« The Dan Bongino Show

What Would A National Divorce Look Like? (Ep 1958)

2023-02-28 | 🔗

What would a national divorce look like? In this episode, I address the hard realities we would all have to face. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je know, welcome back to our lives from eod rumble at eleven am eastern time. I say welcome back because we started yesterday, dad. You didn't tell us kind of cap, on the cute a little bit wanted to see how it went? started on a monday kind of top Equally style, then just style, We thought maybe get a couple thousand people be we didn't saving well, couple of thousand turned into ten thousand to twenty thousand and thirty thousand almost forty doubts in a one point and me and G looked at each other. We were like wow this is The kind of works so I'll come back if you're interested in joining the live premier for those released from ipod guess at eleven, a m eastern time every day to go to roma. Complex bond geno. You can live chat, everything else. So I thank you for your support. That's pretty awesome vote.
Loaded show again today yesterday show what import mine. We expose the trap today gotta, be, I think it even more important shell possessed big national conversation breaking out on a very, very serious issue. We need to really deliberate on before anybody jump the gun Do we really want a national divorce look like marjorie taylor green mentioned didn't sparked a big national conversation. As I always do. We need to be very cautious. We're gonna walk through this today. What it would actually look like, don't go anywhere today show by I believe- and this is my actual believe ban. I haven't- I was undergoing chemo. Knowledge is obviously a problem that I wouldn't have would have begun nowhere without really fan. I had this with me all the time. Why is it prevented minority? You gotta check out really bad Evan sport version- is while relief, Benazir number one of the eight cleared anti nausea respond. That's been clinically proven quickly relieve and effectively prevent knowledge and vomiting. motion, sickness anxiety, migrants, hangovers
sickness chemotherapy and so much more work. For me, the relief Sport make sure you never have to take you really banner the first ever waterproof, whereby of its kind, plus its rechargeable less thirty hours on a full charge to relieve bands. board can seamlessly attachment apple or samsung. Watch sooner. Have this june. Wearing your leave banner when you're smart watch, so So if you want the ban that actually works, leaving you're, not my daughter, use it. You and she was out of the bushes six, sometimes check out relief banned in the new sport version we ve got. Whose him offer just for damage. You know, show listen if you go to relieve band outcome and use from Bon gino bioenergy. I know you'll receive when percent were sent off, plus free shipping so to relieve bandar comp use. Promo by gino for twenty percent of plus free shipping banks really bambi, regenerate Joseph Dario. Here we go so we ve for we to the national divorce what it would look like if it's even a good idea. I just
to address the rotting bag of oatmeal in the white house. He continues to humiliate himself the nation, his family, the globe, the cosmos any cause, moser unknown cosmos. If you're believer in, like string theory of even if this is computer simulations, someone wrote a moron into the programme, was here Joe Biden yesterday, Joe Biden yesterday at the white house, with these Absolutely ridiculous comments by the rotting bag about me check this out. I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid the power. I know where you think I'm joking I learned a long time ago. I I might be one boy, but I'm I'm not I'm not stupid. I went out. I would sincerely debate that premise, not that you are white boy, whatever the hell that means, but the second what I think is strongly debatable. I just want
to throw that out there to show you what's leading our country right now. This is part of the united states. Talking like this. So marjorie taylor, green congresswoman. I like a lot. she made some comments not that long ago about how the country is starting to divide itself and that it may be time for a natural divorce. Clear she since cleared up statements to say she wants a return more to federalism. She's been absolutely categorical, especially for the liberal nuts out there, who listen to this, show can we love to see what your diapers is? You listen she's been similarly categorical she's, not obviously talk met a civil war she's talking about the schism in the country between the left and the right and how we just don't agree on anything anymore, but she's not wrong about I'm going to Your comments I want to talk about this is a really really serious stop and what would a national divorce actually look like hears
The comments that sparked this big conversation check this out in my life and my world. I all of my friends are regular americans. Everyone I talk to is sick and tired and fed up a being bullied by the left, abuse by the left and disrespect and by the left. And our ideas are policies are ways of life have become so far apart that it's just coming to that point and The last thing I ever want to see in america is a civil war No one wants that at least every one I know would never want that, but it's going that direction, and we have to do something about it. Were so a nation, a crumbling nation where a nation and distress our government is in complete failure over three, They four trillion dollars we're on the verge of default, and we have to do something about that, but that was the right and the left that did that to the american people on their own. But the Democrats never stop pushing them
policies, their ideas and their culture on republicans and the right and we're for so sick and tired of it was Let us be clear, ok, thing. She said there is wrong. The question is: is the premise of what she saying wrong? It's not she's accurate, absolutely accurate. What I What a question here I want to go into in the shell. what they are. Actually, a national divorce actually solve any of those problems, because there's an assumption built into this that the liberal, We'll leave you alone. By the way. Welcome to the liberal, trolls and alive tat, we love you getting wrecked in the live was awesome Please join us every single day. We love you promoting rumbled. Thank you very much, but to a liberal, of ball, loser banning jerry's eating diaper wedding, zeros out their gifts. Should they want to leave you alone, so my
I'm very problem with a national divorces, there's an assumption again that there's gonna be this clean break. You can have these states and then these blue states, and that these blue state are going to do a centrally. What would be a political invasion of these red state to try to make it to turn abuse? It. There's Oh Jesus you're, not going to do that because I think about it. Premise of conservatism: is god Been big our rights right, individual liberty, we just want to be left alone. You leave me alone. I leave you alone. You know violate my civil rights. going to violate yours? You do you, that's not the ro premise, these are losers. Ok, they don't have real jobs. don't have realized their entire problem? is taking away from you, that's it I don't. I don't need to print they prove themselves. Everything talk about is taking something from you. You doubt me liberal rolls challenge any this taxes. You want more right. Button. Grace you want more ourself right healthcare.
you wanna take away my decisions and given to government bureaucrats, you like correct schools, you wanna take away the choice for parents in their kids to the school, their choice to send them to public schools, youtube's, correct, yeah regulations. You want the power of We want, you know, there's no power and yes telling people yes, so you want to be able to tell people no to regulations. They come to you and kiss your ass right. All right. Everything you taking from us we're not about that not leave you alone. They will Follow you to these red states. They were never leave you alone? That's my big kind of the birds. I view issue with a national divorce is based on a faulty premise. We're not taken a fiery marjorie tailoring. Yet nothing she said is wrong and she's been clear on what our comments we made are more robust federalism, which I agree with, but in actual divorce. I've heard a lot of people jump on this a ban. Where is it always is a great idea? Let me just before we get into some more pros and cons, and it's gonna walk through it. Let me just,
a premise. First, that the liberals, or throw out there, because liberals again a really dumb. They are there really just genuinely stupid people, nothing, but all Democrats, but liberals are really dumb. They'll make up anything just now I make a point the bank, this nonsense, first, that by the way red states are griff theirs and their feeding off the tax money from blue state number, one that ignores the number of things it ignores the fact that retirees typically don't pay as much in taxes as people who are actively working, but they did pay them their entire lives. Ok. So if you're in florida, that has a lot of retirees, even though they paid taxes, their entire lives to the federal government, they're not going to show up as taxes paid now, because you're paying fewer taxes again, liberals, I know you're stupid, but this wouldn't be hard the process that makes sense as our complicated you guys get that second Doesn't take into account things like military bases, which happened to it less than a lot of red states where a lot of federal muttering money goes as well. So the whole argument is dumb: But even when you look at it
me says this articles in my newsletter. Bungee know that complex newsletter, everyone subscribe. It's free. I encourage you to read this from the meese. This blog Oh red state economies. Don't depend on a gravy train from blue state. They did it well thank Joe, like adding up taxes, red states paid and the taxes got back and it turns out, There is no clear pattern at all that there is I'd states at the top mississippi. Simple, pretty red state Bobby, say really read here: they do three dollars for every dollar tax spade, but no a goal which is a purple state is second of west virginia red state, alabama alaska, red state, but then you have made hawaii by blue probably the boys stay by tat. south carolina that you have vermont than kentucky. Then, arizona, purple, state and virginia a blue state, maybe purple state. Did your he makes no there's no pattern at all.
Some states or red get a lot of money for every dollar paden taxes. Some blue states like hawaii, like maine get a lot of body for each dollar paid it is just factually accurate, but it doesnt matter again level or idiots and they'll just continue to say it, but then its debunked Does it matter? They don't care the true. and what would a national divorce look like Ok would be some of the process. about a rational, and this is I think that's out there that we should be able to use reason I'm a by the way a decent may be clear on this from the start to. The assumption built into everything, I'm about to say, of course, as this is a non violent, the voice, I don't get it. Do you want to get into like violence stuff? That's that we don't do that here. I'm not talking to you the concerns over the liberal crazies out there, because, as you do you do, but are we do that here. Ok, I'm talking about a nonviolent just kind of peaceful separation would have a book like so that that's I want you to
understand that that assumptions built in every summit pros dear horowitz, who I really enjoys. Writing at the blaze. Put it it's about exactly this? He says we already have. A national divorce is just one side any break pretty excellent point on the pro side will get to the cons in a minute shouldn't we in arguing over assets right. He says we don't you. What to say: pigs. We live can read states right fellows with natural gas, a royal. You know we like this crazy thing, called energy cheap gasoline we can get around. I know that it is not through the crazy lives, especially patrols in the lab chat, but they don't want that. on intimate power like solar, wind, that electric cars that there's a possible way that they can find their economies outweigh, but let him do it the same. When I can argue with the same date, we police and border patrol laid out. We want stably supplements and broad strategy spectrum at the inflammatory treatments they want. Em are in a masks, we,
Why governmental assets to help americans they wanted to help ukraine in the whole world so there shouldn't be an argument over assets. If there was a piece, separation in a national divorce? They should, if guys. who lives out. There are not hypocrites, then you shouldn't worry about us. You shouldn't, to come after our oil and gas, or anything like that. Talk about another problem. There may be some freedom from the regulatory day luge at the wall street journal that federal government is imposing on red state. This Despite these regulatory tailored, this is amazing. I didn't know those guys. two years, the first few years of the bite administration, he is imposed Five hundred and seventeen new regulatory actions costing three hundred and eighty billion dollars to our economy. Now I say Maybe there be some freedom. from the federal regulatory de luge. Because it s kind of a protocol on, but you know the whole
its grey right. Because of your doing business interstate the united states and the new united states, the conservative, united states Most of those businesses are still going to have a presence in the old united states. The blue one probably going to be subjected to the old regulations. So don't assume, like my colleagues, will be free from these fellow regulations. That's not that's! So much maybe maybe some businesses were just relocate I'd say: listen! We're not gonna do business there we're going to stick with the red It's ok, another problem. Well, I guess you could consider it a culture war victory R t be ripped out of schools you and be teaching our kids to be racist anymore. We wouldn t our kids at their cells, thing is men and women. We would rob Both these vaccine mandates in the new united states also get rid of silly unscientific, voodoo nonsense like masks,
It's gone away. All you dont wrong. Just a news. You can read the article juno ocean, considering a new mass mandate and health care facilities. Sort of us from twenty two? Not always from look look into at it. Look Joe it's from February twenty twenty three very recent too. which is really weird, because it was just a huge threat analysis showing Macedonia. What but it doesn't We are used to we yeah, we covered that and I think weaker. That is so weird that OSHA is federalized. She wants masks in health care facilities forever, even though we know they don't work. It's almost like it's like voodoo. Stop, so we'd be ray from that that's kind of approach. You can read that article by the way you anything I'm making these up finally had to My good friend mark within we would probably have to left up a new constitution for the new united states look into the liberty amendments where we could put more specific. Restrictions on government growth.
Super majorities for tax hikes constitutional carry clear up he perceived the left. This ambiguity in the second amendment. There is no ambiguity, I get it why they be no perception whatsoever and a new constitution so those are some of the problems right. However, if we have a reasonable conversation about this because we're not liberal, not bags, then we do have to discuss the cons too, one of the cars are. I I've heard a few people cause. I've been following this debate again, I'm never. First on a story, I'd choose not to be. I choose to be accurate. I was kind of now? The story materialise and as a kind of been trending a lot on social media I decided you know what it's time to really do a lot of homework and put some work into the show over the last few days. I got this through a lot. What have you arguments, I've seen people talk about social media as our taxes, you know we can get away from a lot of these federal government taxes. Folks not really.
the old, the united states, when you're used to now as the current united states, which would be the blue states. You have to our businesses and people I travel. will travel because of business. I assure you Blue states would have all kinds of exit taxes, entry, axes, interstate axes, border taxes way border at the? U S, border know no borders within the united states. between the red states, the boosted there is european. I would make the case to the tax on your life. My be even worse, Now you may say: oh I'm retired. I don't need to leave my registered fair enough, but that the polluter and apply to ninety percent of people, so the car, or if you think it's going to say, be any tax money, you're, probably wrong. Second point I made before I don't want to be litigated too much, but they're, not gonna. Let you go liberal.
their entire guiding ethos. The bedrock of what they stand for the subjugation of others is the essence of socialism and tyranny That's what liberals live for collective. eyes, government power, Socialism is the government control of the means of production, take control the means of production, your farms in your businesses. They have to take it from you. Look pursued this in the united states around the world. There are liberal, the big groups in the united states that absolutely love and advocate for socialism around the world. Just look at south and central america. They were hello and others. What's my point you think the same liberals in the united states now that a working to push socialism around the world are gonna Their neighbors alone and red states. Good luck. Oh come after you, first theirs Chance are going to leave you alone, That's what I say I got a really solve anything. A couple things while a couple more confidence,
It's well be forgiven. There's zero chance that they're gonna, let you go without saying. Well, you always a certain amount of money. Well then all we don't have to pay them well really I mean there's gonna, be things were going to need a maid? If you had this, say it say that that the new united states was florida, texas louisiana, keep it simple they're going to some kind of national defence force. and you're gonna to some people to be relieved from military duty to go and be their new military in this new united states. How are they going to do that? They're going to say? Okay, we'll give you guys back, but you've got to pay off your percentage of the debt to the federal government which, by the way, is like three trillion dollars or whatever the romans gotta, have that kind of money the debts I'll be forgiven. I just try to walk through this, practically what actually look like we want to be like rules, really just talk a lot of junk and we don't actually know we're talking about miller. Commitments will be forgiven either
Roger S, mill, there's gonna, be a guy, you're, texas, Louisiana florida. You guys just go to your thinking no way now it's not going really you're. All of your train military people can be stuck with the all the united states, What would we do about a military threat. Let's say the new united states of florida, texas and louisiana let's say china seize him as a convenient target. Realising there's a political schism in the united states. It can take advantage of What would we do of china decided to attack and florida? That's a crazy idea, world! Folks, if you think these, he's crazy. Just look at the last two hundred years of human history. Not only is this not the exception is the rule, Look at europe. The map in europe Jesse Kelly at a great sweet about it. We'll get the chance over two hundred years, just two hundred years. Basically to what I have lifetimes. Just look at europe. you don't they? China would take advantage of that, maybe not with a direct tat what would we do?
we need some kind of military to counter it. these are things to really think about. A couple more. I want to get really important ones too, that I don't think but consider is it if we're gonna have to stay in our states. There's no way travel to airports. Are you gonna get around that You live in alabama, Barbara. The state on very familiar with you? Don't access to places without stopping often certain connecting airports, I think, all this through. Let me get my experts or go back to that big show. Today, Jenny cell calm question for all of you. What does it sound like when you find the secret to great skin care? Here's mary and her husband from faith north carolina to tell you my husband, and I both notice. Our skin is softer and smoother After having used the jenny sell products faithfully for a few weeks, I scan looks brighter a wrinkle softer, unless noticeable in the bags under my eyes, are less visible, so happy bessemer, easy to use and apply even for my husband chinese products in our target?
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word harmonizing. I think it's a bad idea for the reasons I laid out, but the final do stay border controls. Again there is an assumption here that the deal that the blue states are going to do this in a In a peaceful manner, and only peaceful like in a final will mean that Gonna be aggressive about, especially when it comes to read state new united states citizens in their states. There are going to try to politically invade your state and keep you out of theirs What are you going to travel a business trip in California. What you gonna do you gonna need a passport you're gonna need a visa. I believe that these are serious things they talk about. It sounds ridiculous, but this conversation about a national divorce. Then you damn well better, be a serious one. think you try to figure out later. Oh, did you that what about gun laws You know right now, a lot of purple states, even purposive reciprocity loss, florida meaning if you abbe a cow,
we permit in Florida that that's respect. Another is the even been some purple states, but what happens if Purple states don't join this a texas, florida, Louisiana new united states. All of a sudden. You can carry Europe your criminal, carrying a firearm cause or not the protection of the old constitution in the organise it throughout the liberals, don't believe in that they wouldn't they would, real irrigate that instantly instantly as they packed the supreme court. Finally, one last thing is a massive political problem with all of us for his paw we fought out social security, medicaid medicare are they are gone. Bankrupt question about it, please read the actuary reports by twenty two, three social security will be insolvent. There's a twenty percent benefit cod coming. I saw my opinion. That's a fact. Please look it up yourself take my word for it and have time to go into it again. Today we ve got over it multiple times cares in the same boat. Use me by twenty twenty eight zero, a ten percent
cut medicare, forcing doctors out of the programme. Please looked at up there. Don't take my word for it. Medicaid it's going insolvent to having said that, establish how poorly run these programs are. Can you imagine the political problem. Politicians in the new united states would find themselves in and a bunch of their senior citizens who are reliant on these programmes are poorly designed. They are almost instantaneously cut off. Aren't the kind of things you can figure out afterwards. There, the kind, you have to think about now. That's what a national divorce would look like as why they it's a really bad idea. I don't got. Marjorie Taylor green understood that too, and I agree with her a hundred percent- that a robust federalism shrink rapidly shrinking federal government and expanded state and local power, The original model of the founding fathers: that's the only way to go.
now folks, a national divorce would allow us something so robust sense of federalism, went to I know I sound really down and the idea because I am, but I can't deny that there would be some prose too It would allow us, in a new united states constitution to re, codified, free speech. Why do we need to recall defy it because it's laid out in the original constitution lot of good? It's doing us rise. Let me ask you guys e joe you've been with me that long if you feel like, we really have free speech, given how much we've been under attack. Do you really feel like whatever we can say as long as doesn't break the laws without any penalty whatsoever? Honestly, you feel honestly hell. No, I know that. Of course you don't. I know you know that cause you were with me from the beginning. Joe knows, the inside story of the practically daily attacks were under by is lunatics on the lap, whose only goal silence us now weep we practise freeze, but it doesn't mean we have re speech. It would allow us to codify codified. Excuse me
escape the media swamp symbiote. I talk about all the time looking to crush civil liberties, especially free speech, and let me tell you some, ladies and gentlemen: there is no better example. of the media swamp silvio, then an apple bout You remember this in writing. An apple bomb a couple weeks ago now I don't need a single her out by cash. She is the best example out. Of what the media swell. slyer swamp eighty free speech, censorship symbiote looks like she's in a lead. she's, a pseudo journalist, she's connected to them well bocce ball sheesh this information, while censoring people trying to correct her claiming they're the ones spreading this information. There is no better example. Why bringing her up today. because yesterday we broke down the whole lab leak leak and how
awfully convenient, convenient that as a hunter Biden, a whistleblower came out all of a sudden, a story pop, oh look alike, we already knew about seems like A trap to me right, which we disk it's yesterday. You can watch, add shell and move. We laid out all the evidence. Is things definitely a trap, but he was an apple about we're, going to see a fake new specialists that the atlantic, when Tom cotton came out back in twenty twenty is it hey. This looks like a lab elite man from whew han corona virus lab where the Whew Han corona virus started. Here's pseudo journalist and apple by wow. Just like that, soviet propagandists who tried to convince the world that the cia invented aids and who is she talking about Claiming he's a soviet propagandists republican senator Tom cod HU. It turns out was right.
Remember this germ from an apple bound to here's, an apple both this is again. This divorce would allow us to escape some of these people. here's, the same fake news, specialist spreading this information, bruce silly attacking Tom god, here, caught on video at symposium here. She's asked a question about turbines laptop, which of course, we now know is authentic and there's evidence of significant malfeasance. Here's how redid It was answer to that there are no schmidt, I'm a freshman at university chicago, question is for miss apple bomb, so twenty twenty wrote, those who live outside the fox news bubble do not, of course, I need to learn any of this stuff about one hundred biden, referring to his laptop of curse, a poll later after that found that if voters knew about the content of the laptop sixteen percent of job voters would have acted differently now, of course, a few weeks ago. The near times confirmed that the content is real disease.
Media acted in appropriately one day instantly, dismissed, hata bindings, I've taught by russian this information. And what can we learn from that in ensuring that what we label, as this information, is truly this information and not reality? My problem with hundred bones laptop is, I think, a totally irrelevant. I mean it. Whether it's disinformation or I mean I didn't think the Hunter binds business relationships have anything to do with who should be present united states. So I In fact, I don't find it to be interesting. I mean that that would be my problem with that is as a major new story now promise is appointed. That's why we bringing up an apple bomb and discussion of ray codifying free speech in a country that supposed to have a first amendment that protects it, but really does it because I'm telling She is the prototype for they knew censorship elite, how they work, how they it can how they spread. This information,
By the way, she's married to a guy, that is, it card carrying member of the global swamp The way was one first wants to thank the united states for the bomb. of the Nord stream pipeline member. This story, watson, examiner about brought us law sikorski previous held high level appointments in the polish government been affiliated with american, think tanks, he is the husband of apple about working journalist and prominent critic of Putin? Oh, like the global swamp loves the good swamp, which loves the media, which loves the liberals, which loves to censor people. They live This sets are people hell yeah they do new york post left with this: information grew breaks in ass with a black list of conservative news outlets. So same an apple bomb who friendly conspiracy theory to the world through her attack on I'm cotton because
You give me that there is a natural origin to covet. There isn't there's no evidence of that. Apple, about who says the hunter Biden laptop stir. The biggest scandal of our time is not interesting. the same. An apple was connected to the global swamp. Do hobbs jew? is the same apple bomb A board of aid and visor panel, excuse me out and revise your power to the global disinformation index that, as a blacklist of conservative website, you can really you can read it right there. You can read it right there. groups, exclusionary less is compatible with input from members of advisory panel. That includes journalists and apple about who this, The hunter by laptops, coopers quote not interested, So the people said to you for calling them out Joe knows about the blacklist. We appeared on many swedes. We have been issued, the truth lists, but does it matter to them all? I got more on this
because I'm gonna die this whole big together, for this is just gets even better and how it how it relates to yesterday story about the lovely to allow the apple bounds of the world are all working together to shut us all up I mean my next sponsor I'll get right back to that cause. I promise you. This thing is going to kick you right in the nuts sorry, but it's true. It's so obvious It's a good life insurance plan can give you peace of mind that if something happens to you, your family will have a safety net to cover all their expenses. policy genius was built to modernize the life insurance industry their technology makes it easier to compare life insurance quotes. America's top ensures, and just a few clicks define your lowest price with policy genes policy. Jim you can fly, life insurance policies. It started just thirty nine dollars per month for two million dollars a covered. Some are offer coverage in as little as a week and avoid unnecessary medical exams Policy genius has licence agents who can help you find the best fit for your need. They work for you. not the insurance company.
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because she's on the board of the global this information index, it gets to censor us. Now. You see. people might want a national divorce gave committee It's been exposed and all this the global, this information index he calls it this information. I think you know It is peace again in the news letter today. What a job that this government back group that apparently the state department been working with tried to punish I'd boosting now? We know to be likely true. Hovered lab leak theory here. apple, about zone advisory group. To this thing, Will this information index a british? with two affiliated: u s non profit organisations, has continued to come under fire for feeding conservative news blacklist to advertising companies This same government funded entity, That sounds like a first men violation by repeatedly I'd pressure on companies to cut ties with websites promoting the once allege right wing conspiracy. That covert nineteen emerged from a lamp
which see energy barber recently concluded is probable. Based on intelligence, you see how this works. Some of these same swampy is by the way, involve in the global swamp, the media swamp and the roll swamp cool. Just decades ago, a joke. no the sixties, bad, but a lot better. I wasn't alive we're at peace, love and happiness and the hippies or whatever they get out of the war. whoa. What is it good, though? Absolutely love that now they're like? Oh, it's awesome, yeah more war, it's good for everything! Yeah! I mean what changed now, yeah! No, but the change only count to flip the flip well, if it's incredible but delay, Now, what consider the old neo con right and they now you know whatever they
and a lot of a neo con on our folks on the right. Have many? Not all many have switched over now to say: hey we're going to take care of the united states verse. So you Why all these global swap he's your profiting from this massive, this information machine profiting from there access to big business. I dont republicans we're about big business the swap. These are that's not us. The black rocks the world investment firms. There are left these you too, google alphabet facebook, these major companies there not with us why so eager to plunges into world war, three, the swamis so weird right. This is vital great, Charlie gasparino, why article over the new york postcard of explains it now I'll. Look this wall street has its. I said our nuclear god I gotta use my shot phase. Like my normal faces, because it is so wall street- has some money making plans Ukraine ghetto,
but a devastation. You did. I work, you know guys level the place get a bunch of money, people in their united, Funds a whole rebuilding project. Everybody makes a fortune what teal. Charlie gas. Peter noted the world's largest money management for this. Crazy black rock na. that's so nods. Continue to hold high level meetings with the linsky J P, organ to scope it out the situation, weird guys almost like you know. They lie this whole state controlled economy, then you know united, states. States gives money to ukraine and other state. It's a reliable source of procedure. Not the complete capital is rising at that after the places the stated everybody makes money because they just take it from the taxpayers and there's no risk. It's almost like that would be a
when the economy and the black rock loves that kind of stuff. But it's like they ve actually admitted to that bucky bucky says they have but says he says they have. He says I this video la Larry actually admiring china and these states planned economies. That's crazy! I don't, I don't believe play. I want to see it myself than we check this out markets like actually to tell a tearing governments where you have a understanding of what's out there and obviously were the whole dimension is changing our with, as he said it. Democratization of of countries and and democracies are very messy. As we know in the united states that you have opinions changing back and forth, we I have a bit, in China. We are trying to build chinese savings like we build savings in every other country. We work with them on retirement. We work with them on trying to build a better future for that. air for their citizens by building up retirement market, they own overtook
One trillion dollars of: u s securities, the chinese does I mean this is a very interconnect. relationship. So this is levies get. It gets so black, you saw Larry freight. Thank who runs it. I see our big lab hugely bribe. He runs a trillion dollar company, one of the largest investment firms involved, a company so powerful. It's it's hard to describe in the show, but just woke them up is amazingly he's part of the global swamp, trying mobile swamp, trying to censor all of us for speaking the truth and asking questions about ukraine. I've been allowed to ask questions about ukraine, god forbid. You mentioned by a lack of the bombing of the pipeline. You know apple bounds, husband every. He can say that you can but we think admit, have you got a lot of money in china, so they money when the chinese war machine makes money the chinese war machine funds, russia, guys if I'm right you please stop me if I'm an accurate in point, frank and black rock may money, funding, the china war machine, which funds right,
she's destruction of ukraine, which face and his team go and meet with ukraine, Ukraine's level and then make money rebuilding ukraine paid for by the taxpayer, dollars to the united states and a plan that car, because democracy is messy. What a free, deal big. How do you're, getting it all mad, daddy crazy sounds to me. Like a racket. gosh we're missing out we're so dumb. What are we doing? Investing in stocks and doing entrepreneurship, idiots. Should it be like hotter, he's right So you're a smart, your rights clearly smarter than us cell. Says tat your dad for muddy pretty guaranteed. Whoa there, entrepreneurship, maritime, We see areas we are speaking. A hunter Biden the summit. I said to you a couple weeks. I told you I was speculating at the time. Speculating based on my background, is an investigator that there
no way the Biden classified documents were just found by surprise. Folks, you remember the shower. I said to you. There's a whistle blower you're somewhere in no way. name anxious was like all look. We found classified documents as do the right thing. I got an update on that story. Coming up my last sponsor. First, they do no go anywhere, zip recruited. There are certain rules in government or politics and a harder to fill than others to take skills and experience even specific personality trades for some of them. If you try to fill an opening for speak with our secretary of the process, could take quite a while but not every rule has to be that difficult to fill s because there's sip recruiter good, helps you find most qualified people for urals fast right now. You can try zip recruited for free at super cool Our com, slash bond geno, be when gino superman, Matching technology makes Finding the most qualified candidates for a wide range of broth see a candidate who be a perfect for booed, be perfectly
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dominated by liberal tyrants right now the upper levels of both of those organizations theirs away they were going to initiate an investigation against their master, Joe Biden. I mean they genuflect in front of me kiss his ass. and you know, binds corrupt of Biden, found classified documents that he would have had to take from the senate. There's no way found, because if he took them he knew we took them. How's sacho cause he chalk up, so he he would know he did. of them is any this really hot. I was surprised that had the die you surprise, documents- you took the story, never made sense. So again. This is your victory. Lab, hey, look at me, I'm smart use, its basic population that Obviously, some whistleblower here who want the department of justice or the fbi was broke in a separate investigation, maybe the mechanical f b. I when I don't know who clearly said. I know x, Y and z about Biden, one
on a three o to somewhere a document If the ice document there interviews right and you have the I was on a bad spied recently- Guys it's now in writing. Sk I say and as legal deal it's going on right now, we'd like to make this thing go away. I mean it's, not donald trump, it's Biden, so we want our rugs. While you go free beacon, grass whistleblowers has. He gave the deal J, damning information on the bite and family farm business deal pair. if the guy's name is Gail luft co, director for washington, based institute for the analysis of global security, says he provided information about hunter Biden, his dad and his uncle to the d o j in march of two thousand and nineteen again it was. It was pretty obvious. It's not like Do, you know, invented the wheel here below what a great the but a great analysis. It was obvious that was a whistle bar which says needed the oj, the fbi are in a bad spot and it makes the
absolutely hapless corinne job. He anybody changing about now Joe still cycles, green job. Here, the worst press secretary in the history, there is even a close second at this point that made these old corinne jean pierre statements about this dock. this being a surprise, so nicholas at the time. They were any idiot. Genius was like she's clearly lie here, take a walk he had when he read the right again and again, again. He was surprised that the records were there. He spoke to this. Personally, he was surprised at the preferred the kurds, where there oh, really either the level of more on you have to be to believe that all look we found class, my that had we turn them to do the right thing right. The guy has ciro history of ever doing the right thing. tire existence on planet, earth and all of a sudden he's the law and order guide Biden ink splits. Please stop.
folks, what are they hiding but their hiding? I believe many go to our miranda divine. This is a very important caught us maria barn roma shots from a little bit about a month ago, we paid before it is important to remember that, what they may be high just an influence peddling scheme, where hunter Biden and by mink dividing them we were selling access to Joe Biden, the dad, as vice president senator for money, but there's a possible based on miranda, random, divines cleans. This is some of the emails may information that hunter by may of god from class inside sources and then trafficked in for money. It would only be probably the biggest political scandal of our time. Here take a listener yourself. Well, I think it's the best indication we have so far that that classified and our information that Joe Biden so sloppily
is stored all over five different locations at his house garage and his offer the university pennsylvania that that may I ve gotten into the hands of his son hunter Biden end hundred Biden was using it to make him get make himself money with his overseas clients. And then included. China are, of course, in ukraine and russia. Folks again, it would only be the biggest scandal of our time. If that's the case now, the lab league story. A global swabs efforts to censor ass while they make money off a war in ukraine and the all get rich off our backs. that is the lab leak week over the weekend makes sense, whistleblower story comes out and the fact that the in family may have been selling access to former as president current president. In u s senator and get it the biggest political scandal, maritime, our it's weird. How is east?
It's come out. We see selectively leaked stories from the Biden administration like walk. There's a lab lead that we knew about three years ago in which a jumper had the kirby quickie am, I know I'm going to get to the jerry bay You should get time it just Kirby S said the most insane thing to at the white house Kirby, whose ash is strategic communications director whenever creed? Pierre is the worst press secretary in the history of the united states is face with some trouble, which is like doing out there and answering a question they try. Kirby, so the story created a lot of issues where them. Yesterday, here's kirby in what most bizarre answers. I've ever seen this guy give where he appears to defending gain of function, research that make the virus, is more powerful to kill human beings. It sounds Something has happened with the Rona virus that killed The number of people which I if we could all agree was a really bad idea. Here's kirby appearing defective,
well, I'm not kidding. Listen yourself, there's a president believe at this time Ghana functionally search history. He believes that it's important help prevent future pandemics, which is he understands there has to be with you, Scientific research into. The sources of potential sources of pandemics so that we understand it so that we can prevent them. We prevent them from happening, obviously, but he also believes in and- and this is why he wants to the house- the government ever here to understand it. Research has to be done, must be done in a safe and secure manner, as well as transparent as possible to the rest of the world, so that so people know what's going on. I think that's a fancy waiting is its it. So
I don't it's a fancy way or not the saying yes parts, one kind of bothers me a little bit. These people not now see why conversations about a national divorce or trending that way way the federal government to do more of this stuff, as if white Tens of millions of people wasn't enough. This is this: is the hubris involve with this centralized government power? These anointed wants self Nor do they really think they're smarter than the rest of us, despite body bags piling up everywhere by the way. gary baker, who you know I agree with and disagree with, is obviously not a big trump fan, but he writes good pieces at the wall street journal, and close minded to anybody. Stop I enjoy reading. So here's an interesting piece up. and it's it's. This thing, because after yesterday's shall we part on the wall street journal, so a party It was about the exact same topic. We were talking about how the government is sold
please, on serious in feckless how it's not the government just is in happening it's at their the cause of almost every problem out there. So baker nobody's gonna go to a couple. I can read the whole thing, but baker s speech, The trump grand jury in the age of syrian so met their grand jury for woman for a person who is out there on that. and although the talks years making a fool of herself ride, eddies This is just where we are like the government. Can your anything out. He right sort of school crisis he's like the current budget. bates a case in point, everyone knows. We have a fiscal crisis staring us in the face. Everyone here knows any attempt to have. A serious discussion is a scotched democrat demagogue, everything we want to do- want to tie them up because they know there's no penalty. the falls apart and in the media do what while the kids. most of our critical race theory The government is totally unclear is complete. Buffoonery he's like it's up
found me on serious proposition that right, on the willing suspension of this believe about history, economics in society. no serious person was any credibility with history, and I believe, the? U s was founded to preserve slavery, not yet we still have drifters open. This nonsense. It's about biological sex this one serious going to govern, pushing all this crap. Biological sexes, real. Surely Some future generation will look back and giggle at this when they discover we government that solemnly talks about chest, reading pregnant people or is it report justice who does it over? What is this In serious folks values, why people don't but a national divorce, but about climate change he notes, is its alarmist claptrap. It gets thrown out stated that climate change is as this
it's really can agree. The rice is real needs and honest debate about measures to to and were mediate, but that would be serious, so edward, told the planet's gonna burn up, and our only option is to reverse millennia of human progress. At all I spend the last few years trying to win the approval of an angry swedish teenager draw this one less article had before we bob showing you on serious. These people are And other media swab simba works to keep everything on serious, why they collectivized power and steal away or civil liberties. The climate, in portion is a greater when PJ media by rick moran. former reuters and reuters- I am embroidered card- carry members of one former reuters editor says he was misled on climate change,. he notes and he at all that access to all the great scientists on climate change- and he says This a little known fact
that it close reading of the. U S is: are you at the? U ends its government panel on climate change report reveal that one Ninety percent of climate scientists agree, the climate is warming, for fewer ashore. The carbon dioxide seo too, is the culprit. Billy. He noted my reuters credentials meant that easy access to the was finest. I'm a ties skies climate scientists use me to my amazement. None of the would say categorically that the link between co2 and global warming now known Climate change was a proven scientific fact, kind of weird I really swamps, symbiotic sancho because on serious there. Seriously want to destroy our lecture grid over it over. merits and even a dream like a nightmare. I hope he enjoyed the live stream today at eleven were really a giant. If you want a tune in everyday, you can always watch the yes, as you normally do by the right away. They there's any change deeply
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Transcript generated on 2023-03-05.