« The Dan Bongino Show

The Story Just Got Even Weirder (Ep 2132)

2023-11-15 | 🔗

Insane! In this episode, I address another shocking update to the White House Cocaine story, Nikki Haley's disturbing comments, and more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know, the chat is sometimes it's more fun than doing. The show is a guy and the chad some guidance if I drop our written a chat sometime, and are you saying the book signing these ideas? get their early dead. Scribbles is neighbour the listen he's not entirely wrong. I can't fake the funk on your folks at my hands. I can do to three hours you're Your hands feel like like the pieces of breakable spaghetti at the end. Just like you'll see me a bag holding the pen like this at my barely dry ob sorry day, my signature is not the nicest in the world. My sincere apologies! If you come into the book signing civilian, this friday, so two o clock grapevine mills mall
I. This is my same as yours, not the greatest, even when my fingers are fresh and frosty, but I promise we'll have a good time regardless, but hey. These are wrong way special programming. No tomorrow, the big day, we're doing simulcast to our special, what stephen crowd or can be our guest on both channels, but you ready all right here. We'll start tomorrow at nine, a m eastern time, two hours earlier. The reason is we're gonna go to ours, we're going to go nine to eleven, but I need about a half an hour to get over to the radio station for the radio show. So why not We need to mess with you. I love you. Have to get over to do the radio show so nine a tomorrow So if you want to get into chad early within a launch the chattering I'll be there, do in my thing, by nine a m tomorrow, you can always watch it at the normal time has made us available afterwards. Obviously I will see you there tomorrow. I got us. I showed you radiation exposure. My black coffee stop giving your money to war.
Companies, don't give a damn about you. Gotta black blackout, coffee that complex bond gina use combined code, bon gino for twenty percent off your first order, big uptake on a cocaine story. I told ya and probably the most horrendous idea, yet we ve seen from a republican candidate if this candidate does not pull back on this, I think The candidates. Gonna have a difficult time going forward. You know what I mean if not stay, to express. We What? If there was someone out there kept a log of every single thing, you did be pretty creepy right. I told you that's exactly what happens every time you go online you're in providers, lads store logs of every website, you ve ever visited and can legally sell this data to anyone. That's why always use expressway pierre it real. Your internal connection, through secure service, your internet provider, can't see, I can't see, or language do online lotta vp and claimed ever know logs policy, but are being caught. Logging customer activity expressed, vpn
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you start it way before I got it is now You see. Why would talk about this forever because maybe some people like myself quite like watching, I told you that I've been hearing some staff and some of this stuff is now starting to filter into the media jesse waters ran a segment on this last line. It turns out, they did find something on the bag either. We were initially told nothing was found on common explaining what this means and as always I'll give you both sides in the interests of fairness, but major update seems to be a big curveball. Any investigation of white house Cocaine incident, probably not the first one, either check this out. Data ass, they did find any dna, but the door immense say they did remember the curb baggies been blown up. The sea service, took the evidence from quantico and they destroyed it. They didn't want
fbi to have it, but there's evidence that they didn't destroy An envelope with three tubes of dna where they get there dna from there the dna off the baggy, so? The secret service live, and so did the white house they do fine dna on the baggy and the dna was processed and has been moved to in evidence of all for preservation. So the secret service? as an insurance policy now be transparent about this. The secret service is saying its secondary dna. Anyone of the chad know what that is. Secondary dna, let's say gives an officer of the secret service he goes and collects. His bag puts it in evidence bag and brings it over process, can vary dna. is when these samples contaminated by people who- of transported the bag, processing or others. There
actual cases about this in core, not that we need to do a core tv episode here, but guys in and Ladys have been convicted on dna samples, walls guy specifically in this case, and it turned the guy- had nothing to do with it Dna was transported to the scene by a first responder who went to the sea. Could it secondary dna it could. But, ladies and gentlemen, there is I'm telling you zero chance, they didn't pull a print off this thing and if it is secondary dna, how do you know it's secondary dna, in other words you claiming all always secondary dna, because a staff or may have touched the bag in the white house. How do you know the stafford it put? The bag and copy all in order step because it A drop for some family member am, I spent a lot of time on this, but this case stinks, though the freakin heavens, and no he's telling us the truth on this thing. I'm going to follow this amount? Lead in this story go because it's really gonna break up trust in yet another federal entity that people,
We cared about trust it for a long time and you can not going to let them do what they did to the fbi. I'm not I care about their place of work. it's not gonna happen, you better I'll. Tell him the truth about this. If their fate, print disappeared, where's the video The video disappeared. Why didn't you interview the likely suspect you know they are the well, you would think, but now there saying well, we need court documents to get a sample of people's dna. Fine, so get the court documents subpoena the dna sample. You know who it is yours there you can easily find out who this is and if it's secondary dna by the way the secret service said well, we need a court document. Why would you need a court document if you're sure it's secondary dna? None of these makes any sense at all. Ok moving on before is my day is by far the
most horrendous idea of the election cycle. So for so far, and by the way, this baby, republicans or democrats. This is their this idea, so bad, it's up there with like reparations. This is how are full of an idea. This is, and it was and I don't like pilot on republican on republican violence- we ve gotta- problems with the Democrats. I get it back idea of seeing everyone on social media. And government regulating algorithms on social media. As a tech investor, myself firstly when rumble right now. I can't possibly a worse idea than the government running. Our media company, who said it not only once or twice mickey hailing at it again which probably the dumbest idea. I've ever heard folks if she does retract this I gotta tell you this is disqualifying. This is apt. Absolutely disqualifying take takeovers.
when I get an office. The first thing we have to do is social media accounts, social media companies. They have to show amerika there, algorithms, let us see why there are pushing what their pushing. The second thing is. Every person on social media should be verified by their name, that's first thoughts and national security threat. When you do that, all the seven people have to stand by what they say and it gets rid of the russian botz, the uranium bought in the chinese spots and then you're going to get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say bill and they know their pastor and their family members going to see it oaks. I want you to think about this. Chats there's bad idea. Yes, Bad idea, no great idea why a bad idea and free terrible idea, think about a right in the chat. Our most popular chasseurs we get, we get
we saw, I see a narrow lad. I see them a growing crew, their shaken a kid and arrest of on holes in a man you'd all of you happiness submit to me, you're you're in my chat. I don't even want to know you real names, impersonal feel like you have the right at anonymity, empty and the child. hold my guys is over Well, we were unanimous baby, the first one hundred percent freaking awful idea, we'll go. I can read and quickly. son star there. there has a real name. Why am I in bonds. You know entitled to your real me why Maybe you, like my shawl, it's my job! Maybe you Like my show. Yet you work for some liberal company and there? The boy you want to keep your politics separate? Maybe your name is John snow like game of thrones guy or something- and you just Don'T- want people to know that
a business like gonna, kick you my chat, saddam is free. good idea. I ever heard folks here We started to scare me because she's gathering a lot of momentum, theirs new pulls out that have a running second, and I was second in new Hampshire and she's. She, poland, like thirteen fourteen percent new Hampshire, scary. Stop now I dont like public and on republic in political violence, I'm just saying I'm suggesting to the highly campaign: listen we're a rather large show its army blow and smoke and are trying to scare anybody. Buddy are an issue. The republican omnium obviously get a supporter over by, but this ass, they go you guys, it's a joke. It's a mistake. You made him. vague, it's a big one, but you need retracted You need to say I screwed up so read the public's, not there right now for this I've think about national security, and I screwed up, I don't know an easier way to say it. but this is a major screw up now occasion
They are thinking all this was a mistake in a slip of the tongue. It wasn't actually said it again on this podcast. We, these are interviewers you on the progress here, listen you're, so they need to verify every single person on their outlet, because and I want it by name because that smug disease is he qualified. I've provided them with my government, yeah smug is on your driver, then look you can put smug in parentheses, but I want everybody's name Oh no, you don't get to demand people's names, miss her you don't get to do that, we're not in a tyranny. Here. The liberal liberty, loving society. Neither me that companies I invest in my chat. Folks are people who listen to me on rumble apple spotify, sound cloud river, the or not entitled to their names. Where is it Gonna end technically
we classify guess rumble is social media. If you wanted to do, we have a chat room, it's kind of a microblogging air. No, you're not entitled to that. Can you imagine think about one last thing: I want to beat this thing to death: trousseau, She'll donald trump platform, which is probably lloyd portion, trumps supporters, IRAN, I'm on aromatic bond gino producers are on their gaze on air. On truth, I join demanding everything a person identify themselves on truth, so they're watching everything you do by name next thing. You know the watch, your ip address in your address to know freakin way, I suggest you folks, if you are a highly supporter, you're free to support every one for you gmail hard today, even if you're not at our campaign, and say listen. This is gotta, go just retracted people. screw up, they say dumb stuff. I have disagreements we candidates on a lot of things, a lot of things.
present trump on some issues. This is a huge mistake I haven't done. It is bad enough segment. Yet folks and I've been getting a lot of requests for this because Things are getting really ugly and the court Should I ask all the time that is it getting ugly house, We can yes getting ugly. We know it's getting ugly. We see it on video, big cities, crime, inflation, again yesterday. Oh no, and it was only three point: something yeah no shit. On top of the nine in the six percent, it's not going down its going up a double rate the federal reserve says they need for dollar stability in full since bad, however, that the question the question Is it bad enough yet that people change there voting behaviour. We take this pole every time. Ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it's bad enough. No! It's not. People are going to vote the same way you put in the chair.
you know how I feel it's not bad enough. Yet I said before the election we had a couple weeks ago? I said it after the election and it turns out. I was right. People are tenuous devote Democrat. Despite the Democrats wrapping all over them all the time. It's like data, want change, it's like more of the same baby, bring on crime, inflation, the shit economy, whatever. I want you to watch videos hard to watch the veto in. There's no real sound to it This is a video out of philadelphia, This is in the middle of the freaking day. It's a fair in front of their house here. You see a bunch of home invaders, pull up with guns drain the parents is hard to watch for, drag him in the house time up. Look you see the blank spot there, black, the the blurry spy That's a four year old. That's the kid break into the house. Still look at this looks like an inside job by the way,
I don't know all the details, but it looks like they knew exactly where to go there, I believe- was a business owner so well see, and you ll see them later, we'll let out a safe they take out a safe from this point. This is in the middle of the day, folks we're gonna. Do it self defense stuff later at the end of the show, I want to get to that because there's another video of gotcha proven a point I made about controlling the hips later in the show, if you ever forbidden the situation you can't get out of bed? I'm to tell you of your ask me for some tips on how to prevent this. I don't I an easy one Carry a firearm while on your frontline, that's it so I can tell you there now it's crazy. Does it. You know it sounds crazy here. Poor home and raiders poland up in front of your house and mug anyway, you're on you for a loan. This is in saying that we ve got actually have these conversations and for those of you
questioning why I keep saying there was a guy se very mad at me on social media, and I understand you're allowed to be mad at me. Not everyone has to me. I actually appreciate the feedback A guy said dan stop telling people to leave these liberal states as giving up. It is absolutely not giving up its tactically fighting smarter You are not safe. There here is other reminder that, no matter what you do in a liberal, stay. You will be on the wrong side of it. If you do the right thing: new york posts, This story there was a woman in the in the subway. She was being. written by this homeless guy was gonna mugger. This comes out this hero, vigilante guy or calm vigilante, our common europe. He pulls out his firearm, any let's around go to get the mugger away in supplies of saving a woman could have been killed. The woman in the story. If you read down later in the story is like wow, you know I wish she would not have gone and wish she wouldn't have been our folks. You can't when the guy got locked, the guys in jail. This is getting
uglier by the minute, but it's not bad enough for people to change our voting behaviour. My theory on this with crime in the economy, for we're not even close to bad enough. Yet I know we These videos are played his dad. This video is dad coming to actually losses. Fifteen year old kid kid, job. They killed the kid. Its absence we disgusting, killed this kid and now because it was a black on white crime. You haven't heard a lot about this. The debt Likewise the cops stormy and, I believe, there's some use Greece, in my view, need reason. Really it's a narrative, that's why? But I can tell you I can was proved you things are bad enough yet nothing changed in new york city and almost three thousand people were murdered in one year. We're not even close to that. I hope we, get their god forbid when I'm close them Things in change in the eighties for Jimmy Carter. inflation picked out, there were gaslight we're still not even close. I don't want that to happen,
just telling you all these people optimistic the next about the next election say we're gonna win a landslide. I think we got a damn good shot, a winning, especially troops on the ballot, a damn good shot, but don't viable. You're anything about a red wave p by he read wave, I'm I'm out whatever, watching. I know they don't know what you're talking about. How many red waves you gonna predicted to materialise. Having said that, it could get bad enough and it could get bad enough fast. The chaise video coming up in a second, let me get my neck. My answer to his father and I want you to listen very specifically how we talked about the invite the into his sons, alleged killers, unique circumstance The circumstances were reversed. This would be a national story. Ridiculous. Folks, it's! Finally, here the field, the greens, I feel the green sale their black friday sale with major distributed. This is this is a job a product. I've been taken forever. I swear. I love it s out of forty eight a model, but am I young either
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One may be last like ten. That's probably why get elected into like the suppose. I lose no more fight. very good out. If I wasn't my when a particularly aggressive got now get into a fight outside of school and unfortunately, results in. You know what appears to be a homicide here, while the kids dad here's the dad now for traders in this don't fit the racial narrative. The media lab the guy was killed. Was why some of the perpetrator, sheer minority. now the story and see me get me national traction. Is it bad yeah. I don't know about this in his report that check this any idea why it's taken police so long you ve got you ve got the videotape. As we know from law from the law. You don't have to be the ones to deal with blow if you're part of a gang that attack somebody in somebody dies you beauty I stood for murder that just the way it works. Why has taken so long.
Well, I in close contact with the las vegas metropolitan police department's detective division, and they are working very diligently to hand- can be abused by the to arrest, yet you they do, other videos that are not released to the public. Just so you're. Aware of that, and exactly what occurred was that Jonathan was actually attacked first by a few kids and he couldn't beat him up cause. He was so strong, and then saw all kids joined in death after that bar. Why I I'm just done even think police are dragging their feet for some reason, I can't I can't figure it out. Well, I can tell you that I sat down with detectives and they are highly efficient at their work. I think that there might be other unique factors involved, Unfortunately,
School when gathered at some on these cases or another it all to you he was just trying to help causing a lot of problems. So your glass, I'm your folks. I really I get exhaustive and all this media nonsense. If this again, if you could join up some racial hatred in the united states in the income stances a versus would be a national story, but because it doesn't fit, Your preferred narrative, All of a sudden, nobody seems to care this poor, dad unique circumstances. Is bad enough. Yet, ladies gentlemen, I don't think so I really don't That's insane considering how bad it is. You want to see where it is really inaction and how liberals, their slowly coming around, and when I say slowly, I mean like a freaking glacial pace Where I play this next clip of new york city mayor Eric Adams, you may I,
keeping contact with a lot of people from new york. I don't run a lot of new york stories. The problem with that is a lot of media organisations are based in your head, and you know this is a big thing in media, whether always afraid to run new york stories because they feel their biased because they live there. So they play much rump. However, go on out of new york city right now is a national story on my Is it bad enough cabinet file. People in new york or now being told, despite having some of the highest tax rate anywhere. in the free market world the new york city between city, state and federal taxes and even county property taxes of your outside of the centre right. They pay. Some of the highest tax rates in the world there now being told the parents hey, listen, we may have to back on public safety, and you may have to go in volunteer your kids school because we're running out of your tax money because we have to pay for all these illegal immigrants. There is a small I get it.
Small number, but a small number of liberal parents who now started to speak out on radio shows in tv cable, but like what kind of bullshit? Is this a you guys? Eighteen, I was in a year per student or roughly in that ballpark intact dollars, and I got a volunteer. My kids school, despite working all day because who ran out of my money to pay for a bunch of illegals in what you want. It is essentially a city in the first place: listen if explain, this thing, he's getting destroyed right now by the way, this is probably the reason under investigation, speaking against illegal immigration, but that's it besides a point. This is, I'm talking about by what? If everything the opportunity cost money- this is a, for example right here. You can I spend money on two things. At the same time, you either, Have a legal scenario pay for them. Are you gonna pay for the taxpayers check this out? this is all my time in government
this is probably one of the most painful ex exercises I've gone through, and we note when we look at and police with the numbers our police officers are going to be and how we've done so well, the drop in crime in our city. When we look at the school safety agents, when we look at some of the other initiatives that we're doing of that, yeah know is what you is gonna be extremely painful for new york is, and that is why we continue to say we need help at the bottom. Cuts are going to be extremely painful for the illegal immigrants. No for you for This is not florida like a low tax, stayed You realize new york city residents, especially at the higher ended the income scale, are paying. Probably forty five percent or more their income to some government entity in the form of taxes and other was half the time they work. They were to finance a shit hole. We call government this absolute, I would call we call government- and these differ-
its can't figure out a way to petition the money to at least benefit the citizens who pay it. yeah you're. Damn right. Is it bad enough. Yet now is it getting there? me. I can prove it to you. I can guarantee you if Eric Adams neighbour, on the ballot tomorrow, if they did, these british parliamentary systems- let's hold the new off last vote here thing going on right now, right, if data that now and he ran against the republican even a rhino. He would win by thirty points because its not bad enough. I'm To tell you, democrats in new york now republicans fighting a good fight. Democrats. I feel bad for you, conservatives, libertarian republic. Is this exactly what you voted for he ran on sanctuary city crap, Taxation and all this other stuff and it's exactly what you're getting. is it explained the d o J investigation into and by the way,
blaming this all on illegal immigration from the Biden team could be I don't know we're gonna have to yeah re, could have just gonna hear well, maybe kai disorder. I met a quick break it. Sponsor because I want to play any other side, I would get it in this positive early today, but there's a reason. What the hell happened on capital? Who, yesterday you say in ways tat it was. I gave every shooting double legs paul capitalize. Personally I was a yes May I ask you to be the core of up on cap. That decorum, I ask, is people all hates you? What do you think? I respect that? Don't like any producer but I'm a kapital idea, you fc five broke out and right away. the guy. On the other side, the the gas pipeline capital. I don't think you know what he was get into. You don't want We draw it thou with this guy. stay to some of you in Chad, as asked me earlier, I answered to me:
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the guy you're gonna here talking? Is a republican centre mark way in milan? The dude is better like. Would you bad ass, like mme fighter, with a record? Not the a guy. You want to toy with ever the other guy looks like he's eight too many twinkies or something, but is it, guy nonetheless, especially a big talk, I don't think he expected any. It is check. This out Why these self made service? was in the truck with me when I building my public company myself and my I was born in the office because I shall remember working pretty hard and long hours. produce psyche self made what clown fraud says, ban always will be quit. The tough guy and he soon hearings. You know where to find me any place. Any time cowboy so this is a time this is a place. You want to run your mouth. Will you be two consenting adults. We can finish here. Ok, this fund perfect
now and locked the door, and I was showing your but up, then you sooner, but also stop so you sit down. I climbed out. You know you were united states started on our plates. Our response is all No I'm sorry! This is always a do. Have you apply canaries followed? Now you can see. This is a hearing. I know danny Williams at vivo by the way in a chat, throw me a twenty dollar tip a unit to do that brother, the crazy hair. I can't pop up there. We love, you told me would mark way, mall invokes, listen there, it again forty eight years old, can't say this enough. I feel like generally handle myself way. Gentlemen, europe, Twenty year old, mme fighter, who's got a record not, ray mullahs, older that are you coming.
To be in the street your ten pounds. Every new want to fight folks, I'm not dumb I don't want to die on fighting any way out of that, because I'm not stupid If I can't and I gotta fight, then I gotta fight, but I gotta try. What's this twinkie dude started Do you want to throw doubt he? What is he crazy? And you know what all these people at the core as screwed the decorum my ass, the quorum the quorum, you kidding me we got terror supporters in congress, supporting hamas people, their arms blown on the core, yeah, okay, sure. I don't even know this. Apparently they were got some long running beef. I guess this is it. there's time these two. What added? I guess they an attack in each other for a long time, this is In march this year, short, but
I used to have gone at it before your check this out. What do you bring for that salary? What do I bring yeah? What do what do you? What job have you committed or have you have you started? What job have you created? One job is sucking a paycheck out of some other by somebody else. If you want to say that you're trying to revive because you're portion and pay dues, we don't forcing them to you this year. On a lighter note on tell me I'm on waterline dont tell me, I'm not I'm leaving you feel real job. I mean you re use early stage after my all tat is you don't show my mouth all those who are not only to physical and also their tell me, I'm not alive by how hilarious is Bernie says you don't cetera? the brilliant earlier you're going to study subtler shut down. copyright is only we kill people, you know petroleum
school civilian communist Cool its first? we kill no one on the spot. Most order first, the try to be the voice of reason, the united states, Well, you know, so are you body, so will you take a shower once in a while? I stop the communist bullshit. That, of course, I'm sure there's no educational values that are all key. Can you take it? Can someone give me take away from that lake. So can sound smart, The lesson is, let me tell you the greatest philosopher my stuff. The keys That physical nanos under that ship, it just cut all areas to work and all the people slipping out all that the boat tie wearing people like the wash your journal, crowded, others. I I I believe how the car I'll give it up. Will you stop people hate you. They are not but tools. We elect him to do. Stop there. Duke it out and capital floor? I give exactly zero shits. They don't care
This don't do get out my house, I back the serious. This is the education well, stop a in the. How bad can I mean how bad could things get we got? People did, you ever see fines in the capital of war, folks, Egon like numbers came out yesterday, were no good. There really bad now list. I love you cannot makes, I get me to keep the short. I get a lot of you hated, but about eighty percent like it the inflation numbers pop yesterday and they're, not even accurate The way their measuring healthcare spending is ridiculous, if you want a full take down on the healthcare spending stuff check out each day and tony we're trying to get him on the radio show later there. Basically, their screwing up intentionally how you pay premiums and What portion accompanies allowed to keep and want to you do too much there, basically trying to play down the inflation numbers bullshit it's much higher. Having said that, with the games: it still high. Here's a quick.
I tell you hit on this. I want to tell you why this is folks. This something's gonna make it bad enough fast. It's gonna, be this check this out. What I would consider generally the most important, even though it food and energy is year. Overhearing seem p. I four percent were tenth lighter than we are expecting one tenth whiter than our last look, which is four point one and the metric there and this Peggy we have under four percent, since Of twenty twenty one, yes under four percent may have twenty twenty one folksteads the point, Joe by is basically making the point now that inflation come down sixty five percent. The point prices have indeed decouple rixey tele, saying price have been running at an annual lies four percent increase since almost two years now. For more than two years now they ve been run.
at twice the rate of inflation. In one case, we got up to nine percent Prices have never come down. She liberals are right, you understand, our liberal dumb liberals are flacon and prices, although interrelated are not the same thing. If I could Surprise say: I'm selling a I'm selling the secret service point. This is from special operations demonizing guys I want to sell you this coin, for ten dollars, next month. I say I'm increasing the price to eleven, a ten percent. I I say all but the next month, I'm only going to increase it. a ten percent, but five percent. the price is still more than ten dollars. Metaphor It's still more than eleven prices never come down, even though the price increase is than half of what I made last month, every for you is more expensive. This is the
biggest scam ever and inflation is the quickest way to kick you in the nuts. I got a lot more to get to poor member crowd tomorrow, too, wars, don't forget to start time is different tomorrow you can always watching your regular time. It'll, just you know, beyond a little bit of the delay, for you, that's fine, but if want to watch the live. Show nine am eastern time we're going to go two hours me and steve. I dunno what the hell's going to happen so because me and Steve together. I've been doing this show for years this one rico, bananas, folks, why we have to like. Uncontainable volcanic personality, so I don't even think I'm responsible for what happens now. Serious stuff, though, yesterday enormous rally in d c, the crowd? estimates were over two hundred thousand people. I've heard him as high as two hundred seventy thousand people there the rally in support of Israel in Washington DC yesterday and, ladies gentlemen, the turn out with substantial, I think that terrorists. I thought they had a leg up. Turning out,
well and big cities ripping down american flags skill screaming to kill the Jews and all this stuff Yesterday I showed you that the civilized man side has numbers, do they? marching against this kind of. Should I want to show you this clear, because I want to show you this I guess it is enough. I absolutely resolutely protect your right to free speech. You are perfectly in idle to a legal opinion. I mean you can't go threatened to kill someone kill your wife. This are free speech as a threat as menacing, but political freedoms. You are absolutely entitled say I love the palestinians. I hate hated. You could say I disagree with you, but you said I'll protect your right to say that, even though I disagree with you problem with this debate, which I said yesterday and I want to say again, cause it's important because I don't like you in segments twice is at me. I experienced this now. I got not converted god well informed on this. Is that if you are talking People were on the pro palestinian side,
They very rarely know what they're talking about. I'm sorry, they just at some do and they're just you know whether opinion this your socks but protected when you talk to people who know what you're talking about on the israeli side of this, they usually have the fact. Peers, morgan. Did this interview a jeremy corbett p, Morgan is not even like a pro israel. Guy but he has Jeremy carbon, and do you know german carbon is you need to? I don't like to get to work. with this stuff on overseas parties, but this is important. This is a flaming liberal, near communists he is a united kingdom politician this I was the head of the liberal movement over there for a while, and he anyone who understands international parties can vouch for me in the chair near We dismantled the left wing movement in the uk. He knew we destroyed it because he's such a rabid, anti semite, no lunatic. He almost. the whole party down with him.
There are only making a comeback now, because even they got sick of soap. morgan had him on the show. Folks, this asking you a simple question: you, the Hamas, People want to show you the video naxa, what they did blowing this guy's arm and also their obvious, see terrorist right. Pretty simple question this on: for about a minute twenty seconds. The guy will not answer the freak in question. You tell me use right around the globe Maybe he's gotta, you told the materials germ we have all the material is. Is it possible? to the rational. This call you to call civilly territories it possible of a rational college in the EU. Is it possible come on you? Can you answer it both my show you answer my question. Allow all the more necessary grew. Listen can I are they? A terrorist group cannot sign so the question is fake, all they etc group. Now, if you levies for all they are turning he'll, be submitting also, some norman.
A ceasefire fire means both sides of the intergroup. Listen. I said that both of the process, all the terrorists, will Can we go home, she said: please can we go through what we have just answer:
question: why do you think that's a territory in the world are calling for a ceasefire lasting a territory on us that ordinary no useless? We all show you got somebody opinions. Why should I ask you if you want also my? Why do you give your opinion all day, every like eyes that call him ass a terrible? Yes, were you won't? Let you want you want some years when you, what our cities of Austria to questions should a master, empower and others are a group you'll. Refusing to answer I drove the device is very telling David new one very, like people think you had a problem with no review. We shall you tell all right here. Is your ability to keep quiet for thirty seconds to allow anyone? I am on my so I asked people question. You should know your people. Normally they answer that. I share they want us to the question, you shouted people, although you deliberately no one's onto led, not answer. My question is is full.
that goes on for twenty more seconds. I had to cut it out to not drive you crazy. Guy can't answer the question the cinema. That appears, morgan. I've debated this guy. I done on on guns, How do you know look at yourself, but I'm interested in reality. One side who knows what they are talking about, a one that does it some simple questions they can't answering. A thousand times for people who support the other side. There are no jews in the arab world what happened lotta arabs that Israel appropriate a print occupation. Thus, did they go to the list of talking point, and is it don't fit at all by the way I did it We are talking about hamas terrorists, Before I place video beg, you Jeff remind
this is extremely graphic, especially the beginning and one you now. you got. Eighty nine thousand people watching I don't mind at all. You have to skip it. Perfectly fine, a mine in this. For the collects this The october seventh attack before you play at them and with the markov report, but. these Hamas demons savages. They had thrown a grenade into a bomb shelter that a bunch of young men and women had fled to in most of the people and their die. Some people in the bomb shelter did not they're, probably deaf their drums were probably blown out. You can see Blood all over him and you gonna see in the initial part of this and a more the advanced one guy. You gotta see something that looks like an arm, but is it
the video and as you're watch- and you tell me- are these people? Terrorists are not see this guy and why you look at that. That's an arm! What's left of it! Therein, shock right now be and how they gunpoint, by a bunch of demon, savage seed, a bomb shelter there upon him out What does this mean his freedom fighters? Do you like I'd me occupation or whatever Those real liberty lovers, ready you want them damage your neighbors. buddha, kids arm off. Take it easy now is how slaying I gotta get a few slaps into just sure you know the ultimate and dignity freedom fighters, real worry Yeah this get a ceasefire fire. Iran is going that's real bravery takes a real man, throw grenade in a bomb shelter and at the gun lloyd slap, a morale while he's missing his arm, guys a real heroes. Man.
You can answer the question. You can't make point about palestinian statehood, without saying conclusively that what you just saw as terrorism is rolling you man now. You see why Jeremy corbett, even the left in the united kingdom, wants nothing to do with him. when any argument about it our process over there any argument it all together. some kind of lasting peace if its ever gonna happen, but it ain't gonna happen like this. When I call in these sons of bitches out I'm sorry, man. I don't want to do this self defense. I made a lot more to get through, but this is a stupid person alert first. I always you have to give you a warning, because I don't want to dumb you down fish oil, so gpa or something you have to be the stupid people segments. You know this, former on a lighter note, pink, she's, actually kind of a moron it's a hard worker. I saw this the sixty minutes. Our special artist appears to work very hard on it, but she's still a moron like she's, really not that smart, so she's,
making this claim their rights to say this in the republicans banned a whole bunch of books of florida. which is weird because it's NBC news headline producer. Jim said this to me: eddie This is so strange, pink giving away two thousand ban books of florida concerts. Anyone in the chat picking up the issue without headline. You guys getting this, how the fuck you give. A ban books and afforded to ban Has anybody s December Who knows even read their road headlines pig to give way ban books in florida. Florida cause. I thought they were ban, so I guess they're, not bad matter. Vaccine the book. She's giving way are not only not ban, community note strikes again there on the recommended really list
State of Florida might take it back to the required voice. Oh my gosh ladies I remind you, can't help these people? They are freaking morons, the woke infection highs these peoples aids? It's like a virus. I got so kind of and he gave protein like a pre on and it takes over their brains like at the lab. The vast series, like the mushroom fungus man- these. people are so freaking stupid. This is a major performer worth tens, hundreds of millions of dollars who fell for a fake list of banned books. And he's right? The list is fake. It's not real. and this resonated would morons, because you jeremy, corbett and others. They don't do any homework folks. This is what we're up.
Gets, and this is why, when we say why aren't things bad enough that they're going to change people because people don't think they're bad enough, they sing maybe bad enough, but I do want to want to vote for republicans or banning to kill a mocking bird. Ok, that's just not true, you just made that up have a covert statistics out, how they believe the covert vitality rate is, Ninety one percent, the are police, kill, black men, forty percent of population has been murdered by police or some data. Everything they believe is wrong. Better the Jews occupy Gaza. They do they. the two thousand five shit, Why are they don't know anything these idiots, pagan give away these books their bad. Thrashing, ban their require really out of bad. How are you giving them away in florida? Is anybody this drew here's disney by the way for your dinner, for you at the end there,
These make it an idea disney can't destroy their company if you're shareholder disney. You have to be furious, never as accompany this big sabotage. spread so badly disney. latest movies, to give pronoun pins to its epcot chatters? Good luck with that have fun You never see me and EPCOT again. I've been air been here a long time ago, nice place on down there, we forget that I mean what, if you're a shareholder of this company, you have to be so freaking furious right now. Alright, I promise you we get this folks, you know I love these self defense segments. They matter to me, because I want you to stay alive, the golden rule of the shoulder its cutesy time. Dover, which is available on this, is don't get that don't get that the golden rule. Is you don't get that his back stored up on gino dot com? If you want one or
persons going to charity, but one of the ways to not get Dennis, learn how to defend yourself. Now I will say first if you can get away from an altar occasion, get away, no matter what there is no excuse period get away Are you guys gonna be here, and I want to look like a coward? Don't get dead, I don't care the guy can have a nice. He could cut you if you. And get away. I like you're a police officer. Something in your job is to not get away and you get into. I like this police officer I want to show you how this couple things in this way can we played as a veto watch this starts first member told you. The mid range is the worst. Are you really want to be far away or up close, your watch, you're right now you see about mid range. How this guy can punch this cop, you see that this kid knows what he's doing you are A cop starts to get the upper hand over you see, gets headlong or after this this begets These bad guys always go for your head, everything
we'll time by the way and had locks rather easy to get out of. I can't demo it here, but we got some special stuff commoner, but why why you want something: you see the kid gets tired. You can see. Eventually they only got about ninety seconds, enema juice, these guys I notice, but they will have superhuman showing you see. I was going to go. He's gotta figure out now this day I told you the other day that we're controls the hips controls the fight. You see now how two cops in charge. Why because his hips walk around town. But the bad guys hips and when your hips or on top of the bad guys hips underground it's hard for him to move. You see how now he's in charge. There's this the bad guy, wants to grab the head. Do not grab the head. You, they control the hips work, the guy on the ground, or what to do now this cop, He got on top of these got there
ip control he's got them mounted, and his body weight is on top of this guy's hips and the guy's hips are on the ground. So it's very hard for him to move said I can't tell you enough how important this is. I've seen a thousand. People and sri fight those I try to go. They try to grab like they try to grant arms. They try to grab heads. Don't do that so stay in that hip control like that guy is or, if he's going to have issues. Bad about later on, but its unfortunate these guys are scrutinised for everything, but that could there are really badly so does to take away He who controls the have controls to find you put your hips, I gotta on top of theirs. You can keep them into the ground relatively closely, and you can we stay alive, and this second lesson get the hell added at mid range, no matter what mid range right there you see right there thanks, he is devastating you're in. Punching range everything do whatever you can break tat grip
push him away, I push him away or grip them like a boxer when a boxers in the clinch, because that's what's going to happen, you're just going to get punched in the get punished and you're gonna get punch stay, the hell out of that mid range. a last video the day will be doing I really enjoy these. I hope you love you. Do you guys like them in the chat? I mean, I really just do it for you cause. I enjoy the shit that stuff it's my favorite thing to talk about the outside can do the whole show on us. Where's video. They just want a place to show how crazy the mask stuff is. This Kevin Kiley and rosa de lauro kylie's, a republican rosa delors Democrat. You know. I hate the mask thing: inquiries, introducing an amendment to ban mass mandates for four chill. Which is a genius more I want you to listen, he's king rose the lauro a communist left this year. Do you? Have evidence whatsoever as she fights against the amendment that these mass do anything whatsoever
I want you to watch this to show again, like you said before how the left doesn't know anything about anything ever and yet they run their mouths. All the time you're going to hear rosa de lauro first, she has no evidence. She goes right to emotion, not a single shred evidence. This stuff works check this out yeah, we all experienced a very traumatic period in our lives with covert nineteen and yes, there were mass we're trying to find our way forward to protect people in this country. That is essentially what it's all about. You can have a disagreement, Why would we prohibit the use of funds. By a or any grand too implementing mass mandate at headstart programmes when there is no federal
mask requirement in place. I opposed the amendment and I yield generally connecticut deals back the dallas for a time. The gentleman from California is recognised to be very clear. I just asked the gentlewoman to provide us with some evidence in support of our position after she herself claim that her position was evidence based and she could not do so, just like the secretary Health and human services provide no evidence for a policy that has been rejected broadly across the world. So I would strongly urge passage of this. Amendment is ass time to restore some sanity in this country and to make sure that the sort of harmful on evidence based policies that so many americans have to live with, never again return. This kind thank you and I feel the remainder of my time
Good for him, I don't know this guy or politicians hate you, so I you know I just think of her miss tools, but that's it. That's a good tool to get rid of these stupid mass mandate by the major brought up. The key point: Rosa de Laura looks like martha from their medicate commercial medicare commercial, why? that's that's rosa the laurel boy. My darling, our colleague, that's Martha, Martha is in congress. We didn't even know purple hair just why a k rose. The law they wanted mandate for you get her. They wanted. They want to preserve the discretion to do it. This way, no evidence that actually works because we're power, hungry lunatics in communist or why. Killers showed it I get. If you want don't get dead, his back the really solve to go, get dead stored up on. You know that cop we gave the eye I would say Wednesday, so we will be doing that podcast tomorrow, early nine, a m eastern time, two hours live a crowd her. Let me know
I guess, on friday. Unfortunately, I gotta do some traveling got some stuff to go on. I go in on her and book signing friday. That's where I'll be headed to in a in a in a what's. It called grapevine grapevine mills, mall, two o'clock books, a million so check us out there. Folks thanks so much nine. Two thousand people we'd love to see you such an honor I'll, be back tomorrow at nine. A m easter time see that you just lounging osier,
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.