« The Dan Bongino Show

There's An Ongoing Psy-Op Against You (Ep 1728)

2022-03-18 | 🔗

The government, members of the intelligence community, and media hacks are ALL running a massive psy-op against us. In this episode I address the massive scandal. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about America on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host Dan Ben JE. No, let me just get right to it right out of a shoot today. This has always always been about Ukraine. Well, what's been amazing, spygate russian collusion the Russian the Russian DIS information false this information campaign about hunters laptop, it is always always been about. Ukraine is going to be action coming up about this at the end of the show, but I'm going to put it out at the beginning, and I'm going to put, at the end, don't ever forget the very same people tied to you, I, who pushed the black ledger story, which was suppose the tie, the Trump Organization and Paul Manafort to illegal payments from russian stooges in Ukraine. Those same people. we're tied to the same whistleblower who
Allegations got trump impeached and near pushed out of office. Why those allegations. Why did they want Trump pushed out of office because he was looking at Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, corruption in Ukraine? This whole thing is bit about Ukraine. The whole time don't ever forget that this whole thing. I'll, explain more as the show goes on today, patient the based briskly thousands of my savvy listeners are protecting their online activity with a vpn it can t today go to express VP and Thou com, slash punch, you know it's a great product. I got a really stacked show for you today. Welcome too damned Bonci no show, let's get to it. when I get to all of this in life the new laptop story now confirmed by media, people after we confirmed it two years ago, starting to realize Joe Biden's in real trouble with him in his sons ties to Ukraine and elsewhere. It's always been about Ukraine.
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Alright right you for your good to be repealed, three weeks it is like a bad, but about the, but about twenty one seen round. There are three ways, so let me say to you again: Why this recent revelation that there's laptop was real. I say recent revelation in a comical fashion because we knew two years ago why this is such a. huge story. Hunter was working in Ukraine. His dad knew about his dad was the point man in Ukraine for the bide now they'll bomb administration, that corruption is back breaking there is no way Joe Biden would have won the last election. If the media didn't conspire to make that story, the? U in Biden story and the laptop go away. There is no way they rigged the election.
through their censorship of this story. There is no longer any doubt about that. It's not open for debate. It's a fact. Look at that polling data, people would have voted differently and don't ever forget, it's in I wrote this two years, it's so frustrating two years ago my boys, book, follow the money. There's a chapter called insane in Ukraine. I wrote it two years ago, the same people. This is why the story was so damaging to Hunter Joe and Ukraine in the laptop had to be hidden. This say people who invented the Russia hoax. You, the ledger from Ukraine to tie Trump to campaign manager Manafort at the tie them to Russia, the ledge supposed to contain payments from Russia was fake, the ledge fake the same people who made up the ledger and Past after the White House and others were the same people connected to the whistle blower who tried to get trump in peace, wench
Started asking questions about the Ukraine scandal. We hammered that story, we have gas. Did we hammer this story? Hammer and now all of a sudden New York Times is like K, at their mojito made up, be crazy. Well, they didn't cite me by name, but now they might have to start admitting that we've been doing journalism the whole time, but you sit on your ass doing nothing. Change the entire election process We the course of what's going on right now would add too back in the White House. They rigged the whole thing. Folks, left. Now, it's time by the way for new rules, I was were a believer in boycotts, factor that out the window. Folks, it is time to boycott any company, any company that supports vocally and actively any of the people involved. In this this information campaign New York Times, all of them they're all
involve Natasha Bertrand, KEN Laney and CNN Msnbc. They of all. involve ongoing. This information came: don't campaign against Americans, don't ever forget the exclusive home exclusive home of this information, and misinformation is the, again left in the media, Exclusive home exclusive they own it never ever ever trust these people again after what they did with it Hunter Biden Laptop Story ever they should never ever be allowed to appear in public again and be taken seriously ever ever. Glenn Greenwald was an actual journalist covered this in his sub stack. The danger of What they did lying about the Hunter Biden Laptop calling it russian disinformation for two years knowingly lying this is my newsletter today. Read it: it's really good Greenwald
New York Times now admits the Biden Laptop, falsely called russian disinformation is authentic. He talks about this ongoing psyop being conducted against you? There are psychological, this information psi being conducted against you, that's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact You were knowingly lied to a psyop to get you the vote differently in an election. Here's how they did it. describes the sign up right here green while he says that this information campaign against this laptop reporting astonishment was led by the CIA, is all but official support. Partial Natasha. Bertrand, then of political Now we see you, then article on October nineteenth two thousand and twenty appeared under this headline hundred The story is russian. This information, dozens of former intelligence, say, here's the hilarious part about Natasha Bertrand, a discredited hack issue should be I heard immediately immediately
for promoting one of the biggest sign up this information campaigns. This woman could have help change that of american history for the worse because she tried to speak she by successfully rigged in election. The Hunter Biden story is this information headline is wrong: the into Officials didn't even say that they repeated through the day. Information campaign by putting their names on it, but they didn't say what they said it had the hallmarks. give themselves cover these the filth who put their name on this, but the headline was All everyone needed to keep the sign up goings. All they needed is always bout. Ukraine in hiding one hundred did over there, the laptop with devastating here's how the media then ran with it after Natasha Bertrand, CIA Stenographer Its than Agatha put this headline out that out of bed map stories russian. This information here as the this,
grace disgraced, alleged journalists disgrace. Journalists when Donald Trump brings up to where the fact that this laptop Israel here's what Lee Stall, trying desperately to keep them. Psyop going and run interference for the last subs. A laptop story check this out. I think it's one of the biggest scandals I've ever seen and you don't go. you wanna talk about because it can be very significant time. Of course, I can be verified, cheating They found Leslie, listen what can be Leslie what you said that even the family hasn't, the shambles on the latter. He's gone into, hiding Day, she's gonna die parents for your own sake. In five days to verify down. Leslie Stall is a pathetic disgraced human being who should again shit. I'm not should resign immediately immediately.
for her role in an ongoing psyop, this information campaign, Ladies and gentlemen, you couldn't verify it. We have the receipt. It's right here: Signed by Hunter Biden with, Biden's phone number picture of Hunter Biden with his address on it. We blanked out here. you couldn't verify it Are you serious you buffoon of It wasn't just Lesley Stahl, ongoing sign up, was everywhere meat the folks, never ever ever trust these buffoons again. if you had some small semblance of hope that people. When they're going to tell the truth, they are thing, don't ever listen to he's buffoons again. Here's a many super cod here of other media figures playing along with the Hunter Biden Laptop, is russian this information when they knew they knew it was true check this out. This looks like your car,
sick, decent formation campaign. Erika Neil is a former FBI operative, very steely information with a cyber attack get the emu. From Hunter violence account and then, put them on these laptops that are left at a repair store, and that's information is now laundered into the public. To do you think behind this while the Russians would be my number one gas social media outlets were quick to limit the spread of the story. Twitter briefly, spending, the accounts of the Trump campaign and White House Press secretary after I tried to share it. Twitter and Facebook have limited the distribution of that Hunter Biden story and last night Twitter appeared to suspend the twitter account of the White House Press Secretary Katie Mcinerney, when she tried to share that story. Damn You know a story is shady when Facebook is saying whoa, whoa, whoa,
I mean people shouldn't see this for a long time, Giuliani has been openly working to dig up dirt and promote disinformation on the Biden's, and now the Washington Post is also reporting that the entitled community was so concerned that the Russians were using Giuliani to feed russian disinformation to the president that they warned White house about it last year were being told by two People who have been briefed on what the FBI is doing is that they're, looking into whether these unverified emails about Hunter Biden published by the New York Post about four business dealings are part of the bigger right and disinformation effort, which is well underway in these, the days of the twenty twenty race, this assembly, verbal on board. capable why these people still have jobs. You are you are the unwitting laboratory, subject in an ongoing sire being conducted by the media and left this socialist
tell a goons against you right now and that's a fact now, provable fact. Here's more! it wasn't just Natasha Bertrand that disgraced human being added, scrape journals, but the school human being, who may have all in the course of american history, her journalist, people like Glenda KEN Delaney and fate news specialist stenographer for deep staters and Intel people right who uncritically wrote a ridiculous story. He brought up a good point. The pee pee tape and the dossier never had a shred of truth. Yet they ran with that. There was no way to verify the pp tape hopes because there wasn't a it was fake. They ran with that, yet the laptop. Signed for by Hunter Biden with his own signature with his phone number and address there was no way to verify that and you take these. people seriously. If you do- and you are left this tuna right- I really don't want you here at all.
I really you dumb down the collective iq. My audience get out of here. Only for intelligent people and you're, not one of them, here's the dog tool bag. Can the lady with somebody just dopey, Katy Tour, MSNBC again spreading the sire Beth that the laptop which would have oaken open the Ukraine scandal a while ago. It's just Russian, this information you shouldn't pay in any my check this out past story that drop like mom last week, seemingly implicating Hunter and Joe Biden continues to wither under scrutiny, not really dropping like a bomb murders of these Emil's Texan videos that were supposedly left on a laptop in Delaware, a really fishing story, whether that was actually the product of a foreign intelligence operation and obviously Russia would be the chief suspect there
there are so many questions about the provenance of this material. A lot of it does look legitimate. There are pictures of Hunter Biden, there are videos or emails, but we have no idea and neither does the New York Post, whether any of it was done third or forged or faked, and that's why the mainstream news media has declined to really touch this story because it just lack credibility. I mean really. This is borderline. How this is supposed of the clown time? this same colossal de canoe. If you know what I mean, who report endlessly on fake russian collusion, based on a pee pee tape dossier, not a human being on planet earth to verify cuz. It was made up. is claiming that a laptop sign war by Hunter Biden, delivered by Hunter Biden, cannot be verified. you disguise still as a job. How does this guy look at his kids, I'm not kidding. How do you your kids, in the face my gun?
I would be horrified. If I was this guy Parents are kids to be related or to have spawn this utter buffoon? Here's facebook jumping in Ex here's Andy Stone Democrat Hack at Facebook, who was sure on October, Fourteenth right before the election to crush the Hunter Biden, laptop story to to make sure that it didn't I didn't get out there and you didn't voter the right way. If you know what I mean Andy Stone. Oh, I won't not intentionally linked to the New York Post. That's the story in the post ought to be clear: Toys eligible to be fact checked by fix, but by fake books. Third party fact checking partners Ethic book In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform. I threw Facebook in courtyard Where were the fact checkers when you need who could have just put out there very simple fact that it was signed, or by Hunter binding and the method data indicated it was Hunter Biden and.
one from the Biden team ever denied the authenticity of the hunter by name where, where was that Andy Clown clown clown? clown site Facebook clown side, both It's an ongoing siop here. So what does it all mean about the twenty twenty election, while the second part of our Glenn Green Sub stack He has a piece about what exactly this means. I'm not going to read this whole thing, but it's interesting. I want you to read the sub stack about what this psyop as for what happened. He says what this means is that in the crucial days leading up to the two thousand and twenty election most of the corporate media spread an absolute lie. about the post reporting in order to miss the lead, manipulate the american Electorate bingo. It means big tac along with twitter. the story based on a lie from the court intelligence community. It means that facebooks
this from its Dnc operative that it with suppressed discussion of the reporting in order to conduct a fact check was a fraud. Because if it was honest, one would have been conducted and it would have proven that Facebook Censorship decree was based on a Y It means that millions of Americans were denied the ability to hear about reporting on the candidate and instead work. Ejected to a barrage of lies about its provenance. Russia did it. You know, as I said, folks, either come, and much of the show is already is our is beyond our age. None of these people should be given a platform in public again, the again They have been that I would be embarrassed if I were their parents to have spawn such a clause of losers, who changed the course of american history. Potentially human history, rigging an election to get their discredited the bunk senile candidate in office and look at
happened as a result now, coarsening give people the ability, silence, They have to decide for you, they're, the smart ones. Re couldn't verify. at top, signed over by Hunter Biden. You can do that. Here's, my buddy. Techno fog and his sub stack bring it up. Another great point about this: Saya being inducted by intelligence. People against you. He says this was just another information campaign by the intelligence community instituted for the purpose of influencing the two thousand and twenty election you're darn right, it is, how community manipulating public opinion through the press to remove President Trump today franchises voters, athwart present President Trump's agenda to keep us in pianist, Stan and keep us at odds with Russia is infamous a September third, two thousand and twenty article member this one in the Atlantic Trump american soldiers that american soldiers losers, fake, fake news, the author Goldberg,
Cited anonymous sources who told him the Trump lied when blaming the rain for a cancelled visit to that remember these cemetery in Paris in twenty eighty, that story Do you know how I know it's fake I know some of the agents involved in that trip. Folks, I add some good sources, not specifically from that trip, but others that story was fake too. remember that President Trump did want to go visit the cemetery in France, because the ride was too long, and that was fate yeah. That was a fake story. It was raining the only safe way to do it was via Hilo left and there wasn't enough of the ceiling to do the Hilo left, but it's the better to say he didn't want to visit the cemetery because he thought the soldiers were losers, yet keep it up. Alright, I got more here: cooling, Jen Psaki, who is extremely comfortable, calling the russian laptop or the shoes she's media, the laptop The russian disinformation from Hunter Biden went way.
cheap she was tweeting about him. She was talking about it, but now she was so strangely quiet yesterday and and the crickets from heck, I'm not going to answer that and a weirder peppermint strange, alright. Take a break here today show awesome where to buy chair from the first moment I sat down. My extra that, like this is an awesome check, is what is supposed to feel like I've the to sit in officer who does until I got the extra gym. It's telling me story, Jim as an Ex chair ride producer driven the radio show he got into office early yesterday turned on the heating and massage feature in the back, as he was feeling a little rough because of the whole daylight savings thing. The street the x share can do that. It has Ella, a massage in temperature regulation technology. You want to heat up your back, but he Fiji one well the is it's really hot, put on a cooling for one massage in the lower back put on the massage features, and this Dvr data variable lumbar support, you'll, never be happy in another chair again, Porsche lower back nicely high performance, great engineering and extreme comfort,
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yesterday and she's asked the question. Now that we are, the left is claiming they know. The hunter laptop is real, even though same people, people knew two years ago or roughly years years ago it was real Saki dark ducking the question check this out you're also onto by his laptop you also October, twenty twenty dismissed it as russian. Just information. Do you stand by that assessment? Again? I pointed the Department of Justice and Hunter Biden's representatives, I'm a spokesperson for the United States. He doesn't work for the United States. Go ahead, that stranger spokesperson for the United States, but We were asked about the laptop before you were quick to promote lies this information disgusting filthy, lies about it being russian disinformation because you want to cover Your boss job. seen senile old man whose son was corrupt in Ukraine. He was the new crane, they were all cashing in on Ukraine. They were all getting a peace as craniums were involved in setting up Trump for russian collusion thing in and impeaching him for asking questions about it. Here's giants
hockey back in September. She wasn't the no crickets crickets here she was easy to talk when she was eager to talk about. Excuse me check this out He said, and you have treated the allegations of wrong doing based on files from Hunter vines, laptop or russian. This information there is a new book by political report that find some of the files on there are genuine. Is the White House still going with Russian? This information is broadly known and widely known, Peter that there is a broad range of russian disinformation back and twenty twenty, so I want to talk about it yesterday. He was eager to level that charge from the Brady Press room when given the opportunity before the Even the New York Times had to admit now by the again I'll say for the second time Why is the New York Times now, two years, two years to almost two years too late? a lodging. What we already knew that the hunter laptop Israel sound because it
did you journalism. These people are felt they are filth. It's one of Turin. It's either Hunter Biden is about to get indicted were about to get charge me a complaint or something else, or they knew Joe Biden out of office, that's the only reason they jump. Please don't tell me This ain't, you do with the benevolence of journalists, are trying to do the right thing. These people a disgusting, their liars, they ve always been liars, they re election and now they feel like ass. We gotta do something now because we may get the city it again, by here's NPR your tax dollars paid for this, of course, is tearing SAM Samuel Samuels. Another disgraced human being should be in bed. That should be embarrassed to even have a job he's empires managing editor for news talking about hundred I'd start. He says we don't want to waste their time on stories and are not really stories. And we don't want to waste the listeners readers time stories that are just pure distractions, your taxpayers dollars pay for this folks,
here's. The rotting bag of Cheetos Jonah Goldberg claims to be a republican he's, really a big embarrassment. The benefit to I was it Frito lay they make Cheetos to stockholders. Here's Jonah Goldberg on it we're seventeen twenty twenty wait, you believe, The computer repair shop story like it value You know Jonah when I is Jonah right, their best salesmen for Tito's you ever going to see her yeah, Joan, apparently was incapable of understanding. There was a receipt signed for by Hunter Biden hundred Biden's phone number. One hundred bytes address with Meta Data that married up to one hundred Biden with pictures of Hunter Biden on the computer, so yeah, there's Jonah alleged the Republican here's the last piece of video, on this again. Hashtag Donald Trump was right with Donald Trump called out corrupt senile Joe Biden.
about his role in the collusion hoax, his family's role in Ukraine and Ukrainians role, and trying to set trumped up with the collusion hopes through the fake black ledger from Ukraine. Trump knew about all that asked about it. So we asked Joe Biden about it during the debate. Joe Biden went right back to the Joe Biden. One right back to the Russian. This information hoax, discredited, hoax and, of course, the moderator was more than happy to. Let him do that check this out and about Russia, Ukraine, China, other countries. If this is true, then he's a corrupt politician, so dont give the stuff about how you're this innocent baby Joe, they call you a corrupt politicians. Nobody, I want to say, on the issue of race, we're talking about. Let us up from ill President drawn our budget going about race right now and I do want to stay on the issue of race. Presidential doesn't respond to that pleases. Vereker fifty former national I was just folks who shared that what
she's, accusing me of is a russian plant. They have said that this is has all the care for five former heads of the CIA. Both parties say what he saying is a bunch of garbage. No we believe that, except of his, good friend, brutal Johnny, you mean the laptop is now another Russia, Russia, Russia, hope. So you that exactly why this is actually what is is aware. He's going. The up is Russia. I want to say on the issue of right, you be kidding here. We go again with Russia. Work I get you on the issue of race, said disgraceful by the way. Rudy Gianni. I never I was worked in New York. I know a room Giuliani, I don't know a Rudy jihadi. Joe Biden must know something about a trump associate that I know, but by the way I'll say again, and I don't care how you get it rented, you know rented LA get it from the light I take it out of the library, borrow it from a friend
interested in anybody's money, I'm my plugging anything for any other reason. This entire Ukraine story, George Soros the whistle blower an tack. This entire a group that was involved in this scheme to set up Trump or the exact same people on tv right now, some of them calling for aid Ukraine, who are the same people involved in the collusion ocean with the same people involved in the impeachment, owes its in the book absent. Current situation in Ukraine, a book follow the money by me. I wrote it two years ago. This evidence has been out there the whole time. It is deeply sourced the chapter you don't have to read the whole the chapters called insane in Ukraine. Just read one chapter. I promise you it's an eye opener. I promise you
I care how you get it. One last note on this: what do we do going forward? Folks, anyone running for office in twenty twenty four Donald Trump RON De Santis, whoever it may be Tom cotton? I dunno who's, running TED Cruz. I have no idea, I don't have any inside info. They have all has to have the pledge to a house cleaning, and I mean a house cleaning. Anyone who remotely touch this thing for internal law enforcement, federal bureaucracy and the disease swamp, does Ukraine hoaxes these spy gate and the Russian there actual russian collusion hoax and the spygate scandal needs to go needs to go a total house cleansing view can place. If you can't pledged that we will never win another election after how they rigged the last one through this psyop they conducted, and we now know for a fact. Alright, let me get to my next sponsor this. I get a ton of fee. I get a lot of feedback responses, but this, as I get a lot of, I target
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check it out. Okay, I'm moving on. I just want to give you a quick update on the ongoing tragedy. Vladimir Putin is a continuing terror attack against Ukraine. Read some stories at a marriage hall last night that are just horrifying woman who was apparently was was a hit with some kind of a shrapnel from off exploiting bomb in? No, you know, cried out pain or minded was begging. Someone a poisoner, so she die Red Cross eventually gets into the hospital. I don't she's doing now, but the stories item our apologists incredible. folks, but Vladimir Putin. If there is one little positive glimmer of hope from this, is that this has not been going as he planned the daily mail's reporting, and we again we gotta be careful. I am not suggesting there isn't propaganda on both sides and we always have to be cautious with our involvement here made the mistake in the past, of rushing into things based on incomplete
information, but the daily mail's reporting and have seen elsewhere that a lot of these russian soldiers are really getting upset about what they're being forced to do. Some of them been complaining about quote: terror acts as the daily I reporting say we don't want to do this. Says russian soldiers, worn Putin will rise against you after they were to carry out terror attacks. Some of them apparently are shooting themselves in the leg, so they have to go into combat how widespread is that I'm not sure very careful with these stories but I've seen him in enough places to believe that there is a element of truth in it. So in the sum of their most elite soldiers in their generals are getting white doubt they ve lost four generals for right That is unheard of on a battlefield. They've lost more p even to low end estimates, the Russians and we lost in the entire time and some of our Middle EAST wars.
reporting that their legendary paratrooper unit was obliterated by Ukrainians as their army crumbled. There was supposed to be a takeover of an airport north of Kiev by these elite Paratroopers didn't work out; they never got out of their the once it landed died at once. It was supposed to land, didn't land and turned around also another an interesting story broke yesterday about Sergei Lavrov, who is in the Russian for foreign Propaganda Minister apparently was headed on a plane to China. Was turned around halfway: there, don't laugh that story or folks as a pretty strong chance at the chinese government. The Chinese Communist Party, specific region, paying, are starting to have serious second thoughts about backing the losing horse in this race. If this thing starts to turn worse. With the plane. Yankees curious to a lot of people are is, but wasn't it wasn't a mechanical
the russian ministers Plane was turned around and told go back home and she interesting that went to China's propaganda ministers wrote a piece I think it was in the washed imposed. Dogma a valuable their relationship with Ukraine in the European Union is. The drama that out there for We're throwing that out there to embarrass themselves or their starting to realize is that Putin's in real trouble? It's why? facts and data. Putting those data together. I believe there are elements of that daily mail and sun story that are likely true, probably not all of it. Some of maybe propaganda. But there are elements of that are unquestionably true GG. Paying knows he's in real trouble. reading is right. Folks, on my show, tomorrow, unfiltered on Fox, I've got a job. Insane lineup of gas. I don't want you to miss really good. We get the show loaded up nine p m, tomorrow we got one our favorite gas blew it up last time, Navy Seal Tom
strabo this area, and I he is an emerging from former Communist Poland. Before a dead became, country who know about Communism Communism's a Navy seal, hear stories? Amazing people of them. Last I'm he's back. He was overseas, going to give us an update on Ukraine. I've got Dr Marty Makary on this blood. Clot story. Is this tied to the vaccine, all these kids getting blood clots? Now, when I asked him, But I want a medical opinion, not a guess. I got Charlie work on the mass migration of surge expected at the border, Jerry Boys. To General Jerry Boykin, one of the founders of Delta force about Ukraine loaded show on filtered set your dvr tomorrow at nine stoked about it. Okay turn the temperature down a little bit. I got questions for Dan coming up great questions this week, two I'm really fallen in love with sky NEWS that a hit from sky news yesterday over in here Sky news striking again Sky NEWS times. This is how this is what they think of us overseas by the way and and
Pelosi, a c and others and Biden have ever earned every bit of their enmity here, Sky NEWS: shredding Nancy we'll see in another epic segment check this out play some bird and privilege I think I think most of you are getting privilege scrub because privilege struggles, deadly to a bill bertel is important. Is you have to take it out, but privilege violation can take you out This just hidden naughty Daisy, America ethereum the people it ends up with Joe Biden Kamala Harris. Pelosi, one two three and the leadership explained this
oh my god. Oh no, I mean with so many people of those are the best three. They can come up with a Larry's thing Andrew and look what they said about the previous administration. They said the trump was horrible and then he was crazy. Then he was racist and that he was a terrible leader and he said all of these awful things and they pedal just to complete fake news and fake stories about it. They promised that they would do better and say would be the adults in the room, and everything would be just normal and lovely when they got into power, and now they ve got into power and rather than improving on tromp. You ve got a president who is completely off with the pixies the vice president, who the very best thing about it is that she can do a bad french accent and, given that clip of Nancy Pelosi, you have a speaker of the house. What patently doesn't know off from her Martha, like this
we need a detailed, the temperature dad S, guidelines and you're, not really really dog loyal audience here in America we love you guys. Fighters around the world, we love. You guys They got a yo, see next by the way, after she's shout it out this absolute absurdity yesterday, claiming somehow that oil and gas production are tied to I think, she's seen too many episodes of like what crazy mysteries theories that bad movie like the snow man or something like that. Here's a see coming disappearance of indigenous people, is those oil and gas companies as though they may be doing. There is definitely a correlation. Their huge like this ever crisis is missing and saddened and murder, indigenous and black women in the United States. Today I want to discuss part of this crisis that is all too often overlooked, but whose, and shows that there's a very meaningful connection here, the correlation between both of you.
extract insides an objection and murders of indigenous women across the United States, Holy Moses in you wonder why sky news keeps doing segments on american politicians my gosh, I love bartenders, I'm man PETE from Glenn Patrick's. He was a great guy super smart but all bartenders should put together a statement like those Intel officials did about the Hunter Biden Laptop and disavow this tier one level moron she really me she era tears of morons. She is clearly at the top of the Morada, a moron Paul right there, alright movie guy, I don't wanna waste a lot of time on her. It's just that saw that yesterday, stout desperate, they are, Fossil fuels are killing the people disappearing. This is what they do. big trouble in twenty twenty two. Form is trouble on the energy issue. People are getting buried.
As pump. You see it just go to the gas pump or listen to the guy next to you, as he watches the price tick up and up and up and up and up I've seen it, People are really getting hurt badly and there is no quicker way to bring in a b and an and an issue and a candidate to the kitchen table than hearing complaining at the kitchen table about gas and food prices. Yet the demo that's are not seeing the writing on the wall at all. This is a good thing, because they're going to lose and then we get to fix it here, just the news art ok, see Harper, be my newsletter today, American overwhelmed. Angli want Biden, Greece, domestic energy production polls show Democrats, independents, Republicans in huge numbers want domestic energy. Here they want cheap, affordable nice, strong, environmentally sound energy here, and that is what we do better than one else in the world ever has done and yet
Joe Biden. How do I know he won't changed and I know I'm know many get these emails and it's ok, it's your show. The shows for you, I enjoy the feedback when many get males don't get in their way whether destroying used them themselves not getting in their way at all. Believe me. When I tell you, Joe Biden is not going to change course anytime soon, maybe right before twenty twenty things get super ugly, but he is not in a change course. Any time soon. He is in hock for the left, this boy, of his party. How do I know that folks, I always bring the receipt. He just gave a speech at a fundraiser the other day he mentioned Ukraine. Once you know what just on most in the speech? Oh yeah, green energy. At a time
in the oil and gas industry. This is just the other day and you think he's going to change. He is walking right off a cliff. He is going to drive his party into an electoral route. Twenty twenty two like you've, never seen seen before. I'm only talking about it on the show to state the obvious so that you know it's time to get out there and
two, alright! Ah, ok, we doing good. Let me get to my last sponsor here and I want to get to the duchess of lies, Jen Psaki, and what another story and showing you how we're just it really floating in a sea of lies, misinformation and psi. Ops right now really disturbing sobs, and I want to get to a Newsweek story by written by a good guy who understands what's coming in two thousand and twenty two and how the left- it's not just the energy issue, but it's the culture war to the getting crushed on. Let me get to this first break house: nutrition, dot, com, slash dan- these are some of the best nutrition products. You are ever going to find anywhere study just released, revealed that over eighty percent of Americans feel anxious about inflation and the war in Ukraine. Can't emphasize this enough. Your health matters, you gotta, take care of your body. It will help it starts with eating healthy, which is why I recommend fielder greens from my friends at brickhouse nutrition. This is one of mine right here. This is the lemon lime flavor. It is
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the other greens and a box a hole in one bars break as nutrition, dot, com slashed, an brickhouse nutrition, dot, com, slashed Dan Promo code. Then you'll. Thank me later. It's that good. So the duchess of lies Saki yesterday, who again these people should never be trust It was a big promoter of the pee pee tape. Russian disinformation laptop, not sincere side. Yesterday asked the relatively simple question about known: stably science: we ve known for roughly two years now, that high risk groups for groups for Joe you're, not a scientist or a doctor correct, but I would ask you, I'm not a Jew. I'm not prepared to have Adam prepare Joe for this, but this is how easy this question is. I'm so confident Joe will get this right, Joe Hoody, think is more at risk from Cove it all their folks or younger folks. If you need a minute you can you can you can go in the search, real, clear that when yeah older folks definitely down
that you ok you're, always now chosen very smart guy, Joe as a war life Mary had said. I then most jobs, the block by JO. without even go into the internet. That's amazing gear! You can you confirm that older people more at risk from covered the newcomer? He can he's, as Oh, that's weird because Jen sake who speaks the entire executive office of the President, one of the most powerful men on planet earth, seem to know that yet she's s that quest yesterday about older folks, younger folks and she tried to enable our way out of it, but you should really knows the answer. She's doing it for a reason, but this is Adam. They think you are check this out rather than seventy nine years. United States but we also know that covid impact people of all ages and
a range of, but when we take what we do here, John has not not exactly, as you said, so. I wouldn't agree with your description there. I would say we do take extra precaution. Oh folks, Here's the CDC S own website, I don't trust the CDC, as far as I can throw them point is Jen. Psaki is always touting the CDC older you're more likely to get very sick from Covid nineteen, literally from the CDC Zone website own website. She claims are these truth of truth. Folks, ignore these people jen sake and embarrassment that humankind tells you you can almost be a sure, the opposite. and now, by the way the fact checkers have jumped in their desperate to protect Lord Fauci and others. Because psaki, the CDC and others have been entirely discredited during this crisis by the
I point showing you the CDC. There wasn't a back up. The cdc he's been awful with the show you that the p Well, who back up the CDC Saki Candy at their lies right because even the CDC tells him that's true. Here's a clown, Saranac, Howl Spencer, whatever her faces, so yesterday fact check my facebook page again, which they love to do where we said gosh. This vouch, he seems to have virtually disappeared. Now That's an opinion. Correct virtually disappeared doesn't mean. Actually this here. Right showed his immediate dead and vat rate like the snap from photos, version he disappeared. I this The funny thing is my post on Bonn GINO Report on Facebook. We have a different page bungee no report on Facebook, too. I'm had laughing emerges, which would hinted is a joke. You can actually see the well while of course, because the clowns at fake book, the Andy Stone Joker canoes of the world who want to it a conservative pages. They don't bother to fact check the New York Times or others
their claims that the laptop had just been verified even though, was verified two years ago. What do they do? They fact damn Bonn GINO enlist Wheeler, my friendly's real about saying that she is virtually disappeared and hear Sarah Saranac Hail Spencer, a total clown and embarrassment again, whose parents must be humiliated to have such a loser. Here's what this person waste their time fact checking Factcheck dot. Org now she continues making public appearances and hasn't disappeared. Their fact check a gift. Voucher actually disappeared. Sarah Deck L Spencer. This is his words or Berryville Life's work way way. Go back about the here's a. jack? I reuse, the erotic part we were clearly making a joke about how appearances have been reduced on tv. Here's a fact check he's been
gives you a meter. Appearances recently now prepared. that's what we do without fact, checkers. Thank you. Sarah back called Spencer cash embarrassment. These people go through with Thanksgiving dinner with their family, tell them what the job of fact checker. I wonder if the families like yeah me while they cry afterwards, knowing that Delaware kick her out on a Vitor next year, we don't want to. We gave we didn't want to be your pictures on Instagram they're, okay next story, quick before we get the questions as Newsweek story. It's in the news that am I going to go into too much detail, but is very good by Josh hammer folks, embrace the culture war going forward and will cruise to victory in twenty twenty two a month with a culture war. Where waging were not it's the culture war, the left waiting on us take it on like RON. Desantis is doing here in Florida, folks,
sexualizing of children in school. No way teaching to be racist or crt no way having hard training, women and girls competing girl. Sport can crushed by guys away take it on this vice in this piece in Newsweek by Josh Hammer whose it was really good? Writer is fantastic, don't run away from it. Send the newsletter today. Take it on your cruise to victory. Alright, let's get the questions of motor through these fast, hey Dan. This is by J e J, Shopkins nineteen. Seventy seven. What kind of questions should we be asking our congressmen or women? I've heard you mention this from time to time, but do you have a list of important questions thanks? I listen every day of the podcast. Thank you on the economic front. Ask them if they support a balanced budget amendment and if not, why not on healthcare? Ask them if they support patient, controlled healthcare or government, controlled health care and how exactly they would get government out of the healthcare process
On education, ask him on the record: if they support school choice on regulations, ask him if they support subsidiary the principle that government should be local and the federal government should stay out of it was a very be specific questions. You should ask them also ask him if they would support a thorough house cleaning at the management level of the law enforcement Intel Committee, get them on the record, get it on tape that way. If they nine, at later, you could show them the tape and put it on your facebook, Aeronautical, hey Dan, This is by Bjarne. Would you be willing to serve as the director of the F B? I when Trump is elected in twenty twenty? Four? Ah, I think so yeah. Maybe it's something I consider kind of strange because we'd have to fire everyone. First boob. Everyone at least involve a scandal, but yeah it'd be something I'd. Consider I guess maybe who knows good, hey Dan Honneur Clinton Soros Ukraine. Seemingly all link. Can you touch?
once again I read your book, but I may re read it now. Given recent events, the book is follow the money. The chapter is insane in Ukraine. This question was by Ex Rubicon twenty twenty. It lays out the Clinton Soros Ukraine, whistleblowers, spiky, collusion connection, a black ledger produced by Ukraine, to link trump to Russia through metaphor was produced by ukrainians connected to the whistle blower who wanted trumpet peach because he started asking questions about one hundred by Ninja, we're up in Ukraine where up to in Ukraine. That's the readers digest worse, but the details of my book are Really really troubling follow the money, the name of the book titles, the the chapters you create Ukraine dam damn. Was it hard doing what you do while dealing with cancer or was it a welcome distraction? I just found out last week after six years remission. My cancer is back. I'm sorry to hear about that this by embryo. I worry about that every day, I'm crazy focused on it, but I don't
it might have been any suggestions. Thanks for all you do. Ah yeah, I do have a suggestion. I just get your treatments and don't talk about it. I had to tell you one of my biggest mistakes, because I was afraid my hair was going to fall out and I didn't want you all ask questions so one of my biggest mistakes. I don't mean this kind of as a jerk way, so please don't take it. That way was, I think, telling everyone I had cancer and, like I said, the reason was important. People who work for me, work with me. it's better way to say it, and I want to lose my hair on tv and elsewhere, and everyone start, even though I don't have a lot of hair now, a shaver pretty close, so I felt like it was probably a good idea to just put that out there and I thought I would lose weight. I didn't know a chemo was going to be like it was a big, Miss
hey you're, not here, to hear about my story with cancer sucked, but the side you're here I owe you a show. I dunno you a bunch of stories about my kids Anna, I change add I so you're asking me for my advice. My advice is: go on and live your life. You don't know what your expiration date is. You have no idea. No sense harping on life goes on regardless, but someone told me and it worked for me- exam am I going to say anything. Just get a bull rider must obviously becomes obvious. I have to address it. So thank you for the question and I'm very sorry to hear that be praying for you tonight, a dance by Henri Henri. First of all, I heard you talking about Russia's failed logistics in Ukraine. I agree, but Ukraine is huge and is moving slow,
but surely rush is not going to lose here. Ukraine is lost, don't you agreed now I don't agree. I think that's ridiculous. How is rush? How is Ukraine lost? Rush has been added three weeks or still not even close to taking over their capital city Ukrainians are actually taking back territory some spots yeah, Russia's got the advantage, and I don't think they're going to take this lying down. Certainly something to be concerned about Why for Russia's not going to lose, and why is the chinese government bailing on him with a wicked or not? It may not lose, but right now, certainly losing according to the raw metrics, Ukraine's not lost. I totally disagree, but thanks for the question yeah war is expensive. Are they going to pay for it? here's an interesting one: hey Dan this by three boy, mom, okay,. I've noticed you've lost some weight recently, as this intentional result of changing up the word ass. A new gym really enjoy your thoughts from the gym. Reality shows that's on locals. If you want to check that out that do a little reality show
locals. My own reality show just now, the locals app on that the budget. You know there thanks for sharing with your fans from the gym. Yes, it was intentional here's the long and short of it, I'm forty seven years old and the things I could get away with when I was younger, cheat meals, a lot of carbohydrates. Therefore, a clock in the afternoon, and I work in any more and I found no matter how hard I train and believe me. I train hard on that smoking. The up here I train hard, he has seen at first tat a mess around added you PS driver who I was train in my Jim downstairs. New PS guy goes you traded for the elixir southern idle mess around, but I found out at forty seven, that no matter how hard I trained it's really the
the put on any muscle at all, you basically maintaining what you have and it's really easy to add fat, no matter what so, you have lost twenty pounds, mostly fat by about two pounds of fat, I'm a little weaker body, pounds of muscle, but it's worth it on my joints. It, I guess I'm not gonna lose much more, but yet was intentional. We asked me how I did it very simple folks. I just basically cut out carbs and follow up and insulin management type. Where any time I eat fat rabbi salmon or whatever I only eat it would vegetables no heavy carts ever really that simple us twenty pounds it that's all after weeks, a lot of it's water too, but thanks for noticing, I appreciate that he Dan spice seventeen would you ever consider having a meet and greet for viewers of your shows, we'd love to meet you and Paula, your beautiful daughters, guid Oh just then even Lucy, who would definitely will show you how we do it? All the time don't do it as a big meet great one show, but I yeah I'd considered the doing that. You know
They gotta be want to be on camera to it. Some of them are a little camera shy Hey Dan Celtic Spirit. Fourteen I got the covid nineteen vaccine in the choir. I sang with his mandating the vaccine to be allowed to perform Am I wrong in not going back into the mandate? Is lifted no you're not wrong. Folks, I told you often I got the vaccine early. I regret that now, given some of the research coming out, I did as afraid had cancer. I was scared at the time and I'm not shy to tell you that. But I, even though I have the vaccine, there's a mandated cumulus to the syndicator, I've already told them. Where that's going to go that the I will not resign with them if they do not repeal this mandate, so they know that so do I. It doesn't affect me personally,
Doing the same thing, so yes you're absolutely right! I appreciate your taking a stand on that we're all going to have to do it all right. Folks, thanks again for Tunein, please don't miss my show unfiltered tomorrow, Saturday, at nine p, DOT M again Drago's going to blow your socks off, he's terrific Navy seal and we'll talk about that blood clots thing was: he has many evidence of that medically they could be a problem tomorrow, night, unfiltered, nine p, DOT M Saturday, Dvr, can't watch it live or see on the radio show. Little later, day, sir, you just heard in.
Transcript generated on 2022-03-28.