« The Dan Bongino Show

The Trump DeSantis Fight Gets Hot (Ep 1973)

2023-03-21 | 🔗

The political investigation into Trump explodes as they contemplate how to arrest and process the former president. In this episode, I address the breaking details. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben, je. No pops yesterday that the pending trump arrest indictment, whatever rumor, you believe, is a Political spectral spectacles is absolutely zero attachment to the law principle anything like that. We're dealing with obvious commies on the left. We know that correct. Can we established as a baseline society I argue that point more. Thank you. I appreciate that restate the obvious worthy we come communist The man is obviously zero flight rest donald trump, zero threat to public safety is an obvious. Case for handling this differently and yet twinkies. Da. I They control his own eating, baby you're seems think otherwise. Parenthood to create a public spectacle.
As I said, lotta news broke on this yesterday, a big show for you today don't go anywhere today. Show brought you by express vpn user using but our express we bans, like leaving your keys in your car, where you run it through the gas station for a snack, most the time you're, probably ok. But what have you come back and see someone driving off your car every time you connect to an unencrypted network, any hacker on the same network and gain access to personal data Does it mean take a lot of technical knowledge. Tat. Someone hackers can make two thousand dollars per person selling your personal info on the dark web expressly being created, secure encrypted tunnel between your device in the internet. So hackers can steal your sensitive data ticket over the supercomputer over a billion years to get past expressway peons encryption. It's easy to use fire up the app like a button and get tat it works on all devices, phones, laptops tablets and more, she could say secure even on the gulf ciccu, your online data today by visiting spress me beyond our com, slash bond gino, that's expressed
he experienced s express vpn beyond our councillors, mangino mean getting three months we express vpn dot, thou come bond g banks thanks bs. Joe show show trial time time on back, Slip right there are concerned, it is a show trial. Of course, this is proof that this is a political spectacle. As I said to you yesterday, they, this case is a joke. A twenty case against donald trump, but new york for alleged hush money payments, I just a total plead farce. An abomination of justices were communists to work wherein the police state. Now it's coming tomorrow. It's not, let's see around corners. It's here right now. I just want to reiterate what I said yesterday. If this is not and yet another example of why you should get a blue states, as soon as you can. I don't know what else you need to see when I read
for robinson and lost in maryland, I don't ever told you story Joe lets. You say I was doing working on a deal and and told me- and I want to say who is a big? I didn't give me permission to talk about the story I went out of. He told me listen arm the deal. Scrubber. We can't do it because it was a bad deal. Business or items great business for everyone involved said. I you know you ran. Is there a public in maryland system? So you know the Democrats or despite ladies and gentlemen, gas The hell out as soon as you can see here is what happened yesterday. I told you that now the details or even ugly the manhattan de Ivan brag Is now apparently ruled out a virtual appearance for donald trump now keep in mind, but you will be as when you get a rest examined, walk into everybody. I've been working through them. The mechanics of what would happen with the secret service has been banned and more details of the case from I longed for some background. I
equally qualified to comment on this now, because I'm special, but because I've worked. with the mit and with the secret service, the two at discussing now what to do with a potential arrest of donald trump. I'm telling you having been an initial appearances, you guess what that is there you are arrested weather, come to your house or sometimes, if it's a low level crime they'll lead. U turn yourself in with your lawyer, to a secret service fbi office or an m Y p precinct right You turn yourself in you have to appear in front of a judge. Habeas corpus rights brings the body right. It's You know, you know wind up a communist totalitarian regime where they are You up, you never the judge anywhere in a gulag. For twenty years. Hey where'd ya go dunno. the soviets, too, were probably on the way that now here too having said that, magically there,
we're gonna, do an initial appearance. You got to appear in front of a judge, bring forth the body. You rest. Someone show me why this guy's here, ok, that she'll appearance. There is zero reason whatsoever. Zero this thing created security situation in the court house, where they could easily be done virtually there is this guy trump. That is, is zero. The rat! Joe you think this guy's a flight risk, but me jesse yeah, do they keep slightly recognizable donald trump, like a few people I know who he is. That's a guy that was a president, so yeah probably has not dimension he's on the federal protection by the secret service, who are not only obligated to protect him, but are also obligated as federal agents to uphold the law yeah. So that works both ways. They won't let them get away. No, no, of course they wouldn't let them get away, they'd be fired probably personally sued puppet
twenty years what's in brazil at such a debt spread, commie eager to get money from liberal activists, so they can support his next reelection, his manhattan DA or his efforts to be the governor of new york, whatever it is, twinkies stop himself, so, instead, doing a virtual appeared, which makes sense to any sane person, which is a limited number of people in need, new york, city, jury, pool and elsewhere. There, like that, bring him in Why? Because they need a freaking spectacle, that's why. That's why twinkies wants to raise money off this here, fox news redesigned my newsletter news. it's got a lotta good stuff today, but you know that consular newsletter. You want to sign up its frame, tromp robe law enforcement don't expect arraignment until next week. Virtual option not considered
A source told them that there was a meeting with the mit secret services and other entities. More your? U S, marshals and others. virtual option was ruled out, listen as the dna brag. opposed to it? How her another sore says it was never seriously consider either way makes my point wasn't seriously considered because why they want a spectacle. What residual doubt by the da, because they want a spectacle tromp in the court. Now I'm telling you this is going to backfire in spectacular fashion and twenty six doesn't get it because true, freaking stupid. We know the man's a liar. We the man's a fraud, and we know
the man is a big defined, the police sorrow left wing communist. We know that now, let's adding in this spirit, I am not arguing with that with you lives, that's just a fact. Ok! Now he thinks that this public speck goal of trump potentially in handcuffs being purple After being caught on camera exiting the courthouse, however, they decide to do it Where do you think this is going to be great? I just gotta do real damage to donald trump folks, many get to this? Second, with regards to run the Santer response to the whole tramping, if you think something's going to damage your political candidate. What's the first question, you have to ask right this down said golden rule of politics: the only narratives tat do down stories that do damage to a political candidate are those at is surely a pre existing notion of who
thought: a candidate was alvin brag, twinkies here. He really believes that true, donald trump into a courtroom and getting a picture of him standing in front of a judge or whatever it may be, is going to damage him we get changed the pre existing narrative that donald trump has been a target of deep state communist all time Joseph there thinking, I don't think it would, then I think it would reinforce mind reader. That's right, sir, very smart, Joe! Thank you for thinking that pakistan. It changes nothing. It changes, nothing but he sees tromp in front of a deep state judge in front a twinkies liberal city and our like there you go job targeted, deep state. I knew it see this What brag is too stupid to figure out? This is why mentioning things like tromp with the points after which, however city that is, does no damage to drop because trouble.
Talking about this stuff on the howard stern show decades ago. It's a print you! ready understand him. The b that person The guy was involve women and other stuff, and they vote for and for other reasons, brag doesn't get this doesn't understand martyrdom, he doesn't understand no not are not even a little bit now how? We know by the way how, We know for sure that this thing will definitely not be bad for you, and may in fact martyrdom well, gotta, do is go to both the cow, otherwise political left wing rag and do the poplar durban GINO it's an advance theorem. It's called the gypsy you were Peru. the one. Eighty theory go to the left. This now laid set are fully indoctrinated in communist ideology, read the headline and then do the inverse turn it around and put a negative in front of it right here
Political star poem, thinking it an indictment would be bad for trump, alexander birds, how should we read this? over think again. I've been would not be bad for a drop. You just have to throw the negative in their every single time. Political knows just tat light around. They know this and they're. Trying to kind of like take away and take put lipstick. on this thing now to cover for the media, because now they know their into deepen. They can't turn around now What political actually believes this understand that they understand that their probably going to monitor this guy. So what are they doing again there trying to take the edge off the flip? The narrative, so not serious media people. Ok, these are activists every they do have a purpose, and none of it involves the truth. This is gonna, be I I
Suggest, potentially a three to five point bump in the polls on the republic inside markets are going to offer trump. in any kind of a primary also, as I said to you, ass you by the way, there's a couple of folks say in this nicely misconstrued. What I said about the secret service. I saw someone on social media as far when the conversation now, then, once you know said that our bread can't arrest trump because its secret service, we did not say that ever please go to show again. Never how did not that it now. Thank you, joe with. give me did not say that correct. That is not accurate. Alvin brag and his team of scan, arrest, Donald trump, I read you, eighteen usc dirty fifty six in seventeen. Fifty two grants the secret service question federal power to stop. whoever wooden peed in their protective function it doesn't exclude alvin, brag or others
when they cannot rest him. Of course, I can arrest him it just me. If they arrest him and put him in a dangerous situation, I should have been clear right from the start like able put you in this jail cell, this serial killer over here, the secret service questionably has the power to say: that's not happening now, say. I don't know what the secret service is going to do. I do not talk to their leadership they ve new management over there. I am completely disconnected from them. I have Why do what the secret service is going to do, but I, to tell you the response: so far on this adjustment. When the public reading of it seems a little bit weak they? We making crystal clear right now. It's reason I covered this. The way I'm covering it that there too not going to agree, appearance in a court room that could cause a dangerous situation for their protect.
there's! No! We did then let it let it little game. The court's letter, mitigate the course. The secret service has the power to do us Anyone who interferes in their protective function, someone headquarters and by the way Biden should be behind this too he's gonna be a former president soon himself. The bite administration department of homeland security, which oversees the secret service, should be taking a strong stand on this today. And say, listen, We can do this legal process. Agree or disagree with the charges. He can we clearly arraign virtually they did at all during covered. You can do it now. There is zero legitimate reason other than to embarrass trump, to bring him we're courthouse and to cause a massive security nightmare some telling you, the secret service, has the authority to intervene here and they were not putting them in this dangerous situation: the kids, up and arrest. They can.
I have no authority to do that at all it can, however, intervene They can also declare something to be a federally protected area where their protect iii is put you in the cells, I said yes, it with this dangerous guy, nope nobody's coming in here around our guy. It's a new york city, jail cell. We don't care federally protected area the power to do it The question is: is the Biden D just going to stop them and basically demand the secret service? Put him in a bad situation. I would expect people would resign on principle that happen you swore to breathe. The present united states, which which aroma, if need be, a bad situation, someone better step up here. This is ugly. What's going on here, folks, a lot This guy in new york caused a mass of crisis in this country. with the sole purpose of interfering in yet shot,
Finally, another election. You know Joe, and I will work on election. I twenty sixteen conservative, you remember that down a washington dc workin from gosh. I don't know noon to almost ray o clock in the morning they called pennsylvania. We were still. There was just insane. Ladies and gentlemen, the democrats and the communist left will not stop interfering in elections in efforts to steal them. Twenty sixteen. They tried the collusion, hawks, didn't work. Twenty twenty! Unfortunately, they use the hunter Biden. Laptop is russian. This information hopes there. The mahler, probe and impeachment today destroy donald trump in two thousand and twenty. There is now another election in twenty twenty four. Were there now going full commie there go an old school gestapo tactics, now, they're saying well, if we can't keep em off the ballot and we can keep him from winning. Where he's up in a lot of poles against pine woods, or arrest them. This is
straight up old school gestapo stuff now, there's nothing cute about if something del about in the lead This saying now we're commies this how copies work doubled family friendly, although not family friendly in their case and wood, it's gonna, throw your guy in jail, lucky it with the programme. Joking do that again. Oh yeah man crash no profit. They need to look at it. You struck. Her dress this last night that are these actually working over. They chose work. That's your job! The work to do this geese cut some stuff. This is Tucker addressed us last night of all the acts of election interference. The russia hoax, the hunter, thing I mean this is theirs it. We could talk all day about the leftist election or fears this trying to arrest him is with
question the single greatest act of election interference racine in our time and if this proceeds and he's thrown in jail. and they steal another election. Folks, faith in institutions is gonna have entirely completely collapsed and you come back here ro bodies were listened. A talker address. This exact point either way donald trump former job is pro the united states is not really the point here. Yes, of course, you can indict former presidents if they've done something wrong. That's not what this is about. The headline here is that there is As noted a presidential race in progress right now, and if you check the poles, you will find the trump is leading the republican field. That's the unprecedented think, taking out your opponent using the justice system. If the democratic party is allowed to do this lab to crush the presidential front, run the main threats to their power with a bogus criminal case. Where does
leave us we're done because that president will live forever and voters will never again determine the outcome of a presidential election, its remarkable when you think about it, So, after all the yelling from permanent washing and about january six, and that was a threat to our democratic norms and the peaceful transfer of power they decided. Completely short circuit, our democratic norms that dimension the peaceful transfer for power using the courts and prosecutors. Now again, folks, Just like twinkies doesn't understand the political ramifications of what he's doing, because he's a tyrant, tyrant, never understand political ramifications, cause, I don't care about politics. Politics involves the electoral projection of power. There are not didn't elections. They interested me projection. A powerpoint they get its irrelevant. Actions, stealing elections, crushing actions tyranny. Socialism, they don't care there.
Missing the entire point that these countries prosperous and relatively peaceful. But if the countries around the world will we continue to grow and prosper despite world wars and other things, that of color stop their societies because of fidelity. Our common cause, that, despite our political differences, we all believe that constitution applies. All of us Ladies and gentlemen, that's a thought. Only at that time imports of veal board some material. When that dissolves point fifty sound of the population police thing, they do matters any more in the country. The country's finished now. Do you see why these conversations about a national divorce janet? all this traffic on social media, because there's a fifty four out of the country? That's like me, you know what agree or disagree. I get it. I got more. this round the sand. This responded yesterday, lotta controversy round that some of it
as I believe misconstrued on some of it and in tromp responded the ham controversy round that two gonna get to that a lot I got commies inaction. Coming up. Do cnn the communist cnn, ignoring the evidence right further phrase. First, experts have of a small business. You know the value of time innovation. Refunds knows too, that's why they made it easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employee retention creditor, your seat, they get refunds, dot, com that get started and in less than eight minutes see your business qualifies for your assistance Your business may be eligible for a pair of actually vote about the twenty six thousand dollars per employee kept on payroll. During over ninety, innovation refunds is already have clients claim over three billion dollars in payroll. Actually, funds through the ear see it may be, to help a b your business to there's no up front charge either they don't get paid into your business, gets its refund. Many businesses believe they will qualify based off, incomplete or outdated information dont. Let this opportunity ass, you, bikers payroll tax reef is only available for a limited at a time,
you gotta get refunds, are calm. That's get reform! Stockholm get ravens that come godaddy. Thanks, thanksgiving me from stockholm. We appreciate some Yesterday I mean it's fairly obvious at this point on the sand. This is gonna run for president there's a couple of decay Candide candidates, TIM scots, probably gonna, rounding off vague. He got Nicky Hayley, my pompiers, probably gonna run as well. She had a bunch of people, talk about jump at it, but it's at this point based on just public pauling. However, you agree with it are disagree. Even if you discount, if we're stupidity, that round this, this governor Florida is gonna, be his primary opponent, and this could get ugly. Why cause it's ugly already So he had not commented over the weekend governor the santas about the pen, a legit arrest of donald trump, but yes, spoke out so long web. So I had to cut down a bit. I wanted to get to the core of it. he mentions, george soros funded prosecutor so brag, which is what he is and a couple other things too. He got
both praise, however, and criticism furs response so again miss you everyone's gonna, be comfortable. Here Prodi sent this pro trump people. It's my job, I want to address the praise and the criticism, and this thing for tromp in his response to that so listen around the santa's first, the real victims. ordinary new yorkers ordinary americans in all these different jurisdictions that they get victimized every day because of the reckless. Political agenda that these sort. The aim is bring to their job, they ignore crime and they empower criminals and that hurts people It's a lot of people every single day These soros district attorney's are a menace to society and unjust. That, on the only governor in the country, that's actually removed one from office.
My task and in terms of or we are now involved in this won't be involved. In this I have we interest in getting involved in some type of manufactured circus by some soros d. I saw. He garnered a lot of praise amongst conservatives for one calling out the fact that twinkies is soros, funded communists, which is true, also run the scientists. accurately pointed out he is the only governor in the country, actually move the soros funded the over on the west coast of florida. That's true been a lot of legal wrangling over that, but that happened so good for him for doing that. However, a lot of friends of mine and others, I know not necessarily you know priority tromp adjust conservatives, they thought it was a little milton and they thought it for a number of reasons.
number one, criticized for suggesting that he's not gonna get involved now again to give you the full story. So you understand you need to make your own judgments. Ok, I'm ready, you both sides in this. It's up to you to make a decision to me to tell you how to feel about something an article newsletter. Today, from the wash times, I just found that a little bit ago check it out since this is team, is since cleared up those not involve comet bottle approach on people, and some of them just down the line, we weren't supporting anyone yet said. Well, what does that mean? I'm not gonna get involved. I think tat took it is meaningless sent. This was going to take a pass on it almost Joe, like hey, I'm not really interested this. Isn't my bag doughnuts? You do you think so, at the end. When I heard at first, I thought that it's kind of like gets kind of weak. I mean we've got clear disruption of the constitutional process, we ve got bunch of communists. Now, using using the law to take out their political opponents. What does not
Getting involved me, they said include that up this morning you can really yourselves yourself. Take it from me. That times article this. This team said that's what we meant. What we met? Is we will not be extraditing or sinding extradition paperwork from the governors office, extra thy donald trump, which is is going to be an issue. This I'm gonna be extradition, either way? I got a call about this in the radio show. Yes, I should explain this because what was already said he's gonna turn himself in. There is no extra. This newly extradite there's someone in a prison locked up or something you have to physically remove from a jail cell and taken to another state. We like suggesting chosen the bahamas. He gets a call from the fbi about a bankrupt, ray case. He was involved with Keanu reeves, Patrick Swayze, and I'm going get the job and chosen the bahamas and the f says: hey. Can you turn yourself in on tuesday and it's sunday, Joseph
I'll be back god tomorrow, timorous, evelyn backing to extradite him from the bahamas. Why not, because study, be there Joe doesn't show up on tuesday. They'll be extradition paperwork. So this weird argument, you ve got the descent esteem saying we're not gonna, be bob been an extradition which is worth it from team wanted to hear. The extradition zaka happened anyway, so This is a strange thing: My suggestion about this whole thing. folks. This is obviously all being polluted by politics and the twitter back and forth between the Tromp and dissent this people, knowing now that there's gonna, be a primary. My well. Opinion is getting a little ridiculous. Yes, this I think the sad this could have been clear yesterday and I I have just one thanks and I want to have any one to pass on this. He did mention one point: the scientists and I didn't deleted vomit
want talk about it now. I just want to keep that the soros part in there, and I get the crux of it He did mention during this statement of one point about. I don't anything about hush money, payments to porn stars. The santa said that probably gratuitous they have to draw that it will we get everybody, gets it now. Do you see go back to the beginning of the show? Let me just so I want to give you a political advice. What do I mean I lost when I ran for office? Tough race, blue state, that matter, I didn't pull it out. Just say, that is to say the steam that attack on trump as agrees been tried a thousand times by guys porter, it does in war? Why Is it not work because It's already baked in the cake man. I I would strongly recommend, for the sake of everyone involved, you just let that part of it go. Everybody gets it so there you gotta, give any kind of them
praise and the criticism on the sand. This assent now tromp was Why didn't you social quote, run The sanctimonious probably find out about false accusations and fake story sometime in the future, as older, wiser and better known when he's on barely and illegally attack by women, even classmates, that are under age in courts? Trop though or possibly a man. I am sure he will want to fight these misfits. Just like I do here is the problem I have with this can be the praise in the crevices praise from the pro trump years been of Joe trump. He walks use me as being a you know. What he's a fighter he's get on this fight against the deep state. The santa should join a gap. I agree. I just said. I think that statement could have been worded differently however, the criticism side are we. linking to midas touch which, in the true social. Both MIDAS touch is a far left.
group of insane radicals posting picture a mighty. We put put up here dissent this partying with under age girls at a drinking party in georgia school now I can't something without giving the opposite. This exclusively a political attack, which I think tromp should avoid right now, trumps got bigger problems with this arrest. We gotta linked shields where a little bit is more than enough times who attack each other on the debates stayed there is We are not in a lack of time for tropical it is to attack wanna at times not now. Primaries are a good thing. I will continue to say this, but we clean the supper. Now everybody needs to link shields behind trump right now, everyone More than half turned to beat each other up later. Having said that, if this were strictly political tag, it's a bad idea because it isn't a time for it, but it's not a bad attack said this has a reputation for a clean. guy and you're, going to spread these rumours, which mostly have been
an exaggerated story at best that, partying, but under age girls, its those kind of things do damage give any boss. It's need to make your own decision on it. I am not here to tell you who devote for I've been a supporter tromp for a long time. When I owe you the show first and have you all sides of it, you're going to get it here. I watching the commies inaction by the way, something to behold how they set these two. Please different standards of evidence for providing job. No, amount of evidence bank record a business partner, Joe Biden literally on a voice mail talking about business with his son, Joe Biden, pictures with her or binds business partners know about of evidence is good enough for the commies cnn, Bobby trump now allegation about that Nobody could seem to approve from
seven years ago is definitely enough to lock up the president bernard melted down turn it into handcuffs. Does matter I'll, show you that coming up in a second so so obscene, but it's what I do. It's, not about hypocrisy, that the left doesn't care. If they look like hypocrites, it's about what about hierarchy. Man, it's about power, the left is going to show you what they can do and what you can do to them You miss breakfast cereals, con everybody remembers get now you watch the Saturday morning. Cartoons, brother, your sister, your cousin, whatever it was, it took The ball is seriously ages of the good old days right. What's the problem in a lot of cereal, there are loaded with sugar and really stop What, if I told you there's a serial for us grownups? That's not blind The tastes amazing wild magic spoons. Here for you, it's a wholesome cereal taste, delicious magic sport is replicated those.
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Expose dot com, slash bond geno, b, o n g, I n o and use code bon geno to save five dollars off. Thank me later magic spoon, dot, com, slash pine, is good stuff. Ok, yeah watching these commies inaction is just hilarious. see it. Obviously, communist rep. Watching them display hierarchy over hypocrisy. I love people go on, the media are hypocrites. They say one thing about trump and one thing about the bind for me. Yes, but that's not the point so she was in tyrants, don't care they want to show you there in charge and there's no better way to show you dare in charge and a flip you that double barrel, family friendly than to say, watch we're going but your guy in jail we know our guys a thousand times more corrupt, and not only we not going to put him in jail. We're gonna run, however, for him on our channels and smile while we're doing it. This is a party.
I hated this clip yeah, I mean for all the right reasons I sent this over before the show like I was ready to like throw my computer out the window watch it watch this. Ball at cnn this rapporteur. They how how business records bank records of of mass of millions of dollars of deposits go into the Biden family from enemies in the united states, the business partner, claiming Joe Biden got ten percent as the big guy that he's the guy in the of the big guy email there Joe Biden photos with the business partners. They ve got Joe Biden voicemail talking the hunter about a figure in the clear here. They ve got pictures they ve got. But it's out the was you whenever that is, and the ladys like we're. Absolutely no evidence. This is linked to Joe Biden can get allotted. His great check this out the mental, does not link these payments in any way to president Joe Biden, I wanna be crystal clear about that, and the memo does not show that prison,
Joe Biden while he was vice president used his position to either direct these payments, or to try to Rich, his own family members in any way, which republicans have said, is the entire purpose of their investigation, and meanwhile, hunter binding legal team says that she pursued these business deals legitimately and he has a right as a private citizen. To do that. I want to redo part of the statement from legal team. They said hunter Biden, Private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavours, joined to sell business partners in seeking a joint venture with a privately owned with jill energy company in china as part of that. joint venture hunter received his poor of good faith, see funds which we share his uncle James Biden and Hallie Biden. With whom he was involved with at the time and sharing ben says so again, republicans are digging into this issue. They are trying to make this a political liability for president. Joe Biden, but so far they have not provided any of it. Wrongdoing, The icy wide Joe wanted.
his computer is no it. Well, okay, don't don't get the adult get mad Don't get just organise and organizing These people out of office as soon as you can we can clean. This thing up was every society in the history of the cosmos. We know about planet earth. Society we know about anywhere in the cosmos is on this planet has faced corruption and evil people. No reason to give up This is a reason say: oh, my god, look! These people are in brussels. We got it. How Were the ratings are collapsing? No one, nobody watches sienna, no one! Ok! Now we trust the media theirs. Action coming up we took the house was reading a story today about how We're north carolina are moving right back into the blood red column. Things are happening floor. We just one by twenty point: dont get depressed
A long in the united states. Get busy now What I find hilarious about that clip with this is clown and see it, and who shall I mean really? How do I constantly wonder how you go home and you Aren't you embarrassed going to your house for your neighbors echo, my gosh, you get to see me. I work at cnn. She says well. I've read the statement about these are all legit. business endeavours by hunter by has anyone described Never one hundred binds business was There's no one seems to know what was his business our hour. He was consulting I'm way would the chinese communist party not Did you notice nobody? can describe what skills this man had hunter Biden that we did. Multi million dollar pay out too billy? Its of is that filters way. So the Biden family? Do you just said
This is a classic, it's not happening, but it's great that it is that Michael anton thing. on one hand there's no. option abiden family. Because they are not really engaged in business. Joe Biden, like all he said Joe Biden, serious, and none of this is true then they ignore lodge and the other hand when the bank reckons emerge. Records emerge that it is true all legitimate business, except we just describe what the legitimate businesses, oh, ok, moving. Where is gentlemen, I told you we're dealing with socialist commie com, just plain old school fascists all this new again with the left natural collapses, aggregation. I will get to do a racist check as is necessary. I gay prepare yourself a job segregation. yeah, you know Jim crow and all that stuff net colored founds call? dad.
lunch counters, no bad thing or not. Oh definitely, I don't even have to think about it bad thing. Is he racist, the bad thing or no? He says definitely not crazy about that. Again, I'm going to on the record to tell you segregated he lay buried it. Judges rolled segregation, sucks ira lot with the left it with the left. These bell if these love segregation, so just like financial collapse, which is back we're doing same thing. We did in two thousand eight over again, aggregation is back with the left? Now I I thought of this little test, I thought I should say I thought of it: it's michael lanterns. You get my going on coming up against the causes. Celebration. Parallax words is weird: is wait, a parallax is the same thing looks different from two different angles, so I this parallax with regard to the audio you're going to hear next a die hard communist robin the Angelo I mean
to the left of lenin, promoting and profiting off racial division and race centralism in this country. She's, one of the big proponents of this wye river privilege. Rage, stuff nonsense, we're dead she's white or so I do not share Dennis. Who knows what the left right. This is the weirdest thing she sought video promoted. this insane crazy, lunatic idea. We should go back to segregation, so here's the test. Do you think if you were to go on a tv channel use her exact words as a conservative exact words. Not I think black people should get away from white people. What do you think would happen to you? Oh answer is, of course, you'll be fire the viewpoint segregation. Maybe
It's insane celebration, parallel left these love segregate and you can love segregation too. As long as you're, crazy, liberal, listen, This is check this out, I'm a big believer in affinity, space, an affinity, work and I think what color need to get away from white people an and have some community with each other and are all that girl and maybe see if anyone else want to pick it up, so Georgia to be clear as long as recall, segregation and the separation of races, Vanity spaces like the infinity stones, idle affinity, affinity and I get it as long as we call them affinity, spaces everyday, say: ok! Now, if you go on fox, as a white conservative, say the exact same thing. I got a woman, junior, probably not gonna, be back
showing you again how we have this by located society full of hierarchy, not hypocrisy on such hypocrisy left these can all four segregation and nothing happens. It's not yes, its hypocrisy. Yes, I get it it's not to take away the tape The way is the left sticking it in your face that they hate black people. They think they're to stew with black people to go and really associate with people of other races. They on segregation. Back, and as long as they say it they're, showing you I'll powerfully if they can even argue per se again. Should Nothing will happen to them at all. As long as they play the euphemisms game, he said a right, that's power at its path, but it is the big stains on this wonderful. Contrary, I've ever had Jim crow and segregation. They want to bring it back an apple
there will be, nothing will happen. This lady will be celebrated on college campuses, guaranteed fetid college campuses palm france waving her when she comes in. our now you see why you gotta get away from these lunatics and a dead steadily serious note before I get to my sponsor segregation is a grotesque stain on this country. The fact that people were beaten to death died, hanged, drowned, tortured, I buy cars. Fighting against separation of the races based on obscene bombing nations theories about ratio inferiority based on the melanin component of your skin is absolutely breaking disgusting and that liberal ale would come back and argue for this. Now is one of the most the sky thing things I've ever seen this lady should be shun from any public space again arguing for segregate
and make no mistake. That's exactly what she's argument for not de facto but the jury. The effect is no different. I got a lot more to get to grips. What's all this new again, that's just to bring back segregation, love they want to bring back to them, in two thousand. I beg bailouts bell ass. I thought that was a bad thing. apparently not now with the levies. Are the media to my last sponsor jane. You sell, ladies gentlemen, for the first time ever a friend's agenda so including both the altar retinal and dark spot correct or in their most popular package. At the web I join you, sell dotcom slashed in right now save over seventy percent of gender cells. Most popular package just in time for the warm spring weather. Featuring jenny, self, ultra retinal that contains a powerful retinal alternative perfect for the skin in the summer and genuine dark spot correct or to reduce the appearance of dark marks and sun spots from long summer days outside those here plus
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a quasi government entity that pretends to be independent from our federal government that prince money, their region, Their borrowing is reaching all time eyes, even higher than the financial collapse collapse in two thousand eight she sarka sickly notes, guys those were problem. We that a see here, there's the chart it's kind of weird. Two thousand financial collapse? All the banks had rushed to the federal reserve and say hey. printers somebody to save us. Just what can discharge. He set up a second I just want you to say we are going to turn over complicate this economists ultra they love to talk in fancy terms. This is from Bloomberg. So it's a left, leaning out that social reasoning gonna lie about this source of the federal reserve. Making Stick with this is when who is a lender, gets into trouble. Where does the bank go while the bank can go to other banks, but when those
thanks you're in trouble too, where did they go Joe? They go to. The federal reserve has the quote: lender of last resort, but gee, that's kind of weird, spikes on their two thousand a financial crisis and airy. Thank you, ve for highlighting that wow that's a lot higher bowed be fair. In relative terms, banks do have a little bit more of a capital cushion right now, but here's the crazy day, the cap, caution, in other words the assets they have on their books is polluter. because of god fry which made them all by the same things books. I want you to be crystal clear on this. We are looking at a potential its they all avoidable, but a potential meltdown that is worse Two thousand eight. If we don't square this away soon, now left wingers out their wants. You to believe
because Biden and is in office even write it up an axiom why the bag progress is no two thousand eight half look it is they cite the Dodd frank act. We did some things. Capital ratios are higher than in two thousand eight. What I just said dramatically, the largest banks, giving them a greater financial cushion. Stop me if this doesn't make sense this is what journalistic gob nonsense and Liberal span looks like So what they're saying Joe is? Yes, banks are in trouble and our borrowing more money from the federal reserve. That's a printing in big trouble, but there's don't worry, binds in charge and the regulation, us liberals pushed Dodd frank break tax us now because accept more assets as they did in the past, so they won't go bankrupt. What's the problem folks. problem is Dodd frank, actually screwed all over, as you can see from this washington,
times. Article were two hundred banks are ready to go under now too and tita. insolvency, what Dodd Frank f, the great recession dead is, it said, Banks job you you're gonna hold assets, which is good right. You want to to be about a cash and access to give you your money back odd frank, said you guys are all going to hold the same types of assets? Healy think that's a good idea, because what happened, then? They all went to. but u s government bonds, which your back make more and more and more worthless as interest rates go up and up and up so yeah they have more assets, but they all I have the exact same problem before Dodd frank banks had different ways to diversify, were going to buy, securities were going to buy gold were going to real estate. Therefore you got the chaparral yet a real estate problem. They are born
mortgage backed securities banks, one under first now, every bank in the country has the exact same problem. They all all have these government denominated assets on their books, stud Frank told them to revenge of liberalism. Yet again there another problem problem can have. Here's that was tennyson bc. One is liberal, hack outlets, acknowledging we got a little bit of an issue here. Because now consumers have a lot of debt, so consumers us we're gonna have to pay off our debt. How do we do that job? We go and get money from the bag we write a czech. What's that the boy still have the money so tat in the federal reserve. We need you to give us body whose we're losing money, because you told us to buy these government bonds that are losing money because it that frank. Can you give us. more money, so
pretty good money, causing more inflation, causing interest rates of up causing the gun. Bonds are there ass a cheat to go down even more as people going need money to pay off their debts, listen tat, god What's this MSNBC say no, we got a big problem numbers got a lot of that very good indeed body soon. economists warn of financial troubles to come. There is growing evidence that the average american household justice ruddy isn't preparing and no failsafe. All laid out in worrisome detail in an NBC report on how savings accounts are shrinking and debt levels rising, leaving consumers on shaky footing, a marrow spent about half of the savings they accrued during the pandemic, more trillion dollars. Card balances jumped sixty one billion dollars to a record high at the end of twenty two auto alone that its up now thirty four billion job. That's it march: twenty first, please!
Can you would you mind flagging this place? Thank you got it at all, While this is the one flag it I hope he never asked across all, because I'm right, but I'm waiting, very close attention. Rhino ladys enjoy. We are about five minutes away from a major egon, make disaster the governor printing money. To give the banks that are insolvent, because banks sport government denominated bonds that down in value, as inflation goes up as the government. it's more money causing more inflation, which is gonna call Consumers who consumer, dad the struggle more to pay their bills because they have less money due to inflation, who are then going to run to the banks to get more money out, as the bank is asking the federal government to get them. They don't have, so they have to print even more if they, sounds to you like a really bad
death spiral, I'll, kill a messenger. Just telling you the truth. A couple, a good videos here for the end of the It is now this is not new. It's going around the internet, but this from twenty to anyone. This is just straight up comical. This fouch found she's out with the dc mayor. How we just got our hands on. This is amazing. This should have been a long time ago. algae in d c, mayor running around telling people how wonderful the empire and vaccines are. These residents are a lot smarter than fao and decent mayor or you know it's this interaction. How do we not see this before check this out, while the flu killed a lot of people and how many people died of the flu? The last year I mean not this year, virtually none but the previous year, but twenty two Thirty thousand. You know how many people have died from carbon nineteen in the united states, six,
If the one thousand american union, that will be the number that you are giving that died, that's that's once again. That's your number! You gonna pass. Yeah def we ve got when you start talking about pan people to get vaccinated where'd. You start talking here about instant abiding thanks to believe people vaccinate Then ass, going on with that, It's not going to do something or of people like me, and most everybody here didn't get anything Nobody I should like in their house and protect industry. About thirty, or so faint is about fear is about inciting fear. People you all attack. People with fear does what this pandemic is is fear is feared is pandemic. That's all that is. The problem of applause were got back. Is that american hero a call it about? He said a right: here's! How come haven't seen this before, although it's from twenty twenty one, because they don't want you to see it in a way
people asking crazy things like question because the reason, no one trust these people she and otherwise, because they ve lied about just about everything, about covert, lied or been wrong. So This then saying the lab league, the vaccination jars, about masks, there's nothing. They ve been correct about about cover. that's the reason there is some huge huge breaking news came out yesterday. You guys saw this. Are you at home, needs its articles in my newsletter, please read it. There is an enormous case working its way through the federal system. It's a K. against the government for censoring covert information brought by a number of attorney general in the states. Will judge terry daughter yesterday the western district of Louisiana denied by the administrations motion to dismiss the suit. That's good news, a bite
ministration colluded with facebook and other entities to censor people a major first amendment violation. The case is now going to go forward. This is going to be a potential gains game. Danger on discovery alone, wait till these emails star come out here be a disaster for the sensors. They don't have you Then all you want to see one here rob lowery from the e p w h, what's ethiopia, because no exact. It is obvious that the president is official whitehouse email, all really emailing a facebook executive, demanding tucker carlsson and Tommy Laren videos get rid. in their distribution. I e said sir them Gaza is robbed, lowry, Z, right there always that to have digital strategy. The white house rub: there's gotta be
hard to argue you're, not a sensor when europe The sensor gotta crazy right here in this case folks this is a huge huge story. You'd story, I gotta go For today, folks, thanks again for all your support again, we moved up a spot on the trade in pod podcast rankings, thanks HU, the studio subscriptions are absolutely free than cost you a single dollar. Please subscribed to the sheriff you us! I favour an apple spotify, humble at dot outcome. Slash mon and join for the live chat every day on rumble levin. I am eastern tommy at thirty, seven thousand people yesterday, that's pretty impressive for three weeks in. Thank you. I we deeply appreciate our whole team here. They see back here tomorrow, you just heard and in bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.