« The Dan Bongino Show

The Raccoon Dogs Did It! (Ep 1971)

2023-03-17 | 🔗

I’m calling BS! In this episode, I address the new report which challenges the lab leak hypothesis. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee. No, don't worry about the raccoon dogs. Did it now a prairie dogs pull dogs labradors, never heard a raccoon dog, which does it mean much, I'm not a raccoon dog specialists, but the wreck dogs did it jobs eleven. They really think we're still just as the lab leak story, information about be bee decline, slide about relations. Switching it p. L, a chinese communist party army and a potential via weapons project will have. Why do you always do times the atlantic busts out a story. Don't you worry it's there, conduct. All we need is a return of elvers you ate,
but a raccoon dog settlers like how dark, but that did not happen. Joe, they really think we're in the cells they do. da yeah. I got a lot to get through today. Happy saint Patrick, stay by the way everyone out today and why are you wearing green? Well? because only where green big of the greens, green technology, built into what is prototype, throws off the entire show, and you get this weird effect self. Forgive me I am about. I don't know. Twenty five percent irish or something like that. My My mother's mother was irish. My mother's father with a german, so happy say: Patrick's, to everyone? I got a little bit of attachment to the aisles so are Really bad folks ratio brought to you by relief and welcome to the show really Ben is the number one f d: a cleared, anti nausea wristband. That's been clinically proven to quickly relieve and effectively prevent nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness anxiety, migraines hangovers.
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demo code, bon gino, b, o n g, I n o for twenty percent off plus free shipping. That thing works. I can vouch for myself. Joseph it's right. Let's go said the I'll say we're talking about the caribbean or something like that florid is on my emerald, die yeah the emerald. Yes, sorry about that. Folks, last night I was watching the auburn game worry over all those out there, the yard initiate torn amazon and up a little bit late. Last night friday, busy work day for me. So here's the crazy thing out of you ve ever experiences watching sports you're really into not just casually passively watching it. You guys, spirits. Is you really into a team and you feel you're playing a game and a game that mental about nine fifteen last night. My time eastern so much for me, is the equivalent of midnight.
and I couldn't go to sleep. I could not fall asleep to say I got a lotta, so I got a little later on five by the don't cry for me, argentina, but I our policy by quarters all levels were through the roof. I felt like I won the game myself, so congrats to bruce pearl go onto put euston on Saturday, will be looking at that new auburn team. As a great less, I saw they really stake. They think we're stupid, I'll, stupid Dopey, dumb imbeciles, morons that you know sheep mediatrix guys it probably worked well on Kai broker. Ura. They work decades ago when gas lighting was more effective, gaslight and believe something: it's not real. Where you live people lighted them off in your line of them confidently, but then the fourth part against citing as you I salute people from the true thrive. So they use be able to isolate people from the true before there was the internet. Conservative media fox news blaze, bright bar this show shapiro and other rights. They can't do that anymore.
It's about the cheap nonsense tricks. The media's been pulling these hack kissing sick offence for decades. start work anymore. You got a bag prices going on right now you have sports of new information about Biden, ink and more A family members entangled in the web of Biden, payments from the chinese communist party you have she'll be hearings about to break out on a number of things, including the border. You have a story about the declassed suffocation of a potential bio weapons link between the chinese communist party net. One lab work near now, Oh, this is crazy. Wouldn't you know it story drops just today right. Smith, look but driver how we see it I really say yeah listening on audio, only don't worry. We got a nice. Flag. Read so had object, everybody looks like a whole. Oh, oh, oh yeah
we chose to your junk. Anyone focused arranged doc like a dog on a piece of meat salivating right now, pavlovian south new york times new data. Legs Data links the pandemics origins to raccoon dogs at the wheel on market. You ain't none, but a raccoon dog, woe o o. Crazy, look dad they founded. they found the missing link the raccoon dog gauge. You see the record I got it wrong. I coon dog but he saw it coming Joe. He says the poetic action committee, media, the pact media to the rescue like magic, distracting you from the crisis hunter Biden they buy. Weapons, lab information, raccoon dog, so he isn t your time story by do actually performing for the deep state, benjamin mueller. They note that
as my ravages did ls you there how science is centre, it was? Not violent study said that the findings of the sum dna remnants of a raccoon dog that airports from the market that had they told him about the wet market, move on that an early covert lineages in them working I'm with dna reads of wild animals, The camille said that fell short, conclusive evidence that infected animals set off the pandemic. All it did They fell short of conclusive evident. How sure sounds like a sure. It's me, but he said every put the spotlight on? illegal animal trade in an intimate way or how it that animal trade. If we really want to know. So long as short of it is they found some dna fragments in parent LISA I coon dogs around January president, who on market, if from contamination, but the evidence is far from conclusive. So we're that's really interesting, because he evidence is pretty conclusive. That the thing
out of a lab? If you have brain that is in a functioning neurons. But let's put that aside who was behind this, this is where they really think you're stupid. who is behind this new analysis, some Thanks of taboo on virus you, there coon dog, while the atlantic The story to says the strongest evidence. Yet animals, bed, dammit. The new analysis led by christian andersen, edward homes and michael worthy report it researchers who been looking into the virus routes. that may not be the case talking about how may not be the lab leak, it may be from a national origin christian andersen. Was christian andersen and edward homes are they did scoop Are they the same guy and is in its january
when two twenty three report out of the intercept the innocent by the way, pretty radical, left wing outlet right talking about unread, acted national institutes, a health emails that efforts to rule out a lab origin and they know An email to doktor Frau Jesus thanks tony, can phone christian andersen, he's expect your call now this If the call where they're trying to make the lab league story go: hey yeah, yeah folks, what do we say Joe? What's our line? Remember the names we heard that before in the show, maybe once or twice plate we played the other day. Remember it was one of the Clinton. Oh yeah I was so strange. He knows it people involved in the call to make the lovely sorry go away by the way, a christian andersen bob Gary and anyhow Eddie behold. At the same time, you just mentioned involved in the new analysis, So weird man, Chris anderson scripts, research, gary of two lane, edward homes, in the universe you sidney are eminent
I'll just and viral just and all three would be co. Authors of the press- small origin paper. Here's. This is crazy. Do gary and Anderson have also been recipients of large grants from the national institutes of health have in recent years. Meanwhile found she were even without she worked. You don't think it's raccoon dogs he's he's pretty sure that raccoon does so just to be clear. The author of the new analysis. Provides no conclusive evidence whatsoever by the way that this thing shirt that there was a mosquito bite. My like their turns out hair from my shirt. turns out that the author of the new analysis or authors are anderson and homes, the same people who were on that intercepted article there mention who were
the form without she an author de proximate origins paper, while corner report took money from vienna, age gap, ok folk sure, Now, don't you find the timing is by the way they think they're playing us like like violence here, you're not getting played your onto this, but I'm tell You liberal soccer losers, who are looking for, any reason to absolve these is internet national governments from their role in creating this super virus pandemic, will do meeting or say anything, blame this thing on anyone, but the chinese communist party, because their communist themselves find the timing of this suspicious John solomon. As a piece out it's the news. I encourage you to read it newsletter on GMO that complex newsletter. If you want to check it out that a report about to be this declassified and that there's a bill
go and abiding desk. By the way he could sign that could declassify a lot of this stuff, and here the crazy thing folks. This story pop about not a lab league shiny red object, take a look, it is Biden, ways quote whether to sign a law passed unanimously by congress. Today, classify. U S, intelligence on the origins of covert. They know dead. Here's where the story gets really bananas. New evidence has emerged that the state department in the end I age, route, at least one point: seven million in tax dollars to a war on lab, despite It was tied to the chinese military and possum the communist nations bio weapons programme home accord the government documents reviewed by just the news folks. This is really frightening. Stuff John notes in the peace that one of the most troubling links cited in unclassified report released in december, was a twin
fifteen book which chinese scientists tied to both a mass in the warm lab, because the corona virus, where the leaning? What would our corona viruses with the leading edge of a new era of genetic weapons? Warfare? M m s? Is there by a weapons programme? The book was tat of the unnatural origin of sars and new species of artificial humanised viruses as genetic weapons, I'm sure the liberals or sick there ridiculous, absurd outrageous, sick of it the gas kissing fact checkers all over stories, ideas again. To try to make it go away. What shoe number one drop is. This is likely elaborately chew. Number two to drop is was by a weapon. the result of some by a weapons research, if not by a weapon itself that we paid for
amazing, how the conflict of interests are noted. Frequently, whenever there is a republic and conservative or non talking point spewing person on television, I just yet absolutely incredible, but yet, when conflicts of interests of a bunch of scientists are receiving from the and age or involve no one seems to care much at all. By the way, bigger hat tip here. Who is it? Do you know the twitter account that put this out there gate this video? This are so good. I I'm going to make sure what is it. Texas linsey had tipp deal. I hears doctor grouchy on this whole thing by the way found she who is intimately involved in what appears to be right now, a cover up of a massive gladly. Here's doktor found use voucher, debating voucher on guy a function, research that we believe may have been contributing to a potential via weapons programme in china and all of a sudden society rat object. The raccoon dog did it. Here's found
debating himself. Essentially, I gain a function check this out. I don't how many times I can say in Madame chair, we didn't. Fun gain a function, research to be conducted in the war on institute of archaeology, anyway, so let me just the one about energy, lives funding for was on gained a function, research that might be anticipated to create, transfer or use enhanced potential pandemic pathogens. I don't think this is going to be foolproof. Things are going to slip through. I encourage you to watch as two separate voucher appearances. I encourage you to watch it on rumble it's even more profound, with the visual of fao g v mainly vigorously denying that there is any gain a function stuff going on. While then in the next calypso gay men really great, we dump that the pause gain a function. Research. I mean they really do think you're dumb out the raccoon dog hypothesis. Now
ever conspiracy, theory or indeed a ridiculous that sounds you'll see no one in the mainstream media are the left. Ass, kissing pack, media challenge. This absurdity, none. like they challenge tom caught and others when they say it looks like this thing leaked from a lab, none because lips. Ass many of them cried party to me. Here's voucher versus FAO gian the lab leak hypothesis, you'll, hear Jim Jordan. I in the beginning, by the way that seems, waste republican congressmen basin, exposing this whole thing and then you'll hear found she again debating himself on the land, Leading system he never ruled out the landlady ha check this out. Loser sort of urban legend that there's a biological warfare centre and move on in that
the a virus escape from that did you have any sense of where it probably came from. I think, ultimately, we know that these things come from an animal reservoir. I've heard these conspiracy theories and, like all conspiracy theories, loot, they just conspiracy theories. I wasn't leaning totally strongly one way or the other I've always kept an open mind. Sorry, I was nude. There is a person with that with Jim Jordan. I cut that part out. That's newt gingrich, you notice. She says it's a big conspiracy theory there and insists later that he never eliminated. It is a potential hypothesis, although he just call that a conspiracy theory I just played for you the audio You can see the video don't take my word for it. Take vouches folks had never answered these people do not fall for this I'm just gonna leave. This leaves a lot to get iterated loaded friday, newsday torn of news pop last night.
is a banking crisis. Goin on that's gonna leave us a real trouble, I'm gonna get to that next folks, they are not telling you. They are not telling you something about what the fat is up to you. Now they're trying to hide it we're in real trouble What? If I told you that the federal reserve is dumping about as much money into the system, half as much which was a massive thing As they did during the two thousand and two thousand nine crisis, where they date printed, untold amounts of money, try to save save them. Eggs and save them did did nothing of the. So what if I told you were halfway there right now, I'm really a couple days into this. Roma halfway there already given. that much in a meteorite, all printing going on behind the scenes to save this thing, and I telling you about it,. And all of a sudden. A story appears in the new york times in the atlantic about magic, raccoon dogs. And inconclusive evidence of a genetic tie.
oh and by the way, the researchers involved with the new analysis of some of the same people tied the fao, gnp and age is so strange. A saint vow gee. I just showed you who's that thing, but misdirecting gaslight people from the start don't fall for this. Please don't fall for this. We need more of this, however, when it comes to corona vires, doktor joseph Le Darpa, who is a brilliant man, a medical doctor and a phd. Both kind of a big deal, Joe now and then the page, the little bit of education, a spanish, little bit of time in school, here's doktor Joseph without Dabo, he bronzy are basically the public healthcare system, Down in florida he's an amazing human being. areas. Yesterday, one of the smartest guys you ever going to me say: listen man, I'm basically tired of all this crap about vaccines in masks and all the southern junk. It's time this. Talking like actual scientists and cut the garbage, and he says that we got a little bit of a problem with the vaccine right now too,
Of course, the media one not tried to attack on, probably because most of them are racist and doubtful about has to be happens to be blocked in a like that can be a black conservative I mean come on. We need more truth. Like this check, this out, pushing mass, pushing the vaccine sin little kids, all these, no value divisive policies didn't they did Meanwhile, meanwhile, here's the truth right. You look at these studies of the morning coordinating vaccines, there's a study published a few weeks ago in a journal, Paul lancet, a great and that a journal, its well known, I should say, and and Did these what these authors show they showed that after seven months, the protection for infection right it in an around seventy percent, downtown down down at seven months it hops. on the other side of the axis right, it is negative and action. Use and that the magnitude of that negativity increases.
The time what does that mean folks, it truly means that the people who receive that vaccines or more likely to contract tobin nineteen after seven months and the people who did not That is a fact, as the cdc or after ever said, a word about that. The vaccine, man's really kick it ass up, had such a great job about we get more than less of auchi Do not be distracted keep your eyes on. What's going on, I've been warning you all week. It's not time to panic panic kills. That's a fact act rationally in a panic situation. It does you no good whatsoever. There are. time to focus on your emotions and this time to focus on a problem, someone dies, you focus on the emotions, because you can't fix that problem. They're dead costs on your emotions and again there
people cause themselves psychological and mental health issues, they focus on the wrong thing. Someone dies and focus on the problem, as if you, fixed the person dying. Then this problem, focused There is a time to be problem focused, we ve got a massive bank, crisis brewing I'm telling you very few. People are telling you about he's on the problem and how we fix it in our lives. Get to this first time to get that next year's how bad the situation is. Folks I gold and get a free, safe, disturbing and perfect time for this room. I've I've hedged my My arm, I savings, I buy a lot of gold from brcko, be our siege by gold, get a free, safe, distort and our qualifying purchases from brcko group. Now to march thirty. First, there A free, safe directly to your door, just tax dan tonight nine, eight nine. Eighty, two free information can on golden claim eligibility for free, safe,
keeps raising raids. Cars are trying to fight inflation by gang interest rates. It's not working. We seen it interest rate, ensures that the inflation rate just pop that six percent year over year again the impact on the market, so sign the hedge inflation by owning gold, whether physical, gold and silver in your safe, do an ira and precious metals we can hold real gold and silver and attack shelter, retirement count by gold from brcko to protect my family. You can trust them to it that a multiple time when a plus rating, with a better business spear went thousands of satisfied customers text dan tonight, eight nine, eight. Ninety four, you free information, kid on gold, claim eligibility for your free home safe by march. Thirty first and qualifying purchases again extend to nine eight, nine, eight, nine eight. extend to nine eight nine eight nine eight past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Message and data rates apply thanks brcko. We appreciate this proof were being led by idiots and asked
stare. Another potential mass potential, massive banking crisis right in the face Right now we are being led by a class of utter buffoons It is our treasury secretary, JANET alan up on capital who yesterday in some of the most disturbing economic testimony. I've ever seen there's only one of two scenarios here and only one of two in it be option, option ay, janet yell is an idiot. I mean like a really dumb person. Option b. Is JANET yeltsin's, not dumb, JANET yelena completely politicized herself and is running cover for the regime, because she does Want you to know how bad the banking crisis I'm to tell you with near absolute certainty. It's the latter option, but she is stupid, but she pretends to be up on capitol hill. Here's a yell and up on capital here yesterday, saying
who completely contradictory things. At the same time, she knows are contradictory. that inflation is a problem it is and that We supported the american rescue plan, which money we didn't have. I did a bunch of money because we didn't habit which caused the inflation severe yourself: consider high inflation, Did number one economic problem did First need to face in the dress. It president's top priority, ready I We are very supportive of team Can rescue plan I I think there are many factors that have contributed so high. Inflation that the police? Folks don't don't fall to the former option, hey all she's acidity, she is not an idiot she knows exactly what you say. She knows. The american rescue plan compare did buy a lot of a covert payments and the
Printing of money to do it because we didn't have that money in the treasury cause. Massive inflation is the money they printed started: chasing fewer and fewer products and services. That's tautological That's just simple: inflation: math, more money, less products, products fetch more money. This is a complex Unless your liberal. Yeah. Well knows that she's being intentionally deceptive to me. could seem like. The liberal government dream of spending us into bankruptcy, is not at the cause of all your problems. Janet Yellin, I will argued, started labour been labour. This point, but it is critical, janet yellen, could have solved this inflation problem yesterday by going up on capitol hill and Telling the truth that she knows to be true that govern Spending and the printing money to finance massive government spending is causing this inflation crisis is destroying our economy. It would have sent an earthquake.
The media, and it would have an undeniable abiden treasure secretary, what it said it she catches got no guts. She is a godless, cutlass human being a scared, coward. She is not stupid. Here's yell and by the way who has been wrong on just about everything involved. Fiscal policy and monetary policy. Here, Alan telling it interviewer that inflation is how much of a problem this from a while, totally missed the ball on that one. Why cause he's dump? No, she knew it would be a problem. She just decided to lie about it. Take a listen! If the economy's going to get back on track, It is a game. she was going to be a problem, but it is They were watching very carefully. I don't wanna johnny watching very carefully so that you got it. Thank god for the governors watching very carefully
again. She was why watching carefully such a good job really knocked out one out of the park thank god for governance, get more government more regulated by them and do it such a good job. They ve only miss, every major financial crisis of our time, while the government they claims go to regulate a financial crisis causes another one. Folks, nothing to see here by the way had tape or was it yeah way away ass I saw the sun, they, mrs up an account fed assets federal reserve's, balance sheet, those at folks. You look at that last thing: they ve only added hundreds of billions of dollars to the balance sheet ass it just a few days or about no big deal. Number I heard last was three hundred to four hundred billion of new printed money. That's something a lot of money we may just created it digitally printed, it yeah sort of me yeah. That's exactly what I mean. A printed it to go by assets from other people,
these are what he's gonna go. Oh gee, I don't know maybe back into the economy. We want that cause inflation. The same info and it causes race to grow up rates, to go up and calls, his bicycle collapse, yeah would not be more banks would collapse as the fed principle money yeah. But why they telling you that, because liars georgie says what could possibly go wrong. I don't algae about. Could collapse bailing out? That's Jos guy, I'm sorry Joseph! These two guys really run. The show now me about correct key says now: it's going to go wrong and Joseph gies right. There is an idiot, let's just bail them out again and print more money. I don't I respond back to juggle, but if they promote that cause more inflation, which would cause more banks, holding interest rate, sensitive documents and ban and anna and deposits wouldn't they hold those would not because more bracing wonder and togo Chagas not do don't eat it does
What about you almost. We nationalizing the banking system causing or why republic, like inflation, dare spiral of old story. Destroyer economy shows like what's the problem. brenner intention all that. Stop the nonsense, then stop it good point. Guy safer, swear me why yeah ones all over the angolans oliver she's all over this also security pending insolvency, too she's on that don't you worry? Also security has some non partisan, actual non partisan political figures and it looked at the numbers: I'll show you the numbers coming up in a minute, but they ve said: listen the things insolvent and ten years, ten years, your lifetime, many of you in your fifty sixty seven, these even who may be getting social security are getting it now there. telling you you're, gonna get a haircut intended The twenty percent, because it's running out of money
don't worry, JANET Yemen's got a plan for that. Just like she was monitoring inflation, no sweat, get to that Second. First, if you want a small business, you know the value of time. Innovation, refunds, no sue and that's why they made it easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employee retention, credit or your c go to gallery. In stockholm, to get started in less than eight minutes eve. Your business qualifies for your see, assistance. a business may be eligible for a payroll tax, free phone about the twenty six thousand dollars per employee, kept on payroll during covert ninety innovation, reruns, has already held clients claim over three billion dollars in payroll tax refunds through the e r c, and they may be able to help your business to business. Front Georgiana, then I'll get paid into your business gets its refund many big. I believe they will qualify based off, incomplete or outdated information. Don't let the opportune passion by bidest payroll tax revenue is only available for a limited amount of time. Gonna get briefly. come. Let's get refunds, dhaka, get refunds, backup
Don't you worry, JANET Yellin was monitoring inflation, the feds only added hundreds of billions of dollars of new assets to their balance sheets, printing, a whole bunch more money cause. inflation rate ice, which are putting banks at a bad spot as they hold deposit, sensitive and these assets sensitive to interest rates and have to go up to combat the inflation above may cause? Now deal don't you worry about social security seniors either JANET Yellin as apply for that to even all those a massive benefit cup coming here. Away in yes, ten years, possibly less. who is this bill, is built cassie republican centre for louisiana. He asked about how much by actually cares about social security, given that it's going to get caught in ten years, what's the plan figure, listen doesn't the President care he cares, guaranteed them, whereas his plan
he stands ready to work with castle law rests because on a bipartisan group of senators has repeatedly requested to meet with him about social, so that somebody who is a current beneficiary will not see her benefits cut by twenty four per cent. We have heard anything on our request, so don't worry, janet gallant and bind team or monitoring inflation, and it wasn't gonna be a problem until it was and the present cares very deeply about social security, except for the fact that denmark, m republican centres have been dying to meet with him to say: hey we had. It is obviously problem with social security, and he won't even take the meeting so is planned. Is this. Releasing audio that's the double Harold, non family friendly. they're, not gonna happen sources, security, hath. Sorry, you believe that I'm trying I desperately trying to seniors out there
I am trying to protect you I promise you, I am your friend. I understand you did not bankrupt the country matter of fact. If anyone anyone is owed anything by this country. It's you What now world wars you lived in a much tougher society than we did. You lived through the great depression I am with with the Most sincere candor telling you If anyone deserves anything from this country, you both its you, I'm sick telling you the programme is broke you don't have to listen to me, but you do have to listen to math. Washington times wrote a piece on it. The other day. the sea be our latest estimate the scipio. This is like a ro, leaning progression a budget office. Even there saying social security will be unable unable Unable for the third time to pay retirement survivor benefits, beginning in twenty thirty, two folks,
Liberals out efforts have time do math as ten years. The programme faces, a shortfall, is a population ages in birth rates remain low. If wash, didn't does nothing. That's the Biden plan that double barrelled middle finger plan. The binding do nothing plan continues. Social security benefits will automatically be slashed by twenty twenty percent, not to not twelve de percent to zero, resulting in an estimated twelve thousand dollars to seventeen thousand dollar benefit caught for retired couple. I'm I'm just I'm, please! I'm I'm desperately trying to if you please understand, if nothing is done. retirement ages and up there is Some form of means, testing and acted. Programme, is going insolvent.
There is no amount of a tax increase that is going to save it without destroying the entire economy. I tried I shall continue to try and show how we ve been harping on this spoke eight how long we'll be do in the show about a year. His daddy, we understood, like eight years ago. If we were to fix this problem, it wouldn't be a problem now eight years later, the problems even worse. And if we wait more years, you're going get screwed. here's yell and again, while this entire Thing blows up in our faces: we printed a bunch of money into rates, one up to try to combat inflation banks A business costs interest rates, one up- here's michael if republican, senator getting yeah and basically admit that the gulf and caused this entire crisis by causing the inflation, because the interest rates to go up to crush the banks, She just admits it right here. Take a lesson which leave me
the passengers on deposit Withdraw requests because their capital was being was losing value and they were not able to access their capital, And- and I had a tribute that to the interest rate ike's that we are seeing in in the face of the inflation. Am I wrong in that Well, my understanding is that the bank to meet Quitted he needs had to still s it's that is expected to hold to maturity and in the interest rate. increases that have occurred since those assets include treasuries and government backed security of mortgage backed securities? they have lost market value. And were on the same page on that, then you see how crape all realises he just got to admit that the government causes the whole thing is a joke. He's very clever there. also. We are, in the same pages,
wherever they even think she realizes just gave up the whole scam. She basically says this in customers came for their money because they needed it, which is gonna. and as the economy gets worse Joe, why would people need money as the economy gets worse, you think that's a possibility of economy gets bad. People may need money, just a small little. You know You you do all its own. You need money, So, as you caught me, gets worse, people gotta go to the bank to get more money and the problem is the banks have a bunch of assets that are losing money because interest rates sensitive and for the thousand time. Interest rates are going up because governments spend a lot of money, so the bank it's a curse, he's losing assets in our losing money? That's why they're losing assets? So what are they doing? There now going to the fed. We took this altogether there now going through the fed. heart those losing assets as collateral while they buy money from the government, so they
lose money on that collateral. Oh ok, everything's, good, except where are they getting the money that they their practically in, which is cause more money to flow into the economy, which is going to cause us collateralized assets to lose more money which is going to cause banks to go on there and taxpayers have to bail them out. Yet again, we are going to require more money, printing and in inflation des spiral that could take our entire economy and she just emitted is another jem here you won't let let me get my last sponsor. I appreciate your patients as sponsors. I pay for the show, keep it free. I deeply appreciate your time. JANET yellin emitted, something else here to yesterday here. She basically admitted that taxpayer bail out, so these banks are funding a bunch wealthy chinese investors with possibly shady connections. She had been that yesterday on the road to kind of weird how we
Dad, knowing that this bank had a lot of chinese, does the chinese potentially connected to the chinese government chinese gum, depositors, positive side Nick as any connection that china either how they do- that's weird man, had they done supporting companies rake in hundreds of millions, sometimes billions of dollars, while trashing the country that made their success possible. Until Let me add a ticket for companies. A patriot, mobile are building a whole new economy. One embraces the values that made America the greatest country on earth. Patriot, mobile, american, only christian conservative wireless provider, they offered dependable nation, wide coverage and all three major networks to get the best possible service in your area, plus they offer coverage guarantee if you're not happy with your covered, you can switch to a different network for free without changing carriers. This puts the knowledge or supporting free speech the sanctity of life, the second amendment and our military and first responders europe. There, one recent. U s based customer service. He makes switching easy, just gotta, patriot mobile, that consular down upon them
nowadays, seven a patriot, activation today with you offer dan. We need stand together and support companies that share our values: patriot, mobile dot com, slash dan eight. Seventy patriot, thanks pager mobile, we appreciate one quick note I should imagine beginning the shell we're very sorry about that. We've had our we, we don't have a lot of technic. Heck upset rumble, but we are a tech company and, like any other company, once in a while there's a snap where we can control everything power. Let's go down, you know, data centers have issues, and things like that is very rare. We had a little bit of a hang up there in the lie broadcasts yesterday. The live chat that, happens again, just refresh it'll come back. It was a little hiccup and if you missed yesterday, show because of please check it out. It is well worth your time yesterday's show is freely really important about the future, and what it looks like we're. Your kids, so We appreciate everyone and just if you have any issues I was just refresh and we should now, but again we fix it, but I thank you for everyone who hung tie yesterday. Our apologies for that
guy, so jotted yellin reveal something else. Yesterday, republican sen, Jim or james lankford lankford, says too. I am I getting this right. There we're going out the bail out a bag and that some of the bail out money, basically backstop by. U S, taxpayers is gonna, be go into wealthy investors from china in that bag. That's kind of weird that can possibly be true right now, Joe no way I may. That would be just unbelievably by vulgar right how we did that. That's it it turns out yeah, it is, and she actually admitted it take a listen. It has been reported publicly that as we be had a lot. Large number of chinese investors that are there, including some that were companies directly connected. The chinese communist party, will those individual, those individuals, companies, entities and investors. Chinese investors be made hole based on assessments in my banks,
in Oklahoma. So what I'm asking is well made thanks in Oklahoma, Special assessment to be able chinese investors, coal from silicon valley back Uninsured investors will be made hole in that bank and I suppose that could include foreign and foreign passengers fees, but don't worry, that's you shouldn't go, get upset Joe, it's no big deal. Others, no connections whatsoever between the Biden, family and china. So therefore no incentive whatsoever for them to bail out foreign investors from China acts wealthy death. The judges ruled Ahmed idiot, I'm so crazy. I must have missed this clip geese as they get there and he needs to check this. I totally mistake he's giving me a signal right now he's like no, no, no, not at all. There is actually a connection between apparently a growing network of Biden, family members and china So strange sounds to me like a conflict of interest, but call me crazy user.
or from fox news on the news programme yesterday, which you know when airlines somethin. You know that southern here. It is yesterday in a news programme on fox targeted. by family members who may have got money from chinese communist party connected companies more member, really really strange figure. Listen when you look at some of these payments here house oversight. Committee chairman James comber claims, subpoenaed bank records. Show president by His daughter in law, Hayley received thirty five thousand dollars over to transfers in twenty seven t help is bovines. Widow was also in a relationship with hunter Biden after both died, combers just before those transfers. Chinese energy, firm, wired, a family Biden associate three million dollars. Comber says soon after that see it rob walker, sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to members of the Biden family Everyone says it was for an energy deal. What it looks to me like these,
people who were closely aligned with the chinese communist party since three dollars to a shell corporation than they turned around and see It very wise, with a third goin to the by barely three different family members, or no up reason. Now It is this. Is from? U s: treasury department, documents, thou oversight, committees, just reviewed, commerce's hocker, initiated the transfers. Two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency. Walker worked with president Biden, son hunter and his brother, Jim, on a partnership with I need energy firm, c e, F c. His office has yet to name others involved folks, don't worry again, there's just nothing to see here: taxpayers bailing out chinese investors in a rich tech world bank by family yank operation a growing network of them. It taken money from the chinese communist party connected companies through an affair. Name rob walker
The first time are clearly hearing about rob. Workers will forgive the media for not covering the summer heatwave. in his hand again there, a true either we actually, who about rob, walk or a long time ago, when the business partner, the deal tony babo Linsky, released a record call with rob walker talking about these businesses. We knew that he's waiting Oh dear, we already knew about rub out immediately that they just reporting. All that's right! You can listen yourself if he doesn't come out on record. I am writing the family. You just wanted. Only use burial of this man is gonna, bury all his man. There's rob walker talking to tony bob Alinsky It's not like, we have had that for what year, plus now. You listen to this show talk here and elsewhere. Of course, you knew about rob. Walker is out was oversight. Committee house oversight committee's report by the way. That Robinson walker, llc wired over one million dollars to this
e e g group and Abu dhabi penny associated with a business partner of hunter Biden, three in threat as ever conspiracy. They really desert, though this information comes from the. U s, treasure. alright. Then I got a couple more things going to get to questions were then. This is kind of poles is watching korean jean Pierre, who is so clearly out of your league, intellectually. Ah, she has no ability to deal with any crisis whatsoever, genuine change in their vote. Yet this, maybe one of your last opportunity now he's given at the sackville ilsa here is the absolutely hapless green, Jean Pierre suggested question yesterday by the sick of it gas, kissing media in the wider area. They die. Tromp did the bank's fail because it donald trump,
at deregulation in two thousand and eighteen. Listen to this ridiculous word, salad, where she implies just that. Yet trump did check this out. As you all know, the obama Biden administration put in place tough requirements after the two thousand and eight financial crisis to make sure that this sort of crisis would not happen again, but unfortunately, in the last administration in twenty eighteen, those rolled back some of some of those regulations that would have been incredibly important as we move forward. So s presence congress and regulators must strengthen those rules for a larger banks, so that this does not happen again, and so again, there's the legislation that we are encouraged to see, and and will continue to work with congress on what else. What else can be done and done? But, as we know, We can't do this quite a bit that we can do the lee, but without congress there's not without congress. We can't fully deal with this issue this. Why? I need you to guys here Joe and Jake, he out of a great points out
they went by the way that wasn't a question it was set up for a common jump here to blame trompe understand that right, yeah I'll follow. You should ask about donald trump, libya, Donald trump. Did this the bank crisis l raccoon dog bit a raccoon dog donald trump on as a pet. the one person who asked the question is the one reporter in the room where the mascots nip to total set up so again for the thousand time deregulation under donald trump of any. Do this here's an the wall street journal stress testing wouldn't have even save the silicon valley bank. They know the interest rate they use for these, so called stress test that it was about zero point five to one point: five percent, but what's the problem by that time interest rates were closing added. Five. So basically, the feds zone stress test, grossly underestimated Kirsty underestimated the feds own estimates of the interest rate, which would nothing zero. Why,
he's a federal government's socks at every single thing. It does everything. full time? I think Brunner donald trump did. It thou definitely and render raccoon dog Companies and his pet raccoon doc. I wonder what raccoon dogs eat the or the age release. What are they eat? Agri aright I don't want to miss this, let's get to questions were dad. I caught him off guard their. Don't cut that out. It's a good part of their lives, at see with the lives you've gotta leave all that stuff in it adds to the flavor of the show that you see on my radio show how much stuff get voucher much stuff. We screw up job, I live radio I get screwed up. Why is it like you, gotta role with the dude? You got a row with a bed as Jos, bed, hey Dan adverse. Is: do you think whoever wins the republican primary? The other candidates were backed emma they'll, be resentment which caused the cause division in the party. I love
This is maybe one of my favorite questions in a long time. First is the answer. Is yes and I hope not- I listened I am a you know. I have been a an avid supporter of what I mean words strong portions of the trump agenda, not all of it, but good portions of it. I tell you right now: if trumpet are the santhosh who appear to be one to see what happens early Paul's me, nothing you can do is have a dark horse s bill Clinton Joe. Remember the Clinton race. There was zero chance. He was going to win everybody's like who's this goofball from arkansas. He wound up winning two terms, so we don't know. Let us assume that one to four now trump There is, however, wins, began well back the other guy. I wanted. Any talk about a third party or don't show up, involve none. I the first one to valet anyone who says I don't care who it is and I'd be burgess for forty about to be a new they're just found out last week, it's gonna be a girl congratulation, sir ass, a girl add yourself, too
if any advice for me, I do device it was given to me in the advice, is to tell your kid savvy seamen. Their newborn second do much good, but how? But you heads to act like that. Watch themselves in a movie. as they're doing something they probably shouldn't? Be? Don't you be proud of that person? Or would you be ashamed and embarrassed? The answer is the latter. That's your shamed and embarrassed You should probably not do that, but you will look at your daughter's like you, ve, never look at anything else on this planet, you dont know true, love and through you had daughters that I absolutely promising adriana northeast transplant to the south opinion, Your city, maybe a dumpster fire, but best pizza, yes or no. I tell her come on. Listen new york city is a lot of things. Ok, bad pizza, no new! city, is the mecca of pizza The crazy thing is it's not even just manner
at any more or the bronx which, while brooklyn, which had killer pizza to its filtered into queens, long island, nassau, even suffolk, the peace in new york is mine, blowing the good and here The thing about pizza, new york summed up in a couple census: the pieces, so good new york did, if you dare open up a bad pizza place, You will be humiliated out of existence and probably less than a week and will never open up. Another story: that's how good the fees is. So, yes, Similarly, the mecca of pizza just stay out of times square. You go. and hat and queens almost can go wrong. Hey Dan at hd, lady fifty cents you think our drone was destroyed by the russians was pay back for the. U s blowing up their pipeline you show every day and thank you for all. You do to keep us deplorable, inform, listen, I'm not Going to one hundred percent say we blew up the pipeline, I'm telling you again probability equations, I think ass highly likely, just like I
Ninety nine percent showbiz elaborately, but a matter percent sure I'd be lines of courses, probability was. Was it retaliation. Folks from what I am hearing from military friends of mine. There. Should pilots are so stupid and so bad. I heard this from a number, not just one. They are not they're, not even sure this thing came from the top like there being. This may have been some more on like student pilot. who just want to be. You know a bad ass. They I'm not sure, the russian pilots, are really really bad, really bad. So I'm not sure if it could have been from potent again, but I wouldn't, if I at my right arm on. I wouldn't bet it on that could be I will try to be. You know a hotdog Hey then, at susie, serious. You explain how investing in gold works if the dollar collapsed or digital currency is implemented, and how does one use their gold, it's very simple goals and asset.
And the asset can't be printed, it has to be mine, which requires work. The federal of, can create money like that, create Gold money, if it were official currency, requires, you to go and mine it get it out of the ground to create more now We ask the spanish go. You know mining more gold. Does it mean well the spanish, if you doubt that run by the way which means you have more gold and what would consider a unit of evolve, a store of value money. his store of value right. Look at this hundred dollars that store the value I got for working. The value was the work, not the money, it's just a store of value. problem, is everybody has to agree to store value variable. said tomorrow. Gold, this value, either begun to think about gold. In contrast to money, is money is fully based on faith right. but he's dead hundred dollar bills. It's a piece of paper, but why is it worth something? Because we all say it is? There about gold is
actually has some material value. It shiny people, love they throughout human history and its hard to print. So that's why I buy goal them by as much as I can at rourke, pard yeah, I'm just written and aims that mean some. I just me It names a dan rush, limbaugh told us not to panic. I'll, tell you when to panic. He said what do you think he'd say today? Listen I rush limbaugh's. The icon is I I wouldn't even dare to get in this legends had like I said, I'm always embarrassed to be in it's slot on the radio. I feel bad. You have to listen to me over him. I don't want it and me may had rather listen him. I think you be a little worried right now, I'm just guessing, but I will again far be it for me to try to get in his head. He was a really amazing broadcaster, but wearing a little bit of trouble. We can get out of it. A panic kills, so don't ever panic, but I'd be a little worried.
Alright, alright, folks, again for the questions, I really appreciate it. Please, I miss my falk show unfiltered, But interesting segments coming up tomorrow, one about a very specific weight loss, drugged that may be causing people a lot of problems. You need to know about in opening segment were gonna destroy destroy any semblance. You had that the by the administration is telling us the truth about us and I'm going to give you do another segment us versus china, nationalizing banks. What's the difference when I point out, You us versus china. I think you're gonna believe me we're not that much far away from in his bag here ourselves self tomorrow, night filtered saturday set you dvr, we can make it live thanks for making the show number one too. We really appreciate subscribed to podcasts on apple spotify and rumble, it's free rumble dot com slashed by gina. That helps us a lot too. We really appreciate that I'll see you back here on monday, good day, sir, you just heard Dan bond gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.