« The Dan Bongino Show

They’re Trying To Interfere In Another Election (Ep 2050)

2023-07-19 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking new moves by the Swamp to steal another election.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je. No, I said I'm awarded the over and over and over again about a couple of things. A couple of very important things: The only wine am I going to try and get my arms around being the only guy around here I don't worry, I'm the only one doing it you're not going to hear it anywhere else. A lot of other smart commentators talking about it too, but these two things: better, be top of mind for you number one. We are living in the police state right now. We ve got a limit time window and a shrinking one to fix it and escape this police state voice. Tax I'll, show you what I mean with this fake electors thing coming up a number two. I can't watch it something you're here and in certain spots? But not enough this choice The thing is getting really really dangerous. I got a piece of video for you to see showing you again, they are gone
hit taiwan with little notice, world war, three he's gonna break out and everyone's a b like what just happened except you. The proceeds are everywhere. You just gotta, look form folks, go to block AL coffee, dot, com, slash bond, gino, use, coupon code bonjean for twenty percent off your first order today show sponsored in part by blackout, coffee, stop giving your money to woke garbage companies. Don't care about! You go with a coffee brand that aligns with you I would advise and taste great black our coffee, dotcom, slash bond gino coupon code bunching over twenty percent of folks began a loaded show for you today, this fake electors scheme, I'm gonna break this all down for you. It is fake electors thing that they're trying to prosecute people for in the trump orbit an eighty year old in one case in Michigan. Is a scheme? Is a scheme to try trump to a fake tied trumpets? Use me to a fake Spirits easy to interfere in yet another election in a break it all down for you and show you have the real
the real interference in elections is coming from. On party one party, only the democrats in asia, but you buy me, can financing the fed paused there contain rate hides in june, but power indicated there be another right, arrayed hike in July. We all know that can make your credit card debt more expensive right now If you only making the minimum payment it's to take years to pay their debts You need to find a way out of your homeowner america. Finance and get help you can use your homes, equity and pay off that expensive, that american fight, saving customers, just like you, have to two thousand thousand mother loans. It can help no matter your credit score can financing to family on lending a mortgage consults or salary base in charge any up front. To see how much you can say, they're closing loans in and asbestos ten days call american financing. Today, you maybe we may be able to delay to mortgage payments. Here's a number eight. Eighty nine for seventy six, sixty, that's eighty, nine nine for some six sixty or visit them online at america
financing dot net american financing dot net anomalous when it you drink before animal S, consumer access, alright, Joseph your data you're covered in the it's showtime brother. Here we go and busy chat this morning. I'd love to hear ya. Thanks to sooner see you all that it comes from people, good programs ate a tough time following the check go so fast. That's a good problem. then you can always go backwards. You know too and read if you miss but I do at all times, racy me go over here. phone. Sometimes I wanna hear it. You will have to say, ladies and gentlemen, they are interfering in another election. They are doing it again because why? Because they don't care. Ladies element, the moose balls on these people? Do we have anything three everything right, who is this may be the first time they don't care anymore. They do you understand, like any kind of put,
seen off of seriousness and be an above board and being like non commies. They ve thrown out these people. Don't care this entire charge. Here we go well there we got real, so they were kind that up. We ve watermelon size knots on these people. Really we don't we couldn't. Even we didn't have no great routes. We couldn't find it so watermelons were better watermelon size. Not thank you. You hold those who are here. What's child I stayed day the bigger the great they don't care these people, give a shit anymore. They are interfering in trying to steal another election. So here's what they're gonna do they're gonna, try to charge trump with some conspiracy, seditious conspiracy to steal that when twenty election now having been a law enforcement officer in the past. How do you
yard some moment conspiracy, anyone that chad! Now, if you are a former cup well, you care conspiracy with one person you need me More than one person for conspiracy, the problem is, they don't have a conspiracy to steal the twenty twenty election or seditious conspiracy, so they ve got a tie tromp to a fake one, and this it's gonna, be it I'd. Warned you about this, I think about a year ago, again, you're not wasting your time of one. If you want to go back and find it, please do I'll put it on the show, but you know I'm telling you happened did happen. I warned you, where they were gonna, go here's what happened Tie it up for you in a nutshell date when their work, questions about the validity of the vote count. The republican already in many of these states plan d Slate of alternative presidential electors, the electors, are the people compose the electoral college. You need two hundred and seventy electoral college. to win. You all know that
she's been done throughout the history of the republic alive at times by democrats to the dears democrat electors and republican electors. If there's Question about who runs the state alternate? actors in the proposal. keep them ready in case. Something were to happen. The vote count. What's a change is not unusual at all. Our prove it to you now that does, it mean they're not going to charge, but the president with a crime. the dishes, conspiracy with fake electors, the collectors nonsense is by the way, was perfectly time with the jack smith target letter to dump trump saying he was being investigated for this crime- get attorney general. You could see the thing up on CNBC amount, a little had already here, but mission It's already general charges, fake trump electors over twenty twenty election cry. Okay, this is fascinating. This is fascinating. does the michigan attorney general's die hard democrat and the fact that there were an alternate sleep.
The electors ready to go in case there is a vote. Change is nothing new, it all and yet No one else has been charged in the democrat party. Let me just to remind you here, because this is gonna- be a gym, produced gems, looking forward to the show more than anyone. This is gonna, be a total eviscerate vision of the Democrats election did I, your fairy tale, bs here Video super cut had to believe believe, and for this one democrats, the big election deniers of all all saying about the gore bush presidential election and other since they didn't like either listen man, you don't have to accept the result, the election. If you don't like it, these are the Democrats check this out too many voters have cast votes on machine. the jam or malfunction were sought the boats without a trace As we look at our election system, I think it's fair to say that there are many legitimate questions about its accuracy.
its integrity and they're not confined. to the state of ohio of these and many other examples, all documented in the press, I am doing with congresswoman Stephanie tabs jumps to cast the light of truth on a flawed system. There is no reason at a time when we have enormous battles taking I ideologically all across the globe. At a time when we are trying to make certain that we encourage accuracy in iraq and afghanistan and other places of the world that we have The legitimacy of our elections challenge rightly or wrongly my people certain as to whether our processes of fair and just
ohio is the objection I'm from ohio, embracing the ejection, but I anticipate you will also hear from some of my colleagues from other state who had similar situations. Now is easy to say: well, it happened in ohio, it happened in Michigan, it happened in arizona, and so let's not worry about it, cause it happened everywhere. Let me make this absolutely crystal clear, postcard. Lady. Welcome to the chats. Are you new here? Let me make this crystal clear to you. you have every single god given ripe god, given protected by the constitution, to question any election you'd like any like she nude like if you feel Something was done unfairly in an election year a god given right to speak out you be right, you maybe incorrect by dammit who have the right to speak out.
This is not a one sided country. It's gonna, be a republic where Democrats can come out challenge any damn election. They want opening their big fat. Freakin soup cool was all the time and you got a self sensor muzzle yourself. Never on this show. Never here. What's happening today. Is bull shit, this fake like. This thing is yet another example of something that Democrats have done over over and over again with alternate slates of electors trying to manipulate electors, and yet, when republicans say hey, maybe we should emulate tat tactic in case there is a change in the vote count all of a sudden You find yourself looking to fourteen years in prison at eighty years old in michigan, with Dana nestle the hack attorney general in Michigan, a total thug goon. Let's explain now
we can give you the facts you need going forward. We try to calm down but what is actually going on here is the fake electors, nonsense, some dobbs everybody by the wage, gimme a yes or a no into Chad. You understand where we're at press. Nigel electors are part of the electoral college intellects, the president, I'm not trying to talk down anyone or you'll get it. You need to seven, the electoral votes. Basically, if there's a conflict in the state in the past. Each a party has some say the republic in one state. The Democrats question at they'll say egg holding. these often intellectual. Aren't you I'll get ready to go now. There's precedent. For this folks, the great margo Cleveland read this peace, your dumb ass liberal friends, who are too freakin stupid to white. Their own butts read this goodbye Margo cleveland and my newsletter, Bonn gino. Dot com, slash newsletter, the left
Twenty twenty fake electors narrative is fake news. There is a precedent for alternate electors by the Democrats. It's called the hawaii precedent here: margo rights, quickly, nor was approved appall appointing an alternate slate of electors, some cockamamie plan devised by trump lawyers. On the contrary, selection, lawyers and the contingent electors followed precise approach. Democrats, so successfully used when the day congress established for certifying an election came before them, legal challenges, J, F, K brought in hawaii, were decided in that protein allow J of K to be so five, the winner of hawaii, three electoral votes in january of nineteen sixty one, even though the Aloha state had originally certified richard Nixon, the victor, there is less, hey press suited to this man. So why are they?
locking up eighty year old people for doing something that the devil, we have done in the past, because their freedom, communists, fellows and ladys their commies. That's why they are socialist tyrant, thugs. There. Making this up as they go along. This is not a real crime tyrant smith, the special prosecutor tie. Letter target letter to trump to come out. Probably the exam, same time that the mission an attorney general another hack, decided lock up our budget eighty year old because they wanted to see me conspiracy to overthrow an election, even though democrats have advocated to manipulate electors over and over again do we have the receipts How do the? Yes? We have receipts here you go lawrence Lessig.
The constitution lets the electoral college choose the winter. They should choose Clinton november twenty, for twenty sixteen and the washington post. Here's a video of another and a role in the twinkies army, Michael, more dynamic, NBC with Chris haze income. Bridging exactly the behavior liberals are saying trump's team, should be locked up for now, interfering with is agile electors. Here. Watch yourself there are people who are poor. Very hard to think that, because of some of the constitutional perils of the emoluments clause because of the popular vote margin because of a fund lentils, they think threat to liberal democracy that the fed elector should be persuaded impression on monday to to part with what their pledges and vote and vote against donald trump. Yes, they absolutely actually I believe right now that there are electors,
thirty, eight of them who have a conscience or who are worried about a man who won't attended daily, skirted grievance, who We now know russia was trying to help get elected. They loved the chats, like boobs cod, red yet they don't care, they don't care. So these videos to your friend, by the way, had tipp kind of color a great on twitter what new gathers research, it's good stuff got a lot of it from that also the reason, Jack smith is dieting trump in Washington DC. For this conspiracy to overthrow an election is because he knows that see jury pool. He had trump has no chance. What? What did you get? Five point? Four percent of the vote dc. You think jackson It is doing this by accident. Folks, maximum receive better every we just gotta do a little but a homeward authority. a lot of homework It's just a little bit of homework. Here are? The same liberals go man, you can't miss, we're presidential electors. That's sedition!
this conspiracy and bologna, you smoke free in the umpteenth agree. while it applied piracy on the open seas,. Here's crusades in december of two. Succeed say. liberal hack, whose work is overthrow an election. Really funds de rights state? the side out of ports, their electors. You mean like in michigan baker. them all to say, whichever and that a one majority of counties all states. I don't like what happened in the michigan here's another demo Brad goon the hapless normalizing talk about with large tribe, another goofball. Exactly words have been telling. This report is for the past twenty four hours electors should not cannot. choose a man who will violate the oath, who are they talking about Biden,
target about job to Joe suffering can easily I did so. This showed its boarding. It's not increase Yes, newsday other than this story, this who supervise you to put the get only to be like twenty minutes to find this out there. This is right did gives rise, since I twenty sixteen is early onset tv s you're. Seeing here, here's george de, was he slew about a start rally? Was it all use these sewer liberal, maniac, george, the kind, not very bright human being there was interference on the play. You don't count the touchstone, russia, metal, narrow election says the cia presidential electors. Do your job. You realize their it fearing were presidential actors as their celebrating interfering. While they want trop arrested for conspiracy for doing the same thing, they did here's. What strive another goofball.
all it will take us just twelve percent a bit over one in ten of the electors to vote against a walking talking impeach of all offence. There we got folks We got lawyers, we got entertainers, we got of peace, monstrosity, twig each job, twiggy soldiers in the army in it the army out their ears magazine, the venerated respected time magazine electors against trump, our faithful, not faith less. Now make it an argument again that these presidential electors, you should be ready to go the other way. I don't know. Maybe he says I sound like a threat to democracy. Job sounds like it too, be by the liberals old standards this by the way, this makes them form at the mouth. I love this. This makes him the foam coming out like rabid dog, said animals because there's nothing. They hate more than being exceeded
who's. This phone is not because they care about being hypocrites, hypocrisy, sir thing, but because they feel their going, whose political momentum once there and what? What is there and evil is actually exposed in the show, was adorned big platform to do The last time I saw a man like that, I see some more areas: here, are these hollywood celebrities again celebrated the prosecution and pending exclusion of donald trump for the exact name interference with presidential like theirs. They did here's a group Celebrities etiquette this short, because I don't want you to object. Your breakfast, a group of celebrities begging, presidential electors to do what their china prosecute trump war right now take
It is the electoral college was created specifically to prevent and unfit candidate from becoming president. There are five hundred and thirty eight members of the electoral college you and just thirty six other conscientious republican electors can make a difference by voting your conscience on December nineteenth and thereby shaping the future of our nation. I'm not ask you to vote for Hillary Clinton, I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton, I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton. As you know, the constitution gives electors the right to vote for any person Annie eligible person, no matter which party they belong to, but it should certainly be someone you consider especially competent, especially competent to serve president of the united states of america. By voting your conscience, you and other brave republican electors give the house of representatives the option to select a qualified candidates. The presidency I got more. I'm not even done,
eh videos like three minutes long by the time you're done with this when we will have entirely eviscerated jack smith's bull shit case against donald trump for his fake insurrection. There will be no doubt left insane people's heads same people, not jack smith, illiberal none. I had another view, Oh come on up. That's of democrats. Yes questioning elections again and core sitting what electors should do so strange, so we're but none of them are in jail. Take a quick break for me good for my blood pr. You know what else is good for my b A good nutrition, listen! Imagine at the doctors, arbitrary doktor glances up from your chart. Burke whenever say whatever you do and keep it up. That's the feel. The greens, better health promise love this stuff, this is by brick: ass nutrition, miles, the company. I ask you to put this together early because I'm on the road a lot I met absent. evangelists for good nutrition and someday
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like during election denier. Nobody hears denying an election happened, we're just that the rules were followed totally different thing Well, this we won that election. Al gore won the election. Al gore was elected president united states. This wasn't counted, do not do it, they do it. We will know there is overwhelming evidence that george w Bush did not win this election. Do you think republicans stole that election and two thousand? I wish the united states supreme court have let them finnish counting the votes, Free court denied the actual and accurate counting of votes of largely of catherine harris jet bush, Jim baker and the supreme court can tampered with the results. EL gore would be present. An election has been stolen. it wasn't a fair process It wasn't a new a process that was
the process that was rigged against us. We actually won the last presidential election votes based on as we look at our election system gets fair to say that there are many legitimate questions about its accuracy about integrity harder to keep it from being able to be in a position where the machine will relate directly in virginia. When I was governor, I had to replace all the machines to many voters have cast votes on machines. the jam or malfunction or suck the boats without a trace If vote in the senate race kept voting for the democrat republican name, kept coming up three times. That happened. How many other books did the computers get wrong? I brought in some, biology expert, they were able to have Into our machines from off site in about I've or six minutes in for Benazir were able to changeable, that's gravy and the less video was news, busters activities, thereby save that video
save it. Show it to your liberal, a whole friends say: hey! I you guys if you guys have begun questioning machines. Elections results talking about stolen elections. You notice that what what? What? What is that. Let's do that. Are you anyway that I am what what is it like, deny your mean, then, at all the people in He's videos actually election! That irish. Can you clarify what the It actually means election, then our votes, the best way to stick it to these people. They don't care about being exposed as hypocrites, but independents out there and persuadable voters do and they are going to Side this next election, the election deniers, are the goons on the left, the fake elect schemers other goons on the left. Here's the transition integrity project. Remember this group. This was a group of eighty tromp lunatics. That put together this transition presidential transition plan in the event that trump one
they wanted to make sure that they had a way to overthrow the election. They point this. in writing here Their game plan came three, clear trump when, as the game develop, there's two of the three states sent separate plates of electric cars. The count those sent by the state legislature, any these people, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, crony was involved with this group or any of them under arrest any of them? You see anyone in handcuffs on anyone, hell, no helm, boyfriend shave them in handcuffs the same thing right. There show that to your liberal friends, fake electors. What about what about this transition integrity, these anti trump group getting goosebumps talking about it? I really like literally because folks, stuff infuriates me man infuriates me, you know what infuriates me as much weak kneed republicans
who don't understand what I told you in the beginning of the show. We have two big problems right now. Yes, taxes are an issue. Yes, Abortion is a huge issue. Yes, vacation is an issue. I'm telling you right now acutely. I have two enormous problem staring us in the face this second, that, if not change quickly, we could be or this These are extinction level. Events like that movie, deep impact whose alley extinction level events. There The state is here and china? is getting ready to invest taiwan and there's not going to be any notice and the war he's gonna change with a snap of a finger and when it happens, you'll be prepared and you get thank the lord. You were listening to the show I'll get to that a thing in a minute, but I want to show you what I mean by weak kneed republicans, who don't on, stan the police state
is here this is the final moments a distraction. What they're doing to trump? Isn't all look. It's a chaotic league, the strategy we need to move on. No, we don't an ever time. Nicky Hayley opens are now she spouses yourself for this listen, I'm telling you in the chat or listened on apple spotify. Wherever I telling you to vote for I'm a tribe supporter. I love run. sadly the best governor in the country. I love grandma swami. So much I was investor and one of its companies. I happened approach trump. This cycle, I'm not eighty two scientists about eighty. scott anyone else, I Good primaries are healthy. Having said that, you, disqualify yourself as a candidate when you're asked about it happened a trump yesterday, this fake electors
conspiracy, air quotes- and you give a b s answer like this crap you have qualified for the debate. How does this indictment affect his I say it's going: keep on going. I mean the rest of this primary election is gonna, be in reference. trump is going to be about law suits it's going to be about legal fees, it's going to be about judges and it's just going to continue to be a further and further distraction, and that's why I am running is because we need a new generational leader. We can't keep dealing with this drama. We can't keep dealing with the negativity, disqualified, disqualified. I'm undertake this further. This points, our personal at all,. not only disqualified, but if trumpet when the presidency or the sand, this more vague or any one else. I'm begging you actually, please keep this woman out of your cabinet
she is clearly a gamer at this point. Clearly, a game. You don't understand, what's happening the trump right now that it's not trump, it's about you. If you win the presidency, Nicky you'll be next you will be next year is understand that you think this It's all just a distraction. This The issue is that of distraction from the issue. The police state, is the issue. Are you that out of touch with the basic don't understand that when he asked again a mantle draw this the values, the track. If you do think Mickey haley's for real free, like a good person. Why Yes, no, if you think she's afraid why you she's for real and think she's, a fake, no she's, nafta. I'd love to see it because I can't be only one who sees thrower, don't look good survey, says
but any You see any wise There was one by one it's about time hundred and fifty two Y know that that's being generous. That's begin generates, yes, you're all correct see. I knew the love you all the chad, you all the best sea ice right through this woman. That is now the answer to the question? Here's the candidates. Let me help you, running against drop, I being had serious and I this objective way, here's the answer. It's not harm. Listen. I think I have better solutions for the country did donald trump. Having said that, We're not gonna, have a country with a police state the war on down. jobs are war against all of us. I stand on shields with em period. That's the answer. Save yourselves
Nobody is going to vote for you if you don't understand that cash and get it right. I watch that lie ahead. Now, I'm in a room in the kitchen with my wife paula, and we looked at our support of us casinos politics. Was she grab a mike bit, it again are here's a guy coming folks to america's right now. There's americans is jason. All these stories have bigger stored in third countries, get to that quick. I got that. Will work, Where's takes I've ever seen, china story got some video for you. The warnings are everywhere, get ready today, don't screw around, I'm not trying to scare you I'm trying to prepare a completely different. They were sprague here we really appreciate pay his. U time same all, garbage liberal flavoured coffees, you know they pay a baby
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Delicious bowl of cereal at magic, spoon, dot, com, slash bond, gino, you're, going to love it use code, bonjean or save five dollars off thanks magic spoon for sponsoring this episode. We appreciate alright folks, we're living in two different americas right now about a prove it to you right here. There are legitimately america's out there right now. There is the same, sound, reasonable american. By the way it and say republican or democrat america being very specific you there are, Moderate democrats, who were sensing that country's dividing and very uncomfortable waves right now, a lot of moderate democrats and states like west virginia love. There, country, music, love their god, love their flag. Sir we as a sliver other democrat party now, but it's non existent. I folks I'm serious his heart attack. Here I get out once When I get out, I run into people all the time they are like arbed and debate. democratic. I may not agree, but you know we're in a little bit of trouble about making ah, but somewhat those crazy stories and happy. There are two americans story, Bruce jason, all
who is this an amazing guy jason, his wife, brittany, are fantastic. People is a country singer, one of them. Country sings, one, the biggest singers and the world jake These cells out everywhere he has a song out about. It's called try that the small town and try that, Malta is basically like hey, don't do this violent crap, doing, and big cities in our small town. It's an end. The violent saw its a song? They can dams violence in big cities, so leave the liberals, nation are being is. Why is it? Three singer fill of course, by the way songs, but after a water may racial incident about it. Here's the guardian, hack, goon, left newspaper ben boom, Thomas Joey's, gotta, hyphenated leslie, so he's definitely a serious got that very serious job. it's a joke. You should hyphenate your life that will make it like a de arma or something like that. Make you sound very into consideration. Thank you. You will thank you nothing. American about promoting violets countries,
jason. All the criticized for eighty Protest saw this is hilarious, see the lyrics lyrics. There are concerns about here's, a gregg price on twitter. Here, lyrics that liberals are saying a racist married. The sooner you tell me if they're racist, Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk car jack, an old lady, a red light, pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store. You think it's cool act, a fool if you like cassandra, cops in his face stamp on the flag and lighted up here. You think you're tough, try that in a small town and his great price notes, somebody point me in the racism police. Anyone he just in one and the chap guys got any ideas about where the racism is. I don't see it. I have a good boy displease writers, racism among myriads, trying to find it.
Tat they just don't like jason all day because he's white is a country say it's an anti violence. On a ladies gentlemen showing you we live in two americans. I always bring the facts to back it up. Man, billboard, charts, jason, all deeds. Try that small town has now reached number one on item. Liberals man, you don't understand you're the minority. Now you don't think you are. I know you because you you're really potent powerful on twitter and in the media you think you're, the majority of america you're not we're done. There are two america's right now politically democrats subjected to a separate set rules. Legally Democrats have a separate set of rules and culturally democrats have a separate set rules. What to show you another story, I mean proof positive. There are two completely different america's out here, CNBC and in their bubble. They actually believe this. They write this right Article was written with it with a straight face. These are american.
Ten worst states to live and work in four twenty, twenty three and there's a big surprise at the bottom, put up that tweet here's, the ten visa, the ten more states CNBC claim floor. Arkansas, tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, alabama, south carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma, texas, so again, show is quick. This morning, Joe, I thought to myself real I live in florida, texas, because everybody's die, if get into florida. So much so you can barely find a place to live down here. Which is strange, so I went to the world. Population review and I put in fast. growing states, that's crazy floor in texas in south carolina, which CNBC says, are the worst places to live, or some other form actually number one for population growth ecstasy is number for waste carolinas number three, so strange. It's almost like there are two.
America is out there liberals deliberate in the wrong one because you're right, you guys, okay, I wouldn't say some sort of someone attacking or something like that. Oh cause, you guys both disappeared, the folks they gotta play. He got into like a karate or something because karate man, I got a little nerve He was the eddie murphy training places they ve got up like this, like it, the blade. The blade hand the obese cod secret service. The unbearable are when you walk through the crowd with them And to get people to move you to bend your arm, people get out of the way cause. Nobody wants to touch you seriously holding the abc. We will walk like this. I really have a camera in the new studio will have a camera and everyone you get to see everyone's crazy. here's the two different countries through different america's. We live in right now, legally This new new york posed bombshell
didn't have shown, oh by the way, if you want to check it out whereby what's it, but you gotta consolation user for some reason, its point f b, I told the hunter Biden investigator today. committee questions, bombshell, letter shows solidarity. b. I, which spectrum for years by god, Donald trump told The agents investigating hundred by hey, don't answer any questions in front of congress. Don't worry, folks nothing to see here, everything's on ap, I assure you, winkie winkie nodded. Alright. Let me shift gears here, serious time, alright, quick break and let me break from the shell. Let me break from the emotional rollercoaster ribbon on.
The maybe it's just me and my prior line of work where we got paid to think about crazy stuff all the time, but for the thousandth time I'm going to tell you again. The world is going to change in the coming months, maybe maybe years, but I would I have if I was a betting man in the coming months. It's going to change fast. It's going to change, quick nobody's going to know what hit them and a lot of people, ladies and gentlemen, are going to be caught with that. You ever been in a street fight folks, most of you have and you get clocked and you didn't see it coming. What's in line, what's the best punch in the world, the one you didn't see common right and you don't know what Do it takes you about five six seconds to get your bearings again, that's gonna happen on a global scale when china invades taiwan. Shipping lanes you're gonna, be shut down, supply law, and you're gonna be shut down, it's gotta be months, but
We figure out antibiotics again. Food supplies, things like that. It is going to be a disaster and an apocalyptic one because they are a nuclear power are going to do it. It is not ten years away, it is not five years away, it is going to happen and its problem we're going to happen or some semblance of it or some opening salvo. Maybe in months, if not just in a couple years, is another one more proof washed in times. How many guys seriously, how many amity these articles we put our ten twenty now is a new one. Every day, folks are honest, I don't want to beat it. You know beat distinctive death, so why I don't put every single article up this pop yesterday. United states is stumped by the mysterious apps so the chinese foreign minister. Zella loyalists not seen in weeks may have been, purged
Maybe there's you paying loyalist who's been purged or may have in part was talon, gg and paying. I don't think it's a good idea. We invade taiwan. Oh look! He disappear. Here's John Kerry. What does Levin call a mashed potato face over and I know where they're laughing at us right now. This is why, by the way, I have no doubt they prepare new invade taiwan before Biden these office, because it everybody in our? U s intel community knows and preparing to invade taiwan and John Kerry, over in China kiss in their asses asking them to stop their production of call while preparing to start well worth three. They like this job. I- and this is what is it by the way, they just turned about your check this out china who, myers. You nurse greenhouse gases
Aren't you sure where, getting to address the emergency fire. You you, you see what I see the Chinese and his party is unquestionably preparing to invade. Taiwan engage the war in what is going to be a potential apocalyptic war and carries over there with his lip service we attach to their asses while JANET yelling is boeing over and over again begging them to stop using coal and they're laughing at this idiot is another piece of him when you get to this in a more detail tomorrow, China is now ripping and stripping out trees and Striking got people's like animal farms to get air the land to produce crops. Why? Because they are preparing for war.
War, three and eight out of an african food I'll show you out article tomorrow, too, besides or everywhere people disappearing. This is you want another one A guy by the name of Karl bass is a very interesting presentation he gave at the hudson assumes just about a minute of it but here is talking about how Jason then gave this speech in the beginning of the speech. Was all this flowery stuff, like oh yeah, we're going to rebuild america at any end of the speech? No one in the press wants to talk about what he said at the end, where he's legit telling his people hey, you all ready to be a better, be a better prepare for war. and we got potato base. Nobody like thinking, you stop part and call for energy they're telling That's what we're gonna do: facilities she's aids that china is now ways or focused quote on it, the acquisition of the taiwanese separatists. Again, his rhetoric is becoming more bellicose. Every speech he's given since twenty seventeen. He tells you what he's going to do.
It's getting worse and worse and worse and his words. in the two sessions. Three speeches: the the markets expected Those speeches at two sessions to be further stimulative about restarting the chinese economic economy and moving forward all free speech. She told the people of china to prepare for war, the press here focused on the very first fifteen minutes where where the king attempt The calm investment markets
and attract additional western capital. But then, once he sat down, Xing ping took over and said we need to prepare for war and he said it in three separate speeches and I'm like seriously I'm going to do the same, so I'm like down on and the folks. Please take this stuff seriously. I'm not I'm not dicking around here. Man. Please, take this seriously get yourself some emergency food, some water supplies. Means to defend yourself way to start a fire, so you can cook some food, not telling you it's going to be book of eli of world war. Three happens with china, it may it may, but I'm telling you what's going to happen, is going to be severe disruptions. the global economy, like you, haven't seen since cove
you really want to be on line for toilet paper. Again, you want to be on food lines. I love you guys so much men, an audience you mean so but to me, do you ve, given me so much? You are everything. This sounds hysterical and you want to get me off. I guess there's not much. I can do, but I'm not going to stop talking about it. Because the warning signs are everywhere: g, in paying gave three speeches and they're all telling people to prepare for war, and yet you swear is it on the news? People are disappearing. Answer being launched. You have a defector. Clearly Connecting with the scientists in the united states racing were chinese communist party defector who then, up in the wall street journal about a biological viral attack and a computer attack? At the same time, where do you think the defect or got that from no more time
four screwing around they are gonna. Do it before Biden leaves office because he's weak He is cognitive, Lee impaired and everybody knows oh by the way I didn't, even though we have that video abide, Yesterday without herzog, the beer is rarely president here did you, think china sees this. They ve got trouble there at seventy seven runnin around spreading around given speeches a hundred appearances day, doing what he needs to do, or you got this clause areas in the oval office yesterday with these president herzog, not no one. Even those who did it all asleep the israelis, does anyone know what did you watch this the political level, the level just didn't see? That's. Why, One even knows what to do these,
Well, the president is sitting there looking at the press, like please rescue me from this cringe right. So what I m talking to you, you can see me. I look off characters. Geese said right here, I don't talk to gain godlike. as he doesn't even know, what to do Biden's talking only looking at the press, like principally save me, you know Did the administration knows going on. You don't think that child that the chinese communist party knows what's going on to, and yet there is still pushing this guy in the elections, while the media, it moves in your minds. Hysteria is getting insane by the way. Look at us, examiner report, this pop today to widen cuts a funding to the warm institute, a virology all really I have to take away your miss johnson I know where you go with Joe say: wait. I we weren't funding institute instituted by I get, but obviously guys that study Yes, of course they were lying folks, even in the shadow of death
the obvious one, how we cutting off. Democrats told this never happened. They lie. I'm not even it's interesting, but. but in the second part of this is even worse. Yet Of course, we refunding this lap, but why is he cutting off the funding? Now it's hit china. They know something I'm telling you they know something. He already is I'm talking about the hysteria immediate, I mean I agree, with anti american anti free speech. Absolute lunatics, here's this eugene robinson, who is a trump just broke these people mad just broke him. He was on MSNBC or whatever just that again, the thea, the alluding to fascism and all the southern stuff. These people of just lost their minds, and the child the communist party ceases to these are the you
for lady. Is they walk right now, dividing this place, the little chunks and second, I'm against one another check this out is textbook fascism, Andy, it's it's it's outrageous. Its incredibly dangerous, not just to to our system of democracy in our democratic values, is just it's just dangerous because he's talking about wanting to essentially fire the people in the federal bureaucracy who who know how to model if you make the country work, to keep our air clean and our water, safe and and who, who who keep us safe in the intelligence agencies and in the defense department and everywhere he sees somebody who who doesn't toe the line. Folks were in real trouble. Man
the communists in china are watching. So are the russians one last preparedness tip I'm going to give to you, as I am I'm as prepared? I think now, as I can be given my situation, could always, of course more, but you should be able to survive, cut off cut off from humanity basically you should be able to survive for three months if, after reminds you know, society still completely collapse. We got bigger problems. I gotta I gotta, be candid whither. I grew up in the city, I'm not a big hunter outdoorsman. I get a spinning wheel summit, grisly freakin items. I you know the basic idea of how to survive. So because I'm not grisly items. I sure to have all my staff, my murmured. Before my other stuff. So I get out you know I'm an after learn, but you ve got loved one out there to got kids, college and elsewhere go out, get one of these they have these. Are you have the floor? It and stop these satellite
garment, hasn't and other ones you can t stone these things without the cell network, all you ve gotta be able to use the sky! The? U satellites, they're, not! Romagna lady, there not cheap some of em I've been six hundred I'll. What have you got a kid, and this thing breaks bad, sell networks are cut out even for a few days. There's nothing here. while more than attacks from a family member saying don't worry, I'm ok, I'm with friends get prepared today. Please don't wait here on a lighter note, thank you to everyone who commented on my kind of at denbigh gino a reality show stuffy. I told you about what I eat for dinner and all that stuff. As some of you like some of you, didn't I just times. I I really enjoyed a health and nutrition stuff, the lifestyle matters to me, and I got a lot of questions on locals and are less. I put another video up, but if you are asking the dinner
The kid my salad was. Their spillage beats the carriage the tomato, the grilled chicken any almonds balsamic. little bit of that brag, seasoning and the foil shake it up. I eat at every night. It's been a lifesaver for me. So thanks for the comments on that, I appreciate folks you all the best. sixteen. I doubt we get across seventy thousand into Chad. Oh my gosh, I think if we, if, whether it really is time for another bitter we'd have seventy thousand. Am I going to do that? There are almost sixty nine thousand seven hundred and sixty three. Thank you folks. I really appreciate. Please gotta rumble joined the chat. Everyday starts at ten. A m eastern time would be adjusted, can always in early make. Your comments are trying to get back to his many views possible, rumble doc. Slash bond gino download the app it then you'll, a notification when we go live everyday download? The rumble app today rumble dot com slashed budget joined a chat early. We had seven thousand people waiting three talk and adjusted
I come on eleven love to see you here. Really enjoy in this life format. We s with special surprises come in for the next few weeks, including one in nashville and Brian this iris whistleblower testimony there have been a bid for you tomorrow. Thank you opportune and in a sea back or are you just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.