« The Dan Bongino Show

The Vaccine Propagandists Are Freaking Out (Ep 2034)

2023-06-19 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the meltdown among the COVID vaccine propagandists after one of their own is challenged to a debate. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je. No, let me tell you something I just I just posted this to my laugh. I've been getting up early, really ridiculously wearily. It's not even a matter of work ethic grades, psychic crazy thing, my body, just as you get only just get up early I can't even imagine getting up at four or five in the morning when I was I couldn't even imagine when I was like eighteen party and stuff, but I've been jumpin right, an ice cold shower. I did a little longer thing on awaiting it. Works assigned by locals dude jude greatest thing. You need any coffee for like an hour to add to my man my in is by the way, said he's going to join us today in the chat be looking for your brother, What did you some cool restaurants this weekend had? fatty Ishmael, of my entire life profile.
there's day yesterday, a family, my wife was nice, have take me up kiddo This I have pieces of bacon six eggs egg, such just one like the whole magala affords now at stake. quickly a ball of smoke salmon. It was probably a thousand grams of factors that, but let me It was good it s a great. I that's. Why We get up there, you're, not gonna, let it out by do more and radio, but the accede. forget. This are absent we re here I'll, ivy, download as regards. Can you imagine being off over a million dollars to go in. Bates someone if you're a pro vats propagate this guy and not taking it? What happened I got all the dirty deeds via
why just was like crazy this weekend from Biden, the famous civil rights leader, he did it again. He did it again, this guy there congress once again allowed itself to be pushed to obesity. Administration raise the debt ceiling for the seventy nighttime weights, going pave the way for more reckless spending, for their devaluing the dollar, the national. Skyrocketing? How are you protecting your savings times? I, we can serve. Savers like why turned a goal like thousands of others by my goals from brcko ba rca choose easiest way to do it barge called I'll help. You Cavern existing area for one came to an irish angle. You're gonna pay a petty out of pocket brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, banding together against the dollar? A lot of these central banks of diversifying you know what they're buying binder buying gold gold stand denied eight. Ninety. Ninety four, you free information get gold is no obligation. Just information about a customer there, many times with a plus rating, with a better business
here and thousands of happy customers brcko, can help you protect your savings to take Dan nine eight nine eight nine I take action today. Performance may vary, consult your tax attorney or find to professional before making an investment decision message and data supplied Joe, This monday, I wouldn't lie to it's monday is monday. I know it. june teeth. I will to that later and by the way conservatives just It'd be preface celebrate the little kind preview on this, I should say screw downward up there. But sorry Don't run away from talking about this stuff because your liberal friends are gonna to attack, you is Oh my gosh, I got more than merely that's a baby. their baby, you into the air. I'll tell you what I mean later: we did that our party did that. The vaccine pushes are on the run while sitting
is turning now the tide is absolutely turning high speed. start to ask really serious questions like hey is, I think, safe like a we really sure, because no really have enough longitudinal data. Yet this vaccine to know it's safe it really safe, so because I'm on a platform like rumble where we dont silence people for our political feature ideological differences. We can talk about this talked about it on youtube. Do gave zero ships over there to anna that's. Why we're no longer on youtube and quit that platform, but did you see, would have this weekend, so there's that Peter hotels guy has been vaccine pusher guy now the fact that doctor hotel- has made some, let's just say job would be a nice here, mildly question: we'll statements about the vaccine and adds be a nice really got the receipts? The Baghdad, a real nice, is ripe
he went on Joe rogan show our played out for you to doktor hotels in Joe rogan just destroyed him, and they we abolish them. Guy looks quite unhealthy, admitted to being like a junk food, a holler, so rogan S, some simple questions. I Gabriel, why should we be taking any medical advice from you considering you dont, led by it your actual cell, and then it Did too conversation about the vaccine and after the show, Rfk Jr wanted to debate hotel as our of K, junior running for the presidency against Joe Biden, democrats eyed and this doctor out there doesn't seem to comfortable debating people even always comfortable, going on crazy shows like this. Here's Mary Hassan, crazy, lunatic people guy the ogre dewdrop areas, MSNBC watch, it is this up for doktor authors who, in a car Only matter does not want to debate anything. He said
although that's the essence of science, about the actual vaccine watch these two jobs check this out, set aside for a moment that Joe rogan wouldn't even be a neutral moderator of such a debate. He's endorsed antibiotics nonsense many times before, but to just in general debate with conspiracies saloons. You can't debate whether up is down. Hot is coal? Black is white, They never changed their minds and they win by you agreeing to share a platform with them. What stakes? never wrestle with a paying you both get dirty and the pig gets. Forty thousand do followers on twitter. now is to Peter does himself. Thank you coming back on the show? It's a shame on its. Under these circumstances, I understand you ve been hit with a deluge of harassment over the last twenty four hours. There was even some crazy people who tracked down and accosted you in person at your home and shouted out you how you doing off to being called out by the world's richest man and America's most powerful broadcaster.
Well, you know the the attacks from the anti vaccine lobby do come in waves in and this time though it sir it's it's been one one of the more than one of the top or ones because, as you point out, a physical stocking end and the incessant threatening emails and and and the stuff online, this just total lack of doodle there. miss mongoose said chat. You are so right. Ripest, mongoose, garv, oh baby, which is James lenses acronym for basically, my deep sea do flipper route theory red wrecked and make it look like you're the victim. So hotels Who is god on television? Multiple has no problem by the way quote, debating the vaccine autonomous MSNBC, unfriendly fat of platforms. Right hotels now makes himself the way. Like all my gosh, I gotta defend what I said holy shit. I'm not gonna. Do that Scaring me to actually defend this pause. Statements I made about a vaccine that may not be
everything we said it was do with that. look at me? I'm the victim joe. It's stalking. Some dude showed up and ask them like a question on a camera. Tat big, stop, really proud. You have the idea how many people approach you when I go out there and you oughta stalking what spared this guy is, is excluded. you're like an actual doctor, I mean. Are you serious hotez who got almost every Big bold statement about the covert vaccine wrong. by the way who sat for this key. This is video is more happy. We gotta go his hat Deborah, maybe more this together. Tat use been wrong about just how every Major thing other bugsy served to cope with all the other stuff. Does it Go on Joe, logan show what are the big audiences in the world and discuss it. It's almost like europe
afraid of the truth, we used to have liberals are my show. Used to go and see it added MSNBC overtime. Liberals, you think I speak with forked tongue. Go. Look! It up, go to favorite video platform, thereby gino, CNN Msnbc, you'll see went on there? I'm not a job. Coward was bag like you job losers, zero, better jerry, eaten phony fake frauds. Here he doesn't want debate area this by the way making pretty despite positive statements about the vaccine. It turned out to be wrong, eggless, this obsession with mandates, and I say let me right now. No one is talking about mandates. actions. Will stop asymptomatic transmission protection, It's not long lasting with natural infection a lot of the time it was more with the original sars back in two thousand and three, but not as much while, with with the one for reasons that we don't understand so vaccine immunities problem.
going to be better and more durable, I'm thinking that most people think Vaccine acceptance is going to increase, as people see the benefits of, Didn't you say why the devil of a bright reduce the poop. Now you see why this guy don't want a debate. Everyone this, is the experts folks, the experts, man, I'm all about science. Ok, I honestly don't care about your politics. If you will to talk in terms of science in our politics, you want to talk about the vaccine, show We are breaking evidence. Don't tell me, world conspiracy theories and we're all crazy and the vaccines going to save the world. We, the science, the science. backs up nothing that guy just said: Melick what're, you Not out of these right. John sorry, I dare say: corrected vote the guy
definitely should be taken seriously get a lab coating about. I, that is correct data presentation matter, so folks district but everything I just said. Although we have about someone get me about, I had a lab coat. he tell politic get on that matter. From our side segments now Joe we're gonna put the well try in a lab coat, so we can be taken seriously. Just like DR hotez, okay, that works. I mean what what you've got to have a pen in there too yeah, maybe a little pence padded pocket protective. That's really see. That's like that's like boys and arriving from the ghostbusters like the super, smart guy? That's it I'll get it I have degree still. I don't like talking about it, because I d give you mention your education area, but I do have real degrees. can we do that? I have can we do a segment like that guy's, a bow tie? What do you think it a chair body Why? For yes? No four, don't do it! I get a lab coat. I put a pocket protector and about time I'm gonna put some glasses on because it makes you look more intellectual and
my actual degrees boeing. I have a ba weeds college, a man there's degree in psychology from city university in new york and an mba from penn state. I'm gonna have key hold them up So I look credible and I'm going to say some crazy shit too. Eva suits going to save the world please gotta get over it. Very simply about a transition obliterate. Your battle. It stops stops. Every parts but good stops. That's all go and you gotta believe me. Excuse said I got the lab coat on and a bow tie and they're just justin before you could just hold up my degrees and I'll be like I got a degree somewhere there, can be not america, don't matter, I'm a negative smarter than you look at that I went to school, yeah a cover, a lotta, yes is ok, good god We will do that. I like that idea now you're taking
medical advice. This guy, probably you kill me doctor out, as you can your medical advice about what you rejected your body from a guy who must No eating garbage food is not a way to get micro and actual nutrients like vitamins, carbohydrate, Good proteins are healthy fats, nearby. Here's clown on a rogue. It show talking about what he said. You're gonna, take medical advice is go, take a less be. Do you take care of your immune system and other ways. Do you take probiotics? Are you cautious? your diet, as cautious, but my diet is, I should be I'm a junk food. A holler guy actually without seems like a terrible for you. It is a terrible thing from a health and something my wife is working on. That seems ridiculous for someone who works with health yeah yeah when I was young, I sometimes man, I just don't get a ride. How often what how often Often, do I steal a bag of chips or something I know garbage
I do not know and hopefully not every day, but maybe a couple of times a week. That's with my rachel, my my daughter with autism. That's like our thing is to go to the the berger joint or to shake shack together to get a cheeseburger rustics snakes and fraud so you live in large. We call it like that also pleasure so much you're willing to sacrifice a little bit. I am yeah. I know I you know I akins. I have to concede. That's the case. While this I mean, I have to tell you, but there is a large by of data that connects poor diet to a host of diseases. That seems like it. Crazy decision for a guy in your line of work there you go sometimes sometimes the it's, not all brain, it's something else, but mean. If you a healthy food, I mean eat. The thing is your body starts craving healthy food.
I feel ya, no question no question about it gets even better. I could look that boy forever and he is out of the guys that I don't take vitamins Joe wrote Joe rogan. Who will tell you, he's not a quote men of science? bless yo rogan for this segment, Joe role is educating the doktor about health nutrition and how to live a healthy life. The guy has one job he's a doctor, ro get is a luxury, get really the benefits of like vitamin d write. In case to prevent calcium deposits. You know vitamin c for your immune system. You you never her well, another. Unita may come in here, diet. You just said you eat shit. All the time you just saw died, how you we crap, you don't get it grow nutrients or the vitamins, and now you you don't do vitamins do take medical?
advice from this guy do I do I'm really sorry. This is one of the best in you will ever see other eighty podcast ever got boys, oh rogan, for exposing this dude. What a phony asked him how often brushes its teeth, food. The greatest good ever I loved your inject is complete on longitudinally, tested mri vaccine into your body and shut your pie dipshit. Do you are you? Are you a junk food all everyday due to invite a desire? You don't hear need way. Why stay This is my body. While you can't even sticker carrot in that cool- or yours, like doodle, bugs body, what's up doc at stick of freakin colored vegetable in your mouth once in awhile before telling us this
good shovel possess, I'm not listening anything this dude, They say about AL, I'm sorry, you know again us with would for what I tell you anything I do for my like what I did a little things, just one my health accessed up, I'm always clear like it works for me, it may not work for you when I say talk to you after I'm serious, because, like I jump in, the cold shower the morning. Worships you have really high. What breaks your heart issues that may not be the best advice, real solutions We talk to your dark first and say you know. What would you use your maybe we need some advice. Maybe it at all. Do your own research you, but What's this guy on another basic stop the guys? I'm the guy can't even keep the battalion out of his mouth. Shut your soup cooler once in awhile stricken blueberry a narrow something, and then you can lecture me Joe rockets. If these something years all he looks like these twenty five. Tat is what sir He looks like he's. Four hundred the guy looks like
knows, virtue from like a vampire movie and we're supposed to be listed in the sky in the hotel guy ages he ages in dog years ever Joe rogan year is like seven years british sky and worship specialist centres, guts and he doesn't want to debate either you dont want to pray. I if we get our of k just a page, rogan about like vitamins and stuff. Oh, my the us does. This is that guy folks oh, is that guy giza across Dude I work out you. This is a guy in a germ right how poorly fitting short he's got the wide such pulled up to his knees. He's got veld. Ro pro kids from the eighties right, The guy has as pencils for calves is fat everywhere. he's got grew. Hang it often he's looks like yesterday's laundry he's about
the pounds, overweight and he comes up to you- and he goes. I, sir sir squatting with correct form. let me show you how about this? How about you get outta here? Bro! That's the guy that threw that you set it right. That's the guy saying this is the no no even better if the guy in the gym, you're in a gym right and his squat day for you, you're, going to do like bulgari and ten by ten squats, you go in yemen is five squat racks there were all taken. sky is first day at a germ he's in the rack doing concentration tracing girls because he saw the youtube video eddies he's. Not even you, barbell you I do that for that I paid my membership two year. Yet we know we see you again after the second week of january. We understand that this guy, that's disgusting. Take your medical advice, riskier spectrum
Europe is really healthy. This service guy its debts, however, what I see that my diet, like this rigour, I'm careful the fatty ishmael of my life this weekend, but my can vouch for me, I added no carbs at all it. It's the damage of a fatty meal for because it keeps my insulin, though I had no bread, no nothing, know knows anything about that them speaking the truth, other. Why? arab. There was an unprecedented level of bullshit this week from the bible I mean just like their dilated up bad and some crazy stuff too. Did you see, God save the queen thing, I'm going to get some out of the uk. No it's! a white house we have a queen exists, No, that's the freaky point. Biden bind us seem to know what a monarchy. Putting things were.
Pre revolution, peppery america, gus hectic week at a goofball bed, bad, I slept goodly allies there, I was supposed to be five minutes and never gonna get through this. Now that offers avid toward one, I said: like a champion last night, woke up this morning. Had my blackout, coffee, slab great on my helix mattress last night. Listened again, the day begins with a great night's sleep, and you need a good mattress. You can be on at eight hours a night. You might as well get a good one. How do we not have helix? They offered twenty unique mattresses for big, oh sure, wide, even special ones for kids defined a perfect fit helix provide one hundred night enormously drop the matter. Why sleeping position. I'm homicide, sleepers live the midnight locks, it works. Well. For me, he'll x is the answer. A memory form hybrid, all the more responsive to the individual, would enhance cooling features to keep you from overheating. Body's gotta be cool at night to get into deep sleep here. It's all about comfort care and a great night's sleep.
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zog is aim as they have a monkey parks are now. Why Member of the EU hearing from all the experts now for two years of exports hotels. About covert, put up scott. It works. It doesn't zero. Stop you ve really covert evolve social there's still sitting, is very effective. It is its droplets, maybe maybe not nothing. They. Told you to shut down the school it'll stop going. No none of they told you is accurate, is zero. Nothing. You have these people uncovered, but one things? They were bigeye. They stigmatizing people guys. Remember this! You don't have a man Scott and public you'd get some dumb, ass care and come up to you, but I saw your have amassed god because I'm not a dipshit. That's why that's why I don't have a mass got, but thanks for asking their care so yeah care, it's everywhere, once you like, what's a male equivalent to carry it out, you can argue dance I've read this top ten names of dicks. One time and dan was
like two or three, so you could argue that too I dunno, maybe a dog dad I dunno. I bet they come up to you too. You have a basket on your because I am not a stupid person. That's why so they love stigmatizing people you didn't get a vaccine, they wanted you fired. They wanted banned from you. I was actually banned from youtube after we quit for suggesting. You that masks, don't work which they don't. I was banned from youtube for that open now, this fascinating, dude jody. Amber me. Call in this. Do you remember me cod If you do you download, I sitting. Would strange way and a virus or some disease impacts a favoured Medical community with the Democrats, all of a sudden, k we don't want to stigma here. stigma around monkey part you shouldn't state that way, you just said we should quarantine, shame fire. Ask and imprison people Of course,
dare to ask of scientific question, but monkey boss there was no good up. Javert don't stigmatized people, because this is that they do politics and everything to do with you, disease, transmission or science or something eggless, I work and hiv normally it I'll tell you that I always say that I've never made an hiv diagnosis and someone that has in some now related to stick my think, amphioxus, the same so really stigma tends to be a barrier to testing a barrier to vaccination and so really addressing stigma intentionally It ensures that we get the word out in a way that supports people's joy as opposed to know calling them risky, and so I think you know, one of the things to think about is that the one person's idea of risk is another person's idea of a great festival or friday night for that matter. So we have to sort of embraced that with joy and make sure that folks know how to keep themselves say this believable man, they point kid in literature, ass, the bubbles playing instruments. They add gram
die alone behind, like us, saran rap freakin cover they day they were burnt. Bodies in but mass, wouldn't people, unlike fake mass graves. Stop they set up like a quarantine camp. They ve central. Part two stigmatized be what people were fired for daring to say: hey, listen! I don't think the vaccines great for me right now. Here's here's, and, and now all of a sudden- I don't know if we should people people that again Do not trust a freaking word come out of their mouth folks, not a word these People are full of shit, the time that guided in care, one bit about whose going to get monkey parks in who doesn't somebody cares about? He cares about the politics
groups go to arab, oh, my gosh. You know we can't get stigmatized for is where we're. Where this is science, we're just talking about transmission, they don't care, they don't care, you get fired, they get nothing they get mad metaphorically toto, don't stigmatize anybody. folks, this administration is less of lying, is epidemic in politics. I get it I totally understand I've run Four offers a better deal with these idiots, my entire adult life, but I'm when you candidly, I have never seen amount of cereal dishonesty that I've seen from the by the administration and they do it, just without any fear at all because no one in the media is gonna call em out. Listen. This is absolute b. Harry was again this week it with a already.
thoroughly eviscerated and the statistic about billionaires and taxes. He doesn't care He said it again this week because he is a pathological, Joe Biden that is socially passing communist. That's why you he's up several condom commies, they don't act like commies with your agitprop here. Take a less! Well guess why you know a prayer, percentage. They pay in taxes, eight percent gee hd They have a lot more. Have is bull, shit, he's making that up a lot more than he does that parts right. Why because Joe binds the millionaire and that's not his tax rates. what he has put this together, Joe Biden is knowing the truth by lying widens a millionaire,
we all know about that. He doesn't it percent opportunity, said billionaires. Ok, let's go to the data An article I've only put up, probably four or five times, seeing billionaires James Freeman, the eight percent figure look the day by the way on this. Please, then, that's as April twenty twenty three are, we enjoy exactly keep saying it. Despite its been the bump for it over again the ape said: billionaire tax figure is affair, brocaded number liberals that means it's a. Why, based on it's the rich would be paying if the union states had an imaginary and unconstitutional tax system that plundered wealth, not income, words. Folks, if you we're taxed every single year, On the value of your house, your wealth value of stocks. You haven't cashed in europe, Your eye, you're annuity, your social security money and everything else that comprises your wealth, but
your income, yes, you're, right, millionaires and everyone else would pay a lower level of tax not how anybody does in this, it is a breaking lawyer, he is a sociopath, big communist a lawyer- and I mean every single word of that he is a sociopath. He cannot. Stop lying, what do billionaires pay Well, we could go to the irs data, the ira liberals like what's the irs that actually measures this stuff. The journal, notes the average income tax rate, twenty twenty average, reverie everyone was thirteen point: six percent, the top five percent payers paid twenty two point: four percent, while the top one and there you are billionaires in that group. Twenty six percent average rate more than Eight times higher than the three percent
average rate paid by the bottom, half a taxpayer, twenty six percent, but it's up percent. I thought your bind said it was eight percent actually he's full shit. This What in the media ever gonna call amounts? I saw you wrote irs says that data is absolutely wrong, that the in our tax rates actually three times what your citing is anyone going to call about, of course, are not the guy it's a artists. They he gets away with it all the time he's just a freakin wire man. And he's a jealous hate filled by or too because an incompetent buffoon. So we the overcompensate, pay a lot more than you might. Yes, you do you're right, you probably pay twice six percent, which is what as to the one percent is like you, pay freakin, liar, sickened saving, especially on Monday. Alright, let me get to this. I'm gonna show you another one. He said this the other day and in this god save the queen thing, which is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen from behind
Jos, already seaside noble even those which means leaving it people in the wider house. What was he I about? Doug, guys, the guys crazy he's just a crazy person. You know that you need emergency food, think again the federal government. Usually did something really rare. They reveal the truth about the coming food shortage corner the: u s fully one third of america's annually planted crops and won't be harvested the seasons you sphere it's in fertilizer shortages, wiped them out means food would get scarcer and really expensive, really fast. You prepared for that. If not, now is the time to stock up an emergency food. For my friends, my patient supply. Do it I that right now their offer, the discounted prices help everyone out, go to my patriot, supply, dot com, you'll, say big and therefore weak emergency food kit be sure to get one kid for each man, each member of your family, he's load. This gown prices it's easier than ever to get prepare for. What's coming. Do this, I have a kid for every member, my family foods great. For me, a love it you get breakfast lunch is danish drinks and snacks. He barely one go and strong calories,
bible in emergency. You dont have him you're done, and I mean dandan act now, do not wait save big and each for we kit yoni go to my pages Why dotcom get free shipping to listen, forgive yourself if they hit the fan and your family suffering you and our food go to my patron supplied dotcom pick it up today my pagers supply backup. Please don't wait there's another one. Did it again this week it now having a problem with that? route with this administration- nothing, they tell- you, is true the science experts, the covert people, the vaccine up again this double and triple check. everything and you ll find out there always Lying here is vital. and telling everyone for price. Hopefully the hundredth time that he's magically a super cartier caught. You did it again this week, it that's. Why caught the federal dec ladies and gentlemen, here
just making all of this op take a look. We literally cut the federal debt in half by one point four trillion dollars in my first two years and I reduce the debt by one point: seven trillion dollars. We cut the debt. one point: seven billion in last year's me say it again: one seven trillion dollars lower the final death we caught. The fragile debt in half a fact, in two years, hi, reduce the dead one point: seven billion. In the first hearing, my administration, I got the debt by one point: seven trillion dollars now, whatever it is that that that might we cut photo that it hath. No, no ever has again, he tells the truth by lying. No one ever has reduced the federal debt that much including you so again, for probably you proud Tell me in the chad honestly put a yes if you're so
this chart a know if you're not serious example, bring it up again. If you get a tireless statistics, which is just the statistics? I didn't do don't public debt of the state. We used to. But the numbers, because the numbers don't seem to be getting through the dumb ass liberals, I'm just I put a short sharp. Maybe your visual you can't do math here is: the federal debt from I ninety two twenty twenty two you'll notice, when buying got in twenty twenty one january, the federal debt spite and what up every year. so strange, do we have I'd circle it for years up like that, their maybe you're a visual learner. Instead of theirs it up all day. thank you get. There are just in case you, a numbers. Guy point six trillion. Twenty six point: nine when he got in twenty eight point for the next year. Thirty point nine trillion out, then it looks like the debt up a lot. Since Joe Biden has been in office, it has, with real looking to the differences I call it out. Tell you the truth. Yes, trump
w bush the debt went up a lot with them too. the debt is gone up in near historic, bash, fatter manner with job I'm, the guy is a freakin liar dude. He just why eyes all the time he did. It again by the way, with this civil rights thing put up that wall street journal arc. I know I'm a little bit out of order here, but the wall street journal but the civil rights. The hearing was again this week it with this juneteenth celebration quote. You know I was a kid in the civil rights movement and I use think I honestly believe you could defeat hate, but aid only hides things was not a in the civil rights movement. This has been the bugged by even had goon losers at the wash impose noble, He knows this guy from the civil rights movement because making it up and to do it it's june, teeth
abrasion is just another despicable sociopath egg this guy does. Man is a garbage person, a garbage person, just a thought. Before I get back to his on june team fitted to folks don't run from I know a lot of people are intimidated. Talking about this because lib a whole losers, no matter what you say on race. If, if you say something positive, About fighting for civil rights go mad you're, just pandering to the black community, if you say nothing about your teeth radius, although you did mention these people, you hear me, don't listen to them. To should be a proud day for conserving, may not here that anywhere else should where the warriors for civil liberties and freedom,
it was a republican party, the republican party that led the emancipation movement. That's our proud history, that's hours, That doesn't mean democrats now are responsible for slavery. That's no different than saying you're responsible for reparations; those them grads, who supported slavery when it was trapped. Illegal in the united states are all dead, An asshole like Democrats are blaming, but you know, she seven or eight ancestors ago, if I haven't had any because they weren't here they were in ITALY. A dumb ass like them. Does it mean that but that doesn't change the history. I just told you teeth and celebration of emancipation of human beings kept in sweden. tragic slave conditions, That's our history! You should be proud of that. That's our history, our porn! That's our country's history, don't ever be intimidated from talking about.
Six could look at these frauds on the left or look at me. I was civil rights activist you're, fulla shit, you didn't do a damn thing: man, You are braggin on tape, about how your state was a slave states. That's a fact talking about it. Bobby's first clean black guy, you met her whatever that's a fact. Take a back seat to these guys. That's your history and don't whoever forget it. You're the celebrating not judging p but by the color of their skin. Not the left left out there telling people the white paper three argues the source of all knowledge, which is a constructive power, whatever man. Never be intimidated. For liberties are your issue. The left gave that up a long time ago. I still want frequency. We're gated, graduation ceremonies, the let's say, Spaces for different people of different races.
Segregation is their thing and it always has been don't ever run away from this just quickly back to this, buying buffoon in the white house and a lot more to get to, including is had said. The queen things like sets stupid is one more our job? I can't seem to get the numbers right there, If the billionaires in the united states is actually seven hundred and thirty five, someone could have just told them that take a look. We used to have savage seven hundred and fifty billionaires in america. Now that to me is about a thousand weaker, because Last administration is not do there's actually, seven hundred and thirty five. You know you could look that up. You couldn't just I obvious one more very says his grandfather fin again or phineas. Whatever his name is his grandfather told them keep that fact joey and at his grandmother said now Joe. We spread the fate. I promise you. None of this ever happened, he's making this up to ticketless harry term work on my grandpa filling his house and was kind NEO joey keeping faith
grandmother. Yeah now joy spread, it fell. I promise you that never happen. This dude cannot stop making shit up he just now, so like he needs to make What are these guys? The puffer who is so inadequate in his life he's not particularly athletic he's, not a particularly good looking dude he's, definitely dumb as a frequent rock so he's always got a puff his chest out and make stuff up. Oh look can be civil rights activists. My grandma said, spread the vote. Nobody said that to you, you were not a civil rights activist you're a pompous little dork. That's what you were. Who overcompensate your entire life you're corrupt? You lie you ve taken bride, you're, a folly and you're afraid lives, kids and allegedly took naked showers, witted daughter, which is discussed. That's who you are
he had a comment about sleeping alone or something you. Nobody knows what he meant by this. Let me guess what the effects that this is just another super, weird that you have thereby cringing, There's a reader about sponsors and shows we welcome new ones, we're very selective about who we take on its only products we use when she awoke I look down in florida. They sent me want to reject this thing, we got a lotta hazy. Winchell settings arranged like every day three o clock in the summer- and here I can't see anything she with a bright son when she was, a genius when she'll cleaning device uses to magnetic cleaning power super strong one on the outside one on the inside cleans. Both sides. Are you windshield off from the outside or you do push it around the outside paddle the inside, followed lindsey inside automatically its. Here's my, which has been a long time really safe applies a lot of firm, meaning pressure gets rid of Hazy gets a nose like nooks and crannies, too. when she allows the fastest these ass away. They get super clean streak, free and safe windshields. Every time you pull over for gas, take it out about clean it off.
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Think china's not pay attention to this theory is again up. There would futterman in like a boxers or something and a hoodie like he's traded for a rocky match, or something like this here they are sylvania, here's Biden. some weird story about sleeping alone: everybody The crowd has no idea. What he's talking about, and no one in the white house knows what he's talking about either take a listen for my dad. If I didn't I'd be alone, that's it I better explain some no long term, I waste It's girl I worry on where the going gets briefly job, when you guys goma, It's open it up here. Did you guys catch the land, part of that its largest faculty tells a story that makes no sense. Reaping alone because My wife, philly girl I gave
philly girl, one time a long time. I know what that I don't see what and what would they sleep alone? I don't know. What does that mean? We're not only then stay with me any fairly girl, and a chat. Anyone please put a yes or no anyone else. Is there something about freely and sleeping a load of your girl? I want the noble That means that even Biden Joe nobody, It does I don't even try to make sense of it. Ok, the guy is lost, is mine, but did you get part of what to do with you does it all and yet again guys how many times we have to tell the story. Folks, listen! I don't! lot, but I know this. I did this for a living for twelve years of my life. They are acts. Will given a script on what to do you, big caps, will break remarks. You will work rope line right to let you will eggs stage right by the yellow arrow? So they know where to pull the curtain open? but little arrows on the card. So everybody knows that you don't just on poland randomly occurred,
How does this guy never know what to do when his speech at user? Is he does he? forgets because he's cognitive, Lee impaired, here's, the god, save, and no one god save us all after this. No one knows what the hell disguised talking about figure. Listen this! I god save the queen. You this was really needed. No was born at the end of that. When we all know he's gone at the end that are either do gods, the queen. how does that mean? What out in the uk. We don't have a cadet, a prize. He realized she just guy the hell. Is this guy you talking about.
but in order to job right, the uncomfortable John Well, yes, again! Yes, yes, now guys come on. Is this not the greatest republicans pounce? Ever Allen of axios. Who should really hang it up after this? This is really embarrassing. This is really embarrassing, even putting this in your publication and actually so commenting about. God save the queen the journalist asked about it in a principle bite us Debbie, breast secretary, whenever principle deputy pressing jerry said he was coming. I think there's someone in the crowd about what, what did they say, Joe he's reciprocal pay us warm want a blizzard at dairy, queen god save the queen. This guide he was a responding to someone in the crowd. Then IRAN. They were asked again and the white house, respond, because no
What he knows with this guy says so this these pathetic car people at axioms who have to defend obviously meant that we impaired mad at this point by the way we're walking into where war. Three d like why it matters Biden, score he aphorisms are sometimes weapon eyes by republic, a strip portray this is work. This is quirky the fact that the man care.
I get through a speech without saying some dumb shit. That makes no sense. Don't worry. That's just us weaponizing them, because you want to portray him as being in mental decline. Folks at the jail republican down through this is the I mean of all the republicans pounds. This one is by far the most pathetic now here's what we got is we've got a problem folks get ready, because I am convinced here sadly, and god please and I'm not using the worlds awards of lord's name in vain god. Please please make me wrong on this. I am convinced china is going to invade taiwan before binding its head office, a convinced, the guy's pathetic everybody knows it. China crabs on this guy every single day. Out of you did this morning still gonna tony blinking are
Secretary of state and other corrupt, the crap was over in china begging for a meeting overture begging, begging, like dogs, and she's in paying waited till forty five minutes until the EU support schedule to to wrap it up. yeah I'll, take you, but you got like thirty minutes. How embarrassing? For our sake, terry state begging, like dogs, like dogs,. They know this administrations absolutely pathetic. Trumpet all this guy home had been like it over. You went out the ruinous, so would the sand, despite away so with tim, Scott or any one else when some dignity, folks abiding Look at this. Why? Why would they give these guys? The time of day, new york, post Biden excuses china's spy balloon flight is blank and visits by beijing This is obviously a house is by, I dont, think, delete
ship knew where was the balloon and knew what was in it? I knew what was going on because it's just said a right. It's obvious that bind instalments. Eddie thinks you're stupid. They didn't china. What was in the balloon? They're apologizing? If these people they have no respect folks at all, none look at political playbook you think we're not the warning signs are everywhere there all for the place play ball This morning note we, China refused to resume military to military communications, which is a u s priority. They gave us the double bow middle finger, a dick infliction folks, either the crazy soviets we still had. Back channels to talk to these people in case there was a nuclear mistake, China is you want to talk to us anymore? equality and that sound serious you heard about this anywhere else anywhere.
It cannot just my showing conservative media, but anywhere aside a conservative meeting now you know why. because the media, the lib, good media is walking us into world war three, They don't want to admit that binds. control completely, and if they they show how badly he screw it up with china. It'll make the guy look like the absolute and competent before he really is. but don't worry, green job hairs, spokeswoman folks and she's historic figure, these historical rights, not for the reason she thinks. However, because, as everyone changing of up no went on so she is historic because on this show she is by far the worst press secretary in the history of the united states and justice lesson in humility, baby now my strong point but prototype here. if you think your greeley really good at something in a historic figure. The sway to show that is not by having to tell people you're a historic figure
especially when your reputation has been for nothing but pure unadulterated incompetence. Listen to this there's been a couple of things that I that has made me incredibly proud. Many things, many things that made me incredibly proud to be at that podium during this historic moment. Again, this is a historic administration, I'm a historic figure and I certainly walk in history every day, but this is also a historic making a ministration? Because of this president? How pathetic again just embarrassing she's? Do you know why they get along just cause she's, just like by told the incompetent. Probably competent your whole life and has a puff all the time as thou chin up to tell you how great he is just to make up for absolute uttering competence, just like her goofball boss, does find I'll get, it is more a radio and do this segment and hold tomorrow folks will winning culture. War is tat She see what happened with the word, the sisters of perpetual stupidity with the away.
God you're ceremony that anti christian group that makes one of nuns and Jesus, so they showed up before, game for a little law. Recognition ceremony o showed up to an empty stadium. Now people pile then later when they gave stern, wasn't a full crowd, but almost no One reason for this is this. Is this surrender Hernandez right had tips manner needed here is a video she took her phone. You don't believe me. The for yourself that's it
Havana, Hernandez folks, if you are listening to this on audio, please watch the end of the rumble. If you think I'm making up how empty that stadium was, I thought there was big public support for these sisters and perpetual stupidity. I went up and how committed show up of data was forty five minutes or whatever. Before the game here, but I thought they had all this public support. All the liberals are going to show up to thank him for other great work. Well, what happened yeah every time you answer you get is a bunch of grunts about it. Yeah you're, winning, take a little victory lap and then get back to action target the dodgers but, like garth, brooks make them pay. Garth Brooks thinks we're. Assholes boycotting birdlike was eager to see. I thought
busy showed a man. I was a lot of monday. I was hoppin thanks for everything in a chat, welcome new chatters here, where fifty six thousand. On a monday s, a big number man on a monday in the summer spread the word gay people. Do us a favour, download. The rumble app if you would go to the abbey download the up or join us every day rumbled. I'm slashed by gino a desktop. We love to have you in the chair at that I've streamlines the world to us why we started to do it want to be in an experience with you in lifetime. Just like the radio, but we can talk back and forth every day, the chat starts at ten a m eastern time. Just then a gear and their started. Trouble I come on at eleven o clock join is every single day. Please follow us chew on rumble just click the follow, but it's all free then costs you anything and if you would an apple and spotify too, it really helps us thanks a lot folks I'll see you back. you just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.