« The Documentary Podcast

Taiwan's Balancing Act

2023-12-09 | 🔗

Former BBC Taiwan correspondent Cindy Sui meets two young Taiwanese voters, Shirley Lin and Dennis, who have very different views about the island, its future and its relationship with Mainland China. While one is a committed peace campaigner and seeks to reduce antagonism between Taiwan and China, the other has signed up to train with a citizen's army, to be ready for Chinese aggression. We follow them in their work, with their friends and hear their differing reflections on an island and an electorate being watched by a global audience.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the documentary from the BBC world service, where we report the world, however difficult the issue. However, hard to reach podcast, the BBC world service, I supported by advertising. Tired of ads interrupting your favorite show good news Ad free, listening on amazon music is included with your prime membership had to amazon dot com, slash ad free fitness to catch up on the latest episodes without the ads, and without an acre, shows every proposed continent such as we have that. the global story, is the podcast helping you make sense of the news. Join me: Katya adler, every weekday, as I take a closer look at the stories making the headlines with insights from the bbc. Global network of experts such for the global story, wherever you get
bbc pulp costs. I don't think it's mean eyes and they gave them now is not the eyes we're in a restaurant in taiwan's largest city, new Taipei surely lynn a twenty five year old graduate student is introducing me to one of her favorite dishes: as the eyes of the squid that have been fried into little fry balls. Amazing, the ours is thrilled. This is a very light is worth coming to taiwan Intel at one of two people who have allowed me to follow them for a few days at this moment period in taiwan, history ass, the island prepares. twenty twenty four presidential.
Action next month. You have to think. How can I keep talons safe? How can I secure talents security and deal with the biggest threat from the other side if china wants to fight? in my country, and I will fight back dennis. Is twenty eight in a computer software engineer for him? This is a time. Existential threat for taiwan, a threat that he believes may require him to take up to defend his country. If it happens, I can now refuse it. So I just embracing and wish. I care just hold this progress until Maybe the war is coming here, maybe one day make them become our brother or even friend. This is what a responsible I think government has to think
I'm sindifu in this system I commend tree on the BBC world service Ivan report. About taiwan for fifteen years. For much of that time, as the BBC's taipei base correspondent, in the last two years have been by far the most unsettling the islands recent history took shape in nineteen forty nine, when chant, I shacks republic of china, oh see sought refuge here losing the chinese civil war with the communists which, to the creation of the people's republic of china, The p r c on the mainland. the existence of the two china's has never officially accepted by either side or the international community as a whole under hang and subsequent rulers. Taiwan was effectively a one party states, but towards the end of the twentieth century,
it transitioned into a multi party democracy with elected president's beginning in nineteen ninety six increasingly that democratic Some has seen rising tensions between the eye and the mainland, and indeed years. Those tensions have raised worries across the globe, nancy policies. Delayed high profile visit was never without risk. China's anger has led to the. U s: ambassador delegation can vary, crowd, came to town to make unequivocally clear will not banned Our commitment to taiwan, I'm proud of enduring friendship taiwan says chinese warplanes have entered it in space hours. After the. U S, speaker, Nancy Pelosi ended her controversial visit to the island. Beijing has said it will begin military ticket check facing deliberately heightened military threats. Taiwan will not back down. We will first,
up, uphold our nations sovereignty and continue to hold the line of defence of democracy and for that The voice was tying when the president of the republic of China, who comes The end of her eight year rule for months after the election in january, whose seats her and how he will address taiwan's relationship with china is what makes this, J. Momentous election especially after the visit of u S, speaker nets policy in twenty me too, presence on the island cause they mark escalation in the war of words and milk ray exercises on both sides with her wrists, hiding in ukraine and the middle EAST. There are fears that the We could see another war break out here in taiwan so ass, a presidential election approaches or retie taiwanese people like Dennis and surely pairing to make an important choice, but there are taking action themselves and David,
me to follow them to understand the challenges they face at the heart of taiwan's democratic balancing rubbing It's a sunday a day, taiwanese people like to relax, go shopping or watch a movie instead send his girlfriend. Cocoa have signed a foreign all day class at a coma academy. the academy is in profit group set up in twenty twenty one by two academics, who believe that the Sway to maintain peace is to prepare for war that includes training not only the soldiers but also civilians, to defend taiwan. The aim is to prepare up to three million people. about a seven of the population in civil defence within three years. that's an ambitious goal, but after policies visit, captain we got a donation of eighteen million dollars from the taiwanese
billion year to scale strain, though today's session, as in preparation for war, the atmosphere is lively rather than for this The training course is about evacuation, in how to survive. the exercise now, is to write down the blood type of people and their specialty, and what they're good at doing and Dennis is sort of the team leader in his written down everyone's and his teens blood type One person is good at management. The person is a housewife heaving sure tat. She was not sure why she would be good. He said very cooking and we need people to cook in evacuations.
the so Dennis. Tell me about yourself ever since then, and I work in financial stop star and from an from an engineer taking a product manager, I used to work in china. I working in beijing's argumentative reality I stock only a r started as a hobby as owned by a chinese company owned by a chinese company. So I have some experience in china was that your first time in in china is now my first day in China, because my ex girlfriend is in sun, It seemed tiny, such unlike some province on problems, diseases dennis medicine ex girlfriend from the chinese mainland at university, but it was because his work and software development that he became inch. In moving there too started.
company. First, I just get a tour to maybe go to beijing, so these groups approach you because you are ended. Our high tech field and you're interested in doing start ups and china is trying to attract taiwanese I want to go to the mainland, you can say about. The first is dress or toy Jos introduced, like some students about their start in beijing. So I just gather info shipped to beijing and this kind of group lay this stuff, but they also have tried to tell China is good and maybe taiwanese is not fair. Tell me why you here today, because friend, and I we found out that taiwan is very thin jazz situation at first, because the present an addiction is. Atomic right, but most candidate there Yes is is Harvard china, so we very worried about what you're saying is.
think taiwanese. People are too like complacent tie to it always shin. Yes, yes in this exercise structures that war has just broken out right here and your job is a vacuum. Hair out immature although the atmosphere on the sunday course is animated. The substance is deadly. Serious similar groups have pop up, including some that teach people how to fire guns. When for the results of the elections there now thousands of trainees who are ready to defend and protect himself and their homeland against what they fear. Isn't it seeing the aggressive china north of taiwan's capital, Taipei, close to the northern coast of the island, is the camp If Dunne's young university
it was surely Lynn is studying for her masters degree at a unit, studies graduate institute of international affairs and strategic studies I surely I said you won't come to finally meet you in person. I thank you for coming and so is my institute messages at the twelfth floor, and this is just the entrance. What with very here is a bus g by monk, most people in taiwan when I think about strategy that thing about military strategy, bad for us later, not just it we have a national security strategy. We have diplomatic strategy cell, while we learn is not just military, but also how to maintain peace and stability, but also prepare for a possible war. No, I wants war right and we go upstairs and you can explain that more to me, yeah shit. Let's go.
that's the river we're riding up the elevator to the twelfth floor with the graduate institute is right: yes, yeah, and this building and dusted the downstream river. Isn't it yeah and you can see the mouths of the potential everybody's just right there right. I got there later. The ship surely brackets herself with a mature of taiwanese around sixty percent, who say there favour of maintaining the political status quo, in other words keeping taiwan's status as a self governing de facto country in all, but name and resist both unification with china and formal independence, but before we sit down to talk, She invited me to join her in one of her student passions a properly brood cup of tea. This tea, I think, is from tied joan is all taiwanese. People are very proud of their tea It is grown like in a much more natural way, some of them. Some people have told me, then,
Mainland china didn't use pesticides in many of the farms face very subjective. You know like in the EU. With tee in hand and a view over the coastline would have done river meat? Taiwan's straight? We settled to chat- and I play for surely one of the tip international reports on tension. in taiwan. The views in this case from the united states, China began doing something new and April, and may chinese ariel Sharon's went further than ever before, considering the entire island, but father just for detecting on the east coast. Military experts I want, is always rely on its mountainous terrain, The natural shield, in the event of an attack looking towards east, is the most severe and are so many ways I mean I've seen a lot of bad. Simple warfare across the talent straight and how do you feel
When you hear so much about potential war breaking out between mainland china and taiwan, I feel very tired of it because in a no one is talking about how we can prevent the war from here. And I think this very nice sorry, one professor once when we learn those internet, Relations theories and When we are learning strategies, we have to think how to make peace instead of waging a war and so in always study the art of war by since it as well- and you know it since it does not encourage war, he argues to you strategy to defeat your enemy and waging a war is actually the last resort. We think that taiwan and mainland china are doing enough to prevent a war.
not end the rest of the world too, especially the united states and the EU. Maybe not enough, like Dennis sure Few of china and its relationship with Taiwan is informed by her own personal experience of travelling. There her take away from meeting mainland chinese people is that the issue Taiwan's status doesn't have be decided now. She hoped for More gradual resolution, pray, when the younger generations, both sides get to know each other. In fact, a better way than the current leaders. My family didn't really mention anything bad about china when you were growing up. Did you see yourself as taiwanese chinese or When he's an chinese. Tell our knees, but with chinese cultural background and so My impression on china now wasn't bad.
And then, when I entered school I learn China, many for my textbooks and one my teachers taught me so your parents took you to china, even though Taiwan is right next to mainland china. No, no, it did you, go on holiday at all. Did you found me go on holiday at all? I, yes, but just in taiwan, not china, and if you had the chance to go abroad for holiday. Would your family choose mainland china not wait wait. We would show us like Japan or may in south east asia. I guess maybe with the same language site where you go China, you don't think you are going abroad I went to china this july only as an adult. The first idea is the first time and then I feel like slagging time why another salary, just that accident,
the man who in active memory accident Israel, different from taiwan and food, is different as well the taste of of it it's different, but the dishes are very similar. Somebody dishes, yes and so on he'll like really going abroad visit in somewhere. They speak the same language as you do when you were growing up. Besides the textbooks, did you have any kind of interaction with china, yeah. Oh, when I was on a grand, I had classmates from men in china in taiwan and ozone canada, so we I got it on with them very well. We were friends, and then we will we seldom talk about. Politics spoke when we talk about politics. We cousin while we learned at school and that's what I think and then we don't I do
we know- and I mean a quarrel, so you didn't feel like any kind of divide between you and then no bed. If we talk about like while we learned back home, then it will be very different. Then naturally, thing that Taiwan is part of china because of their what did learn at school and I think tat one is taiwan. and our national mammies republic of china and we are a country, and so since the difference, I feel when I talk to them when I Well, as in china, this july I talked to a clerk at team, hortense a canadian cafe shop, and then he was talking to me and then he sat in these it it's ok. We are like one family So you know that it's is embedded in their songs,
back at the tumor academy, Dennis prepares for conflict rather than biking barking commands tourists use humour to downplay the reality facing one of the most powerful armies on earth in coping with possible injury like Dennis, are taught to lift the person. The back one person were wholly both of their arms lifted from the back and eighty percent. odin from their lakes. Now it's time for students to demonstrate what they just learned This is paying up with a couple of male students. Here then, this is quite tall and his politely offer to be the one doing the lift despite a bigger man in his classic you don't want to try and lifting, because
having happy to have yoga okay I'll go carpet here this fast. They ve been his niece one class. Scrapped and from the back onto his arms, because in his arms and holding onto his arms and yet a classmate separated makes it was left him appointed son. I'll get you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, I'm worry about a war may be happening: twenty twenty, seven or maybe later bigger reason that china is not good inside your country, right, you're fired
press of shipping, and I will try to reverse the attention in diverse diverse the intention in second sight, so Taiwan may be a good option to die for people's attention- people's us genesis, theory that war could happen soon, be used as a diversion away from china's economic challenges stems from common made by a retired. U S, admiral and a general debate is planning to launch an invasion of taiwan by twenty twenty seven or as early as twenty twenty five, I have read news and sees you too, and it says that key twenty seven in the usa, because in the congress, asylum generals and sound, though make have mentioned It- twenty twenty seven. China has the power to jars fight a word with taiwan,
it just gimme his insurance. So I think it really jars made me worry about it, so I just come to study in the market if happens. I can say that a recent review it so embracing, and if maybe try and I want to just fight in my country- and I won't fibre- the? U s. Government has repeatedly stated that such claims about a war in the next few years do not report. the view of the administration- and it doesn't china is planning an imminent attack on this. Lines of a meeting in san francisco in November china the presidency's ping told you s, president Joe Biden that there are no such plants behalf poorly laid out the conditions under which force. could be used, and one of those is I really believe to be a formal declaration of independence by taiwan. Sees attempts to
spell. Speculation might not risk people like denison cocoa, whose Convinced that he might try to take back Taiwan militarily even like other chinese leaders she has indicated he preferred- peaceful reunification but he s these closing message, the academy structured, maintains the mix of humor and straight talking, I wish you a safe and he says paying your taxes to fund the war effort, final message from this structure is: don't surrender I'll, try to stay alive. My bonnet, ass. We left the building denison cocoa, clearly energized by today's training.
we're convinced than ever that they have to or for war. If we look back now We can do in russia yeah yeah yeah yeah, because he has concept lad Asian ancient weakling is rush. us area. I think that she jumping is idea that taiwan used to be china and there the same kind of people saw, I sing. It really a high potential that it will be worth saw. I just enjoy the moment and prepare myself. You don't believe any chance at maintaining peace. I think it is hard. I think it is hard because if Taiwan's, Terry force is going better better and china cannot just chess over it. I think we will have peace, but if not, I think the world really is coming
something mysterious plagues county mayo on the west coast of ireland and its legendary gaelic football team. I believe in the cars yeah. I think it's real. Is it asked superstition, or could there be more to it? Sometimes I think that something sinister gonna. What do you mean to do so. Women all on final familiar, listened curious tale of the male curse on amazing, fort stories from the BBC world service, sir four amazing sport stories. Wherever you got your bbc podcast. tonight in arkansas there's another talking in her daughter and turning off the light. A business owners burning the midnight oil and at home dinner date is playing a possibility and it's all happening under one roof. How the power. of a conversation like the one john from integrity solutions had with first rise and bank about his vision for a sustainable makes to use building? Now it's just words its life first, her
bank. Let's find away gotta. First, the dot com, slash john first John bank member, if the icy tired of it its barging in to your favorite news broadcasts, good news, ad free listening on amazon music is included with your prime membership, just the amazon, dot com, slash ad free news, bod to catch up on the latest episode without the ads and without an acre shows every the concepts such as we have that. This is like friday night in Taipei, and one of the most popular districts in Taiwan seem ending a hot spots. Some most people here I see around me on a young people and lots of billboards showing fashionable models and who looking people welcome back to documentary on the BBC world service, I'm cindy sue and with the help of two young voters, surely
Dennis. I am trying to understand more about the upcoming elections in taiwan and the best. sing out the island faces in china. To decide kind of relationship should have with its neighbour china. Although election posters showing smiling party candidates, And catchy slogans are also everywhere, Pay remains, is bustling, busy self and surely lynn and her friends are having a night out in a pot The collar K bar instead damn Who, in the january when he saw by taiwanese singer and is an odi. What is it about love so from your when your parents finish, the
why ass, the sway and seen together. It's easy to think they have. not a care in the world. And yet surely and her friends are thinking very carefully about your vote. and they have real frustrations of the way pollen, it works in taiwan. the senior party birds deal wheeled significant influence and mostly Young people don't like that. They want to see more new political figures which can bring new like hope for them. I don't see options that I think is good enough to have taiwan to face the challenges in the future,
still I'll wait for you to see their platforms and then I think, is better in order to know all the candidates, ideas on cross trade issues and some domestic issues and then make your decision will not put up for multi year triple fleets that young such weapons being a total fasten. It three that that day, while fighting I'm finished Taiwan's current president time, when represents the The aquatic progressive party, the deep is ultimate ambition is that Taiwan should be formally independent from china and russia nice by the world as a soft country, a direct challenge too she of mainland china. The president's highs eight years in power, the tension between the island and the mainland have increased her second term. office will end soon and the deputy has nominated vice president lighting due to be its press.
Then show candidate running against him, is the mayor of new Taipei city hall. You e of the globe down or cam tea party. They are not confrontational towards china and instead argue for reduction intentions and a restoration of good relations with beijing that their party achieved in the past. A third party taiwan people's party or t p also favours restoring dialogue with beijing. Its candidate is We're taipei, mayor, goings on is way more complicated than that with talks between. Empty and tv to form a coalition to united Sixty percent of voters who want the ppp defeated breaking down recently in his soul, opera style trauma or the stuff of democratic process. But there is one thing that unites: surely and her friends and death
the police that taiwan status does not have to be decided now? Are you pro independence? now that the venture, so you favour eventually independent way thy way in the future, maybe fifty years later or hungry, as it is, but I think that just need to these yea. I didn't check the ministry of national defense's website today, but I just kind of stopped checking after a while, because every day they always issue reports about how many chinese fighter jets and warplanes are flying near Taiwan's aerospace and sometimes even crossing the median line in the taiwan strait between the two sides. This happening every day, but you guys don't seem to be. is anybody It always excellent. Well, you know you have to relax. You can always live under anxiety. My mother is very worried. Junior
what, though it does a river and jewels worry that maybe china. Come so does everybody is the most nearly they can yeah. We are not worried, but we want I didn't know that after a day of survival, training at the coma academy Dennis and his friend, cocoa shared more of their views with me over dinner strong in Taipei. Not though go you are, favours the ruling party, not just because the opposition to china, but because He feels it has managed to rally support from some western countries for taiwan and evening. Hurt to use the name. We always use chinese taipei.
Our nan is highway. So if I can, we just say who we are through that way. So I think it is a grave, a grandma viagra movie yeah, because after a few years out, we have so song result. It is, because international society it lay that taiwan is so. I think it is a good investment by that time may be, is it'll, be risky move, the dpp always than I care to the restaurant that they want taiwan, independence and many people really doesn't like China. Maybe unite taiwan. This idea of fall fourteen. It is a good strategy to win votes because you have to be anti china, yes, and to kind of promote this fear about china. I think for younger We I've boy united, when
about our our stands for taiwan, cocoa comes from a home. We, The discussion is lively and often divided. I think the elder sister, like my parents, actually my mom and dad they have the deeper in albania. My daddy's more sense for president tie. My mom just think that the president's high than making taiwan and more dangerous, so your parents have different political views. Yes, when I talk about it, With my family, we usually avoid talking you behold me, but my mom is not: thou shalt she's, not book anti, but she's, not all call for what did it uses. Maybe my mom. Don't care available swinging the elect or not they just one our economy getting better. So, I think, is a different stance
for me. I want to understand the future leader china s thoughts, that's how You build trust and avoid misperception. If you cut all these exchange These then, are no chance for us too, to know each other. Surely like denison, cocoa has tickets paternity to travel to mainland china and to get to the country and its people she's disappointed president ties eight years in office, there's been an f. To design a size, taiwan and a big trop in a number. of people from both sides who cross the taiwan strait and get a deeper
the setting of their neighbour, which jaime's people we care about connections, one she glanced. She I dont know how to translate this into english, but we say to mean something: when you see a person in failing to face to face then create some sort of connection I think it also very important for both sides. We need need younger generations to start talking. They try to build your idea that your your talent, you have nothing to do with china, china to do with chinese culture culture. Does it s good? Because history has these cutting nudity, we can say how we has nothing to do with chinese culture.
our ancestors, came from men in china. I don't think it is ok to ignore the history and our connection with the meddling, not all the chinese people want jill war against taiwan. So one day when I generation become the leader of our country. This kind of connection can help to build a kind of senses avoid misperceptions of for both sides and then that there would be our foundations to you know, move forward together. Instead of fighting every day. Tell me what it's like growing up in taiwan. Thinking Taiwan is a country just like any other country realizing, maybe from textbooks of the new That is not. How does that make you feel I first got mess.
Our task is not a country during the sauce. I fear We are abandoned, sars severe acute respiratory syndrome, disease that emerged in china and asia towards the end two thousand and two is some refer to as the first pandemic of the twenty first century, but right the disease itself, it was the way Taiwan was treated that affected as a young boy. He grew up to become part of a segment of taiwan's society that, first, formal independence According to the latest government service, they comprise about twenty five percent of the popular as we saw on the t, v huron try to help the world and maybe to get some more information from the douglas show, because that we are not the country, so we cannot attend the meeting
I have no more communication with other that really make new disappoint, because I mean kidding gathering many foreign teacher. Allow teach us that english or maybe play we still say we just like friends, and so they have taught us that we are global village. In a moment now. I saw the news and we know- maybe he just pretty life good, about fetish. Yes, sir in countries not for taiwan. That is important for taiwan to be a country if function as a country The name is on military, this constitution as its own parliament. Presidents and you haven't you- you function pretty much like a country.
If your girlfriend's ass you, where will we get a merry and huge s reply? We are in love now- and we are very happy with it, lots of things together, and you just We are married, and I think most of the girl for us, or maybe other upon earth when that was this answer and it then for us, because marriage is a drastic from others. So I think we still around other a country to admit we are the do you believe that in your lifetime, I want to achieve the goal that you have. True. Independence is being recognised. I think, maybe we can achieve it bob. I cannot penetrate it right now. I hope I often I can see this moment coming. So what is light life
an ordinary couple in taiwan living under the threat of a path china invasion. I think we all used to it. We don't I very much other by they still thing about, like the inflation in taiwan, and actually, working hours taiwanese also I stressful and also the price of real asset. Even ordinary, upon men outside urban areas, Taipei. Actually, we cannot afford the price knowing what's going to happen in taiwan in the next few years. hearing you S, admiral I was u s. Generals predict that beijing will attack twenty twenty five or twenty twenty seven you think twice about starting a family having maris fibre. Having children or not. I think more critical issue, because, yes, you
If you don't want your child born he or she has to guess through they suffer sizing I'm sorry for china's potential attack will prolong the plan that I want to give birth or not. Now we have raised a cat together is none, is albert, almost unbelievable outbursts, the and egypt, like our child. So when we today tat s about how to prepare the rag bag package. we always say goodbye. maybe that means you're ready to be parents. Yes, as we finish our desert, I asked cocoa if her for, they ethical. My academy had changed. Ideas and plants, maybe before attending leaf worse, my positions and my sense as more
I will surrender to china. Because I actually staying shanghai for many years. I do some clothes chinese friends and I do love you. Shall I see the talking about China? I don't have the negative thought, maybe just president, she made me feel threatened, but I I hey, greece, contrary he's the one, to remain separate people think that politics is involved. The two I don't have to watch down the road of war that they can actually sit back reduce tensions and each given a little bit. You see no way to preserve peace. No way the two sides can work out some kind of compromise. I don't think that it will eventually be a peaceful way, but I think for china stand, I I always believed
that too I take take over taiwan is what they must do. If, if president is still in his position, yeah at least sixty eight chinese fighter jets are reported to have crossed into taiwanese controlled airspace. The united states face a commitment to taiwan that is rock solid and over many years has contributed to the maintenance of peace and stability across the taiwan strait and within the region. What is never sound is whether the united states would in fact come to taiwan's defence militarily, and it sat ambiguity which has been maintained for many years, that the whole delicate balance rests on you. Secretary of state, anthony blinking in general, isabel hilton, just of the many voices to be heard when hi one and its future are discussed. On the global stage. For sure, Lee is a more immediate voice, that of her lecture,
professor yang Yolen, who was in it office ass. She showed me around bans. Young university professor lynn, as an expert in military strategy, particularly that of the p o ay the people's liberation army of china and he was happy to share his thoughts about china, my attack the island. If it came to that. right down to the landings on the so called red beaches, one of which within five kilometres of the university campus first, they would try to bracket pie one seconds. They will be using the messiah to attack taiwan and then the third believe they will be using the air force bomber and final mending. But I sing the lending will be. The final plan is pilot, peck taiwan. They will be done Using traditional lending strategy so sometimes is not only will be using the red beach we have
in taiwan. Averment we have to let our security be link with other countries, for example Japan, for example, korea. If the talent can be more to lead the taiwan, the pomp and we'll be become international private, maybe it is, can belated tat beijing to cancel he's a military attack? So sometimes that is, I call our deterrence deterrent strategy I'd say on screen and as we can and does it make. You worry that your campus is right near one of the so called red beaches the piano can actually tried and a land invasion. Yes, of course, if I'm here then I will be maybe the first target. Would you consider taking up arms if it came to that. I don't know how to use guns, but I'm my want
support our soldiers via medical, support. Yes, is literally a fifteen minute. Try from surely university too. Those so called red beaches very peaceful, very different from the noise and the traffic of taipei. Everything this place should be the very beautiful spots for a family or friends to get that if there's a wall here, my be graves for our soldiers and that that's really a you know sad before the war in ukraine will only learn about war on textbooks. Now you see a worrying trend now count
between Israel and Hamas. You feel like it's really easy for a war to break out and is very, very real. Have you and your brother talked about, and your mom and dad talked about what would happen if a war does break up. Have you guys even broach the subject of what he should do Should he leave taiwan? Should he finer excuse not to fight? Have you guys even talked about as a family? We do We don't have the money to flight or escape to other countries, so we'll try to survive. And I think that that's all we want to do if a war breaks out still live with it. Just came, maintain some dead and he ll go to a war, and then maybe you he's not going to come back. However, scary thoughts.
This is the martyrs shine. Is a vast thirty three thousand square metre park? The more you in nineteen sixty nine to commemorate order. Soldiers who died in the wars that the republic of china now in taiwan, thoughts in its history, situate, at the foot hills in western taipei does enlarge ass, lined with flags of the republic of china, is a red white and blue flags the buildings here are in the traditional or nay chinese style, with been yellow roofs and tall red pillars their stone, lions guarding at the base of the stone steps leading up to the main hall with a wooden placards. No here a spirit tablets of the deceased soldiers are kept. The shine pace respects to the soldiers who were killed in the various
Wars are the aral sea fought starting with the nineteen eleven revolution in which it overthrew. China's last emperor and its last dynasty teaching dynasty leading to the funding of the republic of china in nineteen eleven. Then it went on to fight the second synergy when war, but all law, it was fighting to twenty two year, chinese civil war, which continue to fight, after defeating the japanese and nineteen forty five arches. the nationalists and the communist. Both sides suffered a total Only three million casualties, including some six hundred thousand soldiers, if civilian casualties are included, the losses, been greater. was war and the threat of war. So much a part of our conversations. I invite a surely and denis to meet me admiral.
The shrine, I sing, I'm very grateful for what they have done for us, how to say that the growth is not good to to go to ballet jazz. Why would you not use it yeah yeah they choose to temple. Is people ask them for this country and try to make the work better, so I sing a really grateful. I can cherish what they have done for us. Are you worried that you might become one of them if war breaks out between the two sides of the taiwan straits? I'm now really afraid because lay become spirits lie just remind us that the laboratory is not long. We have to fight for it. You're not born with liberty. Yeah well not been wasted liberty
We need to fight to get it, but if we just given to sound cycle neighbour, then we just give up all right if they represent two sides of the taiwanese debate dennis dinner, All this keen for independence and shit the more moderate figure seeking stability and com? lies with china. That doesn't mean she's any less informed or moved by what she saw. These are the spirit tat its spirit, how to address is essential. Since my kids, So many placards spare tablets all along the walls of the halls behind them
many families. I don't want my friends or rather stay with this, just really find me that if there's a war or any emergency happening to taiwan, then you know I would be also part of it. You have to you need to play your role. You know for your country, I'm not sure. If I'll have the courage, hopefully it won't come to that right right here, you see those monitors, and then you realize the value of What struck both of us we set. The shrine was essentially the story of for sacrifice those people who died were mostly young men from their twenties to fourteen, The same age as I am now it's really in salt, provoke
I've seen them dying for a country I gonna hold dead people from my generation can escape did the rest, and consequences of wars, and then We want to try to find a way. to maintain peace and stability, Alfred Taiwan, getting no denison, shirley I've. To understand how similar day are, despite their different views. Fishes may diverge on the best way forward. Perhaps is the nature of democracies that choices to be made which are more black, Why do people might wish for dennis, maybe hearing, a wartime evacuation pack. while surely strives for calm, but both want peace, and both are proud of their island home? What divides them? And perhaps
the final time once balancing act, ass people prepare for the election is their idea of what is the best way to maintain that peace well. Service documentary was presented by cindy sue. The producer was tom, open, and cyclists dreams of turning his passion into a business. He can tell us banker to help find the best path. Now, bike wheels are being built and all it took was a little push to get rolling first, her, bank. Let's find a way but a first horizon dot com, slash, clint, tired of it, its barging in to your favorite news broadcasts, good news, ad free listening on amazon, music is included with your prime membership. Just the amazon, dot com, slash ad free news broadcasts to catch up on the latest episode without the ads and without an acre shows every continent such as we have that.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-11.