« The Dan Bongino Show

There IS Evidence of Fraud, But You Have to Open Your Eyes (Ep 1406)

2020-12-03 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the stunning new voter fraud allegations emerging out of this key swing state. I also address the Project Veritas CNN bombshell. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee, no yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, you are probably not going to want to miss my interview with Ten and General Michael fled today come up later. Don't worry, I have a clip permit coming up right at the beginning of the show. should lodge? Hopefully two p m today we said three hundred thirty, but given the importance of interview it's about an hour long and how I opening it is jawdropping gonna know how else to describe it, we're going to to push out early thanks to the hard work of Paula drew and Joe. It is a fantastic give you. I know self praise thanks, but I'll play a clip in the beginning and yours What I mean an amazing interview. I want to thank this amount.
Can hero and patriot General fled for taken about an hour of his time. To do this interview with us unbelievable, I promise you will not be disappointed, so we got this show and we got that later. Please watched about today show virtue Spress ppm, Ladys general, protect your online activity and surf the web in peace. Get a Vps go to express the ps dot com, slash, bungee; no, don't wait! oh boy, producer Joe, got an inside scoop on this. Of course you get to hear it before anyone answer your feelings. I d are: we: are we over selling this? Do you you got it? You gotta see it. See you gotta hear it. I had a great I see you ve never heard this start before never yeah Is it of all the interviews we ve done right when you agree, this is one or two We're not dare put solidarity! Yes, only timely the incredibly timely so well play a cut from
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necessarily a broadcaster of content, the unnecessarily long tease that lasted over you know it's sixteen to twenty May a thirty minute. Progress get right doing here is a As you know my interview, it might lead where he talks about, I believe, for the first time his personal feeling on why he's specifically was targeted fibre. Obama, Z only may mention when Barack Obama met with President Trump there in their transition. They only Barack Obama. Only mention Flint check this out again. A general called you, the finest intelligence officers ever seen. You had an untarnished, unblemished record and was appointed and you are appointed by birth barber twice in the meeting he way time to warn about
it makes no sense. Why doesn't make any sense at all? Does it mean and need never been asked tat question? No one's ever asked them that question. Why why why Brok digit? Did you say that about me and like death? And of course I like them the answer that question, because I don't know what is in a man's mind or is in his heart people will signal a lot of people that will answer that question. For you. Do you love your audience, will answered poison the answer that question, but I dont know you know what was in his mind or in his heart. Why would he? Why would he wait? I'm worried about me and you know what there's bears very good reason, because one of the one of the issues at peace that is possible,
It has come up. Is this whole business about various foreign policy initiatives that the previous administration got themselves tangled up in with with frankly enemies of our country? That's an hour long folks, that's just the small snippet. What do we tell you three years ago, but every time that might Flynn was targeted for you, regular listeners had been with me from Beginning we told you from the beginning that might find was targeted because he opposed the I ran deal. This is decorated american Patriot, who felt that giving money to our enemies who were screaming death to America, Joe. He thought it was a really bad idea. I a lot of our sane listeners totally agree and a target was placed on Might Linz back by our own government, Ladies and gentlemen, this man is a hero, his disguise,
in the beginning- and I you know I am not speaking out of turn when I tell you this- I can't again. I can't say enough about this man's character. When we first spoke, I do not know general Might Flynn. I know members of his family, I folks I'll, never spend your wheels on this. Shall I dont know him I die had one can education with them on Twitter DM, where he thank me for a tweet about a year ago. That's it the first time I've spoken to MIKE when was on the phone two days ago, and the second I spoke to my friend was during the interview yesterday. but one of the things he mentioned to me on the phone and again I think, I'm speaking out of turn here was, despite all he's been through Joe all general might Flint has been through targeted trying to did? He has its own government after decades of brave career, yes, valorous service to our government on the front lines of freedom becoming
Are you the most vicious smear campaign of weapon eyes, enforcement and intelligence made up lies to shreds heroes. Character. Do you know what the first thing Joe. He wanted to talk, but he insisted. We talk about the universe. You know what you want to talk about the election and president tromp. First think about that. President Trump, and they his administration were candidly? Go by media idiots into letting go of. My claim, which I'm telling you right now was a big mistake, and I think everybody knows that even President Trump and MIKE Pence out, so it's not piling on anyone. It's true that you've they knew it was a mistake and They knew then what they know now they would not have let General Flynn go as a national secure advisor. Joe, I think a normal man would new agree, would be better about that. Would it be like you know what I want to pass on defending this by president drop? You know, I'm just gonna. Let it go
to talk about me, no, no! No. That's not what he wanted. He wanted to talk about, President Trump, the election and how important it is to expose some of the fraud he believes happen. I believe happened as well. The insistent that's the kind of guy he is. Please don't interview. I'm telling you it's worth your time. I mean I just so many highlights from it Joe one of the one I found in fascinating to you is there is our portion where he starts talking about why he became a targeted, the intelligence community, because he was out there on the battlefield. His first job in Washington DC was as to star general heating, weapon DC. He was on the back, I feel the need our intelligence gathering system is it working people are getting killed and some of the swamp and the intelligence community aided him for because they were comfortable with their destiny. jobs and weekends off. Don't miss that part all right enough on that. That's coming up later, hopefully, two p dot m Eastern today rumble Channel rumble dot com.
Spongy, no apple, pod, guess everywhere you get my pod guess it's gonna be all over the place. I, let's move on a lot more to talk about today. Germany clues, including more just a start fishing, audio, video drops or project veritable James O, Keefe for those you missed my show. Yesterday, Mr Story, James O Keefe runs project. Berytus he's somehow managed to gain access to CNN executive staff. There see sweet conference calls every morning whether someone said the dial a number of the past code. I have no idea but O Keefe was on these comments. A conference calls for months. He is investing of journalist any had recorded these calls. These calls, are devastating he's been drop in an hour by hour, wanna play too that steps that are really devastating. Here's the first one, this From a CNN conference call where there I mean this is just openly Ray: I'm sorry this is it me playing the leftist
typical racist massage into this too phobic fell before game, where they call people racist for political gain. This is literally racist. There's a what the CNN call who basically says if you're cuban and you voted for President trop- it's because you like bullies, you do really because I live in South Florida Maybe I don't know where the CNN Lady, whose talking on this conference, called lives. Maybe she lives this have maybe she doesn't know but actually live here, What am my neighbors happens to be few ban whose family were refugees and Joy you know who they were fleeing Paul II's murderer, so it's kind of offensive and racist. This statement is judges Turkish earlier. you're a liar Joel Little bit today. Folks Bobby, I was gonna but Joe, wouldn't you say Very definition of racism. To judge
entire group of people. May her Cubans air quotes and suggest they all have a characteristic, that's malignant that they like bullies. I'm just checking that sounds kind of racist right. That's pretty sustained, oh yeah, it's that alcohol is a pretty radiation so to ETA. braggin, Meatloaf lifestyle, three, I bet was f from bad out. How about really shocked, regulate. I pretty confident that racist suggesting that Cuba, love bullies when most Cubans fled Cuba who came. And I seek refuge to get away from policies that will I killing them. Torturing, families and stealing their businesses kind of racist. So let's listen to this and lets This is see, and this is how they feel about Cuban voted check this out according to senior vice president of Sin and Cynthia Hudson recorded on Jeff suckers, nine M telephone CALL Cnn the reason the Cubans voted for Trump is because their attracted to bullies check this out
communism rhetoric I am ready aided and abetted by you have not done enough you're that big The only way that they are putting because of that narrative and that merited and the fact that badly. I believe that by very attractive and no one account during a compromise in Florida and care I think that very Bay Way to counter the narrative in Florida that did not being taken Amanda he's. Ah, ah folks, again, I'm not kidding, I don't. You know what it's amazing, sarcastically kind account. Do the left,
you but identity, politics, game, I'm being really seriously, I'm not getting through the audience. You you of our Emily, you email, ass. You call respond by social media elsewhere. Please, explain to me how that's not a racist statement, you don't know, all Cubans, I'm reasonably convent Jody. You know all Cubans have you met about love you man, yet another group of Ok, there's not a cube drove centre where you got. What did you mean every single Cuba? We gotta get a ticket, I'm here to immediately to human creature. I dont have where'd you guys. I would just stories, I get Paula, remember political, we're in advance what Malcolm Nance go back at ease like he goes, I speak for all. What is that I speak for all black? What is it like? You do you mean you're, a black voter into our centre, I'm here to me black voters. Everyone cover Malcolm Harbour that we will look at out of individual? Like he's a liberal, of course, we're like there's this guy crazy, that's a racist state Hubert's, like bullies, Cubans like boys, Cubans Hoover,
actually and a very dead serious note deadly serious note. That's out, I personally q you Pham, whose families have been tortured and slaughtered by tired, said bullies fleet. them for freedom in the United States like bullies,. They see it really this stupid, I dont out their words just ask had to project furthest. I gotta, let's get through such play and other watch these clowns at sea and on this one. This is Jeff Zachary achieve clarity and watch them. Try to bear the Hunter Biden story. You know the laptop the whole ten percent for for the big guy. You know in ten percent from China to Joe Biden member. That one day, Chinese pay an hundred by new story that seems to have disappeared not or not. You not tell me that I get embezzled, dad you free but the laptops or not at all, I didn't I get there.
What's going on, we have we have to treat as yours tat. We did forget about that at all, so see it. I'm, which was uncomfortable with the ten percent for the big guy kicking up Hunter by Joe Biden, son kicking up to ten percent, the pop right. They were uncomfortable with their story so watch this. This segment is just absolutely my beautiful I mean absolutely horrible for Sienna watched him. Try to bury the Hunter story, watch their real which is hilarious and then what they try to make the Hunter Biden story shockingly about impeachment over Donald Trump, media people on the left, daring to cover the story but notice the reason in the beginning. They try to bury it because age, our way forward waiver, where you gonna hear it. I am about over selling the stupidity is. The reasons are going to bury the hunter story. Joe is because. Austria Journal wrote there are no official records of job and name:
The chinese documents well of dead. It's definitely dead, stormy jaw. Why investigate the mob for tax evasion and tax evasion? There's no official tax returns of the mob paying tax. So clearly not the case. This news, organist news organs, should see it. This is how stupid these people really are check this out one hundred three was an explosive blow against Joe Biden leading up the presidential election, but listen on this nine. A dot M editorial conference call at CNN how President Jeff Zucker chooses to not cover this important store. Thank God the bright part. We are both Fox news rabbit whole under Biden, which I don't think anybody outside of that world understood last night, the Wall Street Journal. Or did that review of our record, so showed no role Barton
the chinese deal, and yes, I do our credibility in the Wall Street Journal, but I do in New York. We're not going with the New York both story right now, I'm not divided and which seems to be bad. Giving marking ordered the boxes in the right way to trigger about what the talk about the day, obviously under buttons lawyer is quoted in the New York posting Immodest continue to report out. This is the very stopped at the brother, with a digital burnt to stop that committee's looked at and found nothing wrong, Joe Biden, interaction with Ukrainians and now having an email, then, perhaps with a meeting what someone properties
Bree, Giuliani, sort of treatment, vision of have had drawn up at the wall in the clothing gave the campaign major pages. They ignore the birds were story, and we should be awfully careful about that. Obviously, but I do think is immediate story. What in the world are Maggie Aimin end date? Sherman doing between one story again began Jameson he's in project very task. For that, sir, just to be clear, this is against and claims to be a journalist mallet which, where which is all right I'll areas, Oliver Darcy and George, could Stanza Brian stealthy work there. Immediately. Discredit you right away! Those are the people guys. You know the people ulcers, so you can take a hard pass on our one but notice what they do. Their tony Babo Linsky, the Navy veteran was a business partner. Two hundred by has said on national television.
In their national television interview with hotter and is issued me with Tucker Carlsson and its produce records, and it said clearly showing his text messages, the Biden family remember that, where the text messages from the Biden family Crystal Clear Joe, they said one thing we don't talk Joe Biden role in this, it only comes up and in person to person conversations we don't put eighty down on paper. Remember that, yes, monsieur do so. You? Don't seem to forget about it, but don't worry that there's no Joe Biden name on the corporate records, despite the fact that the business partners already acknowledged the family ass Joe Biden name to be kept off and they refer to them as the big but she had heard the news organization. Folks, of course there are jobs. They hire Tater Mr Potato, head stanza and that Goofball Oliver Darcy, who used to work a campus reform, pretending to be a conservative and ran some way. What was his Hobart Oliver, this guy works at sea and isolated talk about a drifter here. This is here I flew all right there at actual speed Oliver.
you, like a screenshot cap, reform, here's what Four Darcy works, it see it now. She had pretending to be a limit. to pretend to be a conservative Griff their extraordinary in the grief Dillon this guy finishes with the gold medal, may set the world record, not just the Olympic granted here from cap reform, not a joke. prior to joining the leadership Institute. Oliver Darcy founded exposing left. Start Cobb, not a joke right. There are even highlighted on for a while driven website dedicated to exposing the inherit failures, fell dead, the core of Liberal, This is where is there? It is their board. You must vote right there, that's Oliver Darcy at sea, at sea, and I'm guy. That's that's MR predated heads buddy. You know to people guy the potato head Betsy around this issue. They are, but there are serious user. They are serious for people
an airport who keep the phones, keep the televisions honour what they would devalue. Madeira, that's the only place anyone want to see at the only place. Don't worry folks, serious news organization. noticed what the other clowns says at the end to You know, let's turn around like make it about impeachment than any other google at the ends, even by even more hilarious. He's offended. Maggie hey, bourbon Sherman too pretty left leaning reporters we retreated the story so, instead of focus, on the core: the story that we may have a potential president if he wins, who is definitely provided by far and nuclear powered enemies of the United States and could have been taking money from them. Don't focus on that focus on, reporters, we take our ally with us, retreating, the story. He says
Jeff acres of media story here, yeah the media stories about you idiots now, isn't it great morons, Oliver Darcy, you fell for this clown. Level. By the way I got a lot of emails about Oliver Darcy. I keep quiet because people ass, we do, and you know it information I keep my word right- I am, I gonna- say animated Bologna Theism clown clown, like both EL or maybe even crusty, maybe crusty bozos too much of a carbon. Definitely crusty member harassed I let me I got more than we get to my second sponsor folks. I want to get too up some more again. This selection there there is evidence, that's why title to show their is having just have to open your eyeballs, I mean you have to clockwork are in style, but you have to open your eyes. Are evidence of vote of fraud is everywhere, so I got three states three stories coming up next uncle anywhere more eye. Opening stop today show also brought you buy Tita. Come in very handy lately. Whether Teeter inversion table
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I essay shall we kind of broke that we have like a sarcasm limit. Maybe one or two episodes sarcasm, those yes neighbours like an eight, usually too, Did it wasn't it, but there is no more there's a lot of evidence of voter fraud out there. You just have to open your eyeballs. Let's get the story number one from the washed anymore Being the show notes today show no, it's always accessible. Bungee know that calm slash newsletter. The newsletter is the shown its. Please read it. this Nevada article is just stunning: do you think people are just making this up folks, don't It happened, though I would ask you to put our name in a newspaper lie about everything to be made fools of later washed in his amateur the dark, Nevada, fraud, fifteen honey, dead voted Java dead. Voters are back back amazing George Romero style matter. The living dead, they're back its current, maybe do whatever it is. It's a movie. They two days later did deterrent later, whenever I forty eight days later, those are the fast zombies. These oversaw zombies, devote Nevada fraud. Fifteen
dead voters, incredible he's dead. Voters keep shown up. Forty, two thousand what you're forty eight voted multiple times, Joe again just checking reliant heavy anew. Nobody here, I'm pretty sure, is illegal. Paul. I need you to member Meatloaf software to ever so just checking vote twice as illegal correct and the same elections like you, ok, just checking to highlight not recall that did. If you do, you gotta be alive, maybe the dead people voted twice. At our view, camps were noted, is homes again Pauper Donna encourage you to read this peace. So let's go, screenshots. We get there now evidence ever got back there. is it really we're just making this up if you're dead and you voted. It's not a conspiracy or a theory because you happy The conspiracy because you're dead, so there's conspiracy, I ever seen a conspiracy of dead people have you? No twenty eight
twenty eight is, I beat you, you will go, go anywhere you I saw tat. She was going on and put it in there. She was like a further twenty eight. Those are the fast armies. these are being given the George Romero staff, which I never figured that out just run away. There really slow and stupid the twenty eight days later, zombies, big job, but they vote apparently, and it's a compared our again there are involved in a conspiracy being dead, I'm not your! So let's go to war examiner peace is really studying. New information, of course, left this CNN and other leftist morons will totally avoid quote. Poverty must be examined. official said that, among the evidence and expert testimony to be presented in Carson City are indications that over fifteen hundred ballots were cast by debt voters wow, that's crazy and that forty two thousand two hundred forty eight people voted multiple times data, A huge spike in complete voter registration at home address is in temporary army camps and casinos. They also plant the present. Calling that one percent of Nevada voters shown to have voted. ever did
percent of those showed their voted by male never got about where we keep this up a second, because there's a lot of juice here on this one, this is juicy I had ever seen mercilessly kicks in my taste, buds everything tasted like metal to starboard and it weighs juicy. But this I'll tell you, producer keep this up for a moment it. So we know dead. People voted you'd that dead horse pun, intended horses may vote to. Who knows what we ve seen a huge can incomplete voter registration and addresses in casinos, fascinate. Joe, you and I have been to casinos, you know who I was quite a bit member Luxor Paula we went in, we were very relatively more at the time. We bet three hundred bucks. were there we lost him like an hour, but it was fun I was play. We gave no more Garcia, Para, be a hamper the old shortstop lot of fun. Not are you take it that you took it up she's using our judgment? It gets you gonna look. I know you like the gesticulate, you gotta put out back brainer, so I button is losing money. I dont remember. I did Joe
we see no correct, yeah yeah, yeah yeah Is there housing in the casino like in the have you ever seen that I'm just checking and we do when we show you, now rely on? You have Egypt fully? You haven't seen APOLLO, usually when she support that scene. It either folks. So we have not wow that's kind of weird, so we have people ready during the vote and claiming the casinos, and then we have this. We have that dead Nevada hearing they're gonna have that they're gonna pay pulling that one percent of Nevada voters shown to have voted, never did and two percent they voted by male, never got a ballot. Ok! Now you might she hears what the alibi He thinks I'm better on screen and these things that's. Why he's constantly to happy under trigger finger? She wants the problem that I love you too, that, but sometimes I want you to see it and embrace it. The juice there's a lot of juice in there So how would you know if you were pulled? How would you this is not a trick question
is there a liberals? Washings ethical bears either. If someone called you and said: did you vote and you say no, Didn't vote your vote- is on file as having voted some limited circles. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe what will recall that coup back halcyon days back to the house in days of thereby Juno show we would call them Klute something's wrong started. You vote in the twenty twenty election. I do not vote. How do you know you didn't vote, because I me and I don't Well, that's because we have you voting. While I didn't vote, because I me and I'm not an idiot, Maybe we missing something wasted disconnect you. So we have dead people we have people voting who of allegedly live on the casino floor out of a squatters that arose a little. What is it one of those you no way when I they should be the signatures weeds and we would sleep on on the year on the sea. Seventy
in a way back with, and we would put yoga mats on the floor and go to sleep in order, thereby buckle up. I'm going to bed I just see, one of which is that what you're doing yoga match the rolling out yoga mats they're, going to like whatever, with the win, what That is the Venetian out their energy line up a casino, firstly, but I am ready to devote up over neither crafts tables here right, underneath the deal, as recent scraps from the food what's right is live under the table. I don't know there is legal I was unaware of this, but again, There is, of course, because Europe, this more and you probably why CNN and Oliver Darcy and MR potato head tail. We're not done. That's just Nevada response ignore all this by the way Signora ignore. Let's go to Georgia, where Sidney Palestine, fighting that fight Georgia, she's quick win for, let's see how this works out. She wanted appeal Javert, Georgia, the many Otto case, are they want to?
dominion voting system. Let's do it Sidney politics, but I did appeal in Georgia Dominion case if they did nothing wrong again to give both sides, dominion has come out. And given a couple statements, Dominion said: hey We didn't do anything wrong. Towels, Judging there's some abnormalities here. So from that case all they want to do is. Ought it what's wrong? What auditing and our instead? What's the problem would auditing in appeal, court Federal feels court in Georgia will hear an expedited appeal of former Trump campaign, Larceny palace request today. temporary restraining order, forcing audits in a forensic examination of dominion, voting systems used by the state that twenty twenty election, but so what's the problem? What's up what better understand. So I have a bunch of leftist goofball liberal activists posing as journalists contacted me there near promoting transparency, What what do you mean conspiracy theories about dominion? Job like
you mean, citing Elizabeth Warren and other Damn democratic senators, who were on the record questioning the integrity of dominion. Voting system tat s what we did rising, so it just checking that workers whose conspiracy theory is that Is that Elizabeth Little we because we we print? under the? Why we're right members like two washed in times article we read about dominion, their relationship with Sequoia, Smart Matic is way, though does this is just documented reporting. Where reporting on we did at least tell me where the conspiracy theories, yet we did do that. I remember the shop I get you dominion side of it, dominion saying we have nothing to do with Smart Matic, our software strong. I tell both sides. You figure it out in your own, but what would be the problem with auditing that? Why why are people fighting against this? That should make you got her? What's up with them? So we hit Nevada, dead people voting Georgia, Maris, though we had Georgia, where,
seem to not want an audit of dominion. Why not? What's the big deal? Dominion said we did nothing wrong. So, let's see it fine, let's hear it out. Now what a Michigan, where they are data of a hearing. Yesterday, with Rudy Giuliani in the great China Alice Present, Frumps Attorney on this election fraud, and you have people which sworn testimony for the liberals. Listening who listened to my show- and there are many I know some of you have a brain block on facts and honour of vaccinated against facts and early age. Who knows. these are witnesses who gave sworn testimony, and here he swore meaning they swarmed under penalty of perjury. I'd say in their name as an afghan that what you're saying it is true, is what they're saying True, and does it mean is fraud we know now? Is it worth looking into one
here this one with this out about another, pretty unbelievable account of what the hell went down in Michigan check this. I have. Nineteen things in my F a David. I was at the teeth, the centre for twenty seven hours. I, my mother, two children and I have two degrees. I'm very. I would never. I dont know any woman in the world that would write a an affidavit under oath. Just a writer you now you can go to prison for this fine anyways. I wanna make this very clear. My eye was initially supposed to work at the Detroit. Your department of elections, building
that was an order by my manager, neck economy, agonists PAR owner of dominion. I have at all and emails what was going. I was trained on the adjudication and tabulation process. So in the email mail, it says you are a park and a parking lot and get shuttled over to this. They called it the they referred to it as the Chicago warehouse. I know for a fact: there was illegal activity going on there. People have pictures of people carrying ballots out of that place,
There are as pictures of vans, Fulla ballots coming out of that place. Sorry, I'm busy social media were here. Corcoran rules could, from our figures, for various vacated just remind mercury in the middle of the show, because you so stupid, you don't realize that people who do not have jobs still pay taxes that I wouldn't know, property taxes and sales taxes and imports do I do know that was wrong it, but that's a story for another day folks I ll have to get to that one later, but maybe that stories worth investigating you have a woman were being educated women whose mother HU. As what did she say, I'm leavin substantial charges in our sworn affidavit who is apparently brief than on the whole. Counting a balance. Collecting balanced process was saying: hey, I'm not so sure this process the integrity we thought it had. Maybe Georgia We should hear her out have bears, of course,
the left as Wanna hear it again. This. mean this was in an indication of fraud. Who does it mean it could be yeahs? Does it mean we should pay but we look into it sure, but cause it's an allegation that would not benefit. Joe Biden left this hacks, like Mr Potato, head, Darcy, overt CNN, they just want to let it go. They call that journalism I decided I want to cover this doing. I wanted to cover this yesterday. debated how to cover this, maybe it'll make sense when I'm done basically to be a quick. It. But it's a story I really want to get too. Did you hear about this head? on the iranian nuclear scientists. Overnight ran
video about, I want to point out a few quick things. I want to get to that and I want to get through the beware of the binding, soon army. If we lose Georgia, even if we went in Georgia, there's attack tsunami actually coming your way. I'm going to tell you how they're going to pull it off the Roku anymore today show also brought I our new favorite way ahead, I mean headed, I mean hit the steel and work out a friends, a fit bought few new to the German, even lifting waits for years, it's hard to find the right work or work out programme and stick to it serious Folks, I gotta Jim a lot and when I go people always me like I'm cool and down in the sauna after his heating up. That's my call that they'll be like a man what you work. What do you do fit bought fit smart fitness app? It takes guess work at a planning. You work as the worst part of working. Can I supplanting that's hard pornography bought fit, but as an outward the factors in you all experience level, the equipment you have access to genius work duration of muscle, recovery to intelligently crafty, perfect, total body work programme specifically tailored for you with each work out the app
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Inside I ran on one of the members of their death to America Rouge regime he's one of the guys was helping design there or Joe was helping you. Helping much anymore unless these voting in Nevada. Maybe something now put out. Do you not around anymore? To help could voting it about, but he's got around anymore to helped so daily mail covered. This they. They are disguised, yesterday's news or maybe a week ago. So what Paul? And I want it We left about daily mail. Tshisekedi inside joke would be a ball. They have the long, haven't you only have to read the story, the daily mail- The headlines is that this is a headline: I'm not reading a slip it you know, I have screenshots. This is the actual headline: how massage executed IRAN's nuclear chief power, The entire region was cut, as God in bomb attack. Blasted is convoy before he was dragged from the card finished off, then the twelve fastens, melted away. That's the title, that's the whole article. You don't have to worry about
try like daily mail, don't you you have no need to scroll any further, all article, but there was a pretty good. If you'd like to see this and look at the video rubble that calm slashed by don't worry I'll, walk river about Rodya, listers, terrestrial radio, so they pull this off again the daily mail saying it was besides. I confirm this. No one's taking credit for this hit by they seem too some evidence that the Israeli, besides pull this off and whack this guy Tony Sopranos, that so this was pulled off with it. Edible precision and given my prior line of work, this couple things I noticed about this hit that were fastened it. We have a diagram from the peace checking. rumbled accomplish bungee, so the daily mail diagram how they pull that. Often I you notice, I'm Joe, you can see this right you ll notice, in the middle, they have this little a kind of animals pictogram thing they have the one two three four of how this hit was pulled off. It was a motorcade attack, an attack on their motorcade, anyone,
if something on the on the route that they hit was pulled off. At a very specific point folks, then to around about everybody hates them. They are universal. Reviled matter. Fact a neighbour and I live, and we have around about so bad that it's called and fusion circle, because everybody goes in it. It's like what is appalling roundabouts in one. Forty four the bad, I'm not kidding. You can. Google it confusion, Circle and Stuart. Put it. changed now go to Google Weather. Confusion coroner. I'm sorry, you got it's impossible, but what's what do you have to do so? When you go into a traffic circle around them? Do you speed up or slow down name the yield mostly time? Did you hear so you slow down? If you ll notice in this little picture in the daily mail that they hit, was pulled off at some form of a traffic circle,.
Because job would you say a motorcade would be easier to hit or hearted ahead if it was going slower or faster. You'd want to go slower correct because it would be easier to hit so a couple things jump me and the first one is that they use whatever hit this. This iranian scientists used to choke point, and you can and this diagram that right Did they slowed down enough and tried to exit the show point that didn't quite work out for them? We call them in the business choke points. Points that make you slow down turns roundabouts shift the slow down. You don't take a turn Ninety miles an hour, and you don't take a ride around about ninety miles an hour So someone was waiting there, folks, somebody who knew exactly what they were doing, one more policy that a first given about ten more seconds you shall I she's itchy on the trigger for you. I can see it. I come back to me without you.
In a picture so number one. They used to choke point indicating to me this was pulled off with some incredible precision inside enemy territory and number two. They did something else. They kept the target in what we call a kill box. Don't let anybody off the axe? Fewer gonna head someone Remember when you doing what I do or used to do. You have to get in potential assassins mean how answered you know how to defend against the right. If you're, you know jewelry store out and you want to prevent jewellery thieves. and you know how jewellery fees break in the stores through the hatches, the h vat system whenever there it may be. You learn to prevent by securing. So that's all you do in the secret services get in the minds of people who do assassinations to prevent it yourself. So you avoid checkpoints and you always get off the acts.
Yet, as the Kill box, what do I mean by that when they hit this Iranians scientists from all this up? This irony in terrorist this a bit better way to this for more accurate way. The death to America crowd when hit him at the choke point waiting from the slow down his motorcade. They were sure to disable some of the cars first, so we couldn't get away. and you can hammer that car in the kill box and never let them off the axe and that's exactly what happened. I dont that the Messiah did this, but it's a professional job. This was not a group of Hammond Eggers, your folks. These were professional assassins. You know exactly what they were going for read that peace in the show us from yesterday to really interesting. I think you'll like it when more dead terrorist. Sorry, don't build nuclear bombs and scream death to America,
It worked out that well for Ben roads by the way former Obama National Security Guy member. He was very upset about this. So was John Breton, we're Josie. Whether loyalties are let's move out. You know how many gets my last for some Cyprus appreciate your patients, but I want to get this is really important. Stuff again, thank you for your patience, but the sponge pay a lot of money to pay and support the show, but I wanna get this brief, where the Biden Taxonomy, because we ve all been led to believe by some really misguided, that ain't, a worry if we win the Georgia Senate race, we're going to avoid all the bad stuff. Ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats have a trick up their sleeves and we have mittens to worry about too. You know Mitt Romney, alas, sponsor their friendship. See genius the holiday season sure knows how to light new while it for many families December's one of the most expensive months of the year, not to mention the busiest if you need life insurance, but I want to deal with a hassles expenses. Try our go to policies
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you're just set which, by the way, vote in Georgia, I'm sorry folks, anyone telling you not the vote, Georgia, I very sorry steering Europe. Yes, there's fraud But, ladies and gentlemen, we can walk and shoe gum. At the same time, we can fight the fraud and all or try to win an election. How forfeiting election by not voting to the expense? the union to fifty two states, define the police and cancel everyone crap, how fitting that raged benefits us. I don't know who told you that believe me, the guy who lost an election, I believe largely due to fraud. If anybody has bona fide easier to say? Was fraud? Nobody vote me more. Be me. That's just dumb, I'm very sorry vote in. But even if we win in Georgia, we still could have a problem. He get right to the peace and show you what I'm talking about because you're, while at the thickness of a kind of matters to me- and it should matter to you to beware of tax hikes under by
even if GEO P holds the Senate by Bruce Thomson. This is a good piece seniors. Shone out and I encourage you to read it. Let me go to the screenshots. What we mean folk no reconciliation is, if you don't, you should treat shared number one. I'm gonna put an f in front of this f. There's a binding they can be expected to move quickly to propose a major fiscal stimulus package and use budget reconciliation to expedite its passage through the house and so what the hell's I've bought you reckon. Aviation is a budget process technique that would allow the Biden plan to avoid a republican, filibuster and limit debate. And twenty hours and pass the Senate with only fifty one votes. What does he warning about here? Folks? Let me explain,
reconciliation to you in the simplest terms possible, if you want to get through a budget neutral fiscal proposal, in contrast to a big tax caught or tax height bill Jeff, this doesn't make sense. You gotta start beheld polish workers. I need you save me. Ok, good. if you want to push through a tax hike or a tax cut, and it's going to have major ramifications on the budget, more more money spent or less money spent yeah go to the regular process. If you want to pass a reconciliation bill, that's not going to spend any more money. That's just gonna! Basically moves. four round within the same pot fucker. You only need fifty one votes, you're, not subjected to filibuster track and oh yeah yeah. That's the way. Yes, it's very simple. So what the authors warning about is a binding is looking to high people's taxes. He's gonna, try
caught other taxes to net it out to zero. You get what I'm saying: hi lower those to push it through and then, if we win the two seats in Georgia, all he needs is for the one votes because aid they don't need the sixty to get over the filibuster, not if its reconciliation, any say: listen! Even if we win the two in Georgia, we still have to worry about the mid, These are the world than the least summer caskeys. You could abandon us any moment Kamel hours if they win would be the Thai break. You know sixty percent centres. You just need fifty one right, so we say this using this is an impetus for you to continue to fight this fraud and say we got a windows state, the second term right now for Trump. Now, what I was he going to do that. You like dad, doesn't mean How is he high taxes? And have any effect net on the budget, while he's saying well we'll cut taxes elsewhere, but this is we're because you're fighting the Democrats out this is too complicated, seemingly two different fight. At the same time on one
and then I put up the screen shot a minute, they're saying, don't know what we're gonna do Joe is tonight it out we're going to tax those evil, rich people, you know those horrible with job producers and those of their terror that are worth we're going to tax the hell out of them, to offset it for reconciliation and let it out this year we're going to cut taxes for the middle class. Now for the but mine did liberal. That sounds great tax, those evil, awful rich people and we get a task gray, but that's not what liberals were saying before so, let's go to screen shot from the worst things: amateur peace first and I'll show you how liberals are speaking with forked tongue, because your liars, that's what they do. Is that so the package they could do would include a hundred trillion and targeted tax relief and tax cuts their pride and proposed during the campaign. child tax credits, that a first time holbein credit, renders tax trade and other stuff right. They require that's great. That benefits middle class attacks. Could I am all for tax guttural? Why would they pay for
paid for where the revenue raising package aimed at corporations, Joe those evil corporations and the Reds evil riskier so terrible possible acts increases conclude raising the top individual tax, the thirty nine point: six percent, the corporate tax to twenty eight capital gains ordinary income on income above a million and targeting several corporate tax loopholes. Again, if you're a liberal, it means you're, probably pretty dopey you're like that, sounds really great. Let's tax those rich people and give the middle class a taxicab cinnabar for tax cuts for everybody. But now what do we say? Your leg is a tough to wake up in the morning. Is a liberal knowing your lines yourself, every this just to be crystal clear from their peace that take away. We told you what reconciliation is we told you abide wants to do that? scratch are saying: we're gonna get an arrogant attacks, the rich, because they believe what that's a good thing. I would assume that's what they believe. I'm even do it if you got a bad thing
Why are the Democrats arguing for a major tax caught on the rich if they think tat heights on the rich are a good thing when it comes blue states, I Californy New York know they're, not, then that would make them lives right. Yo, tax cuts, further rich, very bad tax hikes for the rich, very good, that's their principal marine. Suppose right! Oh, it's do a principle check your principle check them here is an article from roll call. Democrats face salt challenge, the next phase of corona virus relief, how the house my job, to pull this off, so it doesn't appear to help the rich remains to be seen. What is the sole pack, Well, you used to be able, before they trump tax cuts in highly taxed liberal blue states solved as it stands, for the state and local tax deduction. If you paid high state and local taxes, which you do
When New York, California, in Illinois, you used to be able to write them off and new federal taxes and say I already paid that so that's gonna come off my income now folks. Here's the weird thing that the people this affected, when they saw deduction, was taken way in the trunk tax cuts. The only people who paid more in their taxes. I should say the only some upper middle class people did get head. I get a lot of emails and I understand your plan. I'm not for hiking anybody's taxonomy be crystal clear. I'm trying to point out the Democratic Party, largely the people who are affected This and to pay more Joe, were only really rich people, because they paid well over, the limit on the deduction. In other words, if you made and twenty million a year in California. You are allowed still, certain amount of your local income to be deducted, but you paid so much in state local taxes because you make so much
that you were way over that limit. You couldn't deduct anymore after that limit everybody track and learn from the role copies again. It's just a principles checks, but we do this thing more force we gives wants and what role but the political problem the Democrats are facing is salt. Deductions are inherently skewed in favour. The wealthy, who paid a lot of income in property tax, particularly in blue states, so just to be crystal clear. To sum this up for you, in a roundabout kind of fashion, Ah I mourn ahead. We gotta go back to the hall. Was it that we always the with its Lyndon Johnson, who said dammit, I wanna one armed economists and our values when that, why you gonna want, because, because they always committed, They go on one hand me the, but on the other, can you just give me an answer? So on one hand, we have the Democrats and by nephew man just there to win the selection, saying come on we're going to tax the hell out of the rich for reconciliation, because we think taxing the riches are good day and cut taxes for the middle class. That's it we're going do is reading,
great, but on the other hand, there blocking corona virus early because they don't want rich people, a blue states to pay more taxes. I don't know I don't know I've just I'm scratching the hair I have left here. The verdict is- and I can't figure it out you- can you figure it out Paul any tax, the rich, the a good thing, though tax, the rich and blue states, is a bad thing. I dont understand doesn't dog cricket again. Please, did. You know that I don't know more about the dog at a cricket: they're not going to connect out. Ok, you try, but see we're conservatives, we don't have any problem with this. We do. whenever you are principles check on us. Where are you? Ok, taxing job creators, the wretch? They want to convict someone, stigmatized people, taxing job creators that excessive it's a damn idea, because the money doesn't go into the business, it is our trickled down economic show. Such thing is true: hold down economic made up fee. No, there is no trickled down economics.
Economic conall theory anywhere. Thomas souls put this challenge after years. It's just economic stupidity. What a rich people do when you tax them at confiscatory rates, They either move out of your state or they pay. Accountants do not have to pay those states very simple folks. We don't have a problem with this. We believe reasonable, fair across the board. Balanced tax rates are a good thing. Liberals think taxing rich people is a great thing, except when rich people have to pay taxes, then they think it's a bad thing. I don't know I don't you know, get it, I don't get it. Nobody gets, maybe you'll get when you. This is this. I know it's one, no one here, but one way we gotta get through this one more thing.
I've heard that dopey Obama economy is better than Trump economy. Theories was watching vice of french yesterday and they had this. One talkie had who comes on he's, always trying to defend the Obama economy and I'm really getting tired of hearing it, because now, of course, they like out of your mind, does get em we're gonna bring back the raging Obama economy. You are what raging Obama economy. I saw this peace and Bloomberg Bloomberg of all places, folks, Bloomberg not a bastion of right wing conservatism. Basically think did Obama really hand off trompe motoring, firing all cylinders, economies in bloomer, folks, just to be Crystal clear, Bloomberg opinion trumps economy really was better than Obama's, at least until pandemic. The president's unconventional policy got unprecedented result. Focused
symbolism Burke I'll get through the rest this tomorrow, the house- I cannot- but just at these having an excuse me, the key Mohawk ups are really parental. So forgive me for them. This was in Bloomberg from this. This is a screenshot one of the big cake. Wait here you don't I say right or not: it's ok, the audience! I wish you all a great. I appreciate understanding. Obama did not hand Trump a growing economy. It says once an office trumpet Nord. This consensus, the consensus, in other words there suggesting was an Obama had given him economy at maximum employment. There was nothing trump could dear Trump through that out the window he implemented a programme of tax cuts spending increases an unprecedented pressure on the FED to cut rates the zero and keep them there. Trumps goal of three percent growth was the right it as delusional, while a bipartisan chorus, of course, of commentators declared his policies. Reckless and irresponsible.
December? They were anything, but not only did the unemployment rate continue to fall, but the percentage of Americans aged twenty five to fifty four employed are looking for a job swords first sustained rise since the late eighties in twenty sixty Real median household income with sixty two thousand eight hundred hours is two hundred and fifty seven dollars above its level and ninety. Ninety nine twenty sixteen when Obama left office folks, listen to this the next three years, other trump? It grew more six thousand dollars to sixty eight in seven hundred three hours. Here's the kicker! That's! Perhaps why, despite the pandemic these six percent of? U S. Voters pulled last month said their families were better off today than they were four years ago are going through this a little more tomorrow, because this nonsense, mythical did you know
I miss mythological beast that the Obama economy was like by goes like Percy S, tail leaves a real hero. Obama is garbage its extensive garbage time to quote Marv Albert it's not true the Obama economy which junk I go into morbid tomorrow. I folks and I want to know One. Could I please do not miss my interview with Lieutenant General might fall into two american patriot. Much in air, it's tough for summon up. He heard some of the beginning, the shell, hopefully by two p m eastern time, can a rumble channel go to rumble dot com bongino, you can listen to bongino dot com, apple, podcast, Google, podcasts and elsewhere. Please subscribe thanks for tuning in folks. I appreciate your patience with the show over the past few days. Lot going on in our lives, we're here for you, we love doing it. I told you I never do shelf. I didn't feel like it: Opera today will be back to MAR Cinema just deal VON Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-03.