« The Dan Bongino Show

This Is How They Cheat In Elections (Ep 2068)

2023-08-16 | 🔗

This is how they cheat in elections. In this episode, I address the scheme. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je. No, I want to talk about how a cheat in elections. Why bringing this up now because the rat the point now, where again there actually bragging about it, then something happened yesterday, that describes how simple what they do is. I understand I get it that there's a lot of people concerned about machines and all that that's perfectly reasonable concern. To have with the voting process? I understand it, but what? If I told you the way they cheat is even simpler there, I can do it the easy way: they're not going to go to the hard way, and it's right in front of your face. I'll show you what I mean coming up with a second credit card balances they've been rising for of consecutive quarters, increasing in some of the largest rates a twenty years. If youve wrapped up that you're, not alone, twenty twenty three in a brutal year for most americans grappling with inflation, rising rates and just generally
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the nine eight nine eight nine eight claim. Your free information kit on gold from brcko group performance may vary, consult with your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision message and data rates apply all right, we're skipping the bell today, we're not doing anything, so I don't have time, for it is the folks they cheat. They cheat in elections, it's not complicated. What they do to cheat in elections is quite simple. I want you to think of it. This If you were going to fish in two parts, though both parts of the same size, all else is equal right. You want to fish in two parts: do you want to and upon what a lot of fish in it or you want to fish in the palm with just a few fish. If it's not a trick question you want to fish in the pond with a whole bunch of fish in it, because you stand a greater likelihood of catching a fish. Correct democrats think of voting the same way they think of voting the exact same way, their theory on voting.
get them registered, get voter registrations in, send them out the ballads, collect them and count them. That's it, but the first step of that shuts the rest of the steps down if the first step doesn't happen. That is why Democrats focus on voter registration drives. They want to fish in a bigger pond with more in it. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you it is that simple. This is what they do. They collect
in part for them. They think is now going to be easy moving forward because covert help them moved more of a male and balloting system. Ok, the collection part for them is going to be the easy part. It's the first part is the complicated part they ve gotta get people register, even if they're, not people, even if people are dead, they ve gotta get it. If welcome to the show of your here, are we back or without that? You're? Sorry, sorry, some listen! Listen again! If you missed it, you'll see the intro. I'm deeply deeply apologetic that you spent your time here with us. Let you down for twenty minutes on the text site. I'm really super sorry at is on me. It is my shell we're getting back to it. The voter registration is the Democrats choke point. They ve got to get registrations out. they don't care of your legitimate, not legitimate it does it matter, they ve always excel at fishing. In a bigger part. This is how the cheating start, then, after their dunwood over
eating they stop people from talking about it. It's a way to keep them area. That's why they needed, because this area- this is critical. You understand this. Why am I bring this up and explore report in the newsletter bungie dot com. Slash newsletter check it out. You need to read this today. on partisan, voter registration organization is actually a Democrat get out? The vote? Machine report says they'll, ecologists and colon a tremendous article. It's called the voter registration project folks. This is how they do it. It's how they get more fish in the pot. They don't really care. If, after you read Stir you're the one who voted under your registration as long as they can a ballot out to you and that ballots return. You understand what I'm saying whether you return or not, data, members should all they care about? Is that thing is checked for a democratic, but you gotta have a registered voters. First,. Here's where they do these groups. This is the scale they present them.
cells is non partisan, voter registration organizations, but they're really working out democrats. What, in the capital research centres exclusive report which daily cholera, got their hands on organization the vip voter registration project, was commissioned by the white now whitehouse deputy cheapest, they have John Podesta, who you know is one of the biggest left these on this rock. We call planet earth and was funded by left wing donors, and we specifically aimed at work election victory for democrats, the secrecy report alleges that dvr peters I've themselves as non partisan, yet a particularly targeted demographics likely to vote democrat and hired left wing could solves. Leading
five point: one million new voter registrations since two thousand and fifteen according to website five point: one million new voter registrations now to be clear, there's nothing illegal about registering new voters. Republicans should be doing it too. Obviously, I'm trying to explain to you, though, the Democrats game plan get them registered, send the ballots out, collect them and count them noticed at no point that game plan that I say make sure the registered voters the waters actually voting. You understand, that's our part. It is that is not part of the scheme. The new york times even talked about this. How can you get a bunch of people? I cannot talk about this article and up back in twenty twelve, when mail in balloting was largely a republican endeavour in florida, military folk, seniors, listens and others right when it was a republican thing to do.
At times, hated bale and balloting. Look here's the piece again back in two thousand and twelve new york, times' Adam Liptak, talking about how votes by mail are less likely to be counted more likely to be compromised Are likely to be contested than those in a voting boost statistics show election official, reject all those two percent all its cast by male double the rate for in person voting so through some simple math. You get fired. point. One million ballots out there in new registrations, whom you get em out you send about you collect them. These gentlemen, two percent we're talking about Big big number of potential fragile ballots out there, that's assuming the law in this
Why voter registration is the key for this whole thing: you're fishing, in a bigger pond, there are more fish. There are more ballots you can send out. At no point did they give a damn who sends the ballot back folks they bragged about all this. How they cheat they brag about all this. If this is a legal process, it's no problem, get em registered and I'm a ballot collected from the registered voter apathy, whether they show in person or where balin harvesting is legal encounter. That's not what the Democrats we on doing they don't care vinci action, registered voter they brag about how they cheat and campaigns. You remember this article time article, the secret history, the shadow campaign that say that when you twenty election, ladies and gentlemen, if there is a one must read, write now. It is time magazine article in my newsletter bunch. You know that consultation is that, where they
Scribe and walk through exactly what they did to fleece the twenty twenty election they talk about, let's go through it piece by piece: No I'm not making this up they bring. About all this star. They know. There's a conspiracy unfolding bind the scene, one that curtail the pro tests and coordinated resistance from sea egos, so business people were involve both surprises, where the result, but informal alliance between left wing activists, liberal money, people and business signs. the pact was formalizing terse joint statement of the? U s chamber of commerce and the
labor unions as we'll see I'll publish on election day. They saw it as kind of an implicit bargain inspired by the massive protests in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and here's the important line oppose trump's assault on democracy. What do they say, they're, saying very simply that these groups all winked and nodded at each other? Labor unions? U s chamber of commerce, business, titans, left wing, liberal donors, they all coordinated together to make sure trump wouldn't win. Is that the same liberal donors involved in things like the voter registration project? You see how you are fighting this massive tidal wave on the shore right now committing all of these big money
well connected elites, marshalling their efforts together to screw you over. You understand, what's going on here, they brag about it, they're, not even hiding it anymore. Here's how they did it read this piece again, it's in my newsletter today, while gino dot com, slash newsletter, please check it out a trailer cost. You anything just read this article, it's long, but it's worth your time talking about this group of people left wingers unions, business types who got together to screw over trump they know that their work touched every aspect of the election. They got space to change, voting systems and laws and help secure hundreds of millions of public in public and private funding. They found it off, bruce suppression law suit. You see how it's always about the voting system, recruited armies and paul workers. The voting system got me the people of all by mail. For the first time there you go hello. You do now parachutes she'll media companies,
a harder line against this information and use data driven strategies to fight viral spear smears. Let me sum up part one of what they did. They got people registered, they sent them out, they collected a bunch of balance and they counter and didn't give a shit who those ballots came from as long as that ballot was marked Democrat and then, when you talk about it, but now they pressured social media companies to call you in election that ire denying their recent election is anyone else. There was an election and it was shit. That's it I'm not denying anything. You see how they do this. This is how the police state works. Here's part two other did it public awareness campaigns, that helped americans understand how the vote count would unfold. I evil registration to preventing, try
conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. I e pressuring social media companies their bragging about it after election day, they moderate every pressure point to ensure the trump could now overturned the result, the untold story, the elections, thousands of people are both parties to accomplish the triumph of american democracy. Its foundation said nor mice, and, let me, let me add, a hack Democrat who absolutely hates republicans: that's how they did it just laid the whole thing out for you in ten minutes. It wasn't hard focuses, Are they needed the covert hysteria they have been pushing for mass may an balloting four years. It is critical to them. It is mass mail and balloting that enable them to do all this stuff. I'm going get back to the covert hysteria here, because it's important this is why you're starting to hear all the covert stuff
it up again get their face. Diapers back on this article and express you can see right here: scientists, the man britain, where face masks as new as new covert variant spread, you see they're doing it again. Doing it again, because they need the hysteria to make sure that people are scared enough that if they push for in person voting in the united states, they have a back up and, and the backup plan is going to be. No. No. No, we need this social distancing and all the stuff people be able to have that have to be able to work from home to vote from home. Excuse me, I mean they're ignoring all this stuff telegraph, attacks it record level after the pandemic gee. I wonder what that has to do with nobody ask any questions there. I got doktor mccullough world renowned, cardiologist common online. radio show later they talk about exactly that folks. This is crazy. They are doing it right in front of our faces. This vote
Registration thing and their mass effort, the fish in a bigger pon, requires the mail and balloting because think about it. If you show up on election day, you and then you show up again with another ballad they're going to know balance. Now yours because you were already there, that's why white male and get them registered. Send them out, collect them count. Em. works? If all this fails by the way they're gonna go for police state, we are there. Already a very new about them using the guns. badges to lock people up. They ve got the power right now. What I mean coming up in a second play, the video for him when he passes on a bit of a lighter note. I want to start this shall be in a technical like up with this. You know, Biden ever find his way off. The stage right he's got this issue. Would exit ramsay cannot seem to ever He always us confused, try to find his way of the state, because he is confused, spaghetti your brains. Now we can, seem to find their way onto the stage. Here's Joe Biden, yes,
I like that. Here's Joe Biden, except there's no Joe Biden to be found check this out. President Joe Biden y'all know him. Well, I'm a little underwhelmed durch you are, I think I messed up. yeah, please vote for me. Ok, you didn't mess up its by nita. Nobody's doing get him find his way to the stage now not only carry That is why are we can find a way to this guy's gonna need like what are these up. You know there's a robot, it's a go around the sea surveillance robots and got to guide you around he's going to need to be permanently attached to guide him on the stage it off the stages guy. It keeps getting worse with this joker. Let me get back to them.
because folks have been warning. You in a police state is here right now. This is the problem of where we are. The problem with where we are with the voting process is evil If you discuss the voting process, the police state and can judge with social media companies will put you in jail through you in jail, lock, you up sensor, you have you fired from your job and bankrupting bankrupt you if you exposed when I just expose now, I gotta get. It I get it. Many of you are probably say in Ghana. Can't be that simple You just say it to me: the Democrats pump a lot of money into registering people, then pushing Alan balloting after they push all about. And collect the ballots, whether the people who are actually voting vote or not? Yes, that's Exactly what I'm telling you it's really that simple and if disgusted they are going to have you investigated and locked up their showing it with donald trump.
Now did you see this filing a pop last night that they also got a hold of donald trump deleted. Direct messages on twitter and is potentially is draft tweets as well folks. This is for police states stuff. We are in a really dangerous time. I can't say to you and I'll stay ferocity man. It is getting really really bad out there. I wanted to show you this too is had tipp Tom elliot over a graybeards member. When the Democrats were it not me, political getting going on right now, so that about their donald trump pattern of our roger stone. You ve seen it me every one else. I mean I was the subject of her surveillance operation by embassy. People over in ukraine, yad happened. You can look at me and I was the only one worker hannity and others remember when people like rachel matthau claim that donald trump was gonna be one it was gonna, be politically targeting as opponents notice, how
All of them are really silent right now, when they realise it. Joe Biden doing and Barroso bomber did everything they claim. Tromp was gonna, be responsible for watch the super case, I mean check this out now- that he's got the right attorney general in position to do it. We now know they really have been trying to gin up criminal prosecutions and criminal investigations into the president's perceived enemies, politically motivated persecution, courtesy of bill, Barr, our all rolling the fbi on you! That's! How banana republics work right! The home of the forty fifth president of the united states has been rated The f b I, MR trump, is using the justice department to go after his perceived enemies. I feel worried about the prospect of the justice department being used as a tool of this president or any our little banana republic. Any capable prosecutor can get a grand jury to hand down an indictment of something as innocent as a ham sandwich was unsealed charging Donald Jake from here
former president tromp he's been indicted for the fourth time in five miles or on the presence behalf is weapon, the the justice department to go after the enemies enemies. When you win election, you dont city, just prosecute the losing side present using the justice department as a weapon to get what he wants. Department of justice is totally politicized seeking the department of justice on political opponents, threatening to imprison his political rival banana regime public style, trying to exact revenge against all of his enemies. Tin pot, dictator and a banana republic is acting more like a banana republic dictator he's using government resources too, though, after his political opponents. Essentially, we are a banana republic that we we are to have a bogus in criminal investigation into a political opponent. Now, don't forget, please, I do not, present to you, those videos I do not produce
can t you to expose hypocrisy, but began its hypocrisy. They said we're worried about political targeting indeed of themselves data care to them. It's not about it. They do care, it's not about hypocrisy to them, hierarchy, don't ever forget this? When you were a collectivist, a communist socialists, a fascist, you are you, are you the chip of your spear is power. What beauty, power is irrelevant. They don't care when the communist put up people against the wall in cuba and shot them. They didn't care that the family started was hypocritical, that those people were shot while the so called communist we're getting rich, they don't care. Show you these two exposed to you these people, how dangerous and perilous exposing these people dangerous and perilous of a time or if they will do anything, they don't care nothing.
Is going to stop them other than losing the one thing they crave most, which is what, which is what, which is power? That is it. That is all they crave. They don't let me get to this before either sponsors. This is super important cue up there, gingrich, english video you what this is about- a million thirty, please listen at every second of this wireless. I don't know you feel that friend friends with nude unfriendly with them or not, I dislike the guy, but I try to attached myself from politicians even former, but I'm telling you, regardless of your feelings, about new gingrich or establishment. publicans, not established whatever it doesn't matter. I want you to pay very close attention to what gingrich says here. He saying exactly what I'm tell
you, these people don't care any more. There are no emergency breaks to how they will move forward if we don't stop them in the selection and remove the one thing they, to hurt us power, then is. Gentlemen. Pain is on the other side of that. There's no doubt listen to this. I think we are drifting towards the this constitutional crisis, since eighteen, fifty's, A rise of succession and the civil war. I don't mean that as hyperbole. If you read the animal Are these remarkable book of collusion which came out, and two thousand nineteen he makes very clear that it has brought go burma who corruption? justice department, It is, however, a Clinton routinely break so long gets away with it. And now we have Joe Biden whose work has learned obama doesnt matter, what you do. If you are a liberal democrat, you will not be prosecuted.
He learned from Hungary person and high public office can millions and millions of dollars and they learned from watching donald trump They true outsider, willing take on the entire system could straw, their entire machine, so what you're seeing across the country is a desperate Last ditch effort by a corrupt machine, to destroy their most dangerous opponent in a way wish, not only breaks the constitution destroys the rule of law. establishes a moment of bitterness which think will last for a generation or more. I think you, this is gonna, be a horrendous period and we just I do understand the people who want to control america and dictate to the russians. will break any law. Law about any topic and manipulate system anyway. They can and that in
It was a lot of the elite news media depressing and it will look again at the old goose pimples there it's hard to hear, but it's true. He's not kidding, they will break any law, they were hurt. Anyone in their way sensor them banker them jail them. there is only one way to stop them. Is an emergency brake. There is a break glass
and it's to remove them from power. Now, then, you focused in the beginning on how they cheat and elections. Folks say: camp nationally, it's hard. We want in twenty sixteen twenty twenty was a big rican joke, as you can tell what we can do it, because we have on tell me we can't win. We have. We're gonna have to do it in spite of what their planning right. Now. The only good news is a lot of these republic in states that they're gonna need to get two to seven. The electoral college have are wrong vamp the lot of their voting rules that are going to make a lot of this harder impossible, no but harder. Folks! You ve got to separate these people from power your options or that or destruction on the other side of it. They are that bad right now I want to play something from the five that happened. Yesterday was a blow up on the five two and mattered a matter
play it after you, and I want to show you a tweet by mark within that there may be some hope on the other side of this too and quickly. Let me get through our last sponsors again. I so appreciate your patience. I just wrote down the chat very sorry about the technical hang not to keep harping on it, but I owe you better and it's my show. I owe you better. You spend time with me better. we can produce folks over the last twenty years. We support my tell us not only been able to watch my pillow, but the matter stopper, the slippers and my pillow battles to this a lot more. My pillow is over two hundred products. You know that my pillow so confident you'll of each and every one of them. When you go to my pillow thou com, you'll immediately receive a free gift by twenty bucks, just for checking out their website no purchase necessary. Let's right get everything. My pillow, like it sleep where kitchen towels mattresses, do bays pet beds, body pillows comforters can, pillows bathrobes. So much more often my pillar go to my pillars. Com or call eight hundred sixty seven, four. Ninety two and use promo code, Dante's, deep discounts in all my pillow products
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We can isolate them from power. While we still have elections, we lose a selection. The elections may not had our going forward its that board, but this happened on the on the five yesterday. I bring up this clip specifically because got fell, got do an argument harold for junior. I know birth that both of these men well, Harold was always been a gentleman to me, gregg as a friend having sex that Harold. This is probably the most moderate democrat they have. There is not known for fiery liberal takes he's a tennessee Democrat with a pretty moderate record when you talk to him seems like a pretty rational guy, but with due respect, I have to strongly disagree because world really epitomize, where the Democrats all right now with the police state, they justify what they're doing sane democrats, sometimes liberals, liberals, just one power: they want. You hurt. That's it period politically personally financially her,
and even moderate Democrats we're talking this way. We ve got a problem. They justify the police state tactics. The Democrats have engaged in using this line thank the lord, I'm not using his name in vain got, fell. Call them out on this. Well trump had a common anyway right what I mean check, this out is totally over the top as a jet for war even when their everyone's increase makes sense, except it's all bullshit, all non stop. We know this is designed to banish isolating to destroy a political outside or who predicted this chucks humor. don't mess with parties all right own mess with the intelligence is still keep dull rest, your team and keep it off the field, but what do I do not think he's done. Anything though any of this is probably one of the most troubling consequential figures in history, but no, he doesn't
serve any of this, and by the way I see Harold said there? Do you not think he's dead? then there heralds welcome, will come on. My shell is ok, the gentleman to me. However, ladies, item and I see in this more and more and it's not just model democrats either its moderate begins to. Their stance appears to be. I don't like donald trump because of acts tweets. He made a big fuss about the election He gave a speech and to stop the steel rally. I dont like tat, so their attitude seems to be unleashed the guy in the bad news item because it deserves in folks, is pull shit. That is not the way Country works. That's why I something that flag means you know
I have to take your personal animus out on someone because you don't like them using guns and badges when you get power, that's what tell me that's what every tin pot dictatorship does. I you know. I heard that this morning and I'm glad gregg stood up and said that is total bullshit using that word good for him. But I thought of something you guys in the chair you ever see that movie on forgiven. It's probably one of the greatest westerns ever. I love that some people thought the movie was overrated. Not me, I watched, westerns. In my time on, forgive we clint eastwood, one of the greatest movies. You will ever see just mean a fantastic ass. They take on morality, redemption, whatever long story short there's a line in the movie where this kid talking to Clint eastwood, william money, who is a noted, a killer guide been a killer for decades and redeem them
outcome is trying to live a family life and got caught up in some stuff and as its young kid, this pistol ear and he's basically a friday tells me some big. bandit killer, whatever he's probably never killed. Anyone is life through me. Have shooting a guy and the kids freaking out, you could see must have killed them. and will you money- you killed a lot of people in his times. Looking at the kid trying to justify what did realized. He took a man's life, you guys not seen I'm going for you and he says well yeah. I guess he had come and trying to justify it
as will your money say to he says we all gotta come and kid we all gotta come that's the point if Harold ford's take and a bunch of moderate democrats and moderate republicans if their take is well trump hadn't come in, we all got a common folks. Everyone in that chad, you know who you are everyone in this room, every person sitting at this desk only wants me believe me. We are gonna come in, but in a constitutional republic, if you can't produce probable
cause that I violated some establish law and swear to wait in a court of law, and you can't arrest me even if I do have a common sense, how I know what such a dangerous bar. When I hear people like Harold talking like that folks, I get nervous. I've had many a conversation with him and others guy seems like a perfectly reasonable guy. That's how I know the constitutional republic is teetering on the edge I wanted to get to this too, is a fascinating. Take by mark live in which, if he's correct- and I have no reason to mark so much smarter legal mind and I'll ever be marks an actual attorney, brilliant guy, an army the immense towards me, and just a guy really look up to a lot. He's done a lot for me and a lot for a lot of people mark put his tweet out last night. I said to you yesterday that one of the reasons that where's your case against tromp the latest which on it's gonna be so effective, is answers if he's convicted no wait a pardon his way out of it, the governor of
It is not control the pardon power independent board does and you have to serve a thirty years. Before you even eligible for apart, so trump got sentence say ten years in jail just using round numbers. You know the guide. After due to three years for he could even get a pardon in an actual prison cell. Now, That's assuming a lot of the secret service would even allow it it's a lot of ridiculous leaps and logic. We have to make but then again, very smart guy has a different. Take I'm not a realistic we haven't seen. This is a super important to understand this living. as president trump can, in fact, pardon himself from the jew gee charges, if these elected president one institution silent about whether a president can be indicted. That's accurate. The department of justice is Can the position under both parties that you can't indicted sitting president because it would cripple the executive branch and make his ability found himself effectively impossible because on just two more points
Given this position in the supremacy clause in the constitution mark believes that the idea that a president can't be indicted at the federal level, because it would cripple the exact branch, also applies locally at an interesting. Take that mean there would be litigation involved, but if there's a guy, I trust legal. mark. He says one more point. Furthermore, if trump is indicted even convicted, the idea that the president cannot part himself from these georgia state charges is absurd again, not only because of the constitution supremacy clause, but the same considerations that apply to a federal conviction would obviously applied. We stay conviction now marked sent this to me this morning. I hope he's right, obviously would be litigated and a lot of people who are smart on both sides were probably argument either direction. But that's a fascinating question. If you idea behind the not the ideal, interpretation: wasn't the president can't be indicted, because every little tin part dictator
thing is a dna or cities to turn would invite the president of the opposite party to try and keep them occupied in court. You know that seems like where the supremacy clause would kick in so fascinating, take by mark levin, and I obviously always respect what he has to say. What do you guys think? What do you think in the chat? Any lawyers in the chat, if you're a lawyer in the church, I'm in seriously I'd love to hear from you, you think he's onto something or do you think that the non state charges he screw I'd love to hear we have to say especially again wires and the chat you guys- are super smart. Ladies in there I I need to do a quick, ah again started doing a little bit of a compression I'm going to go a little bit later today, I'm on a roll. Just writing to the radio, show so odd that no sweat, we won't lose that much time together so Biden, mental health op it's so Bulgaria's brains, rotting, I'll, be ok, is Joe Biden. Zaga began. I showed you before now. We can find this way did it stage or of the state
neither one of you. Can you imagine by the way fibre use disguise books are right. I mean I don't job where's your will on anyone as you well know, but folks, the problem is the difference between the eighty six and eighty seven is not the same as twenty one or twenty two, it's like dog years. At that point he is going to be in I mean I could even argue that new forties listen. I feel a lot posted forty, eight? Forty, two, my joys, it's not the same here speaking, your brain yesterday, claiming again for what is a gay? What is this? The thirty five that is cut the deficit by one who heads have interpreted dollars. He keeps doing it despite the fact it is category Reforms bagel is like the last president, my first two years in office. with all we ve done and the first one to cut the fragile
by one trillion seven hundred billion dollars, one trillion. Seven hundred billion dollars cut these. We're being super generous that he said this thirty times I agree is probably closer and in private, probably closer to a thousand you'll have is going to a geese. I heard of it Joe's time tired. I was going to put up how the national debt is gone up every year. I I clearly the math thing isn't working for dummies. Liberal somebody made a bother, I'm going to ask a simple question exactly the way they did its way. It's you gave up if you like this approach better. If Biden cut the deficit, why have we been in a debt ceiling fight for the last year and a half and there's presence Joe DE any ideas,
because he's right, so so, just to be clear, we want to raise the dead ceiling tissue more dead. Despite the fact that Joe Biden cut the deficit that I've tried, the math I've tried showing people a numbers, nothing worse. Why is Joe Biden cause We need a debt ceiling. I if the deficits going down as ever occurred to anyone, ok Allah, he I trillion to the national debt, which is gonna, be a record by the way so tired of the nonsense. I've tried arguing logically clearly its not working by biodynamically frankie, etc? This is by mavericks you're gonna, get by economics, good nardoo, there's another one told the story get about angelo angelo. I'm tracked conductor, who allegedly it a million miles. Member here's, the problem, one amtrak, Angelo died in twenty fourteen on other people, is angelo retired from amtrak and ninety ninety three: when he could the secret service was gonna. Pull
oh god, on Angelo. So by the time he was the vice president Angelo had been retired for more than a decade. Here we go again. I tell a disturbed angela and he doesn't want to name him because he has get em in trouble, despite the fact he's been dead for nine years figure. Listen, and the sky will mention his name because then we get him. A trouble but one of the senior guy's an abstract ribeiro rovers water comes up. He goes joy, We grant my cheek swear to god I thought you gonna shoot him. And I said no, no! No! No! No, I said, what's the matter, Angie said we judge. I read this thing about a mil over a million miles an hour at plays you said the hell. You know how many miles you travel on abstract I should know he's out or no false guy died in Sweden, fourteen he's dead guy, rest, his soul he's probably a real guy he's.
around you're, not gonna hurt his feelings and he retired from track. Ninety ninety three: nobody pull the gun autumn, stop making this story, is one more. I don't waste too much time on a spaghetti, o's brace, but here again by lying again, because either empathic liar, and why is this stuff relevant? Oh, why are we wasting time? We're not wasting time? Ladies and gentlemen, the most damaging political narratives on planet earth, the ones we change your preexisting notion of who a candidate is I'm in the business of damaging left wing, political narratives! That's what I do. Why has left these suck? They hate this country, they hate this place and I'm here to fight them at every opportunity. Joe Biden wants you to believe. Is a scrap kiddies, an honest broker. Man he's a fight of no, he is. He is a kid sniffing, bribe taking sociopath plagiarized liar Exactly who is here is lying again say I am, and I saw this bridge collapse and pennsylvania. How you did here take a lesson, is dangerous reconstruction is long overdue.
A lot here with me when I was in pittsburgh, By the way the pittsburgh is a city of bridges, more bridges in pittsburgh than sit in america. I watch bridge collapse. I got there and saw a collapse with we're two hundred feet off the ground going over a valley. The collapse. I mean these notes actually including his own. This guy more lie about you down by the way, go back and look up the story, the tragedy when he was in this car accident, any law family members follow the story afterwards. I don't want to talk about it here, cause it's that disgusting about what Biden did If you know the story, you know exactly what I'm talking about feel free to chat about that chat. He watched the bridge collapse
Here's the associated press, which is to the left, the linen the collapse came hours before president Biden arrived in the city to promote is trillion dollar infrastructure as a friggin liar man. He just lies about everything all the time nonstop he just can't stop. I may switch gear is a little bit. Listen. I don't do stories like this a lot specially culture, stories some, I think other house, do it it's cool. I don't many beef with. It is certainly not my interest, but this is because I love this movie. and I love this story, and I say I was always a little bit suspicious and a man at myself. Personally, I waited I followed for nationally. The Bonn gino rule on this story about Michael or never see the movie the blinds Michael is a football player I believe is a left tackle. He was take,
and by this family the to ease the that put him through school one of go again drafted by the ravens. I think they drafted army played it, but with the panthers good football player, The real feel good story made three hundred million at the box office and have always been a little suspicious, but I applied upon gino role, because this or he came out yesterday or the day before, sees me yet michael or is now alleging that the family they took a man of courses. gotta, be a racial or make as a family took amendments. Why, Michael or was black the media thrives on creating faker re stories, is sadness version of events here, Michael oars now claiming like he was deceived and he thought he was adopted, but he was adopted. It was really a conservator ship at all I myself was personally I violate
by gina, listen to mayocoba, I didn't do with you. I waited. I didn't, dare put this on the air until I got the story out, but I said to my wife or my man. I can't believe it. It looks like they may have screwed this guy over now the story seems to be coming out. little different, jason whitlock at the place media as an amazing piece of the newsletter today, suggesting I am not so sure Michael Moore is telling the truth so or apparently he's claiming he's owed some money by this family that graciously took him in and they said they adopted him when they didn't, but Jason whitlock says. If you go and watch the movie, it doesn't state a reply that or was ever adopted, so we went back and read his book whitlock. He published a memoir Michael oracle. I beat the odds
Transcript generated on 2023-08-17.