« The Dan Bongino Show

This Is The Only Way To Stop The Police State (Ep 2082)

2023-09-06 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the only way to stop the police state. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed its not immune to the facts with your host bungee no liking, some losers on social media use a button liberally prevent nor damage and dangerous atrophy. The greatest thing ever real when you take a stand, ready election Ro he's gonna meet a couple, a losers on the other side and all like that, the thing I noticed about chumps and cowards a long time ago, Scares jumps and cowards. More than anything is Will it take a stand? You know why that is because it highlights their cowardice, see the thing about wist bags. I say something worse, but there's some words I just more use on the show. Is that all I have to acknowledge your worship at worst bag. You know Chappelle did a clip on this a long time with dave chapels, a comedian, but a very smart guy.
how nuthin bureau excites the coward more than see in a hero fall because it the pfizer cowardly existence. I'm telling you your greatest then you could do is separate yourself from the losers in your life. As negative energy is a real thing. It's out some kind of metaphysical nonsense. You read mica, Robert frost, poem you surround yourself with losers in deep shit and zeros and ethics. actually, what you're going to become? I gotta tell you something: isn't a philosophy class? Guy who spent the lot more. These succeeded this success has been a lot more. beneficial to my life than the failure. If that makes sense is because, I got up after every failure and learn to make this success exponentially bigger than the failure was I can tell you this word for a fact that this stuff is contagious, and if you surround yourself with losers, that's exactly what you're going to become and you really have to learn the yard. If you want a real life back these.
art, as was said by the comedian, guys, not even a conservative, by the way the subtle art of not giving a fuck is a real thing. You really have to learn to just say. Okay, this is real life, Is social media losers disconnect these people and move on, you it's. The greatest you'll ever deal big show today a lot to talk about today show but you by black our coffee, stop giving your money. Well, companies, no care about you with a country going too the option: analyzer conservative values to my friends at black coffee, go to black our coffee, dot, com, slashed bonds, who could buncoed bungee. No for twenty percent of your first order lot to talk about ladies and gentlemen, gay terrio and the proud boys gets an absolute. The outrageous police state sentence less and less. Yesterday, last night of twenty two years in prison, just disgraceful. I don't even know how to describe the country we live in any more and the fact that
Multiple media outlets alleged that terrier may have assisted the f b. I in the past should say to you again that the government's no longer your friend, if you are under any illusion, we live in a constitutional republic where, if you cozy up to the government they're going to help you later, you might as well throw that out right now. I don't think any of you in the chat are under that illusion, but I'm telling you folks, this stuff is really getting crazy right. Now we ve been lighted on the shop, in today's you're about to buy american financing. A lot of us are struggling to keep up with credit card payments every month. It's a frustrating cycle. I understand how stressful it can be, but the better way you the power of your home. To put you back and control your finances. My friends at american financing can help you take advantage of the equity you built and you could finally say goodbye to the never ending death. It's been holding you hostage. Here's the best part there summers are currently saving an average of seven hundred hours every single month, their salary based mortgage zones for complete at no cost no obligation mortgage review, showing you how much you can save every month.
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former federal agent. I feel the need to tell you right now. The government is not your friend now the government should catch criminals and terrorists and bad guys. That is a very good public service. We do because why? Because we don't want to get there, Getting dad is a bad thing and IRAN criminals, bad guys and allotted dedicated federal age. The cops out there trying to keep the bag I buy barnes, however, we're leaving a different place right now, we're not living. A place. We can trust the government anymore or the fbi I am sad to have to tell you that now I dont know what enrico Dario terrio dead or didn't. Do I use a proud boy? send yesterday because of the january six thing for toys Two years, which is odd, is enriched a terrier was out in the sea on January six, that's kind of strange. Don't Those are the facts. Get in the way the guardian. I want you to know, reported back and twenty twenty one there headline now mine. I don't know the guy no idea, I wasn't in the fbi, proud boys, your enrique terrio was an fbi informant interested
friends idea is right. I mean so strange so terrible is even in DC got twenty two years in jail, which I find facet because I have yet to a twenty two year sentence for the bell and members have burned american citys down. The chief remembers that when, after the court house in portland, ah there was eight homicide. I believe they set off by building on fire and indeed the guy got. What is it ten to twelve years, dude guy killed it average man got killed in there. That doesn't seem to be a big deal. We had those two molotov cocktail throwing lawyers in new york. I dunno what the hell, they god community, probation or whatever the hell it was. I who community service of probation. Nobody knows but false. We states here it's here now the attack on down. Crop is just a symptom of that, but the police- state is here right now right this sector hope you all understand it's here right now now, the next year people say title: this is the only way. Listen to me. This is
the only way to do it. The jury is in the judges rule. There is no other way to your kids. I cannot commit to this is not your candidate. Ok, the next g o p. Otis had better on load on eighty four and be alone. I want to see more. the year sentences, although judges will obviously determined that I want to see rico investigations. I want to see terrorism investigations. These are clearly terror groups. These are fraud base groups. You ve already seen the stories of b l. buying large mansions with donor money. We ve already seen the videos over and over about eighty four. We know what they're capable of there I want to see a couple. Things is number one hears a step to take back. Our republic folks, in the chat, pay very closely Is it because I get this all the time? Okay. So what are we going to do? Here's what we're going to do? I don't want to hear again from anybody outdoor. You don't propose solutions. We propose a lot of solutions. I just need you to write them down and take him to Europe. You
Fishermen in your senator and asked him what they're going to do about it number one rate go and terrorism, investigations against anti foreign, be ella, theirs question. These are terror groups. The evidence is everywhere. We ve seen. we know it. Everybody knows it. They use terror and violence to an act of political agenda. Eighty four, no is not an idea. It is a very real group of black, clad wearing ninja suit wearing losers, and you know What does you hang in there? Mom is basement who gang up, get the hell out of people and burn terrorized proper. There's, no doubt about that step to pardons all of these people. Be part because they did nothing wrong. Now some of them may have done something wrong. I don't know, I don't know the specifics of each and every case I certainly don't have the support writing or anything like that. I think crystal clear. Having said that, the justice system is clearly wrong. These people there is absolutely no way given our courage, justice system. You can consider affair with a straight face that they
Ten fifteen seventeen eighteen, twenty two euros are twenty: two, your senses, which are unprecedented in the literal sense in this space, unprecedented, and claim justice was done, pardons are occurring the mechanism, that's it there, you're too stabs right there. You do that. the corrective mechanism getting us back to the mid point Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a police state. This is just this, this is revenge. These people want retribution for donald trump winning. Twenty sixteen campaign that, all this is about. This has now thing to do with justice for enrique terry, o or justice against Enrique o or the proud boys. I don't know Enrique. Terrier never met this guy communicated with this guy matter of fact. I don't know anybody and proud boys. I dont that because I'm proud or not proud. I just say it because it's true, I dont, know Anybody in these organizations, I am telling However, I know what I see my own eyes. I know I, walked out of the white house to a group of eight
t foot and be elements and dogs and slobs telling my wife. They wanted to re power and it we're going to make us watch while they slammed on a bunch of drums and whatever made a bunch of noise and we're threatening people they threaten to asia. Ladys we had walked back to the hotel. I watched them push a couple of guys. I watched them harassed people this the terror group, so unless you will put them all in jail, I don't want to hear it you're, not a serious candidate in jail. I don't want to hear anything from the press. You guys are finished. I don't know damn thing, the police state is here, there's a correct mechanism right in front of you pardons and tar being with rico statutes and terrorism statutes. Eighty four in vila you want to exists. Now, that's the only way! The only way, I hope you want say what I'm telling you how can it be any talk? is going to be a legislative fix for this. You can't fix a police state, can't fix the police that you can only fire everyone involved because personnel policy. That's the thing: step on low
everyone anyone away. Anything to do with it or approved of it pardons terrorism, investigations five everyone. You touch you smell that you were near it. You did nothing about it, fine! everyone you, part of it, you gotta, go it I'll, send a message and ignore the media. Response to the whole thing, ladies and gentlemen, is the only way because we're living in a police state right now, watch. This clip is an view from last week. This is Angie van fleet Communist china has been an increase. Bull advocate for freedom in warning, about the police say, ladies and gentlemen, the police state is here it's here now it's not tomorrow it's coming next week, the police It is here now it's here right now, today, I want you to understand that. I need to listen to this woman. She's warning everyone about we
You're right now, there's a limited window to fix this. This is a warning. Everyone is the here check this out. Why is what is happening? Actually back then too yeah, I don't work for them, forget Donald trump party in power is abused. their power and going after any others, Since now, it's donald trump. Now it's muggah, but eventually its everybody, because communists average he would not tolerate any any. position, any dissenting voices sites that coming up to all of us, including those sherry and now for our terms indictment and they think beyond that we will keep their not we're all well become victims, the boy leaded led them sixty or are we we just walking the sin
Napi history teacher in high school. He was a nice guy. He was a big guy, he was he was. He was a Democrat. Is you know he loved being a Democrat but it's a super nice guy and he knew a lot about politics and he generally kept his politics out of the classroom, something you don't see much anymore. He was a good guy. and he always said that you know the presence of the metal middle class in this country always prevents people from really sincere de political activism, because a lot of people just scared happen? There just b, where they are, and as long as the fight doesn't come to their door, they're not going to do anything about it. Folks, I think that up the? U? Not with you, you're the forty two thousand watcher right now, our early in the show who are super active and understand the threat to freedom and liberty going on right now, but you ve got understand? You are the minority, your special, and I mean that in in that, in that you are special you're different. Most people go well, life in some of them can't even name who their governor or their congressmen as they just don't know. They don't think that deeply about stuff. They got some
we're games, I want to go to and the bigger ideological fights are not for them. They get law. and what happens in everyday life and that since they get stuck in this bubble, I'm not here to judge I'm just here to tell you the truth. That's I'm a problem. Our prosperity has become a really almost for us, crutch, because so many people are afraid of getting involved with the with the false idea that the door, you know, they're not going to come, knocking at my door, please states not here for me, and I think that in the big wake up call for people like gm food, even if we, when we talk about like what's happening to kids, noble ever thought that these communist, I think we're going to come into their kids. Schools and tar start teaching them at their parents already it's an They are in any way confused about their gender that they should. Come to the teachers and the staff and ignore the parents I gotta take I don't think anyone sitting on the sidelines started was going to happen. This is No! I don't have this.
Been a major wake up, call for everyone, the warrant, our kids, folks, think the war on kids is not metastasize into commune. tools need three things. Communist, tools, and I mean communists who were tools and communist tools. Three things up you know I don't want afford. Prison censorship, the vision and fear that or the the tools of communist tools. They need said they need these things now port We, that is the vision you have communism without the kids, got a separate, the kids from the parents. I can't tell you this in up a lot of you think sexual icing of kids in schools, is about just a couple of pearls but want to talk to your kid, about sex allow- it is, but that's not the reason. The ideologues on the left. One is sexual as your kids. I hope you guys understand this. Tell me The chat, because if I've been talking about this too much that I know I'm talking about at just the right amount, I kids
the sun up, communists the people who are really running the money on the left, who are running in supporting a lot of the ngos and supporting the democratic candidate. Being democratic candidates are hard core communists in call themselves progressives call themselves socialist chemical socialists, whatever they want their communist. They undo here. They have nothing without the kid one of the few, as you can separate, the kids from the people. They trust in their life, their parents, one of the few when only ways you can do it. Is by teaching them that their sexually confused I don't understand it happening california, right now, this Alyssa The peace is damning. It takes a village, but california parents welcome california attorney general is suing a school district that wants to be notified. If their kids think they were change their gender. their suing the school district, the cattle
forty attorney general claims that gender not conforming students with a more general physical and psychological harm have to be protected from intolerant. Basically, an abusive parents stated For these deeming parents who don't subscribe, it's the gender woke ideology and to love a mortal danger to their children. Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest threat to your kids is the freaking government. It is not you it is. The government these people Doing this on purpose. Keep that up. I want you to read that again, read it again. They are this is the straight up communist manifesto one or more. that parents are in danger the gender nonconformity kids, who, by the way many whom are only gender not conforming because of the peer pressure and the social pressure from teachers, because the left they're the ones pressuring ignored.
Mortal danger to the kids is the schools, not the parrots division, folks. Think about it? What you kids, what are things you're incapable by this try to place you so back into job what he you incapable of understanding you didn't. Added. It was confusing to you folks. Kay. I remember my first girlfriend I don't know what my first kiss was. I was young you remember I did, but I remember tat moment and She was a little older than me and I remember, caught off guard holy Moses bears a kiss on everything. It was that there was a guide cheek has still not even carried. I remember thinking going all guy That was weird like I was a kid. It was nothing I was a kid I wasn't like I was killed. Used by the whole bay. I remember Like it was yesterday cause I was up against a car and I remember, confused. I knew what it was, but I was confused by the way the whole idea of,
acts and physical contact. In that way, we kid is tat. really beyond their realm of understanding. When beings are not poppies poppies by age, two or three can figure out what to do when they'll. Do it that's human beings and communists know this They use this sexual identity politics stuff to confuse kids and divide them from the parents, it's the only way, I mean it's tools. They work every single time. You cannot let this happen. Prisons censorship, division and fear every single time you see the same template over and over and over again, we want to see it censorship portion I'll, show you the censorship portion here and live action here, isn't organization that may have a point done good work, but is now a total left this censorship organization. All Do is threatened right now, concern
That is what they do. They threaten conservatives. They threatened not that they actively collude with social media companies. Listen this organization is really turn it into trouble because they are absolutely out their pushing people to be censored through social media platforms. I want you to She's guy admitted this is A deal. That again they do some good work here or there now, for some reason decided that they are gonna. Spout left is talking, point determine what hate speeches and then pushed companies and organisations to censor others. Now IRAN must be starting to fight back he's old, a twitter has been a victim of this work pressure these companies and these organizations to censor people here. They don't hide it started the idea, basically admitted right here that they collude with these social media companies to pressure them to make sure you don't get to speak facilities.
It or centre protect. Now society, where some actively with law all the kind of companies, the silicon valley from out as soon as you well from amazon to market resolved to matter and indeed to twitter, you tell them free years of an attack on the challenges of aid speech on their service. We point things our we share information, but what we ve said again and again and again- and I had the privilege to speaking directly to you on a few times there. And why we are so concerned is because we think twitter is such a consequential service. allowing people who created the toxicity on a platform that lead to real world the island's, keep in mind that the conspiracy theories dominated on twitter for so long exploded in places like pittsburgh power.
EL paso and, of course, ultimately in washington dc on january. The six ok this guy's to be immediately ignored, may fight back against the sky. He is a devout left, this notice. When he talks about conspiracy theories. He leaves out collusion hoax. He leaves out the impeach and hoax notice, he leaves out. The mass conspiracy theories, masks work there seeing conspiracy theories of vaccines are gonna, stop the transmission of covert notice. He leaves out the fifty one former intel officials, conspiracy theory, when he talks about spiritually theories. What he's talking about what he really means they mean over there pressuring them to get rid of conservatives This is straight out of the communist play. Ball straight out of the play ball, prison censorship, division in fear every single time the vision target, their kids censor. target the social media companies fear
drew mandates and covert hysteria prisons you're, seeing now with Enrique terrio and others getting multi. decades, sentences for things that be eliminated tee for these. Are they going to speak out about this stuff to holy most, gotta be kidding me we're living in a dangerous time. Man, everybody needs to walk work, our and your eyes open right now, man Is it stare and are you right now not tomorrow is here today and we take a quick break come back into the saddest break and then do it about anything about the shriek chaos either, because the a communist rule. I told you about a sphere fear in the streets and covered fear works for the widest fear. Work for them the person that gives up their civil liberties voluntarily. People who are afraid that it could get harder, lose everything, so they seek. The government for security That's the reason they loved this sri chaos. It works for them.
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people just walk in and shop the catches You're still pay people video them. Don't care one single bit. Here's one of check this out like that the shop take whatever he was at the open up, your own go in the back and take box stacking ownership rights. I got another one feel they love this stuff. Why are they doing nothing about it because it works for them so bad for these people, folks ever travel to a foreign country. Here enough, our country and you lose your sport and all of your identification you're in a world. The trouble good luck trying. Yet the? U s embassy, trying to prove who you are these people?
Malta they stop in San Francisco. They pay for a minute or somewhere in california. Forgive me they park for just. they're out of their car five ten minutes ago, get a look at the water. Whatever they were doing there for. If you may come back to the carbon things got passports, the ipads my analysis, lady they're, from Malta. This is what the united states looks like around the world taylor. So what happened you into the beach for five minutes like a minute attacking a decline in there and would they take everything we have passports, come iraq and an ipad laptop luggage, and you guys are here from visiting from Malta from last man,
I gotta tell you, man the video room my day yesterday I mean really because I felt so awful for these people. My day was nothing about how awful hers there's one imagine being in a foreign country no passport. why do you know why, no money, no for no phone zero, folks, it's so shameful, but we have to say now, oh yeah, only if anything in your car ever, let's on always practical for people anywhere in a forty cause. There's a damn good chance, someone's gonna come in break your window and steal it. Why? the left these in these states doing nothing about this. The answer is because they like it. That's why. That's why they caught all these. people. You want stanley have super majorities in a lot of these left wing state they could find this tomorrow, Good put enhancements were shoplifting property crimes they could have
dedicated what we would call berg units burglary units that go out and all day. Just fingerprint then find these people they have license plate cameras around, they could figure out who was in and around the area they do. Doing why because The cops still want to know the cops would love to lock up because the petitions will not prosecute them and that this thing, district attorneys and Agee's in California. Why. So what do I do? Move have no easy solution for you. Other then move you need to get out of there. Do not you folks, listen to me and the chat. If you don't agree You gonna cost me in a chance. Fine, I'm watching what I'm always looking. I you know. I love you guys. Thank you for being here You can't save these places, not now until the people experience sirop of impact themselves and critical mass of people
sperience a robbery, a burglary or home invasion. We don't want that. We don't want that people are victims, a lot of, indeed even wrote for this stuff saying that I'm just telling you the hard political ties to go reality. You can save these people. they will never vote differently until they sperience the hell they brought on themselves. They will not. I sighed you may be thinking to yourself, always bad enough, it'll change soon. No it won't you not grow up in new york in the eighties. It's not bad enough year. New york, Everybody laughed everybody they could get out of new york city moved along island. It's true, the city had two thousand homicide. You realize that ten times with some of these places get right now and you think it's bad enough. Folks, people, show up in the streets dead, multiple people.
Every day media was everywhere, drugs were dealt out every corner times square was hell, hole, porn edge, rip shows and drugs and three card monte salesman. This you think it's bad news, work in the eightys was mad max. Anyone in the chat remember. Go somewhat says I remember It was a how hole. I know what you're thinking get bad enough. It'll change should its where you're not even close, the good news. Is there a portions of the united states, where this is just a distant memory? Reminds me twenty eight days later movie with a zombie outbreak in the united kingdom, the guy looks of the area and air traffic. Still the rest of the world's go, not as normal you understand down here in florida. We don't have that problem. We gotta go governor. I got a great sheriff, we get. Twenty thirty solid sheriffs down here, maybe more
have to live like this. You don't that's enough is tolerated down. Here I showed you there, last week we two young ladys, that they were going to walk in the exporting goods and just cause to place our walk out. The cops block. off the bridge, able nowhere, the sun, happened out here: martin county she's, not they will fall hello: you do your wheels swallow. You don't have to live like this man. They want. This fear, don't play into their trap. I got a video camera mass to. Finally people fight back. Thankfully, we ve got some good senators. I've had enough of this fear campaigners, Over of this great reset, stop I'll show you what I mean coming up next preoccupations he'll eggs! I had a good night's sleep. Less I swear. I woke up especially vices, went to sleep As you get older, so critical, especially a deep comforting sleep,
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that's g and you see how genocide accomplished. Then you see results. They want a compliments every week out any cell. That council has their hats, genuine, so dotcom flash there. I back to the show campaign folks, it's not an accident street crime, covert, put your best, god, you're gonna die. I take your vaccine. You understand this is not this is by accident. Fear is the currency on the left it's the way they sell. You things I give us your kids, give us your money and give your healthcare give us your healthcare. Nobody gives, stuff up voluntarily, lesser frightened about what's on the other side or I'm gonna die if I don't have healthcare craigs, thinking this is there are solutions working there outweigh away before obamacare with action the damage to the healthcare marks they need. You scared leads! You scared, overtime, here's greece! Pierre you say the white ass again when changing their vote? Anyone was Jim MIKE. If you change your tax to be changed, your father meet up. I think it's all the same. Ok, folks, the worse the absent
worse press secretary in history, united states going back to them hysteria. Conveniently before the election. So Biden, yeah they're, going to he's going to mask up which, by the way he didn't do your civic check this out. President bind tested negative last night for coven nineteen and tested negative again today, he's not experiencing any symptoms. As far as the steps he's taking since the president was with the first lady yesterday, he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with cdc guidance and as as has been the practice in the past, the president will remove his mask when sufficiently distance from others indoors and while outside as well so changed from MIKE Gibb, either worse press secretary in the history of the united states gentlemen. Again, this is a white house. They are responsible for promoting science in the public interest, not for promoting the bunk stupid. Talking point you understand: corinne jean pierre is dumb as she is, and Joe binders dumber than curry jump here by far both
though the mass things bullshit the reason their promoting the mass thing is because again fears their point of the realm. It's the only way to get you to dissipate of civil liberties. However washed in times you see, centre J D, vance good man, I, like eighty vance Adam Ohio, is offering a bill to ban return of federal mass mandates. Yes, I everybody send him a tree support this bill. ask where you're, senator and congressmen stands on this bill. There should be. No. You want to wear a mask, ladies and gentlemen. I believe in freedom knock yourself out, put deface diaper on Suppose your stupidity, the world. Nobody cares, I'm about for in freedom, I'm gonna laugh, I think you're an idiot, but here for Do it you go right ahead. Put the doping Ask on pretended solves your covert issues, however will be no mandates. This is still a free country. I thought so. Doing that you said vast last night on this bill. Talking about this, you need this.
With this call your congressman today. This is super important check this out. Just a week ago, Donald trump issued a video, very sensible video, saying no more mandates, we're not going back to the covert tyranny of couple of years ago: dimension its howled and protest and said: nobody's try to bring back mass mandates, and yet this week we see see multiple instances confer trumps, thesis that you have multiple entities within our government within the public health bureaucracy, their local public schools in the dc area, now reimposing mask mandates. This is coming back unless We stop it from happening. That's why I introduce this legislation in force the Democrats to vote on it. If they say the mask mandates are not coming back then come to the senate floor, vote with us and say no more mass mandates. Let's make it by partisan, you should go You democrat centre to here's the thing. This is why this is a genius rule folks is almost zero chance than a Democrat. They just remember my boy, I just told you that
that's no, mass downward with police. I I know you get this what do the people on the fans who may be new to the show out of sixty six dollars, people watch and right now is always couple new people. You may be new here, you may I still believe that some Democrats, just don't know when they have good intentions and they really do think masks work. Nobody thinks that I want you to understand. Democrats use the mask as a fear mechanism. We get it got it good. We talked about it for the last three days, the genius of J d vance his bill is now you get them on the record. Now you get them on the record. I want every single Democrat running for congress, which is gonna, be everyone in twenty twenty four, the rub every two years, and every senator, obviously, a third of the class of eighteen. Thirty, three a run on this year, Thirty three running this year. I want every single one of them on the record is too, where you stand about mandating face Cyprus. I want to know them all on the record because only take some people, just like you mess with their kids you mess with this mass thing again there gonna be how to pay. You know I gotta tell you I
Do you know me just guitar love? We, you know we bob heads, I crazy, I mean you can't imagine like a bigger like friction thing than me: yet all we're not the best bodies at all. Ok, by tar. Love was on the five yesterday eddie entire love dax actually may good political point shape, he's like style, he's I'd, get chose. I get this on. Tell me now he's like, what's happening, geese, hidden record right now for agriculture, because he's a he's confused. No, she did so said the jessica somethin, like you know the demo, it's a run and unless they want this back for fear, think they do, but the damage that's aren't jessica's like year, but that may be mistake because people really hate these things in this re backfire. Now both points are right, Democrat we want the mask on. So everybody scared again, but I don't think they are we understand, because they don't get out talk to regular americans enough badly. This is gonna blow back on. It is what you times I'll tell you, you know what
look at you better elicited darla yosemite. Some you bring best mandates start masking up people's kids you're going to be in a world of pain. It happened. Yankees, like oh, my gosh she's, just going on like the eclipse channel, then their necks. They write her, although megabit, thereby juno prisoner, although the otter now her alone. That's assure me in a rather totally earlier by the way, happened again at the white house yesterday? What I I got a large body of experience from my prior line of work in how logistics at a psycho folks support. It gets his card. So whenever you the president by when he whips out these cards, and it says what he's going to do. I I it'd be fair to him, because I believe in facts and unsafe. I just want to be honest, fair doesn't matter, I mean fair schmear with alchemy. I just want to be honest, every president gets that binds just dumb that he keeps showing it to people. Typically, what happened then I'll do is keep it in his suit jacket and so simply just remembers what to do it
I'd, your speak for five minutes. You'll exit states laughed your work, rope line using glance at it before they go out and that's it. So it's not unusual. Abiden gets his card. When I can't repeating enough is what is unusual. Is it Biden cannot seem to remember. What's on a car, Meanwhile, none of this is hard. You go stage. Word. The medal of honor say Prayer they play held of the chief or whatever you exit this is hard president's, get this down. For my spirits I did. I did the transition from bush, your obama it takes. Couple days and nights in IRAN. We get a look at the cardinal widened ever because he's a rotting bag of oatmeal which spaghetti. for brains, can never ever remember what to do. Ladies and gentlemen, it happened again yesterday this amount in hero receiving the medal of honor, a guy can't say and of positive things about stories? Just incredible right is stage by awards the medal of honor. I just leaves in the middle of the ceremony before the prayer,
Before everything there is no way I don't care what the white house tells you. There is away. This restage widened forgot: what to do and just walk out again watches leases hero up on stage check this out three Joe said a right faces in the crowd, the crowd. No one knows what to do. Every
he's a he going. What would just happen? You see the press. People wait, isn't he supposed to stay the poor guys? one stage. What do I do now? You understand he's the m c Joe Biden swaps off the guy does not know what to do. Since I rotting opium braids is totally losing their my somewhat yesterday to ideas, watchin newsman whenever and somebody said something the effect of this guy's ike he's one more of these moments like really bad ones, away from losing like four or five points in the polls, because so many people now he's down to such a pit in support Everybody knows what a mess this guy now they too, this guy, like an infant in the white house, because he's egomaniac, but he's too stupid to know what to do so. Job here got confronted with this yesterday, as this auto biographer franklin for I don't trust. As far as I wrote, this book about Biden discover leases its
its work in this way around the media circuit and the gist of the book is that by angry Biden hate to be called stupid, even though he is says I somebody's talk about other shower. I guys So like I used to work with him and his team and seem around the white house all right, but one thing I'd hate more than anything is when people recognise its unity a binding, I'm telling you these legitimately a stupid person, he hates it. When people recognize it, he hey because everybody's pretty much smarter than by big binds always the dumbest guy in a room. He just is whether they The binding is, he thinks, he's a smart guy. She might be advice to you. If you want to get smarter to be the dumbest guy in the room? But, stand near the dumbest guy there going around phds. Doctors you'll get really smart. You will. If super smart guys. It is about advice I give you, but you gotta recognize that in their space you don't The data things, he knows more than anyone. We hate he called dumb.
Even when he screw something up an offence at the white house, treats them like an idiot drives him nuts use Peter Doocy, Colin currie jump here with this watch I get really defensive. This is great check this out, president by the oldest president in us history, wise white house staff treat him like a baby. The president of the united states, the commander in chief, like a baby, so there's this book. That was sounded like a call for regime change in russia. The president, rather than only his failure defused to friends about how he was treated like a toddler, was John Kennedy ever baby. Like I'll say this is going to be arrange, always arrange of books, that or about every administration, as you know that They have a variety of claims that it is not unusual that happens all the time and were- and I We too litigate those here, there's something that we're not going to speak.
There is one thing that I do want to think. I was asked this question last week by one of your colleagues about this particular excerpt that they were. And two, and so I say this, you know We did see the extra excerpt go, the context of the excerpt and it's you, to be making the opposite overall point about how the value of his expire. science and wisdom resulted rallying the free world against authoritarianism which is important. We have seen this. You all have seen us and passage of the most historic agenda in recent history in his handling of foreign policy, like rallying the world around creating the greatest as you know- and I got one
yeah spinal, so so distant clear. Where we got my chat, Chad stairs we gotta these come on. a chance there. Here we go out to sea They regard wherewithal diehards, so to be clear, a guy given exclusive access to the white house right good for nobody denies edge been in reply. The white house, approve that everybody understands that when he goes in the wine ass. The guy's a devout left this by the way from what I know of franklin for right a book that has it its generally and ass, kissing exercise, but there out of movies iraq. Dago gestures covered during the clutch right here so book when there's the mild criticism in their amongst the asked kissing that base
equally biden, screws up a lot has to be corrected by his staff. Were you causes an international insulin calling for regime change in russia. Just to be clear that evidence of his leadership at its ability to change the world geo political dynamic. These people are there just folks, their embarrassing they're just humiliating train wreck. I guess she's, just a really really bad she's, a bad liar, she's, a liar, I don't have that's a compliment or not she's, just a really really terrible wire. That was tablets, definitely too much quicker. Who goes for first regular motley right over the poor. Here, yes- and I miss the pole, got, but we agree catches of both wait till we get the stew we can watch those. Why were you we come now to the studio when we open up hopefully by beginning next year. I hope you do be great to see you such a good time of that live concert, we'll give away support
stuff, I gotta, be gray, love a good time. We're one love Maybe we'll do it on a friday will have all your life thing afterwards. Emmy print corps I can't let you go today without discussing a block I was gonna do yesterday no No, I know some of you don't like the economics by now make sections where the show that I do, but there are important folks try not to make them to walk. You know, economics is my passion, Joe member. We used to do it all the time it was like the whole cora my shower years ago. The boy I like you too. I know some of you are crazy about it, but it's super import You understand the bullshit artist in the light of the fact that this guy's a too during his name to the word economics calling by now maize is hilarious. So I just the few headlines, the show you a couple of things I wanted to press you at the end of the show on a wednesday. Ok, and an army now napoleonic wagon lipstick in a pig I understand. I mean this sincerely when I say it. I wouldn't sam
Really do think we're on the verge of a serious and sincere economic renaissance. We can control and get a hold of ai. material sciences, quantum mechanics we a bunch of things, going on right now, nuke it's your drugs! What is it that a age struggle whenever this stuff is all popping its popping now, if we can harness it and not get crazy, in energy technology you're, seeing new kinds of superconductors call fusion in truth, we are on the verge of really big thing, so to be super depressed but I just want you to stay and right now the economies not good matter. I would say to you the economy's really bad. Is it the worst its ban in the last twenty years? No, it isn't. Is it getting there? It is at a series of her mine's based on facts should spur you two action that we need a change of twenty twenty four the first headline: just the news
alarmed jar law alarm grows is jobs and gdp data revised our late gentlemen, the g p gross domestic product how the country is growing. What we produce gross domestic product production is going down there being revised downwards under by jobs. Are starting decrease in the number of jobs where producing and even worse the jobs reproducing you're, not very good. Ok, Are you may see? That's just the news, john solemn inside you. John, you know it's a very conservative guy, I fair enough. Follow John sites, one of the best new sites out there you washed impose. You don't believe me. It's a lot Leaning I mean communist left, leaning wash imposed. U S, death It explodes even as economy grows, how is agile? How is that didn't girija pierre Biden tell us, they reduce the deficit. While we ve told you, of course, for the last year and a half their lying, the deficit is actually exploding in. he met up? Here's. The more simple
If the federal deficit is projected to double this year, I thought they were bringing it down one of their bullshit or I dunno. What to tell you folks. Here's the worst part about the whole thing that this trillion dollar plus deficit. We're running that this. happening not during wartime. I mean if this emergency, we need to borrow money to finance the military machine. We don't have it. We are out We have we done we're out of money red state the current carlo, the false it a ten year I, as by economic, by not continues its path of economic destruction. Rhythm is heading. is made up. You think my miller reds. Is pulled this out of his ass Let me try to fake article by this summer. happening here. See tv craig banister higher spent. and lower tax revenue overwhelm economic growth, the skyrocket, the deficit, deficit surged in two thousand and twenty three despite economic growth,
Ten months, we barred one point six trillion, one point six billion in ten months, we're not even with a year yet don't worry folks were rocking roland right. Here's axiom snags, we're still the debt axiom notice, how I use left wing sites in this too. Ceos, washed imposed in case. You think I'm making this up and Joe Biden telling you the truth deficit The debt are going down. That's it totally plainly made up. It's a lie. rising interest rates, make america's fiscal rithmetic worse. They noted the number wouldn't be terrible if we were bringing it more tax revenue responding bizarre ceos, but that's not the case instead of a surplus scipio Jackson should included three percent primary deficit over the decades, in other words, such is the massive servicing the death. It's getting worse, the government still doing Don't worry, folks fears by economic tsar, Jared birds, thee,
cable news say don't worry by now makes this fantastic forget everything I just told you it's an inaccurate narrative divide not make such check this out. I think it's inaccurate now not an inaccurate narrative to declare that somehow, by not mix, isn't working or that it's not favourably received by people when you drill down into what it actually is, the drill down. I just I just did dp deficits that interest rates monthly Davis its annual deficits, job growth, protein everything that we just we just did we just drill down. We just rural divers, honest to set the worst economy we ve ever had. The great depression was are worse: twenty five percent unemployment, recession, probably a close second, but folks, let me take some four. Six more years of this clown. Yet now we're getting their damn fast, you'll be there before you know it.
finally one story for a rock n roll with your folks Listen it's only a matter of time before the scandal of the century comes out. ladies and gentlemen, the scandal of the century is what the hell did. Barack obama know in his white house, when Joe Biden was up to what he was up. There is no question barack obama do zero. The only question at this point is: when did wanna know what did he know and was Obama's somehow benefiting from Joe Biden, corruption, cumbersome over and washed in times Obama's bites? When did the forty fourth president know about the vps foreign business dealings? Ladies and gentlemen, this is the, biggest scandal of the Biden, crime, family scandal, what role Did obama play. I want you to keep in mind and remember always that All of the decisions the vice president may have made in conjunction with payments to his son. I e
ukrainian businesses paid this first vice president. To do this. none of those decisions could have happened without obama. Remember that in miss I refused to pay the I m f payment until they fired the prosecutor, son of a bitch video that this in that video he says, ukrainians, challenged me by says so I told them. They said you the president, and what does he say, Biden says: column obama had no was a bomb is somehow profiting from this. This is one of the biggest scandals nobody is talking about outside of you people the times and elsewhere the job. How busy or stay on top of this story. This is gonna, be the next step egg to crack down on my right. There.
I dunno, he said kind of strange ride. Obama's really richie's days, Annie had a weird ray martha's vineyard asked, which of course, is gonna be taken away by climate change, cannot be underwater in a year or two. It's amazing how he took that risk, so crazy could have bought it on the cheap. Hmm, it's going to be on the water soon right! That's the question: why did obama know when did he know it at all? this in the coming weeks and say on these economic storage has focused its get worse, a nice again for doing it in today. I really appreciate, I know it wasn't the greatest newsday I never spinning wheels or anything. So I'm in seventy one thousand people here in my chat. Some really are warning that you guys come here in my hand, and I love hang with you for an hour. every day. It really means the world to me and if you're listening delay it on audio and apple spotify or watching a rumble later, you matter to some people can't make it live. I really deeply appreciate and want you to understand. I am so ferociously loyalty all for making my life so rewarding. Thank you. So much for your time. I'll see you back here,
At eleven a m tomorrow, if you would please follow us on rumble, rumble dotcom, slash, mancino, few quick, tat, green, follow button is absolutely free. You'll get a notification, we go live, and please although the rumble upstart account during the chat, we'd love to have you here rates in your seat, here about you. Just ten von jean ojo
Transcript generated on 2023-09-07.