« The Dan Bongino Show

They Are Putting Trump’s Life in Danger (Ep 2029)

2023-06-12 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the Biden administration putting Trump’s life in danger. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee, no less a man. This is even worse than you think. This trump indictment going down tomorrow, it's even worse than you think police, stay I get all that have already covered that we definitely live in a police state. That's been served up, there was like but by the radical left we live in a police sets a fact. We live it up Is there we don't live in a constitutional problem? You can get it to pretend that if you'd, like it's just not factually accurate, but it's even worse than you think couple of things before we get going today, one there get ready to set you up again, I'm absolutely sure of it. Please do not get baited. I am sure that I warned you about this before number two. Now ex now get it. This whole thing came together this morning. Why Christopher ray
delaying producer that fbi document about the Biden bribe. Now it all makes sense and three now it makes sense what's going on with china doubling in. Tripling down on a potential invasion of taiwan, this is all tied together. It's why it's even worse than anything. I got there I got soros loaded show today and trump there definitely put trump endanger call that last week, I'll show you what I mean. Writings on the warm and all you gotta do is rated tommy jobs that are better start on monday with atomic january. Guys are the boy sticking to the fire, and now my shoes that's harvey just as summer heats up it all. We get worse, commagena where's the cooling solution, sticky situations, they look at you and you are Tommy John, the average more comfortable do everything better everything: tommy john underwear, dozens of comfort, innovations, ike, breathable, lightweight, moisture, whipping, making fab, moisture whipping there are four times the stretcher competing brands
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censor. All of that. None of that is included. No sticking, no shaving eradicated tide that it. That said, this story gets worse than you'd. Think We have been all over this by the way. I want to remind you it his pride month. So this is pride, flag or american flag right here, Mary, and pride or mud. Please bring a flag put it on. Your desk will recognise that throughout the mud so happy america, pride, bonn to everyone out there, We're going to need american pride because his trumpet dinosaurs, worse anything now this pop this morning, and I cannot vouch for the authenticity of it, but I posted anyway, just because it could be true and it might not. It certainly fits with a pattern of behavior in china. I'm going to get to whatever another thing. China's up to at the end of the shelf stated. This is just a teaser here. A little bump are beginning to show you preparing evacuation plans for american citizens in taiwan. Folks, I'm
I am absolutely convinced the united states government knows something about china. Potential invasion of taiwan they're not telling us. How is this related to the Biden? Bribery indictment story? There is zero question in my mind, the chain, Communist party follows the news more than a lot of americans followed the news. Why? Because have intelligence consumers over there get ready to pop at a moment's notice. I zero doubt they are stand that Joe Biden is corrupt, they own Joe Biden that countries now divided like it's never been before. It is on the brink of serious civil issues, given that by is turned displace into a police state and that china, is getting ready to make a move which is going to cause a global war world war that could spill into. nuclear arms again like that I have zero doubt china's watching what's going on and is ready to make a move because it is, and the government knows about it, this strife, binds by turning us into a police, they cause in this division. Now. the way big about it now
christopher re delay makes all the sense in the world think this through a hack fbi, director Christopher right here I am not going to turn over this document. That Biden got bride doesn't exist, although it does exist, but will turn this over. It does exist, but when gotta turn out poured over. Why we see delay think this you guys know it. Does it make sense? He buying special prosecutor, jack smith in the trump case. Time There is no doubt my my time to pull trumpet this story to indict trop that way would push Biden's bribery allegations out of the headlines. Did you notice they turned over the document. Christopher re, almost city, zack same time, the jack- mid trump indictments gonna go out tomorrow came down that is not an accident. China's watch The deep staters are watching now. It's all makes sense. Now, part three is a lot of we only five minutes into the show. I'm hitting you with a ton of stuff. Folks are sadness up again. Theirs,
setting this up the f b I and the d o J r. You cannot trust christopher wray. This is not a serious person. This is it. Abs Lou tyrant. Who will do anything? The administration wants the administration wants now is to put the boot on the neck. Of conservatives and baggage supporters able if they don't even care, how nasty it Similarly, in the united states they don't care, they don't of china, invades taiwan, because what they're doing they don't care, how it looks, they're, just imprisoning their political opponents right now There are also baby you they are waiting for some street violence. They want it, they need it. They are using it. They are going to use it as a crackdown. So I'm begging you and imploring you. Please do not get baited. We absolute We cannot trust the fbi in the oj and they are heckling themselves right now, just waiting for some civil
disturbance for a crackdown. You don't know who those people are. If they're your people get em out, if their provocateurs get him but please do not get baited show up. Test is loudly as reciprocally is you can? That is your car? that you should all god given right, but please get baited. This writing is all over the wall. They are dying. your fear in this next election and will use any excuse to kick your throw you write in god right in a jail cell. I am sure of its civil liberties, be damn. Watch cnn right here. You doubt me: we all we bring the receipts we don't. eddie your time I see it as wolf what's right here and now it is already being set up super violent people, show up in miami trumps what appearance as all kinds of a civil to suggest like january. Sixth, the narrative-
is all ready being set up here. Watch yourself, yes, Special agents across the country are active, looking for possible domestic terrorist threats, The trumps upcoming cord appearance in Florida sources say some pro trump groups are already making plans to travel to miami and support them, we're president, as he faces these federal charges. In the classified documents case, this is not an accident. This is not an accident Wolf, we add cnn or all enormous, whether its implicitly experts lay tacitly or openly all in all this. They are home bring for a crackdown. Do not let this interfere with you showing up to legally lawfully and peacefully protest be dissuaded. All I'm Joe telling you be very careful about people in a crowd, try and bait you into doing things that are going to get you turn in jail. Jose are begging
tickling themselves like this waiting for a crackdown, These are not. These people are They have lost any more rings folks to any morality here all day. China's watching in the china might vain because of what binds doing it all the civil strife they know safari, is helping them right now, push trump into I'd like to get by now they don't care for They also don't care, which is why saddest we, wiki nod not able to give you And I had to tell you the story last week that I believe for credible, very serious reasons. Chump trumps life is in real danger. Folks, I don't talk, but this stuff lightly. If you listen to my show, you know for a fact, I read We bring this stuff up unless I think Really really serious trouble wife is in real danger, ladies and gentlemen, he does not.
a presidential package level of security, but he has presidential level package level of threats, the threat to trot does not match his security package. I have a really bad feeling right now that there's police, go pressure, be put on the administration to make. Our trump doesn't get to security. He needs now You notice up in new york city, where the m pity doesn't play as many games as the feds, which is the problem crazy here, but it's true. And my tv. They had some special arrangements set up for tromp when he went up to the courthouse, we're going to a federal court house, control by the federal government. I hate to tell you. I call that man, but I did new york. secret service, will not seek special accommodations for trumps. Miami cord appearance boxes
third world stuff, now those so accommodations, really is Biden team, pressuring the department of homeland security right now folks This guy's life is in danger. This is one of those shows that we can laugh while five and six years in the future. My fear is it? Is this guy threat. Level is through the roof and with each dickie less indictment ample? state action against them. These crimes, the uncontrolled maniacs on the left are just looking for an excuse to do something because they know the media probably won't care for me, you'll be like well was horribly. Did that pod tromp was a fascist. guy I'll, be a euro on the left. Go find me I'll, have a big bunch of fun raises form. Was his life, is in real danger. Look at me You need a visual, the left, these the threat levels. Here
The security level is here. This guy is in real danger. Sadly, we are becoming more and more like china every day where this is what you do you're poetic opponents get attacks. They get whacked they get thrown in jail. That's We are right now china watching all of this right now and we are becoming more like china rather than china becoming more liberty. Liberty oriented like we used to be before the obama Biden regime, took the country over read this german newsletter just draw this out there. You think I met somebody. Orbit of homeland security, which advises the secret service by the way just started, throw that in there. To assign social credits. Thou restores the social media users can
in those risks. Doors were probably assigned the conservatives to all these guys, a risky you might want to look into into them, twitter and facebook. They are openly targeting their political opponents right now looking more like china, every single day, selective justice is in coming it's here right now folks, listen to me wearing deep, deep. huge pile. This high, like that you're right take part sequence where they tried terrorist threats. A tubs gub they after there are heads of receiving sick or that's the kind of power. a dung wherein right now. Value wonder why I've tried to get everybody it at that out there and do something for the twenty twenty four election. We lose this man, I gotta tell ya. I want to be. states anymore, now we're in
your trouble selective job this is here this indictment is a distraction. Chris for re, I believe, was part of the distraction from binding. I believe so for re delayed. The bite paperwork being produced until this indictment as a distraction. China's watching the distraction and trumps life is clearly endanger because of the distraction. Now we're ready at these rules apply to Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden do a little history lesson here: queue up that really look legit grand daughter Joanna linsey grab gotta, be honest, but that doesn't make what said he a wrong. The ground was on a weekend show with george snuff olaf agus and brings a very good point: lindsey grams! I never rhino women's you arms are fired up. You know something's wrong he's onwards. Full of vegas and stuff. I love vegas or I'll play a clip of him in a minute. Pretending he's stupid, but he gets laid out by this trump attorney. But this is different here
Wednesday grab say: are you going same all of a sudden. Tromp is public enemy number one, but you never know hilary or biden for the same or worse crimes here, listen yourself! We live in an america where, if you're the democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton secretary state you can set up or private server in your basement to conduct government does and when an investigation is head about your activity? Now, let me finish the union. S wife was ridiculous. Well, yet trying to answer the question from a republican point of view that may not be I belong. This show you I don't like what president trump did in certain aspects. I dont like the jail by now classified information on the garage. I don't like that. My pants carelessly took place about information. I don't like is there, but what I don't like is a system in america, where the secretary of state
who's. A democratic candidate for president has People take a hammer too social media devices and break them apart, applied beach blue spit to a hard drive to race emails alive classified information to get on a felons computer, anthony winner, you haven't even mention that most republicans believe we live in a country where hilary, when did very similar things and nothing happened or present, will have his day and court, but s being Charges are absolutely ridiculous. What do you like, proper, not he did not commit espionage. Listen. Totally with you in the chair, this bells on us. Often when we need him- and I do I think, he's a rhino, I'm with a hundred percent, but that does not make area of what he just said: inaccurate, I'm not gonna, not on the show, because he's gotta history of saying things that are inaccurate or
we aligned with the rhino portion of the swamp. What did you said there you're, damn right and folks? Some people need to hear and if the only voice you can get it out because only have right. Those on is Bbc is lindsey, then let em sayer up I'm serious joe instead series. If this is the only guy they'll have on that? It's better that these crazies, who watch enough full of vegas at abc here from em they're, not here at all, he's right Let me finish he's right. What are you There is absolutely correct: here's snuff figures, gettings, absolutely laid out again by Jim trusty, an attorney. years. Here's this is hilarious, Larry's, snuff, loving who claims to be a news guy he's place? but here is like what are you? talking about Biden, bribery charges and Biden classified documents stuff what he pretends he doesn't know. What to be a journalist is
if this is even better than the first one I'd take a look. You've got these investigations in delaware that are one thousand times more serious by a sitting president who is authorized his d o J to try to sink the candidacy of his prime opposition. While guy has unsecured documents that he stole out of a skiff dozens of years ago, so No we're not talking me sovereignty about cigarettes. Are you talking about that? Is it dickie. Let's stay out there's this issue. Nice try. There is an issue that anyone it reads: any newspapers would agree parallel track, which is the delaware documents scandal, Joe Biden, where there's a special council rob That's investigating, and you know that there were.
Documents that were sensitive that were marked classified found in a garage near a corvette that made their way through chinatown through the penn Biden center. There's, eighteen hundred and fifty boxes that have never been fully looked at at the university of delaware. You have the ultimate unclean hands. The current sitting, president, who had no dea classification, had none of the protections of president trump and who literally had to have stolen stuff from a skiff. Even dick Durbin has commented about how this was an outrageous possession of classified material by vi. president, that that point point Joe Biden. So that's what we're talking about it. You can scarf and act like there's nothing to it, but the whole country knows the basic notion of honour we'll treatment and fairness and that's what's an issue with this prosecution. How do you not know dude do? How do you pretend to be a journalist with a b c or wherever the hell he works now full of vegas and your
we aware of only the biggest presidential bribery classified documents case of all time and by the way that doesn't it Donald trump that involves Joe Biden because Donald trump declassified. The paperwork under the p presidential records act. biden. Couldn't have you know why, because he was in the president when he's hook the documents. That's why. There one more- this is great, remember this. from sierra had had to boys Epstein this from a while ago, but this is a live on air factcheck. Remember we're talking about the selective justice system, causing civil unrest here in the united states as everybody's getting restless about the banana republic. We now live in china's watching this, the f b I's corrupted. You believe we're not in its a two tier system of justice, which is exact What the chinese communist party wants remember this. This and audio live cnn, unwanted, trumps, attorneys, boris Epstein adviser to he's onwards,
southern goofball eddie mentions the fact that hilary destroyed a bunch of blackberries and trafficking classified documents. So they made them. Is could do in some job. They did alive on air faddish yeah didn't go wealth, gotta get debts, they destroyed a blacklist of powers in the state department. That's not where one! The president, I actually have an iraqi hang on. Hang on an emperor as hammers backtrack, that from a place on the fly. Yes, a dead guy has mentioned. There were thirteen devices more mobile devices in five ipads. At the f b. I said that in some way we use with it with her private emails and they did in some cases, just destroy them with hammers when they were done using them one of the good. What are the absolute greatest scenes seeds? They will ever see our dna, greatest scenes you will ever see were on the air. The
check your ass. Your bit were boys have seen just said was absolutely true. Ladies and gentlemen, China is watching right now They are watching us descend into third world banana republic. Madness right now make no mistake and they're gonna take full advantage. Prepare yourself today prepare self today don't say it in here on the show. They know something, no, not telling us china knows something that they are telling us Our government knows something about china, be very careful, quick, I can write back this. I want to show you a reminder of what happened to Hillary and now Hillary's laughing at us right now to a great day begins with a great night's sleep. I slept like a champ last night, you missing out of you not sleeping on a horse matters here twenty unique mattresses for big tall shore wide, even special ones, for kids defined the perfect fit healers rise of one hundred and eight in home sweet chop a matter. Sleeping position here, which is the answer. Memory from
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we're hilary. Oh I didn't. I didn't you. your boy. Jim call me you. You love right now, because you think he goes after trump when he really destroyed you're woman hilary. Just as bad as he destroyed job, because call me a moron Jim call me as a cancerous malignant rotten american society who managed to take down to political parties at the same time, because he's such a corrupt goon remember this eternal, put out a little piece this week about the destructive trump, a diamond. And he just put out reminded the journal about what Hillary Clinton did when she said Whatever you say, this Jim call me your ura, seven four tall god on the left. What he's a seven four tall pile of that's up or for you fbi directorate. call me said twenty. Sixteen that hilary and our colleagues were quote extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. Classified information really according to call me written thirteen? What you mean? Thirteen emails, you meet a hundred emails, you mean eleven point three, no one hundred and thirteen males according to call me a quota
information that was classified when it was and received on the private server eight were top secret but two thousand others were later up classified confidential. This was statement. Mr call me ended by, declaring mrs mrs Clinton free and clear since no reason we'll prosecutor would bring such a case. Well, just is clearly not a reasonable prosecutor because he brought essentially the same case against donald trump with the. proviso in caviar built in that trump. Could have actually declassify those documents why Hillary Clinton could not course hilary laughing at us she's, bringing her had backed the buttery males. Why? Because, ladies and gentlemen, China is watching us, we are turning the china, you get a female china's Turning into us, china, starting The world's largest surveillance state and potentially globally in stable force, it could lead to war a war three and potential nuclear works and we're playing right into in his game. By dividing,
population targeting against each other and arresting our political opponents, while taking care of people like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and others. What difference at this point? Does it make I dont know what difference it makes hills I dont know I mean vast. Clearly it doesn't make a difference if you meet this one condition, so anybody know what their condition is if you got to do tat, you ve got to do the rudder your day, you're, ok and that's why I got a better for you. It's a pleasure That's why we live in the freaking third world right now. That's why nobody takes the g o J, f b. I seriously that's why all these people out there like but like that goldberg neural, while hasn't the right considered, that trop may be guilty of all if the answer is Jonah ob, no, because no
we trust anything out of the d o J, f b. I. Why? Because everything we ve been told by the fbi I d o j about donald trump that involve they major level? Nine or ten scandal has turned out to be false, so I'm working on evidence, Jonah don't know what the hell you're working on hemingway resigned, foxes, weaker and described exactly this begins. better than this about it, doesn't matter nobody, each the fbi b. Deirdre. Have you considered the fact that could be guilty. No because what he believes. Anything any indictment, because nothing in the fine words or anything else use to target donald trump was legitimate past either. So I am, I want see it myself. I dont see myself trust these people anymore take a lesson. We grow bowing with the substance of the indictment which is he's accused, repeatedly holding back and hiding classified documents, but rather, acting the justice department. Well, that's me as the larger context. Here is so important I do think
People would have been willing to hear from the department of justice that they needed to indict their top political opponent and an here that in good faith, an experienced what we have for the last six years from this department of justice? We have a department of justice that had Hillary Clinton, who was never a president's and never will be a president mishandling classified information and they invented a new legal standard simply to let her go. We have all the paperwork. Disputes with president obama President Clinton. We had theft of documents from the national archives by a Clinton associate, and nothing has happened to those people. We had the right a gate collusion hoax in which the department of justice invented a conspiracy participated in a Democrat, invented conspiracy, theory to say that donald trump was a trader. This week we learned that Joe Biden was credibly accused by a very serious whistleblower of five million dollar bribery scheme and the f b. I worked to cover it up. So your are
We write that people are talking about the broader context, because that's the most important thing here. Nobody takes the department justice seriously so long as they fail to include exculpatory evidence and they participate in this kind of hoax over and over and over again, nobody takes the department of justice scratch that I'm going to add to a molly saying, although she said it fantastically no He takes the government seriously anymore, lie about everything. Don't go away, where folk summit a tie it entity ended the show how is tied into what china is doing. China's watching us they, nobody trusts their government about china think it right now we can evade taiwan, and fifty percent of america won't even believe it if its reported by the media are put out by the government. Don't laugh Nobody trusts the government I think that you are full story was about leslie. I've got great piece you gotta go to the newsletter budget.
Consultation is. I'm sorry. I want to see my gun pumping some because, as my we just go there, we don't spam your inbox the gay stone institute piece about the? U s out there its tied exactly to what molly just set out. What really, yes, nobody trusts anything coming out of the government anymore. No one you want I come out last week with the greatest revelation in human history. We aliens and alien spacecraft. These lawyers back in about ten minutes. Well happen: everybody yawned! That's what happened that's everybody yawned. You know why even please like Joe, whose really it's swell I recovered a government. I'll do my own research and jobs, but believe me, Joseph believer, no If you trust these people, opera was any indictment that they had pictures of boxes in a bathroom yeah. I don't care, I don't care. What do you mean you? Don't care
gotta, see what's inner, know myself, those can be happy since I trust nothing from these people and you should neither. I'll. Show you why, in a minute, do not by any ignore telling you they are full of big time stay with me, folks. I can't believe the dire headlines were face, inevitability about the whole, show That's why the smartest investment you can make right now with china threat. Everything going on is food. Secure. Don't mess around. I get it therapy sponsor the show, but I only sponsors I use and believe it you don't want to food disaster on your hands? supply lines, yo much traffic goes through that straight food forget everything else you want that shut down in china invasion wanna be struggling to buy food, You're gonna need emergency food. You know so the emergencies like to be any love, go today,
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my kind of know somethin. For that time I said it. I can't warning enough about my job, Are you gonna? Do yours. and whatever waste your time. You folks, trust, nothing coming out of the government. We opened up with three tenets of today show that china's watching what's going on right now, Chris, if the fbi or in on this trump distraction thing and don't get baited You some violent incidents down in at any these protests ale clearly waiting for a massive crack down. Just like china. Now. I know the d o J, f b. I ran on this folks. tip audience archives june issued judy. She reminded me about this coffee shop. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden aid, who is there is alleged to have been a part of Joe Biden taken these classified documents about ukraine that we're convened We stand in the pen Biden centre there
being run by binds former point man in ukraine, Michael carpenter, and our current secretary of state. member of the story about these classified documents pop quiz. Again, you remember what was a story manage find in this team, which has gone into a closet and depend Biden centre working year working what happened. So we're Joe. They found some classified doc They immediately turned over Joe Biden, such a good guy who told us, and what did I tell you back then I, it sounds like he's followed. Star says: that's like it. Oh so weird they found more just by accident the garage, but he says, don't worry, the garage is locked. He keeps a competitive europe, servants, all good member I told you I'd be the J, warlike kind of quiet thing. Why were they quiet? Because,
as new york post. Send newsletter tonight you if you like, to give it a red light. Kathy Chung, refutes classified documents, walked closet spin binds former assistant Cathy chunk contradicted. Why so? white ass claims are classified documents discovered. It binds diesel office. This passion of we're in a quote, locked closet, field the white house sought to quietly retrieve the papers, all really it so so where are they also said that Testimony reveal the previously unknown detail that then whitehouse council, in other words by the lawyer in the white house, sought to recover, arguments from the Biden office in may of twenty twenty two twenty twenty two. How is that gay we were told that they only found the records they november. Now Joe, you pay
be the longest. Surely all this also the smartest man on the shelves? So can you just kind of cuba seen here is no amber of twenty twenty two and binding said he found the document is that before, or there may of twenty twenty two. If you need a moment that people The chattel understand anyone in the chat want to help do have ember after aids, after dan after it's after after wow, so strayed, so smart that they said they found the documents in november, but that the wife, The council tried to get them in may the. can we say, didn't find until november? So he's trying get documents in may that nobody knows about our hasn't found here. so strange it's almost like they did know about them and didn't find them at all, because somebody told the fbi they were there.
Be the same guy who told them about the bribe, I don't know all I'm telling you is. The government is full. that's the gaiety star, trek friend I get rees go with this. This you guys don't know. You're kazanovitch spoke about the story about the euro, as you are following all this to key, says they probably Joe, you read the story to distorted space time around they actually did not november and may were actually in time, dilation or something compared together, you'll get doubtless and the johnny chuck, I guess you're right right, good boy, just at the lives roper yeah, that's got. It makes perfect sense, but a frigate morons idiots. Why do we The deal would stupid people at the shop at why Why do we have to deal with stupid? Left and left is a chad? Why will. We'll take it by the way on one down. No to this, though, there is one problem, trump is,
have with this case, and we should run away from its jeff Charles great guy red state, two damning paragraphs ala, dershowitz dishes on trumps indictment. The one days I have a headache where is it recording its keep in mind, it's an audio recording, that's important. It's not video, there's an audio recording. There were apparently tromp says showing some document so as president, I couldn't declassified, and now I can't you know this is still a secret. The question is, What is he waving around now? Now again, I trust enough. I want to be absolutely clear, I'm just trying to do so. Small responsible reporting and give you both sides. It is so where prepare unlike left this block out fax, all the time. This, would it be a headache for the defense. be pretty reasonable that it's good, say hey. He was just bragging out there. He didn't have this classified documents already had it didn't, show it to him and he's
to say he could have declared declassified document that he didn't and the document wasn't classmates It could be that I'm not saying it is, I'm saying it could be, but I'm barometer you both sides dirt which is wrong. That's Creators biggest hang up here, however, again I'll safer, the tenth time in this show. I trust AB the nothing coming the government and you should neither get I've been a rush. I gonna. Do you know, member exactly exam gotta you I gotta here but you're right, you're right. You know that the paper of bright jobless do this for you. I actually do that there myself believe nothing I gotta go. myself. I don't believe it. don't believe anything come out of the government in a sense, a theme that ain't showed that it folks we gotta move you know what let me get to my last sponsor, because I want to motor through this. I always appreciate their time. I appreciate your patience. They want to be here to talk to you, the soros money machine knows about to heat up I just want to say in advance criticism of this segment george soros coming for me fellows
degrees anti christian. It is. It can be established. Fact, media rules, your rules, media people, respect it respect my pronouns to respect my pronouns, ok respect my prone sounds and respected. You said any criticisms of people, if you don't politics, religions, farragut, I'm a christian, I'm criticized george soros funding political issues. I don't like it criticism of me from point forward is anti christian. I just wanted a record so Yes, plc, southern poverty, Lhasa medic, use you being a hate group. If you criticised me about this, I just drove out the flag. It right now are. So I got more on this common up. So you folks, fathers days come up, not a better father statements. States still. Did you get that purpose? the age and also tender stakes united, is given in the best me of his life, but the chairs, the grill em up, make it a special moment, rap for a limited time, when you got almost states that come in you enter code by gino into the search bar, you
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thanks that come key word by gino. Get them stakes get them. They sent up the just. What's that shown very she's in a job, my man, he s a funny one this week and sean fairish. If you follow him on social media, is podcast show It's got a really funny cnn, breaking news story, Donald trump then you might want to check that I go to a twitter feed. You could see it as our sean. I know we don't do links and a chat, but tell everyone where they can find you on twitter is really fun it that he and breaking think about showing found out. In t n what happened with the eye? Ninety five collapse. I didn't know this was part of it. I know, but on the greatest trump impersonator author. He knows so. You may want to check out my man. I the service money, machines, heat up and you better start getting concerned about it. soros is money has been a big deal. He puts it into it.
Of causes that have caused the structure in the streets of destruction of our country and, of course, the left. You know why misdirection. Then I want you talkin about soros, which makes us do what fell on the show, and they tell us that the document, what do we do tat we talk about it now we talk, It's why I went there once just to stick it to you at another time to give you the double bow. So whenever you tell us not to talk about it, we're going to talk about it twice so Here's was going on. This was a big breaking news story in the wall street journal this week. It folks stir source money machines, gonna get hot, his son taken over right now, you guys got the headliner you're going to need that red stay one of me. What would he do there? He uk geese like busy plants wars on its border. With these guys have one job you just you literally have one job, just the point that they have I don't know what he's doing over there. What does he do? she doing back there. You ever see their welfare. A line from in question where she doing, but I don't know what he's doing back. There is like cinder play,
star wars games are as follows: blow me was regional george soros hands. Control was thirty, seven year old son, who knows I'm more political were really. How do you get bored political? His dad literally, not figuratively. One of the large donors do not just left is for radical this causes anywhere in them, cosmos and the sun I would you know, we think alike, the service, said while the boy, seeing some different causes voting abortion rights, gender equity. All left this buzz terms, interesting turn it over Kid who says he's even more political than that that are there Any criticism of this is the question I I urge you to know that on the record you been worn seller.
Already lost centre. My come for you now, What does all this mean for you not of its good? sir us money machine is conveniently heating up right before the election. And here is an author, a mine and my publishing company. colombo, is also the editor about gino report, more bonci report, my gear. Matt wrote an amazing book. called the man behind the curtain. He was on Fox we can talk about what this means. And how george soros bet with common harris is ethical appears at the end, piano that matt yeah. Does the David asthma cooperate. He may I want you to pay very close attention to what is sorry. I this occasion was taken That's on here, expert man behind a cordon wrote the definitive book about george soros, pay very its attention to what he says the end here How soros his son met? We kamel iris right as its money machines about to open up. but conveniently
I wasn't on the schedule so much like you're trying to hide something, The work was alexander sorrows key and a night last name, the son of liberal billionaire george soros met with vice president canada. Harris earlier this week senator marcia blackburn reacted to the meeting saying quoted laughable that the left wants you to believe that the source family has no influence in politics, now colombo? Author of man behind the curtain joy- me now. So how deep merit is the soros influence in the democratic party? We argue that he has more influence in the Biden administration. really than any other administration? And you know the area by the way when you say he, your firm, both to george and his son, be bold joys and the sign- and I will say it's fascinating with george- that his whole life in the media has gone along with this. Has criticism of him at his network and then really suggesting that there is anything negative going on into a computer.
The theory is on Alex is now sworder. It looks I really taking over the empire and he is doing it out in the open there. Is you really can't cooler conspiracy unless you're the mainstream media trying to cover this and with vp harris you, notably that media was missing from our public schedule that day? Oh, it's you say, that's fascinating missing from the public schedule as if it wasn't an official meeting almost like it was a non official meeting about official visual stuff, Sorrows money machine yet ready joe, is in election seasons or presidential thing coming to an end. Sometimes in czech eddie, just any shore, justin says he heard a little something but he's not sure. Strange how soros and the money machine always there pop and back in the new cycle, and yet the Democrats, from a glass anti semitic. When you talk about a liberal, beginning for liberalization so strange how it always happens. The pop up right around the election. Now, if you want the
to definitive books on what soros is up to you. Okay, the man behind occur his maths he'll be Matt Palumbo book. He'll be on my show later, but my Follow the money folks again ran from the library I don't care. I try subvert the book a long time ago. I promise you that sets about the dough in a book follow the money the opening chapters called insane in ukraine gentlemen. You can read all about with george soros did to interfere in the election last election and the election before that, one of the the chapters insane in ukraine? How soros is involved in everyday ukraine. tough going on and the fbi. How is open societies? Foundations involve, but what things you may have forgotten? Is it the places sources group donated through this is from the book followed my nieces right chapter, one there's three, sections on soros in chapter one alone, only seventeen soros gave one million for the demand see: integrity, project, a group, that by Dan jones to do
investigate interference in western elections by hostile foreign powers jones. we're fbi, analysed and staffer for thy Feinstein wrangled over wrangled seven million in revenue for his non profit. I soros scheme a lot of money, these guys is group it so strange. He says I wrote a book. He said: I get someone else. Let's reverse engineer this jones. It turns out, didn't just higher the firm they kicked off. The entire spiky fiasco. Fusion, gps hired itself here is good. simpson describing in the third person. How did them creasy integrity project was born after simpson reached out today and jones, and I go into the whole thing George Soros is money in the open societies. Foundation were involved, the guys who started the whole collusion oaks. Their enjoyed. Yes, sir. Yes, sir John laid out there in a book. What about the whole ukraine big trouble?
George soros had business interests in ukraine and his group the open societies foundation where funding and other group called aunt they see. and sources group Andy see, was being used to go after some services. Business rival show strange, isn't it. rex server and about twenty Sixteen, as a presidential election heated up, you can in the prosecutor general's office began investigation at the aunt ac, which Heavily funded by sorrows, the possible misuse of millions of funds and at an inquiry set to the? U S, ambassador Jeff reply. It george can't ashore J, and this diplomat its diplomatic speak for the second in command. They responded. The deputy prosecutor, general yuri stoli, are choked with a jew page letter said. The united states had no concerns about the use of our assistance funds. A note We ve accounted for every single foreign assistance. Thou was spent on projects in ukraine. Pinta the latter. However, can't we go back
can't then pressured story archer about a daisy are we did Investigation that the air they see based on the assistance they receive from us is similarly misplaced, can't wrote less than a week after shokhin was removed from office. At the time the letter arrived with, avoid ukraine top legal officers, no replacement of a name can't was obviously applying pressure to the agency over sources pet projects. So just to be clear, the sharp j one of the big shots in our ukrainian embassy or comes back to ukraine. Folks, it's why the chapters called insane and ukraine georgia can't wrote a letter that he had no concerns about this group. Soros was funding anti see after that, secure. They all want it out that was looking into Biden got fired,
the prosecutor, all the a sudden, a letter shows up: oh yeah, what the? U s? Embassy, has no concerns with that george soros group change right in our followed phrase. Crap, I focus all tied together. Now. Do you see why the bite administration so fascinated by keeping all the ukrainians happy all the time because their covering up Breathing soros the fbi, Biden and all of these big money folks were doing over there. I'm not telling you put in some good guy. That's a separate argument alternate I'm telling you right now, you're, not here in the whole story about ukraine that was a piggy bank biden was are the piggy bank? This group gum was being locked into aunt. They see by ukrainian prosecutors, the ukrainian ceuta got fired and all of a sudden.
I bet she says. Oh after the prosecutor got fired, they sent a letter to the new prosecutor gone. We have no concerns with services group anymore, weird, isn't it alright? Folks, you cannot trust anything coming out of the government anything. Is this story in the daily mail crash, you have all recovered by military, distorted space and time ac, which I was going with, leaving an investigator nauseous disoriented. Guy He got this crash spacecraft and it was just one. They got in. There was big as a football field, a freak them out made her feel nauseous It was the size of a football stadium, but the out I was only about thirty feet in diameter. He, said space was not the only warped dimension around the craft, staggered back out and physicist Joe theorize that the propulsion could theoretically involved bring space time around
It's the gate, the effects of gravity only stories coming out, but you are foes warping space time, science, the other now gives a good question that they find the binding hits and then maybe they found the hillary Clinton blackberries than their gratitude, distorting space that gate stone. You gotta read this peace by j be sure it is really really good. Can I go to the whole thing is called lies them lies in new efforts, the site the truth hidden among decades of propaganda. He said listen man, this guy J b as the same questions, I'm asking for you telling me that did we alien life and alien craft, and no one found out about it so now and now that all of this corruption, starting to come out, we're just suppose ignore that and pay attention to the? U f, o store. He goes hey. This is a lot to take in governments denied this for decades and suddenly an avalanche of you, a p disclosed
their word, for you have. How would it the public all at once. Something very critical, your folks whistleblowers Talents people say It is members of congress all speaking up, seemingly at the same time after decades of amid disavowal. in another year, a nolan interview. That's the guided said that all the stuff went down there. A popular thought, veto investment form would have been sufficient to capture the nations attention hey with cut you have always taken too. There were two provocative esa is the detailing these accounts. The revelations of the last few weeks should have been enough to eclipse every other news story in the world, but they did. They are the only two possible conclusions here. This guy J B, shirt, nails and read this peace engaged on its really long, but it's worth your time, bungie
The council has newsletter right there. He says, given the obvious coordination of the? U s p disclosures the last few weeks. There are only two scenarios plus folks who could be real I'm not immune to the fact that this could be real. It could be real and they could have released it now, along with All these, professionals and scientists in government people vouch for the story as sickly away, to put it out there, so the public doesn't pay. at a time, national distress distress when nobody trusts that government did you get? kind of quadruple triple reversed psychology going on area that nobody trust the government? They don't want patent They denied it forever, but their figure- and I know what trust us anyway. So we might as well put the u s whole story out there. Now He notes that these people are working together behind the scenes.
Deliver enough corroborate information to the public to pierce in your century of state imposed secrecy. So it's you, true or it's a huge, this information campaign, but it's true and it being released. Now, if number one is accurate, There's nobody trusts the government anyway. If you are trying to avoid panic by not telling people that the truth, you might as well release it now. We know when it believes thou masses anyway. Folks, thanks again for tuna spicy shown a lot going on in the new cycles is coming you, fasted furious. I I'm again to the cereal dishonesty stuff tomorrow, there's something going on a cuba with china to I can get to it today run out of time, but I guess what its mars podcast there's a lot common on. The chinese communist party is watching, do not, baited, don't trust anything come in from the government. Do not talk to these people. They are not trustworthy, they're, not trustworthy. Please take my word for prepared today Norma.
Around makes for doing in joyous, live chat, everyday rumbled, I'm slash punch, you know the show goes live at eleven. The live chat sites. The ten e g than ordinary cause and all kinds of trouble rumble. Dotcom, slash, mancino, always click that follow, but we really appreciate its free follow. An apple in spotify as well helps us alike keeping us on a charge. We really appreciate outside the people find it I'll see you back here. tomorrow. You just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.