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Women in Ukraine and Russia

2022-01-29 | 🔗
There is much international focus on the possibility of a Russian military invasion of its neighbour Ukraine. US President Joe Biden has spoken of “enormous consequences” if that did happen, warning it would “change the world”. Russia has an estimated 100,000 troops on the border with Ukraine but has said it does not want war. While world leaders talk, host Ben James guides us through the discussions among six women in the two countries. In Ukraine, the BBC’s James Reynolds hears from three women in the capital Kyiv about the prospect of war. They include a Olena, a volunteer sniper since 2014 and a professional servicewoman for five years, who is once more prepared to fight for her country.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the documentary from the BBC world service where we report the world, however difficult. The issue, however, hard to reach podcast the BBC world service, I supported by advertising. we've all been there. You have an unexpected medical expense or you get into a fender bender, but you don't have the money to pay for it immediately. Dave is the banking app that could help you get up to five hundred dollars instantly with extra cash to download the Dave app go to dave dot com. Today, that's d: a v e dot com, santa parent extra cash. You can get up to five hundred dollars instantly for terms and conditions going to date, dot, com, slash, legal, instant transfer fees, apply banking services provided by evolve, bank and trust member at the ic,
the coordination of king Charles, the third, some may ask. What's the point of modern monarchies join me, catchy k, as I visit royal houses across europe where kings and queens swapping palaces for apartments and finding their place in a new era. It's a surprising story, featuring scandals, shamans and a royal dynasty plotting its return stream. Europe's royals revealed on BBC select, find out more bbc select dont come forward, slash europe's royals How wine Ben james on the BBC world service, and this is bbc arrest conversations women in ukraine and russia as the possibility of war, is widely discussed. We hear from three women in ukraine's capital about the prospects of fighting for that country.
cite three russian women with that's hake on the tensions within neighbour out of my circle of friends, relatives acquaintance whether one story and wants to have fun or listen to me, I think, we're going with their loved ones and travel and everything. Nobody in their right mind once worth over here. has been much international focus on the border between russia and ukraine. Where president vladimir Putin has sent an estimated one hundred thousand russian troops, many of the residents of the two countries that the BBC been talking to you in recent days echo that sentiment. You just heard that generally people don't want the situation to escalate, but the talk amongst world He does has been tough he's. U s president's Joe Biden, Ruby, enormous consequences. or to invade as he could, the entire country or,
a lot less than as well russia, not only in terms of economic consequences and political courage. Finally, enormous consequences worldwide, This would be the largest if he were to move and all those forced to be the largest and asian since world war. Two it's a world many and guessing what president Putin's next move will be. The official word from russia, though, is that it does not want wool. Apart from russia's vast territory, which strike, Here's to Asia, ukraine is the largest country in europe. It borders seven other countries, including, of course russia, and if you speak to ukrainians many site, they live with conflict, pointing to the sporadic fighting in the east of the country with pride, russian rebels that goes back to twenty fourteen when russia occupied crimea, which is a part of ukraine, will discuss this in a bit more detail later. But
let's bring together. Three women in the ukrainian capital. Kith have all been thinking about the current threats of a potential russian invade and you'll journalist loop of a leech cap, alain ability scan a volunteer sniper from twenty fourteen onwards. He signed up as a professional officer a few years later. She since retired, and first irina slovens, got a writer and a feminist. At the end of december, The ministry of defence expanded the number of women who could register for possible military conscription in the event of a war. my colleague, James Reynolds, begun by asking irina how this will affect her is important The standard than your grander is not mandatory conscription for women so that, when you think about the necessity to become just it and for women work in some professional fields, for example in the field of medicine, photographers finances and so on, and actually it's not your fault
crying, for example, women working as doctors, all women have medical diploma even before had to be registered in the army sought. We will remain the same. I think about this roger lodger list of professions. It it'll just effect. You is your profession included journal. is not on the slightest presented by minister of defence. On the other hand, all journalists like me, I'm workin, for public broadcasting company in ukraine. We all effected by russian of war in ukraine by russian occupation of creamy, for example. So That's alright! You're! In all this last eight years, even when you speak to your female for and family of a willing to fight in the army. For ukraine. If there is a conflict, I have a lot of women who were serving on the front line than bus region. So for me it's not surprising to see that a lot of people,
women and men will be ready to protect ukraine. In the case, it will be necessary because otherwise you're already there to protect ukraine, let's bring in atlanta atlanta you're a sniper. You went to the front line in the first months of conflict in twenty fourteen in eastern ukraine. As a volunteer, you tell me about why you went to the front line to defend my country. I seem to have an all stars. Anyone capable of holding as I should for all. I had certain knowledge and skills he was in awe and I consider it my duty to fight morally. I was ready for this article you're in at ten years, was I had been a member of a patriotic bottom needed three organization and with a joy to see tactics of meat preparations
especially in the case of russia, turkey and the events in what began in twenty four june. I immediately and then to the front line with my brothers in arms and fought for three and a half a year. I wasn't wouldn t a sniper and then I returned to give entered. A mediterranean well shit caught an officer wrong and then I signed up hamper a form of as the armed forces of ukraine, and then I saw in ottawa. marine corps, don't commander yes, and all of my service was evident in a twenty four june and twenty trend and tragedy. I retired tell me about your service as a sniper. I hit targets enemy soldiers as they stopped being humans for me or when they talk on their phone against their homeland and against my homeland they were enemies.
if just targets and on the possibility of a new intensified conflict with russia, you say that you have retired. Would you go back to the front line. of course, I recently and hurled the extra territorial defence unit and the EU have full scale. Russian invasion begins in the near future, man, I'm bored if the game- and you would still view russian soldiers or pro russian separatists as targets. Of course they are telling us minute they are. They are all targets if they give up their prisoners, alena. Traditionally, war has been by male soldiers, but here clearly we are talking about female soldiers fighting.
War, including you on the front line. What do you think about this change is changed. It was because of the movement of invisible but tat in a woman movement. Even girls don't, and she was the goal of equal rights of women and men on the army service. I have never yet my position as much on command of artillery. It's very important for me, and I am grateful as in war when the moment of Visual by canada for this, let's bring in Luba you're a journalist but you're also collecting documents for registration, and you want to join the army. If a conflict breaks out, can you talk to us about why I don't know how to shoot and how to use them.
I know how to write and I am ready to become a part of the army as a journalist or take part in information operations, and for this I don't need to take a gun in my head. So I think that knowledges that I that I have I will help my country to win this war, because this war is a hebrew war and the component of this You bet what is also information operations Luba. You say that you would serve as a journalist and that would include going to the front line where there is conflict in gunfire and artillery. I don't need to be necessary on the front line. I can work. in the city bromar. You wish where I live now, because I have military base in the city and I can work until nine to six o clock
and get salary as all other soldiers, just not being on the east of ukraine. Would you ever go to the east of ukraine or ass, I was on the east of ukrainian, pure as it is, is the nets am also I was on my report and the other frontline I was in that area and I made the journalistic reports from them- and I can't imagine this guy non right now and if my boss in army would tell me to go there. I will, of course, listening to both or lana, whose a sniper and Lou who is willing to serve as a journalist for the ukrainian forces, what feel about this. Mass mobilization of women is not new,
since two thousand fourteen us insertion equation of crimea them both started a lot of men. and what women to surf in ukrainian army. I think that this discussion is very important. The examples like, alas, example, for example, because we can see- how are you crying? An army is changing before. it wasn't a place of equal rights and opportunities for men and women. I think that alone up, maybe fell out more than me about her all this civilisation Commissioner, let us well trained young women to sir, for example, since fell to southern for gene, women cannot serve on the combat zone. Is that what they very registered as cooks, for example, Secretaries, but in reality it is over on the front line. Servant snipers, failed us dollar officers, and was intelligence gathering and so on? they and the united states of america. It was the same
and soldiers who quite a long time, cannot have this possibility to serve, and protecting country the official ban on women and combat we considered since the last six years? For them the number of women in the ukrainian arm doubled now, there's that two and a half thousand, so they represent sixteen percent of the army and sound thank your first. They were almost sixty, thousand women in the united kingdom, I forces and it represents an eleven percent of total stance, so I think may be quite similar experience of women in a serving in arma and growing an army, and maybe in it as a united kingdom in Atlanta, you served on the front line for many years. Are you prepared to die for ukraine if I was ready to die for like Altoona as every soldier landed? When you look at the people, you are fighting the pro russian separatists. What,
do you feel about them. I don't have time sunlight countrymen. Maybe I dont understand me about I. Fight without any hated is just my duty, without any more Atlanta, what does your family think about the role you have played on the front line five main browser were passed. The launch of the war I reflect together and my parents always support me. Luba. You completing your documents for registration. How does your family feel about you? other supports me very much. I grow. In a very pejorative emily. My older brother also went than boss and husband, aware on then myself as a soldier? That is why I will feel the same. We want to help ukraine to win this war to live in a peaceful ukraine. I understand
Have to kids they old enough to understand what you're doing I have the size that wins almost six years old. they know that there is a war in ukraine. They know that russia is our enemy them proud of their father? Wasn't this war and act in them when there were very, very small and when I told them that It is to found the army as a journalist. They said nothing but they look at me and just argue. Journalists, loop of a leech, got writer, irina, slovens, skype and service woman and sniper elena bill ascap not conversation in ukraine. We can hear from russia and its worth noting that the reports close ties for many people in both countries James also spoke to three women in moscow. Teach at you strong back office work, a cat,
green grass nova and let me also introduce our first gas. He wanted to only use her first name olga she began. by telling us how she feels about a possible war with ukraine? It concern for me, and I think that for many russian people could we have the very few shrilled on It was ukraine, and so many people have relatives in ukraine and they think that a russian coast and have foreign friends or relatives or some other people they know in ukraine, including you. Well, I have two former university classmates in you and then they have my former husband. So yes, right dose a huge links and what kind of contacts our discussions have about ukraine, or is that just too difficult to talk about? Kindly everyone's concern is
The situation becomes one more unpredictable and flight, ukraine and russia. Each on each side slightly have a bit of difference in their use because on the ukraine site they said that russia is going to invade ukraine on russian side. We have news that ukraine is going to invade saw. Then you ask people Republika, took ask people republican people, discuss that problem, and we can have economic sanctions, etc, etc. Just to explain to our listeners, those places you mentioned are the places in eastern ukraine which are controlled by pro russian separatists. That's bringing Julia, who teaches english in moscow hide yeah. What do you think about the situation is going on and is concerned, but I just really hope: that's how we don't get saw a war or something we all This needs to. Maybe I don't know somebody can pray. Son can meditated for peace and
peaceful resolution, and I think we need to urge our governments to do the same, not necessarily pray both to resolve all of this peacefully because, as I have mentioned several times, on twitter. Nobody in their right mind wants war. Nobody so do you don't meet anyone in moscow at the bus stop or in the shops who says? Yes, we have to have war wars. What we want! No, nobody wants war, it has their lives, nobody has their families their hobbes, their work problems. They don't need. Warn people have enough issues, nobody, wants to go to war and nobody wants war. At least nobody out of my circle of friends. Relatives, acquaintances, nobody in their right mind, that's the keep it maybe once war over here Judy. I understand you ve been
the crimea recently and to explain to our listeners the background of crimea. It was part of ukraine for many years and then in twenty fourteen russia. After a referendum annexed crimea, crimea peninsula for itself, russia now rules crimea, but that annexation has now been accepted by the rest of the world, but you went there recently. What was that trip like that was a very nice trip. I love the sea and in the places where I was, it was relatively calm right and everybody. I've been pestering everybody since that time asking them. What do you think and everybody said we did vote for russia, because life under the ukrainian rule for the people with whom I spoke to looking was much worse.
stewart has gotten better in some respects, once russia, king in people started getting more money for their salaries and so on, and to some some touristic trade open to some you started to pour in, but at the same time some of the things started going down he'll just recently, maybe you're too, but mostly the general consent This is that, yes, it's much better under russia, but we stands, and we agree that this extension Whatever this process should have been done differently, let's bringing in in moscow Well, you ve been listening to Julia and olga. What are your thoughts about? Whether
I meant to say in your own thoughts, though I got angry about. Nobody really wants any war with the green light. Work in a company that has offices in gif and to love the green top of each other. I think people, just in general, don't really think there's going to be out for a large scale, a catalina russia has fought a number of conflicts or wars in recent years. It's continued to fight an insurgency in chechnya. It fought in georgia in two thousand and eight what happens in russia when the country fights a conflict you'll bring up,
our church. Now I think people still remember about the war and I don't think they would support another war like chechnya, and that was overseas fighting an insurgency within russia's borders, olga, what's it like, when russia fights a war, it has fought, a number of conflicts recent years, what happens to the population, a pot of parties and complex? I would first of all mentioned that russia foot pretty big worse. The second world war was, in many part and in several years on, the territory of russia and russia lost a lot of people like twenty eight million. So after that, the russians do not that inclined to fight wars. stay know how it looks. Bandits on your territory not somewhere far away again, I have to agree with organ none of the people. I know Relatives have fought in the recent wars, thankfully, but
my grandparents have experienced the second world war and they were from Belarus for numerous stories about their war chance, one and its devastating. Of course you know these flat. They were fleeing the it is, and so on. So can picture what like animals devastating. We have enough staff to realize that it's awful, but none of the recent wars have really happened on our territories. It has been somewhere else and now. With all of the ukrainian and russian conflict called unquote. People are, and you know- maybe this- you know- if this happens, it will be, it may be the first one since world war, two if it comes to our territory to cosette- has been away, then ask two: it's been somewhere else with We felt financial repercussions, right, financial sighing sanctions and so on, and if there is war just now,
fact some of the younger men that you might know course sure there will be drafted and how would you feel it that is very sad and devastating because you wouldn't know if they come back alive, gonna catch, you d know what do you think about the possibility of war? The moment I think about the heart is very unlikely right now. I don't think it will do very well for history, culture and to his fallen ratings of popularity. Of course, there won't be any chopped anytime. that's for sure, thankfully psych ogre. Do you get to see many ukrainians in moscow? Is there
Still, a lot of contacts on the ground between russians and ukrainians. Sure thought you might of my former colleagues always ukrainian passport. We do not discuss politics so much, but it's quite when I think that everyone hoped that there will be no military conflict between the two countries and, frankly, I think that it's not beneficial for russia saw my opinion that. This should not start this conflict first because it will be losing in any situation you might have seen in the media in recent weeks. There's plenty of speculation about what president Putin might do, and plenty of criticism of him by president Biden by the government in Britain and so on. So looking at that as a whole, do you
as a russian feel, misunderstood or or even hated by the west at the moment that, while certainly not hated but misunderstood yes monsieur in what way in the way that he expected to wait, you clean. I do not think that anyone wants doing waiting Oh the this programme is listened to russia. Ukraine or in other countries, what might be a final message you might have perhaps to people who are living across the border in ukraine. While I wanted the trashing. People do not want what was ukraine any way that we accept the ukrainian citizens as france, relatives and people whom we know for many hundred years, who we respect and told the belief that they are our relatives by by blood and by common history, and I hope that the heads of our countries would keep themselves
Comments are wise to prevent the conflict. That was all got Julia, strong burg and you catch really grass nova in russia. The talking will continue at all levels as the world watches, with the hope of a peaceful solution. Ben James, and you ve been listening to BBC bc arrest conversations. Women in ukraine and russia thank you for listening. There will be more from the documentary podcast soon. Kim entry is just one of our port. There are many others, too cheese from keep up with me.
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and of the coordination of king Charles. The third, some may ask: what's the point of modern monarchies join me catchy k, as I visit royal houses across europe where kings and queens swapping palaces for apartments and finding their place in a new era. It's a surprising story, featuring scandals, shamans and a royal dynasty plotting its return stream. Europe's royals reveals, on BBC select, find out more bbc select dont come forward, slash europe's royals.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-28.