with that what they said by a dog for fifty grand issued it or, I think said if they ve taken the precaution, to invest that some small dog and shot him. were silent, major may toy poodle like others, we are very expensive dog lou ribbon like the present like an idiot like the put. The people are like this dog. By the way it does they're gonna, all great, that's great yeah. Where are you fifty grand? Fifty
What would that would that be in today's dollars? Happy Can a one point: five dogs, ah yeah, that's a very expensive dog. It's very much dogs cost dave about fifty thousand about fifty. That he's just waiting to teach his son the lesson. Well, I'm going to kill dogs for front of my kid when he turns eighteen, all attachment and you're louder and more than anything, yeah and then say There's no money! Kid kill the dog in front of him. Get good luck! So what do you want to do for a living? What about the dogs? What are you going to do for work? Boy, yeah? It's it's a one! four million today now What is I see? Yeah yeah is its one point, four million. That's a nice aloud. I grew up with shared out at is how to get there. You did. You really did ya old english, she what I've old, english ship dogs? I had no idea
my entire childhood covered in hair and yo cleaning up shit yeah, I get my dad How does he ever come up? I don't know he went through some show dyke beard. my dear what we all your daddy, got through so many different periods on the idea that you might have three dance. Yet the show dog period was exciting. We had one champion one suppose we champion bad some wrong with its snout and, and then another one wound: curio how fury lord raglan was the name of no dog, Well I mean yeah yeah yeah because I dont shows a mine. Yeah sorry, oh shit, yeah! I can Imagine you at a dog as occurred in our dog. That's your was it. It was all I didn't think you ever went to grow. parents dog show now. What was that family owned the san francisco doctor
that's what we're. In a long time, we are sort of like we're we're on the independent circuit. You know now, real dog shows that you just trying to get this dog to get enough points to be a champion, and you know he did. He became a champion. That? Surely a lord ragland mean it's a, namely the breeder twelve. It means you get. These well bred die and then you trot em around in a ring with other dogs, and you only adds that stuff right, yeah and you get a certain amount of points, and then he got a cheer westminster dog shows to get me a bit smart, they happen everywhere. and then you have a champion and you have the breed from you. Have it from the breeder and then you can sort of setting you go made it with some other champion which we did and we got out up dog some online, got the genetic said, the other guy like you so you're you're, curio dog, just like the ourselves oh dying on the agenda, weird now exactly some half read that gave us samantha or I think some time
khan, dog yeah yeah, that's a grief to breed! Yet others, like there's like the west menace reductio, but you're in gaza, again, the albuquerque mall in front of sears dark show what where they happen, but it was regional. I don't know what the structure of dogs shows our, but there are definite dogs show people and at some point I knew all the breeds and you can wander around and you can see all these your dog show people, and there is my dad run trodden around with the hairy thing: dodge. korea is allowed to my rags. We call them rags Readiness very again now dave. The question is kid: your paper beat this now I don't think so, here's, a story of panama, panama dispatch gives particular an attempt recently made to assassinate president barrios of guatemala by Felix PA, a fanatical priest.
President was dining. The priest entered jus, drew revolver and fired the first shot, missed the president think closed with him and during the struggle a servant entered and shot the would be assassin dead, while just happened in l, a with the archbishop didn't now, what did that really happened to someone treading a summer killed him right? Someone killed a highly people first that's the was you should really that is poland, a gun for yeah. That, unlike I'd, be like I'll see you in church judson, like this guy style at its a weird that that's the oil or even. That is why quick baby That's the end of the story. We don't know the details of the power that is there anything now just a day. Just the priest was fanatical there like this guy. Obviously I have tick. Why rose cannon? this- and it was always quick bait, but there was just
oh story to fire by not worth less the sort of like you know, it's like it's like those ones. You click on it and then it will be like you, gotta keep clicking on like a slide to go to the next one to get, and then you just abandoned and evaluate the area like that. Without yet the dead ending, we go back to good the dog, shooting story. Yeah right Sarah Morton died on the first at his house. when indianapolis, who is the governor of Indiana, Can sixty and then reelected eighteen, sixty four and eighteen sixty seven was elected to the? U S, senate and reelected in eighteen, seventy, three, his! words, were, I am dying. I am more now your last words close to mobile Thirdly, the edges, please, oh god, peace, let it come come now, I'm so tired. Your last words are gonna, be I am dying. I've
warn you all out. Yeah. I was going to bring his bible closely and whisper. I just sent you a link that damn it dave, yeah, I'm dying, I have worn out. I like that yeah when you're tired. I think Although builders, apparently belgium, last what you mother, fucking fuck, you mother, hustle that rights he gets. Its words was, he said I like the idea they deal, adds a little pretty on the nose, but it's pretty give your able muster. Last words: it really is a grave mean you ve really could think about that a little and have an amazing moment. I think I do I'm dying. I really like a lot. I did a joke. My last words be wait. Wait
I don't have the salmon where's, my walls agree
I know where my rotator is at the girdwood yeah. Oh hey there, everybody, it's gareth! You know from this. This podcast listen, I've got some stand up, shows I'm inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty. Fourth, through august twenty six that Acme I will be going to the uk in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twentieth, Bristol september, twenty second and cardiff.
september, twenty fourth and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, camera november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get ad did after it. Let's see their mystery works on the third day. This is from the Cincinnati gazette on the third day of our county, fair, the dead body of a young man, a strange, was found in the road near hillsboro?
an inquest was held. That knows wording christmas held, but there being nothing about his person by which he could be identified. He was buried by the authorities and a pistol razor for franklin county. The credit tickets, a prescription signed by an illinois physician and a pocketbook containing three eighty in money, which was deployed, by a judge, but then you could identify vs prescription, not back, then these, it you're giving it just says: oh yeah galahad even get heroin, that's a godsend. I dont think you went to the farmers. Is that my doctor said: did you not yet we walked him without a finger. Oh gee, morphine, go. I think it is. Your name, your generous number servant. I think it is right to take care of it.
There are two afterward a gentleman from near williamsburg sing. The account of the suicide in the papers became convinced that it was his brother in law, Moses Henderson, who had died. beard under mysterious circumstances, this same guy, so so the dead, the same story dead, the guy. Dies, no, no sooner and then some guy reads: because that's that's my brother in law, So the body was the body, this in turn. They dig it up right now and in turn, the guy not at nine p m yeah actually found mine, I know where he is he's that we take up another one of these. We dig up a couple more that guy does
every down ring about? No He was pronounced by the gentleman to be his relative. It was then taken up in reenter. In laurel graveyard and claremont county, as means of the missing man. Most This Henderson, however, was not to be disposed in. That way. For the consternation of his relatives and friends, he appeared a few days later among them in the flesh, weight so did happen He goes there's like that's my brother. Then they bury him and then the brothers I mandate. have a weekend. No. I just got myself funny yeah? Let me tell you this: I'm married with a child. Now, what are you been up to wages? We bear read: you bought it
in the rest of the family is like they're, not off in the same town there's. This is just a list of of Sometimes sometimes the people take an interesting thing from another paper. It happens a lot with no organisation in any way there, not international news there. Just now it was getting swedes yeah, yeah yeah. I I just love the good, this guy was like yeah, that's my brother in law and then everyone's like. Couldn't you fucking always him when you dug up up like the whole families, like you, fucking idiot, There was something wrong with the regime. The press. Will you nobody told me they get all bullshit Five days later, he was bare his head was very purging, so the question of whose corpse was then had given The became more dairy eyes again became more serious than pleasant. Yes right with the journey of the corpse.
Of itself is the story yankee. They area is going to digest fight is not the guy. They gotta. Take him out of that break your what happened to that guy they put out overnight around him yeah Please I'll! Let you leave it here. It's not gonna happen is. It is thought I have, however, that the mysteries been solved unless sabbath, MR more head of shade veil. Arrived here, having little shows any one port aid. Will? Yes, my read reports The case in the gazette his half brother almost ramsay left home on wednesday before the boy was found in his actions at the time gave rise to some uneasiness in his friends. Mr Mauro gave a cracked if, in other articles found on the body before they were shown to him and identified the evolved in razor at once, ass his brothers property started.
and start immediately to wear. The body was buried intending again David disinter. So my god now, he's gonna dig it out this. Let's just get up a third time: If there is an after life like he's just getting yanked out a heaven over and over again sorry someone out there, so I don't think they know you and also how much stuff could one person have. I bet you back, then. You were just like He had pills a pan, a razor, a mirror and a notebook of the world's gotta. Be this guy. I mean he's nailed a T. There were, like eight objects, you could have at that time. Yeah yeah, no one carries a notebook, a notebook Here's your brother, sir comic. He had a budget this is the word. Nowhere, no endings, that's the guy not a guy. I know
We said this issue of the free press to a number of persons who are not subscribers, hoping that upon examination they will like it so well as to favour us with their subscriptions they need have: no fear that it will be continued unless ordered and paid, for which I don't tat. We never. Try to force our paper there, giving papers to people hope in their. I have been saying they don't force their paper on anybody, so that what the administrators that's an advertisement for the paper need, I think, they're explaining. I think When people get the paper there explaining, like you, don't have to pay for it. When I ask you for money here were word, we had business model, people were mad, like I'm not paid for this year. Three stories, one about a guy, get married, times should paper grant has been cordially welcome, vice president grand
It has been cordially welcome by MC man, the miserable abortion who allow of not to do it. I based my angel factory right yeah! This is when so allow these papers. I just straight up like one party like where you're done up again and said they kissed Like you reading it you're like well yeah, I'm on I'm on the team. So it's like fox news, so they're going to call whoever just a piece of shit yeah. It's also crazy. I like I always find that strange of like tour like back then it it is. Surprisingly, they called it abortion I would feel like there would be a weirder name for it back then what it means What is your general definition for abortion It has nothing to do with fetuses I'd. Imagine yeah right! It's when you abort something
but I think of your calling a person a miserable abortion than you, I think, you're right day for sure yeah. I think you're right, I'm curiouser now about the definition of abortion. The Asher. grant has been cordially welcomed by Mcmahon the miserable abortion who accidentally presides over the french republic. eminently fitting. Perhaps two more congenial congenial spirits have never met Then those two wouldn't headed, callous hearted natural despots, ok, so he does not. He does not like grant either neither has an idea, yet the writer yeah as an idea of government beyond brute force and personal self interest. Each is totally unfit to administer civil government in a free country. The appropriate sphere of each is in some contest of brute force like that which is good.
Between russia and turkey. like if I was if I was tweeting in eighteen. Seventy seven yeah yeah abortion early cambodia, abortion early and then getting india european politics and then get way into the we. So knowing three people- yeah dave and everyone else is like other people who were like reading the pay like how to make a blog for reading this paper blackened and by the way The abortion definition is number one definition: deliberate termination of a human pregnancy it's pretty and I felt like I was that around it's good to know. Yet ok, if the poor fellows, who are so persistently to sing roller skating. Here we go
ever enjoyed or seen the real thing, they surely would not engage in so awful a burlesque upon it. While said this is a time now, there's someone upset that that that roma skating is being destroyed and bastardize by kids, who just by states, have yet to see the professor. Will you name it bother? You don't even know what a break is confronted zombies It's amazing that anyone took growers skating seriously. That is an oxymoron like. You need to be more here, look at you smiling. I have advised, by your suggestion, bay other serious gates, the idea Lady liberty idea back you fools by the way. Why don't they,
or sure arrest these offenders intended above layers said the this said now: yeah yeah the rulers of greatest arrested. The absolutely could you imagine that being a threat rolled out what a time time when this was in the paper. Look I'll. Tell you what I'm worried about how these roller skaters they clearly I lay the ordnance ordinances which forbid the making of unusual and disagreeable noises to the disaster of the community. Why? But they were loud. Right because they're probably metal the better. super loud. How could fuck is only being but yeah ending? I mean you know what it must have been on sweated walks or something because I can't do the roads weren't paved right. It's guy was all boards ran. It was boards
Ivanka! Yeah! That's right! There on the boards yeah what a nightmare to be roller skating in that sure, like just janky street, they should be rewarded for their bravery, as opposed to criticized for I agree. I feel this is kind of like the beginning of footloose, but if it were roller skating, Commissioner, you could you haven't burn out there? How are your devil wheel and say it out loud or will have a movie in two years. Well, here's an interesting one. That is a fact one about how the how the russian peasant lives are gonna, be it's gonna, be good. forgive me my family, hausa origins over you, Yeah you're, the russian russian aggression, Jews, who escaped from the pilgrims jail where they are in the palace settlements. I think they were safe from the programmes for awhile. But not the ones in you. I am not sure how it worked, but I just now
I come from my obstinacy taylor in belarus, while their way around this time? We're talking about here is my get a low this them your people, that readmission excited to hear you just like finding your roots, which I did little more detail. Houses of russian peasantry are built of logs man. are thoroughly filthy. Now jews are general. I think that's what we're talking about gave can't say ever take you out We thought it would set a day. Wasn't even reading for those agencies what's hand so that no civilised person would eat or sleep in them. If he wished a fresh egg. The only thing that seemed uncontaminated. Oh these people just kidding. However, everything mobile happening yeah
we should not preclude much their little log cabins filled with jet theirs one egg on a pillow leave, be be careful chosen, one the peasant dwells with horses and cattle under the same roof. I like persia, but ok, the air he above and they below so that the odor the stable and every other imaginable vile smell permeates the whole entirely right sure it's not a great picture. So far. Now it's a hard situation, being an owner, three cats. I understand this smell Yes, but I was I It's just going to say that I like cause that I have a cat- and I I remember when my landlord came in once and he was like yeah we'll have to like when cars his lip moving out knees. I will have to have used to get the smell of cat and let her out of here and also I dont. What do you do
yeah, it's like cigarettes, yeah you're, just like I do. I smell yeah people walk into your house and you're like what the fuck is that, like what oh I made some coffee. Is that what you smell like say? a year that stale yo gotta catch shit on this house. Do you think it's this active restroom? I haven't my living space on emptied latrine, No one accustomed to that way of living cannot can stay within doors, much less eat their food, their household furniture is of the most preventive kind, so also their farming implements. Indeed, everything makes you feel that you are carried back to the dark ages, so people level emily being like boy look, look is living in the dark ages guys this is a progressive newspaper, I've yeah!
yeah. I think this is about is progressive. Get your people likewise been so easy on legal slanted review, The people live in villages altogether, each family having land upon to them, according to their numbers by the village commune or assembly, which also decides as to the rotation of crops and the times of gathering them. So there authorities are telling him how to live there. now I do they live in squalor, but they have no freedom, no freedom and We have to farm the land for other people. Let's s common story, what he had, what a horrible thing some of the country through which we passed seems quite fertile but the greater part as a barren appearance, often whole sections would begin to you'd wilderness where the sand here or quarter. I road.
for certifying owed and birch stretching on either who the fuck it it's someone from texas, drug draughty of judging barrenness. I'm a man. you're not doing much with it arya it's a wee bit of the state. What are your plans that Texas texas is still like that you should have your dream: Texas we were just sort of ring on god dead towns. You got what you you'll be like, ok and then look would make a pretty good time, and then you had since you like, we were never getting home. I beg you to try and you don't ever texas, yeah replace or there's the like dead zones in any people like you should again a step a while ago the railways are those being available. There's dead zones on aeroplanes
fly in an airplane and you use the wifi. You fly over texas at a craps out for like APA yeah. It's amazing I've. I've noticed that yeah. It's amazing, there is little blurb when a girl begins to take an inch. in the arrangement of young man's necktie. It is an infallible sign of something more serious than sisterly regard, while the about someone fuckin their brother, It isn't it just made. It just needs there, no longer being like they're, not care they're, not like they're doing it, because looking to fuck right yeah, look, I got your means. It now they're saying it's there, not acting like your sister anymore than was a signal I fainted generated or like Jesus Christ, get it together, you fuckin swab,
yeah love. Now, let's get you out of this thing is the other way to go. You yeah has been proposed by representatives by representative hewett, an amendment. the appropriation build that the commissioner general to the paris exposition be directed to put an american kitchen at which the various met of cooking indian corn shall be exhibited in the products thereof, distributed with recipes, indifferent languages for corn. So so we're gonna show people in france had a cook corn, but we're I do it in in an american kitchen. And they were and corn the actors France is a known for their. There I want to show you what to do. With it ass skill it in a fucking colonna tab
a hand with a basic menu. Plaid free move over dumb shit now put the gardener, gannet buttery any put a fork and then and rotate link between We had their many geese killed for the event. I know you guys don't get it. good, get you guys, you guys are do list. Let me show you how it's done this year is called grazing yeah. Others too blurb an exchange says that disordered liver troubles, some news paper men in texas, very much This is a guy. This is. Is this the he's just saying people in other editors, another protectionist protections, drink too much Did he say is guy on an instrument liver is called either editors. Drugs that be funny thing for an hour.
I like to be say, was triggered by livers aiming at my people have been. I guess that people withdrew and zoom version as it is. How did the statement girl I gotta take this shift from my whole family start were able to architecture of words? Well, what Doctors, thomas brewer, will contribute for ex visibly illustrated articles on birds nests which every lover of nature. Will delighted doktor bruce, probably has the finest collection of birds eggs in the world to draw upon. For the illustration that sounds interesting, I have two birds I pulled down from my roof and they are kind of amazing that they pull it off. You ever seen a hummingbird yeah, it's fucking crazy. I have
is it like well they're, just so tiny, but you just don't assume that birds are doing the work and they build it in a circle and some of the they really help hold together. Well, I just things down with a hose they weren't in use, but their lot right up there. It's fucking nuts ray the brain birds relevant just see the dinosaurs. We just see the nectar party. We don't know that behind the scenes there like here, we go per year. little tight ness, the humming bird may era. If some asshole hosing down some gear, yeah supported already eight weeks to me, it's amazing the quality of these things. I did not you, that's a damning heard this and the nest. I got rid of were long abandon. There was no we're What was right over? Why walked into my house dude and made there were dear it's just a bird we're shitting? All over the front, stoop
It's also abides by the have birds nests because that's actually get bedbugs is that you know shit yea. birds, birds, have all kinds of little semi, the lakers didn't run, and yet data We live in an breathing, I say, is posted on twitter now, so that was just posted Davis, Davis, yeah too many vacant houses to look healthy in a business point of view, something quite unusual the season of the year when everyone left town they left they just weapon? Is that what you're saying everyone just took off? And it's weird I guess I mean something happened out on us about here and there the how the vague and houses look good, but something so somewhere does just blogger getting all these houses. That was another goodwood myself in here. What happened to the people?
yeah I just killed a hundred people like we're gonna lot of empty cribs. Anyone noticed there know what's going on Ben Reynolds, a semi, idiotic, youth, great apple? This is a very worrying that back out you're sunlight your yeah yeah, it's about more offensive. Colleagues about an abortion is a semi idiot, you're, half a dummy, it is urgent, Ben rattles, a semi, idiotic youth left home about a week sense and we believe it has not been heard from sense His parents need his services and are in great distress about him. Can you imagine a message? I old started with like semi idiot anyway. We can't find him better the thing is like they need for work.
Europe has no one had a hogs in today, you lost a son, a semi, idiotic one, see the pilot dishes, his kids, an idiot, basically yeah, and we're not going to do them where we were yeah. We were before we start wasting our time. Was the things we'd like to try to locate him for no, we're full idiots. We were really bank and on the semi it is to get us out of the trouble is he's the leader, because our only hope child survival, he's got a full lydia brothers. Sidney are doing it up and do it. I was others dead. He ate his own are, but we don't want to talk about here and we started coming we're. Looking further half win yeah. The grazing about the story? There's a p s at the end,
he has had the unusually good friday. Newspapers appears at something that is now piazza. He ps has as return in a dilapidated condition, don't know where he is been. What of fuck? Why even put it in the paper I believe the kid went away back not earlier by the way these are my own tablet. They haven't, I guess they hadn't gone to print yet and there I would not wish to take all the letters offer. The press we're just adding guide like laid out he's like my head at all really nicely laid out already. It is aesthetically, it's gonna screw. me is: can we have put an addendum here which is that could have been very three times yeah,
that's right. Area d, like this guy, came back again how we can bring this guy. Couldn't leave the dog yesterday a poverty stricken family consisting of a man, wife and three children applied at the office of mayor more for passing to jackson, county indiana. They had footed it from north carolina. all were in tatters from head to foot when the chief of the family walked into the office, the mud squashed between his bare toes, but this This means that there's, but on the ground in the office must be yeah or maybe he's tracking? I don't know it sounds more like a muddy office for sure yeah wait. So I would I miss something through a group of people were barefoot for mud work.
Do an office in jackson, county indiana, a family no family had a family walked. from north carolina. Oh Jesus, I think, india, jackson, foot yeah, they were, from north carolina. No, they want passage to jackson. So ass, the walk to to this town. They must have worked to send marco's! Oh, I don't know understand geography it all now what wherever they I could seeing where they walked anyway, but that's a story had muddy feet. Not that like who we share. Eleven hundred mile again there's a lot, but who did group ruins office Are they gonna grab a six states away? Anyone they were rakkeed it in
So a good deal of sympathy was manifested over the hard lot of unfortunates and clerk debate. Clicked back proceeded with Alec AL carroty and with it is alacrity to elaborate alaska and it must be alacrity. I still don't what it means when facing started, what it I I'm not allowed to get us all I'm in the eighties. After a harsh words. we had lucky. A brisk and cheerful readiness- oh ok, so clerk to back proceeded with alacrity to fix them out with railroad passes. Thank you said the stranger. God bless you for your kindness, but how about the dog? That's the tag o dog, no oh adults,
exclaimed mister de back, have you a dog in the party and then he perceived to explain that it would be impossible to grant a pass for the dog, as they wouldn't admit him aboard the train and advised that the dog be left behind the muddy dog is the getting there is the beginning of a movie or they leave the divide and the dog follows them, and five trainers and yeah yeah. The stranger called. From the midst of the waiting family, a gaunt, sore footed hound. He data. While and then went over and held a consultation with his wife- and I came back to the counter remarked, I guess we will walk. party, including the door, the most story of all the stories by far, and it has a heart reggie obtained the color green bowed man, it's it. Since this is at the end of it, then it says its cincinnati. So there they walk
north carolina letter Cincinnati, look for a train, Dana okay, so I guess we walk so sorry parting, including the dog, took its way out of the building. The incident was quite amusing. No but actually delivered slightly. It's the dog was pry like that. Just get the train obstacles blocking the mud footage. You're walking at a town with a horrible might, and then this journalist, like that's the funniest shit I've ever seen, There is another story. Really! Really it's the incident
it's quite amusing. While there was something of homely tenderness in it that the faithful fellow who had followed his friends so far was not declared not was not deserted in the hour of temptation. Oh see, that's it that's a terrible story, because yeah, because I mean they, they kept the dog but like just let them get on the fucking train. What's the big deal with the dog, the trains are filthy. Anyway, it's not like they can just get on it, a shit part of the train. I just pull my cart. There are people that have zero respect for dogs. It's a very sad sir you're. The man dogs, young people seem to just shoot, not give a fuck about yell at any point, History is really disturbing. Yeah yeah it's just. I think this is sweet yeah. I think it's nice. I thought someone was going to shoot the dog for sure the guy that was offering the plane tickets you let me help you out,
and all the dog happy. Honourable, it Stevens lives in the national hotel in washington, and despite is desperate physical condition is a cheery invalid. Why should corresponded says he wears gloves on his hands as small as those of a ten year old child? That's cute! cheer, relishes rich food, though butter and eggs are forbidden him he takes in it. Regional with of tobacco and when in health, has two ounces of whisky or brandy for dinner, the debates are like that dinner. I guess Who knows who that guy is the cheerful invalid with tiny hands? Yeah Maybe a story. Action must be story. They ve been following for awhile guess who is back? look there may be a little fists.
Trying to criminal up his little liquid suppers media holder, yeah. Yeah he was, he was from georgia. in the senate. Oh give out this war from south, oh shit or maybe like Maybe he doesn't have hands at all, just as weird stumpy things with the little. I puts gloves item, puts a lesson Holes are gone. Mickey mouse hands, hurried out. This amazing unspent Stevens was sickly throughout his life most painfully from. crippling rheumatic arthritis and pinched nerve in his back home I got jokes and for that site, less than a hundred pounds you live here less than a hundred pounds was still cheerful: we got, there was a tiny little
a little mad pounding liquor here's the lion with writers, yeah. You can the big city goody butter. He couldn't butter gonna kill me, haven't you heard I might get sick, We would want that now. Would we there's one as this. The lying part of Wikipedia almost always former slaves continued to work for him little little or no money or no money. You know how you know just turned into an injured, yeah. There's the thing: a slave yeah, what swathes of guy with the gnarled little hands they will. We love we love or we ve got over here. With this tiny legalese do any man he can keep workers. We got the run of the place
We just wicked birdie and once a week which may remember, comes to jack, senator blames daughter, Alice aged eighteen, while playfully handling a loaded revolver a few days ago, was accidentally shot. The ball strike. Between her eyes and passing upward. The one was not considered failure fatal, but in very close to being so yeah got shot between the eyes and the way between the eyes, the air and she's. Ok, she won't they times it so she didn't die. Jane. Is that it's a lot of space Are you gonna do not? Ok, David reveal, they believe, she's. Never better. that ball in the brain and feed your great. Don't talk like that
weird stuff. Aren't you but a lot of song likes it or not, got a guttural songs. How are you doing out he's doing great? Married women in Illinois hold their own property separately and engage independently in any vocation. They please it made the pay. The new nerve paper than manoeuvres that I, like the tone of that. How could this be happening? I fucked up is the north. That's really crazy. Leslie guy, I suspected horse thief and bad man generally, I love I love that they just like the order of the notes. A bad person. May I ask, We need more that now was yeah. We do yeah.
was worn by his neighbours at greenville, dark county ohio to leave the town and failing to do so. He was called from his house on the night of the twenty fourth by a party of masked men and riddled with bullets. Oh that's how they got him out that's interest to you when they, whenever it tells you leave town, my time when you leave town like this is now a task These Evan, you leave. You leave town, you know it's kind of macao. Oh man, you know it's come and stupid. I thought I was even, though, is riddled with bullets. Doktor Dave, Anthony declared him, but simply lit, satisfied, gray became water without making a cartoon, but other than that. You say that He had been living there for twenty years and was a property owner and had a wife and seven children really acts, but they fuckin hated in it.
He really hated and he must have been a bad ass. All was quite for the town to go. I think we're gonna kill Jeff like you're bad, your bad guy I wonder if his wife and kids out in on the action finally giving it I they were shooting him for a behind yeah. It was his family, the mask exactly math, seven tiny ones there. What are they doing? Who are you? little man. What are you senators? Did you say dad? No, no pop! I didn't, a man whose manner did not indicate insanity ordered a stake in sacramento restaurant. happens. Although fire not a story, I get to suffer a united made man at stake. That's the whole story. He deliberately cut off a piece of meat four inches by two in size: I'd, try
to swallow. It whole it stuck in his throat and choked him to death cheese. Christ point eyes the story here: what's good now that he was in a way he have mental problems. It's good that he did that in earnest, like I can yeah yeah I'm going to get this down. He was like it was like look. I got an idea. I think I think this is getting work. I think ominous. This is about a hack chewing. There's gonna be a way to get around that awful process of chewing. We gotta be able to do this, and ngos are also great last words. This is no work yeah. turn it on a watch me snake this down are you sure, when do we step in that's a big piece of meat?
We think somebody could you just region, is fuckin mouth and pulled it out and watch to guide choked death here they are just stood but I wise is dying from europe. They were trying to do is like I got this, don't my dream, but it made the paper that where we got it out measured. It was pretty precise legal entities, yeah I get there. We were by no one can do for by two what a lunatic this man is nodded same ages, trying to do something. No one had ever done before you the ambitious with beef. Yes, this is america. We reward dreamers, it is said in an article in harpers monthly by a writer who has lived for tat. Here's in alaska that the land there is worthless and the he'll fisheries likely suitably exhausted their arc
this authority, only one hundred white persons in the country. Well, that's their version of a nightmare break. not enough why people are no more seals. There is a steel industry, that would there it? How can I do about it seal fisheries that that's what they mean may reach. What can people on these coasts were just killing whales and seals by the hundreds? Oh, my god, it's lighted unbelievable. How many like it just to the other thing was beavers way like a beaver hollow. My guy, I know like crazy and at the end of the day we need more white people You know it's crazy about this situation. There are the beaver murder, not enough. Whites. Earlier still lonely. there's still beavers yater, actually beavers the kitchen
arrange. It isn't a places because it turns out there really really good forum yet ended how everything works. If you can imagine an animal and they just you for oil, I think in the fur writer, oh, no, sir, it was deferred, then chinese is the oil the. I only know this because I just watch two colleagues, card movie that fat first cow and they were talking about the beaver industry. How did it Dave did an episode of the dial up about penguin oil that just scarring scarring a million a day like he carefully with vague, like assistants, like this mind, boggling itself, an awful yeah. I was pick it up with. It around. We fix it all everything's going good night. I guess we just got the ratings were dipping were depict. That said, it's getting a little dark over here boys. Let's make fun of some of the eighteen hundreds pain,
You got me no small handed weirdos dave tomorrow drive? a burger without biting. Let's move, and a genius use of carrier pigeons is on record. They were employed in belgium to smuggle tobacco and france. Each bird from ten to fifteen grams of the weed and two dozen pigeon, per day were regularly dispatched wow. How long the new industry had been established is not stated, but one day came to grief a bird. Too heavily loaded and a drop of this burden exhausted into the scene, other guys a police inquiry resulted in the whole business was exposed, la early drugs was where in france, sky mules, yeah and the one they they got, they were like they were like look. They could take a lot of fucking tobacco, then
one was Jesus Christ, yeah marty. They found the fat bird we're going to close up shop a bird drops into a river and not just blows. A thing like people with a bird in the river or at first they just like this- loves tobacco, What amazing is how like sought after tobacco was. at some time with its like the ice. When you hear these like war, is about. Spices, they? Never. You know important. I would follow people yeah happened right now, you all the time I was just about getting the spices and a lot was about
bearing some of preserved food, so I'll write and the last one last door while breaking an egg the other day miss. John kinney of out in iowa found within the shell a living snake about four inches long, which lives the days and tell miss kinney through the little varmint into the fire? What it was cut? It was colourless like, though, the white of the egg from which it came Carl up an albino snake was in an egg yet, and she is she hung around four five different more days and then fire severally. Yet It's probably a worry What's that worm? Well, you know. I mean has again to show must have eaten the war. Now. I think I think
They have. I think it had to have been a snake egg right, oh right! like a snake garden. At the other end, some hours is like one. Those weird story: problems like wish. There was a chicken egg and it wasn't there like. I can't operate on a snake egg child, I'm his parent, it's a snake egg, that's it davey figured it out What do you want a way that they know who I am really get knave? Take the wind shut, the fuck up, You haven't you answered it shut up yet with that. What does dumb stories? Were you when you were a kid there like, so how did this snake in the egg I believe, like that. The snake was after the yoke and that it fairly yeah right now it a snake, a of a god. Dammit snakes lay eggs.
if you put in white snake into the end goal at the band, whites net comes up that I was going to say. I don't like it This story is gonna, be the first thing. I think it can be a tonic attain or something like that. Yeah I'll bioethics, ok, there's an albino snake yeah, and what she threw it into the fire. The snakes- and here I go again- So much for joining us mark your mandate, it so much the special. Nice, it's nice to make binding dead people. yeah I used to read old news below what a budget shit heads and then they will send you a budget links in five minutes But thank you I should like you said. Obviously you have an amazing pod cast deputy ass, an you special hbo max from linked to dark witches.
I know thank you sound like you so much for joining let
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.