« The Dan Bongino Show

They’re Plotting A Coup (Ep 2165)

2024-01-15 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the blatant bragging about the coup the left is plotting for 2024.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Way to hear the truth about amerika upon his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host in Bonn. You know he has tony here. Tony tony bombards is back so heated, floods to me on the screen, our alibi, Well, it wasn't like blowing my nose or something like that. I am sorry usable smart rag for you, the brain. Works. I know we can update and address. Because I'm trying to be a jerk like a withholding the we get up there. Today's two important. It's I will his day, an odyssey in doing this. We again when I d with wood pulp, At a time when my buddy colleges, restaurant, had good shrimp, tell it's about it, so we gotta get right content. I warned you about. What's going on in texas? Did I? I'd say that she was gonna break bad and it's happening and also the most important store you the day, which I'm I'm gonna do after the
is because that's happening now, but don't go anywhere there is. One hundred percent riots coming right now on the left what do you do not even hiding at anyone. If you saw the articles weekend you don't what about it stated Hey I've been raving about beams, dream powder or hot cocoa for sleep. It's awesome get up to forty percent off for a limited time when you go to shop beam calm, slash bond gino cold Bonn gino check out the list is hopelessly big, showed a huge day and all begins today, its freak in turkey time an iota. All this about where get away, no we're gonna win. No, these strategies is great. This strategy is great at all that stuff is gone now now all that matters is who actually shows up in votes. Are you having trouble sleeping you're staying sleep is poor sleep negatively impact in your life. You try to this supplements with no success. It's time break the importance of a restful slumber and introduce yourself to an amazing practical revolutionise, unite revolutionize your my fate thing beams dream powders, our cocoa for sleep they could
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happy monday. Daniel one day is correct big day today. Folks, a lot happening. Listen, I meant to cover a topic at the end of today's chauvinism. Doing it at the end, decide to teach you the reason Yes, I want to make sure I give this the appropriate amount of time there. One hundred percent less the wing lunatic street violence coming if donald trump, when they are now openly advertising it. There are not hiding it and NBC. Article came out this weekend openly talking about a coup, no no, yes, yes, You see a job I sanitary show prep just read that: I'm paying yourself like airborne. kind of planning. Here for Connell I gay military, dying if Donald trump were like. Where am? You say today, turkey time Now we're going to see all these strategies work in ohio. Excuse me. I do that shit all time, just assume. If I'm talking about it, I say it all the time. I don't know why it's like a glitch in my head, the major iowa.
I o w. I I'm an abroad sit down now. Why candidate, this show is evergreen needs and want. So no matter, if you watch you show today or after the results tomorrow, you will know. Each candidate needs and wants, and when I say, needs and wants, I mean, needs and wants to stay effectively in this rate, because you, can talk all the smack and all that, gee? Why we're here? The bottom line you need votes and if you don't get votes, what happened? What happens Joe? What's the mother's milk up the answer is. Yes, baby money, Janeiro cash whatever the? How you want to call it? I know, owners don't believe you can win, don't ain't. Gonna, give you jack, squat and joy left town so so do the major candidates here and what they want and what they need to stay in the race. I'm gonna go in order right now at least who's been consistently pulling in nevada obvious the first is Donald trump
spend a lot of time on what donald trump wants and needs, because what he wants is cool, but he doesn't need a lot donald. By so first donald trump wants. What does he want right now to keep them? The interest I gotta be clear, no matter on with at least with trump tropical. Candidate, it doesn't matter What happens in I? What he's drunk out he's that doesn't matter if Donald trump finished for and I was not going to happen and I Are you sure said a right of music? And I were here not dropping out, no matter what But what does he want it's a successful. My look like well authority. Plus point margin of victory, as I can and I don't know with predictions- are like a holes. Everybody's got one doesn't matter this point, I'm just tell you what he wants. A dirty pointless does why. Ladies and gentlemen, questions are better than assertions chats. Third, You know the answer. What is the thirty point a victory it for donald trump. Do it instills a sense of inevitability? Here's what
he's gonna say. Let me just predict right now, Donald trump, by say thirty points from the second care. that's what he wants going to say, look at the scientists, the full gradually. Ninety nine counties spend whatever ten plus million, and I want to know how much spyware hey look at what she did hear vague been living here he's been all ninety nine counties and look what happened I it's to me. I was going anywhere. I will going to win I when the general election, it's what he wants, a dirty point victory or What does he want? He also wants big turn out later. Gentlemen, if I read chapters if you agree here a yes you're tired of it. No you're. Not if I read another story about, I were being called. I'm gonna lose my shit cold in iowa folks, its january gay. How long you lived in florida. Is it hot summer does anybody give a shit now
nobody cares. Its heart Florida it's cold in iowa, iowa, okay, I don't know, I don't want to hear anymore. So if you want to vote you're gonna food, if you dont want to vote you're, not gonna, go out right, I'm showing that this is about They act like I winds or some hard core mother. I windsor tough people on that ignore ass. I don't live there, but I've been iowa. I know a lot of people in iowa. I was What's your hard rocks gerhard people, they don't give us You didn't call the cancer right. The kids are so great a kid cities that I would call them. They're gonna have to go out play football. I call guys, vine shut up, people gonna go out of? Oh dear tat, people, however, watch the turn out. Ladies and gentlemen. By about, tend to nine eastern time. Brandon
It's rounded up nine pm eastern time, you're going to have a solid idea of what happened in iowa you're, going to have a really solid idea. Nine pm eastern time keep your eye on all of these channels out there. If they turn out, is above one hundred fifty thousand. Didn't donald trump as a big night? So what is it? Those errors wants. He wants a big turn out there, plus margin of victory? What is tromp need. I can The way I wrote this last and I put my show together, you really here. He doesn't need much seeds, a win which seems kind of likely. Is it thirty point victory. Yes, the winds by five does he need anything else, though, is I'm gonna drop out. If he wins by five, no chance thousand from seeking to drop out of you finish. This third afford as I'm gonna happen. So he doesn't really need allied emily's in good shape, so so sense wasted a lot of time on that, that's gotta
can candidates been run in a consistent second haley's been china ticklish? where to spot, but ron de santis again folks the primary going gonna be over actively soon in the next few months, I'm done with it. I like primaries need their good things. I had a lady on twitter, this one. I just lost my shit on our support. think? Somehow I moved out of florida because I think Since this is a great governor, but I chose trump and a general you can kiss my my ass. You can take your lips implant. Em right am. I ass. I've actually lived in florida close to nine years. I, when I moved down here Joe to governors name was always is yes, Scott, that's right, I'm sorry, I so ah, by the way way around descent. This is an awesome governor who I campaign for where you were sitting on your lord ass. actually was out there campaigning for, and I would proudly campaign for. Ghana just shows a different personalities june. Go fuck yourself. Having dad, but also
Rhonda said this were as great as a governor. He is neither him nor donald trump nor ronald reagan, or everyone else gave me my liberty and I don't move to estate because the governor allowed me to so you again: shut the fuck up. I'm the florida because I'm a free american citizen who loved stay and campaigns were a great governor who did a great future. So I sound a little pissed off I'm kind of done with this primary. Ok, I'm with the assholes. I'm done with the bull shit, I'm done with this guy. I hate that I don't care I'm damn bonn gino. I do my own mother in show and I don't need anybody's bull shit. Ok,. Having said that, this It is a great governor, fantastic. I picked a different Ok, I hope he has a wonderful career. God bless him tonight. He d granted. The campaign in iowa. Good luck. What does he want. He wants a win. but he needs a second place when I say
in places spot at the event, then get second, they said it's going to have our time now. Because I don't like to say this crazy people- I just I told you he's been a great governor telling you, the guy's donors are going to start to say: hey man, you ve been here a long time. I do not finish number two. You can't stand maxine analysis and some honesty in truth, I just gave about tromp, then please get there. I love my show. I once you I don't need you. I don't give a shit, ok The guy needs a second place finnish or is going to have some serious questions. Is he gonna drop out? If we finish this? Third, I don't think so. You may state through south carolina sure, but he only wants a second place finish at best. What does he need? Well, I got a shot and brain for this. From far she had a good clip, he needs in big crowds. question to say at this ran a great ran aground game he's gotta,
the ground game? He's also got a lotta loyalty which supporters are supporters going to show up turn out issue. I told you gonna matter with donald trump, where they're going to need about a hundred fifty k turn out. Member, a lot of these people, a third of them by the way rough, thirty five percent affirmative, public voters as their first carcass, though you going to show for the same, this offer trump how No, it's a first caucus because they told pollsters is their first caucus, meaning they never voted for anyone before so poles- may be off it's completely possible shut and bream on. The turn out here with the citizens. Should this, and I think that there might be something to the just santas turn out that I just gotta via feels like there could be something that anecdote you guys over here on the ground, and he is having people in this horrendous, whether short to the point where there are going to bring an extra chairs he's, having sell out crowds that there are packing up the room that he's doing and these values in this whether there have to people that are still interested because you ve gotta make efforts to get out right now, so
totally. It feels like according to what's happening, ground for him it may not be an exact matched to the polls you see what I'm saying the Santer says. good ground game will see how it materialized in nepal again, if anybody's interested in only their guy and doesn't want to hear anything about election analysis offer any candidate the item. Two out: it's ok, it's our personal, for you want to hear my guys awesome enough fuck everything else. That of why today. Show our europe. I care about conservative politics. I dont worship ball, or any candidate. Kid say that an arm and a really good mood today may not sound it, but I'm really get tired of this shit. got a conservative movement out there. That is going out last donald trump round to say at this ted crews and everyone else, else does round the scientists one he wants at least to second place finish, hopefully a close one He also. Obviously, why to avoid dark place, and he wants to keep the donors happy
I mean that sounds like the same thing, but it's really not the donors. This guy needs to keep as donors happy he's got a bit. Big issue right now. We donors start and lose face the donor are going to really question this campaign if he doesn't get it done at least venice, a decent second move on a haley's. I got a lot to talk about today, what is making Hayley one while can't leave, Snickey Hayley wants a big turn out amongst the rhino class and even Democrats I cayley rate, not my business, I'm telling you the truth. You doubt me years left Wing acts yours underground over. They are noting democrats could give alia boost to me? I will call why would demo Let's do that. Folks, democrats, all have a primary in iowa a coward. yes in iowa so alive democrats, who hate donald trump could reasonably show and say I listen. I just
a gay, leaves the breast rhino alternative. The donald trump I'm not saying I m telling you with their taken, turn out. Just their game day, which I can is a republican caucus, ronicky ailing Nikki Haley wants that to happen, I can say it publicly, but everybody knows it's true. It's the worst kept secret. I all right now mickey hey. We also want, whilst thing to say this once you want second place, but on to say at this mickey hayley who was A late bloomer in the race hayley if she finished disturbed it's not as catastrophic as it is for dissent. Is this This has lived in iowa very few. People of campaign this hard nea was he did. He is a hard argument to may go and forward. If he's finished, his third hail, going to say, hey man, we love iowa, it's great. I can even predictor speech. You guys are awesome. Third is exactly where we thought we would be. You know we, we we, we
lay bloomers and array. She doesn't need a second place vanish. what does she also want? She wants the santas to drop out. There is a room, I have rumors and let me just tell you in advance the only reason I don't even like broadcasting rumors, because I don't want to move people's vote on election day. I'm just telling put a lot into these rumours because other camps for them out there there's a rumour descent. This is probably I'm going to stay in the race for doesn't finishes shrunk. Second tonight I dont know it's true or not. The only reason I bring it up is I'm Jordan, Hayley people input that out there I dont know what it out there. I'm just saying it's in their interests to spread this rumour donor class, a wiki winkie nod. We, at the same this out. I don't like put I think some they forget. Don't you see nor that stuff. You wrote if you guys, whenever vote you got you just stick with it, but not so sure that is in another campaign, pointed out Haley's needs
highly knees, one thing highly salute me to stay in this. Race cannot finish behind vague. If finishes behind vague rama, swami who's got his own issues, which will get you in a second there. if they ever Hayley finishes. If it goes trump, they santas vague hayley and she furnishes with ten eight percent or less. She's be european. Real trouble, she's gonna. I have a hard time making the case that she's thick listen here, he's importing case now is I'm the only candidate whose, like a walk against Joe Biden, the general just listen to our folks. I follow politics, it's a you know it It's my life, it's everything I do. I I enjoy it. This is a job for me, hey stump speech has been, I be Biden by seventeen points. No one else is close. How to how you gonna make their case. If you finish behind vacant finnish forth in iowa, which is a red but lean
kind of purple. State now. Are you gonna make dec as you couldn't even get a bunch of republicans. You know who were properly kind of stay. You couldn't even damn the phone for you. She cannot finish behind vague, it's important are, let's rapid, help with vague. Now vague, wants and needs change this weekend because stepped on a freak in was really folks. Political malpractice it was really bad. I said this before saying can someone on twitter? They thereby judo acknowledged, knows vague, yet no shit. I know donald trump, the said screw to do. Politics was surprising. I've, given you a indeed take on vague. I think he had a great campaign with the press. Is it going to materialise into votes. A lot of people I doubt that this week and what is vague, one wants to second place vanish. Ok, I don't think that's gonna happen. Tell accept third, like
Lee vague doesn't need to finish. Second odyssey. Vague, doesn't even need to finish. Third, if he finished is a strong force and hay he gets like eighty, point eight, and he gets eighteen point. Two he's gonna say all we effectively furnish third you'd all this and we were right. There were on their tail. He wants second, but ale. Accept anything at this point vague think he could stay in. Remember vague. Unlike the donor class, can candidates a vacant tromp, don't really need outside money. They'll take it there stupid They don't need it. They can always cell fund. If there's a funding gap. This It is an hayley. Don't have that option, so I need You stay my vote or analysis here. The reason for vacates treated differently is vacant. Stay in the race as long as he wants he's got almost an endless pool o money outside it, rob! No one else can say that he wants. Second hell accept. Third,
Hell even take your competitive foreign. What does he need folks? he'd still on fuck. This thing that happened this week in with a sure thing this was a really bad tactical move. I like vague, I as a man, our this was a major screw up I'll get to screw up in a second, I think a quick break, but a lot of you saw what happened, and I say again for the umpteenth time so my show I'm doing an election analysis if you, only here about a great your guy is of safer. There ten thousand time they say To show for you conservative. I dont worship the freak in golden calf politicians. I don't give a shit who they are. Spots ability to you to give an analysis that you can listen to tomorrow after it go. Shit that sounded right to me. Yeah a little feisty today, as this is garden, just really all really fast. This whole thing dom ready for it to be over
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It's against political opponents will never be allowed in this country, they're already beginning to fall back now. What was this about? It's about. This vague posted on twitter, which was not a good idea. Folks, I mean here's the thing with eggs kind of campaign and I say this objectively, whether you believe it or not is irrelevant. I know, what's in my head, I know my intentions, your pure love, cat a unique lane in this race. The lane was, as people we're gonna vote trump? There starting the light with a vague want to buy against the trump indictments which he did. We shouldn't ignore that always spoke positively, president trump and spin, We can do that. This was kind of a thing like a mistake here, but it was a huge mistake. He put out this twin photo. Would all these people weren t shirts, save trump vote, vague now Donald trumps, a proud guy. He doesn't Saving bye, bye, vaguely. This doesn't matter I don't know why they thought this was a good idea, but it really want it. This is a terrible idea and a really backfire.
Because he had a unique lay. The scientists is people. generally- are not big trump people. Haley's people are definitely not trump, people a vague, had this lane, whereof trump, would fall to later and erase the maggots crowded kind of taken to exist, Acta mistake tactical mistake is fixable. Anything's flexible in politics will see what happens. again just my analysis. I am a show, my humble opinion. What do you know about campaigning, and I did it three times what I know about I've actually run for office, worked on campaigns and worked in a couple why so I kind get the head a little bit. Here's some video, vague though he does have a lot of solid support, and I say this with one third of people: areas coming into an event- these are pretty solid crowds, so mean this, isn't like anything to sneeze. That kind of a standing room only thing, so he he's got a lotta of supporters and remember what I said earlier. My analysis Turn out heads turn by the way in two thousand and sixteen, so you have a template for what the number means, how many voters are going to turn out two thousand.
Steam the last super competitive republican primer. You all remember the trump hilary rates. Okay, turnout was anybody of any gases, anyone in the chad and guess what the turnout was Turnout was a hundred eighty, seven thousand. That's a lot. Can they hit that today you mean weather is an issue. I want to hear anymore stories about people. My word, they get. It, however, if it it's a hundred. Fifty and a lot of those I told you dirty. Five percent are first time carcass scholars They could really upset the poles. so we'll see what happens. He probably wishes thing didn't happen: I got a lot more to get too, including this riots coming thing folks, but I wanted to show you something first. This is super important. You know there have been a bunch of ruthless attacks on please forms, I'm on that respect, free expression and there's a b scam going on behind the scenes with this great reset crowd. Folks, this great
We said globalist crowd, hates with a deep dark, visual vision, a visceral abdominal wall hatred, the great risk, said global is progressive, liberal, commies, absent we hate with they can't control data their money. Is your money? You know yesterday, I'm driving a church with security guy right and I'm talking to him, he's a nice guy and we gotta this conversation just random ways out of far right, maybe fifteen minutes to church about taxes, how the government I keep all especially on the left, except this default premise that you all that, jack shit is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. You know all the government anything they govern owes you a public service, this attitude and what we pay for ports post roads, a military- you don't know the government anything other governments squat go
around the world. He would. They cannot control they. rumble. That's why rumbles had to go to war with foreign governments repeatedly over and over they hated color, they hate sub stack, they hate ilan. but folks their latest thing is they. He crypto folks, listen to me. Grip. Those got a solid future. Blockchain financial technology has an amazing future. You know why, government hated the government. aids it because they can control. It is none of their freaking. This if you are violating the law and you broke the tax law, You got your own problems to deal with. That's a different story. If you are obeying the law and you ve paid your taxes and whatever what you do with your money is now of the governments business as double barrel, none of it. It's their freaking business, storms I've been interested crypto for a long time in the technology. Some
fish around for some content this week, and for the monday show- and I see this year's they go folks, usa, today every say, old time. The government, the globalist want to squash something It's definitely nazis. It's me. how many nazis role krypton I do not see a problem with you, what's to stop them white supremacist, fun. Raise freight jessica, goon and good was the other offer an up with their back up and will kick wheelchair. This could not be to better title jessica goon and will care less Joe gone well care less How do we even noticed? Just like a good, will get yes, she will careless. She wrote this three january, twelve, twenty when he for she wrote this article. Apparently there are nazis everywhere. Folks, it's really crazy. There are not cease all over the place. Nazis encrypt everybody's, a nazi. Now you may be saying, come on, then
use the nazi analogy to get rid of stuff. They don't like no, no, this. This segment took me all of three point. Three five minutes to put together. How easy it was decided to put together. Everything I know. The globalist progress commies, don't like. I just with the name and nazi next week, there's one substantial I put in the favourite left wing search engine, Google, the show with Alessi some sad nazi? What came up? Some slack has an autograph wholly shed some staff to crypto nazi substantial nazis free nazis everywhere manage crazy not smokes. It's almost like stack? You know they can control that either, because people like write stuff, the government does not approve of some.
this nazis all over the place, amazing ever out of theirs nazis, except where there's actual nazis at the white house this week- and I get that at the second I was would parlor early on before big tech colluded to squash it from the entire universe, because they hated us is another. Article your poor parlor, the absence, where's, it isn't just for nazis, is back on my bag, sinner things we're in a little bit BP. We recognize You guys believe this shit. There's nazis everywhere. I'd, never see anything like it. she's all over the boy nazis? Crib, though, not he sub stag knots, parlor, except for actual nazi, who are like in front of the white house like cared to Jews, not those nazis till I come on then, crypto nazi substantial nazis, parlor nazis, so like twitter,
Twitter vice eli is turning twitter into a haven for nazi but that setting you mad this segment all of about three minutes put together. I'm not joking was easy. It took me, our time, the email these articles to the boys on the show preppy. Well, then, it did to put this together everybody's a nazi everyone that you can just whatever platform you want, or whatever conservative you like. fine, gina, back levant, whatever had a name, a conservative talking had run. When he was still around just put anything rumble, Anything the left, cake and transport nazis. There's an article about how everyone's at artsy all the time even the Jews, the jewish it's amazing, accept it. Would you can t we gotta play in some sort of way we can put a video before I know I get to see, I sort of pleasure your actual like people who scribe to the nazi ideology there,
Kill the Jews like these River to the sea kill the Jews. There was a major insurrection at the white house. This weekend pretty damage. There was, elevation from my secret service friends in the threat level at the white ass, it was significant. What do you mean it? but at the white house, a shriek and yes Can we didn't hear anything about it? Then because they were not see, but they were, left wing nazi? There were people who we're killing the Jews. So those nazis are ok but no other nazis. Ok, this happened at the white house this week and it was an actual insurrection type attempt by the left zone. Deafening, look at it, This is actual video at tipp, babo, sweet, peaceful, dire, live, front lines for really. This happened at the white us trying to take the gates down this one crazy property was damage. They had an elevated threat level from my sources that divide us. There's video all over this. This actually happen with the we want to kill the Jews crowd so other focusing on sub stacking crypto and
lower twitter, albeit nazi force, the sure nazis. You heard nothing about actual video. You can watch all this yourself. I know that, but whose on it all your folks, he's got a good point. The fbi is a hundred percent on. This. Is wanted posters out there right now scared now they're, not they don't give a shit, I had a mega had ought to be different, they'd all be in jail right now. I'm sure Red state had an interesting article about this in a newsletter by the way, if you want to read, it shall be, the insurrection at the white house, as we can feel free to knock yourself out. I listened coming up after I got this important story. Listen clear? There are one hundred percent street violence come in with the left. They are prepared for right now. I hope ray the show was wrong, but you My words new flagged this day, Joe this super important january. Fifteen. You remember this shell. If Donald trump wins you are
going to see absolute chaos and they're, not even hiding it I'll show you what I mean come on. oh yeah, yeah, that's a good boy! didn't, know who is it my? Was it the fbi director garland, remember member. When he said about the abortion clinics are yet we can't investigate. Summit happens at night. Point? There was arrived at night good, could cocky totally get it a direct farland. We get it no problem night. They can't see anything or anything like that clients. That's funny Jim pull africa, radio, you could think Merrick garland night thing we gonna play that that's hilarious. They do venerated hey do a presidential election year. When you know that you can be sure of twenty twenty four, it's gonna be tumultuous, yet you said that How are you hard earned savings? Fair, perfect timing right, you already see the impact of inflation at the pump. All around you, wages are keeping up folks, you lose in buying power, you better, protect you savings and do what I do: gold folks consider diversifying with brcko for decades lisbon, the choice of investors and central banks, the hedge against inflation.
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Jack during the presidential transition in twenty twenty that was trying to before the election. They were trying to prepare for the what they thought could be possible trump win and what they would do If there was a trump win this transition integrity project. And if you are in the chair, think it then we ve heard this before listen to me I love you more than anything folks. The show is my entire life. My kids are my wife, my god and my church. Nothing else I have this is I remember a lot of friends. You guys you're everything to me transition integrity project was a big deal. There were some players, some real dc swamis and some very powerful people with very serious connections to military and elsewhere, who deadly serious about taking seriously the notion that, if One there would be a street fight had a Y know, because They rode it it's right here I can and emphasise tuna screenshot this right now, if you're on your phone jack
I found it the buttons screenshot it in save this. Put that upon the screen. If you would planners this, is our own project, take seriously the notion that this well maybe this. This may well be a street fight not legal battle, technocratic solutions, courts and reliance on elites. Observing norms are not the answer. This group was a big deal wrote a huge report on how to screw trump over if one in twenty twenty they were talking about. An actual street fight again In case you take it's a euphemism. They met a legal one. They say right there now, a legal battle. This group is not kidding. They are back. The same poor behind it, are back and they're the same people behind this time magazine article that I care the size of either where they actually brag about the cabal, that's All the twenty twenty election the cabal that work together. That is so.
the same personalities behind the transition integrity project for those left these. To go and if the conspiracy theory. It was see, owes the chain of commerce which you should never trust the eia fell, see I owe where did they take their inspiration to take our trump. If the election didn't go their way, they took it Let me quote: summers massive, sometimes destructive racial justice protests. Both these people are prepared. Caring for a freaking riot and damn coup know they're. Not just exaggerating for clicks. Am I because I'm doing right here is quoting their own shit man call really come on. and they say they were preparing for a shriek fight. No, they wrote it literally They didn't say there was a secret cabal inspired by racial protests. No, they wrote it
literally in Please they're just walk open your eyes folks, I'm trying Prepare you man, everybody's gonna need to harden up these. People on the left have gone crazy and, while these show is resolute, this positively with a full stop. absolutely absolute. We condemns any the k into political violence in this country for reasons I've discussed thousands of times, including witnessing violence, is a street cop. The left no such obstacle. Their actively caring for what happened this week and why we Talking about this again. You see this NBC newspeak boy. You haven't seen this NBC newspeak, you do yourself a major legal service. They are
open. We now talking about a freakin coup. The day was yesterday from one forget this, I'm sorry. I can't this NBC news. He was in a news, I'm right behind you, the council s newsletter folks, Go to the news that a read this tonight, please fierce growl. The trump will use the military. Indeed, the tories ways if he returns to the white house. We live. The military but talking about our hour, Carriers are heroes. I'm talking about Politicians in the upper left, the mark lilies of the world, hated donald trump. What are you talking about fears he will use a military. Dictatorial was a people at that people who are wrong geller trump voters are afraid of the opposite. That bureaucrats, That's it the upper level. The middle are to screw tromp over. Who would be if he wins obvious. The commander achieve the citizenship. Listen at every word.
those taking part in this effort. This is the effort. This trump over, if he wins those taking Hardly ever told them bc news there studying. trump's past actions, twenty twenty four policy positions so the be ready if he wins in november that is preparing to take legal action and send letters to trump appointees, spelling consequences, a face if they and if the under my constitutional reforms key please if this up, as am I, if you watch your, do you believe this shit, just do you understand what were reading here? if a bunch of people who have no military authority whatsoever media. webs george is types think tank people sent threatening letters to potential point these if they follow the orders of the commander in chief. Why he's going on here,
This has a name jets and ladys. It's cold, a coup. there. They actually wrote this red. The the call yourself because on you can see a very familiar name here too, by the way the norm eyes in the brookings crew, the Mary mccord, the Andy may caves they're. All this in people involved either. Secondarily, primarily in transition integrity, project, type efforts, efforts to undermine trump, the cabal. It's all the same people, folks, here's a quote from one of Mary mccord We see no pieces on the screen still. we have already started to put together a team to think through the. damaging types. Are things that true, my dear so we're ready to bring lawsuits. If we have to said Mary mccord exec, the director of that discharge, my place Mary mccord, those regular viewers to show, including joy, Mary Mccord. Thank you giving it to highlight as president
I see that on the scream mary quarterly dan. Didn't you write a book like spygate exonerated, follow the money about mary, mccord and others are a matter of fact. I did here is a merry mccord article on the washed imposed from twenty seventeen. your attorney, who oversaw russia probe justice, said department steps aside willingly. Who is that, career attorney, always you'll. Never guess it was very, very mccoy. That said, I. It's almost like. There's a cabal of people like we said who admitted in a time magazine piece to being a cabal who want to street fight the election because they said so now threatening people we'd take orders from the commander in chief that they are ready to basically attacked them personally and professionally. If it sounds like a coup cause, it is, What are the ringleaders by the way, a complete piece of shit A piece of human garbage who is is at the forefront of the effort to burn the united states to the ground is a piece of human,
on average known as normalizing nor mice and has been knee deep in all of this bullshit. He knows all the players norm eyes and is one of the single most destructive people in america. Right now. He is out the constitution to the ground, or these things and chalk amount of are the norm eyes in time. They're all know each other. There all work and to start this coup, soft coup and potentially true if they don't get their way. Here's nor my eyes- and I want you to listen. Talks about here how, if he doesn't get their way, basically with the the efforts, keep chop off about here's their new effort that, if they do not get a bank robber trump and destroy, is business totally on ethical, moral and potentially illegal, but they'll do if they don't get their way. This is serious. Stuff. Folks is not a joke listener. Normalizing make it your sense. What's it what's the ring Right now for the trump organization: well, it's substantial wealth, including that one,
all of these trial in a pellet proceedings are concluded. It may look no longer be called the trump organization. it's not just the massive over three hundred million dollars in financial penalties for the wrong doing that the attorney general is seeking. But there is the injunction relief. This judge has already ordered. It's been stayed pending appeal. This judge has already ordered some of the remedies that can be referred to as a corporate death penalty trump and his sons not allowing to participate in the biz in the business not allowed to do other business to take loans for a period of time, perhaps putting a receiver in charge. If all of that comes to pass and if it holds up on appeal- and I think the judge has been careful like with those Eric and don jr comments he's showing balance if it holds up on appeal. This would be the end of that. Organization, as we have known it for all of these issues.
both these guys aren't gonna want you all to check their night Today there is no avenue they won't takes off coup hard to attacking is business interests. Attacking him in the court's attacking is appoint, ease, personal attacks lies violence. You understand, there's nothing, they won't do now. The good news we're not powerless. We're not little. Sheep were not little lemmings. we have the institutions of law and justice chew on our side as well, will also have levels of lovers of power to get rid of people inside the government who don't swear allegiance to the constitution, but are just vindictive donald trump and if thou trump the commander in chief and gives a lawful order to the military. That's not followed donald trump, as every legal avenue to get rid of those people or follow the military judicial process. We have power to where I live, the sheep, nobody should sit back and cry. So why I do in the show doing this show to warn you I'm doing this.
no because I believe in that debating method where the best way to beat your opponent in a debate is to preemptively tell the audience. Here's what my opponent's going to say next, so that when he says that he looks like a goofball he's we're gonna, try this and now, when you see the the ninja shoot, where an anti for people in the street. Today after election day, if you're a local sheriff listening just now, you ve been more you better do something about it. If they break the law, because they all this bullshit is just gonna metastasized, like a cancer, because these people are kidding around fail. Please tell you what they're gonna do man every time. Dude ever time? I can. I take a quick break from the show me anatomy break in the show by the other picture my body gave her without that per se.
What one is my daughter's birthday today, so unkind of a good note: isabel happy birthday! I love you I! U am. I still can't believe I'm your dad. You know you're twenty years old. I remember when I took you home in the wednesday and I couldn't believe you are my baby, I could believe, like you, were my really down beside me, Joe remember the experience little joke backing. I just can't believe this is like my second. You know, know what to do? There's no guy book saw a lot. my daughter to death and she's such a wonderful kid. So happy birthday is about from your dad love you so much you're a great kid by dumb. I'm sorry, I just want to make sure get this out. You know, folks, I I got a platform. I got a lot of people watch my show. We got a really big audience and I love that and I love you forgive me that but a lot of people don't and I'm not you you, you immoral, guide, so came deftly. Not u priest, familiar rabbi, you re mom and I'm not your spiritual advisory, I'm a guy!
I, like the cause of a patriot, I love my country and I'm glad you guys, like the show, but I say all the time I don't look to me for guidance on moral values, a messed up guy man. I got all kinds of going out of my life, and you know this hard. Sometimes but sometimes I mean people don't have my kind of audience and they're. Just most amazing people and we lost one of this weekend. you know you don't know his name. You know mine, but you should the guy right. I was me and him at a jujitsu seminar top I met Sarah are twenty years ago. This aim is Lenny hide. He's one of the greatest guys you'd ever meet man. I worked with him in the secret service. the sky was like the kind of guy man he. U hate. You I said on facebook is weak. I posted about this. He would give you a shirt off his back. He give you his car.
and give you his house till he was a kind of guy. He was beloved and cancer took. A man should scares me every day he stole the sky from us man. He was a great guy. He was a weapons, export sky, no more about weapons and most weapons manufacturers you'd, never know it. By talk until now, we smiling he also took up jujitsu rain on his life was a bad as mother,
never meet in your life, but you'd never know it the class act. When I found out he died this weekend, I was devastated. He just sent me a nice birthday message on December. Fourth- and I knew he was hurting, but I didn't know he was close to death Godspeed. My brother you're, a good man. The world is a worse place without you in it. Thanks for everything, sorry I want to make sure I got that in you know we lose people, don't have our planet. Form its real shame that people don't know their story. The money had was a good man. I think there's a lock on the shriek into this immigration thing I warned you Can we just jump to the the CBS, the story? Not the tweet, I'm sorry about serrano, I'm confusing the hell out. Everyone! Sorry, tony to poor, tony's like he is. he's inside drink it from a fire. Is I got through this whole thing? We gave rise to some extent.
story need for tat, and I thought the whole thing. I just do it anyway, Is this? How the show goes when I get something in my hand, I want to talk about. Listen. I warned you the reason bringing up this story now that happened, CBS news about what happened in texas, is because I'm warning you about the violence. It's coming at the left, this openly incentivize in this coup. They just openly now talk about. I told last week that when governor gregg abbot made this enormous move in texas to say the state of texas is now controlling eagle, pass this area with a severe invasion going on, and they we're not letting border patrol in here anymore, because their expediting immigrants into the country illegal immigrants into the country ice. you last week. Does you in the chat? You remember this conversation you Member me say unless we like this could get really bad, really fast. it's already happening. Here's the I team t the boy team is crazy. Cbs reported yesterday
I now warning it'll take action if texas is not stop blocking federal agents from the? U s border area folks when you re deep into the peace. There are threatened. the department of justice environment, their basically threatening, The weaken a nod to send federal agents debate. We start arresting people folks, I I not addressed this last week, whereas it's gonna go we gotta. real problem here and no mistake the problem absolutely being caused by the by the administration, which is not only allowing, but in and devising an invasion at our southern border. So these stage or subjected to this invasion, the border states they have stir in this weird conundrum An obligation is governor, gregg abbot. If I'm thinking it's him to my citizens of my state of texas, any federalist system, the state,
powers, do I haven't legation to keep the police stay. Powers belong to the state to keep people safe. The present united states is active We putting people in danger friend, no sex laughing terrors crossing the border. What is governor to do the governor, has a moral, ethical and legal case that I can't allow these guys in here. They are actively breaking the law on contributing to a public safety nightmare. My state abiden tee. speaking as them? speaking. Is them not me. It's gonna come I can say this this clearly unconstitutional you're breaking the law. Gracious of federal responsibility and we got the courts on our side. So now you Not a problem you ve got an unstoppable force, and in it verbal object. What happens. Nobody else knows either I have no idea, but warned you last week that there's a
old civil war come in this country and it is all being brought upon us by the left. This problem, could be solved tomorrow about Diminished administration could do three simple things: hidell Ready to my group section protocols, romanian, mexico and start get now, wall up and running right now using emergency funds, they don't want to do it. They want, this invasion at the southern border, their enjoying it. They think this is great doing nothing to stop it and they don't give a damn what happens next, folks. Both sides have guns all I can think about is that scene it is plays in my head over and over now movie. The siege retains l, washington and bruce well us then cells, the fbi, guy bruce willis, martial law, the military guy. At the end, then cells like got an arrest warrant to take you with the custody. Bruce willis is like its martial law in charge and both got the guns pointed out each other. It's all. I can think about what happens
someone's going to have to say lower than Temperature not in greg abbots interest to do that. Now. The media is doing their best, including the human garbage piles CBS, to claim I go of someone drowned this week in the rio grande. Obviously, a tragedy of women and two children: three people, in any human basic while that sounds kind of horrible. because it is a look, a woman and two children- drowned while trying to enter the. U S, the resection, the southern border, where the texas national guard shields, have prevented border patrol agents from processing and rescue migrants. You get the wink and a nod. Okay This is only going to get worse. yeah you're right exactly ps, Donald trump, didn't swim in the river either to save them. That's this next, keep in mind We have a situation like this at the border, but whose Biden told people to come here. and is doing nothing to stop it
getting steamer all by am low the mexican president, whose laughing at him right now laughing at ease laughing it Joe Biden laughing at him You see where this is gonna go folks. he's. Gonna get ugly really fast. It is in no political interest of gregg abbot to back down and it is in no political interest of binding to stop the invasion unseen. possible object, immovable immovable movable, object, unstoppable force something's gotta give, and this thing and they get ugly, real, fast, got some videos playfully tomorrow, J b, At school and others, how are they pretending like the governor of illinois. This is some kind of republic. in problem sending people there. This is oh binds problem the invasion. They wanted. This. The invasion they got tomorrow is gonna, be Big show too, are obviously of the results of the I will talk is where you can you show tomorrow and you'll, see everything. I said these candidates want need you'll see
We come to fruition, Amar again big, happy birthday. My daughter I hope we all remember. You know I really care about you. until the when he hides the world than the people make the world better you're, the people are really matter. Not me I'm just a voice in this. Show really cares about politics and loves you guys and women, but those are the people who really matter the truckers. The cops, the military people you're, the ones that make a difference. Love you guys. Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it and I hope you'll be here tomorrow, for the post gameshow show after Iowa it is rumble dot. Com slashed by gino, show, goes, live and eliminate, and please his download the rumble app. The user interface is great, set up an account I'll see you in the chat tomorrow. I'm there early, rumble, dot com, slash and you ll see about you just ten von gino
Transcript generated on 2024-01-16.