« The Dan Bongino Show

What’s coming next? The Answers Aren't Pretty (Ep 2110)

2023-10-16 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss what's coming next in the Middle East and in Washington.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Give way to hear the truth about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks, with your host VON jean, our back on a monday and yet Unbelievably, I believe, I believe we need absolutely believe only fellas Another conspiracy theories come sure you believe it keys. It's amazing. What utah by NBC news us news issue, David Ingram, we're danner or his name was. There is no threat there. no threat, don't worry, no domestic thread all those conservative conspiracy theories crazy people. There are definitely nazis to by the way, there's no read aloud the f b. I came out with a story about a threats. We're gets up. Another joe me go to my conspiracy. Another
Gun gonna run it out a conspiracy theories, man right away. Israel ricky. I forgot to should specify right wing its bureau, knots or do I gotta show for you today. Gentlemen. What's next, What's next an the speakers race? What's next right now, with a war going on the middle east, None of the answers right now and I pretty in either scenario, but I'll give it to you the way Listen: I've been raven about being dreams powder the how cocoa received get up to forty percent off. When you add a shop being be aimed at consolation, gino and use code by gina check out. It's delicious loaded show today, I'm going to give me an update on what's going on overseas because it does affect you and, ladies and gentlemen, we are now prepared for. What's next I'll prove it, as always always bring your seats today, show also brought to you by quick on the switch there. Was it brought to us by urge gold, where my favorite ebene customer there for a long time.
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and data rates apply or a joseph, it's Monday, so you're sure, happy monday, Dan you've shown to you sound pretty chipper today. Would you have good weekend? Thank you. I did how about you. self maria had not been a bit, I needed a break friday show visa will emotional for me, I had a cleansed more people over the weekend, one of them things that ever happened. Getting rid of the morons in your life is like cutting a cancerous right out of your body. eating you alive? It's draining your energy and you might not even know about it, but you feel a lot better when you cut it out, there's a lot of other but to do said they happen today. Who can have no comprehension? What's going on at all tweeting all kinds of stuff by the way instantly block in the lead morons instantly, because this and I respect your right to free speech, but. I twitter's my account. I have no respect for you, so I don't want to see what you have to say at all, so you can say what you want to your people. I will support that I'll. Even give you a platform of a rubber. I just don't want to read it a bunch. people were involved in his primer. This guy,
You call this can't read this candidate. You know it's world the trees ready launch, so you can just again go yourself or I I'll do what I want. You do what you want your dopey account having said that all looked fellows so strange. It's like we set out last week that level domestically was probably elevating. We have no idea whose in the country- and they said and we see new said that as a as give aptly accorded a right, when conspiracy, then the daily mail puts out this story october, fifteen, which call crazies that just the other day, I don't even know the dates. Anymore, F, p. I warned of Hamas copycat terror attacks on: u s, soil urges puddle To watch out for loan actors amid a height environment of fear, following the death of twelve hundred israelis, guys it is not its almost we said that was highly likely, but NBC news, which says the threats, the trumps life, which I heard about by the way. I might know a little bit about immediately it is for a living. They told us
was crazy and a conspiracy theory to now the fbi's warning about hamas copycat terror attacks it just like I said last week we don't prepare for best case scenario. We prepare for a worst case scenario. The worst case scenario, ladies and gentlemen, this is just the beginning. and unfortunately, I find the probability of the worst case scenario to be more likely than the best case scenario. When I say this is just the beginning. russia shows I ran IRAN's been supporting them would drones. When their war on new career in ukraine and on ukraine. Russia shows I ran by ran, decides to jump in and the russians decide to give them their support, even though they ve at their own fight going on in ukraine. John. We can have a real problem Talking about a nuclear armed country and a country on the cusp of gas gaining nuclear weapons, IRAN, IRAN, you're talking about then both jumping into what would come quick,
turn into a world war from a regional war. Also as the threat here, metastasize I just showed you opening up the show with the fbi now acknowledging what we told you that, yes, there is a threat, and you telling us there's nothing specific doesn't mean shit, nuts, so. What does that mean? Guided walk in the office ago? Fellows I'm going to attack times square next week. You got the Hamas animals and all their hezbollah. People talking about global targets all over the world. What more specific, What do you need? Are you that stupid? I mean a waste. Targeting parents at school boards and pro lifers stuff, because it seems Have you been a little bit preoccupied with political targets? Let me ask you a question. So I think this is going to get worse in a right here. Metastasized, while our domestic intelligence, he seemed to be preoccupied, we targeting political targets. Let me
You guys a question in the audience and into Chad thanks rang around by the way, I'm sorry about that technical which, but shit happens with technology, but we're back if Joe Biden Joe, let This is too I'm serious. I'm not even screwing around folks, to be like an asshole thing: If you were trying, try, to elevate the threat level within the united states. I mean intentionally trying like. You were an agent of a foreign power, not suggest. thing well actually years, but that's for the bribe supper trying to elevate the bread level. Would you anything different. We keep in mind you have to do it, but do it so that nobody thought you were doing it and intentionally. Would you do anything different Not only did Joe, let me lay it out for you. We were, you would do differ. number one is. I will drain our strategic petroleum oil reserves. They didn't you that would help.
Because then you'd have to rely on middle eastern oil, too few your economy to keep going and your euro war machine to considerably yeah yeah. Oh yeah, We did what we did, that Ok, I was unaware that ok, sorry did that Another thing I would do is, I would definitely curtail domestic oil dutch in here, so that we can actually fuel our military, are jets are fighters and our economy? I would do that. You know it. You didn't do that. Oh shit man, He did so he's too for too long stroll another one. I love you. I don't think I we definitely do is. I would hope, about borders, southern and northern, but whatever may be. I would open the borders so that if terrorists wanted to get in here, they could basically Ok, I wouldn't have to go to an airport where they may get caught biomed. His fingerprints background check and I would just walk into southern border and be completely open with what do you think of that night yeah? It sounds like a great idea dan here,
and then I think it's been done already think is right we did a show on that dang dang, dang, dang wow, we just one more ads, you have, you are trying to destroy the united states on purpose. Here is one thing I would do. I would our domestic intelligence behind foreign intelligence, ass at sea? I d, I an essay. I would it does and what I would do is I would stick them on donald trump and his supporters wasting their time just to make sure that the threat of terror attacks in the united states happens. While we're busy arresting parents at school burmese. Would you do that? Let me make a phone call Dana, I'm calling you. What do you think he's getting ye ye said admit, a goose egg. I think that already happened while still fixed the technology we shall do that already happened to you.
Multi tier judges, fix them, but judge wow. sure insight that stuff already happened. You think we're prepared Here's our national security visionary pleasure would you say, national security visor. You mean a guy advising on national security. Here, the job I yeah, yeah jake who, by the way I just want you to know, was also a ppp picture, so here busy colluding, with the fbi and cia and others to make up a fake BP tape from the russian authorities busy doing this guy's our national secured visor. Get the lego hair by the way the MIKE rogers here you know the lego here, you just call here's jason. This guy sound prepared he's here the question on a liberal media that this week it hey man the middle east- no sweat. We hunky dory, disguise and prepared to you check this out. The middle east region is quieter. Today
has been in two decades now. Challenges remain IRAN's nuclear weapons programme, but the amount of time that I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the middle EAST today compared to any of my predecessors, going back to nine eleven frequently reduced Why was your assessment there so far off the mark? Will first christian. I made those comments in the context of developments in the wider middle east region over the last few years after two decades, that involved a civil war in yemen and a massive humanitarian catastrophe, a civil war in Syria and a massive refugee crisis, an invasion and insurgency in Iraq, a nato military operation in libya, iranian backed attacks on both saudi in the usa, ye as well as many other steps and including the rise of a terrorist caleb faith. It actually occupied a huge amount of territory. The sentence before what you just played.
I said in fact that this was for now knows that. When all chain. All four now, although that drugs, that Forget it folks, it does even matter showing which demonstrates the guy's, a national, secure adviser there were trying cut a deal with the death to america. Iranians they did cut a deal, gave him billion dollars we still having taken back up until last week taught the Middle east was hunky dory while they supposed to be preventing a national security and in the united states excuse for missing every day. How does the why the administration get a pass on miss king, the biggest domestic terror attack, the biggest security for the Israelis with the same enemies who attacked us actually on our domestic shawl, a nine eleven. How did I a passer by saying, oh, no, what I, and was often told that moment
It was all good. So just We clear is the gift issues. tromp administration, it was a major terror attack killing the tens of thousands of americans on american soil and they were to say no, no, no, the fact that we said there's not going to be a terror attack. Yesterday we only met up till yesterday. They would get a pass given what important value these guys. You we could do schuyler prepared to you this look like a guy who understands the suck. You understand this garbage people's hopes are right. This is our national security visor, you think you're safe with these people in charge. Oh, no, no, the cia and fbi there. Definitely on it. Now spending the last couple years, targeting political opponents of Joe Biden and liberals out their censoring people. Censoring people who said mask still work
working with social media companies to censor covert people, Elvis Chan and all them out san francisco and what they were up to after them no, no. Now they definitely get it. I shall Female azerbaijan. Foxes wanted all there reallocate a lot assets reallocate from one in bonn, gino bomb gino army targeting group. Although you to reallocate them actual threat. So let's go to no thanks, you're a little late. you think you're going to reallocate them really. You today even feel a little bad about everything you over for the last five or six years, throwing you all in gulags, they don't feel bad one bit. I always bring received stereo, always You think our cia be ironic now. Maybe some agents are but the top doesn't give a shit fiercely. Panada on fox weird,
was the director of the cia. He was one of the supporters of the hunter Biden. Laptop is russian disinformation oaks now fellers ladys, I'm just gonna. Throw it out to the chat you take now would be a good time for this george to say: hey we screwed up. Maybe we pay attention to the metastasized terror threat around the world, being nobody buddy knew a bunch of people are motorcycles, we're gonna, kill hundreds and thousands of innocent people and potentially star war, a war three, you think it's time now. We apologise for that. Here's his answer here check this
abby remiss if didn't ask you about that letter. You sign onto from former intelligence officials saying that that the laptop and the e had all the classic your marks of a russian information operation. Obviously the new posts and others saying the hundred by the laptop letter was the real district informational along that letter was used in the debate, And ask you this: what do you have regrets about that now? Looking back knowing what you know now, brad look. I was extremely concerned about russian. The interference and misinformation and we all know intelligence agencies discovered. Russia has continued to. For showing just information across the war. I and my concern was to trying to alert the public. You think they're ready.
You think our cia and f b I already. Yet are totally ready for the threat there ready to move on from targeting you don't ever ready to apologize for steel in the last election man. You think they're ready. You don't find a weird right that you can't show up kids school board meeting without worrying about the fbi taken I license plates and a parking lot. O it didn't happen. That did happen. See friend every day are wealthy. I whistleblower wasn't agent, serafin told you would happen, They were there, people still can't apologize. Now you see why I'm worried about this We got this movie come at our next week. Police state.
I warn you of this is happening here is a real threat such as you're, going to find yourself under investigation. It's a real terrorists are not going to find themselves under investigation because are wasting their time on you, skype. And even a policy as you gotta, be kidding me you want to see the domestic terrorist threat here by the way I want to show you coming up next cause it's getting real and the videos are everywhere. You can protest on a college campuses go to work? campus and put up a trump twenty. Twenty four sign. It'll be I've met is pointed you get in the ship kicked out of you by a bunch of lunatics going to college care prison scream debt to the Jews. burn the jewish. Why don't we like freeze? each baby, we're all about it and by the way, I am all about free speech, not about threat. People's lives are committing crimes, but I am about Protected free speech, even disgusting repugnant, free speech: where are you assholes on the left? You
for the domestic dread. Here you better be These people in charge. Oatmeal brains in a white house and feel the national security adviser, because that's really looks like you, I feel like shows that you should be felix ready. your squad I need a good night's sleep this weekend. Thankfully I got one day begins with a great night sleep you miss out of you not sleeping on a helix mattress, Agee ally acts. twenty unique mattresses for big tall shore wide, even special ones, for kids defined the perfect fit which provides a one hundred night in homes. Sleep chop, the matter. Sleeping position. He likes the answer. Memory form hybrid, all the more responsive to the individual within. It's coolly features to keep you from overheating hears about comfort care, and great night's sleep, my heels matters, the best I've slept on the set. fast and easy gq and wired magazine him helix. The number one it's folksy only I don't like about. As I don't like to sleep in hotels, anymore, cause I want to get back of my helix mattress.
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this view being caught terror attack, even if it's a maximum threat level odyssey very slim, live your life to be vigilant, but again don't be stupid, like the left And let's not pretend that the domestic threat is not growing by the day, because it is- and some of it is right in front of your face. And this I've had a repeat you often I can. clearly understand and respect your opinions out there on what our involvement should be with Israel, ukraine, taiwan you're right. United states military because politicians sadly has not been allowed to finish a fight for a long time. Entered the united states military into fights. Honestly, I don't believe we belonged in. on one of the few guys why she ran for office on out when it was unpopular, I remember running in maryland, telling people to support the iraq war. People telling me you can be a republican and run on that. I can
republican and run on whenever I want, because I thought it was dumb. Those are all fair opinions. had a conversation with a friend of mine this weekend, a very good friend- and I All the friend the same thing I want to tell you I, there too. These demons in ten years of my life, dealing with these demon. whether you want to get involved in this fight or not, they don't care There is an ongoing debate with china, taiwan in ukraine. If we were to stay out of it, what russia, China would do. Their fair arguments varies slot a very smart people on either side our respective different opinions well of That china take taiwan. Then there are going to leave us alone and other people off we let them take taiwan or common for us. Next the debate that all day this five now against the savage is not that fight. I cannot emphasise this to you enough. There is
well amount of tweeting how much you love palestine or anything else. That's going to save you from the animals. I am just trying to keep you alive. You can tweak urine matter by you and my job Dear my mistress, I love you but you understand what I'm in dealing with all we this no amount of tweeting to me show rosa that's going to stop me from knowing what I know, but I'm not an asshole. They will come for you too, I'm sure to keep you alive, you're trying to get me dead. I understand the threat you can if your hot pockets in your bed and jerry's ice cream and tell me all you want how No, no don't leave us alone. If we just leave them alone should be eternal These people who are going to leave you alone. This is the princeton campus Here in the united states, yes,.
By the way they want you to wear, face mask at all events. It should tell you some right there at princeton for palestine. They know free. palestine for them, The river to the sea, I'd be river, didn't to a tour boat dignity. Do our it's no jews, always winter. Now I would have me oh yeah, I'm lucky that such wow, that's to the oh jordan river, all I thought they were mississippi size, so weird So strange. oh yeah, that's a good point was like you have not wrong, actually are every other river. from every river, the river jordan, princeton group out there. I just want you to know. Put your face mask on. You notice how all the marxist gathered together. They all believe. In the same thing, to everyone, Israel, oppressor, yet they all have the same. Talking points: where are you But we have to be vaccinated too
and they just right. You know that they want all the Jews dead. Prince for about this. On a is. Now again cheaper, my? U can reach we destroy. You want yes, more time just don't you you do. I'm just got it right away by the way, I waited whatever. I'm I'm christian, I believe in Jesus Christ. Didn't you think we re going to be spared. Jesus Christ, my lord, the saviour, I'm, not jewish, you think I'd be spared. They have were called the infidels, the infidels or not the not that and then at the non jews. The infidels are everyone whose not muzzle for radical lunatics, but that's it. good point. You gain one another thing alone. We chose to river rules For ten river rule or thousand river rule
sure muslims. Do they really don't care matter of fact, I saw some this weekend. Yeah they killed a bunch of muslims just like they want to kill every every every one. So weird, you think that as the threats not here, but don't worry. we'll golly on pet added the bureau and others still focused on parents at school boys. Ever I heard their allocating assets is what's good to know. maybe they should have done that months ago, and maybe we wouldn't be dealing with a world on the cusp of world war. Three right now, I'm just going to throw that out. There. I got some video for you come and I'm next encased. Joe Joe, that's a really good player, you guide you kind of pop dinner, a case. You think They would have the mississippi the Jordan river any river, but instead we non europe. Europe's and in all in there, diversity they have, I coexist stickers and stop There's a of muslim cressets star David co. You ever see that you don't think is: I guess a video for your next. Let me tell some the safest place in the world for you to be as a minority muslim air,
jus in israeli, are all israelis or do some people in all really liberals, because they're stupid, every place for you in the world is at a magyar out. and be most dangerous place in the world. We re now is going away from the river to the sea, free palestine event and a jewish, like you, may find yourself dead. All oh yeah, oh yeah, the video broker a shoe the video. but there's two sides to this pro yeah. There are two sides: they want to kill you and they want to kill us. That's the truth that we take quick break. folks, you read headlines international threats, corruption here at home once again, the trouble is by not at any time soon when it does, it may be a disaster Unstable and steady and access to food can be limited. secure your own food supply today. Please Please do not wait and now
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Hurry the sale is only for a limited time almost takes that come promo code by gino at check. I thanks so. so again. Do you think the thread here is just some kind of like local thing. Now. No, they just want to kill the Jews. Not me too. Good luck with that, but look who is london, london, where. London in Jordan is a neighbour noto, london, like england. You know that london ears mass demonstration. He thought this was a good idea. Look at that that's a lot of people free palestine, river to the seas? Pretty common see yeah. You wonder. How would you would do a man? I don't reckon you tried out okey, I don't recommend you prefer We'll be back, I'm on, no How dare you say that We save these people, want to co exist in all they did.
data the day after a mass terror strike on october seventh in Israel, it's probably a good idea to go and put your palestine river to the seer free. palestine. There is no palestine about Is it no? There isn't there's a palestine. The word was written. Map on there was who is the emperor palestine who is the king? Who was the president of palestine? What was their money? What was their currency? There wasn't whenever what do you mean My college, professor tommy, were free, your freeing what it what's it, Now, of course, you don't know you, never, cracked, the history books. Sorry, sorry. You believe that. here's what happens when you show up at a free palestine rally with the coexist crowd. The wants you to wear amassed by the way is remember, access, all think alike, etc, their motivating ideology of tyranny? Death? The is all the same. You understand that correct.
Here's what happens when you show up with a jewish flag without excuse me israeli flag, an ogre all! Oh my gosh. It looks like the police how to protect this guy. What are they I talked Well, the people were just going to give them cookies and stuff. That's what they were doing right Joe looked like they were just going to deliver pastries to them, and it's not a lot of carbs because it looks like he was going to be killed or hurt. By a raving crowd of lunatics yeah. course yeah that's what they will be here. They would just ask you know we had a couple extra, don't answer cookies. Maybe some sweet You know it's halloween at all. They work. kill him or anything like that. I totally on. You ve yourself, you're, on the right side of the state by the way where the invaders colonists, colonized. There's a colony, where's where's, the colony. the occupied Gaza. They did such interesting. They left Gaza, two thousand five.
Fucking, stupid old timers just turn a week. It didn't know that, you ve gotta, put it a search engine. You know he cut off. Water, while they only supply actually eleven percent in what they could add more water, except they took the pipes and made missile rockets out of how you do not either propaganda you're right it stairs. They actually made a video of it. The animals had put it out savage. You can see that we play the less. We. it's almost like everything you say is bullshit all the time and because it is. Here's another one hears are ontario. Well news decided interview, the terrorism stay loved. Her simple for terror overtime, here's the air of the terrorist here's this your ass, is that she's confuse she saw a mosque. They're, not a terrorist group. just kill innocent women and children kidnapped babies wants
rockets the towns of people, non military targets other than They definitely don't do terrorists these stop or It's not a terrorist group buddhism. First of all, Hamas does not. Terrorists are terrorists. What is it like? A motorcycle club? It is, it is a resistance that has been fueling for seventy five years of colonialism, occupation, murder, little children of women. That is what they are they're resisted. Soothing. Canada is a colonialist country to everything that they do is justified. Clearly what happened last week, every single thing they have done is justified. Number of children murdered. There were babies beheaded. Maybe if we had a really please educate yourself
release. The news news has as a news report. Are you gotta check the news because they said the basket was fake, multiple times different those was different. Even biting himself, has his ministers and is idiots. Himself. That news was fake. There's no forty be beheaded bathing no thirteen hundred measure. It is there's no evidence. There's no photos whatsoever masochism, muslim muslim group. They would never do that is it gets against Islam? That's good! That's a good one, That's really don't worry fellows a word. Forty beheaded babies. There was only one baby burned alive amount the many thousands of deaths and people who were shot and killed the murder I mean they actually founded Hamas muslim group with go pro cameras because they were proud of it.
This fucking idiot could watch that, but she's too stupid winter area probably supports gun control too. With her a k, forty seven hearings, algae, missed out. you can rely on watch yourself I don't think any you catch. That you, listen and on apple spot. If I go watch the video she probably so words, gun control and masking too it's gotta K, forty seven years, control unless you're killing jews and she's got guns everywhere that and we don't uncontrolled armies, light up your sites and kill some more jews, as professor them. here's the charter again by the way for this lady. Maybe we'll help her out a little bit. J of today of judge? We will not come about until muslims fight jews and kill them. I dont see just just this anti terrorism so strange, saint, anthony horses.
It's happening going doesn't wagon was thirty, nine, be headed. Babies frozen only one. Only one, was beheaded. We have a picture about really want it. It's ok. joey bad one baby and killed thousands more! Don't worry about it though you definitely escaped the definition of a territory that, by the way, get to my point here, because it did appointed today show is we're not prepared either. You think they can prepared the abbe the cia, the usa and others. The last five or six years focused on the conservative maggots supporting deadly domestic terror threat that didn't exist by the way. While this shit it's been met, asked the sizing overseas. Binds ready you data world watching in fear, Joe Biden who they are thing he can gather to say. What is To say no.
so he can't think of anything else to say, MR by what do you say to Hezbollah may want to touch or for a war. Three weeks bo is fighting this week trying to get up like I can't even get upon the stage you think we're prepared for world war. Three at there. Suppose in case you miss them dripping from the thousand time going up. The stairs The deep of item I like key point- I gave you watch it again. You say they given, unlike the thumbs up again that was good good recovery from your thousand. Three, please folks, are seriously get me to stop doing stairs with this guy. Can we stop The world is watching. I'm not kidding I'm ok can we please stop? Can we get Sky, one of those stairmaster things you know Joe, you know when you sit in a chair and it goes Can we do
Can someone get this guy a freak instead lived it following up the stairs. well, we are you get the site you there was you can someone cannibal healthy, democratic donor, get this guy a secret service Kind of stale, maybe an armored stare lived, puts a cherry pick her anything? Will you can just elevator em up, so we talks, To the chair, we worry here: fault ripe, no because costs the average Can someone please get this guy, a cherry picker The world is watching brow. world is watching.
Of course, you can get off this stage either you can't get on the figure of how many times I have to tell you this. We're servers gives them a card. What to do walk stage park. Work row blind eggs. stage left the guy I remember anything Never get off the stage, even always gotta card telling and we get off the damn stage uses I have rescue with him this week at all yeah. Don't worry! We're ready for world war, three check the city in the world, You guys see to look, you see the look she gave him god. Just follow me and don't stop stop waving. You see the look. he's, got a gun. You think we're ready for this folks pray with pray. Pray every single day that this does not escalate. We
Did you everything in our power to avoid having to intervene here and escalate this everything everybody's reading me wrong? I absolute We support civilization against the savage everybody involved in this has to do everything they can to avoid. What could be really really nasty global war. having said that this area is in helping All he wants to do is silly virtue signalling to see this. Last week he told the story again. This by the way, I think fourth or fifth version of this story. Tat Joe, I'd and sought to guide kissing or something like that and this is how he is dad told them about love or something this year. Folks he's too this story, so many different ways. He wisely telling it so many different ways because he's. making it up. This didn't actually happen. Here he did it again this past week I remember
drop me off. I want to be someone who work in the projects as lifeguard decided. Only drop me off on his way to work as a city hall and organ application of EU lifeguard. There. and, as I gather car for four corners, the centre in town two men turns out one goal: the brandywine one was workforce the divine coming, in other words, hercules competition as a kid end, Dublin kiss one another, I've never seen anything. Looked at my daddy's. Those emissions. Joy is simple: this simple joy? They love one another, It's a simple fact: folks, they'd, never in that stories. Bullshit it never happen. They didn't say that his dad didn't say joey. They love each other, and I love the way he throws in seemingly irrelevant details that change every time he throws because he's such a sociopath think wire. He feel
like you, ve mentions a specific place or town which changes every time by the way that now You really believe him, so a dog and each join a fresh brandywine town. Sir. Last week, you said it was in downtown delaware, before you said it was in washington, I'd. Oh yeah, sorry, he said bullshit artists, here's! I'm castle, the worst fact check or on planet earth who, if he's fast, checking Biden. This is how bad this has to be on more it's three reasons: tat thou Biden story on his father and a gay kiss. You know Biden keeps telling the story a different way, every single time, the last we told the story in two thousand and fourteen when he made a big deal about it. It was him telling his son his son, that not his dad telling him why? Because he's just making it up, you take ready for world war. Three, you think the left is. The left is too busy widow, ilhan, omar and rashida, to leave town,
out simpleton stuff. I carefully We have the lobby for the lives of innocent, really mean reduce now known. You do. It's crazy idea, somewhat you didn't see what happened. The precursor of this whole thing. You think the liberals are ready for this. What's coming. here, here's the liberals in america- by the way- it's not bad enough yet I know a lot of you in the chair. Let's do another bhopal, Chad, guy pulse, Guy activate, like just said, the justice league. the touch? The rings remember. You think it's bad enough, yet the liberals are gonna change. Your vote. I'll, give you five count for I give you my answer is a bad enough. I may surprise you know it Not that usage price so just kidding it's bad enough, yet no it's not it's not even close. No, no fact every day is not bad at all.
These people. It's gotta be a republican landslide. Maybe I am convinced we had a good week and by the way, Republicans one the governor seat, Louisiana. one at election seat in louisiana to great ego, a p, very key on a ball? I was going to play a bounce in through republican jeff Landry wins the louisiana gum race, reclaims office for geo, p, pennsylvania's. Looking better further republicans by the minute we had a good week at having that folks, I'm still not convinced it's bad enough. Yet that look Those will change their voting. Baby and we'll have a nineteen. Eighty four reagan revolution again. Nineteen alienating for actual. Why because the world is going to have a hand basket user wisconsin lawmaker, which is aimed dave, Konstantin. Arguing for men to play and women's sports, because you're, just whining. If you are, if you argue against that
we're just whining. If your warrior, your daughter, may lose a scholarship to a dude who wants to play a women's watch, you take to have this ready for world war three. This is what they're preoccupied with check this out. Some parents are concerned, their daughter might miss out on a scholarship. Might miss out on playing for this t or that team. Boy that doesn't sound like community. That sounds like selfishness, I'm sorry to label it that way. But that sounds like what it is to me: I'm only worried about myself, I'm not worried about building the team and having my school have. A powerful team is, alas, You think they're ready for this evening, ready for the savages. You wonder why so many left these retreat into their bought accounts by the way why you all and odds why you all- and I would like egg pictures and all that wifey, if you're so proud of your position, supporting this savage is the man beasts and the demons, and you too, We want to share it with your name on it less than
one percent of people who tweet back at me? I have a naming. Names are probably fake from the other. Why stand by gino my pictures, hey, you know what I look like What are you so afraid of. What are you afraid of A year's cancelling all of us and what now you're anonymous on twitter while you support The savage free palestine from river to sea, The left is ready the left's loves issue David. This is great. There are costs. capers is celebrating this rape sigh, whereas palace, they don't even know No we're palestine is you know why they don't know there is no palestine and never has been. Here's clemson university clemson, a bunch of students marching for what peace. Increased security posture, the united states counter terror efforts, no no, no their marching for the right have tampons in the men's room. Hats
No, no! It's real! No, it's real! no. No, it's really real. here, watch yourself There is a marked change. How would you be easy? He seated here a glance into feel more jean luc whimsy diversions campaigns, students, fuji views are still ass. If I gave is still experience for ass, we hate Those things meeting you are seeing to step up needs to protect a suit, Last month the clemson college republicans called for tampon and sanitary product dispensers to be removed from a men's bathroom on campus are men or women. Of course men cannot menstruate. So, of course we spoke. Against that, of course, is people think the opposite, and that's why they're out here, processing ass this left. They want tampons in the men's room. Do them She could ever been released key. There have been there,
as redrawn xyz random. Why do you think that pride? no one's tampons intervention. How do you They would do in Hamas traffic happier. How are you there They wouldn't do good. Are you sure. Now your query for palestine and palestine for queers, a brown turn off the roofs that vote Now you wonder why keep saying it's not bad enough yet and why anyone of the chap our guide hegemony right, how to be ninety plus percent. Yes, you're right, it's up at an ultra liberal. Are still living with the coexist bumper sticker? Do you think this is real data? if they drive their way For a baby there, electric powered car, previous. Whenever are not going to pre spiderweb. This telling you drive your prayers or your many cooper or whatever it may be. A you drive it off to Hamas checkpoint, not alike, dear colleagues, is proper stay cool out of our way. I
co exist? Do you think you're going to change your vote? they just saw a massive terror attack go on overseas when innocent people slaughter. burned alive People beheaded, we'd garden equipment. You can actually watch the video by the way. garden hold the head were like, What should we do today? got an idea, let's march for tampons and demands room? That's a that's a great idea. You need to read. This is why I put this last he's like what about the rest of the list. I know when I am I want to Quickly, talk about the speakers raised to a second, but you need to read this article: listen not your teacher, I don't give homework. I'm just telling you need to read this article. Barton swam as a piece in the wall street journal called the mark c and roots of campus anti semitism.
You want to understand the anti anti communist. where anti communist and at the left in this unholy alliance, that David Horwitz calls them. How they were all aligned against us and All terrorists demons free palaces, And from river to see savages mark the communists. Sexual identity, politics, culture warriors: you see how they're all aligned against us The branch civilians. Why are they all together. Swaying notes what I have already told you, because they, hate the idea of free markets and freedom. You notice in particular, we hate Israel, A wealthy nation among neighbours whose poverty is relieved only by all revenue, Israel, one country in the Middle east, ordinary people stands a good chance of creating prosperity for themselves and their families. Em right
for modern, progressive academics weaned on the marks in concept that wealth is the result of exploitation? precisely the reason for israel's guilt. They can't be Oh that's prosperity. Without concluding that the Jews have stolen their wealth from their neighbours. Try that's exactly what they believe. incredible how you can give them land give him billions. Billions, if not hundreds of billions over the course of history and value services, money and they still can't get their act together. the death to america crowd the river to see crowd and you You gave the israelis basically a patch of desert in the forties and all of a sudden they've turned it into one of the world's most prosperous economies per capita. So, weird weird how axis and all these people role aligned together against us. So I keep telling you think, you're safe, gonna coexist, stick around. My car no I'm in america first, but none He too.
the bad guys organs. Their death first, I dare to america, is first with them. That's the point. That's the point. I don't how you missing now. We will have to be pro anything to be anti savage. I don't understand why others don't get that. You know what I'm for I'm pro a lot of it, Just telling you don't have to be pro anything to be. The demon and eighty savage messages We agree on the speakers. Race. Add a bunch to talk about our getting details tomorrow, but. anyone telling you right now need to call your congressmen today, the pressures matter, the pressure matters Jim Jordan's, the guy right now I don't here, if you got your panties stuck in a wad, because last week, you're guiding get it just now how we got here, there's now been a terror attack and we have to move forward and we have. fix this.
Were now in the middle of a really serious world crisis. We have no speaker if you're gates, guy or mccarthy guy, I told you last week, I don't care, I don't fall in love with politicians, because I don't give a shit. I fall in love with outcomes, get Jim Jordan turned out great we don't get Jim Jordan and we get a squish because it Is aol dot com article was talking about MIKE rogers? Will not back Jim Jordan for speaker would work with democrats. rogers is now backtrack. Credit, says he's going to support jordan. This cutting you deal with Democrats, ladies and gentlemen, I'm tellin you right now we're all watching. If this happens, we're going away every single one of you, devoted with Democrats by gates, voted with them crash out, speaker, yes, That's a fact which I highlighted on my show, but now we're here grow up. You big boy, pants bobby appear to save all of us all up. put your parents on get your shit together, shut up,
get your job done. I had a lot of shit go wrong when I was in age and insecurity events I'd instead, my room and cry about you kept going, Even we had a shipper doing a site. We had a guy in a side one time couldn't handle airport security measures. The easiest thing in the world to do you think I could. About. If we want to do in a form, but here Wanna work doesn't matter, we take it. The president killed shut Do your job, for Jim Jordan. Mccarthy, guy really that's interesting, as Jordan actually supported mccarthy. and mccarthy supports Jordan. How do you explain that? Are you that stupid everybody, get together and get the carcass and get Jordan in there. You got a motion of acre. You know, like I'm vacated, to get your dinner cut. The shifts sub taken around No time for amateurs, rican panties out of a wide get get going entirely specks you're freaking job it
granary. Tomorrow, the wine and I felt sorry about the technical scrub stuff happens. It's very frustrating, as you can tell, by. Lot of variables here- internet electricity, software once in a blue moon things happen. I so appreciate many people laugh. We got ninety six thousand nine hundred and thirty five. Thank you offered tune in and hanging in there. I really appreciate it See you back here tomorrow, rumbled dot com, gino, eleven, a m give us a following that green c mon you just ten von jean ojo
Transcript generated on 2023-10-18.