« The Dan Bongino Show

They’re Targeting Your Kids (Ep 1993)

2023-04-18 | 🔗

They’re targeting your kids with their perverse ideology. In this episode, I address the disgusting liberal fascination with sexualizing children. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show. That is not immune to the facts with your host dan VON g. No sorry for the slight delay in the livestream, their ages, a minor technical hiccup on r and there, but we're up we're here, which is good, because I got an important show for you today, because I'm one I am genuinely concern when the public and when I, the public. I mean the useful idiots class otto mean the lib activists and economies. I mean the public who just place along whistling pass the greater like nothing's happening to our culture. in society? What are they gonna get a grip. I get it. rasp around the fact that there is, good bad in and the evil This are targeting the kids they're going after your kids. I asked she for a simple reason: you no power.
Takes an all out of their crap used to go out the window when it came to things like people's kids right. You know really care about politics. If someone's messing with your kid yet you know. What's really scary, we got us therefore, in the white house we got a bunch of rumours out there. We ve got a group of people show can there junk dressed up as women in on a kids out there and yet little parents not only don't seem care about the damage it would break it like about missing supping? Am I missing something? the latest story, a friend of mine, you, although jason rats- I see my fox sent me this morning made me think folks the boy. Now, where are you sit near watching the match inside the ring and your city it's kind of a bystander their sovereignty. Getting a ring in a political fight. It really is.
Let's get to a busy showed most americans are feeling the effects of inflation, filling up your car grocery shopping, everything's more expensive and most the pain, these bills, with a credit card consumer rose over one trillion dollars in the last year. This is the biggest increase in twenty years if you're a homeowner there's a way you gotta call american financing. They can put a plan to pay off that high interest credit card debt and create meaningful savings for you. Every month there saving People just like you, a thousand dollars a month in closing is enclosed spaces. Ten days, don't wait. Get yourself Do a better position, call their salary based mortgage consult sitting. You know, cause no obligation savings review. You heard that correctly, it cost then you get started. You start today could delay to mortgage it's giving you greater savings up front its aid eight nine nine for seventy six sixty eight eight. Now nine- for seventy six, sixty four america, financing you want to go to the website? You could do that to its, I can answering dot net tat come on
in financing that that american financing dot net and unmolested did you for animal S, consumer access, dot, org or I very Is he tuesday Joseph lister time goodbye? Oh it's over? Yes, yes, you it is a europe wide, usually gibe wrong we could show gotta, go to add other. Shall ride like you'd, see time show folks when it came to kids there, kind of a consensus, opinion right, a consensus. opinion that you just don't mess we kid I can bring. this is this? Is it consensus. The opinion was even really really bad people evil? people alive? um did mess with the kids. What do you mean? You know you work as a police officer. You see a lot of things and the what then you don't want to be in a prison in a long term prison where people are. Therefore, while is you don't
I wanna be. They are accused of committing a crime against the kidney child abuse sexual abuse. Do you probably know some see or correct these officers? Police officers yourself there even rachel, even the best guys want to kick your ass ye. I will kill you there, kill you now, you are, you have a very real risk of getting your ass kicked in prison because even really bad, goods murderers, home invaders burglars These even there like guys, scumbag He hated the hate, kill you or worse. Yes, yes, ass or worse. I believe me, this way too. Family friendly a show even where we are to talk about your work, so I'm sitting putting the shortest wanting, because a friend said my jason ran, sent me the story: something going on at a washington state which is so high its egg I said to myself, there's trouble.
People sitting there just watching the political boxing match and you're like everything's going over these good. They don't want to get in a ring, and I don't want to take on that kind of didn't want to come and I want to get this political fight themselves. Why is it going to take it? How many stories about kids are. We gonna have to hear before people alike, people this is really bad. factors that the left does it care about heard in your kids. It's that there were openly advocating to hurt them and, worse he's crazy He's just a couple of stories about what I'm talking about the hopefully grab some of your liberal friends and come out of this insanity bubble their stock in. Listen to our education, secretary and absent tool card daughters. So, Choices are very simple thing. It is not a hard concept to understand. Do not lead you.
bag, liberal friends, convince your school choice is anything other than choosing. Kids go to school job, that's it's called small choice and, oh that's a shock. You choose where kids go to school now, there's no legitimate argument against this thing. None all of your tax dollars pay for the schools you should take, we were kids go because you pay for it and you pay a lot upwards in summer some fifteen thousand per kid. So you should, because it's your money and it's your kid: your school money. Kids, you want all them. Here's cardenas teabag Harry his he's. I can I what, We need to call out these school choices, guess what they are, because they hate your kids and the idea that they would get an education and not be a government lackey
examine wantage kids, you know what they want to dump population, so you'll be suckling off the government. He I know I know, will come out of little heart today, but it's ok. They hate that they want kids, dumb and stupid permanently here, take a less. What we're doing is number one calling out the hypocrisy calling out what we believe is the strategy to try to disrupt Look schools so that a private school sounds better and we want to provide vouchers, for that is the point The school only sounds better if it better at school it's better. Why would sound better? Because it's better folks, these people hate your kids. That sounds like too strong a warrant. I'm sorry again, you maybe listen show because we're done the cutesy time its new roles. Time I have rules time, I'm done with the old rules.
Here's. A story I was talking about that sent me on set me on fire more as putney showed was gonna. Do some different but this one guy me go and so jason ran, sent me a message. Is warning: he's? Ok, dad you gotta check this. Korea ISA a on his is radio station with katy th in seattle, rats raw. echo washington, trans youth law, legalised state, sanctioned kidnapping alike, I don't know state sanctioned kidnapping at all baby. That's all but too much about headline, though no its not set a bill for five, nine, nine, sponsored by some lunatic in every washington permits shelters and host homes, housetops notice, what To provide housing for runaway minors- ok, and stay there steadfast for a second you getting has run away when you were kids, I ran away like ten times now. I suppose they might a couple of my mother didn't bother me yeah, you know every kid does worry about the open,
man lives right down a blocks away. I would call my mom grandad's, you so much just let me do my thing and I'd come back the next morning, we'll run away right running away to a quote: hosts Tom or a shelter at an you fly if there's a new law, that the current law choirs parental notification, the whereabouts of runaway children, cells good idea right. You, kids, right away. Mister submit your kids here, but this new law I would consider merely seeking so called gender men care, a quote compelling reason. Now, so notify the parents of the child's whereabouts where you re wearing. I vow you're like whether that sounds really horrible. So my kid in a moment of anger, may away and the kid seeking gender reaffirming care, the parent. They don't have to tell them where they can basically so the kid away and hide them. Oh yes, but it gets better in this case I mean worse under the
they'd scare, the child, they go surgical interventions like mastectomy. facial feminization with no parental consent, it just passed the house, Joe in a party line, vote now heads after the set of words expected to pass, Ladies and gentlemen, although on time out here because you my partner here for a very long time, you are still stuck in a blue hellhole state, which I hope you're going to get out of soon. Maybe we open up this new studio know it'd, be great to see that yeah. That's why? I keep telling you all, ladies and gentlemen, get out of these who states? I I'm telling you. I the by red and blue states? I wrote a piece thinking that this fight in the blues too, I was totally I was wrong. I'm gonna tell us that it was worth it we can do you cannot? Women, these blue states, in the short term, there may be a law,
charm or you don't cha on things when things get bad enough, as I say all the time, but why would want to suffer through the bed, off when you can make a difference to make things better in other states and plus. Why would you want to? take the chairs with your kids. These people hate your kids. What kind of lunatics Do you have to be to pass a law that says if a kid runs way from home and wants to cut, their breasts job? We will do not tell the parents didn't same as someone came to you, gay. You pull up today, etc. down a window for some kids to take that are confused. I want I want a sexually mutilated. You call public This is Gotta be the law in washington.
Legal. I stayed kidnapping and body mutilation. Wait! No notification apparent at all tell me again how this isn't a good verse, evil fight at it's just a little political take around the edges, get the hell out of these places. As soon as you can, or you get out of there, the soon the collapse of their outrageous tyrannical immoral, unethical evil governing systems, the quicker they'll collapse and the people there will have to realize they made a catastrophic mistake and if they, edit, never changes. It still prove my point that you shouldn't put self, throw it either either it's never. Change, you're going to suffer endlessly and it was never worth fighting for or the fight is gonna go on and gonna go on and going to go on and you're going to save them from themselves until the day of reckoning when they realise our governing systems broke, it baby suggests Either way you loose get out as soon as you can restore
get worse folks. This is just today. This is just today. This is just this morning as a pair for the show. I had another topic it by then sent me this peace. Unlike the kids, I could not believe it's happening with the kids. Where are these parents with the kids. The? U n says minors can consent to sex? these are all of my newsletter tat. I read these articles I'll take my word for it read em yourself. You know that consolation, user washed in free beacon, sexual com involving persons below that the message we prescribe minimum age of consent to sex, maybe consensual, Fact, if not in law,. The? U n says, but you when they were much agitated He wants it off Joe, why we would be taken the? U n seriously, we doubt, but
easy people in washington stay a blue, blue state levels not only take them seriously. They worship the. U s they shed in front of him. I ll get there on the other, the limits of gods. They love easily heads they do They love these globally organizations they take their fantastic, the w h all they think these we're going to solve all their problems. Again, it's not just the fatal like yours, It's it's a day hate your kids. Your kids are upon them mutilate. our bodies, sexually indoctrinate them, essentially kidnap them and don't tell the parents tell them that now I just have one thing about this is that they had a slowdown, because you can tell these topics. Give me a little too aggravated and.
These things are overwhelming? I'm sorry, they lay stories, are just freakin overwhelming dude. Well, the less the free beacons, I want everyone to understand. I dont claim to be a modern day. Freud or call you bud. Psychology was my they actually like topic in my back and studied it in our great. Whenever who cares but I know a little bit about it I think we all understand by instinct, if not by education is it children? Kids are completely on capable or incapable me incapable at a young age of understanding the emotional and physical complexities of a sexual relations. We all know that by instinct same people. We all know that. But that hasn't stopped the left from constantly pushing farther and farther
to normalize sexual activity with kids. I gotta tell you I'm. I knew We're going down that slippery slope a long time ago I Really did, but I never thought me Get to the bottom as fast as we did. I just didn't boxer. Your kids here new york times, as my children were put to work, the? U s, ignored warnings, the wider. Federal agencies were repeatedly alerted the signs of children at risk, the warnings, ignored or missed. I thought this is there. I thought across the party of tolerance and love and coexistence. We'd love to kids member Joe Hilary spoke. It takes a village. Apparently it's a village to do a lot of things, and so things, the liberals are vague about a pretty don't have communism without the kids. The point of, sexual lies in young kids. By the way I want to speak there's two reasons for this
number one there's just some genuine curves and a democrat party that debts and by the way on ended sadly, that that's not party specific there are just sick people out there who have some? The sky thing desire to do bad things. Two. Kids! Ok, that's on a party to it, but some of the people in democrat party, no, they can find a home there. They won't be called out that make sense, but there's a second reason for this that is evil. As the firth. Some of I've. No sexual desire for kids or anything like that. They understand and that sexual identity, politics is awaited, divide them from their parents and the only we attach them to the state communism, understood from the beginning to divide them from the parents and got and if they can do it by race and the damn well, gonna. Do it by sex? That's the reason! Don't forget that the! Why matters the why matters sorry for the delay. I let me get to my
sponsor near the site, is somewhat semi, some very interesting about the nashville attack the transgender attack or a nashville from counterattack some dot org and it shows ladies and gentlemen, what can happen when this alienation is incomplete? This stuff is going to get worse, we continue to use. Our kids is political pawns in this destructive game of trying to write america from the inside out stage. You- and this is a really kind of shocking work or some details, and I had her before about more some things I got folks if you're a small business. You know that the time innovation He finds no stew. That's why they made it easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employee retention, credit or your seat. Every funds dot com to get started in less than eight minutes, see your business qualifies for your assistance. Your This may be eligible for a payroll tax refund of up to twenty six thousand dollars per employ kept on paper. over ninety in it, germany. France has already held clients claim over three billion dollars and payroll tax reference to the EU are seeing. They may be able to help your business to this approach.
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for you, think you're, making so. This is not, as you know, one job grew up and I grew up folks. school shootings were thank them more than that, using his name in vain What was it about a thing you thought about when you ve got to go to school? Someone's gonna shoot up this warlike That was insane. I remember a kid came to school with an m eighty one time the firecracker, the kid got expelled. That was the end of the kid and he was like right around the fourth of July. Nobody thought about this. So something changed in the culture that is driven by the left, its this division from community from charge from parents. This obsessed what government benefits over apparently so you're? Not me, the point you, nepal document, listen kids. set and are killing each other all round the country yes, and that's rising with the explosive growth of a liberal, dominated media culture separating them from the parents do are not making the point. You think you're, making you idiots
so can even happened in nashville could happen in them republican places in the country. Look. This is enough. This isn't my newsletter and I encourage you to read it from the counter terrorism group. I think besides counterterrorism group dot com. It's called me we real threat. Assessment of adria elizabeth hail regarding the nashville attack in the in the christian school p o. I means person of interest. Is a couple of things I want to highlight here before I move on number one. The secret service didn't exhaustive, study of school of school shooting incidents and folks, almost all of the other while the majority there were a number of The attack indicators now pre attack in the it is don't mean. Every single person is going to be involved in a school shooting, but it me in conjunction with other things, this behaviour is highly suspicious and you should probably Keep an eye out so
they'll. They notice peace, received handgun training in April or may have twenty twenty two very likely suggesting that she said in planning. The attack a year ago, we get hang on. Training in and of itself is in anything suspicious at all. Millions of people go to that. But you got transgender kid confused upset at the parents, upset divided from the parents, the parents, ledges, she went to the school combined now, with these other things,. the person of interest, how the shooter adopted surveillance of the school before the attack and assessed what potential entry points, According to the evidence, he'll talk the christian carbon in school, but did not least specific individuals to be targeted. The shots were fired indiscriminately, hell's manifesto details other targets, including a nearby mall and certain family members. To these targets were ultimately dismissed. Do that a high security level of the family?
had firearms if the mall had firearms at a security represented. There are the police presence, but again there what things here you need to take away number one pray, tat behaviors, almost always there. You just have to know what to look for and second security matters security matters they can You all are all we don't need to be introducing more guns into school. Already this stuff. Ladies and gentlemen, that's nonsense. You can now prove a counterfactual in this case because there's a manifesto we decent idea that she bypass places it add security. Most of these people. Leave a manifesto behind they'll just going Replace up the point. Is you kip, that they wouldn't have shot up another place because they're dead, when I can guarantee you, the old. Whelming, majority time, they bypass the harder target for us after one. This is in the news that are today. Send that around everybody in your school and your kids school should be read this. What the white it's at this!
there's, a big exhaustive amount of research into this, I'm just giving you some quick take away from this pre attack indicators. Folks couple take away from this a couple: It was always I could give you some deliverables number one you have got to get out of these deep blue states. You don't have to get out of purpose. It's, you don't have to get out of even why blue states they may be save about right. You play thy cholera away. Think receivable, I think they'll be a renaissance there by deep, blue bates illinois, Marilyn washington, go into how folks california it's time to get our it's time to get out eventually have to cut your losses. You are more helpful in purple states and swing states home school, your kids, if you can, if not get him in a decent religious school, a catholic school a school that has your values, get
good charter, there's a growing number of great options, you're in florida and finally, talk to your kids folks, he's pre attack indicators or their almost every time. You just gotta talk to you, kids, listen in your same kids, man can have communism without the kids. I moved in a story. Folks are no more talk here, reopened. the show this story is related to the first, although I in a kind of a different vain, but its along the new rules. Vein This new rules. Time now, in effect, is no more talk. The sum talk cutesy times over I'm not interested in cutesy time when ancient sending any more messages? No more john Mccain thumbs down for obamacare, I'm trying to
examples. We can go back to regular order. The Democrats don't care about example. Their example is the double barreled family friendly. Okay, they don't care, they don't care, you fight political fire with fire. Okay, you don't fight it with bubbles is what I mean couple of stories along the longest lines Washington times the Democrats find themselves in a real pickle right. Now Diane Feinstein was eighty nine years old, decided ridiculously she's a senate Democrats from California. She decided to run reelection. I didn't Joe. I, wasn't or consult gate in this I told you about the doing that. I know nothing though they didn't call you. Ok, why josie, conservative. They don't really care about job. They call me either the Democrats be a good idea to have a late. You're old woman clearly suffering physically, and I wish you the best,
which any ill. How bout anyone I'd say that goes without saying. However, this is politics. You decided to run not me now, I'm a broken down forty eight year old guy on, because if I go in china for the nfl down the first touch back some guy explodes into me doing goldberg like spear fractures. My ribs, and breaks my back and paralyzed. Is it his fault or mine? It's my fault as I was too stupid, that realized. That's not for me the fact that the Democrats push Einstein to running again and now she's in the senate and she's ill can wish are the best. That's the Democrats support that's not our problem So what's going on, you can read the story. The details, but senator five on the judiciary committee. You know what they we're judges and stuff confirm. I should say, precision matters well, problem now is you need a majority to get them out of the committee
and with feinstein being ill and able to sit on the committee. The breakdown is ten tat, thou Joe. They tend to break down ten democrats of ten republicans. Get you I need one republican defection for a majority correct and that's it and to demand checks. Gate is a man check out their match as he's doing? calculated that checks out these, like the spark of showing gave me a job, get it wrong gets, so they got a problem, would feinstein out they care pussies people at a committee, so the Democrats came to republicans and they wanted the old rules back the mccain rules. We want to back fellows, they said guys. You know I take on a voice vote. You should let us replace Feinstein on the judiciary committee a voice meaning they would need on the house for sixty They would need so they need about ten republicans about ten report can t agree with them, on the house floor to replace, finds them,
now under the old john Mccain rules where everybody is playing cutesy time. Even though the Democrats are punching you in the freaking face with brass knockers, their publicans, probably what it said. Ok, you know you guys, pay is back to favour later right to their credit, not gone words to this point, the republic. It said that we're not gonna do that, but tags. send a republican, say: thou reject plan for feinstein substitute good, which are the best hope for health workers. She's the long life, but she chose to run. You didn't make a right democrats- thought that was a good idea. Now you, deal with the consequences from interesting how some of whom are pushing Feinstein to step aside too, but then pushing by whose I'd our probably more cognitively impaired than Feinstein
It's also push this guy to run to get the ferryman vs and that there is do your job settlement and other guy cognitive. We compromise, they push him the run a pencil. May not me not me, they could have been elected conor, laminate primary another democratic don't particularly like the guy. But this question as cognitive abilities or smarts he's a die, hard, liberal, pretend to be a moderate, but you conaway. Instead, you wanted the cool guy in a car jack a guy shows up yesterday federal and you see this, you made it back and look out. We shows up check this out. Welcome back ventnor. How are you feeling senator value? Probert could serve your cool six years. I mean What is that? What is that I'm, not a big dress code guy. Did you get that
even me on fox, I put a jacket on And you know what I was interviewing donald trump I dont like ties. I never wear ties ever ever outside of like a funeral right and there's a reason for my elbows on work, it's hard for you. To put it If no one's around, I actually can't get the tile. I can't get the thai physically, as I could. China, be like some style maven, so I and wearing flat colored tee shirts energy because it's physically, all I can do- folks, if order, you owe audio me he's in some raggedy, Jim short, some cool Jim sneakers and like a car, sweater up and descended like he's, got went into part cheesy game to have a couple of liberal, but fights what is buddies on a friday night, Joe who did the morning show for you sepia that crew got in there like four work in the morning, they at least at some.
and saw a lot of work to college church was me. Tom are always cable. Look in spiffy man, god rest his soul. There's some pride so personal pride. Do you want. don't save them as a couple. More fights come up, you're, not joe new rules. Do not if the manfredi meant and do not gave them on Feinstein. They take this third, this debacle, they can fix it. couple more things that are coming up, no saving on either new rules. First folks, ladies and gentlemen, shereen go to Brazil or colombia, get some crazy stuff done to your face. But why on earth would you do that? Here's a real review from jenny cell dot com claire said I absolutely love jenny, so my skin feels so good, tighter and younger with a more even tone. I've only use it for a week I to everyone, take a before picture, but
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jenny, cell dot, com, slashed and jan yourself, dot, com slashed and that's g, and u, ceo jan yourself, dot, com, slashed and jimbo. Good luck! Buddy gotta have that from now he's going to have a good weekend, your job's going to have a good week at other, so they pick fetterman. Feinstein no more john Mccain dumpster. We are going to bring back regular order, show the washington post how nice we are as republicans. No, no, I don't really care what the washington post a matter of fact. We should show the washing rapid. Like actual republicans, how does that for once rubber, my golden rule, Most republicans on capitol hill are really Democrats, However, no democrats on capital hale are really republicans, don't forget that rule and you will never be disappear folks history. More finds that we're gonna do new rules on the debt ceiling. Do not capitulate a car he's been stand in strong. They were not there Out in the house and the Republican controlled house to raise that that ceiling without
never again, concessions from the by demonstration. Don't do it if Biden wants to shut down the government, mccarthy I'll get him a budget. the house is the power, the purse. They will get him a budget doesn't signed it and want to shut the government down that's on by. I don't care, with the media rights. Stand up, Joseph nuts and do the right thing to do now on the debt ceiling. Listen to me do not cave on the dead ceiling. I don't know if you care about this show in the republican swamp or not. Telling you right now anybody case on this thing we will be expelled. I will make it my life's mission to expose you guys do not care the debt. Soon we have an opera when he right now to get a lid on our independent national bankruptcy, thanks to everyone who joined the live chat by the way, I really appreciate server a little bit like listening to some of you there. So, while some of the time
it's just classic I loved the second on the second issue, do cable, new rules hunter by I get to that. The second double down doubled, yet the media what's wrong with it did the republic it's a wasted a lot of time. They can be focus on other things. None or there's a committee dedicated to this there's other committees dedicated to other stuff. Third, the da problem, the heat on these dossiers do not lightweight, up a new york scare. You would frivolous lawsuits keep the heat on these dossiers if their use in federal money for political power Seclusions then keep the subpoenas common, no caving. We got story at this- the burst last night to six Joe Biden family members may have benefited from hunters business dealings folks, they ve got a real problem and keep the story from for second reading. The crowds party line on this is that these just unsubstantiated rumours making to spend at a time on this when to tell you this is the key and don't forget this free, liberal friends, some rumour aid shut your pie
the bags is not a rumour, their actual. Bank records there, dare in the story He was given access to sars. respiratory virus well but not this case suspicion. activity reports, folks, banks have file these as a matter of law, filing them based on some of the binding families, business records, meaning we're doing something in banks that elicited these reports being far. These are real records This isn't an unsubstantiated rumour, nobody, once fill out a suspicious activity report in a bank on there? customer big about that Something going on here. Do not under any circumstances lead up. I did so on ebay and amazon talker last night, and this interview was really explosive. Folks, this subjective, ay, I
You know in a way the new cycle in the last couple weeks has not been the greatest, but I think this It's actually a good thing. Because it's allowed us to focus on a couple of things that really matter number one really needed to isolate a target that screwed itself over and bud light was the perfect story to do that. But secondly, say I story ever since started covering it last week that things. You noticed an explosion of coverage everywhere on this folks, a real threat. If a I, pump, some malicious programme using advanced intelligence into every Phone, an android phone in america to modern, your phone and send the results to your neighbours and friends be societal. Chaos tomorrow morning is good. Taking a. I seriously doesn't seem to think so. You know I love it. My last sponsor will do that run a little late today. So sorry, this is a great company. We, the people, hawsers that
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actual also right there. That's we the people who says that council, I stand. We, the people, hawsers dotcom, slash dan promo code, Dan. Twenty five at stand to five check him out. So you almost on talker lesson eyes par. One party with a ring of use tonight and and started talking about some conversations he was having with google about ai folks is one of the most disturbing answers. I think I have I heard how one of the most powerful companies in the history of plenary a trillion dollar company Google, how google right now some of the people involved alt two were involved early on and probably filter down to. The company are talking about creating some kind of digital god. Small g This is crazy. Take a list that the reason open access at all is that very patient I used to be close friends, and I would stay at his house in palo alto and I would talk and laid the night about they. I safety and at least webs
She was that lie was not taking. I say as seriously enough, and What did he say about it? He really to be what it wants once sort of it Digital super intelligence, basically digital god, if you will as soon as possible, we wanted that. Yes, it is many public statements over the years that that the whole, The google is what's kobay g, artificial, general intelligence or officials who bring challenges, and I agree with him that there is great potential for good, but this also potential for bad and serve. If, if you about some radical new technology. You want protection, Actions at maximize, probably it it would do to minimize probably will do bad things. Yes, Just be helpful. Other issues go, go babbling forward and hope for the best, and then I want Wait I said well what about that? You know. Are we going to make sure humanities okay here
and, and- and me a specious. I you realize some of these people he launched talking to you would love nothing more and human, being subordinated to an artificial. Digital intelligence, they would love nothing more. You understand are frightening. That is magic, the ability of an artificial did intelligence to every human being, say, a score. Zero to one hundred Depending on that score, based on how it analyzes your political leanings, where you by your groceries, if you volunteered enough hours, if you cross in the crosswalk work of jaywalk, what dispute your car is through the computer, it's connected to everything will be interconnected in seven point or whatever it is imagining that score? And the computer tells you with that score, but you can't can't do a score.
Seventeen o kidney transplant for you you're, not worth it a score of night The five oh yeah you'll get. antibiotics. Imagine that you don't have to imagine the t right now, though, it is listening to a minor one of the major network news channels. It's a report on these social credit scoring system in china pay very, very close attention to this clip. Ladies and gentlemen at source, here the chinese communist party, listen about on an author. seconds it or so they talk about how artificial intelligence is being used to gray every single citizen in china and their certain things you can get or not get jobs. Health care would have, depending on your score. It's already here check this out the social credit system and in version now being tested. A person's
mutation scored on a scale of three fifty two nine fifty and how you with a good score of seven. Fifty two is ok with it. In fact, people are some mechanism like push. you to become a better citizen. It's big data meets big brother. Expanding how the government monitors understands and ultimately controls its one point: four billion citizens citizens and do thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and facial recognition and a web of more than two hundred million surveillance cameras, people bothered by privacy turns out, we think a lot of cameroon keep with safety is really good. We can accept it Companies are experimenting with the algorithms to help the government create the new national social credit system. The government also has pilot projects.
One citizens are required to do hours of unpaid work to get benefits and scores are docked for things like. during a messy yard. Gossip, even jaywalking, jingle job video of offenders is shown on the local news and information color. Others, like Joe, I mean, are paid to report on their neighbors. Her quota ten injuries a month, maya jinja, like the man who carried a drunk person home, hire hugs good deal. She says the good social credit gets rewarded with perks like cheap loans and travel deals, but a bad score means public, shame, and words chinese communist parties working on a pilot project. You guys catch up for unpaid work That's got a name folks, unpaid work. and if the algorithm, I e the a. I doesn't like. The euro
one paid work. You ve done to get a lower social score. Therefore you can get access to loans, but you mean, to buy a house or a cars that, like that, we we joke a lot on the show, because we we tend to use humor and sarcasm, take the edge off. What is an edgy show. Sometimes I get that, but this isn't funny. We're really add a conspiracy there, everything we told with some craze conspiracy theory on the show has materialised. has materialised in come. True, it's no longer theoretical, it's a conspiracy, but it's not theoretical. We ve been warned you about this social credit scoring system. in conjunction with the growth in ai, that makes this make this more powerful. most people outside my audience and conservatives watch. You know fox news max and elsewhere ignored the story.
Now you can see what happens it's here. It's only amount of time for the government abuses. It alright money equable political, sawyer, twenty twenty four, the race is heating up. Obviously, the race for the presidency is going to be a very big deal, probably the most important presidential election of our lifetime. We are dealing with a lot. I know. I said that last time because I met at last time and it was true last time. It is true this time too but there's a lot of us about a potential vp pick. donald trump. I mean there's really a lot of talk yet about This anti woodpeckers these are formally in and everyone still are near ninety nine percent sure he's going to get in there still kind of one percenters out there, like maybe he'll bail at the last minute, but there's a good daily caller piece here: trump, where all the buzz about a potential vp pick and the qualities trump is looking for. they drove a few names out. There to reach one kind:
Some positives may be some some negatives. To kind of I- and I don't mean negatives in a negative way. I just mean everyone is I mean if he would have picked me, positives right, thereby gino audience would audience would be ferociously sleep, while the negatives liberals really hate my gods and probably a lot of independence who I'm not sure you know, negative gave side you now that we're dead, they have won the positives. You don't say so. Everyone got a positive and a negative so the president said anything yet present trump Some of the names include marjorie taylor. Green, would be an interesting pick on questionably, as some fire support amongst the base, but again liberals endeavour. Scratch. He drives them crazy, which I'm not sure such a bad thing we got a city independent appeal to Nobody really votes for vp, though. Having said that, so I am and who knows, at least Monica new york's been loyal to him from the start down. I do a lease defining upside again. The problem
appeals to some moderate women. I dunno off. That's gonna make a difference and out again nobody really votes repayment of trying to give it. You know gimme. A decent analysis of the situation conservatives? Not a huge fan. of the findings, voting record, Nikki Haley's name got mentioned, positives big name, I d live again. Donors seem to like her downside some people seers a bit of an opportunist put out there. What what out there in the field of republican governor sarawak be sanders of arkansas. Now you could be a really interesting pic. I gotta be candid. Without I see a lot of downside, the Sarah could be sanders again liberals hate, or does it mean anything's kind, like marjorie taylor greenacre, to exert a kind of all four trump anyway, so it's a relevant but sir how can be sanders big name, I d from a time is press secretary, deaf we carry some of what did the donor class and the base to so she could be. An interesting pick
christy norm of south Dakota is another name on the list I get to carry they can a secondary nome at that vote on the train. Gender thing I know she's china put. The script could be a negative, positive as done. A lot of decent conservative stuff was pretty good on the lock down we'll see about that fight. Carry leg, positive dynamic. but speaker takes it through. The press left hates the press, I mean republicans conservatives can't stand the present downsides. The arizona thing really endless avow fishy. That thing was people going to be like, while she's not in there now sounded governor seed. So she couldn't we carry arizona tab, just telling us what they're going to say. I'm not talented my opinion, I'm just trying to give you a full spectrum analysis of what's going on, so will continue to follow that it's obviously going to be important couple more stories. I want to get too because this is a We gotta be. This is why the vip pic is so important. We have got to be by he's
absolute clown. He is totally cognitively impaired and, ladies and gentlemen, the reason only somewhat somewhat somewhere, the thirty percent of americans think egon. Situation is good right now. Seventy percent sixty plus percent They could socks is because it does, it was. Your journal has a piece out the pieces about your earnings, folks. Your earnings have gone down. Here is a charm liberals. This is called numbers, ok vehicle numbers here average equally earnings of private production and not supervisory employs measures. Standard. Eighty two, eighty four dollars from march twenty team to march twenty twenty three some about this chart. He listened, give you a hint, it picks out three hundred thirty eight dollars and fifty seven cents. meaning you are making the most in. When we look at the chart, you'll see a peaks out ripen, in twenty twenty and twenty twenty one with its absolute power in around january twenty twenty one
it happened in january. Twenty twenty one fellows was was always at it. all that was the last month a jog trot so weird, it's so weird and so strange, that's really crazy how trump left office in deadlock. If you can t thank you give you highlighting that lifetime. You could do that look at the sky only in my prompt all the you can see that home geese like highlighted, stop you see, goes down after that peak. That's the Joe Biden ears to that offering now Joe is out of debt that choice that hard to read up it's all right. It's pretty straightforward, asked yes, pretty straightforward gauges, Jackie is why people take the economy such you know, I just because it does they did. I've been in the journal, peace that it picked out, tat it three thirty, eight, fifty seven which is in january twenty. Twenty one, the last month of the trump presidency- that's why now, if you are left you're going
watch from the b l ass, severe of labour statistic. Their government the government's lying now, the that you have become government so strange, a couple more things I want to get too whenever gonna beat anyone in washington, Dc Biden or otherwise. If we don't get jokers like this out of the party, this is just the man This Nancy maces become an embarrassment g These great moments where she shows huge potential and will continue to highlight it going forward, and then she humiliates the party over and over with this endless, pandering toward The pro baby death crowd. You do you, you don't listen, Nancy, Sometimes it is better to shut your mouth. You don't have open your mouth and discredit, people who are trying to defend human life all the time. You really don't. here's nancy mason a week and show would shannon bream again defending the pro abortion crowd.
This is just inexcusable nonsense. I heard this same exact argument about immigration. We just shut up. Immigration. When elections, here's needs Basic defending the pro abortion crowd check this out. I reckon
in a purple district. I talked to a voter the other day and she left the republican party or have this issue she's an independent voters. She's pro choice, her gestational limits, for example, are at fourteen weeks. I'm pro life legislator, I'm at fifteen to twenty weeks and so there's a lot of middle ground. I think it's important in how we talk about these issues and offer solutions. We've got fourteen counties in south carolina that don't have a single o b g y n doctor. So if we're going to ban abortion, what are we doing to make sure women have access to birth control? What are we doing about? How do we improve adoption services in our country? What about the kids that are not wanted? What about our foster care system? What about getting nurses that can treat women who need you know, obi g Y n care in those rural areas? What are we doing about getting birth control over the counter at pharmacies? There are a lot of things that we can do to protect life and not alienate the independent voter. You know telling you the exact same stupid arguments after Mitt romney lost to obama about immigration
talking about immigration, man in the pan, stone like it and in trump comes in and on immigration ironically and wines of winning a bunch of blue collar workers who are independent our democratically. So much can lectures from Nancy mace, maybe just Do you dont have to open your mouth about stuff? I get your politics. you gotta go on the weekend chosen trash pro lifers describe our entire cause. It's embarrassing. Finally, one last thing I had slipped the sooner rather than later, The war on mean about to pick up to your site goofball up in new york, the mayor of new york, Eric Adams, this guy's a clown. He pretends to be like a moderate democrat guys are jokers again. You want to look like me, get rid of that meat and protein diet like this one in every five metric tons of carbon dioxide, our city emits comes from food, but
food is not created. Equal ass majority majority of food- that contributed to our EU mission crisis lies in meat and dairy products We know that a plant plant power died is better for you, the cool immune to health, and I, living proof of that, but to be Avatar is that, thanks to this new inventory, we find it out. It is better for the planet. Snake yeah he'll be producing he'll, be telling you to eat cockroaches and axis guys are just such clouds. It's better That's that's the beta believe what about I'm? Not taking my dietary advice from Eric atoms are really sorry, hi. Folks, thanks again for tuning in sorry, we were a couple of minutes late today, just a minor technical hiccup. Please subscribe to the show. If you would, I would deeply appreciate it. It helps us stay on the charts. It means the world
was rumble: dot com, slash bond, gino click that follow button. Really appreciate. Also you gotta apple and spot. A fine subscribed there as well as absolutely free, no costs you, but it helps us Obviously thanks so much for your loyalty to the shall we say We appreciate I'll see you back here to morrow rumble dot com. I find you know why, at eleven a m eastern time overly right on time tomorrow cinema. You just heard it in bonn: gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.