« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

115 - Rainmaker Charley Hatfield

2015-09-16 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds discuss rainmaker Charley Hatfield.




This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, my name is dave. Anthony rain check is a historical podcast of historical each week. I really story from american history to my friend, Gareth reynolds, who doesn't have any idea what the topic is going to be, or something like that. Do we forget how to do it met but rusty? It's been a while that's the best we can do. Can I never let it thanks?
one because they do not dare gara vocation someone or something is too far, and this is not going to come- the dignity clock queens. They give me that shit. I myself a bunch of religious virgins girl to mingle in dubai threat in this regard, my friend rain maker Had there hey day in the mid west in the eighth, I need you to get the fuck out rain makers at their hey day in the midwest in the eighteen, eighty and eighty nineties- and these are jenny- and who make it rain. That is correct, sir, like nfl, safeties, safety's and strip club. Much like that, there had been a belief for centuries the artillery explode caused rain after the cylinder than we have been through a real
stupid bomb. You go off after this more man named edward powers, wrote a book called war and the weather in which he said that most civil war battles caused rain. I mean what is this has no connection to reality right. americans also believed prairie fires caused rain and that the chicago fire drenched itself, obviously after fuck after the city bird, does I've been the fire department is really just a vision, a rush I mean there's. Otherwise, fires are put them. So well as they burn so much to them. They stay that re for shared conquer spent over twenty thousand testing. The explosion causing rain theory, but it's not bear out and theories
a faded away, but then the fume theory took hold. Finally, the few theory was also an ancient idea. It is believed that noxious fumes the smell of bodies on a battlefield caused rain. This light a whole new breed of rain makers in the u s each having their own secret formula this it's gonna be so disturbing. No know it's thought is it not? I mean like from what I heard about far by I just thought that we were going to really jump real, quick. It's understood some dudes going be feeding some family people being like. You know right so trust the re makers are coming to do their bit Amory makers like frank in melbourne, it is now melbourne knows the australian wizard.
none of them really melbourne melbourne knew well. It was called the austrian wizard en gb jewel, who practised from a specifically equipped box car that he would we'll take her out on straw around in a box car that made it rain, train tracks weights it's just rolling in about a solo boxcar. If you roll it roll into a solid box curve, then even work and make it rain come on. That guy is awesome. I realise that is that not awesome, but I'm curious about how he's rolling around in a box carved out to tell me to get a pullet. His cat is some assholes like you really know how to make it rain. Now show uk poland, and then there was Charlie Hatfield charley, was born in eighteen. Seventy five in kansas, his father, owned a sewing machine agency, but so that and got into real estate. in eighteen, eighty six, they moved to send ego, though they were no less
in the sewing machine business. All the hatfield kids learn to take sewing machines apart a just and repair them at the age of eleven charlie became a news. selling the san diego union. Then the sea yeah go then the sending of economy ground to a halt and at the same Los angeles was having a real estate boom. Ok, how usually so tat fields went to l, a ending, in pasadena in eighteen. Ninety three: where charlie went to high school, ok after graduating, you became a salesman. The country went to war with spain in eighteen? Eighty, nine and charlie tried to join up, but he was rejected being too thin. Boy part
argot skinny generally right hard target. Take him turn sideways. It can't we just got goddammit just a twig, but charlie had another calling a boy. He spent much of his free time and public libraries looking at rainfall stats and about the science of rain makers. So, finally, somebody who is like isn't this bold, just emperor nice stretch I mean this is really horse. I I mean it's really bullshit right jot have been going on since the mid nineties. It was not just affecting farmers, but now everyday life in southern california. What it crazy time I now has. Where does that sound in boom and drought. Now, my I never to that end,
Ninety nine, a well known re maker, named w b hughes, had tried to get a contract to make it rain from the city of pasadena. His cost was five thousand dollars. De los angeles chamber of commerce rejected the offer fools Charlie. Attempted is first rate making on a ranches family bought in San diego county in nineteen o two okay. He got to work on the top but windmill tower on the ranch there apparently set off explosives good, get their rank on a long time. Family friend, named Fred Hansen said that charlie's mom, explosions with some day make her son a great man. That's my boy, charlie up on a tower make an explosion. And it seems like he's a real troublemaker. He's going to be president. Take care, but, Charlie always said he evaporated a fluid from shallow pans and didn't use explosions. Even though people could see the explosions
either way. Rain began and said: go county in april at night to ninety two, I almost an inch boy, Charlie claimed it made it right. There. May the bubu I've special charley was said to have an almost religious zeal, the attitude, a man with a mission, though he was kind and acted like a gentleman. He always wore a business suit when conducting his reign, making work. You gotta respect this guide you basically given a job interview to cloud, show up When Fred Hansen asked him how we handle as a salesman houses with. Science has said. No peddlers, Charlie responded. I don't believe in science, hey Satellite people that policy I believe in law, Egypt and he's not there arriving fuckin ass by jail over the next year, charlie,
the help of his younger brother Paul, built three more towers to experiment on one he built in to hunger, canyon, I'm sixteen november nine nineteen, oh two more! Three inches of rain fell film area and one point: nine five inches in los angeles, the other towers he built in pig to hunger and inglewood. He said he created half an inch of rain and inglewood. In september, nineteen o three cats- fuckin bang yeah really creating a lot of rain with his towers. Yes, but then it is offered his first pro re making gig, Ah finally, the big leagues yep after three years of horrible drought, southern California was desperate. It was so bad that catholic and protestant churches got together and requested in the newspapers for a day of prayer for rain. sunday january thirty. First, nineteen o for whoever your praying to please praying just take
breakthroughs. Ever superbowl gotta cover our bases. The prayer was not effective. What I know it didn't work today say please. I I maybe god was out of town yeah. He's busy today Charlie Hatfield was setting up shop, season usually begins in late january, in LOS angeles sure enough. Two days later, at six p m, it started raining what I know how heavily and it rain on and off for the next week over an downtown. The downpour set, the los Angeles river on a rampage. Killing two people tearing out the seventh street bridge overflowing before street soon is to get these we re the over asked kids fucking got too much kids fuck no one to say when you thank you. He showed us did me yeah right for sure have a real reel it next time, generally just build less towers, ass, all the pay
I merely said it was the work of Hatfield completely ignoring all the prayers and they continued writing about four days. It was written that he had said a high tower in le monde, locker centre on the count corner of new york and foot hill of our eight blocks and where I live far, there's a semi station there thank you and I feel, and a t shirt store that went out of business called mewks. Why did it go ahead? I cannot see why It's not a business either, and I mean very clear who they're targeting they're, great and they're. it was said, charlie said he mixed chemicals and sent vapours into the air. He said it would take. Some are between three hours and five days to bring rain. so, when a window, but that's a great
I mean both a good when I've been that's, that's fine. Yet if you can make a reign of terror and drought, sure, ok, I mean right because this miracle. China became known as the lisbon wizard of esperanza. The spanish word, meaning hope be like. Can we please change that? I'm a wizard look it's the wizard of esperanza. Please don't call me that I've said now, after the red stop Charlie this brother Paul dismounted the tower and left they went back to the jobs, are sewing machine salesmen. We're charlie may two hundred twenty five bucks a month, but word was out about charlie's ray making and his services were wanted. You then spend a lot of I'm in central california, and his reputation grew by night. No seven farmers an organ contracts and where does the rain maker spread across? the west. He went to texas how arizona, kansas and other areas where the mississippi river in nineteen twelve, he had two very
the creative rain, making jobs, one wasn't carlsbad, Texas and the other was inhibit and setting a county. He now calls himself a moist accelerate: oh wow, that's terrific! Let us so politically correct rain makers actually get were kind of sensitive about that? I'm a moisture accelerator, it's a little in so it's just where it says: that's not what I do, I'm not a rain maker. I just said the moisture right where appropriate and act on the worst coma banks. But so this and he has to be buying this shit. I mean he has to be believing that he's actually doing stuff. I would imagine, or is it like the symptom of like where a preacher is like Maybe I can actually he'll people who were paralyzed because he's faked his way through it. So much I mean he, I think, he's a pretty easy one percent bullshitter, ok quickly. You guarantee that produce rain, a hammett news reporter asked charlie, replied
in will are what cost the people assent, but it did rain here. Is the contract. four inches of rain for four thousand dollars: no rain, no pay set up his reign apparatus from me and march. First, two may, first for each edge of rain, he would get a thousand dollars up to four inches. The town would have to pay for more than four inches locals agree. the terms so get ahead. On march. First.
It was already raining. Okay, people assumed many people assumed. That would be that and he would move on right, but he had a contract and hadn't started rain. Making. Yet wait. Wait! Yes! So wait! Sorry, okay, go ahead! He he hadn't done anything right. He hadn't he hadn't started his reign, making edits to read what was already written. Okay, the question isn't that a clarity of question are you asking if you shouldn't make great- or he didn't make great well hold on that's my question, a man they wouldn't as charlie what he would do since it was raining jolly said, you may get three inches from the storm
I can give you three and a half its outbidding nature. Terrific, so he's an amazing portion of it. Well, that's tremendous! The carpet is what to work above the town. near a lake three miles from the town by the time charlie started rain, making an entire entered followed for whatever reason Those were mostly supportive of his efforts way to eat. I guess you know what I hedge your bets. A little bit. Do hey look back. I think we'd get double the rain with this fella, hey, look re, the merry right. Yeah I mean if the guy mean it might stop rain and before thousand dollars as what what's the matter, the local news reported on the rain, making without an all being critical. Hammett had one of their biggest rain years on record charlie got credit for more than seven inches of rain. While seizures fuckin loaded the paper,
so our pleased are the ranchers in MR hatfield work that there has been that he has done. veiled upon two stores apparatus inhibit until next season when he will likely come back and take a bigger contract hell of a game there and make game god, it's fucking, I'm sorry the moisture, accelerating game they went to texas. It was also very successful. Jonathan went to san diego at nineteen fifteen, which was beginning to be concerned about not enough water, although oddly the city's storage was far from critical, marina reservoir was said to be holding five billion gallons of it's fifteen billion capacity, okay, but it was understood that water shortages in california should be,
dissipated at the front we ve got a good job. We really handled it. Well, I just gotta thirty untilat good said he was well acquainted with charlie hatfield and his wife, who was raised there One well known man is said. Diego push strongly for hatfield to make it rain was fred bidding. You is alive, as leading man with an ample set of whiskers, a squeaky voice, an english accent and a belief in socialism with any found himself. Speaking for hatfield in front of the city council, when one councilman smirked you do not smirk in front vidic and benny yelled. When a man comes in with a simple, sensible idea yet treat him as though he were allowed a tech and he stormed out that's the behavior of a lunatic. It's awesome, You just made our point busy working there. That's it for you, for you then laid in nature?
fifteen benny made an appeal in the local newspaper to get the people are going to be a dumb uphill, the councilman then showed some interest early in december, Charlie appeared before the council. The council asked charlie to put his proposition in writing and to come again: charlie droop zone com, tracks without using an attorney usually offered three propositions. His first written proposal start stated that by june first he would produce forty is of rain at marina reservoir she's. This is bold, Free free to be compensated from the forty to fifty eight inch by one thousand dollars per edge. Ok
okay Jesus. He also offered to fill marina reservoir by december twentieth nineteen sixteen or he would cause rain a rainfall of fifty inches by june. First, nineteen sixty for itchy. He would be paid five hundred per inch from the thirtieth to the fiftieth inch or one thousand dollars per inch from the fifty. Six other plants we're down to ten thousand. Really what all this means that it is, It is not promising shit loads of rain. They were all the same plan set in a different way right. We would make ten thousand hours yeah he's a promising a shitload of a shitload on december thirteenth I also voted for to want to accept charlie's offer to fill that one so validated african morons fine yet get him in here. Ok, guys, I'm on a readable,
later. What about you stare at the bush, I'm going to pray to know what's inside the book? Okay, so he's supposed to fill the reservoir by december twentieth. Nineteen sixteen and asked the city attorney's office to prepare a written contract. councilman more explain quote if he feels marina, he will have put ten billion gowns into it, which would ass the city, one tenth of assent, for thousand dollars if we fail to those contract. The city as an additive, its heads, the city, They are either not zero. The outgoing divides the cage. There's no gas words. Free is now dad side, marina, damn
I've been there since eighteen. Ninety seven, it was a huge reservoir that can hold fifteen billion gowns and had never been full. Charlie did not wait for the written agreement from the city attorney and he went straight to work on january. First, your air quoting work. His assistant was not paul this time, but Joe, the youngest hatfield brother, Paul overturned, assent, sewing machines, the towers built on a slope along the road leading up to the damn near by farmers heard explosions. Then flames were seen leaping from cauldrons and fast billows of foul smoke rose, scoured and he's really biogas on bolshevik the chemicals stanch was set to be at full gas is up at a tower. A look you wanted rain, be just like cauldrons claiming you'd be like is this. Why does he have? your doing, you grew beard
papers, counted almost moisture seller he's gotta, go wand, What other drug come except some of these papers can other days left for you. but it may this deadline. Bookies took bets god, great Will you fifty arraign we're looking for Look, the! What I'm telling you is. I didn't tell you that you needed to guarantee that there'll be rain, but you guaranteed that now, if you don't pay up, I'm going to take your fucking pinkies, I just thought I'm going to take your fucking pinkies dummy. Okay, can I go double or nothing oh go. No mortgages hear me out: can I go double or nothing on son? You know how you're going to have to pay me. No rain check the only the only visitors who were
Let's get actually close to the tower where Seth swenson, the dam keeper and his wife maggie. I just love that damn cooper damn gave this guy up there I keep the day and the best job in the world he and then you go outside look at the damn today, still pumpkin. Let's take lunch. Mrs Svensson would answer telephone and really relay messages to charlie who was two miles away on his tower on january, fit the good reign was reported at marina. Reservoir, while the san diego nineteen sixty rain. Sixteen rains had begun heavier rain started on january tenth for twenty four hours in the back country. It rained hard and almost continuously from the fifteenth until the eighteenth it continued to rain hard and on the fourteenth it had rain torrents or roofs leak.
Storm trains that had not been tax for years over flowed. The san diego river went over its banks and spread across mission valley in the early hours on the seventeenth real tragedy developed on the eighteenth in the valley of the t want a river there. Around forty families hundred people are more lived in a colony that, by the way, the whole colony that'll colony. I didn't go into this, but it was a whole colony the around the idea of irrigation god. They never had a chance to try it river left. It shares overflowed their homes, wait, what irrigation or we're paying irrigated. We did at the college destroyed, many of the homes carrying them away to women were drowned. Man ways and railroads reclosed, lower otis
it! Reservoir filled and started flowing over. It became apparent that people were interested in the activities of hatfield up near the dam. The senior gains made headline on the seventeen thread is a rain maker work. He's a miser accelerated. Thank you. Have your continued working on his reign, making apparatus the sun found. They came back out crews to work on the railways and highways by the twenty. Fourth, automobiles were able to drive, nor again, but such damage, the airlines and the coast, how I could not be repaired that quickly on the evening of january, twenty fifth another heavy storm approached this time a river of water rushed out of the Cannes bobo park down fifteen street, all businesses, we're stopped people, people gathered on cliffs, overlooking mission valid to watch the flooding it felt like the reins would never end and the
damages is: will continue on forever the sending river. Was a mile wide torrent now covering mission valley? Jesus were so what you asked for the fuckin rain I would seriously. Will you can't put the genie max? goddamn bottle. Will you asked for the rain maker right here? We go. You want me to stay. Fine! Let me like some water on fire. Everyone you were like its heads, we win tells you lose, is what every race fucking our rights, trees, tumbled, sticks of, lumber, railroad ties and parts of houses floated round cattle horses, sheep and goats tried to run about the santa free freight santa fe bridge was ruined the coastal highway and santa fe rail line were cut in several places. Debris of all kinds, including broken parts of buildings, piled up twenty feet high at obstructions on the beaches at the mouths of king and the adobe bell tower at the palace mission,
fell down. More than two hundred bridges were washed out. Roads were severed at five, a five, the damn at lower o t began to sing, waiting, wow a wall of water. Forty feet high rushed down the valley, Jesus Christ, total disaster. The coroner's office would estimate the dead at fifty. Oh, my god, Charlie was in the. the world over the mountains. Boys ring was a this. Is nice? Nice appear get away. I just got here: My cauldron, megan rain gave a guy for marine dan between storms charlie, had to phone, these, the san so between the first arm when there's a smile, flooding and re second birth is over storm right and he was. But it is saying I understand the newspapers are saying I didn't make the rain. All I have to say is that marina has had seventeen and a half inches of rain in last five days and that
any similar record for the place that I have been able to find give me my money. Charlie got a message from some a name of someone via mrs swenson. He was told to go back to send it immediately and signed an agreement with the council because he had not done so yet. Ok without one, he would not be paid right. Charlie He didn't take the message seriously and continued making rain instead of your money, here's swindler I like can re genoa know but rather magda meal in athens, they'll up here with the czechs. Eventually, MR miss weathers said one day she told charlie. It sure writing now and traveller pride Yemen's anything way yet weight, makes it really re. No charlie, don't help anymore. I get psychopath Charlie now make it rains I'll fuckin, pan european,
graduates who wants to buy some sunshine you son of a bitch abbe, met my bra. The sun make. This is Dennis he's light accelerator trillion This is my other brother. He makes fog. third he's not dead. We have different dads to our hearts. He's a half brother, but he can make fog, come down from the keys. Especial yet, while peel the the mountains, you know he's so much. We pretend you makes foggy really what he does. He makes these little plates that he paints He sells them of a chest and like the mass planes yet, but us he makes bog anyway. If you want to get us, I can see used the far east
and he is fully blind if you're asking you should have his glasses of Charlie jewels stayed at the lake into three days after the pic storm. On that day, the phone line. to the swamp, swans colleges repair. That's when charlie learned of all the damage damage ups squeeze be analysed, someone was organizing a party to come up and lynch him. It's not We're gonna carry jointly decided. It was time to leave as joey left to men. who worked for the sending of water utility we're coming up the mountain to confront him, but they never charlie, you can you imagine together comment on what the fuck did. You do rain maker but they they never saw. Charley was brother because charlie saw them coming and hid until they passed smart.
It took Charlie Joel two days to walk the sixty miles to san diego when they got there. Charlie held a press conference. It's what else would you do just be anonymous. It's just the thing to do right now, going to have money, people have died. What's the best We, what yeah with tat a gave a press conference in furrows, he enjoyed looked all cleaned up well rested and Very nice WU said he was surprised by the devastation, but at this point he had learned people wanted to deny him his fee and that's what he was most interested interested in talking about it. The prescott that he got to see your heart goes out to people just real, quick, First charlie talked about re making career and disclosed a bit about his methods mean. A psychopath about me. No, nobody asked you that asshole
I want to say I have done this in LOS angeles. I've done this interlock generously many people have died surrogate I went up to alaska. Did this utah Yeah I can name in the states are now nobody asked you name any matter places our rain maker right and I use fumes it's the man with the weird glasses who looks like he's, trying to make fog. Next to you he's, that's my brother, hey he makes fog. Are you guys throwing ugly, because you want fox he's eating the mics? charlie said he would be willing to give his secret to the u s, government, and then expect have shed. He expected the city to pay as agreed That makes sense. Then the reporters are asking questions. Are there? reports that the council did not intend to pay. Will you see charlie? He said he did not want to cross that bridge before he reached
this settlement across the bridge before I've ruined it with rain. I mean there's. No, It is really might arrive at the back bangs. If I feel good to get credit for the rain will. Would you accept liability for the damage? Charlie said the benefits would exceed the damages the those benefits are not only all the water, but also the jobs are being create. it's a repair, the roads and bridges, a it's, a real, it's an it's, the new call and build coffins yeah I mean these are, are fake.
you're, making a lot of money in those industries right now at the coffin making has never been hotter. You might as well call me the moneymaker hello in the back. Oh god, how about the deaths? He was asked how bout them hey. The deaths were terrible, but charlie said he did not feel responsible. The city should have taken adequate protections, good, good, fair, great and fair great aunts. Great answer has always been talking to a pr person. He gets it after the press conference charlie knew the man he needed to speak to city attorney. Cosgrove. Okay, cause group did not want to pay charlie. His fees, charlie, expected a bit of a confrontation, but cottage grove was the
opposite. He was super nice, businesslike and very disarming. That was probably because he knew that he held all the cards. As the contracts charlie had written up were complete shit who needs a lawyer. He or she I hate, auto, correct, it's. Ok, they they seemed like a legal contract. Less like a legal contract and more like something. A guy who sold sewing machines, would write sure cause grove, told charlie to file a written statement detailing what he claimed to have accomplished in how much time is really just for a laugh right. Could you write up every and so prove you didn't. Do it sure now I can do that again and right of a budget bullshit yeah. I am a huge bullshit I'll right to stop there and then, pay me. There's a bunch of horse shit now pay me I've written seven pages of garbage. and I'd love to get paid so charlie
a sub page claim that was basically sales talk. He argued that while he was operating, the city only had three days of sunshine since he stopped the sun had been shining daily. So obviously the council owed him money it's either. If you don't pay more players, no consumer closer holes can be more clear in his claim, charlie and made the mistake of claiming to have been directly responsible for for billions of gallons of water that ran into marine it, and try that appear before the council on february seventeenth and ask for his ten thousand dollars. How much as cosgrave do you claim to have put into marina charli said: forget billion gowns, if not more, but you agree to put in ten billion gallon said: cosgrove there were five billion guns when I started work required. Fifty billion fill the reservoir. I claim that through the air. Sure mentality of mild instrumentality get four billion gowns report.
Into the reservoir and the other was the indirect result of my work and gay know any last january. Feel good is threatened. Them is indirect. Thank you. Ok. According to his own statements, this is cosgrove his own statements, this man has admitted that he put only four billion gallons of water into the reservoir. He offered to debate to deliver ten billion gallons. Therefore he has not fulfilled the Contract and there is no liability on the part of the city. The council then voted to refer the matter to the city attorney, which I say excuse me. If I were going to refer the matter to you right, the guy saying that you're full of shit yeah we're going refer to him right so he's the guy. You want to talk to sorry, but we just voted right, but he he does not like. He has already said that he That's shit right and he's handling things now to see again, so I think you're still full of shit. It's
So mrs deny payment arrears in the city attorney did not want to pay charley was that if the did actually higher charlie legally and they paid him for producing the right then the city would be claiming responsibility for making the rain. Another city would be held liable for all the damage. Re, flood, tat claims or at three point five million stakes are pretty. I truly hired an attorney to follow I see, but in reality he was just trying to force a settlement charlie offered to take just four thousand dollars. Look, I don't wanna be weird. Look I made some rain. I get it. Give me four grand things got where four grand on you're, not here for galileo, your business, When my brother here he's the fall guy walk right out. The door, you can add the fog, you get fall guy of sunshine, Tommie, sunshine, tommy right there Dennis the surgeon will even give you lightning Jim. Yeah
And this is to make living like egypt to make? We do it again? I can't lightnings a little bit strange and then my brother sandstorm, who know seems to want that's sand, said aunt Amy, the worst superhero levelling out the planet, say ambit of lightning guys, for the frogs hey, it's not poor, I guess agree bring out the fog. Here's the fog
So then charlie offered to take even less than four thousand that's when cosgrove said he would pay the tent entire ten thousand. Ok If Charlie would sign a statement taking responsibility, Gerald gerald Gerald Gerald Gerald Gerald generally baby, he says not the candidate. This is like what a boy band signs their first contract, you get to think redefined. Bread here, Charlie, did not take the offer of cake, Still to damage lawsuits brought by residents of san diego did reach the courts. The court's found the charley was not responsible and that the flood was an act of god, which is both great. Solving this piece of such a tax, if I lose the law suit in the lawsuit yeah, it's which trial
city. The city still make cash settlements to people who had settled out of court. Ok because they hired a rain maker here yesterday, so they were like that. We're gonna do to pay to get this problem out here, Charlie Hatfield them represent diego any receive more contracts or rain making, but now he makes All contracts were signed before he started rain, make no shit in eighteen, twenty five stanford university president David start, Jordan revealed charlie's con man. Methods running that is technique was too just arrived. at the end of the dry season. Then he would produce rain within thirty two sixty days, just as the normal rain cycle predict, but no one sees care, he was still hired, Oliver, california or smart, and eighty twenty nine. He tried to stop a jungle fire.
in what is stopping jungle fire after being hired by banana farmers. Let's those poor, guys, there's the birth rate, banana farmers heightening arraigned, hiring a rain maker to stop a fire in eighteen, twenty eight, southern california secured the rights to water from the colorado river and the need for a rain maker like China. quickly went away, we need em now right through the great depression he had arrived and to his work as a sewing machine salesman. His wife divorced him. When you know famous zeiner, fuckin rain maker and still make rain. I just have to stitch. Do I know I never wanted to be married to such a common sewing machine. As long as I lived the goddamn life he got married to the oscars, I wish I could bake it,
new options for partners, Charlie Hatfield died or generator of nineteen fifty eight and took his chemical formula with him to his grave enforced long, moral, art cemetery in glinda, California, where it rains all the time we gotta find it and rain on charlie's lawsuit, lingered forever, though it nearly two in two years he was finally dismissed in nineteen, thirty, eight Jesus and just before his death chop, Charlie, told the reporter quote. To this day. I've never felt right about that. San, diego city council,. to this day, no shit when we
started. There are one hundred and twelve bridges in san diego and when we got through there were only two imagine that there wasn't a train into san, diego from los angeles, but thirty two days everything had to go by boat. He excitedly recounted what and that's all they're like. Don't it's a bad thing? Yeah fifty people died, it was awesome. I shut down all the row yeah, so there's that guy well, I mean just people I just would love. I mean it would be nice we could just give up at this point. We should try to any one of these people like that. We should try to hire to get a little rain going here. Yeah we need it yeah, Tell what we're saying is we want to
image charlie yeah. If there's a hatfield out there, there's a hatfield out there, we've got, we need you, we beg hadfield it's time for a hat trick. We begging for you, please send the fog guy to love a little morning, fog going to be fine. that's my boy boy. I gotta check, as he slept, got his masturbating again come out of this fog carefully me I may tell you that's right? I've got the cloak of fog. Riyadh told I held is found dead the next day, Finally, he felt pretty hard afford. This cliff say did not think anyway It see any thought he was far. He thought it could walk air and he took a nasty fall died on impact. That's the only good news we have from this one and lightning jimmy thousands. Edge, regular related goddamned values. Can I pay for what you did
I bet the gym. We got our hands on your hard drive and some stuff. The police need to talk to you about what It was research for a book interesting. Thank you you're. Very thanks. Everybody thank you for. Thank you. God bless thanks, guys. A little trip down to america hey and we learned a little bit of a little fun with american history methods. This is what we do on the hashtag dial up. What made this country you're finding out in the new york city public school system. The really bad teachers are sent to inactive teacher reserve aka the rubber. The comedy takes you back to school george, where important naive, Lindsay whittle framed by her fellow teachers. Fights for survival in this academic prison, starring, alison, Oswald, David cross and more mondays. Ten am east on sirius xm raw dog, ninety nine and on the sx, I'm athlete with all our trials of popular class.
Transcript generated on 2022-08-25.