« The Dan Bongino Show

Will Tucker Host a Trump Debate? (Ep 2005)

2023-05-05 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the revelation that Tucker is in talks to host a presidential debate where Trump will participate. I also address the shocking video out of a NY subway. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed, its not immune to the banks. With your host dan bungee know. Their ultimate goal is to make self defense illegal. When I say we I mean the living, that's, it That's our goal: they want to make self defense illegal. They want you to get your asking get. Your ass it repeatedly fraid of getting your ass kicked. Getting your asking. Every single day that we can. They don't want you to be able to do a damn thing to about it. This is is the fact of you see what's going on in new york, and I love you notice, but I grew up in there work and I was a cop up there. I dunno. If you noticed I, I stayed away from the case for a couple of days because of the bungie no rule want to see things played up gather the facts. I think that's important. Unlike modern day journalists who just invent the facts, Guy but new york and a train cause in Iraq is threatening people and got what news submission, hold and wound up, our passing away
and all of a sudden the astroturf bs bull left, You know they're out there. You know low, just this open whenever garbage they made up that day. They don't even know if they have no idea. I guarantee you ninety percent of people. They don't even know the guy's name guarantee they only hearted it in a did, you know like this very dearly. I don't. You asked what I love these are, who nearly there like? Oh, I dunno. I just showed up for the march. agitation man, that's their business, to talk a little bit that today another talk or video drop again, adding zeros to the man's paycheck the attack from america from within a crazy video on a golf course to which teach you all valuable lesson. Folks, I knew from a guy who's fought for a long time If you can avoid a fight and public men do it. you have no idea what you're getting into with these people, sometimes in some of them, are trained fighters things yet ugly, a video at the end loaded show
today. Show brought to you by our friends. Are black our coffee. You know that the owners but such a great guy he's. the habit of on board black coffee, because the owner- and it did the operators this company, a hard core conservatives- men, they love america, they love a man in values and they make damn good coffee. He sent me a really nice. Thank you and I As you know, it matters to me only take on sponsors of the show re use. Product? And I believe in it these guys, align with our conservative eyes. They make some really unbelievable coffee, racists and here's the deal I'm not going I commend some new. I dont use in a market or recommend something. Do you either simply but As our conservative lotta gray, conservative companies the bottom line about black our coffee. Not only are they conservative and loved this country, but the coffee it s really really. really good. They have a rate mothers. They give the bundle too for love and moms out there check out their mothers, they bundles and all their increase. We tasty rose today, the website it.
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cancer reared. Will you got that's worthy of a motley that won't thank job so far, we'll see that last year you guys what a user's knock on that you are going to do. that was friday. I don't want to get off the my personal style, but going to Mauryan while the concert, then I ask him: what are you laughing at? That is going to be fun? All my everybody's got the motley emoticon. Now I love you as le morgan. While and it's going to be a trip, man me and Paul are going. I dunno how that things are gonna end up later in the night They have our there. Advised me that seen in bridesmaids, you guys ever see that movie with the ladys she's, like all like up cheesacre. What? Why is that your driven snow and ever had our colleagues? Have a glass of alcohol that'll be beaten? I care of course, of alcohol. You never saw that that I really did good watching you value left eye. So now Obvious the libs are all in and burning down our institutions, but they ve got it
no the chaos theory have the walking dead theory. The liberals need fear. They need fear, because you're fearful you will crave govern as a source of saturday instability in your life, I'm afraid I'm afraid government come rescue me. Ok, the walking dead theory when they in the prison, a show about zombies to escape the zombies on the outside. They locked themselves intellect look we're safe here. That is socialism, communism, progressive ism liberalism summed up they need you afraid, so they can walk you into this ideological prison. That's why they love their shriek riots, their street thugs. They. I'll get in the streets and scream and no justice, no peace. They don't really care about any justice and all they must destroy institutions in petitions are an obstacle to tyranny and socialism, but so is self defence.
The reason liberals, hate guns is not because guns can be used to kill people which they can. They can be used for a lot of good things, self defense, hunting sporting, but they can be used to kill people. That's fairly obvious. that's not why liberals, eight guns command and really know no, really I know that because when you see liberals like Michael more you not big chubby guy memories bodyguard some add. I worked with he's, gotta gorham security. They love They love the fact that guns can be used to protect people, liberals don't lie guns, because they don't like a sense of individual empowerment, because what it does is it takes away from a a call for a collective body, a collective body, can have individual liberty and big government, same time at anything. It contributes to a sense of individual liberty. All I got a gun I can protect myself. I explain, explain: epp ed, I was crap, I'm sorry you and the chat room I apologize. Self defense empowers the individual period That's why they hate. It should say things simpler.
They want to make self defense illegal. What's going on in new york. Right now is absolute proof, Let me show you the video first. So this is what happened again. It's it's, I'm I'm! I'm a chris Jesus Christ, my lord and savior, I'm centre. At the same time, I don't wish on anyone on anyone. Ok, I don't believe in the death penalty, which kind of The price is a lot of people know what gets me. I'm not a legged backlash, I'm just telling you the truth is for his wife to go into another thought. The guide. I played a video, you would be so here's what happens, and I could talk over this right so there's this guy's a twenty four year old marine he's on this train. You got this guy, Jordan nearly patently was threatened, People were saving care about going to jail. Apparently been arrested upwards of forty plus times. Some of the arrests were for violent crimes and clearly one felt threatened and endanger on this train. so this guy jumps in before he attacked someone. Eddie
submit a submission hold, which is being Unfairly characterize the ears chokehold now liberals or, of course, who are morons and don't know anything about self defence. They don't understand deserves a difference, and I need you to understand There is a significant difference between what you would call a tracheal chokehold Carotid restrict its. a word dance either they are to come. Wheatley different things. Folks, Where did take say a night's thick like they did no movie first blood right and you were too John jay rambo with the night stick on. On the wind pipe Yes, you will likely kill someone if you keep that on for even a minute or so you'll. Probably their windpipe and they be able to breathe you'll see. It's happening here, it is Here's to Me- and I am just gave no, but I can see on the video so the way think I'm jump at any conclusion. It appears to me that this individual, the marine, is true.
To use. A carotid restraint. That is not a choke. the traditional sense, It's a restrained to the carotid artery is on both sides of the neck. It occurs foods the blood from going to the brain or wouldn't that kill you. The answer is no now, you keep it on a long time like this guy did don't let it loose Yes, you out, there is a potential, you could cause brain damage and you could kill the guy. again not condone anything or not. Condoning anything here, I wasn't in this situation and didn't see the precursor to it. Simply suggesting to you that the left is already jumped in because they know chokehold brings back awful memories and there are already agitating in the streets and they won't riots. Now I heard a lawyer this minor, you can stop that they ve seen it. Thank you.
I heard a lawyer on fox news this morning and the lawyer said well this guy this individual, this marine is gonna, have real problems. I promise we'll be charged with murder, bitter, probably be charged with involuntary manslaughter and he said the reason is because applied what he believed to be deadly force to a situation where legally, he may not be legally enabled to use every force. I question that, let me tell you something folks, There's a guy again spent decades of his life in that specific arena, training, self defence and having are bitter tribute to these self defence programme and the secret service, while at the training centre. I'm not so sure that that's what this marine believed he was doing. If this marine has a background in grappling, he may have learned that in marine corps I know they teach grappling. He may have been too the carotid restrained Which again is not a joke? The elbow crook actually goes on.
Pipe because it creates space to not compressing its. for armed bones and the upper arm bone that compressed the carotid that stops them had floated the brain and it just pace. We shut the computer down for a minute. Now he kept it While we don't know how long I dont know if he loosened it, that's why I'm not jumping to any conclusions just because You ve got it around the neck, doesn't mean you compressing it. the guy's moving around for a long time which to me, it's not applied correctly. My point, Whole thing is the left has no idea these facts either. You're here on a show where we do facts and not stuff, ok, you don't know, give the guy he's day in court and shot the.
You all know squad, you don't know. If this guy was train, if he thought it was a carotid show, did he loosened up? Did the guy die because he was on drugs and had a heart attack that the guy die from oxygen deprivation? Nobody has any idea, and yet the left is already out their protest thing. If the guy believe He was applying a carotid restrain the marine, and not a joke, then was not applying deadly force. You understand the difference. The lawyer resumes other guy new, even supplying dead before folks. If each out of forty five caliber for greek national and shot the guy at the head. Yes, it's be clear: you thought you were applying deadly force. Okay,. We all know that with this guy, We liberals, you know nothing about self defence. The first was all my gosh look at at at at at choke. Have you actually been trained in what age
coke versus carotid restrained looks like you even know the difference, I don't know that the EU should shut up. Just an idea until you learn about it, I mean you, I believe in science and everything right, of course, that didn't stop the protests you're. The protests, no just there's no peace whatever just for Jordan, you we're gonna burn it all down. I mean this issue the left, his folks This is just who they are. They have none of the facts. They don't know this guy. They have no idea what he was trying to do. They see a racial component to it. The marine was white. Jordan nearly was black of They leave out the fact that job blackened hispanic man we're trying to the marine and restraining this guy, because it's an inconvenient narrative for them, can can I humbly and with the greatest of risk, can a wish. Anyone then, can I just beg, look. Was out there for a moment. I know you're not going to do it because you're maniacs, please just shot, though
until you know what you're talking about. If it turns out that disguised marine and that suggestion is gonna, turns out the sky is some serial murderer, who typed out an email to his mom that morning and said I'm going to go into the subway and kill the first black man. I see, then, yes, You ve got a problem, we should all address, but you you know any of that and you ve Freddy jumped to the conclusion, like your city, at a o c, who grew up in what we effectively called canada and pretends to be a new yorker. She does. I haven't said this in a while. She doesn't know squat about new york that time ass, jenny from the block routine is over she's, not a new yorker. She was never a new yorker. She grew up in what we? U ice, we used to jokingly, call canada anything outside the fibers. Ok, so where's, chester, woman. She is not a new york. She knows nothing about new york. Nothing
Didn't you gotta boston college? You knows nothing about you, she's probably never bid on the subway other than a campaign, video Jake, or merely was murdered? Let me tell you something this guy. The marine should shoe our immediately. He was murdered we supported. This was an intentional homicide. But because jordan was houseless houseless. What is houseless means that a new word were inventing And crying for food, and it said between the threats by the way you see you I can't even did its discuss, know your disgusting, because, let me tell you something: a yossi would be the first person understand. We shall begging that marine for help. If this guy came up and was trying to attack her she's such a freakin phony fraud, fake she's, the big, poser in congress. The jenny from the police they said is fake and phony. She is nothing more than an upper middle class, a leader snob, who got lucky
in a congressional sea because of an apathetic opponent. Opponents are given you knocked out a lot of doors good for her. She added apathetic pole opponent who didn't see or come in and now we're stuck with the city of forever staring up racial hatred your cat enough, yet this crap. Ladies gentlemen, I don't know, I don't know Carolyn which was kind enough to put this new york city voting map. I told you, I story being a new york in the Jeanne, eighties, in the early nineties, folks thousand homicides over a couple years: three thousand people. What is? Is Afghanistan, We people had enough giuliani ran here. right there. No, he lost. Then giuliani ran again after another, two thousand homicides. Anyone anyone reelection because finally got bad enough. Is this case turning point, because I know
our demand. This guy goes to trial. There's a slim chance of getting a convicted. You don't think new yorkers drive into some right in the subway. You don't think they are costed by people like this before you think you're going to convict this guy. Look at his voting now here's city! Why? The fibers? You know new york, you know you're looking at here got manhattan, get bogged down bronx You got brooklyn shall in island, you got queens, it's all right there. Said right. If we look at all those areas, go in red. Folks. This is what all the republicans moving out. these areas in europe so go. Look at long. Island which is where I actually grew up until I moved into the city when my parents got over the long island, one almost completely read this used to be. deep blue I'm just any evokes things bad enough. Yet clearly not We still got Eric atoms up there, but and by the way don't buy To the Eric Adam stick, I heard a couple people on fox yesterday. Is that all Eric Adams? They got a lot of respect. I love these guys, but don't fall for this routine, please. As a friend, I'm begging you Eric.
When it gets hot enough about this case. I promise who's gonna changes mine, I promise, is going to change his mind. Is it bad enough? Yet new york, I dont know we'll see, Folksy attack on america from within his existential we're dealing with evil. Here we are dealing with and political fight. We are dealing with straight up evil. They wanted destroy every institution out their policing, the fbi, the the community community, the o j, the constitution, the ability to defend yourself, they use able to go to the courts, the dunes there is it structure, going on of our institutions right now, and it's applauded and its plan, I want to talk about the next. Something happened the other day, and this is not an accident is happening on, This may get to my neck. Sponsor first always appreciate your patients, folks you see the employ retention credit. What's up while you're small business, you know the value of time. Innovation refunds knows too, that's why they made it easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the ear sea or employee retention credit.
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what's goin on by the way with the court's these rules, This endless attacks on clarence thomas thomas. Let me get. This may be absolutely crystal clear. Everybody look at me, fucker, that's an oh! By the way for those fcc folks, Alessi seen on a platter pie, Kathryn. five november. We pay attention here. Please clarence thomas in american hero, you will never meet a finer human being clarence thomas, I was working, a security detail, my prior line of work. Once you know what michael churn ourselves for medea, just secretary clarence Thomas came over for dinner. We start out, they were leave it as a walked out clarence thomas. but my flashlight out to make sure They could see the driveway and our trip was in a part of Montgomery county. clarence. I can see his face, so he said have a good night. I thought he was talking to Michael chaired, also had an answer kept walking. He looked at me again. finally could seize face because there was a street light outside and he said
I said I have a good night s rudely. He said it like. He wanted to make sure I knew he was. Going to me and recognize me clarence Thomas is an american hero any The ruthless, relentless attack with his wife was a patriot, jenny, thomas. Why, because like clarence, thomas well, yeah So they hate him, but that's not it it's because they want to tear apart the supreme court because there's a five for conservative majority, There were six three john roberts is not a conservative period, its five for right. They wanted to You damn well, though, it's right, I'm right about that is five for they don't. those odds so now they're going to destroy the supreme court's legitimately say that legitimacy and staff That is the only reason you are seeing all this stuff, clarence towns. We get a move on its relentless assault on our institutions, d, J, the fbi, the intel community. It is existential! We will not. survive this. If we must, we recognise it for what it is. It is an effort to tell
The united states to pieces. Now we find out yesterday's just the news, a semi newsletter adventure, that's real jobs. Do the newsletter penalized, free bungee or that compensation newsletter? We not spam. Your inbox read this article. Now we the two former cia goons mike morale and john brown into losers. These are the emmy. These were the bosses these they re the cia now. We know they were emailing each other about the, infamous hunter Biden. Laptop, is russian. This information thing, member that these two cia losers, deep stayed hacks who want. nothing more than to destroy this country as long as they can kiss the acid abiden family put their lips surgically it. I urge up to Joe Biden rotting, oatmeal ass, that's what they did to get a freak and jobs use their position to make up a fake story about the russians, making this laptop thing male and each other because they
I wanted to give Joe Biden a talking point hosting garbage filth. People raise their hands and swore to protect and defend the constitution. The united states, while they took a big freakin dump on its part, my language, behind the scenes of sight. I think you would a bad one, I'd even a good what they weren't smart enough to appoint an email. Idiots- here's john solomon, the great john solomon, porto our meal america's voice yesterday, talking about how level it is better to CIA directors colluded to make up a fake story about a hundred binds laptop check this out. This is a very important email. It comes from the former cia director micro. Yes, the guy that organise that letter from the fifty intelligence professionals who tried to thank you The thinking that hundred by laptop was russia, this information when it was in it between him and john bright in one of the signatories, you know John Brandon is here
burma: cia direct eurasia, guided, don't obama, hey Hillary Clinton is doing a dirty trick and donald trump card russia collusion web. This is just before the presidential debate between donald trump and and Joe Biden hundred buys laptop is as flinging out there. This is what might morale for russia record tells his successor, John Brennan, hey scientists are there, because I quote trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on thursday. Eight talking point to push back on trump On this issue, a man with a security glance, a man The title of cia director knew that he wasn't creating challenges, product america civic duty with fifty when people he was trying to create a political Men damning evidence we must try to find out of congress has this letter, but this is a very important piece. It is the ultimate prove that what went out on that letter.
They political dirty trick coordinated with the Biden camping, sally sharpen the chad says she loves John solomon me to only the best reporter out there. Unbelievably, while source bead everyone to the spy, gaping folks who frequency cia directors who swore to britain the friend, the united states openly lied to give well Biden, talking points a fake one. honours laptop that he signed foreign dropped off himself with his own emails on. It was rushing this information, the left, it you understand. This is a rotting metastasize in cancer is going to destroy this country. If we now confront, it is what it is. Evil. I'm work, my way, the unfiltered fridays. You could probably I wanna hit you all. Once we totally unfiltered dead. Is I don't evolve? You can take. It We get there. They want Joseph, but that's what her friend
very good job solomon male. Did these two pieces of human garbage understood that all they were doing using their the above. The pit of seriousness that they were cia people and had access to privy. They just made up a story to give binding talking point at the debate, that is, corrupt cry, smoking. Son was in fact it Active russian, this information, we remember this- Because believe me Biden took total advantages, check this out, If the former national intelligence folks, who share them what this he's accusing me of- is a russian planet. They have said this is, has all the care for five former heads of the cia. Both parties say what he said is a bunch of garbage, no What do you believe it, except on his enemy,
good friend rooted johnny, you mean the laptop is now another russia, russia, russia, hope so you. That is actually why this lack again I'll say for the tenth time. I don't know who Rudy lahti is rotting. Bag of oatmeal can't even say they might all rudy giuliani is utter. A word you lived here. I don't know who that is you in this? and this was that it was in people want to be nice. There was a poet, we'll dirty trick. Not was a scumbag move. Ok, it's just call it. What it is Call it what it is it wasn't. to steal an election by two people paid by the taxpayer to protect defend. The united states, who gave us all the freaking we'll barreled middle finger risky total. Human, scum, all the conspiracy. There is both the role coming true. So what do we do?
We do. You know fairly enough one of the criticisms and I'm glad you all keep me ferocity, mother, it's alive chat or facebook, wherever it may be, Some of you say dan give us solutions and I got a focus on more. I try. I try, often as I can, but sometimes I'm his angry as you and I honestly get lost in the emotions. But let me take some as great as it is to be passionate about a topic. Folks, it isn't gonna, jack, Tis anything unless you have an action plan, others tree from will chamberlain the other day, and he now that simple steps to stop the chaos, stop the take over and combat the evil. Right now, two simple step: is tweet one pretty viral on other people started chime it into. He said the red state prince, pretty simple. Rip is much power from local blue jurisdictions in your state. imposed, law and order, and your blue cities amen brother well,
deter progressive in migration to your now utopian state, with a grin if social conservatism, yes, sir, yes, sir, the verdict is in, I love me somewhere, chamberlain, Noah, pollack, then chimed in number three ruthlessly attack and intrusive. We regulate the citadel of left. This power can do twelve public schools and public universities. Yes, sir again the vote, It is in our you damn right, you're in texas got Austin taken over. We crazy blue defined the police stuff than I can in my state step up step up. you got some crazy prosecutor in florida, george Soros guy, in that berry over their school around? What happened and you guys remember what to say this did said our senior we're going to remove you from your position for him back it fine make em run again. Good go had knock yourself out ruthlessly,
Regulate the citadel of left, this power k to twelve. Starved these blue cities and their ability to destroy the rest of the state and deter progressive in migration. Listen, it's a freak! Sorry, I can't tell people were to move, know what I want any rule saying I'm not. Totalitarian like leftists. said to you- and I say again I'll say over and over the left, this out there. We don't want you here. listen to me clearly free country. Your rights will be respected in these places. I'm not anti for not going to boycott your house or but picketing in front of your house. I see you. st our waved you too, but I won. The absolutely crystal clear and everyone listen up and listen up good, we I want you here. We don't want to. In florida. We don't want you in tennessee widow, Are you in my arming and we don't want you in texas stay? This stage you destroy and
your own mess, we doll, I want to hear your not Why did I What part of that? You don't understand you wanna do. On the police crap. kids in public school teacher, would be racist. You wanted your junk in their face, drag queen story, our doing in your own, helmholz stayed out of our states. We don't want you. ps conspiracy, theory, crap, two out of it. Oh come on up after the left is quick break about that another conspiracy. Theory comes ability of man is just that it's a credit These areas, they just don't stop. I appreciate you pay it's again or sponsors keep the show free. So one of my favorites windshield wow, listen, my dad and my toes is used to detail cars. He was a figure eight driver and when I was
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The gas stoves thing was a big conspiracy member that now what's coming to take your guess, those and I covered it yesterday, how new york just ass, the law, forbidding the hook up of new gas stoves were certain locations. Well, here's the. the crazy losers in the media? Again, allied you all the time tat, saying just weeks or months ago that that was all just a big conspiracy theory check this out. You might think that the? U s: government is calling for your gas stove. That is a new and absolutely ridiculous. One that turns on fox news and republicans are up in arms because they say the government is coming to take yours.
those what republicans are saying is damage. They got taken gas, so she appeared in stoking ridiculous new freak out about gas stoves. No one is taking asked of the right wing freak out over the use of gas stoves is merely the latest in a long series of made up, I'm sure war bottles design through and re each unbridled up, their right wing and paranoid base obligations are prone to conspiracy theories, whether it's you know, the cookie like J K, juniors coming back from the dead to run with trump or on the subject of this lake, This administration coming to take away your gasters republicans and turned a government warning about your house into a lie about democrats trying to take your stones, as you can see from the she journal article we covered the other day, new york just ban the gas stove. So you know- spokes are just liars. Folks are totally discredited, clowns stay where you are crash. Please do not come down here. We don't!
you around liars too they destroyed our kids lies pushing for these who closures now again because I'm not a liar pull your like democrats. There are publicans, you played into the school closing nonsense to a lot of em, but, however- and this is a fact. The conservative republicans were the first ones to realize what a disastrous wasn't: schools open, far quicker in non union states in and republican meaning areas. That's a fact, ok his jump year, pretending that all of a sudden, the Democrats that wanted schools closed because teachers unions want them close where big advocates, forgetting the schools open. This woman is such a freak in liars. that check this out. As you just said, queues of law so much in the pandemic, This is why, when the present walked- and he made that he made a priority to open schools, one of the things that was, important to do to make sure that our it's who have lost so much were able to go back in person school. If they choose have them.
sources that they needed to really succeed and move forward in their education and we saw that unfortunately, the pandemic had Fourchan effect on our young, our young people and our kids. This is a shame, was sissy shameless the people The press room should have started laughing. Just a marker, linsky rules ridicules a powerful weapon. There's no come back for it. They should have started laughing. She said a clown and a joker election coming up. However, we can change a lot of stuff it's important. We start turned out in organizing now. Listen I get it lot of people out there very bitter, and understandably so, about the last two elections. They cheat. Of course, they cheat but, ladies and gentlemen, even despite their cheating, we ve still managed to win and pretty often we run the house, we just annihilated the Democrats in florida destroyed them in texas hats,
huge wins around the country north carolina, a bloodbath for them. folks are in real trouble, I get this question a lot going addressed this quickly. Lotta people s, the time there should tromp or someone started third party and without going deep into the details, my answer, which this appoints a lot of you, but I'm only gonna, tell you the truth. I haven't for office. I've studied this thing, six different ways from sunday. My answer is always know you shouldn't why? Because at the presidential level, party, could work at the state level. The governor's race and has a matter of fact, maybe even a senate race, the presidency, absolutely not. Why Is it not gonna work because you ve got get two hundred and seventy electoral votes from the states to be the president correct. Everybody knows that if you don't waste goes to the house. There is a chance in hell that republic into debt cried members of the house of representatives who have
all kinds of stuff on the line chairmanships and also are going to vote for someone outside their party. I get it's not fair, I'm just telling you it's true!. however, if someone else were to run as a third party, this initiative, peace in the wall street journal, as is good, bye, gaston? This is no labels party out there, which is seen as just dopey. Labels may reelect donald trump. He makes it trusting point the peace that just over Half of today's rank and file democrats identity their right there terrifies liberal, a very liberal. Compare nearly three quarters of republicans who call themselves conservative, a very conservative you track, and so more republicans, are ideologically align the Democrats right so he goes on. He says a centre seeking candidate. A third party candidate would therefore appear more democrats and republicans and a winning.
My credit coalition would include far more moderates, including moderate independence. Then a republican coalition. So, although don't they drop or any one else should run as a third party candidate, any serious republican crusade strip away republic involves, if left he wants to run its third party. Like Robert S, Saturday junior I'm all for it. Baby, knock yourself out because of about winning about about both about about garbage about about effort around about winning solve our f K, gets the third party candidate or Joe mansion- not here of our kids. I love that idea Because then, the numbers, our side like that What about school around by winning, I don't know did a talker thing. Questions for damn will try to take over from the chat room to your pretty awesome may get to my last sponsors, tucker videos, hilarious, add zeros, baby and zeros
video comes out zero, talkers next paycheck. I love how they did it is damaging chosen stupid. The people on the left really are got that no more, including video of a fight that should not. I do not get in sri fights, if you can help it, please I'm begging you like I ve. If this is like a house favorite righty kilos, liquid. I've been kind enough to send us a lot of the product so so, as with the slow month for me I'll bring it stairs where member give it a gig e, always loves it. Look what I mean the category winning migration brand, their migration multiplier is of one product you missing in their daily routine. probably dehydrated, the irony is, you probably don't even know it in just one: stick: a liquid ivy! You get essential vitamins use it for thing in the morning before a long work out a long night out among flights for I'm not going to lie to you. I have this
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I know it. You had sour apple, the tangerines one of my friends. I did. our apple. I like injury. Little bed is good stuff at zero, baby the zeroes so left wing lunatics media matters. They continued publish videos that are like sizzle reels for attack across his next show? Jonas Jonas says the research is good. He made out with a sizzle reel, as I give Joe armor cause, was going to do the Joe armor costs. Podcast you put Joe. We would edit like hot takes, and you put him in what they call a sizzle real and you show it The way look I'll call you always rights, so this like a sizzle reel for tucker sleeping these videos you're, making this guy unbelievably rich as interest in talk or just grows. Engrossing news backside running poles every night. Do you want your backs. It's like ninety nine just one journal stalker. You got this guy offered him a hundred million, but mean we left everybody loves you got. This is doing
no damage at all. They keep coming out. Here's the latest one where the apart as he's making some joke about powdering your nose in the with women do in the powder room or whatever He tells the lady. How this is in any way looks. Were we bedford? Talker is This is insane debate, I urge you to notice halfway through how you really cares about this lady and he's like you're such a good person. Like you I put my jokes and all this stuff and a hilarious these liberals thinks is make a book. This maxim check this out I should not have transports personal. We can view but more in general ones. Ladies, when they go to laser them and part of the gnosis. Is there actually knows pattern going on sometimes ooh like the sound of my son. the beliefs. Ever. I don't have not in the balcony doormat
I'm sorry, so you are such a good sport such a good person. Thank you. I owe you if you do not deserve that with great affection of the year. Yes, ma'am! Sorry, let me today. If, explain to me how that remotely makes sucker Carson look bad there. Now. You know, you probably worth a hundred million yourself. It's just saying this is the worst pr head job I have ever seen in my entire life and I continue to insist that I am not sure I'm not I'm. Actually, I don't think this is a fox upper. I just don't think it. I'm going to tell you something: you have an angle on this. I said this to my wife leno I gotta get going mad gush. I wanna plays golf video and.
pay close attention to what I am about to say explains to my wife last night she's. Why do you keep saying that, on the other you nothing foxes behind it? Folks, I've got no dog in this fight anymore. I don't work if anyone has a reason, be angry. It's me, I'm part, The story of just removing myself from the story for the purpose of the show. I'm not happy about a lot of things. Ok invested ten years of my life there before say of other hosts there. not lose their whole roster. Why the wood fox leak, video is that one don't make em look bad too can em to media matters whose inevitably going to give up fox one day enjoy fox leak. That therefore needs to. Three: why would they leak of video about dominion when they don't want to talk about dominion? They probably got hunt thousand hours of stuff Why is no one in fact saying any comment on this at all? If it's
their video aren't they just say it it will. Then you that's. That's evidence they did it no its not. Why would fox want to comment on this, because I think this through man they get through you're, not gonna. U, this anywhere else! If someone had ox, but not the management right- is definitely a beef. There right, definitely a beef and its crushing fox right now. If somebody management ordered that hit, then our people would know about it within the company, so think about if they come out and deny it and say we didn't do this, it's not us, then. What's the first if your host on the network? What are you guys you give em go with this key. You are hosted the network on fox your say. well there's someone else and fox comes out and says saddled think they did this pay. We didn't do this whatsoever thing, you're thinking. In order to hear this
first thing: I'd be thinking, maybe it's because on behind that camera, all the time doesn't have custody of its own video. What the hell's going on there. They have stuff about. That's out there and ethernet that they don't know about trust me on this one I'm not sure could be. But I think a lot of people are jumping to a lot of conclusions on this item and I have to skip this next to tucker video geeks. I want to get to the questions I'll get to it. Next week there was some houses, it's something just interesting, you some great advice. The vice was basically, Keep your books, though not the online ones, hardcover and I just went- bought a whole collection of books. It's funny. I want a gazette. Those are the repositories of our history and these digital stuff. Yeah go get yourself. Books like real books are good. Election so play their necks? We want to see this first diedre video, and this is this as a golf course. The eads,
it's kind of you watching rumble you can see in the background is two guys they get in a fight back story. Here, apparently, is our walls hit some of the people's homes. The dad came out. I stop it new scalpels into my house. I got really aggressive what you with these guys- and it turns Basically a blood bath fight. It turns out, according to the local reports, one of these guys as a former tree, I am a fighter. Listen man, I trained in my ten or twenty different jujitsu schools, those school. hundreds and hundreds of students there are millions of people out there right now. Do jujitsu judo wrestling boxing boy tie. If you avoid a street fight, please In name of everything, that's wholly for the sake of you and your kids avoided but I'm gonna look like a job. better than looking dead.
You have no idea guys where they probably saw two golfers. You know Joe with that guy these guys are golfers. Take them right. The guy was in moma guy beat the living crap out of these guys probably got a broken jaw. Now you see, you know that you see ways you can kill someone, don't alleys other, can we don't? I we die, but don't get dead, don't get please just begging you as a friend, I'm I'm, I'm sorry one. I'm two hundred nine point six pounds this morning. I way myself every day, I'm a pretty big dude. train boxed all that stuff. Let us start if I would be unless you hit me or hit my kids organ like pansy with them in a way man. You should to don't get dead. Folks, we ever don't get that emoticon with us. you and I now, let's get to our questions- were answered We can now that we're alive. She may misery it better. First question or mac reduce very polite things
bids. You have a favorite tattoo or through you regret? Do you plan to get more? This Paul have any love your show and appreciate your fierce patriotism. Paula does not have any tattoos all I would mind if she did. I like tattoos, my cross here, I've how much I love and I've gotta the gene spanish on my back. That some appear will bear horrible rose. I was my think. First tat tale with small. Well, they can afford to go say, give me twenty bucks. It was a biker I'll put a tattoo on me. What do you? What is that, The only thing I can do is is rose. My brother's got the exact same one though I'd probably get rid of that one, but whatever I've had him for so long. At this point, you really think the republicans this is l church losing the Republican starting at the negotiating table. The table with a budget level of four months ago is really a win. I do not. I not, however, ladies and gentlemen, we do not control the senate and again I told you in the beginning of the show I want to win and I
even tactics, folks, not selling out, if you don't have the votes? Okay. Now, if the public inside the house in the senate and accepted I would say to you: yes, I then you're just no, no I'm not just doing anything. We'd legitimately don't have the votes in the senate side. We have get something that was going to do, a couple: a moderate democrats on board in the set aside to corner by visiting absolutely not it's a bankruptcy fairly. Its we're gonna go bankrupt. is it the only thing we could get right now? Sadly, it is I had a better answer for you at penn. Sixty seven dan about much of a reader. I get audio books and I listened on my commute. will you be reading the audio version of your new book? ma am. I will use. note I wrote to myself last night. It says w av chapter three
Stubby wavy Joe knows that it's a wave file. Yes, I had a recorded wave file. I recorded it on this microphone last night. That note says there three, because last night I read chapter one and two, and what you're gonna love about the audio book? I hate to ask you to buy both. My book is called the gift of failures available now for pre order, you should have, but the audio book is gonna be different than you ve. Seen in the past Maybe I can read the book. No, I read the book, but multiple points. A chapter wanted to. I just go off script and start talking about a totally different things. I was thinking as I was writing a book, so we're gonna call the audio version. The directors cut it's good I did want to yesterday- I dont want in life, is worth more effort. What life is more effort than worth it at mariette, interesting, Then I thought about this: the other was driving down towards route, one headed over the gym, and I saw a guy
in about a ninety degree day in florida, on this side of the road begging for money. The guy walked down the street. I sat there. The life for many probably walked about. I don't know. Fifty Are you so when I thought to myself? He probably does this ten hours a day, so we he walks about ten miles a day in the ninety degree, Florida son and I thought to myself The discharge should get a job It would be a lot easier. I mean you didn't see like he had any kind of office of disability whatsoever. He was like at the sign up. He was walking briskly, so what in life is? the effort that is worth odyssey. Folks, not getting a job. When you go out and get a job, I thought about the other day I must have gone to forty gallons of water, walking up and down the street, People for money- and you know what you may find a crew. I don't I said to my daughter: I never people for money,
if you are broken and you need it and you are in that hole in your life? Fine, but that guy could have. He could have worked. Hey dan at freddy, mo, want active, employ the secret service. You you permitted to carry to carry a firearm on an airplane. If Oh, did you and why? Yes, of course, you're allowed to carry a firearm monoplane. How else do you think? secret service gets through these sites. Are they fly? The president, not on all the working shift flies on air force one, but the president, the body men vance team at every one else? They fly commercial. They get there with their guns, a mac. Tell you how the process works doesn't want to cause a security problem, but we don't go. regular line like everyone else, but you as you absolutely walk on that plane with your gun in a holster. You've got to keep it concealed by the way on a plane, that's their rules, but you gotta, introduce yourself to the pilot. The air marshals as a whole process, but yeah thousands of times are all right said. What are we having anymore
Its alaska are the absolute we're running out of time. Folks, thank you. So much retooling in love. You, I got. My radio show coming up at about seven, but it was at that time say eight. Fifty three yeah, my crazy, like that. That's I got this time in front of me. It's like totally Yeah, there's clock. As I told you, we are allowing refugees arriving at eleven. Fifty three hours behind something must be wrong, but thank you for doing it. In Please join us for the live chat. If you listen apple or spotify, we appreciated us out of the live chat rumbled, that consular spongy know every day at eleven a m eastern time and we number ten on pod track, the top ten pod. In the country. That's thanks to you and the dirty little secret its due to subscriptions and follows: not necessarily listens all the time. So if you don't mind, it's free, just gotta, Paul spotify rumble. If you would rumbled consolation punch. You know, please click that subscribe and followed by an it's free. It helps us enormously.
I will see you all back here I'll see at the morgan while in concert tonight, if you're gonna be there otherwise I'll see you back here on Monday, it's your third in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-28.