« The Documentary Podcast

The day I met Prince Philip

2021-04-16 | 🔗
Over his seven decades of service to Queen Elizabeth the Second, to the United Kingdom, her 15 other realms, and to the Commonwealth, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, met many millions of people. They all have stories to tell about those meetings and in this special programme Winifred Robinson hears some of them. The stories reflect on the Prince’s many passions, the charities he was involved with, his commitment to individuals and causes and also his support for the Queen and the Commonwealth. We also hear about his sharp wit and sense of humour.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The the my way to my way over his seven decades of service to queen Elizabeth, the second to the united kingdom, a fifth. other realms into the commonwealth. His highness, the duke of edinburgh many millions of people around the world saw prince. Will it when I was? little boy growing up in ghana, and he and the queen came to my school. This is something which only you. The australian people can decide Personally, I happen to think that it is the sign of a mature and self a mission to debate these issues prince feller,
the need for many more young persons of the bahamas to have access to the work programme, They all have stories to tell about those meetings and over the stop we're going to hear just some of them, one I actually met prince philip. You made me feel really Emilio. It was like speaking to an uncle or grandfather. He was super fun. my nerves completely melted away. He is someone who doesn't take easily the compliments, but he has quite soon have been my strength and stay all these years. This and many other countries owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know. I just don't recall some church who turns into a circle change my way, which are reactive
since its bottom, its somebody's style, I'm when, if you'd robinson and you listening to the day, I met principally on the bbc, Well, service, his royal highness. The duke of Edinburgh does homepage pacing, whose hands and those of the queen's afterwards touching the crown in token that he will support it, but all his paw and kissing the queen His royal highness prince philip, became queen a list its consult when she descended to the throne, but as the husband of the air to that. He d already taken on numerous duties here, is in nineteen fifty one appearing in a short fundraising film for the new case playing fields, association, relieve believe about playing field and the right proportioned by means of a community.
the close cooperation of the national people's aviation with those who need, and one plain view- government departments and local authorities, large and small, but the proper balance can be achieved, big surprise. The diverse met principle because I wasn't expecting to meet him right and broadcaster giants brandreth I'd gone to help out at the national playing field. This is a charity that was found in the nineteen twenties with the idea of protecting place basis, playing fields for young people, people with Disabilities- and I knew that prince philip was the president. The charity, the patron was the green, but assumed he was just a figurehead So imagine my surprise when I turned up at the office to find him actually there, and I You think I'd ever met such a dynamic human being. I was in my twenty. Then he was a nice both his fifties, but he seemed much younger.
and he seemed to me to be a complete bundle of energy, and I became involved in the work of this charity on the appeal side, helping to fundraiser. Eventually, I became the appeals. Jim eventually, I became the chairman, but I got to know prince philip, and he was so completely different from the person that I'd read about in the news. are seen as it were talked about on television. I couldn't believe it was the same person. He was interested in people who was totally on stuffy. He was very straightforward, very like he was entirely interested in what the charity was doing at you to run the office, not only was it hands on a details person, but he was brilliant other fundraising What do you want? what do you want to see me about? when it comes to the right place what the national pedro cessation can do. Prince philip
though I did his voice to one of the first charity singles feature frank Sinatra singing. If only She looked my way in buying this record. You have joined frank sinatra, Ivan novella and carol codes in helping to provide money for more penfield. Thank you all on behalf of the many thousands who will benefit from your support He raised millions and he would go along. Do absolutely anything you suggest novel while the idea, I remember, I said, that's gonna, and some people walk one thousand miles each raising one thousand pounds for the playing fields, association thousand times a thousand- we might get a million. He said, okay, I'll do it. I said we got to set off from buckingham palace in the courtyard alright, so he went along with us and On the day of the launch of this, there were people going to walk on their. There was still workers, there were-
very kind and shape of human being. Was there and he just went along with it? He was game for a laugh, He was a really good guy. In that sense, he just went with the flow. We went up to merseyside to open a sports facility and it was quite funny in the car going from the railway station to the sports facility. He was sitting in the front of the car and somebody recognised and so began waving it. In so doing it will be and waving back and then the guy had some children in with him you union began pulling funny faces. This is the duke of aid under the queen's husband in liverpool. In the cab pulling funny faces to a stranger, he just was the best value, but he was no fool either because, after with open the play facility,
he had to go back to london by helicopter. He was the busiest member of the royal family and he was doing you know a dozen And so they are not exaggerating, so he was flying back from liverpool to do another event lead from the day someone's out, but the next day I got a letter from him. preserving looking from the helicopter. I could see that what position the shower block in the wrong place we'd used up valuable land that we could have done for the sports facility. We should have had a second floor for the shot, a block, because we the rolling out around the cross country. Let's have a meeting to talk about. The design now actually been seen site detail is one began about among the charities prince philip was involved with problem The most well known is the duke of edinburgh award scheme, but she says Nineteen fifty six to equip and empower young people from all communities to build skills, confidence and resilience, they choose the things they want to do, and very often the things which they think might interest
but been nearly always it's a new excuse. My name is- a mortimer thirty years ago I was a health and physical education, keeping young minds and bodies healthy. Although I was I sent a motivating others never could. I imagine how the duke of edinburgh toward would inspire thousands of young people to press on one march together to common law. After your goal, a pole the values expressed in our behaviour, national anthem. No one ever said a word to me that I should people
air to company royalty. So imagine my surprise. When six months into my tenure, I someone more comfortable coach, courtesy and found out. I was to go and a member of the royal family to government house on a gala boy. What our time in that What I had one burning question. What in the world was I going to wear? It was only after reality, set and therefore began to clarify my brain that I began to think it of kneeling down logistics. This Evan trillion nerves and a human body joined the fighting. Hiv prince philip and fold every nerve of mine was on age feel it did not. Last long his royal highness broad laser focus attention to our gathering. The questioning acts, participants, I played a genuine interest, his friend
It is amazing to me. I was taken aback by his interactions, not just with me, but with all the participants and guess at the boy though he was a royal one. Hr H, Prince really made us all feel like realities. His passion for the work programme was contagious. He saw them for many more young persons will of the bahamas to have access to the work programme, and he helped me you see it to his royal highness, expressed upon me the importance of providing a quality programme and valuing ah volunteers. It was duke's, suggested and ninety ninety two that we charter a to take the word participates. Sailing
other items of the bahamas, helping them to learn more about their country. That same year, we launched the bahamas award super expedition, which took seventy five participants, mainly from new providence to the island of some salvador as part of the Christopher Columbus quint centennial celebrations base is now in its twenty eightth year. It attracts participants from across the bahamas to participate in highgate, expedition or exploration. Of course, the archipelago. We have taken participants to the fourteen of our family islands. This is Michael Dylan, also, first australian to get her cheek vote, recalled award I was just so lucky. It was the early ninetys sixties and in just two, australian schools had been chosen to trial. Did you grandma reward and I went to one of them and I was exactly the right age to have a go.
and I did australia's parliament building in canberra- is brilliantly led for a visit by queen Elizabeth and prince philip, as they begin a five week, tour of their down under dominion, accompanied by a prime minister and dame pattie menzies. The royal couple are taking part in canberra as jubilee celebration royal visits. time to australia. Will prairies maybe once every ten years, but that very moment the row. real britannia was standing into sidney, harbour and word came the prince philip were. Then you have my word and sundays. Lighter too really excited and groom to within an inch of our lives, my parents sister Anne. I walked up the royal gangway and had a one or twenty minutes of friendly family time with prince philip, including private virtuoso performance of his latest one line is the sydney upper house. With its amazing sire, like architecture is being built nearby and equipped than he hoped, I got the engineering right or else at the first puff of wind
it might sail out to sea. He asked me what both part of the award was and I said it had been the expeditions and he told me to keep adventuring, and I did. I became an adventure filmmaker filming, five expeditions with even edmund three everest climbs and much else and more to the point became the first eight hundred thousand australians, whose lives have been enriched by his its game, myself, I'm with of hiv prince philip occurred in nineteen. Ninety four, I knew exactly what talks This time, around dress, check I turn a rarity check nurse freak out, but just ass before his royal highness, made all in his presence feel as though we were his gas and not the other. A round he presented a god awards
participated in a round walk about an viewed participants, art and class handiwork
he remarked under tremendous growth of the bahamas programme, as although one thousand attended the ceremony held at johns college auditorium in his honor, I must add here. His royal highness was instrumental in securing my attendance at my first duke of edinburgh international award forum slaty to be held in mauritius. Before his visit, I was told we lack the funds to send a delegate. However, the last question h our age put to me was: are you attended the fora? My response? I wish. The next day I received a call from the trusty secretary, not only what I attend the forum. I was also expected to deliver a presentation on my role as a new director. Hurrah hits
urgent action had a profound impact on me. I felt ass. If I was in the company of a trusted mentor, it was a perfectly signal award promoter and teacher and ninety ninety one. There were one hundred and fifty one participant operated through five, no providence base unit supervised by six volunteers. Since then, thirty one thousand young people have passed through our governor general use award programme. We are rich one hundred volunteers per year serving fifty six years, it's on eleven islands prince philip lit the fire within us all, motivated us to inspire others and for that nation thanks, you, your leg, c in the bahamas, continue your listening to the day I met prince philip The BBC world service
full voting, now lord both hang with a ten year old boy, it schooling, Ghana, when he first, my prince philip in nice, Ten sixty one of us banana cry, came queen Elizabeth meet them well chromium cromer, president of the republic of gun, I first saw prince, will it when I was a little boy? We all excited was a visit that had been long awaited. There's been some controversy around it, but the queen was determined to go as head of the commonwealth, and the people of Ghana really wanted had to come, as did the president and as kids, school kids and calls were all frilled. It was the heady days. The early days of gun is independence
sovereign nation, and we will all given these flags. They brought school kids from all over a crop and we lined the route into the school in our school uniforms. With our flags, we had the union jack and the gonna flag and I remember the queen was weighing a bright, yellow, dress and prince flip was,
in naval whites and I'm over the go, bray derive member just being just being so excited and a great raw went up from us all. There was an exciting a happy day for everybody, and they were clearly enjoying it had. It meant a lot to garner in its peoples. Many is past and I ended up in the u. K became a young lawyer just starting out in my career, and the great thing about prince philip is he's really into giving opportunities to young people to develop themselves, and I was part of a group of young leaders quotes on quotes, who were invited to send georgia's house, which was a think tank that he founded in the grounds of winds. The costs only have this great idea that he would bring young people from different backgrounds, different professions together, so that we could develop networks and we could develop ourselves so
but we could fulfil our potential. So he comes along and he says and encouraging and supportive words and they work typically prince philip. They were direct, they went to the point. They were no nonsense and they were a lot of humor dry humor and it was fun and it was instructive that whole weekend I used to be high, commissioner, to south africa, and I remember visiting a prison political polls more than I spoke to a young person and a warden who he had spoken to and had visited with nelson mandela and what they remembered was the way in which prince phillip spoke both to the water. The correction officer and to the prisoner spoke to them directly. Man to man straight
to the point and just treated them with respect and was genuinely interested in what was going to make a difference to turn those lives around. But for me, one of the most exciting and important things that the duke of Edinburgh has ever done is spokane international. That helped me as a little boy growing up in ghana because they provided the books for the first dedicated children's library in sub saharan africa. We put books into the hands of people that need them in challenging circumstances and prince philip had the vision and the drive to see just how important that was one of his last public events. He hosted the sixtieth anniversary party for blockade international. We
felt all the better, not just for his presence but thought his knowledge and he's warmth and that's a memory. I will always take away. I think that's characterized prince for its life of service and it has been a life of some The prince always took a keen interest in science and technology and was instrumental in supporting inventors and designers in different parts of the world. Nothing succeeds like success, but failure in any branch of emotions technology reflects immediately and disastrously upon the whole technology and trading position of that nation money, fickleness grange on an industrial design, design products. I first meant prince philip, on the occasion of him, giving me a prize for a battery powered men's room.
Sir I design, and that was in nineteen sixty three by that time, prince philip had already got himself known as of tremendously valuable figure, who was a dead defying himself with martin design and particularly through the design council, who really came into its own at the festival of Britain and nineteen fifty one and and from that time on, it became a very valuable broker in many ways between the emerging does what design profession, particularly design of products and the manufacturing industries who were getting shot back into action after me, the years of making principally munitions and every young man and woman who is on the point of deciding upon a career, should know that technology is one of the most direct means by which they can make a valuable contribution to national ones.
national programmes. Even after all these years, I remember vividly when he gave me the prize on the stage it he organized it so that he gave you the prize in one year and then put together and not enough money, a hundred pounds. I think it was in order to that view in the subsequent twelve months, could arrange for yourself some sort of trophies some evidence of this prize, and he then the following year, virtually invented this prize of his own, which is called the duke vintners price for elegant design. I designed a gold watch, my workshop we'd meda, rather rather expensively made in ebony and the case for this watch, and I remember on the stage when he opened the box and was about to give me the watch. He said now. That's a very handsome book. You don't have to pay for that as well, because she hadn't been made, but the deposit just a little closely with that became quite.
It was over the years Somebody said recently that you couldn't really- through a day without having been affected by something that grange did. He was clean. your teeth having a shave, toasting bread, boiling water t, you'd views. look where you might even be wearing a shirt of my design is certainly would have been looking at some tv, high, fi clocks, angle, poise, lamb, beer glasses chairs. All of this, without a doubt, I think, owes quite a lot to my hero, prince you're. Listening to the day, I met prince philip on the beach see well service I seventy years by the queen side. Prince philip is often had to come for people who
the victim of disaster and tragedy. My name is Jeff was immersive over the ground disaster which took place on the twenty fifth of october. Nineteen. Sixty six and the tipps above the village came down and engulf the school resulted. In a number of deaths of children, teachers and adults. It now appears that nearly two Lives were lost when the cold tipping van method, the step forward today, didn't gauss than infant school and a rough house at the time. The disaster I was an eight year old child. I was buried, alive and effective EU one for people to come out of the question that I was in that had a tremendous impact on me and was the physical injuries would recover these psychological injuries had a profound effect and will have a profound effect
tonight I signify had mistress of the school has just been brought out alive, but the latest news over the cottage at six p m thirty, two bodies have been recovered from the school six adults and twenty six, when it was during that time that prince philip made his first visit to the van. He met the rescuers and also met the survivors, as well as people who had lost children. During that time, they've met the duke of edinburgh, on three separate occasions. The most memorable time for me was when I was led to the local authority and was hosting the duke of enterprise during the diamond. You believe is it, and one of the difficulties of hosting the duke of Edinburgh was actually at keeping pace with him during his visit to carve off castle
the I was on pins, bigger, also because a royal visit is very strict shed. Well, then, you need to keep up with the shadow on that, unfortunately, and his own ideas of what I want to see and who wanted to speak to the first part of this. I money was meeting the counsellors we're all road death in their guns, and he said, oh there's a smell of mothballs here he said you don't wear these often, then he then came out into the festival of the castle, and all that comes as a road and is said, I've seen you lot before he said, but I can still more falls everybody laughed about again. He was introduced to various businesses that is established themselves in minnesota. We were supposed to go down either side myself with the duke of edinburgh and the queen, with the chief executive on the other side, but he was going at a pace and I was concerned that the queen, with all the way back in the queue and so dont worry about her. She catches up. So we
down then to the voluntary groups and he was really interested in all the work that they were doing and what services were provided into the local community, by which time the queen had caught up with us and she had moved on quite a lot and she was waked into outside, but he was really taking his time. So she, me to go backing pick him up and bring him along. So now I went back and you know Hey, ok, I'm coming they saw a large choked on the war. You actually fascinated by the size of this trout the the queen, was getting really anxious by that time, so she just stared at him and all of a sudden, you decided to join us in the rest of the proceedings. For the day. The royal family has had close connections with other than over the years and that made a huge difference to the people here. Having that support in terms of getting over the disaster
decades, prince philip and the queen had been present. Many historic global events, america's by centennial celebrations, took place in nineteen. Seventy six marking the moment two hundred years before when the united states achieved independence from great britain in everything the town and village from California to new england, america, are getting ready to celebrate the traditional day of independence, but on this, Antonio day there was a girl in anticipation of something more the my name, is how became would that was superintend of independence national historical park in the and it was there that I spent the day hosting. Her majesty in prince philip was transferred by the national park service to philadelphia in team. Seventy one head with the primary purpose of getting that park ready
The bicentennial because it was in one of the buildings that we declare their independence from great britain. The part is about forty acres or a city blocks in his own part of the city of philadelphia home. Turned out in our walk about six or eight people deepen behind The barricades, as we would wish, feel as we walk up. This barricaded space is, was about twenty five feet wide the queen, was in this line and she was in the middle, and I was on the right and secondary clearly was on the left. The hand was prince philip and some lady, had a camera with worldly huge lands on it It right at prince, philip, and he exclaimed, Madame
What part of my anatomy are you? Taking with that camera and gulf? gus gotta, big, laugh, but One of the buildings that we went into our about was the carpenters home. Now it is a guild. how life in london they master, builders and called governors in the the eighteenth century, and they organised in philadelphia and those still exists and is architects and engineers and building contractor now and there was a little ceremony going that went on in principle. Was standing by the rector of cod. discharge, in said the art, a car, bigger and earnest sort. It took him by surprise and need a sort of many issues
No, I'm not I'm the chaplain of the carpenters company, He said why you shouldn't be concerned about being a carpenter. He says your boss was one was a day than that. pretty clever at that is currently Chief of many of the regiments across the queen. Sixteen realms one of the duke rose has been inspecting the troops. That's where The falcons war veterans simon western first encountered prince philip, I the worst to get injured, but because of the disfigurement, they became a public. bigger housel name. You remember meeting him as a guy. admin, I'm that was very different here. important, he was one of the bosses. He was the queen's husband the second most important person in the country at the time you know in that regard,
Terrified Andy, always bigger to me, then actually is a so modest illogically. You never actually get into full conversation because you're not allowed to train. I became injured one of the tourists times. I met the duke was when he was raising their courage, and I was told dont speak to him before, because he won't talk, because he's so focused on what he's gonna do and they said if he talks You afterwards be surprised because he saw wonder by his raising and because it is dangerous annie. Ferocious competitor. I don't speak to him, but I did. I spoke to her, I said very well, then he said thank you very much young man. What happened to you and then in all explained to him- and he said well, good luck to you and off he went and then you, you kind of god,
go to different events over a period of time and you you bump into each other in I recognize me any good, how are you Simon and I felt quite shifted- he recognized menu and then There was a time when I was writing bits ford. Table driving, you were doing different items, different cars and they would lend me a car for a week and I would drive it around and then give my critique as motoring journalist but I was doing is as me and I was stood there there. We were all in our t, shirts and with all liveried up and the do or past, and I thought is good. Talk to me any minute. I in so many times before. Evil forget to talk to me and he walked straight past me. I was crestfallen. I thought No, you ve got no, I dont care and he stopped
and he turned down any came back and he pulled me barely any what god western you ve got fat. I never forget that I've always liked him people. I think wrongly unwanted, taken wrongly and be offended by him because they wanted to be offended, but they be ended by by anyone they choose and these They want to be offended, I just foam. There is really funny if you hadn't been true. I might have been offended, but it out you absolutely spot on. I had put weight on any law then walked on and I was in a fit state to replay anyway, but that was last time I properly met the duke but yeah I'll. Never forget that opening buildings causing ribbons and marking historic moments, we're all in a life's work for the duke of edinburgh. He would often joke-
he was the world's expert. Implacable veiling more privilege. your mind. My name is Anita smith. I live and work in grand came in. I worked for the cayman islands. Tv station came in twenty seven and We were responsible for covering the nineteen ninety four visit of the royal family, and that is where I accidentally met prince philip. I was production coordinator, but I was also the person that directed all the events show. I had directed the church service at the royal family was attending. I was directing the throne speech for those that don't know the throne speech. Basically me instead, since the queen is the head of state of the cayman islands. She delivers a message to the legislative assembly,
a year now, normally it's done by somebody else and the queen send the message. But since she was going to be here that year, she did it herself. Once the throne speech was over with we had to. cease everything we weren't allowed to put anything away we were not allowed to do anything until the royal family had left the area. There were three of us and we were standing in the and of the legislative assembly in just having a chat and watching everything that was going on and all of a sudden we heard hello, ladys and we just froze like we don't know that is so we turned around and it was prince philip and he said how are you? Ladies doing and we didn't know whether to curtsy. We didn't know where the bow we didn't know what to do. So we just kind of stood there and he was so sweet. He came up to us
he shook our hands. He said how are you doing and he said what it? What is your role in this event? And we so we started talking to him in saying you know we're camera person where the director where oh and so and he's like well, you know how are you enjoying our visit and we were like well, this is it. You know it's. It's really a lovely experience, and this is our first time ever experiencing this and he stood there and he just talked to us for about ten minutes, and then he said up. Ladies, I have to go, and off he went meeting prince philip was was very exciting. Once we got over the initial shock of him standing behind us, he started the conversation because he could see that we just didn't know what to say, but basically he was very, very sweet, very interested in what we did.
and just our overall view of how everything was going and had we ever been in this situation before and how long we have been in the cayman islands. Anybody that was was talking to them. Formally, there were the deuce in the downs and what you should say and don't shake their hands, don't hug them. You know all these different type of things and everything kind of went out the window. You know, and we ask him, how he was enjoying it and he said he was really enjoying it and with the people of the cayman, islands were very friendly. and very welcoming, so that was basically what we talked about, and then finally, I think you realize that up I've been away for two and I need to get back to the business at hand. you're. Listening to the day I met prince philip on the bbc well service unicef it's. His passions was conservation and the state of the environment the sledge
very long association with the world wildlife fund, now called the world wide fund for nature mine it is, could master I was the director general of doubly nobody. International. Before that I was the ceo of w w switzerland and death actually weighed and I met prince fill it the first time that was around nineteen eighty one. Eighty two, we were, best national organizations, tat education programme, and he was particularly interested in education. So I took into a little town in the middle of switzerland, which is called surfing and showed the teacher education centre, which was quite enough in in environmental organizations. He was keen and seeing how these teachers were
educated to give environmental courses, but I also remembered up why him. Some of the first organic fruits that work used in in that sector, so other very broad interest in in model things. He was not just species, he was one of the biggest door open, as, of course, for us- and I make many heads of state together with him- was the great thing prince philip was ready to travel to countries we norm. It would not have had access to the top decision makers. I had a very good time with him. I must say that we had a very friendly relationship. He was contrary to the impression. Perhaps times left with the media here he was very open to discuss and he was a very good listener. So
at times when he wasn't convinced about certain things, you could talk to him. He asked questions and it was great and we have big laughs together. Many was very your mother's person, I once remember I was with him in his library. Just the two of us he came in and sobbed into, an arm chair that armchair broke apart these ancient fund. Gender policies just horrible, but it was a thing about it. Other similar thing happened in a board meeting in the town hall of rome, which is it the full building open, building open doors with golden painted chairs, and in the midst of this meeting one of our members who was an american board member fell under the table, then he crawled up again pointed with fingers at me and
Philip unease at onboard sue. You, his chair, had broken into two parts So probably the old romans were a bit like that: an average american you carry but you do as he learns reaches. We worry tears, laughing prevent It's a who a tie american woman who lives in los angeles meeting with the duke lead to another. I respect special meeting in two thousand prince philip came to my school to inaugurate the congressional awards programme to enrich and personal development set physical fitness calls and explore the world in addition to community service. So these really quite ambitious goals for us and our school was quite diverse, diverse in terms of race and diverse in terms of socio economic.
All of us had the funds to enough to travel or to do that portion of it. So I think it allowed school administrators to put money and funding, where it needed to be school administrators had us. I practice how we would enter the students that were going to ask principle of questions. Hatching asset He did rehearsed it many many times. I remember it made me super nervous, but one, Ashley met prince philip. I member, that he made me feel really familial. It was like speaking too and uncle or grandfather a hue,
super funny my nerves completely melted away. I think I expected a more serious person. I didn't expect this the spontaneity as much I didn't expect the wit, the humor, the casualness that he carried, and then there was some super genuine. Of a match. Ceo of company with that has come through the school in sponsor programmes, and it always felt more like a pr scheme. We all felt amazing after feeding prince fill up. You know we had some really genuine lass the photo the two, the los angeles times. Surprisingly enough on that panel was ashley, a friend of mine who I've never taken classes with with only done community service together, I Ashley ended up marrying
That man is, he was Michael and we ve been friends all these years and we got married last year, actually sell prince villa brought the two of us together. I think the impact is part of the round works of my future and community service, whether it's the homeless mobile clinic when hurricane katrina happened.
being humanitarian relief between my first and second year of grad school. The soon ami happens in thailand and being tie american. I went to thailand and actually and turned in a programme that did salami relief. I went to work in migrant, tuberculosis and reproductive health in thailand. For about five years, I was working with the. U, when having a large figure like prince, fill of sponsor a programme like this really builds young adults into better global citizens, and that is so important because our world is becoming so much smaller, as you can see like with this pandemic. In our action in one place, for lack of a better word infectious and contagious and really affects everyone around us during the rain. Many territories going their independence from britain, but the queen and prince philip of content.
you to maintain a friendship with those countries two thousand and seven, the prince in her majesty visited a group of children living with hiv and aids in uganda. An estimated half a million ugandans had lined the twenty mile route, the airport into the capital compiler some had walked for miles. Many had waited for hours, my name is ruth sims, I'm the former chief executive of my by international. I first met prince in two thousand and seven having set up Europe's first aids hospice in hackney, invited by the government of uganda to help them to provide care for people living with aids. There, and her majesty was going to open. The third ward for us for children.
perhaps surprisingly, she's never before been to an hiv aids clinic. Today's visit, then a recognition by her of the seriousness of the problem that afflict so much of sub saharan africa prince philip was with her majesty. They went round with great interest and then they came I hail to the judges home children's programmes where they watched fashioned, show put on by small children living with aids. from the ages of one and a half to four years. Gloria was a little girl who was in the hospital had been practicing for weeks. Her walk on the red carpet, but the day before where I became sake. She got pneumonia and she was needing continuous oxygen She was devastated when she realized she wouldn't be able to walk before the queen Ann
as she wouldn t she was so downcast. She was broken hearted and the next day the doktor had a discussion with me and decided that she would allow Gloria to walk on the red carpet. She would stay near by and come off her oxygen, but just a little while to do that, and then she could go back on again say she would dress in her golden dress, which was going to wear and say she did. Before she came along. I was sitting next to her majesty and I told her story immediate care. I told her. She turned to prince finnegan, told him said: look with his little girl. She was obviously very move to buy it and, as Gloria came along crouching they red carpet. She stopped right in front of her majesty and with a big smile, she waved her hand and the queen was
mapping per prince ferry was clapping and sharing and raising his arms. He was so Please to see her in an excited about this little girl who manage to do it giving has such applause and welcome. It was a wonderful, to say, after that Gloria finished, her walk she put on her oxygen mask was taken in the wheelchair back to the word, but that literature, never forgot that day I thought the green and prince philip of always had a better affection for canada mine.
David online, and I have the great privilege of being the left on a governor of the province of ontario and counted out between two thousand and seven and twenty fourteen. You no prince philip visiting card and more times than any other country saluted the definitely was a true affection for the country and it was reciprocate. Ah, this is delightful at the seed of government for the province of ontario called queens park in it's a beautiful building in building the eighteen nineties, it's got a beautiful park front and back and the prince was, and that was to review the troops of the royal canadian regiment, of which he was the colonel. There was a large number of weaponry, serious nasty, looking weaponry on hand, and he was most interested at tat. I could see the handlers were tried, a notch him along a little bit but he was having none of it. Here have to see everything and I was quizzing
is young soldiers details weapons. and there was this rather large. A nasty piece of weaponry aimed, I think, coincidentally, must have been. Coincidentally at the media bay with all the cameras, and so as I in my chief aide de camp colonel albert long and my wife and I urge escorting em we stopped at this, I think, is a fifty caliber machine gun and he said Is this thing loaded and the young officer was quite taken back. Said: oh no, no, sir, it's just loaded with blanks and he without missing a beat said. Well, that's a pity. Isn't it there's a couple of wonderful pictures that it various newspapers not just in canada but around the world of everyone, just laughing uproariously. It just typified his great sense of humor,
He clearly enjoyed people in a clearly enjoyed humor more The pity that we won't see see it again. You ve been listening to day I met prince philip with me, winifred robinson made in manchester production for the bbc. Well, service I.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-07.