« The Dan Bongino Show

Trump’s Surprising Announcement (Ep 2071)

2023-08-21 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the big decision by Trump which could upend the election. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know how I kept telling my how come. I don't hear you, because I got you on the westwood one radio, that's one they're what We can help you all enjoyed that concert with John ridge. That was just a best time. I had way a way too much fun this past weekend. I just out of the forward a friend of mine from where one company. I work with, and radio she's like You do what am I I'm doing. I I'm ready we back on the air. I feel like even only offered day, I feel like it's been a month, but what a weakened it's your body by black, our coffee, soft, given you monies garbage companies that hate america and make terrible coffee go to accompany a black. Our coffee makes great coffee and loves the country go to like our coffee, dotcom slashed by gino, use coop
code by jean over twenty percent of your first daughter, a big thank you to em one was a part of a revolution in music entertainment this past weekend. We did something really special. I've got that I've got trumps. Big decision the debates notice, I said plural, and what could really me and I'll give you the good the bad knee endeavouring, but there's some then about- and I think that has a lot of people freaked out, because the tides of already turn I'll explain you don't set the lot of simplistic explanations on this either evolution on this one as well would trump big show lots lot about today's your body by expressly beer. You know these big Companies are masquerading as privacy companies, it's a joke responsibly, big bad tat. The wolf's now turned the sweet, grandma gimme, a break they collect and sell. your data in their nature, so big tech. Does I protect myself against big text? Prior balls by using express vps when using, we began. You hide new, unique ip address or websites can't find out your location or track what you do online. On top of that, we press freedom,
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all of you all recovered out forty five thousand people. Watch their concert live here with John ridge, the album you can see, is number one, and you want to talk about being part of a revolution, entertainment in the biggest we'll barrow middle finger to the music industry. Ever Oliver any song with no no old school rural country, music, this whole business is gone woke, except for quite a few people right. Oliver at any song is number one. You got that picture and John rich saw album is number one. We did this all you too, other, where it is right there number one album the country truth by john rage, downloaded if you haven't number song, rich men of women- and I hear you- want another middle finger to the mall number two's alvor anthony number. Three is jason aldean, try that in a small town- and as the number one problem. Is that not a kick in the balls towards us?
school woke. Is we don't need these people you're part of a revolution? this is all happening, I want to its agency or funny stories about what happened. So I had I partied way too hard this weekend and national man. We were like dino story, I barely made it to the saturday night, shall we were all night friday and saturday am. I would take it easy going to do to show saturday morning how I got out of my hotel room. I don't even know what we want on this little tour in nashville with my friends, so this antique store to pick up an antique, microphone and its eye new and signs of my eyes on my guy, like a nose, variety vampire. Some I see It's called mystery with this. Don't get dead shirt on I'm like what the hell This is crazy. He sees me make eye contact, I run or by two debts. sure babies like, I can't believe it sawdust Jordan. I invited him to show he wasn't even its alfred show he could just down for a separate reason and we
were invited to show you made it. We had a blast had tipp to him. This is the bruh John me, we were a party. It's you much jobs, jobs bar resides genre, stevinus cash, patel friend, there's a me. We good time bad on friday, way way into Saturday saturday, night, late at night, I decide Maybe I should go home psych eleven o clock and get some sleep before I had back so disarmament upon across the street, a kid rocks bar and the guy's, a dead disease Bobby. Say, Bobby's upstairs. Why do you come say allow? So we want to hang our kid rice, eight o clock in the morning. So here's my red vote, there was a crazy weekend. We had so much fun and I promise you we're gonna be doing more road shows. They said people into just chat, twenty five thousand the five minutes, if you all are amazing chad stirs by gino janitors! Yes, you are
another! You want another rough road show or no you don't want another road show. Let me know because that may come to a town near you, I'm not so skinny. Who said that in a chat then you're so skinny, patriot girl, I'm two hundred and ten pounds. Do I look. Skinny I mean look at is skinny and skinny I got ads as skinny come on. Giving you that's like the biggest insult ever we love you, patriot girl, I'm definitely not scare. Yes, yes, fit roadshow. Look at you all check this out. But no who said no there No in there. What are you all they gave you? Oh wow. I don't shut lots. I mean jaw, my skinny beg you, I'm not skinny and the patriot girl. I get, I guess, as a cup with one more quick. Thank you watch a couple of stewart We ran into Stuart now and his wife. They gave us a backup, motley the case the original motley can perform, and at the This work out. You well you so this
is the relief of what we call the bullpen motley. So order discriminate between original motley and bullpen motley thanks to Stuart. We put be on him for bullpen motley a case. The other one's arm is tired. We got molly's in the chat here we go, he lets. Don't don't mix him up with the molly and thank you to Alex's security guy over a try, are, did a great job, keeping to save this week. A man I appreciate I a big show man! We got a lot of stuff to talk about. If I still sound intoxicated from Friday night debate that may that's a possibility. I probably can soon assumed about two bottles: hitchcock refugees, whisky. On saturday on friday, night alone, and I get it it is saturday, so Did the series of getting I feel great today. I feel pretty gotta good work in this way to a squat, daedalus dec, Donald trump, put out a big decision this week and we all kind of new. He wasn't went to attend the fox Debbie
it coming up this week, I should say fox rumble debate, because if you want to see it, it'll be online with rumble as well. The debate will be alive on rumble I dunno. Some of you might not want to watch fox. I dunno it's up to you to I'm. Not I don't I'm a aside there. stern rumble watch it wherever you want, but I beyond rumble as well exclusively digitally, but we, kind of new trump wasn't going to attend that, but he without a true social pose a real donald trump. Any he hey, listen, I will therefore not be doing that debates- like plural, I gary debates, which ok, let's talk to this because there's a lot going on here. Listen Having changed my initial opinion on trump in debates. Ok, I don't like, like my finger and see where the wind blows or anything like that right. I don't do this. I still think trump it's. The best debate are out there. He is he's just like. I call him the lion king in debate he just takes over, you have to remember a debate is a perform.
It is easy. The best on white paper, stuff on facts and data, maybe not We can all agree right, fair assessment, guys, like sometimes alike, doesn't matter like if white papers and data one the presidency. You would have been talking to present our present mitt romney. Ok, that's item. it is worth some? I wish you dead work, the other way, but it doesn't. A debate, is more of a performance. There is greater performer, they donald trump. So I think, on outside one of the reasons that he should possibly the at least attend debate at some point. Is he's not just forget about the the publicans on stage for a moment he's up by a lot. He just spokesperson. You're not gonna, get me to crap on the sand. This or ramaswamy swami, I'm not doing that. The santas a great governor, vex, a great candidate, you know I'm not a fantasy. The term scarred not so much either, but I'm not going to crap on these. guess I'm just tell you he's is please just right: we are far the poles. So, let's forget about
here, the republicans from it. The reason I think the debate been good for at least one of them. Is it's not just republicans watching there are a lot of it. Pending. You loved donald trump, who would lie, to see him on stage talk about his record, so it's kind of up, positive and negative. Now, here's to reason, on the concise I can argue with the guy at all. Let me know what you think in a chattering. You dig, you should say you know gimme a yes. If you are a big all caps, yes, if you think you should attend or in You don't I'd, love to hear your opinion, but whose calling me I would ban immediately, not charity gets a free speech. Laugh warm! I'm kidding I'm getting there by them just so you know that it a job. Would you agree the greatest insult to a guy who lives waits is to tell him you're skinny, I was led to start. Thank you Joe says it's a camera issues by me. Again, he says keys
I do audio he's a good did that he's like Joe said, If an you're too, under twenty five pounds? That's what he does it. He said the latter nosey should attend the debate here is why he is one of the reasons big. He shouldn't attend problem. Can you guys The decision, because you're all super smart right What are the reasons you shouldn't attended? There's this thing If out there that everybody, the stage is going to go for donald trump and try to take out donald trump and he's not going to be there to defend themself, and why haven't No doubt that's gonna happen. There's gonna be a lot of peace, the law on stage trying to crap on donald trump, no dignity, folks There's only three lanes and this debate right now. I don't want to over simple why this gay? If you I'm crazy you're. My explaining this right, you're always the hardest. I'm telling you this we three late, there's the lane and that's in front runner the trampling This is his own thing. You got the trump magdalene. Ok, he dominates that.
The second lesson is gonna, be it a runner up, Who is the runner up? Who's gonna, be the rick santorum to rob me. Who's gonna beat him in the bush there's the run a rapidly, but then there's the third line. There's the who wants to show on fox loosely they're, not is to win this. Just in this together go on fox news. Am I not right? There's three leads some folks, I'm not over simplifying it there. Three lanes in this election when you a job, Stu, and you understand that relaying theory you'll stand why people are not dropping out of the race. Now the reason and debate trump be making a good decision. Is he doesn't care about the three thrilling he'd have presented their people They get five six percent of the vote, but they may very well get a fox news show or adopt new show out of it to our talk. Radio show suit me. He doesn't about the dirty. He does care did you lay now because as far as he is ahead, theirs
the possibility? Something could happen always and no smart politician should ever be. Like all you know, it's wrapped up, I'm done whatever we can say that they can so trump is war. But the number to it. So we ve trump drop saturday, the bait everybody's, assuming everyone's going to attack trump. I think you are assuming wrong. I think there go after each other to clean the number two lane and make sure they get on tv to work case. You think I'm crazy even the left. These are second, this same big. Here's political playbook play because, like the bible the left they put out this email every morning, key political point I don t, like the chad you're, like distractingly, We love. You too shows about you he's so a love with the chat he not even paid attention. It is show someone in it. I'd want to volunteer to do a good job. We can swabs who sit back them up relied on your just. There was into Chad the other day. I saw him. He was
yeah? I saw many he's just as I suggested gps here. It is political. The jockeying to be the non tromp geo p contender could get some clarity. Now these are left but what they say it here is not crazy right. They are talking about. The tools one lane tromp to lay not trump number, two guy three land. I want a fox news- shall have no shot theirs you have trumps not there there, be knives out for the citizen, rama swami, as the people want fox news show try to cut him out of the number to spot, so we might be tactic we are super smart thing for trump to bail, say I do in this first one. Let them take to say at this erasmus swami onstage, and there may be I'll, come in later tear it up with a couple number three people were. Just to get my name out there? They give you. a little taste that are trumps there. That's it gotta tell you not the dumbest thing, I've ever pretty soon. strategy this point. You know
but again on balance inequities. A lot of you seem to agree at this point that he should do to debate. But he really, as he's like a great debate or- and I think, a lot of dependence out. There would see what was going on. with him in his campaign. If he was on state will see what happens with their with that. Now You gotta you gotta member, we're looking at all of this, also in terms the bide nightmare. Continuing, ladies and gentlemen, We are in a really really perilous spot man. We are just oh, my gosh. We got fifty one thousand people already at eleven fifteen whoa. You guys are awesome out there hold on a similar. We ever had this many people this early. So not you guys are so great. I mean I loved. This is why can't wait to get on the eridu, as especially in the chat ladys out there? Remember all of this in terms of the divide, nightmare, continuing thing is going on in the republic inside, which is a good thing. Primaries are good.
I can't say that enough. You seeing and now primary will this and by the way, The primary voters will decide if trump not show up and debates matters. Since rob seti, wasn't an issue for the debate. This poem, have gone up, so I dont We stand where this argument that, if he doesn't do the debates, he's going to lose voters comes from Zenni. I mean you guys: where does that? I mean look at fetterman in. Fishermen, whose cognitive we not even there, the senator from pennsylvania member to stun heap all guys he waited all the way to the n. Tell everybody they voted by mail. He did what one debate it was the worst performance I've ever seen told people can I timidity got in and he wasn't so I'm sorry, I'm just not bind the argument that the debates, to be some massive changer for anyone else are obvious by it. You gotta show me some evidence that they do that's true, theirs, there is an element of why the entertainment factor geese right. There
I just want to see tromp I'd stay he's because she's so freakin entered dating and its allies. Go to change their vote right, I think even ruin. You got a great box Simon spend the time it has, but this is just this so much in this debating Side of just a simple debate is about your things here, keys right, it's even it, is people who hate and want to see your mind stage, because I can't stop watching unsettled howard stern thing. Why our in france. Listen that issue. They want to he's gonna, say next. Why do people here? hours there listen because I want to hear he's gonna say next. Do you watch a movie you'll see that but this is all happening. While the bite measures going on right now, folks, it broke this week that now actually miranda divine broke this a long time ago. It's kind of a shame yearly hearing about this now to be fair to her? In a book laptop from how rich I published just disclosure there, we gotta do that stuff. The right thing to do.
Hunter Biden and Joe Biden work. Communicating under a fake name would show by. Ladies and gentlemen, this changes everything because you have to remember whatever been four, yet our subpoenaed at this point, under the name of emails to Joe Biden. If now we have an entire different data, such as we have this name, Robert l peters. This is work yet really ugly for buying and why you to listen as clip from como maria barter Roma there's an important important component I don't want you to miss. I would like to highlight Its task is sometimes in these interviews. If lies over, everybody's had not just causes so much going on you drink it from the fire of the argument, so far has been. The Joe Biden has nothing to do with hunter binds business and an end, hundred Biden was not a government appointed well one or by wasn't a government employ them what the hell was. Hunter Biden, being see. Seed for on emu involving government business. You see this cuts them right off at the knees listeners clip it's really aboard check. This out
let's discuss these pseudonyms or alias names, a what exact? What have you learned. Well, we learn that Joe Biden used at least three pseudonyms or fake names in emails that he was receiving from people within the federal government, people that work for him and even more troubling than that maria. We learned that win he was receiving in those pertaining to ukraine. His son hunter was copied on which we ve always heard de what else has said the hunter button was in an employee of the government was in any part of the government. They couldn't understand. Why have four Looking on the oversight committee were in two gating Joe Biden and his son hundred biogas and it wasn't a part of the government that were true then why was he receiving emails from the government This also pertains to the firing of this vote. The special prosecutor
ukraine, victor Shokhin, was that what these emails were about, because you have told us in the past. That was one decision you were looking at as far the decision that Joe Biden may have been paid for to get involved in getting that process. Off the back of berries, ma. I think the evidence is mounting every day to prove that job. why? Why went to ukraine for the sole purpose of firing? Who is the ukrainian prosecutor, who is investigating his son for corruption? listen. This is key, but you gotta, you had almost you gotta engaging www memory. We said the debonair translator, member that thing just nunez transit. You gotta like I'm, a real barter, romo translator to barter romo has great contacts on the inside. Your trust me. Roma! No stop! She does the abortive roma, does not ask questions. She doesn't already know the answer to she didn't just ask that question because you pull it out of her ass. Ok, she asked the queen.
For a reason: she's, like number one, Why is harder by sea seat in these emails which knox story that hotter Biden had nothing to do with government business because he wasn't a government, a boy and second, she says you Do those emails involve the firing of victor choking? The ukrainian prosecutor, which we now know the reason he was paid that eighty three thousand dollars or fifty three thousand dollars a month that he eighty tricks Eighty three thousand dollars a month to go work for is but a shut that ratification down. There's a reason there's a reason she's asking a question: you get this he's doing she's weeping narratives out one by one, one hundred and work for it Majority do business whether well actually govern business. He would see seed and second Joe. z emailing them under the pseudo him about the firing of a prosecutor, which is precisely the reason hotter got the money piece by piece by piece, she's dismantling this I want to get too something next june
told you to flag it, so we can have the unflagging. Next, I told you this was going to happen. I all told you there's a reason. Joe Biden is Acting is son. You remember what I said folks. Anyone in the chat remember everyone on all the other democratic because he loves you son. That's. Why he's doing it. I said: that's not why I said, mark my words, Biden is not protecting, is sonny's afraid of his son again on flagged the receipts to back it up by the way, thanks for everyone, leaving tips and chat, but you don't have to do that. I am me, I mean it. I appreciated super generous of you, but you know what we're doing. Ok, Thank you. Bad just want to. Thank you. That's very nice you to do that. I'm going get to that in a second flag. It always with the receipt. He'll sleep. Listen you get older. You need that deep feeling sleep. I slept like a baby last and I took the indian amino acids, I was out sleep at all, my here matters he'll sleep dotcom go there. I took
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I haven't as much fun doing a show in a while man. I was so itching to get back here after this weekend to thank you all in any energy just piled into each story, but unflagging right here I told you Joe line is not protecting his son. Does he gives damn about his son, okay, this was a revenue maker for him and that's it head on damn about any that stuff he's. Protecting hotter, he's scared hunter binds gonna flip bonci, the great body red state new matter Ireland's legal team use the threat of pudding. By not withstand the pressure and coerced d, o j ding ding ding ding. They dig, I hate this, those joe, but this story are the ways in the newsletter bonds. You know that council s newsletter, I'm sorry to those you who hate when we on flags that some people I what they always tells you sorry, just don't ever want you to think you're wasting your time here told you
who's. Gonna happen bonci right now, yet the jaw dropping part of this. According to political which examined previously unknown communications between butter binds legal team in the oj. There was an actual threat call Joe Biden as a witness if the eu Security, wise dared to charge the gun crime in question. This warning quote. President Biden now unclear. cynically, would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial. Do this was? How did you do? not because I have any special skills at all, it is so obvious when you got past the lefty claptrap and garbage about what a great daddy was, despite the fact that he put his crack, a dick It son in front of the chinese communist party in the ukrainians in order to make himself ten million dollars in an alleged bribe. That's loving your son
I thought. Maybe you son, that's loving yourself and loving money. This guy's disgusting and now he's afraid of his son. He's afraid the sun is gonna. Call him as a witness Ladies and gentlemen, that is what's going on. So please spare us all the good dad bullshit save it for an the day you get away with it on this show this guy's, not a good daddy's, actually an awful human being. and now we see the media with the assist out of the bullpen, bring in the room you're in their case the lefty them your realises. This guy is damaged. Goods going to see more and more stories. I was talking with someone this morning over direct message about this new. Some, is in the bullpen waiting. To come out in california. Listen, I you're right, I don't know anything, would certainly ok, I'm not the stygian which is get. Maybe I can predict the future. I mean I can't do that, but I am sure Joe Biden is not going to be the nominate, the media
already looking for alternative before these caucus. Is in primary. Stop examined real trouble real trouble. However, there still doing their best to hang on a little bit and drawing up the republic stupid. This hunter bide story here is the absolutely ridiculous hapless chuck time who you guys know up. Remember what position he is on the doping media talking head olympics but the second buying jewelry, so he's the self command, or we got confirmation sylvan. We need updated list we get a chart together. For that. So he's Where do here's job todd within One of these republicans pounds moment: it's not binds corruption. It's that the it's at the republic are exposing it. That's the real problem. Tiggle are one thing I want to point out here. I want to show you his stuff is taken. A huge toll on him in a binding For the twenty twenty election, he was right side up which, in our polarized politics is quite astonishing, but look trump and rudy giuliani began this campaign to try to tarnish by to try to turn him into the Clinton name. You know with the with the
action over over the ukraine. Businesses with honour and its work is numbers now look wanna like Hillary Clinton, sixteen and Biden twenty. Oh, my god, she's numbers of more. Like Hillary Clinton votes. I wanna play video clip tomorrow. it was too late. I was going to put it on the show today, but it is unfair to the team so I'll play it tomorrow. I'm in southern leyte, groundbreaking were also would have included it, but I just saw it before I came upstairs. See around this morning. Is freaking out about the appalling appalling? is starting to look see and I didn't say that wrong appalling right now is starting to look exactly like it didn't twenty sixty CNN is freaked out, because the running narrative in the media is what felt. Ah, my gosh Biden trump can't possibly win No binding beaten before you beat him again If the narrative is starting to change or starting to freak out you're still going to have holdouts like chuck, todd, joy, reid and others, I mean they're, just the idiot class on the lab they're going to try that begins pound stuff, but its not working appalling is
really ugly, the more they die the more he goes up in the polls, because I think people who feel aggrieved by this government. No matter what matter much happened, you get a crappy experience, the irs, the tea. I say people who we dislike. The government are taking your rage out on the government. Do supported donald trump who's been a victim. government overreach, theirs psychology and a sociological affect going on right now that these media people Just don't want to see you going to see same tactic here, this minnesota governor tim walls, a major league tool. I mean this guy's a craftsman, a tool, looks like you, ve, never seen before harry is trying the same tactic that no the people's malays about the economy and abiding presidency. It's really good How can you do it by its all trump and their break? not faith in institutions so just to be clear institution the attack, Donald trump they all destroy their own credibility when Donald trump fights back its donald.
destroying the institutions, not the other way around. Watch these tipsy do flip. A robot is done to check this out. What do you make of that? That Biden seems to not have his ground swell of support. Right now. Do you think it's all age, No, I think it's I think it's our systematic donald trump in the republican party of poisoned it to people, know and trust or institutions, no untruss congress. No one trust any of us because all they do is attack our families. Do those types of thing: did you see the flip a rule? Do you see what these ales do? This is larry as they weapon eyes, institution single after their political opponents, when they political opponents, like trump back again said: corrupted institutions the same demo, let's go on the aeroplane, the lack of faith in institutions on the people fighting back, not I've been ice institutions. If this is if there was ever an example of gaslight this is it where you what's gaslight right:
when you get people believe something. That's completely untrue, but they all believe it like a mass delusion right. Take the better, steam bears effect. Look it up. If you think, if So we will see what I mean. wine about something lying often isolating people from the truth and lying confidently. That's what they do and that's they get you to believe. Something. That's completely untrue and all this going on right now with another very serious, storing it gets you next. the mayor of Maui I folks What's going on in Maui you're, not being told the whole story, you not being all story, and they know they know absolutely. What's going on, I'm gonna get to them. The second will tell you how they know and they are hiding from you, it is going to be one of the worst government. Fair yours you seen I kid you not modern. U S, history story, is even more horrendous this and you can imagine jail last couple sponsors J, your patients there here to talk to you. If I get the feeling
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There are a lot of people missing. Folks could be well over a thousand kids who burned to death tragically. While the government dilly dallied around and was due unlike a spirit water thing, didn't set the alarms off. There's there's alley. Nations out there, the roads were blocked. these power lines that aid these companies were investing in their investing in many votes. According to multiple reports or investing green energy stuff. Instead of safety and brush removal, folks, what happened in maui, I gave this the bond gino rule the time, so I made your eye. The staff are the story. Correct is going to go down as one the single most deadly government disasters. We ve had modern? U s! History and alive kids are gonna, be the victim and actually story. Hawaii braces for crushing wildfire death toll with over a thousand missing. So why
aren't they reporting. This is the death toll. At this point. The answer focuses cause. A lot of them are kids get this from a numerous people on them are not just one here. Is the pathetic I mean this guy should have resigned a week ago. What he's doing there is just an inn alt and a slap in the face to emerge in citizens living in hawaii right now. Here's guy when her Josh Green, who just Astonishingly, astonishingly,. Tries to blame this thing on climate change. What an epic this abbe, what a chump and a coward take a look at this. just to be clear when you're tiger and global warming are you saying that climate change amplified the cost of Hugh an error. Yes, it did There is always going to be incredible things that people do save lives from the fire. Fighters from citizens and is always going to be
decisions that are made that I'm sure aren't perfect again. Is it time for dam bond gino's public relations, one, oh one, I mean do we really need to do this in the face of such an unimaginable tragedy? We're talking about kids here, bro, Josh, green governor? That's not the way! It's done! You don't do that man! You are just a week removed from this thing. You see, you have kids, whose parents know the parents know they burned to death. Do you really believe they wanna hear from a liberal media goofball about the effects of climate change, knows power. Companies were pressured by government to invest in green energy staff at the expense of clearing flammable brush away from a lot of power lines that may have in fact set off some of these fires. Are you crazy? These people always have an excuse.
On the left. Folks is going to be in on imaginable tragic and here's your governor talking about the freak in green new deal, which I've got news for you. Why take it or leave it a lot of what happened there and you can look at the story document it out cleanly in the wall street journal. How do the funds for safety were being siphoned off to go fun? Green new deal bullshit that that had a lot to do with it? Then you go and blue climate change on it. Here's the mayor, maui basin, I mean When you talk about another human disgrace, this guy, they want come clean and they won't tell you the number of how many are missing, because its power, probably over a thousand dead kids. It died because of government incompetence. on every single level. That's correct and here's them. You're pissed off that someone dared to ask questions?
just so. I don't know how many children are missing, the you know the equipment behind the one or two, the reason. Only all we can say that about you, you've ruined it for the war in europe disaster or the mayor. We possibly imagine the way, respect respect what most dismal response. We won't wait for your turn. You on the shoulder with these guys are legit, give them the real answer. The real answer, the answer.
Why should it freak in question, knows exactly how many kids are missing. You take that It's happened reported the kids missing, yet you think these powers, were struggling lost everything, their cars, their homes, their property, some of their businesses. Data. realize their not with their kids. That's. Why the reporters saying: what's the number John, why won't tell about you know you gotta, show some respect, respect. You have when Biggs burnt to Chris man, kids you'd think he'd? As you know, the number he's worried about respect and how gotta wait is turn. Holy shit man, and you wonder why nobody trusts these people anymore. Just save Opera. You think it's not going to come out like there's gonna, be a funerals, you take the power,
we're just gonna forget, oh gas, where's kid. Oh, I don't know what a week later, they're gonna be out even hotdog somewhere folks is again reason: number, twenty, two million. Why can never ever trust people in government. The reason our being fathers put limits on government and not on you because you can't trust these people. The constitution is a document of negative liberties, but what the government can do to you federalists, fifty one of men were angels. They or not. These people in power. Where will always be corrupted? Lord acting was correct. Power corrupts absolute power, corrupts absolutely all of these great men are at heart are going to be bad men. You see this jerk, what my just to be clear. Good boy. If hawaii was a red state frigate
it'd be a jail right. Now, I'm dead series be under investigation for some vile, relation of some love. No question about roma. I gotta remember winner but listen about even about george bush friend at all, Why not even a little bit, patriot, act better care party, whatever member went bush flew over new orleans, remembered at all, my god, she flew. Oh look: he needs to be autographed. Despite nazism, been there he's going. there a week later and nobody ever some air member, I'm using other one. you guys remember when nia there, the power, situation in texas, ted crews was on vacation. Member that all my guess is that it's not flew back It's a dream, fly back, quick enough biting still us but the mayor answer any questions: the governor's blaming it on climate change.
You shitting me ban. If they were republicans, these people would be in prison. There would be dull, and I'm telling you in that that I'm not messing with you? I am serious as a freak and a heart attack right now. This guy would be under criminal investigation right now and because their democrats, nobody, gives a shit dead, kids burnt all over the place. Nobody cares. They care about anything. These liberals have zero principles at all breaking shred of human dignity. Everything Joe, was bullshit. It's all about power? They have no principles. I said This is reminding me this week to how fake and phony these left. This are you know the squad elsie Corey bush the losers talking about member. They were all the big
for the police crowd. You don't police security. We don't need any of that stuff defined the police. Oh look at this new york post. Another article in a newsletter day or you'll, see in the squad, spend one point: two million in campaign cash on private security. Despite calls to defund the police, yeah they're, all legit folks, are you over what you have no idea, this man and for those you out your watch, my show I met a lotta you this weekend and it's and I'm glad a lot of you are vibing with me. If you think this is a, Hoboken show you're. Out of your mind, it is it this is a conservative show exert rob begins. Who would screw you over in a hard? Be too? the reason all this stuff is flourishing right, a flourishing right now, the grant any music where the regime is chris power chris, the john. It is our born blowing up.
You're, seeing this rebellion and grass roots support independence, supporting people like donald trump, while he's running as a republic, it he's not an old school or public you're. Seeing it now people are so fed up with the phone. Is the fake this the act The routine being censored being cancel being bankrupt, being de bang having a central, beg currency, shut down your throat, the guns. Be being shot down therein Why? Should it? Not there there their job security eaten up their ability to spend money jobs. Being outsourced oversees people are sick of it. They sought a rope book a movement that conservative moment, as you know, we want to do conserve what was great about america and discard, what's not working, that's our movement and everybody's welcome in that the censorship, so not stopping eater is bright. Bar peace scared me this weekend to you would think youtube
What I learned something of after they call the disaster with the medical mission. For me where everything they censored off of youtube about iver, maxine, vaccines may kicked you up there me off youtube, suspend our account over telling you still work just scientific fact. You think they would learn from that hell. chewed up. No, they have it I'll youtube's announcing a new quote long, a vision for medical information. former now sensor content it considers to be misinformation related to the prevention, treatment or denial of specific health conditions what are you talking about any guesses. gender, and what do they call it. The left these gender a firm in care. We call a castration, should anything about that you gonna be been folks. I
equity holder and rumble. I've never had that from you, I'm proud of that. I'm a capitalist. I dont care one bit about what people think about me investing in a new and better future. I dont even a little bit. Put your money where your mouth is or shut up. Ok, I'm an investor there, but I'm begging you to please get the hell off youtube. You want to come to rumble we'd love to have their other platforms too. We love, have you there please get the hell off youtube. I would tell you that if I was with rumble or with anyone else, get the hell of youtube. Now I talk to way too many d you've been in this business long time, when I name names, don't worry about it new agree that there are people in this movement or just got to use to the eu you gravy train, ladies and gentlemen, if you only knew. How many calls I got on this, but I can't get off your the monies to good. We quit
Our last video on youtube was literally titled. Why we're quitting youtube? Why don't we make it on youtube? I'll tell you. My wife tells me I talking about this money stuff, but I think it's important here to be honest with you, it's true. There are many people pulling eighty two thousand, and we had eighty two thousand to show that, even though it's so crazy, we were making about sometimes upwards thirty to fifty thousand a month on youtube Cut him off youtube can tell the story all they want their day. You know ban, Whenever we quit they banned us after we quit, ass. Video was called why leaving you to day the future which is used. Peter you'll see yourself because you can get the account it shut down. They ban this after we quit get the hell away from these people. They are free. being crazy. They are descending into mad. John rich was the
number one, album law streaming only on youtube on rumble no two bit all forty thousand people watch. he is the number one album in that country to country. True. We have right now my phone time that we have eighty two. Eighty three thousand people watching us at eleven forty. Minister, you don't need these people, they don't want to pay You bet hate. You. This is the kind of crazy you're going to have to deal with. I want you to watch this clip you'd. If you think the left is ever and a return to normal, ah there, squad the rogue, eventually they're, all gonna be left out of the party, not time soon. tyranny just feeds off itself. Folks, it never voluntarily relinquishes power. You gonna do more crazy, like this found, this this morning, going through some show. Perhaps this is the key Annabelle is on the left. I was talking about where they're, eventually,
start eating themselves alive, as we I rest from them and invite theirselves and the parallel economy. Rum. All true, social and elsewhere, John rich guy independent oliver anthony staying away from music labels. Do in own thing, we don't the many more there are very we're going to need victims and they're, not gonna, be us we don't care we're, not attack, You idiots at all there start eating themselves. A here's, a clip from this uk new show where their comment, being on the woman's soccer team and they're all upset that if the female besides you by the way, are probably all liberals anyway that there's that enough diversity that no one makes any comment about winning or how good the team is. It's just what they look like and representation this is the freak and crazy. You need to get away from check this out. The only thing I would say about this picture here. What some sad to view is that this doesn't so they represent diverse britain.
It's all these blonde blue eyed girls, and I wish them well, but I do think we need to ask ourselves questions about. Why is it that we ve got em so has always and diversity that the pang support at an early level, and they are from Britain and now the women it doesn't make any difference, think it. The whole idea behind this is going to encourage more to go and into this sport. You need some sort of representation to say whatever background you come from, you could get today so to blow, because if written doesnt as let us it's over me who, should we speak too little girls right that they see someone that they can rely on me? It makes such a difference that little girl might then end up paying for She seen someone who looks like but it does. It is unacceptable to not men, but it. This was the debts of breaking so our team and nodded
the boy. Do they talk about actually soccer or winning soccer games? All right, about they would rather lose an you. Look. Divers then play the game so think about right. She, Joe Joe we'll get to that she says you'll, understand as a year says. Look you know what we just we need to look more diverse and an old track. People through the game Have you suck? No one wants the wide shock ever folks. I grew up obsessed with the new york yankees. Ok, I don't ever remember, watching don baylor and dave wingfield, I'm going over their black did than ever occur to you, who or done We affirm our love, that's a white guy, it might take you're rulers. Why do what the hell's going on they bobby nature of what? What raises a what Oh but says I you watch them win. Zere doesn't take tat. This is,
Crazy, it's getting now, we have operating agreement for this company here. He wants it amended. He wants a new insertion appendix he wants to call it the front. a lobe cerebral cortex protection act. He didn't why he wants on the record. He did not want me to show you this article should I show joshua showing zero. I see it as but she wants to is totally against. Is jos with me, we're gonna. Do it so he's overruled, there's a cnn folks. This is not a joke. This is not the Babylon be. This is a real article. I behold the nazi for a week. The one I chat- you say: yes, if you credit afterwards lucky, you know, like you know, when it s, you make him feel better. This is a real article by scottie andrew who should just go into hiding after this is so embarrassing, a guy You neo, pronouns, free two sure, and here are the new
neo this. How they want you to talk. They even give you a little guy. You should What's use a geez carbon he pronounced z, easier, I asked z to come movies and Zaire said. Yes, these our zero zero here common pronounce z or z. Here the teacher I did see or hear a jew here so got today, this distant bob this year is real this, a real article, here's another one. This is, get now see gear now that they get keys right the chat instantly regretted the chance veiling. Eighty five thousand we're gonna be out of three people and second he's he's the one george or that favorite neighbour, fe, it's pronounced, faye fatal if their best friend can this week and we want more,
I'm taking a heir to the camera to care your garden room. So if you re not going what up, why? What do you Being communicates like this, the answer is the same: people have a conversation about a soccer team. Don't give a shit if the socrates wins a game and they're just were hurried like what they're here a collar is theirs skin color in their eyes. This is folks who says that can stop the crane. You understand that crazies just beginning of you don't get away from me. people soon, the crazy. I promise you is just begun this stuff. Well, now stop tyranny. Do not relinquish power willingly. They needed structuring of any objective. True pronouns god anything good in reality needs to be destroyed. Why because they want to replace with government and the army.
way to do that is to dismantle any objective. True family god, an inch produce insanity like JI, Xiao, Xiao, faye, fair, am I here. Nobody knows what this means ever. This is the guitar our a babel, all over again everybody talking, Nobody, knowing what anybody Talking about at all, then, whose way who said that the chat scotty I'll ask if you're here has called scaredy author jacket I I I thought it a chat. Sobered said these are common in my brow. If they said that the chad you're in iran chat, you may want to. I want to go to save our response. Gathers the one disease yazoo wells year may have been right. I'm sorry. We destroyed some ura your neurons and acts as a dead rights. My apologies, hopefully there
the show is educational enough to ward off the or make omega three fatty acids effect on a brain, where what does show today how many we got. Eighty five thousand two hundred people. What how that is so crazy. I love haven't here. Joint is here every day eleven a m eastern time, rumbled dot com, slash, bungee, no download the rumble app made some age or updates to it and give it follow us on rumble click that little green follow, but it is absolutely free, then cos you anything and you'll get a notification every day, We go, live click that notification and managed in a chat we love to have you know. I have a lot of fun by the way that one My grinds this weekend he showed up. Was it shaken? Shake him? A great shout out shaken you in the chair today. I ran to shake it at the event this weekend, jake and love you browse thy society event. Thank you to everyone else who came It was so successful. We're gonna be doing more. These, hopefully will in a town near you, we didn't expect it.
Now to be as high as who was so. Next time, a bigger bigger venue, but the man, at a blast. Thank you. So much effort When I give us avowal. Ah whoever boggy could these big shout out tat, lady and the lady who flew in from use than she was nice to watches the show every day. You all agree, thanks to everyone. Is there a lot of love man? We really appreciate I'll, see you back here. Eleven o clock. He sometimes rumbled our com, slash bond, gino, joint when a chat follows an apple? In spite of that, I see him. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-23.