« The Dan Bongino Show

What Happened Yesterday Was A National Disgrace (Ep 2144)

2023-12-06 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the disastrous failures in Congress, the FBI, higher education, and Biden's garbage economy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The to hear the truth about america on a show that not immune to the banks with your host dan VON g know what you saw yesterday. is one of the most disgraceful episodes I've seen and not just modern american history by an american history. I shit you not. An absolute abomination. What you saw yesterday was so disgusting, but I will say so necessary because now, the entire world sees what you and I have been talking about on this show for eight years. They did this that's been planted of our own destruction is happening where ladys and gentlemen shatters restart no evidence that aspire, whereas it start Yes, sir, many of our universities, Joe, how long have we been taught
About there's, someone said to me this morning on twitter and a guy said this you're an asshole seeing and on follow me we'll do you have been talking about what to do about it? firstly, for you, just a moron on times that we mention in our twelve step plan that we should stay a dollar bill right to a letter, if you're a donor to a universe. How many times that we said this show a hundred two hundred and you should send it in and say to your university. You know what I used to donate to you. Here's your last dollar, here's a or bell you will meet? Above uncut, well number, as you will never get another dollar from me until you start to hire people in your humanity's departments, that of ideological diversity in our conservative you'll, never see another tat. We ve been saying for eight years, and now you see Now you see what up. an abomination! Yesterday we had a big oh! I don't know how much you want to get too sorry about the technical staff. Folks we do it live, it does happen. I'm I'm sorry!
At the end of the show yesterday, if you want to watch the full show, Five minutes are there, for those of you. Oh no you're in the chat and there's any kind of a technical hiccup again, unfortunately does happen. There's a lie. If things go on moving parts here even happens on live tv, as you seem watching cable, I guess the hiccups out or whatever it is state you we Stop recording just They joined or come back in an hour or so we load the thing. Video on demand. We always finished, show every single time my pillow softened resort in six peace, thou set. So twenty nine idea would promo code dan go to my pills, come right. Now: click on the radio, podcast specials, or call eight hundred sixty seven four. Ninety two and I got kind of cool and elsewhere in the show, not a huge. The Onawandah spinning buddies wheels, but you know what interesting starve. I think you guys deserved here with me for a long time express vp. Folks huge that companies in america pay next to nothing in taxes. They may not be able to do a lot of giving, but they sure do a lot of taking talk about it. Companies enrich themselves by taking what your personal data
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the vienna. I Joseph yes, it's weird s, Wednesday dan, weird ass wednesday after yesterday, because I Like I said Joe all this video to cut the last night was. I reject So much so I came in with seven extra cuts this morning. What use why these universities less on capital here, was a national freaking disgrace. but it's a national disgrace. Everybody needed to see folks. I read a piece in the wall street. colonel the yosemite, get you in a minute standby. for this whole thing happen and I've I gotta tell I waited to bring it up because I wanted to fit into a larger narrative holy moses did yesterday, provided the pieces, damage and the press so the peace, so we don't bury the leaders is everything a thing that's happening in most of our most, not all, but most of our universities and colleges across the country. Everything that's happening is, sign. Did the show this country all
The crap you see out there now from defined the police to social justice to algae, b q. I sexual indoctrination, all started where universe, the peace is freaking damning. Let me start still first, I jumped into town all last night set the whole media universe on fire. There's nothing trumpet joys more than trolling the media. Again, you folks for other people, hey tromp, you're gonna, continue to hate him. This is going to make a difference, believe you really mad these dick regular people love job gotta get off and understand its trump. There were trump does either way I get to cover it media losses. Why less? I too had any town hall with job without it upset this check this out. media has been focused on this and attacking you under no circumstances. You are promising america tonight you would ever abuse power as well. Prohibition against anybody, except for day one
etc? What he's going to accept the day? One meaning I want to close the border, and I want to drill. That's that's for me to be here this guy. He says you're not going to be a dictator, you. I said no, no! No other than day one closing the border and we'd drilling drilling drilling after that I'm not entail. That sounds to me, like you, go back to the policies when you are president of the media. Lost is wide eyes firstly trolling them, because when he said oh, yes, I'll be a dictator, he mentions two things that are perfectly within these leaks, powers to do in executive order, he already implemented in the past folks a bit what's amazing to me is the media never call Joe Biden dictator, despite the fact that Joe Biden actually does
dictators stuff, locking up his political opponents is working It is the age ass, an fbi to censor american citizens, putting political prisoners in jail, though, but you know We will make sure that all the tropics obvious joke about big dick too obvious to anyone who is not a complete s. All right and the media loses their marbles. Even nobody said is nothing of addiction. sure, but all media people play down because they loved you. I figured I get that out there in the beginning, the show to say I want fair. This whole thing is to get back to what I opened up with the abominable. Can you witnessed up on capital here yesterday with these universities and anti semitism problem? I want gimme the solution up front? Is it simple- and I mention it again at the foxes? loosens. What I said stop own aiding to universities whose sole goal is to destroy america. Why we dude is: why would
you do is stop giving them money stopped sending your kids their stop. Just. Supporting these people. We have a choice. I share your kids t and I believe me I get it they're to go in and luckily my made the right choice, get it's hard, but first stop giving them money. This is the peace I was talking about, and I want to get the degradations destroying america emanating from our universities. The pieces, called higher reds become a threat to america by John l. Is it is free And damning, because sky is absolutely spot on the peace came out of my birthday on Monday. It is worth every site, Your time, I'm just gonna, Rita paragraph from it because he describes what I think you all know when the chap, which is what all this bull, shit destroying our country, all of it defined
police socialism, communism, anti semitism, is emanating from where the universities he says children test scores, they plummeted, because college education departments train teachers to prioritize social justice over education, yes, sensors, he started on these university canvasses with one but he is shutting down. Conservative voices, Yes, the cobbler, criminals originated with academia, his devotion to four calls idea that criminals are victims, not victimized ass, the driver separate children from their parents begins and long standing campus contempt for this, bourbon home, a nuclear family. Yeah right lies, college journalism, departments promote far left advocacy. Yes, sir. Open borders reflect plot pro globalism, an aide de nation states, centimeter monk rat amongst radical professors. Yes, sir.
DE I started as a capers right ruse to justify racial quotas. Darn rye capers, The semitism grew out of ideologies like anti colonialism. Eighty capitalism at intersection out. Yes, sir, your damn right. Folks, these places we are cancerous mess of anti american bullshit. Why do you think they're pumping out people? across Amerika it three fbi, the legal profession, the teaching profession there, Medical profession, how do you think It's all happened. Where do people learn in the medical profession, cutting kids, not software, somehow not a violation of the hippocratic oak? The answer is you universities, baby. At least the fauna did a good job as we don't worship politicians here we respect outcomes, that's it. When a politician, advances and outcome, we're gonna, damn well highlighted,
The facts are republican congresswoman from new york. Here she was yesterday asking the president of harvard a simple king question, and I am so glad this may have been the most valuable hearing we ve seen on capitol hill in twenty years, watches We embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide berth to free expression, even of views that are actionable you, and I both know that you are aware that harvard ranked dead last when it came to free speech. Are you not aware of that report? as I observed earlier, I reject characterizations. The data shows its true tat. Last for these speech and this lady, miss gay, has the balls to go up there. But all hell and say that harvard home of the microwave,
russian, and this saves space and the sacred geisha of conservative speakers with a different set of rules. It respects free speech. You can take shove it up your ass. I think we all know that's bullshit. ivy league is but plague on america. I, under stan your kids are going to do what they gonna do when they re team. They make them choices. However, you ve got to say in this. Just like I did, you do not have to send your kids are. The ivy league has become a plague on human kind, not just the united states. You should pull your kids out of their debt matter there. As soon as you can the eye. The league schools like harvard are home to free speech. Now peers, are only home to free speech, for people want to kill the Jews, then you're, ok, you wanna, be charlie Kirk or whatever your group and pop at an ivy league campus you're, going have to
A massive security built you could get heard here. The ivy league, a home of free speech, really years, Michael shell embargo and actual journalist who was up on capital, so much happened yesterday in order for this all in talking about how by relatively project at stanford, another elite, education, that they will working with the people. Stanford and others to make sure that get kind of sea and not see and get a hold of what you see all my but you're. The homes of free speech check this out just quickly. We found just yesterday a tweet from the morality project at Stanford, which was partner with a number of government agencies and twitter, where they talked explicitly about censoring stories of true maxine side effects, and other true story is that they felt courage, hesitancy now the important Israel, true, yes, I did. I use the word sure three times
they were subsided, tat ye be, shall ambergris national. They were censoring, true store, but there the home of free speech, the ivy league and had tipp to the some dude into Chad, who called the poison, ivy league, I'm totally We think that I wore it was it was it. Someone gave you it puts. You put your name and arrogant. I'm totally stealing that I'll credit you poison, ivy there. The who, I'm a free speech. Ivy league universities. Now they are free speech. If you want to kill the jews anything else, there is absolute. Who is it that what is LISA knew when I'm lisa do do with high poison ivy league totally. Steel about LISA criteria- remember This incident, where this federal judge goes to give a speech at a loss
well Stanford and the dea lady diversity, equity and inclusion, otherwise known as the di di. I e lady comes into lecture him about how his language is hurting people's feelings, the homes of free speech, folks watch. This This has happened once again, these days of insurance do just that He Only care for in this universe is this is an alarming, for all illnesses is usually dear it. So said, Levin made up way out or really cares. It's it's the poison, ivy league right there hurting she or job is greatest safe space for everyone really it's not for conservatives. Their job is to create a safer place. We want to kill the Jews
the poison ivy, whoever invented it. yesterday I got even better folks and by better I mean, got a lot worse, heres a list, The far off the top robes cheek votes, heresy, macho man back in the day, the old w w e off the top robes with a big elbow. This was totally elise on and off the top robes brig elbow yesterday. Here she is with the you bet. You pan european weren't business remember them. You have raised. There's so smart school, the produces such business tightens the tat is so bright. Tat deal You can't even answer questions about. How is it ok cap is to call for the death of the Jews. I genocide up. I think
Is that really a context jacket? Is there a good context for calling for kill all the jews? Can you not? No? No! No! No! No, though, there's no there's israel, Israel is not There's really there's really not yeah geese, like he said, he's not really crazy about that idea. Either sounds good yeah, it's probably bad. It's probably a bad idea. Let me just show it just to make it clear for liberals are really more. It's not a good idea to call for the genocide of any real. Sure, ethnic group at all. There is no real context for that. Call the killing of the Jews, but you know I was out I'm in a big mac, so it's in context right. Here's the eu, pray. Professor domino really tough time. What a simple question, at least the phonograph top ropes again check this out. Miguel pen does calling for the genocide of jews, violate pens, rules or code of conduct. Yes or no.
The speech turns into conduct. It can be harassment. Yes, I am asking specific calling for the genocide of jews. Does that car the bullying of harassment. If it is, directed in severe or pervasive. It is harassment, so the answer is yes, it is a context. And indecision congresswoman its context, dependent decision. That's your testimony today, calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context that is not going or harassment. This is easiest question to answer: yes, miss miguel. So you're deny is money that you will not answer. Yes, if it if this yes orioles. If this speech becomes conduct it can be harassment, yes, conduct, meaning committing the act of genocide. Speeches, not harassment. This is unacceptable. As mcgill, I'm gonna give you one more opportunity for the world to see. Your answer does call
for the genocide of Jews, violate pens code of conduct when it comes to boeing and harassment- yes or no, It can be. Harassment shows up the white what s This is not the most valuable thing for all the reasons you ve ever seen. Commander capitol hill lives were killed, cannot answer a question about cod. to kill all the juice. Without providing some kind of context, if or to its a classic. Every result. to conduct Joe. You have actually kill all the first, just to be clear on you bed, it's if you read.
All the Jews, it's ok, but if you follow through an you, kill The jews are. The cap is very welcome section gave out of a good point, which I thought brought up a better point after geese. Good point he's like listen if you replace them, any other racial ethnic group. I mean you, we throw right out of capitol hill for not answer the question, kill all the hispanic students on campus and to call for? Yes, you have to kill him, for you would be immediately a medium, thrown off campus and probably arrested by the january six coola people rights Rightfully so, but I said the gay I said: Gee, I'm gonna one up. You folks in Chad tell me if I'm right, you don't even need people rip with animals, this girl is that all called to make a call to kill all the manatees in florida. We love everybody down here lol. I are these bigger. Look like wales, a little many whales there like the pop,
dogs of of the of the water system down. He will kill them parity, that would be horrible, but is it not, recovery to care for the Jews depends are be, should kill him first though he wants it over having a of santa. I really. I don't I do. I don't know what to say by the way. Msnbc and CNN have barely covered any of this. Barely you. college professors. Yesterday, presidents of universities produce producing tomorrow's leaders Poison, ivy and support Finally, the smartest people who are going to run the world is the new of anointed one who could not sure a question if it's ok, to call to kill the juice and suggested well.
If you actually kilometre goes into conduct in ireland that maybe we can have a conversation, I, for the first time in a long time. I I sincerely I dont know how to add to this by making that abomination any worse. What you saw yesterday, ok I'll, take a break, I got I actually have more from this and I have a lot more to get through as well. This is believe it or not, and it got even worse. I know it's yes, this is dark mode dan today, because I'm. These are producing our doctors and our lawyers and our politicians, people been out of college. You were like yeah, it's okay, to talk about killing the Jews. It's gotta be careful but actually killing them. I got more, please don't I'm not even close to done we're just getting warmed up. If you see the Al Pacino,
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that'll get ahead of myself when I so this happened yesterday yesterday upon capitol hill to representative Jim banks asking these college president's again, I am I gonna puzzled. What to say. I can't possibly add to these two right: freaking stupidity. In ignorance. It came at a capital who, usually are you guys? You home affairs, speech. Really you poison, ivy league, deployed. How come conservative speakers getting banned even professors at your own university, but if you're screaming kill the jews you're, probably ok as long as you don't actually kill them on the campus check this out in the aftermath of the palestinian rights festival. you and your board. Sherman wrote a memo outlining tens free speech policies. He said quote: does not regulate the content. Speech or symbolic behavior, you wrote, included Speech quote incompatible with the schools values you went on to say that pan does not have a policy against hate speech, because quote
defining and policing robust debate. Even with respect to the most disturbing issues is unwise That's what you wrote, but in twenty thousand and pen cancelled now prime minister Modi scheduled keynote address. Hosted economic forum in the face of opposition from india and american professors the past year. Your administration has sought to punish Amy, wax a tenured law. Professor verse stance on dvd. I density issues and then You cancel an event with former ice director Tom homan due to this rubbed his student protest? play because he worked for former president donald trump miss miguel. The fact is that ten regulate speech that he doesn't like everyone, just this no one more than the faculty and students. You know exactly where the lines are that there, okay to cross so Tom,
men and immigration official in the trump administration who stands for these crazy things. Folks, you know like border security and not getting us killed by terrorists. I know who I so radical guy forbid? He speaks on campus, but again you want to scream. The Jews. It's ok, no problem, the home of free speech, you're the whole of full of shit? full of should as a home, it's in the poison ivy. We all share o poison, ivy league. You people make me sick. You college administrator conservative, censoring assholes, make me sick to my stomach, I'm embarrassed for you and I swear to you and I want to say it again. This is the most valuable hearing we seen on capitol hill and fifteen years this we played forever to show The cancer infecting our society started with one model, in dna strand and that better
the size on college campuses and it infects everything points at tv screen. I can actually see stuff. Of course, we had to get up republicans pounds in here to new york times republics. Try to put harvard mit depend on the defensive about. Eighty seven is retry bike I did everything all on their own assholes at the new york times name harder, COLA's anima, article as you ever wrote this article Anima. So am I dig day- did just fine acting like anti semitic, assholes all in their own anima you at my heart to call us for china. Defend, fan, rapid anti semitism and, of course, in case you didn't have enough of the entire kill the Jews democrats yesterday, they
equality vote on the house floor, ladies and gentlemen, it was a ground ball. It was a breakout game with a bunch of a bunch in a bunch of baseball member. You gotta keep the bat you don't want to get it like this or else your pop, the ball. You gotta just catch the board. The bad call them did super easy, wrapped, the burnt on capital hill. They can little vote like this, It is of no good right, pretty easy should have been. One hundred thirty five zero, no great price breaking. Ninety two Catch is voted present a resolution condemning anti semitism. Thirteen voted, instead did passing with three hundred. An eleven votes there, is there the see man scream look at your damn there just great ninety two democrats. Do you believe that we should condemn killing the Jews? Ninety you're, like president president of your
you going take a stand on that, I think that's kind of bad to say that our president, it's all I got to say I present I don't know- I don't know I don't know I have today. I they had disappeared down the thesis some of anti anti communists here, probably better. In this case, I am not sure they see. This is one thing, and one thing only through the lens of the exploitation aired they see, palestinians as people of color and jews. read, so they must have stolen from them that the fact that, oh, that's actually true, doesn't matter an idea, That's why they just hate the jews they just hate them. It is that simple, I am not sure it's really even work any more complicated than that because they ve look for any excuse to distract from the obvious that a bunch of college president yesterday couldn't condemned
something simple like genocide, you know what they're preoccupied with proven you again: These areas will believe anything here is one williams. On far too I gotta tell you man. I never had any personal issues with, but man just to say some of the dumbest things I have ever heard on television curious. fox yesterday talking again about em. muslim ban, no serious human being on planet earth believe exists because it doesn't. I can folks I can prove it. right now,. I'm sure we have someone in the chat whose muslim are you are you chad, right now from america. I if anyone, anyone in the chat right now, you're, doing that you wasn't drug raw one william said, you were banned under trump, oh yeah, because it's all bullshit it doesn't matter Nobody corrects him here. He goes the election As a year from now, we have to imagine
what's gonna situation to be like a year from now. We don't know, but they are angry at the moment and even so, if president former prince and trump is allow many it's a difficult choice, because tromp was the one with the muslim banning here. You have president by Oh, yes, thank you vince their morons. There is- No muslim bear there's. No been a muslim bear. There is, nobody who is going up woman, a muslim ban it does it matter That was a conservative saying that Joe Biden is horribly looking to ban the Jews. Therefore, Joe Biden is horrible, but Joe Biden looking to ban the juice from the united states. If I say that destroy my credibility, because it's not true, you say cable news you'll be fire, but he had one goes on here. Every wants and talk about him.
some ban that doesn't exist its fake while there intellectual science in the poison ivy league or up their capital gonna genocide. That's all just don't act it out. I got more on this, including The fbi up on capital- I told you so there's gonna- be a big show. Folks, I still got some news coming up so stay too. We want to get too. Our last set of sponsors appreciate your patience. I did you buy use this all the time to train? I got paula on now. The I target cube is simply the best way to train your house or firearm. If you are a ready, wit, your firearm folks, it's a it's a it's a paperweight. You have to train with it. You have to train with. It is so important and you have to train. Often this is a great gift idea to the I target cube which create about the cubes. You can complacent indifferent spots. It's more realistic! You practice clearing rural sequential journal,
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one williams infatuated with the muslim ban and reporters who can't recognise that anti semitism is rampant, people calling for killing of the Jews ever the every ngos time the journalists have to bring it back to islamic phobia, which is equally bad weather, isn't even close to the problem. It does not even come since scale, what's happening to Jews right now. This report rise to bring, despite what what about islam afford to say. This was having none of it is a great moment check this out, that is, not true, they are not as swearing sing the similar threats I mean, I I don't see how you can look at. What's going on are those students being chased for their lives in some of these universities around the country? You look at what I mean they had the pro israel,
rally in Washington d c, I didn't see any hate there. I saw american flags, I saw Israel flags. I saw that I think that's a totally false equivalence and that's what Biden has done? Biden has responded to the unprecedented spike and anti semitic fervour around the world and even in this country keys funded by saying that the real problem is islamophobia. They are not the same things really islamophobia. So just to be clear. You you want around with your terror, garbage around college campuses, calling for the killing of the usual even be protected by the president, yet jewish students walk around with a necklace with the star David they're afraid to get knifed on campus sounds same to me, good for the santhosh calling out bullshit shit out every journalist with the same freakin, bullshit, Yeah islamophobia is pretty freakin evil,
now, that's not a problem for me to say that you share the college campuses. They can't say anything. Genocide that tibet, no the genocide of muslims, jews or anyone else is pretty damn sherry. sat hard it's not hard. If you're, not a freaking, sociopath folks are doing some purposes, universities are their petri dish, is for anti americanism and hatred of this country. Why do you think this country, such as bad shape whether these people came from mars. Wrap class and politicians, we are Bernie sanders Elizabeth warrant, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, whether they come from universities, Barack Obama taught Joe Biden lies and claims he taught him one, even though we never what class? What do you do? People came from. I want a whore back beginning of the show, because this show is important- all of this garbage in Acting our country is coming out of our university system. That's a fact:
until we dry up their funding resources and clean mess up, nothing's, a change and yes I ve been talking about this, for years now,. We did a show want to twelve point plan to fix america. We did this five six years ago and I said, nothing's going to change without the university. So why are institutions are collapsing? running our rough. I folks the answers A bunch of lawyers who came at a crap law schools, like you, saw in the judge duncan segment with the d? I lady tat cannot be here for centuries. This is how we crazy, christopher re yesterday upon capitol hill, amazingly talk about a massive terror threat, clearly calls really emanating from radical islamists clearly no sane person would say otherwise. Yet what does he say and this time on evil. One
supremacist around of January sixers, radical cuts legs I'll, show you that romania, this guy's, got the balls to talk about blinking whites everywhere, while wasting time on worry, six conservatives, pro wildlife people and the mega crowd. holy shit. Are we had trouble check this out linking red lights, analogy about nine eleven, all the lights from blinking before nine eleven, apparently, obviously, all of us missed it. Would you say that there is multiple blinking red lights out there? see blinking, ledge, everywhere, return. Ok, all right!. he has even better nab, ah Actually, you can say it better than ad lindsay. You could actually focus on the blinking lights, which are blinking from radical islam is and stop walking a pro lifers parents at school boards, a maga crowd, conservatives and trump people, but it's not the fbi's doing all day, and you just made
and I really am I washington times This is just for this is from years ago, had just getting its for Monday. susan for each year, FBI this targeted radical catholics and question the priest and aquatic among others, of. your director to enrolled terror pro make sure you get them. Catholics are fbi, blinking, lights everywhere, lights all over the place, maybe do something about it. Christopher wren you did shit subway, thing fbi agents. On january, six, trespassing cases you moron, while the country so far as guys, a freak in disgrace, this will get a sort of video here about the southern border. I'll look at this there's a deferred, so its work, and so great Biden gonna, shut that right down check that out. They cut them,
france, I'm sure she's, letting it all happened. Workers mother on the other side is actually very elegant. I want you to watch something. This is how to build an illusion from five There's just watching that, therefore, there well. Did you sit? There is nothing I can do, this was. Why check this out, because the smuggler, hey gives us the salute. Fuck you too, gives us a thrill of these companies are shed. Nobody does anything Where's christopher rise you gonna mentioned some of christopher. I had any balls at all which he doesn't he's a Nicky has no balls at all. He wouldn't went up. capital who uses it. Listen folks, I'm the fbi direct! I gotta tell you, make it my job really difficult. You gotta shut this border down. I have ideas in the country's got no balls, not disgrace, and embarrassment. Garbage absolute garbage, garbage person this blinking lights are blinking. Could you please
sidney arresting january six people for trespass. While we got smugglers given us, the f you with the border. and we're busy spying on American still by the way, throw in the institution out the window. There's a phone the reorganization, you know for the star chamber courts, we have devised a quarter. I now where they spy on, you would know warrant, know, there's a constitution yeah. I thought so too. No, they can do that they're doing it right now they ve abuse that endlessly the fbi their abilities. Spy on you you want spider, american, get a freak. Unwarranted super easy is honoured. Here's MIKE Lee and We don't get angry. Often you so. My radio show yes use an epic take down of christopher re, whom peril? is totally unfamiliar with the fourth, a member search and seizure provisions check this out. You had the audacity to come here and you told us that getting their adding a warrant requirement to seven- oh two, even for queries involving: u s, persons
Aren't you a soil that that would amount to some sort of unilateral disarmament mad at you, a lot of gaza is disgraceful. The fourth amendment rico more than that, and you know it. I know every single time for centuries, even prior to the founding of his country, through some more projections built it into the laws of the united kingdom. Before we became a con, even then the government was making the same darn argument you're making today, which is its too hard. It make it hard for the government why we have a constitution, sir and brother, gentlemen, it's supposed to be hard. It's to be hard for the government to spy on new its support. Step three hard, maybe We have more time to put together cases against actual terrors. If you weren't busy locking up trespassers on January six and grandma
Does she attended a magyar rally or pre inquired directors in your robe terror cases, some are put into Chad where fuck we are, but we can fix it. Man don't get get angry, but use your anger. The right way now, like these liberal, freakin, lunatics marshall, it in the positive, shit, I'm trying on the cement. I your priest, I might your preacher anything else. I ran for office. Folks, I lost if anybody has in fact give up it's all bullshit. You guys didn't pick me blue. I didn't win what good enough you're? What I did I just And found some other way the radio activism gmo fired up in it. On that been. If the radio show fails, start writing. Affrighting fails I'll decide given up no excuses. where the hell are, you gonna go go countries these to be saved.
you're the leaders you ve been waiting for. No one else wafers what else to do it? You do it. Well, since you got worse yesterday, chrysophora suppose completely how the f b, I is an entirely broken organization that, if trump gets in there, he should seriously consider disbanding changing the mission. Excuse me, taking the mission and movie get into other entities. He can move the money other places too the agents that are good and decent and send them other places or he needs to eliminate the attire level management team of this debacle, there's that they can be No compromises on this here, John Kennedy S, grits re, simple question: how you guys, what do the Twenty twenty election would always be about two hundred Biden laptop in from russia, but you guys had the lap the whole time. Why don't you the public. It was real, listen, is bs answer I'm going entirely shred. The second check this out. Why didn't we?
Biagi say: hey the map traps real. When I used to all over by the laptops real we're not vanish in the woods parliament, but is, We should not a fiction as you might imagine, the f b. I cannot especially at a time like that, be talking about an ongoing investigation. Second, I would tell you the least my understanding is that both the fbi folks involved in the conversations and the twitter folks along the conversations ball say that the f b, I did not direct twitter to suppress the others were in government? Well, I can again, I can't speak to others in government. That are the point that I was trying to make because the physicians are generally have br. You're not part of the white house in part of homeland security, you're not supposed to be political. You see how this controversy goin. On wanting in the f b. I said time out
when I didn't medical this, but the laptops real. Again, we have to be very careful about what we can say, especially in the middle of an election season, because precisely some of the problems that led to my predecessors negative five from inspectorate age, you hear gavel. Thank you, sir This time in the shell, forty five minutes mark market, because I want you to send this to your friends I'm going to flag. right now and send a forty five minutes into the show, I'm an approved right now, Christopher Humphries, fulla shit, I always bring the receipts, are christopher ages, said eighty f b, I asked to be careful: what put out during an election. You know we don't want to alter the election outcome. Re thing like that. when in reality were christopher, I should have said, is if the info should we have is gonna hurt Democrats will hide it in an election. However, it hurts republicans will be sure to put it out only day, Before election day, all they never did, that put it up key new year,
magda com noticed today. What's the date fellows anybody know, First, twenty, sixteen joe, that's just a few before some special event november. In twenty six things, you don't give any idea what they may have been just think it really hard or the like athletic wrecked, got thrown away all election. All I thought you were talking about some per year. Oh she's right the elections, but it was above all at the lack of election. Look it ass, someone from the fbi, I right before the election november. First, two thousand and sixteen happened to leak out that the final october surprises reveal. The fbi is probing trump's alleged. Russia ties margaret Hartmann new york, mag.
Sometimes the evidence she speaks for itself someone. Should I had that article yesterday upon capitol hill? Sorry enemy the bash anyone, but you should with this article out say really, mr right, that's interesting. because you say you have to be careful interfering in elections yet just days before the two thousand and sixteen election, someone at the fbi leaked in new york mad that trump had alleged Russia ties to Margaret Harbin so strange, but you couldn't made the obvious that the hunter by laptop was real without saying anything about the contents are all sounds idea as the fullest shepherd because it because it alright, so I got a little bit of cool news. I'm throw out there so that a really big deal
the big news whatever by dob. You know radio things been a journey for me right. We've had some big headaches, some ups and some bounds and finally cleared that up and got that fixed, took me a long time was like a two year battle and finally clean that sub. So those who, like the radio show and as the podcast is now has without a change of things. We are good for three more years. So are you not downward media? itself knows you wanna there might the pond asked to go anywhere. The radio show, unlike where it is, may change the time of the park. Yes, I know I suggested at some time in the future, but I'll give you a good heads up there, but as for the form every day in the radio
the show nothing's going to change. So I'm happy to kind of put that out there. I told you guys. First cause: I love your premier, I supposed to say it right now, but what the hell we do, our own thing anyway. So that's pretty cool and I hope you Allah, whose allies big fight and I'm not done with some of the stuff, were involved in either. So we're not going to make some of that stuff public, but for obvious reasons, but we're still fight with a lotta, not those entities, but the mother stuff out there so he's happy to put that out there s one more thing I just wait. I appreciate because none of this stuff going to happen and explosive success of the radio show. None of that could happen without you guys nothing. I mean the radio radio ratings are freakin ridiculous and the podcast is now number four in the country according to trite, and that's all thanks to you so cool. I hope you guys
Trembling jack, that's too, who so stop mumbling? You said, I know I'm sorry when I'm talking about myself, I do mumble your correct, soda personage out, I'm not mad at you. Thank you for saying that I do. I don't like the sound too me, I'm so wonderful. So I turned a mumble when it's about me. Back to the show no mumbling. When I talk about content me you're right back to it folks equal justice is no justice and all attire are, I think we know you just saw that would Christopher right who just embarrassed himself. Anyone could have. Doubt this new york mag article and said well, mr re. That doesn't apparently seems to be the case and you guys leaked out the trump thing or someone did. I said. No one leaked out at the laptop was real. Here's byron donalds yesterday up on the floor, just I mean this goes on for eight minutes and it is just glorious. I encourage you to watch. The whole thing is a good republican congressman from a a florida. as co stout hears a district. I ran, and actually I covered out my book they give to ferry we hear about our pretty sit offered the crazy stuff that happened in that. So
Donald lays out the case against hundred by, but this part of it I found hilarious. He lays out all the evidence you ve heard about the czechs and a big I'd all that other stuff, but he breaks up something I'd really thought about that hundred and Joe minor being investigated for not paying taxes, while lecturing amount kids about paying her friendly ship. I miss that single check this out dig the confusing web of by Ella seas, which I will add, MR speaker, the confusion of these of these companies and a coffee vision of these transactions are were done on purpose to see all this money from the american people and I angel to conceal the money from the internal revenue service, because you know, Nobody likes to talk about everybody, paying their fair share, accept him and accept the sun. There not concerned about a fair ship. Now, listen, listen to ever wins the republican, not trump.
That is highly whoever wins it. If you bring this point up on the debates stage. I don't think it debates gonna happen, but if it does, along with the check that that Joe Biden for forty thousand dollars, which is ten percent of foreign two thousand held for the big guy. If you do not bring this fair share point that he doesn't even pay. Is taxes, Shame on you, shame maybe deserve to lose a debate that I had to That is one of the greatest points ever I've at that is just glorious. There's enough, people hate more than the policy of unfairness and Biden is totally full crap you don't the pay is old taxes, ear tag, whose had some questions about this too. Would christopher re check. This out is the vi? Do they make a routine practice of allowing partisan political optics to prevent, investigating serious evidence of corruption.
My instructions to our people on this and on every other investigation? Are that we are to follow the facts wherever they lead, no matter who likes it, no matter what political influence and why they may be outside the state on where hunter Biden and Joe Biden were against center. With respect, I can't discuss an ongoing investigation and director ray you, and I have gone round and round on this, because I understand anytime you're asked about this. The answer is it's an ongoing investigation. Of course the investigation is an ongoing you're, not doing the work. You got whistleblowers pointing out that you're not doing the work and you are hiding behind the skirts of the attorney general. ladies and gentlemen on equal justice is no justice at all, and I love the fact that multiple people are picked up on television. This talk. Point this been brought up by me and others that this isn't it, accuracy I'll hunter by to pass and donald trump? Does it? It's? Not a hypocrisy is hierarchy its hierarchy period period, commune
I believe, in power when they are on top. It's not abuse for them. They are power. You don't they're gonna have with you. That said they don't. It is, if I don't. Even care of you pointed out, is hypocrisy hundred binding zappia seriously charge for trumps under four thousand different, a diamond still. I care that's what we do or commies they don't care. this report all care, you don't care about any day, show you this by the way we have a huge audience in texas in Florida had to texas we love you guys. You guys arouses my home state texas is awesome people text I got from texas, love taxes, representative step, then it yesterday, but again she doesn't really give a shit. Here's represent. jasmine crockett, another crazy person. She thinks that we,
texas in florida. You guys are definitely deplorable. Zero check this out, in fact miss perry. I know your organization to hear this foundation lives takes, is already low taxes. They are wasted in some national beals. They somehow set this country on the wrong trajectory. They send them to taxes, they send them to florida, every deplorable state that we can think about. They usually come in at a yells think tank there another genius upon capitol hill. You big smell is from texas in florida. She doesn't care function, no apology from her about that at all. That's how she feels your big somalis, taxes and forces a mention, the everybody's moving out of states to move to texas in florida because he's a more this is a low I q idiot, which is why she's in congress, but things for we go. I want to show goodwill because it's been a lot I met most of you missed. Sadly, if you haven't see me end of yesterday's show, did you guys, MRS peel watch it. There is a a clip
from an end see a football game that is so. inspirational. Just please check it out at the end of the show this guy when entering her cone entering her, you gotta watch with this guy? It's it's incredible. It's always professional this club. It I get a sports whenever, but still check it out, but, First, terrible as sports in vienna, I've been to us the kneeling and anti american crap, you gotta remember like any other organization, are people out there who you know genuinely do good stuff once in a while- and I might here to celebrate any organization or anything I dare most of them are crap, but this was pretty This is bangles defensive in tray hendricks in another. the star quarterback for the jaguars trevor Lawrence, bus up his ankle and he's really hurt bad. You can see walking feel owing to watch. Number eight was eighty one. Eighty will watch gets down a praise for man, pretty cool.
No family and fell obviously everything they ve done, but you know what it's like public access that folks. They can start things around the country. You know get start little movements, people like to see that so nfl tray handwritten. We see more that maybe you'll get some your fans back. I don't know this guy, but at a brother I saw its umbrella as some cool stuff right there. I'd like to see stuff like that, hey one less note I know christmases starve is coming up and you know I put this book out to give failure on really talk about immense, didn't. Probably are you sure so will have some books? Signings come up, but a pretty proudly book. You pick it up wherever you get Europe I'll, be as revokes the salesman, okay, I'll be great and abuses. Fine, maybe suffer everyone. I know kind of when I write about trump's staff and following the money investigative stuff people tend to like it a little more. This is more of a stir, Mommy's is probably not for everyone, but there's a lot of really cool stuff, and here I was right.
Do yesterday for a number of reasons. But the chapter in about how a deeper came. for me, and my wife walking outside the white house when tramper, except The currency nomination at the white house is pretty crazy story check, after eleven was rebuilt. Yesterday I thought I just love. You read with mitchell check it out. It's called they give the failure by new books in africa, The monster now will be doing some book. Signing sells been good, not great, but that's, okay, I'm proud of it and I think you'll like it too. So up to you check it out do you think I really appreciate everything download the rumble apt join us every day for the chat I get an early today again, rumbled outcomes. Whereupon gino or download the rumble out. The user interface is really great. Their set up an account. It's free chat with us join every day, at eleven o clock, eighty eight thousand people on a holiday caused a holiday week really pretty or to see you back here. You just said Dan VON gino share
Transcript generated on 2023-12-08.