« The Dan Bongino Show

What Did the Obama White House Know & When Did They Know it? (Ep 1236)

2020-04-24 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the stunning new revelation about this key Spygate plotter which could implicate the Obama White House. I also address two new fake news stories being pushed by the media which have been entirely debunked. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee know what I'm here, I'm here to set straight sad bs media narratives that, sadly take point, people believe them. I've got a few of those few today, I'm gonna thoroughly This rate, the nonsense and said everybody stray most of you probably did the homework, and here I got that got more breaking news about steel. Chris diversity, of course creator the fake, RCA, who said something in a trial where him in his company are being forced to testify that promise you Gonna blow your mind, I'm not kidding and relates to the mom administration, and that infamous brief. If you like why, yes, what coming soon today show sponsored by express Vps surf the web with peace of mind, get a Vps by going to express Vps. That consular spongy know today welcome
did the junior, so please Joe, how are you on Friday, a man be former terrestrial. YO guy managerial? I got a lot to get there really. This is gonna, be a loaded show. Please don't go anywhere. I today show bites about bodies that genocide. You wish that double chamber just disappear news flash ladies, people look at your jaw line. It tells your age, here's Robin from Lubbock taxes, I put Jenny cells, lying cream on my neck two or three days ago is the best. My neck is looked in twenty years. People tell me my face looks young. I am blown away the Chinese and the technology, Jenny cells, brand new jaw line treatment, specifically targets that delicate Skinner, the neck area for tight, healthy, younger, looking skin you'll see that mirrors, While back. If you are a hundred percent, your money back, no questions asked order. Genuine brand new jaw line treatment, absolutely risk free and get a second month for half price and for results in twelve hours,
less Jenny cell immediate effects is also yours. Free or IRAN live for an extra thirty. Our discount orders on line orders only she's, my promo code, Dan Thirty, that stand three zero. Check out good agenda. You sell that come Jenny cells in New Jersey, neither donating ten thousand dollars a week to local food banks, you can also help by contributing directly no purchaser just go to genocide. G and New, CEO Jane, you sell that combat You saw that calm promo code, Dan, three zero Dan. Thirty, a check out our eye We always love bright eyes fridays, because you get two days off on the weakest. Which is always now you get away from the chaos, and then I ask bs millionaires: let's go to Yes, media narrative number one before I get to the steel stuff in the Obama administration, which is probably panicking right now. So, as we discussed yesterday on the show the sum of this state,
now led by Andrew Cuomo. Democrat from New York has failed miserably in his job I desire discussed. Yesterday again, I don't understand why Democratic Cuomo up in New York is being celebrated first successes when just about everything he predicted was going to happen. He's been wrong on. There is ventilators hospital beds, the screaming and yelling in the back and forth with a Trump administration. But I said to you that the Democrats now have another line of attack where keeping our economies clothes, basically until get a federal bail out, which is ridiculous because there's money to bail you out with the states. We don't have any money yet Neither do we in the federal government. We don't have money either because the we as us, no money, none is slush fund, so I saw this yesterday on Andrea Trooper, who is the sister of Alexandria, will remember from the spy gate in their view, they love fake news, but cheats it out. Yesterday we basically writhes
a bail out blue states, because blue states so set eyes. You evil red states where the Give you all other words you better Belle s out, because blue stage New York in California, where when you read stage all the money, and now you always the favor. I was who Oh YO turn out terrorism, Time out, I called up my resident fact check your map. Colombo, Hoopdriver, ironically, wrote about this. It is terrific book debunk this where he debunks liberal nonsense. I wrote the forward for that. And I said mad: oh man, can you please read this like you, ve done in your book in a thousand times on, but you know that COM
so he wrote this article for us in this jam, so I can do about this. You can cut this off its legs right away. Liberals resurrect the myth that blue states subsidize red states by mad blubber. Ladies and gentlemen, blue states do not subsidize red states. It is in fact, quite the opposite what they will tell where's, the liberals, puss are always pulling, is always a scam. There's always a hoax and there's always a trick. O is pollack. You my river, that host they wait a runaway, be appalled at a good, laugh, Leslie, she's laughing. It's always hawks. Here's what they do. They say: wow the percentage of state, budgets in red States, Joe paid for by federal tax dollars. Otherwise, the federal government gives estate large a red states, larger percentages, their state budget, then they give blue states you're like wow that they seem to be right right then, what's the trick, while the trick is
the percentage is larger, because red states are not profligate. Don't see this as much as much money. This is not hard to figure out for liberals who have it I'm a wet, lays down. There's always a scam, always a hoax. Always you just have to find it. In other words, how to make it really simple. If the federal governments sends ten thousand dollars and tax money to Florida, which has a bigger. Violation in New York, but roughly the same as being a relatively speaking and then sends the same thousand dollars to New York. Florida whose budget is around Half of what New York is in government spending, despite the fact that they have roughly the same size, far does actually bigger. Of course, that percentage is gonna, look bigger, Ten thousand more than eighty billion dollar budget is, could appear like a lot larger percentage than ten thousand of a hundred and seventy billion dollar budget just say your entire math and stop as bad indicates that read this peace please,
it'll be up on our show notes again by GINO that council newsletter. We it's an email, everyday people, often ask me about your email, less. I don't get the shone out. It's the same thing, the news! is the show notes, but you know that complex newsletter. My wife asked me to make sure you understood that it's the same thing, this article will be their quote: MAD Colombo, podgy That come against the national average of nineteen hundred, thirty, five thousand inter governmental spending per America, in other words to the federal government, spends in average of nineteen huh. Thirty five dollars in federal tax dollars, a given back to the states, listen to this red states receive just eighteen hundred, seventy, nine dollars, blue states, it considerably more at two thousand one hundred and twenty four dollars per resident. So of course, liberal are always lying. The story is actually inverted when you measure tax dollars per person which matters based on state budgets and state size. It's actually
it, states that are being a red states that are subsidizing blue states. You got the story backwards, as you always do. It's all is a hoax, there's, always a scam, getting me loose on those laughing so hard, less labour. Paul about this. The hosting a hurry- and after that you can read it. I just want to start a chauffeur that today's important debunk, this liberal nonsense. Before it takes all just a quick guy. It's Friday I like it, presents oblige the President trumpet oppressor yesterday is asked a question about Joe Biden. Ladies and gentlemen, you know I, I love the president, but I've gotta tell you yesterday his answer. Sleepy Joe Door and that the corona virus pressure is one of the funniest thing. I've ever he's asked about Joe Biden. Any presents its. He sits, be bigger groups not moving much.
This is all areas. I can't tell you what's gonna happen: we have a sleepy guy innovation to the house, the press is giving a free pass to who does Wanna do debates because of covid and two things are happening right and I want a couple of interviews embassy or look for Do this, but keeping him sheltered because of the corona virus. And he's not moving around his f woven too much. Jesus we have written Joe. These is
every guy. I carry it omits what does actually three take away. I only measure to sweep guided he's asleep a guy in a base. I'm sorry, right now it is a substantive showed where I gotta live together. These thousand. Let me state that a hoax. They quick, as I know what I'm so last night of personnel policy and laughing about Trump. I loved I get into any one Give me my friends who is the short you know I I these. I words get him I hadn't. I can never get about it, so I dont know what it is. It's a little like OECD thing
I can and I find them hilarious and it's not for don't try to make sense of it. It will make no sense because some things I do those heads but the work. The hoax thing has been left my butt off waving how Trump Javert notices Joe and oppressor like her just randomly declares thing hoaxes. I just ask you questions. That's a hoax. Some over I just love. It is the body I was laughing at just get this worst is added, usually is a hoax here, that's a hog! Some over. I can't take it
guy right reside our policies like you really need to get a hold these czarist buddy. Is you take it a predator love trump? That's all we're moving. Our aid of silly does get back. This figure a real cut. If we are to get through this procedure for steel stuff, it's really important who boy he makes me laugh the skies serious like no one else are huge, like men a tactical new dropped on the spy battlefield yesterday. That, of course, is missing: mainstream media scrutiny because again it destroys all their spiky hoaxes, which will We are hoaxes you. Here this anywhere, but here and a couple conservative out that so Chuck Ross drop this bomb shelter Daily Collyer, so you can be in the shone out. Spongy know that conflict newsletter. You can read it. Please read a few subjugate article. Ladies and gentlemen, Christopher Steel, who wrote this fake dossier was a real that
fake information, he always spoke to one source. His p s S primary sub source, get a load of this truck Ross Exclusive daily collar. Dossier. Authors, steel testified. These emails were wiped. Why isn't a convenient John? He no longer has any documents related to his primary source, whose we only want to actually spoke to you by the way we is it not crazy, the only primary sources speech to its just wiped out Wall That seems really odd. That made its code of a screenshot from this peace. What's going on here, there's a lawsuit steals involved in legal or suing infers dossier pursuing his company, so steel told a british court last month in this lawsuit did he they got a hold of the debt.
Vision here that he no longer has the documents and other information from his meetings with its main source of the dossier, suggesting that The EU has no way of backing up his side in a dispute with the Oj Inspector general according to a deposition obtained by the daily collar also told the court that is communications regarding the dossier, including with fusion GPS, all that's important. Ah, yes, worldwide in December and January of twenties seventeen the transcript shows. Now you may be saying: that's pretty significant, no they're taking the Hillary Clinton model You know the belief bay it. Why don't you like that with a cloth? Remember that although the females magically disappear, but don't worry Joe, they were about yoga and weddings. How do we know because Hillary Clinton told us and she's always to be believed. Of course, Hillary Clinton never live. That's about it's hilarious,
ask trump what he tells everybody went about their houses. Nobody actually believes that, but steals email with his only source. He actually spoke to have magically disappeared and were white. Why? That's? Not even the biggest tactical nuke hear the when it happened is going to blow your mind. I promise man. It is going to bake your bagels and is going to, Oh you marbles right now, let's go to second screech out from this peace. Explain what I mean I have to go back to the screen shot a couple times, because there's so much in here that if you read it quickly, your miss it screenshot through from Chuck Ross as peace. Now, I'm in every the first here first, the said this: It's not even a long. One is just so many nuggets it here that I gotta get through it in peace, so he says first, the quote from the Chuck grasp steel said he had no records, relate
to the creation of this dossier? Memos including report one twelve, remember the dossiers, a compilation of reports from the dossier which dealt with Alpha Bank own with the alpha bank owners, You have no record of anything. Have you Tomlinson asked? I haven't, got any records relating to the creation of one twelve said steel. So come back to me. So he has a memo in his dossier. Memo number one hundred and twelve report, one hundred and twelve report, one hundred and twelve seems to have disappeared, amongst others. Now remember what I told you in their prior thing that he seems to have white clean, is emails with fusion gps and go and Simpson too well what does report one twelve about report one was about how for bank now many of you regular, thereby GINO she'll listeners, have the thinking caps on have already put two and two together. While that sounds awfully suspicious report, one twas about alpha bag wasn't alphabet.
Primary concern of glens. Simpson profusion, fusion gps when he wrote this jam peace back in two zero: zero. Seven, two thousand seven. When he was a rapporteur in the Wall Street Journal there it is there. It is right there there. It is how lobbyists help back Soviets Washington by Glyn Simpson and Mary. Copy is now wife up dated April seventeenth, two thousand and seven, not two thousand. Seventy six Simpson wrote this article in the Wall Street Journal through ten years ago, coins in the guy who owns fusion GPS, whose email with steel. Joe, have been wiped out. As feel wrote a report, one twelve about Alpha Bank when Glenn, Simpson seems to have been concerned about alphabetic all the way back in two thousand and seven. This Weird two thousand seventy Wall Street Journal. Glad Simpson, talking about this member, the Russian Abbott is close allies Putin, they use the Washington PR consultant and their other federal advice
negation of? U S over money laundering and is locked in a high. Big battle with Moscow Conglomerate Alpha for control. Of a russian telecommunications empire, Alpha has paid barber, Griffith and Rogers a lobby firm, nearly two million and lobbying fees. This is wrong. We should change how Glenn Simpson when he was a journalist, the ledger, journalists that the Wall Street Journal, thirteen years ago. Is writing a piece about alpha bag in Russia. Thirteen years later, a guy he pays to put together a hoax dossier. Couldst overseer write a memo about alpha number one. Twelve, that's just magically. Appeared along with steals communications with fusion, GPS and Goin Simpson. Why does tat matter.
Oh again, you regular listeners, your figure it out. I now urge Europe because we ve been told the whole time steel brought the dossier. It is called the steel dossier, it's called the Simpson dossier, but then I don't get it. Why would it man If Simpson or Steel wrote the dossier, because the F b I swore in court that Christopher Steel wrote the dossier because Christopher Steel was a former british intelligence agent who worked on the Russia desk, who had the street credit in front of a Pfizer judge. If the F B, I swore steel row, That was to be believed because a former spy who worked in Russia, he wrote it. Therefore, it's definitely real death, no dignity.
But if seems in fact wrote the dossier or contributed information about alpha bag, he should be very concerned about the bag thirteen years ago and report one twelve is, Merrily information from Simpson the F B, I put the right hand up in courts. I swear this. Information came from a spy who has influence in Russia, but it came from a journalist who used to work at the Wall Street Journal all boy you're in a lot of trouble We like me, swear and a court that armor costs rob the bank. Saying I heard it from Bobby when I fact I heard it from a guy who doesn't like Joe from their childhood is joe- was a better guitarist that kind of a different story, no magic. How that one report seems to have really disappeared along with their emails with fusion to wouldn't it be really crazy job, just crazy
If that report, one twelve, was really information from Simpson, when the F b I swore it came from steel and those emails that I've been wiped between citizens. Many fusion is deal magically just disappeared. Now. Why have we just be crazy? We're not just knots course that kind of stuff never happens right. This gets better. Let me get my second sponsor. Gonna loaded show today again always appreciate information supplied. We get a lot of people want to be on the show. I always appreciate your patients. They are great companies. Omaha stake. Somebody back, this story, makes a second parts even more interesting. Just remember that we were told Other dossiers as it was credible if Simpson broke off it, all man they had trouble, but don't worry, all the emails have disappeared, That is your party by bodies that almost take some of the finest meets around. We love o my station area. What about twice a week? Pollard delicious? Nobody cooks like policy, it has great almost takes stock of boxes, have a great care package.
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the they say to him in the deposition, so you haven't, have you don't have any records relating to the creation of report? One twelve steel says I got me records from that and they ask him. What about the other memoranda? He says no they were wiped out in early January. Twenty seventeen o k S interesting. A lot of things happened. The genuinely seventeen riman come back. Thank is this. Is this what what else happened? The January twenty seventeen early on Steel said that a hush mail account he used in late December of twenty sixteen was quote, wiped clean. He also said The communications with fusion gps on companies, computer network, we're scrubbed on January fifth of twenty seventeen and that bus we publish deals. Yea five days later, mad so steel mysteriously wipes
queen is emails. On January five of twenty seventy now this is for the very sophisticated snooze out there, who are way ahead of the curve, is probably very that you have to be really follow this case to understand what I just pointed out and wow incredible. This information is, why would steal, wipe his emails clean January? Fifth of twenty seventy clean up our four Valse clean up whenever what else happened on January fit? Well, let's go to Chuck gradually republic. In centre, whose always all over federal government and law enforcement, intelligence, tied corruption, He put out an interesting memo gradually Doc, Gov awhile ago February, to after twenty eighteen entitled gradually Grassland Linsey Graham uncover and unusual email sent Susan Rice to herself on President Trump
an operation that what does that have to do with January. Fifth, twenty seventeen when steel gets the Joe random impetus? I guess they just. Why does he males clean about its communications? What else happens are generally fit? Well, thanks to chuck rashly. We got this little gem of an email which Obama's National Security Visor Susan Rice, the hapless Susan S, send to herself from grass. These memo embarrassed. Rice appears to have used. This email account the document a January. Fifth, twenty seventeen meeting with Almah call me Sadly Yeats Debts, no way regarding russian interference at that sixteen election in particular rice rights. Email to ourselves, which is bizarre, sell say, President Obama began conversation by stressing, is continue commitment to
during that every aspect of the issue is handled by the elegance and more enforcement communities quote by the book. Yeah now vast you, this Joey, just as the audience refugee science, the voice of the audience out. There. Have you ever sent an email to yourself about? in other words from you and I initially met, did the pioneer stripe right, I laid out a couple of things. I was looking for. You ever sent an email to yourself say: make sure you follow them by Gmos. Instructions by the book did you ever said Joe Warm accosted, Joe. I'm a cost that email like that when I was soviet now, ok, now, why would Joe do something he? Why worry? Because Joe would have? be a scammer. Don't try to anybody. Does he wants in court that the come out that he sent an email to himself tat? He was doing it by the book because he wasn't doing it by block any takes. The emails is defence mechanism. It reminds me
This email of G, I Jane the day, More Navy seal movie, where there is in it stay quoting there where she goes in and she wants the yell at the coming After all, this is being treated unfairly and Navy School and the commanding officer gets up in barks back at her that people don't want to you don't want to make statements, don't make statements about not making statements where's the Balkans, because I want to make a statement, but there's no, but then just don't make statements, zip it the rice seems to be making a statement about not making a statement which is in fact making a statement, and that statement is this: that's not what went down at their January fifth meeting and you damn well know it. I can almost guarantee what, when at that meeting with call me south in known trumpeter sallied from the OJ shoes. Rice and Obama,
Entirely different than what Susan Rice is making a statement about natty male- maybe it went downstairs something like this in January fifth, now trumps about to take office, the presidency in just days or bomber, knows full well. They are involved in the biggest political scandal of all time. They spied on a political campaign, trumped him with the FBI and the OJ what they use the spy. Was this fake dossier reeled ass? He would fake information. They all know it's fake. At this point they absolutely categorically. No, it's fake Obama realize they have a problem that Trump is gonna come at the office soon have access to this bevy of classified information is gonna figure out quite quickly that he got screwed overruling Edison
deeply as a victim of the biggest political scandal in american history. So a bomb is probably sit near at the resolute, the desk in the oval office. With his legs up, saying, spur on the desk say in Asia we got a mess on our for their someone broke, some jelly, Monica who's gonna clean that up. I can imagine call me going sir. I guess the rather all talking code, of course, is a moment ever want to say anything right. My cause he's plus Then I ability right outside my jelly, so Abarnis boiling yeah, We broke some jelly on our for you know our parents talk about things around their kids. You know things I'm talking about. If your parents, we do it all the time policy, don't even dare go there, s part about the show. You give me active agents whatever, so a bomb is set.
What we see gets that your Obama sooner, we gotTa Jellia bottle broke on our former colonies. I got the perfect map and bucket further Jellia now for Susan Rice, as I do, you think we need to. This in fact this floor on all four of the jolly boat. Sally AIDS is like how about a little floor. Polish Do we clean it up and are all like. Yeah gang and nodding all of a sudden word magically gets back to Christopher Steel. Hey do you have any emails document thing you're, writing of that real dossier with fake information that we used to spy on tromp was gonna, be the present soon. Yes, maybe you want to break some jelly wink Nod Steel, like I'm a jelly whereby we ever did you see that We are good. Is it the Irishman on Netflix about how far they asked the guide the guy
he's a killer for higher and they call up the Deniro CARE I hear you pay thousands Babylon, yeah, hey thousands image, shooting people pay a big houses with blood. That's what you bet. I hear you eight thousand steel. I hear you break jelly bottles. I break jelly bottles better than anyone and all of the sudden on the same day as the meeting in the oval office about the jelly breaking January. For this same day, steel wines up there, although you males what an odd What's it to you break We bottles, I break jelly bottles better than anyone hear anything about. No people might all these highly paid overrated. Pathetic air quotes journalists at the times in the washing put. You can't figure any this out.
You didn't see that January. Fifty think, while that's that's the same day Obama's in the oval office, allegedly telling people to do everything by the book wouldn't by the book, meaning the Epp will just a quick question again: Z. Spokesmen for the audience is the referee written by the book mean Obama told Susan Rice and Jim call me: hey preserve all the but if we used for this case, because we did everything by the book, including the source you used Helena preservers. Even so you would not mean that, yes, it wouldn't. We support this by the book me delete any evidence of the evidence. We use the spy on job, I'm just asking everyone just there's nothing for Maggie. Abe remain and Natasha Bertram and Adam Gold, men and all the other collusion holsters fusion, the lady and obvious there you're not curious about that. I thought we were doing it by the book by the book break the jelly by the book break the jelly. Do you break jelly eyebrows Shelly. I dont you do things by the book. We break jelly, we break jelly by the, but this is not a new one up.
Journalism is dead, dead nobody's, put. This together its decision- the day of the by the book, email. You can't break jelly and do things by the book. That's not how you do it, you don't a jolly that way, that's not by the book by the book jelly shelf, not by the book, take the jail, smash it on the floor now, for I used to work in our four key Food Metropolitan Avenue Avenue farce tells you know, break the jelly on the floor. That's not by the book jelly Shelf, my guy she's people are so I really the media its. Let me move on because I get lost than these. Because I'm so upset it what's gonna, there's another take away from this daily caller peace again, showing you how devastating the alpha bank, material and report one twelve is
because there is a strong possibility. It could have come from I'm Simpson. Although the F B, I swore came from steel. So the alpha back information that simple. Wrote about two thousand seven that has to go away and it magically has caused the jellies been broken. Let's go to this third take away from chuck recipes. Please read this again at the show notes, you're missing out, if you don't, Steel is closely guarded the identity of his dossier, source colluding during the alpha bag, deposition wow. Why ready Heidi source for that He also says he's done work that he had done. Work for his firm for several years, that is firm, orbits paid, retainers sources between three thousand and five thousand a month so still seems off. We concerned about the real identity of his out, for banks
just getting out there, Joe and apparently throwing some serious money around God. Forbid. Simpson was the source of that Alfa Bank story and report one hundred and twelve. Now you have to have criminal activity that you have FBI folks if they knew this in. Been while close by the courts and our adversaries closed, but in a secret court swearing on their integrity in their honour that the information they got came from a spy
who knows Russia better than anyone, and in fact it came from a journalist, former journalist, being paid by Hillary Clinton to dig up there one little last Jim from this one had tipped ponds monkey on Twitter. Forgive me from Seigneur less than he has other good account for spying. It's not always dig up little nugget stairway, TAT, Tipp. All these folks out there doing the real investigative journalism because you're not getting any of it from faked It was said that posts in the times are pretty work, but anywhere else. So any idea report there's this other interesting Jeff member Christopher Steel only spoke to his primary sub source. Only done. HU. We say he got this stuff from below. It seems off. We likely gotta from someone else They really want to hide this primary sub source, Joe because the same I'm very substance is the one who told the FBI in January yep right around the time, but then off this meeting with Obama about by the book the same primary subsidy.
When they told the F B, I didn't tell steal any that you didn't because Theo saying you gotta from you. What fascinating that this deal J lawyer Lackman gets hold of the primary subsidies. They arranged to talk to him, but first check this out from the energy report you see in these underlines here: you're dig up my palace honour for no play it around. Our two shall come I so David laughin, the chief for them. So scary divisions Counter intelligence and export control services covered the first portion of the January interview and his deputy section chief cover, remaining portions of the January interview. This is with the primary substance. Look illicit of this last may all this, that he negotiated with the primary Substances Council to facilitate the FBI's interview. That's really interest, and they wanted to build Joe, a cooperative relationship. That's fastened so they needed a cooperative relationship, worked it out cutesy, with their with the guys lawyer. Ok, listen! You have in your entitled to where you going.
The same courtesies. They gave to MIKE Flynn number. They told my friend. They get a lawyer and Papadopoulos when they them to get in there all that's right. They get it right. Yeah, that's that's right! They did. Do that Joe must have been just a mist. Population are just an oversight where I was the primary sub sores, who they know We should be asking everyone who still has he got his information from steel it when they talk to him labelling way way. You better get a lawyer first! Well, don't worry, we'll builder operative relationship. You know the exact opposite of what they did to my Lenin Papadopoulos when they, basically all rush them when FBI Zara you're on eight July or don't you worry about that, their daddy you justice is blind right. Blinded Democrats, skin I give us more severe,
that's media myth, debunking time, Gabor that and I gotta gonna, get to the city of get this amended do like a segments like tough guy in a week or tough guy, my love of guys who fight and to read this guy's a warrior wanna get through that we get a video on patient survival of it. Is that break ass nutrition, you know, is one of my favorite supplements foundation earn his bottle. Right is a new bottle. I needed it because I go to this stuff, like you, wouldn't believe what is missing, creating ATP blend in one of my original sponsors. There are enough for me
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it outright. Ok! Moving on so there's a piece in red state it'll be in the show notes. Today. Sorry untollable trouble loading the actual article. When I try to shape our good friends, it read state your terrific better, be Those that aid is definitely worth your time is up. Another media myth you may have heard. If you didn't get wind of it, you will I it's another fake news by John you're, never gonna believe it. I believe, Maggie. Haber. Men had a role in this again these people at the New York Times. I absolutely love fake news, so this stuff, He was this if you mess that red stay kind of covers it well off from the beginning, on There is a individual works for the government, who is a vaccine specialist they guide by the name of our abilities, Rick Bright, so this guy's name Rick bright. You ve probably heard the allegation. I wasn't this guy bright Joe. This guy was tell him the Trump team
I'm really concerned about this hydroxide recommendation about a proxy chloric went and We better stop it morning. You now and I warn them an immediate stories watch out. He was then let go, their pushing them out because he stood against trouble for I Dropsy Clark when really because again, of course, the New York Times it's like all my gosh here, Joe tyrant Trump, pushing out any opposing views now for president trumped to be attacking guy bright because of his opposing views would require bright. Call me Craig the jail. If I'm crazy would require bright, actually have an opposing view right. I'm just saying if bright was like be careful on this chloric when you're, crazy and Tom said Clara Quaint could work and then they push them
that would tell the story, but that's not really the story. Now, let's go to a series of tweets. Let's just go to the New York Times themselves, breaking news again, more fake news from this pathetic rag of an alleged newspaper, which is a disgrace to human. Breaking news vehicles, a doctor, who led a? U S agency, helping to develop a corona virus vaccine says he was removed because he questioned the promotion of Hydroxyl. Cork went a drug endorsed by Trump without rigorous vetting. They Ganis now got us now where we do. I don't know Joe, I dont know so that would of course require bright, actually speaking out against a taxi clerk, and but that's not exactly what happens with general by our belief in the Wall Street Journal in this treaty. When the red state article you can meet all these tweet yourself interesting. That in March is again the watchdog Rick bright same guy Joe requested, the f. Issue an emergency. You thought for their use.
Ellie formulations of current phosphate seems an Hydroxyl Clark when sulphate for the treatment of China. I D corona virus disease. Ah where's address him where the opposing view, where where's the opposing view by brain so tromp, who mentions in oppressor that Hydroxyl organ Would work it's already and FDA approve drug. Everybody knows that it is The uses are largely off label, but its FDA proved its been around forever from simply suggest that it could be a treatment lot of doctors believe so too there's been pro and negative research on it. This guy Rick Bright, seems to agree because he's dead, new actually put out the emergency use authorization. I missing where this is an opposing view, because New York. Told you we had opposed. These are clearly shown ass to be dropped. The same New York Times and Maggie Haven T told you spike. It was a whole
in collusion with the same people, I think we can pretty much shred dad because we can see right there that doctor bright there was one of the guys actually doing it. But let's get you another point here, he was supposedly ousted for again speaking out against Chloric went well. Here's damn diamond, I d diamond on twitter uptake Rick bright vaccine expert, who said he was ousted for opposing trumps drive to acquire Hydroxyl Chloric. When recently The acquisition of I cork went in finally emails bats? really weird. It goes on the trumpet Ministry apparently been working to oust bright since last year as officials back with him over his management and leadership. He then goes to share text from a year ago, where they're talking about how this guy is basically incompetent.
Again, I know none of this future steps, so your stories basically totally wrong. So the Trump teams ousting him for opposing hydroxide clerk with which he did Nepal wrote the emergency. You sought IRAN and actually supported in internal emails and apparently the Trump team as we try to get rid of sky because they believed it was incompetent. A year ago before anybody knew the term corona virus as relate we want in the new generation of even existed, but don't let that get way of your story left these, I'm sure you're. Just run within anyway, as anything you say ever true ever seriously as I s joy, read yesterday the dreadful alleged journalists from MSNBC? Are you allergic to the truth? Is anything you ever say. True, I mean just by chance. You did you get one story right once in a while, I'm not kidding. I really genuinely feel bad for you. If you
you're. Reading the near tat beauty are living in a world that doesn't exist. My sincere apologies that you think you are living in our world than you think, it's Superman when everything is upside down. I move- and I may on another story on this by gay thing, but a quick one. I told you yesterday John Brennan's in a lot of trouble, this another story at the daily collar about why Britain is in a world of troubles, great article. This is David, Craven, he's writing about Fred flights, who I know Fred, a former annex C National Security Council chief of Staff, John Breaded, buried evidence that Putin actually favoured hurry and twenty sixteen that the belabour, the Breton thing we ve done enough of it over the past few days, but I already told you he's in trouble for a number of reasons Primarily, did he mislead the FBI when he was getting information from steel or steals network and claiming he was getting it from other people also, how did the end agents community get ahead.
The real russian names to attach to the dossier. How those I'm just say it breaded, you led the CIA. Now, how did real russian sources get attached to information? As I see it was fake where those names come from, so I ran in stumpy and lay the left side where they go. Nobody knows, but somebody knows where they got. Those names so branded sweat a little bit, but let's just throw more fuel to the fire. In far shown you wanna dance. This moron was so from the daily qualities. Now we know Fred Flight, you say more than credible guy says it. Then, director John, and suppress facts or analysis that showed that it was not in Russia's interests to support your weight. I thought Putin, love Trot, so breaded headed major saying otherwise. They also tell flights that principle the intelligence over the objection of CIA analyse? Why is that interesting place further stated that bred
high quality intelligence, suggesting that prudent actually wanted the more predictable and valuable Hillary Clinton to win the twenty. Sixteen election flights, on low quality intelligence. It is important that fail to meet. Tell just community standards to support the political claim that russian officials wanted Trump to win that last parts critical me am, I you know. I know you know why, because Brennan so spread and had high quality, intelligent, suggesting Putin may have preferred hills. They scuttled that not all made that go away and he relied on low quality intelligence. Now, do you understand when, whenever Nunez gets in front of the cameras- and he says there was no formal official intelligence used to open this now? Do you understand why lovers, ladies and gentlemen, they didn't use formal, intelligent channels,
we're Intel comes from overseas, its vetted Do Cia, analyse officers and all who look at the information with their expertise. Invented up another chain and another chain: why that way, when it gets to the president, the present is making decisions based on intelligence. They vetted and condemned likely true, You dont want to present starting a nuclear war about russian intelligence. That's wrong! So in order for bread and to get information to Obama that ways as Fred Flight says a former and see official and a good man was of low quality Joe. How would he do that go into normal channels? He didn't they just bypass them. They just bypass it. Remember those golden envelopes delivered to Obama outside of the normal channels. It's basically rumor Hearsay and innuendo Brennan was
not relying upon of low quality to bypass channels that would have cut that information off before it made it to Obama's desk, because Obama wanted it and Brandon wanted to give it to him. But I thought as well not by the Bell, rang out totally by the book. Screwed up you're, just not just walk up to a barber deliverable Pisa, loosely you just run Odin was trumped away. Who told you that the big guy on the corner. You, Mr Obama,. Now you understand why they were no formal channels, because formal channels would have cut tat, quote low quality intelligence. I showed just said if they did it by the book offered its knees, needed to get to work Bob and the FBI to spy on Trump? No more difficult than that to understand why some other stuff I get it before we before we run for the weak, I've got a couple more, so important Sea read my mind over there. I got some
or on the move on virus, and I want to get this video and a quick inflation story, so loaded showed it. I ve got a new sponsor today, which was a huge honestly personal benefit to us, because Paulo where's contacts, if you are a contact lens, where maybe hard even impossible for you to get more contact lenses from you, I care provided many, your close, not to worry. We found a solution here and ironically, they call. This despises grisly, perfect timing for us. What eight hundred contacts has your brand instead ready to ship. One. Eight hundred contact has been shipping contact lenses directly to people's homes for twenty five years I ve been around. They know the business they are. Experts in the industry They have forty five million contacts in stock and our shipping orders daily. It really can
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Understand them. I know we're talking my confidence intervals and things like that, but a couple of folks and said to me, with the with the Santa Clara study that, while the anybody test they used to detect, if people had been infected and recovered later on may have been only ninety percent. When I get it, I understand that I'm not despair, my telling you that we issued ironclad and that we should go out and drastically change everything. We know I'm simply suggesting through its clear as day based on it. Creasy amount of information that the prevalence of the infection of this virus based on eighty body tests, in other words people getting tested for eighty bodies, meaning their bodies produce. Anti bodies in response to a virus I already been infected with the one virus, means that the likelihood that peat more people were infected, is very high. That's all get your emails. I read them. I understand, but even if the test was only ninety percent rather than ninety,
percent accurate. It still leads a sort of believe that the infection rates were far higher. This was a study is washed in these amateur study in New York, where they picked a group of people who want shopping I get it. The New York Data released shows that there is potentially infection rates of an alarming thirteen point. Nine percent one a couple thanks and I don't even think that's that's alarming right. There. Make it means a lot of people got the virus and we're asymptomatic, meaning they may now be immune for a certain period of time. You don't know how long now, having said that again, so the Good NEWS, more people may have been asymptomatic, got it and now made may be immune for a certain period. That's the Good NEWS. The bad news is listen. You can't talk about statistics, You know whenever it defends your narrative, like the media, but then ignores statistics and random sampling when it doesn't. This was done at a Superman, It was not a random sample of people, Joe what I say about random sampling. It matters because it eliminates confounding variables,
In other words, you don't take a bunch of healthy people, put him in a group to give a drug and then a bunch of obese people who now work out like garbage in another group, give him a blood pressure, drug and say: look. The healthy people did better the confound. The conflict is with there they were generally in good shape. Weakest study wasn't ran It was people going in a supermarket We don't know that could have been just a lot of older people in the area and went to the supermarket more likely for infection. It could have been people just Once more, I go to the ce marking. Don't really care about. The one virus therefore were more likely to be infected, but even with that confound, it still becoming pretty clear based on a body of evidence how, for dirty and polluted. The evidence appears to be which it does that more of you had the womb on. Then you
Can the one virus before that's pretty clear at this point? Some of you may have the anybody I'm gonna get the test I'll, let you know hopefully on Monday gets gotten any better. I think very yes, scurvy bakes at almost the show I Monday we'll see this has become a big like bungee, no household battle back and for you have no idea I'm not even getting either he's great story national. We please read this. It's really good! If you like economics, you're gonna, love this. If you just like making money financing you're worried about this story is important because, as a warning, what are the best stories? a long time. A national view by becoming inflation crisis, have warned you about forever. Martin Hutchinson
Virus economy will bring inflation. Ladies and gentlemen, we are printing money, like mad dogs in the United States. Right now at level, three have never seen before that money has to go somewhere. It's not going to get burned. It's not going to disappear. It's not going to fly up into the sky like a like a mosquito. It has to go somewhere, and the answer is that money, we're printing, is going to chase roughly the same amount of goods because we're not producing anything. So if more money, chasing the same amount of things we produce there Things will get more money, which is why the prices will go up now. Look at this from the National Review piece to show you just how bad this is going to get. If we don't get a hold of this soon, he says in the six weeks two April. Six m too, which is a measure of the money. Supply has increased by seven point: seven percent and annual com. A rate of ninety percent that reflects the money the FED is pumped into this The statistics are wrong, but it that way
Money creation. If Friedman Milton Friedman is right, we should get inflation close to triple digits. Eighteen to twenty four months from now You cannot produce money at tat rate without the dollar going away the continental folks I bore India. Can you inflation, a man, can you imagine triple digit inflation, whoop. Imagine now.
There's a way to squelch it, and I want to leave you Friday with bad news, and I think your own peril power, the feds aware the problem than if he's done it stellar job, but I think you he understands the issue. The only way to squelch this when we get out of this thing is gonna, be to pull of poor Vulcan when he did the Reagan years when he raised interest rates in what they call the vulgar shock from about ten to sixteen to twenty percent. When you raise interest rates, that's the price on money. When you make the price on money, go up like anything else, you can shrink up this fewer people are in the market for money because they can afford to pay those interests. What, then that sounds horrible? Now, ladies and gentlemen, you can have the support that money supply somehow, in the only way to do it is to bump up interest rates, which does have one
that aside effect, it's really good for people who save a lot of money and its away to rebuild our capital stocks of some bad news, but there's some goodness but important story. Please read it. I see when we got. Oh here's, my that's where they. This is our tough guy and a week. Maybe that month I don't this guy never met him. So I can't vouch for personally, but I gotta tell you this thing: you pull this he's got Colonies like I've never seen for it is a democratic state. Represent Democrat anger that wrong from the great state of Georgia. I love. I want to take a trip up the savanna when this these them his name is Vernon Jones is a Democrat Eddie. Now two doors. President Trump. He also happen. To be black, which of course, doesn't matter to us, because, where conservatives- and we really don't care about the melanin levels and new skill, but liberals are obsessed with it. It's everything ironically thither there, the That is partly shroud, not us, but because he happens to be black.
State representative in Georgia and a democratic doors job all the most. This guy was subjected to a salvo of insults, probably death threats to from Joe the very tolerant now, the point where he was gonna resign. He sent Aged is my good for you, yes, adheres just a minute. A averted Jones given out from behind a desk, given a little speech here as to why he's not gonna resign and why he thinks trumps, it s pretty good shape. America are representative only Jones, a problem Georgia has representatives? and you know recently I endorse diverging from four campaign re election. We join in those efforts. But my dear, I know that out see Roger about TAT. A name calling by the far away in a democratic party. You know one yesterday I have announced that I will not be complete my turn, but then
when I started receiving the well me amount of support, an outcry from the people that I represent and how does it ninety one and can write your colleagues? My Georgians and thought there is from across the country every walk of life every age, every color, every part that was emotion and apples innovation, and you know what a mirror I thought about it and I'll talk to my family, and I thought my support is the guy what you did for me, I'm gonna remain on about you, I'm going to complete my turn. I'm gonna container put my country before me and I will do everything I can delegate shrunk- get real left. He's the man for the job he's a man for this office. I love this guy,
again, I I I can't vouch for him personally, but I got to tell you having run for office myself, I'm not kidding. I takes a lot of guts man, so hot tip Byrne and Jones from Georgia. I suggest everybody go to twitter and send them some quick tweet of support, because you know liberals and stuff with all their tolerance. You got to override all the death threats and all that other stuff, and thanks again for a great week, even through this crisis, we've been here for you, you've been here for us. We really appreciate your support. It really matters that, given the large selection out there of conservative podcast libertarian podcast that you continue to make us two or three
the country, the peasant, depending on the weak on any given day, means the world to me. Thank you very much pleased to graduate Youtube Channel Youtube. Dot com, slash bond GINO without they get the five hundred thousand. I never thought that what happened five hundred down subscribers, it's off rate Youtube com, Slash Mancino! We really appreciate it and we'll see while on Monday and hope we have the result. My test see that one day you just heard tailbone Jean Osier, follow then on twitter, twenty four seven at DU, bon GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-11.