« The Documentary Podcast

Africa’s Urban Future: South Africa

2023-10-16 | 🔗

Apartheid may now be long buried politically but in and around South Africa’s main cities it has left a visible legacy. Those entrenched historical problems could be about to get worse as cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town continue to grow rapidly, as a result of both migration and the natural population growth. Persistent power cuts and creaking infrastructure are major challenges to the ever-quickening pace of urbanisation. Can an ambitious new plan for Stellenbosch, the place where apartheid was reportedly conceived, help to break down the post-apartheid legacy of urban planning?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the documentary from the BBC world service, where we report the world, however difficult the issue, however hard to reach costs from the BBC world service. I supported by advertising. Tired of ads interrupting your favorite show good news ad free listening on amazon music is included with your prime membership had to amazon dot com, slash ad free fitness to catch up on the latest episodes without the ads And without an acre shows every the covers, such as we have that. Have you ever wondered what sets exceptional leaders apart cover how renowned leaders from around the globe of harness, then troll talents to achieve remarkable success cover the secrets of leadership excellence, one string, At a time through Gallop leading with strengths dive.
Compelling stories at leading with strength, stock com, west papua. rene, Montgomery and my podcast untold ledges aura, is available. Now, I'm looking back in the life of one of the most extraordinary black female sports stars of the twentieth century, whose name has been all but forgotten or watching to find out more just search for untold legends. Wherever you found this podcast. The end of this century, the? U n, predicts that africa matured listen a tenth of the world's population in nineteen. Fifty could be home to forty percent of humanity. Most of these staggering demographic growth will take place in africa cities, but the question of how constant, manages the fastest urbanization in human history, one of em.
the daily lives of millions of africans, but shape everything. From migration and global economy, prosperity to the future of the african nation state and the prospects of limiting the climate crisis. I MIKE will judge living in and reporting on ever over the past fifty years. I've seen the real sense of the enormity and magnitude of these changes, and I'm milton nkosi and together we'll be considering. opportunities and challenges these breakneck developments present for africa and the rest of the world milton, I knew you here- is a leading bbc journalist anna now, I'm missing ever such fellow at africa, asia dialogues, a think tank and you were born here and so a timely. Oh yes, indeed, I was born and bred here in saw it
Third episode, documentary africa's open future bbc world service We focus on the two biggest urban centres in south africa johannesburg, but we stop this right right here in sweater, I'm being short for size, still townships, established Nineteen thirteen onwards as a place where the black workforce of johannesburg would live separately from the white population. It became, in effect the largest black city in south. That's mandela's house when he returned from prison after twenty seven years for fighting white man, your role here. Attend to this place. Just a few. Hundred meters away just now on the right you can see there were those boys are singing. That's desmond, tutu how's, the archbishop. It's the only thing that has two nobel peace prize laureates who were living side by side as neighbours. This has been the nucleus of antibiotics
school children on a talk a hundred of them here and they think of defining a pretty interesting other things to the chatter doing themselves. They were born imposed upon date. In some of these things you talk about, they have no concept of its a much more complex story. Now, long lead people oppressed by the wide minority and is no longer like this nodded, if that it's all corrupt and now is going down you actually it's much more complex than that. Huge success is huge and there are also equally colossal failings, many the successes and failures have taken place in south africa's fast growing cities. I was based here in south africa is a BBC correspondent as opposition to re segregation intensified apart
Finally collapsed and nelson mandela was released from prison. Hopes were high that this political watershed might be reflected rapidly in people's living. in one of africa's most urbanized countries. Change, though, has been more uneven that So where two goals for miles down there. As far as you I can see that is so it fast fast plates and the population It is between one and a half million in three major, depending on who you believe, but this is a better way No sorry to than when we grew up their pre ouses tiled roofs, they ve got satellite dishes. You can see the improvement, but then there are other things that are still disappointingly way behind in terms of change. The more things change them are they stay? The same apartheid He now belong buried politically
Can you around the city's, its leftovers we'll legacy. Billy comments worked. government and housing in south africa and later became director of the global we ship the cities alliance very little has changed and in fact it's in many ways it's become further entrenched. Poor areas have expanded on existing poor areas. Have very little policy has been introduced to try and
mix development within cities. Populations within cities have moved so higher earning black residents have moved out of traditional townships locations into the suburbs, so they have de rationalized but townships, which were always either black color to indian have not changed fundamentally and are still not central to either the politics of the economy of the respective cities. Existing concentrations of race, privilege or wealth get locked him. Then, of course, if anything, it's got it. separated with gated communities and physical exclusion of people from different parts of the city and those entrenched historical problems could be about today. Worse cities like johannesburg and kick turn continue to expand rapidly as a result of both migration and the natural population, growth,
figures. Population grew by two hundred and fifty percent to sixty million between nineteen sixty and twenty twenty two one of the central. seas of the agency government after ninety. Ninety four was it reconstruction and development programmes, the Artie p, to try addressed the immense socio economic problems brought about by a party and build subsidized housing for the poor. Millions of our dp houses. built, but often on the outskirts of cities where that was cheap, which means that it increases transport costs for people to reach job There is no doubt that we could have done better. I was in government for the first five years of creasy anderson. They were mistakes made in god. Now, pressure of globalization and development at oxford university. He thinks it's real.
To blame south Africa's current problems on policies adopted in nineteen. Eighty four, the pace of building of houses of building roads, but building of schools of water supply and sanitation was extraordinary, reconnecting, something like six million people a year today. Ec services. The question is: why wasn't this sustained? What happened was essentially under president zuma? The system fell apart and went backwards extremely rapidly. The states no longer function as an effective state and the process of delivery has been significantly derailed. Having said that, it was was extremely costly and in order to deliver effectively, you need revenue
None of that is good news for south africa cities, even though it is africa's most industrialized country and as one of its most developed economies. Persistent power cuts and creaking infrastructure of other kinds all eat into the underlying advantages that south Africa possesses? So you see the traffic lights are not working because there's load shedding. big power problem in south africa with the collapse of ask com south africa's electric power utility company, which has become problem for the economy. Here. Why do I like that I see the landlord la da da da DA I'm just the efficient dishwasher that people go into a restaurant and bar just opposite. Nelson Mandela's old house says that the power shortages load shedding have had a huge impact on his business.
Which now depends on the generator. Sometimes we have launched shedding for eight hours but a strain to the business. After forty percent down to the same period last year, it was us suddenly, like almost twenty thousand francs per month, generator. That's just on that thousand dollars a month, stories of stagnation, declining infrastructure, a widespread in south africa for people take anything that is metal and they go and sell it to a scrap yard indescribable. Guys, ships it out to china and that's the problem that local people are facing.
so: the railroad, the cables all their steel infrastructure, holding their power, cables, overhead, the railway all stolen, say you have very big electricity system that has now aged It is being run by people rather more interested in getting rich than in the long term problem of how to supply electricity to The burgeoning urban areas doktor ran through Christine's retired academic. Who, in your party to europe with centres to ten years in prison for supply information on south Africa's nuclear programme to the agency is the author books on electricity in south africa does he think the industry's problems, the threat to the agency in next year's elections. Clearly, if you
The electorate is the rich upper class that can afford electricity that used to having perfect water supply and perfect electricity supply. That large are not going to that fear, but the people who work there and see probably didn't have electricity or running water for the of their lives. It will be a significant problem in the city where we have relations having to govern you end up with a whole lot of little parties and the I in the da, and you end up with a party mayors who last about awakened in the next two to party. May I come in in south africa's largest city johannesburg. Urban. My served his mare from twenty. sixteen to twenty ninety there fewer than six more since twenty nineteen
How can you deal with poverty in an economy? That day you can't? I have to be honest. I am to figure out there. If you want the development of your people, show you you ve got it. Economic activity and undue creeds. Money is the private sector and that something that our current gov, and actually fails to see As a wealthy and successful self made businessman is now a fierce, critical the agency government and democratic alliance opposition- and he said then party action as a ass man. He was shocked by what he thought immediately upon taking office I'd conducted a study to look at the infrastructure. Back. Look when I got the report, was really shocked isn't: seventy billion worth of infrastructure backlog and down It only had a belligerent to deal with the infrastructure This was really major challenges.
the symptom we sitting with massive housing backlog channel Just so far, hygiene buildings didn't buildings abundant buildings. I mean that to reach. Just under thirty years ago, we used to be a world class, the city and within ten years of into government, we studied seemed decay of the city because of the breakdown of the rule of law and you're. Going to that, Today's islam, which is really very said So now we are in hillsboro. Look at their debt on the side of the road is clearly part of johannesburg. Back seemingly been neglected, not just by property owners, but also by the city council itself, I mean you can see that the depth of their problems in the middle of the road when I grew up these were the most desired: roads to travel
and walked off these people a whole cause they sell their produce on the pavement. Where are we to walk in feed that we are working, fancy city centre. Brock's. There are right in front of us yosemite rundown. I rise policies. Other these residential buildings I in a pretty sorry state- yes, indeed just how if the salary of state became all too apparent on the thirty first. The root tragic story unfolded in this morning, a fire that has ravaged the building in the johannesburg cbd more than seventy. A guide and more than forty were injured after five story building. find the early hours of the morning. The exact cause of many of the dead injured will migrants. And the cities most vulnerable. That share There was one does not nice for mutual state, thereby because of my financial problems, because I can't afford will stay in other places,
The government has tried to feel in a city regeneration programmes is spent a lot of money trying to revive the old he'll brought, but their battling because their weight of immigration, people who come from combo from burundi from nigeria, from its your pierre Somalia for model The pace come here, pretty go up, causing a bit of a traffic jam horizon insolvency drivers will get impatient with as there's another portfolio. It's not known how many foreigners them our in south africa estimates range from two million people out of the population of about sixty million By far the largest group is from Zimbabwe was in, as is often called shepherd arrived here in ninety. Ninety six
they did arrest mean several tended to. They put me back to zero more than five times by day, forced to come back. In other words, you ve found some job. I said like, I didn't, I didn't seem, there's no other which wouldn't it is nothing it This huge migration to south Africa may not get as much world attention as migrants crossing the mediterranean, but combined its internal migration to the cities and natural pop grace. It's all part of the enormous challenges for south, sit home in the shop. people must come here legally and when I hear the must respect our laws, and I must add value those who come running away from prosecution? Absolutely we have an obligation. situation in Malta, but south africa cannot do it.
Be a country where we ve got a million of our own people unemployed. With fifty four percent of our people live below the poverty line. South africa has not yet done. in place or a country where failed to come. Also the problems are to us? We need to take care of the interest to the festival of all the people. We want our Is we want our jobs back ruined got bag, my I missed the atlanta zoo at two. Am I served as the anglican dinner join the specs and strength of fifteen until end of december last year I have been brought up in sweater and lived in johannesburg. All my life I grew up as a as he tells you boy as we look around us here. From from this vantage point, we can see the city of johannesburg that set out to build its fortune on gold. Has a priest how
You define the transformation that has taken place since the end of a parties across this whole area, I think, there's been a very great transformation. In many ways, but I think one challenge that the government always face and still faces, is that the influx continued of people looking for a better life continues to come into urban areas and, tragically, that is sometimes led to hostility shown towards people coming from outside south africa is that one of your concerns as well about a continuing growth that is not effectively lt. I think that more challenge by south africans who live in urban areas is the lack of service delivery by government itself. Hence you find the frustration is been taken out of forty as because there's a feeling that, whilst we are not able to access, the basic needs
A foreigner seemed to be ending in terms of constraints, derives we of what it has to be here. How do you make sure that You grow your resources, you grow the infrastructure. You grow the economy that everybody made shit, so so that the challenge that you find with this sense of attitude towards foreigners, our fellow balanced system from africa, become the victims through which this fuss traction that have been taken so we can blame them for being here, but they are also lets for a better life for a good, laugh government must do its job. This is the documentary from the BBC wilson, We now come to correct mr setting up Foot of table mountain is open. one of the finest in the world. My thought ever since first hearing, nineteen sixty nine, the shops coffee, cafes, along its waterfront, bustling with us and tourists. My johannesburg kate turn attracts migrants from other parts of africa
will flock to from poor parts of the eastern cape and they come for other reasons as well there's something all semi migration, which is now becoming the buzzword in south africa, where people are not really leaving the country by they leave John is back for cape town. Thirdly, for perception that cape town is better than johannesburg at me, if the structural level, but actually capetown, he's, got more troubled johannesburg in many ways, which you can point out amended on as many portholes as john is bakers. But it's all about in an atlantic seaboard and organise pots of cape town. But nobody looks after the silhouette tools of cape town, highly Chang, younger glare to workers happens there, billy cool I would agree with that question he's the former of housing in cape town,
His knee returned to visit the kate flat slang east of cape town, where a great sways of informal settlements is situated is found it enormously depressing. There is no sense of really transforming the cape flats so that it becomes part of cape town. The cape flats are still the cat flats, there is poor. Now they may have been some amelioration, but it's nay, and see point and capps bay, and it's so John they're, on the cap flats in highly charged or in filippi or anywhere else, and it's a real indictment and twenty twenty three that fundamentally has not changed. It certainly is not getting any better, statistically pete poor, felicia, thirty, eight zero, british man who lives in the cake flats in the day, the Melvin book, it's one of them: notorious places in the country, a colored mixed race, township, built hundred
potatoes part of a forced removal plan. Pizza is one of the leaders of a church community, the runs open ministry among men are books, gangsters and drug attics monopoly. was built for forty thousand people now at least twice that number lift their drug related I'm continues to rise year on year in the decade between as far to two thousand and fifteen, I think it rose about six hundred percent. I would say that gang violence is rising based on turf wars and who's selling drugs were and in terms of urban life. More broadly, would you say the people living in a place like man Berg feel themselves to be part of cape town. This huge city alongside it in many ways have a more modernizing city growing city. Do they feel themselves connected to that part of it in any way? And it's future or not what we have,
Remember, cape town is, I think, the most racially segregated city in south africa, which is itself the most economically unequal country on earth. So we're talking about the deep end of division, spatially and socio economically, as well as racially so any attempts to put the city back together again as it were, will need to have the same focused attention that the apartheid government put to dividing it in the first place. I do think people feel very cut off from the quote mainstream of city centre life and leafy suburbs. Its is another world. The lure of apartheid who is this man
The ninety. Ninety four in the spirit of apartheid, continues today and in practical terms. What is it to do things that people would say to you that the most one is it housing sit up things we ve already mentioned? Is it something else altogether housing and jobs and the things that come up the entire time? I just need a job or I don't have lives. Those are the things we have over and over again, we happen to be going to see the mayor of cape town later pattern if not younger what message would you have for him? while I would say to him good luck, first of all, but secondly, We extend the personal invite them to come and have a cup of tea and shot through these things get no, the people behind the statistics and see if there is a possibility for working together. I'm jordan, he'll loose from the mayor of the city of cape town since november of twenty twenty One had said he thinks cape tones latest democratic alliance, mare zone
little older than the new south. Africa is smart offices with wonderful table mountain and the ocean. Her was away from the informal settlement of the cape flats. at the end of the century is predicted by sunday? Three point: nine billion people in africa. How many of the we living here in cape town choosing will they will certainly be tens of millions and debts is, on my mind literally every day, stats, megacities stuff, that's megacities. jackie rights, and if you look at the megacities in africa, we want to avoid, the scenario in which you have really chaotic, unconstrained, disorganized cities that are very difficult to run
very difficult to manage very difficult to move around in and make life harder for their residence. We must prepare for cape town is a city of ten million people. It will happen much sooner than we think and everything that we do today must be. With that in mind. How do we make kept on more resilient, better, planned, better organised and better prepared to be African magus city, because that day soon coming migration from the eastern cape classes, we ve heard emigrants from other cities in south africa searching for a better life. Together they will drive cape town continued growth, but this These creaking infrastructure has been able to keep pace.
With this sort of expansion. We are in the process now of very significantly accelerating our infrastructure investment in the city, firstly to catch up with the population growth curve and eventually to get ahead of it and to provide better resilience for climate bitter residence for water. That the other thing captain is closely associated with to put a stop to our power supply shortages and- really it to set us up for success in the future. Despite the growing population, she told him back he's from the south african cities network. He says it is this local level the changes can be made, but in order to do so, they need to be properly funded. Local government is the place where the robber, it's the top
I believe that if you strengthened municipalities and the entire local governance system, they are likely to deliver better. If the goose that's laying the golden egg is not being fed appropriately, you can't expect it to be productive, so I believe that local government has to be made more efficient has to be enabled to be more responsible, but if you disable by underfunding. What would your basically doing is inevitably sabotaging what local government would look like. When it comes to closing the gap between cake terms, how's it around the slopes of table mountain and providing. much needed subsidized housing for the poor, the bad conceited, This will be a huge problem with declining funding. Our federal grant Allows us to build in the region of two thousand fully substance. Free homes per year will carry on doing that, but
our waiting awaiting this includes only six hundred thousand people long. You just need to do the sums to that's, not a sustainable solution at all. That's that really is a drop in the bucket, but it is not just a case of money, argues Billy covered a complete different regulatory and planning environment is needed which wrecking. Mrs informal supplements and townships has a reality. people try to build their own houses rather than stopping them. The biggest build of housing stock in the world today other hamper by far bigger than the public sector. By far bigger than the private sector. so then my question to the mayor's is wage trying to stop them. I mean if you can't, replace what they're doing at least, give them an environment where you will think about access to building materials, access to credit access.
proper planning. In other words, you work with them and you accept in formality as a reality. In other words start with the city as it is, rather than as you wish. It was what policy instruments do I need to put in place that will ensure that twenty years from now, this won't be a slum, but it'll be a vibrant suburb in my growing city, and that then leads to a completely different set of policy. Alternatives which are away from control, manage, divert and to enable encourage support and welcome. That's exactly what it ambitious new plan for, stolen bush is hoping to achieve fifty kilometres from cape town along a high running alongside some of the most deprived townships of the cape flats. Stana bush is world. Apart with its vineyards in pristine, Kate, dutch architecture, the place where the parties was report,
It conceived sudan ambush used to be an africans, elite, universities and impose these are the two of them, because my jewelry rights then a voice university right now we ve got bread professors there and it didn't happen overnight. It was a fight. There was a fight about athlete as the medium of instruction. there more sheets outreach team. stettin bushes population is almost doubled in the last twenty years. It also has some of the stock, inequalities in the country famous for millions and billions among its residents, well, the edge of the historic town nice swelling, tangible commanding, where most of the non white popular still live guy monday, now with spirit of a view. Over the mountains in stone, bush, town, honey fun, sale, publisher turned philanthropist has watch.
I'm am Andy's population growth from six thousand turann, sixty thousand over the last two decades. the views may be beautiful The crowded lanes and any ways people can be vulnerable. One event for me personally was drinking thirteen when thousand three hundred and forty one nomes burned down one night next morning, the people started to rebuild a week more than a thousand times were able with tremendous ends. What they rebuilt in a week was exactly the same as before the find the gate will not be able to help him again, the next fire instinctively. I just said: if we embrace this energy, we should be able come up with a bit the plan. When you watch something like that and realize we are absolutely doing nothing. It's very much like the old homeland. You tried do not see the problem and hopes the problem would go away and it does
you're simply not dealing with it part of candy beer who is being turned into I'm listening in arts and culture venue serving the community. This group of men tell me what life is like in time. Andy today come under developed a lot The new comment is now because of migration from the east to come. Look for jobs also, the population have grown from its new boys from common you also got foreign nationals and in their contestation for jobs. And becomes a real issue out of all of us here. Think I'm the only one who is working in what you say: India is the true reflection of kiah minded because you know most people are not waking. The other thing that is very important is the issue of land. We want land for housings for
see knows days. Informal settlements, water and sanitation becomes the major challenge. That's the priority. It was. Those are basic. Human needs, many people come to the western cape and such a better education and opportunities, which you see The way out of poverty My name is a simple one. My name is much. Having a point you more due to say, are the most urgent needs of most people in climatic jobs. For the youth, we have degrees aplenty, please, the greens are sitting at home. I'm sitting one degree number three and in return management it and shutting marketing three different industries, because I want to get a job because We are in a better place. Financially, then we can do things for ourselves. We don't have to depend on the government. We don't I need you to better our lives. We just need you to give us opportunities,
right. In saying you lost your house in the five key to twenty. Thirteen was the first sixteen- I wasn't our fast expenditure thousand for two thousand and thirteen and then, recently in February, I favour so ass to this recently. I was also work. This I'm a good text where you your house's binning, and why not a game? honey, it's fun, sale of his colleagues here. The solution to these problems entails mentioning the whole concept of spatial planning which under part it was. To discriminate between black white and other groups and keep people apart this the bush Adam task corridor is a project to create an integrated city using disused industrial, which would almost double the size of the town, stephen partial, over planner and designer working on the project.
Essentially, I summarize it I think we must try to build. A new tone was in the existing tone, stand and watch as opposed to calling the norm wayne new growth will be accommodated on the edges of the time. In a way, I think, what we doing is just trying to accommodate gross normally in the manner where ordinary citizen will decide to settle, as opposed to being told to go to a specific place on the age. So I think we trying to just make it into a normal town. It's not the complex survey, simple ambition just make stand ambush into what it can be respect its history, but also accommodating the new, so to make it into a normal term, because, on the basis of that, doesn't sound like a very radical ambition, but in the south african context and south african history, you're saying that really is quite something is yes and so how's it going to be achieved.
we believe the energy and the resources available within the country was in the town to do things differently and to accommodate the needs of everyone. At the end of the day, it's about new ways, working new institutional arrangements where no one feel threatened, and that will take time. Kay the manager of amazing is aware of the plans, for these the bush corridor, happy about it, but with reservations. If that project become successful, the question is, the people that lives in this community get jobs. Living conditions? Change? The living conditions of the people of comedy it's the most important thing, it's the priority. If that can be answered, I think the people have come into a very happy. Of course, there's a. thinking in stolen bullshit. It's still there don't try to many opportunities, because
it just draw more and more people and you will not be able to cope with it. On the other hand, What we all know is that immigration, even even guess what you call say, migration within a country brings energy. The card or project is in its early days but a new clinical school already up and running, in addition to traditional methods of learning by road schoolchildren. You mobile phones and his belief, smart technology can play a crucial role in terms woman places like Kaja monday that the future is fibre. this mobile device is really you knew you will have. An informal settlement that is we connect with all the small businesses, every home, and hopefully also local government service, which speaks more directly to people more quickly and in our people will say: does that,
crucial. It may seem like a luxury to focus on better connectivity when six services such as water and sewage are often still lacking, Technology is already transforming lives, say these candy residents, technology should no longer be viewed as a lax had a nice to have it. Should included amongst the basic needs, because in order for you now I apply for jobs. You need to use a technology, you are no longer hand deliver a cv to a place. Everything is online, so it is a piece need, we are welcoming the technology to our schools, and us In our communities, because we are also living in a fog investor definition. So we need a quick meant to be able to catch up with their way So what does urban planners stephen beauchamp? Think kyar monday will look like in
thirty years time. I think income one would hope for more inclusive community of the new of the future south africa. which is more integrated, more opportunity, fully less poverty, vermont Alice community is perhaps to the unnatural one which we come from I think that what is going to change hundred percent? No doubt it's going to jail places legs del abortion, the stellar most corridor in cairo, Monday, symbolic, of what's happening around the country, its inevitable that we are in transition. We're only fifty years into it, meaning for change fundamental change. It takes a long time to build its easy to, of course, to destroy, but to build and construct its much harder and wrong, especially if you want to do it quality
Thank you very much to be back in south africa with him changes your living through here join me for the fallen, final episode of the series about the rapid pace at which Once overwhelmingly rule africa is becoming increasingly open and challenging issues that raises alongside the opportunities I might reach, and this is a room seven's production from the BBC world. the com is. The portcullis from the bbc will surface seeks out
stories and voices from across africa. That might otherwise go unheard. It was a movement that was filled with hope was emotional, like her to sit down and put my other people, shoes catch up with the whole series now by searching for the comb. This is called the cold wherever you get, your bbc pot cost. The. Tired of ads interrupting your favorite show good news ad free listening on amazon music is included with your prime membership, had to amazon dot com, slash ad free fitness to catch up on the latest episodes without the ads and without an acre shows every the continent such as we have that have you ever wondered what sets exceptional leaders apart. cover how renowned leaders from around the globe of harness then twill talents to achieve remarkable success. cover the secrets of leadership excellence, one string at a time through gallop
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.