« The Dan Bongino Show

We've Got The Tapes (Ep 2134)

2023-11-20 | 🔗

In this episode, I cover the full release of the January 6th tapes that they really didn't want you to lay eyes upon.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan valens, you know the oh, my god. I promise I don't do drugs or heroin? Is it? Is it my arm? This is now Like me, like main lining narcotics or anything, I had do an ivy. This disregard the record. Why don't we get This is like this isn't even the mother of all weekend update. This is like the great grandfather of all weekend aids ever. This is like the original missing link of weekend updates goes back to this weekend. Update all we moses possess a week. I got some stories for you. This happened sponsored by viral cleanse right eggs, a thirty five percent or in the black roddy sale plus get free shipping visit?
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Bon gino contingency medical products are not intended as a substitute for professional medical treatment, or vice could solve your health care provider. Great company check america prepared. They are I just Monday everyone. It show tat way. It's an extra happy monday casts. Some of you may have heard our. A lust treatise commander in chief, the greatest leader we ve ever see hot. Just getting I'm talking about show by smoking. Joe Biden sniffing Joe Biden, Chopin spur day today two hundred and forty six isa the eighty one so Joe. How old are you Bobby sixty seven? Next week So this guy was born way before you, daddy saddle notified we sing a little happy birthday. We would want to join us in the chat first smoke and Joe Biden while he sniffing some gives us good show a bird, a vague.
Sir David a happy day be guy back he's cringing, I believe from me Joe, when the chinese communist party, de the ukrainians and the task bar asthma and everyone else who page you love, I had no better than farragut chose a proud, I'm not, but there you go again like you, so what I d like a haze everything here. I use cringe every second happy birthday to sniff at Joe Biden backing down here.
Did you really wow, focusing in all my guys, a compliment for gay Joe elizabetta come at variance with gives us the row dodo craig. He says it all entirely. These cringe I know, I'm sorry, I drifter drift a big weekend up day for you. This is like that the godfather of all weaken up this first reading, the crowd or show I'm so happy a lot of you liked it. Ninety four, and if you loved it ten percent, it was totally bananas. There's show I envy you can vouch for how bananas. It appeared to show under a strong thursday, I'm sorry friday. We had the day off. There's a keepsake friday forever. Nuts you take your. Was he was not ten times worse than the studio studios even more but add is that it look like on the air crowded show was a mega ahead. One point: two million views. I
Crazy, some of you can catch the new time. I should probably said a more sorry about that. Next time we do and I'll ever tat. That's while the new time just for that show not now die, should advertise at events, but thank you so much so we did. Book signing in taxes and the budget o army is like aegean army now, but we have thousand members and in dallas alone, I'm starting to think to myself manner. We want a marshall, this army together around a country. What are you saying, as we probably got a good like million plus we may be? the world's like seventh biggest standing army, the forty days? I've even carry we go to Dallas gay was there every moment. Nice people showed up and folks kid you not. I expected six hundred people say sandra figured Riyadh, five hundred fifty plus books. I say at the bookstore. I don't want to carry so I'm not going to sell, so we figure would be ok. I had not expected thousand people when I got there,
We have to go to do this in fast motion here. This paula? She was amateur, go, take a picture this line because it wrapped around them all and doubles back as well in this: I want to show you this is not being used the end, this is not the same group of people at the air like it doubles back. This one arm. I stay responsibility for two hours because you all are the friggin best audience ever in the three of what this is interest in a bookstore. It goes outside the more this thing, one back around down around double back on itself. I stay Infer, I think, was like three and a half hours. I was signed and hats, I cited napkins shirts. and you brought something aside. I said because we ran out of books. Some guy told me: we bought up every single book in Dallas. He wanted a sam's club or whatever into a notebooks there either. So
what, by the way, if you want to see the rest of the line go to my instagram and any instagram watch the rest of the line. That's not even the you you can what do you want no more the poor, more loader they were like blocking all. judges restores it was crazy and a lot of peace for, on a serious note, gate had added up it's driving me crazy, but by the way day, that everyone out there. I want you to know like how much it means me you show up. I typically can't take stuff back, so I ask people to mail it, but in this case we had the ability, the transports of back so I met a marine and I didn't want to take this cause. I fell bad but he insisted he's apparently carried this coin marine coin women. For some ten years, and he said he wanted me to have it I brother at you. You know semper firemen, it's my greatest regret, not being one of you all in the marines. You know I have a soft spot for marines so to the people in the show. For some obvious reasons I want to thank you.
We have a special friday shout out to a young girl serenity who, once Jos friday thing that's coming up next week, no john, it's really nice guy gave me sammy, so official baseball from his march someone gave me a man card to turn him. Whenever I talk about wine, I gotta turn my man carded. Thank you and I, some grommets are nolan rioting and thereby gino baseball cards like all this stuff. I so much stuff man, I put it back here. I try to keep all of it I'm running out of space. We get to new offers advocate bookshelf, but you all agree, I appreciate and finally. It's crazy. We can update. I wanted a mortgage. all in concert sat and I want a free, in bangor DA was man Paul and I we never get there early, but morgan usually comes on, like nine nine fifteen. He came on like nine twenty or so so we never get there early because we just don't it gets to be like a little chaotic, and you know what I mean so
we were in Houston and we were like screwing we're gonna go there early and we're gonna just like party a little bit I tell you some more was freaking, amazing, the show is totally bananas met some couple on singing in the hall, I mean you showed you should have heard the damn budget home them home. I might scream and a whole my swan, my voice sounds. I shed right and I'm there everybody want to be paula. Oh, why she looked pretty high, maybe not know or care everybody's like hey, you dad is this pollen. He started talking to paula, but the sky hooks me up. I got a quick stu. I promise anything to show, but the monday are there to resolve it. If you hated you, say, shut up and get to the content, but this report so many a park is the worst bathroom situation. I've ever seen in Houston, they like it. You can. There too, like hit the bathroom you better like chalk off a half an hour you like for the women to ours, like the craziest thing. I've ever seen
if this guy's name up. So let's call em tony. Ok. You know what I mean On this line about their like five minutes- some guy you thereby gino, I say depends you a democrat. If you are I'm sure more kamala khan should no? No guys nah, bad, so good to meet you reside. I work with morgan kind of those cool. Is Europe wait on bathroom come with me, man. let's just called tony, I love you brother, like bathroom, like all I paulus got a road thing. Then we meet this couple in the front row. I'm singing and dancing my home to meet my mom. Now, I'm going to see you everytime, I see that works. I'm singing and a lady were chilling with the husband They can't believe there sit next to us. We're like his body and that of my ladys, like I gotta, hit bad deposit. Me too, I got a hawk
went back and found the other guy, I want to say too much Trouble Do you know who you are? I love you rather better out or that have He's I get us a big things happened three familiar or I will get up dates over login one I ever did, but I told you it was about. her man. Let me take them as one I had get I ve the next day after now. What I was I got all my does so so you job with yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, I what what do? I tell you all the time when you're going to get bad enough that people are going to vote to change. Now. Is it bad enough in the united states? When I say change, I mean real change. Rudy giuliani, new york change reagan, revolution change when it It gonna get bad enough and a lot of peace.
We are disappointed when I tell them that I gotta take my mandatory poland. The chat is bad enough, yet I'm not saying binds gonna win. I'm saying bad enough, yet that Donald trump wins forty five states, the answer, no. It's not it's better after trump could win he's nepal, but is it better? offer a landslide where the democratic parties done for ten years. The answer, I'm telling you is it? Isn't it's not bad at think about this, How bad did it have to get an origin tina for this step? Origin? Again, you know south america, while, like I do correct argentina can be a very left, leaning country right for long time? The peronne is over there. They ve had actual commies in charge of argentina that are blown up this economy forever right now, you too it's bad here. What's this flash rate bid in the united states nine six, three, four, that's pretty bad right! but the inflation rate in argentina was a hard
Forty percent. And finally, as you can from this a f p. Article your millay. Won the election in vows the end of argentina's decline later. gentlemen, it only bad enough. After a hundred forty percent inflation, you know, javier malaise in the chad. You noticed guy, listen just cause. You from a lot of people have fallen in love with this guy It seems like a good libertarian guy. I get it, but please we don't work politicians here, no matter what we work, What god We look out for results hobby, it seems grade even always in argentina conservatism around the world matters, because its infectious were seated in Finland? seen in Sweden, we're seeing a renaissance in germany we just seen in Spain. I ve had enough for the socialists commies. There too, you are seeing a worldwide change words. Bad enough
never heard a hobby normal. I want you to listen to this thirty seconds Joe. You translated this this. Jos voice over this? good good, real good, but we better after results check this out so you can't give she had left horns and ensure that all these and unifying she let em all collectivist all kinds of collectivism. Society say they put. Why do you call them shit sarka three, because they are shit was our makes. It has now been refusing differently from them. They will kill you. If this is the point they see the boss, I saw you can't give shit left is an inch. Let us say: if you give them an inch, they will use it to destroy you and also that you cannot negotiate with the left are just any loss here. You don't know that with trash because they will- and you Never skype and guy been following for awhile wherever we,
look out for results. We're getting, This guy, honest, even always in argentina, for a man is guys go by the way, that's one of a thousand videos. I do with it this is why we want to cut government, puts all the government agencies on a board education, droesse voyages ones out. There's we'll see, Does we ve been told a lot of stuff before but worse, are now really good and I'm I'm glad when I want to show my name here and all over social media my. Why am I on twitter this weekend? Trending a bit here what's going on and it is, because a lot of people put in their. Finally, as budget. Oh said it's bad enough in argentina. Apparently it is physically, the bad enough here I don't know but thing like this. Don't help the left there's big news. This weekend The january six tabs finally came out. eager johnson and again we go back to what we don't worship, politicians we look for results at sea.
Johnson we had some upside some bouncer was unhappy about the sea are realises, limited what he can do, but wasn't it The owl. Let's be honest, there is your was shit However, he said he was going to release the tapes and he did and people have been. Or in the room. I can't go. Do all of em. Obviously it's tons of ours, but I picked a few. Then one particular I'm going to start out here. Ladies and gentleman, this is a tragic video. I'm going to tell you why, in a minute- but now Now we know why they wanted these tapes hidden so badly because they only want you to see one side of this, and let us be clear. That's now be you know, let supper blindfolded front over faces. There's a lot of stuff. went down that David should and we should we should acknowledge that the can never acknowledged where who instigated it or not. Ladies and gentlemen. Honestly, I'm not sure all I know Stuff happened and whoever did it shouldn't done. It, however There was clearly another side to this and what
We are told about this mass rampaging of the capital, an attempt to take over of government folk if you're just looking at evidence. If that and I ll show you the evidence and tell you that's enough: The evidence inside the capital says I'm not telling you stuff on the outside some of that shit was bad news, but- evidence from the inside of the capital. it's kind of hard to justify. What do they told you was the greatest insurrection since nine eleven. The reason didn't want you to see this and only wanted you to see what happened on the outside and the bad stuff. Is because they don't want you to contrasted with what the left does like burning down office, buildings, anti for riots and everything else. This is Probably the most tragic story of the day. I want to show you this video here. And you may say why you show in this one of all the videos. Egg sense in the success of the hours. I'll, be ok check this out
here's a video from inside the count william see a guy in a red shirt, their walk and by the same, Some of you see room go with this, then, as we pull this video for boxes, outlook can take over of government to you. You you're at right there, the key stopped on his dead, that's matthew, burner. it was only in the capital a few minutes in steal. Anything didn't burn anything. Didn't beat anyone up, didn't or spray or shoot anyone. Matthew Pearn is dead. Matthew purnell was locked up by our f b I and the in the course of the plea agreement are department of justice decided for that
They were going to seek a terrorism enhancement for matthew, partner. Nine years in prison, he could have gone mad, took a rope and hung himself in his garage. You play that again: would you mind, nine years in prison that nine years terrorism. This is why the left, ladies and gentlemen, the now why you see. This left didn't want you to see this, because now they know, you know that we do I have two systems of justice. We have one the communist system of justice, with a hierarchy, if you, ray trumps supporter and you do that. You walk in the capital, so through an open door. You don't get Are we trespass? You
a terrorism enhancement, potentially nine years in jail were eventually hung himself. Your leftist, You march inside the capital and occupy Kevin mccarthy's office door and see, are, and you don't leave what happens to you, jack shit. Then jack left, town, You understand why they wanted to hide these tapes from you For the reasons you think. They wanted to hide these tapes from you, because they don't want you to be able to compare and contrast them too, with the law gets away with gazeta. What what hierarchies and tyrannies don't want? anything is exposure. They don't want to be exposed and that's why they hid these tapes for so long. I got another one coming up, I'm not down. saying anything here, but there is clearly another story to tell her that I ve been trying to hide from you. These tapes get even worse. We take a quick break who says that by the way, have jerry purnell, Matthews aunt she's in police state the movie, if he saw her
He's coming up on my radio show later, nay to talk about justice, absolute tragedy at edison, abomination of a story. It was a long weekend for may need to know about sleep sleep. Is you get older, so critical, especially that deep comforting sleep Gotta he'll sleep, thou com, slash then take the sleep quiz I took it. I was matched the midnight box. I love it on my sleep and anywhere else He also knows everyone's. You need to have several differ. Mattress models to match the eu based on your body type in sleep references once you match your mattress, right you do or ship for free. When you see me, this matter should be obsessed with it. So quick and funding She will believe how your sleep you wake up, feeling rested and Ashley of a ten year warranty, he was even as financing options, inflexible payment plan, so a great night sleep is never faraway helix every twenty five percent off. The huge savings, all mattress orders and a free sleep bundle for our listeners in honour of black fridays, big south abundantly clear
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commented on that, I'm not afraid of talking about that story of setting a thousand times vote, probably more. There are some that the videos like that drive them crazy they knew if they kept it hidden that they could keep telling america that more people are inside the capital. It was a mass rampage of them trying to burn the place to the ground, to keep the narrative go and that it was a government take over look at this. I'm not telling you it's the only story. I want to be clear. I'm just tell you I'm not afraid of the whole story. It's the still afraid to show you this not be. That was that hours, a video like that I want you to see it. Which tells you were in a hierarchy, destroy this treat. This may seem totally random, but again
you're in a hierarchy exhort you systems of justice is one some guy gave us. He gave us this handy dandy, middle finger guy just in case so yeah. This is what they're doing here this what the left is doing to you, they don't care. The left is our care put up there katy view v! U treaty this trailer! They saw pro terrorist, who support terrorism claude, the bay bridge. California, they delay the delivery of organs for transplant surgeries. Possibly getting people killed. What happened to them? Nothing yet Keith. Can you go back to that? Second, video again, showing the capital via block oregon shred, These guys, twenty five years from this hierarchy. Two systems are just stop saying that
There's one theirs. We're in charge That's it Even care is. Why do you want hidden later Are you to see any of this are only bring this up because the country can go on like this folks, you have to understand even animals, understand fundamental unfairness. I don't know that education lock is stupid. Like a moron, but what is it? When I was reading one of these studies, when I was doing the graduate school thing you ever cared. But the story was interesting: yours about monkeys in food can feed a monkey until their stomach explored literally eat and do not want to eat anymore. And yet, if you go bring another monkey instead of food and food. bring the monkey whose already satiated doesn't want anymore food tat monkey goes that's exactly what
the food, it said even animals- sense, fundamental unfairness dated why you to see that, because they know when she saw the whole picture, not just the bad stuff that you will get up here We left these are a thousand times worse. How come you're, not getting terror enhancements in the oj trials. because it's hierarchy, man. I dunno folks. They will burn this freak in place to the ground. The left they will answer you they will destroy your career. You're finances, destroy the economy. They will you in jail, people watch you get her, that's why losing their minds over what happened in argentina. As this video gone around a solaris of all these argentinian socialist crying like wine in moaning, because my hobby and well one t poor, so upset because the hierarchy system, where there are in charge- and you are not required
to be what. in charge. I won't say, lose power. The whole hierarchy breaks down, bridgestone, shorter You have crazy. These people are again some may seem like a story at a left. The old, given everything going on, but its nine, I read, this weekend. I just highlights to you how women Hierarchical system we have got to get people out of power. They are what's what does that have to do with kids and cancer? Oh, it does listen to shows two crazy women on chat, so I rely on you. So now we get seven. people watching those guys gonna do all cancer drama thing. I got Andy Anderson Houston for radiation and, ah I get it
When you start feeling bad for yourself, you I gotta get cancer and you start like wine in the mornin stuff. I'd see these kids role then nine, ten years old, no hair, no eyebrows they'd come in and my kind of like a hospice like a stretcher with an ambulance and a getting a radiation therapy just to stay alive. A couple more weeks folks are going to visit one of the most devastating experiences of my life. This man, I'm forty eight. I lived a good life and I don't want to die. I, though, I think about it a lot of cried about allowed. My wife have been asked to turn him, but some guy gave me a man card this week open or turn it in, but I don't want to die. I really don't I think about it all the time, I'm obsessed with it, but when I saw these kids man it made me think. If I gotta go, I gotta go. I've lived forty eight years, these kids
If I'd seen anything, they haven't seen love dating marriage, their kids, nothing. So you would think that in this wall, street journal piece with is finally some good news on kids and cancer. It notes that death rates are falling, leukemia brain cancer. I read this article because you know the cancer thing sensitive to minos. While this is so great you this something we should all celebrate. Forty seven percent drop death rates for leukemia and I'm sidney. Written his jaw mike, while this is fantastic it's like god, bless cause. They I kept thinking about those kids and I start reading down the article on my way. Even liberals would like it. No, no! You won't see why these people hate everything. They are. A freaking death called of maniacs turns out progressive set about this. Why raise shields spare at ease, they noted the death rate. For while children were sixteen percent lower for blacks and hispanics open, you comes explanation this,
the sick as stop a whole love. When I spoke asia may be medicaid. Patients lack access to premier on colleges and have to wait longer for appointments with specialists to get diagnosed is hit that crazy left these. We government run health care. You give people permit, run healthcare, unfortunately, blacks, spanish, take up government run health care in a debt of decent ray. and they use it thinking. There the beheld and they d, I more because of government screwing their lives up and screwing their neighborhoods up, and then the left comes back and is upset that blacks and hispanics die more from cancer because of the government. The left says: they're going to save you, ladies and gentlemen, again these people, age, you they to give you the double barreled middle finger, that's not for number one day, a your god. They hate life, they hate everything how the hell! Do you,
You understand is why this article pissed me off so much the left. you governments solution your problems due to you, government for health care you get killed because a government and then they complain of people don't use government are living and not getting killed by government. I gotta clip when I'm next I'll show you what I mean how these people are freaking, crazy, this law come up. Next, you couldn't even do basic math. Member this lady, the marriage gay who tried to do the math with Brian Williams round Michael Bloomberg. They spend five you're, a trillion vote. They couldn't even do basic math. I want you to watch how nazis people are folks. This is a death, called of lunatics? They are absolutely not yeah. That was hard to just like. I saw an american flag and a law abiding it'd be like she said. No, because women sit on, I got dad Joe Biden, get beat up by hollywood wilson. We don't worship, hollywood people, we worship anyone. He worship. God, however, watch
Biden get beat up by hollywood. People is kind of hilarious and it's gonna hurt a lot more coming up Big show sorry big, weaken update that by the way, gives way to think a park is key hates the weekend up. If you like my weekend update or you hated our says. Yes, you, like you know you hated. Why I check this out. god. I guess I got to know and will do proposing rights forget all about stags folks falls in the air chris more things, falling leaves and sweater, whether more importantly perfect time, four fall, grilling, tailgating I'll be tell gave the herbal sweet with what we know states covered food, its finest, as they exist all you fall cravings covered with fifty percent off say why, during their semi annual sale at fifty percent of all your favorite Did you see each day sector, bushes catholic in yards, go to homer, states that company use called by gino at check out and get an extra three dollars off your namaste
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they're doing all of this, they will miraculously claim that there, the victims and their exploitation, narrative story. Member to the left the world is full of people, would power and people without power that they see the light. They see the world through no other lens other than the exploitation are. They are the perpetual victims as their putting you in jail mary. Gay goes. tv and talks about how they losing rights and where the fascist take a look back to this point about in it. gdp. I mean I can't of an election anywhere in america. Where so it goes the poles because they said you know what I'm gonna vote for this guy, because the gdp of books so good. I can understand that republicans understand that or they wouldn't be throwing red meat so their base right. Why? John Democrats understand that their starting shoe- and I think I have to say to you that I think our business by that I mean journalism, politics if it's too often cynicism gets mistaken for sophistication,
There is just a sense of cheer point, Joe. Nobody going to go to the polls for democracy. Nobody care, as if women don't have the right to do what happens to their own bodies. Well, it turns out americans, artists and cynical as the rest, at least the majority of them, and that is their voting because they do see donald trump. I believe for we, as they do see fascism, they are concerned about it. They want to have a better future for their children. My god utter is six years old has fewer rights than I had thirty sit down I want you to keep in mind this imbecile couldn't even do basic math on television, we're Brian Williams, she's a dumb she as did the most remarkably stupid thing, I think I've ever heard on cable television sets taking a lot that say: bye our daughter has fewer rights than what name one right, your gun, daughter doesn't have and by the way. regional right to kill another woman in the womb
Woman in the womb loses the right to live, that's all right not a single example of a right she's was. This? Is see you flip around out a lot of people fancy they, the exploitation, narrative, the broken life, it's all cool, so I got with simple. This is the flip whatever your doing Thing like fascist, taking away people's rights, censoring them online, putting them in jail charging them with terrorism, letting your people rampage just point the other cipher, that's eggs, Actually, what this is that women can I think, of a single example, I can tell you our rights are being taken away by allowing Well, they kill another human being in the womb you're taking away their right to live, that's their right. women what to do with their mother telling any woman what to do with your body? That's not thereby that's a different body. The lie never stop still. Folks. The guy's eighty one years old in the white house and he's their useful idiot right now and a party sweating is
it's bad enough. Yet the answer I don't know bad enough in argentina, I'm guessing its not yet it's not bad. Can we win the next election. We trump or any of the other republican candidates. Yes, is it a slam dog hell truly as I know it is things are starting to change now. Why celebrities they don't like me. I don't care about any of these cats. It doesn't matter, but this stuff is important. because the reason Joe Biden approval rating is tagging is not because the Republicans folks, only nine percent of publicans have a solid approval rating of of by nine percent yeah, but that bali me, that's really law, there's always a few knucklehead republicans who like a Democrat present. Nine percent is non existent twenty one percent of Democrats, Now don't approve of Biden and that's
because they're watching them on gino show is because they're watching people like Kevin hard- and rock and NBC. Don't get this stuff off? doesn't mean these guys were our heroes. I don't care about any these guys, but this stuff matter, I want you to watch this. This is Having a heart on upon his pretty famous comedian, pretty funny guy talking about This is what destroys your political bran quicker than any. On the left, conservatives only care about hollywood types. Liberals do This watch, by then the baron, I can say is that the other farming washed his clip a man and a woman all of this. By ngos. Some important I want to say in the whole world- is there. I need him by the listen right now. Maintain of beef he goes. I forget it,
The presidency, That's on purpose rigidity, boats that stuff I don't! This is not an entertainment show, I think, is funny we do so. You know where we had some fun in the beginning, but this really is an edutainment show. Oh you down, production style. Is it the educational entertainment man. I was rather better for back in the day educational. That's always my goal this matters? This is not meant to be funny were laughing, but the stuff on the left where, if you repeated marketing pitch over and over what they say. You need to see a product seven times for you buy it roughly. We need to hear Joe Biden sociopath wire with without opium, for brains. Seven ten times from people you respect before matters, this stuff adds up. Here's another example is the Joe rogan podcast. Is the rock people liked the rock pretty big?
fifty years old. Whatever our really care, but John rogan show and rogue is having none of this. He tries to make a pitch. I go. I got friends on both sides played it both ways: rogan ex them right away and Iraq s evening knowledge. I gotta you copy their watch. This check this out. When I was a kid you can have a republican friend. I get, it wasn't. Yes, yes, no big deal like all bobby likes. George bush uncle nurse who gives a fuck. You know you, sport a bill Clinton. He like george bush. Nobody can. Nobody like fuck, you yeah, wasn't like you're, a nazi like I wouldn't be out of a nazi. I just want lower taxes the talking about how did everyone nazi? It's the craziest thing. I have friends who support trump. I have friends who support I have really have friends whose poor Biden has come on: no, no, no! No! No! He says why do I have I have friends,
That's not your check because that's important this is important, and that is where the democratic part I have friends who are loyal to the part he asked. Vizio rogan at a jack up there. He said I got friends, you'd be with support, Joe Biden, and you see it's almost like funny, like even a rock, and I was like wow, I'm I going to get away. Nobody supports Joe Biden, nobody, nobody was watching Why do the Biden and and even nato support Joe Biden once a court case starts? here's, a video from NBC of all places, so much trouble disguise in. Is it better yeah, I don't know, when it sure as hell get there, listen it the listen to them, panic about how
Add this guy's approval rating is, ladies and gentlemen. I'm telling you right now, eighty one going on eighty two next year, it ain't gonna, get any better for this cat. Moving forward check this out start with the bottom line, your president Biden, what is his job approval rating? We measure it now at forty percent, with fifty seven percent disapproving the significance that is the lowest president Biden has ever measured in our poll in terms of job approval and just look at the sea change from the start of this year. Remember early this year, democrats coming off a strong twenty twenty two midterm. He was almost even now he's seventeen points underwater on this significant depth. There steve it is, and you can actually, if you take a look here by party, I think it's significant for two reasons: one independents, obviously more than two to one disapprove. You don't want to be there as an incumbent president, but I think equally significant, no surprise. Seven percent of republicans approve of Joe Biden's job performance, but three times as many democrats, twenty one percent that's more than one in five say they disapprove. You need much more unified support in the one party if you're gonna have a successful reelection campaign. Folks, that's a point I was making before and it's even worse, I said nine, it's actually seven percent of republicans believe
not that happens that they did it be at the numbers, usually typically hire. People who approve a Democrat present he's got What are one percent democrats? Eighty socks, you can't possum We will now way told you know these people are all in, because Biden is still a useful idiots for them, but they're getting ready to throw him overboard listen. I want to show lifting shifty, because this is a hugely important story about the the kind of entire. Now flowing through today show about how these people in charge folks are sick. They will kids die of cancer. They will put you in freak in jail. They will sensor you guys. I put out a tweet this weekend. One nuclear I said: listen but more. I learn about the left more anxious I become about where we're going this hierarchical system. Ladies and gentlemen, we ve got to dismantle this thing and take power back, because these people are freaking crazy. Just What happened to you on the shriek? So
there's an outfit out their media matters that thankfully elon musk and others are dragon into court today, and I am openness is the mother of all lawsuit. Let me tell you some. I don't really talk about that much once in a while. I believe with this now for a problem we three four years. There are entities on the left, like media matters and its deuce canoe era. Cannon oki he's one of many de bags who work over media matters. You have to understand folks, these Paula Jed have no meaning to their existence. It all skies it's in his baseman beaten. His job the poor and all day with some bluebird durham next, whom he has no this guy zero life redeeming characteristics, it all! Ok, all they do is sit there all day and watch us I don't know how they do that. I said to my this weekend, I don't know how sick or or how much of a zero you have to be spent.
retire or life about someone else. I don't think about canada, nokia, ever maybe once a month I'll, have to deal with these areas. This is all they do is think about us, so they this I did what they were going to do is ever going to target elon, musk and twitter. Why? Because they're, not in charge of twitter, they are in charge of Tik tok, which is run by communist. Their caters to the left. There are in charge of facebook run. communists, which caters for the left snapshot there. Not in charge of twitter cecile onboard it. So what do they do? It gotta put it out of business. Why? Because they feel like they can here's hannan oki this media matters, dipshit excess, play twitters been placing ads for brands like apple. Bravo. Would I be emma next opposed touting hitler and it's not see party, the new sea. Twitter previously claim. Brands are protected from the risk of being next to toxic policy like wow, really
These companies are advertising on nazi accounts. You like that so freakin weird. He puts up these samples and anything. It's up an update in between poor sessions up day. ibm says it's suspended. All advertising on X, twitter, while we infer to date. This entirely unacceptable situation like on my car's twitter how'd, you apple pausing over. What did they do twitter running, adds next to hitler. This is so crazy. So of course, haven't lived with this for five years for five years. I know exactly between porn sessions where Eric had an oki stewing, Finally, it's being exposed nodded elan and others, notably rumble to deciding to fight back this guy Joe better. I put out things from twitter. So here's what they did- media managerial story, these scumbags they create three accounts oh dirty accounts similar to the ones in the article
and constantly refresh the timeline of the post. Thirteen times the number of ad serve to them, as opposed to the media. Fifty impression served against the content. The article out of five point: five billion serve the whole day point the fact of how efficiently the twitter model avoids content for advertisers data winds over allegations? These assholes do the same thing. Rumble you what he's saying folks they go twitter and hit refresh refresh for all day, all they hoping to get an ad. Finally, one manages to escape the algorithm at all. Look neither twitter well the nazis. Now, what's amazing about this, just like the j six videos, how they never, why you see both sides of anything only their side? What's really, credible, is tik tok, which is run the chinese communist party by the way tiktok what went viral on tik tok this weekend and this past we was woman talking about how great
osama bin laden's letter about america was, and yet was there any outrage about tik tok nope. They I found add on some random account What are your platter followed on twitter refresh in between porno sessions all day they got. One come up. all of a sudden ex twitters gotta go, but now worries. The ted talk is telling everyone. How great yes, you're right. I'm freaking pissed about this report, Five years have been dealing with these losers, their total life losers. So let Tik tok put out this. From disney's, currently on tiktok cancel their existence after a dishonest campaign for medium out there's the disney, had right there. even though she notes a viral trend praising osama bin laden and justifying the nine eleven attacks, no complaints, jake talk. Why because this has nothing to do disney and others you stupid corporate
breaking left these stooges. This has nothing to do with ads next, the content they don't like they don't like twitter because they don't control. That's it. If patsy propaganda appeared all day on Tik tok that a single saw on the left wing call the banning of tik tok he's poor, are shit. here's media matters by the way less power. She's, going about the viral osama bin laden, video tik tok trend that allegedly window it didn't allegedly go viral receive. Coverage on cable news and many chums. Recent extreme claims notice They cover for osama bin laden's letter to america, tiktok noticeably However, for this whole thing in their article here, but again. One air out of five point: five billion in excess gotta be shut down. They due to same the rumble.
they blame it on your. Surely a journalist these people are full of shit, who's running these companies, let me just remind you some of you, don't know who runs media matters by the way the company we're getting acts and rumble our. by the name of annual kaerusson weight? this guy remedies article, Joe, Madam president, Angelo Corazon wrote a blog posts about japs page Marie anne. these wild oh my god. That's so crazy, eddies out! Look! It is what training paradise. Is this guy target tragedies and gangs of tragedies. This is the media matters. Guy he's, we woke folks gets better. He talks about south park in animals carbon at his jewelry beard, basics, you owe me gus kinda a cartoon.
Is the guy running media matters telling you you're big, big it and fascist here list. the left also the bin laden later because they don't want tik tok to go wakes- is run by commies in london letter viral scandal. Here's what magazine, but the greatest republicans pounce ever been letters being weapon eyes by the far right. It's on a left the platforms and went viral. We did. Republicans about bringing them bout it all over every freak in time. Folks, every time with these losers me, let me just reiterate again He's gonna get really bad. I hope you understand that in its time, Folks, the only way is gonna beat a rip, root, root and branch. These people out of power It is hierarchy. This has nothing to do with democracy. We got an election coming up,
now. As I said last week, and I remain consistent when my principles Can anyone the scientists, a big endorsement, I've I were Kim reynolds- was there a pump out of that now. Why, because what did I say less regos endorse? install matter. Nobody cares about endorsement good for one thing they make news and if you candidate without a lot a name. I d there good for you your candidate, like trump, who pretty much everyone knows that Watchments really gonna do I'd rather have em they're, not, but they don't move the needle, but by cover it. This is endorsement so to cover this went to I gathered the governor of texas, who you know has got a so so reputation for conservatives a year. where's donald Traviata, endorsement from Florida? Senator Scott again, I I support rob. I think you know that what I want. Consistent because consistency matters principle should matter run before and I'm tellin YA endorsement still really move than they do if you don't have a name. I be bought
cover em if it's a big name because for any candidate, because it's three, thing to do and you all need to know. What's goin on having said that, we are running against the old meal, god the white house, who every day is getting worse and worse and worse, through this aid pack summit and late, gentlemen, it was absolute disaster? The guy now not only can't find this way off stage when he gets on this stage with the footprints on the ground. He stole a somewhat watch this. He still don't know what to do. Look at this, those picking his all those guys got one. These a winner in error, look drops it on the floor, then he show and everyone look. I just pick my nose. It's a green one of my sick. Now, someone get a clean that up. What is that now we forgot you forgot, I just did it is like. What's I agree, I just picked by know someone who has shown a videotape look at this wanna. Take upon stage totally laws you don't go got mine in for gold up is up his right, nostril up his rider wipe sit on account of the other area. Then he's like
gotta go. I gotta give a speech folks, the guy is cool. Is this? Is there? got to get off the tick, I'm open? He stays. We get another one of these rights re back. Is there another over these years? there's another one It's only going to get worse folks he's. Eighty one is going to be. Eighty two next year check this one out, but here we go. Is the skip there's this skip, there's escape. You know that you know the Biden skip because the skipper up to make. You believe, like he's, is virile. Young guy would like a ten thousand testosterone level with I don't want to see this guy fallen. Crack is head open. Please someone tell disguise stop with the skip. He does that when he's nervous, that's his little nervous, take the Biden skip of It got even worse than that, You know Biden and his habit of of groping women and sniffing kids and being really grocery people's kids. Folks, this One takes the k o how old
Yes, we have I? U seventeen, she six your ears and a really great, guys like hansel and Gretel I gotta covered in kiddies. I've got something for you watch. This is sick. I love your ears. I love the really cool what you need. What a beautiful name! mommy. This is how you seventy six the deeps. I like that in a chair by the way you get a new name for you guys it the is out there. See you skip euro, that's all cover, it doesn't really gets nervous, he's always king to like fondling sniff, kids, it's really grows in, but parents tat my advice. If I were Joe Biden team, I know you gonna listen, so it doesn't matter anyway, is stop with the kids its cringe e its gross. Nobody wants you sniffing their kids, telling amounts to cool their ears, walk its growth
you just stop Its nasty shall a guy it's groves. Finally, I want to leave with this story. Why do I want to leave you with this story today? when in chad, gas, because My biggest fear ever from the star correct, has been wasted. Peoples, Like waste and people's time, that's why I always hesitate with the weekend updates and I try not to stay too, you know. Are casting a funny to long. Even I don't think I'm funny, I'm glad you guys think so, but I don't because as an educational shell. You're not wasting your time here, We had warned you when this happened, that the ship- down of schools during covert, and I acknowledge that both republicans Democrats partook in this. No one gets a pass, including people trump administration too. I understand that, however, In the end, there's absolutely no zero doubt that liberal
and teachers unions were pushing this more than anyone. Does skews the Republicans taken play taken part in it, but it was the demo add store the end, even the new york times. Folks now has to come out november every. The other day. The evidence is now in its startling school closures. fifty million children out of classrooms during the pandemic? Maybe to be the most damaging disruption. Listen to this in the history of american education? It sets progress in math and reading back a day week, a month a year no to day kids and widen the achievement gap that separates poor and wealthy children. I put this land. Please remember the cancer article earlier all look or make enormous progress in kids, cancer there by black
send hispanics, aren't because the governments intervening so we'd. Rather, everyone die. the teachers, unions and the Democrats at the end, when we realise this was the shrine society kept this going. I want you to know you These kids lives up in some of them will never recover. I want you to know I'm looking right at you. You did this. want you to go to the grave knowing people's lives, prosperity, future financial situation, job prospects, many of them were wiped out because of you and your greed and your power Hungry bullshit, you did this, if you were listening to this, show we invite against this from the beginning, by the way and what a terror, more a horrible idea. This was you at least three years out of the car. What a disaster, even the garbage can losers at the new york times, have to acknowledge Folks, thanks so much for tuna in, if you ever want to share with me, you know three
five four to five days a week, I'm in the chat super early, its use- download the rumble app everything's free from southern incarcerated. Download the rumble app is rumbled outcome, slash bone gino, just click that green follow button and, by the way, MR there, and also If all you want to sign up for my locals, account that's on there too that subscription. Only, but that's I do some extra content like workout stuff on there. That's up to you that selling the rumble have to but rumble dot com. Slash, Bon gino set up an account I'm usually in the chad nine forty five ten a m eastern time show starts at eleven. I, like the back and forth people had a lot of fun in chad, this more so jump in their early. We love to chat with your rumbled outcome. ashburn, geno or download the rumble app. It's free sign up for a free account and we can chat away. I enjoy talking to you all thanks so much for showing up. I really appreciate it's going to be a great thanksgiving week, we'll be back live, on Wednesday. I see about your mom, you just ten dan gino show
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.