« The Dan Bongino Show

The “System” is Rigged (Ep 1447)

2021-02-01 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the explosive leaked video from Facebook showing their obvious political biases towards the Democrats. I also address the growing political clout of Donald Trump. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan bungee. No, have you had any doubts that fake book was. We in the tag for the left fully in the tank, that's a little and the tags tat care follow recordable, but fully in the tank filled to the brim? One more drop? gas and oil spill. It anywhere project very test. As a video of Mark Zuckerberg and the fake book leadership team that just came out will show you, portions of the beginning of the show, whether basically just that, right, saying like a man we're in the tank for the Biden agenda Facebook, Facebook, I've got that and I want to discuss that something important how you're watching a real time realignment of political movements in the United States. You know you see this generationally you see political movements shift often, but you
seeing it right now in rapid time. How some the stance is traditional, all school principle. Democrats. Do I pray. They were principle Democrats at one time there may have been how things they claim they stood for tolerance, up for the little guy, quality or that of our now republican issues, while the demo We are all in four oligarchy monopolies, big business, the part have totally shifted, don't misadventure, Bathsheba Express Vps. Ladies and gentlemen, you are big tat government spying on you. I certainly also have a Vps get one good Express, Vps, Doc flash punching a welcome to the deadlines you know show it's gonna be a loaded show. Today. I want to show you that how the parties have shifted, how republicans are turning on big time also very interesting article by the washed. In times about how d tromp his political power- is increasing not decreasing.
And how the Washington DC media symbiotes. Getting this all wrong. All right, I got a loaded show today, let's get to it, you don't have to get big tech where you don't have to get picked up websites actually access to your data. Why would you I choose we choose to protect our online activity here by using express Vps him at the beginning of every. Shall you ever wonder? Frida Access social media companies make all their money. Well you The product they track, your searches, video history, everything you click and they sell that valuable data. Your valuable data when you use expert BP and you anonymize much of your on my presence by hiding your ip address, make your activity difficulties and saw the advertisers express, Vps, crypts hundred set of your data to protect you from EAST, Opera is on your network. It does price I bought out of their express vps. The app can be easier to use just tap one button on your phone or computer and your protected us that simple take back your online privacy today with the Vienna. I too right here express Vps, dotcom, slash, bond GINO
by visiting my link, you get an extra three months of expressly peons As for free on a one year package, Campi that again, that's express vps calm, Slash bond, GINO, Express, V, p and dark. Slash by GINO, protect your data today, don't wait, let's go. Let's get right into it: though I promised you this video. This is Facebook in exposing by James O. Keefe Group, a project ferrotypes why I've said often James O Keefe is probably the most a man in America right now, if you are a die, hard left this or a big tech full time, liberal activists here a brief portion of their latest video. You can check it out on their project vertex website. The full video I feel book insider came to them what some video of a Zuckerberg? I guess why companies call whatever it may be. Just basic. Admitting right now, they're not to get any more that they're in the tank for the by gender they're, not even pretending to be other than liberal activists, anymore, check this out
we're we're all important positive steps, and am I looking forward huge opportunities for Facebook is getting to work together, The new administration on Sunday top priorities, starting the code response you go. Now I addressed in the opening portion of the shall we were gonna would talk about how the political spheres that, where one the domains of Democrats and republicans- are now switching entirely. The Democrats, once alleged when they were. It semi serious party and that's rare. When they were a semi serious party decades ago or tried to be they once again, They were granted for things like tolerance, equality, the little guy we're for the union work really because the union workers were complaining last week that their keystone by a pipeline jobs
why doubt overnight, when the guy they supported Joe Biden came in and declared the Keystone pipeline is going to be dead on arrival, I thought they were in. It the little guy you're watching a ring time political realignment, when I addressed tomorrow, Victor Davis Hansen article n of enough time today, because its deep and it addresses something I have discussed in the past- this book revolt against the masses, Fred Siegel. They make similar assertions in both the article in the book that's important, but times. We tend to over think this, and why are you sings political realignment to be clear, the republican Eddie Conservatism, libertarians now being fully the port of an agenda. The Democrats claim they were in support of decades ago again arrests, equality, fighting for small business, the little guy posters We support now they ve entirely abandoned. Why is this happening while because Democrat
have now given up any premise that they can win through procedures elections, things like that, the courts. They don't want that any more democratic I will support anything outside process in procedure anything or anyone that gets into their end game absolute power. I wrote. Some of these things are they'll support cartels. Monopolies the militarization of the capital of active, full blown full frontal racism where they actively discriminate against people who are white because there. Why does support they have given up on process and Republicans have started to figured out that this system they once backed that they thought was to be fairly if everybody's in pursuit of power, somehow I M not suggesting it's always for malicious intent, but good republicans. Sorry people call me show good Republicans assume they could get power by supporting principled ideas, while list.
This support capitalism, free markets, yes framework, it's a good thing, but not everyone who benefits from free markets was in it for pure reasons and others. We're starting to understand that big business as abandon that's a long time ago and Republicans are object, to what they Caesar rig system policy makes sense. If there are you sure I need my audience, Ombudsman Democrats or in a full blown search for power. They realise that supporting the little guy unions and pretending their rented for this fight, this champion of of the black blackened Hispanic, maybe they're starting to realise that actively supporting policies that would do that support. Those people are in getting them power there not doing their labels So what are you have given it up? There now waited for monopolies cartels militarization of the capital, whatever they can do. Republicans are now figuring out the exact opposite that thought they had allies in business and elsewhere and those eyes, aren't there let's get to it. What do I mean the system?
is rigged and Republicans and conservatives are figuring it out right now, let's go to this daily caller article. First, it's an important one, you'll see the show notes and I Edith assurance? I encourage you to read it. You can access my no, no, it's and I strongly encourage you to do it. Please I need to be able to communicate with you are. My email is directly go to lunch. You know that calm slashing newsletter isn't important. Article here. Ellie caller corporations that support the fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage can afford it hears who can't Thomas Kent, and I cannot see the minimum wage. Ladies element, conservatism, libertarians and good Republicans four years have understood that there is in aid there's probably not always did there. There's not a serious economists out their serious nothing but the clouds who,
boating knowledge that raising the minimum wage would impose costs on a company correct. It's just tautological right. If you're paying your employees seven dollars an hour and that's the value they add to accompany, and demand you pay them fifteen dollars an hour more than double it's gonna. We're posed costs on the copy, this Eddie this. Will this bitter Jody with its Uno from Joe. I know from so nobody seriously disputes that if you're out of lemonade stand in your running eliminates, then you have to employees to employees you can dollars an hour and hiring Employee both you to serve more lemonade and make twelve dollars and per hour, then each hour that employ Is worth two dollars per hour there not worth more because the government said they're worth more. That's it sample using small lubbers, because there are liberals listening so If we understand that the economics of government mandated wages don't work, why are people
supporting them. If they're gonna hurt small businesses, because democrats- don't give a damn about small businesses, the system rig, big business, stone. Eighty Democrats Democrats one power there, by supporting small businesses through a free market just rather than government force wages was not getting a power, so they were and in that completely now there, support a minimum wage with their big business bodies. That'll crushed small businesses benefit big businesses, who will then Democrats more money, they'll get power, give the big middle finger to the little guy from the Daily Collar Peace Amazon. Trillion dollar company right Amazon began company. We republicans decade ago, and maybe before the Trump era probable. We have set out it's a free market company. Let them do their think now we're still to change our minds. Why? Because we realise they want the rig system to from the peace corps. Amazon went further and twenty eighteen pledging to actively Bobby Congress to increase the minimum wage while increase.
In its own company, wide minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour senior. Ice present of Amazon, global corporate affairs, J, Carney, Jackie Cardy, Jacob Paul you repartee current Jake on who was the White House Press secretary under Obama, reiterate that the companies view want an increase in minimum wage. It reiterated the blog posts so during the congressional session Amazon advocated for the previous version of the raise the wage act which passed in the House but stalled in the Senate, Corny wrote we will continue or advocacy this Congress, you get it you get it, how Republicans active support for business in the past is now turning out to be a catastrophic error, how the political the these spheres are now entirely not overlapping. There were entirely swapping Democrats and in the past were big
Is this this evil capitalism's terrible? Really because now there threats are fully in the tank with big business. Who then goes and hires former Obama people Amazon to influence people in Dc Amazon too. Yet a minimum wage in active, because Amazon doesn't really care, Amazon's, a big is this that has the money despair to do it, and how does this benefit Amazon if a minimum wage of fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage which will crush small businesses in America? There's no serious question about that. Only Dobbs believe. Otherwise, how does it benefit Amazon think think think they get through. They get through There's des some different. Some of you know. How does that benefit Amazon, But Amazon has competitors small beer, says, were Amazon can just replicate their products themselves and make an in house version of it wouldn't be great if it all
Small businesses were put out of business, and Amazon could just incorporate all their products and, through the Amazon, store and Sellen Amazon version of it. That would be great wooden, Republicans or figuring out now that the system is rigged, And that our reflexive support in the past for business in general may have been a catastrophic mistake as business turns around and supports policies that will destroy everyone, except the business that support the policy. And then you go when you hire DC people who leave liberal administrations, I corny who have lifetime jaws. It's illegal and then lobby and right blog posts about policies that will harm the american economy. Can then am midway. There's no serious question about that. I'm gonna be crystal clear. The body of economic research on minimum wage is substantial. It is it it's. It's
you see the claim, otherwise that demanding small businesses double what their biggest spends human resources, double that spending on human resources from Seven dollars to fifteen thousand many cases will not harm. Our business is pure mathematics. Oh idiocy, solvents Harm businesses, small business wire Democrats supporting it because again it helps them up. In power. It helps their big business buddy Amazon crush their competitors, it helps them get object, Amazon when they leave, helps Amazon again brush thereof, grow by crushing any kind of competition whatsoever, and it helps the Democrats obtain power by not only getting jobs in Amazon and elsewhere, but by also getting huge big tech donations to democratic candidates running for office, which abstained game then gave them gain power. What a deal? What a deal? It's like, a football game playing,
pill for the liberty lovers and down here for the Democrats, in their big business, buddies watching a realignment in real time. Tell me again how assistant in us versus them fight us. The great unwashed, I jokingly, say, standard working class dirt under the finger, nails, medulla middle class Americans will work for eleven. They don't get jobs at Amazon. They don't the money to pay employees regenerate eight box in our fifth in bucks an hour boy hiring them generate eight thousand at. Why would you pay them fifteen or go out of business because the Amazon said so and so did Jay Carney and the Democrats? Not only this big business Amazon, not only they want a reg. The media wants the system read to you, don't believe me, I'm gonna play this cut of Morbidly obese, coffee, fetcher, balding, middle age, zero
who just is all in now for censorship. Again, the spheres totally swap they're, not overlapping things. There begins once stood for stood for most universally support, a business are now now semi in the democratic camp as a support. Big business as big business supports them. Political donations, the Democrats and things Democrats claimed wants to support then of a really support, a claim to support them oh guy Union, workers, the rank and file deplorable class does, supposedly in the camp of the Democrats. Those are now trump borders. Why? Because the system is clearly rig. Now, Democrats in the media, again you ago, Eustace support things like civil liberties, free speech, a free media. That's totally got the media is now fully in the tank. For Censorship Toto, The carrying ism authoritarianism, crushing
Idea they don't agree with, while simultaneously gas lighting the american public in line than themselves, you know, see Then the network that promoted the hands up. Don't you don't shoot story, false the collusion? false. You know that me CNN. Well, here's the morbid we obese Brian Spelter on CNN, he wants this. Some red. He wants an appeal using political viewpoint, Channel Fox NEWS, does news, but has opinion that disagrees with him. He wants two taken off? The air was I will pay decent claiming to be a representative of the media. Will you supposed to Able to air opinions, even if on popular and air facts he wants and taken up the check out morbidly obese Brian Spelter, is predictable. As the sunrise Democrats, when election and then republicans say they are being silenced. But while some cry cancel culturally just a different way to think about this. They harm
reduction model, most people, clean air and blue skies and accurate whose and rational views and men and that health, the environment and looks beautiful. Then we can have great fights about taxes and regulation in health care and all the rest? The vast, mature people can agree that disinformation about. Let's say the pandemic is unhealthy, its harmful So how can an arm be reduced while big data some say they are removing lies about vaccines and stamping out stop that he'll, be us and cured on call content. Now do these companies, have too much power short. Many people say yes, of course they do, but we're you seem a liars. Reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is dead. And then freedom of reach and algorithmic reach as part of the problem morbidly obese delta. He he says: it's ok, Spelter, but there's never been a man with less
Sir Aptitude achievement life skills or thing relevant to speaking about the issues of data. Get a cable news. Show then show stealth there's dictating to the american public. It as you can talk because I said so: taxes and regulations, Inessa only after we eliminate our cable news, competition represent. Therefore, the media representatives We have a media who they show up variously title I oppose sources says, the same guy when he's addressing here. We need to get Fox news off the air corona virus hoaxes. What do you mean, like the hope, steady, Andrew Cuomo, didn't send corona virus infected people into nursing homes? Cnn ran interference. For that you mean that You mean the CNN and another at other networks. Another other networks that now that spare talk down about corona virus treatments, despite a met analysis showing some of the more because Donald Trump
you mean that network. Does the court boy had CNN really want to get into a full blown analysis of factual versus hoax. Information on networks to determine who get say. New found Ministry of Truth licence to have a cable news that work. This is that you should he wants to do that. The coffee fetcher! You know I put up a fake book post this week about stealth turn. Some people when the God damn you know, we should ignore this loser. No, we can't because dough People like Eo C in the coffee, fetcher at Sea and Anna, been used. I insane people throughout human history to enact the totalitarian tyrannical agenda They are known as useful idiots, they're ready, it's like stouter and a yo, see and others, but they are used. By irrational insane people to enact
solitary an agenda and to make sure rigged system is codified. You can ignore the useful idiots, the tools they ve always been tools. So isn't it weird how now Republicans of lately taken over the tolerance at Rio, tolerance I mean like tolerance for people who disagreed, isn't, does no one, Fox news. I know calling for the deeply forming CNN right. Have you you are that so where the real tolerate party right. It's the cost. Fetcher that isn't just that's a fact right. Isn't that weird have public into the party of tolerance. Yet the media wants you believe Democrats are is that we are Publican, so the Party of Medium press freedoms. While the Democrats are fully in the tank for censorship, their admitting it now the coffee boy just set, it isn't a weird. How now Republicans are, fighting against policies, a minimum,
It would crush small business in the little guy. Why Democrats are actively advancing policies that are going to crush your small business? Yet you probably believe if your liberal, small businesses that Democrats are in this fight for you, that's all areas to rig system, wake up its rigged against you, I'll say it again, while Republicans may not be the answers to all the problems. I acknowledge that the cause of all your problems, if you're the little guy, not the elites big business, wraps left this media lunatics like stouter. The Democrats are the cause of all of your problems. If you are a little back, Minister, you some more rigging of a minute how the system's totally ridge, when they get to my second sponsor today, Tommy John. Tommy Johns Valentine and found that don't mess this a friend's, Tommy JANET. Valentine S day. Dues and dots do look like
champion in a new Tommy. John underwear. Don't forget to get her buttery soft Tommy John, a lounge where it is buttery soft. They had him on this morning right. Can you assure me that we took him on the roadmap. Don't take a lot. I travel life. You ever see me at an airport. You know that's true, but I take my Tommy Johns everywhere. Mike is when you wearing Tommy John you that much more comfortable you can do everything better everything. With dozens who comfort innovations once you ve Tommy John Underwear you're never going back. If I go through that, that's why come doesn't have customers they have fanatics. Like me, I was wearing Tommy don't way before they were sponsor. I just want that on the record. Medicos America, Tommy Jenna work as they keep everything in place. You know them. No more flopping or sticking to yourself and your voice. In time, but love that they make. You look shoe good pick up a pair for years, give her some new Tommy, John Lounge wearing pajamas, Valentine success guaranteed because
Eighty five percent of women were happy to get Tommy John Lounge, whereas a gift sauce followers it too and totally exit And there's no respite, Tommy Johns best peril ever where it's free guarantee, try, charming Tommy John today, and if you don't love em, they are free for a limited time going to Tommy John Dotcom, Slash Dan, get that you are right and you'll get twenty dollars off site. Including limited edition Valentine's day give set, were her go? now. Last year they sold out in just five days get twenty dollars. Site wipe us free shipping at Tommy, John DOT com, Slash Dan, that's Tommy, John DOT com, Slash Dan, see site for details. The system's reg, the system's red sought at all in point of fact, big business is rigging the system for their bodies and the Democratic Party who go get big jobs with the same big business that impose party policies that
those costs on you, the irregular, great unwashed class in the United States, the media systems, regular people openly calling for an hour crush our competitors Fox NEWS yet, but they were right about the biggest stories that day in Europe. We don't care, we want them off the air. We want people forced to watch the and everyday. Can you imagine, being forced to watch the coffee boy, everyday items my tv out, the window, I'd have to check of no one was down there. First, anyone around right, I could probably get arrested for littering, but it be worth it to get rid of the coffee boy. But it's just the media and big business, that a rigging the system at the fact and how good right looking conservatives and trudged supporters are starting to figure this out. The bad republicans don't give a damn there in the pocket of big business to. Sadly, it's a lot of em, but it's almost all Democrats d, o J. If parliament of justice justice is blind Polly, you think justice,
Why don't you think justice is by fail and many survey the show today waiting your answer, Joe. You ok. With all its play next week, poor Joe, let's go it ad absurdum I as a reason I Canada Mighty, but now I just yet. This is blind like this. Let me show you how justice, but Polly wanted them up. Here's how So the United States is blind because the Democrats Tapeworm member the date they hated the police member years ago, they were all over Europe. Eggs and a blanket fly am fry em, like bacon. As of now, all of a sudden, I loved the Department of Justice and the militarization of washing they hated wars and an end and the big military government complex it got they hated that the left, the striking office that for you didn't I didn't make. Yet they told us that for years, remember the code, Pinkerton everything
Now, all of a sudden, we have a militarization of our capital with thousand of troops surrounding the capital Democrats what'd. They also seem to love the Department of Justice too. I thought they hated. Law enforcement and justice are here, is not just a supply, my sorry, my ear, elbows, don't work very well. If you want to watch the demonstrations very sophisticated, I'm rumble gotta rumbled outcome, Sledge punch, you don't worry, nodded. System is re, justices boy like this, you may catch that here it is supposed to be blind. But really what I, as you can see what my left eye is peeking around. So the war the right eye is blind that right, I of justice system, one that looks towards democratic, liberal and anti trump malfeasance. Anything you do too hard tromp or, if you're, a democratic, liberal you be relatively sure that there's a pie probability you'll get off, because justice is blind to Democrats and the anti Trump brigade. But when me
obligates when they do something, the hammer of the laws to come down hard, as we saw the troll guy who's figuring that out now, you don't believe me check. This piece in the show notes that again bunch. You know that calm, Slash newsletter. My newsletter is the shone out clear investigations. Remember the FBI lawyer, who doctored that document from the CIA that said Carter page was a source for them changed it to work, not a source which me the opposite of was the source. Remember him Kevin Klein Psmith, but why Indeed DC. As you can see in this real clear peace by Paul spray fails to bar the eighty Trump FBI lawyer. Despite is guilty Polly, you thought our association wasn't rigged. You thought the Department of Justice was fair, so just to be clear. You're a troll mean maker.
Making means on Twitter, the full force of the justice Apartment comes down on you burned down? American Citys threaten police departments be a member of it. Beef and be alarmed known terrorist groups in the United States altered. You from the CIA about a trump campaign worker and its content, with Russians. Nothing but still you you're, not even disbarred, but what he did come incline Smith. Let me just give you a quick opted in case. You forgot, they case. You're still wanted Democrats who thing Now I don't know I'm in this, for the little guy I dont law enforcement overreach? I dont, like the eye here they were engaging in a bunch of far worse than you are not a Democratic Republic use where the ones actually fighting for that.
Democrats, are all in it for a rig department of Justice in a powerful department of justice as targets polish. That's what they're all about now this! b, I lawyer they were ass, the gaining the Trump campaign and they were doing it. You in Carter, page was at one time a foreign policy adviser the term campaign Carter, page contacts with Russians the FBI because And hijacked by liberal interest was desperate to associate the Trump team with the Russians to prove their collusion hoax, which was totally fake. They couldn't they because they had no evidence so one card, page had contact with russian some genius. At the F b I was like this is great. We finally got our people hoax. It's real the collusion, Oaxus Real Wanna trumps, foreign policy, vices of contacts with Russians. What was the problem with the story? The folks? What was the problem? The problem was Other pages contacts with Russians was at the behest of our CIA
where he was a source. He was talking to Russians to get them mail to the wall and espionage charges, because we asked him to our intelligence agency. So the allegations in this document that is now Prob plead guilty to the FBI lawyer by that, when they found out These contacts were not only yes and context, but on behalf of our government Carter pages contact with the Russians, and they asked the CIA about it,. A situation of this guy contact for you, and they said I was a source, the F B, I lie or altered the email to say he wasn't a source to make those contacts. Look nefarious. Bulgaria tell me again other systems outbreak, but Daddy Peg guilty here he gets no jail time. Member George, but almost went to jail, might win was going to be the jail despite the Department of Justice, dropping the case. If we didn't get important, no joke, he was probably get it at some point he's been: oh totally, bankrupted
Roger Stone! You get a swat team at his house and embodies, if Roger Stone. I don't even know how old Roger Stone is at this time I checked. He was not like a new member of revenge, the ninja, I'm pretty sure he was not the show Cosu Gaed Ninja character. Who is going to come out with the stars and uninjured swords each Rogers stone? But he gets a swat team, but you Walter and Well, you don't even get this part. Tell me again with a straight face. Other systems that reg police is another one Biden loves. The rig system has benefited from it. The make the rig media big business. A crack symbiotic. Academia Hollywood. You could throw a whole bunch, its reverence the elites verses us. That's what it is. It's not me. Try. Generate some faint class struggle. It's a real class struggle. If you're
connected european crowd, you're all set if you're not and you're one of the deplorable you'll be a target, the rest of you. That's very real. So not only have you an FBI law being a Walter's documents, you get off almost Scot free, no jail time known of the euro and get this part. If you remember that in crime family. The mediaeval suppress the story right before the election about your son, taking payoffs from the inside states is worst foreign enemies. China and Russia are suppressed. That story for you, which they did Twitter, worked on the liberal Democrats path, just like Facebook and others, like Mark Zuckerberg, said the beginning earlier for the binds, but not only that the people who were investigating investigating your. Your son are put at a disadvantage because Joe Biden shows you the nerve on these people, how they don't even care. They give you the double barrel middle finger. Every single day
people defending hunt, thereby in this case lawyers. This is not a joke. People defending Hunter Biden against these charges that he sold the country out? The China and Russia are now adding appointments in the Department of Justice. That's what's the p prosecuting the case is not funny, I'm not losing. That fight is me you know I don't. I laugh when I'm so deeply disturbed when they take blood for me, because I'm afraid of taking place yet don't let my six foot two hundred pound frame for you. I am a big. Was I dont like needles? I laugh because if not They call cry and humiliate myself. That's that laughter now watches clip by Tucker across the case. You think I'm making any of this up. The lawyer defend
Joe Biden, kid is now gonna get an appointment at the Department of Justice that supposed to be prosecuted check this out. Who exactly is running the Justice Department. We ve got some if closer reporting on that night in one of his very first access President Joe Biden imported appointed someone called Nicholas Mc Quaid to run ideologies, criminal division, the all important criminal division turns out. That's the same. Criminal invent division is currently investigating Biden. Son Hunter who is this Nicholas Mc Quaid? Exactly will this show can tell you that he is a former business partner of hundred Biden, new criminal defence attorney, a man called Christopher Clark, Hunter apparently hired Clark in December to helping with the federal investigation into his business students to criminal investigation that deal J is conducting Volkmar Quaid. Clark were law partners together, lay them in Watkins. They worked on the scene. Cases right up until Mcqueen took the job at the Department of Justice on January
twenty. First of this year, the same day Nicholas Mc Wade was featured and just apartment press release later walk and filed emotion in court to withdraw my Quaid as an attorney. He was working on with Christopher Clark, so that means Joe Biden put as that. Head of the criminal division, the partner of the guy, his son, had hired to defend him against the criminal division. Woe So precision matters, let me be clear on this and what a mess up the head of the criminal division in the Department of Justice will now be a guy who's partners. The lawyer, who is defending Joe Biden, son in an FBI investigation where he may have sold out the country to China and Russia, Joe Biden of current President Son and the guy running the divisions partners with the lawyer defending Joe Biden such matters as it does. That
sound like a reg dredge system unawares, the media on the story. Showing you how the media's rig too, because of people like the coffee boy. Cnn. Can you imagine if that was Donald, Trump Donald Trump Junior, was under investigation by the De Oj for taking hey off from the Moscow mayor, a friend of Putin's wife, so he's under it education is a lawyer, Donald Trump lawyer. Joey bag doughnuts and Joey Beggar, doughnuts partner Johnny, Doughnuts gets hired to run the criminal division in the OJ, I'm sure the coffee boy, it's the end and who promoted the PPP hoax forever to the embarrassing himself is network in his family elsewhere. I'm sure he'd cover story right go here, would he be all over it? It would be. Last year on the Cairo at Sea and in twenty four hours a day until somebody resigned their step down, but because its Joe Biden doing it, nobody cares but tell me again systems, not rigged, and have your democratic you're in it for the little guy
The little guy gets the same courtesies. You think the little guy gets arrested for opening up his business and find a hundred thousand dollars like the iter, Jim guys in New Jersey. You think they get to a point. It's a new Jersey, State Department of Justice, whatever vehicles prosecuting them, the partner of the poor who are their lawyers? You think they get to do that now. Why not? Because, where the smelly people again as a you to buy whatever comment, third set at one point, the smell, it's more all the same: once the elites they get to do whatever they want and they advertise Did you check out this peace suggests the news agenda being the show notes that encourage you to read it John parliament's. I just the news, Joe Biden, Brother Council, proximity to the new president add four Florida law firm. This is not the first time
by family members, use their last name to advance business interests. I hate these If this was the Trump thing, but again it shows you how we're not living biased by but by an equal set of standard unifying principle. The elites have one set of rules. The great unwashed us the little people have a separate set of rules a totally bread and distinct set of rules. We hurt by those rules, the rigged system it's the elite bow tie wearing class. The way I shouldn't I'd. Really I love both eyes. I dont like that, but both ties are quite shouldn't like stigmatized, both icicle, not rob you get the point, because there are people actually go out to work for a living and make both as I'm talking about the fake bow, tie wearing classic
we need to fly said flog rob by the way some lady sent me an email saying I set a wrong. I said flog right, that's the way said: shahrazad flog. Where I did. I I gotta go check that are then we get to my third sponsor and I'm gonna get back to this. How these unifying principles? The Democrats, don't want you a fine principles because you can't rigorous system if the rules applied. Everyone right, begins or now totally taking over what used to be the Democrat messaging space were innocent little guy small business tolerance, the fight for equality? That's our thing! Now: real equality, not Democrats, fake equality, equal they call now, and the Democrats are now in four rig system. If you have unifies the rules. You can't read this system. That's the point! That's why they don't want you fine principles and they don't want to talk about it, that's why it'll turn on a dime. What, if the story about Don Junior, but what it's a hundred Biden story, they'll ignore it like it never happened, because you can have one set of rules I'll get to that in a minute to how, when you foot this,
dynamite, you expose this day gal right away. This next poison is genius. What someone did they choose change. The name out like I just did from kind of tromp story for a democratic It would trump story, and other Democrats freaked out. They thought it was about. Trump stories allows me to my third spider Just like I've been taken on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube Patriot, mobile taking on the mobile provider swamp, and I have some exciting news to share check this out. Patriot mobile just expanded their coverage, which will make it easy for even more Americans to dump their big name carriers, who charge way to my in an donate money left us I'm proud to and with Patria mobile they never sent a penny? They left their America's. Only Jim conservative wireless provider, plus you can switch with and it's because they use the same network as the large
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Now, because these political tectonic plates or shifting, and because we have now- stolen the Democrats message completely, which bothers them. Because been lying, there, people forever waited for the little guy rent for the middle class. They have to avoid at all costs any sense of a principled argue. That's Every time we call something out, they say: well, that's what about ISM We want to show you a series of tweets hear from me. Twitter account called Cuomo Watch court upon immensely name that have an automatic presented, your cumbersome and running named after the joy. For governor of New York responsible for the deaths of multiple people and nursing homes, because he was too stupid to not figure out that sending people and
if the corona virus into nursing homes, with all the folks who may be sick was a bad idea. So this twitter account at Cuomo Watch put up. This quote is troubling like no one should say this, quote. If you see anybody from the Cuomo administration in a restaurant in a department store at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them you tell them, they are not welcome any more anywhere. It's attributed to seen, Cuomo watch well when that treat one out dreadful right. We don't call for violence and people in the Como administration, God forbid. So why did this twitter account do that? Well, they didn't you guys, get the joke!
It was vaccine waters, liberal Democrat, who said that about the Trump administration. All this twitter account data's swap trump for Cuomo. Let's watch what happened? Democrats in the New York State, the New York State government were too stupid, that was a Maxine waters. Quoted, says: Maxine Cuomo watch on the tweet, so by the name of Karl Hasty, not dead, bright, says my God, is appalling and dangerous incur. King violence must never be tolerated, shape on? Whoever is behind this kind of garbage, yet we agree It was Maxie waters, but because he put get and confront the Cuomo administration, and now, when the original quote, was get out and confront the Trump Administration now, The sudden Europe separate when Maxine Water said it. The Democrats, upset at all? They ran cover for notice. How, when you unifying principles, when you swap Trump for com,
The Democrats are upset, but as long as someone's encouraging violence gets a Trump administration all of a sudden date, ok, cover for them, not, oh, that's, ok, wait! I thought we were Hence violence. Republicans are we been the anti violence dialogue? party forever. None of that Regrettably, the arena for the little guy nano. That's that's us! That's us, the Democrats and care. Violence. As long as its recommendation of violence against the Trump T hear some more boots Mark Democrats, you were very upset about this quote apparent. Not. Realizing was a liberal Democrat who said it he's a Jeffrey. Which what's wrong with you threatening violence Its duly elected representatives of the people. New York is fascism. The hatred least by Trump and his gang of thugs, continues to reverberate throughout the country. Enough is enough, fascinating, Jeffrey, I didn't say that when the actual quote by Maxie Waters was reckoned, violence against the trumpet me only cared when they swap Thou trump requirement.
Showing you again. Why that these people don't have any principles or here's another one. Last one hears a Debbie Ross real, Did we not learn anything from the capital insurrection? We must condemn violence and harassment in any form? Stop the violence, mob mentality. Hashtag again, she said nothing when Maxine Waters actually said that quote. She only appeared to care. When it was a fake. Thank God tweet. Violence and confrontation against Cuomo team members, which we ve always condemned but began not Democrats. Calls for violence and incitement for them as long as its calls for action men's violence and confrontation. Its Republicans array, ok,. There are only concern when you swap the names out.
GEO peace figure in this out folks, so Republicans starting to figure it out. Starting again there's a lot of bad republicans out that we still have Adam cleansing errors in the world who pretend to be principle than a really big frauds, but there to figure out that our unrequited love affair with capitalism and free markets, the principles, a good thing, Long as the companies we support, abide by those very same principles but- most of them in the big tax base, sadly dont and were starting to figure. This out check out this article by bright Bart sit up and shone out by James Pinkerton- a bad romance Republicans fell out of love with big tech. I want you to see this all because I want you know I don't wanna, be Debbie down or a Danny down or all the time with these shows. Were you know this aspect,
This is bad. This is bad. I've tried to tell you over the course of the last few weeks, despite the fact that it's been a bed couple months and, ladies and gentlemen, my personal life, it's been a thousand times worse hope there were people who, were you know locked up in prisoner war, can preserve work camps. You, added ten thousand times. Worse than Us- and I I know personally quite a few of Upham lived in Maryland when I ran for office might say their names, because I don't want that. You know people to attack them in their houses to burn down because they dared talk to a conservative. A one point, but you know talk to them. They tell you the one thing they got him through it. I mean the most disastrous disastrous situations being in a foreign. Prison with an enemy, the United States, where torture was commonplace, the one thing was hope is always hope. Remember what I told you that famous quote
And enemies not vanquished until he considers himself so no matter how bad you think, it's gotten on your end, We're not defeated until you consider yourself. So as long as there, a shred of fight left in new. That fight is still there. They. You demoralized dont, be we're going turn. This corner eventually made not tomorrow, maybe not next week but republicans- are waking up. The good the bad ones or sell us forget them we're getting rid of primary from the bright our peace. Look, this partisan split Republicans being tougher on tact and Democrats is further visible on the issue of remedies. Sixty One per cent of Republicans, now want to break up big tech than is applied anti trust loss compared to fifty five percent of Democrats wait. I thought that was the Sherman Anti Trust ACT. The Clayton ACT
Anti trust and anti monopoly laws. That was typically the realm of Democrats. Right Democrats told us forever. For decades they were in it for the little guy didn't they tell you. Monopolies were bad. Those are the big eyes amendment for the little guy, the small business, really because more Republicans now support breaking up big tech monopolies that are unquestionably monopolies. Then democrats do so what the media has been tellin, you forever to make. You believe in gas, letting you to democratic and if a little guy is balls stuff, it's the o p. That knows the good ones that I understand the system is rig. It's the g p that understands that Facebook and Twitter, the system or now again their free market companies. You can always archer on Facebook Twitter, that we try dad parlor, remember a try, do What did try they successfully white this off the internet. The website will be back, but he I thought
I thought that you're free market right free market- you can just start your own. No! You can't because this Stem is rigged and Republicans knowing so now we're going to use access the monopoly laws to break these companies up that of rigged. The system. Apple, has a total monopoly on its Appstore apple Europe is, in my view, off the face of the earth and their devices, which dominates the very definition of a monopoly. I thought the left was against monopolies. No, no, no, the left is into power and when men police cartels, militarization weapon eyes in the Department of Justice. For those things help the Democrats get power. They are. So loudly in love with the things they claim. They tell you, they hate the biggest scam. I have ever seen. You don't! Let me let me get to my last sponsor I'll. Show you another story here: how again there's no unifying principles gear at all, because the system is rigged. The idea one set of rules for everybody means you can't read this system. The Democrats don't want that. They want
rules, meaning no rules and rules that apply to you that they can weapon eyes to put you in jail and bankrupting? That's there are so afraid of that's what about your damn right. It is what about the rules you, too The rules are applied to you. Maxine waters can call for violence against the Trump team, but the minute we change that out to Cuomo all of a sudden. It's a big deal, We had one set of rules that silly me a final sponsored today, lifelike. By the way, the other side is something to show you again how the rules do not apply to there no set of rules. Would only apply to one are not rules at all. He scammers are using news at the second stimulus to steal, Americans personal information. Some and scams include offers to get your payment faster, fake checks or unsolicited messages by someone claiming to be from the iris, be very careful stuff links with these emails, text. Messages could be dangerous, malware or fishing scams. It's important
the Stana cybercrime and identity theft, their affecting our lives every day, We put her information at risk on the internet in an instant cybercriminals could take which yours you're savings credit. Any reputation is happening it. My dad, we stolen it was a disaster. Took me about a year to clean it up. I have lifelike. I had lifelike again before they were a sponsor have of myself. I have it for my wife, I have it for my kids, I have of my mother in law. Thing: there is life like out there. They detect a wide range of identity threats like you're social security number for sale in the dark web. If they detect your information has been compromised. They'll, send you an alert. You have access to a dedicated restoration specialist. If you become a victim, one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but you can keep which yours keep it safe with life, lock, identity, theft, protection, joy now save up to twenty five percent of your first years, a big savings. Here's how you get to steer, don't forget the you are.
You are going to life, lock, dot, com, slash bond GINO, that's life, lock, dot, com, slash bungee, no get twenty five percent off. Do it today, don't go to what I was seriously. It was a neighbor total disaster at a casual bunch of credit cards that life locked outcome. Slash bungee that twenty five percent are today Right so again, the Democrats greatest sphere our rules and things like that of rights in the constitution, which are essentially rules we off the live by because you can't rigorous system. If everybody has to live by the rules. So the demo, natural ally, with monopolies, big business, militarization, the department of just wherever they need to do to align with their bodies to crush the opposition and get the rules only apply to them. They'll do, and Sweden I Amazon just the news Amazon still committed to hosting twitter even is twitter leaves up incendiary content. Wait wait.
Parlour was removed from Amazon web services because of what they cited is incendiary content, so twitter as the same thing and Amazon's. I come out over twitter warehouse you why? Because there are no rules, big businesses in the tank for Democrats, big business, give money to Democrats. Demo then leave office and go to work for big business, which is more money to Democrats which promote policies that benefit big business. What scam. Now do you see why I'm trying to give you some sense of optimism. As this american renaissance happens in, the great unwashed us out there, the workers, the Patriots, the liberty lovers, people go to work every day, build. This country drive the trucks of build the houses clean, the floors landscape, the property jar out architectural plans for your homes fly the planes clean the planes, how the wrong starting a wake up
how the all starting to say. You know what Trump was right. The system is right. Guy's been in office a week. He said he hated executive orders and because he can't get it they passed through the legislative process. That's all these doing is negative ones. I very hated executive order, Spiten to put it off the weakest brothers on video, promoting labour law, firm, hey, I'm brown brother with with the wood Joe Biden Press United States wake at a not Joe Biden who, as other brothers, who were involved with his son, who were in shady deals with enemies. United states kicking back money, allegedly to the big guy, Joe Biden, which is under vested geishas, but the investigation she's, really weird one of the lawyers for honour by this body is now being appointed to oversee the department conducting the investigation, but he had yea. Systems not read it all. Now Now you see why this Washington,
and headline matter. So much read this article. This is a good one. I know I said that about a few of the articles in the show today, but the No sir important makes a show easier to follow even afterwards. Because we're limited in time. We can't read every article on the this is worth your time washed in Times four Harper being shown its trump quietly quote: getting stronger, wait! Wait We were told that the elite class- you know the coffee, You're, CNN and others. The media people told us Crop is going is disgraced, disgraced, pollyanna, Right disgraced, it's over nobody likes tromp anymore, the movements dead bag is dead. All that bad they forget it. Anyone who supported Trump is is gone. Forget it over that's what they told us right. Well, that's it because a reporter, not a conservative rapporteur, by the way when this rally in Wyoming against the maggots was running it. He is a mega guy. They had arrived. Against List Cheney. You know republic,
who is come out vigorously. Ganz Donald Trump and a moment it's not working out well for this change by So reporter went out there to cover this rally, admiring Wyoming against List Cheney, and she found that some really interesting things here are some quotes from the people there while this is from the reporter, she said quote: I'm really happy! I went out there inside, I think, there's a huge disconnect. Right now between Washington in the rest of the country up. What do you think you think she's and you know Trump people dont want to hear anything against Trump, actually them he stays out of the media, the more he becomes a smarter. This looming, figure over the GEO P. The reporter, old MSNBC in the aftermath of a visit here the comments yard quote a lot of people said they aren't really Republicans that therefore trump, that's it any
just, I think, he's actually getting. I think the base is getting stronger, truly miss Palmary, the reporter advised that way. That's that's! Not what the coffee you're told us. The media leads that when a sensor, these types of opinions- God forbid it got out on Fox news- that I was getting stronger or somewhere else because it's actually happening, God forbid the truth, because it's actually real a report. From the other side offences acknowledging that what you ve been told our trump is disgraced. His political bank account is empty, is false stouter and the coffee your crowd. They want to be sure you don't hear that God forbid. The momentum order Greece and Trump were to make the greatest com back in american history and twenty twenty four Republicans are getting it
realizing that a blind allegiance to their party and big business, because we leaving capitalism, free markets may be destroying us, because big business doesn't believe in us. Org, upon which they believe in themselves. So why should we support them? And that's Republican Party Heresy ban and I have no allegiance the Republicans who have no allegiance to our principles it worse than the Democrats. At least the Democrats. Don't try to fake it and be like one of us here and infiltrate repose you know growing up in Glenda Queens, one of the worst things you could be called was opposed. Everybody knew oppose right, talk about all the fights he's been in how much his car, ass, how many girlfriends he had. Meanwhile, the Poseur Dayton, like seventy duty,
man really gotten even have a girlfriend. My car it bought that car. Forty grand really it's funny a surfer, say last week for ten poseners right to worse thing with other Democrats, party opposers. Now the Democrats come back to that cause. I know some of you liberalising Bilbao, Donald Trump. Their dad will did that's it They didn't really do that Donald Trump brand as a politician right, but I promise you rebuild the wall built it not as much as we could. Built that wall. Oh he didn't, and what is Joe Biden pledging to stop the construction of the wall that Donald Trump didn't build, just checking said he would appoint conservative judges we get two hundred and thirty four from in three Supreme Court justices check tax Cutty promise check. Growing economy. We had for the first time in eight years, because Obama could reach, Three percent GDP growth got those tax cuts promised erect. Nation. We got that promised a pro life again.
There. We got that so yeah just checking. Was he really? The poser was that you guys all time just asking. So again, in the optimistic note, how we're finally, starting to catch on that fealty to big business and the republican brand was probably a that idea. Maybe we should start seeking out candidates instead of which candidate instead of the lake Candidates label themselves, we're figuring it out! Look at this story washed and examiner republican across the country are pushing for stricter voting rules after the twenty twenty election. Folks on that no one's declaring victory here, I'm not succeed. Thing to you all my gosh. Look, the disastrous when twenty election problem solved, I'm not telling you that I'm telling you That there is a renaissance right now happening amongst patriots in liberty lovers throughout the United States that are starting to figure it out in May
ass numbers that we have to do! the sell out in our party for more principled people at the Trump era, and Have we took out, there was, and there some downsides downsides is way too much government spending in that's gotta change. It was our principles are principles. Are we want to government spending. Money doesn't advantageous abandoned because it was Trump but overall, we allow with a candidate who finally fall. The weather is transactional matters relevant trump who inactive our ideas, rather than talk about it. I told you that this twenty twenty two election, Four congressmen and senators throughout the country that the two things that matter are tech, tyranny. And voting via free and fair elections and voter integrity measures. You now seeing it why as you are, calling your assembly men, your delegates, your state senators, your congressmen, yours,
is you're, doing and you're learning you're calling them in saying hey. Where are you on fixed our vote or last week? In a free and fair elections and their hearing it, why do you think, by the way that well, you should read it talks about three states: Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania. How Republicans, states are now starting to clean up their elections. You may say and it's too late. We already lost folks, it's never too late, remember, an enemy is only vanquished when they consider themselves. So it's only too late. If you consider yourself vanquished, I don't I'm not willing to give up. I have had a tidal wave of bad news. You have no idea, I'm not even remotely close to the red line, give up meter. Life is meaningless. Otherwise, what's the point. We're ready to give up, and you shouldn't be either folk summit after
for this tomorrow. You want I'll cover. One screenshot from a fair enough. Paul will cover the words speak. It away. Just told you. How will waking up and Republicans are discovering now the good ones voter tag, ready and big tackled. The two big issues for twenty two You don't even talk about anything. I love taxes, spending violence without fixing big tech tyranny so that we can speak and our elections We'll never win again. The issues and twenty twenty you everybody needs to have the horse blinders on there is fascinating article in the Wall Street Journal, one of the best I've read in a long time about how big tat gets around. Using section two? Thirty, there censorship of conservatives and how the key that you should. This deadline of peace can actually crack section. Two thirty, this pieces by Philip Hamburger Subtitles Tech, companies think the statute to thirty allows them to censor with impunity, belies seldom so simple. Here's the first screenshots from the peace.
How liberals again, who were supposed to have one point supposed to be big advocates for the icy Oh you and civil liberties, the ability to speak their, not their active, totalitarian sensors. Now looking around the sight of free speech, dialogue, a free media. That's just a fact. Democrats, like Brian Stout totalitarians. They want everything the opinion that questions their gas lighting crushed. So they can lie to you with impunity and the tech companies do their dirty deed form, so the liberal comeback is sort of The main issue: these are private companies, are contrary to the Wall Street Journal peace. Instead, the danger lies in the statutory protection for massive companies that are akin to common carriers and function. Is public forms I'll translate. This way in a minute, it's just guys talking about two hundred and thirty. First, protects Americans even in privately owned public forums o o liberals hadn't heard that before such as company towns,
the law ordinarily obliges common carriers to serve all customers on terms that are fair, reasonable and discriminatory here, however, its the reverse being unable to impose the full breadth of section two. Thirty censorship Congress protects the company, so they can do it. This articles brilliant. There were so many highlights from it candidly. It was tat the pictures to screenshots outcome, it more again tomorrow, I'll get to the second half of this, because this, improved. I hear the quick translation that what the Democrats there live, nobody's their media allies and the elites them where the ass, the actual working class in America, what they're doing to us in the name of combating misinformation is actually a full one censorship campaign run by government officials who can, with themselves because of the bill of rights, so their deputies
icing twitter and Facebook to do it for them, and now there is a ton of legal precedent. That's what this peace covers. Showing how you can't do that you can't the government ban political speech, but then be You can't do it use your Eo Sea and Road Qana. Democrats twitter account to encourage private cup to do the same. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a wide breath and body of legal powers. How this is entirely illegal to do you can't empower party united, AIDS Code section two third, you allow private companies to do what you can't do yourself sensor political voice. It's not gonna work I'll get to the second part of this tomorrow and I'll give you some of you may not want to hear this you know I'm on your team, but I want you to be better debaters. So it makes me a better debater is giving you both sides. Even when the other side is kind of stupid,
I'm gonna, give you the other side of the game. Stop story: I've, given you our side, how they ve read this The more general question Wall Street- the system they short stock. They go on tv. They talk down a stock Wall Street Make a lot of money, give the money back to Democrats demo in any event leave and go back to work for Wall Street them St Democrats angle back and leave to work for the government to enact laws that benefit Wall Street member it's to them, but you want to give you the other side of this tomorrow, so that you have you can already think ahead what the liberals and the them classes gonna say when you talk about the games, that sorry don't Mr Marsh's folks couple ask say, always appreciate if you make us the Bonn GINO Report, that is its mancino report that combine GINO report dot com. If you make us your home from morning news, it is the best concern rid of on line newspaper type D. You'll find out there with your alternative, the draft report Mancino report, dotcom judges, gone four left. Please check it out, make it your offer.
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Transcript generated on 2021-04-20.