« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

11 - The Lobotomy Doctor

2014-07-06 | 🔗

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds explore the man who brought lobotomies to America.

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Dollop Merch


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bone our new policies that our theme it's a long bone. That's illegal and then the other one, we're were do as a gunk law and order yeah, ok, that of bomb yeah, a bumper. you can't do either? That is that, as on NBC bom, bom bump, on what are mainly by the vine, and maybe I was all anything, that's legal yeah. So that's only themes on alone, get out of my head honestly, I murmured ass people to come up with a theme song. the dub a long time ago and I feel like people were fucking with me. Why do people say they would some people said some ok stuff, but yeah some people sent stuff. That was, I was just like. What are you doing? Are you marking made. Are we gonna fight having a fight
This episode of the dollar has brought you by noise, theirs. contract here in the house, and he is under the house and he surely bang bang bang. His shirt was today he's asmund shortlist. Yet I'm a big fan. today shitless and I dont know if he's tickers haven't gotten down. There are the recent tickling later oh I haven't, had a sound bite for this, bomb? Pull me? No! No! No! I had an actual thing on my phone and I suppose your grab occur so gareth. Yes, that's my name. Yes, gareth yeah! It is correct. It s, t age at the end, not gary ok, some here of jerry, you dearly You add it am I'm Dave Anthony, I'm here with gareth rainy. This is the dollop. It's a it's a little, it's a little just a dollop is like a little
a thing it's a little tiny but a history, its tiny taste and her time summonses. Here I sent you here. I drew you a logo. It looks like a pilot shit, Dave reviews. If they draw one nobody, you can make it dollop, look like a low dollop, whipped cream or you can make it look like a giant. dump and everybody makes it look like a giant that they think another dump and add it really want a dump. Has my love I appreciate the efforts, the clear you yeah. That's right, a lobata me sure is giant cycle, surgical per se in which the connections of the prefrontal, cortex and underlying instructions structures are severed or the frontal cortex tissue is destroyed. it's not shown up on the site so we'll see if that actually shows up. But right now it sounds like he's under the house with
one of those you know and when you go to the fair you hit, though, as at the time, as I imagine investing the day, seventy smashing the house. If one of us is draining affair in two weeks, when a twin that fuckin, or I'm going to send this house up to the roof. It's nothing I or the frontal cortical tissue is destroyed, the theory being that this leads to the uncoupling of the brain's emotional centers and the seat of intellect. So it makes it makes someone like joyfully stupid yeah. That's the idea, tat. It makes you you remove your life the good and the bad baby and the bathwater stuff bothered me, and now I'm, like curtains, hey. Why did I end up with a psych ward anyway? You gotta be shitting me, you guys come on fucking front, ass. He had a real. I would have to wait this. How are you canada? Yet how will
yeah, so garters came witherspoon. Usually come on, friday is unable to apparently they believe in the fourth of July, which is nice. They ve on the partying aspect of their new country, their fair, I yet I do too if I was down in mexico, I would be like saying fuck. That means everything the bottom. It was first performed on humans in the eighteen nineties- okay, for I mean for my fairly recent? Now? That's not is that right, yeah. So in my mind, that's just a great. I just pitch that as a beautiful surgical time, the eighteen nineties and then the person who has been lobotomies and they picture clouds, so it this is so
in in the nineteenth thirty's, the procedure was pioneered at that time by a portuguese neuro psychiatrist, antonio monies mummies he began performing about him. He's after hearing a speech by to yale neurologists had been performing the lobbies on chimps, so you see the jump yeah so so it he's a really like that. Spain has man that was great Ella the monkeys after you cut their brain. They just lay there began. I know some people that I know like they like bananas at bark. The same amount now in the bottom of what listen this is, from the report. The chimpanzee went to the experimental cage, which is a cage. Were they like fucker our stuff like the usual procedure of bathing.
cup and lowering the screen was followed. If the animal made a mistake, it showed no evidence of emotional disturbance, but quietly away the loading of the cuts for the next trial. It was if the nor had joined a quote happiness cult and had placed its burdens on the lord. So what a bunch of bullshit like the yeah yeah, so they so. Basically it was like a screaming monkey yeah and then they went and they were like what if we cut its brain up they went into the sly, some of the brain parts disconnection and then, when I look at how happy he doesn't mind any more as if you haven't just scrambled his brain tat, you know we ve done is with a move that emotional partner you ve taken most of his brain out with, so he doesn't feel anymore, separated his brain parts of the brain
didn't work. Look he's fine when the basket spills he just wants. It filled up again he's like duh. It's like he doesn't give a shit about anything. Why do or that's? Why yeah after hearing the yale neurologist speak monies asked if the surgical perfect procedure would be beneficial for people with otherwise untreatable psychosis. The year researchers were shocked by the erika, lie in the back, we're fucked it up monkey student. What are you What what do you want to do? I think we can take this to the human love. The right alone. hello is this. On, as it is the michael at work. Mundo MIKE is on correct and they were like yeah we're talking about a monkey bro so together with her colleague, alameda lemme, they operated on the first patient three months later? They ticks
three months and they went let's fucking do summer break we gotta, do we gotta do we have been told by this house but literally months. I to I want to get into a fucking brain. I can't wait to take that guy's brain out. So they start doing the bodies in all. He did fifty the bottom up was so not a lot glad he uses special knife and he's Severed brain connections, so they would go into the frontal cortex and they then they separate from the rest, the brain kind they keep at it. Yes, that is cut it. Yet they do they just cut the ability of they went into your leg and just cut. They call so then said the bottom up, Let me look at you and then there are a lot of fun. Looking up much more like sitting on my god. This year was anglo just so happy and blubber. Equally love sitting more than ever, and I notice that since we cut his tendencies, just a big sitting, guy, so so, in some cases there are
governments and behaviour in others. There is no noticeable difference. Why now? I know that's the one I can't eat or about understand. There were some people in the bodies on and there like, It's journal see you next week, I'm still kind of pissed about you doing that shit didn't work, the first one that happened with other. What the fuck is going on over here and how do you feel when I poke you angry don't do that asshole Jesus. a monkey at all, we need to the monkeys back in set up. In other cases, the symptom being treated became markedly. Worse again, can you imagine that gas kit upwards? The batteries are a real craft. Yeah. It's like a brain, crapshoot rain, roulette able to play a brain lottery ain't. No! I like my brain. later on, he received the nobel prize for medicine for his innovative innovations in neurosurgery,
You got a lot of ease, mainly gotta nobel prize for coming up in the bottom. Is death externals was different If for taking an idea, he heard a speech didn't feel like enough humans, yet cool and so heat, but he did advise extreme caution when using the bottom ease and felt it? You only be used in cases where everything else have been tried and the person was basically make a mania amateur these are mostly institutionalized. People idiotic that, yes, each year enter africa- oh god, of course, hey who can make this worse? We do, though, enter the big swinging dick with the small brain Walter freeman doktor rather freeman ring, was
born in a family of medical tradition. His grandfather, w w keen w w king is one of the best fucking day and see it w w w. I really so close to a website. It's amazing yeah. What do you sell shirts go to kinda guy? What the hell are you talking about ww He was at. The tiny is america's foremost surgeon who is at the top surgeon, america and then walter. Father was also a well known, auto. Auto laren god colleges I yeah the guy who created long carlo, autoloading, gert long cars, o t o l a are why and geo l, I asked you know that your lunch eyes were long cars. Ok, Are you saying words? Never lung yeah, that surplus?
one cuts to death to hear the great timing. The first time the nod sounds crazy. I agree. Yeah, the guy came up with long cars yeah the guy made like cars, and your nose and throat guy, but back then they call them some giant named amid everyone, pests and, finally, everyone just what what about your nose and throat? What about you call yourself. That was fine and you want to take the shine off. He yeah ear nose throat doctor. So that's what we call them. So congratulations to your big bullshit word. I mean seriously yeah. Let's take it down a notch. Yeah, it's not yeah. I do so Walter graduated second class so like The third third generation doktor second class, a medical school when the prize for the best undergraduate research published in the arts. As of neurology and psychology, so he's a fucking common out hot hot shot, yeah hot shit shot years should shut
came immensely stations back then very different than now has a day without, They were more understanding. These great with me, at their own room for what it was. It was more about talking than drugs. Yes, that is exactly right. No change on the wall thing and overcrowding was common hospitals. drugs financially than out of money. There are understaffed, like it was their way. They were a nightmare we'll be there. I hope so, and then there are no there I had no idea the treat the people, so it was just a bunch of crazy people bouncing off walls. Yeah you just picture one flew over the cuckoo's nest, so maybe where he works much worse, not as funny not know chief. So I, The situation was made even worse. Several were too when other fats came round back and they had all their problems and then, Forty six life magazine went out. Did that
picture what you call it of a pictorial, essay sort of thing and the photos? Look like concentration camps, some of them some of the hospitals, just look horrifying, so people were pretty freaked out and they were looking for an answer. K, lovely okay, so out here, lobotomies have a was the perfect way to this because it took crazy people had made them seem like they were, not crazy, docile against have many, the laptop ex. It's like yeah, it's like I cut your dogs balls of work or head there, but any did help some patience monsieur. You have the capacity to grant aid. I always ate it helps impatience,
Will you cut some guy who was in his umbrella now started doing the thing? Is you can't now, as the person who had the procedure, if it didn't it, how do you feel better know some people talk and stuff? That's what's a crazy about this is reading about finding out about this is that some people then continuing on with their lives and and didn't have at the reaction you would think which is like from one flew over the cuckoo's nest. Yeah some people just kept going I don't know how you can have your brain cut it severed. Why does work on from home and it just doesn't. Maybe they didn't do a good job or they just didn't sever something amendments, one real sweetheart whose, like I can't do this every time you be snapped it. That's all I'm up, there's just this lovato me doctor with a heart, a goal that we don't know about. Everybody happy
So while two freeman was at saint Elizabeth hospital, you know that's where they work crazy people. He did believing psychotherapy, so freud was bullshit share. He believed that it was a physical condition that was causing these problems alright yeah cause. He said he did want to be like shame for these people. Well, that ends up being true in the end yeah, I guess later, and so he was superman research that showed that the behaviour there was changed by encephalitis and syphilis was the physical connection, so people who occupy aha AL capone was I suppose his whole life, because he hated shots really. Yes, a human We went crazy shot so many people, but he, eventually went crazy in alcatraz because a syphilis since he has
third stage syphilis, where he was just like lord and said that they knew was that the brain was affected by a physical condition. right as a he believed in that relocate and he figured out the earnings for the same I believe that the is work because the procedures, several connections between the frontal lobes, the brains and the failings which its seats. Human emotion is what they believe so faith at all this comes down to is that they think, like you, two emotional yeah, that's well yeah, if your emotional you're crazy. So let's remove emotion but we were you, know the emotion parties we're getting irina That's a good! What's the side effect most your brain and thats gone you'll be easy to deal with now because it here. little bit of a hiccup in the plan. Ok. while the freeman isn't a surgeon. Ok,
also. He couldn't legally start digging out of people's brains right. Ok, so he heard tat with a surgeon named James watts, sure doc, lots, team, freeman watts me up and together they started doing the bodies. Could cop bad cop unam, but actually first day started working on dead guys in the morgue. First, I practice on dead guys in the morgue which to me is a weird thing. What time you want to meet nine nine? Thirty, when you want to start yeah, it's also like so you go, you can There's some guys head and you go here. Do you feel any different? You still are you dead still good practice? I think those guys Oceans would be totally different. These guys aim at the sky. We did this. It is legal and look at it. Can this guy? This is how we want all the guys to look after the economies at least tongue out his tongue out. It's cute he's got crosses on his eyes, oh my god, he's adorable
before the sun. They weren't actually called the bodies. Didn't have a word for it. To these guys actually came up with the word. The bottom. There are cut up their cut. That would work is in there like. What are we call it? I don't know it's colleague, brain mix, anger or some shit. I've noticed go. What is what is the bottom? He doesn't do. We know a minutes. What is it oh yeah, probably that allow like the frontal lobe right on your cut. The low bought an item you out ever be great to have like the political shine that we have on things now. That it be like a man, general sustainability that good old bullshit to have some emotional sustainability sounds great good to want to cut into your head you're better. Now
so they're method was known as the precision method, so they created their own method that the other guys we're doing right. So they would insert a blunt. already of reared, beginning to the precision method through, I know blunt through the holes both sides of the sculls holes in the skull? But this thing through the instruments, up and down to sever. The thought oh god, dammit philomel cortical fibres. Then they do the horse cock up yet within a year blocking in there. I guess yeah, if you, if you cut the the skull, doesn't grow back ray. I don't think the bone does nothing Doesn't grow back so so you would, I guess, put up some party or somethin putty in there? Maybe a maybe a coin, a doctor you done with that gum. Can you make it the exact size of a quarter and nobody can just go ahead and hop added there? Were doctors
again, I morven I'm so after this the dead people in the more for a while they did their first patient, miss hammett, sixty three who suffered from agitated depression and sleeplessness time to our brain, like cut that you know. You know yourself, and you can sleep cut the cord cut that shit, they just six holes in the top risk, cool and spicy spice, let's lights, six I dont know why they did sex but apparently than insects. She must look great afterwards. Forty accords if reem and Hamon emerged transformed able to go to the theater and really enjoy the play okay, so we know what that means right, yeah. She just sat there like lights yeah. She just they just brought her and she was like a yeah yeah
I'm getting a drill, six halls into someone's head. They like musicals. They claim that fifty two, another six hundred and twenty three first lobata museum, the good result, so forty eight percent had bad. I mean if your neck and I am a big glass half empty with brains. Well then, ok, mr! yes, nay, nay, nay, said a loving. It were come out on top via marginal to book, but what they didn't do was off like a clinical yardstick for what was certain improvement are good, so there will I get better before don't look that exactly that room, What was she like before they out of their own? Please don't even look through their glass. She is yes what would he loved the musical? What was she like before the election huge beth six. Also,
she's happy. She loves play what she's been staring at the chair for now. It's a great chair get out of here and stop looking through that went out exactly what it was. So We are so overtime overtime, sure over, although the bodies are reformed overall the years, a third of people are improved, a third of the salmon a third or worse off. So those are three as well great, but that is not good enough for this to be happening. No, did you hear the part resume at one? Thirty, three percent were improved. Yes, two thirds were unchanged or worse off. Oh my god, you're such a negative nancy. I'm going to be negative. These are human brain. I can't even believe that you don't want thirty three percent of people that get better. I can get you to believe that at the mutual six holes into your healthcare? I can just cut this part neogeo by alma bulls. Yeah. The cool thing about the af. A third worse off is that fifteen percent of them are dead cry ugh. So that's that's! Okay, that
that's a negative, although I will say they weren't as emotionally distressed after eight years of one of them in the top cat, this one's not screaming avis ones, happy at the musical do others around him mildly disturbed but he's all avenant has that's what music users are part of that they were just weaken our knees, the fuckin crowd, budget corpses and with the surgery we get to go see my fair lady and white. There's more. You sign up for a lottery right now: you'll get two free tickets to for a deck adds to my fair lady, okay. But at that point they said it was only three percent that were dying, but the fudging, the numbers fudging, the numbers later came out that fifteen percent is how many diving into the bottom is yeah share great procedure, but isn't that hospitals were all down for it? I bet
that costs, because people are running on screaming at an early environment, tackle them of the hall letter or work environment. That's exactly what it was. There tat when people in the hallways, they're fucking, putting straight jackets on people, the chaining them to walls to chain him to the bed, not now they're. Just like. Oh, you used sit in that chair. Yeah and I wipe your mouth ever really had a one. Eighty, you gone from worst to first my man module then little amigo. Oh, you did a boom boom and you're. That's fine I'll leave it. You won't care you're happy, so so they are all for it. So they just basically want everyone to shut up right. That was the bicycle hospital. So freeman is now unhappy with the procedure. Ooh needs to get it because it's taking too long to do while now it's we want arrogant. It's weird that guy who wasn't trained as a surgeon would be like.
Oh this fucking two hours getting it all right, drilling and cutting the right place, blah blah not being able to jab around and hit the golf course. go through the eye with a spoon just bizarre bashing, about hammers. Forty five. Is everybody bored right now re hands who thinks there's just sucks? We could be out here on the golf course to say in a cold frosty beard sound. Do bad either hear me out. Ok, so he He loves you ve got something girl, you ve got something he was over, which there is a whole that would allow easier access to the brain fuck me, so he developed a quicker method, Christ, the so called ice, pick lobata me it's just which he performed
for the first time on january, seventeenth, nineteen, forty five. So that's that's pretty like that's the forties, while the world suck distracted at this point that I guess you could just get away with this. Okay, oh boy! What do we rank this? What is this? The sun operation shock quick, follow up to my father, went over
first one ribs on the ship stuff that went over and tickled a room to the other one. She was paralyzed on my left side, so he looked very upset. I mean what do you think I'm supposed to look? try bout, a happy. I read: what was it the present, all those we lose, the jazzy music, I that thou art a lead, but you know it just as that that is a great to begin with a maybe what it does something,
That is narrow matters, terrible. He didn't tell wants. that he wait aegis has hiding is ice, pick member if it does so with this guy's a fucking psycho. This is mad not a good? This is not somebody. We should even be talking about like talking about this like this criminal the psychotic criminal, a I get so much better, better means worse its the good side when you share in office with a guy as a surgeon, guys not, and the non surgeon strikes, performing surgeries and hiding them from the surgeon. That's good here that good eyes. This link that better, it's quicker, hey! What's that ice pick, my man, nothing gay! So
Just keep a you know: I went in there and you can't move unless signs keep us on the deal on the dl or read about that and Walter Freeman son in an interview said: we didn't have a refrigerator. We had an ice box and the first instruments came out of the kitchen sure, and they were perfectly so. He literally opened a drawer and went holy shit. This ice pig woodwork os and then did it did it also. He couldn't afford, greater here. Out of that, is that a letter written? But no, you must, they probably did if they had a fucking ice pick, they must have refrigerants nineteen somebody s room. They had two hundred for dames, never pass vice box, so he should have had a refrigerator infused really doing well. So he just there was a person who he was like when you just gonna we're going to try thy yeah.
yeah, you're, basically yeah, okay, so yeah! He basically just said: let's are going to try this new thing and he just went and did it and so what he does is he just puts the ice pick in their photos into the corner. The I knew your nose and does a little wiggly, wiggly and fucking cuts your brain Well I'll use it as his brain as he did. I say what does a wiggly sorry. Does a wiggly weekly what yeah, yeah? Okay? Well, I think you're being a little negative, so he found he could here's what it is. He finally can insert a nice pic above each I have a patient with only a local anesthetic, so the persons a gate. What he does was each. He gives them but you're shock therapy and then so then their kind. And then he put it. Pick in there. I and does that's the that's, the local anesthetic, is electro shock therapy because that's not what we call it
Does that mean we might have had another anesthetic, but he was easy ledger throughout their be first, so that they would be com just no less than if they had metastatic there's no need for the electroshock. There. Ok, look if you are, even if you are, if you, if you are given in a local, static that you're still awake and asylum comes near your- I even if you ever look local, anesthetic and eu, be like yeah they're, don't know like well how about, if we just charge it through with electricity, I, like others, breeze, breathe, deep, that through my eyeballs, I guess for okay. This is going to hurt so much not like a little. No a fucking you're going to feel a huge pinch in your brain you're, going to what's going to happen, as I'm gonna put this in you're, going to it's really gonna hurt and you're going. Scream and they're gonna go down, so the lasting you're gonna feel ever is intense horror, fear and pain. Then gone member
It go see my fair lady yeah, so he does local anesthetic. He he would drive the ice pick through the bone near the eye and tap it. With a mallet, a mallet and many switch, the pic back and forth like a which your wiper almost washed, and everybody's good, so as new technique can be formed in ten minutes, bought a boom. Let's get this shit started. Fuckin rule baby, unattainable enemies, apex. Each get him in here. Lad. Em up now, it is crazy. I remember this. Isn't the time when ford in the assembly line, that kind of shit was the great american thing sooner. He basically took the culture of American applied it to surgery.
Oh boy, are we putting a little shine on? Basically, he was the ford of brain mutilation. Ok, now here's the cool thing was the cool thing, because it because he could use electro shock. He didn't have to do it in a clinical setting, so he did have to go to the hospital the dont really excited for where he is doing so. So doing them and in their office in their deasey, are just like come on in dear lady, on the table are ever so the desk the desk. You know what I was flat, the har? Okay, you sure this is the right way to go just get on and get on the table. You're not going to care about it and three to snip the houma. I'm sorry. I had indeed operation yeah, but you know what I'm talking about so one day watts walks into the office to find freeman. Cramming ice pick innocent ones. I saw it and he was like what
fuck. Are you doing what we we do for lunch so yeah? He was completely flipped out and he ended their relationship right. There he's like you're fucking add man. This is not how we do that. Okay, I'm a surgeon. Remember the whole studying thing to be a surgeon. I did you're a crazy person. Okay, I'm on his side. Raymond was like you, gotta, be sharing me. This is so fast. It's fucking awesome looking Guy he's stupid as his can be perfect now, whom I met we turn this going to an apple, it's great weight is that an ice pick? Ten minutes. Ok, certainly timely timing. Tie me. I'm time, the secretary aim get this get Barbara euro russia time know about this. You know we're not invite all of you and it's not what you just. What are those of sand things, its authorities, who think we have a stopwatch yet ice from the fridge? I could do it. Danny now, no written by Van,
making it happen over bottom unit come on come on, then you write a book, mobiles, god yeah good, good progress back I'll, be fine, so so yeah, so he is so things are good. Things are going good. Well lost is so he's lost his surgical partner right. So no one even say a surgical partner because he's not a surgeon but he's lost the guy that does the surgeries lost the surgeon, ok. First, so after was ended, the partnership shut down the off actually had a little petite mall right, So freeman was like all not stop, initiate any took it on the road I so he bought a van
in the. Were we just doing a hypothetical joke about him being in a van doing the shit, he got a la bottom avail boy. I wish I was getting. He called it. Looked the laval shot up from the bottom of the ocean. It's unbelievable. How the fuck are these things slipping, glitter, the fucking cry hope and I, like you like ice cream, oh yeah, just automobile their and our eye. Kids. What do you guys want? I love it. Crimson
I so you would pull up to san asylums and and people would fucking line up for the bottom. Is people being the patients, the patients, I don't understand how they. Why would they so the lobata me is it because they don't know that there is a huge down side yet and that they cry rewrite. It became a machine like this looks great it's because it's called the LE bottom avail itself. Well, yeah he's argues. Horn and where no one had done tend to myself and great the letter? this one. It's over go litter, so yeah. So it's just so he's cares about the country he stopped and often hospitals to perform the operation. The
Jo Leinen up people that would help right, zero patients. The word is that it helps doctors were off for it. So that's the big thing. The reason people are lining up is because the doctor's like this is going to be awesome because you'll stop punching me yeah at the hospital so as doctor. I so could you imagine being in the back until the bottom eli and you're like, oh god. I hope I hope I get there. time. Oh, my god, it's gonna get the bottom. I gotta go potty god there it cold. Is you drive craig? One hearing went back and forth across the united states eleven times hitting up all these insane sounds. He got what he belongs in one I mean what is it? He was also a flamboyant self advertising and grandiose
man. I know we save as every dollar, but there's just such a movie there, oh my god, so he started getting like I'll show. Many, like? U turn and unlike the liberace of the bought us great now to mix them. tat he would perform the bottom he's right handed and then left handed now and sometimes two hands at once. Now but he would put the gender is guarded earlier The bottom is a dream is right. Handed then he's like look. I can left handed, and sometimes you put ice picks in both heads and then bang them at the sam, especially around hey all the shit that was paralyzed once both are dead or no that didn't work properly. She just with my good, and so this was not like in front of people that he receives booker yeah.
Like a spectacle like a show he's like le botanizing people in front of me, Poland is using is due at the end. did you showing off and he's got flares showing off for the crowd he's like magician at this point is like fucking days that congress one trick is cutting brain and sometimes doesn't have to die. Do allowance to die today, yeah we got. What did I want the dad yeah, what he would use ordinary carpenter's mallet instead of surgical hammers, oh good for hygiene crowds would show up, the press would show up and he always played for the crowd
instead of the formal approval of his call any request: can you can you bang? bang the ice pick with your forehead. What does that? I don't want to live itemize myself and I just drive around who I am, but it's him with like four patients they just run down, but by moon. you got a stair would have any guys. This was the dollar fuck horrible. Once he killed the patient. When he carelessly step back to pose for a photograph during the operation. Camera
by the way. Looking fellow smile came back, this is not there's not a iphone cameras. Either secret delay interposed the big flag. Don't I've got it all in her brain chubby? Fine. How do I look? He let his eyes pixley slip to deep into the patient's brain. and he's like so he drove an ice pick through the human's brain, but someone was taking a photo, so he had to you've got to pose so he had to turn and pose yeah, and then he was like oh yeah, shit yeah. I can held up his twitter handle on a sign. You know, can we do another photo where I don't kill? The guy is like I do yeah we'll get another guy. We've got a lot. I would like to do. Ever photo sure will be whether or not killing a guy great. Ok, natural to you don't need to pose. I I think I should have my. I think I should be doing. Ok Ok- and I also need italy, the camera okay, sending to make eye contact. It's really good stuff, we're doing here
eyes and at any rate, I in my eyes to be wasted. If they look at the surgery, yeah yeah, that man's dead he's better coca girl, calchas gonna guy coca cola, vehicle drivers from town to town Looking for people and the bottom line in the LE bottom, a bill was what he called the headed shoulder hunt. this guy is not a good may monster is an absolute monster. He would have been perfectly the nazis. these they would have absolutely yet he claimed that time happening around world war, two yeah this is Nineteen for devices is right, he's here. We need to do in this is already thinking about just so desensitized people. So fucking does look. I can't I can't give you started doing before. The war was this isn't like it. I just imagine that he claimed that time past more swiftly when he was hold hadn't, shoulder hunting.
So it's so boring when I'm driving around national parks. If I gotta drive all day and see like a buffalo or whatever natural stuff, I just boring compared with just a jab, an ice pick into someone's athletic correct, Are we really is saying that it, as is the test For me, it makes today's you know I just made today just just Bye bye is when I can just put an ice pick and it's like nine guys had a great. I was swamped. I had to ice pick thirty brains, not boring, though they would buy like that I wish the bottom. As you know, I was just as nasal thinks. So, no, no I'm fine so, he started, having his assistants time him to see? If he could break, is the bottom speed records You want me to say something: I'm not gonna tell you
crazy that reggie reggie got a terrorist attack After that, swift probable wants you dead, and this one it only looks paralysed, oh yeah, but we did it. We did it. We wanted to kill that is literally a man's dead is literally killed for dead man, but time wise he started from the operation in a production line manner. What do you mean to keep going? I'm sorry like, like ford's assembly line them up, guess what a fucking prick once the bottom is twenty five women in a single day, so they will just like bring on the next one. Tap tap tap tap, bring in the next one tuck them, so they like they let coming through on gurneys
I like the way in a guy. We just stare at the way they killed in a car would confront him, and he put like a modern bumper bumper to bumper bumper, so he's doing that with human beings and lovato is a god. He preferred a hundred ten. The bottom is a week. That's just crazy. Journalists were often purse per at present on his tours hospital so that his appeal That's would end up on the front page of the local newspaper. He was also featured in highly popular publications. time such as time magazine and life magazine, and often these news stories exam the success of the bottom me. In alleviating the symptoms of the, so everybody was in under the magazines. We're like, let's Ok, let's not take the picture, the dead one. Let's take a picture! The lady! That's smiling. are all this is her before look like the story and ever like so It is like the there. Like fox news, evans I well. This is a man
Using you know, it's all fake right. Everyone is doing bullshit stories on all of our fluff pieces on brain cutting yet of brain. so he is the first celeb celebrity the bottomest. Is it safe to say he's the only this started, where a wide brimmed hat, my god, carrying a k boy and the other brief case in which he kept his instruments and he got a gold plated ice pick my task is like a john womb about now is like the principle of bottom yeah. gold pay. I mean really the balls granite he's just like nobody saying scarp are the guy. What it to get it pointed was like you want to do what I needed a gold ice pick and the le bother me man. You see what I do right, so the silver shit ain't working for me, I'm the butter ratchet
he became known for Have style when prices didn't you have is when he presented as colleagues he loved to shock them. He proudly row. In his diaries when his fellow professionals attending the operations fainted or vomited? Oh, my god, what so great doktor Larry Jenkins today first vomited and then passed out his own vomit dear diary, nailed it again, but literally literally turn patient into the cucumber made seven doctors throw up. Let's just say I killed nine people in a bunch of my colleagues have chastised me and feign it, because that's what actually happened today. It's called winning that's what that's called hashtag guys picket, I'm gonna frame ice pick
freeman, was a single handedly responsible for the sex success of the bottom in america, which was not successful it. What a well I mean, but it was successful, in terms of it being a whole time, but it was it isn't. As far as the fat of the bottom is goes here, he was the king of a horrible fat, ok hitler, the king of killing jew who possesses gills academic credentials and personal characteristics required for such a medical breakthrough. The master of exploiting the press and the contemporary environment if we tackle the proud of his technique was adopted an elite institution, so now everyone seen it and I was doing it so they're all all over the country, eminently agony, do agonized biggest scramble brain its analysis. It makes the day fly by too. It's like wifi, plus you're in a hospital, and some guy is screaming at you and you're. Like I have a headache. I'm tired
I think you're going to have a headache he's screaming Jimmy. Can you come in this room over here activity type that be? nice in here in my hand, what about the game so so he's now. Having caused the country teaching the technique to groups of psychiatry, doing like he's so he's teaching surgery- two groups a psychiatrist, even though he is not a surgeon he's not a surge he's, not a surgeon and and he's teaching it to psychiatrist, who aren't surgeons. Generally. I don't think so is this this that that is where it goes right, then they start guess psychiatrists or for big studios. People are not qualified to do it or doing it all has now it's just like: hey just gonna get of tippit tap tap yeah activity tap divinity tap tap tap freeman. Happily, for rice, pig lobbies on anyone who has referred to him during his career. He preferred
support their philippic lira like it was for my foot, wait? Oh no! Now during his career he would perform almost thirty five hundred operations. some of his patients could return to work. Those guys it I do not fucking know. I cannot even began understand, or maybe you just missed the things he was supposed to be cutting. Well, I dunno it seems pretty exact what he's doing like he hit it perfectly every time, while others were left in something of a vegetative state. yeah. I can't I can't get over the guys who, whereby hey what would you do as we go? Jimmy man I'll tell you the crazy shit! No world happen. What I got la bottom. I'm are yeah well anyway. What do I need to see which documents it isn't over over here? What did you get it? Did you guys I've gotta later bulgaria, that's great! That is great where does say about it,
John Merrick, Why get the body every weekend? I feel pretty good, so all other all of the new york times newsweek readers day, esther all reporting positively on the bottom, and so the the american public love the idea. The bottom it was like this is the fuckin shit net. It's Just this, it really isn't it just like the same sort of thing over and over again, like we'll just buy into some bulls. bullshit because everybody gets right. It's the same things like the wreck. Yeah, it's something as iraq, but it's the same thing as like the cookie diet. Yeah! It's all this nonsense, fuckin shit! There were always thinking only of the latter yeah, it's the same thing: it's like careless, a new super food and it was again and then the next week you like, I was watercress
If more eggs donate eggs, I've only eggs, that's all this, and so I want jump on board seriously on board. But this is, More people are coming and I have a cold. Could you Do the tenant my thumb, the plot, amazement. So there is really no objective, a sense of the scientific about like so no one was like doing like this doesn't really were of advocate her although on now I was just counting and seeing thousands of dead people and paralyzed and what not cured fair enough all our cured fair, fair! Thank you,
a freeman, also operate on people who were clearly afflicted by psychological disorders, but this was not always the case. Some patience underwent the procedure for region reasons such as alcohol is and what the fuck I cannot stop with a drink. You drinking twinkie, let's cut your brain in half or bad behavior, or simply because they are perceived as mentally disturbed. He even operated on a twelve year old boy, howard dully, whose stepmother didn't like him in one of his personality changed. It was basically a normal kid and she hadn't bottom eyes. He still alive. He wrote an article on uk guardian, it's called, he didn't, know, use the bottom eyes. He was fine he now he had while he went on, is a functioning person, but he had no idea the bottom eyes, instead,
in financial terms like forty five and then the bus driver once that's how we make bus drivers wave So how did you find out? I don't know if I know, but at one point he was like way. I'm sorry word. He said what awaits you saw what happened when you're low biscuits also, he also performed lobotomies on rosemary Kennedy, while rosemary was said to have been considered a quote unquote retarded by members of her family. That assessment has been why the disputed biceps we gotta now subsequent analysis, some concluded that roseman, it may not have been as brilliant as other members of her family, but she was a functioning person, the diary showed an active social life. She's reported to have violent mood swings
and stormy personal personality in nineteen forty one when she was twenty three, her father just of kennedy was by doctors, that a new procedure would help calmer mood swings and that the family is finding difficult to handle. Her father gave permission. He performed the frontal a bottom. This was freeman and watts. At the time after the surgery rosemary was reduced to an infantile mentality that left her incontinent and staring blankly at walls for hours. Her verbal skills were reduced to unintelligible babble. She was, she was institutionalized. That was in forty one to the most aim is the candidate in america, and the newspapers still acted by your fuckin awesome. That's crazy! Right! It's crazy! I don't know, doesn't than you think
Who is think that would not be okay? If you really think that, like I can't imagine, zig somebody like brain dead and being like that matter, here. We ve got it you're. I here, oh sir, so then the end. If come, nineteen, fifty four, so you ve been doing this. For ten years a new drug thorazine came out and drug appeal: the first shot marketed as a chemical, the bottom so the way to market the pill was to act like it was as good as the yes. The mixing occurred. Stop this monster. so it was given to two million patients and it was very successful yeah, not a lot of dying yeah, not a lot of not a lot of irreversible damage
dudley. Freeman was no longer invited to state institutions. Oh boy, poor guy, all of a sudden people started talking about the negative effects of lobotomies love to hear epsom haven't heard any yet I haven't heard neither protests started. Whoa whoa and serious research support the protesters. Statistics showed that a third of the patients approved stay, the salmon third got worse. Suddenly it became difficult for freeman to leave an inexperienced psychologist alone with a patient just a catch all at a fight so he used to like going to go yeah. That's how you do it. I gotta get out of here. So the lobotomies fad is over. It's like disco, just like the kobe fat. It is just like disco, just like Iraq, the bottom, it's all cool things come doing it yeah eventually
People like wait, slavery is horrible, just realized, but not for freeman. They said he did not want to give up the lovato a move to California, where we love hey. What's new is the fucking leader, the leaders of anti vax, yeah, hey, what's really shitty. For me, that sounds good. So. He began. Pushing lobotomies and oppressed housewives who didn't feel like their lives, are amounting to much so he's like. Are you you in the house just feeling sad, sick of doing dishes? Yeah, I'm gonna cutting your brain. He eventually performed the bottom. on children kansas scraping the bottom of the barrel, patients with terminal cancer. well, I mean, as some degree like I can understand, that a little bit more
Is your to relieve cause they're well by night you're yeah you're dealing like you, baby you're gonna go through something horrible soon, but at that point I'd rather die. But I didn't understand somebody being like, but there's no medical reasons. Do it now, there's no medical connection to cure. It can't beyond your brain, I mean there's no real medical connection to the bottom know. This is going to do the trick. They're not going to do anything. They trust to look at while they look wealthy in the eyes These blinking trust trustworthy. I don't trust walter. He the bottle. As nineteen children under the age of eighteen, including a four year old as a monster. At this point, a monster fucking for europe now he's just now. He should be executed now, he's a fucking monster and unfocused four year old, He was first selling a botanist people for twenty five bucks, a path their hands
as a back alley. Him jobs, a man I'll suck your dick for butt, crack rock predicted on the bottom ising the ally for twenty five, real, quick yeah. You can do, while I'm in the bathroom, the body in the bathroom put this box over your head. Here we go client, client client goes to trial. Eight letter- hey, it doesn't appear to fit bugs pretty good money, though probably recommend right I mean that's pretty solid yeah, that's a that's, not bad, I guess for murdering in eighteen, sixty seven sixty seven sixty seven pace and love who wants their brain caso he's been doing so, since the fad ended. Fifty four he's been doing. The bottom is for fourteen rogue year, another thirteen years in california, just just fucking action, people up
it from the bottom up on one of his patients in berkeley, California, he severed a blood vessel and the patient died three days later. This was the end of all the freemans, the bottom spray. His medical licence was provoked was fucking. Now now was revealed now, Kay the four you're, always one thing, but the guy you killed. And this is maybe like a thousand gave kill, but you killed of the last. You have probably murdered about seventeen hundred people, the performers just graphic you're, not a doktor anymore. All were the live it up The way you were never a doctor, you are a man with a tool kit, you and your as big a mail you we are what we call a contract that nice big, mallet and dream. Ok, you can go to Debo. So during the five years of his life. He performed no more. The bottom is: he died for cancer in nineteen, seventy at the age of seventy six, he read
we should have been the bottom eyes, but here's the crazy thing freemen was one of the very few psychiatry who believe that mental illness had a physical biological poland, which is what is blue, so ensure ok, hold on In some ways the LE bottom may lead to thorazine, which led to all of the stuff. We have now which helps people don't do it. You have to do it because it was the fucking dark ages, advising a horrible thing yes, but did in the end. Was he a guy who may have any yes saving more people yeah. combat, probably right back off that because he couldn t that could have so ok thorazine was created even call it off
fuck off, but the in style right now you're right about? Well, he had a. He had a problem. Well, he also had a gold plated ice pick that he had jones. He had a lobotomy mobile. What's he supposed to do just who is going to buy that now he's still got a lease on it. Were you doing in here make in case you enter out, but so It was one of the few guys who, yes, who thought that there's a fiscal, so he yes yeah! So, ok, yes, you're right, he had a heap see believe something that was maybe not widely believed right. However, however, we cannot defend a man who took his fucking lobata me business on the road like care tonic in the eighteen hundreds and is selling people, aside dance and musing jazz hands while cutting
It's not ok, do exist I can balance and I speak on my nose while the bottom as these two guys guys This is going to be great. That's my husband who has the clown week. I mean you can picture bill murray playing this guy. Could you make this a movie, because it's so horrifying? You probably could it would probably not do well. Yeah yeah. You know I get away to stop this yeah. He just picnic, Colleagues, I buy you a nice pig is given a lovely look. I wonder if you did me, click your brain. Gonna put your brain so you you shall be a cadet. So how do you feel this entire goes our darkest as the horror
Was it because since the vampire one empire heart one pick us up I got up since the vampire higher one. This is by far the event Her heart one is similar in the sense that you can't you just can't believe and there's shit that we're doing now that people are going to look back on and be like. The fuck was wrong with them, but I you can't believe there was a time when these things were okay, I dunno they shouldn't be. They should never be never but again when you have a circumstance well you're, desperate which they were in those hospitals right, their desperate yeah trails, oh, they need an answer and some guy provided them. We want look horrific as it was. Yes, I'm off. I understand the head, a stressful work, environment. Ok, so now I want to talk about him. yeah. I wake up the ducks the dogs on board, though it's like your wake up. The dog does not like lobotomies know the dog needs one.
I'll tell you what the other potential for all the potential noises. It's pretty good, that we just that was it It yeah, oh know, a lot of blogs. We did the so we're going to end up working a she at this point? The bother me she thought I mean that should be the dog's name for the bottom labrador named it love. This is. This is exactly what it's like. Is this like LA bottom? I think the dogs should be the bottom line, so that was you so instead of having the joy and emotion that the dog is the dogs expressing nerves, However, it is not. We can throw that, although, like we're trying to do something right now right we're trying to get something a common there's. Just then there's like this screaming doesn't atlas right, you're, not listening! You can't get to calm down because it thinks is protecting the how yeah blah blah blah. So we could take care this budget's nimitti snap. we're just, as is the Baghdad the boost given to having makes nip snapped at them, and I think, will be five in the men.
worst case scenario bleeds out new sons, playroom pay down. What's wrong, the dog daddy fixed their daddy fixed any fixed. The dog you're, not gonna, bark anymore. He won't you can't do any to play warehousing me great good dog. I look at him. He just lays there, like a rug, he's been dead for days, cookie, dough. Well. Well, I'm sorry. I had to tell you this yeah. Well, I'm sorry too, and I mean you're not at the american history is not pretty. It's gonna scoured some days ago. Some dark shit, that's disgusting, this disgusting! This is the worst one, the worse yet, but I the canadian and me is excited to think of the movie. the fuck. That is amazing. Alright, alright, we're done, I hope, everybody's happy and nobody's I speak for everyone when, as a nobody's, happy mouths
thought they they're out of happy ethical. The doll family slipped through the back door. Our third world like here's, an idea. For a dollar Art is a good idea for a dollar picture of a flower,
Will we tried why there everybody its gareth? You know from this this podcast listen. I've got some stand of show some inviting the garments tat Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff September twin
forth and then in november I'll be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, canberra november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it did after it. Let's see there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-03.