« The Dan Bongino Show

This Week Could Change Everything (Ep 2007)

2023-05-09 | 🔗

This week will be a game changer. In this episode, I address the crises all coming to a head this week which could change the course of the country. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je. No, I was working on the gym this morning downstairs and I got this vicious mosquito bite or some of you out there in the chat there are. You like ridiculously sensitive to miss your bites, where you get one and seven months later years, pitching the sick mosquito by Chinese. I got one right here and there I ever it's driving me crazy. all born, and I don't mean it's a little bit itching like I've Recent considered going indiana jones style with the hot poker member What is it, what is it and put the hot poker like poking it out? Did this to you firms. It's that bad, but would be bananas well everybody in the chad,
then chevy, Tao and at the chat seems very upset this morning. He wants us all to get right to its third. The dead were children. we're gonna get there. We are going to is the world, but you can sometimes do it with a smile. A little bit of laughter too, you don't need to be upset. I see we got my grades there. He was here not too happy about the magruin fairly, but welcome everyone. They have a big showed rights. Another tuckered tape just drive. Proving again my point the thousands time, I'm tell you this is that a fox, Is it fog's? They are not released. These tapes I now I'm with I am one hundred percent sure of it, not ninety nine Now I'm you'll see why in a second I get that by computer melting down again and this week in dumb democratic. He did we a hundred for that this would be, can dump democrat ideas thoroughgoing. the ratio of by jenny cell.
Forbes, you can go to Brazil or colombia get work done. If you know what I mean, but why would you do that? Don't take the chance. It's a final. Week of genocides, mothers they sell. You could look years younger right before your eyes. Here's a real review for jenny cell backup clare set absolutely love jenny, so my skin feel so good, tighter and younger within more even tone. I only For a week, my advice for everyone take before picture, but our It's been Jim, who is a lucky. Guy makes more exciting point wife, it ever since I purchased it. Things got much more interesting after dark or jimbo there you go body there's some alcohol, a bother that are worth to lebanon. story keep us up dated Jim. It's true, nothing! Worse agenda says: it's a family recipe for over twenty years; Paula loves it made them badge is always cruelty. Free Gotta jenny cell dotcom, sledge, dan and save over seventy percent on jenny cells most popular package during their mothers they sell every most popular Kids features are alter. Retinal dogs by corrected. Don't wait
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you're a lesson that bothers something about this whole thing. Besides the fact we have a pressing united states that redskin cognitive disrepair who hold the key to the nuclear codes. The odd is bad, really bad parliament. This is people around the world. The watching I'm I'm not only by you, but I'm really concern about the potential for just an explosion of war, a war zone. I was reading an article in the wall street journal today This is in the show not run down. I gave to the guys, but but Most of it is this that russia and China now all end with the nuclear. I ran they figure once I ran goes nuclear, the saudis you're going to go nuclear and basically, in ten years we're gonna be looking at a nuclear proliferation cascade and a patel. If a world war, seven after the other world wars restart and between between russia, china, taiwan and everywhere else were trouble everybody's watching these if this guy's clearly melting down here is yesterday, he sat this award ceremony, the white house in his praise, trying to pronounce a few names.
I mean I hate to even start the show with the stuff I want to get to the tucker things from other stuff going on, but I just want to show this. Guy's computers is completely melted down, and this is a critical week. We've got title forty two to expire, there's a human invasion going on in our southern border. Right now, that is going at ten times. Worse is thursday. We got the debt ceiling, prices, we got china sabre rattling and we gotta providing thing going down and we got a guy who can't even pronounced a name here. Take a look at this intergroup. Arturo version artist national models of arts and humanities. The group included groundbreaking asian americans, like vera, Wang and and John machine gangs shipments. My pressure, the shanghai koala. I think I pronounced correctly sugar We Joe Biden now now show, unlike you, she probably has a frontal lobe that actually functions correctly and show call you Joe Biden: why do they keep given the skies
just to make just you the first name from now on right job. Just initials here like to thank J s. The guy clearly can't talk. Please stop him from talking the loss. I keep piling up someone by the way, insulted my elbow in the chatroom I forgot who, but thank you. Look like a woman said she said I have a sandwich Things but operator on like twenty times folks. What do you want to get this thing? Scar, this aside, scar that side scar on the here scar my fullest scars? What are these days? a thing is that I want to do her aldo thing. What does days, I'm going to show you what I look like without this shirt on you're gonna, be like oh, my gosh I have no idea how many scars I have none, I'm serious between the cancer thing, the surgeries and these fatty tumors I had taken out because it will guide, they hurt bad. I'm I look like patrick suasion robber, roadhouse woody when he pulls out. Oh, my god does scars everywhere
all over I'm like one big scoreboard zipper days. I think it's bad, it's really bad I'll show you one day only for you guys in the chat room menu. If you want to see ugly and you'll see ugly, my skin is a mess, so on sense, that'll be any unfiltered show. I'm telling you you're gonna be like wholly moses. What happened to your brother is a. it is about a lot of surgeries egg. Nineteen of This is a big weak dollar. We need a president. A functioning frontal lobe. We don't have one. we have a rotting beg of oatmeal and the white house whose quickly, turning into a carcass look at this guy, the guy can barely talk. The amazing thing is. What's the aged difference with jowl, just Bernie sanders, can you get Jim looked that up from? Bernie sanders, eighty one and how old is by the way difference between that. Listen, I'm obviously not a bernie fannys joel I have been making fun of bernie for as long as this show has been on the air it burns
All this by its right to be able to be shared by is by younger. Ok? So binds eighty folks burn Sanders was offers. This guy's politics are believe me. There are awful when you hear him, walk. He doesn't. He said dumb, but not confuse. You know, there's a difference. Bernie sanders says dumb things, but he doesn't sound confused about what he saying. You know why you can't even speak these. Fighting looks like he's a hundred and burning, like he's closer to neurologically, seventy eight. It's a good point. He makes good point that trumps only a few years younger than binding and for as much as democrats, don't like trump nobody art The guy's cognitive lay there. I spoke in a trial My name dropping, who cares, he's got a lot of friends. I went up best bodies, but we We each other pretty well. When you to trouble. You never get. The impression is not sharp ever ever met.
We talk so much. Sometimes the that you hope and me and my wife is. You can never finish it thought so you gotta go there with a list and you got to say, MR president, here's what I need to talk about, because yokel else's go. We need a guy with a functioning frontal lobe, because its debts the crisis is gonna get worse. I want to cover. This briefly exists is going to come to a head very soon. The united states. Has the potential to run out of money to pay some of its debt and enact folks. I got a lot of people into Chad who question what I'm telling you there is you have to understand. There is not enough tax revenue coming into the government to finance. Everything the government spending money on We are almost a trillion dollars short and the fiscal year isn't even over yet they do. We have enough money couple people course all day payer, but no, we we will not. We will not That's a government spending issue. I've been advocating for a balanced budget amendment for a long time, but the issue is very real. This isn't a fake issue. There are
where's payments do their payments do that they will not be which, by the way, we cause a crisis now this, if you were a sound sane person, unlike Biden, the solution to this a simple one lesson: spend a lot more money. We don't have a let's get a lid on spending. Now that way, we cannot go bankrupt. Why does doesn't want you eddie you that here list The corinne jean here in these single dumbest example. I have ever heard about the dead ceiling from a woman who is the single dumbest human being to ever occupy the position of white house press secretary ever Here she is trying to explain that the head ceiling crisis and she comically job drops a big AL check this out. If you buy a car, you are expected to pay the monthly payments If you buy home, you are expected to pay the mortgage every month. That is the expectation that is the spending
that you put forth are spending that you may have done before and now you're playing every month. If you do not pay your car payment, if you do not pay your mortgage payment, then your credit is going to be bad. It's going to hurt your credit So let's look at congress for second, this is spending that they already done. They ve already spent list bernard get the two trillion dollar trump tax cuts that they were willing and happy to vote for. so we're telling them or saying to them. Do your job pay for something you ve already spent time. That's it. This is that has already occurred. They need I do the right thing. There has been none seventy eight times since nineteen sixty it's that simple. It is very, very simple. It is the right thing to do. It is their constitutional duty. It is not complicated.
Why doesn't work for student loans? Rapid Jim just said the saviour doubt that have just set? It sets a day it so weird, because when people ask every job here, question. I hate those people accumulated their own stood law there. Why don't they pay me if she's like down on off they shouldn't have to pay it off. It's an obligation of all of us to pay off now. She's talking about credit card dead and she could we lose is that they want to pay up people student laws, but the example. even dumber, your correct, yoda rough. These it was even dumber. You don't forget. job here and the liberals out there for the conservatives, just the old me specimen jack. Do this for a second is the equivalent of which we have thirty trillion dollars in that the united states economy only produces thirty trillion dollars an put every year, so that's a little, complicated for dumb ass imbecile. Liberals. You can't understand basically, so let's make it simple that's analogies it and a micro setting to a household you, simple numbers you got a household that makes thirty thousand dollars a year in revenue right, that's
but they generate value. Ok, they have a credit, hard debt, thirty thousand dollars. They owe every single thing they make in a year now the credit car company is gonna, go to them and say: hey we're, gonna put a lid on you spending because you are in debt, you're, probably not going to pay back correct now if the person back like corinne jean Pierre and Joe Biden and submits a budget to the credit card company, what they're going to spend next year and they planned on pending a thousand more dollars, and they take your next year, adding a thousand to that. Not only not paying the thirty thousand, but given the big couple barrel as you baby, given me I'm not paying you shit? I love you anything, I'm not giving you squad matter of fact, I'm gonna run up. thousand dollars more dead. Next year the credit card companies, gonna, say double barrel back baby, look sharon gods, you get nothing
a few loser! You get nothing that- what's gonna happen. That's what's happening now, Joe Biden has come to the table with a budget that produce It is even more the next year, which is its people, don't understand basic bath. Then their basic, where she knows exactly what she's doing. By the way, we biden there's always a video. There's always a video everything we'll time abiden is a video I dont know if he's too all to remember what he said in the past or features. and give a damn what he said in the past. But is Biden on their debt ceiling in the past, where he doesn't want to negotiate. Now he not negotiating give me spending I want, or I'm just gonna, let the united states, the fault, ripe areas, in two thousand and eleven saying: hey. Listen! Man, you know you gotta negotiate if it's my way or the highway you're going to get the highway here. Take a look,
explain the fact that grown men and women are unwilling to budge up till now and still some of them are still unwilling to budge by taking them. Absolute position, my way or no way a stunt governing? that's no way to govern. You can cover that this is a psycho. I predict eu a lot of those new members who came here with my way or the highway, barely there beyond the highway or they'll, learn that they have to have compromised newsy in the chad once in a while. I am so uptight today, because I woke up this morning and I had a little bit of a black cloud this morning. As some happened, I was a little bit I want this morning. and I got to tell him in that country. Degenerating at this rapid rate has me even more pissed off. This is just like straight up. Bullshit I mean let's call it what it is.
I thought you were going to do to segment come and I'm next like did this week in dumb Democrats stuff. You realize how dummies everything they do that but the ones you want to destroy the country like the liberals who are doing this, but we get that we get that we understand they wanted to start the conscientiously. Why We live in them out of the argument because it does acquiring explaining, things are doing on the economy, healthcare and educate their doing to destroy the country requires no further explanation. What bothers me? them, I understand them and we fight them. What bothers We are the useful idiots, the liberals, who are too stupid to realise their destroying the country, say, do better, just so freaking insane that, like a normal person I woke up this morning and I'm like the economy like? Let's taxpayer, a whole bunch more hoping. Eventually, it's gonna led to prosperity, because we can figure out how to spend their money better than I can when you were simple common sense, questions like so using
testing taking more my money given to some moron dip shit government. Your suggests thing to me that doing that that that's going to make more prosperous. Should I use some questions like what Why don't you voluntarily pay more taxes that If giving your money, the government is going to make you and everyone richer. Why don't you give more? Oh, I'm not going to get bored Would you would you reach over? Are you not? So giving money the government makes everyone richer, except you don't want to do it voluntarily want to force others to do it. education, the same thing, my kids go into a crap public school So, let's just pour more money into the crap public school. Rather than allow my kid to go to an actual good school. That's figured out how to educate kids. It just pisses me off folks, I'm sorry, I'm in a really salty mood today and that's it's comin out, because fix all this stuff tomorrow I mean this simple and looking to wash the times article. The news today it earlier few articles but they're they're, good ones, punch. You know that complex newsletter read this article about the deficit,
simple man to dumb ass liberals. it's simple man, you can get this yourself since started the fiscal year. The government's collected two point: six trillion and spent three six one. Four trillion production, Set of nine hundred twenty eight billion during same period. Last year, the deficit, just three hundred sixty billion. Just simple math. It's simple, it's the math. I told you in the credit card example with the family, the family, makes thirty k. They all thirty k, they're going to the credit card and saying hey, not only we're not going to give you any money back to pay off our debts. We we're going to run up a thousand more dollars the only people who don't at this hour, dumb ass liberals about talking about the in additional destruction crowd, they want this to happen. Believe me, that's a good chunk of I'm talking about the area
I'm a gradual gawayne and pull the lever for the Democrats unknown understand basic freaking man. I moving on, I know the economic stuff it this man, berries in like a tech and just gets under my skin. Once you learn about economics, even basic econ one or one, you will see your head for the west rest. You live out any one votes, Democrat Adam. Job is serious as the heart attack. I don't want to get this tucker video, because again it's going to prove my point. Not taken sides covering this as a news event. pulling myself out of story extracting myself fox Tucker. these videos are clearly not being led by I was right and I'm telling you This latest league value. Take tat. Did a bag you'll see why coming up in a Just what I thought I was out.
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by gino report coffee mob wall. Oh that's right. The new show going forward he's like what happened today. He has no idea. He's, like I can't believe is. Jeff was coupled with this direction. The good thing for me: it's did there talk of it. Just came out it's alive, twenty one, eastern time and twenty eight seconds. If you listen to us, live in the live streaming. Video just it's another talker league video. Now This is a video where talker in between segments on the show is talking about. some employs fox may have the. Pronouns in I dunno an email or whatever it is. I don't know I didn't have that. Would my producers on my team but da there there woke in this left these. Now I want to ask you this just common sense.
What are your feelings aside about this case for a second don't get emotional about it. Let's do reason for a sec, because it's hard, I get it I'm totally with you- can tell I'm an emotional guy to fox struggling right now. What ratings, especially with their conservative audience, furious hocker left This video makes talker. like a warrior: against woke ism and makes fox look like do you know they have some left these there that they probably should. You know me, careful about right. How does happen? fox. Look good, I've just sick! You tell me why it's a video on the other side, we'll talk about it check this out. I did I talked to her at great length. It was actually pretty funny. I said you know. Oh I send eyes she tried to guess, I was like she's got a lotta levels working over there You know they see this is worth and were the main force on the other side and, like that's crazy, if you ve got pronouns in your twitter violation work here, because we can't trust you because you're on the other side
and she's. Well who- and I said, I'm not going to name names because I dont know who did it, and I am therefore not going to cost dispersions on, send someone unfairly discuss. Your little doesn't mean you did. This does mean you work here, and roger would never put up with this shit. Why would you do that. Did you read me. They see this as war, it's like I'm, not the I'm, an actual liberal, like I'm totally fine being like or make a parcel screaming lefty. No, but I'm not that way as you know, but they are that way, and I said I'm not ashamed of anything. I said I was like you recently. A faced, but do you know what I mean justin, if you ve, got like that, that horrible guy who which is horrible? Who was judged Jennings guy? I can, well yeah that guy is like a screaming left wing lunatic. Why does he work here? What
you totally decked over his anger and then we expect he's not gonna. Take dick over the network, like I dont have specific information on it, but I would is just yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, exactly exactly it's like I'm always telling it until I'm telling my children, like you know what the truth is, you can feel it don't lie to yourself. You, a BP sniper in a chad, wants a nickname for. For me, I like dark. Mode dan, I used. I vote on my phone because I don't like blue light. I liked that so BP and they were going to go with. Do I get a vote in this? I mean it's my nickname right, but you never get to pick your own, nickname right, only tools, picture I got a vote. At least I like dark modena. How does that blogs not distracted by the talker thing? The other gentlemen, a brother not at all, there's something going on here that obviously all of us don't have the details with who is leaking stop. That is one.
hundred percent, not a fox. We listen, there's something. I know here that of respect for our conversation, someone asked if you asked me to keep it personal, Keeps up personal make it a cell anybody out a model liar, ok, tell you, I'm gonna samite, I'm telling you This is not maybe I dunno. Maybe some of them were in there early on there's no way, nope, no way you guys fight it out in a chat room or that I'm telling you there is no way. That's a foxley zero, chance, not one that zero zero five zero. Somebody like that, that does not her? How does that her tucker? How did you play explain to me out talker king on the wall. Pronoun warriors hearts. That makes them look like a rock star hats at birth tiger, but how The conversation was the other way around to be different,
yeah, you know pronouns. We should refer to them as ji zhao say it's the right thing, everybody be like way wise. I thought this character belief in there. You know rules of the english language nope that makes a book like a rock star. There is no way that silly guy moving on this is we can dump democratic ideas here, a lot of other stories at a role and around out there you made out of heard about you need to first. Here's by yesterday it's just a this one. Talking about If you want to know what really turned dark boat down on this morning, it was this story. Now I get it, lot of yet they're watching alike. At this stage, it's story about airline hutu? How cares but airline ticket reimbursements there you're, probably like they suck airlines do suck above you listen. I've learned a lot like a lot a lot. I pray, there, isn't a person in this audience, who's been screwed over by airlines as much as me, maybe as much but not more
I flew into secret service three hundred days out of the year, sometimes on the detail. I'm like a million mile member. I have more airports for delayed flights and cancel flights, that everybody is Everyone has reason gripe. It's me, but this poor thing by by me yesterday reminds me of how demo rats, and this is why I love you in the audience. They never think Still fighting knows, people are pissed off at airlines as they should be so binding? sound gives this speech yesterday and cyclists and we're gonna make them pay for it is this this. This is out, of course, liberals and but instead economics alike, or some where do you think them he's gonna come from the pay for this. Take a tenuous yourselves liberalism in one sound by I'm announcing the second critical step today to protect american consumers
later this year, my administration will propose historic new rule. I will make it mandatory, not voluntary but mandatory for all. U S, airlines, to compensate you with males hotels, taxis, ride, shares our reboot, every buggy views fees and crash miles and or travel vouchers whenever they're the ones the blame for the cancellation of delay and that's all on top of refunding the cost of your ticket. I'm passes we cannot, for example, the european union in other places, already get these conversations and guess what it works. Folks,. I may piss off a lot of you out there, but I'm never going to lady this is this single dumbest mother, I'd I have ever seen in my life or heard about so airlines now we're gonna screw you over cassettes is what they do, because most of you have a choice
Whether a boy knew whether it's my you'll look. This blue skies like flights cancelled the weather surge, skies from here. I doubt whether we heard when days it could re thinking, screw you over, and we wish that we start there's a scam. there's gonna, be some market solution and a future right. You take the gun, it's going to fix this so now, they're going to mandate, NATO they've got to pay for this, and they've got to pay for that. Or what's going to happen, of course you think that's free where's, your tickets, just gonna go up now. If any of you doubt me, would you can I am not here to bull. Eddie I'm not here for that if any doubt me that the cost of your take it will now go up and you're here, we paying for these hotel rooms, whether you stay in them or not cause I'm going to do Are you for other people's hotel roads watch this it. Take it if this passes, if it passes, watch average cost of an airline ticket job by probably five to ten percent and come back and tell me later.
now you're gonna pay for a hotel. You can pay for for yourself on every airline ticket, whether you stay here, Morton or not guarantee this is this is the Democrats. This is the Democrats. Did they trade marginal solutions for black and white solutions that make everything worse. here's another one this week and dumb democrat ideas and there's always a lot of them guys. I've asked you this before about this kind of stuff. The segregation thing right they get to that in a second keep that my, but that you give me a hint here. I know I will run but hey I get it. The EM cats I took the m katz strides to get into medical school, didn't make it went to business school later. Who cares the daily caller cool article of the dangerous trend, medical schools, ditching standardized tests in the name of diversity, one schools, I went through the city university of new york. Their debts
We stand that eyes task because they want a more diverse medical school so what I want to medical school. This is crazy job. I want a doctor who can crack my chest open. and saved my life. I need it. I really given what he looks like I don't care, I dont care. Is black hair, attic asian, I dont, even average from planet earth. If we find aliens like that movie v, who are non lizards and want to come down here and are super smart or the best surgeons, knock them dead, baby fix my elbow. I don't care. My elbow surgeon was a spanish guys, less neighbours flores. I promise I know what was like all my guess is that a spanish guy he was just a nice guy. I really have ship and I don't, but he also knows of, does either ok, I've really matter of fact. In every got to be a deal, I read this stupid article this morning. This is where we're going can back. I actually, radon someone's hard. No, but he definitely fits our diverse
the equity and inclusion, by the way? One quick idea getting into his bible. One quick idea, I'm calling it diversity equity inclusion, we change it to diversity. Inclusion and equity position the die agenda, because you will I'll die. Eventually, from terrible medical care. If this stuff goes for so no more d, I now now it's the eye. ever refer to. What is the EU come on, I'm next segregation, its back unbelievable. How again that the conservative movement is now the only party at america fighting for many freedom and prosperity of all, regardless of skin color it is out it is. It is really incredible. We got that is boy amazing. I quick break always appreciate your patients. Sponsors want to be to talk to you as the theirs roles in government or politics and are harder to feel than others take skills experience. Even civic personality personality For some of these jobs.
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bon gino, b, o f and g. I and I'll check him out folk, zip, recruiter the smartest way, the higher I back to the shell now I always have to do this little test, unfortunately, is we're dealing with morons on the left these days, who want to bring these awful ideas back as this is this week in dumb democratic ideas, Joe segregation getting pretty bad the correct conor racist, the real crappy idea, danbury crappy idea gay, not a fan Jim, Jim is definitely against it. So now we have. We have four votes that asia we got one extra, the jimmy I you're listening on the radio, I'm sure back into my bike says: yes, he standing by that's five votes, that segregation is a really awful, genuinely immoral evil idea not to the left these the left. These want to bring it back in the next grade.
Larry sleep in the aim of how existed oh, oh you're, driving around in your praise or whatever it is, and you got your colleagues intolerance thicker on the car, as you drive to segregated graduation ceremony cause bessie with you because in the news that a wash the times. cut very inclusive d, die against the dye agenda that diversity Inclusion of equity colleges, span segregated graduation. It's like, as these are people going where keep that up, I want to mention these colleges just so your case you take. This is just like you, don't look. States theirs. regarding these things by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and even income. This is it say this is freaking crazy pills time. Here's some of the universe is due in his georgetown
the university of Oklahoma, wholly moses, the governor there you better get on at eleanor stay grand valley, state university in Michigan, Growing numbers of school holding special ceremony for black graduate, in upcoming races, the academic year wines down folks, these p while driving to these things in a previous I'm not kidding, they have their coexist and and tolerance bumpersticker under car, and it never shrikes them once that. The exact up sid thing, they're doing right now by re, creating one of this single dumbest ideas in human history. The idea that we should segregate people according to some completely. Eleven characteristic like the melanin content of your skin. All you black people go over their non black people year, poor people year, rich people here They loved this stuff began. You want to see why I woke up this morning. Super freakin, salty, ready. On the show today, because I'm tired of living with deep shit. That's why we live in a country of
hundred thirty million people where there's like forty million dipshit, I'm really sorry and I'm tired of putting up with dipshit I really new should be too. You should be too it's really hard to have to accept It's every single day, these the same people, by the way that if you you should do a test, you do care because you'll get even or even, if you say in advance or kid, you're still get cancer, which is the are in solidarity with us cemetery a tweet in a few minutes, it's gonna be integrity test for lefty put out of his eye. Import, segregated graduations. If you're a liberal they'll be like you, awesome, diversity, equity, inclusion- if you can over there be like that. Guy's a that, both all right away right now we're going and I thought it was a good thing. We live with freakin psychopaths folks cycles
We gotta, we gotta lie how many people in the chatroom. I think it's a boy wow we'll get out ou forty, two thousand love you folks, so glad tens of thousands of people. Join us. We got election coming up and, as I said the other day, listen, I'm a sinner man, I'm fallible like everyone else. Ok, I screwed up. I got way too excited about the mid term. I really believed the rotting bag of oatmeal, who is single worse president, most destructive force, we've ever had the white ass period. They without me out Woodrow Wilson, he was bad Oh bomber was bad. We ve never seen anything like this guy anything just look at the ball, On thursday we ve never seen anything like this guy, I'm sorry. I know why I know full well about carter. Rube, woodrow, Wilson, everything Carter actually had some good thing is not a single redeeming characteristic to this before, but I got They too excited about the midterms. I thought I was gonna be a blow up. It wasn't. It was quite discipline. Was it it's horrible everybody meted out to me, but I'm not getting ahead of myself.
Having said that. The polling right now for binding straight up apocalyptic real, clear reports on a right here: in transport trump and the santas in iowa widens trailing trumpet a number of national paul's. Now to disguise and real trouble folks, I bring this up, though, for one reason: it's for the opposite reason not to take a victory lap, because we haven't won jack squat, there's an election coming up in a year and a half and I'm not doing this again be wary. I don't care what these polls say I don't give a damn upholstery common outward trump. Forty point somebody I dont. we were told last I'm Joe, the house we're gonna, take back for the seats were going to have two hundred and seventy we're going to have sixty hour to the washington races in play. All these know, I'm not doing that again, I'm not doing that again. now is the time to start scare and that at a people, that's it sorry. I don't care if trumped up forty treat it like he's down
please, let's not make this mistake again something wrong, we're making mistake. You know what some wrong my whole point of my next book: gift of failure, red chapter four and five last night. it is very forgivable to make mistakes is unforgivable to make the same. Damn mistake again, the second time, knowing the outcome be wary, because you going to see more of this here's Brazil, your member donna Brazil about again full disclosure. I knew Donna at fox. We. Agree on anything. We had some spirited conversations in a green room thought I never disrespect It may be just like I tol Nancy may so I felt the other day in the breakers. We had a respectable conversation. I tell them I do, and I can tell you going donna from behind the scenes of us, she is a huge Biden van. She loves Joe Biden. I bring that up because Donna Brazil is going on tv saying that binds and real trouble with these balls buttons and real trouble with these policies.
Listen. I can only imagine what it's like inside the weight ass now looking at the numbers in arms, it's all coming out this morning, george, I was told I could not send the poll around to after twelve midnight. I sent it out at twelve or two because he kept me up, and I thought they should wake up and look at those its sovereign distance, georgia at the college, that elected Joe Biden with the historic numbers that we saw in twenty twenty, that coalition right now, is fragmented. Folks, listen. Albania, if Donna Brazil, she I'm telling you she loves the sky, I had many conversations with our about how awful bind was. She really loves Biden If she's telling you that this guy is in real trouble, however, be wary nobody saw pop into corks with georgia. Due to ten ten ten book. It right away get a pen, everybody when a pen here we go. Tat tat circle and, what's that you have from now to election day
of over a year. Is no excuse. Excuse for you not to do. I don't have time to be key with anyone here. no excuse we you to do you need to call ten people make sure they're going about an election. They anything female ten people and either those ten social media messages from now to election. If everybody in this audience does that that is a force, Malta that could change an election campaign in time You have you and I have to do it. There is oh good excuse to not do that what email social media plus done? No excuse- I let me get to my last sponsor now want to get to my I had a theory jody member, the trump but show your s theory how he would The only will show the resident everyone did happen again. Views about it at axioms. I might more like theories about job These show your ass theories by favorite theory of all, because a proven right, overt over we get to my a sponsor. My billowed thou go right now
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the last long. So please order now thanks my pillow. Does our comfortable check about south bacteria election coming Don't get do not be wary. No complacency. I don't want to hear anything about how people we're going to smoke. These guys were not smoking. Squat you'll be smoking, dubious with samuel in the quad taken over, I left these. If we don't win this election, acts. Yos sum this up perfectly. Who actually has a left leaning out not is left is let it go, but still leans laughed ripe. They put this out this morning. They call the trump law of inverse reactions. I call the trump show your ass effect. He as they say why it matters, listen, this closely related action. This is this is cool this figure this out trumps grip of republican seems stronger than ever and chance. Is a beating. President Biden are as high as ever between the lines dynamic, is similar to the stunning election of twenty. Sixteen quality
tromp law of inverse reactions everyday. That would seem to hurt. Trump only makes him through fades. You'd get set, arrived eureka, he found a goal. Joe, how long we ve been talking about this forever. We'd trump were yet like legitimate, forever its trump has been on the political scene. I call but to show your s effect, because it is nobody trusts, the media, so trumps, we're sky to take on the media had on, rather than concede that their stories or concede that there, correct or just leave them on the way to do it was when the meat attacks. You don't attack people who are buying by the barrel. Anyone in media could have told you all just leave it alone. Yeah, but they're lying about me. Leave it alone. You just going to draw attention to it. That was every politik. Salt consult on earth would have told you that. Trust me, I was ever read for office trumps, Oh, not only am I going to highlight the story I might describe,
the story and make it a story about how the media wide about me and there the fake news, may seem revolutionary, in other words, out of trouble colluded with the russians as a is tape in a passage they leave, it alone is worth fighting its core. Just say it's a lie and move on trouble. talk about his own story. How many times you heard from trumps mouth right, guys russia, russia, russia, ukraine, russia, right now, trump would bring The story I need herndon on them to be local caliphate. These people are, they made up the russia, they were So, what's the show? Your aspect The media wasn't used to that. They didn't know how to respond, Extinction burst, you know, like you, put a dollar for a candy bar in a machine that as a commercial or shaken a machine as if it's going to do anything the media started shaken a machine. I know what to do the anger who's the muscles ten stop They ve never been talk too, like that. So
out of dialing it down and stopping lying, they double down on the lying and started making up. We ve been more story, there's a call with you. impeach him mike I tried to go talk to the russian ambassador. You started making a more story which discredit the more acts the us is just finding that out now that returned the media reports on some negative trump event. People see The story about the garbage media, rather than a story about donald trump freaking genius axxeo, should have listened to us a couple of years ago, as geese said yreka. Eventually, you find a gold. After a lot of digging. I found out yesterday you're not going to stop this I now you ve already burned or eu credibility if you would have reported on Donald trump honestly for the last seven years. Come out with some bombshell this week, if you would fairly report on again, given him a chance, take them some bombshell. Donald
punched, his grandmother in the face or whatever it is. You know what that would probably dent. I would hurt man, but nobody trusts, you At all, everything negative, you say becomes a story about just how you'd say: hey trump and you're, probably alive. by the way. I warned you about this to NBC news. These criminal and civil cases against trump. cases or similar to be clear, these ones, but there are criminal ones on going to there's only one purpose there Folks suppose the purpose of it is even a put trumpet jail, although I don't deem that unlikely. That could happen, don't think for a second. I won't happen. However, that's not the purpose if it happens great, they love the seamen him in her sick people. They were tromp silence on the campaign trail. You already see it here, trumpet from posting evidence in a hush money case, the social media judge rules. I warned you about this. I warned you about, The media has its love affair with censorship of people. finally starting final.
starting to digest and take it. I hate to put up Two days in a row of our f K, junior was again I would never vote for a democratic nor one. I recommend you would you either ever under any circumstances, but the guy is saying things on the Democrats side. The Democrats need to hear As I said on the tacticians first with politics, if I can use, one of these guys are meant to use here. Of K, junior on exactly this slow fair with censorship, which is what's happening to trump right now through the legal process and how the Democrats, once the party claimed to be about tolerance is now the party of full blown total a tarried soviet censorship check this out within a time in history, when the good guys with people who were censoring books and sent information and covered the media took on this responsibility of of equally lined the public about public health issues in order to get them to
a certain policy The media believed apparently which and we're locked down, as in other force, axing asian, etc, and now it's clear that those policies were not beneficial to public als, but you know the media got into this is I sure of censorship and it's hard for them to relinquish it from There's gonna be a huge lane and the democratic party for a democratic willing to speak out about two things: the vaccine, R k and censorship. I am not suggesting that can be able to take out Biden in the primary, but the fact that our f k junior, despite having just got in the race. What literally two weeks ago with almost no money and no liberal backing it all is at a single, serious personal, liberal, sign broadside. Who is We endorse this guy he's at twenty percent polling had explained my pants
republican sides only a five percent. He would lose the frequent vice president Ben disguise its wanting. You don't think he has the potential to cause by nor kinds of problems is big potential. There is vaccine issue, going to be huge, also the censorship issue. There are a lot of Democrats who are getting sick of this too. Hey couple things before we wrap up today: lotta people ask me yesterday fairly enough I am surprised, as you probably know, regular listens to choke. As you know, my policy about this, when I sense it, there's gonna be a story rife with misinformation. I don't care how many headlines or out about it. I try to void the story until the liberal misinformation, this information machine calms down, because my fear is reporting the EU something that's an accurate. the owl in texas tragedy, not far from with producer Jim. Let's. Obviously an abomination, however, immediately
the story I saw threats from the liberal media shockingly despite we stepped back fact. We still on have the now, shrill attackers manifesto, which is bizarre at this point, within minutes. What did we see? Joe skype is definitely it's? U premise, which was strange because they idead the name and it was a spanish name, so I thought to myself. Staying folks, the Bonn general I'm gonna, wait This story starts to filter out now before I see reporting on what happened, because why you, member club q, shooting in colorado where they were certain that this guy Was there and doing this, because if he was attacked me because of their gender identity or whatever it is, it's a supercomputer, either by tom early in the club, q shooting they were absolutely short. Despite what appears not to have been a non binary individual mental health issues. They were absent. be sure that this again was some attack basic skills
Leon gender, stop whenever they happen conclusion down quickly. Air quotes here, very cautiously distort the infirmary. Senor hearing about the shooting down tax, I'm not going to repeat it, yet I'm not going to He did here until we're short, true because it seems like some of this stuff is really the infirmary, you coming out is really shady if its confirmed confirmed, were reported, but am this, is what happened after the club kyushu member this. These people schmidl live their lives, fear of being murdered literally, but right Now, that's the sort of climate that's been created by anti algae, beaten, q protesters and, frankly dates, and he can't take part in this continued onslaught of words against the elder bt q community and not look at the s.
blood on your hands. I think that the scientists barber they have blood on their hands on this. They have to stop spreading life. These are lies that there are spreading and their causing pain and death and murder against our cut. Our community diffuse the consumer of the people we just rattled off from Lauren Barbara, to talk or karlsson. Let's get it out, let's get it out a trial which expose it for what it is, namely than shaven he's a consumer of these people, and those people should surely civil consequences from this we are seeing a republican party. Targeting you know a lot of dried queens and algae b. T kill- and this is not an accident right, there's a lot of targeting they turn a drag, shows a lot and, in part because drag time story our where a dry, cleaner com is ubiquitous
in libraries all over the country had a drag queen come read a story. It was fun the kids loved it and then also some sort of friendly friendly drag shows it'd be on a sunday brunch. He could bring. The kids they'd see a show and the far right conservatives left on this. A lot of you recognized for g eazy. In there I see in the chat a lotta ha dates. I saw a lot of you and you guys are good chat here. Go these are p one man hardcore period, so I have a guy in there speak very cautious about this story, and that's it the thing to you that this story may not in the next few days materialize, and if this guy I mean listen, if you watched the video is, is impossible to watch it's impossible to watch and I feel a sense of emptiness. But the fact that the media already has a story down without having story down, should always make you skeptical, give it some time, but the story filter out and let's get the facts before we jump to any conclusion.
This, because when we get the narrative is all too convenient, probably probably lie very carefully. These people they unloaded show for you today. I hope I wasn't that do salty this morning. I just woke up with that airline you all the things that really pissed me off in a daring. The frigate airline, story. That's dead set me up is it just it's so epitomizes liberal? Let's just make him for the hotels are, who you are hey. What are you think, skipper to muddy the uk? The airlines have a money very of a clash of which people could you see too? this stuff, for what is that's. Liberalism summed up thanks for tuning folks, Please, if you wouldn't mind, we have failed, little bit onto charts, less reads a lot of competition among Spinning wales, we do a great on rumble on roma, set three million subscribers and followers. If you would kid that follow button run, the council s bonds, you know you can join us at the chat today, eleven, a m eastern tom. I really appreciate it will try to get the three million subs, but also
apple and spot. If I please give us a follow their to just click that subscribe button over there and the audio pod guess an apple in spite of its real quick takes two seconds. so be free. We appreciate it. I see on the radio show in a few minutes back here tomorrow, You just heard it in bonn: gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-28.