« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

1 - The Past Times w/ Karen Kilgariff

2022-11-03 | 🔗


The first American newspaper, Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic, was published in 1690. Since then, millions of daily papers have been published. 

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to Gareth Reynolds and Karen Kilgariff.

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The alright everybody woke up to the pastimes podcast. Each week we go through an old newspaper from a random date in history picked up by Dave, Anthony I'm Gareth reynolds, and I said it before, and neither is our guest this week, tara until garrets, I can guess hi guys welcome. How are you ok are you? gareth gonna talk in that voice, the whole time is the disease is like a new rushing knew. We were be very professional, we'll we want you to make this whatever You want it to be, and we're just here to support a dop. Thank you for coming in care, and what have you been up to it's better to clubs and colleges all over the country? Are you going to love her? She tours all over the country. She's a favorite here, just unbelievable
Karen can work in we're working to go to your the area, your from business news. It is from march eighteen, eighteen! Eighty! Can I guess, since it isn't sonoma county depressingly a cat No, I really think that existed. It is the Clover, dale regularly, ok club, clover. Dale is where we have to stop at the fosters freeze on our way to blue lake, which was up in late county fullerton, weak a vacation every summer, where I would go in late. California, and I would get so sunburned like first day, a third free sunburn and then it just the problem, you manage for the rest of the trip. As an englishman, very familiar with how the first day of what we call holiday go it's it's time to bubble up how about some blisters for your bags, that, after look like a grandma
let someone watered after midnight like little maser about. Does that poor thing off yeah. I know cloverton level clever to those for people. Don't it's about! I want a couple hours northeast san francisco this this paper I picked, is right. They got the train two years before so it's big times. Things are happening in clover, Jerry YAP, very exciting three trains. Three trains are common each day at this point in eighteen: nine, that's how fuck I awesome yeah so I'm gonna page go have what was their main export to you now. like dairy, I I yeah. I I think it's actually. I think we might get there. I think, okay, I think I've read saga earlier. I think. Okay, I it's an animal product. It's an animal thing I think Mart.
Yes, it's fallen out of the train doors again with porcini able to roam. I dunno today we got go good. Lard get a lot out of town, so this is a page one right in the middle. This is under communicate that this said the way they used. The newspapers that they would group things into like they'd, be like local, or happenings. This was just our communications on saturday, as after you, young, the well known insurance agent of this city. We all know after you, obviously income. with captain damone of san francisco was driving near Skaggs springs when they came across a band of six dear all feels invented every night. Every place bills gaudily made up for by chemical,
bit of sixty five of which ran up the adjoining hill and discipline, into the this generous, but I don't. I looked it's not a word. There's no word chimps into the chemists image he has neighbours pharmacy, then dear farmers, this area chemist it we got unity protects. Can this one antler broke off in it,
hurts like an analgesic foyer. Absolutely yeah, yeah anxiety sit over there by held right now. This is in the newspaper, Libya. Actually there saying dear ran by that's what I mean, I guess that's more concise with their signature. There's more there's more to this story. Fire took off you're, not gonna, believe what I finally got a fucking mailed right fills me got him. Then they went to the generous while the others, while the others. So there's one kept along the road in front of the buggy, a short distance and undertook a job. A picket fence got caught. and mister young, leaping from the buggy captured it. I like how the dear jumps affair since leap is never used, but when it's a human there, like you, wouldn't believe what he did, this man job. I they caught him dear boy, they
if they took it to Skaggs and it proved to be a dough about a year old. It died soon after it was caught, and it is said it was talked to death. An insurance frank ought to given it an accident policy with animals. Those is this a joke, newspaper its sculled, like the radish women, once one thing will learn is how nothing was news like literally, but not the stuff. That you're, just like you'd like him in gems, as a deer, get caught on a cold. I don't know, let me get that gym and a J, but at the end it doesn't seem to make a ton of sense. What are they? it like someone just was that he put in he put it a little funny. Ok sets liese lightening the mercosur
was past. Bees lay in a mood because a grown man tackled a deer, a baby dear to the point where it died. That's just seeing if a dough, a Jesus Christ, yeah and the odds are that's where I forget all the words. It's the only part. Anyone knows. That's the funeral. Do a deer, a female deer. So this this is under this is so we're a page to its under word errors. So tat It was just segment of pink, a fire citizen, and essentially quick and I mean to hang up on this that hold dear being tackled That story was under communications. So is there? like town, go hussar, or was that like one conversation they had on the one phone in the town.
it's just something that someone came in and told them that the newspaper this, if you connect segment of paper, they should make, sets a communication for the agencies, I the dough, died on the feds with a guy tackled. It lobbies its communication, the story, I would even say. Having peruse this paper, a lot of it feels likes like feels, you know when you you run into someone else, get a store. They start talking to you and they won't stop talking a lot of it feels like that's. This person like this person is just like. I I got it. I gotta. Let people know what's going on in my head. I have no need of a green paper, I dreamed that perform. whether their real stories are my own personal communications matter, gratify, there's no order the radish. I started my own little paper after I finish, wait, you're saying so every
over here. I turn into the pit of every big. Everything can be categorized as everything which is what I love about it a reverie, the reverie radish, okay, so like this is under this sections a little odd. It's really various actions. A little on this citizen should not be used, except when possession of political rights is meant to be implied. Newspaper Reporters have a habit of bringing it out on, occasions when person, man or I standard would accept express their meaning a much better. I mean what what's that is this under complaints? It's under it's under quartered errors there not be an occasion as well everything's. A petty communication in this piece is twenty percent today and other papers yeah. Also, we
go through the list of the three people, its person. And or bystander are that's right. That's all, thereby centre be person man by sooner than others. No women are talked about. I advocate, but it's like amazing to have you two categorize it and women like other beings beside. man did not be a category to be like a simple three category: it's either a person, a man or a bystander. Ladies, were like guys, eighteen to nineteen eighties. It's always been this way. I just hope I meet a nice bystanders swoon. Did? You see that citizen over there, my lord, oh citizens, the wrong word personally Andrew or man is correct. That's three related category! So this same, it's all the same man, yeah sort!
on page too. This is titled children in the park where my here's, my gun, more dead. Dear child child jobs. Efforts gifts, man attack. It gives it ended, assured saga, dance at the end, mobile communication. That's gonna, give you two when I get soul and body weary. I, like a stroll into the parks, sit quietly down and watch the children with their nurses. I think, but I can pick out every child there who has a sensible mother. She Your exposes its little bare legs to the treacherous wins nor puts out her babies eyes with a dazzling white veil, addressing her child so far that it cannot sit down on the seats. If her child is backed or lame. Now here
She does not render the poor little creatures, misfortune, more conspicuous by a gaudy costume, so she doesn't a good mother doesn't hide the hump I'm gonna gaudy lists. That's a really common thing is that there is a hump situation with your child. A lot of women will gaudy it up it gotta gaudy town. but this is lay up most of the time. Heart comes I looked over years of, say, a spy I'll issue. If I've ever seen a child with a humpback either go baby I the euro area I got. Some kids are born
but it sounds like this town is a real problem. The adage town only has problems. First of all, the peel v of this person is so creepy like in any and other it ain't like that If that was handed to like an editor of a newspaper now there are great stay there. it. Took me right back to you know what I mean you'd be like this guy is clearly going to the park for the wrong reasons you're talking about there's babies, legs, barely legs and then at the hump. How the hub hampers the hump articles on if her boy has grown big enough to be ashamed of long girlish ringlets about his shoulders. She does assist upon sacrificing his insipid manliness to her absurd vanity.
with these views. You may be sure that my list of children who are blessed with sensible mothers is rather limited than other lies. Yes, there was a list. Yes, back Andy rooney's senior, putting jack it's that show people where your child is humpbacks one. There's a boy we just put a balloon had on the hop had said we had a brother growing out of our backs. We need to get back to that time. I don't wanna, be I don't wanna, be mean to anybody with hump at all, but this doesn't seem to be a key. Furthermore, the issue: will you What's going on in clover dale in eighteen, eighty six, they might have all had records. We, but I clearly agree this, even with a hearing the other context of the paper. This does.
The large in the paper is therefore not a bathroom stall. What is going on whatever I don't ever need to see that again, this is private. Yeah, it journal. Yes, yes, I think we actually kind of did ok, go ahead Well, that's! What's let's go we're here on page three, we got some adds. We got it. I say who wrote that are like what what does it's never said it doesn't have your resonate. It is their data about drawing our pig, the meeting, a high percentage of something that lends itself to some understanding of what just happened, I mean there's just one picture with him at its uses arm around the home, but you can't see anything else of the child. Ok, this had this is just an ad in it just says: cure for cancer, red clover,
here's cancer salt, Urim and all other blood diseases for reference in full particulars. Address stubby, see Needham san jose california. They had a bad, they had it back then, and we just forgot about it. We forgot about it and I can invest, they got clover pills took care of it. Clover and assaulted. Rim margin yeah clover, unlike margie glass, this gap, I think you're gonna talk or thursday. As about cancer, cancer, free branch kick Oh sunday, finding the lads, assaulted rim of nokia answer who had no salt. good luck with that. Ok,
This is the best ad. By the way, page three for a cancer cure seems a bit like burying it. I dunno that should come after the hump story. It feels like that could proceed it, but okay, you try. He dropped that up top This is death here through the teeth that the death deaf here through the teeth. Now, Does this is hard to read just to its space. There is this: an outer a column. Persons have Everything is an ad, yet so the deaf here, through the teeth Equally, all ordinary conversation, lectures, concerts, etc. by new channels to the nerves of hearing by a wonderful new invention. but then to phone. No is serious. Stop it.
The remarkable pub public hand four remarks public tests on the deaf, also on the deaf and dumb, see new york herald September twenty eight. It displaces all ear trumpets site. of an ordinary watch send for free pamphlet, the american dental phone so this is our near telling you they're selling you something, but there also saying go check this other newspaper for the fact that I had thing that's right you gave us newspaper, is full of articles of eggs. You won't be able to actually process what this is now. Do the hallmark of this with you? figure out. If this is getting. If you go to where the paper, your technically the sea of this company, get a phone That's so you hook up to your teeth, so you can hear here going to put here horns out of business,
bigger, worn, was so popular. That was the big thing dimension in italy. Forget about Air horns Lang all over the house is dead time that weird paper, drop had the sea of like the rapid phones, and he's like seen this. I put in my teeth and he's like my god. We're going be ruined now this whole time ever nearer here after that goddamn t shirt a bizarre live. It's only provable to are there Small group of people, This is this is the best this is theirs. I don't think we're ever going to find anything better in old papers than that, then the dental fund is there a picture of the they dared to phone, no like there's no picture its eye, whereas all because what would you do you'd be like the second that sounds like what does it look like if you like tat, whenever you're picturing, it's pretty much that can I? Yes,
I would illustrator gorge, woman of the day, look into a mirror on her. You know: knights I let her boudoir hour and then she would have this big She basely have grills in great, but with kind of a long cord coming out to a fox the coroner dental phone style. I love that she's plug did. I only noticed she's, not a man, person or bystander might be a little using the people that you know made her yeah. I just don't. I can't picture the parson. Do you what I mean? What is it sergeant? personal it exactly it's! It's a non man, woman or ends says them to hop bystander, not big up. I must know in a huge job, not gonna, know now interesting, very curious work here.
it's very strange. It's hard to pigs, the mythical No ok, good. Our so far rely on. I am now that's number one in terms of what I would buy if I was bow. Even if I were even if I wasn't death I'd death idyllic, how can they hear through my teeth, like I just really interested in again, it would ideal fun I'd rather be through my teeth, that's possible. The motto that's Mata I'd rather be listening through my deep you put your fucking mouth and listen to me at any more Show me your teeth. So we can get it there, your head, I'm leaving and then she, this huge data sandboxed
now we may miraculous thing that they never noticed what it looked like slammed the door. For me, please back is killing my hearing teeth, this out as its title. This addison add just how prejudice the It is of many in favour of the old methods of treatment is vanishing before the accumulated evidence in favour of a warner's, safe, kidney and liver cure, reared wind up for the pits and what was happening for three fourths of that I thought they were just selling. prejudice to people that are on and low, sir I'll take some give me all you that sent you there. You racist, you need more prejudice, Adele I've started respected way,
No? No, no! No! No! No! No, no zero degrees bills that guy they're vanishing, perfect. It's just a bunch of mad people or bystanders again, who wait so is there more did I one does That was the whole aloe. Will you read it again? It was not long. I just don't understand what happened This may be an issue with this package, because it is very good the courts to visualize the past when it was so full Weird bull shit like that. Where crazy? Just it is hard! It's like somebody explaining like what they found in the wardrobe in the lion. The witch is what you like wait. What was it christian lion, I'd. Why? Why? make it a hippie, it's more reliable, ok,
It is of many in favour of the old methods of treatment is vanishing before the accumulated evidence in favour of warner, safe, kidney and liberty are makes no sense does anybody know so here's the translation, ok, people are stopping deciding new cures, fear liver camp because of all the proof that this liver cure does what Those people are getting modern, got their liver, cure attitudes that good people right like stop eating beetles or whatever you do before. I got something better I made up. If I keep aid now, don't get worse, kidneys right, I was there. We don't know that we're dead, we're just not sure where I'm ok but another oh you come back with a definitive information. That's prejudice there dollar. Eighty, a traitor,
Send for a bag full of sire tokay. I thought you were you didn't even know em all is that your guy has a talker myself again, roach! would you like? Okay guess so this management thinking tat, you I'd rather not a pillow change, bullet mercury gadget each narrowed, I'm modern each year on this, just these are just like little thing. There's no. Beside intersection. It just has a bunch of different things that nothing is ice. Action like on sis and good- is getting several fine buggies made for the livery business?
and then there's this one, which I notice that we did. We didn't dump on this guy dennis kearny the sand lot agitator was arrested last week and sentenced to a fine of a thousand dollars had six months. Imprisonment serves them right This is Wait as somebody who clearly learned that story, what does he do? he has outlined dollars back then, is like a hundred or your boy. He was. He was basically railing people up to attack chinese laborers like he was the irish guy goes. I kill all the people that are from air. Well, then, can we just say very: I used to hear a response like that from some, but I didn't know people like that really exists. Someone who's like this is outrageous. You know, sir, it's actually what you're right. I'm sorry, I thought a few people shouting about crazy shit.
modern attitudes about liver cures. It solves everything. That's that's right. So slow mechanism, oddly personal things it section, miss emory and miss minor. Two of clover deals good, looking school arms, the paper office with a call on wednesday last week. What that's I'm just gonna another piece of news couple: a haughty stop by and call, I don't know how young swarm arms came to the newspaper office so that they want to know it's that look really what it this is a person's diary is. This reminds me of Jeff Jeffrey jones in deadwood, where he would just walk and try to get people to talk to him and tell him so you re,
is just one guy and a printing press and, like his his discretion, it's good to picture that person to then you're like oh yeah, okay, it is totally insane with images. Just like it's. Like I mean it's like your whole paper is a gossip column. Essentially, but everything's, crazy, yeah, yeah and old, and then this is a kind of influenza is prevailing in and around clover day. It is the worst thing in the shape of a cold. We have ever encountered so Certainly it read clover yeah I I got a cold Did you read the article about Kevin's gold? That is crazy. mercy was a dear. Did you see that look at that? we're lucky we got away. This is amazing. Fresh mutton, shipped direct from the city, is for sale in this market.
Does this happen in the very gateway of the great sheep country? What s going on? all one page. He he went into the store and he saw they were selling mutton from san francisco and he's like what is happening where the sheep people imported mutton is bullshit, though it's the best version of mutton is a gamey as fuck. You have come up river for four days. he's, probably back then think about it, old mutton set out in the sun and then like that it accidentally looked on its way here, where's cooked all the mutton, every slow did. We didn't have a made. Do we it's slow roasted put that in the paper. I would but I'm at a room, a guy lost a shoe it just that wherever wherever the fan, where will the credit here you know what I mean I got to the baby's his priorities. That's what the paper is. It's a good start.
I love you brought back up. He invented a away to get its that this guy his finger. You not, I mean look. What am I gonna do? Take it off page. One about frank. Look at me, weird weird covered that italy it leads. We all know this- that business get your money now to hear you're, not radish material. Read that I see this as a one page. It's it's a call. It's a column of its own adjust blurbs stay in here so this is the end. This is the end of the column. Can all at shapely symbol is in between each blurb, like there's your asterisks like its It's close, it's like it's like little a little design, the glow swoop in better
in each one write like really nice brackets, but on the side, yeah yeah they're, like nice brackets swoops should be an asterisk. Everyone should have an asterisk at the end. It should just be like not real. No we're not, May I end with a cry for help. Please don't read it. the last one is just think now nodded Is licking my hand? Why is that in the paper, what happened? Who is this person? Don't just write every single thing that you think you don't read every single thing. You think: no, no, no right that! No, no don't write that alright ready pregnant, pointed out word for word: and then frank got on the other dogs bed, the report on this next week.
Ok, this is the last thing in this column. We hope our readers will overlook the scarcity of news in this issue sickness Our family and with ourselves also has had a decided tendency to check our innovation. Our ambition as a journalist this week so he sang he's a he gets to the end of this column and he's like I'm just sick and it's not going well. I don't have a lot to write, but it's not our our problem have money? They have every right to have someone else right. It get. There's gotta be an apprentice or someone, string, better thoughts together, demi, sorry jack. No news. I've got a cold.
yeah. Also, I've taken to talking about myself in the third person which I'm really enjoying right now see you next week or the nod. Male bystander who lives with me, loves it most of my new policy really This is on the same page. it's, because my dog it's under a section. Its It's another more random stuff. It starts with a grand book and that goes into a boring thing about books, but then it goes to this. After a little separation, es. Laying the opposition. Barber so Opposition is, in parentheses, so he's the opposition. Barber has but certainly had a series of trouble during here sir George. In this place several times his signposts has been carried away and hid his door tied, shut and other
ex played upon our night of the razor Lange is somewhat eccentric, it is habits and the boys taking advantage of his sensitive nature, are more inclined to bother the man. Then the strictest rules of courtesy would justify. Our advice to the boys is to let the man a tone give him a chance to make a living and what I am hearing here, is in the boys in town. Don't like the nerd barber. they're going full jackass on barbarous and it then the new, if the predator has taken it upon himself to say: leave the barber alone just thought of paper. What kind of weakling is this barber? I mean? First, I'll. Do you want a nervous? Barber is now that especially back then
all the razors involved, mostly razors yeah. I know you did I want you do not want that, and then there is the best part I gave the dog or the dog going after the guards. Okay, sure if this were a parent, as you might think that this is random, we do this. We have pursued. Do you actually land moment? It's a break. We just take a break where Dave the guy, the dogs attack, the gardener. Dave gets a quick thirty. Second, basing it sees already back I had to close the either closed the back door and then Larry ran and threw up on the couch. So it's all good right. That's a good reaction. I've had people whenever I have a door slammed in my face. I just throw up on someone's yeah. It's like you, don't do that to me. It's the ultimate Then you don't tell me what I can't. I can't do. Here's my lunch hairs believe me. I know Joyce now. I also think this guy's
Romanticizing the barber s leg in a pretty thick. He calls a knight of the rays yet neither razor, I think, here's did want to say barber again. He be he sees himself as a wordsmith and he can really bring to life who these people are. Now when I here. These stories back to back. I think this person has a great vocabulary. That's the fuel! jumps out now and show of flu. No vitamin d in his system, because the fact that this person is already a a job for the rambling of a signal, so this is the next the next one. Down one day last week, the eldest son of age, be christians and aged about nine years, climbed onto the top of a tree. In house yard and losing his hold fell to the ground. A distance about fifteen feet striking squarely on his head. who is conveyed home and medical attendants procured. The top.
The skull was found to be completely flattened without any symptoms of a concussion and add this writing. The patient is rapidly convalescing. We just call of table Rebecca home adjustment. It just tell the table. I put my soup off him. He fell fifty feet from a tree and the nails rode straight, flattened his head on the ground. and it's so as a flat hair. But they're like he's gay, he's fine he's getting better, really quick he's better than ever I'm sure there were no yeah, I'm sure there are no future issues with that kid. He was fine. If there were someone was probably just like you, gotta put a mint leaf under your tongue. You'll be okay. I like that. It's good do that for two years or finish or two yeah? Do that for to be ahead of the normal again? Ok outside this, I would
They have all the stories we have heard so far. This would be front page news of a local boy. He has a massive having injury. Yes, maybe warn the others do not go up there or something like if we work in the priorities? Will there's like more to like there's a story. There's like a beginning, a middle and an ending to this. There is a moral there's just stuff: it's not just someone being like. Did you guys see that can act where's, the article which just hand written It was a follow up now that is a follow up next week, Jeff did they see the gap who stories captured the hearts and minds of it down ok. So he likes to go into on page we're on page six now because we too said ads or sub so
this is. because into like world stuff in and he'll go into low, but a history, history. So this one is called a peculiarly taper you out of the newspaper he doesn't. It is ok sign. This is called a peculiar race. Letter from one a professor, a nord scolds assistance recently published in various scandinavian papers. gives an interesting account of the shooting, a particular race inhabiting they north eastern portion of siberia, They look very much like greenlanders because everyone everyone in cinema county once they hear they look I greenlanders like ok, I gotta. That's it that's a frame of reference. I needed greeley greens gangrene hair got it exactly what your basic they just picture, cheer pay. I will get gray lydia. We know that type, greenland that green you can eat up, thereby
they grow back. I don't. Nobody, I look at one got. And much like greenlanders are small but alert So right now I picture it's ready to go, it's a dig at the slow reflexes of the greenland people. You know they're like greenlanders, except they react yeah. I know what I mean. Their motor skills are grade learners with motor skills. Amazing dream! Imagine our small but alert, have brownish, yellow skin with coal black eyes and hair and a singular joyless almost frozen expression the face. work for a man named wonka and chocolate. He doth make I love it joyless. Like the shiver that
is up your spine when you hear race in a paper from I'm your lady alys, like in my head, I'm like please be a foot race play out. It's like we had a new breed of human, like, oh, my god, stop that perhaps they're not fun and they got little black guys, but they move quick and their faces are frozen. sorry. Are they actually talking about likes love? people or like what is it these are people who live like way up near lick of Ethel tipp of like russia and, and and norway, like they're, like an in lapland. in, like Sweden, its outcome there it is against, like the sea me are a people so so they live up where its like most of the year- and just this sort of play
that nobody wants to go so they're like we found no one's here there live in so that there are essentially, ativ probably are a native people to that area. Okay, they're being announced in the paper, for whatever crazy knows people, whether and the original people that want to go yeah that'd be the magic telling them that. I don't think that's the case now. Actually, that is, I don't think, that's possible. No, no. We want from Heaven opera gods finger. Ok, so they live in tents, dress in skins and feed on seal flesh. Their women are tattooed on the face. Yet in their intercourse with the crew of the vigour. They were a little shy but curious, like penguins and willing to help. Now. I'm sorry yeah
I know that last by broken down like gave us there Oh penguin, people that are interested in us and also very helpful its it. There is part of this. That's going back and is looking at oh how racism just is foment. it and new, like supported. In a small town kind of like yours, I on the world right right right non white wild one ever about their when's. Oh, I get these people now, that's also so create I mean. Is it s really it's the flippancy like the way that there is still so play just be like is a super raises that I don't think twice about play. Stop talk. Is that not only will they like penguins daylight raw fish?
Their moral ideas were rather naif but firmly adhered to as far as they went so not great. Else, but also like whoever was got. Whoever probably went and quota quote discovered them was probably you probably were why not seeing the best version of a group of people- and I can't get out of our home yet I work for the radish yeah the ship captain just like waiting, Dont like Jesus, where were you haven't at the bottom up here. Oh well, that's interesting! Well, how now well of their language, a dictionary has been made compromising three hundred words and it will no doubt prove of interest to the linguists, the three we're a dictionary, app shirt it's all they had to that's all they need to conquer them. That's all you want to say around a white yeah you're like limit
language. They will take it and use it somehow You guys you about a bleak talking, talk a lot yeah interesting, it's private as weird, where hansen not much today. Advantage of, so I should probably get moving yeah that just a bunch of snow and quiet people whose faces don't move I'll cut back with some of this melt. But right now it doesn't feel like an exploit, much search pie, hole, no bigger, they got little cole eyes. Can we take the as I'd rather not right? Now, let's stop talking about them for sure Ok! So now he's back to history this diving into some russian history. Ok, a riot of this strength see structure from the sixteen hundreds and its. An army? I it's like an army that worked for the tsar like there are like these bad, a sort of
The strategy ran through all the in rooms of the palace looked into the storerooms under the beds into the chapel thrust, their speed, as ever the altars and left no place without a visit from a distance, they theatre salt cough going it. One of the chapel and someone cried out. There goes Ivan and their skin and the ok man was so frightened. He could not pronounce a single word or even tell his name once he was at once killed. His body thrown below. When I was detained till he was and that he was not a narrow skin. This death sentence, body to old soul scuff. So this So I thought that he was one of the guys they were looking for and they kill them, and then someone like you that that's actually not him, and so now, they brought the body back to his dad and that a listen. I'm sorry about the killing. Your son, we thought it was another guy, someone yelled
that's the guy, and then we kill them and it turns out. So that's on us. You gotta understand you got. It god I. Why is that's history? Why is that there are so many other things that could be discussed. That is such that is worryingly specific. It's really he knows embers, otherwise, the makes no sense. This is very this is very much dude. Read a book this week he's like I gotta, fill up this paper. I mean I got like nine nine, literally like a laying open on that one page. Now, I'm not mocking it, why? Because I think we made a podcast out of that. That's right! so so they bring the body to old, so scarf an excuse themselves by saying that his son had been YAP, by saying that his son had been killed by mistake. So the lex sorry,
god's will be heavy it will be done, said the old man who had in the presence of mind, to give the messenger something to eat and drink but a beards Jeez gives a good kid. You hungry is certainly no What can for a little while hang out kill. My son make it really famished sons dead, guys like bread, so We were then we're ok, moral hours, more recent dream up because it still present a cat guy. After They had left the house in tried to console his weeping daughter in law who quoted a russian. He quoted a russian proverb to the effect that quote there, turn will come next, servant overheard this and who had a against the master, immediately rushed out and told the straw that his master
threaten them and they returned and murdered him on the spot. They don't they're not allowed to do that. You can't do that in the same day. Don't talk, shit yeah talk, shit get hit with a sword in that's right? You know the saying that sharing I remember it rhyming. Doesn't it I've no like now, sandra. Nor do remember x in your mind, yeah it's the right line, because it's very disjointed vat rate at them. Yes, that's real estate, I've ever edit it so weird that goes its own leaves you with a feeling I get rewarded, but boy can't tell you how it makes me feel they killed the sun. They said. Super sorry the dead said: don't worry about it there there is a misunderstanding and then they came back and killed the down because these they had a daughter lives like yours, they fucked up I get there yet there we're gonna has around You would you
Did you say to say some big hat big fur, why you stabbed yourself why you stabbed yourself why you stabbed I'm not a bitch. He did it okay, at the end or is there outsail does it feels like? Ok, then, is that guy at this newspaper ran your air, quoting makes me the hidden. It's like an argument for when the church, if like back, then there were only like three things to do its bit it. So you get up in the morning. You read all this garbage and then like this can't be everything. Like that is so fucking yeah that really more yes, because we have access to so much different somebody different avenues of thought and interest that if this was your source of information you're, you must have just been like I'd believe, there's a place
My relatives live, who have passed away and I get to go there once I die, which fully as soon made some widely own place. Someone just kill may I add my father's, we could go up there. Something this is work The indications are going to be like all the time down. Here I got get out. I read three weeks of the room, In addition, I really would anything else. there. Now, whatever it is, rather dies bibles item air, always dove plagues. You got all be able on think anything armoury of my life. I need a cure. Did you say levick YA, gotta, vibrio, Sonny boy, you just gotta get a handful of sand and kiss this night. So we got a new section here is called a news. Yeah no intelligence items is
a guy and tell items, but it still about mutton, it's all my it's the recipe, it's more mutton stuff. This is sort of what's going on around the country. Several gentlemen, especially young lawyers of Boston, who live in suburban towns, ride to business in fair weather on bicycles. What I thought now you, this can't be real rights, the item. It's not aware this was a fiction. Paper Did you hear what's going on in boston in its near this? business men, said tom with wheels in whether you say the weather part of it and fair weather. Now that really,
It has no impact. It's important to point out that the weather was neutral, maybe like jacket you don't need anything heavy, not definitely not a scar. This is how weather reporting started I just ran with what I was feeling on the back and then I was like I want to talk about the wind. I just everything about it: the setting you're good, but it's too interesting agenda standards are it's way people are getting worked. The next one Memphis dairy man set a loaded gun inside insiders, poultry house in hope of punishing some chicken thieves and his wife ignorant of the fact was killed by it. No you got it. You got it Well the lady going out to get the eggs that you put a gun situation in the chicken coop. Yes, I think when you go to a chicken coop firing, your gun communication is important. With your family
for sure it's nice say sickly, he's gonna, be trap. The jailer heap of travel, chicken coop and then his wife went in and he didn't tell her. He booby trapped it. He book is measured. yeah. Eighty seven is introducing Josh mankiewicz like business. Dateline is totally etude forties, dateline, fake fake or you're just gonna shoot anyone that went into the chicken coop and it's you and your wife here and she's the one that collects the eggs every morning. Okay, that's rat! I need five minutes yeah. When I hear a pitch back, great take all this time. You mean we back tomorrow. I got a lot of debate the lake and taken out have more chicken, we have more chicken news. This is from hartford kinetic
a hartford man's excuse for stealing a pair of chickens was that, while at work he hung his coat near the coop an on going for it. He found the chickens. Roosted honest same now. He had the heart to wake them up? He said, then, is what a saint I got at all events. That's a jacket again I'll return them when they were out Let him be let him be not a bunch of sleep and watches to deal not now officer, contraband sleeping quarter, burma, that's right,
That's, not all your chickens and watches, I'm sleeping now, ok, so he lies amazing. Today's and newspapers amazing to yes humiliate. He had the hard to wake about peace said so he wound his coat around them without waking them and carried them off. There have been other robbery quiet His defense was ingenious, but he was sent up for three months. All the same. Ingenious act. Why Just come up with such an air. Tight defence is lit, chickens crowding near code slept well, This is our on page eight. Now, just
just a sexual through this. Just really it's easy. When you don't want to hear any more, down, but it had no need to re. Read this thing that at the moment I too Bill minors went to abolish cargo last week, one of them getting intoxicate. It took off his coat and laid it in the window, while he vigorously engaged in the witcheries of the dance, an officer jets, audience that's actually use dancing. I thought sex, I'm ready, I felt very euphemisms and yeah. What is it? What is it theories of the day and witcheries I'll be off to do the witcheries Peter. Please be my lady. Would you like to do the wishes of the dead? Wasn't he added down? How do I we well know that, So much illegal, an officer took possession of the coat and found
they want in the jacket can code outbreak, it's an epidemic. Finally, while in the pocket containing a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars which returned to the careless minor, which could you Now imagine a wallet that has a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars it that can't be right, like us, It's like it's just, not possible that a thing. It started thing that happened, but its links flags, yet a in the dean hundreds if a nickel would like by
was like what you made in a week, one hundred and eighty seven though that yeah I mean that's millions of dollars in our millions of dollars to the dance. I just put my coat down: yeah thats fine. I started out the chair with all the other coats at Oprah either way right a billion dollars. What's good story as normal, yeah wearing radius more reporting on? This would be phenomenal. But of course one background that data bank, or did he does he work at the minis? How did he think he got it and yeah he's just minor? They say he's willing to. Here's how they got it He is one of the men who walked from Chicago to leadville when the mining excitement broke out and returned wealthy owing to bold speculations
so you say, MR classic he's the classics. Striking minor who went to the big town and struck it ray by with stocks. and you know, could you could you transfer stocks into single dollar bill my pockets and go to a down. Will you put it in this wall? It that's the size of me, perfect god. I wish someone invented something like banks. Should I go home and put the money away or no? No, no! No love! It's I'll! Go straight to dance august. Halting tat! I was datasets, it's too important. Here's the thing about me: I fuckin, left a dance lay. I hear you left. It gets by thing yeah. I don't care. What's going on, I don't care how many millions of dollars I have in my pockets. I'm gonna fucking cut a rug. That's rad still buy that it's just a coat with a fifty million dollars in it, he was like the first
they tried to make it rain, but back then it didn't make any sense like what what throat now is that going to help the crops? Boy now is in the future ok, so so he's he's written more personal stuff. Why get? This is what I was? thing. Last tuesday, with our right, I swallowed have shut with a narrow jia and to double tang job teeth. That's in premises, aching, like all possessed. We entered the medicine lodge of doktor mark and told him to get ready for business. All right driver mean that's what a whore above a thing deliver time where you sit down and a doctor's you're gonna make money may, I have real ill. It sounds like was, is I his eye? Was
was swollen that swallowed shirt. He had shot if it before we had. Oh, you know route canals you eat vacuum. So obsessed that your whole face could swell. Like that's cause the and if you I know it's it's everyday up but in a bright me Yeah thanks spit and person blood sprang out of the man's mouth, as he threatens the dentist, with business yeah yeah I'll, take my business, who I'm blinking like a balloon. Whoo Fifteen minutes later we returned or office with two archers less teeth, but
far happier frame of mind as a tooth jerk is weakened, call heartily. We can heartily recommend doktor marco I here anymore, it. scared here like they used to, if minutes, by the way, for what sounds like tremendous amount of work, yet the gray, a kind of light brain. Surgery. It sounds like where right we're, just gonna put some dynamited your mouth and I will go in the other room paragraph, my bag. I've read your best to germany. first to a dennis does a jerk I want to do that begs that does deployment you gotta to jerk is downstairs. My is the size of a love, oh, how I do
one one that we have one last local one. Last local p. I say this one: this was on page foreigner. I when then, is there an anti cap cartoon down the back that Eugenio entertainment should there be there should be, but this is from a ray of hope. Marshall minor, kill the large rat on the sidewalk in front of the express office on thursday evening with his cane the that, refuse to surrender and our marshal was forced to kill the varlet. What This inability to others have the size of animals brain. Basically, living back then was it you witnessing a series of violence being done to animals and children? Yes, and I'm just kind of like there. I care I'm in a report maybe not
the same thing holy shit this His paper was in print from eight seventy nine. Until two thousand and four now I gotta wait really quick. Can you can you get a recent version of it political, I can put the last one. I wonder, I wonder if format changed at all, where's. The new editor. I have your notes on the actual formatting periodical explore, airtight others brackets It was great suffering everywhere, purchased is then a hat and then we're gonna pick em out for the order of the weak, ok, including history. I gotta go straight measure that can be the front page
means anything. It's not that much different again! Oh dear caught out feds ethical adapts the the last issue as december twenty two thousand and four, but they they've up the graphic so it's as eighteen, seventy nine and then is like a picture of like vineyards and stuff, but the story is six annual christmas, which, which program a huge success so they're still there they found a way to say wishes are real now, yeah wouldn't have it any other way we did it. I do hope. Town paper know that you're not allowed to wish that one as well. Erin. I hope you learned a lot, local market away through. I went ahead for facts again for realize I feel, like you know whether it was local
or all the way around the world, I was really let into a time and place. It was to learn that this guy, whoever this person was crazy, crate, in and an definitely still able to take it. I'm out to be an overt racist, narrowly get that in the pig annually, peel peel back the veil and show us what it's like to be sick and make up? and then even with sickness and dental issues still took the time to judge local mothers with sorrow the job they were doing with. There's room totally: regular or maybe sometimes other able, children, doctors to prejudice. You gotta, take this to parliament to deliver cure I try to Call people will care and you have a podcast. I believe too right
oh, do I've chew part casts mighty partners, my favorite murder with are too hard stark, and do you need a ride with a Chris fairbanks to fantastic pod, Then everybody listen you care and thank you for coming on the past. I was bad thanks. for having me that was really enjoyable. Enjoyably knocked out enjoyable, we took you. We took you share your homeland, sri lanka, so great to have been born when I was and not in a late, eaten up by stander, sir I'm gonna name person, I've looked dollar, peter with a king. That's our way! It's doing it's how we deal with thing. They still do today. They have, but they have a rat cane beating festival every year. Well I want to thank tradition.
You again here things you guys screw you dave mombi. You made me alone on. Oh, I there everybody its gareth, you know from this. Despite cast listen, I've got some stand of, shows them inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth in September nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september. Twenty four.
And then in november I'll be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.