« The Dan Bongino Show

They Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud (Ep 2152)

2023-12-18 | 🔗

Sometimes they admit what they’re up to and they say the quiet part out loud. In this episode, I cover the breaking news from this weekend in Washington and the latest deep-state move.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know the watch friday tearing it up in a chat. Did you see that, by the way a lot of people are folks friends of ours who did man or tvs. Always I promote rumble. We appreciate it. We love you too. He put a a screen shot up of what that chat. Look like me guys tore it up on fridays. Not nobody can do that, for you guys know what I didn't do, You did it emma, I didn't do anything You did it you guys take about you helped the salon. I mean it. You're absolutely committed to the best user interface and you guys the video at acting on friday. So amazing, by the way we will lie than a thousand people away. Three million: no, not three thousand three hundred thousand three, million followers on rumble less
a thousand a way that is like one percent The population of the united states, we are almost there so too report here too hated on rumble. You guys will never compete with youtube. I had eight hundred thousand on youtube? Are we as big as youtube? Do we have to? is because you youtube, we don't have to be. We have to be our thing. And this is all our thing to publicly trading company. Now you own it, and we love you for its open Is you see that green follow button? extra to join, but not locals that green follow, but it's actually free click tat. Now we Get the three million by the end of tomorrow show. I will be eternally grateful to you by the way this holiday season, my pillows, offering amazing deals on all products. Just go to the radio podcast specials at my pillow dot com and use promo code and you'll receive free shipping on your entire order. gotta show for you. I got a quick weekend update. Was it crazy of a weekend? I got a big one,
or whether tucker show, which lord he's tonight It saves afternoon at three p m and, in tomorrow's part, two ah there sky apply, the bond gino rule did not come. At last, and I will do write to you. What I think happened with the secret service motorcade thing in delaware, listen anybody else and is I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I really was in the motorcade unit twice once as an agent and once the whip, where I kind of semi provides the unit. I know a little bit. Wow this disorder when jobs cajole knows I don't talk about even this. If it is some shit, the secret service, even after all about right, I don't do to counter I put into secret service. I don't they work. I noted counter snipers motorcade stuff. That's kind of my bag donuts everyone calls it the beast whether talking about it immediately. Turn just started off right away
rogers! I just because I don't want nobody calls it. The only Doofus is an media call it that So by the way, this is committed really happy for me. This week I'm little travellin, contingency, medical folks, right down a website right now. Contingency medical dotcom, slash bond geno is everybody loves this company and we get like a hundred email stand. Forgot the website its recent. The global world we prepare for the unexpected health challenges is more crucial than ever. Is why a thrill to an hour contingency medical's, your partner and health resilience. I love this company. They provide access to emergency packs of antibiotics. For everyday ailments, urinary track infections here, attractions, shrimp, throat gee, I stuff, but that's not all- can do She met a colossal assent, the management medicines for everything, from nausea role that gee, I'm your stomach, sickness, after motion sickness, ensuring europe to the test. even if you're not feeling best grades, above all, good digital,
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update, don't sweat it this week, when I had a good time, private, went to my favorite local restaurant blackboard gave you been area just that. Have you been area Joe. Have you been area so need job going all russian army with india. So it's in over three I've been ere. It started Jupiter the restaurants, little beggar, its! I gotta environment there were paula. Lady sits down right, I'm sooner were Paul it now. My thing like striding- I was date night, so saw the oder disguise cleaves like greatest guy ever sends over. It is really like nice bottle of wine for paula shawl policy job in a couple, we had a. We took a. How should recall bottled bottle by me. Take it up, but I had a couple. Here are some feel good lady, whose over sits down I'm talking to deciding she's bad. I move too far. It's because of you saying how great I'm, like you moved all the way to florida from Massachusetts. Where she's telling me she will I'm like. I can't believe it. You actually made a decision based on me job. I care
I kind of like shock, but it does happen so they we talk, lady, for like five minutes or so then. Paul I thought we had a good night news for both crazy once we get off, but it was a good time may the unplug version, because with details I doubt that blackbird. Ago. If you haven't gone yet you'd, there's another famous radio hoss, I won't say hookers kill me, but is known to go in there once in a while to get yeah? It does justin wants there's a seventy five year, wait kind to sort of that's legal place throughout the odious verona. I've just say it up. I'll get you all absorbing that's it yeah I will do the favour freer cleave, vidocq attacks, it's. Ok just got there. I will take care jail. Do the right thing. I promise I gather imports so this interview a tougher last week. It was freaking amazing, ah, listen
done a lot in interviews. I've done a lot of interviews, but you know geese said this to me. You know, gives an expert at this kind of stuff. I said you know there's. Sometimes thousand people really care about interviews me and other people. They can watch talent on your own networking geese like Nana. You missing a whole point. It's not about you It's not about him. It's about you and him being every unique product, no one scene which is you and him because it is unique, and I hate outward First time we ve ever been together in a long format of you, it It's so long and he was super generous by the way Reiki he had about an hour and we. Guys shamelessly. I feel terrible talk like an hour to have his time. I think he was laid for a dinner thing and I feel terrible but go and so good we lost track of time. That's how I know it's a good interview. I've only at feeling one other interviews and of making Kelly shall rightly where we duff we're like wholly moses, is like an hour and a half like, so you know it's good. I had the same feeling with this: here's, a quick preview
tonight's gonna going today, gonna be on this channel right here. Rumbled accomplished mancino jos, it annapolis, but if I do it will be annapolis spotify to the audio version, we're going to talk about in this great caesar fox. What happened there trumpet a potential assassination like this interview, went every word so good. Here's, a quick, teaser europe mammies the sierra flow, together operator former employer and thought it was just we share the same, were we share? The same views within manage We share the same view of us we do not want to dwell on legs We sure why they let you go, though I think we both know. And then look what happened to your wife, I'm it's just so much better and in the case of trump they start with protest. They moved, impeachment, neither an indictment. None of it is worked what's next, what is what could possibly be? Next, if you felt and
We believe that a lot of them do that. The worst thing that could happen to the country is to have donald trump as president and everything you have tried has failed and they have been excel. Reading steps protests in peace meant indictment like what how many more errors do you have in your queerer than what's the next one and, of course, its assassination innocent nation happens around the world I had dinner with for president. in my house last night. His successor was murdered in his bed in the presidential palace. And he's hardly allowing people get assassinated. I mean I d been assess it in this country. Farmers happened in Japan, willing to let them have enormous, abandoned exactly right. It soon This is another example what you said a minute ago wisely. If you want to know, what's true look at the things you're allowed to say if you don't want to see them not because their conspiracy theories were wise. You know I've seen them precisely because they are not conspiracy, theories or lies. They are true and then his trip period
folks? I promise I would never steer you wrong. Ok, do we all ask quick question? Do we ever put our like your content for nothing Joe. You been me long insect ever. No! Never like, even when, when when Joe and I worked every single weekday ever, we didn't put out extra, we just put on a show on that day and it was even shorter. It was like rough cots and you're sticky notes stuff. We do yeah, we never put out an extra show, which is what this and tomorrow is going to be. If I believe it is so worth your time check it out. Three I'm today eastern time is going to launch so maybe You watch your part. You tomorrow and pay close attention to his answer about the shit grenade, detect it's it's good I almost eighty more, you got it, you got you you get the point. Our eyes always gets it most are the most important. george de jure. I began when I say lied hammered on questions on this thing. emails from radio people tv,
People request that I come on. Adjusting regular folks, joe. You know that by gino dogs army folks shows the motor Joe Biden yesterday is in delaware, its rainy he's coming this idea see a democratic quarter, downers something bobby say in a lot of people in delaware. and something happens. I want to show you the videos. What about one twenty joe, I sent over to you It's a real thing is I have sought to I played a video or what you see is coming out a weird: it's he rarely. Early, do you see kind of untended archers on ten demean, you could see and you get to happens but which to me, this may have been kind of a semi o t, r I'll explain. All now. You see watch the guy in the door by the way. I know all the guys involving saw look
you going to see this is car accident. Is media people start scramble in their running over. Of course, we we call the media death squad because if something happens at a president, they want to see was our joke. So you see the media, of course, doesn't pay attention to the president any more they run over the death squad, people We want to see there's a secret service. Car wines up hidden well, to me that motion, to be the secret service. Follow up tell because he's got a light bar on the top riches are in the uk. the package there right there, you see the polite barra top so that this to me: that's the secret service vehicle, which is kind of we that it would hit the secret service vehicle tonic questions on it. What happened Why was the secret service respond so slow? How did the vehicles get. Dare you know why see so exposed all this other stuff. So let's go to it and false can I tell you straight up I ll my time and the secret service best people have a work with I'm not trying to virtue signal for everyone, but
I'm just trying to tell you this year. You know the past, when we screwed stuff up that agencies say we like, I worked there, but when they screwed stuff up, in pretty transparently the afghanistan value made it over to fancy. Slugs is no use for that, but winced if I think is like blown out abortion I'll tell ya means the member. I doubt that cop or snuck gaily there was a total mass like they screwed up. This is pretty big screw up there, no way around This is no way around it. It's a big screw up. and again for those in the media who don't know me and like what they ask. this guy? No, I You want my bona fide ease. That was an agent for twelve years. I spent four and a half. here's the presence detail and with those years were spent doing motorcades in the transportation section. both an agent and is the whip. You want to know what a whip is. You can ask anyone of the secret service a semi supervisory position, some form,
but you run the outfit you there's a boss and and a web he's like the sergeant in a bud. I was the whip. I was the whip for I dont almost a year or so I kind of all a little bit about the squad. Considering I kind of you still like run and a little bit is a major screw up. First, It was raining out. This is something a lot of people in the media are missing. I heard one commentator this morning on Fox. I forget who it was but caught onto this this is an important point, very clever. It was raining by the way, not None of these earth uses it was raining and it was night time. So, typically at night or any other time will have- and I'm trying to gives too much stuff away, but given that it was all set in the media feel an obligation. The kind of Spain is around your president and his life even though we don't like the guy he stood. Oppressed. With this kind of stock with them.
how he got in there is a whole other sorry, but we're still stuck with a right, and I don't want to see anybody die or get hurt. Obviously I mean were going to say that pretty fairly there's overhead assets that watch these things. When you think a secret service protection, don't think of it in two dimensions. Think of it in three, you gotta think of it, as kind of you know a height or width than a death. Okay, it's not just flat. It's not just what in front of you. It's what's above its what's below its on the side, have to think of it, like think of it like a bubble three dimensional bubble, so even call. My first book was called life inside the bubble, for a reason that the bubble. I was talking about. We talk about a protective bubble. It's like this impenetrable sphere, the president's walking in the rolls were them everywhere. He goes what's below. What's love is part of that sphere, and this Fear is big it when I say protective bubble. I don't we. just covers this body. I mean It's a massive sphere, the overhead protection assets should have picked this up.
There is no excuse all, but it was raining yeah. Maybe that's why they grab. They may have been grounded due to the weather sure. Ah I doubt I'd love to figure that out. Someone wants to slip that out to me I'd love to hear it I can say with their call, but there are overhead assets and they use various imaging mechanisms. So you don't really. need to see a night see. Technically you can as usual instruments. You know what I'm saying: everybody in the chat you chats this year. Picking up what I'm talking about that we instrumentation military folks and cops know what I mean. There's way, to see these things so, in other words bomb overhead calm down on the motorcade poultices right and See this thing comment do, they not see a common. I dont know the reign of some the deal with it, it's possible. I love the explanation. Secondly,
again as a guy, did motorcades for two years and dealt with them for my entire twelve years. you close off the secondary access roads, especially on arrival and departure. So you may open up some roads on what they call an o t r Two yards are off the record moments. I said I'd tell you that its skin something class fight it just means. The record was moving off the record people talk about an immediate as some classified three letter acronyms was that an off the record movement meeting this was pressed. Then Biden did he last minute say hey! I wanna go pop in democratic headquarters in delaware. If he did explain a lot here because off record movements there they're not, less secure, even though they have less asset how's. That then I'll give you a perfect example.
I was in a motorcade once president obama said I want to go by lemonade from this kid's lemonade. Stand. You been in local newspaper to kid. I don't know what you mean when raising money for the boy scouts. But I have no idea. But obama and I'm the motorcade guy obama Ok, we're gonna go start from my shit. because you now you gotta like mess we're all traffic again, so we want I'm getting lemonade from this kid and you're like well dad. How did you secure all that stuff last minute and the answer is the securities into surprise, because if I didn't know we were going to the lemonade stand either did the jackal who's the jackal? jack was the fictitious assassin. We talk about. The secret service out of time is an aim we use for their. You know it's like to be effie if you grab that south from the morgue and while also what's the bee effie there now watch youtube. You gotta be every their debts to ever heard about. limiting the big we ve ever listen up down by morgan while in you know the jacket
the fictitious assassin he doesn't know either. So how are you going to set up an attack if Obama just decided five minutes ago to go there? so, if there was an ode to your off the record movement, there's not a big heavy security footprint the securities, your surprise, but still doesn't explain. Why when he was inside nobody closed. of the secondary access roads motorcade? How did this guy get so close to the motorcade? And how do I was a surprise? You keep sight of it. again How do I know this was a surprise watch, because this had been caught, say a block or to away in roads that have been closed off and rose? someone would have called it out and radio these guys got here. Please present everybody can hear a watch Surprise you see turn it around get in car. There. Stun meeting no We called it our nobody satellite payment
here's the car to just broke the checkpoint, which means either the guide, the checkpoint, let this person through or don't wasn't no checkpoint either way This was a major factor. But what are you the way to save a lot of guys they're. All great it was, would have been just a year. May local. I don't know who screwed up the checkpoint yet is don't look good Everybody wants a guy says that you get when you guys watched it. So I was watching the chat would it not odyssey folks I this does not look there. bread to me. I can tell one He wondered when he hits the car stops. Ok, that think about put yourself in the mind of an assassin try it. I, like you, How did you damage that we are trying to kill the president? Do you stop know the answer, and why would you hit that secret service, follow up You would go for the limo. I know it's not the beast, you know,
they had a cordon off the right way, but you go and no twenty so have you noticed a picture at a drive when they have em at gunpoint? Look at his face folks! Here surprise you does. Why would he wouldn't be surprise. We try to kill a presidency which do you think, wouldn't know if there's gonna be guns in his phases. Am I I'm apply in a bit of the Bonn gino rule on that. Given that I'm speculating here and when I speculate, I tell you: I've told you before. I know our inform facts, because I did it was a deliberate. I don't so. Could I be wrong? I could be an I want to make any firm decision, but you asked them to chat as wide and cover it but fair. Question. I'm giving you I'm speculating, I'm just telling you that I don't think it was deliberate. I think it was accident, but I and tell you right now? No one there secret service. The way they are they're gonna do not get it not going to go over well there hundred percent there's going to be some so
ads that are going to roll here. So are a man. I was there when you think, then that we spend too much time on it. Folks, in the chat that I spent too much time on items I have so much to get through today. I'm sorry, for you. I just obviously I don't like that commentary in the media, when you know what you're talking about the kind of s everything up, so I just I figured let's just get it on the record now, what's a okay that good, fair pin Joe you been here so you know, but you're wrong, amash kept kidding I would ask for your opinion for what the holidays are here. Let omaha steaks. Take the guesswork out of guesswork at a gift shop, carefully, curated gift packages that are guaranteed to make spirits bright, all winter long go to mosque, They start com, say fifty percent off say why pursuing these promo code, Bonn gino check out, get in a dish, no thirty dollars of your santander juicy which was cut filet, mignons, mouthwatering, burgers gourmet jumbo. Mainstreaming easy to prepare meals are ready in a flash
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get busted. If we say the quiet part out loud, sometimes the world economic forum- great reset- big government progressive liberals that all kiss each other's ass, sometimes we damn all you have to do. Is this very simple thing? What is it just? Listen, listen they are so hockey that they have the tyrannical surveillance future, where they going to spy on you everywhere down, and that the media is going to back them up that there are not inquired about it so they do in front of your face. The seven go to spying database. Even republicans last week said yeah, it's cool. We want more of that. I covered that last week, the pfizer court thing and the the the aspiring the method. data collection, the sea he d c central bank, digital currency proposals, facial de the cover buying up credit score since the search
story, stuff vocs passports, the gun. It's not shy. Data ladies and gentlemen, the nuclear weapon of the future, the weapon, wmd the were weapon of mass destruction is what data artificial intelligence, is going to super power data. The government is going to know everything about you, they're going. Combined. Your credit score, your geo location from your phone that follows you everywhere your purchase, history. Your men case background history, your kids, travel. Your kids college, your kids bank, account records the government it's going to have all of this stuff and we're going to get to what they call Joe. I know you love shit like this. We're going to get to this point in the future. We call prescriptive mode. What's prescriptive,
well listen to great reset author klaus schwab, the head of the world economic forum. Listen a cloud shrub talk! with Google, found their Sergey brin so weird show Strange, listen, I'm talk about her. gripped the moon. How we're not even gonna need elections in the future will just know everything about No, they didn't say that by the way, how wide awake media they have great clips on this stuff. Oh yeah, This check this out the technology. Now listen dear teacher technologies mainly have an analytical power. Now we go into a politically. However, we have seen the first examples and your company re much in washed into it, but since the next step could be going too prescriptive, which means you you do not even have to have elections anymore, because you can already predict what
to? And afterwards you can say why do we need elections? Because we know what the result will be nothing like that? You judge smell the joy knows your favorite topic. Next, to u f, o's! This I would do no seriously over there wasn't her work as I it's unfair to the lie: viewers. rio de. I strongly encourage you if you're watching this on the man any time outside alive I showing cards you, I'm dead, shears to stop and rewind wife said again and listen every second of that these some of the most powerful people. What the guy founded google, whose. hopefully in the no on a high surge. All this stuff is he knew the head of the god of the word. We can all make form. One of them. powerful bodies in the world who wrote a book
the great reset about using covert to reset society and norton about how we may not even need elections and how will he's going to prescriptive mode because, basically steal all your data and know everything about you, so we're just gonna use it as an excuse to say we don't need elections, elections we ve! already got data we see that's what they the joy just made that we don't need. No. Sixteen king, several movies, f rezept from a blazing saddles. I actually get something right. Culture, whiskers I'd, never get anything right, You don't need a badges or the free elections. This is gonna, be there think they're gonna up do a This is what they are thinking. I've never seen a cold mail it better than this they're gonna call it democracy, going to say the only fair representation of what americans want, because the right
it's trying to steal elections trump and all this stuff. The only Fair representation is gonna, be to use a super intelligence. We have a high and will let them aggregate, all the data and they'll take who miracle wants, because we know everything everyone did No, they won't say that they just why. You listen to these people every freakin, time, data, Every time I see of the just listen to them all gosh. Stan you promoting a conspiracy, call prescriptive moat. I promise. No such thing, I literally playing a clip of schwab, dug prescriptive mode. Now, yes, to be fair, he is not a bureau in this sense that he runs any government or as a bureaucratic effort, is not elected official. However, folks these people have rights. Really heavy influence in the movement that pressures elected officials to do things just like,
to these people, I mean it's not like there try until I shot down voices speaking out about this because they're not worried when all look, they are here's there via the EU. One of the EU censorship units, three airy breton theory, I mean really should have like a communist prefix attach or a he whenever I don't even know who knows the preferred pronouns these days today we offer formal imprint infringement proceedings against twitter. Look at all this crap their action. We doing this in the EU. China shot down twitter, their good. So don't tell me this stuff is happening, but I thought they wanted data prescriptive mode, no began. You said they did. I did say that they want their data, you get it.
so you can have twitter acts were conservatives are allowed to talk because edit artificial intelligence. That's gonna pick your future leaders will hear from. fifty sixty percent of america- that don't think like liberal crazies and now if someone is not a liberal crazy, so few sensor those people so would never exit into twitter or rumble or youtube or anywhere else, because you try to take down rumble on twitter? the a I in a large land which model reads language and it reads lange tat sounds like people really want progressive leaders and prescriptive, more knock and service out ship with you. It was good. That was good. If I may says pretty his signature. Sale price thinks yet does it sometimes it's worth it But you're every eye caught. What are we ve been wrong? What of it just tell me what I been tell me. What I've been wronger tell me: you're, peach, minerals, spy,
the russia hogs tell me tell me when I'm wrong. They want to go. Have a. I read language on the internet to go into predictive mode to predict in any screw up future elections. The thing is its reading languages sounds conservative discouraged all thing up. So what better way to do that? The sensor people in asia the way. You think this stuff is all a fairytale. This surveillance future where they can watch everything to use the programme. May I to screw up elections there look from the white house Remember this: unless we technical possibilities for u s central bank digital currency, where they can watch control everything you buy. That's why that's a white us that's run like the forties, our knowledge, in september this year. there, you can look it up technical possum. It is for a: u s: central bank digital cameras, if the government's buying any of this data, or anything I mean, what's the government going to do with it, huh I'll? Look at it and
see those even what are your favorite liberal size so remember she knows this one's from here ago, Joe june of this year? U s government buys data on americans were little oversight report five dollar conspiracy, theory, folks, we're gonna do some predictive mode aggregator your data by data online issue, a central bank, it watch, you walk and then we're going to ban conservatives from speaking, so we can go into predictive mode and steal elections in the future, so it is right for any right in front of your face. You do what you want with it. I'm just here to tell you what's come way to stop it, and the answer is to win election, which is hard given at the cheadle. I get the same possible, but in his heart, when I got more coming up, is a sea I'm trying to get ahead of something by the way
a major story. Last week I had a bullet. I had apply like the super bonds. You rule like times too, because I knew something was up, but I wasn't quite sure so I asked if people. Now I folk cnn is evidently trying to get ahead as something with something to happen on friday, and I promise you not necessarily teasing This is a just stay too as our last and sponsors really appreciated area. To talk to you, patriot mobile, pretend patriot, mobiles, been america's. Only christian conservative wireless provider stand behind their service in their vice, accompany they put their profits. They put their either cause ahead of the profits. I am proud to part with them, and they love you guys. Folks, people are flocking over the patriot, mobile there so happy to be part of this show, because people who want to support the euro big mobile, laugh star today? Patriot, mobiles, having in every friday matters promotion I'll, give you a brand new smartphone when you make the switch tonight
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but not local. She it's only like twenty seconds long, there's no sound to it it's me and paula after, like two hours habitat having a good time. I asked her to join me. I didn't feel like saving it see what I mean see art what you like. That is. It my segwarides olympics are so sad there, so random. Aren't they There do not even technically sideways cos, would way anything it's like. I want from general so to a video. I did a blackboard back to see. I basically try to screw up another election using its alchemy they're. Not I don't want another. What's. what is sublime civil water? With my watergate scandal numbers I was, I totally invented by myself. cnn is really trying to get ahead of something that is up unless we it's not what cities day the eighteenth and identity. So you'll see
data on this articles December fifty I had a wait a bunch we were asking me again about this, but I didn't feel. Was a responsible thing to do to comment before I ask that you say people in the now, here's the just the articles title story of the missing binder, how weak Election of raw intelligence disappeared under trump. Now, the first I want you to notice before I get to the text of this right. I want you to notice who the authors are in byline, what you'll see it one of them is Natasha Bertram. When Ever you see natasha, bertram, folks, I'm serious. Like Natasha Bertram, but I promise uses impersonal. I've never met her campi person. This is a woman who has a history. and I mean a pretty profoundly awful history of report Scoops from the entire community that turn to be complex bullshit.
Super bertrand is one of the original people horses. Perez Zack, recalling just totally disregard guys, just a clown when I see anything with a byline by Natasha Bertrand. It should say to me, while she sate says to me it should say to you. This is intelligence community telling sir thank you. A reporter airports sure bertrand who my question any of the other the entire community, wants you to believe something. That's most likely not true. Now read what missing binder, apparently was see it reports, thy sweet, eddie binder containing highly classified information, relate to russian election interference went missing. At the end, the donald trump presidency- raising alarms amongst intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the u S and its allies could be exposed.
Sources, told cnn, I e p, p hope, sir Natasha berkshire folks, I might go around a hundred one thousand. It's thirty am out of that just happen. hundred ones at a joke, we will hunt. What does we well I've? Forty minutes, if that show you guys, are the best body and ever now of the disease so crazy. You guys are awesome. This binder folks! This is a huge story. This buying there has been the subject of massive speculation, a lot of tea oh, I know- and let's just say friends have told me that large portions, of the binder, our laws. Finally, just. Some regurgitating kind of stuff you could have found and press releases, but people, I know have hinted with Getting into the exact specific of its specific summit that binder, maybe damning information of what did
about russian election interference or why What do you mean? We trump? No, I mean that help the f b. I get trump its the russian election interference. Sierra wants you to believe. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this is the biggest gypsy do flipper roo you are ever going to see in your life of libya, then the definitely for real. few benito clearly you're ahead of this, like I want. Ok, dad. it's happening here. I can was guarantee you that portion of that binder is fake. Roy intelligence. You ready for this. Are you ready for this directive is fake russian intelligence, the f b I fell for that made them reopen. The Hillary Clinton investigation to get hilary clean before the election to get the
turning general to let the case go that led to the call me pressure eventually backfired. When the fbi, I reopening the heller investigation likely cause hillary, significant votes and the fbi? Does not want you to see this. And someone on the trump team may have a wireless by my report. It now Not reported if the trump team it transpired out of office journalists, I checked almost three years right, J, roughly roughly, like almost exactly. Why report this now at the trump t may know some o other pop. we just tell me so in my ears, king roquat autopilot, Changed and trot may win so
they have the result. Stone. He may have the document that patient, we blows up the entire intel community, what they did two, hilary, an him and they're afraid trump could get back into office. Shoulder poland see, you flip a row this day is missing. We know what happened to it, because maybe trump has he were you listening to that, as I need your, I need your hard core analysis that makes sense Folks, this is the bit I wanted to cover this story. First, the world economic forum thing with such a kick in the balls I had a like come out of the show with x. I can't believe they're just telling you how they're gonna screw you over the future. This is the biggest story in a long time. Follow me
there is fake russian intelligence out there. Just read home and jenkins work in wall street journal. It was fake, the f b. I fell for it. Why? Because people at the top we're stupid, and that's it and they hated trump. The information involved. They hijacking of the election, that screwed Hillary Clinton over there. Clear Hillary Clinton they had it at the age of three, lynch at the time to not do anything until every call me afraid of this intelligence. He thinks it's real. Does this press conferences says it's all no big deal. Noble, going to fall, for he does the press conference. Why not hurt hilary to clear hilary disease as at the end here? It is, in other words like I'm putting it all out there. So it's not a story in the future and hilary campi blackmail.
No serious prosecutor were prosecutor, I'm gonna recommend the attorney general, nothing happens, the attorney general was all I agree and they move on. Never realizing the intel was fake. It was all face and tropez it how they are claiming its missing to get ahead of the story, What are we going to say later from who declassified this information, so if he d sorry story gets complex, folks. I know you're, smart and unwanted thou talk down. Anyone tromp was is going being prosecuted right now for having classified information. More allow go oh, but trump, declassify the binder before he left. He did so
Would you be prosecuted, reclassified information after that, exactly he has it he's He's got the result of stone. and they were afraid, he's gonna get back in office and use it. It's the gypsy. Do flipper room they to make this document disappear and they could. So now, they're going to say, trumps stolen, even only declassified and folks, don't think. Go back to that article. Four second, I want to show you the buy is important people on by byline are noted, hacks, not all of them, but the battle. I don't know very well the utmost natasha bertrand is tool of the entire community. Look at this next article cnn. I want you to look at the day. Jim shouto, PAMELA brown, Eric brantner tool,
so the intel come the data, This article is wife April. of twenty seventeen. This is wrong, after tromp isn't inaugurated here is intel community leaking again to cnn British intelligence, past shrimp associates communications with russians. Anti. U s counterparts! I thought that did not happen. I thought they told us. They may tell us tromp was never spied on. How can see- and I wrote about It- may provide twenty seventy folks, that's a real headline just put it in your face We left these search engine. That story happened. Why, with intel community led to shoot a brown and brad, nor that the brits spying on trump and communicating with americans about the answer. Is the entire community at the time, wanted you to believe trump was a russian hack thought if they rope brits into it. It would make it look more serious. Never thinking trump would fight I can say, pay this article.
you guys spied on me. The articles. Bill rare, how do I know I put it search? Engine is weaker than it comes right up. They have to cnn before, to try and get out had his stuff. We know we shit, I didn't even look how the hell did we do He never. I die just what we had a big technical meltdown. He's scared use- It says I gotta stop you here. It means like this because even when the show breaks down, we just keep going folks is really I'm serious. I got this. We've got one hundred and fourteen thousand people why this is why we need less than five hundred people to break three million followers to today, a basically just yeah, like a half a percent at a jab today, folks, this is crazy. So I really man. I don't want to interrupt the showbiz. Did the gear was appropriate, he choked up man.
I can't even I'm sorry and I'm the site. You guys got me, I'm really. I can't believe you can you guys have done so much for me in the show I can't believe on a monday before christmas is one hundred and fifteen thousand people watching. Just thank you and move on. Thank you so much it's such a great honor. I'm so glad you guys are all part of it. Thank you so on so alright, I'm going to play this video for you too in case you think area. This is by mistake. Now. Do you see why trump? the result of stone. Folks, he has been the mcgovern. You ever see pop jean Marie every movie asthma gulf in there always chasing something you don't push me. politics and show that the good they opened a case and a gold tinctures tropez demographic. Has the missing intel cnn trying to get out in front of right now they have Intel now. Do you see why jack smith, the spread?
tyrant prosecuting trump, is so eager to convict sky before the election, they're afraid he's gonna get an office and show all of america exactly what its government did to steal the selection, even cnn themselves which crazy, cnn themselves, this guy, Eli honing who's, not in these pieces, has forced to acknowledge at the end that is segmented, yeah they're, just not a prosecutor before the election there try and convicted no shit. Listen to this value. We agree. We agree that he is acting. Judge chicken is acting with an eye towards the election calendar. Now I want to hear ellie honing assess the propriety. I have him doing exactly what he's doing, because on one hand you could say well he's being political. On the other hand, I guess you would say ally, like you probably back in the day, he's an the prosecutor he's work. The case up. You want. Get before jury right. I don't
If the artifice? Here, I don't like the game playing the words min ship that we're saying I think Jack smith ought to just come out and say it or not. Here's the arguments both ways. First of all, jackson is trying to get this case tried before the event. And he clearly is what that is political. I mean The counter argument would be well jack. Smith. Just wants the american voters to have resolution before they go to the ballot box, and I understand that as a voter. I would like to know, but here's the problem with that argument. Michael Jackson, I just want to get this trial done and let the chips fall where they may and let the consequences be what they can be he's the prostitute He believes this case. He wants this case to resolving. fiction, and so his position isn't just while about this case tried before the election disposition. Really as a practical matters, I want donald trump convicted for the election, I have no problem with the first part of that. It's his job to want I convey tromp now that he's indicted, but the second part of
before the election, that's where across the line of the political, in my view Of course. This is you can The show ties it now, foes thereafter with you, you got the world. Outward for people talking openly. We got all is prescriptive mode, always shit robles. There were over. There were almost three million followers. How we almost to dream, always ours. How was I the left said rumble wasn't gonna make you a swell come on. Let's say george. We can do this by the other. Show click that great follow, but we got one hundred and ninety two one hundred and twenty thousand I might blow pass into the radio show Jim. I may not make the radio show today just To do it on the air three million people have said to the big tack.
About twenty thousand, we are walk it out of the show until we get three billion people. We're all saw climbs transfers, although you do this who's, your show it's happening waiver, it's happening right now. It is happening we are doing. It is a nice. Seventy seven come on three billion. Come on baby. It's like what you are. Do we want to work? go on no holy shit. How do we were going to shit? I got stuff flying around, we got flags, well, what the hell is added the flag didn't come down.
I know you like to go what them We got a hundred twenty one thousand people celebrating right now. That's you want to see new media, that's Break a new media right there for you, its flag forever. Our flags that involves the bottom of my sometimes broken hard. Man he's been big, long experiment with rumble of experiment, free speech, and I gotta tell you man. We were people were nervous. Me nervous, no more three million people, four hundred twenty, two thousand. You know it is a perfect time and with this one This is a fucking around outside get a new media when you new media. Are you still have a responsibility to not be a african douche bag to your listener?
So there was this guy never heard his cap before it or what he talks about. Whatever he's, apparently some video guy, maybe I shudder road is got, but guy neon or somethin He wanted to go to the? U s c. You know the ultimate fighting thing and he wanted to see the fights this weekend. So donald trump was going to be there. beyond this guy. I got no notice. Guy at all, I know is politics, but a permanent like donald trump, either side be a good idea to like our winkie winkie, not that he had some decided donald trump at the events, so we this video out there check this out. I got to talk my shit to trump and then it's gonna be a very good experience. I'm gonna talk my shit. I don't care of secret services, they're only gonna fuck and talk shit, so
Our nations to use their endogenous civics manchester about roger news, was not allowed in katharine. What's to see what I am now allowed this you specifically starting tomorrow. If there's no way you stay here, not all, but maybe you maybe you're, sometimes the best lessons in life or learn when you just shut the fuck up I mean it. I was a former president. You know- maybe you should just like shut up like you know, dane obviously like some so data. Why someone s pain a? Why? How do you see why I like a lot someone s Dana theirs. I know this neon cat doesn't needed, like the fact that you guys don't let em in the event that we talked about you shit
Data we give is very diplomatic right about burden. Where did you may want to listen to check this out? There is a popular streamer align coordination and he said he was banned from the arena tonight, specifically by nato, is banned from the arena now. What happened is indeed said. Some stupid shit on instagram, and you know the boy Take it so he wasn't anywhere close. We start saying stupid shit like that yeah yeah, we're gonna get busted up and thrown out of here you making threats and talk and dumb shit look at four clout. I believe he said he was a car can already said this. Is that it confront donald trump Pittsburgh yeah. What he said, daddy was unable to use this fuckin tall to you know that fucking punk, young, I loved
I would prefer that exists. I'd have the you guys see the part of the head and he's this tall do now I'm gonna do this guy a favor. I'm going to show you an instructional video, we're going to end with today. By the way this goes to all the people who hated on rumble and said we were never going to make it when we've now blown it up and everything the return of the entire internet where to talk in a town. Ok, I'm innocent video out you all to this the great roger scare, about a thirty second tutorial on something every single person looking to grow and prosper should consider in their lives and it's a pretty golden. rule lesson: it's called fuck around and find out. Or engine ever talk about how we can buy it now and how much we can find out what it takes to get there. So I say those guys find out I'm a level of so called level? a graph, war is only to migrate.
Where is my greater? Why don't we go straight down. recital, my father ally. you tell me how much I have two around to find out what I did you find out see, as you can see them, He fought along the way find out and also If he's going on here. I never thought about you I find out, This was a resolve. All thank you. Oh, my gosh rigorous. We had another foreigners, remoter see suitable People want to fuck around with us. Your find an hour now to agree. Rogers scare, guys, fantastic folks, you around two zero. You find out at a level zero, maybe the andean catch should an owner loveday good for you all right. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much man, I I I would stay forever. If I swear, if I didn't have obligations to the radio, I would have
with you here, just the kind of shell for another like ten minutes and has taken everything we did. We did this now we ass we do it is we yeah. You say I want an audience. You are sure yeah greatest my show, but there's a million shows out there you picked this show you don't need this. you don't need me, you don't you may like. I love you too, but you don't need me you're here, because you hundred twenty, one thousand nine hundred sixty one people want to be and that others never forget that when you guys,
If my life forever, he did, I never thought I'd be doing this, and now we're tearing the entire internet up you and me and his entire army out there. You know this means the world to me. So I just thank you so much. I wish I wasn't so emotionally constipated, as my aunt jane used to say all the time. God rest, her soul, as I was in my head, was on my mouth and my lips right now, I'd be like robert frost, but not, but I promise this means the world to me. Love you guys so much. He did some really special today right before the holiday, Thanks so much folks, please subscribe and follow. Let's get to four million rumbled dot, slash by gino or download the great rumble app. We made tremendous upgrades to it download that app and open up an account on rumble. It's free. You don't have to open up an account to watch, but if you want to chat with us just open up an account is free, I'm in the chat around ten o'clock every day. I see you back there ma
you just the damn bomb, genos.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-20.