« The Dan Bongino Show

Troubling Signs That The Government Is Hiding Something (Ep 2018)

2023-05-25 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the troubling signs that the government is hiding something from us. I also address the glitchy launch of the DeSantis campaign. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know, my guys yesterday was so so bananas. Bad yesterday was my two year anniversary on the radio. A lot of you listened to alive, Long thing on it, it is by really fast, but I didn't expect much. You know I did a normal run down. I figured Jim put something together produce Jim aware, but I never expected what happened. We, piece of audio video sent into the shell from someone you might know, and I swear. I thought it was a joke because only audio was play in my ear. You gotta check this out I'll play that for you in a second, I got a big show for you today, but first, most importantly, is They go on governments tell us, you know me don't get out ahead of my skis, bothers some people, but it's all right. I'd rather be right and be first, but at all
or rather not be stupid. And there are a lot of signs out there that sums up. They may not be telling us about actual, like signs and stuff stay to blowgun open up the showed that, because I think it's the most important story, even when all the big announcement stuff first, our first bonds are relieved bands. My actual relief bank got me to keep out there be absolutely love this. products in a born of the eight cleared anti nausea wristband clinically per quickly, relieve and effectively prevent nausea vomiting associated with motion, sickness, anxiety, migraines hangovers morning sick his chemotherapy and more first hand it works. I used it, you just turn it on and turn it up its at civil, my two buttons on right there you need everyday relief or just an occasional cure from knowledge of their path to technology, makes feeling sick a thing of the past, like the name says really and is legitimately a band. You wear on your wrist to give you relief from nausea, safe drug free and has zero side effects, plus even a plus, better business bureau rating and over one hundred thousand satisfied customers, so their brain,
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We go live, we go live like twelve, all, five and thirty, some second, you don't deal Joe to sink into rose and liner and all that other staff in and usually they just give you a new year. They say, go Jimmy Don't say anything we got some special by. What are you gonna? Do sing in southern serbia anniversary two years de. Am I what that was gonna? He says why you to listen to this end? He played this check this out, a very big congratulations to dance. On the two year anniversary of the great dan bungee. No radio show I've done it. Many times in its gus real power, I know, means join me in wishing you the best and looking forward to many years to come. We are respected. kill a person. Dan, congratulations and I will be turning into listen. Thank you mean that to call us they ice ban that was a joke, because I didn't see the video I thought that was fairish Joe where's bodies, buddies a chat. Sometimes he has his own pod guess he's the best tromp impersonator out. There was real, so I said
tax to his team, I say thank you so much you say present loves yes! Well, I feel the same ass, a loyal guy right there, folks, someone Chad suggests I wear the suit from doone. I love that movie. Doing obsessed with dehydration its food from doing this, it is a real. I thought that was just a movie. I really It was a documentary I'll have to look that up it's for sale on, like public rescuers of that president shrub so guy right there? Man he's always been good to me. I'll, never forget that big last night from boys. Gonna be his primary upon around the census will get into that, but folks, given everything going on for me to put story first I should say to you that sums up withholding this story for a little bit Because I don't want to get crazy, they they don't want to scare anyone. Listen, man. I gotta be straight up and candid with you, my son, the story pop yesterday from the new york times. I enough. There is something going on and I think it evolves china and taiwan. Folks,
I need you to understand if china invades taiwan, the potential for world war, three and actual war war, three, not a figurative one, where every country, in the world this impact it an impact, is deeply and may have to provide me terry assistance or direct military. True themselves in this fight, the world. As you know, it is going to change overnight overnight so so this pop from the new york times yesterday and only idiots ignore warning signs chinese malware hid systems on guam. Is Taiwan the real target, so apparently Malware made its way through some old servers into Guam that weren't adequately protected listen. If I'm saying a wrong with the czech people, I'm I'm sorry I'm not attack. I let me to store that, after an advance on not pretending to be severe, I wasn't a code. Was I get it? I'm just reporting what I'm reading however, I know what a hack is- and I know what malware is folks, why would they
chinese communist party to a sophisticated hacking infrastructure they have over there and they do. Why would they target guam while they we target group because that's one of our main front lines of defense. If there is going to be a world war, three in that theater over there I've been to Guam a bit you've been to guam. Yes, I've been to guam. We are, long story, but my prior line of work. I've been a guam and, let's just say, without be given up any secrets, I tell you why there it'd be given up seekers by let's just say we got a lot of stuff. One guam the. What. Don't think the chinese communist party knows that prepping a hit on taiwan, as in soon are they afraid of this next election? I think they are, I think, is president trump. Starts to gain momentum in this race against by nato. Want anything to do with president trumpets, my crazy man, theory of politics, don't mess. with a crazy man, They see it
had to be in itself, so please don't take it the right way based president trump, the chinese communist party, like we see Kim jong on they. Do they he's crazy. I, ladies and gentlemen, the crazy man theory always works out for the crazy man, because nobody with crazy man, you gave him saying it's why an impoverished country where no one we've been eating in north korea that as zero economy has managed to dictate their own role in world geopolitics, for five decades. Now, because, everybody thinks there freaking crazy. China thinks that about trump, Are they prepping invasion? Now, that's in and of itself, you may say our eye malware. They had guam, nobody Well, maybe it was an accident who knows maybe accidentally pull the white rabbit neo trick and was like look what happened, but can I this story, but I've been: why
in, for a little bit too, to cut a wee. These threads together here washington times: u s issues at least fifty satellite phone. As a security measure, you can read story and I suggest you do the newsletter day. Budget the council s newsletter, that's interesting! now again in my prior line of work. I was part of a programme that the details are classified Press you a lot of be war party, classify progress with this was a very classified programme, That's that's unless all interesting beds fifty: u S, senators, which conveniently be just enough to vote on something in an emergency Joe right, because fifty plus the vice president would be fifty really strange, got satellite phones, China's hidden guam, our main source of ability to fight back can that theatre over there.
When I saw this story back in october when hold on for a while. The hell you s purchases, two hundred, ninety million dollars of a drug for use in radiological and nuclear emergencies, and woe add is social us toward it. Eighty million that's a lot of drugs A lotta Georgiou ordered ninety million dollars. We now have a kind of drug. Is that too? the million that's a lot of stuff. Listen, I want to anyone hysterical here. Someone noted in the chairwoman satellite phones were in case? Disruptive event: yeah work out of this The very right about there they use the language and disruptive event you right in the chair. Folks. Don't ignore any less. Listen to me. There is nothing wrong, hysterical, irrational or unreasonable about you being prepared a match,
the scare. You saw my interest in doing that. I come from a line of work where we got paid to be scared, really scared and really anxious because if you're really anxious and scared, you do things to make yourself not anxious and scared like preparing. Make sure you have some food Make sure you have some water nature this disinfection products, alcohol, Oh not done? Who we all nineteen forty two, but you may need that to some peroxide, some heavy clan, some so make sure you have water filtration. Make sure you have your firearms, make sure a couple. Tarps mixture of clothing, duct tape, simple stuff, but suffers for real peace dividend is over chinese. The parties not taken around ok, fact that all this is happening at the same time is not being done by accident. There's no
a bunch of lazy risk analysing the government, which, sadly, I've dealt with a lot of them. There's no way all this is happening by coincidence, la more to talk about, including what happened last night big lodged were governed around the santa's jumped informally into the presidential race. Yesterday, six o clock last night. Many handle this. The way I'm gonna handle every single presidential announcement going forward parry johnson to Mickey hayley to add Jim scots around the scientists, because everybody you supporter of all these candidates deserve. stay here and unbiased perspective, ok to give you that what's happened, from pros and cons. Somebody do the cons. First, like a media would a bit of good news, and I want to leave, anybody pissed off I mean they are republicans and in the end, we're going have to coalesce, but last night governor dissent is bathed his tea
decided to do the announcement via twitter space? It didn't go well I think, on the left and the right. A lot of people are acknowledging this. For those of you don't know what a twitter spaces and to tell you. This was a little bit of bias. On me I assume that most people knew what a twitter space was. That's on me, huge mistake space? Very simply, is you can go in? your twitter account and set up like big conference. Call second twitter, that's really what it is and people will see it top on a bar that you started space and can join in there's a ton of people Do it this sub, mario enough here big ones they have these twitter you'll see him at the top of your account. All you gotta do is click on Can listen and everybody knows you listening, so it's it's a pretty who mechanism they have, but the tec wasn't ready now My humble opinion, ear. Folks
there's something out there. You ready, so sure that the people were for twitter right now aren't actively sabotaging you I'd busk that and we we did a number of launches rumble we that president trump over there forever. We ve had no problems, no problems, I don't want to die under the bus. We ve we ve had no problems. Remember where'd you and video to a twitter, faces, audio video. is is is is. Is that an exponentially more consuming of servers space, then audio, obviously right, So sure people aren't sabotaging the sky from within sound from within the company. It really was a mess I tried to log in you couldn't hear anything. There were people in the background talking and in about twenty minutes later they had to cut the feed and finally came: up and seem to run smoothly through their so obviously the cards, the tec glitches? Don't look good now
on the text, which is here's, why it's an even bigger issue the attack, which is undercut the narrative. Remember this. Remember you guys remember one of my golden rules of politics. We haven't mentioned this one in a long time my pee ones out there. You remember this when jive said it a lot. What are the damaging narratives store. Media stories narratives you're gonna, see in politics? There were that disrupt your preexisting notion, of whose someone is ever forget that why, the whole like grandma. All this other stuff not really deeply impact donald trump realities, because Donald trump spoke openly in the past. About him. Being you know, they're in doing this thing in party in itself, it no, I didn't know better or worse it didn't they. Dropped. Your previous notion of we was, he had already folk it about all this stuff. On our turn of useless example, over and over again now of debts,
we came up about ted crews. It'd be different, baby much different, so the story about donald, Did you change your preexisting hour when the santa's arms on the narrative of being a guy like that no drama guy member obama ran on no drum obama. We're just gonna be like being counters and get things done, remember that this, this is trying to emulate the model, the problem said this teams. Gonna have now is one to which goes well. The orchestra fit pit theory politics takes over. I wrote about this in my second book: the fight no the orchestra guys heard of this- the orchestra pit theory politics its. Derails theory. with this anymore used to run fox news, roger s cell. You're, trying to run on a competency, narrative and the tec. collapses on you. It changes you're preexisting notion of being the squared away, but adopt I up, but you bought in time
your tie. Guy you get it. What makes even worse is the orchestra pit theory. The orchestra pay theory. Art Roger has used to say is that you, two guys on a stage right, one is super competent, smart he's talking about the most bald solution for middle east peace job. We ve ever seen. The other guy's an idiot doesn't know anything about. It does even know where the middle east is the guy Is everything on this stage falls in the orchestra pit? What's the story the next there it's about you, there's this guy followed your guy got. Nobody mentions again, daddy had the solution for middle east peace, nobody, no don't ever for get the orchestra operate theory of politics he is. We was a hundred. Send correct. I wrote about this in my book hit. This is this is the problem. You can't do that you would you gotta keep that mine? Here's another issue cons wise about what happened last time, this launch no video.
Ro video thicker, most popular platforms out their youtube. Rumble too talk in cigar, instagram, reels, facebook, twitter, heavy heavy video We want to see video. They want to see your face, they don't want. hear your voice only they don't not a radio launch, a radio shows different. It's in it, medium but its long format, since I can order your book right. That's this was meant to be a nuisance. Video my humble opinion. With the greatest of respect for the descent seem. You know, I love my governor down here, he's a great guy raising governor. It was a bad call. Man was a bad call. now one more downside before we get to some of the comments I get to his announcement to folks His opponents are all vested in pouncing. They were gonna gleam
They were going to jump on any glitch and a potential for a glitch with super high. This had never been done at this scale before we done of war over it rumble, we ve actually done its work again. I am not suggesting that you know with dunham someone I ve done something on purpose sabotage: sky dont know, but Fox news jumped on it right away which even Gouty took a shot at the scientists. In his first interview, which I was kind of like these fox news won't crash, which was kind of your thing to say, Fox news, doesn't want twitter as a competitor. Obviously they we're gonna pounds binds gonna. because he hates the sad is they jumped on it. You felony orchestra pair, of course, going to cover. mickey hayley job daughters. Of course, Donald trump jumped out too.
But the biggest con of the whole thing. I thought last night, the biggest downside to con like it was a. It keeps conning us, I mean con, like downside, I'll, get to the pros and admitted they think they recovered pretty exhibit a coglan. Forgive him saying damon was was on temple show I was on the other day he was on last. I any brought up a great point that round this this is going to have to fix folks the governor. Is an amazing guy. When he going in sparring back and forth with the media. His value added is kicking the media in the nuts that's just is very, does it mean, does a great because he's with smart but he's gotta pick it up the speeches, man they come off very robotic. You can't be I've noticed when I campaign with him he's is a is. You know, he'd speak after his wife. Sometimes, as wives and amazing speaker, Eddie came off robotic he's gotta fixes he's got a fixed this. Why, because remember
dress in politics or everything everything new contrast, a relatively monotone kind of almost boring speaking. So we trump jaw whose their hands are going eddies, I use it. Robotic language eddies chest chess at his shadow boxing doesn't work man, it just doesn't work. It's were crushed Ben Carson in the presidential debates he just got. First, on the stage that you're gonna scott on the stage, Donald trump, these dynamics, beakers vague, who does a great job you're just gonna. Buried man, you gotta, like boom boom boom amphetamine rush, Here's Seamus cargo unless I'd say exactly that check this out. I, like this answers a lot. I think everything he was saying there was spot on every single word. I'll be honest, I was I was literally boarded tears. I mean I its remarkable me that someone who said so many things that were so true that would have gotten
a standing ovation from any group of conservatives who are outside of the establishment where they just delivered with a little bit more energy. he'd be so boring one, a jew, in such a plain monotone way, I think that you are right. He needs me training again, I'm not trying to be harsh on the guy, there's or others a lot about the scientists which is really really great. He has to fix this logic. People in chad agree with me about twitter insiders. I think they sabotage sky region. Real shame, Ilan understand this I dont know that to be true bite, my gosh. What a mass he's dead shame is cargan is a hundred percent correct. You have got you gotta pick it up. Man He's gonna get buried on the stage meeting. Dark coarseness, though laugh either A dark horses round of these gonna take take present president job, I think he's gonna coast the nominations to be clear, but
dark horse, and this right now is everybody's frightened for number two is vague. I remember I thought that this morning, where was, I live He's picking up some time in new Hampshire, the guy came from nowhere he's like fourth place out fourth place at the vote, these appalling ahead of the former vice president about that year, total darkness member Joe they're all compete number two comes here to take the thing I'm recently there compete for number two review. He's eddies a dynamic speaker. I know him. I know personally folks this just remember. I said that I let me get expands yeah I'll, give you the pros energy picked it up and to set this cave many good ass, his roll out. It was pretty good. I think it's gonna work out. You know people get about. You fallen the orchestra paper. You know what someone else falls later, so that's hitting new cycle bobo s over vast, can financing dogmas. You feel entrapped trapped by what your mounting
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for Emma America, an m l S, consumer access downward thanks american financing. We appreciate I, so we were the pros ethics clean that up. What pretty well he's? Definitely a concern. I have no doubt at all about run the santa conservative bona fide he's. I watch what he done, what he did here to transform flawed zero doubted off the attic. yesterday was pretty good I'll play it for you, so pretty good at it. going to do well with that kind of highlight some of his strong points in the speech. Part of it's pretty good about a little over a minute check this out. Our border is a disaster crime first, our cities federal government makes it harder for families to make ends meet and the president flounders but decline is a choice. Success is attainable and freedom is worth fighting for. In writing. The ship requires restoring sanity to our society, normalcy to our communities and integrity to our institution truth must. be our foundation.
common sense, can no longer be an uncommon virtue in florida We proved that it can be done. We chose facts over fear, education over a doctrine, nation law and order over rioting and disorder. We held the line when freedom hung in the balance. We show that we can and must be vitalized american. We need the courage to leave and the strength to win randy santas, I'm running for president to lead our great american come back. You guys are Larry S and the chat, people s gee sabotaging the shell. Yes, a hundred percent, your fire just forget about it here. Right now, he's here comes back there, s grandma and in some other someone else in it I am asked me about being paid by round the sand is to endorse trump. I took it. Did you studies show what I I get it I, but you know folks
this is gonna, be along primaries. Let me just because still clear where we are and ass, because if this show isn't for you, it's not for you. I m not here to kiss anybody's ass and I'm never doing it. I need you, the stand summit. I am conservative first I'm, not a member of anybody's called the rating like that I'm here to give everybody affair shake I'm not here crap on other conservatives. I think donald trump, best candidates have said as much repeatedly multiple times but everyone's gonna get a fair shake you. You know why the country's in danger and one guys is gonna win. I think it's gonna be Is it in trouble? I hope it's gonna, be president drop an hour have another great for years, however, If it's not to be supporting the conservative. I need you I understand that and everyone's gonna get a fair share of that's enough for you, I understand I want to do that anymore, I want to have this conversation, but I want to be absolutely clear with people every
deserves a fair shot if you were for president. I do the same thing for you. Maybe because I was a political candidate who felt like I was screwed over by a bunch of party, insider goons and Joe. Let's do that with me. People at me, out of stuff. We are not doing that anyone else. I let you know where I stand present my guy when everyone's gonna get a fair shakier, You said this was on a tray gouty last night on fox, pretty deep follow up appearances. Why again? The orchestra pit theory, you know it but forget about it. Eventually, someone else falls in so here's a clip and I would even say tray gouty check this out. We need to win again as republicans we gotta dispense with this culture. losing and if you nominated me, I pledge to you on january, twenty twenty twenty five at high noon, but I'll be there in the west side of the capital with the left hand,
bible on the right hand, in the air taken the oath of office as the forty seven president of the united states, no more excuses. We ve got to get this I'm dying in anybody that so blind to help us, I would love to have your support. Yeah. I, like I like a candidate who exudes confidence. I think that's why. Obviously, I've been always attracted that a trump campaign confidence Yes, it his problem, that's good! That's way to come out. There take some balls to say that come stay, I'm gonna be swear it. It has proceeded states bar. I arrived. I like this part about christopher ray. It's been a while The changes are hard about Christopher re, whether its descent, this or trompe abode of combat issues with this guy easy fbi director. gouty estimate question. Last night, gouty chronically said a big change, a hard on the fbi. To number Gouty was a very happy. I did everything by the numbers, so whatever that was
but here he is on the f b I director and let's hope he sticks to his word. If he winds up winning, because this guy needs to go. Take a listen governor. You were on the judiciary committee. You are on the oversight committee. You had a very close view of the department of justice and the fbi. If you will president, What would you do to change or fix both of those entities? What are you looking for in an attorney general, and would you keep chris ray? Is the director of the epa now I would not keep Chris reyes director of the fbi. There'll be a new one on day one. Yes, yes, and it's not just him. Let's all make this they were made. The last time I followed the ladys, it's not just him, the eighties, who were the ids, the ad snow, the assistant directors. It's the deputy system directors. It's the same the field offices, special agent in charge of field offices who benefits special agent in charge of their intel division. Whoever in charge These people all have to go. We need new management of the fbi. What
big sigh no yesterday before I move on to my next year, because that's just the f b. I story on this aired on CBS by the way, a meg, story about the irs something's, definitely going on behind the scenes. They must know something about the binds I'll show you. What I mean is that someone know something, but To close this out a big sign from the Santer yesterday I told you they were two things to watch the media framing of his launch right, the framing obvious you have to do is replay book this morning that you guys see it. It's obvious. The play The framing of the whole thing was: oh. I missed that in the beginning. Do you have that key? The playbook thing I didn't go did that that that element yea thrown up they'll, playbook sorority. Framing this thing, all the botched roll out there you know with the twitter, so so unfair We too framing you're, never going to fix. At this point, you could see playbook why disaster said this is disastrous. Launch matters so playbook already hit that part, did more gobble, wasn't the greatest launch. I think we can all could see that point. Second, I said: is dissent. Is gonna hit trump, because what
happens to everyone who hid shrub, ladies and gentlemen, had on the answer as they can. Run over like a damn frazier like us, like a body, woodpecker carter, you don't remember the cartoon jody, tended popeye cartoons proper legal right to everybody gets run over. So, yes, the said this didn't do that to say this is taken this other kind of glenn young can approach the governor of Virginia where you like, knowledge, trumps success stories and when sick confronting him. You don't confront him directly. You confront, like you, talk about it in are you going to say it a generic term? Well, people post stuff onto about what people get drop run. All people people there he didn't do that. I think he realizes you go head on with trump, but your and Marco Rubio man, it ain't gonna, happen so not sure where he's going to go with that will see, but scientists
fbi in trouble. Folks, this irish story, aeronauts CBS, I'm telling you they know something about the binds. Let me get to my sponsor up I'll show you declared this is mine blowing at they put this out there they're not do it to do media stuff. Get refunds that calm. You seem to see your renovation refunds and get refunds that come on tv, explaining how I felt so many small businesses with the earthy tax reforms. They comply, over seventy thousand returns for lots of different kinds of businesses. Just like yours, cutting off Seven hundred million dollars for construction companies over two hundred in restaurants, bars and hotels, innovation, refunds as hundreds of five star trust pilot angle. reviews and their certified with a better business beer it about. Eight may you can easily start the process on get refunds that common. You would be on your way to proceed up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee. The rc tax tax credit is a refund of your already paid taxes. Sat alone is designed to let the business owner directory fund money into anything. The business needs to grow money.
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he was assigned to what he calls a high profile investigation who's. This the investigation at cancun larger. Neither the subject of this investigation winner, because new powers The tax secrecy laws don't allow it sharply. Say it, but Businesses learn the The geisha was the problem of hunter Biden by the trump appointed what's attorney in delaware. Senior by the administration officials have vowed to let it run its course without interference, it's not restricted in his investigation and anyway, but CBS news is obtained. This letter, shabbily lawyers sent to congress monday alleging arisen, priorities in deal juice, handling of the investigation, sharply seeking legal protections from congress we can share specifics of his allegations. There was multiple steps that were or slow walked. at the direction of our department, justice? Had you ever encountered that before I have not
deviations from normal process and in each and every time it seemed to two always benefit the subject why CBS put in zambia. Therefore wait charter, No no, no carries he covered spot follow, but he is not. This is journalism. Ok, CBS, maybe doing journalism, but it's not journalistic what they're doing this that makes sense doing journalism. There is something out there that is catastrophic to the Biden team. Ok, then, what is it? You want an answer. Ok, I'll, give you one the document out there in possession of the fbi that the fbi, under the hapless, corrupt, christopher ray, is desperately fight. Tooth and nail with blood on their fangs zebedee like vampires fighting, often army of werewolves, to try to keep you from seeing. What is that document? It's a document indicating that inform into the fbi has information about Joe Biden and the binding
family, taking money in exchange for policy decisions ladies and gentlemen, it would be the biggest blackmail scandal bribery scandal in the history of the united states government, the fbi does not want to give the document up. Why? Because, gonna blow this thing open blow it open legally binding. We had here because no, no, no, no don't trust the justice department do squat. I see in these. Add rooms. These people he'll tell us something about. I do do even listen to my show, I'm telling you these people are protected class. Nothing is going to happen to these Democrat. However. However, they don't care about legality because they know they've got their ace in the hole which is what america I'm going to make everything. So what are they worried about?
Well, we have be eyes essentially functioning like a political action committee for buying and what's the first part of that political, political, other worried about the part tat s, abiden team wants nothing more. What does every first term president? Why do I have to ask Joe what does every first term president? What you know the answer, every first term president, wants a second turn, that's all they want at all. They want their power or I've been in the white house. Ladies and gentlemen, you have no idea what it's like to be present. It is intoxicating every second I been there. I lived it you're right there with these guys, all the time he wants it. Second term if a major blackmail scandal blows up and they can't hide it in the public anymore. They know it's gonna, destroy the sky, so wise CBS putting this out there, I think them knows he's in real trouble and their china the sky, added there now before this gets worse as no other explanation. Folks, none none. By the way another store you may want to read the newsletter new york posting
an interesting one, the irs. I just mention that this so blower alleges is making a hundred Biden case go away. If you know what I mean opened up, ex robot journalists matter ye be on christmas. Eve follow, the twitter files document dub. Oh gosh, that's really coincidence. so strange. How did that happen? Swamps, not real, whose conspiracy theory rang out conspiracy there you watch when that document, services, james calmer congressmen whose leading oversight on this is fighting tooth and nail right now tooth and nail to get that document from the fbi. That document pops she's gonna, be in real trouble politically league garland make it all go away, but be genuine trouble for this guy. Ladies and gentlemen, Biden is: is that, like thirty percent approval right now on a lot of issues,
guy cannot afford to lose. Any more points are, and we move on to get a couple more stories. Folks, the culture war, which has been a huge downside for us forever we ve been losing the culture war for forty years. I'm sorry, it's just a fact, and it's not your fault Well, my buddies here in the chat. Love you all the best your fault, you didn't do anything we been led astray by focus groups. Lobbyists insiders, politicians and rhinos who ve told us For thirty and forty years, don't worry, don't talk. About immigration, abortion guns, just talk about school choice and talk about tax cuts and will win. but what happened? The left steam rolled us, and now we ve got a target. Pudding thing in the front of the store teaching people had a tough and buying their their reproductive organs mail. I mean it's just insane. It's insane what's going on right now, but I'm sensing attack Madame sensing turn you can see in this clip by NBC with a star melting down. They don't
what to say so it it turns then one of the people, according to this story involved this target that this distorts target the line of products to tee. I didn't know folks, I'm I'm sorry, I don't know, but teaching train It's gender kids! How to talk? Bear the stuff! You know the stuff. You know the the thing eat the stuff she like to and then, like the thing ease up by no buying them, like I ride roughshod over the cheese. I don't know about this site about added no about. I had never heard this before juncta target cycle patently or behind this shows I get really you could you that's you pay for, like that says I It sounds like kind of hurts so now that his breakin wide, open and targets stock, is dropping by lights, getting smoke and beast he's coming into the rescue, but they found out
Well, the people involved with this clothing line is like a satanist or something like that. I watch you listen to mbc, just like casually throw that in history like it's, nobody and by the way they are satanists, which itself is great.
The controversy over pride month products is causing headaches for retail giant target. It says safety is behind its decision to halt some sales. Miguel alma explains tonight target one of the nation's largest. Retailers is pulling. Some products that celebrate pride month ought store, store, citing threats to employees. The company says, given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the centre of the most significant confrontational behaviour is like people, the retailer, removing algae bt. Q brand a prowling from their stores and website whose products featured saint panic themes target also, reportedly reviewing its adult collection of talk, friendly swimsuits that allows trans people who have not had gender affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Those items have been at the centre of misinformation like
oh, this is a salad bowl of left. This euphemisms gender affair. in care, not all your gender is what you're born with you, not affirming. Anyway. That's like left this nonsense of gender. Affirming get you mean cutting off you're nuts or something. But what are you talking about their like talk, friendly gear, you boy Top right is apple. We're calling this out. I left alive and it was a satan friendly line or whether we why I love. I want it covers all and they like gloss over like it's no big deal of satan like the prince of darkness satan. I got that satan I appreciate- covers like no one's gonna catch, it just satan clothing. Target no big deal. Folks, culture, war, shifting man right beneath your feet,
hot stay, ready, financially, your financial weapons are your weapons in this fight, but light out target out miller, light out. For this ford wrapped, I was gonna get another ford raptor, I'm stuck I got afford now. Where do can't burn it, but that's it for me, at sea and that I was gonna buy raptor night night see seer till they clean up that mess. Your financial weapons matter use him. spend your money wisely. I guess that's you! fight. It's hilarious. Did you know, I'm steve munchkin steamer see munchkin Apparently still munchkin made a verbal appearance at the white house. If you're wondering who the house the munchkin, it waits diminution neo press secretary nanos the munchkin stay to this gets better. I promised paid mobile that come out of nowhere.
You bet- takes a lot to shock me. These days, see our judicial system, a third world republican, involve companies jumping into support this destructive crap. in saying we gotta fight back, but we could, in the past because there were no options. Big mobile companies dumping millions into left. This causes me how to take it this, as I said, no other option existed well now. What does patriot mobile patriot, mobile, is only christian conservative wireless provider. They offer dependable nation wide coverage in all three major network together. Possible service in your area without the woe propaganda pushed by left this working hard to destroy this country. When you switch to patriot mobile you support accompany, believes in for speech and religious freedom, the sanctity of life. Second and our military veterans, adverse responder heroes there one sent you a space. Customer service themes makes switching makes it easy. Just gonna patriots. The council s standard, mccall at seven, a patriot get free activation today, with the offer code there patriot, mobile, dotcom, slash dan or call eight seven, a patriot thanks, pitcher mobile,
I should have said the wider. The culture wars if thing- and I can see it because my kids are moving right now in a direction people have money at stake. Follow me your folks. They got skin in the game, their asses in the grass right them right there if they thought target. If this was a good move, an eight hour, what butler was doing was a good move and that the culture was moving in a pro trans war against america direction. Right then but wouldn't be selling off the stock and mass nobody to move the stock for a major operation, a button target. You have any idea how many people, the cell, rather than by. when you're monies in a game, all of a sudden, you start seeing a lifetime the cold, more shift right beneath your feet. Wanna gets is that ceiling fighters skin ugly right now for buying Biden, screwed up man is no other way. He scares the way to describe it. This guy orderly, completely asked up this whole thing. He could not have.
ro the dead ceiling debate up anymore folks, listen man, game theory this out swat analysis right when you're play poker. You don't like you don't call me back there with a pair of shoes. When the guy's got a full house, you can talk all smack? You want look at me man. I can feel better Ultimately, you're going to have to show your cards Biden doesn't have any cards republicans run the house of representatives period. That's not all for dispute. guys will do what I say or I'll do what I say it again: what, as he had no dog in fight, even with this idiot by one go to negotiate on the dead sea or, in other words, raising the amount of debt, because we're still spending money. We don't have very simple: I'm not going to negotiate. Ok, that's your problem now, red conning history. You know red cancer your movie fence when they put out
Michael Myers, and aversion, seven and pretend the other six movies didn't exist universe. Recording they do it all the time they re the history, the movie they pretended never happen. That's doing now finds red conning history. Here Green job here ought to play a super for you to be widened as repeatedly I will not negotiate she and under debts you, and even though we had no choice. The Democrats, charges as here's korea Serbia is absent imbecile, anybody changing about nobody's These are certainly the worst press secretary by far history, the united states, even including people who talked about the munchkin This is the worst prussic very ever here's green job here claiming that Biden, peace wanted to negotiate the whole time, as if digital copies Everything they said are readily available, which I'll play next check. This out negotiations are hard and take time.
Wait too long to engage with the republic and negotiation It is in the middle of reckoning the business has been engaging or trying to engage with republicans for months now. For months gosh this woman is an idiot. She is. Idiot of the highest. You know why she's dumb, not because of what you just said. She know she's lying it's because you why she, such a garbage, can wire Jen saki was always good. It is she so untalented added she hasn't and try to make the lie. Believable heresy, super cut of korea crop year and the Biden team saying we're not going to negotiate over the debt ceiling claiming now they wanted to negotiate the whole time. Freaking wires. Take a look. We don't see,
in any negotiation. Here we don't see anything that needs to be discussed. It's pretty simple and it's pretty straightforward. We believe that congress has a constitutional duty to get this done. The president's stance on negotiations that stands right, which is he does not believe as it relates to the debt ceiling or that we should be negotiating we've, been very clear: we're not going to negotiate on the debt ceiling. He never came to the table to negotiate on it. That's that was not something if that occurred. That is not something that's happening. We've been very clear: we're not negotiating around the debt ceiling. When you think about the debt limit, it is not negotiable. We should not be negotiating on the debt ceiling. There's no, negotiation and that we will be having the debt ceiling should be done without negotiations, there should be no negotiation to spend should be done without conditions. We should not have to negotiate on this. What we ve been very clear: we're not going to negotiate we're just not going to negotiate, as at present said yesterday, he's happy to meet with the speaker, mccarthy, but not
whether or not the debt limit gets extended. That is not negotiable and we have been very clear about this. The present said he's happy to meet with mccarthy would not on whether or not the debt limits gets extended. That's not negotiable. Ie is not going to negotiate on the dead sea. Links have been very clear. That is not going to change the very clear look. There shouldn't be negotiation. This is not negotiable. We're not going to negotiate, there's no negotiating round the women again. These single dumbest person to ever gear pie, the office suppressed secretary for the wider. There has never been any one dumber anyway, worse. Lawyer, you ve ever see. Maybe that's a compliment. hypocrisy! Research for that clipped by the way now report I think right now we're starting to realise again there not doing journalism here. Here's a reporter the press room hitting corinne jean pierre, and I think, there's realize Biden screwed this thing out badly. Ladies and gentlemen, remember
I've told you Joe what we say about the candy roger song, the gambler All the life advice you ever need, as in the candy roger zone began, but you got to know when the whole you gotta know when to fold out you gotta know when to walk away, and you gotta know when to run Biden is too freaking stupid. He didn't understand any of this and he tried the pool of and a set of a whole he didn't, have here's a we're gonna. U guys keep say it you guys want. negotiate with them, but then you just did a whole presentation: blasting the glp like witches. It here check this out. Preacher said repeatedly that he thought that talks have been productive, but you also open the briefing by putting some house republicans on glass screens will help transmit to look. just later. I just laid out the facts: that's all it gets even worse. A yo see had a giant all I know, and it shall I get it don't get mad at me. I can't
and putting a your six, the only one dumber than corinne jean pierre's, a o c. I understand that. Here's, a o c, who doesn't understand simple maths. She repeats the big lie again about negotiations that summer the g o p didn't want to negotiate, which is just uh. I don't know what to tell you. She says something so stupid: the house As already passed the debt ceiling, I does everybody listening understand that the chat I know you do. They have already passed thousand deaths ceiling high. Here's your soon. They don't have the vote. you idiot they already have tested do. How the house works, not sure they devote they passed the freaking bill. Already you did stick They listening to this city of the reason why anyone either Asking anyone on this stage about what we would vote for it because cabinet Fourthly, needs our votes because Mccarthy doesn't have votes because cabin
aren't you going to the white house without a majority of his carcass? She does not have that. What is necessary, airy to negotiate and for any any question about what anybody would settle for here. Responsibility to concede. So if he wants any democratic support, He has to come to the table and we have seen him over and over again say that he will not negotiate, but they are engaged in hostage taking, not negotiation, extortion, not conversation, and that is not something we can establish. It is not something we can reinforce in this country, but the proposed but we see on this table right now that Kevin Mccarthy and republican carcass have put down, has been an absolute reject Rejection of the same reckless tax cuts that were passed, in twenty seventeen you catch it did you catch if she says they don't have this
port, they don't have the votes and she says at the end, but the proposal they put up up up up proposal they put on the table. You just said the votes. What what? What do you mean? You mean a building the what an so stupid. She is so dumb. I love the party do you want to negotiate? I just played for you the super cut, so what When you elect a moron like this, the congress This is great. This is little comic relief for turkey. Under the shop ass, the munchkin appeared the briefing room yesterday. If you don't know the munchkin, I don't either, but maybe reach up here does check this out stephen stephen mutton munchkin said, and I quote that doesn't make sense. The government should honour all of its obligations in the debt limit should be raised. Where represents
how do the munchkins pulled up is steve, munchkin you made steeper new, Jim, the old press, secretary you if Gary it moses, someone get this woman flashcards in the back? Do you like a permanent? You know like you, for you yeah you're right it out. My new chin not bunch skin, That's the munchkin therein, no steve munchkin, I know of who's been treasury secretary theirs. watermelon. there's no steve munchkin and he's not member of the lollipop guild. What what my gosh had a lot more to get to I'll get to it tomorrow, questions right questions I forgot about them. taken over the radio show. If you want to submit a question for tomorrow, shall we do and ask me anything? Go to my love, account of my true social account. I ll put the post up right now: quite it's for tomorrow, shall submit them,
reading my mattie bond gino on both and die. We appreciated please check out my apple and spotify accounts. If you would click follower subscribed there. I was deeply appreciate it and join us every day for the live chat. I love having you here, we're doing about forty thousand people a day which is amazing, considering we just started dot com, slash by gino every day, eleven a m eastern time, just click that follow, but to try to give three million followers we're almost there so much folks. I see you back here tomorrow, just ten bond gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.