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Ros Atkins on: Germany’s election

2021-09-25 | 🔗
Germany’s first female chancellor, Angela Merkel, is standing down after 16 years in office. This matters because a major figure is exiting the global stage. She has worked with four US presidents and been at the centre of European and global politics. As Germans head to the polls, Ros Atkins looks at the race to succeed one of Europe’s most influential leaders.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Had I arose atkins each week on the BBC world service. I look at one of the biggest stories in the news this time. Its germany's election younger, some for you, a basket. in berlin is among the millions saying goodbye to chancellor Angela Merkel after sixteen years, her time as the head Germany's federal government is almost complete and, as chancellor, she was responsible for all government policies. She's been at the centre of european and global.
politics and help to guide the european union through the migration crisis, the euro crisis and covert nineteen and the uk prime minister, Boris Johnson, has offered one of the many tributes to her leadership, you'll soon expertise has been instrumental in guiding the global response to the pandemic virus. Johnson talks of mrs merkel guiding the world and that sense of Angela Merkel, transcending policies, comes out when listening to politicians and many others too, like this german teenage He's no no other leader, she is covered in the safe space like a mom would, but it's now time for a change. That change will be decided very
do and it'll inevitably impact germany's positions on a range of vital issues from the eu to global trade to climate change. My colleague, catchy adler puts it this way. These german acts they matter not just inside the country but outside as well. This is all about change. You thought german politics might be predictable and boring. Absolutely not so if you ve got to get stuck into this election, give me a few minutes and I'll take you through it. First of all he's the man Angela Merkel, would like to be. A replacement is really isn't come, proven issue, wunderschoen, slogger, wounded, simple eritrea. That's our main lush, it speaking at a recent campaign event. He saying he wants to lead this fight and well he's already leader of Angela Merkel, christian democratic union, the city you its right of centre and as a system
policy in bavaria. Called the sea s you he'd, been the favourite to replace Angela merkel is chancellor, but that's not going to plan armand lash had has had some mishaps on the campaign trail, primarily the pictures of him. Laughing. During a speech of president stein myers when he was addressing victims of the historic floods the summer and north west germany. This is political. It is so that David whelp, bearing in mind that Mr Le shit is a leader of one of the worst affected areas in the floods, and this moment was made all the worse In contrast with Angela merkel's visit to the area, the german chancellor, Angela Merkel, has expressed shock at what she called surreal destruction caused by flash flooding on a visit to one of the worst hit towns short in the west of germany that same day, MRS merkel at war, arm in arm with political rivals, and these comparisons, with mrs merkel go beyond the floods. For MR le shed, some germans
see you in previous elections, because merkel centrist, pragmatic approach, attracted germans, from beyond the sea to use conservative base miss taylor. Shit is struggling to do that, which is why Angela merkel intervened herself to try and help. Get to do everything that you can to save guys. Germany's prosperity in the coming years
to ensure germany, safety and the person who can do this. Who is campaigning to do this and ready to fight passionately, for this? Is our men rush? It that's the page, but paul suggest. Mr Schulz is proving a hard sell since July the sea to you has fallen in the polls going in the other direction. Is the sb day the social democrats they were in third, but now sits in the lead in the polls. Their leader is Olaf shawls riven with a sniff muffled and consequences washed up on disability fist of joy at a recent campaign ready, Mr Schulz urge people to act.
the country's prosperity and jobs he's playing on his role as the finance minister in the current coalition government. Indeed, one german political scientist has described him ass, rational, stable, almost boring. This makes him very similar to mrs merkel wittol and that's a comparison. Mr Schulz is actively encouraging. His party, though, is sent a letter to mrs Merkel centre right and This is his pitch to voters esteem for fine, because that's the humanness. I will immediately bring in a minimum wage of twelve euros, would ensure stable pensions and ensure that within the first year of government, we will have the structure place to build a renewable energy industry with good jobs that a climate, neutral, orbits pets now either mister
Oats almost of assets are the most likely to replace Angela Merkel, but there is one other candidate who has a chance. I stand for a new status that would no longer do climate protection halfway policies that finally bring children and families to the centre and a human let's laid foreign policy and the heart of europe. This is utterly. The bare bulk leader of the green party. Time magazine is written that her leadership has bridge divide between the parties, long, feuding fundamentalist. realist wings overseeing the greens, consolidation as a pro business centrist party. But what was once a surging campaign with the greens briefly top of the poles has lost a little momentum. They now sit in third, then, behind the greens there are three more parties to note the ftp conservative liberals, the empty the far right- and
link, the far left. Now. No one will work with the aim of de but all of the others matter, because they could all end up in government and that's because german governments are always coalitions. Those can too months to thrash out, but when the coalition is settled, germany will have a new chancellor, the new government and a new direction. Germany, most likely, will continue to be the single most politically stable element in the european union that wolfgang Ischinger a german diplomat. He explains one reason why this election matters and, let's consider the ramifications of this vote, germany. the fourth largest economy in the world and the biggest in the european union, and once again, I think, back to Boris Johnson's description of being a guide during the pandemic. That's true of the european union to the new
Chancellor will need to decide what kind of guide he or she will be on the issues of defence, climate and monetary policy. Big decisions within the EU awaits that's one reads why this election masses here's another now we have to stand up and say: ok, stop driving cars stop flying to holiday because we need to reduce their emissions, which is right, but we should have also already done this like fifty years ago, Germany remains by far the biggest c, o two emitter in the E. U and critics of Angela merkel say she didn't do enough to move germany away from coal. The next government has to decide how far and how fast to act on climate change. My final reason is germany's role in the world. Listen to Joe Biden's tribute to Angela Merkel. Thank you for speaking out for what is right and for never failing to defend human dignity. Thank you for your continued support.
long standing goal or europe whole free and at peace. Mr Biden emphasizes germany's global role, but while domestic issues, perhaps inevitably dominates election campaigns behind them here in germany, a great unresolved question remains: what kind of global power does? Germany wants a bee? That's? Why was the voting, as happened? The coalition's been agreed and Angela merkel replacement has been chosen. Germany's next step matters for all of us. That's why I'll be watching? Thank he freely There will be more from the document podcast soon. The documentary is just one of our bbc world service podcast. There are many others to choose from my name's leads to set. I've been telling stories from afghanistan for more than thirty years. Between honest, what's happening now is overwhelming
decades. After the: u and its allies out of the Taliban, the americans are out the taliban back in and wishes of so many in shreds. Even the smell of carbon was different, hoping for future. But I also know those who are celebrating for them The return of the taliban has been a long fight on many fronts. The bishop, The simple answer is long time about what happens next depends, of course, on afghans. but also one outsiders we ve, had ten conversations with people who have made a difference over the years and mace still make a difference recorded in the weeks leading to this momentous reversal. Everyone else has then actually to pack and goal be cans, and we did not create the smiths on our own a wish for us. I understand from the BBC world service search for a wish for afghanistan. Wherever you get your podcasts.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-05.