« The Dan Bongino Show

Wait, There’s Another Tape? (Ep 2078)


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know the status you saw if you're in the chat I got in really early today, everybody's concerned, I'm not in any immediate threat. Here, I'm on the east coast of florida, like I said yesterday, it's always tragedies things crossing the state button hooking around. It happens, unfortunately, all too often by the people who need your thoughts, and I need you to really keep met the front of people on the west coast of lord, especially in the big bang panhandle. You know no, the tab, vitamin a tab area because it you know wall a water, they have the storm surge comes on land. That's what does all the damage votes I could show you videos of sixty miles an hour, wins being tropical storm low in wins here, and there backyard sweated. I mean the whole backyard all the way up into the house. Imagine what
happens when you combine king tied hundred twenty more our wines and storm surge with it. You know you have a really catastrophic situation, you, you know. If you look at it what's going on over cedar t over and on the west coast, the florida, it's a mass that water is up there. So are you They're gonna need pray for their strength, you're going to need it in the governor and the whole management team, and the local officials too, are all going to need, is going to be a rough couple of weeks for them getting through. That is a big deal of sociopaths. You are blackout, coffee, stop giving your money to oil companies, take care of a company gray, coffee and cares about the country, but a black outcome. the council S, barn, gino, he's coming budget over twenty percent of your first order. Pegana big, showed They were you accordingly there. Be another tape out there. Now. I have no direct knowledge of this tape, but I have some ideas from some: people about what it may be about. I'm guess but I'll show you what I mean come up and emitted and I'm not prize that all that this problem.
lord folly or material out there about Joe Biden that has in surface yet arbitration worthy of birch gold. central banks in countries like china, india, australia, begin this transition to a digital currency, the federal reserve bank contemplating save for the: u s with a digital currency. Here the governor of track, every single thing you do! biggest surveillance tool in modern history, could seize your money to at some of the reasons. Americans are concerned that a region out the brcko group like I did you have physical glass it independent from the? U s: thou a gold held an attack, sheltered retirement account, I buy go from birch gold have many times sure I'm diversified learn of gold. right, for you, too, Stan tonight, eight, nine, eight, nine eight they'll send you a free information can on gold, plus rating with a better business beer. Thousands of happy customers in countless five star of use, birch gorgon up eu diverse final text dan a ninety. Ninety ninety claim you free information, get on gold because of essential.
Like digital currency becomes reality will be nice. Have some gold depend on performance? May vary. Could so we ve external financial pressure for making investment decision message and data rate supply. Our I produced Joseph Let's go daddy young there, sir, I said is showtime them re nice. Twenty two thousand. We really ten thousand people in the chapel The show that started that I'm square. So yesterday, scarlet through do my show problem always takes a while some do and show prep all day, because I care about So this is what I do and preparation matters, and kelly, good man, good friend, works over it news max This surfaced on his social media channel where he says that there is a tape out there that you're, not is it going to be more damaging than the tape said away and and played, and we played on this show the tapes Biden. We talking to poorer shankar, Firing firing gain in getting the fbi out of the way. Basically I don't know but Greg's a good guy.
Good reputation and he's not known to throw a lot of smoke out there. So you listen yourself to what he has to say and I gotta you guesses about what with if this is accurate, what this may be take a listen. There is an audiotape, I am told by people in the know, not necessarily in government, not necessarily out of government. I can't say too much, but there is controversial evidence of Joe binds corruption. That is about to be me. in public, so I'm going to happen tomorrow, so I'm going to happen before labor day, but it will in some time between labour, and hollowing this, it will be made public and not sure by what entity at this point, but once it is heard Joe It will have well hell I've only Options number one he will
be able to remain a candidate for the presidency for real action. It will be over and done with. The only thing that mean might be able to do potentially, but probably not is remain as president. I am told this tape Is that incriminating and their word about it right now at the white house they know they know what's out there, there may be more than one now. Tell you this again in a minute to hold the start in your head. those of you who down and out and think nothing's going to happen folk stuff is happening, Joe Biden. Frugal rating. Due to the investigative work. That's been done this out greg, kelly news backs and other people as well Joe binds approval ray or are absolutely in the? Can you out there in the listening audience, have done the omens work spreading these stories around. Is that gonna happen overnight? No
congress. Can they work a little faster and get a little bit more done here at a quicker timeline? Absolutely, but that we did negativity he's not going to help us here what's going to help us, keeping them on their toes. bring them sharping congress and keeping the pressure on, but the work you been doing, spread this around about Biden, there's no question its working. Just look at the public polling was ever simple majority, more than a majority of americans now believe Biden was corrupt enough to no good. How can you say it's our working? What your doing you is working, keep up the keep up the pressure so the pop the champagne court. Now I've got some pics. Joe ideas about what this tape could be about. Basing this on a number of data points, a piece of information fed my direction to a funnel. Do ok you gotta, remember the ukrainians have a number of tapes on on her bonnet on the Biden fiasco. The tapes, even tape said may not implicate
or have Joe on them directly employed cage more precisely said because it Talking about Joe Biden. Did I ll give you an example you know you rob a bank, your joey I of donuts. I don't need joey. We beg don't necessarily on tape admitting to robbing the bank if I have joey beggar doughnuts as accomplices on tape talking Joe. We beg you to hold its rob. The bank with the you understand how its uses incriminating the ukrainian there's no question have a Folio of evidence against Joe by now you ve gotta. Remember there have been a car, things have been going on in ukraine over the line, three or four weeks, if you put together the puzzle pieces, he arrived. So if you the on Joe Biden. You are going to use for. Let's say: blackmail: material, hey, listen! We need more weapons over in ukraine. I think it's we gotta do you provide these weapons or Let's just say these tapes, my mistakenly the gal, Wakey Wakey nod, nod you get what I'm saying here. Thank you.
Things have happened over the last few weeks, which, if you're putting do. What you were together start to make sense is number one. The ukrainian counter offensive has now I move that the pace to break the russian lines that law makers, are happy with, especially in the binding administration. You can read the stories everywhere, the america I want them to without getting into too detailed the war tactics you can read about them online yourself. I don't pretend to be. Military tacticians anyway, but they have There is obviously a russian from god like imaginable line on this case. It may not be the best example given the result, but they have this line The of the united states abide. Administration wants them to punch through one specific point: ukrainians I haven't done that what they've been doing spreading out their forces. You can you can read the back and forth in the wall street journal bed pages about. boy on each side of this argument, spread it out, still the administrations and tell an listen. You guys, don't once through this line of this one spot future.
military aid in this respect may be held back or winking and nodding, can use Why a tape by all of a sudden surface then to prevent them from public aid, everybody pick it up. When I put down it's a bun, here's another. the ukrainian elections or come out, there's been some back and forth about, went to hold them. How to hold them. Should where's dollars support them there obviously the position of the zones government now that would lighted the lady probably as long as possible. No one exactly where the binding ministration stands on this, because you get and conflicting information about it. I'm just saying. If you put two and two together, I wouldn't stunned at all. If Gregg Kelly who's ever tell him great kelly. This other tapes out there that these aids or surfacing or have surface now, because of pressure for ukrainians for more for more worried and The administration saying hey you're gonna: do this you're, not gonna, get it listen you
really yourselves on just putting the puzzle pieces together for you trying to save you the time. If you I read about it: just put it in a search engine, you know rush in front you, any encounter france you can read. Thousands of art goes about people going back and forth about of the ukrainians, winning or screwing up. Totally see how this could happen. All of us, this is happening to all budget. we males are pop out- excuse, daily mail hunter Biden, help devised the plan to close down shoguns investigation into charisma. The company worked for emails reveal folks, it's gonna get harder and harder and harder This dreadful by the administration to move on from this story. I want to assure you now that all the work you been doing and thank you a very sincere heartfelt. Thank you for me to all of you out there to spread the facts about the Biden crime family. This kid sniffing. woman, feeling plagiarize and why
bribe, taking loser everything you ve done to spread the word around is doing you'll damage, because people are fine figuring out that he's not great Joe. He sought the scranton kid he's that china kind of china, communist chinese, communist party, kid that's exactly who this guy and you did that this is the best its ever gonna get for buy from point on. Ladies and gentlemen, it only gets worse and the debt crash? No it that's. Why you're seeing cnn slowly turn our more on this tomorrow. Swell we turn against by. It is not an end Where did you journalism? It is an effort to do the right thing. Media ethics report, the truth that is enough you do with it cnn is terrified. They probably heard these tapes and they We see these emails, they well aware that Biden is extremely damaged, wounded, animal political goods right now and they to save liberalism and they re beg of oatmeal kids.
Thing. Woman feeling bribe taking loser, they know We stand! No chance of winning next election- this is the best it's gonna get big about. Every in going down from here, nothing's going to go better for this guy folks, nothing. The hunters situation getting worse emails, creeping out, audio tapes, video potentially creeping out. but China's situations only going to get worse place situation its taking up again, not down. If we start annual eyes. Now it's three point: two, that's up gas prices up. the media is turning on he's only getting older every day and more senile everything about. This guy is going downhill. This election is pit No, I may understand if they lose it, that there could be a the kapital of the deep state personnel wise I read you that article yesterday and washed in times conservative
done with the bullshit folks? They are absent, we done with it. We have Eddie committed with a lot of these conservative organizations to reform schedule. If we get back in office, there's gonna be a mass change in whose running this government, if you're allegiance, is it that the constitution is a democrat party, get them out of here, get out go by. Folks years why this is getting worse to the most reaching political narratives are what you notice Would you this? You know it. You can repeated its a monster at this point are the way change your pre existing notion of hope. Candidate is Biden has, as as as foster, this fall reputation it is the grandpa avuncular scranton kid working. Class guy Biden is nothing more than a bride taking to bid grafter. That is all he's ever been and his family are losers. Folks, I'm so
sorry, but that is exactly who they are and that changes, if I mean just think about it right, you have this all of us. Your baseball games, all of a sudden you find out he's been written a family, often steel, nor money. You'd. Never talk to him again now how, Where have you have an uncle who's got a reputation for steel and money and he's like a bad boy of the family and one day, you'll find out. You got a bar fight. This everyone is mutations doesn't road is mutations at all, even I'll, get it. Our finds out a good idea. You get where go with this. The best it's gonna get for. Biden was yes. It only goes down here are downhill. I want to get ready for this cause. This is powerful. again Biden reputation as the calming influence because Our giver, this guy doesn't give a damn about anyone, but himself and money. He is Greedy slob he's always been greedy slob any doesn't give a d about anything but money and his own.
reputation they had a hearing up on capital. Hell. Yes, if you are this yet view not get ready man. This is one of the dad who lost his son in Afghanistan, one of the thirteen killed it. The abbe gay bombing incident. Let me take some folks, you know the saying on the show cutesy times and in this I got goose bumps erratic, like actual goose bond avenue pleaded yet cutesy time is over. This dad's done taken around. It is about a minute forty seconds, it's worth every second. Check this out. Two years is governed by what are we to be frank,. We'll need, deepen. Bullshit is where we are Everyone you held a key position in the military. Still
our or has been promoted John Kirby still sits on his perch, which apparently faces the opposite direction from world Action was going, continues to delay key evidence by ignoring delay or delaying subpoenas not a single general slap down their stars which should have and two years ago in Biden ignored Israel bill. Intelligence, Single person has been held accountable. so called later can't seem even utter of their names and public, not even once, Two Biden has run its entire political campaign for fifty years as the family, man. Well, I've got news for you, sir, has been lifting in that campaign slogan will never work again. We have seen was going on in your family and even worse, we seem how you ve been treating. Us is gold, star families and their, be anything more disgusting and cowardly than the way you have treated us. Your
disgrace to this nation. You have no business having ultimate command over our military, and I regret not saying that to your face when I had the opportunity in dover. I felt it more like more important to bite my tongue but I also have more important things on my mind at that time, like receiving my son's wife body stateside. Why stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again. I wanted to do was shot out is to fucking thirty asshole. But in respect of the other grieving families a bit my tongue once again, You probably tell by now I'm done biting my tongue. you sure, sold their lives, their futures, their dreams, ripped thirteen families
You cannot even men up and admit that had to listen to write to fuck and thirty knee deep and bullshit to fucking third got somewhere to be Joe Biden, while his poor man's receiving it lifeless body of his kid because of your decisions through falcon third kind of hard to come back from that in it.
The matter of this guy's got to live with from this point on every christmas dinner, as it's gotta look at an empty seat. Imagine having to outlive your kids every time you go to a amusement park somewhere about well. Maybe my son would have had a lot of fun on that little ride. Right. There's somethin like that. Every time there's some moment in your life, maybe one of your other kids graduates, college or gets married- is always going to be an empty seat at the wedding. Just remember it's too fucking thirty, that was hard to watch. Man was hard to watch yesterday when I sent it. It was hard to watch yesterday when I tweeted it was hard to watch
it's now folks, but there's something in there. It's important and god bless this man. God bless you with the strength you need going forward. Your life is never going to be the same. My grandmother lost my uncle in vietnam. He was shot in the back and my grandmother was never. There same ever I may never she died. She died depressed. I only newer like that. That's hard to talk about man, it is I just the guy brings up the father, father shoes me brings of critical point in abiding made. This reputation is some big family man. I just told you the most damaging political stories
ones. It change your preexisting notion of whose someone, as you know, by never recovered from Afghanistan. Folks is the american people. Democrats and republicans can forgive a lot That now kids come home and body bags, because, if you're not decision making, listen people die in more sought that but letting
Kids come home in body bags because of your outrageously stupid decision making because of your own ego, unforgivable to fucking, thirty devastating sorry a minute an hour, but I know it's odd and a lot of you digest than that to I'm gonna. Take a quick break here on this, because I'm I'm. I am really it's hard for me to recover from this stuff, and it's a just know again when my grandmother went through herself and watching it up close how this this this this poor guy for the rest of his life. This hero is going to have to live with this, and I know the people in this room really worry about that stuff.
Means a lot to us. I got another piece of video coming up after this folks about the maui fires and again, the most damaging political narratives on earth are those that destroy a preexisting notion of who a candidate is Joe Biden cares about everyone? What about maui snatch it? Afghanistan, abbey gate, inflation. He doesn't care about anyone but himself take a quick break hosted a shoebox. You buy bone charge these crazy days we gonna recharge and refresh in a natural way. You know I love life, hacks, I'd seal egg, it through a lot of stress, that and I discovered bone charge, a holistic wellness brand with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize life in every way is one of my favorite websites. By the way I favour products on the site. Is the infrared sauna blanket? It's amazing how me eastern and on wind after a crazy that I like to use it at night. Here's why,
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as I was saying before Joe Biden. Whole reputation, ladies and gentlemen, is to quote the father knee deep in bullshit, the guy is full of crap he's bribe take he doesn't care about any one but himself. The guy who for days had no comment while people were burned alive. I mean that in the actual censor the words burned alive. They maui. I want you to listen. guys no common on any this. Here's a woman on the ground, here's what a woman on the ground said the situation, and now he looks like now. I get this set about fifty something seconds you think job, cares. Keziah, no comment on this either check this out. It's early down here and surely die, and I don't know how much is on the media haven't had a minute to look at the media by. People are finding whole families in cars there just a charcoal friday, night
his Michel girlfriend her brothers families in the car. If they signed the car and they signed mom and dad in the front seat in the two inches in the back. The other thing is that The school was out that day at the fire raised through liner, so parents were at work and all the kids were at home. So there is massive amounts of children who paris we ve taken supplies. No one's been sleeping. We have three families in our home in key: hey we're trying to open up a second home and now we're trying to get em homes for people who have lost everything. Family spoke Joe just said a right. What the hell's bide knew the answer. Nobody knows: what's he doing who knows miss it is not. I mean no one has any idea, sudden his lines and delaware beach. Nobody I deal with this guy's though it Families burned alive in cars.
The sirens, didn't go off. Water supplies were cut off or restricted, while a fire was going on inadequate, warning systems. People just burned alive in cars, bows the people missing or injured in of dollars: property destruction, insurance costs at the way it's got no common folks, listen, I'm not suggesting to be unfair to anyone even is incapable of governing such as Biden that Biden causes. I am telling you, however, that group in energy new deal, staff and money that could have been allocated to safety, maui in line and elsewhere to clean up a lot These fires situations was not allocate. Now I can't prove counterfactual that if they spend money and all this green crap, they would have cleaned up the nonsense and not had this fire debris in the way these live wires. I am ever telling you that any I'm telling you that all this is global warming. It did this they're right. It's
but working knots who got a bunch of power companies, do not focus on safety and focus on hoaxes like global warming that did burn this place to the ground while by A comment on the whole thing was no comment by may not burn that place but Biden most certainly could have respond differently. What did he do? I tell you what dead zone words, he said no comment, that's Joe Biden for you, that's Joe Biden for me, deepen bullshit. All the time now folks, I said to you in the beginning, the best day Joe Biden is going to have is sturdy. There nothing going in his direction, inflation is going up. The Biden cried them. Scandal is getting worse every day, gets more seen eye older inflation. It's getting worse. I just said that gas price you're getting worse, china, getting more belligerent, russia's getting more belligerent, the
crane wars not going the way. The by demonstration thought it was. There are more tapes out there, every site good day it's going to get worse, the is we have a good chance of getting rid of the sky. The downside is, as it gets worse, they're gonna get desperate and you think the police state spared now folks, it's gonna it even worse, this stuff that is going on with you, we see donald trump trial under judge air quotes judge. It is so unbelievable that me Reading this to you as a former federal agent, it's tough them. Leave. This is it. This is happening in the united states of america. The police state Coming sat around the corner, it's actually away? It's here right now, so the government right now the shotgun thou, Jim tyrant, jack tyrant, jack smith. About a friday and slipped the space. you're tired trial in dc
Over january, six, then, is nonsense. Right that trial is a farce, can knows they have to get that triumph. I explained this wrong. I stubby Gotta get the d c trial. First, before anything, trumps things damn good chance in florida and the joy the case in the new york cases aren't a total job if they lose who's. There went on appeal today See case which is a farce is they're good. This chance, a conviction, then you say an opposite thinks you're, saying DC case against tropical forest, but they say the good chance of conviction. Yes they ve got a judge use not a judge, she's illiberal activists in check, and they ve got a prosecutor. Who, just a straight up, communists and jackson. It and they ve- got a job report of ninety five percent of people hate trump. They can can accuse them of bologna, a smoke free in the empty degree. They get a conviction because of that shotgun needs to pay. This trial. First to push. All other trials back so that truck
ass to run as a quote convicted phelan. They will do anything to get sky on trial. So they the timeline its trials, going to start march this year this coming year? Now here's the crazy that's! Only five months between die bent and the trial this actually from the cord violent. Somebody asked them accord, hey listen. Has there ever been another case. This big in this district, where with data the guy and the trial, was only. Five months later, would almost no time to prepare it. Let me read you from court filing this is from this is wrong Secure themselves and the governor. hasn't identified any cases in this district where the liked it between a diaper a trial was roughly five buds active Julie kelly on this. By the way, although they did
Why do the metaphor case? Virginia, which want to trial roughly five months after the superseding indictment. There is never better case ever that has been push from indictment of trial five months, but, let's start now would only the most important cases in american political history, let's just president AL judge chuck kid? Is a free king embarrassment, smith is a straight up. Commie folks, this is going, to get worse. Shotguns, F discovery. You guys will figure it out by judge. We have to go to twelve million pieces of paper, don't worry, the prosecutor. I'll tell you what's important: ok, that's it's legit bags judge the out. The again set a right good point he said so. You know I got to get you guys. Mics in a new studio cause a good point. How can be well not see this I'll answer. River people do see it. The left does see it. They lovey This is what they one. When you return
governing eat governing ethos is about abusing power as a collective, as this is what abusing power looks like they do see it. They do say they know exactly what they're doing I'm going play next to interesting perspective from a guy is definitely not a conservative. He was with david sacks and he was tall, about how people on the left still does actually perfect timing. still don't see the appeal of trouble with this base and why they are going to go anywhere. He talks about three issues. Trump picked up on that. Telling you from the inside were pure instinct on his part, republican establishment wanted everyone to avoid these issues is an important piece of video? Don't go anywhere. Let me get my last responses. We appreciate your patients feel the greens. My paypal product. Ladies and gentlemen, I can't say enough about this. I take it twice a day this, the while bury taste This is what is. It is ground up healthy holes, fruits and vegetables, medically selected for specific help benefit some support, vital organs. Others help support. Metabolize well the energy and weight loss. Look in the bag, it says neutral,
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we failed to understand that he picked up on these three issues. This is some we discuss in the past, but Did you hear from a guy who's, not transport? This is too much power ties attack? Guy he's talking to David sexier mentioned three things: borders people Subject to endless wars. And china policy how this was pure trump instinct: for that there was a unit party agreement, China was, friend, debate him to the w to yo yo the united states, has to be the world's policeman and yet all borders. Greater grace helpful, but no one votes on immigration. Big mistake! This Take away drums why, for a second, as you said, is so profound because, like what trump kneeled was three giant enormous lanes that turned out now, we can all agree with none of us one of these wars. Everybody basically believes that the border needed to be
close, and everybody believes that china has taken advantage. In a way that is really hollowed out the middle class in america. Those words we told him that nobody would have touched and if had allowed this whole thing of. Like oh trunk doesn't have this trumped doesn't have that he just gives to nicknames to his adversaries. We would have missed that. He actually had enough executive function to nail. The three These themes of our current lifetime, They're talking in techie choices you I so my user interface, in other words, you might not I caught trump interfaces were people twitter, the tweets, the language whatever, but This guy, who again is no conservative. Pal appetizer, brings up a fantastic folks I've been in a lot of groups. You can read about it. The liberals used to report bout me in these groups over and over, like it was a big scandal. I've been of no bob with a number of conservative groups have been an activist offer the last and plus years are you know I've run for all,
This I've been an active as much as a fake, the funk. I ok oh come on the radio and tell you to do shit, I didn't do myself, they get out there. Don't aid run for obvious? What would it do not sit on my now. I did it. I did it. I've been part of a bunch of bees. conservative groups. I say that to impress you who gives a shit doesn't really matter. That's not the point. I'm telling you that because I've been in these groups when focus groups and other people of common were presentations, and they said they stop now. china's our friend you know we're on free trade side, yell cables, gotta be fair trade. Free trade they steal. Arts are trade secrets, hits in free trade, they ve communism, It is our body, don't talk bad about this. Is europe already stop talking about war listen if we don't protect them who's, going to be themselves stay I like. Are you willing to send your kids over there and in the border can't tell you how many times conservative activists concerned we committed say man, we gotta get away from the immigration issue is alien. Eighty hispanic voters, as if their robots as it is
Voters you came here legally want illegal immigration, trump picked up on this by it. think these three issues, everybody told them guy stay away from that, and yet he made it the plank of his presidential campaign. Great point. Maybe some liberals will wake up now, but I doubt it I mean, does exposing this afternoon there, into it folks. Here's why this is so important is the article yes, I've been so excited talking about. You need to read this yourself. Ok, so washed in times article lisa mascara, you gotta, read this tap on gene the council s letter to my newsletter. Today, it's free just sign up for the news letter we spam, your inbox. I promise you. This is such an important article. I get it lot of you out there are frustrated. I feel your pain and with you, like, I said I put my name on a ballot. I've lost races, I get it. The republican party moves at a freaking, glacial pay and it is super annoying sometimes, and we get role the lot I totally understand, but we ve gotta key bad. We
how to keep pushing them the do better, because quitting is not an option. We don't have anywhere else to go. This is our country, it's not theirs, there are things happening behind the scenes and miss eggs have been learned from due to pressure you put on them. One of the pressure you put on even the trump team is you know when I hear the golden calf. Anyone even people trumps supporters of acknowledged there were very serious personnel problems. Twenty sixteen twenty twenty just a wrong, people in positions, the wrong path, born positions from secretary of state to attorney general some bad cause were me now Is that a reason to get depressed? Nothing changed as well. A lot of things. Change we get the trunk tax cuts I am, of course, three new supreme court just a lot of stuff. You got one three hundred plus circuit appeals, court, judges. Now they learned on the personnel side, washington
recruiting is under way for a trump like wrecking ball to shrink the government fire federal workers. Excellent. This is. What we need to hear personnel are policy correct, the way to impact paul c of personnel or policies do personnel, so bad policy, bad personnel? What you about bad personnel firearms. Good personnel is a critical article. Here with more than a year to go before the twenty twenty four election urban organizations are preparing for a possible second white asking for trouble. Thousands of americans to come to She didn't on a mission to this. until the federal government and replace it with a vision closer result by you, but that sounds freakin awesome. The verdict is in here's, how many p We are talking about getting rid of, were they one thousand page project, twenty twenty five handbook and an army of americans, the idea is that the civic infrastructure in place on day, one the comic
dear reshape and do away with what republicans the right is. The deep state bureaucracy in part by firing as many fifty thousand workers solid! That's exactly we want a here. I was a federal worker. I don't care about you pardon you swore a note to the constitution and you do the right thing and you follow, your job, you deserve to stay. If you can't do that which leave him can and you your allegiance to the liberal movement, the deep state, then the big deal a barreled for you. Like I said things are happening. They may not be happening at the quickest pace, but things are happening in their happening because of you cause. You pay the squeeze on these people, you or the movement You were the leaders you been waiting for. All of you keep the heat on whether its trump the scientists or anybody else, who's the next public and present. I want this project. Twenty twenty five,
woman did day one you! pledge allegiance to the constitution and get the hell out the door. right over there, don't let it hit in the ass in a way out by the way, you're in any way confused in this I'd for liberty and freedom going forward about what side you're on and again, please exit stage left. We have your war, not just a political war going on right now and, ladies and gentlemen, it has taken a turn for the worse. The Democrats have now gone full blown, July's in kids, mutilating, kids bodies. I think it's taking a turn in our or direction, but on their side, it's taken. It for the worse there, now not hiding it anymore, they are now full blown into sexual identity, politics, sexual isaac kids. Pornography in schools is a video player to morrow its apparent reading, some of the pornographic, a sing material and kids libraries. He actually gets
kicked out of school board meeting for reading what they read the kids. If you can use what signed europe, what side you're here in this war and our kids, then you need to get the hell out just like these federal workers do, whereas going where's is coming from folks. I'm a catholic. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. Remember the catholic church catholic church, A lot of great things: catholic churches, also done some awful things so lot of human beings and run the catholic church. Human eggs? Make mistakes like anyone else, The organization on the ground here in my county and where I grew up They really amazing work. How a lot of people programmes. They run. not a member on that. Their pr campaign. But as a member of the catholic church, what's going on with pop frances,
to even out I was going out with this shows a catholic phil yeah that spell rigel. What's going on pope Francis. So you gotta goober conservatives out there like us in this room and you with seventy seven thousand three hundred the chad right now say it not really for cutting kids genitalia off. I don't think that's a good. Dear sterilizing them that affected it's kind of brutal and actually evil concern, you're doing that. So Why is this happening with pop france? Someone? You know this is like thirty second cutter, so pop francis seems to be upset at conservatives. What's with this guy
federalism. The poem is blasting. What he says are backward: u S, conservatives who have lost sight of the churches, goals speaking to a group of jesuits in Portugal. Earlier this month programme for things, some conservatives in the american catholic church have replaced their faith with ideology that they have a backward, reactionary attitude. Adding a correct understanding of catholic doctrine does mean change can happen over time. Some issues that have to I did. Conservatives from progressive in the church include abortion and same sex. Marriage- France, as has also been criticized for allowing divorced and civilly remarried catholics to receive the sacraments we have a backwards ideology concern. Rid of ideology is based in solid god, given principles like life liberty and pollute the pursuit of happiness life being first, so we attacked life in the womb, from conception to natural death.
we also protect little children from having their genitalia cut off and is a backwards ideology. Folks, listen! The pope is I don't but this infallibility of the pope? I don't buy, not sorry among them. Now now I am a calf I get a proud one, but it's I faith to its own by pope frances, and this is not the first time by the way, pope francis does seem to understand what side he's on in this fight, because there is a side, there's a side, castrating kids and then there's us if you can feel is about that made resign the papacy, as is that sound, it's strange how even this woman gets. It is a woman she's on social media. She has this video out there she seems to get it pretty clearly talking about how the transgender ideology is no friend of even gay americans, either
seem even remotely confused about what side cheese on yet the pope does strange. Listen to this is a message for all the trans allies out. There everything about trans ideology is a lie. And it's a lie. That is the exact opposite of the truth. Let's go with the basics. Trans women are not women, they are the opposite of women, their men, and trains men are not men, they're the that they're bad this Lester says who doesn't appear can confused at all What the right side of this issue is yet arguing with with the pope really get it Confused about what side you are on the covert hysteria too, then please, exit stage laugh because
the covert hysteria is clearly being used again as a way just like that, are being used as a bargaining chip to it. implement socialism cause you can have communism are socialism without the kids com stereo is being used for going forward to break down, the idea. Body sovereignty in individual liberty put the mask on your face thick this in your body. I'm not going to do that. Body, no, it's not your body. It's ours! although the little out of These videos can play a less, but this is you ve all harare. I played this video before this. Is These, like new world, guys great reset guys, technology, disguised, the w. We have he loves this guy? The wealthy people around the world think he's great here. You ve all harare. They all love this guy. Summing up exam, we what I've been telling you about the covert hysteria again in case confused, what size are now the mass things just about masks, vaccine or about science. It's about of that. It is about break
you down emotionally, so this new government, great reset. All powerful government can move to the vacuum. The fear created. Don't take my word for just listen to these w. We have great resellers. Tell you themselves this: it's not an extremely deadly virus. It's not! The black death and look what it's doing to the world. so now just try to think what will be the implications of a much bigger problem. On climate change. all conceptually. It shows that's all, and here I completely agree with your I that it shows you tat you can change things on a massive scale that again. You can stop all flights, you can. look down entire countries. You can actually do that life goes on in some way
This, I would say you may make us more open. Two radical ideas about how to deal also ways: climate change may change covered. You think they'd have nothing you do it might just like climate change had nothing with Maui other than the fact that a beta worse, the fact it is now connection whatsoever, no actual connect Does it mean there isn't a connection I'm a change, covert hysteria. What are they both have in common? Anyone fear fear the end of the world, fear of infection, fear of contamination. The Democrats use fear to scare you, so all you do is crave for normalcy and who fails in that void the government make it all normal again. Just put your mask on just give up combustion engine just stick needle in your arm, and everything will be ok
are all vehicles, fear vehicles. And the media understands that you can't have come It is without the kids, but you can't I've socialism without the fear is your times and obvious group a communist yesterday Contributing to the fear again, danny blue the biggest morons at the new york times. Is it time to wear a mask again? That's on the day to go. Fuck yourself, tat s here, new covert variants, gain traction, reinforced become more common in cases climb in certain areas of use Businesses are rigs to reinstating mass requirements. Experts say It sends to increase precautions, including turning back to masks. now. You know why no one listens to decide this anymore, the face we're going to save you. That's interesting, because same day, yesterday August twenty ninth crazy as a James freeman, had a great piece out about how cruel we ve been towards children during covered eddie
about a lancet analysis that actually compared covert outcomes and fifty states. With all the states variant covered responses, all the actual science liberal dipshit watching this right now, science. So again habit of one person imbecile quota today. So if you don't stand science, then please, don't I've already run into one and priscilla ready this one? I have no time for you. You may want to read this study work that it states cumulative rates of infection and mortality, we're not significantly did to restrictions on public gatherings stay at home waters. Closures schools or these other facilities. let affiliation dead matter and the The mass mandates was what does that say, Joe especially grim and my reading that correctly. Thank you, sir. It does researchers found that a mandate had quote no significant, it on cumulative, a covert infections or mortality, but it did coralie mass mandate. With wants that sickly significant effect, a decline in fourth graters test scores. There you go, gives
its he put your mass on, despite the fact that there's absolutely zero scientific evidence of any positive effect, but about a scientific data about the negative effect you keep it up. You keep it up. Dip budgets, it looks graver again. I I imbecile quota. You come up to me. I've, if its by have run into an imbecile, come up to me with the mask I'll say you ve met my quota you're, my one in brussels for today, nice to me you see a later, but I can't you two imbeciles on the same day, by the way the data, that's piss off people around world, by the way members, Sweden that refuse to lockdown- and everybody said by the way people and its trump administration to nobody gets a pass on it. People were like Sweden, should a lockdown, huge mistake, I'll look at that sweden's, S death rate during the pandemic was the gear. as said say the lowest in europe, not our joseph job. Guy, you just say I gotta go back again,
yeah I gotta make I you may be corrupted jobs. Are you maybe Where is it one show it's too much? So that's a lie waste right. Daddy gave Joe you too, after either correct Sweden's access does raise during the pandemic. was the lowest in europe and they did not have this stuff better to sell so again, dipshit keep it up. Keep up the law, the mask band aids at all that stuff. It's going just grave for you decide. she's back you up about nowhere just about nowhere, but you keep it up. I keep yelling at people. Are you it carries out their scream ask of yellow my So I see what happened since I got an welfare. I demand an end today on you sure where you stand on public safety. Ladies and gentlemen, my In bad enough, yet theory it's getting there. It's get bad enough and get bad enough, quick chicago gonna vote.
Public and probably not, but there get there the hill tv news crew in Chicago robbed at gunpoint, while reporting on rub robberies, fail folks as a far left out. We're Democrats are written skull, great chicago at new mayor Brandon these fantastic he's, really knock him out of the park is another one. Min cider for francisco business through a cop out. So they want serb police out. Is that all our guns in stores? I it's good, I'm sure mental so far that rule when they come in with guns to rob them too, but the car stay out, they'll go in there now don't go in there, you're not allowed in it's. It's a rule, no cops in history. You know they have guns and stuff, so definitely don't go in there. We don't want that to happen. one could possibly go wrong for her right? I listen What a levy on a good no today the life acts and stuff, like that. I love you
taxes. My thing I do a lot of my local channel help and fitness, and all that stuff and Your friend of mine is interesting. I told me this once and I saw it on a video this morning from a different after I don't know this guy at all and its really worth a minute of your time, the doktor talks about there being people regret at most as they get older and think he's going to say I'll spend more time with my kids, somebody said: listen. It is because Can you make some changes now that will keep you from this fate, check I want to share with you what the number one regret that I hear my patients on a regular basis is, and it is not. I wish I had spent more time with my family- but I see on a regular basis, is my patients surprise at the amount of in and disability, as they have in the end use of their life, but how long it goes on many these people have severe limitations and disability for ten fifteen twenty years
I can't believe how long this goes four and the number one regret I hear from them on a regular basis is I wish I could taken better care of myself, and I wish I could. that started early. Because I know we made a huge difference in my life, so Take that lesson and apply to yourself it's window into my future. It's a window into your future and if you it's a heart- and you start taking size of action and commitment and discipline and use, committing to exercise straining stretching and everything else for talking about you're gonna a much better place the mayor em right doc, met. The man doktor calls arse there by tab. You damn right you got an opportunity right now. Folks, I've heard from a number of doktor friends of mine. I hang around with a lot of doctors. You know why this one golden rules always be there,
Miss person in the room now that serious Maybe the smartest person than romeo only get dumber always be you're, going to hang around people smarter than you. If you're the dumbest person in the room you're doing it right, you'll get smarter talk too. Smart people, I've had a ton of medical professionals, social workers and others tell me this people cannot leave. How much pain is involved in old age for about, Seventy indeed, ninety view have not taken Everybody falls, broken bones, arthritis, everything they get a hard of hearing thirty's. Now do the right thing, your body or thank you. folks, thanks so much for tuning in please join is everyday here: rumbled, dot, com, slash, bungee, no quick, tat green follow, but if you would rightly, we get two thousand seven hundred people you'll get a note vacation every day we go live. I get in the chat around ten. A m eastern time show starts at eleven just sign up for an account humble, is absolutely free. Download the rumble up join us every day. Here I love having the live chat. It's been just a glorious time for us. We appreciate your loyalty so much and it goes both ways two way street thanks so much for two,
I'll, see you back here tomorrow. You just heard Dan Ben gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-31.