« The Dan Bongino Show

Trump’s Team Knows The New Rules Are In Effect (EP 2062)

2023-08-08 | 🔗

Trump’s team hits back hard. In this episode, I address the Trump team using the “new rules.”

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know, hey. First of all, thank you to everyone for a couple of things. Their book yesterday pre orders my crazy for my new book. I really appreciate it if the failure. Thank you very much. We are number one in like three or four different categories. You all are awesome. I so deeply appreciated, but second we are the huge event yesterday here and on radio we're going Doing you ever see that, like mtv unplugged thing member, they weren't even went crazy. While we do so to do one with a guy who actually cares about america like these entertainers, less singers today are good for country, singer, John, you know from big and rich from a great solo career announced. yesterday, the feedbacks been amazing, we're gonna be alive, launch of his album three bat an hour on channel right here so make sure
You following us clicked a green, follow button in the upper right hand corner right there beneath the screen. Click that far but an Saturday August teeth data we have a time? What is there van Saturday august nineteen Pm eastern time show as eastern that's over nashville. p m eastern time when to do alive. Album launch from John riches bar on this channel rumbled outcome slashed bond gino love? You also much feedback has been amazing. We a at johns bar redneck riviera after two after the concert will be doing from redneck riviera. We made stay in around I'm just saying I'm not saying I'm just saying maybe redneck riviere whisky involve too, maybe I'm just saying maybe but leave it in the morning right. Reddened rib! I love it is by thing you know as well ass. I love nationals and my people, so they make sure following us here, you are
great. I so deeply appreciate your support. I got a big show for you today. A lot to get to you heard big joe, is back so beat it out a great day begins with a great night's sleep. I had. A great now my helix midnight locks mattress last night, you're missing out. If you don't have one, he looks twenty unique mattresses for big fall short. Why even special ones for kids vine, the perfect fit for your mattress helix, as at one hundred night in homes. We'd china matter you sleeping position. Helix is the answer. Memory form hybrid all responsibility, individual within it its cooling features to keep you from overheating, helix about comfort care and a great night's sleep. My helix just the best I've slept on set up supervision. Not just take my word for jack, you and wired magazine of name helix, their number one matters too the heroic sleep quays at he'll, sleep, dot, com, slash, stand and find a perfect mattress in under two minutes as a bonus He is offering percent of all mattress orders and to free pillars from I listen, that's here! its eighty ally acts, it looks like
counselor, stan best offer yet more last long, he'll sleep our com stand with helix betters It starts now Joe with the return of the armor. There you go. We missed that in the Kenny bell was a fine replacement out of the bullpen is shill time no d and the team put a lot. Work in future work guide strike three gacy day. They put together big for gacy heads also he was kind enough and just in both put together a little gazed. Heads too, ladies and gentlemen, if you know you know That's why you what's out there it no exact back about this guy's dots, This guy, totalling crazy cell, find their kids piracy and everywhere you people are lunatics already so folks, know new rules baby rules are in effect. Listen to me please, for all
my supporters out there by venus- and I think you get this- but some maybe has it is the kind of give up the old ways. I understand I'm not trying to be rude of just say. If yours, you're married to the old kind of mitt romney John Mccain, George w georgics, w bush style of politics where we're nice to the other side, and we play q see time. Eventually they realize the republicans really care about them, but also pay water realised that we do care about people, they don't care about us, that's the problem. The problem is that we do care about other people. It's a data care about us. Remember this. There is no limit, our behaviour, we believe in given rights were not a threat to them, because we don't want to take away their civil liberties. They want to take way hours. Ok, you need to understand. we see them as people with bad ideas. The liberal see us as bad people with ideas. Those are two completely different things. So, if you're not ready way by the new rules. Then I'm just sit So kindly step aside the trump team.
starting to figure this out to if their cave jack Smith special tyrant is going to for a new series of rules that political speech he deems lying is now criminal. Then, ladies and gentlemen, I got a list, the suspects we're going to list out today. I want to see arrested, but they fought back yesterday. They did a damn good job than I can everywhere, with it medici court, where this I bomber point to judge hates trump theirs, Chance you're gonna get anywhere, but they might be trump put up, oppose saying you come after me, I'll come after you, which is per equally legitimate political speech, given the fact that special tie jack Smith just gave like ten minute speech a few weeks prior trying to imply trump incited awry january six, which would produce, any jury out their trip. So out whatever we waited to guy he didn't and she was lame jacks. it doesn't even always talking about him so trump steam
back in courts, is supposed doesn't even contain a reference to sensitive information of any kind is generally political speech not directed to this case you're? Damn right? It is. job, oh by the way, his attorney laura John moral is due at a really good job. On tv, excellent job on tv He went on cnn and A annihilated laid down, abash was absolutely incompetent. Data base is clear. they not Dana battle. Even though what Dana a data robot is nobody, It might be that their george w bush moment, suzanne member, that do you remember that showed suzanne love are we played out associations like its shoes enjoys like I'm sorry sousa Dana really care either way, she's, not their brain clearly is not familiar with the first amendment to the constitution, which I know is important because it was literally the first and then they roads, but let it go speed is strictly protected.
Most absolutely birds directive. It would do Subject of immediate incitement to violence, beck and call immediate action eminent. those are the only exceptions, data doesn't seem to understand area. This, as John mauro has to explain or honour show you don't know what the hell you're talking about with free speech. Free speech is free for a reason, and this reach is not action. This did not go well for bash. Take a look at this. There was a supreme court decision hammersmith, which is right on point that says when you exercising free speech. You're nodding, aging and a fraud on the government, and that's what I'm fort We must be able to use the wine, and that is why it is all very angry. All that's right employment, the actions only you're entitled- and this is a long list compiled from the from the indictment I mean There- are its more-
It not speech actions that Former president, why did later like what I mean have? Where do? I start tone as a result, a speaker to interfere with ascertaining arizona lacking is the guy has similar meant contention. Speech, but but when we are is speed by any aware, not idea. Alleged, almost all alleged criminal activity has with using words and, as you know, and that's that list you don't you know? Obviously it is obviously use and it will be fascinating to see how it works out in a normal in a court of law. I wouldn't buy another you another issue. No, no. I tell you, though, but but make an interesting point, because you're saying that king is action. No asking is aspirational. Asking is not action, its core free speech. The press should be defending free spree took in this case. I know Joe,
totally sergeant shelf, sits right there. She has no idea she has our role as a representative of the media, a poor one but a representative, the media. They have a literal carve out in the constitution. The founding fathers thought their role to be so important in protecting others, civil liberties- they literally gave them a carve out. Freedom of the press were the press is specifically mention yet takes the opportunity to basically bon free speech in front of the your planet watch amiss they, while the cnn swashing. No one was watching the butter parents and is not even a sick understanding of what the constitution and the supreme court is said about political free speech asking something is aspirational. asking someone to review and election is not a crime either political lying is now a crime.
Here's john mauro again. This is obvious, I mean to say yes to state the obvious here. and this is said that people need to hear this petty cash presently united states, spaghetti your brains and a white house, a man, can't even walk off a freak in stage I'll show you that later the guy has no up where he always because they never knows what to do. You never know what to do Here's loro having to explain the obvious that the press in the united states department of justice, obvious We coordinated, went met this point. Obviously new times- is even implied this in their article that it's been hinting around to his staff The present united states is terrified of trump and is to imprison him before the campaign even starts in earnest. It needs to be explained to people who are at or in the enforcers of this kind of tyranny in the media. Take a list, president Biden in April of two thousand
and twenty two said he wanted. President Tromp prosecuted any wanted him out of the re, see repeated that in november of twenty twenty two As a result, president Biden has put in motion a political process she's in the middle, the middle of an election season, Obviously, everything is open to politics are not involved in politics, I'm just representing a client, I'm ensuring that justice is done. In this case, president trump isn't I to his day in court and he'll, get it folks, the fao. In the fathers you know the rolling over in their graves. Well, no one actually rolls over and they're great because they're dead, but the saddest part this whole thing. Is they lent ass this legacy? They liked it to us one? george, because we don't get to keep it permanently, cause we're gonna be dead soon to all of you have been expiration date. Let's hope it's far in the future Let's hope you never find out what that day is You don't want to know when your time is up, you just want it to happen. was lent to you. This
legacy. They handed down to you, a freedom, even in the face. Of insurmountable odds are we would defend this? I dont think you ever saw day where their own citizens, who fought in a revolutionary war and the war eighteen twelve to get this? so, we call the united states of america They they ever saw day with our own citizens. Thirty two percent of that identifies tyrants, scum, liberals and progressives that they would be called. four tyranny in the united states right here and a class of peoples typically lined out in the media would be the ones enforcing it for them folks, the police state is here it's here now, it's coming tomorrow, so like all, we should be afraid of. It is common knowledge you right now. We should be afraid, because it's here today this is what founding fathers, feared most disintegration of god, given individual civil liberty, civil liberties and the only way to them back is to go back
the new rules, because we are already starting to move away from this is the campaign- goes on with a bunch of here that each on the republic inside all, we need returned to normal. See we didn't take it away from the normal see media in the lips. Did there now, Gonna returned this place to normal. We have to do it. only way to do it is to give them the syrup of epic cac of own ideological perversion of what this country is. So let's with a series of people, that a political line is good be criminalize. I'm gonna not suggesting trump lied about. Happened in the election, theirs bombshells out a michigan today I'll cover in detail tomorrow, you're. Looking over the information about it. suggest any was why I'm simply stating even of trouble was why and really did believe the election you know went his way. He is no protected so of that
standards out the window, but I want these people. Press you're gonna, see a bunch of media people and a bunch of government officials site. it. This I use the airports there and others Telling us something they clearly should have known was false at the time, because I didn't have the data that vaccine was going to stop the prevention, the cove virus. Why are these people in jail? Put the bracelet on them too. They were full of it here the first part of this, and I will show you that science, on the second part that they should have known, take a look at just protecting themselves but reducing their transmission.
Two other people allowing society to get back to normal. We can kind of almost see the end where we're vaccinating so very fast. Our data from the cdc today suggest you know that that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, getting vaccinated and getting a booster shot when eligible can save your life and protect you and your family and friends from getting seriously ill and spreading infection. What do you think the probability is? Eighty percent? Personally, I think it's a hundred percent. I think that there is a reduction in transmission covert. If you have these regulations We have all the vaccines we need. We just need our people to take it. Day for their own protection for the protection, They can family, but also debris, chain of transmission, you wanna be dead ends of the virus. So when the virus gets to you, you stop it don't allow it to use you as this
a big stone to the next person. Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person a vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus. The virus does not in fact the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go, get more people. That means actions will get us to the end of this, though, won't, get us to the end of this, and she didn't know that and either it found you you're, the others. Why aren't day in jail. again. We know men If there were not telling the truth, the question is where they deliberately lie, because those These are necessarily the same thing they can be. They can be, but out necessarily have to be. Here's part
with this video, we pull this his actual scientists and actual papers? the katy men at the time they were saying this. weren't. In fact sure any of that was actually factually accurate. So why are they in handcuffs? Why in Jack Psmith investigating them. because we know that's not true and yet we're still not sure exactly what happened in some of these states that election the hunter Biden, hard drive laptop information. We still sure that take a listen to what the scientists should no one, and you tell me where they lying or not legal, When we looked at the mercedes opposition to spend on the screen, he look what it says under transmission. This is what was known the moment they were making those games gather next slide. Please
What was known was that the data are not there limited to assess the effects of the vaccine against transmission starts because they had no idea. They had no idea if it would stop the infection, yet they were making those things on the news us the pfizer, covert vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, if not please say clearly: if, yes are you willing to share the data? Is this committee- and I really want a straight answer? Yes or no, and I'm looking forward with thank you very much regarding the question around, did we know about stopping you modernization before essentially the market now these sam. You know we had a really move at the speed of science had to decay, our studios, air, on twitter, for that video. did they know what it is, where they lying. Why day in jail folks were play
by the new rules, which is the only way forward, and why is that there are special council looking into this. If crime, work committed, I want to know, again, it seems like political lying is a ok I'm left, but when it comes, is donald trump, even when he says something he believes its true. As long as they declared a lie. All of us he finds himself under multiple indictments being subject. the potentially in georgia to a mug shot a mean. Can you as you know, mug shot as if they actually need this to identify donald trump, as if this guy any confusion when he shows up residential appears. Oh it's it's! It's! It's ronald dunk, donald job like there's gonna, be confused about the try. It this guy in jail before an election, because there are terrified he's action, we gonna win? That's why remember this guy. By the way I want to get to this next member job
thin gruber you wanna talk about lies this guy The consultants to the government for obamacare, pat Cox, on video openly talking about how they deceive the american people about obamacare, which cost millions of people money insurance there, how stress, anxiety. Why isn't sky in jail? Apply that really oh come up for you in a minute I gotta take a quick brain you're going to see if we gonna get to new roles go and then the new rules apply to everyone. That issue for gaieties big head fellow, lack of growth painted. I heard something for blogger copy spell it out
smell that just to come over here smug. Let's do a taste, let's through a smell test, come on you're, not a coffee, drinker, alright! Well, good! That he's not a coffee drinker. So let me ask you: this: do you know mean smells black across this smell good? If you were a coffee, drinker, How does that smelters does smell pretty good? It spells pretty good at it. Not even a coffee drinker! I add one: it artist guy love this guy. He goes to church and everything. I love that we go to the same church for the mighty black. Coffee. I loved Stop I'm like a three cup. A guy at least I like them wellbeing get it already chopped up. It's delicious. The car he's the best they sent it to my brother in law. You know my way: colombian says my brother in law. They love coffee. They said this is the best coffee, Dave hat I this is like a threeg But for me today you can tell him kind around up. I want everybody else in jail that actually lied to us. So black.
coffee from source in the beans to reversing process customer support shipping. If we had a great worth at work ethic, they love the country of coffee. I know the owner accompany well, he cares about two things. The country and call in that order, and he makes the best coffee out there. Do me a favor check out black coffee, dotcom, slash bond gina, use, coop goodbye gino for twenty percent off, you first daughter did shows other guys black. Our coffee loves our tree near may, true to our vice, but seriously, coffees amazing, bald its rich. It tastes like carbon smells like like you squeeze out, I'm expecting to run out of squeezes is being squeezed out like a hundred times. It's still smells good. That's black! Our coffee, dot com, select band, gino use cooper. a budget for twenty percent of your first to check it out like a cop move over four gazing get out of here. Like our coffee, I don't want to get involved. My black asian be thought you black, our coffee. Back to the shop,
They had a few too many costs in this way. The eu- I am- maybe I use up on the black hawk, we think about it. It's like all over the boy thought my black our common goal, remember to skype. John gruber. Listen! If you can be prosecuted for lying sky was a government consulted on Obamacare. Remember when you get caught on video, given it's a little spiel about how americans are too stupid to figure out what they did in obamacare. Wait before you play. Let me just tell you what he's talking about here. They wanted to impose a tax on what they or cadillac plans, high and health care, really good healthcare. Here's the problem, paid jobs I'm a judge. We did the show of an artist show. We were like all over the ship. The problem is a lot of union members have really good healthcare plants and they don't want to lose the union vote. So what they did is
instead of levying a forty percent tax on cadillac healthcare plans, as they call them, they put the two on insurance companies instead, who did watch I'll just pay, the tax on in higher prices to the same union people so group bragging about it like yeah. We did this, and the people were too stupid to figure out how we did it. Why isn't this guy in jail after your insurance got cancer? I'm just curious, you think a listen new yourself. Should you can't do it politically? You just literally cannot do it transfer financing and was outraged. Maybe I'll transparent spending I mean the this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure sepia did not wear the mandate. Is taxes? Is where the main factors the bill. Bass. Ok- written to do that. Entrance in terms of risk red subsidy to get a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in it made its the help we will pay a sickly will get money. It would not have passed. Ok, just like the count. People transport
lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and bay Actually you don't called the stupidity or whatever, but basically that was really really critical, again think to pass and you know it's a second best argument- look away. smart is right. We can make all transparent, but I'd. Rather, this law, the knot, like him up. I want cause. I want I found this guy Elizabeth what a dick around dick around, but the new rules are in effect, there should be. Federal investigation opened into the sky for the sea? The american taxpayer openly and am bragging about across three speeches that legal anymore. Why not? What what why? What why what he did legal, but donald trump donald trump stating he believed the election was rigged against them. When we know about the one hundred byd, seventy pennsylvania, rule changes and the mass mail and balloting and the new york times actually reporting on mass mail and balloting back in two thousand and twelve saying how bad it is, how the
action rates or double rates or high. Why is that not legal, but what this guy did is. So no one can answer this question for me on the left, not a single person, here's another one. I want jail, member Elvis chin the safe. Cisco based fbi agent, who is working with the tech companies, allegedly to censor everyone. According to multiple report and chance, Testimony turns out the new york times reported elvis channels. call. I do that oh right, so it's time bracelets time for the prices. This is the new rules, the new roles. What a deck around here are the new rules sky. It appears from this reporting. He appears to have I do It was sharon f b. I agent made false statements about its communications with facebook. The bombshell october, twenty twenty reports, that review
hunter. Involve these dad Joe and business deals with foreign nationals, internal indications obtained by the house, judiciary committee show lock up lock him up. Want to see the guy in jail worldwide, but the levy a bubble, why you got your your panties a bunch of these, what you don't like tat, protected speed. I hear she says he lie. You made a false statement. Apparently they have emails to back it up Why isn't he in jail? Why is it Getting a mug shot, where's Joe smith, where's jack smith, can up John Gruber Elvis. Chan, anthony she they all lied to you. They all lie to you all tell the truth again may not be the same thing, but either way what they said was not in fact accurate. Why are being investigated. Anyone anyone want to learn what about the media. People is that going to be criminal. Next media
people lying to you, here's an obvious one: been yes, and I want you to watches, run the same this gave an interview we want these goons and media and she has no idea what she's talking about makes a transplant. Only false statement right! Did this this is facing bomb glad he checks her, but it's about the term abortion. The statement is categorically follow. They're five in supporting any of this statement is hard core poor folks, aids. and yet the lady sought embarrassed. There's no one in the media, calling her to be fired, fur humiliating journalists and the reputation of the mainstream media, no one because the Maybe your people are liars and ideologues I want you to watch. exchange and ended to say at this point
we'll put together video evidence after was that what the woman said is absolutely false. Have there been any penalties where this woman's right? Now she celebrated Paul shedding you, because that what they do watch Six change you see, these people are just pathetic. Wires thing I would not allow what a lot of the left wants to do, which is to override pro life. actions throughout the country all the way Really until the moment of birth, in some instances, which I think is is infanticide, there is no indication of demographic winter in germany. Do you support any restrictions on abortion? I don't I even in the third trimester, I think there should be an abortion. No, I do not where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth. She has physical signs of that. She is about to give a birth. Would that still be
when at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified, my bill would allow that. Yes, we believe that a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy up until the moment of birth, but I think that happens very, very rarely, but at the end of the day, I believe that the decision over Morton belongs to a woman and our position. My question is about any limits to abortion at any point later anything you gotta leave it up to the to the woman up till now. My understanding is there wasn't a limit on when in pregnancy, A woman could receive an abortion. Have you set the any limit? There are no limits again if we're criminalizing, why? Why are these people being investigated no, the media. They have a special carve out in the constitution so you it's called the first freak in amendment freedom of speech. You have to get down,
Tromp finds himself being indicted repeatedly proper, obviously, but acted, free speech, we'll have zero fashionable standards and there is no accountability in their business. What that porters said journal sk, because not a report journal journalist, which a curse word these days was absolutely false, is she embarrassed they putting out a statement from our station. Correcting are juvenile, immature egg. Behavior, no, not at all there, so Brady there was NBC right. Was that NBC that that lady shrem bc is everything they have zero professional standards or accountability at all. None. They don't care, you add one job, you're, a media person, you're one job is to get the facts
correct, so people can make independent decisions about where the countries going you couldn't even figured out I'll freaking idiots man. I got a great video coming up for your next, so this I build the augustine over media research center news. Busters put together this video. This is so worked here too. It's a little it's about a minute voice, a little that is so word your time. What he did is he took these trump cards cuts of the media going out you're tromp falsely for nonsense? He didn't do he caught them into account bridge about bide and this is what a video from then honest media would look like if they actually called out by. By the standards they have for trouble. You're going! Do every second, the standby last sprague s couples others. We appreciate your patients there here to talk to you. So thank you very much indeed the show free my pillow.
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close to a a politician? Selling access? potential access to the president of the union. states. Wind biting was vice president. His son hunter was given a high paying position on the border. Bereavement ukrainian energy company sources witch hunter was selling access to his father, which is known as influence peddling. He goes to ukraine. He make hooks up with these people. They pay him a lot of money. This is selling access selling influence. I know the president therefore pay me money. A system of direct presidential influence peddling unrivalled. In march, american politics it. Your last name, wasn't Biden: do you think he would have been asked to be on the board of maurice? I don't know I don't know, probably not shortly after then, vice president Biden threatened to withhold money to ukraine unless that country's government fired victor shokhin, a prosecutor who is investigating bereavement the company where
drew by didn't that look as leaving the six hours if the prosecutors, not fire, do not get the money. Son of a fire biting clean wanted, shokhin fire due to concerns about corruption, but legal experts say that does has. The smell test is dedicated, heartfelt corruption must be they they really lead with that. Does anyone believe that for a second, even if he was it, wouldn't excuse the fact that he withheld the money and put endanger our national security and they are ukraine and ally, is the president. Taking bribes, for instance, seems like squarely the kind of thing that you want to now, you can imagine a present taking bribes to an investigation. where's, that is against the law. That's unimpeachable offence or founders used the words high crimes and misdemeanours. This Ukraine situation is exactly that craig ingenious man. Building still no genius that alike,
election would have been totally different and donald trump is absolutely correct: to throw the penalty flag the throw the red flag and asked for a view on the field over the selection and everything that happened and what's happening. Here they're trying to put him in jail for the shut down because they want to do it again. That's why. That's what honest media coverage would have looked like that CBS report caught up with media hacks talking about trust, not biden. And yet he did exactly Biden with accused trump. This do me a favor Let this be true down. I've told you couple times that I've seen it start to spread around true social and twitter, it's my it's not bad enough, yet theory. Folks, It pains me to say this, but right Writers you're about to give up, and it gets really terrible
you're going to see everything's going to change I've seen it I've spoken about this. Listen to me, please port city, things away. Thousand times worse than they are right. Now, when I grew up there thousands of homicides a year, everyone Car was getting stolen, viti was everywhere. Drugs, we're everywhere the crack wars, started new. City was a ass. It was squeaky men on every corner. Anyone chat put a away in their. Yes, if you remember this, and if you were not in the chat, remember their elate eighties or even mid eighties early nineties in new york, it was bad. Man was really bad. The situation was atrocious, giuliani runs. He loses. Everybody was ready to give up their like what needs to happen here this place needs to totally collapse first! Well, it did you read the bond market, laugh,
The economy was a train wreck and am what happened right is it got really really awful in new york. Julia the winds and the play turned around folks like that. Here's the thing it just hadn't gotten bad enough yet what I mean by that is people who vote Democrat. Rules specifically liberals, who vote for liberals, don't their stand until the kicks them in the balls that liberalism is cancer eating them alive. They don't wouldn't continue revolt, for I mean that's obvious right. They take their voting Joe right nobody, people a rational, maximizes their trial. Rationally maximize their prosperity and enjoyment out elia they're not going to vote for some. they see is going to hurt them until it actually hurts them thing I'm saying is particularly controversial. Profound.
Liberalism hurts liberals like it hurts everyone else, because our usually rich in insulated people vote differently this is what I'm talking about here. San francisco, lady in a video, the one viral on Tik tok. She can't believe that in san francisco some guy went up to her and spit face on a tv like this is san Francisco. Every single, the apparent We totally unaware that this is what San Francisco people voted for not of the servitude. God bless you for fighting a good fight. They voted to attack the police. allow people to live on the street. The decriminalize, a petty law city. They allowed this. That's why you are what you up watch this in france as a follow up. Very this video is to check this out and literally shaking right now I was just getting frozen I live in san francisco and I never really feel fully save view in San Francisco. I'm sure What I'm talking about and just thought groceries are walking out of the store and this guy's walking
asked me and then move you stupid bitch, any spits in my face, but all over me This nicely excuse me, did you to spit in my face, and he says overall rape. You there's also People everywhere in everyone's is walking bikers there, like, I can't handle something in seven just got always something else. I don't imposing us if you live in go. Do this way all the time I don't feel safe ever ITALY never feel safe, it's better ones daylight, but nighttime. No, not like my house. Listen I've! wish evil or bad on anyone. I'm not a sick. The range person- I dont know this woman's politics. I have no idea, she is. I can't ok, criticise your partner. Nowhere. I can criticise politics- I don't know about a matter lefty, I'm simply suggesting to the obvious that your gun to see more, this and untrue liberals start to experience.
The pain liberalism causes directly in their own lives, all politics or local you're, not going to see a local change apparently there's a follow up video. This this just found this before I came on the year for the pod, guess I don't know someone asked if the guy was black as this matters someone's spit the woman face. That's a chronic cares asked me. This video. Oh, he was a white guy dressed in a suit. This weird bags look at this a very well groomed and well dressed white man, This is incorrect. Randomly racist and you will be blocked now, goodbye folks, local power, Politics changes everything when I say local politics keep in mind. I'm not talking about your local dog, catcher librarian. I'm talking But any politics or political decision, national,
federal, state or local, that in your life, you will vote differently. When something happens to you, I don't. evil on anyone? But if you vote for evil policies and evil happens to you, I can't help you, you, they help yourself local politics at your kitchen table. What changes the country are not bad enough, yet That is why, by the way, I continue to harp on this story about the content, drama going on with these covert vaccines. How things continue to get worse? They have failed at stopping transmission. There are people. Apparently being cardiac incidents, and there is no more local issue. Again, then your health, the people who promoted. This thing, there's accountability come in their way. Out of this. Situation. I hope it doesn't get worse, but does get worse
with some of the side effects from this vaccine is a longitudinal effects it time take over. There, be a lot of people who are going to have to answer a lot of questions. Here's a senator in Australia, senator Malcolm Roberts, It's a commission out there to study what's going on with this vaccine. potential linked to cancer. Note I said potential because we need longitudinal data. Don't do what the does when the data comes together, let it speak. Don't let these people, stop you or shut you up. You talk about Whatever the hell you wanna talk about with regard to this vaccine, all I ask is that we back it up. Unlike these guys, its cannes in the media asking a serious question here: how do you explain these access des is zero, linked to this to cancer g. I'd like to know.
Cancer is a most local issue possible. It's inside your own body. I had it by the way I just took blood tests for cancer over here this gallery grail, I it's called I regret the night. It came back negative, thank god. I was like freaking out over this me and my wife both took it it's a blood test, the text for dna fragments and it was a scary week or so, but I want to thank dr neil boland for doing the test. I got the results last night, so does it mean I don't have anything? It means it just has a pretty good chance, and that's all I need here, but if there's a link between this thing and answer in the science can back it up, and I damn we want to see it had tipp the centre, Malcolm Roberts, don't even notice guys politics for speaking out peerless thirty thousand more astronomers have died in the last twelve months, dumber expected die. Thirty thousand, and yet,
body count, is being ignored by health authorities by parliament and by a media, seventh professor angus doubly with, as called for the covert injections to be suspended, highly respected veteran consulting intelligence, professor angus dalgleish? As for the immediate suspension of current vaccines because of the high that this event professor, went on to say quote: I have no doubt vaccines are associated with the current income in Kansas that are being made around the world they suppressed the night and to show system making your body. Much weaker defending itself from new viruses, this all the additional effect of disturbing diesel. The violence of dormant dances, the america. Despite protein crops, Buys to genes that nobody control cancer, the It is high time that patients and the medical provision rosa gets too dreadful.
imposition of what I was essentially a man. The tree vexing with no informed consent. There professor words. Folks I'm tellin you right now you are going to see a seismic shift in politics if god forbid This situation with this vaccine continues to degenerate side effects such as deadly cancer start to develop. There's a reason uptake of this has gone down is because people have been lied to no one. he's done more damage to the public health infrastructure than the latter His few years of government officials pumping this vaccine down your throat and media people who lied right to your face, minimal fine, but a pull up devotee of what a clueless biden and want to show. On a lighter note, the show has been lot of coffee this morning, obviously always very excited to tuesday. Why? tuesday, special just because it's another day I'm alive and get the beer with you, I mean it. I loved the damn sure my favorite thing to do
here's clueless by new again can't figure out how to get off the stage. How many times I gotta tell you this you get a car. I've seen it I in multiple white house, Bush white ass, the obama white ass- you will walk stage? You will make comments. You will walk off stage right. Here's fine white guys. What is this? The third The forty episode of this and less roughly by job anything there. Don't worry, may be up there. If we keep a minor even pliable, here's by again, I can't figure out how to get it always says this thing: how to get off the stage because he's got spaghetti your brains check this out he always does this thing he's got these two. A lot of verbal tax, but he's got this he's got these
is it takes to show you soon. What did the skipper when he does? Please don't. Please stop the skip he's going to fall on his face again, I want to see I haven't the skip. Any doubt this thing when he gets confuse, he looks Someone like like Look, I saw you and I'm surprised, that's. Why forgot, where to go? That's Why he's doing you're saying you got guys! You know I'm talking about. Have you say it? You picked it out because I guess he's only doing neck. Listen to me. I know people who know this guy winkie waiting. I that he's all in doing that because he forgets. To do so we look out in the audience and pretends he saw someone got distracted. It doesn't look like you got distracted from the stage by someone you gotta yeah, that's what this doing this is spaghetti. O's brains like to spread the excise at physical. Take he's got their physical tat. I ve got a cover. This go to this neo, so this neo story, rama globally is changed again. A lot of you.
We owe the Bonn gino rule yeah exactly we wait and he put out a staple autism every for those you missed it yesterday. Famous singers. Guy NEO got a great voice go out of his music. Given this interview we piety yesterday, any basically attacks briefly so by the way parents, relating their kids with these change operations. So, of course the so. Brigade comes out form. An odd is a fish, twitter feed is is big like hostage statement. So don't we this thing happened. Yesterday is up your twitter feed folks. would it make it up? We cover that and I was pretty mad at the guy, obviously where's up like. Can anyone stand up at this? when yesterday he comes, it gives a statesman retracting, don't retraction, I don't even know what the figures, we take a look at this
What's going on, I once neil, I listen and only it'll- give too much with them about what I think about what I do. What I have to say about what I say whenever an army, care because, as it appears and special everybody got one. However, this is something I feel very strongly on indonesia, you from the horse his mouth The public is computer, so check this out the farmers. I did not apologise for having an opinion on this matter. I may fall the three year old, heterosexual man, raising five boys and two girls. Ok, that's my reality. Now, opinion offended. Somebody yeah sure apologize, Ruby, an affinity because it was my intention. Methods is never to offend anybody. However, I am entitled to fill our veal,
absolutely out of the way. I feel the same way. You are entitled to feel how you feel I ain't. Nobody follow me, and I know that you agree with me. I was asked a question and answer the damn question. Ok, I have no beef with l b t teach you a plus community whatsoever. Folks, here's why I'm growing more confused by the store by the second? The twitter, You still up, I just said, ah I don't know what to think anymore. Everybody's, like all good That is, why is that you're telling me your pr person has its control over your social me that you can't even take this thing down. Listen man, again, this is why the budget a rule exists. The ice got the fact check at the bottom on twitter, but he doesn't need a fact check. He can't just tweed, autism, twitter account. This is
what I said? Oh my god, can you guys imagine if, like Joe one I tweet something that the people, a people alike and joy. chimes it at the bottom and goes listen. I need to correct dan. I've been everybody b. I wait don't even as I work out there like what I decided. Still, I don't get it good for you first stick up for your original position, but this story: I gotta tell you of all the culture war stories this do me a massive curveball? I dont know what to think about this anymore, but we are. Finally, some things are happening in the culture war. Here's billy bush Billy boy should be access. Hollywood. This billy bush of an iser bush frame they have, I think out of the company now in back of course runs it now and eyes abortion all these other companies, but about the blood If fiasco talking about, how is good Father was think it was bush how they would have never gotten into thing in this says to me: people like me: oh these kind of attracting the retraction and this guy speak it out.
That, ladies and gentlemen, the culture war starkness a shift slowly slowly The speeds now pick it up. Take a look at it. you must have strong opinions about the The dilemma, dampen the development of deal with mulvaney campaign. I think my family. My ancestors would a rolling over in their great. They were very patriotic, they loved this country and what is to the four? They believe that transgender gaze there, that sort of thing was all a very personal issue, they love his country, because it is a free country and people are allowed to do what they want, but it was never meant to be on a beer can and never meant to be pushing people's faces, so they would have on the they, would have never marketed their brands. That way, as you know, a b was one of the greatest marketers error in any in any business.
and they were in incredible with what they came out with the clydesdale surprise, the up the lizards, all the different all the time. promotions at all the different advertising they had, and the last thing they would have done was to get as controversial as they did. as in that has a with a dozen mulvaney advertising. Tip tm z? That was an interview we deputy and Zeb. It he's right how they? How do you go from spuds, mackenzie, singing, lizards or whatever, and the clydesdale to deal in movie that you got a number one. Beer company number ten For your suit, like listen man, I guess I get it. This is not like that spot. The champagne culture wars are over, but telling you like people. starting to speak out and it would, happens, is, as the first person gets up and dances at the party and then Second one joined them. It events. Becomes a dance party you're, seeing the beginning portions of that now, the cancer
Stuff is gone. Really bad for them, jason, while Morgan Wallen Dave Chapelle, none of this is working. People gotten richer and more famous people there, destroying their bread. That's why these people are speaking out. me. Neo sticks by this. I gotta tell ya Aren t you. Ninety percent of the people are with him to the culture war. Is absolutely shifting. You'd us gotta, have the balls to speak out pointed them here. One end This is be prepared, warning number, you guys cubans, Agnes is four thousand five hundred. Seventy eight. This is seventy nine about china. No, it isn't it. Seventy eight is wrong jim in it. excess Jim gems got the counter. I think it's worth As in five hundred seventy eight china wait for the gyms. Let's see, if he's not listening, I will get it, but I'm pretty sure it's. Seventy I keep
Elena chinese get ready to double down. They get ready. Double down with biological weapons and computer viruses. Why reach him yeah Seventy eight, I am correct he's. He is rug. Well. Are you serious known for the warning signs are everywhere. Richard Malo, the scientists said world war. Three is gonna, be fought with computer viruses and actual viruses. Oh look use another sign, Joe, so weird august, seven disease x, you Scientists begin developing vaccines against the new pandemic. You want This article on gene a consolation newsletter, my newsletter than it what's disease acts so weird Oh here's, another one, that's an actual virus august? Seven. when you twenty three, it's The signs are everywhere, Joe. Here's the computer virus, one china hacked
and sensitive defense networks official say so you were warned it's going to go down and it's going to go down fast, but probably only months away, hey thanks again, don't mean to be like a jerk about it. So forgive me it's probably going to be my last book because I have asking you pick it up, but they give to failure. My new book available for pre order now come out first week in september, pick it up wherever you get your books, it's really cool got a bunch of stories in here. You want to find out what happened with fire. What happened to be in hurrah, though, how that started. What happened with neither am pd some embarrassing stories about be screw and stuff up. Pretty funny one about the secret service had me get lost with Hillary Clinton? It's in the book they gifted you're the real stories. Promise you out of your multiple witnesses, there's even pay as for the liberals, check it out, really appreciate
please, give us a follow on rumble. Rumbled outcomes Flash gino join us for the live chat every day. Levin. I am ten if you want to talk to be adjusted, rumble, dot, slash, mancino or follow an on apple and spotify as well. It really helps us out. I will see you back here tomorrow: you just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.