« The Dan Bongino Show

The Swamp Strikes Back (Ep 1161)

2020-01-17 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the latest, outrageous political attack on President Trump from deep within the government swamp. I also address more troubling connections between the Democrats and the Spygate, Ukraine, Uranium One players. Finally, I discuss the media’s obsession with Lev Parnas and his severe credibility issues. 

News Picks:Jim Comey is in deep trouble. 


The GAO said Obama broke the law too. Why wasn’t Obama impeached?


Lev Parnas’s credibility continues to get flushed down the toilet.  


This February 2019 article documents the Clintons troubling connections to a suspect Russian enterprise.


What was the Skolkovo project really about?


Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks. With your host Dan Bonn, Jean based German, I can't card you strongly enough to make sure you listened to all of this. We chose or I tied together. Were you all of the connections and spiky molly Ukraine gate how these people under this break. Gum, Brenda Headline, they all we each other and they all need something off. Of these anti tromp scandals are all tied together. These people know each other Neild Ukraine. This week we nailed the the by gate debacle and I've been covered that today I have the final piece of the puzzle, I'm again all these people know each other and they all need something all of the anti Trump conspiracy theories are run by the same folks Today I have one there really hiding these people who know each other and Russia.
And they collected you're, not gonna, want to miss. That section will get to the news of the day. First welcome today GINO Show producer Joe. How are you today for a ride, a job, because you know, of course, that liberal media, despite the fact that all we do, is facts and data on the show yeah? They will call US conspiracy theories because it Joe has spear see theory containing a cap on the legitimate arrays penetrating discovering our parliament. I know you can't yesterday show well done Joe. That's media deflection of mice from the media. There is, do you gotta. Let me add that has led to get right to its hit. Haiti circle brought about buddies, that lending club decades credit cards been telling us by now pay later with interest and despite your best intentions that inch can get out of control fast with lending Bob you can consolidate you're dead or pay of credit cards with one fix monthly payment ice since July
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It really hiding the Democrats. We, where we ve covered all the connections of chinese people, know each other to be sure, I nailed this first because yesterday breaking whose, while we were on the air, Joe Regarding the holding of the ukrainian military aid, that's become the subject of this impeachment fiasco. We Democrats, falsely allege, was being held up because President Trump. Why data investigate, should open in a hundred Biden. There was no one for one deal. There. That's been debunked thorough. There is no evidence that the of that there are no victims in this case. The Ukrainians have not allege that the military aid was held up for investigations. Nobody's lunch at this is an alleged crime is being in peace for with no victims, which is puzzling. So what, not if you understand Democrats in a medium, but yesterday we had a big story and the story was the GEO, the government accountability office that works for the Congress of course came out and said
Is it a trump may have broken the law with delaying the aid, never really was like ass. The media people like this is great stupid. Talking point to take down president Trump. This is wonderful. We saw story come out: media celebrated. They were all crack in champagne. They had a little. I don Pirnie made secure shots, Romania, little CASA, Drilgo days or something maybe some Marguerite S who knows, but they were celebrating well, That was until we found out that the GEO, alleging that this delay in ukrainian military aid was illegal, we found that the j- I kid just about every present american history since its inception of The law, by doing things like this and the best piece of advice, Paul get ahead of me and I, like it the best peace, I saw this was by Map Margolis in Pga media story. Let be up at the show notes headline Ariel Obama broke the law and twenty fourteen, but no one called Obama's impeachment crazy. How that happens? It's just say so. Now we want to
The President elect a GEO says: you broke the law, so now we have grounds for impeachment, keep in mind. This was not even in impeachment charge. The issue is not even an impeachment short this gene, thing because it just happened yesterday right now they say well mom it's about when you rebelling us here? Is our second round bell? There's our second, how bout you totally now. There's. No second, remember so the G8. I said clearly that this precedent Donald Trump broke, the law the media celebrating, but again nobody calls for a bomb is obese impatient when they said the same thing now. I've got a few points. I believe me go to the pigeon media peace for because an important takeaway quote, that's right, back in twenty fourteen. The g jail ruled that Obama's
prisoners swap of five detainees it get bow in exchange for dessert. Are both Bergdorf violated federal law? I don't remember the calls for impeachment back there now Part of this is the GEO statement of the problem, The fence violated section Eight one, one one of the Department of Defense Appropriation ACT when a transfer five individuals detained gizmo Cuba to a name to the nation of cutter without providing at least thirty days notice to certain Congress. In our committees. The GEO explained wherever the cause for optimism, Then, over the jails and by the way this is an unconstitutional thing has been fought by every present. The GEO has accused list. Look, I'm not kidding folks. This is literally just about every president modern american history of breaking the law for delaying some appropriation based on Congress. Where were they, as for Obama's impeachment. The answer is that didn't exist. Of course, fatty wasn't bomb and Obama's a Democrat and Democrats are protected class.
Now, what's even more fascinating about this, so you have the facts to debate your clueless liberal friends. Your first question. To be so? You agree that the GEO saying the president broke, the law Maisie actually broke. The law should be impeach, your liberal friends, because they're not tat bright their typically. You know now, liberals not really know anything, I'm sorry, but it's true. I debated them on tv and they there either. This are liars must have your second question should be well. Why wasn't Obama peace? Did you call for Obama's impeachment for the same GEO charges about a prisoner swap? No, no, we didn't call from, but why didn't you you're claiming you principles right now, and that the J always the the final arbiter of the law, which is ridiculous, they're, not the Department of Justice there, making this absurd, even constitutional law. If challenge We turn out tomorrow. The account been acting. So why did you call for Obama to be the answer is obvious, because I'm a liberal and I have no principles at all. That's why so you're a liar basing yet
How do you reconcile? I? Can you reconcile that? Of course you can again euro liberal, you look in the mirror and you make things up every day, new, proud of you. So even worse making this GEO charge a trump broke delight and more ridiculous? They can go deadlines. You'll pay attention here, because the dates matter, the programme of time with facts and data, the congressional deadline for akkadian the money for the for the ukrainian military aid they allege was held up now, and violation of law was September. Thirtieth now, if you're a rational person like the conservatives, libertarians insane Democrats, it listen to my show, you may say well clearly, if they Gradual deadline with September thirties, Joe, the GEO suggesting the Trump administration broke the law by delaying the aid that the aid I'd be delayed after the deadline and September thirty right, that's just if you're interested in this whole reason should allocate facts and data thing, which I
There are many liberals are so what was the day the ukrainian military aid was actually delivered. Clearly, let it be December actor or or October right September, twelve o clock method visuals for the lives watching? Why not one plus two September twelve, if it was even one plus two a bee September? Third, but it's not it's September, twelve Now do you understand this GEO head hit was a political hack job conveniently Joe totally, coincidentally, released on the day the impeachment articles are delivered to the Senate. Job, stop glad you, anyway, we'll have to assess conspiracy theory that that was a political hey. This is based on a real criminal violation. That's right, the way again. Every president modern history has been accused of. Everybody ignores its consistent on constitutional law, solely deadline for the aid to be delivered with September Authority is yet it was delivered on September, twelve May total sense. You
it s really buttoned up. The jury is in nice. Job lives. You really mail that this time. Thank you cash. It only gets dumber from here. Polish suggested. We keep this video file because we use it so often so, just to be clear the rules that have no principles, no spines, nothing at all. They just sincerely hey. You is conservatives and the president However, what I always say I always say this is axiomatic can operatives believe liberals are people with bad ideas. Liberals believe view. Conservatives are bad people with ideas. Don't ever forget that another, liberals. Don't care about your ideas are not interested in your ideas, because your ideas are based facts and data. Here's why tax cuts work here is why tax hikes don't Here's why patients Centre healthcare workers right government run out, get it you want,
They are not interested, I'm not kidding the liberal they're, not interested, they are it. They hate you, whatever We stand for, they stand for the opposite. They don't have any suppose, I'm sorry to break this too, and that talking about all Democrats, I'm talking about the far left, they can't stand you they will ruthlessly attack you they don't care you're, never debating them you're. Bearing them. Only for the same people. Listening to your debate with the insane liberals, who will be convinced that you have Facts and data- and they don't know just angry- that you'd debating for the third person listening, I'm not going to tell the story. It is it's in point. I have a lot of experience with this. People came up to me all that. I'm aim and urge debating limber over there that guy in clearly crazy, that's cause. They are so trying again to show you how liberals have zero prince falls at all. They do you care.
Obama was accused of breaking the law so job. Yet again, when this past year make sure we're all in the same sheet music and I'm not crazy. Liberals are suggesting year by Trump, delaying military aid, the not even pass the deadline, but delaying it to review what they were going to do with it make sure we weren't, given it to a corrupt regime. There, sir, I think the delay in aid, although not pass the deadline, is clearly a violation of a wall worthy when patient now, everybody the audience clear. Let me take a show of hands all. Are you clear on the hairdresser, ok, Paul, and this up, Georgia, is your hand. Yes, it is Jos Hand this up everywhere he that it did What are of aid alone? According to the eighty, Trump Brigade is worthy of a piece with the delay of any foreigny some are use Euro zero, zero. What procedures already or put it together, really
Any delay in aid allocated is impossible, check out this little blast from the past from our body. We be an about turn about Joe. We back down a check this out and I had gotten a commitment from Portugal and farm yachts in Europe. Did they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so. They said that they walk out Prescott, send us allow marketing or we're we're not going to give it a billion dollars. I said you have no authority you're, not the present. The present said I should call em. I said I'd tell you not get dollars, I sell you not get the billion I would be leaving here. I think it was what six hours elegance six hours at the prosecutors, not fire do not get the money or son of a bitch fire and they put in place some one who was solid,
Maybe we should refer to this. Is the principle of czech portion of the shell so lives, because your fraud I don't expect an answer. Total complete phony surprised with zero principles at all. I expected that delay of aid on tape by Joe Biden, who was obviously Barack Obama's? Vice president? Who Biden says Obama's in on it? Did you hear that clear column column he's not a column? Obama. Delayed military aid until we pray secure in Ukraine, who is in that's the gate and Joe Biden Company Biden, sons company, where he works? Charisma in Ukraine, binds the man prosecuted investigating the company's somewhere for be fired or we're not giving you aid, and where is it there? Cuts in the media did nothing wrong. Cricket cricket gets matter
I read a slippery will arrive at you, but this initiative time the New York Times editorial boards interviewing candidates for their endorsement of the Democrats. I'd therein, doing binding and I'm not kidding here said they. The Ukraine question they like. We know you nothing wrong in Ukraine by the way you think about your son, getting harder. And we made the decision this- outlets reporting that President shop, he may be guilty. If a crime for with all the gate- the same ones, who preemptively clear Joe Biden for doing anything wrong. Do you not get to disconnect delay aid for Trump impeach um? Obama accused of delaying aid to Ukraine with binding and of Rio creating funds for the disasters. Bergdorf swap give the Medal of Honor man they deserve it. Do you not see that the disconnect the pieces were here.
This is like legos, Freddy. It's like none of the pieces actually fit this square halls and round pegs good words? airbags around. I hope even worse for hooks. I can you, liberal friends, have zero principles at all. I'm sorry, and withhold aid. Man impeach that guy you're, better binds on tape, but about withholding the does it. Elected president. Does it matter idiots? I swear. You don't have to do it at log, alarm and plan of fitness. My wife just heard I heard about this. We need an idiot alarm on the phone. Video on earth, I mean really. Stupidity is endless. With these people and liberals can,
and you too far for I listen. I gotta get the laborious next before I get to I, what are they rarely hiding section in Russia? We ve done DE. What are they really hiding in Ukraine and what are they really hiding with MIKE Flynn? This is gonna, be the capstone project that, before you don't want to get the lead partners are. Let me get to the second sponsored today Ali. Listen, you know how I feel about Ali. You have a pat, the pet is probably like a member of your family. I mean everybody loves their pets. I love the two dogs we have like adopted for my mother in law, baby and Linda there such beauties. The you know it's great about dogs and I'm ever met somebody there. They are look at these two beauties. You know why they look like tat because they eat Ali PET Food there- those dogs or older too, but we love that you ever notice about dogs job. When sees me whenever you come home with you Pats specially dogs, its
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my o l l, I e the coms. Let's try so s mind you know today, you will not regret your dogs will love you for I saw before we get to that section. I just want to redress this low partners who is rapidly becoming me. Michael ever naughty. Michael currents you know the media, when they start foreign over another person who is shredding Donald Trump? you know the media has barely done any fact checking on the guy. If there are any credibility. Raw member Michael have an audio korihor lawyers, they loved Evan. I was charged with crime and then all of a sudden role, if we didn't take ever naughty seriously, really you Adam, on your show you, my guest house, the view or whatever, and let me add my cocoa and who they hated because he was trumps lawyer and any came out sets of things. It gets trumps almost wish that even make it he said, and then they love my yeah. Well, you gotta fill in that box. So now we got this guideline poorness Susie Ukrainian Individual, whose claiming as this knowledge of this ukrainian quid pro quo that
literally nobody on the ukrainian side of significant says happen again. This mysteriously a bag robbery without a bag being wrap. In other words, these people if coming forward in alleging there was a quid pro quo. Trump delayed military aid and demanded investigations in the binds that exchange their military aid. Properties alleging this, but the liberals. Nobody is Next it there is no first and the counter this at all, and no, Ukrainians have come forward and suggested that this actually happen. Folks would not be kind of important for an actual ukrainian comforts? Oh, yes, we were victims of this. We did. We asked the military aid promised to us by Congress and allocated. We didn't get it and the President said we are not going to get it to you, produce an investigation, abide where are the victims The answer is their nowhere watched this hysterical cut. This is from being there's no victims file and this impeachment not. This is
you create. This is great. This is great at Seattle, this is Sierra made. They gave got this score of an interview right there. Are you crazy? I shouldn't left my this. Is the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign affairs on end. Like hey this guy live Parnassus Ukrainian comes forward, says, has intimate knowledge. He is the one who pass the quid pro quo he'll. Do the ukrainian partners to say I told you Ukraine is no o mighty without Hunter Biden investigations, so they get the middle you're a foreign affairs on and administer farmers I think he's gonna like come forward and he's gonna bet. He's gonna burst the bubble, how this thing totally faced plants on CNN. This is great love partners. A crony of Rudy Giuliani. Who is the president's personal lawyer has now
spoken out, as you know, and here said several things mostly, that he did carry a very explicit message from the President via Rudy Giuliani, that they would need to be a quid pro quo. If Ukraine was going to be, didn't you getting any kind of assistance and furthermore he has now said that he is spoken to key officials within President Zaleski circle. Since you are one of those and you were when this happened. Did you get that message from love upon us or ukrainian media as well today and yesterday, and strangely enough, my name was most of the Minister of Foreign affairs and it,
I never spoke with these individual and again frankly, I don't. I don't trust. Any work is now saying the assistance which he he is referring to was reviewed each and every year annually, at least twice in a half a year at the end of the year. So we knew that this assistance is to be reviewed. Sometimes it would be caught because of the political understanding of what is to be done in Ukraine sometimes been raised, which is now we're observing well that's a double, at least by a mere mamma had double model has a clear and I got a triple the eye ass. I was pretty good I'll give you aren't going to use your body right. She was so we open shrivel I've. Always little conservative with them, not least sometimes show gets a little trigger happy with commodities, but that Britain Triple maybe a two point about the two. That's hysterical. Creasy
our ports that dead, I loved the ever go back and remind that you'll see then quarters as CNN exclusive like we got em now the Ministry of Foreign affairs can aquatic say: yes, Trump threatened us with this money. We did produce investigation, abide. What is it about its acres? Listen up operator. Tight would so, let's get a president who is supposedly threatened with this military aid. We are rubber area. This word coming out of that do tomorrow, even worse for the tri factor of fate. Total phased plan total faced by he says it there by the way this military aid is reviewed twice a year anyway, like this was nothing unusual. You could not have a try fact stupid better than that now ready you created for CNN, who really talk, we got all care Bab. We news or bad big time. Are you gonna news, just not the one. You taught you so parties whose alleging You gave this message to the Ukrainians, can't find the Ukrainian, who act
We received a message. He said he delivered. Nobody you better fact the only Ukrainians they could find to say. We never heard of this message. That's not why? happen. I dont trust This guy, oh and by the way the ukrainian military age are viewed twice a year anyway, exclusive see annex It doesn't get any better than that that you know what you're right that may have been a triple I'm. Definitely under selling that you're just the dead tat. Even Paul was left and with other policies, busy do intact list up back an of a potent stuff. Wiring rest assured immunology does Bennet. She was even laugh and downward when policy laughing. I know it's good now gets even worse, foresee at it. This is noted, russian collusion hopes or from the New York Times Maggie Haber made. One of the, primary russian collusion hawsers at the time at the New York Times,.
Even she's on CNN, but telling you like. Here one level collusion answer even she's, on sea- and unlike our You really sure we should be put in a lot of stock and partners like didn't. We try this before with the creepy porn lawyer and Cohen, before their credibility exploded. I think maybe we this is our collusion. Hopes are telling everyone tee, oh baby, full stop! We may run a re. Evaluate this guy is nothing he's saying, is actually panting out this ass hilarious. What part of the same kind of the first, he was actually say. He should be a republican witnesses. Republicans should want to talk to me because I can tell them, but they do, but not for the reasons. I think there are some Republicans who actually are talking privately about idea that maybe he wouldn't be the worst witness for us to call, because we could try to hit into his credibility and again just for the reason we just said there.
Our concerns that he would not be able to hold up, and one of the one of the hallmarks of the trouble is that anybody who is our position on the Trump its instant stability ability. We have seen it over and over again, go have a naughty color. At various points, even when he was I, you know admitting to lie to Congress at some point after he had please. Guilty to other charges. Important to just assess this fact on their own and punish knows what he's doing. You know that it's very compelling to go on tv and say I'm here come take me and he's We hoping that's gonna help him in his criminal case. I don't know that it will but again. I think that if you, a calls, a witness it might not go the way he's describing, as are all by GOSH a moment of. Journalism from Maggie Abrams, whose, like the voice of reason on CNN, this is crazy. How do you know you ve jumped the shark seriously when the russian collusion hopes are crowd is even coming outgoing, maybe kind of Rwanda tape a little bit on this cat, a thrilling
pan out. I'm just that say an obvious saying: now: we're gets worse harness recovered a little bit apart. As yesterday, who says he delivered that message to assert face severe for If I say that I am wrong and aid to the ukrainian present separate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs guy by the way and When the stories like I did yet this violent know what this guy's talking about. I don't get the message today The collar is a great place to get up in the show. Not please subscribe to my show notes, but you know that Class newsletter. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will send you these articles seed or they call the internet for them. You can always have Let's go to Bonn GINO report dot com, our alternative to the draft report where we have these articles up to Chuck ROS Daily Collar, lemme cornices comments to the New York Times conflict with the CNN report about a secret mission for Trot now Joe
I bet you didn't realize about Europe. Conspiracy, theory, tinfoil, cap use another what this guy sounds like a tinfoil cap himself, so poorness, who is allegedly told multiple people about this ukrainian deal? Multiple? people who have no idea what he's talking about by the way just gonna, throw that in there This also said the President Trump sent him on a secret mission sounds crazy, let me say, double await, or something scam, so hard ass without a secret mission Are you running because internet conflicting reporting never even met the present? Since I was I, you know, I have a wife James Bond than awhile ice. They grow and a broader more was my favorite. Listen, don't ask me on Twitter, I get it. I know Sean Connery, it's like considered, like the Bible Let your countries the best I like you're. More call me crazy. I loved it. I like I don't Roger your borders, the best I'm just throw it
There I don't get a million emails, but that's ok, but partners daddy was double our weight or whatever, so here's a he's from years a sniper from the jug Ross piece which talks about parties having more credibility. Issues with his secret double away. Meeting with the present quote, This is common to the New York Times on Wednesday appeared a conflict, do what's and then reported about the Soviet born businessmen back in November live part. All the New York Times that he did not speak directly with pride. Tromp about as Ukraine related efforts. Instead, partners work, with Rudy Giuliani. Its fascinating Joe, because CNN report in November, sixteen that associate support is said that they claim he spoke privately, would drop in late. Twenty eighteen about Ukraine and at the President test him with a secret mission. Go go, go What were the stones from my Indiana Jones in the temple of going at the stones? They go. Get this Roma from
I love the Vienna Joseph Tabula: do I've always Mola Rob Menorah call get distorts room. All around lab part is got the mission got stuff smaller rob you go, get up and get really. All the kids at the unremembered Edna kids, there you go Mola Rob all around. Unfortunately, heeded meet me Indiana Jones, Mola, Rob or president drop. It appears partners is conflicting stories. Both can't make sense, the president said you want a secret mission or you never met the president and you lie. Please tell me What options see it's? Ok, there is it they make it. So we the I know you liberals out there too? I get it. Lives are below what you gotta character. Assessing. Can I dont know this guy, I'm that characterise sassy parts. I ve never met this cat. My life, I'm simply suggest
do that if you're going to teach the President based on his charge, tat. He was negotiating a deal with the Ukrainians that someone on the ukrainian side should be able to say there was a deal with the Ukrainians. Now is it is not a fair question: where am I going wrong wearing? Your victim is what I'm suggesting you're alive, king of crime you're going to broker a country that a high crime you gonna throw them. Three the turmoil over and impeach a duly elected president with no victim and no evidence. I guess all does again: you don't really have any principle so doesn't really matter. Let's start this This is important. This whole week we ve had the banner headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, all of the Trump conspiracy theories directed at him and the attacks there.
All related, it's all the same people, they all know each other, their role, part swamp, and, as I said yesterday, that's nothing new. We know there's a swamp hates Trump new is I've been documenting, how they not only all know each other, but they all need each other need each other for what once there all exposed nobody wants the other guy who knows about the rob, a bank or the spying conspiracy, whatever riding on them, so they all We need each other to keep quiet and shut them up. They all know each other. There all interconnect
two financial networks, jobs, Ngos, I've documented it exclusively using their own. Let web links you don't need to take my word for it just go to the web. The resources are provided for in this sections. Gonna be important. We covered Flynn me covered Ukraine, we covered spiky. This is what the Democrats are really hiding in Russia and how all these people are connected. We will doc and this again using solid sources, some of them down the middle, some of them right, leaning sources, but the information is absolutely true. Let's start. We're gonna call this portion is show what are the Democrats really hiding in Russia, the Skull Cavallo addition you're, like ban. We haven't heard about skulk, although in a while, you want to hear about it now because a lot of this stuff, I think, is going to come out of the Republicans, get to call witnesses in the trials. We could see the interconnected web of corruption. So what is
talk about, and why does this relate to what the Democrats are really hiding in Russia? Let's out of the great John Solomons article nail by the way, John just launched just the news that calm, John Solomon, I highly Kiley recommend you check it out and actual new site. Just the news that camp good job, I Johnson But here's an older article from the hill by the great John Solomon has done some tremendous work on this this will be in the show notes again today, bunch. You know that calm, Slash newsletter. If you want to sign up and made it is worth your time Turns out to be the case for Russia Collusion against the Democrats. Now we ve always known that if the Democrats story true. They Christopher Steel was using russian sources while being paid by Hilary Benn. If it is true that is taught illogically colluding with the Russians. Is it not? Of course it is last year, a media, moron or illiberal, who again is immune to facts.
Are. The Democrats lied, never had russian source to begin with and made up the whole story gets Donald Trump occasionally have that both ways, but whatever liberals don't really do facts with those are only now my. How does this relate the scope of our? What was spoken spoke of our was a russian technology project where the Russians tried to emulate or replicates, probably more precise terms, Silicon Valley, they wanted a russian Silicon Valley where they had a technology corridor where they could profit from that What the scope of our project was now what it really was gonna come up in a minute state too. Don't go anywhere for this segment. This is gonna get you seek butts always sold to us, Joe as technology project for this big russian market. This will be so cool these companies wanting to jump in an who promoted you spoke about project by the way which will benefit the Russians. Not us who is promoting. This thing relentlessly go back to the solemn and peace cause. This is crazy. How this happens you know tromp was Fortunately, colluding with the Russians nigh or Hillary Clinton quote Johnson
but I'd all crazy guy job? I secretary state Hillary Clinton worked with russian leaders in foreign minister, labourer off, and then President Medvedev, russian President Medvedev, to create U S? Technology! Partnerships with Moscow version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high tech. Europe is known as skulk of all. Head cells are castle, grace call from Clinton's print, was everywhere on the two, as the nine ten project. The Tipp of the diplomatic service reboot. U S! Russia relations. After years of hostility, prompted by Putin's actions in Georgia, a doll to the Clinton foundation. This is crazy. Daughter, they couldn't foundation russian oligarchy. Victor Vex sober when the russian side of the scope of our effort ads american donors to Clinton's charity also got bow wow. This is not Clinton. State
facilitated? U S, companies working with the russian project and sheep we invited Medvedev, two visits. Silicon Valley? That's just crazy, so this rush technology project, member, we're not supposed to be colluding with the Russians Joan member Trump did ass, whether one a peach? Remember Nancy Pelosi, confused or hoaxes the other day. That's right! Now there are pushing for rush. I thought it was. You don't even know what is an equation. Debunk conspiracy theory, but, as you know, is tat our house and says often again with the Democrats. Accuse you of is what they're really, doing themselves. So it appears there's this russian technology project called spoke of all which was up to something else by the way, wasn't really technology by the way that Hillary Clinton seem to really love any companies had donated Clinton Foundation or jumping into the scope of all foundation project. On.
The advice of Hillary Clinton and that one of the biggest supporters of the project be intimately involved, the guy by the name of Victor Vex, Wahlberg disk has a relationship to the collective. Do that's just the same. Survival rate, the Hilary really like skulk about the project, not waited skulk of all really like hills, but they re We like Bill Clinton to that's gotta part to John Solomons he'll peace, which is pretty damning for all Billy boy. So regarding the scope of our project. The collaboration occurred, the exact same time, Bill Clinton this, The Hilary spoke about current collaboration, Joe the solemn said its due by the way I happen that same time, Bill Clinton made us now infamous trip to Russia to pick up aid. Or dropping five hundred dollars, dollar check for a single speed, the eggs.
At the same time, Hilary promoting the scope of all Russia Project, no relation! Folks, don't you worry? It goes on the former pray trip secretly raised eyebrows inside his wife State Department, internal email show, I'm sure we made those up to that's because Bill asked permission to meet with. This is just the same: Richter, Vex Solberg. They spoke about an hour the work of edges senior russian official at Rosa TOP Rosa Tom, you mean russian nuclear giant seeking state department permission to buy uranium one of Canadian but he with massive? U S! Uranium reserves leave a ball tat again, media people, nothing don't worry, ignore. All of this is all a coincidence. No worries. So just everyone they pay per. What really hiding in Russia the Democrats Heller,
running the State Department Secretary State, huh huh. Overseas collect and a five hundred k check for one speech on this speech visit he requests to meet. Vex, Solberg, who's, running the scope of our project and of work They choose running a company, that's enough open the uranium one deal where we saw that uranium assets to russian interests crazy time all the while, while daughter as to the scope of our project are also donated to the Clinton Foundation to. And Clinton is in turn pushing this talk of our project. You may say: okay, so don't get it so Quinton benefiting from companies the Clinton Foundation is benefiting from companies. Evolved, spoke of all bill. Clinton is personally benefiting from benefiting from the trip for their and meeting with the guy running skulk of all. While the state departments,
the permission for all these deals with roses. Tom and uranium want and his wife is the State Department head sounds a little bit like shady Washington swamp stuff, like that get worse all? Yes, it does, or I wouldn't talk about it on the damp mancino show, as you see in these handy, did the icons in the back here. Why was this of all project really up to or don't ask me let's ask U s- Army entail the? U S, army intellect sounds really bad at it. Let's go to this daily collar peace by Diana West. Where she covers the title peace by way of being the shone out today worth reviewing killer these hypersonic missile gap. What the hell out you spoke of all you're going to have you got after body, the peace will find out exactly what that has to do with spoke about. You know: hyper missiles, the things that can kill us because we don't have a missile defence system for they go.
Multiple times the speed of sound here, those missiles raw, so data. We have what sort of clear that object die, Diana Diana Wes Peace, not This plain shocking language from the army circa twenty twelve two years ago. The language can alter people's views. This is crazy. Spoke. A voice from the army. Folks spoke about an ambitious enterprise aiming to promote technology transfer generally by it our direct investment and occasionally, through selected acquisitions ass spoke about, is arguably it overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage, with the additional distinction that it can achieve such a transfer on a much larger scale and more efficiently, just to be clear cheese. There is widespread belief amongst intelligence professionals, as reported by Diana West, that the scope of our project had nothing to do with technology for economic purposes and everything to do with technology.
Feel it to use it to create things like hypersonic missiles to attack the United States, good Job Hill Wade. Promote as the Secretary of state the best interests of the. U S very well done, and of course, Very well done, I mean absolutely horrible. So just everyone before I put the capstone on the capstone, because this more, I want to remind tape. First Hills promote skulk about skulk of us believed to be an industrial espionage project by the Russian the military technology we can use for dual applications: the head of the sky, the project is all power with the Clinton Cleanse wants a visit where the money goes over there and he's gettin. Five hundred k from a bank dossier with uranium, wonder where Clinton says he wants to meet with the guy who's involved Company acquiring uranium. What don't worry
helping to see her and the companies involved scope of our donated to the Clinton Foundation to spirits. He worries. Now you may say: ok, we got uranium one. We have in Russia, but their hiding. How does this transfer into the whole spiky think? As I told you, ladies and gentlemen, with this stuff is related in I'll, get it up. I had to pick one a break for a sponsor, but I will get on the capstone on the cap's them finally, today show brought you buy draft kings, drafting she like Fantasy Football draft kings is for you download the draft kings app today What's going on the state, can you believe its conference championship weak? Ladies and gentlemen, we get some big match up this week. Big match fixing the Unifil time's up for two of the four two of the teams playing this week, but you still have time to feed your
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the five hundred I was only add, draft kings. Minimum five dollar deposit required deposit bonus requires a twenty five times play through eligibility restrictions, apply, see draft kings, dot com for details. Ok, I and this bad boy up for you how again All these people know each other at all. All one big anti trump scandal. May not We all know each other, but They all need each other. A pipe out. All talk about talk about why the army did the army seem concerned about spoke about not only can't say that would reflect poorly on the and their relationships with the scope of all people in the Clinton Foundation, quiet down. So well supported the scope of our project and was associated with it that the army was very concerned about after the cliffs love. This thing Let's go to this Reuters article is really fascinating. Here, police
search offices of russian Prime ministers, pet projects, but are they talking about nothing here- just spoke about folks from the right there's, peace, not only with spoke of all a problem here, apparently was even a problem in Russia. Talk about spoke about Quote Roy its federal investigators, said the search of the foundation. Central Moscow offices were part of an investigation into embezzlement. I suspected embezzle of state funds at school of all, which is headed by Victor. Actual bar. One of Russia's just richest man is that pay attention pay this where it gets even better deputy Prime Minister, what a Sir Kauf Sakharov some Your government, a four the Kremlin aid back to school. Well Foundations leadership and condemned what he said, we're efforts to politicize the investigation so now about actual bird Clinton POW, who is involved, spoke about quit minor meet with absender demons. I eat meat with this guy
While I meet with a rainy one guy too, and I collect my five hundred thousand, our Czech Saint John same guy saving For those you, why did you do it better than shape gets. It is. It we know was not always supported by vessel, was also supported. This guy circle for was a poor need. Why does love circle circle? if we heard that year. This is really crazy talk. Now, so christian we're still, of course, you want met with the State Department, Smile Gate dossier. Alleged author gave have you to the state department talking about his sources and the woman We interviewed with em Kathleen Cadillac from the State Department took notes Here the notes of what steel told the state Department about what is cool quote source were so. We circled one
tobacco is a russian Intel Guy Way way way. It's still says he was colluding with the Russian at the apparently told capital like that, but look at the name underneath If you can make that handwriting, if you want to see the visuals looks Youtube darkened slashed by GINO, isn't crazy, Joe half yeah yeah Why is it that bizarre held their rights? I don't know I have no idea, why did Joe put it in you showed us beset the very thought. Those are carefully. Cavalry from the? U S State Department that Hillary Clinton used to run her own notes in October. Twenty sixteen as she's interviewing the guy who made who allegedly made up the dossier presented, believes here was the only one involving the steel dossier. As you well know, the guy who creates the document used to spy on tribe is I think one of his sources is why to fly
circle of the same guy involved with the scope of our project. Even under investigation in Russia. The scope of our Project, Hillary Clinton, promoted that the army taxes and Intel project to steal a retail to create weapons, to kill us with I'm just saying complex roads, not mine, again, thankfully Joe for coffee was kind enough to fashion for identity, because it's all a big conspiracy theory. Folks all made up. It's right wing. Spirits. I it goes right, wingers, crazy, so of course. There alternative explanations, you because we do facts here, Joe maybe The air was lying about resources, but You see how that creates an alternate problem for the Democrats. Selection, what option one steel is a lie. One of your sources- the guy involved with a corrupt project in Russia.
Allegedly used to steal our military technology to kill us by the way, a project imported by Hillary Clinton, who is paying Christopher Steel, we would call that a motive Maybe we can use our guys info to make Trump go away, so he does find out about what we didn't scope now I would only be a motive in a Barney Miller episode right because there are no investigative journalists out there. Of course, on the left side, the spectrum. So that option sounds pretty bad Roger who cries off with your source to say: I have often spoke of a pretty bad Hillary Clinton thing, half bad. You may say: well, let's give him out. Steel was a liar. Steel was lying. This, as other people had to speculate still lying circle. Wasn't one officer he was just off on his chest, creates kind of a bigger problem, Bennett
What's the problem obvious, I believe it's. The Democrats have told us for two years, Tromp was colluding with the Russians based on this impeccable source, Christopher Steel, who had the best sources in Russia imaginable. So now, you're saying the whole thing was made up. Ok, so one Hilary was involved with the scope of our project in russian espionage. And their source to take down was the same guy involved with the project circle. Wow, that's bad or option to you fabricated added. Higher dossier based on a source, you know is crap and spied on. The present escape pay because of it. I'm not mess. Www gel. When I tell you I seriously, don't know which one of those options is more damaging. I Darby I've got peering, it's like one sucks one really sucks, while which one because they both really stuck. I have no idea that such factors higher
no idea which one such worse? None I'm not kidding so you spied on a presidential campaign, Why you knew was alive because you knew your source was lying about russian sources or you use the russian source involved with a russian espionage project. Hillary Clinton was intimately involved crazy talk, man, idiots. Again, please Roswell, Rachel and all the left is not jobs out. There. The bunker anything. I just told you it's the I'd, say: Cirque off was one of the. What may be more precise, the cap like not write down that steel indicated precision. Search office where they do not. Do you think I made that up? Has anyone disputed, those not Do you deny circle was involved, spoke about that was under, invest, even in Russia. Do you deny
the army had suspicions about what spoke about was up to. Do you didn't I bill Clinton collected a five hundred thousand dollars check for a bank involved in Russia when he wanted to meet with the scope of all had those don't exist, you're suggesting that's a lie, do you deny Hilary was promoting, spoke about and suggesting companies join skulk about, despite the fact that they were companies were down into the Clinton Foundation and they were severe concerns about spoke about. Please what part of that is both well wait. Course we can't you'll, never get. It would be less. During the weekend I gotta get to this summer you're wondering? Why did you mentioned coma? Yet I was just its Jim call me and the guys I don't always more com,
TIM a coming in order which stories worse and unless they are always more corrupt, Komio Brennan seriously, but call me you see the story to wash them Samuel Jim Commies, apparently under investigation again for potentially devastating leak of what was thought to be russian in TAT. I want to give you the quick backstory this, but I want to have trade. Howdy, set it up. First, this was true gouty over their booty, Martha Maccallum on Fox NEWS in a nutshell, colonies under arrest. Nation again by the Department of Justice for allegedly Lee King Russian Intel to a media outlets gouty as you Demons washed in Samara had let my dance shaven, apparently estimate cited for once. He was all Martha Thomas, I kind of summoning up I'll, explain to you which really going on in a nutshell, so you now check this out their story. That's just of coming out from the New York Times that Another investigation into Jim call me leaking and that is coming from the d o j
time says essentially, this is only that happened a long time ago. Usually those are followed up on right away and they suggested there could be some political motivation in this investigation. Any thoughts on that train no more than I am not a fan of gin call me, but I fan being fair- and I know the facts and there is reference to this story. Call me, was asked behind closed doors and classified setting to address it any would not do. It is boss was it was so highly classified. He wasn't even going to tell people that we're clear to hear it in I survived setting. So let the record be clear: I'm not energy companies, but I am a fan of being fair to people and in not going to indict him or convicted based on New York Times reporting and my experience with him on this very fact pattern the subject of the article he wouldn't address it even in setting where he could do so and it would have been. Fitted him to do so and still did not do ok for
What's really going on here. Let me the still this doubt what they are talking about The alleged leak by call me this russian entailed in the New York Times which, by the way, I'd leave ordered by the north, is just like why you report You should be able to know if a week, if you were not write, em mean pretty simple. Here's the problem, the russian Intel Elite is believed to be a fake You remember the infamous July Fifth press conference, Jim Commie, gave near where he went out Erin laid out. Hillary Clinton crimes and, at the end said well, no reasonable price. Remember everybody represent right. Well, the censuses. They call me gave their press conference because he got soccer because it's not that smart or he didn't want to be that smart. In other words, he was winking and nodding by a piece of fake russian Intel. It was.
Positively a russian intercept of emails between Democrats, influential Democrats about Loretta Lynch follow me. It's a little complicated, but I think you'll get it these Democrat operators in these emails that the russian suppose the intercepted and call me had were else involving Debbie, washroom, shawls and others where the policy that, like hey, listen, don't worry killer. Clinton's gonna be exonerated Lynch you on it, that's the gist of it call me so currently reading this work with the Russians got where real trouble Jim. The Democrats are colluding to make this thing go away. Here's the problem, ladies and gentlemen, believed by just about every intelligent professional to have been a fake. It was a fake wasn't real. They didn't russian in TAT was not dead. Why emails never happened according to a lot of the Intel professional least those ye I got you get, it gives us a fake yeah. So call we in an effort
believed to preemptively clear Hillary Clinton thinking this was gonna get out later, because the Russians added another. It would get out after Hilary member everybody thinks Hitler's gonna be elected present. Follow me. Your car boss Call me is a Hillary Clinton bootlegger. He thinks this russian entail we'll get out after the election and tarnish the Clinton presidency. He thinks the right. Have these emails about the Democrats colluding today, calories email address eating away. They have emails, it's a fake, so call me- gives the July Fifth press conference. I believe, in an effort to clear the deck on Hilary get all the information out there and put pressure on Lynch, but giving Lynch out another was nice, The no reasonable prosecutor, which wasn't his job by the way, is an investigator, not a problem here, any more. He was working at the F B. I note that the urgent, no reasonable prosecutor with the waiter prosecute this case
takes the pressure, then off Loretta Lynch, you think I'm sounds. Somebody's gotta follow Jim Commies advice were dropidas with your clears the deck for Hilary cause. Any go back and say after she went hey. We put all these nation out there were right. You have a twenty minute press coverage tall happy. What's the problem, the reason he gave the Esther was because he thought the information was gonna, come out russian emails and if that were fake,. Call me now is believed to have allowed gently led some of that fake Russian impel through the media people. It's there same Intel, he's telling Gouty and is over our committee when he was up there. I am not talk about this, even though your clear, because its quota highly classify spears folks
Why did you call me not want to talk about it? The gouty endowed? He knows a sub sure because get out I'd call me at this point knows he got taken for a full because he's really not that bright and if we actually presented the fake russian intake About the emails, some of what said to Jim that you actually check with the people on top the emails to these religious nada. Are we just believe it? We just believe that our right, that's, what's really going on behind the scenes, call me got embarrassed. He tried to hide it like. He always does then there's a believe he may have legal and I'm bring a story out there that they mean they have given it to people up on the hill, to the fake, where in tat. You may say why gallery he said they couldn't get it This is what I am hearing. I'm just saying it's out there. They wouldn't formally give
to them, because they call me would have to take credit forget hose, but supposedly key people leak. Did the people up on the hill to do what again. According to the allegations in the media out, there so then, later on. If these things surfaced in the New York Times, they could say: hey we didn't give must come from Capitol Hill. They had to ices out there. You may we just put it out their eyes They busy weekdays for everything. First really appreciate: the ship was just crazy. We ve got a record banner weak for viewers. Downloads has been great. Please please! I am it has subscribed to a Youtube channel youtube dot com, Slash Mancino, Youtube, dotcom slashed by China. We are What's that foreign drew down subscribers to shows been taken, often video anybody or thank you so much for the great week I'll see you are on Monday,
one day, sir, you just heard in Bonn Jean Osier, you can also get dance podcast soon I tunes or sound cloud and follow then on twitter, twenty four seven at the Bonn GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.