« The Dan Bongino Show

This Could Change DC Politics (Ep 2104)

2023-10-06 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the latest announcement that could change national politics for good.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee riding funny man, gay and I we join again. I will you know we didn't have anything to do for like twenty minutes. A purely in there all. birds like may give us downstairs in my gemlike stretching his back do in dead, hangs which are good for your shoulders sword bs and he's a man all these weird dan factional, put salt on everything or use. Do I do g gazing, He gazed at her right. I put salt on hot dogs, Israel. Better how to stop. My blood pressure was crazy, even though salt and a tide of blood pressure little weird dad Bags- you know like a boy Why am I always cut my nails? I don't like long nails. I can't stand long nails. I used to be a nailed sure where I hated little it takes about now address as one and you know,
yeah. I know I hate you can maybe get like nasty stuff failure. You don't know it slip, in other words gross man, you ever swab that you put it in a petri dish. You know when I open up the studio. Maybe maybe and Joe, and I'm thinking to hire a few people for their shows we'll do like a saturday show where we just side doing our thing, where this guy talk about totally off the record stuff. It'll be cool. Yeah it'd be a lot of fun, gee, can talk about dungeons and dragon. In star wars or whatever joke and talk about, is new sacred jos, I think she's, a terrible harmonica player, but he's a good drum play. I think he's a good hour monica black I gotta go. beginning at the showed today. Folks, do you, They want me says you question had shot before even take a break for our first spot. Ok, just simple, yes it's a coincidence or no, it's not a coincidence is on purpose. Do you think Worry clinton coming out a day after the news report that the fbi is about to give you the middle finger and start investigating trump support for the election and it hilary comes out the next day and says
you mega people, you need to go to the camps for reprogramming. Do you think? That's it big calling you dig. Yes, it's just a coincidence or no, it's absolutely not a coincidence. This abbot, I'm just gonna, leave that ok, ok, this is probably need to pull back guy the jacket If you take this coincidence, I am sorry you have to exit the chad immediately. I would ever ask of you were to go, but you you you just you and you're. Sorry you don't belong here is a wrong show that this this What's the hot occur, which is right, the judges rules that I wasting your time here? Didn't I tell you yesterday morning it's what they say is the big warning all right, we're going to cover it at big, show no one's asking the question by the way. I and by the way me included, I'm not leaving myself at his trunk. People become speaker.
The default position I bet by everyone in the chad me was probably like yeah. She says they get to speak, they get to choose their own member, I don't know an article yesterday, I'm not sure I can. I'll tell you what I mean there may be a real. Legal problem with that big showed, I owe to dover Many questions for their dna. Almost all americans grow some texts for this year, world, previous years, unless of course you're the the president or the wife of an ex president, The arrested and binds government wants your money more than ever and, as you know, it's been reported there hiring thousands of irish agents. Let me table tax mitigation, company called America first tax, hoop America, first, tax laws and experts routinely syn through the ira to save taxpayers. Thousands call them at eight hundred to seventy seven six three, whether you already o taxes where you gonna o this year. America first cannot put. Those dollars was back in your pocket where they belong. Amerika first
Whose professionals are also experts, it stay taxing it I'll, protect you from levies, leans and garnish means call them at eight hundred to seven to seven six. One three by using the same tax laws at the global elite use america first text who could be your own. Private tax army call aid to seventy seven, six, one three, eight hundred Seventy seven six month. Do you go to america? First tax hoop dot com now again, eight hundred to seventy seven, six, one three or a mirror. The first tax group darker Joseph it's friday. The board? So if you re a yes, sir, these men do, I let me surprises gotta having an ice we can update this week. I will see what happens then. I choose be very good night. Well, say we'll see. What's going now, better party thing, we a couple friends, my world,
die hard mega folks, they do no moment will see what happens. First, newsweek article comes out. Just the other day we covered it. Yesterday in the newsweek article, that's portrayed as a week from the fbi says trucks Borders are going to be targeted ahead of the two thousand and twenty four election as the f b. I basically zeroes in on politics as a reason to investigate people. I wish to borrow costs. Arafat are my show yesterday, who said if you don't think this is real and you don't think there but for you next you're crazy. been working on this for a long time. I said to you: that's a leak that article that's a warning. Why you're gonna going leak and you are a legitimate fbi. Whistleblower worry that the api I was targeting trump support. Why the hell? you gotta to newsweek would you gotta newsroom you'd come here, you gotta. With max you gotta bar you you, the Bonn gino report
quota newsweek! You go newsweek, because you want to make it look like a league when it really is a warning now again folks, big fake, incidents. I'm glad you all saw the chad hilary. collecting just magically appears in the media. You want stand out. I get you get it. I love. You I'll be in here early you'd, you got you guys and ladys of the early bird p one hard core right now. You all know this is not a coincidence. Hilary went in with said doubt whether because in the democratic party had awakened nod or she just knows to do it. To read forces warning that you guys. if we lose the selection. Your next, and the re education process will begin, whether you like it or not,
for me listening hilary jack, this very strong partisans in both parties in the past, and we had a very bitter battles over all kinds of things: gun, control and climate change and the economy and taxes, but there were sent this list, tale of extremism waving. You know wagging the dog of the republican party as it is today. Sadly, so many of those extremists, those mega extremists on take them Marching orders from donald trump who as no. Bela, they laughed by any measure she's. Only it for himself, he's now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions, and when do they break with him. You know because at some point you know. Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming, The cop members again, if you think This is a coincidence you're on the wrong show folks using but the Democrats, they don't need to be told what to do they
Would this hive mine there, like the borg from star trek out anymore, star trek. However, I heard about the board couple. People told me They have like this hive mine like bees right, that's the damn grats, they know exactly what to do. Everybody got their head. binds the o j got the hint they noodles it's a news. We who got the head, who gave them to help who gave into the media that we're going to go out and scare the shit out of these people before the two thousand and twenty four election so that they don't donate to candidates. They don't knock on doors that, hopefully they don't vote. I had. a good friend of mine, reach out this morning on social media, very well connected heyday, Do we need to worry? I said yeah, no talk on twitter either. You can't trust any of these places. Folks, these people, not screwing around man this is not a joke. This is a warning that a leak.
Happened. Just yesterday woke up this morning, Sent it over to them at four o clock in the morning or something I should put this into show. First, I told you very careful, he'll, be scared, just be careful. They want you scared do not fall in that trap. You don't your country back now, you're not going to have one left in then you really gonna. Be scared. Do you to do go back dear shore, The rallies just be very careful. recommend the lot of you get a backup phone, oh buy yourself, a cricket phone or something like that. If they still make those things, I'm dead serious, it's it's that bad. That's a conspiracy theory is it. I just read it free canoes. We did sheds yesterday eighty people have conspiracy, theory, yeah sure, every conspiracy. Theory. Until it is it, conspiracy theories are all conspiracy facts. Now I could.
We back to the speakers raised. We've got a lot going I say again, mary yourself to outcomes, not politicians, please. All that's wholly, I'm begging. You marry yourself the outcomes. I see this guy on twitter. I love this guy. Forgive me I get a shot out, but I forget his handle too back to all these people. Every one of us we want Also we don't care about. You do Can it be rude? That's exactly we usually tell them. I'm sure you're, a nice guy great. I don't want to date or marry you all I care about. Is you getting the job done? Get us about This budget get us some at the on a path to a balanced budget. Get us Conservative speaker, I don't give a shit about eighty else. Stop tweeting go do something. So what am I listeners, because he keeps stagger me and I love you. Whoever that is he's got that mug shot is a thing. You're awesome, that's, you get these people in line, because if you continue to placate them
give them back rubs. All look you so wonderful degrade speech on fought all they think they to do is what gives its reach on fox. They don't, they need to do anything. No, I'm ok, add to that? The second, because the personalities on both sides are starting Let me really sick, but quickly here, folks nobody's asked the question and me included, may include control people be speaker. There's an article in the journal wash your journal. I strongly encourage you to read now dared centre left, I would argue now they ve been going. They data like trump at all, But this article is not crazy. It's called the drop wants to be speaker, he'll need to get a house he first No, it's a constitutional urban lunged that alleging that any one of them the car member, can lead the chamber, and I thought fascinate because it says they can choose their own members and it doesn't really lay out any other criteria
but any article. They noted article, one vast, all legislative powers in the senate and the house. Your me out on this. and the house is composed of members elected every two years. So if you, legislative powers, you have to be a member elected every two years. Everybody degen like the other officers elected by the house, like the clerk in the sergeant at arms speaker, engages in legislative functions by statue, the speaker must sign and roll bills before their presented by the president? and administer the oath of office. Other members and in role bill signed by a non legislative could be vulnerable to win. Gold challenge. I what they're saying here so well written. Well, you know I love drop he's my guy. I going to run anyway. I I called that the other the wants to run for president. I want to be speaker. I told you guys that got you got to please, believe me. I've missed out on their sphere you're wrong. Tromp say were elected speaker and
I dont think you would have accepted that he wants it. I think I don't think a lot of people in the house are really true. people. Anyway, it's an inside baseball action. Just every building sign would trumpet speak as speaker would come up for legal show, so something Keep in mind that the legislative function and the legislation has to be performed and signed by members. so interesting legal peace? I thought you'd read now on the poorest it'll stop put it all aside. I love gates. I love my card. I love Scully sale of Jordan. Put her. Also, I love jordan is a great guy. I dont let any of this can, while we, what need to do to move the conservative football down to feel none of it at all. Doesn't face me one bed. This happened yesterday. Listen, I like inuit? Madam a couple times had him on my show that he reasonably conservative guy I agree with him on some stuff disagree on a lot of other stuff But around awhile for this stan inexcusable
This is new on fox calling for these legislators on the republic inside that vacated. The chair, calling traders they should be removed from the caucasus and my crick. Why quick response to notice How are they traders why? they be removed. What law did they break, the rules, the daybreak anyway of course it is known No, no, no, no, but they break any so Mccarthy. we or one person motion to vacate Matt gates took him up because I didn't like it. He should never agree to it all, but anyone be speaker, that's the cookies crumble? I'm not saying I with the process. All agree, the process? When we get a new speaker, we get a conservative speaker, I'm off. the process is out Give a shit about personality. I care about outcome we, don't know the outcome yet. So how can you say this is a good job? Laughing I am I right: how can we This was a good move until we know the outcome, what have you got? It
Jeffrey speaker. Would you really like? Yes, if we get Scully sir Jordan, I jordan personally I'll say to you. Yeah seems like a good, but even then, if waste we get Scully, Sir Jordan and they go into but you're rhino stop boys I'll come nope outcomes, not people listen anew. This is really inexcusable. Take ninety percent of the Republicans voted for mccarthy four percent voted against them from my position is a long time republican activist their traders. All eight of them should in fact be primary. They should all be driven out of public life. What they did was to go to the other team. To call total chaos. We ought to be focusing on Biden without it. Focusing on the economy. We ought to be focusing on the on the border instead a week or ten days of the meat focusing on republic of this right. Isn't it stunningly decision debater by
follow the eager, egocentric people who think their superior. to ninety six percent of the conference mckenna pay back. The favourite may allow some of these doubts we haven't used at a while. We said we have shirts, where there were folks Am I can make a personal nudes got his feelings. I got my butt What did you said there is dumb? broke, no laws broke, no ethics rules matter, They followed the rules. Mccarthy agree to mccarthy would not be so go without the motion, a vacate, bacardi didn't! Why does rosie shouldn't no greater but any be speaker. You already know my take on it. I will tell you if the move was good or bad based on but the outcome is I don't know about the freak personality, but baby sitting any more. It's like
what you're freaking kids up there, everybody put your big boy. and so here you go, here's how it goes, but the belt for your little belt. On the button up, your zip, you pull up. What's your big boy pants on your body was bags, like I did that I don't you got our people. Ok, great shop benefits in great I came from a line of work and joy. You got family in a line of work to right where. You pigeon mode? Instead of fixing problems. This thing happens. People die we played really die and you know what I'm talking about europe, people I had to go on advances with. When I was an agent who, I am, we're total decades. There were a few.
luckily eighty ninety percent of our good guys, but everybody I worked with always. No a couple, a tomato cans and, if you're on an advance in a dangerous country, and one of these tomato kansas with you, you get pretty stop when they do a shitty job at the airport. You're the lead advance. You don't just go. Oh I don't like that guy tony, so we're going to let them get the president killed at the airport because he's lazy, you fix it, hey, but Do the work for to free? bad sorry, given bad review later. I don't know what to tell you. We didn't do our jobs. People died. These guys the frequent bug up their ass luck gauge that a light bulb we're not only just get the job done, she was even one of them. I don't like now? That's a dal It's crazy! mason, I aren't even close. We had a conversation. She was pleasant to me when I I don't care what it is. People is another one.
They'll, taken a freak in toys and go at all which is like a punch. It chilled I'm tired, a baby sitting. Everyone- and you should We too you all in the charter real freakin jobs right you got about a man you any pilots into chad, imagine you're a pilot. you d- call pilots real ass. All the guys like You're like this guy at all times, scumbag Why you like I've? Why and with these guys guys germs get across the plain to make a point: We tolerated congress. they did so about ready one expert, Everyone is well and for what taking advantage of emotion all you idiots agree to the hell out of here. another guy max miller, I see and out of all place, the same pay can't seem to get his. Panties out of a wide. Oh, my god, I'm so, and I shudder when your work, the- how you we're paying you almost two hundred grand a year for two.
John cnn power pair This. You did not want to see mccarthy asking you ve made it clear. You ve, called matt gates, quote, quote one of the most hypocritical individuals you ve ever had. is pleasure, of, meeting and king with some of your colleagues, are reportedly preparing emotion to expand. Well, gates from the republican conference, are you going? What's that. I'm seriously inclined to. I have yet to make up my mind because we have an individual, like George santos, that solstice sits within our conference. It should have been removed from our body several months ago Now it's about George santos. To listen. I don't even why I don't give a shit about george Santos Georgia slide. Ok, he lied to you going kick the guy out and be down a vote because he lied like Menendez at every other democratic politician out there tell Again and what world that makes sense, how We unilaterally disarm ourselves. George
those who are you. He is and believe me, george, should or should not run again. Ok, you want me to Expel, george centers tat a year, I'm not eggs telling anyone until the Democrats expel their losers. expel adam shift for lie in for six years about the rush out. Ok, then we'll entertaining spelling george santos waste expel these. We we have been, and as we just indicted for alleged we taking gold bars in a bribe, a new one, students about our guy, but he's a liar. You see what happens when you make this personal. santos. Those voting for conservative stop. That's all. I need to hear you times over. haven't george santos over for dinner tomorrow. Don't give a shit format gates, don't care! Not even a little bit similar break it up. George santos on cnn, like maxwell
Well, you never you'd ever lie, but not apologise. For said, there's a guy shouldn't run again we're, we're not expelling squat. Why, until they start doing the same. What I say you'd see time is over folks, I'm not screwing around you. Wanna get back robert rules of water and so form of congressional civility. I do too, but we're not weak we ve try mccain did his whole dunstan obama cared thing. We need to get back to order. You know what they did. They ask them the next day. unilateral disarmament and stupidity. That's what they want. By the way I told you all this stuff goes to ukraine, the government shot down the measures taken. promotion of vacate. Why this is all about ukraine funding a Let's say sent this to me. Yesterday approved you come up and a second. This is all
all about ukraine money, the whole thing gimme a second You folks shredded. Let us in a double double in the fruit, failing to donate their awesome. What they're? Not your fruits, vegetables everyday gets you fruits and vegetables right, get him from I eat them, but a lot of time on the road. I can't this is my fruit and vegetable insurance. Listen, I'm! I might hear nagging about your diet, but this is field a great this is, while bury him, The lemon line I liked the raw stuff is amazing: it is ground up healthy person, fruits and vegetables acted by brick house, metricians own doktor, to support nutrition and health which could help you write organs wardens. I cart his kidneys and immune system. Listen, Lucy! Sincere! You need to be healthy and we all know the key to health is a really good diet exercise. This is like you're, fruit and vegetable ensured Look on the back! Look how many healthy, wholesome fruits and vegetables are in this product. I love it. I take it twice a day
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answer is why the question is why, if your answer is all because people in the government care about the suffering people of ukraine, they don't some new, but very few folks. You. Crane is a piggy back. Many of you read my book. Follow the money. The first, the first chapter of the book Is literally titled insane in ukraine, you can look at it. It goes in writing about ukraine. How ukrainian a new creamy and lobbyists at our pro russia and pro european have been fighting each other for years. One side wants to be more lima, russia, one cyber europe had it get money for their cause. The united states. How do you get money from the united states? You hire lobbyists from the united states who go a lobby, their congressional friends. That's
going on with ukraine. Also. Joe Biden, is knee deep in ukraine. Ukraine probably as a blackmail file on Joe Biden, this thick. Ukrainians have been paying. Members are the Biden family for a long time, and let me just all this person, a source, very, very good one. You know what I mean sent me this, article the other day and said dad. Oh you, absolutely spot on that? This is all about Joe Biden giving money to ukraine to shut them up. Please this piece of work Let it go donor Deep ukrainian ties five hundred thousand dollars. Violence does thousand dollars to brother, with deep ties to ukraine loan by younger brother half a million dollars at this. In time the vice president, oversaw u s, policy towards a country according to public records,
twenty. Fifty loan came as bides brother graceful, Natural difficulties related to his acquisition of a vacation home nicknamed the I'd and bungalow in south florida not that I see here folks, gay rarely gives the esa jody gauges did. He was a badge folks, again, let's do another paul Chad, pod guy, yet This is a big coincidence. No it's not a coincidence at all, and the kids sniffing woman feeler is really corrupt. It's all there. I wrote about the op, it is chef he just said it by land s wise, its large, but population, wisest relatively small europe. population relative to the population platter every single day seems to happen, and you there you go back you chap. Also Everybody knows this is not a coincidence. Why was I'd unwilling to shut down the money.
Down the government over ukraine money because Biden doesn't want this out that ukraine's been pay it off rubber how hard it is for anyone understand this is so simple: it's kicking everyone right. The nuts. These articles is that articles in the newsletter by genome our complex newsletter. Get on the news. Letterless. It's free! Send that article all your liberal friends and watch him again. What's your response? Gonna, be you know what is going on? what is this evidence? that is zero evidence is only public record that binds rather got five hundred thousand for the bungalow, no evidence you right. the summit one last less time for a movement that this immigration debacle yesterday, but which absolutely eviscerated the Biden white house, Could you please to get on board this bond gino armies growing? We are strong air pollution, I call on us all the time there are always but try until I get on my show and do so I'm holding strong and you should too we are not
into personalities. Here we are today a baby. Sending people in congress get yours together, get the job done pick up. The conservative football marge down the damp veal subscribe. Stop staring at the cheer cheerleaders stop drinking forget, arrayed, stop and forget. Arrayed get on the field Oh the conservative football down the feel we're tired baby sitting. You idiots you got it your ship together. I want to hear about anymore personalities if guide they all sat and the story. Folks listen. I this because, on a serious note,. I am extremely concerned about the next year and a half it's friday, I'm long in the united states, I mean we ve been in far worse spots, media kid. compare where we are now to the peril? situation we face them world war to its as uneven, even comparable,
There's a recent see bias. We all think it's the worse. Its ever been. It hasn't we literally had a civil war in this country where a brother was fighting brother. The things happen. I'm long in the united states, we are going to fix it can't fix it again. If we know diagnose the problem, we can't baby people up on the hill there really serious stuff going on right now get to that. Let me take a quick break, will knock out the sponsors they want to talk to you- and I appreciate the being here- I'm not talk about two Enormous stories going on right now, and the reason we cannot baby sit. These people fix it and you ll see what I mean: cereals were grown ups are so bland. They need a little magic time to try magic spoon. The wholesome cereal tasteless stuff is no joke. They replicated favorite childhood cereals, magic spoon, taste good, but he's I bring contains zero grams of sugar, thirteen or fourteen grants a protein, forty five necromancer carbs and a whole lot of delicious magic.
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c c a dot com. Slash mancino, go there now for peace of mind the peace of mind you been searching for great organization, check him out. Ok, Is this way too serious a time after baby sit congressional idiots over their little interview, inter party fights my I don't care just strode of football down their bill have you seen this invasion in EL paso the other day. Please explain to me again: how this is normal. Look at this folks. They are getting more aggressive at the border. They are getting more and more aggressive. How let me ask you a simple question after looking at this, How soon do you think it is before they figure out the prisoner dilemma. You know the prisoners dilemma is You are regularly suggests that he's been here for eight years. The prisoners, the levers of economics problem, how it
The ten prison guards can control a prison of like five thousand people Well, the answer is no one wants to be the first one to break out Well, if I do, what are you gonna do it and they don't trust the other guy so the prisoners day, even though there really bad people, they don't break out of the prison, even though this more them, because its problem. They don't trust the other guy's gonna try to break out with it The guard he's the only one to russia's the garden in the ten pile on one guy. Bring up the prisoner dilemma, because how long? think it is with these videos are out there before. Immigrants coming in mass numbers, figure out that they can just storm the border and walk it? How long do you think for they figure out the coordination problem. Folks, get up. It's very real oh here's another one. This is what we should be babysitting chilling nuclear wardrobes in russia. Kids wearing gas mask. Please cause. I don't got time for baby sit
we have an invasion at our southern border and thou brush nuclear war jewels going on em worried about who's, got great hair and guys this guy's a pain in the ass. We should expel this guy and we should keep this guy's S or whatever their say, and how about you just drove four pulled down the field and grow up and put your big boy pants on what do you think? What do you think. so yesterday, the binding emission asian, basically, do a car bomb, everyone in one told you it's gonna, be a big scam, Listen we ve got to build some new border wall well below lost their mind. You gonna build a new border wall, this crazy. I told It was never going to be a border wall, I'm right, it's gonna, be some bullshit ring. Doorbell technology widened will not ever have a camera shot of a border wall going up and his administration, it's not gonna happen. They'll put a post
put a camera. Go law gives your border while it's a technological wall. I Jim said during the pod. Yes, it is. My wallet Jehovah, But you know the mines, that's the walls can be like the fake wall gotta be real. What they got annihilated by the left. So now the Biden team does what they always do their lot. Saying to you about the wall? Listen peter, do see just right corinne job here say: she's like where we had to do it. Tromp signed on to it, which is interesting because, Soon lord programme is deemed illegal, but they did that anyway. you notice. So whenever they don't like a policy, the always blame trump remember: the leave Afghanistan thing all we have to abide by the the ideal trump. With the afghanis, meanwhile, with the taliban dropped them even abide by that deal. They just making this up folks listeners, what was appropriated in twenty nineteen, he said Europe
be another full well constructed in my administration, so something changed. What you want is tibet. Is that when you are you wanna do not comply with the law Why is it not better? I, with the law You want us to not be administrations that follow all the time the student loans, the student, and forgiveness program? You went to court to fight for that. If this is such a problem, building twenty miles of wall, why not just go to court we're going to congress? The congress I hope, creates the funding. When congress congress appropriates the funding, we asked them to not use that funding for that particular purpose. They denied it and now we're complying with the law. If you have to build a border wall but you don't think that it's going to work, then once it's done, are you just going to tear it down? I'm not getting into hypothetical? from here I'm just telling you what I can tell you from here. The facts are that would is complying with the law. This is from fiscal year.
This was under fiscal year, two thousand and nineteen under a republican leadership and dhs is required to do this. The president asked multiple times of congress to re appropriate. They did not and were not complying by the law. Thanks everybody votes article came out the same freaking day so want to scale One do a hundred on the fullest shit scale. What are you re? because they said they have to obey the law and that's the only reason there doing this all looks abc news administration waves, twenty six federal laws to allow to walk, instructed the goal is the same day, day, one hundred I what we gotta to hundred I gave it one one hundred scale. We got a couple to read these folks. guys fulla shit I told you yesterday which really going on. They want to be but a run against republicans one in the next election, and with this budget argue
coming up, there's only forty days, so the government shuts down the report, and you're gonna come out with pride, Probably a new budget. Given this fight over speaker restock socks off, I screw this up, Where do you use the service? And I can't have you go to the weekend misinformed? I can't screw this up we have forty days from a government shut down. They speak or fight. As I'm scared the Democrats, they know that what there we get now. May b, something even more conservative, then what they were dealing with. The mccarthy, maybe we'll see we're out company they're afraid the republicans you're gonna, put forth a budget out of the house, it has significant funding. For border insecurity. Security Biden is at when three percent approval on a border. He can't reach. He knows he ll lose in the next election. So by needs to do something about the border, so he's gonna put up a fake border wall,
and then he's gonna say. Look what I did. The republicans now are not for the border wall, because I agreed to this technical logical border wall, but he'll never build an ounce of it not a single point of this war will get built. dad soccer and unflagging. On the same day, I'm telling you I'm an approval. We always bring. The receipts here is if rodney scott, the border patrol this interview happen a while ago, but I want you to listen to this. This is extent. Biden is gone to do not build the wall. He was paying out of europe. tax payer dollars. Five. Million dollars a day to night? build the wall and then sold off the wall. We already bought three hundred million worth of materials for what five million. You think this now change this. Why this open There's lunatic, listen to this We're paying contractors,
for a while was almost five million a day between d or d and dhs just to not to not build the border wall there's over five million a day to not build a wall to not build, even though they have all the stuff they have. There are stacks and stacks of border wall panels, there's hundreds of miles of fiber optic cabling there hundreds of board of cameras that were being install with that there's just sitting There's no action being taken, so do they say when the briefing is? Will this really helps us? If we could just flood the sin. If we do just finish the same, what did they say? Don't Malta. there's no conversation, there's not there's no adult dialogue. If you well, it's just it's just a few quite decision decision administration that are not doing it so and I do that money is just trickling away. So those contractors for not your work each day
I promise you man, you know, I love your man. I love spend in time with the eighty five thousand here today to highlight a my day at spending time my family. This is, you are my family. I won't. Still you wrong. You think the same oatmeal god. The white house, who paid five million a day to not build a wall and then was about two hundred and ninety million selling off the wall. We already bought, you think, suddenly changed his mind on funding. This is a pure Let it go play don right, during the budget negotiations to do a two shea towards the Republicans, so they don't look like they want border security. That is it that All this is, guy and the democrats they are liars. Here's more proof here. Its policy and twenty eighteen. She here the question about trumps proposed budget that colluded border while funding questions lol. But that's what it's about the question rapporteur wall funding policies, crystal clear they'll keep government shut down forever to not build a wall to,
build a wall? Listen yourself. What did you think he changes his calibration if you're a passenger on your wash on the third of january? This position ostensibly, would change that sign that the htc one has a government closed in forever and what says to them. I know he doesn't believe in government. I know he doesn't know that much about what is at risk to shut it down. Folks, That was about the border wall. What does he want to? Have governments shut down forever polo see and the demon rats we're going to shut the government down our words forever over this wall. They never wanted a bill. Here's job here again on video on video. Oh, all the work you think they change their mind. You think this one, gonna be bill. Please take a look
the presence of commissioner yesterday that uniform uses for you. He also certain sections of the border launch present irene has, as you know, we have said that time. I have to look at this the comments I have not seen them, so I want to make sure I read it within contacts, but we have talked about the border wall here and in general, as as a way that It's been used in a tip to get out to to close the border, and we feel that it is a policy that doesn't work and it's not just us. You know. Experts has said that the border wall is not is not an effective policy. As far those comments. I can't comment on that. I actually I have not seen it. I have not read them and I need to to read it in context. They will never do this here last one for you, but I do you did I don't know what else you need to hear
throw one more aware: Biden, himsel noticed she doesn't say not. out of wall. Will we built after the appropriation and twenty thousand and nineteen for the wall, which is reclaiming out. He says not Other foot of war will be built period out of his own mouth opium rains, listen there will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration number one. Number two and I want to focus on in the end era. The fact is that somebody in this written a lot about border again is nothing else. I can tell you this is pure scam spread the word. Nothing more he's not building a wall. This is a poet go past during the budget negotiations to take away a chip? publicans have in the budget negotiations. Hey we're going to fund the wall. You better sign this budget. That's all this is it's a big Breakin scam, all of it.
When I got a lot more to get you both war on trumped up in new york and at georgia and everywhere else, it's gettin frightening. At this point, listen to me please this the other day, I put my hand on my heart, but I can't reach because my bed elbow almost please listen to me. please get out of new york. While you can. between the newsweek article yesterday, the fbi, targeting Hillary Clinton, reprogramming comments What james Judge now, stealing donald trump property I'll show you that article in a second folks get you in your business out of new york, no excuses, I'm sorry, I was being nice about it. I told I get it. We have kids, we have a business, I'm I'm telling you this at a love. I have to take a trip to new york, in november, I've been so about it ever since I don't even want to beat air, but I promise someone I do something in my word. Matters get
out of new york. As soon as you can, I been telling friends of mine. I've got a lot of friends and family. There please move along from our getting ready to do it right now get out of new york. You are not safe. There look at happened yesterday, gateway pondered, christina leyla. that crazy judge in the case of rules by emotion, judge anger on we showed yesterday with bad ties. He bar trumpet his family members from transferring their own assets without notifying a cord monitor. Just happens to be a former clean judge, Barbara Jones again folks, visa, Should we do Paul number three paul number three folks? Yes, he's a big awake, you dig or no not a kuwaiti. Take it all. It's a police state action. Do your thing. You can't trust these people get out of new york.
The outside of illinois and chicago. It is the worst state to live in right now. Caliph, one year to get there these some pockets therapy. So It's Saturday get of new york. You are I'd say his balls were tearing it up. a hoax, please get out asking you as a friend this. The attorney general in new york. I wanna play this super cut. This a person who is supposed to be in biased, non political fashion, enforcing the law, she action, We ran for office saying screw the law. I am going to target donald trump in search of a crime, is the hallmark of a police state? Anybody remember in it constitutional republic. You investigate crimes and you go and search for the people who did them in a police state? You invent the gay people and then you go and search for crimes. I, why
You tell me how you're about to hear from, a tissue james. The comic the attorney general near tell me how it's any different than investigate A person in search of a crime, a lesson Trump's comments were offensive. They were baseless, they were void of any facts and or any evidence what they were or comments that unfortunately fomented violence. The comments that I would describe as race baiting comments, unfortunately,. Yeah, that's the wrong one! That's the well the hold on hold on a second, that's important too! That's the next one, but it's important because what did I tell you yesterday about the chaos that stay imbue this chaos where people feel like the law as it take them and have got to move their business and be alarms ripping up the streets in the stores. What did I tell you? I said that turn around and blame you write trump is full, what else formatting by the weights fomenting you idiot even
The language regime, I blame it on you, now play the other video. This is what I'm talking about. This is why they must be chaos there now blame the chaos they cause stealing all trump stop on him and man. People, while the fbi target, you work,
the president of the united states has complained that I'm engaging in some sort of political witch hunt that I've got some personal than dead or against them that I campaigned against him. That is not true as legitimate president. I'm going to give you the state level, the respect that you gave the breadth and, above all,
it is absolutely no respect that that is not true. folks. We live in the police state right now. You just saw you just side That's bullshit! You all! This The process is supposed to work. How campaign on targeting in india, the united states citizen, getting an office and abusing your powers to always, you said, make up a crime against them and stealing is stuff. You live in. Police, they right now, an employee The chaos on for fermenting whenever hell, that is via violence, these people freaking disgusting get
of new york and liberal cities now stop waiting. they're, not bad enough for you. Yet play that view when the vs is achieving ass in Washington DC. You know, anything we heard about it, nothing on the shelves. You know why the gangs of roving mad max bandits taking over these inner cities right now that their blaming trump for fermenting violence on four deliveries to come when the story It stocked up they committing cleaner right out. she'll want to live there. Chicago residents or pay, stop you It is this up in the other day in chicago, should guide us bad enough. Yet I don't think so, but it's getting their illegal immigrants wanting their cities. The chaos you one figure, listen
The same. You want your cities, Oh, and might you expect immediate rescue us from the police state they let the police state their part of it here. Look What's the difference in this coverage in the CBS video check this out, this is annual penny, the subway Protected all those people, this is him being arrested, Daniel penny. The guy, the alleged murderer of that, god that that activists
bedford, stuyvesant the other day. I want you to notice something the CBS covered check this out. This is footage of the man police say they were looking for. He has not yet been identified, but we are blowing his face at the moment. While charges are pending, we watched again as all this went down more than a dozen officers were around when it happened before entering a home here on lafayette avenue. What's the difference, It doesn't fit their preferred narrative. That's right! That's right! those that guy hide the other guy. folks we can still fix. We can still fixes so do questions I really like oatmeal brains to their home brains. Video is so amazing. yeah it's a free. I got. I can't guys a frank it we're going to fix this. Ok folks, we In worse, we ve been worse spots, it's can take a little bit of work, or
we deal with this. I gotta by least play one appears about a minute of opium brains, measure for more use of the sky check this out. I am the best way to get something done, if you If he holds near and dear to you that you are like to be able from from shore assembly from charlotte. Why another line going from Florida down to temper of prudence, cryptography and john machine guys shane gang pressure, the sugar fifty A hundred fifty nine thousand billion dollars lead
mark is a nation that can be defined in a single were as the footmen foot. The idea. Los angeles and the end on junior cyber it's friday. Is it It said the watches disguises meltdown where you gonna be stuck here. Or more use. It is list I have no sympathy for democrats who continue to vote for this guy knowing add strawberries, cream quaker for for brains right now. That's all you buddy ads on you for we have done a wild questions for death. I question number one. Equally right for on true social. Who would you like to see as speaker? I know there are any saviours. Yes, thank you. There aren't, but if you add the where to choose who would be listen right now, I think you're the best candidate, but
Can I believe in outcomes we pick Jim Jordan, we holding the conservative. Stop dude! That's is the way roles again. Jeopardy joint, obsolete the coastguard own, the secret service, s wrigley live chat. I did many times supercomputing great guys and ladys love em, all we used because quite a bit specimen we're out in these coastal places. in new york and elsewhere there fantastic there. god, and they know what they know, the you can't work without a dan you can carry a firearm anew liberal state. What weapon would recommend a woman carry for protection honey, twenty five on true social haughty, west twenty. Five. Let me take some awesome. Before I say anything if you dont train with it, don't carry anything because it's a waste Did you get in an emergency situation? If you think you're, gonna, pull out pepper or a cuba thanh? or something and use it, and it's the first time never gonna happen. However, you
pepper can be good, but sometimes it can backfire on you. This what times are good, but you got get some training, whether you gotta cubans, I gotta, looks like no peace said steals a going to save the day against a knife attack or the euro fibre. pound guys, try, probably not, but it gives you a little bit of a shot. Remember but with the eyeballs anytime, you go for the eyeballs people in a flash. May you be time to get away sobbing, got a train on it or else whatever I said, I'm really matter, a dance here, one operator like you what local draggers. I gotta do when this fights happening in a digital world, while answer. Is you speak out? You volunteer, You don't need money, you knock on doors, you start a you speak out and live chat. You show up spread? The word you follow the ten ten and ten rule you vote. You bring ten p, but with you You call your legislator, you email them every day, there's a list that ten twenty things that, if we all did it, would make a material difference, and I know
I get a man, you want results like you used to go out to feel, and likewise all right away, and if you let down your battle, buddy you're dead. I get it, but prop pilot We got here over thirty years is gonna. Take us a long time to fix it. I know where you are Quick results, but we gotta get it done. Sometimes little flower that at last one hour I folks what a show man doesn't that was not. a leak. Ok, I can't say the soon have gone into the weekend. While for the radio show but that was not a leak that news weeks. These regarding regarded and the Hillary Clinton. Peace was absolutely a warning. or as fbi, agent and whistle blower. Now how surf and said it was a threat, So much rumble dot com, slash bond, gino, join us every day. At eleven am I was in the live chat about nine fifty today chatting with you all set up an account. It's free download the rumble, app we'd love to have you here. Eighty seven thousand people thanks
much will see all on Monday day. Sir, you just ten born jean osier.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.