« The Dan Bongino Show

Trump Has The Libs Melting Down (Ep 2143)

2023-12-05 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the recent flood of anti-Trump headlines in the liberal media, AI's escalating threat, and the newest disaster to strike our southern border.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan von g no tomorrow. Well, why are you telling us today because I can't say today but I definitely will say something to morrow and I just want you ought to know, because I love your you all the best you like my family here, and I just you know we are pretty cool announced. I mean nothing like bananas or anything. But if you are He stayed in the show- and you like everything, that's going on you're bobbing alike, so what a good stuff it's an announcement about it, the gitmo my odyssey- if you're in this business, long enough, one of them things you can do. If you get in. It is get announcement about an announcement. You know why you see apple hush, hush you, yet it kind of work If the euro sometimes I run rare occasions but Joe we have done it. You
make it announcement about the announcement about, other announced, but you can do for you can do Our four ridiculous. I've done three usually to buy it's quite that there is a real reason. I can report is pretty cool and I'll. Do you like it? So how do you feel about this illegal. The grids in our military while we have an open border and the child, communist party could possibly be sending spies to infiltrate the united states, while the united states senator swore up all the constitution is raving about the idea of illegals in the military. If you like, that sounds like good way for a foreign government to take our military over and by digging dig day? you would be correct, but because we're lead by the dumbest people on planet earth. Only this show, I think, he's gotta pick up on it and make the connection and I'll tell you later. Why I'm going to kill us all to but hold on for that hebben weakest, those that is, would be dramatic by our I've, been
about being dreams powder, there are coke. Sleep is awesome, their biggest sell the year get fifty percent off when you go to shop being b I am dotcom. Slashed by gino shopping becomes less mancino. This cannot apply to check out no code necessary. I got that more but from the Biden drama policy to be less? I did you just gotta. Do a quick recap of this hunter Biden. Biden cried family fiasco because everybody's missing, where we are it's very simple, the guy clearly at this point was taking money that came from China. I don't care what it was for afford raptor for a night out on the town for hookers. I don't really care, care. Is he got money and we're going to prove it to you yet again, This crazy thing called freakin bank records. Have you been turn now for a mortgage refiners? Because you perfect credit, may call them? when their because believe it or not, it's impossible, refiners your home with a score as low as five hundred he's gotta call my friends at american finances the great company where the process starts the free mortgage review for the south?
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surely by accident they ve screwed up once and actually proposed the good idea. I'm not kidding think I wanna muddy vanessa around. If you can take a one, throw it in the chat, something that left wing of the democratic parties come up with it's actually a good idea that would lead to prosperity and a better america. I can't take a one. Dude I'm serious, you let me can you think I one thing tell me what I can t now from often I can No, no! I I really about even by really cared so. Here's dick durban tricky, dig durban is a democrat senator who earns his name and dick durban, got an idea. He's got a great idea. This is another jem out of them. If the way not only do we have an open border right now we Terrorists and the chinese communist party are clearly taken advantage of tricky dig It's got a fantastic idea that maybe we should open up military jewel.
Legal who aren't even in the country legally, so their first act of entering the countries to break the law and then you're going to allow them in the military where they go to swear it up all the constitution they just violated by entering the united states illegally, I get idea only a day. A crack crowd. Think of check this out. I hope I describe it accurately. Is that if you were an undocumented person in this country, You can pass the physical and the recurrent test background the like you can serve in our military and if you do it on, we will make you citizens of the united states. Do we need that. you know, it's recruiting. Numbers are at the army and the navy and the air force they can reach their quarters. Each month they can't find enough people to join. our military forces and there are those who are undocumented, who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country should be The chance? I think we should
yes thanks of it Are you shitting me brow we're having a recruiting problem. Is this not fellas, ladies is this not a perfect example of how long rules have something our pride imparting there far left the radical vision of american, an institution that they destroy. I got my idea: let's go, gender transitions, abortion and lets you d? I initiatives about l g b q, I b, I o p c plus initiatives in the military. Rather, in teaching everyone in the military that you are all the same, you're all equal, its whole idea, boot camp, you break people down. You build them up together to be a cohesive, freaking lethal unit. That tat can go, kill people, that's the military. That's that's! with this military, wants to do under the new leftist Did she s running our military? The idea now is: let's
A parade everyone into groups here we go use. The transgender group here is the black group here is. The spanish group here is the white group here is the head of a sexual group. Here's the group there once abortions, here's the group that doesn't want abortion. Here's the christians the hindus, here's the muslims. Ladies and gentlemen, you understand how this is a recipe for disaster, this issue, which is proof leads to? Why are recruiting cry? Is why anybody know, we in this chamber in a military. Why if you were in the military. Just throw Y in there I'd love to know you don't have to put in one. If you aren't, we get the point or hawaii and I'd love to see lot, of you in the military. I know, because I have a lot of friends in the military are telling their kids don't go in the military now. Why? Because this military is a total disaster into people leading it probably gonna, get you kill for nothing. Thank you. Thank you to all of you for your service. You guys are really while that's a lot of people. Grouper damon needs,
on. Thank you. Thank you for your service, you, men and women. I love you too, that I I mean this in the in the in the most respectful, humble way pause. My envy you, I envy bravery that you decided to do something bigger than yourself, perhaps We know money, you're, never gonna get rich up off and there a damn good chance. You could probably get killed doing it. I'm right! and your bravery, you guys so out to you. Let's be honest, the lot of you are probably telling your kids hey. I fought for my country and fight for this shit. and that's why we're in recruiting crisis so create a problem, tricky dick turban and these lefties dipshit create is horrible. Recruiting crisis by making our military is social justice freak an experiment in what it should be: a lethal fighting machine and undo what an ngo out and griping but we can back backfill it all guys.
Worry, while back villa with illegal immigrants, whose first act coming in the country was to break the law. It's not like foreign governments. You hate the united states like this right who barnacle it's not like. Governments like the chinese communist party would take advantage of our open border to potentially get P into our military. Who could then call chaos right? No, they would never do something so mean commanders. No large massive. people coming from china illegally into the country and by the way I'm not suggesting. I don't virtue signaling, throw that shit right out the window but I'm not suggest there are people who are trying to get attic chinese coming the chinese communist party and away from their their wrath the death in Turin. If they come here and live a better life However, ladies and gentlemen, we have a process. You know what it's called its
the immigration process you don't have to I could, but it's real and, as said before for all The people going do I care where you're from china, europe, croatia the middle east africa, mexico freaking canada, if you come here. Come here the right way way, my wife did it go. Can lecture me about immigration assholes on the left. Actually want drew my wife all you We sit, macadamia and write about it. I asked We went through it. There is an immigration process in the united states, it's called the immigrants. In process it sucks, but is way, it's gotta get done until we can clean it up. I don't care you're coming from, and don't tell me there are people from China coming here who don't belong, who are entering illegally? Why? Because, again, we can go to the video and lock ourselves, china, mexico, ecuador, venezuela, therapy
coming in from all over the world. You can see it right. There look advent tour report, be its twitter. that just one where all the women bodily definite notice that Where are all the families were told about. I don't want to lecture about illegal immigration from liberal deployed folks even if ninety nine percent of those people were here to work, even though they broke the law, you broke delay you gotta go home. I don't care where you're from pointers I'd for a second, even if ninety nine percent of those many fighting age, men from china, even if their here for legitimate reasons to work to escape tyranny, which has my sympathies, although you still got to obey the law, even we, even if one out of every hundred, isn't
the chinese communist party operative that the guy you gotta worry about who they How are these people, yes, We have no idea, you take this, these communist party, if you send fingerprints back them, a guy who is it's gonna go! That's one of our spies. you, said the rights group as a whole right up on this The chinese communist party has to be thinking right now, a large group of chinese when crossing illegally to open gaps in the southern boards and a news letter today. If you want to read a bunch, you know that consultation is this, chinese communist party? You all agree me. They ve gotta be thinking right now they ve gotta, be sitting. Out at a group joe and saying there. How did we get so lucky? You ve got these areas, an open border. Just letting us wants our people in their nobody's vetting nobody's eddie. I do these people are right. We ve got the present A white house who is on record taking money from
through his kid. I don't care what it's for brow. I do care, thereby says he. paying off, afford raptor with yes. With money from China and they're, getting what they paid for doing. That they're getting exactly what they pay for they own the president, the present If the united states, what have we said, probably at times or more in the show, Oh Biden is a foreign agents. Folks. Not a foreign agents in the jason bourne sense. he is a foreign agents in the principal agent problem job. I got money from china, I care. What is more, I don't care, he got money from his son, that is sun, god from china period, Does it matter what it's for.
The chinese communist party has to be thinking to themselves right now. Could we possibly get any luckier than to have? this tool bag in the white house, wouldn't open border, why we slip our agents in the country and we have our biggest agent of all in the white house. You see this story yesterday, if nelson new york post, Got a recurring thirteen hundred dollar payment from hunter shrub firm starting in twenty eighteen autumn. italy. The left wing media folks had it coming run: interference, ford raptor, nobody He gives a shit media, Again this the money came. China made its way, a hunter which made its way Joe if hunter couldn't have paid back joe for the rapporteur. without money from china. It makes the problem. One even worse. This is not an excuse,
I want you to listen to Jim comber, explain this every day, there's no information and for those you out there frustrated, understandably so saying they, say it is no weapons. Ignore these idiots keep hammer in a way folks we're not is Joe Biden good of you ever going to see this would show by hackers? No, you are not going to see that forget it get it out of your head. So what's the point the point is to, in what did I say to you? Yes, sir, about donald trump, there will be no justice. Take justice draw. Would it paper ball and shock in the trash. Can you're not gonna, get just Do the justice system by locking up Joe Biden and exonerating tromp, whose original justice there is only justice in winning And if continuing to hammer this guy for his obvious corruption, crime it his approval ratings and he loses and humiliating fashion loses the Senate white house than ladies and gentlemen that the greatest free
cosmic justice of all, I want him at any cost to, but, ladies and gentlemen, we don't live in the world, we want, we live in the world, we If I get one more frequent email and it's not a lot of you, it's very few. Very few people go. Keep talking about this as if something is going to happen. I keep talking about this because something's gonna happen. because it's damaging this guy's approval ratings, because its real, unlike scandals against tribe who keeps going up in the polls. Tell me how we're losing trappers going? when the poles and binds going down, and you want us to stop. No hell. No listen a calmer explain how there's no question This money in fact, came from china check. This out was joe by. Claim. There was an absolute wall between us official government duties and his family's influence peddling schemes. This was a lie:
President Joe Biden cling to spain, we didn't receive money from china. This was a lie. President Joe Biden clinging never spoke to his son hunter Biden about the binds families shady business dealings. This was alive now hundred binds legal team and the white ass? His media allies claim hunters corporate entities never made payment story. linked to Joe wide, Can officially add this latest talking point to the list of eyes today the house oversight committee is releasing subpoenaed banquet there's that show hunter binds business entity, a watch, pc made door Monthly payments to Joe biden- this wasn't payment from hunter binds personal account, but an account for, cooperation that receive payments from china and others. The corners of the world phocis couple unit, Chad said the same thing we know do something are doing something. What do you want? Colbert do fall.
I don't even like these guys how many times I gotta tell you, republicans, aren't a solution. All your problems, democrats and a cause of em These gentlemen, I've said a thousand times most republicans really. Democrats and democrats are really republicans. I told you Some of you were yell at me when I you and the affirm here we ought to me when I talked about to get rid of mccarthy that should don't fall of politicians, they all hate. You you can't have it the other way. Now I'm telling you you ve gotta, be practicable. What? What do you want, comer to do he's, not a law enforcement guy. What would you like him to do already. There are already looking out of potential impeachment, which is going to be pretty devastated, but they ve got it. the evidence lined up any only It damages sky guy. You know what I don't want to talk about because truth is that haters don't give a shit and the people who understand understand. So, let's move on its true I got never gonna, do haters rule
the german about? What do you want to do rest themselves. You got every single institution around the world, fighting us banks, the anarchy We community politicians, law enforcement, the d o J, local attorney general's. What do you want comber to do. Sorry, if I sound aggravated, I just wish we take our own ass. Sometimes, and it's really frustrating stop talking about you so doing something is talking bought it I'm going to show you something detail. this guy, so completely fulla shit, obviously lie we now know and I'll show you how the story keeps changing by the way Jeff Carson somebody up in an amazing tweet. This where he keeps changing the media's going to cover for the sky. No matter what that's not the point, the point is the pump. We starting to see through it because a moment's like this remember sixty minutes where he was adamant job. I never discuss business myself now its clear you disgusted and you
Far from it, I don't give a shit what the money was for. It came from china check this interested. The only thing you said to him was quote I hope you know what you're doing. That's exactly right is a grown man. What I meant by that is, I hope, you've thought this through. I hope you know exactly what you're doing here, meaning what that's all I meant nothing more than that, because I've never discussed my business or their business, my sons or daughters and I've never discussed them because they know where I to do my job and that's it and they have to make their own judgments to understand people say: Joe mine, he's a experienced politician, statesmen nosey as issues of refrain. Why don't you just say to a son? This is one. they a pass on. It may not look like he was already on the board and he's a grown man it turns out, he did not do a single thing. Wrong has everybody's investigated.
I'm sorry guys I mean it a you know. I love you, you my crew and I I came off kind of like a deck and I don't intend that at all I did. I came off like I'm lecturing you on Deserve that it's not the overwhelming majority of you understand, and even people who frustrated and say do something. You know what I get it again, I shouldn't said that that way, I understand you're, like me, your like, after report, environmental do shit. They haven't anything forever so which is used to that apathy. I understand my sincere apologies. I'm just telling you as a friend. I do oh comber, I have zero relationship. They these guys they are absent. Lately limited and what they can do. The entire world is working against them. and if all we can do, is destroy this guy's reputation because of all the malfeasance he did and what his ass electoral, bad so that he loses and never back I'll take that victory, but am I apologize? I got more on this too.
and trust me. The white house is freaking out of this. I can prove it I'll show this video next. If they didn't think this, A big deal enable like whatever just go with it, there's no there there they wouldn't be freaking out like they are right back Second, in today's unpredictable world, being prepared for unexpected health challenges is what crucial than ever? It's why I'm thrilled is a grey come I get a pawn of questions about it. Contingency, medical there, your partner health resilience. Contingency medical, is what they do. They I do with access to emergency packs of antibiotics for everyday ailments like you, too, his ear infractions, shrimp, gee, I Stuff in more- but that's not all contingency medical, as a symptom management, medicines, asymptomatic amendments, rip medicines for everything from noise. Again the g I stuff motion sickness, ensuring you're up to the task, even if you're not feeling your best, I have the ready pack plus folks it is in my go. Bag is attacked,
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once products are not intended as a substitute for professional medical treatment or vice consult solve their healthcare, provided that company big thumbs up my favorite, sponsored by back to the shop My brain, it is because this is doing significant damage, always measure right. I say it a lot, don't I always met Your when you should double down on. In there on liberals a political one by their response. If they don't answer, questions in a running away about it. That means there freaked out. If there and I'll give you a perfect exam There is nothing I was on obama's detail. We there is thing his team love more than when people would talk about this birth certificate. They cause a fellow. get made. Everybody looked like knots item. Eight obama, look good you! if the like it tell your you, I would listen to these people. They loved it. Said to me, it wasn't working whatever people.
But they were doing with it was in work. Because the obama team loved it right. If they loved it's good for them out, for you. I didn t freaking here, it's this conversation about hunger by watching happened in the oppressor yesterday with korea jump here, which is given the opportunity to address it breeds feet and off the stage, know what to say nothing. Nada check this out. The white house has said repeatedly that president Hassan were never in business together repeatedly. Also in this room for you to bank records obtained by the house oversight committee, though one of hunter Biden's businesses on pc, set up direct payments to the president, did the president accept payment, and why would there be such an arrangement and shape they remember business together or if there was a wall of separation? As the presidents previously said so as to be clearly,
I have not seen the report, so I would have to refer you to my colleagues over at the white house councils office on that particular question. We want to see some of the impasse in or on wednesday. Things really listen play Yes, don't like jazz. why jaguars she's bringing out the worst administration a vote against any one jot changing over now still sucks. I began to stamp so she's, horrible. She has no idea what to say because now every single story, they ve thorough, told this turned out to be bullshit. No, but he's sum this up out of the Jeff capacities at the markets. Work on twitter, great, follow quote Star Joe, never discuss business without her, then jody as business with hotter, but he never without whose business partners then Joe without his business partners, but he never discuss business with the hunters business partners. Then they talked about the weather
then Joe and his family never receive money from china. Then Joe is family, never receive money from china, except for that one's always running for president and a hundred path of fournier, and then it was the greatest threed ever. You can prove that twenty million go through twenty different by shell companies actually paid to show that it was no, never received body for waters, business dealings that it was Joe receive money. payments were about his business, where you can't prove it was that present for the big guy, the cloudmaker me right. The club, if, if you're ever on social media and you're, like a meme, lord you've, seen the cloud day the little pay, then the fact that no way then the nose, if you know you know that's this and it matter. I already told you now that you are payments from china, made their way to Joe Biden, the media's already got excuse always four raptor, you telling me
forty. Fifty year old guy over all hotter is asked to pay, is dad with honey from china, the by a truck and you see anything wrong with that. After a forty thousand dollar payment out of one hundred thousand dollar payment from china made to Joe Biden, which actual we computes out, if you could do basic matthew, ten percent for the big guy, it doesn't matter but I'll take with us man. What does matter. Is at this guy's poles, and this is a fact This is why I am going to continue to talk about this, no matter what europe Joe Biden spalls here, transport so well. where, where doing its working so well doing something that working I'm not going to stop a new should neither he's kind of a fine, you know what they are buying yesterday at the white house. He's doing was yesterday there before
do any thing for the Kennedy centre honours the arteries at the white house. You guys, the beeches Joe, you know the beaches, with very good didn't have the famous falsetto voice, I am very gave with the falsetto yeah zan interesting story about how that started early. I was watching some documentary like you just do it innocent, throw away line everybody loved and he started singing and foster everybody from the seven. These are eighties knows the beeches. You ve heard their iconic songs. So Barry gib from the beach is at the white house and binds gonna. Give some award is something like that and by Biden, congratulate amended typical Joe Biden fashion, In a way. Only Joe Biden could check this out, but brothers mom made it all seem effortless and almost magical they described it, as quote will be. I can now industry together will simultaneous began to sing the same song in the same key gus, How do you know it's incredible,
god love you billy eyes amesbury, but that's. Ok, sorry, you keep it up their dad. You maybe me, throw me attempt I listened stay dune. I got a lot more had the next segment amount to cover some really serious, this then, where in me out man? Ok, This aid, I stuff- it's gonna, kill us I'm watching. Thing on quantum computing this weekend. What paul on sixty minutes about equal computing race. The idea, the quantum computers can entertain all possibilities at the same time rather than this there's this digital bits of zero and one zero in ones. I love quantum world and fascinated by it and pretend to be a scientist raising idea, but I am personally fascinate by combine our day. I were in a lot of trouble. I went to end today's show with an awesome video, and you should be more like this guy at the end of the show. They please uncle anywhere how your friends, because is a very inspirational video at the end, last satisfied
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in the very best visit. Almost they stuck up. Take advantage of fifty five here are fifty percent off say why pussies promo code, Bonn gino check out the extra thirty dollars off your minimum water may be required thanks. Oh my snakes. We really appreciate it. Right folks, I dont like hollywood people. Can we just get that out of the way? I'm sure you don't either I give exactly zero shits about hollywood. They don't care about me that way use the movie with their national. They get no movie into the movie. Theater thing was tat, we'll head ache, because hollywood hates conservatives I mean believe me but I've executive produced a movie ivy spirits first hand take my word or daddy yo hollywood, genuinely hates could that is not enough. However, they are creative people. one of even though they hate us which bothers me because they're probably think it of creative ways to kill us all the time, because I can't stand that kid. Maybe they don't like us, but they are, are
and that's why this article really disturbing you know Ridley sky. And he's as famous directory. I I mean I know he's with you an aliens movie or something like that. I dunno how beyond the chad, you know where you don't really scott, as you've probably heard the famous direct whenever it doesn't really matter What did he do? Gladiator? They know so little about hollywood when I, but I've heard his name very, create this guy visionary dude. Even you know how to know he may be a conservative who do not enjoy the same point The point is when I saw this bright Breitbart article really Scott. We have to down. I it's a test. The core hydrogen bombs on taking yeah he's right, The fact that it takes a guy who's, probably not a scientist or a politician, but who thinks of apocalyptic endings for great movies and stories, is saying to himself. I got an idea, Joe. How about Let's use our smarts create a smart, smarter than us that can think of is the outsmart us and potential
we create an even smarter unit and the smart unit? We created beckett smart ass, a dig about ways to wipe us off the plant causing a great idea. What could possibly too smart? That's his boots up. It doesn't sound through sport at all, a matter of fact. It sounds really stupid. both serious times require serious people, and team Biden has obviously not cutting the common, nation of quantum computing quantum computing which, when you this, if they can make it work it requires, I see called temperatures advanced technology, it's out really practical right now to have one say like a smartphone or something, but they figure this out. When you come back processing speed. Why? years ahead of where we are now? What computers with an artist so intelligent. growing by the microsecond
and in these large language models accumulating more and more information and may one day become self aware its no question me in Ridley Scott, however different our politics may be, and I don't know the man about thinking the same thing. This really bad. There is zero question in my mind that artists, so intelligence with the wrong inputs is Went to see humanity is a threat. I am going to prove this to you conclude, sadly, in this segment here, and I encourage you to pay attention and why you remember the one complaint I get all the time from tat people and I love your input don't take. This is an insult. You guys Becky's, I'm not, but the one complaint I get even in the chaff from some folks dad don't sweat, ay. I it's just a programmed algorithm that stuff that don't make me feel any better and apparently not the only one usa. Today, twenty
ready for election causes society to collapse. Some papers thinks so and already is a whole big article about our conservatives dig a I and stuff baby, crushing humankind and liberals think Donald trump come it as a dictator, everybody thickets, upload, sure everybody's prepping proper stuff. these points are more stuff. The other day from patriot supply idea. Brought another seat vol from net preparedness? Get they put? The guy I've got to us now. Just a gaze. Everybody three get out, but I want you Think about for a moment if they techies emailed me are correct administrators video in his second. So let's say are correct. Nothing to worry about artificial intelligence and quantum computing dan. These Super beings where creating with super intelligent, smarter than us, their only working on inputs. We give them puts meaning information, correct. I want you to listen to this guy.
This is a air quotes, well respected, critical race, theorists and the time, although he'll try to run away from the name now, I by the name of abraham, candy. This guy is universities, love em, the academics, love em. This guy is put to the test of social justice websites. All the time is some big thought, leader, art, visual intelligence. Is listening to this guy to right now when he says things like this. I don't think right. People worldwide have really reckoned with how much their own personal identity is shaped. by constructions of whiteness and how much that construction of whiteness. Prevents why pete, from
acting to humanity. Now That's an obviously overtly bigoted and racist thing to say discriminating against the entire group of people based. Melanin content or lack thereof in their skin is, axiomatically racist now, because the left is racist, liberals are bigots and racists and they hate people based on the collar skin. Let me say that again, listen up and tat, connotes left this assholes live. Rules are obviously racists obviously bigots. They hate me. Well. If there is really they hate people, if I don't have the proper melanin in their skin. They hate people, why melanin in their skin, who just Subscribed to liberal values, liberals are the biggest ray. Sis on planet earth right now. Why liberal?
in america and not just wide liberals, pretty much every level. You are disgusted, and so is that guy. Does this have to do with artificial intelligence? You wonders And in the algorithms we have now google search and elsewhere guys like that, are promoted to the top. You don't, the same? Algorithms are being written in a to promote disguise a thought leader. Ladies and gentlemen, what the hell do you think the eyes thinking why people are some kind? a plague on humanity. Well, was told by my algorithm. I'm here to benefit humanity it ever occurred to you that that might create a problem. Are you going I pick up on put down can't say on one end: all it's no big deal. It's an algorithm listens to us when the people writing the algorithms. The us, or
putting people like you burn candy, telling all the computers that why people are some plague on human kind. You can have it, but ways: brow heresy, the candy bars We want to see a dumb. This guy really is light lightness. It I think, you're above humanity, you can kiss my ass asshole You can go after yourself, you're a piece of shit, racist and you always have been white people think they're above humanity. Really I'm why? I might you think I'd I am, I think, I'm above you more is that even mean more on here deep shit here ass. The simple question about hey: you keep tat, get about racism, all the time is right, obviously a racist by its obvious he's judging people by the color of their skin, I dont georgie boy, I'm kinda because he's black eye. Judging from because he's a moron, here's, the in check this out, you define racism, you're, so racism, I would find it.
election of is policies that interracial inequity, that are substantiated by racist ideas. sure Election of race, These policies that lead to racial and equity, there are substantiated by racist ideas. An anti racism. Simple using the same terms. Anti racism is a collection of anti racist policies leading to ratio to guess The quartet are substantiated by entirely societies. listen? I don't What the hell he just said, all I can tell you is this: if whoever defining an object using the word in the definition of the object, it means you have no idea what it means. I e and describe for me this pen, it's a pay,
and like object with the features of a pen that does things appendant pendant. You know shit. What is that? part mean and implemented dispenses to write on various servers. All ok. He can't do that because he's a moron. This is why I freaked out about artificial intelligence. then it's just a bunch of inputs. Putting this period. It isn't just him! I put this. together last night, I was very happy We the segment by the way, I'm telling you! I am one of the few guys out their highlighting the biggest threat to humankind re now, which are you got a bunch? people even on our side, I think this is going to be the greatest thing ever. That's gonna kill us second tell us stand inputs, Yeah inputs, like this brad plumber new york times climate. age is speeding toward catastrophe. The next decade is crucial. You ain't panel says I e the new york times, which
The rhythms now promote to the top. A search just algorithms, are pushing this down the throat of ai human things are destroying the entire world why people are dead in the world climate changes coming out Before I response, then that's just one. Paper. Otto he's another one. The ends world is coming, even if you heard it all before Nicholas colbert. Hey eyes. Reading this I say in the world's ending right ella times in new york times that are at the top of the algorithm? Nobody says we should worry about you, another one at the top of the outgoing and impose world is on the brink of catastrophic warming. You and climate change report says what about the new yorker. What if we stop The climate apocalypse is coming to prepare for it. We need to abate. We can prevent it. What a day I says, you know what I'm smarter than these people we can prevent its get rid of these humans. It wouldn't do that. How do you know that How do you know that exactly because
you have to understand the people actually designing. This thing. Don't know that So you know that I love the techie folks much respect. Thank you email. Your line back to me, that is just an algorithm. Does it make me any more comfortable this thing? Is it gonna wipes out? So now we know way. I'd be infected. White people are some and a plague on planet earth that? people in general, are destroying the earth's climate change are what about trust We ve trump gets elected a would do something that Donald trump, why wouldn't it was reading headlines like this. Remember just inputs right. The lever trouble at the end of the world. As we know, it and corporate media feels fine, a ice reading that why not get rid of donald trump? How would he do that I dont know poison the water supply somewhere. Who knows it smart? then I'll settle figure out a way. What about the economist, donald trump? what is the biggest danger the world than twenty twenty? Four?
Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, it's all just inputs right. about the washed imposed from yesterday a trumpet ship is increasingly inevitable, we should stop pretending, Now, if you are artificial intelligence. Using a large language model. It's not hard for you to figure out. What's happened with dictators and say: well, I'm just artificial intelligence, but I'm smarter than these idiots these dictators really bad, and now I'm seeing that this trump guys a dictator. We should do something about that. What rigs all the voting system. Oh my gosh, I can't do that. How do you know the answer is you don't? and I'm trump get elected phossy. You know. Maybe takes a director like Ridley Scott, who probably shares Neither by politics at all, maybe it. Eggs a guy like that to think through creative scenarios as to how this could happen, because what
It does happen, role gonna be like damn right and we think that this freaks me out we still do have time. We still have time to shift gears a little bit. This is why you know I said in the beginning of the show I have to play this right with you. Guys have to do the right thing, not the easy thing honestly. The easiest thing in this business is to just like shit on the geo p, all the time and be like they saw they sought. They sat why? Because most of the time they suck. I mean it's not hard. stories like this. That do you know, to my mere axiomatic truth. That again most republicans are really Democrats, but no democrats are really republican. At the beginning of the show, I had to give comer a pass because he's doing what he can do: and that's fine. I don't expect from him what he can't do. We sent a magician. However, I do it Active geo. Peter stand out for some fundamental principles story genuinely piss me off, so I don't shrub, came out and said some
That should be a staple of every geo, p candidates platform across the country that we go. Get rid of obamacare. Why? Because its garbage it doesn't? work, the community rating and guaranteed provision indeed issue portions of it are, Total disaster means you have to guarantee people insurance at basically specific great, that's on insurance, that's welfare! That's not the same thing. It is this after its minimum loss ratios, have been apocalypse, thickly bad prices and Elections are going down. Obama care sucks, because obamacare was designed to suck because it put the gun in charge? You are healthcare, somewhat trump comes out. It says something like here: we go get rid of obamacare. Folks? Is this anyway controversial you and chat we ve got. Get rid of obamacare. Yes, this is controversial. Why or no its not controversial. The answer better be unanimous, as this is a controversial
Get rid of this shit government run healthcare, political, trumps. Revenge g o p braces barely blast from quote orange Jesus rigour. We were not saying your name in vain. It's in this headline, but what's the gene P upset about about donald trump here, really article yourself trouble Some quarter replace the affordable care act. I e obamacare. is triggering a particularly unwelcome sense of deja vu within the geo? P, wait, wife. Now you see why I can't stand these people. Thank you. Thank you for china. Now you see why these people take me off endlessly remote for all the brave car politicians out there all we're going to get rid of obamacare. We gotta rip it out. John bain are crying about it ruin. We're gonna get rid of what we do now we do we always do everything
programme out their democratic design. We said we were gonna reformer fix, we ve done nothing, medicaid sucks medicare broke Security broke, affordable care act broke pretty soon, we're gonna be endorsing student loan. Pay are still, though, if I'm not kidding, we will will be The republican version of it at all, rather republican version is we're only going to pay off ten years of student loans instead of kids that go to college for thirty years, like Chris farley from tommy boy or whatever, when he's in college forever what right now, I'm sorry Van wilder we're we're going to pay off tat were about thirty years. That's! What's going on the Van wilder programme. now. You see why you think I make this stuff up the geo p. Will always let you down an excuse to give up, no, is, You start to vote no So what's the solution, folks, roughly fifty per people may be less show up for primary. Where are the other
though, about voters who can vote unattainable. Population? You want me give up when we still have many been convinced half of our populace to show up and pick better candidates I do and that we can even ten, fifteen percent, more people to show for primers we wouldn't have garbage candidates like this, who are complaining, could chump wide trump. Once you get rid of a crap obamacare. Let's do better. It is our job to go out there and get these people you're, not the problem. These people are the house You'll be complaining about. I know how to get to this and listened. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a pre empt We're throwing a red flag here right, I'm going under the hood for review. What are you a review and to play hasn't even happened. Yet this is a emptive red flag. There was, explosion last night in Arlington Virginia.
Man's house. It was a major explosion. There is law enforcement warrant being served? iris show many red flags and a story. I will show you the video This is not a small explosion. Since Connor madge, we twitter What is that I'm, throwing the flag. Because, again, the bonn gino rule is not don't talk about a story. The bunch you know rule is don't draw any conclusions about a story. I'm gonna hold on this sky has very ill it's this. If it's the same guy, don't even believe that, yet I need hard facts if the same guy in the house. He has very suspicious political thought, but I would doing you a disservice, if I didn't mention that this get what this guy was have to, and if
if it's the same guy, the factory I have worked for this. Kind of foreign investment operation within the government. Freaked me out a little bit, but could be a lot of different things. That's why I'm apply in the bonn gino rule we're going to mention the story. Join. Any conclusion. so we had one real explosion, rather tragic, and one was gastro intestinal denmark, as some of you, someone in Chad, pick up on an early. You guys see this video so in in a day they haven't this cop conference, global warming hysterics to all, go and see the world, this can answer, they can t J, ai, to kill us and, of course, Large was over there John Kerry he'd. We did apparently multiple people rang, and the irony of this is they're going to do it over in the desert
where there is no global warming, they were leaving from europe. A lot of the plains got Snowden, even though this supposed to global warming, carries probably over there on a private jets, viewing seo to all over the atmosphere while claiming it's gonna kill us all, but, Putting that all aside a giant carry was talking about emissions when, This is not edited by the way. This is a joke. Early adzuma emissions himself check this go snakes killing people on a daily basis, and the reality is that the climate crisis and a health crisis are one and the same weight vienna play that again, did you guys get? Did you guys? Did you catch up? Those things I started killing people on a daily basis and the reality is that watson, raise once people on a daily basis.
and the reality, and the reality is usually these on good governance the ladys ways I don't carry had some aaa before whatever, but now what with the Democrats and not be able to control gaseous emissions from the opposite in so Joel, We think it about a folks. You need to help me out here what you think of that Democrats who read on wanted emissions from the rear end member jerry, neither one of us like crap themselves on stage we got down. So we of course, we got the famous Eric swore well moment. We now John Kerry. Ladies and gentlemen, in the chat please help us who is the person last week or the week before we covered on the show who again, one of these emissions, who was it and it was a reason I brought up yesterday, this thing on a chair. So you never confused that when I move up- and I hit the desk like that- and I go Maya you see. I just want to be clear. What is with it?
Democrats, who is the person s we anyone in the chat, remember what happened. What would you, member ye? Somebody in the chad help us out know nobody knows what he knows, Well, if you remember tell us later, were put it together for an end to the compilation, regardless of want end. The show with this good news is pretty cool, stuff stuff, this guy cohen, entering or so mission play in iowa in in one of the championship games this past weekend. and I will got blown out pretty bad. But, ladies and gentlemen, I love stories of perseverance and I love it. When people just go no matter what no matter, how much you down or matter what the odds they don't quit this to be said for that ninety nine percent of people wouldn't do with this guy did I want you to watch his play. This is on a kick off, anyway, so here we go, there's coinage. He misses on a kick off now,
most guys, we're just probably set out a display, not disk I call on entering or look at this guy runs slides, ramrods, all the way down to feel at portions, Do you know what carnage, rigour or coal I'm sorry! I'm saying your name wrong. I know people have covered this before, but you gotta lotta balls, air guy and god bless you. Men for stay in their play? Gonna tell you. I think that play gonna be shown and leadership schools for ever for the rest of people's lives as exists. Of what not giving up looks like we're, not when I present it. Nobody, nobody chatters the one this this gas he's gonna drive me. That is how you don't give up. God bless you brother, hey thanks return. It invokes really appreciated. Please if you do me a favor download the rumble app. We would of the have you on the rumble app. We put a lot of work into the user interface. There can only join us and their stop rumbled. Our complex bond gino set up counter rumble is absolutely free. Join us in that we were having a blast. You got all
regular, zero, every single day. Yet LISA are you got the whole? stem grinds anita run in everything over there. We really appreciate it join us there above the chat with me I'll see you back tomorrow you just ten von gino shell,
Transcript generated on 2023-12-07.