« The Dan Bongino Show

The Obama Connection No One Is Talking About (Ep 2016)

2023-05-22 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the scandalous connection to Obama that no one in the media is talking about. I also address the bold agenda Trump is planning for a second term. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about amerika upon a showed its not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee. Now I wonder why everybody is skipping over these. So plainly obvious connection to obama in this entire scandal. I gotta go made a really big borrows under my skin, like a tick that nobody is pick this up. Nobody if I'm wrong, please folks send me the send me the link on twitter or whatever, on the facebook messages. If anyone else picked up the story, I'm about to tell you, because I ve been talking about it. We Joe for years, and now, though, because I saw this breaking news stories where this comes from- obama about the trump collusion set up. We of course see new. We ve been saying to forever, but the reason that you're on fortunately only gonna, hear here for I don't know Joe. The fifteenth time will tell
you again: I got a lot. Over the lock. Owing to today's gonna be the longest day ever a good way got this show radio show next jumper jet off to tim pool right in the morning gonna be bananas day, a lock on state you and I got a quick. We get up data for you as well unless we began a few decades ago. Private citizen used to be largely that private citizens or what changed the internet thing but everything you browse search for watched, their tweeted, thou, imagined, data being collected by third parties into a permanent public record, my data private. When I go online, I use express vpn. hundreds of data brokers out there there only businesses the buy and sell your data, the user. I pity meekly identify you in your location with express vps. Connection gets re routed through an encrypted server and my eye The address is masked, every time, I turn express vpn on give
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I was in what it always moods, ras, veal and good. I probably had way too eddie cups of expressing a couple people into making kelly show in the chad key was followed early were not ready for the high intensity, damp gino version. That's ok! You all my chat now I thank you all watch and right now. Thank as I will ask that ok I love you off, but I'm a high intensity guy. Some people on a megan kelly show where now for that apparently, but we got a lot of new feds after that too so good without this weekend had way too much of a good time like what too much like way way too much don't mix. Mixing is no good, I'm a veto, into guy geek cause it. I like to read what I don't take my man courtway, whatever hell, I drifted bud light and the last summer why cause? I was in a battle for life for hours, because it's like twenty four ounces of stuff you drink five of those
like bladders like ready to explode, so I prefer the veto. Tinto made a mistake when out some friends mixed with a little bit of champagne yea and at the end of the night, and all secret service guy is in the restaurant in on Saturday. The craziest thing ever secret service got never met the guy but super nice guy. I'd heard his name bought some lemon cello shots, and I had couple of those babies not good. I woke up next day on sunday, like food ran like somebody. my ass, a middle asleep Joe Joe. I got another feeling I was a musician. I wouldn't do that. That's right! We just josie. Now I have no idea. We never did any that backstage was another but oatmeal and haven't eaten carve. So I'm back today because I slept Really good last night, thank you to everyone in the chat you all are tearing up. I like to chat before the show too. So, let's get through the show, then okay,
a time to waste, I hope you tolerate me on Monday for my small weekend update, I do it on the radio show too people seem to like it. I dunno whatever kind of humanizes me. I think alright, I'm wanted! I'm just wanted! You I like to talk about it, so, I think, one of the things being left out of this entire story about the collusion thing, now that we have all this dorm report stuff again, let's forget all the nonsense and unknown or law. Like did. We I really need to get into all of the details or because the hard reality is I've said multiple times. There's going to be. No, go penalties for anybody involved in this report. There are It will be, I believe, political penalties. If the true story gets out and history is going to tell the true story bottom line of location front- is this everybody tracking, hilary made up this story that trump collude with the russians. Ok, we get that why? Why, I gladly spy he covered spot for low bill. Hiccup I did she do that, because she's a bad
yeah, obviously, but that's not the reason why she invented this story, because here clayton had her own email scandal to deal with where she set up this personal email they found out about it during the benghazi thing? How do you remember the backstory, for If your new to this show. I know this story may drive some eu bananas, but I guarantee you a lot of you forgotten the details. during the benghazi investigation they sent congressional subpoena said hilary. We want all of your state department emails about what happened benighted, Benghazi, how many they get back Joe the answer is the three gripper at the zero zero now John, why do you think got back zero official state department, emails from Hillary Clinton, frequent didn't have state department, ema, yeah we're like so weird. We sent out subpoena and hills
hills a say and they don't have any. How is that she never sent an email. Oh my gosh. She personal server got it this turned into a big scandal, whether legal penalty Of course not there never will be got it. but Hillary Clinton knew she had a political problem. So, in order to flip the script- and political problem. She said we are gonna, go and blame donald trump, Ass obama knew that came out this weekend, reporting in a number of other outlets or reporting that now it's crystal clear, that power obama and Joe Biden both new and old, if twenty sixteen at the latest that hilary clean, was planning to make up a story about russian collusion to blame. Which blame from our and the email scandal onto trop. Why is this significant because folks, I'm in a play, this cut in a pair of Devin nunes on maria bartiromo this week and who knows that he knows everything. I'm gonna play this cut.
I want to tell you something: I need you to digest right now and tat to one your brain Scandal is not about Hillary Clinton folks, they are not protecting here sorry than by trying to make this thing away. They are protecting obama. It'll make sense after I play this caught check this out. This was a study by the Hillary Clinton campaign in sixteen it miserably because Donald trump, one overwhelmingly Then what happened? Obama, Was directly involved because she's, the one that went back right after the election, two thousand. Sixteen he got off. the intelligence agencies involved and they leaked out to the fake news media that all the russians must have done something and they were trying to help trump obama did that but obama oh, but we now know from durham obama new and his team new. August of sixteen that this was a dirty trick by the Hillary Clinton campaign on behalf of us all, I think
questions your. Where do we go from here? That's the real question, yeah right: where do we go and angry at least we at least have our voice and that's what we can do to spread that word, but I think that congress is gonna have to dine repentance. We had an interesting entering into the chatter red mc anus anus thread mcgann us He says a tree herds that, yes, yes, mister, MC ganis, it does. Devin nunes knows the whole story. This is really a scandal. This email scandal about obama And that's why obama we their nodded and approved this head on down. tromp. He must have approved because Folks, as I have stated multiple times, if Heller Clinton had a personal email address communicating with Barack obama
Oh, oh! Oh all right! So why? Yes, yes, there was a big thing? You can go? Look it up, of course, and I encourage you to do so. Fat checking is a good thing that there was a big scandal that obama I wanted to keep his blackberry and everybody's like wow yeah, it's a bad idea. Oh yeah, everybody was like obama, you can't keep your blackberry or your phone you're, the president Can I have that? So if you go back and you look, the story you find out that they eventually let him keep his blackberry. Now who is sponsible for white house communications? The answer I worked there, isn't a to g called walker run by the military, no, not Fuzzy bear walk, walk, walk, like white house communications agency, walker called walk, walk is a military entity that manage the communications from the white house, cracked, yes correct them, so In order for you to get a message to the president, knighted stays everything Sickly goes through walker. So if the present
had a blackberry that blackberry which is being managed by walker emails, how to be white list it. What's. A white list is the opposite of a blacklist ok. Spam emails would be blacklisted spies. Be blacklisted: who is it that ordered that Hillary Clinton, personal email be white listed obama! Could reader emails, honest blackberry? Oh that's right! It must happen someone who the obama administration, oh my god, it's really like hilary female scandal is obama's email schedule, so we had so crazy. Always so nuts, it's almost like bob. I knew, and nobody to this day is asked tat question other than the damp juno show so to all our good friend and the chat. We really appreciate. you be in here. If you could go out and spread that around on twitter, how the hell was Hillary Clinton, communicating with Barack obama, bs blackberry with a personal email address the,
answer is because Obama's team and probably obama himself approved it he's right book. So crazy. This is a scandal about obama. Yeah it's about Hillary Clinton, interpersonal email. but it's really about obama, obama's or golden calf men. They worship, the sky, didn't really care about henry cheering and run and I'll be out within don't care about your by near. They need by now, so they can get outta judge or someone else throughout member zoe while protecting liberalism, not a person there going try to get Michelle obama in this race? They can Barack obama being dirtied up at all. With this scandal, listen to me, I'm telling you relax e m lady style. I am telling you that this is a scandal,
about Barack obama and Hillary Clinton's email because he not only knew, but he must have approved it and the deep staters will do anything to stop you from knowing this fact and the fact that I have seem one single person pick up on this story. just stunning and puzzling to me, because it's right in front of your face doesn't require any leaps of knowledge, any vast spirits see theories anything it's right there, We now know. According to the doorn report, obama and job, I knew in twenty sixteen during the campaign hilary with china. did the shreck, with the collusion scandal roma remit. Scandal we also know obama blackberry. We know hilary at a private email. We know she Well, the obama how the hell the emails get to the blackbird. Oh they how to be white, listed, nodded this requires a spectacular leap and logically motives tone.
Opponents whatever from your college logic course none of it. It's just simple deduction: Nobody asked who would you bob a white house knew about hilary gmail account that have anything to do with him. Approving the head on trump, like you. probably get spank for this people start asked questions now, which is bizarre, they'll never get the real question, especially people chuck totters aforetime activists, but this gets bank for this immediately. Choctaws dared to say this this weekend on the weekend show: oh my gosh. Maybe we should look into the fbi. Villa like a church. Commissioners somethin like that it alone be minutes after he said this, I'm sure you got spanked by NBC. Execs check this out. Trust them the ice eroding left and right like we're in the moment that we need a real church committee, that this is a moment like J, linda J, edgar hoover fbi, clearly was no longer help in the american people? There was a moment since likely
I've been one of those moments, yeah chuck. We were in one of those moments five years ago. You, MR elliot in that train left the station five years ago, bro really still waiting for this waiting. Good though I mean is this guy serious? That's the scandal that's the skin. I got a lot of news to get it today, so cooling we Epstein the end of a lake c p. Forms and other planets ay? I tim scott What are these segments have to do with each other? The answer is absolutely nothing, but this showed it. I get to that begin ass by Scott today, TIM scott jumping in the presidential race as well, but just remember they are britain. Thing obama, the hilary email scandal is an obama's scandal to be cause he knew he had to arrive. TIM Scott jumped in the race today, just a couple of quick before I move on to other things, including the Biden bs aroma that happened overseas and how this
it's playing with fire ahead with this fourteenth amendment talk. This is going to be really bad for him if he decides to usurp power and try to become conan. The barbarian conan the barbarian here, the great usurper something is not going to work. The primary pulls expanding with TIM Scott and raised today. Now you got him scott descent, this probably on one's dad spected thursday, at the latest, dickie highly likely might pants vague, rama, swami Joe you, perry? Johnson? Don't sleep, parry lies right in more adds that anyone unused max and fought these parry johnson man about sit around doing my thing, whatever good for parry jump at interest. But you got all these. people in real terms, That's a serious candidate, senator four month, south carolina. Now You may say dad he's got low name. I do well it's not that a guy's got twenty two million dollars in a federal bank account you can use for a federal raised so enough. People with jeez money, no tim, Scott! That decided work their money
I raise money run for office folks, twenty two million dollars left over left of me. That's disobedient even spend that is less raise. That's a lot of money to quick thoughts on this number. One primaries are good things. They keep them. media involving the race? I can't say this enough: don't sleep on primary urban? gosh. You should give proper free pathway. I'm a supporter tromp, I'm telling you it's wrong approach. Its uncovered what would be the primary? I get it frankly. I think the primary mostly over at this point, I I think trumps gonna run away with it. Having said that, primaries, you're good is why the media it's the right about rivalries. They want to write about Tito Ortiz versus chuckle Adele right. They want to read about red sox versus the yankees. I use example. discussing what someone earlier on radio show later to its. I got its act jennifer bogging. Do you want to watch
football game in the fourth quarter between the chiefs and packers. Again, that's twenty one, seventeen or again this fifty six, nothing you want! on twenty one, seventeen, because there's still a game- you don't want to watch a blow up primary good things. They keep the media on the campaign. So this is a good thing and second bayonets supporter and expanded field of where candidates actually helps drop, it simple, math folks, I think it's seventeen or something I heard kellyanne conway say this weekend, seventeen primary states a lot of an early hour winner takes all states, so do the simple man trumpet a pause in a primary. I Adam minimum in most states. He's gonna pull forty percent, that's a minimum by guess he's probably gonna pull fifty to sixty in a lot of these states say pulse forty now, got say ten guys, you jump into divvying up the other, sixty say the same thing: gets twenty other guy gets. Fifteen pence gets five hayley gets five bottom line is, if trumpet forty everybody gets less than forty winner takes all take all me
Tromp gets all the delegates, so this expanded only benefits donald trump. I bring that up in terms of this and they see peace or because he's ridiculous, this region. He was now organization which is totally jumped. The shark is now arguing that that blue citizens should travel to florida, because its hostile to black voters died that so pro I seriously stupid that the organisers. should really at this point needs that this ban these. If this What you're going to waste your time on? It's pathetic! I won't spend too much time on it. One more thing for more mercer, it's not in it. It's not in the rundown for these guys. This year, free Epstein thing: pay attention keep your eyes on this story. I warned you a long time ago. You not wasting your time here that there are rumours amongst very smart people, I'm not talking about chatter boxes and teddy rocks, been types and talking about serious people that Jeffrey Epstein may I've been in intelligence asset for various middle eastern intelligence operations as a story
in this we get about Epstein how we may have attempted to blackmail bill gates over an alleged affair. Bill gates had folks fits perfect We with that narrative if there are tapes, people doing stuff under raged curls now women, but girls, and Epstein is not in custody of them or was obviously not around anymore was not in custody of them an intelligent sources are this black now story that pop this weekend makes perfect sense. It explained I everybody's look into shape under the rug. The Epstein story of scandia loaded shall live add to that running. Whoever wins is primary. By the way I either by the way I should include Larry elder note. This respect meant Larry, elders and erase through. I just saw that pop on a tv there,
they're gonna be running against the increasingly hapless joe by Joey. Be this weekend open up with just an epic volume of verbal bs. I haven't seen in a long time this just classic stuff. I meet the wise coming out of the skies mouth. I got an update on that. Tromp release this agenda for twenty twenty four, really really good stuff. Let's get to an expansive force. I appreciate your patients to great day When you begin with a great night sleep, I had one last night you miss it out, for you sleeping on a helix matters by the way is really interesting story about deep sleep and alzheimer's, a care recommended on the wall. Street journal opinion section right now, so important here offers twenty unique mattresses were big tall shore wide, even special ones. For kids mattress gimme, the perfect fit ill helix provide one hundred night in homes sleep try. I can't sleep anything else. The matter sleeping position. He looks is the answer: memory foam, hybrid or more,
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My girls, the tweets and all this others that I get it I get it I get it I'm just telling you. I don't want to be the guys The fact that these friendly with me- I love that I I do which could put it, doesn't dictate my politics, I'm not looking to date. The guy, I don't mean, guy to be the friendliest guy or the cutest guy on twitter or whatever I'll look you Tita, I don't care, I care about agenda. Wait till you see this guy's agenda, I'm going to get to that, but first Biden Biden unleashed a b s aroma overseas this week in the mail, is simply incapable of telling the truth ever there. I just want is such as to but three of colossal bs in this one segment right here overseas check this out and there's a lot of other to, for example, the idea were in terms of tax. that they refused to, for example, we're I was able to balance the budget and pass emanate from the global warming bill anyway, as able
by one point: seven billion dollars in the first two years. The deficit that we We were we're accumulating and because I was able to say too that the fifty five corporations in america than made forty a billion dollars or forty billion dollar four hundred billion dollars, don't they, pay? Zero attacks, zero. gosh logs. Do we have to do this again? How many free times we have to do is Joe Biden, balance, the budget with white. He can one point, seven trillion dollars from our deficit? What what What is he talking about. First seriously, like the tenth time in the last month, here is the point with that of the united states from twenty nineteen to twenty twenty two twenty two point: seven trillion twenty
explore nine trillion. Twenty eight, with four trillion and thirty point nine trillion. No were you ever those that math equal a negative number as to debt and deficit added annually. No point at no point ever did that happen. Biden did not balance the budget. If he balance the budget, the deficit would not be added to the dead every single year, like you did every year, abiden presidency he's not caught anything. He has added from the top you got into office twenty six point. nine trillion? It's now thirty point: nine trillion. I don't what else I need to tell anyone just look it up yourself. Don't listen to me, is this, not a political site, its statistics. I just look it up. Man.
Dennis line about fifty five companies, not paying any taxes. That's because they're following the tax law, you idiot while question fair enough fellows, I don't those companies in jail is anyone else asking. This is it's just me or my by the minority is job. I smart guy and on the moron comedy, they pay now taxes. What what? What that's probably because they had losses that they call back and claude forward right under the new covered rules at second there. Only following the laws you eddie, it's wrote if they re there, they broke the lot and locked up Anyone want good ask this. Guy serious questions just now of course, wait. There's another will bring with it. There is good here's vine again, just totally making this up
bodies trying to establish, as you know, look at me. I got big biceps on foreign policy check this out. Look what I did. I got the quad together. I got this group of foreign countries The combat china, I got em back together. All you did interesting, listen, lissom, say this week going on now is the look of the many we had heard a day today and yesterday the required I bet you I wouldn't maybe someday you thought it, but I dont movement many many people with disabilities or any other on, as we have said that two years at like you, I'd, be able commits india. Australia, Japan, In the united states to form an organization called required to maintain. stability in the indian ocean and this china sea wholly moses. Sky is incapable of telling the truth ever Bloomberg, which is definitely not a right, leaning out. It may have when you twenty three, the quad there too,
in about wasn't always this active? It lay dormant for years before being revived and twenty seventeen by the: u s under then president Donal J trump, the man is simply incapable of ten, the truth. Of course it was one more humiliation for we get to the good news on the trump agenda. vice president Biden calling the president of south korea his aim, president, you with a why you you you like, while you you it's, why Oh oh n, you it's une! It's not is it a loon. Look. I spoke at length with president lunar, south korea. came to washington of late fellows. Guy's name is hard. It's une. you it's not what what worked in indonesia, their president.
there was a silly bang, yoda, Ono, ok, lotta people, that up that's why they call them sb. Why understood in indonesia. You can mess that are ok, get that The guy's name is une that moon suffer heck egos actions, briefer, ok, tromp agenda! This is it my newsletter read this today. This goes back. The deployment run through a quick, save a lot of stuff to get too, including is playing with fire and debt ceilings. Fourteen amendments that Fourteen amendment by just making stuff up conan the usurper here is a desire. The levity since the women as binding thinks he's a monarch now but trumpets twenty two The five if he gets envision, reveal this pop that actually zimmer newsletter bunch. You know that compensation user folks had
this stuff sounds you cause. It sounds pretty darn good to me I'll get to a piece of it. Take a quick break and I'll get to the end of it. First federal workforce. He wants to give the president trump! That is the authority the higher fire federal workers. Will I, That's a great idea, yeah. I think that's a great idea. Why? I of course, actually the problem that greece is crazy. We cannot that we can have federal work is actually to do their job sex Education is a sweet plan for the federal government to exert more control of education. He wants fire radical left officials who occur universities and reward schools that abolish tenure for teachers. A limit many of these die programmes, diversity, inclusion and equity and call the administrative bureaucracy. Yeah sounds possibly yes, Joe likes it to you, I'm leavin splattered but besides beads weeds, give a shit about me, trees. Sorry, I don't care
did she did meet with all I care about. Clean and this mess up, there's more that's right sounds like he's on the way to do it too, as you can tell my excitement level. Today I probably had a couple aqaba black, our coffee love it I have retired to say more. Coffee, Titus, important brands at hate. Our gets hate this country, our black coffee, we recommend black coffee. It's a coffee companies. A hundred percent committed the conservative right using now from the road, the process to customer support in shipping and sourcing the beans, black coffee as a phenomenal work ethic. They love our conservative principles. They are happy happy about a conservative principles. They accept no compromise and taste or quality It is amazing and they loved this country and that's gotta matter. Folks, that's gotta matter! Do me a favor and asking your purse check out black coffee, dotcom, slash, mancino, use cooper.
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mass firing. You chose good job, we three for three. Yes, we have already disagreements here. Anyone anywhere be snow. Now everyone I get there is an excellent he's valley, get rid of marxists prosecutors, create and auditing system to monitor. U s intel agencies to ensure their not spying on our citizens. My life one to like everyone. The verdict gazette Jos very happy so far is actually clapping. In the background one more here actually to more, but another slide on this way you can read the whole report, acquiescence. In my new set it on under issues. He was it o J to investigate big farmer and big. hospital networks to determine whether they deliberately covered up the long. Side effects of sex tourism issues. I like tat, but he's got a surfer mean sweet on it. Care about. The freak me to eat at all go care here here it gets better.
wants to boot. Hospitals are providers for medicaid medicare if they offer what actually goes calls gender affirming care which actually mutilating childhood body. This sounds great. Finally, cry tromp wants to use the? U s military, to go after drug cartels and sri crime. Ok, I'm good with that. I'm acts ok with that. I'm ok with that too Why does it not that I send another one that with this, this is like. This is idea for my way, this war, how I think he wants to eliminate the obama a ff april. You know the a f of April that says your neighborhood is going to be racial quota and, if not we're, going build projects in it? He doesn't want. Do I don't tat either. That's. Why he's my guy cities and housing. He was revolutionise the american standard of living, including by We bonuses to create a new baby boom. designer of ten new freedom cities in the. U s, gotta be little warm on this one. I don't want to
government involving the economy, but entertain. I gotta see dishonor gods. This one I love more than eighty Points national conceal, carry reciprocity, you ever carry permit says yes, please. The constitution, which would allow people seal, carry permanent or homestake that prevent privilege any other state. They don't ask. give her a new driver's license when the energy york. Why should you need a new kid? Could see? Ok, should need a conceal, carry permit at all pass a background check your conceal carry permit is second, amendment gives the one it's a valid question, Joe. You know it's axion, since obviously a left wing our so they write these pieces. If, like this, is some radical thing, let's mutilate kids, let's lab, Surely gerrymander people's neighborhoods, already illegal by the way their thankfully that discriminate based on,
why we were meeting racial quotas now and let's get of die departments in college, administrative staff that are taking away from education and polluter. bureaucracy. He said erotic Where was supposed to be a head. Peace yeah sounds like a campaign. Peace item, eight, that's what I was thinking to there. No, no! They they they, so they d said a red light. They just don't get us at all like they read that new public, oh my god, This is so radical. Even the moderate republicans are gonna run for wales. I guarantee almost everyone's renewed he's going I'll. Take it baby, even read: mick mick ganis folks binds point Fire lately understand silly disguise really screwed a country over here aching stuff up now that that ceiling say you know what it is. It's it's it we do,
and the amount of money above what the? U s, takes in in tax revenue? we have to issue new debt it be like you go into the credit card to spend money. You don't have every month right united aids effectively as a credit card to the Jews issue bonds. The problem we spend so much money. We don't have that europe, begins or saying we're gonna go bankrupt and inflation is crazy. so we gotta get a lid on this spending. We're gonna be bankrupt. There have inflation crisis coming up really fast, so the republicans actually ass the bill. I want you to be clear on this, regardless of what you think may not be the greatest bill. But I gotta tell you, you're not going to find a more hard core conservative me for the best we could do. We have the few seats that a majority. We had a pass something We now have a build up the dead ceiling that gets a bit of a lid on spending not allowed, but a bit of a lid on spending its wedding before the senate and Biden control by democrats take up. They don't want to do it. So
by saying I'm just going to use the fourteenth amendment to issue new debt I'll get to that in the second. But listen. Carthagena weekend shows us. We can he's he's gonna per se correct, regardless your feelings. Here we pass the bill, job to pass. It again gotta. Do some now check this out. You said it beginning. We had to show you a plan, even though the Democrats have shown no more Not only did we show you a plan, we're the only ones to pass a plan, so I think it's up to you now whether they economy goes in any trouble. It's you because the republicans raised the damn. You have not neither hash he's not wrong. Listen! It's not! The best plan ridden the chat. Now I get it, I get it joe saying you're more hard core conservative me. I doubt tat Joe I doubt you he has sir you're going to get any more conservative me. The problem is folks, We have to deal with electoral math. We did not do that. Well, in the mid term review
the senate and we only had a sliver of a majority, the guy like hurting cats, they passed it. They pass. Because it's a bunch of moderate republicans, you frankly, are a bunch of rhino sellouts, but we got a deal with their vote. We cannot ignore pretended didn't happen. We got something out there Biden kay Biden doesn't want to compromise he's playing poker with a pair of shoes. He doesn't have anything binding let the fourteenth amendment now, the forty them with the journalist gray piece about this weekend. And for the amendments as the validity. The public debt of the united states authorized by law shall not be question. Ok, an authorized. The president, spend any money folks, it means the treasury can't we basically says if the treasury issues that they can't repudiate the dead. That's all That means in the constitution, If you were to issue, I owe you meet adjusted just unless me five dollars for lunch, and I say here
I owe you five dollars just inside, thereby gino, if I damn bond gino constitution. I can't repudiate that that that's The constitution says it doesn't mean I can issue new oil used suggested. It has nothing to do with that. I was just making this up. Somebody use the fourteenth amendment issue new debt. for the story gets even more hilarious for the city it folks fed. Tax receipts in march were three hundred and thirteen billion in one month. Interest payments on our debt were sixty seven billion in words there's more than enough money to pay the interest on that. The pay the I use without issuing new ones. some government spending have to be cut if the abiding isn't up the debt ceiling? It doesn't see your sign onto the geo people and do it yeah some spending woody
but there is no reason to repudiate. Then I've said that repeat of yes, there would be cuts. It would be a good cause, some headaches, there's no doubt about that. But there is more than enough money because is April receipts for six hundred thirty nine billion in one month interest was I sixty two billion we're talking about like a tenth of that binding just playing games. You write a bit of a humorous now before I get it spot I got a lot more ahead. You see this video this video, this delivery. Guy, he's what it up to a house that I've, gotta, f job I'd mad out in front of the house. I guess caught. One of those ring doorbells resolve the check this out. This greek
you're buying weapons break gay as Israel upset. I don't even know that's real. How do you know when I put some video once some guy confronted some subdued on his porch? guys porch pirated summit? As a couple people told me, the video is a stage there somewhere. I don't know, but the others is pretty dates. It don't funny stuff. It's the guy, he was. He was quite upset that rigged I'll bet. He got a bright away. Reading very baby but, like I said by one of those cameras, eddie put a bit adviser come up and say you know, but you I worked for shall die. Let me get to this folks were living with a black hole is stupid on the left register. It it. The insanity is just get crazy here. The other plan up in new york to stop shoplifters, it's one of the dumbest friggin things I've ever seen in my life. It's up there with.
You know that the binds racial gerrymandering in people's neighborhoods plan, the idea that you can take more people's money in spending then they spend it on themselves, really really stupid stuff we're dealing with right now, and I got a Jimmy dore segment about just how dumb you ever hear. Jimmy Dore very funny stay tuned to go anywhere last spot Today, folks, I can't believe the dire headlines we're facing in the world everywhere you look, things are falling apart. That's why the smartest investment you can make right now is emergency food. What are you going to do for food roads get shut down, grocery stores are empty, looted what you gonna do, what about when trucks can't make delivery, You're gonna need emergency food. I strongly suggest you get it shrewdly suggest you get it today, That's why I urge you to grab at least one for every member of your family three month, emergency food, kid for my patriot supply. There the nations largest preparedness company when you order today? Saint george, arouse on each kit. You need having these kids meet your family, your say, fed. Why others stand in food lines, don't delay what
three month: emergency food kid today and save two hundred hours per kit. It's easy to order. Gonna prepare within thou, come you'll, get fast and free shipping. Please don't wait Please do this today will regret it tomorrow. Prepare a dandy come prepared dan dotcom. I quickly being in just peak stupid here, I got a great cleared from comedian Jimmy door about this. It's hilarious how these people are just idiots on the left. so this. Obviously a monster shoplifting problem going on up in new york right now. The way to stop shoplifting Joe is shocking. You know what it is you are. People for shoplifting. It's crazy. I used to do when I was a cop and then when they start into their friends, and they are right we spend a weekend in jail. Oh I don't know, I tried to lift nine hundred thousand stuff from the local walgreens I got arrested. You know what their body say. Maybe I better Get caught what's happening now, people will go in instilling stuff now tell their bodies Aristotle bunch of stuff what happened now
and they, let me walk out of the store and the cops gave me a little salute on the way out, because there's nothing they can do so the was mayor of new york city. By the way I warned you about. Did I not how many I warned you about this guy Eric Adams? Oh my gosh as reasonable, though is not the man is a tool. I've told you for a long time the guy's weak, the guy is totally castrated by the left. He will never do Anything of significance ever in new york that makes sensors eyes left, keeps pushing him he's got a crackdown on chocolate. Planet gotta made it onto local fox channel. What is it they're gonna, give first time offenders intervention programmes, oh that'll, without definite, you know, they're, always looking for an intervention programmes. The escalation training for retail, employ the escalation so just to be clear to us you're stealing my stuff. I would like you to not steal that put that back and then the guy says go ask your mother and gives with double barrelled middle finger and you're supposed to the escalate, sir. I, but instead
that really kind of gross. I dont like that idea. I wouldn't like to do that. My mom is a very nice lady and am deeply offended. Ok, what about your sister tat? we discuss thing, sir, what it what's the de escalation to how the house akerana were then he's got an estate its neighbourhood retail watch groups to share theft involved you mean like crimes that they already have here's. The thing, though, not reporting, cries because even matter anyway, here's the best one, this one's a classic install key asks in stores to connect would be thieves with social service programmes. Man, that's great. Railway Wait time out everybody's larry, I swear to you, Joe. I thought this was fake, I see where I thought this was one of those like a. screen shot whatever things: political, Adam s somewhat. As I had a look, This is real in
okey kiosk, so you're telling me that a guy going into stillwater starts going to stop at the key. Ask he's gonna go the key ass. Great all looked, isn't it? She probably vision for I'm sorry. How do I hope you put this stuff back on the shelf view realised the black hole of freaking stupid. You have to live in. to invent a programme like this and actually let slip out now. Let me skip ahead that Jimmy door thing for it. I'll get them to watch journal people are evacuating these cities and mass accurate in these because of this kind of stupid, but I want to get to this jimmy doors very funny. You probably some on talker before Tucker was unceremoniously. Let go from fox. He is now conservative at all, but is asked a question liberal, of course, who are really dominant van invent programmes like this. They want to ask questions ever so jimmy gordon I had to do a little segment about not asking questions and reading and stuff. This is hilarious. Take a listen! The weird thing that happened around kobe I'd never noticed this before. In any other time of my life,
but you weren't allowed to ask questions at any point. During this you said you had to do The man on the tv said right get to do with the man. The tv set now, questions and then you're a good person. But if you question it, then you are aware supremacists trump or not. If I go, oh, no! No! No, I didn't build for tromp bidest have questions Jimmy only People ask questions, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to question authority. It's like a value is that what they taught me in comedy school. Yet that is. they tell me. Is it that weird? It was the just thing. I've ever seen even comedians would get on
They would shame people for trying to get informed about a medical treatment that was experimental that they had to take her. They would lose their jobs and they wouldn't be able to travel and people try to get informed about that. Other people, shame them they would say, tell me you're, not gonna. Do your own research, you ve heard people say that! Please don't do your own recent you'll before covert doing Research used to be called reading Now you shaming me for reading. At the b, has the big farmers
I woke up in the middle of a bill. Hicks bit well looks like we got ourselves, a rita, the boy, what you read and for the folks we need more of this, as in Jimmy Dore, is not a conservative, not a republican at all, the smart guy. We need more of this. We need more people who have cultural cache on the left to open their eyes imbeciles on the left, who really believe this this kind of stuff you could put itself serve anti theft. Chaos store that a thief is gonna walk. Pascal lamy check out the key aspects, ass the other stuff do you realize how dumb you have to be to believe that we're talking about level of dumb almost unprecedented in modern human history. Try people are open these cities and mass journal as a piece about this is weakened hundred the thousands of you member, we told all they're just leaving for the lock downs weather down council rover and I've got news for you, people, are still leaving the numbers
staggering new york city lost four hundred and sixty eight thousand people in two years. That's five percent population. Here's the other big losers, Joe. They all share something in common chicago l, a san francisco I know you can't figure it out- maybe it's their liberal politics there leaving their leaving because your city suck your city suck because you ruin the cities, I grew up in new york. City was a great place. You ruined it. We'd stupidity, a couple more stories before we're all gonna, be on tim cast. An eye check that out tomorrow will have some highlights. Smallest have some behind the scenes. So don't miss said just again, the bonn gino rule strikes again. I wish everyone would just apply this rule of their lives. There is no reason to try to be first on a story there is, it
because you're only going to wind up embarrassing you so perfect example that story, I not touch the poor woman, she's nurse or somethin. My dad was a bike. She brent did we all these left these and even some other tree by my gosh. Look at this woman Karen turns out the woman bought the bike. Now she, you know, she's, looking at some heavy lawsuits, a good for her shoe and all people love this weapons are raises all this crazy, subsume away. Lady, you deserve a that's what those laws are. Therefore you don't always need to be. First, I especially want to story is like so Megan marco, prince harry story. I'm like obsessed with this story, because I know, dude pretty well. their security. It skype. You want to read the stories in my newsletter today: begging michael and prince airy personally decided to parade fast past photographers before the chase. Folks, the guy runs their security. The guy
very good friends with the secret service skier Chris, isn't it sorry. If you wanted to check him out this guy's brill guy super smart guy. I'm tellin you right now, there's no way he's run in these two passed a phalanx of photographers and get into a high speed chase. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just that what happened they walk passes photographers because they wanted good shots out there. This store. I dont believe a bit of it to our car chase in manhattan, really the traffic light, so I can't feed, apparently how the hell did you do that without killing someone, it's insane, you don't always have to be. First gonna end with this and get on with it I'm obsessed with this stuff. I of you guys are. I am. I love this that this whole de of alien life, artificial intelligence is their other in elegance in the universe. There's this account people. And me stuff on this all the time I saw this pop up. I suppose when Ashley she's honour tik tok in these other things, so less.
I don't know this woman, so I feel bad. I know liberals are going to attacker because I put her clip on the show the man She personally renounce me comin. I see and a white supremacist than everything lives. Please spare the poor woman She can do that if you are really no care, I don't know, I don't want to know. I ve never met before my life? So please spare her I've just say. Someone said this to me: some random person and it's interesting you're about this idea, the great filter. This idea that all television civilizations, eventually run into this mcgovern. They run into this wall. This thing that stops them from it. In further wide some out. What is it? Is it I'm kind of virus. Is it some kind of asteroids strike. Is it artificially challenges that they all developed. That eventually turns on, but this idea the great filter stops human life or she's me intelligent life from commute katy and moving on is fascinating to me. Take meticulously cheeks a pretty good. Why
ray filter is ahead of us. The fairly paradox is a contradiction that asked if the probability for life is so high, even using the lowest estimates. Where is everyone the grateful There is a possible answer. It could be anything from an asteroid impact to disease forts wholesale to structure. The great filter is a theoretical barriers.
I'm kind that stops civilizations from advancing. The big question is: is the filter ahead of us or behind us? Let's explore the filter being ahead of us. There are trillions of planets and moons in our galaxy that population, combined with our existence, means the statistical likelihood is thousands of planets currently have or had at least simple life. Intelligent life is tricky because it means their evolution at some point, valued, a brain which is unusual because strength, speed and size seem like better candidates for survival, our brains train us. They consume twenty percent of our daily food supply, they're fragile and they took a long time to evolve and yet, for whatever reason, nature invested in it. If the filter is ahead of us, that means the universe is abundant with life and at first that sounds really exciting, but it means we're doomed. One theory is that something exists in the universe, something that every civilization inevitably discovers and that thing causes the distance
a kind of universal Pandora's box. If we find life and the more of it, we find the higher the eyes. The filter is ahead of us, meaning that life is common in the universe. But no one survives. It. fascinating. Maybe there is a pandora's I sat there, or maybe the by Those warning about the treaty of nice, knowledge in the forbidden fruit, maybe Take that warning a little more seriously. Other civilizations of dabbled into creating artificial intelligence to at the forbidden fruit tree and have learned the hard way that didn't quite work out fascinating ataxia opportunity in loaded show a lot of stuff? They recover lot immaterial. Please subscribed to the past. Yes, if you would click that follow button, it is absolutely free, rumbled our complex mancino. We deeply appreciate it following up on spotify as well check me out Him casts- and I will have some updates for you to morrow and
thanks, thankfully opportunity folks, really appreciated loved the live chat, really lively, see back here. Tomorrow? You just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-28.