« The Dan Bongino Show

The Shocking Vaccine Study That Obliterates The COVID Narrative (Ep 2020)

2023-05-30 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the disturbing study about the COVID vaccine which uproots the media “narrative.”

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know my gosh, I feel, like I've been away forever three days Joe- and I have you know but the first six years we did the podcast. Six years we never good day, or maybe five or so go. Look you see yourself every week day, member that job made of christmas was on a wednesday We did it shall yet Saturday and these reach or go above where we never took the day off every, because we want to work every one else. Now we're getting a little older. We are established. We appreciate your loyalty, If you our data hair ball, you ok one of the nine point, one for Joe Elizabeth he's coming via what are now we take some time off once in a while, hopefully not too much for you, but three days off. It feels like a lot theirs.
Taunted crazy vaccine study. Came out neither mascot we're coming out to get. We ve been right all the time. ceiling, debate that the whole bud targeting blow it up a ton of news. and I got a crazy story. Very some happened to me this weekend. Get to indonesia, Brazil, by birch global congress, allow the? U s a default on the debt which could further destabilize. U s is a global economic leader. Will they kick the can down the road that the seventy nine time possibly sink in our economy? At the further debt and devaluing you dollar do more reckless spending times like these are going can serve they concern savers like me, and you too de gaulle. I I got, thousands of similar minded people buy my gold from birch gold b. I r c h. I have many times. Here's the easiest way to do it, birch gold. existing. I array of former keynes when I ran gold. Pay a penny out of pocket as the brain you know: brazil, russia, india, china and south africa, and together against the dollar. More and more central banks are diverse, fine, you know their buying, who go the follow their lead text dan tonight,
nine eight. Ninety four, you free information kit on gold, no obligation there just information within a plus With the better business bureau, thousands of happy customers, why included. Birds get up check your savings through tax dan tonight. Eight. Ninety nine eight take action, performance may vary, consult with you security or financial professional before making investment decision message, and data rate supply. Are I joseph the air? We go, MR bonde gino. Yes, Jonas salk and I guess they cleaned up my office, is now moving around. Had I guessed right that I didn't write, you gotta make sure the right side of a bug is out there. or you ll see why he had. I covered arab, so Chris he's them down an event? Miami get our really they re. Coming back with my wife. my daughter, and I always tell my daughter, like most of you right. Ok! You know daughter, said amelia, you know to go to the bathroom miami sexual hours away from us round or forty five minutes, or so I see you have to go to bed
for you in the caucasus, late at night, she's like nah, I'm I'm like sure yeah, I'm good and why they are so, Twenty minutes, then, of course, why do you think happens Joe? You know you you're, a little jody think happened. I gotta go! How do you know that that's so crazy? It's like it's happened to every mom and dad of course, I am I boy here so, pull over and like we're like north of fort lauderdale. At five minutes, north of fort lauderdale mckay tried at hotel over there. Maybe to have a lobby and a bathroom I reckon we pull up to the Nobody has a story. My wife is that it is that it s like an actual exposed, the rump there. Haven't like silent, beady s, m convex fellow bottle like leather. It looked like the one in show the village people will see there was, I put it: was real people you it look like say now and stuff like
the lady, where work. I do you think we should stop no, no, we shouldn't we devolution stop here. We should probably keep going. So we did. Luckily for a while. I thank you all like have available twenty four hours, wasn't that's like a! Why am I here today. I see julie, crazy bell. Only mozart, as my we get up day, are I lock on our ban. So everything we told you about the roma is stopped come true. Now, let me prefaces by saying believe in science. Unlike the lefty goons input, health losers, FAO g and all these other morons out there, actually believe in size. So I like to see a good body of research before I jumped to any conclusion, but I dont know research ever and on masking at least the body of research? It shows it man king socks and doesn't do much of everyday is really getting incredible. Now to the point now where, if your actually wearing a mask
I saw this weekend at this event. Was that people still wearing mess? I because you are not like that purse. is a moron I why you're doing it. I don't know why you take it helps this. I know but it's whatsoever it's giving you a net positive better. I don't know It is like an advertising. You know hester prynne, the scarlet letter, it's like the scarlet em for mask and all four moron, that's what four or maybe four imbecile. The second letter an imbecile no, but you really advertising live wow, I'm really stupid. I dont know why people so do this, but what the things on a serious note. I warned you about. why the left they no mass them with a big? No, it believe me. They know what these public health people are stupid. The thing about the when it comes to masking vaccine pudding. I'd stuff in stores. In my family stores up front for kids for kids for kids like exe,
was in kids, the sexuality at an early age right up front there, The reason the left will never apologize and never dial it back and I'm going to get to this later and a bud lighting. Remember this or really paying attention please most of the wait a minute I'll show. You never forget that the key Venus can never show weakness because venus can never show weakness because the whole thing is astroturf. The whole thing is a patina seriousness. The whole thing is patina public support. Nobody actually said ports, communists and socialist principles. The idea that a collective group people should have power of everyone else. Everyone wants their freedom, the minute you no weakening in you show that your positions are unpopular and you're willing to dial up back in reverse it on masks on vaccine on pride merchandise for kids in the front of stores, the minute you shall we,
is everybody starts to realize the whole thing's, a straw man time out in the show. I don't do time at salon because it's live now. It is live. Thank you on the chat. We are alive today who hold immigrants. Here. I see yes in the house. He says: okay with this whole crew,. This- is important so important. I want you to make sure you digest what I just told you. The left will never apologize If it was shown tomorrow that this vaccine is gonna, wiper Twenty five percent of the human population cause it causes whatever Creutzfeldt Jacob. I'm making up just saying some weird disease right. If it we shall conclude, the left would never power. They can't their entire movement is based on the false premise that they have popular, support. They have none of it. They have a few kids in their basement. Blue check mark the minute that cracks. Everyone goes ass, the emperor is
Is that a long hanging out wow? I thought that was a robe with a little now that's that's a robe, they will never do it. It's not that these cove, and now it is by the way, are just fallen apart about masks and the shot it's out that their fallen apart, It set the research now starting to point to the fact that some of these things net net net, maybe negatives- for people. Here's the latest thing. The part on this mask thing. This is all these articles were my newsletter today, mancino that come slash newsletter. If you all do I follow along at home. I appreciate everyone also challenged pretty jump through which I always appreciate both Masks offers small benefit against covered, but increase c o too may be tied to stillbirths, says research by the way. these small benefits. questionable to, but it can't I've. Given you all the research, you can make your own opinions. Ok, you
Maybe toxicity experts, city exposure limit for submarines, carrying a female crew to zero. They percent seo too liberal see Do I know you're confuse that's carbon dioxide, the oh two, dioxin! That's what expel. Ok, so you would spell that We breathe and oxygen. Liberals, like the word, so there may be navy sub zero point, eight percent seo too that's any abuse, don't go higher than out okay, while most chronically exposed to zero point three seo o show Iraq simple neuron damage in the offspring and reduce spatial learning and reduce circulating levels of insulin like growth back to one good thing. You know you grow in my keel data also shows, with the masks, testing our talk, sicily and adolescents in concentrations over zero point by zero point, five percent they say, attest the humanitarianism who, Joe
they want to check your testicles ida toxic go and I both know Joe. You do just you at home evaluation. I can't do that. You, kids out, if you may I don't know, maybe they just a needle and their pull out like a biopsy, it sounds belief or testicular. so now we ve got our potentially creasy out you because what happens at a mess. I know we gotta go to this love for liberals because again there, like apple, get it man. I know you don't get it you're kind of a moron. I understand you're, putting a thing a tangy over your face. it's not preventing the virus from getting in those around goes through goes over to decide, so Still getting virus in, but then you would spell out a by product of humor, respiration, which is carbon dioxide we'd soon? there are a lot of it in the mass for you to breathe in sea, we breathe in oxygen, testicular toxicity s really great. It's really great good stuff, folks, read the article yourself Women wearing masks increased risk of all these side effects, young kids breathing
excessive c o two, that's good! Keep it up, keep it up. You know what libs keep wearing the mask. I take that back. Keep wearing the mask, as your toxic testicles keeps going cut, turns into a play of liberal toxic texts. They don't have testicles anyway, most of these libs anyway. So what the hell I mean they may have testicles, but they don't produce any functioning hormones to keep it up. toxic. These ok, but right, that's right! Then the next recommendation will be like. Oh, don't worry, it's more reason to promote childhood testicular castro. And because of the toxicity of the testicles, due to the massacre, that's good logic, just in you're correct, that's exactly where they're going with that. So what about the show now? They'll? Never it doesn't. Let me just be clear: it'll. Never they will never apologize. It doesn't matter what they say about the mass. No one is what we do apologize you if it came out tomorrow that wearing a mass, would shrivel your balls up and they would fall off in a week. They would say
I'll tell you to do is say, but diversion zero zero zero one to five percent chance. You made up to date all care they don't care. It doesn't matter it doesn't They will not apologise. They wanted scratch that shell of look, we are popular support with no, you don't everybody think your idiots, they will never. Let you see that here this the crazy thing I talked about, everything going on it's kind of a weird title today, but folks, I've listened. I'm going through a lot as these guys and Joe both now vaccine and these vaccine vaccine mandates have been basically about a year and a half fight. My life right now, going through some right now, with negotiations on stuff. Folks, it's been a huge fight. Is me
It's a lot to me. I feel personally, why do I wound up getting kicked off youtube for insisting to masks, don't work, which is now proven scientifically accurate. I have question. This vaccine's efficacy in young, healthy people I have been people have attacked me for this fight means lot to me. I put this in the beginning of the show this one. Study? Once But it's a study worth considering. That any bodies induced by repeated vaccination. I e boosters major. A immune tolerance that the sars covert to spite protein immune. tolerance is supposed to do the opposite. They emerging evidence suggests that the rope and by the way, this stuff. You need to look the steady up. It is worth your time merge, evidence, suggests the reported increase in these no globule levels. Detective repeated vaccination with the mri, nay back scenes may
listen to this may not be a protective mechanisms. We. What w yeah over so just to be clear, not only getting a vaccine but a booster for protection and they're saying that rape deregulation, may not be a protective mechanisms. I'm just quoting this study folks. Rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to despite protein that could promote, promote on oppose tsars, cobra to infection and replication by pressing natural antiviral, responsive, wholly crises, man you're telling me that this freakin thing could promote rep the occasion of the virus by suppressing your natural response. Shell, like something what we're thereby tragedies no no set up key idiot he's like the dumb ass,
didn't robert below tell us at a while ago. Yes, I'm kidding yes, he did Thank you, Mr De yes, again out of, I wish? We were banned from youtube for china? get you this information and I believe, Malone ban from platforms to remember that we did its honour, rumbled channel. It was like communicated from polite society yeah. They know period, mri hack, cynicism, crazy with high, The june concentrations may also cause, so not only may you get the disease because of it, but they all no cause auto immune diseases and promote cancer growth at all
well you admire, cordite is in susceptible adult individuals. Oh wow! That's great! That's great! That's really! Wonderful! Exactly what I needed to hear folks! You know cancer. What I know about cancer and cancer is as great now. Thankfully, I never got any boosters smartened up that routine. Pretty quick, but. What booster are they are now? It's seventy six who, I don't even know, I'm not even sure, kind of great to know. I wish they would have kind of told us at before. Yeah yeah, yeah re doing and we gonna get you, but don't ask any questions. Shut up, listen to the government
great iskri, folks, masks and the shot have one thing in common: what are the rules push them both for why body sovereignty, maybe a minute the liberals can get you. To accept the fact that they own your body, what you stick in it and put on it with the mask and you dont. Everything else is done, finished, that's why they will never ever apologise. If this studies ran? It's one study again, it's one study, but I want to be asked. lately clear with you all right now, if this study Replicate it a hundred times when this turns to be scientifically accepted. Consensus, consensus, that it increases the likelihood of you getting some form of covert and causes. Auto immune and potential cancer can lead to elevated risk if its replicated ten times and proves that proves, as you want to replicate this, that the liberals will never apology.
Because these are the same liberals arguing for this crap to sign this sexuality should matter. Yet you think why am I saying that? Because it's a title of peace in the wall street journal, there's some? general science foundation project going on right now. This is why we need Parallel scientific community, two parallel account the parallel banking. Parallel credit parallel. What with rumble or video parallel socio me with true. This is why we need this whole thing. Gotta get away from these people fairly? This appeal projects are now in the science community. Wash your journals reporting. We gotta disk your sexuality, as trends, and there are you had sexual minority, or are you now binary gender, not conforming, gender, fluid gender, queer gay. b and bisexual queer. Another worried. I got up lose track of all these things. I don't even know what have eddies gender fluid. What does that mean? What is gender fluid? What is gender fluid? Rosetta is that some kind of like flush,
the agenda. What is that? What is generally with me? What is gender is edge the queer. No, that's agenda queer, but its agenda not conforming while I was there. all these areas me answer is no, I don't know. I have no idea but national science foundation is really curious about what you are, because you know science in all its important, since it is I thought sides met like experimentation, resolves replication, so dead, so its forty, you thought that's funny than icy. Why we need a parallel scientific community too. See the parallel scientific community. We should be the research on this vaccine- and you know what, if the Search on the vaccine comes out and says problems at all the great vaccine reduces the risk of covered, crazy. You oughta aware that in the shell, because I'm interested in science, if the report-
sound says the vaccine causes auto immune disorders and an increased risk of covert. You damn right we're going to talk about that on the show to the left that the left they'll ask you about. If your gender you're, gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, algae bt, q, ABA, your pc to plus gender, not conforming, nine. By remember, I dont, even when it. How do you know the semi now now he s a good question: do you think they know now No! No! No! It's definitely racist, even as the question. What does that do race? Nothing, but it doesn't matter, none of it as racist, but but oh well, that's good! That's good! That's really! Good! Chats on fire levy, hey who did the eight eight? By the way? Oh ha ha a boyfriend gays. Se people are picking up an egg, that's eight! Eight! Thank you, frank thanks. A lot appreciate. I know he was a guest in it.
I dunno what you call him up. He was waiting the whole time to speak. Thank you. You're done now frank, sorry showing that stop. Let me get to my next point. He was like coming up next folks liberal hosts. I think she used to work for the young. Turd she was on this, show this podcast and is transgender craziness that we're talking about now, where nobody even knows where his stuff even mean. I got to applaud, applaud her for what she just came out and said the choir part outlawed you did Any of this is about science in vaccines in the science amass, then this is about anything other than power. You understand that right, we'll see, us too, and I applaud of wretched. I the truth? What are the great weakness? is the liberal movement? Is a proclivity said that proclivity to saying things out loud killer, video coming up next, listen to this you may have heard all the air purifiers thorough, created equal right they're, not if they were. Why do so? Many in uniform, select enviro cleanse meter got one run into my house right now. Why
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fifty dollar savings. Again e k, pure P, you are either come in you The code word bonn, gino b, o n giant o ye, keep your dot com, promo code, gino, breathe, easy you're back me later check it out at it run and all the time my house live hacks body breed good air liberals. Will I see you too comes out oxygen in just kind of reiterating our case. Some of you are confused. Yes, thought led your testicles get toxic me. No one talks it. They will go k. I think papa. She was sick, live, she's, probably like such a jerk. Why? Why did I marry this guy? I dunno I dunno now we did. We think each of you had a great weekend. This weekend was awesome. We had a lot of fun man. Three days off is like an eternity. Alright
sometimes liberal, say the choir part out loud in case you have any doubt to show runs in order for a reason make this stuff up. I write it twice. The first time put down ideas a second time. I'd form it into an hour thinking about two hours, the dew getting good. At that told you re getting there matter about masts, there's a bad or about the shot matter about science resolves anything like that. It doesn't matter the fact. There's two sets of chromosomes in two genders is irrelevant to the left. They don't care. This is about power and the minute there's a scratch and the facade that way. you're telling you it's a lie. It's over it's over because then you will realise this thing was bs and there was never a major. A majority of people who believe in this way they will lie to the grave it is all about power, there listen about trans people competing in sports. I e men compete against women and sport she's, like we don't give a damn
It's fair enough, you're gonna! Do it because we said you should do it. That's why here eggless mad citation cases about the olympics is pertinent, but an argument for better planning and more transparent discussions. Your argument is really bad. Unless you're out of your depth, your career, the transmission should be able to compete in women's sport, but your argument for it is just scientifically and factually incorrect- and I not bad about this- I'm a hundred percent right on this, I don't give a shit about the scientific explanations, people if they identify as a woman, get to compete in sports. If that's not fair in the short term, for a variety of little competitions, I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit because the societal interests of including trans people in society, trump's, stupid competition, full stop so I'm right about this you're wrong about this. Just as I told you stayed I'll tear this, it's not about they. Don't care they're, right, you're, and they don't care the factors
absolutely unfair. The fact that you ve got men taking away opportunities from women. Suppose infirmities do not care acted their stories. Endless stories about. Actual assaults and women's prisons by men, pretending to be women in prisons, does it matter, kids? Being sexual eyes, kids being suppose to clearly inappropriate material. Do young minds you're, not ready, for it does manner didn't matter to them. Do you understand, they cannot apologized, they cannot scratch the surface of their fake movement, because, as you start appeal appeal and like while there's nothing there and that's when it's over? That's when it's over that's when a majority of people realise what what are they realize, they realize they billina. They realize is that they are the majority of people. What do you mean? They don't know that no, no, they don't. They don't know that
what are these people are in social media, facebook and twitter all day and the left this figure it out the entire body How to get a small minority of people do a lot of both the council lot of fake. You know you know far, of account to make you believe If you are in the minority you or not, you are not in the you figure that out this whole momentous gonna collapse, he's gonna collapse on its face. I want to show you what I mean you got that dance video for me. Ladies and gentlemen, small victories matter here, but lie target the allay dodgers. they all figuring it out right now. The rolls figuring it out that they are not in the majority. There all figuring it out target stores? Is people refused to shop there bud light, It sat on the shells over memorial day, the allayed Jesus people start to protest their home games with their attack on cap and christians hoax, the liberals cannot
regressed from the skirmish line, because the minute, majority sees wait there back up their back up. Oh, my gosh is not even that many of us all of us a new start to realise that you were the major fighting a minority small victories matter, because each vic three incentivize is someone else, think it up and dance. Remember. watch this video, we played a book but some of you knew folks to the show, especially summoned. The chat have never seen it you play in a video ready. This is the guy he's taken over this is a video shown in schools is done at the bed without leadership not the first guy to get up and dance three is a crowd second guided join in the matters. Botch movement must be public nature. Outsiders seem more than just the leader. Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate almost not the leader here, come to more people than three more immediately.
Now we ve got momentum is without it being point, and now we have a movement as more people jump in its no longer risky, see there on the fence before there's no reason not to join, and now they won't stand out, they won't be ridiculed and they will be part of the inner crowd if they hurry is one of the most important videos you will ever watch. That is one of the most important videos you will ever watch. et cetera: music festival. Guy gets up and dances everybody's laughing at him all over the city get up and dancing below Nobody wants have a good time and dance himself, but they don't wanna be than other gotta get up. Finally, another guy gets up and dances and then a third and then affair then an a tenth, then the whole festivals answered because they realize you hear what he said in a video. Don't you it's not just about the dance. I want you I understand the social psychology and the sociology what's happening. minute. You realize you are not a minority and being laughed that, but that you
I would stand out at all for dancing like a crazy person, because everybody else is having fun and dancing like a crazy person too, and no one's gonna make fun of you all of a sudden. You loosen up. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what's happening now with bud light and target. Is people start to realize way? You mean you're, not drinking bud light either were not sharply argued either you're not going to dodge can wait. I'm up. I myself here. It's happening right now, tat they re now scratch had servicemen. You'll see it's all bs man all of it it's always been bs here is something interesting happening, a target fascinating this guy wall, the savage We're going to target taken all the pride march to the registry to purchase waiting for the person to take all the hangers and tags off asking them to end. protection plan on each item
then realizing they forgot their wallets and then leaving. Oh, my gosh. It's crazy! All these people forgetting their wallets. It's just nuts. How that happens. I didn't even know I was being pampered sky, said: Sanford's people forget their wallets or thought. I forget my dear no not really, but I can ah ah me creaky, is me ever if I sit the wrong way. The like weird. I me I got this empty like time I, like my knee Iraq Dorothy, I still live where it's gonna just blow out one let me get to my next sponsor and I got a lot more to get to the legend, be Elam Griff continues, then, what the debts. I know I know I get it. Folksy shows, different legal. Why People lose all day get a thousand different takes on a debts you I got my own take on and, of course, I want to get it out, but I
this that this vaccine stories huge. I want to make sure you get all this. I promise we'll get that it gets healing almost stakes fathers day, is right around the corner. We weren't stakes house all for a long time, we ve got a new alma high stakes thief in my eyes, just in fleece, my higher box or roma. If you could send another box that be great cause it not a bit. I take that back. I take that back mimi last night, jones. In four one of their apple tartlet, so my wife made maybe for an smell like made the whole house smell good, get dab what he wants stakes perfectly aged always tender guaranteed the list. The fathers their experts are. No mistakes made easy. Put a small and big eyes faces summer, but had selected it has had on overall mistakes that come these former bon gino a check out get thirty percent off your qualifying or package's can also include fort tender by can wrathfully many islands or other gore may grumbles, like the air, chill bonus chicken breast burgers jumbo. ranks and many more favorites. Don't forget the same room for dessert must give packages come with four
delicious, caramel apple partlet her, who we rode, form hungry just target about, I know you are to go to hamas- takes that come he's called bunch. they'll, be owen, giant o a check out, get thirty dollars off an unforgettable gifted guaranteed to make dad's day. Because of this, One thing we know it's dad's want stake, give us steak. That's all the high stakes, dotcom promo code by gino, a check out minimum order may be required. Just don't even think about steal. My thanks and given that rat you out a church I'll, be like dad He got those are my freezer. He got those were my fries. You got to buy him. Mama stations now love them, but you gotta go, buy them check them out at omaha. Steaks. Alright folks expose their weaknesses and highlight them. This is how we do it. got a scratch. The surface man. You got a scratch. The surface of these lefty movement they are tyrannical, have always been tyrannical, but underneath it it's just a pillow case. Man think about right, a pillar. This big fluffy thing, the big fluffy
the pillow case just a little bit, what's more, what's a pillow, mostly it's mostly year right. If a pillow, what was it mostly errand was solemn. Like a solemn massacre break, it wouldn't be a cool pillow right. The whole idea of a we must create a lot of space for air. It gives it sloppiness. Others you get my pillow stuff I full of air and air pockets right. Ladies and gentlemen, the left these that's what they are all air, but they're, just a pillow case. That's all they artists thin thing when you scratch it, and since you stare Be aligned with the same way it was a small group. It turns out of griffin, There's an losers in the build large mansions movement that wound up a building, he's out of ninety million dollars and donations. That's a lot of money to go help black lives. Is it so weird your posters report again stories in the newsletter bunch. You know that compensation is thirty, three percent of large mansions. Ninety million and donations helped charity foundation. While terry evokes candidly.
I don't know yeah, I'm actually stunned. They even they even gave away thirty three brazil after building their large mansion know. I am I because I'd be fair, sleep, the way they spend money on themselves. I was expecting to be closer to like fifteen percent. Just like you know, you gotta give away something. Thirty days, any other. Charity would be laughed at for that, but because It's build. Large mansions is that we cannot talk about their turns out. They. There are millions of dollars to support it. The co founder, patrice, colors weight isn't she a marxist or something trade marks is yes, she is, she was from the group of twenty twenty one. I wonder why The post revealed friday that her lucrative tv deal but warner brothers had ended without reducing any shows joke me crazy, but you got a deal with water bodies to produce shows you should play we do widely produce values shows up. I know it's a risk, but you may want to try among those taken care of by bill. Large mentions is collars
brother Paul colors she gave it all away right to each according to abilities from it. Now it turns out the self talk graffiti this took a hundred thirty nine thousand dollars. making him only one of two members of the board to receive a salary from build large mentions the other day, was cayley scales, the group's former managing director who received the hundred fourteen thousand scales left and twenty when you corner linked in Provo, this is in addition to the large mentions, We're purchased as well, which is great because you, their grief. This legendary I'm this is a legendary griff birthday. Guy companies too, work over ninety million dollars there were small group of people overwhelmed overwhelmingly, as you can see by the numbers, took care of themselves and adult out a few bucks, IRAN, air, basically authority. Every dollar the rest. There were like yours, Take care of our peoples. Verse is hilarious because, Communism and system you understand, is the exact opposite, correct left these,
Communism is the exact opposite that you take care of the collect if before yourself guides us here I mean, I know you guys are polluted fear is about that's kind of it right. That's the whole idea of communism around like a carpet capital of euro greedy. You take care of yourself or be a communist. We take care of everyone else. First, we do here's patrice colors other build large mansions. Here she is in all the little symposium, she was taken part him where she talks. Being a train marxist, so trademark don't believe in private property. They don't believe in them. Smoking is, and they definitely don't pull. In trading your wage for allay or your wages. For, your labour for wage, but because that would be would be capital is by here. She is. plainly now, she's a marxist check. This out evil to say something that is lacking. Is he calls for understanding? Why were in the first place
the theories and models. Organizing our main street, theory I think we need to be training and multiple theories, and so I would really encourage folks to save study, loose I base this practice and searches cheat about our words folks cigarettes by the way there are tons these videos out there these collar saying she's, a marxist train marks, as you should be trained marxist. She says loves MAO's red book. The marks principle is clear: it's about the collective, not you the the visual and your little family group don't matter, everyone matters first, and only matters what you give to the group to it. society? Not will you take for yourself? Anything else is green. Here she is called out when she gets totally wreck build large mansions, patrice collars.
mark Lamont here who, by the way, is another devout leftist whose I came in here. square this whole thing: we'd be innocent, called marxist where new apparent took all this money for you and your family, which is lit legitimately opposite of marxism like how do you square add circle answers just a where is she site. Your photo I gotta take care of my family first debts I. Hey, listen yourself or critique, though from the left. That would say if you a train marxism, we're talking about a certain kind of radical politics that extra Get homes of any sort or multiple properties of any sort is itself contradictory to the ideology that you hold. So it's not about having one. Per se, but that its about probably per se, but it's about there being a potential contradiction between your express politics and your lived practice sure and I think
is a critique that is wanting, and I say that because the now the way that I live, my life is a direct support to black people, including my black family members. First and foremost and for so many black folks who are to invest in themselves in their community. They choose and invest in their family and that's what I have chosen to do have a child have a brother that has severe mental illness that I take care of my support mother? I support many their family members of mine, and so I see my money as not my own. I see it as families, money as well, and the Chad harry huge, johnson. She is really thank, you harry says
calls for the, but not from it? Yes, assets re? Why why his patrice colors in that clip is a pop quiz for everyone who listens to my share with you why it is patrice others how to build large mansions right, It is be alarm had produced collars. Why does she not care about that question answer in a way, so eight, the theoretical to marxist by say, hey system is about not taking care of yourself. First thing care society and energy This is why gotta take care of myself and my family screw society. Why doesn't she kept? The answer is yes thinking. many of you are gonna get it because Marxism and the modern left is not about hypocrisy. They don't care it's about power. She giving you the middle finger, saying f, you guys I'm in charge, I built these companies at a ninety million dollars. I'm gonna take the money and there's not a thing you can do about it. Poligized. She gives up the patina of power if poligized ass if she was wrong that all the
new, creates weakness and people start creep in more and looking what's underneath the pillow cates cellar, but an air pillar. That's why I've got a lot more had every. I get that ceiling that some really suspicious about some the age s report, the part that we get to that. No matter what gets super important, alas, sponsor thanks for patients, Jenny sell their general Breaking news. Genji cells are greater than most popular package, the feature their top selling deep, firming vitamin c serum croissants read nor moisturising with natural retinal alternative for limited time. Only get this exclusive package bundle of great for seventy percent off. no way salmon money get to work, it getting worked on a new face. We get genuine, skin care. Airship right. You don't use agenda so that calm review from robert blessing taxes, I purchased any cells and give her my girlfriend said she not so fast. We joined their concierge programme immediately honestly to bask in care, should ever used she's extreme Impressed with all the genuine progress or skin is noticeably softer its mother, good luck, robber. I can see
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bottom line affront to bad deal too bad deal. We are staring down the abbess of bankruptcy and, if you're looking at a problem, you had a goal to fix the problem. Correct that we're trying to do you would I know it's a perfect world, but we hire politicians through elections correct to go in fix societal problems or at least try to put band aids autumn, this dead sea The deal does nothing of the sort. It does nothing, it deserves it too few temporary things in there I'll go into in a second. What's in there, but I want you to pay very close attention. Donald trump, the pragmatists right a guy who has no primarily political attachments before he was president hitting come up do, rags and learn how to sell out here from the sea and in the main away you to pay very close attention to what he said. The caitlin counts about the deaths suing because this This was heresy. Oh my gosh Donald, is calling for the fourth though donald trump is saying here is absolutely correct. You are either the fault now. Are you going to default later I'd rather,
fix this problem right now. I gotta tell you, ladies and gentlemen, he's absolutely right take a when we have a deadline and they use that very seriously me they came in Schuman, came in with nancy policy and they re use will violate. It will do whatever they talked a whole. Different than they do right now I say to the republicans out their congressmen senators. If they Give you massive cuts: you're gonna have to do a default and I don't believe they're going to do it for me: does, I think the Democrats were absolutely cave because you don't want to have that happen, but it's better than what we're doing right now, because spending money like drunk and sailors, and, as MR president, you think, the? U s default white house does not agree to the spending. Cuts are public and we will do it now because you'll do it later again. I get. There are a lot of people. There are supporting different candidates. You're welcome here. Ok, you're! Welcome here
my position on multiple times is vague people here, santa's people TIM Scott, you're, all welcome here. I'm just telling you, regardless of who you support what he said. There is a matter of of absolute factual accuracy, we are at a point where we can no longer pay back this debt, if we Stop it now. We'll have a shot I have a shot these debts healing deal does very little the question now being trying to be approved. This myself and given you the scoop, is If we turn this deal down because it's not great side even go it's bad, but We turn this deal down now. Conservatives now clear. My radio show later talk about this. Here's the tactical question the only question that matters right now do it, of rhino republicans band together with enough a scratch. You want to spend more anyway
who might sign onto this deal to kabul the coalition to pass as is that's the problem. If republican party parties going to stick together, then they better take this. the oil, because only gonna get worse. If list what I just said, if they're not going to stick together, Then this may be the only deal. We get an me it pains me to say: what's it, steel. While sweet journal, I mean I loved the journal. They dared sent arena conservative there, like centre right, sometimes left on issues. They think that deals worth passing here's a couple, a low lights, it a deal, it lists that ceiling into twenty twenty five, which is a terrible idea, so basically you given in the past till after the election to spend that nausea. With this thought. With these are Democrats, it list This suppression airy spending eyes spending. Is it seven out over a hundred four billion for twenty two? four that's higher than their twenty. Twenty. Two six hundred. Eighty nine, though it's a cut from the projected twenty twenty four baseline of seven fifty
seven either way. Folks, doesn't matter we're not even close to the level of cuts. We need to do a damn thing about it. It does I do a lot to touch our veterans, which I think is kind of. Obviously, a good thing to take care of her veterans first, but discretionary spending. Cap will rise to seven hundred eleven billion in france twenty twenty five meaning spending is still going up. Folks, it's going up we're going bankrupt now, It does put some modest work requirements moves the age from fifty nine to fifty. Four people got to work for snap benefits. It's not going to make a dent they need massive work requirements, but is you gotta get off your ass? get a job. If you can it's as simple as that, this chip, I hit cable news kind of sums it up on fox chip is not for the deal at the guy to host MIKE Emanuel at the end is kind of like you know, he's like well, this is the best deal you're going to get or not it's kind of sums up. The whole thing check this out according to the treasury terry is Monday that doesn't give you much time.
I mean what they should have thought about that before a hundred and four days went by word job I didn't do anything at all and before a deal was caught going into memorial day, we can, without all of us around the table deciding whether this is in the best interests of the united states of america. Just because the swamp is flawed, does mean the average hardworking american should take it on the chin. Why should they accept that we could That's right now sweep the covert money, sweep the s money that was, you know to expand the ira to go up to the american people three to five times more going after minorities and hard working americans who are poorer than the the in the nominated is. Why do we take that money? Give janet yellow what she needs for some breathing room in june and July, and then that's actually pass responsible that ceiling increase? I know the wall street journal that a toilet in favour of it. But again I know why it's because there looking at it in terms of these check the box winds, look at the curve, the american people, the government is forty percent bigger than it was pre covert. Let's go back to pre covered levels of spending. That's what we asked for. We are not
This deal does it do that, but if you undermine your speaker does not give power to the Democrats, you see it the? U got both sides of the bay right. There are less I'm proud of this show we put together a lot. We never. I never sell your bags of air popcorn, that's the problem. The problem is, if, if Kevin Mccarthy, an effective republican leader will see if he can hold a rope, looking caucus together, we can get. Our deal. I dont know why he shillin for this deal because He do anything without us. We have the minority and thou, so they can't do anything. It's that simple. However, if it's the Republicans just going to break off and say it's this deal or no deal work with Democrats. They are going to cobble together a coalition we're going to get screwed there. It is. I gave you both, but chipper, is absolutely right. Is this crap deal wrap the and by the way, to cut for the irs funding. For these eighty Seven thousand employees is only point four billion for this year, tens of billions of dollars- it's nothing
so gonna come after you, you know Ass one of the basic rules of negotiation. You gotta be ready to walk. You gotta be don't worry. I tell my daughter's at all the time. all his address, an agent. I do all my own deals right and they worked out pretty well. For me, you no kind of public stuff. You can look at yourself. You know I do my own deals because I my daughter's every time, don't ever get so in love with a deal you're not willing to walk away because of your willing to walk, you're gonna, take anything I may I think they got rolled. I think they got role. and a republican parties, nine other he's going to stick together by this story. Folks the pay very close attention to this, I am really really only stood a little at a word again. I'm just pay it. it is for the lip. media set of doktor washed imposed story. The liberal media is that you gotta, learn to see the signs they're setting us up for something right now, and if you see what I'm about to show you you're going to be like wait,
It sounds like where being set up again problem. we, because we are his imposed story. Just a few days ago, made twenty twenty three fresh black out. Threats emerges. The power grid faces a stressful summer. They know most Country could be at risk of blackouts. That's interesting, because here they didn't north atlantic groups and others. These entered conglomerates, have been warning now for money. You guys know why, that there are three the black out, because Equally, we haven't built out enough of our transmission infrastructure and we're taking a lot of natural gas. Base load power units in call off line. So when the sun in the window and blowing in these renewable states, what wines are happening, what might have happened guys The answer is not being happy, there's no freaking power show this sun every
the sun goes down. It's a phenomena. Have you guys scene it? It's got a name yeah, it's called night, it's bizarre does it happen in maryland Joe, it happened florida. Once in a while everybody we should its night. You always happens every day. I was convinced that yeah yeah, so it's weird thing up is so if you don't have any battery capacity, which we do not even close. You need what's call based load power has a window. and blow all the time do. Tippit provided by natural gas, sometimes call because green ease, environmental communist, don't want that. They have a lot of things being taken off line the bite administration plan along so all of a sudden, the media starting to wake up and go in georgia. do. This is so weird like It gets really hot and the wind is blowing wholly when I
have power, they wow, so I don't want you to blame their lives about it. So, weird as if on cue, again ass. If on cuba th s report, not how to save this black out, this blackouts definitely gonna be those right wing. Conservatives do what that that's! That's too, but it's a total coincidence. Total commitment here, listen, CBS news. Tell you check this out. Public Security is warning of a potential troubling escalation in tactics from right wing extremists. Catherine heritage has more on this issue joins us from washington. Catherine. We understand the power grid could be a target good move. According to the intelligence report obtained by CBS news, these groups have developed a credible and specific plans to attack the or grid since at least twenty twenty, as a agent is from the country and the ability of government to operate. The report warns
Extremists adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continued to plot and encourage physical attacks against power networks, which include more than sixty four hundred plants and nearly a half million miles of high voltage lines. While the bulletin emphasise small scale, attacks are unlikely to cause widespread power loss, it may cause disruption, critical infrastructure, like hospitals and police departments, homeland journey noted several indicators, including online chatter, while the report not suggest an imminent threat, the homelands, secretary has warned lone wolf act, and small bands of extremists are among the greatest domestic threat because they are to detect, disrupt and can mobilise quickly Freddy krueger krueger. Krueger krueger, heaviest cousin, Freddy notes in the chat. This is the ultimate weapon kids path is it. It doesn't really shut. The lights out over said tat. They pounced better public interest,
where's paths they tab stole over. The do you feel like you and set up a look at this article in the guardian, a look at wow again justified shares the guard, experts would have increased risk of u s territory by right wing. wolf factors, experts, yankee, says right. Experts and experts warned us the air there's a tan chevy tahoe is upset again about every story that Jesus ever had. He hates every story we ever. This is the this guy god. This is like a psychotherapy session for sky It's sad, but thank you, we love you anyway, brother, you are welcome in the job you are, we welcome with open arms folks, listen at us before we go on I put this story last cause. I want to leave you with it. We're being set up here. I want
to pay very close attention when blackouts start that happen. If these threads to materialise ago, look at those right, wingers, the christian nationalists out there right there get ready to blame someone. Evidence is everywhere on ignored I hope, thanks again for tuna data, really appreciate it. Loaded showed it if you like to join us for the live, chat, everyday go to rumble dot com. Are you m bialy slept bon gino, bioenergy, I know go every day just that follow, but you'll get a notification at eleven a m eastern time ago and lie you can try men, you can complain like. Shabby thou or you could be krueger and say republicans pounds? We take where we have all comers in their so joined a chat. love having it's a lot of fun. Please join me in the radio show later and please, if you would go to apple, spotify and please subscribed theirs. Well, I follow it, helps us stay on the charts. It's absolutely free, see back.
Furthermore, you just heard it in bonn: gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-28.