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Zelensky: The making of a president

2022-04-30 | 🔗
For weeks Volodymyr Zelensky has been leading his nation against a devastating invasion by Russia. As Ukraine continues to resist one of the most powerful armies in the world, President Zelensky has been lauded as the man of this moment. Yet the man who had spent most of his life telling jokes was a political novice when first elected. The BBC’s correspondent in Ukraine, Jonah Fisher, first met Volodymyr Zelensky in January 2019 when he was known as a comedian and actor. He charts Zelensky's incredible journey from comedian to internationally acclaimed wartime leader of his country.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Well service. This is not a good thing to do, because police are, after you find out more at the end of this podcast was a chimney, came a voice that a couple of months ago few recognised is now unmistakable. The war of russia, is not only the war against ukraine. Its meaning is much wider russia trying to defeat the freedom of all people in europe, the people in the world economy is linsky. Ukraine's president has led his country's fight back Against russia's invasion, comforting the wars victims, they rating ukraine's enemies
Demanding more from her allies, the press by the I wish you need the leader of the world. Being a leader of the world means to me leader is a war that was expected to last days is now into its third month. Russia's advance has stalled and didn't places. It's been pushed back. Presidency linsky is now being loaded is the man of this moment. I, your leadership, has been extraordinary, but it was always like this before the russian attack questions were being asked
to weather the landscape of former comedian, really had what it takes to lead. Ukraine, I'm turn a fisher, and this is the the making of a president on the BBC world service. Hello high, I jonah high zadig, the camera man, one of you can one. If I put this radio mike, I first met lotta mucilage back in january twenty nineteen. He was then a well known, comedian and actor. He was relaxed jokey, but a big celebrity here in ukraine. It was the start of his political journey and a fascinating time for me. As the BBC correspondent in ukraine, I've had a front row seat as the lens He has gone from political novice, deleting ukraine's fight for survival in the war against russia,
in a way will almost the same age, I'm about to be forty one as well, because you forgot, unfortunately, I'm not ready for press. who know nobody when it's the twentieth of january to nineteen and I'm with demoiselle linsky on his forty first birthday, as fate would have it. It also happens to be the official birthday of one of the most extraordinary stories in modern politics in the centre of kiev. Ukraine's most famous comedian and Acta has just sign the papers to official become a candidate for president. None of us journalists are quite sure whether we are part of a joke that we ve not been let into
I read something more sincere: it's an issue that Zelensky is quick to address louder than mutual said that gives them up. This was not some kind of advertising trip, I'm a man of my word and if I've decided to do something, I will do it this is no fake, as it turns out for perhaps the first time in his life, so linsky was being serious but ass to spell out his policies. Well, it all seemed a bit vat. Egg on ukraine's existential issue, russia, he seemed, for example, to think that foreign investors might deter and attack
either. We feel, as I see, that you got you lose. This will be a strong defence. No russians will attack us if we have a strong foreign companies which will defend our territory with us. The starting gun had been five on the election campaign, but Zalewski was still making tv shows. We went with him back to the offices of its production company, I'll mighty craved for look behind the scenes, as is the case now silence. He speaks some english, but also prefers at some moments to use russian or ukraine. this way, your company's yes, yes, not only call it to shave ever seen on T v. We have documentary dramas and movies, we have to beat satire shows you know.
entire. Your stage when we create need is the guys are sitting here, then the change of different groups. So we have many scriptwriters different human. They speak about their ideas, I'm the decision makers. Are you you're deciding whether their ideas tat s our audience, specially tv odious, yes, it'll older than, for example, movie audience is in feature feels so, what sort of humor to the people where, if you were to compare the Schumer, We love regime, but, for example, for example, is threatening would even if compare in breed in britain.
if compare our people, the more understand, for example MR bean or maybe he'll yes, really say, you're looking for a set of benny hill. This debate type jokes rather than surreal, monty python stuff for we're almost twenty five years. I only thought about him as a comedian, professional comedian, a good one, a quiet quite popular in ukraine, but nothing more urim and duke is a political consultant and used to work for Zelensky, his predecessor as president petro poroshenko. I caught up with him in lviv in ukraine in the entertainment business. For the reasons he was a huge star. I think he had like ninety five, and plus of recognition among average ukrainians. So I would say that everybody knew him somebody It was yum yum
resilience can give a good useful. He was a big star, but zelensky his humor wasn't particularly sophisticated as jarosz of great grichuk. A historian at Levin's catholic university told me. I would say that most intellectuals would not hear or listen to him that much there was much broader public discourse kind of smutty, jokes, some some of the worst marty and some of them ever so say you shouldn't. You wouldn't show you to your kids under eighteen, so to say. One of them is probably one of the most recognizable when he was totally nudes playing on the piano. and you couldn't be imagined this part of his body. Look over there He is spectrum so say, but the point is that some of the drugs with extremely good crude yeah.
And therefore his enemies, his opponents they used to show this clip, prove that he is not comparable to that in the current political activities. New zealand, is movies and sketch shows made him famous, but one role more than any other paved the way for his presidential run. This is the opening titles of the servant of the people. Tv shows as the music roles. The character played by their linsky is writing his bicycle through the streets of kiev, We he made a tv should go about. His hero was simple young teacher of history who was sick and tired of the borders and even decided to go to power, and he became a president before he became a real present. He was president on tv and people like you,
image very much. Vassili visitors, you gotta bird, nobody older custodian president did the internet was vastly gallop erotica. The characters Zalewski played was everything that ukraine's real pray, Didn't hadn't, been up to this point, means that there was there was wasn't the road with the allegorical tourists terrorists that mid sky is appear pair of zelensky from Ukraine's comedy circuit. The villages are from city AL. the back to bite you watching the series people saw and embraced a type of president, whose young not corrupt and able to make dramatic changes. I interviewed zalewski and early twenty nineteen. He had a refreshing frankness, giving people might vote for you because they believe That you're going to be the same as that president, that they ve seen in the in the tv series
and useless. Are you hitting the movie depicts the end of the gorbachev era? Of course, people would like to see a president like vasili, hello, bro with the same moral values. Secondly, this is a response to the establishment people want something new and once someone with a human face, not at plasticine one which changes with the questions and tasks in front of him, with the benefit of hindsight, There are even those like terrorists that debt ski. We wonder whether the servant of the people tv show was created with a real presidential run in mind, yellow load. Your modem was not backward up kuwait. I dont know if we will ever find out if the tv series was originally created with a view to the landscape becoming president or if this idea reappeared during the process as people watch, the series and their trust in the character grew did zalewski then think about running for president. I am personally very curious. In my opinion, this plan emerged
during the process of making the series celebrities. Political party is called servant of the people, just like the tv show and Elinor. Surely act is now the head of the party when she entered politics. She tells me she hastily binge watch the tv series as research I yom was. I want a servant of the people. in order to understand him better as a person of the many similarities between the real presidency linsky and the tv president the racial spinning that I think the similarity between the landscape, the captured plays, is that they both want to change the existing order, build a country of their dreams and move as quickly as they can towards the aim they set themselves easy. They need a guarantee that new insolence keys.
Get shows broadcast in prime time he lampooned ukraine's political class city of alaska. We as a couple we a hell of right thing with Zelensky having jumped in the political depend. The election campaign that followed was unlike
anything ukraine had seen before the lenski held no rallies and his messages were entirely communicated through slick videos with him working out and hanging out awesome as it is called dual sport. It was all rather like an extension of his tv show, but it was quite surprising that the man who's on the stage feels like at home. He hardly campaigned. He gave no interviews. It was super hard to see him on some public rallies. He only shoot videos posted it online and the rest. It was the work of his team. The less zelensky did the most
popular, he became and when the time came to vote he was odds on favorite. I grab the word with him as he entered the polling station with work, and I are you: are you ready to be president? I had no other people will decide in the evening, I'm ready at night. Ukraine's political earthquake was confirmed villain kate had won by a landslide we have a well with ukraine's elevation. Unprecedented is now going to these countries on re old president The more
and by seventy three percent to twenty. Six was particularly galling for president perishing co as his former adviser Urim. A duke explains why I think that present a person core team expected to see some other all politicians who they were familiar with, but to be defeated by the guy who opened the year before that unbearable for some reformers like Hannah hop co, who became an mp in twenty fourteen, the triumph of a completely unknown quantity likes a linsky was hard to comprehend in two thousand nineteen. I was very sad. It was like a tragedy nor the delegate could become a president of ukraine.
Country which weighs russian ongoing aggression, so I was really afraid, churned the foreign affairs committee having access to classified information and just understands the landscape could become a president of ukraine, but there I met my spiritual france and they told me like Hannah, please, let's strasser got because I trust god that he has a special purpose for ukraine in twenty four censure, so Let's see and is addressed to parliament immediately after having been sworn in, Zalewski focused on what had been his number one election promise to end the war with russian banked forces in eastern.
ukraine, vegetable of nice. You could only be used illegally yahoo toolbar enough to make sure our heroes stop dying. What I would do anything I'm definitely not afraid to make difficult decisions, I'm ready to lose my popularity, my ratings and, if necessary, I will not hesitate to lose my job to bring about peace at the time. So linsky seemed convinced that his personal touch- and a meeting with president Putin could break the deadlock. His professor great sack again both globally, and I really believe that the is going on because photoshop you did it really The real cause of the problem is not put a franco, but put There were some early signs that the approach might bear fruit. I was at the airport in kiev. As a prisoner exchange took place.
The linsky was alongside the plane, giving the captives a hug and welcoming them home. We have to do all the steps to finish these hot, more that you think this is a new chapter in relations between russia and ukraine. I think the the first chapter could Volker was an american envoy to ukraine, and I travelled with him to the conflict zone in twenty eighteen. He says that insolence geese first few months in power. He believed there was, deal to be done with russia's president. I remember, even in our first meeting saying that I understand you want peace by putin doesn't want peace, that this is what he wants to do is attacking ukraine on purpose. It's not for lack of some formula, he's doing it because he's trying to weaken ukraine- and I think he was initially sceptical of that- but I think ass. He tried, as he tried to talk with booty and they tried to do couple
prisoner exchanges. I think he came to the view that actually Putin is fighting a war that he wants to fight, that is a linsky finally got his face to face meeting with brandy, mayor Putin. rivals underlined that differences, Ukraine's president working his modest man of the people image russia's leader going for full on power projection, but these talks with the treaty this chance seek common grounds to revive a deal on ending ukraine's conflict, the stalled for three years now it was in paris with the lead
france and germany is chaperones in eastern ukraine. Troops are still battling russian, backed fighters. Despite multiple ceasefires, thirteen thousand people have been killed and huge numbers displaced in the past five years, but follow demons. The lansky was elected promising to end the bloodshed. For that he said he needed to sit down with bloody may put in, but the discussions were frosty and went nowhere. The two vladimir spent some ninety minutes in bilateral talks too, and trying to sound optimistic individual paris marked the end point facilities attempts to strike a deal with russia until this war broke out. Cement skis time is president was showing some signs this link out he'd promised dialogues
understandably, was struggling to deliver his once sky high ratings in the opinion polls was starting to fall. close allies from the election campaign. Zalewski had cooled them, his dream team turned against him. This is alex Donna, look Zalewski, first, national security adviser speaking to me, and twenty twenty comedian brought incompetent people who now run major garment institutions or misrule major car month institution. Therefore, you can for his off. That's it so the optimism, the hope of change getting a year ago that that's over, I would say, look I would say that many things are or, for example, promises by the way another. What promises of his was fighting was oligarchy. It's over, I think, reform
I think window of opportunity has closed risk. Land reimbursed shipka was sacked as prosecutor general after just seven months. Shortly afterwards, he told me it was for pushing too hard to tackle corruption and take on the powerful oligarchs or perhaps he'd become tired, whistle was reported and he had decided the more comfortable situation. There was out only bad news, and I bet discussions is a so called the reformers and he chose certain other options to be like warm box. Eventually, citizens get did try and take some targeted measures against particular oligarchy, but, as you s envoy could vote per explains, his critics saw it is too little too late. So let's get was too timid. Then he passed the sandy oligarchy law that targeted individuals rather than changing the structure
system, and that was perceived than is unfair by many of them, and so it never really got off the ground. On the it's national stage since we have to learn fast in a complex plot, wouldn't have been out of place in his tv series. He was caught up in a very americans scandal. Donald trump tried to use american military aid to pressure ukraine into investigating his rival Joe Biden as Hanna.
co explains so linsky have to walk a political, tight troop, maintaining relations with ukraine's most important ally while avoiding getting sucked into partisan. U S, politics for the landscape was important to generate more support for for ukraine and not to be part of domestic political games. So, of course, lack of experience could create some problems and their time, but this is how he learned what international policy is and how not to be in the trap, how to diplomatically present ukraine, but not to be used for the interests of somebody in september twenty Nineteen, with rumours of impeachment hearings mounting trump released, a transcript of a phone call between the two men. When you have a wonderful meaning or you have a wonderful phone conversation, it was before
and they then met in front of the media New york, if I have a feeling that your is going to do fantastic, new donald trump, who met volodymyr Zelensky at the un, yesterday insists that the call was perfect, even though he blatantly asks the ukrainian leader to investigate his main democratic political rival. Joe Biden as Kurt volker explains the Alinsky his acting skills for once deserted him because of the dynamic in the united states. President trump kept the meeting going in front of the cameras for about forty five minutes or so It was very difficult to have a serious conversation between two leaders of countries when you're doing so much of it in front of the media. I think Zelensky handled it well, and I think was just saying: ok, gotta get through this period and then
see if we can then resume normal relationship again, then, on February twenty fourth, this year everything changed with the start of the an invasion, a man who tend to politics just three years before was now facing down the world's second, powerful army seemed a rich, but it didn't seem. We took at evening everyone that the president is here, we're all here on military. I hear citizens are here, we're all here defending our independence states and it will remain so by refusing an american offered to have he ate him as the russians approached the legend of the war time leader was born,
this was brought out. The very best in blood means linsky, whereas President Putin has come across as aloof and distant Zalewski seemed very relate to build and down to earth staying with his people in kiev and staying in touch with video messages, the updates of enabled cement to speak very directly both to ukrainians and to people around the world. Most of the media authority. This is not just russia's invasion of ukraine. This is the beginning of the war against europe. At times the news of atrocities and mass graves we're almost unspeakably bleak, and yet, through it all
the linsky, has sought to re spirits and inspire yellow show abortions. Thus, president, I said that each of us is the president, because we are all responsible for our country for a beautiful ukraine, and now it turns out that each of us has a warrior, a warrior in their own place, and I am confident that each of us will win Gloria it rained last but emotional slavery. This guy has an erp I'm in the landscape. This is professor great sack the thinkers the first days it was disaster. It was a stress, depression and glad we're starting to see somebody who behave very different and he's the president of your country, and this works immensely on the greatness. You have a young God is market personalities who do those simple messages? Who basically tell you the truth, and then you see a pudding who was agent? Who is hiding somewhere
this long table- and nobody knows over the real thing before this was the lynskey struggled to get invites to western capitals. Now barely a day passes without him addressing a parliament or an international organization. The day the ground people are defending, not only grain. We are fighting for the various of europe and the wall. The messages follow a set path, showing the full horrors of russia's war on ukraine and then demanding that the outside world do more to equip his country to resist ukrainian president Zelensky told the un security council the most terrible war crimes since war. nor too, are being committed in ukraine say what's been revealed in butcher is also happening elsewhere. Hannah hop co, everybody is so. The picture of the landscape in water can you imagine. Such a picture of Putin never
the landscape often visits hospitals to see one soldiers? He has also visit in ukrainian families. You can get access to present as a landscape. You could see him everywhere, the first chapters, if the Zalewski story a far fetched a comedian and tv precedent leading a country at war,
russia's size and might mean the odds are still stacked against ukraine, but given what's happened to volodymyr Zelensky so far, anything is possible. Pizza grinding day, fifty two sure: what can I say, we're strong believers were working. Uber will love shire, we're proud. We will defeat everyone if you pay more
I'm goin efficient, and this has been silent. The making of a precedent on the BBC world service. Thank you for listening. There will be more from the document report Soon the documentary is just one of our podcast. There are many others to tease from your hearts pumping adrenaline going. Have you ever dreamt, you're hiding a dark secret, I'm so sorry this through the bank robbers suffers sure. I wish you could write the wrongs cc around. He could hear from others with varying that there We challenge the anti woman to kill them wondered if someone you love might be too good to be true. I thought I would ve been a little bit crazy, actually work in the shoes of something extraordinary people with lives
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-27.