« The Dan Bongino Show

Will Secret Service Respond To A Trump Arrest? (Ep 1972)

2023-03-20 | 🔗

The police state is here. In this episode, I address the police state’s latest threat to arrest and indict Donald Trump on ridiculous, Soviet-style charges. I also address how the Secret Service could respond. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know, so the police state kind of something we harp on, maybe once or twice at michelle, maybe once or twice or two. three thousand times on the shelf I warned you said: listen, I'm so police state it's here. Now it's on a warning about my guards. The police states are right around the corner, though it's here right now around the corners like right here like rain, fronted you when you in your grill, we states here. What a police states look like! in this weekend is exactly but please step. Police states look like What's the secret service going to do about this if Donald trump is arrested, of course, that's what we're talking about we're gonna loaded show for you today a lot material,
stay tuned on this monday. Big show today are today show brought you buy brcko. by gold now and get a free, safe, distorting on qualifying purchases from brcko group now do march. Thirty. First ship, a free, safe directly to your door, just text dan tonight Ninety nine aid to get your free information can on goals and to claim eligibility for your free, safe fact keeps raising raids, Keziah only tool. They have to keep inflation under control and it's not work. You see the impact on the stock market, so hedge inflation now protect yourself, like I do by owning goal I use birch physical, gold and silver in yours If we do and I and precious metals we can all real gold and silver and attack sheltered retirement account, I buy from birch called to protect my family and my savings. You can trust him too. They have any plus rating with the better business beer. Thousands of satisfied customers today, tax dan, nine, eight, nine eight. Ninety four, your free information can on gold to claim eligibility for your free home safe by march thirty first and qualifying purchases again text and two nine, eight nine eight nine eight it would today
before it's on a guarantee of future results, messaging data rate supply Joseph on this money show me man knew where I was going. Now, if you show me the man, I will show you. The crime is, sir, as famous soviet interrogator and secret police chief various said you see them yourself, it's in We, infamous from is only because it only from by the way. I am the conservative side of the political I'll, see to quote yourself up on the screen for watching rubble, because it's actually, you can get rid of the in its firm ass, its famous on the left side of because they love this. Remember that the left, this lives in this country around the world progressive soviet socialist. Whenever you want to call on they're all the same thing, the They have the same political dna, Joe
They all see collective concentrated power. The only way to have collective, concentrated powers to take away individual rights from you. That's it. To take away your individual rights rights, a zero sum game either I the right to speak, freely, assemble protests, my government or I Don'T- or if I do it, government puts me in jail that zero sum there's. No, I have a little bit of rights and able, if that's not how that works, left this love. The idea of stealing away from you throwing were the key. Putting you in jail burning. It meant the key down and He gave handcuffs to lock you up in they love the idea of political pressure were there their enemies no other way to enforce a totalitarian regime right. If you don't have the right speak out against your government and you believe that you god. Given right, like you, don't go, do it and they double
Do you have that right? How do you would force it like you? what the you put your people in jail, your political people, you don't like. so the threatening, apparently, according to the trump team, to arrest donald trump. This week now, there's been some walk back by his team about the specific date. However, there is absolutely little doubt that disk, I used the new york city prosecutor failed human being embarrassment to his family, his kids, his neighborhood, the entire country, discuss Think peace, a garbage, alvin brag, a liar and a fraud, a known liar fraud by the way spite now having multiple people from drop this red. Curious case against donald trump involving so Army Daniels and an alleged pay off, which is entirely personal matter. If it happened, it's not a good thing. I get that this is not a criminal case. This is not even close to a criminal case. Alvin disgraced human being not disgrace, prosecuted embarrassment to geese, albin brag guy.
Katy can't control is appetite. No less control is totalitarian impulse. Brag decides, he's gonna brag, decide he's gotta go after donald trump and allegedly according to the trump deemed are threatening to arrest them this week again on a political charge. Folks got a lot to say on this number one the hell out of blue states as soon as you can. There is. I used to believe I've changed my mind on a lot of things: I'm only human I used to believe it was worth the fight needs, the blue states, if you can not leave. I understand, of course, it's better to fight the not even, if Those fights tend to read the only because you are the five matters him in a wrote, a book about a once. The fight matters, however, your political skills abilities your money, your family, everything else will prosper far more conservative states that respect freedom and liberty, where we can flour from there and start to take back portion
to the country and then make it retorted to the constitutional public it supposed to be get out of states. As soon as you can imbues states, you understand real crime. Will pray on you and your family get out of jail tomorrow because of twinkies alvin brag again, Barely control is eating. Habits forget about controlling its totalitarian socialists, impulse ripe for I will find you and they will hunt you down. If you are a conservative wallet actual criminals engaged in home, invasions, burglaries rates, robberies and murders out as soon as they can get as soon as you can. I'm sorry to have to tell you this you doing live in a portion of the country, any more where that is, abolish rules of water matter, because institutional republic does not apply in new york in california the dark The constitution, ladies and gentlemen, is only a piece of paper.
There's not a group of x men or marvel comic characters coming to enforce the constitution. If you don't, Believe in it, like liberals, don't in l a new york cow for you, illinois states in cities within these states. If they don't believe in it and noble in enforces it and the federal led by communist. Like Joe Biden do nothing about it, then they can institutions, just it's. A pizza loosely paper. it's all it is you do have constitutional rights in new york to due process or I warn you get out. As soon as you can. You we preyed on by actual criminals, while funding yourself in jail for fake. our political crimes. folks. This is justice. Let me know arrest donald trump fern. Entirely legal, non disclosure agreement. That was signed by one of his lawyers
with some unease, alleged to have had a sexual relationship where, according to the allegations you wanna keep quiet, did it happen, maybe don't know do I care yeah sure I care they care. You're, stuff matters. I absolutely care you don't I, about two I care about this country and the rule of law That is clearly, however, unbecoming if it happened, it may be if it happened. This is not grounds a seven year old alleged crime to arrest them former president, the united states, and cause an internal division in this country, like we haven't seen since the sixties, theirs absolutely no. This is just outrageous and I want you to keep something in mine. If you watch my show this weekend, I hinted to this a bit in my monologue in the open, my factual trump, being arrested and are threatening to be arrested for aid
quotes crime, he's alleged to have committed when we have a former democrat person in I said, admitted to having inappropriate sexual relationships in the oval office. While he was president, I made I decided silencer is broken, didn't, have gas play about one by what about honour by now liberals out there watching my shop. about hunter by Europe. Yes, sir years now add, drives him crazy. You know why Joe because they want, You believe this is about people, this is about the law, no one's above the law. No! No! Biden isabel a bill, hundred actually on tape. Bill cleanse actually on tape admitting built the biggest baby hotter bisected engaging in some of the sexual behaviour, while human business partner, dad or alleged
taking money from nuclear powered enemies of the united states, all really. hundred binding in not yet so Please spare me the talking points: police, state, liberals, that's what you are. I know your police, staters and soviets. We get there. Please spare me you're talking points now The talking points went out and the police state lives or salivating vote drool down to, but vampire, like like blood drool, coming down there, but they loved this idea. There is not a single have you: did you guys catch one this weekend, a single, far left commentator on tv, not a single one, who said you know what I mean be this- isn't the best idea now fine for you, probably ten or twenty conservatives out through commented on tv who brought up the fact that yeah, let's even though a hundred binds evolve that a lot of stuff. You know we have to be careful
if there's time- and you know spending time on this rather another sub- you may not agree with it, but there are at least some diversity of thought and the republican and conservative ecosystem not wanted we state lips, they love this idea. They know they there's no crime here. At all day, I want to see their political opponents in jail. I sat on frocks and friends this weekend and I need to repeat this again and you need to take this and tat to this on your brain. It's in my upcoming both to I'm. I was very careful to get this in there now, I'm not talking about all democrats here, mike. I play the game they play with us, the forum if this were salivating over the idea of locking up donald trump re fake crime. It hurts you in a second if they could that's an intense No pause for you to process what I said to you understand here. These people would hurt you keep your head on a swivel around them. They are
Extremely dangerous, I look in the face, walk out of the white house, When president tromp accepted the renomination for president and watch these p, repeatedly tell me they were going to kill me. They were gonna, write, I wife and make me watch this issue. These people are for. They would hurt. You. So I'm done playin cutesy time, like some commentators out there I get to that later to cutesy time. Guy came on right after me on fox some months away. Cutesy, I'm not doing that. so folks are talking for many get to the secret service angle on too there's a lot to talk about on this. This is a very, very disturbing topic so it's called do it again, one by one. First, as I said, get the hell out of blue states as soon as you can. as soon as you can do not fund Taxpayer dollars are funding, tyranny. Folks are talking, points went out this way
There were two talking points. It went out to the Democrats who know their day. They know right now. They're fully engage in police state activities that you guys catch him, How much of the weekend stuff you guys I spent I was out, abode a little bit my friends boat after this happen, Well then, we came back and I started watching where they were going to go with this the Democrats behind the scenes. I know this is a disaster, I'm I'm getting it from every single source. I have remember. Derek harland. Our fate the attorney general in name only already Used to prosecute trump on this charge, because I know this is an outrageous that stupid thing they accuse him up so up capital hell, they don't want to ever appear like their defending tromp, even though they know this could be a disaster for them, so that king points went out. There are two things. number one may sure you remove republicans and conservatives constitutional right to peacefully protests by immediately equating protein
which they don't want if they dont want to see that right now, because they know they ve engendered a real political problem in the united states. Here they create Did it so? The first talking why equate every republican protests with violence. Talking point number two nobody's above the law I want you to listen a poker hard this year, fake, indian, watching I too am one by one here she is, I watch out. Walking points were right out. She make sure the above. The law talking point is in there and they give you republics. Protest even though, a constitutional right. This is definitely gonna, be violent ticketless. I gotta ask you about His comments from donald trump calling for protests saying is about to be arrested. Are you concerned about the possibility of I once Once is never the right answer and I always worry about it, but this is another
so donald trump, just trying to advance the interests of donald trump, not of the rest of the nation, must be clear about what's going on here. No one is above the law, not even the former president of the united states, and if there has in an investigation and that investigation should be allowed to go forward appropriately, if it's time to bring it down? hence the neighboring indictments, that's how our legal system works, protest, are just there's no reason to protest this. This is the law operating as it should without fear or favour for any one without fear, or favour ready when Joe, except bill Clinton hunter by Joe Biden, Jim Biden Biden, widening, really anyone associated with Biden, egg, but fear or favour of refugees are talking. Points went out Now, one of the first people on the heirs, vague indian pocahontas,
She's very familiar with the fake talking points why he's busy producing our famous power. CIAO the universe. L you guys he looked out when I haven't a beer, haven't I don't wanna, be what a beer No, no, I'm, okay as she drinks to be like she's, never held a beer bottle in her entire life. You ever seen that one to remember that I'm just going to have a beer sure sure, there's been a bit of a shot at the cue to protest, he's notice ass. She equates protests with violence right away. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to get too A second third order here want to keep this really simple. The Democrats are itching a hecklers veto here they are their stand that they don't want. You understand this, did they don't wanna bet they don't want it party, yet another see the tea party cause real damage to them. People out the streets they get out of town halls over well mainly peacefully, oh
Well, maybe I can recall, maybe actual camera any, but I'm sure there's something you know, there's always somewhat There does something but overwhelmingly peacefully. You got the BBC, a the budget control act and the Democrats baron trust we take this to the bank. Please the Democrats see nothing more than losing what they'll call the streets people? section of a public He swore revolt against or tyranny. Fear is much. Is the iranians sphere in total, what areas haiti idea, Organize streets, organised people she's peacefully protest. They hate that idea. Because a media be forced to coverage and what Why? Why? Because, if You're, a totalitarian. the only way you stay in power. Because you don't have the numbers here.
Hundred thirty five members of congress, one hundred senators and present how do they control three hundred and thirty million people the way they control you is by the perception of their popularity, look we're in charge and we're taking away rights, because this is what people want if you lose the streets, your false imprimatur of I anticipate that this is what the people want goes away, ran away. He does not make sense and I want him. Trade is checked picture so, like I'm, trying to be poetic, you're not. They are terrified of the idea that you will peacefully protest. so what their immediately doing is are trying to enact kind of a pretext. Fuel hecklers veto. conservatives are gonna, be violent, better, not your police departments! wiki waking not nod you'd, better crackdown on those crazy conservatives now their trial.
take away your constitutional rights- and I'm telling you see- there's a falling in this trap. Some even conservatives are falling in this trap door. Test, oh no, no! No! No! No! No! Not! On its future to protest peacefully. That is Oh god, given right, don't allow these people to paint you with some kind of violent extremists. Listen I'm amenities em, if you We feel that way and you're a soccer and you for it is the brought up on our protest. It could be that if you are really worried about you showing up and engaging in inviolate, please I guess you please do not protest, please! You are the person who should be out there. However, because that's no one I am actually talking too. I know conservatives I bit it act beside been a candidate peaceful pro test is your right. I will say this I'll. Bring it up again later. Please do not get dragged or agitated into violence
Please do not please! The left is itching salivated for a crack down and cannot wait. for an act of violence, geo fencing. civil security warrants intelligence investigations and throw you write. Magala talking points what our folks the talking points one out- nobody above the law except pottery, bill Clinton and protests. Will violence. Show you a couple more coming up, the media loves he's talking point to many of you show you one could with media wants vaccine waters. The double down on me domestic terrorist if you believe in the constitution, johnny boy, it's totally crazy by limiting with breaking to add folks. He'll sleep today shows brought you buy. Helix sleep, dot, com, Yoshida councillors, death.
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working points went out, such as pope how this? fake, moderate tim kaine here he is he saying, listen right and much less afford nobody's of the law. You gotta worry about them. Protests could be violent. Winkie wiki nod nod police officers at their check this out, watching others try to kind of pull the wagons and protect him more plush, the ability of somebody to prosecute a former president. You know that matter. If your former president you're, not above the law, so. I'm troubled by particularly am troubled by donald trumps. Encouragement protest because she knows and he's intending that it be if the potential incitement to violence, at least in a way that would intimidate people again. It doesn't matter that the january six that Donald trump said go march peacefully and patriotically. It doesn't matter that there's not a single conservative commentator of note out there
that has been suggested out there. That protests shouldn't be peaceful. It doesn't matter, you see, Tim Cain and pocahontas anti and you murder people burned down american citys attack police officers. Try. they get an insurrection going at the white house when Donald trump was in office, burned down at church, destroy the entire country Joe see, that's, ok, it's mostly peaceful but see conservatives where our record a peaceful protest is, like ninety nine point: nine, nine, nine, nine nine repeating decimal. Yes, there episodes episodes. I wish we could all change we're all human being. Human beings make mistakes. Is our job to correct that doesn't matter That means your violent and you see TIM Cain and poker hot. This are trying to get you to prepare the police, surrender your right to protest. You guys getting this like how uncritical this is. If you don't learn to see through part too far,
and see the sunlight here, you're gonna fallen this trap yourself. Don't protest! They'll bait us not honour the it. If you choose to protest peacefully, theatres, don't get baited, it's done protest at all and for free europe's constitutional right to protest because you're afraid of what liberals will say about you, liberals are wires. They are socialists, they are violent, communist. They were you to surrender your rights, pre emptive. We set out to do anything shamefully and Alice I enjoy read a lot. Sometimes I agree, Sometimes I disagree. Really shameful editorial board postman. wall street journal talking, about album brags political charging. Instalments from this is just embarrassing. Here they are at the end. Mr trumps? Calls for protests are irresponsible as well. Against this self interest, this
Play would be to follow the law while claiming his innocence. If there this violence and protest. You see how they do it to mister trumpet much of the blame, but mr braggin, his partisan cheerleaders will have touched off the whirlwind: ladies and german, I'm not telling you to protest or not I'm telling you that your constitutional god given right, I don't give orders you we see the journal falls right in the trap, equating the pros with the violence preemptively, although been no violent sittings. Protest already have one minute If there is, it would be widely condemned by anyone and I'm telling you if you, if you Any questions whatsoever brought your ability to control yourself. Then. Yes, please do not protest. but that's almost nobody, I'm talking to you on the show, We argue as follows: the constitution, like the journal, claims to be. We don't are you for people to give up their right to protest. Could you
fraid there may be some idiot agitator in the crowd. Doesn't do this ever right, the trap, set for you by tim, came fake, indian warren here's maxine waters who, by the way, get what you gotta throw this in there. After the show. I'm sorry, this is going to go. We're going to have to throw this in here. They're going to have to throw in the waters, the maxim waters I get out of your car and go grab him get in their face there, the again their face. We know what we'll throw into my the uneven it you all seen it before I gotta get to other stuff anyone seriously, then we matter I see what you really she get in their faces, don't let them sit down and restaurants. You ve already seen at a thousand times so maxine waters whose action we called for aggressive confrontation. You ve already seen it. you ve already seated,
is maxine waters on the show going full domestic terrorists, but here's this initial on before you play this an interesting part of this. I want you to see the end, the MSNBC house, who always who's out. I don't even know this one is MSNBC. Has he hears the key word? He knows, as a media proved their activists for socialism and tyranny. Joe he hears the word domestic terrorist trump and he realizes he needs that out there on his show, To engage in the heck, was video veto and equate protests revised. I want you to watch what he does when he hears the talking point. Go off equating protest reviled any make sure that makes it on his shop watches the charge is that he's been indicted on minimal, as opposed to the charges that I believe he could have been indicted? I don't know, what's going to happen when he
well says himself. It's almost like he's. Tempting to organise its domestic tears to show up and to resist? him being arrested. Emma with them. He didn't just go ahead. Finish, I thought real quick. I beg your pardon Violent finished. I thought you were going to make before I interrupted. I just wanted to. You know: have you to understand that perhaps it was true, and to organise rather domestic terrorist too, to protest ass, his arrest right yeah. We have to be careful about him, making that announcement he's doing it for a reason, right and we are being careful about reporting that aspect of his shrewd social posts. she wants that? Have you to understand, not even sure you know, if that's the english or whatever
She wants to have you to understand, and I want you to notice something that you caught and write. He wants to be sure the talking point gets out there that although there has been no reported violence. Thank the lord, but there happen protest they want you to be sure you don't protest because they think we'll be violent and you'll find yourself in jail. So the protests equal violence argument he's got. be sure to get that in the show where we finish that thought. Okay, I want Have you to understand she goes on night and then he said at the end hilariously did you catch this part? He says We don't want to really want to report on its call to protest. You just dig you just Sure that every called a protest was equated to domestic terrorists that you got in a show and you you made shorty interrupt there to make sure the talking point out in their own do not fall in trap. I got one more for you. I m explained the secret service angle. You know the word unprecedented is,
Ironically again, like the word unique ironic, The over use think about that unique is enough. It's true. The situation, the secret service finds itself in right now with donald trump. Is in the literal sense on press there's no precedent for our how many describe using federal law quit the problem. Secret service, finds himself, then, if Donald trump put in jail cell, near dangerous criminals and alvin brag and this, The Democrats created this very problem. I let me get this worth my patient supply dot com. you think you're not gonna need emergency food. You see everything going on in the world right now strain supply lines of Kim Jong than threatening nuclear war right now, every day does our headlines. Just today you have on this, as the yacht over yet putin meeting with china today, it pays to be prepared. Do not get caught your pants down. If there's an emergency phone
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In short, everything in your life, the matters ensuring food supply. My patriot supply, backup Here's rachel matthau moscow Rachel, russia, rachel, a hilarious goofball. Clown of the highest order, told you and insisted there was some russian collusion scandal, mere basically terror, audience laughed the jew and gave you the middle finger, tat matter, liberals morons they still tune. It will give us more here's rachel maddow, promote insane conspiracy. Theory again talking point out: she's Are they talking point grew bright, talking, pomona equate tests to violence. And try to attach it to an insane conspiracy theory that trump first trip was to wake up and it was some kind of like frank's gacy, eight eight eight eight it's coming. He lowered its stand for highly it. This ladys is crazy, is for gacy, cheaper. some lunatic conspiracy. Theory that trouble
to wake offers to send a message about political by This woman's crazy. This a crazy person. Tiggle listen. I think it is a little unnerving that his first political campaign for its twenty twenty four roddy isn't waco right where the thirtieth anniversary heinz echo scandal right, you're, fucking ouch trying to Would you engender a militant consciousness among americans about the need to fight the federal government with violence while waco is a nice place to try to do that from that financial resident place to try to do that? From I mean him being indicted on you know on on a charge related to campaign finance tax and business fraud. Again,
I have to be the end of the world for him and could potentially be a positive for him. But if he's asking for a militant racially and racially tinged violent response from his followers, that's something that won't be good for him. That's eight, eight, perfect these you, you listed enemy, do their jobs directly at the hague. engaged it a little back and forth or whose crazier for gacy or mad cow fox, I think forgave. I really do think fake for gazes, like kind of like a semi lunatic ma. now is not, but I think big mad cow matters, very smart, don't mistake as you actually iq wise. smart, I matt out just a master manipulator. I no thanks. I don't think so. I think for gazes, genuine idiot like a slightly out of kilter. Mad cow is extremely manipulated, she knows exactly what you do,
every gaze is dumb. I mean really you you gotta one for gaze, you to crack open your child, like matter smart about how could a parliament a doktor or something like that? She's maybe relating people for money, and she said, well, then she makes thirty million a year someone. I saw that report one time for gazes thumb. let's get into some serious, though you should buy it, but did you get chicken spirit waco? He went to send a message, wink and nod right to my stupidity. Secret service allowed trump has secret service protection. Because the laughter tyrant save created an unprecedented, situation in american history. Where a former president is politically imprisoned for aid ridiculous fabricated crime. No serious attorney would prosecute a seven year old allegation shreds
to a federal crime in new york city prosecutor has zero jurisdiction to prosecute. Why doesn't he felt like it because he's at new york city prosecutor? He does enforce federal law. Some believe will I have to tell a prosecuted, as he just making this up. So donald trump, now as a former president secret service protection, creates an interesting problem, because the secret service is authorized by, as you can see, on the screen- title: eighteen, usc, thirty, fifty six cents for u s code for the liberals out their kind adobe. These are the hours, authorities and duties of the united states secret service can look this up yourself lives, whoever who knowingly and wilfully obstructs resists or interferes with a federal law enforcement agency. I e the secret service. engaged in the performance of the protective functions authorized by this section or section seventeen. Fifty two of the title.
She'll be fine door in prison now more than a year above. you guys reading when Aubrey, whoever it doesn't say, whoever, with the exception of law go law enforcement, corrections, officers, prisoners you getting where I'm going with this fellows, let's a tyrant soviet, the sky, to humankind, Alvin, braggin and prosecutors, decide to say we're not going to go. donald trump any bail. If we arrest him- and they say- and we're going to go, put you in a detention facility with a bunch of criminals who, by the way, will likely want to hurt donald trump, it's some kind of notoriety. Wouldn't that be They whoever go back to that. If you would wouldn't that be they who whoever they are talking about, wilfully obstructs resist are interferes with an aid
in the performance of a protective function, who has to protect him against the criminal they're, trying to put him in a cell with or near wouldn't it would not be whoever my gosh stands creates kind of illegal conundrum. Federal law versus new york, city prosecuted. You see why now, when I choose to arrest a former president. On a clearly fabricated political charge like burying the soviets, you see where, It creates division, legal problems, massive political unrest and all these other issues, that's kind of why people are like I'm not sure to steal from that loser. Tyrion stein, back in Stanford. The juice is worth the squeeze on that one, but they did it. doesn't this clearly authorize the secret service to take donald? away from the threat environment and them away from people obstruct in the performance of their protective functions. It does.
What are they going to do. Maybe alvin bragg guys'! You should have thought about that. If you think it'd be a f, oh, it gets better. You think it secret service can clearly, according to federal law, remove him from a dangerous situation which appears to prison cell too says it bright right there, just a law finally title: eighteen: u s! Seventeen did you about the secret service and others. By the way they have the authority to declare risks. I did buildings are grounds what we call a federally protected area so round the president. We the authority. You say you can't come over here you do get. We did we put up by crack. We can put up crack or piping drape and say This area is a hold room for the present. I have the seduce right to be there.
Actually you don't. It says it right here. In section seventeen If they do, what you can read yourself in, section the term restricted buildings are grounds, means any posted, cordon off or otherwise restricted area. I to know here of a building our grounds where the president or other person protected by the secret service is or will be, temporarily visiting ah like a prison cell, that's what I'm thinking that Joe I'm a realist show a joke. Now you reading, with the exception of a prison cell in there as it's as they say that guys that I miss or miss at the hole now we're not also that doesn't say with it: doesn't say that now so you mean a building or grounds even a prison cell secret service can declare a restricted area so not only can they keep prison guards out, they may think would be a danger by federal law, Can also declarative federally protected area and not let anyone in beta
The site is allowed it, which is kind of weird, because it would be new york city jail facility. So strange. It's almost like alvin brag and is twinkies and his group of deep. Prosecutors are up in new york, didn't even really about this like, while this creates a problem. What are we going? Do? about the secret service, guys how many jail space now It's kind of strange it is going to create embarrassing situation where we, actually de facto in prison secret service agents will now have the live near. President drop in a federal level. Affected area and keep people out in our facility, so strange how it creates all these problems. My guess is right now I don't know about the current leadership and the secret service. Don't know the person in charge now
the old leadership are pretty good. My guess is. The current leadership is going to have to cut some kind of deal here. These are the kind of thing smart, intelligent people work out in advance, not when you're twenty. It's up in new york city he's too busy, but is a hostess cupcakes and embarrassing his family and everyone else, freaking blizzard man what a wedded to complete the abroad it has set this country on fire. Man. You really are you gonna. Do you guys want to burn this place? The ground put every one of us in jail, I know exactly the type of motivations you have seen these people behind the scenes that disgusting. I want to get discover more things, including someone taken a shot at me, thought it would let slip. I don't let slip by car Ah at another. We basically falling in this trap, where let's be careful here and let's make sure that the
We say this is in order process at the process. Work out. Well this Process you all your fault celebrated winning an you believe deal right. Let's not for a second via the process portion of the protests, push no confuse the two. This is not the process. This is not the law, and you know that I I need you need me. Although stakes ski robs them, never mice, freezer, stairs all the time we will be moving the fraser to the new studio, so ye can continue to steal my warmest thanks burgers from the freezer. This brings me air these one spring grilling mistaken. Birds. Roma mistakes are made it easy to sprang into something delicious with their semi annual cell, with fifty percent off so wide grab. All your favorites, like perfectly age, tender stakes ocean for ass. She food juicy burgers and decadence
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very rarely do I say to myself: what are you talking about? Don't you dare like added that the post shall leave their writer, I I do you gotta tell when I get hungry and here's the thing between the show. I usually are black tee. This guy and even round me too long. It's gettin, weird now now you're like in my head, I usually march. I liked the motion does upward sabra and I was in a rush between the shows I didn't eat so this guy's, like in my freakin, had like yes, peace, that capacity I am using like that's the weird part about that. So folks, he's gotta be a significant political backlash than this. I think everybody understands that. But there's a reason. The left again keeps equating per protest the violence. They are praying for violence and I would not be the least bit surprised if Agitators at another
know what they're motivation is he's agitators. If agitators in the crowd trying to it. The vice wants brings me two points here. By the way, you suggests a news article at my newsletter today about this conservatives see trumps possible arrest is involving is base heading into twenty twenty, which absolutely agree with I agree with a hundred percent. I they're gonna martyr trompe. This is this is why Merrick garland by the way would not go forward with this case being a communist himself. He realises. This is a political gift, in some sense the donald trump one last thing before I get to this clip you. if you are at a protest, that is a peaceful protest as your constitutional right. Do not let people scare you with this, please look out and call it out if you see someone trying to agitate violence. You know I was at and want to get lost It's too brows run for office. Something happened at a parade. One time there was a guy
to attach himself to our group. We didn't know who this guy was a mac I tell you he was some lefty plant. I don't know, I don't know who he was was clearly not all there. If you know what I mean you're a parade, up in baltimore, Jonah, fourth of July prayed. She gets a monster parade goes on forever. The guy we buy my he boy again? You don't know the sky. We you can work. in the parade brother, do not stay in laws, call it out And be on the lookout for any possible agitator bay, begging for an excuse to crack down on you. That's what totalitarians want do now Anyone give it to them. This happened, I was on fox inferences weekend. I like this guy personally and again, it sought an effort to kind of You know bludgeon away the effect of what I mean to say later haven. People do that and we have differences of opinion which is which is it. Thing, I'm gonna wanna network or everybody toxic robots.
John Turley is a very smart guy. He came on right after me and fox and friends, and I Did I percent sure he was talking about me here. I came on in advance and spoke the truth that, police state is here. It is that the show today, you insisting otherwise assisted sane them. Hallmarks of a police state are show me. The man I'll show you the crime, you investigate people in search of crimes. Rather than how a republic supposed to work, we investigate crimes and look for the people who did it would pass that now We're now investigating people. Donald trump element for the crime of everybody knows that states here now, if you're looking for cutesy time language, Do you no words? Ok, it's over rule of law inside dead. I thought your guy ok as cutesy times over I'm not playing cutesy type Hey I'm gonna call these people out for what they are, which is vital. Extremists, they are violent.
They love violence, they love censorship. We ve seen it over and over antigua their twitter wars covered. We ve seen the fact that they will do anything they can to put you in jail, eternally came on after minos, interesting, he said this is taken a shot of me. You gotta be careful with inflammatory language. but it's odd how he admits that this The thing is a farce and in kind of implies that how the process is supposed to work. Either it's a process, its legitimate or it's a farce, get it check this out Obviously this is one of the worst jury pulls the trumpet find themselves. We have you know we have to keep in mind that we have a legal system here. Is designed to protect the rights of the accused and even if he is convicted, there are going to be significant, a pallet
challenges and reviews. I think we have to be careful not to just assume in the most inflammatory way that, the rule of law is dead. This is the first day, who is a yielded to public pressure to bring a criminal charge that something that clip he admits, The d yielded to pilot it's rather than the rule of law, while suggesting this is the rule of law, edge it could even be convicted on a fake political charge. But don't worry, has the appeal process later. So that's the rule of law. I'm I'm I'm confused. So it's wow to suggest that the press this is broken. This is a fake large and is politically driven, which you just admitted to, but then he said don't worry about it, even though its real and its political and you'll convicted by a jury that just hates you, because your politics, but don't worry,
Take your chances with the appellate core. Later justice the man, I'm good bags, Stick with the language. I used the police state because real did here you keep playing cutesy time. I'm not, cutesy time. I'm into law order peaceful protest, peaceful protest. Works. Like we didn t party. are terrified of that. They need the petition The imprimatur of power and public acceptability. That's why they did they they can't give up, Streets, they can't folks one more thing here at tipped judicial crisis network for this video by the way you expecting a fair trial and blue states. ladies and gentlemen, I gotta tell you someone with: out of experience in this law enforcement space telling you, the entire judicial systems, broken down, but it's
A real crisis right now, folks, you have left wing not governors left wing, politicians- senators? U s president's appointing people to the bench who politicians first and judge a distant like twenty seven, you thinking get your day in court like Turley, suggested ottawa appeals court, a figure it out. Who knows maybe you'll get lucky in front a supreme court really usage Just for a judicial crisis network is a video they put together. here's. What binds nominees years? Some of the answers to the questions I put forth when questioned by: u s centres and the confirmation process. Good luck with them check this!
The reason the democrat majority is trying to move twenty nine nominees in one morning is to flood the zone with so many mad nominees that nobody can focused on how utterly unqualified these nominees. Are. You just tell me what article five of the constitution does. The article five is not coming to mind at the moment. How about article two, the neither is article two had obviously lots of practices that are anti democratic, that entrench in some ways minority rule in this country, and I'm talking about things like you know the senate, the electoral college. Can you provide a definition for the word woman? Can I provide a definition? I can't don't worry just get in front of the appeals court, Joe ba okay,
no proud, sweat, don't sweat! It guys, you'll, be the pride of a judge. You as I want a woman is her, insists Anthea poppy I we gotta go back the popular vote elections I guy way, and I thought you were swearing to protect and defend the constitutional. I'm sure exactly how this works out. Folks, thanks again for tuna and on a busy monday. Police states. Here, protests protest peacefully, you choose, The protests, ladies and gentlemen, keep your eyes your head on a swivel, the critical time in our history, a brilliant freedom matter. So does fidelity the cost you shall republic, even for our political enemies. We would never do this to them, nor should we. they subscribe to the show you would we really appreciate it, helps us stay on the charts. It means a lot to us. Thanks for your support, we are number by the way I can just put out their national pod guess rankings. You move this up. A spot
told you matter. We were eight warehouse, but then the country right behind, ah bench a pure, yet you see that show. I really appreciate it. If this up to set its from all the subscriptions to the show their free, we don't it doesn't cost you a dime he's gotta apple spotify and rumble rumbled our complex bungee, no quick that follow, but we really appreciate. I will see you back here tonight, You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.